Inquiry-based learning is a constructivist approach where students take ownership of their learning through exploration, questioning, and investigation of problems or ideas. It involves asking questions, gathering information, analyzing it, generating solutions, and justifying conclusions. The teacher acts as a guide rather than directly teaching content. When implemented correctly, inquiry-based learning can develop skills like critical thinking, problem-solving, and lifelong learning. It emphasizes building knowledge through a step-wise process and applying different perspectives to topics. The key components of inquiry include activating prior knowledge, providing background information, defining accountable outcomes, modeling examples, and asking questions to guide research.
2. What is inquiry?
Inquiry-based learning is
a constructivist approach, in which
students have ownership of their
learning. It starts
with exploration and questioning
and leads to investigation into
a worthy question, issue,
problem or idea.
It involves asking questions,
gathering and analyzing
information, generating
solutions, making decisions,
justifying conclusions and taking
3. Why must inquiry?
Inquiry-based learning approaches when
correctly implemented can help develop
higher-order, information literacy and
critical thinking skills. They can also
develop problem-solving abilities and
develop skills for lifelong learning
4. Teacher's Role
The teacher's role in inquiry-based learning is one of
'Guide on the side' rather than 'Sage on the stage".
The teacher scaffolds learning for students, gradually
removing the scaffolding as students develop their
skills. With young children or students new to inquiry
it is usually necessary to use a form of guided inquiry.
5. Characteristics of inquiry-
Inquiry learning emphasizes constructivist ideas of learning.
Knowledge is built in a step-wise fashion. Learning proceeds best
in group situations.
The teacher does not begin with a statement, but with a question.
Posing teaching questions for students to solve is a more
effective method of instruction in many areas. This allows the
students to search for information and learn on their own with the
teacher's guidance.
The topic, problem to be studied, and methods used to answer
this problem are determined by the student and not the.
The above comments represent a classroom that is fully
committed to inquiry, to the greatest extent possible. However, it
is not necessary to take an all-or-nothing approach to inquiry-
based methods.
Inquiry learning can be applied to all disciplines.
Individuals need many perspectives for viewing the
world. Such views could include artistic, scientific,
historic, economic, and other perspectives. While
disciplines should interrelate, inquiry learning
includes the application of certain specific "ground
rules" that insure the integrity of the various
disciplines and their world views.
7. Key Components of the Inquiry
1. Activating Prior Knowledge
• By bringing the students' own background and experiences to the learning
table, students will find ways to connect to the topic and will have activated
some basis for creating meaning with the text they are reading. The
personal connection to learning increases a student's motivation to explore,
read, and struggle with difficulties as they arise.
2. Providing Background Information
• Provide source material because student need to know something about
the topic to be able to perceive and formulate meaningful inquiries, such us
:articles, go to museum exhibits, listen to audio recording, or videosbook-
primary source material-web site-photography.
8. 3. Defining Outcomes for which students will be held
• Inquiry: define problem question; find and gather data; analyze, compare,
organize, and synthesize data; create a proposition; support proposition
(facts, stats, examples, expert authority, logic and reasoning); propose
solutions and action steps
4. Modeling Design Product Outcomes (technology,
art); Providing Frameworks
• Show students a PowerPoint presentation, a web site, a proposition-
support framework, a museum exhibit, a choreographed dance
performance, etc.
Students need to see models of what it is they are being asked to do. They
must have a supporting structure which provides a grounding for their
creations, but doesn't limit their creativity.
9. 5.Establishing a general topic or inquiry
• A broad problem question or topic provides students with a general focus
for selecting more specific inquiries.
6. Student teams conduct background research
and define focused problem questions within
broader inquiry or topic
• Without a knowledge base or some degree of familiarity with the topic, it will
be difficult for students to develop relevant inquiries within the broad topic
area. Students need to be provided with background material and/or guided
to research their own background material. This base will enable them to
begin to formulate a big picture understanding of the broad topic area, and
then to select a specific inquiry interest which connects to the broader topic.
10. 7. Establish and communicate inquiry presentation framework.
• a) state problem question
• b) develop proposition which can be argued
• c) provide background information
d) support proposition with: facts, statistics, examples, expert authority, logic and
• e) propose solutions and action ideas
8. Refer students back to expected outcomes and inquiry framework to
create alignment between their presentations and intended outcomes.
9. Ask students a lot of questions to help them refine their
thinking and guide their research.
11. 10. upport technology (PowerPoint, Web Site, Hyperstudio) and art design
product creation.
11. Empower students to coach and train one another within their teams.
12.Provide a forum for student presentations which includes
students, teachers, parents, and community members.
13. Provide vehicles for student participation in action
projects which connect their learning to specific action.