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Insitu Stress Measurements
                              U.Siva Sankar
                            Sr. Under Manager
                            Project Planning
                     Singareni Collieries Company Ltd

                     E-Mail :ulimella@gmail.com or
                                 Visit at:

                                          Rock Stresses

       Insitu (Virgin) Stresses                              Induced Stresses
       Exist in the rock prior to any                        Occurs after artificial disturbance e.g.
       disturbance.                                          Mining, Excavation, pumping, Injection,
                                                             Energy extraction, applied load, swelling etc.

Tectonic Stresses
                            Residual Stresses          Gravitational                Terresterial Stresses
                            •Diagenesis                Stresses                     •Seasonal tpr. variation
                            •Metasomatism              (Flat ground surface         •Moon pull(tidal Stress)
                            •Metamorphism              & topography effect)         •Coriolis forces
                            •Magma cooling                                          •Diurmal stresses
                            •Changes in pore

 Active Tectonic Stresses
                                                                   Remnant Tectonic Stresses
                                                                   Same as residual stresses but tectonic
                                                                   activity is involved such as jointing,
                                                                   faulting, folding and boundinage
 Broad Scale                  Local
 •Shear Traction              •Bending
 •Slab pull                   •Isostatic compensation
 •Ridge push                  •Down Bending of lithosphere
 •Trench suction              •Volcanism and heat flow
 •Membrane stress

                                                               Proposed by Bielenstein and Barron (1971)
1.     Magnitude and orientation of Insitu stresses vary considerably within
        geological systems.

 2.     The    pre-existing    stress    state   changes      dramatically       due     to
        excavation/construction therefore load must be redistributed.

 3.     Stress is not familiar – it is a tensor quantity and tensors are not encountered in
        everyday life.

 4.     It is a means to analyze mechanical behaviors of rock.

 5.     It serves as boundary conditions in rock engineering problems as a stress state
        is applied for analysis and design.

 6.     It helps in understanding groundwater fluid flow.

 7.     At large scale shed some light on the mechanism causing tectonic plates to
        move or fault to rupture with the added uncertainty in that there is no constraint
        on the total force, as is the case with gravity loads.

In situ stress

      Plate motions, interactions at plate boundaries and within plates are all driven
      by tectonic forces. The magnitude and orientation of the forces have changed
      over geological time; folds and faults created in response to forces from past
      epochs, volcanic intrusions, etc. may all have been involved in creating the
      current heterogeneous system that is now subject to the current tectonic

      The problem of design in rock is complicated further by the fact that structural
      features such as joints, fractures, and bedding planes can have an important
      influence on the ability of the rock mass to resist these forces, i.e. on the
      strength of the rock mass, as measured over the region, often large, that is
      affected by the structure. This could have an adverse influence on the stability
      of the engineering structure. Stress conditions often may change significantly
      across structures such as faults, dyke contacts and major joints.
In situ stresses

Stress conditions often may change significantly across structures such as faults,
dyke contacts and major joints. Stiffer geological materials tend to attract stress,
so that stresses say in a dyke may be higher than in a rock such as quartzite in
close proximity. These effects may influence the vertical stress to some extent.
The effect of topography on vertical stresses depends on the height of the hill or
valley in relation to its width.

         Effect of Folding/Dyke

                                                        Effect of Faulting

      Beneath oceanic abyss : 6 km Thick
      Continental crust     : 35-50 km Thick

         Oceanic crusts have been formed within past 200
         million years, whereas the continents contain rocks
         which are more than 3,500 million years old.
  Earth’s crust is cracked into a series of plates, which are
 moving around the earth’s surface

   Continents are composed of light materials and they rest upon
 the moving plates

   Plate edges occur along mid-oceanic ridges where new crustal
 rock is being added as molten material wells up from below

   The oceans are widening/spreading at the rate of
 1 to 10 centimeters per year

   The earth is not expanding

   Crust is being destroyed at the plate edges
 ( oceanic trenches)
Crustal Tectonic Plates
   Central Europe




                   Crustal Tectonic Plates of Central Asia

                     Eurasian Plate

In situ stress – World Stress Map

World Stress Map Project has now been working for more than 20 years on
its data base.

Types of stress indicators. To determine the tectonic stress orientation different
types of stress indicators are used in the World Stress Map.

They are grouped into four categories:

• Earthquake Focal Mechanisms                                   (69%)

• Well Bore Breakouts and Drilling Induced Fractures                     (19%)

• In-situ Stress Measurements – Overcoring
  Hydraulic Fracturing, Borehole Slotter                        (8%)

• Young Geologic Data (From Fault Slip Analysis and
  Volcanic Vent Alignments                                      (4%)

                   In situ stress – World Stress Map

   Major lithospheric plates which are bounded by mid-oceanic
   ridges, subduction zones, collision zones or transform faults

   1.Pacific Plate
   2.Antarctic Plate
   3.North American Plate
   4.South American Plate
   5.African Plate
   6.Eurasian Plate
   7.Indo-Australian Plate

   Evidence for continental drifting

   1.Similarities of rock sequences in southern continents
   2.Similarities of coastlines
   3.Palaeontological evidences
   4.Evidences from glaciations
   5.Location of shallow focus and deep focus earthquakes and
   volcanoes in a World Map.
In situ stress – World Stress Map

Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day
Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day

Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day
Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day

Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day
Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day

Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day
Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day

Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day
Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day

Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day
Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day

Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day
Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day

Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day
Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day

Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day
Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day

Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day
Global Plate Tectonics – Jurrasic to Present Day

             CHILE versus DIANE

   Continuous                   Discontinuous
   Homogeneous                  Inhomogeneous
   Isotropic                    Anisotropic
   Linearly                     Non-Linearly
   Elastic                      Elastic
Insitu Stress Measurement Methods

   Methods that disturb the in situ                   Methods based on the
   rock conditions, i.e. by inducing                  observation of rock behavior
   strains, deformations or crack                     without any major influence
   opening.                                           from the measuring method.

                                             1.   Statistics of measured data (database)
                                             2.   Core-discing
   1. HF & HTPF,                             3.   Borehole breakouts
   2. Borehole relief methods &              4.   Relief of large rock volumes
   3. Surface relief methods.                     (Back Analysis)
                                             1.   Acoustic methods (Kaiser effect)
                                             2.   Strain recovery methods
                                             3.   Geological observational methods &
                                             4.   Earthquake focal mechanisms.

               In situ stresses: Methodology
Methods for rock stress measurement classified by operational type.

  Methods for rock stress measurement classified by operational type
                                                                            Rock Volume
  Category                       Methods
                                 Hydraulic Fracturing                       0.5-50
  Method performed in            Overcoring                                 10-3-10-2
  boreholes                      HTPF                                       1-10
                                 Borehole breakout                          10-2 -100
                                 Strain recovery methods                    10-3
  Methods performed using
                                 Core discing                               10-3
  drill cores
                                 Acaustic methods (Kaiser effect)           10-3
  Method performed on rock       Jacking Methods                            0.5-2
  surface                        Surface relief methods                     1-2
  Analysis of large geological   Earthquake focal mechanism                 109
  structures                     Fault slip analysis                        108
  Others                         Relief of large volumes (back analysis)    102 -103
Flat Jack

                In situ stress – Flat Jack Method

Flat jacks consist of two plates of metal that are welded together and incorporate a
hydraulic inlet tube with connections to a hydraulic hose and bleed valve.'

Each measurement determines stress in one direction only. Therefore, a minimum of
six measurements in independent directions are required to determine the stress
In situ stress - Flat-jack
flat-jack is one of the earliest reported
methods of Insitu stress measurements.

An extensometer gauge is installed between
the points A and B in the rock surface.

This can be of various forms, but a (piano)
wire tensioned between the two points was
often used. The frequency of vibration of
the wire is determined.

  A slot is then cut into the rock as shown. The slot should be wide enough to
  completely relieve the stresses acting across the points A and B

  This is accomplished by making the slot width equal to three times the distance
  from the slot to point B

  The flat-jack is then inserted into the slot and cemented into place to ensure
  good contact with the faces of the slot. The jack is then pressurized until the
  distance AB is restored to the value measured before cutting the slot, as
  indicated by the frequency of the wire transducer. It is then assumed that the
  pressure in the jack is equal to the average normal stress that was acting across
  the slot before the slot was cut.

In situ stress - Flat-jack-Calculations
        After the flat Jack is grouted in the slot and raised to hydraulic
        pressure P the displacement is given by:

                 pc c j                          y     (1 + υ )
         dj =                 [(1 − υ )( a 0 −      )+          ]
                   E                             cj      a0

                       y2             cj   =Half Length of the Jack;
          a0 = 1 +        2
                     cj               y    =Distance of the gauge point from the
                                            slot axis and normal to it;

            σ v = f1 Pch + f 2σ h
             σ h = f1 Pch + f 2σ v
In situ stress - Flat-Jack-Limitations & Advantages

 1. The measurement assumes that the normal stress/pin deformation relation on
    unloading as the slot is cut is the same as the flat jack pressure/pin
    deformation relationship on pressurization, i.e. that the rock is elastic over the
    range of pin deformation.

 2. However, an important limitation of this technique is that it needs to be
    conducted on the surface of an excavation, in the region of maximum (and
    varying across the depth of the slot) stress concentration around the
    excavation. This is the region where the rock is most likely to be overstressed
    and develop some inelastic deformation.

 3. It seems likely, therefore, that there will be some hysteresis between loading
    and unloading paths, so that the pressure required to return the pins to their
    original spacing will differ from the stress released by cutting of the slot. Thus,
    the flat jack pressure may not represent the in situ stress. This inherent
    shortcoming of stress determinations made on the surface of an excavation is
    a main reason why most techniques involved measurements at depth within a

 4. One advantage of this flat-jack method was that it allowed the use of a simple
    extensometer (i.e. placed between points A and B), and did not require the
    development of special tools and transducers that could be placed within a
    small borehole.

In situ stress – Hydraulic
                                                       Fracturing & HTPF

                                                       There exist two stress
                                                       measurement methods that use
                                                       hydraulics as an active method to
                                                       stimulate the rock surrounding a
                                                       borehole and hence to determine
                                                       the stress field.
     Example of equipment for hydraulic
     fracturing and HTPF rock stress                   These methods are
     measurements:                                      HF (Hydraulic Fracturing)
1. Guide wheel for multihose on adjustable working      HTPF (Hydraulic Test on
   platform,                                           preexisting Fractures).

2. drum for 1000m multihose,                           Both methods use the same type
                                                       of equipment, including straddle
3. Flow meter manifold and manifold for control of
   fracturing flow and packer pressure,                packers, impression packers and
                                                       high-pressure pumps to generate
4.    Data registration equipment, signal amplifier,   high-pressure water during either
     chart recorder and portable PC,                   the formation of new fractures or
                                                       reopening of pre-existing
5. high pressure water pump and                        fractures.
6. 400 l diesel fuel tanks, hydraulic pump and tank

        The term hydraulic fracturing is
        used for fluid injection operations
        in sealed-off borehole intervals to
        induce and propagate tensile
        fractures in borehole wall rock.

        It was first applied in the oil
        industry to stimulate productivity
        from low permeable oil-bearing
        formations (1940).

        In the beginning of the                         The classical concept for the
        1960s it was proposed to derive                 interpretation of hydraulic
        the state of stress from such                   fracturing pressure records
        hydraulic fracturing operations.                was developed by Hubbert and
                                                        Willis in 1957.
                           In situ Stress – HF & HTPF
In situ stress – Hydraulic Fracturing

   A section, normally less than 1m in length, of a borehole is sealed off with a straddle

   The sealed-off section is then slowly pressurized with a fluid, usually water.

   This generates tensile stresses at the borehole wall. Pressurization continues
   until the borehole wall ruptures through tensile failure and a hydro fracture is initiated.

   The fracture plane is normally parallel to the borehole axis, and two fractures are
    initiated simultaneously in diametrically opposite positions on the borehole periphery.

   The hydro fracture will initiate at the point, and propagate in the direction, offering the
   least resistance. The fracture will therefore develop in a direction perpendicular to the
   minimum principal stress.

    The orientation of the fracture is obtained from the fracture traces on the borehole wall –
    it coincides with the orientation of the maximum horizontal stress, in a vertical or sub-
    vertical hole where it is assumed that one principal stress is parallel to the borehole.

    The fracture orientation may be determined either by use of an impression packer and a
    compass or by use of geophysical methods such as a formation micro-scanner or a
    borehole televiewer.

In situ stress – Hydraulic Fracturing

  In its conventional form, the method is 2D: only the maximum and minimum normal
   stresses in the plane perpendicular to the borehole axis are established.

  For a vertical borehole, these components are the maximum and minimum horizontal

  Since the principal stress directions in tectonically passive and topographically at areas are
  usually close to horizontal and vertical, it can often be assumed that the components
  measured in a vertical borehole are two of the principal stresses.

  Hydraulic fracturing is an efficient method for determining the 2D stress field, normally in
  the horizontal plane, and is therefore suitable at the early stages of projects when no
  underground access exists.

  Due to its efficiency, it is especially advantageous for measurements at great depth. . The
  method is also not significantly affected by the drilling processes.

  Hydraulic fracturing normally includes large equipment, which requires space. Furthermore,
   the theoretical limitations normally imply that the measurements should be done in vertical
   holes. Hence, the method is most suited for surface measurements in vertical or sub-

  Applied packer pressure – 2-4 MPa
In situ stress – Hydraulic Fracturing

       σ h = ps
 σ H − Po = T + 3(σ h − Po ) − ( Pb − Po )

                                                          σ H = Pr + 3σ h − Pb

                                                           σ v = ∑ ρ i ghi
                                                                    i =1

In situ stress – Hydraulic Fracturing

    The following points should be noted with respect to HF:

 1. There is no theoretical limit to the depth of measurement, provided a stable
    borehole can access the zone of interest and the rock is elastic and brittle.

 2. Classical interpretation of an HF test is possible only if the borehole axis is
    parallel to one of the principal stresses and is contained in the induced fracture
    plane. The initiation of ‘en echelon’ fractures may indicate that the borehole
    axis is not along a principal stress. Excessive deviation invalidates the classical
    method of interpretation of test results.

 3. Principal stress directions are derived from the fracture delineation on the
    borehole wall under the assumption that fracture attitude persists away from
    the hole.

 4. Evaluation of the maximum principal stress in the plane perpendicular to the
    borehole axis assumes that the rock mass is linearly elastic, homogeneous, and
    isotropic. It involves considerations of pore pressure effects, often difficult to
    ascertain, and requires an assessment of the rock tensile strength.
In situ stress – Hydraulic Fracturing

  The hydraulic fracturing method allows a direct measurement of the least stress in the plane
  perpendicular to the borehole axis, which is normally the least horizontal stress, σh and the
  accuracy is good (±5%).

  The maximum horizontal stress is calculated from equations including a failure criteria and
  parameters evaluated from the field pressure data. The accuracy is less good for the
  maximum horizontal stress (10– 20% or more).

  It is shown that the general theory for calculating the major horizontal stress from the
   hydraulic fracturing suffers from uncertainties in the assumptions—a continuous, linearly
   elastic, homogenous, and isotropic rock together with the fracture reopening.

  It is probable that the major horizontal stress, determined from hydraulic fracturing, may be
   somewhat underestimated when the major principal stress divided by the minor principal
   stress is close to, or higher than, a factor of 3.

  Classical hydraulic fracturing requires sections in the borehole free from fractures. These
  sections should be at least a few meters long so that the induced fractures do not interact
  with existing ones.

  Hydraulic fracturing may be difficult to apply with an acceptable success rate in rock domains
  with very high stresses, such as when core discing is indicated in the core from core drilling.
  Geological features, such as foliation planes in gneissic rock, may also affect the possibilities of
  success as they act as weakness planes and thereby may control the direction of the initiated

In situ stress – HTPF
 The following points should be noted with respect to HTPF:
    There is no theoretical limit to the depth of measurement, provided a stable borehole
    can access the zone of interest.

   The method assumes that isolated pre-existing fractures, or weakness planes, are
   present in the rock mass, that they are not all aligned within a narrow range of
   directions and inclinations, and that they can be mechanically opened by hydraulic tests.
   When the straddled interval includes multiple fractures, it is necessary to verify that only
   one single fracture has been opened, for the opening of pre-existing fractures change
   the local stress field.

   Fractures used in stress computations are delineated on the borehole wall under the
   assumption that their orientation persists away from the hole.

   For a complete stress tensor determination, the method requires a theoretical minimum of
   six tests, each conducted on pre-existing non-parallel fractures; but additional tests are
   recommended in order to correct for uncertainties. However, when combined with HF tests,
   only three–four HTPF results are necessary for the maximum horizontal and vertical stress
   components determination.

   The method is valid for all borehole orientations. It is independent of pore pressure effects
   and does not require any material property determination.

   It assumes that the rock mass is homogeneous within the volume of interest. When tested
   fractures are distant from one another by more than 50 m, a hypothesis on stress gradients
   is required.
In situ stress – HTPF

•   The HTPF method has been practiced for some 15 years. Instead of inducing new fractures in
    intact rock, the HTPF method is based on the re-opening of existing fractures found in the
    borehole wall and thereby determining the normal stress across the fracture plane.

    Depending on assumptions made regarding the stress field, the HTPF method allows either a
    3D or 2D determination of the stress state. A 3D determination requires a larger number of
    fractures to be tested.

• When conducting HTPF tests, it is of importance that the fracture tested is of a size at which
  the normal stress can be assumed to be uniform and the geometry of the fracture must be
  planar. The HTPF method relies only on four field parameters; test depth, shut-in pressure,
  dip and strike of the tested fracture.

    The shut-in pressure is equivalent to the normal stress
    acting across the fracture plane.

    Given these parameters for a sufficiently large number of
    fractures with different strike and dips, either the 2D or
    3D stress state can be determined.

In situ stress – HTPF

     Theoretically the 2D solution requires at least six
     different fractures to solve the problem.

     In practice some redundancy, however, is required.

     For successful measurements it is suggested that at least
     10–12 isolated, preexisting fractures with different
     strikes and dips are found and tested in the borehole
     wall within the depth interval of interest.

     The 3D alternative of the HTPF method includes less
     assumptions on the stress field but requires a larger
     number of fractures to be tested.

     In the 3D alternative the vertical stress does not have to
     be a principal stress. Theoretically, 12 unknowns exist in
     the system of equations.

     In practice, it is suggested that at least 18–20 successful
     tests are obtained to resolve the 3D Stress field.
In situ stress – HTPF

                    HF & HTPF – pluses & minuses

  As compared to classical hydraulic fracturing, the method has the advantages of
  less limitations as regards geological features.

  Nor does the method require determination of the tensile strength of the rock
  and it is independent of pore pressure effects.

  As long as a variation in strike and dip of the existing fractures exists in the
  rock mass, neither weakness planes such as foliation planes nor core discing
  should cause any problems in obtaining successful measurements.

  The method is more time consuming than hydraulic fracturing as the down-hole
  equipment must be positioned at the exact location of each discrete fracture to
  be tested.

  This requires good accuracy in the depth calibration. A drawback, compared to
  hydraulic fracturing, is also that no preliminary results can be obtained until all
  field- testing has been completed, field data evaluated and those data
  processed using computer code.

               BORRE PROBE
In situ stress – overcoring - Borre probe

                                                                  Borre probe

  The Borre
  probe with
  connected to
  a portable
  computer for
  activation and
  data retrieval.

In situ stress – overcoring - Borre probe

Principle of soft, 3D pilot hole Overcoring measurements:

(1) Advance φ 76 mm main borehole to measurement depth;
(2) Drill φ 36 mm pilot hole and recover core for appraisal;
(3) Lower Borre Probe in installation tool down-hole;
(4) Release Probe from installation tool. Strain gauges bond to pilot-
    hole wall under pressure from the cone;
(5) Raise installation tool. Probe/gauges bonded in place;
(6) Overcore the Borre Probe and recover to surface in core barrel
    (After Ljunggren & Klasson)
In situ stress – overcoring - Borre probe

This cell allows, in principle, the complete stress tensor to be determined from a
single overcoring operation in one borehole. Strain gauge rosettes attached to the
outer surface of a thin molded epoxy cylinder are bonded to the wall of the borehole
at different orientations. Overcoring of the inner borehole induces strains in the
gauges that are influenced by all of the in situ stress components. Resolution of the
measured strains should yield the in situ stress tensor at the overcoring location.
The method is used widely and is considered to be a valuable technique. Problems of
improper bonding of the gauges to the rock are reported. Depending on the
orientation of the hole, some of the components of the stress tensor may be small,
so that measured values may be suspect. It is useful, once the stress tensor has
been determined, to repeat the test - if possible, using a hole drilled at an
orientation for which the stress components are all of substantial magnitude.

In situ stress – overcoring - Borre probe

          Measurements in Borre probe overcoring technique.

        Measurements in Borre probe overcoring technique.
In situ stress – overcoring - Borre probe

Displacements from stress concentrations around a borehole are given by

εθ =
         (σ x + σ y )K1 − 2(1 − υ 2 ){(σ x − σ y )cos 2θ + 2τ xy sin 2θ }K 2 − υσ z K 4   ]
     = σ − υ (σ + σ )
                    z                x        y   ] K1-K4 are correction factors

                εθ + ε z
ε ± 45 =
                                            4(1 + υ )(τ yz cos θ − τ zx sin θ ) K 3   ]
Material properties are determined through Biaxial testing in the Lab
           p            2
E = K1
           εθ      D        

                1−  i
                   D        
                    0       

 υ = − K1


In situ stress – Doorstopper Method

Doorstopper methods have
been     developed     and
practiced for more than 20
years worldwide.

The    Doorstopper      cell   is
attached at the polished flat
bottom of a borehole. Hence, it
does not require a pilot hole.

After the cell      has been
positioned properly at the end
of the borehole and readings of
the strain gauges have been
performed, the instrument is
over cored.

During     Overcoring,    the
changes in strain/deformation
are recorded.

      Conical Strain Cell
In situ stress –conical strain cell

 The hemi-spherical or conical
 strain cell is attached to the
 hemi-spherical or conical
 bottom of the borehole. It
 also do not require a pilot
 hole. After the cell has been
 positioned properly at the end
 of the borehole and readings
 of the strain gauges have
 been performed, the
 instrument is overcored.
 During overcoring, the
 changes in strain/deformation
 are recorded

In situ stress –conical strain cell
                                           • Using a hemispherical or
                                           conical    strain   cell    for
                                           measuring rock stresses, a
                                           borehole is first drilled. Its
                                           bottom     surface   is   then
                                           reshaped into a hemispherical
                                           or conical shape using special
                                           drill bits. Thereafter, the
                                           strain cell is bonded to the
                                           rock surface at the bottom of
                                           the borehole.
                                           • The latest version of the
                                           conical strain cell, equipped
                                           with 16 strain components,
                                           has been successfully tested.

• Measurements with the conical borehole
technique have been made mostly in Japan. This
technique has been found to be a useful method
for measuring rock stress in a single borehole
and in various rock types.
In situ stress –conical strain cell

• Leeman indicates that a doorstopper technique was used as early as 1932
to determine stresses in a rock tunnel below the Hoover Dam in the United
States, and also in Russia in 1935. Leeman developed a cell with strain
gauges that could be cemented on the bottom of 60mm boreholes and
overcored. The cell is often referred to as CSIR (Council for Scientific and
Industry Research) Doorstopper and has been used for measurements in 60
m deep boreholes. The CSIR Doorstopper is 35mm in diameter and at the
base of the gauge a strain rosette consisting of 3 or 4 strain gauges is
cemented. The cell is pushed forward by compressed air and glued at the
base of a drill hole. Reading of the strain gauges is taken before and after
overcoring of the cell. Hence, they do not require a pilot hole.

  •A modified doorstopper cell called the
  Deep Doorstopper Gauge System (DDGS)
  has been developed lately.

  The DDGS was designed to allow
  Overcoring measurements at depths as
  great as 1000m in sub vertical boreholes.

In situ stress –DDGS

 The device utilizes an
 Intelligent Acquisition
 Module, a remote
 battery-powered data
 logger that collects and
 stores strain data during
 stress       measurement
 Installation of the DDGS:

 (1) After attaining and cleaning of the bottom, the instruments are
    lowered down the hole with the wire line cables.
 (2) When the DDGS is at the bottom the orientation of the measurement
    is noted in the orientation device and the strain sensor is glued.
 (3) The IAM and Doorstopper gauge are removed from the installation
 (4) The installation assembly is retrieved with the wire line system.
 (5) The monitoring and over drilling start, the strain change in the
    bottom is measured by the time.
 (6) When over drilling is completed, the core is taken up and a bi-axial
    pressure test done to estimate the Young’s modulus.
In situ stress –DDGS

In situ stress –DDGS

  Successful measurements have been performed in Canada - borehole
  depths as great as 518m (943m depth from surface), where both
  hydraulic fracturing and triaxial strain cells were not applicable at
  depths deeper than 360m because of the high stress situation.
  An advantage for the Doorstopper, as well as the conical or spherical
  methods, is that they do not require long overcoring lengths, i.e.
  only some 5 cm, as compared to the pilot hole methods (at least 30

  As the methods do not require a pilot hole there are also better
  possibilities for successful measurements in relatively weak or
  broken rock, as well as in rocks under high stresses in which core
  discing is common. Compared to triaxial cells, a Doorstopper
  measurement requires less time, and 2–3 tests can be conducted per
In situ stress –DDGS

• Like the Doorstopper, a small length of the rock is required for overcoring.

• For the conical cell, the stress relief is achieved at an overcoring distance
  of 70mm and then the strains remain at constant values.

• Hemispherical or conical strain cells have mostly been used in Japan and
  successful applications have been reported in the literature.

• The disadvantage with the doorstopper is, however, that measurement at
  one point only enables the stresses in the plane perpendicular to the
  borehole to be determined.

• Furthermore, the end of the borehole must be flat which require polishing
 of the hole bottom.

• Disadvantages with the conical or hemispherical cell are that they require
  preparation of the borehole bottom, either in the form of a cone or as a

• Another limitation is their poor success in water-filled boreholes.

    Borehole Breakouts
In situ stress – Borehole Breakouts

The stress concentrations that
develop around a borehole in
stressed rock can result in
inelastic deformation, damage,
and fall out of broken rock in
the zones of maximum stress
concentration. The hole
develops an oval or elliptical
shape. The major axis of the
deformed (breakout) shape is
taken to be coincident with the
direction of the minimum
secondary principal stress σ2     It is suggested that the asymmetry is
with the maximum stressσ1         a consequence of the stress
orthogonal to it. However it is   distribution (influenced by the shear
sometimes observed that the       stresses) and a possible onset of
axes of the breakout may not      damage in the rock ahead of the
pass through the centre of the    coring bit. This suggests that
borehole.                         observation of asymmetric breakout
                                  may be an indication that the
                                  borehole does not coincide with a
                                  principal stress direction.

In situ stress – Borehole Breakouts
In situ stress – Borehole Breakouts

  Progression of breakout development by combined extension and
  shear-mode cracking in Darley Dale sandstone. (A) Porosity closes,
  causing impingement fracture formation, migrating the ‘plastic’ zone
  into the wall rock. Fractures concentrate into damage zones. (B)
  Spalling initiates, creating a broad and shallow breakout feature. (C)
  The damage zone migrates into the wall rock creating breakout
  parallel fractures. Breakout growth occurs, but also hole
  enlargement in the orthogonal directions
In situ stress – Borehole Breakouts

                                                        Image logs of

                                                        a well
                                                        well bore


  These are manifest as dark bands (low reflection amplitudes) on
  opposite sides of the well in ultrasonic tele viewer image logs (UBI
  Well A) and out-of-focus zones on electrical imaging logs (FMI Well B).
  By making cross sections of Well A, it is possible to clearly identify
  well bore breakouts as shown on the right.

In situ stress – Borehole Breakouts

                                      The theoretical growth of a breakout
 Rotation of well bore breakouts      after initial formation. Note that the
 near a fault in the borehole         breakouts deepen but do not widen.
 that can be modeled as the           The Photographs of breakouts formed
 result of a perturbation of the      in laboratory experiments confirm
 stress field induced by slip on      this as well as the relationship
 the fault.                           between      stress   magnitude    and
                                      breakout width
In situ stress – Borehole Breakouts

                                        Simulated final fracture pattern
                                        obtained after removing ‘loose
  Sketch of the fracture pattern        blocks’. The ellipse cumscribing
  observed around                       the damaged zone is indicated
  10-m diameter shaft                   as well.

In situ stress – Borehole Breakouts

Borehole cross sections of specimens
that underwent drilling while under
the same minimum and intermediate
far-field stresses (σh=50 MPa, σv =
60 MPa), but different maximum
horizontal stresses (σH), showing the
dependence of fracture-like breakout
length on the far-field stress

Typical cross section of a borehole
breakout in high-porosity Berea
sandstone. Note its narrow, tabular,
fracture-like shape, aligned with the
σh spring line, and consequently its
counterintuitive orientation vis-a`-
vis the σH direction.
Borehole Slotter

                       In situ stress –Borehole Slotter

The borehole slotter consists of a contact strain sensor, which is mounted
against the wall of a large diameter borehole. Thereafter, three slots, 120
apart, are cut into the wall. A small, pneumatically driven saw cuts the slots.
Each slot is typically 1.0 mm wide and up to 25 mm deep. Tangential strains
induced by release of tangential stresses by the slots are measured on the
borehole surface. It is based on the theory of linear elastic behaviour of the
rock and uses the Kirsch solution for stresses and strains around a circular
In situ stress –Borehole Slotter

The borehole slotting stress measuring method is based on the principle of
local stress relief. A half moon shaped radial slot is cut into the borehole wall
by means of a small diamond–impregnated saw. Before, during and after
slotting the change of tangential strain is measured at the borehole surface
in the vicinity of the slot where practically full stress relief occurs. A specially
developed recoverable strain sensor measures the tangential strain. At the
selected test location down the hole a minimum of six slots are cut. Three
cuts at 120° apart are made 10 cm away from the first set and rotated 30°.
The six slots and the corresponding strain relief for each slot constitute a
single test. In general, good agreement has been found between stress
measurements with the borehole slotter and measurements with other

In situ stress –Borehole Slotter

From this output the magnitude and the direction of the major and minor
stresses in the plane normal to the borehole axis can be determined. When
evaluating the borehole slotter readings, the theory of linear elasticity, in
particular the KIRSCH solution for the problem in a circular hole (borehole)
in a stressed plate is employed to transfer the strain readings into
stresses. This means that the elastic constants of the rock (Young’s
modulus E and Poisson’s ratio) must be known.

By means of 3 independently orientated 2-D stress measurements (in
three independently orientated boreholes) it is possible to determine the
3-D insitu Principal Stresses.
Core Discing

In situ stress – Core Discing

The pre-loaded nature of rock masses has
consequences in rock stress observation.
The process of boring of holes to obtain
cores results in stress concentrations
directly at the coring bit/rock interface. As
the core is formed, the annular groove
causes the in situ stresses to be
redistributed,      creating    high-induced
stresses across the core. This can result in
damage       (irrecoverable    strains    and   Example of relation t d
microcracks) to the core. If the in situ        between disc thickness
stresses are high, and the rock brittle, this   (normalized by core
can result in ‘core discing’— the core is       diameter)
produced in the form of thin ‘poker chips’.
The thickness of the chips decreases as         and   σ   H   for given
the stress intensity increases; in extreme
cases, the discs can become so thin that         σ    h   and     σv
they have the appearance of milles feuilles,
or flaky pastry. Observation of discing in
cores is often taken as evidence of high
stress zones in the rock.
In situ stress – Core Discing
The following minimum information is
needed for the interpretation:

• the tensile strength of the rock,
• Poisson’s ratio of the rock,
• the UCS of the rock,
• the mean disc spacing,
• the shape of the fracture (morphology)
• the extent of the fracture in the core.
The confidence of the interpretation can
be increased considerably if the same
information can be achieved from both
normal coring and overcoring at the same
depth level.
In practice, core discing can only be used
as an indicator for estimation of rock
stresses. When core discing occurs, one
can of course also conclude that rock
stress concentrations are higher than the
rock strength. Such information, obtained
already during the drilling stage, is of
course valuable and a guide for further

In situ stress – Core Discing

In brittle rocks it has been observed
that discing and breakouts usually
occur over the corresponding lengths
of core and borehole. The thinner the
discs the higher the stress level.
However, the formation of discs                Core discs symmetrical
depends significantly on the                   with respect to the core
properties of the rock and the                 axis
magnitude of the stress in the
borehole axial direction. In addition,
the type and technique of drilling,          If the discs are symmetrical
including the drill thrust, can              about the core axis, as
significantly affect the occurrence of       shown in figure above, then
discing. It is therefore unlikely that       it is probable that the hole
observation and measurements of              has been drilled
discing will be successful in                approximately along the
quantifying the magnitudes of in situ        orientation of one of the
stresses                                     principal stresses.
In situ stress – Core Discing

Nevertheless, the shape and
symmetry of the discs can give a
good indication of in situ stress
orientations (Dyke, 1989).
A measure of the inclination of a
principal stress to the borehole
                                           Core discs resulting with
axis can be gauged from the
                                           unequal stresses normal to the
relative asymmetry of the disc.
                                           core axis
For unequal stresses normal to
the core axis, the core
circumference will peak and
trough as shown in figure next to
text. The direction defined by a
line drawn between the peaks of
the disc surfaces facing in the
original drilling direction indicates
the orientation of the minor
secondary principal stresses.

In situ stress – Core Discing

                       Non-symmetrical core discing,
                       indicating that the core axis is
                       not a principal stress direction.

      Lack of symmetry of the discing, as shown in figure above,
      indicates that there is a shear stress acting across the borehole
      axis and that the axis is not in a principal stress direction.
Acoustic Emission

In situ stress – Acoustic Emission

 Kaiser (1953) observed that when the stress on a poly crystallized metal
 was relaxed and then reapplied, there was a significant increase in the rate
 of acoustic emission when the previous maximum stress level was
 exceeded. This phenomenon has become known as the Kaiser effect.
 Goodman (1963) observed a similar effect in rocks. It appears that
 Kanagawa et al (1976) were the first to make use of the phenomenon to
 estimate in situ stresses.

 Hughson and Crawford (1986) demonstrated experimentally that, from a
 sample of rock extracted from a stressed environment, it was possible to
 determine the magnitude of the maximum stress to which the rock had
 been subjected, as well as how much more stress it could withstand before
 becoming unstable.

 The Kaiser effect method involves the drilling of small secondary,
 orientated cores from the original core removed from the stressed
 environment. The original core must be orientated so the directions of
 secondary coring are known in relation to this original core orientation.
In situ stress – Acoustic Emission

The    secondary
cores          are
prepared     with
the required end
flatness and
parallelism, and
then subjected
to uniaxial
stress whilst the
AE from the rock
are monitored
using sensors
attached to the

On a plot of the applied stress vs. the AE, the KE change point is at the
position on the curve where the slope of the plot noticeably increases. As the
KE changes in AE rate, the stress corresponds with the previous maximum
stress to which the rock had been subjected. If a sufficient number of
secondary cores are tested, the full three dimensional in situ state of stress
may be determined.

In situ stress – Acoustic Emission
    The KE does not occur abruptly at a precisely definable point, but
    within a transitional zone. The position and abruptness of this zone
    varies for different types of rock materials, and with the magnitude
    of the previous stress relative to the strength of the rock. The
    transition zone becomes large and indistinct if the maximum stress
    exposure time was brief.

    The stress “memory” reduces over time, and hence it is necessary to
    carry out the tests within a relatively short time after removal of the
    original core. The length of the “memory” appears to depend on the
    type of rock. Kurita and Fujii (1979) conclude that no significant
    recovery of the KE occurs within one month of removal from the
    stressed environment. Friedel and Thill (1990) found that the effect
    was retained for a period of up to at least 5 months.

    Other researchers have noted very much shorter retention periods,
    for example, several hours (Goodman, 1963), one to five days
    (Yoshikawa and Mogi (1981), three days (Boyce, 1981). These
    limitations are contradicted by the results of Seto et al (1998), who
    obtained satisfactory results for in situ stress determinations on
    cores that had been removed almost two years previously. Their
    results agreed to within 10% of values determined by other
In situ stress – Acoustic Emission

    It gives a direct measure of stress. It is not dependent on the
measurement of strain and the subsequent calculation of stress from strain,
which requires the assumption of a relationship between stress and strain for
the rock as well as measurement of the deformation properties of the rock.
All of these factors can introduce errors.

    The full three dimensional in situ state of stress may be determined.

  Use can be made of original core obtained for other purposes, such as
exploration, making the method cost effective.

   Core obtained remotely can be used, and therefore the method is
applicable to Greenfield sites, before any excavations have been made, as
well as to operating mines.

   Since small secondary cores are used for the tests, many tests can be
carried out using a limited length of original borehole core. Again this
makes the method cost effective, with a large number of results being
able to be obtained at relatively low cost. The more the number of cores
tested, the greater the confidence in the results obtained.

 Stress Measurement methods and key issues related to their applicability
 Method           2D/3D       Advantage                                  Limitations                                 Suitable for
                                Most developed techniques in both         Scattering due to small rock volume,       Measurements, depth
 Overcoring         2D/3D
                                theory and practice                       require drill rig.                         down to 1000 m.
                                                                                                                     For week or high stressed
 Doorstopper        2D          Works in joint and high stressed rock     Only 2D, require drill rig
                                Measurements in existing hole.            Only 2D. The theoretical limitations in    Shallow to deep
                    2D          Low scattering of results                 the evaluation of σH -Disturbs water       measurements to obtain
                                Involves a fairly large rock volume       chemistry.                                 stress profile
                                Measurements in existing hole.                                                       It is of most interest
                                                                          Time consuming. Require existing
                                Can be applied when high stresses exist                                              where both Overcoring
 HTPF               2D/3D                                                 fracture in the hole with varying strike
                                and Overcoring and hydraulic fracturing                                              and hydraulic fracturing
                                                                          and dips.
                                fail                                                                                 fails.
                                Existing information which is obtained                                               Estimation of stress at
 Core Discing       2D                                                    Only qualitative estimation.
                                already at the drilling stage                                                        early stage

                                                                          Restricted to information on
 Borehole                       Existing information obtained at an                                               Occurs mostly in deep
                    2D                                                    orientation. Theory needs to be further
 Breakouts                      early stage. Relatively quick                                                     holes
                                                                          developed to infer the stress magnitude

                    2D          For great depths                          Information only from great depths         During seismic events
 Kaiser effects     2D/3D       Simple measurements                       Relatively low reliability                 Rough estimation
                                                                          Complicated measurements on the
 ASR/DSCA/                                                                                                           Estimation of stress state
                    2D/3D       Usable for great depths                   micro scale, sensitive to several
 RACOS                                                                                                               at great depth
                                Quick and simple. High certainty due to                                              Can only be used during
 Back Calculation   2D                                                    Theoretical not unique solution
                                large rock volume                                                                    construction of caverns

 Analysis of
                    2D/3D       Low cost                                  Very rough estimation, low reliability.    At early stage of projects
 Geological Data
Insitu stresses and measurement

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Insitu stresses and measurement

  • 1. Insitu Stress Measurements U.Siva Sankar Sr. Under Manager Project Planning Singareni Collieries Company Ltd E-Mail :ulimella@gmail.com or uss_7@yahoo.com Visit at: www.slideshare.net/sankarsulimella Rock Stresses Insitu (Virgin) Stresses Induced Stresses Exist in the rock prior to any Occurs after artificial disturbance e.g. disturbance. Mining, Excavation, pumping, Injection, Energy extraction, applied load, swelling etc. Tectonic Stresses Residual Stresses Gravitational Terresterial Stresses •Diagenesis Stresses •Seasonal tpr. variation •Metasomatism (Flat ground surface •Moon pull(tidal Stress) •Metamorphism & topography effect) •Coriolis forces •Magma cooling •Diurmal stresses •Changes in pore pressure Active Tectonic Stresses Remnant Tectonic Stresses Same as residual stresses but tectonic activity is involved such as jointing, faulting, folding and boundinage Broad Scale Local •Shear Traction •Bending •Slab pull •Isostatic compensation •Ridge push •Down Bending of lithosphere •Trench suction •Volcanism and heat flow •Membrane stress Proposed by Bielenstein and Barron (1971)
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  • 18. Insitu Stress Measurement Methods Methods that disturb the in situ Methods based on the rock conditions, i.e. by inducing observation of rock behavior strains, deformations or crack without any major influence opening. from the measuring method. 1. Statistics of measured data (database) 2. Core-discing 1. HF & HTPF, 3. Borehole breakouts 2. Borehole relief methods & 4. Relief of large rock volumes 3. Surface relief methods. (Back Analysis) 1. Acoustic methods (Kaiser effect) 2. Strain recovery methods 3. Geological observational methods & 4. Earthquake focal mechanisms. In situ stresses: Methodology Methods for rock stress measurement classified by operational type. Methods for rock stress measurement classified by operational type Rock Volume Category Methods (m3) Hydraulic Fracturing 0.5-50 Method performed in Overcoring 10-3-10-2 boreholes HTPF 1-10 Borehole breakout 10-2 -100 Strain recovery methods 10-3 Methods performed using Core discing 10-3 drill cores Acaustic methods (Kaiser effect) 10-3 Method performed on rock Jacking Methods 0.5-2 surface Surface relief methods 1-2 Analysis of large geological Earthquake focal mechanism 109 structures Fault slip analysis 108 Others Relief of large volumes (back analysis) 102 -103
  • 19. Flat Jack In situ stress – Flat Jack Method Flat jacks consist of two plates of metal that are welded together and incorporate a hydraulic inlet tube with connections to a hydraulic hose and bleed valve.' Each measurement determines stress in one direction only. Therefore, a minimum of six measurements in independent directions are required to determine the stress tensor.
  • 20. In situ stress - Flat-jack flat-jack is one of the earliest reported methods of Insitu stress measurements. An extensometer gauge is installed between the points A and B in the rock surface. This can be of various forms, but a (piano) wire tensioned between the two points was often used. The frequency of vibration of the wire is determined. A slot is then cut into the rock as shown. The slot should be wide enough to completely relieve the stresses acting across the points A and B This is accomplished by making the slot width equal to three times the distance from the slot to point B The flat-jack is then inserted into the slot and cemented into place to ensure good contact with the faces of the slot. The jack is then pressurized until the distance AB is restored to the value measured before cutting the slot, as indicated by the frequency of the wire transducer. It is then assumed that the pressure in the jack is equal to the average normal stress that was acting across the slot before the slot was cut. In situ stress - Flat-jack-Calculations After the flat Jack is grouted in the slot and raised to hydraulic pressure P the displacement is given by: pc c j y (1 + υ ) dj = [(1 − υ )( a 0 − )+ ] E cj a0 where y2 cj =Half Length of the Jack; a0 = 1 + 2 cj y =Distance of the gauge point from the slot axis and normal to it; σ v = f1 Pch + f 2σ h σ h = f1 Pch + f 2σ v
  • 21. In situ stress - Flat-Jack-Limitations & Advantages 1. The measurement assumes that the normal stress/pin deformation relation on unloading as the slot is cut is the same as the flat jack pressure/pin deformation relationship on pressurization, i.e. that the rock is elastic over the range of pin deformation. 2. However, an important limitation of this technique is that it needs to be conducted on the surface of an excavation, in the region of maximum (and varying across the depth of the slot) stress concentration around the excavation. This is the region where the rock is most likely to be overstressed and develop some inelastic deformation. 3. It seems likely, therefore, that there will be some hysteresis between loading and unloading paths, so that the pressure required to return the pins to their original spacing will differ from the stress released by cutting of the slot. Thus, the flat jack pressure may not represent the in situ stress. This inherent shortcoming of stress determinations made on the surface of an excavation is a main reason why most techniques involved measurements at depth within a borehole. 4. One advantage of this flat-jack method was that it allowed the use of a simple extensometer (i.e. placed between points A and B), and did not require the development of special tools and transducers that could be placed within a small borehole. HF & HTPF
  • 22. In situ stress – Hydraulic Fracturing & HTPF There exist two stress measurement methods that use hydraulics as an active method to stimulate the rock surrounding a borehole and hence to determine the stress field. Example of equipment for hydraulic fracturing and HTPF rock stress These methods are measurements: HF (Hydraulic Fracturing) & 1. Guide wheel for multihose on adjustable working HTPF (Hydraulic Test on platform, preexisting Fractures). 2. drum for 1000m multihose, Both methods use the same type of equipment, including straddle 3. Flow meter manifold and manifold for control of fracturing flow and packer pressure, packers, impression packers and high-pressure pumps to generate 4. Data registration equipment, signal amplifier, high-pressure water during either chart recorder and portable PC, the formation of new fractures or reopening of pre-existing 5. high pressure water pump and fractures. 6. 400 l diesel fuel tanks, hydraulic pump and tank The term hydraulic fracturing is used for fluid injection operations in sealed-off borehole intervals to induce and propagate tensile fractures in borehole wall rock. It was first applied in the oil industry to stimulate productivity from low permeable oil-bearing formations (1940). In the beginning of the The classical concept for the 1960s it was proposed to derive interpretation of hydraulic the state of stress from such fracturing pressure records hydraulic fracturing operations. was developed by Hubbert and Willis in 1957. In situ Stress – HF & HTPF
  • 23. In situ stress – Hydraulic Fracturing A section, normally less than 1m in length, of a borehole is sealed off with a straddle packer. The sealed-off section is then slowly pressurized with a fluid, usually water. This generates tensile stresses at the borehole wall. Pressurization continues until the borehole wall ruptures through tensile failure and a hydro fracture is initiated. The fracture plane is normally parallel to the borehole axis, and two fractures are initiated simultaneously in diametrically opposite positions on the borehole periphery. The hydro fracture will initiate at the point, and propagate in the direction, offering the least resistance. The fracture will therefore develop in a direction perpendicular to the minimum principal stress. The orientation of the fracture is obtained from the fracture traces on the borehole wall – it coincides with the orientation of the maximum horizontal stress, in a vertical or sub- vertical hole where it is assumed that one principal stress is parallel to the borehole. The fracture orientation may be determined either by use of an impression packer and a compass or by use of geophysical methods such as a formation micro-scanner or a borehole televiewer. In situ stress – Hydraulic Fracturing In its conventional form, the method is 2D: only the maximum and minimum normal stresses in the plane perpendicular to the borehole axis are established. For a vertical borehole, these components are the maximum and minimum horizontal stresses. Since the principal stress directions in tectonically passive and topographically at areas are usually close to horizontal and vertical, it can often be assumed that the components measured in a vertical borehole are two of the principal stresses. Hydraulic fracturing is an efficient method for determining the 2D stress field, normally in the horizontal plane, and is therefore suitable at the early stages of projects when no underground access exists. Due to its efficiency, it is especially advantageous for measurements at great depth. . The method is also not significantly affected by the drilling processes. Hydraulic fracturing normally includes large equipment, which requires space. Furthermore, the theoretical limitations normally imply that the measurements should be done in vertical holes. Hence, the method is most suited for surface measurements in vertical or sub- vertical boreholes. Applied packer pressure – 2-4 MPa
  • 24. In situ stress – Hydraulic Fracturing σ h = ps σ H − Po = T + 3(σ h − Po ) − ( Pb − Po ) σ H = Pr + 3σ h − Pb n σ v = ∑ ρ i ghi i =1 In situ stress – Hydraulic Fracturing The following points should be noted with respect to HF: 1. There is no theoretical limit to the depth of measurement, provided a stable borehole can access the zone of interest and the rock is elastic and brittle. 2. Classical interpretation of an HF test is possible only if the borehole axis is parallel to one of the principal stresses and is contained in the induced fracture plane. The initiation of ‘en echelon’ fractures may indicate that the borehole axis is not along a principal stress. Excessive deviation invalidates the classical method of interpretation of test results. 3. Principal stress directions are derived from the fracture delineation on the borehole wall under the assumption that fracture attitude persists away from the hole. 4. Evaluation of the maximum principal stress in the plane perpendicular to the borehole axis assumes that the rock mass is linearly elastic, homogeneous, and isotropic. It involves considerations of pore pressure effects, often difficult to ascertain, and requires an assessment of the rock tensile strength.
  • 25. In situ stress – Hydraulic Fracturing The hydraulic fracturing method allows a direct measurement of the least stress in the plane perpendicular to the borehole axis, which is normally the least horizontal stress, σh and the accuracy is good (±5%). The maximum horizontal stress is calculated from equations including a failure criteria and parameters evaluated from the field pressure data. The accuracy is less good for the maximum horizontal stress (10– 20% or more). It is shown that the general theory for calculating the major horizontal stress from the hydraulic fracturing suffers from uncertainties in the assumptions—a continuous, linearly elastic, homogenous, and isotropic rock together with the fracture reopening. It is probable that the major horizontal stress, determined from hydraulic fracturing, may be somewhat underestimated when the major principal stress divided by the minor principal stress is close to, or higher than, a factor of 3. Classical hydraulic fracturing requires sections in the borehole free from fractures. These sections should be at least a few meters long so that the induced fractures do not interact with existing ones. Hydraulic fracturing may be difficult to apply with an acceptable success rate in rock domains with very high stresses, such as when core discing is indicated in the core from core drilling. Geological features, such as foliation planes in gneissic rock, may also affect the possibilities of success as they act as weakness planes and thereby may control the direction of the initiated fracture. In situ stress – HTPF The following points should be noted with respect to HTPF: There is no theoretical limit to the depth of measurement, provided a stable borehole can access the zone of interest. The method assumes that isolated pre-existing fractures, or weakness planes, are present in the rock mass, that they are not all aligned within a narrow range of directions and inclinations, and that they can be mechanically opened by hydraulic tests. When the straddled interval includes multiple fractures, it is necessary to verify that only one single fracture has been opened, for the opening of pre-existing fractures change the local stress field. Fractures used in stress computations are delineated on the borehole wall under the assumption that their orientation persists away from the hole. For a complete stress tensor determination, the method requires a theoretical minimum of six tests, each conducted on pre-existing non-parallel fractures; but additional tests are recommended in order to correct for uncertainties. However, when combined with HF tests, only three–four HTPF results are necessary for the maximum horizontal and vertical stress components determination. The method is valid for all borehole orientations. It is independent of pore pressure effects and does not require any material property determination. It assumes that the rock mass is homogeneous within the volume of interest. When tested fractures are distant from one another by more than 50 m, a hypothesis on stress gradients is required.
  • 26. In situ stress – HTPF • The HTPF method has been practiced for some 15 years. Instead of inducing new fractures in intact rock, the HTPF method is based on the re-opening of existing fractures found in the borehole wall and thereby determining the normal stress across the fracture plane. Depending on assumptions made regarding the stress field, the HTPF method allows either a 3D or 2D determination of the stress state. A 3D determination requires a larger number of fractures to be tested. • When conducting HTPF tests, it is of importance that the fracture tested is of a size at which the normal stress can be assumed to be uniform and the geometry of the fracture must be planar. The HTPF method relies only on four field parameters; test depth, shut-in pressure, dip and strike of the tested fracture. The shut-in pressure is equivalent to the normal stress acting across the fracture plane. Given these parameters for a sufficiently large number of fractures with different strike and dips, either the 2D or 3D stress state can be determined. In situ stress – HTPF Theoretically the 2D solution requires at least six different fractures to solve the problem. In practice some redundancy, however, is required. For successful measurements it is suggested that at least 10–12 isolated, preexisting fractures with different strikes and dips are found and tested in the borehole wall within the depth interval of interest. The 3D alternative of the HTPF method includes less assumptions on the stress field but requires a larger number of fractures to be tested. In the 3D alternative the vertical stress does not have to be a principal stress. Theoretically, 12 unknowns exist in the system of equations. In practice, it is suggested that at least 18–20 successful tests are obtained to resolve the 3D Stress field.
  • 27. In situ stress – HTPF HF & HTPF – pluses & minuses As compared to classical hydraulic fracturing, the method has the advantages of less limitations as regards geological features. Nor does the method require determination of the tensile strength of the rock and it is independent of pore pressure effects. As long as a variation in strike and dip of the existing fractures exists in the rock mass, neither weakness planes such as foliation planes nor core discing should cause any problems in obtaining successful measurements. The method is more time consuming than hydraulic fracturing as the down-hole equipment must be positioned at the exact location of each discrete fracture to be tested. This requires good accuracy in the depth calibration. A drawback, compared to hydraulic fracturing, is also that no preliminary results can be obtained until all field- testing has been completed, field data evaluated and those data processed using computer code. OVERCORING BY BORRE PROBE
  • 28. In situ stress – overcoring - Borre probe The Borre probe The Borre probe with logger connected to a portable computer for activation and data retrieval. In situ stress – overcoring - Borre probe Principle of soft, 3D pilot hole Overcoring measurements: (1) Advance φ 76 mm main borehole to measurement depth; (2) Drill φ 36 mm pilot hole and recover core for appraisal; (3) Lower Borre Probe in installation tool down-hole; (4) Release Probe from installation tool. Strain gauges bond to pilot- hole wall under pressure from the cone; (5) Raise installation tool. Probe/gauges bonded in place; (6) Overcore the Borre Probe and recover to surface in core barrel (After Ljunggren & Klasson)
  • 29. In situ stress – overcoring - Borre probe This cell allows, in principle, the complete stress tensor to be determined from a single overcoring operation in one borehole. Strain gauge rosettes attached to the outer surface of a thin molded epoxy cylinder are bonded to the wall of the borehole at different orientations. Overcoring of the inner borehole induces strains in the gauges that are influenced by all of the in situ stress components. Resolution of the measured strains should yield the in situ stress tensor at the overcoring location. The method is used widely and is considered to be a valuable technique. Problems of improper bonding of the gauges to the rock are reported. Depending on the orientation of the hole, some of the components of the stress tensor may be small, so that measured values may be suspect. It is useful, once the stress tensor has been determined, to repeat the test - if possible, using a hole drilled at an orientation for which the stress components are all of substantial magnitude. In situ stress – overcoring - Borre probe Measurements in Borre probe overcoring technique. Measurements in Borre probe overcoring technique.
  • 30. In situ stress – overcoring - Borre probe Displacements from stress concentrations around a borehole are given by εθ = 1 E [ (σ x + σ y )K1 − 2(1 − υ 2 ){(σ x − σ y )cos 2θ + 2τ xy sin 2θ }K 2 − υσ z K 4 ] εz 1 E [ = σ − υ (σ + σ ) z x y ] K1-K4 are correction factors εθ + ε z ε ± 45 = 0 2 ± 1 2E [ 4(1 + υ )(τ yz cos θ − τ zx sin θ ) K 3 ] Material properties are determined through Biaxial testing in the Lab p 2 E = K1 εθ D  2 1−  i D    0  εz υ = − K1 εθ Doorstopper Method
  • 31. In situ stress – Doorstopper Method Doorstopper methods have been developed and practiced for more than 20 years worldwide. The Doorstopper cell is attached at the polished flat bottom of a borehole. Hence, it does not require a pilot hole. After the cell has been positioned properly at the end of the borehole and readings of the strain gauges have been performed, the instrument is over cored. During Overcoring, the changes in strain/deformation are recorded. Conical Strain Cell
  • 32. In situ stress –conical strain cell The hemi-spherical or conical strain cell is attached to the hemi-spherical or conical bottom of the borehole. It also do not require a pilot hole. After the cell has been positioned properly at the end of the borehole and readings of the strain gauges have been performed, the instrument is overcored. During overcoring, the changes in strain/deformation are recorded In situ stress –conical strain cell • Using a hemispherical or conical strain cell for measuring rock stresses, a borehole is first drilled. Its bottom surface is then reshaped into a hemispherical or conical shape using special drill bits. Thereafter, the strain cell is bonded to the rock surface at the bottom of the borehole. • The latest version of the conical strain cell, equipped with 16 strain components, has been successfully tested. • Measurements with the conical borehole technique have been made mostly in Japan. This technique has been found to be a useful method for measuring rock stress in a single borehole and in various rock types.
  • 33. In situ stress –conical strain cell • Leeman indicates that a doorstopper technique was used as early as 1932 to determine stresses in a rock tunnel below the Hoover Dam in the United States, and also in Russia in 1935. Leeman developed a cell with strain gauges that could be cemented on the bottom of 60mm boreholes and overcored. The cell is often referred to as CSIR (Council for Scientific and Industry Research) Doorstopper and has been used for measurements in 60 m deep boreholes. The CSIR Doorstopper is 35mm in diameter and at the base of the gauge a strain rosette consisting of 3 or 4 strain gauges is cemented. The cell is pushed forward by compressed air and glued at the base of a drill hole. Reading of the strain gauges is taken before and after overcoring of the cell. Hence, they do not require a pilot hole. •A modified doorstopper cell called the Deep Doorstopper Gauge System (DDGS) has been developed lately. The DDGS was designed to allow Overcoring measurements at depths as great as 1000m in sub vertical boreholes. In situ stress –DDGS The device utilizes an Intelligent Acquisition Module, a remote battery-powered data logger that collects and stores strain data during stress measurement tests. Installation of the DDGS: (1) After attaining and cleaning of the bottom, the instruments are lowered down the hole with the wire line cables. (2) When the DDGS is at the bottom the orientation of the measurement is noted in the orientation device and the strain sensor is glued. (3) The IAM and Doorstopper gauge are removed from the installation equipment. (4) The installation assembly is retrieved with the wire line system. (5) The monitoring and over drilling start, the strain change in the bottom is measured by the time. (6) When over drilling is completed, the core is taken up and a bi-axial pressure test done to estimate the Young’s modulus.
  • 34. In situ stress –DDGS In situ stress –DDGS Successful measurements have been performed in Canada - borehole depths as great as 518m (943m depth from surface), where both hydraulic fracturing and triaxial strain cells were not applicable at depths deeper than 360m because of the high stress situation. An advantage for the Doorstopper, as well as the conical or spherical methods, is that they do not require long overcoring lengths, i.e. only some 5 cm, as compared to the pilot hole methods (at least 30 cm). As the methods do not require a pilot hole there are also better possibilities for successful measurements in relatively weak or broken rock, as well as in rocks under high stresses in which core discing is common. Compared to triaxial cells, a Doorstopper measurement requires less time, and 2–3 tests can be conducted per day.
  • 35. In situ stress –DDGS • Like the Doorstopper, a small length of the rock is required for overcoring. • For the conical cell, the stress relief is achieved at an overcoring distance of 70mm and then the strains remain at constant values. • Hemispherical or conical strain cells have mostly been used in Japan and successful applications have been reported in the literature. • The disadvantage with the doorstopper is, however, that measurement at one point only enables the stresses in the plane perpendicular to the borehole to be determined. • Furthermore, the end of the borehole must be flat which require polishing of the hole bottom. • Disadvantages with the conical or hemispherical cell are that they require preparation of the borehole bottom, either in the form of a cone or as a sphere. • Another limitation is their poor success in water-filled boreholes. Borehole Breakouts
  • 36. In situ stress – Borehole Breakouts The stress concentrations that develop around a borehole in stressed rock can result in inelastic deformation, damage, and fall out of broken rock in the zones of maximum stress concentration. The hole develops an oval or elliptical shape. The major axis of the deformed (breakout) shape is taken to be coincident with the direction of the minimum secondary principal stress σ2 It is suggested that the asymmetry is with the maximum stressσ1 a consequence of the stress orthogonal to it. However it is distribution (influenced by the shear sometimes observed that the stresses) and a possible onset of axes of the breakout may not damage in the rock ahead of the pass through the centre of the coring bit. This suggests that borehole. observation of asymmetric breakout may be an indication that the borehole does not coincide with a principal stress direction. In situ stress – Borehole Breakouts
  • 37. In situ stress – Borehole Breakouts Progression of breakout development by combined extension and shear-mode cracking in Darley Dale sandstone. (A) Porosity closes, causing impingement fracture formation, migrating the ‘plastic’ zone into the wall rock. Fractures concentrate into damage zones. (B) Spalling initiates, creating a broad and shallow breakout feature. (C) The damage zone migrates into the wall rock creating breakout parallel fractures. Breakout growth occurs, but also hole enlargement in the orthogonal directions
  • 38. In situ stress – Borehole Breakouts Image logs of a well with well bore breakouts. These are manifest as dark bands (low reflection amplitudes) on opposite sides of the well in ultrasonic tele viewer image logs (UBI Well A) and out-of-focus zones on electrical imaging logs (FMI Well B). By making cross sections of Well A, it is possible to clearly identify well bore breakouts as shown on the right. In situ stress – Borehole Breakouts The theoretical growth of a breakout Rotation of well bore breakouts after initial formation. Note that the near a fault in the borehole breakouts deepen but do not widen. that can be modeled as the The Photographs of breakouts formed result of a perturbation of the in laboratory experiments confirm stress field induced by slip on this as well as the relationship the fault. between stress magnitude and breakout width
  • 39. In situ stress – Borehole Breakouts Simulated final fracture pattern obtained after removing ‘loose Sketch of the fracture pattern blocks’. The ellipse cumscribing observed around the damaged zone is indicated 10-m diameter shaft as well. In situ stress – Borehole Breakouts Borehole cross sections of specimens that underwent drilling while under the same minimum and intermediate far-field stresses (σh=50 MPa, σv = 60 MPa), but different maximum horizontal stresses (σH), showing the dependence of fracture-like breakout length on the far-field stress Typical cross section of a borehole breakout in high-porosity Berea sandstone. Note its narrow, tabular, fracture-like shape, aligned with the σh spring line, and consequently its counterintuitive orientation vis-a`- vis the σH direction.
  • 40. Borehole Slotter In situ stress –Borehole Slotter The borehole slotter consists of a contact strain sensor, which is mounted against the wall of a large diameter borehole. Thereafter, three slots, 120 apart, are cut into the wall. A small, pneumatically driven saw cuts the slots. Each slot is typically 1.0 mm wide and up to 25 mm deep. Tangential strains induced by release of tangential stresses by the slots are measured on the borehole surface. It is based on the theory of linear elastic behaviour of the rock and uses the Kirsch solution for stresses and strains around a circular opening.
  • 41. In situ stress –Borehole Slotter The borehole slotting stress measuring method is based on the principle of local stress relief. A half moon shaped radial slot is cut into the borehole wall by means of a small diamond–impregnated saw. Before, during and after slotting the change of tangential strain is measured at the borehole surface in the vicinity of the slot where practically full stress relief occurs. A specially developed recoverable strain sensor measures the tangential strain. At the selected test location down the hole a minimum of six slots are cut. Three cuts at 120° apart are made 10 cm away from the first set and rotated 30°. The six slots and the corresponding strain relief for each slot constitute a single test. In general, good agreement has been found between stress measurements with the borehole slotter and measurements with other techniques. In situ stress –Borehole Slotter From this output the magnitude and the direction of the major and minor stresses in the plane normal to the borehole axis can be determined. When evaluating the borehole slotter readings, the theory of linear elasticity, in particular the KIRSCH solution for the problem in a circular hole (borehole) in a stressed plate is employed to transfer the strain readings into stresses. This means that the elastic constants of the rock (Young’s modulus E and Poisson’s ratio) must be known. By means of 3 independently orientated 2-D stress measurements (in three independently orientated boreholes) it is possible to determine the 3-D insitu Principal Stresses.
  • 42. Core Discing In situ stress – Core Discing The pre-loaded nature of rock masses has consequences in rock stress observation. The process of boring of holes to obtain cores results in stress concentrations directly at the coring bit/rock interface. As the core is formed, the annular groove causes the in situ stresses to be redistributed, creating high-induced stresses across the core. This can result in damage (irrecoverable strains and Example of relation t d microcracks) to the core. If the in situ between disc thickness stresses are high, and the rock brittle, this (normalized by core can result in ‘core discing’— the core is diameter) produced in the form of thin ‘poker chips’. The thickness of the chips decreases as and σ H for given the stress intensity increases; in extreme cases, the discs can become so thin that σ h and σv they have the appearance of milles feuilles, or flaky pastry. Observation of discing in cores is often taken as evidence of high stress zones in the rock.
  • 43. In situ stress – Core Discing The following minimum information is needed for the interpretation: • the tensile strength of the rock, • Poisson’s ratio of the rock, • the UCS of the rock, • the mean disc spacing, • the shape of the fracture (morphology) • the extent of the fracture in the core. The confidence of the interpretation can be increased considerably if the same information can be achieved from both normal coring and overcoring at the same depth level. In practice, core discing can only be used as an indicator for estimation of rock stresses. When core discing occurs, one can of course also conclude that rock stress concentrations are higher than the rock strength. Such information, obtained already during the drilling stage, is of course valuable and a guide for further decision. In situ stress – Core Discing In brittle rocks it has been observed that discing and breakouts usually occur over the corresponding lengths of core and borehole. The thinner the discs the higher the stress level. However, the formation of discs Core discs symmetrical depends significantly on the with respect to the core properties of the rock and the axis magnitude of the stress in the borehole axial direction. In addition, the type and technique of drilling, If the discs are symmetrical including the drill thrust, can about the core axis, as significantly affect the occurrence of shown in figure above, then discing. It is therefore unlikely that it is probable that the hole observation and measurements of has been drilled discing will be successful in approximately along the quantifying the magnitudes of in situ orientation of one of the stresses principal stresses.
  • 44. In situ stress – Core Discing Nevertheless, the shape and symmetry of the discs can give a good indication of in situ stress orientations (Dyke, 1989). A measure of the inclination of a principal stress to the borehole Core discs resulting with axis can be gauged from the unequal stresses normal to the relative asymmetry of the disc. core axis For unequal stresses normal to the core axis, the core circumference will peak and trough as shown in figure next to text. The direction defined by a line drawn between the peaks of the disc surfaces facing in the original drilling direction indicates the orientation of the minor secondary principal stresses. In situ stress – Core Discing Non-symmetrical core discing, indicating that the core axis is not a principal stress direction. Lack of symmetry of the discing, as shown in figure above, indicates that there is a shear stress acting across the borehole axis and that the axis is not in a principal stress direction.
  • 45. Acoustic Emission In situ stress – Acoustic Emission Kaiser (1953) observed that when the stress on a poly crystallized metal was relaxed and then reapplied, there was a significant increase in the rate of acoustic emission when the previous maximum stress level was exceeded. This phenomenon has become known as the Kaiser effect. Goodman (1963) observed a similar effect in rocks. It appears that Kanagawa et al (1976) were the first to make use of the phenomenon to estimate in situ stresses. Hughson and Crawford (1986) demonstrated experimentally that, from a sample of rock extracted from a stressed environment, it was possible to determine the magnitude of the maximum stress to which the rock had been subjected, as well as how much more stress it could withstand before becoming unstable. The Kaiser effect method involves the drilling of small secondary, orientated cores from the original core removed from the stressed environment. The original core must be orientated so the directions of secondary coring are known in relation to this original core orientation.
  • 46. In situ stress – Acoustic Emission The secondary cores are prepared with the required end flatness and parallelism, and then subjected to uniaxial compressive stress whilst the AE from the rock are monitored using sensors attached to the core. On a plot of the applied stress vs. the AE, the KE change point is at the position on the curve where the slope of the plot noticeably increases. As the KE changes in AE rate, the stress corresponds with the previous maximum stress to which the rock had been subjected. If a sufficient number of secondary cores are tested, the full three dimensional in situ state of stress may be determined. In situ stress – Acoustic Emission The KE does not occur abruptly at a precisely definable point, but within a transitional zone. The position and abruptness of this zone varies for different types of rock materials, and with the magnitude of the previous stress relative to the strength of the rock. The transition zone becomes large and indistinct if the maximum stress exposure time was brief. The stress “memory” reduces over time, and hence it is necessary to carry out the tests within a relatively short time after removal of the original core. The length of the “memory” appears to depend on the type of rock. Kurita and Fujii (1979) conclude that no significant recovery of the KE occurs within one month of removal from the stressed environment. Friedel and Thill (1990) found that the effect was retained for a period of up to at least 5 months. Other researchers have noted very much shorter retention periods, for example, several hours (Goodman, 1963), one to five days (Yoshikawa and Mogi (1981), three days (Boyce, 1981). These limitations are contradicted by the results of Seto et al (1998), who obtained satisfactory results for in situ stress determinations on cores that had been removed almost two years previously. Their results agreed to within 10% of values determined by other methods.
  • 47. In situ stress – Acoustic Emission It gives a direct measure of stress. It is not dependent on the measurement of strain and the subsequent calculation of stress from strain, which requires the assumption of a relationship between stress and strain for the rock as well as measurement of the deformation properties of the rock. All of these factors can introduce errors. The full three dimensional in situ state of stress may be determined. Use can be made of original core obtained for other purposes, such as exploration, making the method cost effective. Core obtained remotely can be used, and therefore the method is applicable to Greenfield sites, before any excavations have been made, as well as to operating mines. Since small secondary cores are used for the tests, many tests can be carried out using a limited length of original borehole core. Again this makes the method cost effective, with a large number of results being able to be obtained at relatively low cost. The more the number of cores tested, the greater the confidence in the results obtained. Stress Measurement methods and key issues related to their applicability Method 2D/3D Advantage Limitations Suitable for Most developed techniques in both Scattering due to small rock volume, Measurements, depth Overcoring 2D/3D theory and practice require drill rig. down to 1000 m. For week or high stressed Doorstopper 2D Works in joint and high stressed rock Only 2D, require drill rig rock Measurements in existing hole. Only 2D. The theoretical limitations in Shallow to deep Hydraulic 2D Low scattering of results the evaluation of σH -Disturbs water measurements to obtain Fracturing Involves a fairly large rock volume chemistry. stress profile Measurements in existing hole. It is of most interest Time consuming. Require existing Can be applied when high stresses exist where both Overcoring HTPF 2D/3D fracture in the hole with varying strike and Overcoring and hydraulic fracturing and hydraulic fracturing and dips. fail fails. Existing information which is obtained Estimation of stress at Core Discing 2D Only qualitative estimation. already at the drilling stage early stage Restricted to information on Borehole Existing information obtained at an Occurs mostly in deep 2D orientation. Theory needs to be further Breakouts early stage. Relatively quick holes developed to infer the stress magnitude Focal 2D For great depths Information only from great depths During seismic events Mechanisms Kaiser effects 2D/3D Simple measurements Relatively low reliability Rough estimation Complicated measurements on the ASR/DSCA/ Estimation of stress state 2D/3D Usable for great depths micro scale, sensitive to several RACOS at great depth factors. Quick and simple. High certainty due to Can only be used during Back Calculation 2D Theoretical not unique solution large rock volume construction of caverns Analysis of 2D/3D Low cost Very rough estimation, low reliability. At early stage of projects Geological Data