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Suman Swami
   Onyedika Egbujo
Emmanuel Ogbughalu
     Dominic Smith
  Priyesh Waghmare


 Biofuels are a wide range of fuels which are in some
  way derived from biomass.
 Different generations of biofuel according to source:


  First                       Sugarcane, grains and seeds -as soya
                              bean ,sorghum, corn etc

  Second                      Agricultural residues such as
                              Sugarcane bagasse, corn straw and
                              industrial waste.
  Third                       Algae


Biofuels vs Fossil fuels

                     Fossils are depleting and
                      biofuels are used to
                      complement them.
                     Biofuels are carbon
                     Cars are compatible with
                      Fossil fuels.
                     Fossil fuel readily


Ethanol technicalities in Car Engines

 Performance.

 Cold start.

 Mileage.

 Sludge problem.

 Corrosion.

 Higher ethanol blends.


 Fibrous matter that remains
  after sugarcane stalks are
  crushed to extract their juice.

 Production: Each 10 tons of
  sugarcane = 3 tonnes of wet
  bagasse.                          Source: ceesdghana.org

 Quantity of bagasse produced = size of sugarcane industry.

 Chemical analysis: Cellulose 45-55%,
 hemicellulose 20-25%, lignin 18-24%, ash 1-4%, waxes <1%.


First Generation Process
                                        SUGAR           JUICE
                                      EXTRACTION     TREATMENT

                          SUGARCANE                    JUICE
                           BAGASSE                 CONCENTRATION


ANHYDROUS                                           INTEGRATION
 ETHANOL                                            OF 2nd


Detoxification                                     To purification
                                                                          Alkaline neutralisation detoxification             Ethanol , waste mixture
 -Lignin (30%)                                                             Overliming
 -Cellulose (40%)                                                         -Calcium hydroxide
 -Hemicellulose (30%)                                                     -4hrs
                                                                          -300C                                              Hexose and Pentose
                                                                          Removes 50% of waste – precipitates out
                                   Liquid fraction –                      -Hydroxymethylfurfural                             Co-fermentation
                                   Degraded hemicellulose                 -aliphatic acid
                                   Pentose sugars – primarily xylose                                                         Yeast - Hexose
                                                                          -phenolic compounds                                Recombinant yeast – Pentose
                                                                                                                             -pentose metabolism
                                                                          Yield = 60% pentose (xylose)                       pathways
Pretreatment separates lignin                                                                                                -24hrs
and hemicellulose, reduces                              Filtration                                                           -1- part yeast
cellulose crystallinity and                             Separates solid and                                                  -4-parts reducing sugar
increases porosity                                      liquid fraction                                                      mixture
                                                                                                                             -5-parts nutrient broth
-Dilute HCl
-HCl conc. = 1.2% v/v                                                                                                        Yield = 80% ethanol
-15 parts acid to 1 part bagasse
-1210C                                             Solid fraction –           Cellulose Hydrolysis                           Sugars used for cell
-4Hrs                                              Cellulose                                                                 maintenance
                                                   Lignin                     Degrade cellulose to                           Pentose metabolism has
-Yield = 38% - reducing sugars                                                glucose (saccharification)                     reduced efficiency
in the form of hemicellulose
and cellulose                                                                 -using conc. HCl -15% v/v
                                                                              Yield = 35% hexose               -NaOH
                                                                              (glucose) from solid
 Second Generation Process                                                                                                   Hexose (glucose) from
                                                                                                                             sugarcane – first generation


Detoxification                                           To purification
                                                                     Alkaline neutralisation detoxification                   Ethanol , waste mixture
  100Kg of bagasse =                                                 Overliming
  30Kg lignin
                                                                     Yield = 60% pentose (xylose)                           6.81Kg of ethanol
  40Kg cellulose
                                                                                                                            10.64Kg of water
  30Kg hemicellulose                                                                                                        >2.128Kg of yeast
                                                                                                                            Total liquid = 17.45Kg
   70Kg worth of reducing                                                               4.79Kg of pentose (xylose)
                                          30% hemicellulose
                                                                                                                        Hexose and Pentose

-Yield = 38% - reducing sugars   26.6Kg                                                                                 -1- part yeast – 2.128Kg
in the form of hemicellulose                       Filtration                           4.79 + 3.72 = 8.51Kg of         -4-parts reducing sugar
and cellulose                                      Separates solid and                  reducing sugars                 mixture – 8.51Kg
                                                   liquid fraction                                                      -5-parts water suspension –

                                                                                                                        Yield = 80% ethanol
                                  40% Cellulose = 10.64Kg
                                  30% Lignin = 30Kg (not
                                  broken down)
                                                                     Cellulose Hydrolysis            3.72Kg
                                                                     Degrade cellulose to
                                                                     glucose (saccharification)

                                                                     Yield = 35% hexose                       Neutralises
                                                                     (glucose) from solid                     -NaOH
   Second Generation Process:                                                                                           Hexose (glucose) from
   Mass Balance                                                                                                         sugarcane – first generation


Hybrid Purification
                                                    4.23L Ethanol
                                                    Yield 6.5% from 70Kg starting material
                                                      FUEL ETHANOL 99.5%
                              AZEOTROPE ETHANOL 65% (4.42L Ethanol)
                                         AZEOTROPE ETHANOL 96% (4.24L Ethanol)

                                                  “Distillation 2”                      de

Supernatant                        Distillation
6.8L Ethanol
10.64L Waste
                                                    Water                             Water

    Lignin, Yeast


Dehydration Methods Used.
 Lime (calcium oxide) or rock salt
 Addition of an entrainer. Adding small quantities
  of benzene or cyclohexane.
 Molecular Sieves
 Membranes :
   Can not be exposed to high water concentration
   Fouling by fusel oils
 Pressure reduction


SiftekTM     Membrane & System
 Produced by Vasperma, gas separation solutions.

 This system can be integrated in a bio-ethanol plant.

 Replacing the 2nd distillation column and the
 molecular sieve units for the dehydration process.

 Potential of reducing energy consumption by up to


SiftekTM      Membranes
 Hydrophilic polymer membrane
 Exceptional thermal mechanical and solvent resistance
 Membrane is a proprietary formulation based on
 Provides high flux and water/ethanol selectivity.


Vinasse:- Distillation step.
 Biodigestion of vinasse-electric power.
 1 m3 of bioethanol    115 m3 of biogas    169 kWh
  of bioelectricity.
 As fertilizers

 Single cell protein production.

 Non-structural bricks.

 Animal feed.

 Thermophilic digesters       Biogas   Vinasse   methane.


Carbondioxide: Fermentation step
 Washed to recover the bioethanol.

 Carbonated beverages and dry ice, sodium bicarbonate
  manufacturing and treatment of effluents.

 760 kg of CO2     1000 L of anhydrous bioethanol.

Fusel oil : Distillation step
 Alcohol components acetic acid and butyric acid esters.

 Flavour and fragrance manufacturing.

 Ethylbutyrate is used as pineapple-banana flavours in the food


Second class ethanol:
This type is used in Pharma, cosmetics and food industry.

 Wood adhesive.
 Emulsions and dispersants.
 Carbon fibre precursor.
Other products:

Bagasse -Bioelectricity: cogeneration system.
 One ton of sugarcane - 250 kg of bagasse -500 kg to 600 kg
  of steam -electric power production.


Economics of bagasse bioethanol fuel:
 Potential to be competitive energy resource but needs
  favourable policies.

 Does not compete with food production

 Cheaper compared to food crops (price per ton)

 Reduce solid waste disposal costs.

 Cellulosic ethanol is US$0.59/litre. At this price, it will
  cost US$120 to substitute a barrel of oil (159 L).


Cost and efficiency

                      Source: Goldemberg 2008
Source: eubia.org


The Economic Competitiveness of Alcohol Fuel Compared with Gasoline

     Source: Goldemberg 2008


Production costs:

  Comparison of the production costs (€/1000 liters) of ethanol in Brazil, United States and Germany.
                                                                                       Source: Goldemberg 2008


  Refineries are been built by companies like Iogen, Abengoa and Broin while
   companies like Novozymes, Diversa and Dyadic are producing enzymes
   which will enhance cellulosic ethanol future.
          Fuel Ethanol Production by Country(Millions of U.S. liquid gal/yr)
 Country/Region           2009                  2008                    2007

 United States            10,750.00             9,000.00                6,498.60
 Brazil                   6,577.89              6,472.20                5,019.20
 European Union
                          1,039.52              733.60                  570.30

  China                   541.55                501.90                  486.00
 Thailand                 435.20                89.80                   79.20
  Canada                  290.59                237.70                  211.30
  India                   91.67                 66.00                   52.80
 Colombia                 83.21                 79.30                   74.90
 Australia                56.80                 26.40                   26.40
 Other                    247.27
 World Total              19,534.99             17,335.29               13,101.70

                                                               Source: Wikipedia.org


Brazil: Ethanol - Transport sector
Year         policy               Results

1976        mandatory             fluctuated between 10 -
1993        mandatory 20%         E20

2007        mandatory 25%         E25

2003        Introduction          Flex-Fuel vehicles

2008        E25-Flex vehicles     18% of Brazils total
                                  energy consumption -
                                  transport sector
2009        Flex-Fuel vehicles-   92.3% of share -SUCCESS


Issues: Environmental and Social Impacts of Sugarcane
 Deforestation
    99.7% of sugarcane plantations are located at least
     2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi) from the Amazonia

 Fertilizer – water pollution

 Effects on food prices

 Bagassosis


 By integrating 1st & 2nd generation sugarcane ethanol fuel
  production, we can simultaneously increase yield and
  efficiency, whilst reducing costs and recycling co-
 Renewable energy source, which can be very competitive
  with any other fuel source in terms of cost and efficiency.
  Its benefits are unparalleled as it converts waste to
  energy fuel which does not contest on food crops.
 However, more research and development is necessary
  for 2nd generation fuel production.



 Biomass- based energy fuel through biochemical routes: A
  review (2007)
  R.C. Saxena , D.K. Adhikari, H.B. Goyal.

 Improving bioethanol production from sugarcane :
  evaluation of distillation, thermal integration and
  cogeneration systems (2010)
  Marina O.S. Dias et al.

 Membrane- Based Ethanol Dewatering System (2010)
  Pierre Cote et al.

More Related Content

Integrated 1st & 2nd Generation Bioethanol Production from Sugarcane

  • 1. Suman Swami Onyedika Egbujo Emmanuel Ogbughalu Dominic Smith Priyesh Waghmare
  • 2. Introduction  Biofuels are a wide range of fuels which are in some way derived from biomass.  Different generations of biofuel according to source: GENERATIONS FEEDSTOCK First Sugarcane, grains and seeds -as soya bean ,sorghum, corn etc Second Agricultural residues such as Sugarcane bagasse, corn straw and industrial waste. Third Algae
  • 3. Biofuels vs Fossil fuels  Fossils are depleting and biofuels are used to complement them.  Biofuels are carbon neutral.  Cars are compatible with Fossil fuels.  Fossil fuel readily available.
  • 4. Ethanol technicalities in Car Engines  Performance.  Cold start.  Mileage.  Sludge problem.  Corrosion.  Higher ethanol blends.
  • 5. Bagasse:  Fibrous matter that remains after sugarcane stalks are crushed to extract their juice.  Production: Each 10 tons of sugarcane = 3 tonnes of wet bagasse. Source: ceesdghana.org  Quantity of bagasse produced = size of sugarcane industry.  Chemical analysis: Cellulose 45-55%, hemicellulose 20-25%, lignin 18-24%, ash 1-4%, waxes <1%.
  • 7. Detoxification To purification Alkaline neutralisation detoxification Ethanol , waste mixture Bagasse -Lignin (30%) Overliming -Cellulose (40%) -Calcium hydroxide -Hemicellulose (30%) -4hrs -300C Hexose and Pentose Fermentation Removes 50% of waste – precipitates out Liquid fraction – -Hydroxymethylfurfural Co-fermentation Degraded hemicellulose -aliphatic acid Pentose sugars – primarily xylose Yeast - Hexose -phenolic compounds Recombinant yeast – Pentose -pentose metabolism Yield = 60% pentose (xylose) pathways Pretreatment -360C Pretreatment separates lignin -24hrs and hemicellulose, reduces Filtration -1- part yeast cellulose crystallinity and Separates solid and -4-parts reducing sugar increases porosity liquid fraction mixture -5-parts nutrient broth -Dilute HCl -HCl conc. = 1.2% v/v Yield = 80% ethanol -15 parts acid to 1 part bagasse -1210C Solid fraction – Cellulose Hydrolysis Sugars used for cell -4Hrs Cellulose maintenance Lignin Degrade cellulose to Pentose metabolism has -Yield = 38% - reducing sugars glucose (saccharification) reduced efficiency in the form of hemicellulose and cellulose -using conc. HCl -15% v/v -1800C -4hrs -30Bars Neutralises Yield = 35% hexose -NaOH (glucose) from solid fraction Second Generation Process Hexose (glucose) from sugarcane – first generation
  • 8. Detoxification To purification Alkaline neutralisation detoxification Ethanol , waste mixture Bagasse 100Kg of bagasse = Overliming 30Kg lignin Yield = 60% pentose (xylose) 6.81Kg of ethanol 40Kg cellulose 10.64Kg of water 30Kg hemicellulose >2.128Kg of yeast Total liquid = 17.45Kg 70Kg worth of reducing 4.79Kg of pentose (xylose) sugars 30% hemicellulose Hexose and Pentose 7.98Kg Fermentation Pretreatment Co-fermentation -Yield = 38% - reducing sugars 26.6Kg -1- part yeast – 2.128Kg in the form of hemicellulose Filtration 4.79 + 3.72 = 8.51Kg of -4-parts reducing sugar and cellulose Separates solid and reducing sugars mixture – 8.51Kg liquid fraction -5-parts water suspension – 10.64Kg Yield = 80% ethanol 40% Cellulose = 10.64Kg 30% Lignin = 30Kg (not broken down) Cellulose Hydrolysis 3.72Kg Hexose (glucose) Degrade cellulose to glucose (saccharification) Yield = 35% hexose Neutralises (glucose) from solid -NaOH fraction Second Generation Process: Hexose (glucose) from Mass Balance sugarcane – first generation
  • 9. Hybrid Purification 4.23L Ethanol Yield 6.5% from 70Kg starting material FUEL ETHANOL 99.5% AZEOTROPE ETHANOL 65% (4.42L Ethanol) AZEOTROPE ETHANOL 96% (4.24L Ethanol) “Distillation 2” de Dehydration Supernatant Distillation 17.45L= 6.8L Ethanol 10.64L Waste Supernatant Water Water Water Centrifugation: Lignin, Yeast
  • 10. Dehydration Methods Used.  Lime (calcium oxide) or rock salt  Addition of an entrainer. Adding small quantities of benzene or cyclohexane.  Molecular Sieves  Membranes :  Can not be exposed to high water concentration  Fouling by fusel oils  Pressure reduction
  • 11. SiftekTM Membrane & System  Produced by Vasperma, gas separation solutions.  This system can be integrated in a bio-ethanol plant.  Replacing the 2nd distillation column and the molecular sieve units for the dehydration process.  Potential of reducing energy consumption by up to 50%.
  • 12. SiftekTM Membranes  Hydrophilic polymer membrane  Exceptional thermal mechanical and solvent resistance properties  Membrane is a proprietary formulation based on polyimide  Provides high flux and water/ethanol selectivity.
  • 13. BY PRODUCTS Vinasse:- Distillation step.  Biodigestion of vinasse-electric power.  1 m3 of bioethanol 115 m3 of biogas 169 kWh of bioelectricity.  As fertilizers  Single cell protein production.  Non-structural bricks.  Animal feed.  Thermophilic digesters Biogas Vinasse methane.
  • 14. Carbondioxide: Fermentation step  Washed to recover the bioethanol.  Carbonated beverages and dry ice, sodium bicarbonate manufacturing and treatment of effluents.  760 kg of CO2 1000 L of anhydrous bioethanol. Fusel oil : Distillation step  Alcohol components acetic acid and butyric acid esters.  Flavour and fragrance manufacturing.  Ethylbutyrate is used as pineapple-banana flavours in the food industry.
  • 15. Second class ethanol: This type is used in Pharma, cosmetics and food industry. Lignin:  Wood adhesive.  Emulsions and dispersants.  Carbon fibre precursor. Other products: Bagasse -Bioelectricity: cogeneration system.  One ton of sugarcane - 250 kg of bagasse -500 kg to 600 kg of steam -electric power production.
  • 16. Economics of bagasse bioethanol fuel:  Potential to be competitive energy resource but needs favourable policies.  Does not compete with food production  Cheaper compared to food crops (price per ton)  Reduce solid waste disposal costs.  Cellulosic ethanol is US$0.59/litre. At this price, it will cost US$120 to substitute a barrel of oil (159 L).
  • 17. Cost and efficiency Source: Goldemberg 2008 Source: eubia.org
  • 18. The Economic Competitiveness of Alcohol Fuel Compared with Gasoline Source: Goldemberg 2008
  • 19. Production costs: Comparison of the production costs (€/1000 liters) of ethanol in Brazil, United States and Germany. Source: Goldemberg 2008
  • 20. Commercialization Refineries are been built by companies like Iogen, Abengoa and Broin while companies like Novozymes, Diversa and Dyadic are producing enzymes which will enhance cellulosic ethanol future. Fuel Ethanol Production by Country(Millions of U.S. liquid gal/yr) Country/Region 2009 2008 2007 United States 10,750.00 9,000.00 6,498.60 Brazil 6,577.89 6,472.20 5,019.20 European Union 1,039.52 733.60 570.30 China 541.55 501.90 486.00 Thailand 435.20 89.80 79.20 Canada 290.59 237.70 211.30 India 91.67 66.00 52.80 Colombia 83.21 79.30 74.90 Australia 56.80 26.40 26.40 Other 247.27 World Total 19,534.99 17,335.29 13,101.70 Source: Wikipedia.org
  • 21. Brazil: Ethanol - Transport sector Year policy Results 1976 mandatory fluctuated between 10 - 25% 1993 mandatory 20% E20 2007 mandatory 25% E25 2003 Introduction Flex-Fuel vehicles 2008 E25-Flex vehicles 18% of Brazils total energy consumption - transport sector 2009 Flex-Fuel vehicles- 92.3% of share -SUCCESS
  • 22. Issues: Environmental and Social Impacts of Sugarcane Production  Deforestation  99.7% of sugarcane plantations are located at least 2,000 kilometres (1,200 mi) from the Amazonia  Fertilizer – water pollution  Effects on food prices  Bagassosis
  • 23. Conclusion:  By integrating 1st & 2nd generation sugarcane ethanol fuel production, we can simultaneously increase yield and efficiency, whilst reducing costs and recycling co- products.  Renewable energy source, which can be very competitive with any other fuel source in terms of cost and efficiency. Its benefits are unparalleled as it converts waste to energy fuel which does not contest on food crops.  However, more research and development is necessary for 2nd generation fuel production.
  • 24. References:  Biomass- based energy fuel through biochemical routes: A review (2007) R.C. Saxena , D.K. Adhikari, H.B. Goyal.  Improving bioethanol production from sugarcane : evaluation of distillation, thermal integration and cogeneration systems (2010) Marina O.S. Dias et al.  Membrane- Based Ethanol Dewatering System (2010) Pierre Cote et al.

Editor's Notes

  1. The purification step involves a distillation step and a dehydration step. Typically, 2 distillation columns are used. Distillation, only concentrates the ethanol to a certain extent. Another step has to be introduced to further purify the ethanol, a dehydration step. After distillation, what is produced is call an AZEOTROPE. Azeotrope is a water/ethanol mix