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Integration in the classroom
Paul Huebl
• Why integrate?
• How to integrate?
• How I integrate.
The King and I
• Name and position
• What pop culture reference (or
whatever) is on your mind?
• The ICT Capability
Technologies Learning Area
• Two subjects
– Design and Technologies
– Digital Technologies
• Knowledge and understanding
• Processes and production skills
What are we dealing with?
Kit Kat time
Substitution Examples
• Use a word processor to type a story
• Use an e-reader to read a book
• Use a dictionary computer program
Augmentation Examples
• Voice recognition dictation used to write
• Audiobooks
• Using formatting tools to present typed up
writing in an attractive way.
Modification Examples
• Writing is composed on a Word Processor
and then published on a blog, with
comments from readers used to aid the
crafting process.
• Use Google Docs to jointly construct a
weather report with students from a remote
Redefinition Examples
• Students present their responses to a novel
through a video journal, filmed with a webcam.
This allows spontaneous and more authentic
thinking to be communicated, without the barrier
of formal writing.
• Use Google Earth to showcase research about
one of the Wonders of the World. Pictures and
widgets providing annotated information about
the location are created by the student.
Integration EdTechSA 2013
Kit Kat time
Kit Kat time
• Part of my planning
• Improvisation
• Experimentation
• Get involved
By Thomas Panayiaris
St Andrews School
Use of I.T in the
Uses of I.T in the Classroom
• Sharing our Work
• Accessing Our Work
• Putting it into practice – Genius Hour
Sharing Our Work
Through the Internet
Personal Blog
• 100WC
• Comments/Commenting
• Various Subject Work:
• Maths
• Humanities
• Language A
Class Blog
• Post Regularly
• Students Designed
Accessing Our Work
• Accessible by teachers and peers (in
• Able to comment
• Original Social Website
• Keep in Contact
– Teachers
– Students
– Co-Curricular
Knowledge Net
• Learning Journals:
– Able to share with peers
– Teachers keep track of our work
• Filing Cabinet
– Add files
– Accessible anywhere
Google Docs and Folders
• Document Online
• Used for Skellig Task:
– Examples of Change (Year Level)
– Final Copy (Personal)
• Only Accessible via. Link
• Parents able to access folders
Genius Hour
• Chosen to use Computers/iPads
– Card Games
– Video Games
– Digital Art
– Animations (etc.)
• Marvin the Maths Cat
Marvin the Maths Cat
Personal Thoughts
Summary Points
Use technology to enhance.
Let it compliment your teaching
Don’t over think it.
Contact Me
• @paulhuebl
• about.me/paulhuebl

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Integration EdTechSA 2013

Editor's Notes

  1. Learning is learning. Goog teaching is good teaching. Tech will just help facilitate this. Technologies that bring us together are the best ------ learning is a social function
  2. Justify the use of technology is that you HAVE to according to ACARA
  3. This is in the draft curriculum documents. Technology is actually two subjects – similar to the Arts which then has visual art music drama. Both subjects have two strands
  5. Angelamaiers.com
  6. SAMRSubstitution – Students read Call of the Wild using an e-readerAugmentation – Students read using iBooks app, using the inbuilt dictionary, highlighting passages and taking notes. Modification– Use google docs to make chapter summaries, then scripts for a podcast using Garage BandRedefinition – Skype interview with a Jack London scholar, use of Google Maps to map out Buck’s journey, tweet from Buck’s perspective.
  7. A word processor replaces a pencil and paper. Use pen as technology analogy. A computer should not be a $1000 pencil.
  8. Augmentation is doing the same thing but in a different way.
  9. Modification is where the task itself is different. The editing is no longer done between peers and the teacher, but outside parties that would never have been involved can now be part of the writing and learning process.
  10. Redefinition is when a task is completely changed into something that is just not possible without a computer. Here, students are able to use technology to communicate their learning with an authenticity that diminishes when extra load is imposed such as the mechanics of writing. Ed Psychs will know about Cognitive load and the writing represents germane load that interferes with the retention of ideas.
  11. This is more to show how SAMR has evolved... Technology + Pedagogy + ContentGoal is to make learning activities as rich as possible.
  12. Sometimes the only justification for doing things is because they are just fun and cool to do.
  13. Showing this to my kids could be justified by lots of outcomes at a stretch. My reason for it is because its really awesome.
  14. Use SAMR to look for opportunities to integrateDon’t do things just for the sake of it – it will end up being procedural and there won’t be deep learning.
  15. Actively engage in the learning with your students. They will respect you as a member of their learning team along with their peers and parents. Meddler in the middle rather than the sage on the stage.
  16. Keep in Contact- About Work
  17. Henny Goes in Detail
  18. Think Pair Share