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Big Data Integration Patterns
Michael Häusler
Jun 12, 2017
The social network gives scientists new tools
to connect, collaborate, and keep up with the
research that matters most to them.
ResearchGate is built
for scientists.
Our mission is to connect the world of science
and make research open to all.
12+ million
100+ million
1,500+ million
operational systems
end users
12+ M scientists
“Analytics” Cluster
“Live” Cluster
(near realtime)
internal users
transactional load
(HBase reads / writes)
continuous updates
(Flink streaming results)
batch updates
(MR / Hive / Flink results)
data ingestion
Big Data
65+ 370+ 3,000+
Engineers Data Ingestion Jobs per Day
Big Data
Yarn Applications per Day
65+ 3,000+
Engineers Yarn Applications per Day
Developer Productivity
Ease of Maintenance
Ease of Operations
Big Data Architecture
Integration Patterns & Pricinicples
Patterns & Principles
Integration patterns should be strategic, but also ...
should be driven by use cases
should tackle real world pain points
should not be dictated by a single technology
Patterns & Principles
Big data is still a fast moving space
Big data batch processing today is quite different compared to 5 years ago
Big data stream processing is evolving heavily right now
Big data architecture
must evolve over time
First Big Data Use Case
Early 2011, Author Analysis
Author Analysis – Clustering and Disambiguation
Author Analysis – High Product Impact
Enriching User Generated Content
Users and batch flows continuously enrich an evolving dataset
Both user actions and batch flow results ultimately affect the same live database
Users Live Database Batch flow
Bibliographic Metadata – Data Model
Author Asset Derivative
Authorship Publication Link
community publication service asset service
Bibliographic Metadata – Services
Author Asset Derivative
Authorship Publication Link
author analysis
author analysis
data sources
data ingestion
input data
data processing
intermediate results
final results
export of results
#1 Decouple Data Ingestion
author analysis
postgres reuse input data
Debugging an Error on Production
Your flow
has unit and integrations tests
but still breaks unexpectedly in production
You need to find the root cause
Is it a change in input data?
Is it a change on the cluster?
Is it a race condidition?
Crucial capabilities
Easy adhoc analysis of all involved data (input, intermediate, result)
Rerun current flow with current cluster configuration on yesterday’s data
Confirm hotfix by re-running on today’s data (exactly the same data that triggered the bug)
How to decouple?
Ingesting Data as Needed?
Publishing Data as Needed?
Dedicated Data Ingestion!
Platform Data Import
... Hive...
Adhoc Analytics
Platform Data Import
Dedicated component, but generic
Every team can onboard new data sources, as required by use cases
Every ingested source is immediately available for all consumers (incl. analytics)
Feature parity for all data sources (e.g., mounting everything in Hive)
#2 Speak a common format*
* have at least one copy of all data in a common format (e.g., avro)
Text SequenceFiles Avro ORC
X X +
schema evolution
self describing
reflect datum reader
flexible for batch & streaming
great for batch
Speak a common format
Have at least one copy of all data in a common format
Your choice of processing framework should not be limited by format of existing data
Every ingested source should be available for all consumers
When optimizing for a framework (e.g., ORC for Hive) consider a copy
#3 Speak a common language*
* continuously propagate schema changes
Structured or unstructured data?
... ...
mongodb (schemaless)
service knows structure
postgres (schema)
Data Warehouse vs. Data Lake
... ...
data lake
assume no schema
(defer schema to consumer)
data warehouse
enforce schema at ingestion
(schema on write)
Can we have both?
Preserve schema information that is already present
some times at database level
many times at application level
Preserve full data – be truthful to our data source
continuously propagate schema changes
Can we have something like a Data Lakehouse?
Entities Define Schema
Code first
entities within owning service define schema
Auto conversion preferred
conversion to other representations via annotations
(JSON, BSON, Avro, ...)
Continuously propagate schema changes
Data ingestion process is generic and driven by avro schema
Changes in avro schema are continuously propagated to data ingestion process
Consumers with old schema can still read data due to avro schema evolution
Caveat: breaking changes still have to be dealt with by a change process
Everyone speaks the same language
Extra Benefit
service and batch processor
can share business logic
#4 Model Data Dependencies Explicitly
Model Data Dependencies Explicitly
Model Data Dependencies Explicitly
Memento v2
memento publish
unique artifactId
memento poll <waiting-time>
Model Data Dependencies Explicitly
More flexible scheduling – run flows as early as possible
Allows multiple ingestion or processing attempts
Allows immutable data (repeatable read)
Allows analysis of dependency graph
which datasets are used by what flow
#5 Decouple export of results
Decouple export of results
Decouple export of results
Push results via HTTP to service
Export of results just becomes a client of the service
service does not have to be aware of big data technologies
Service can validate results, e.g.,
plausibility checks
optimistic locking
Makes testing much easier
Avro → Http
Part of the flow, but standardized component
Handles tracking of progress
treats input file as a “queue”
converts records to http calls
can be interrupted and resumed anytime
Sends standardized headers, e.g.,
X-rg-client-id: author-analysis
Handles backpressure signals from services
#6 Model Flow Orchestration Explicitly
Model Flow Orchestration Explicitly
Consider using an execution system like Azkaban, Luigi, or Airflow
Establish coding standards for orchestration, e.g.,
inject paths from outside – don’t construct them in your flow
inject calculation dates – never call now()
inject configuration settings – don’t hardcode -D mapreduce.map.java.opts=-Xmx4096m
foresee environment specific settings
Think about
ease of operations
tuning of settings
What about Stream Processing?
Sources of Streaming Data
entity conveyor
timeseries data
non-timeseries data
(e.g., graph data)
Stream Processing
stream processor mqcom
#2 Speak a common format #5 Decouple export of results
#1 Decouple data ingestion
#3 Speak a common language
#6 Model flow execution explicitly
What about #4 ?
Model Data Dependencies Explicitly
We think about it
Depends on use cases and pain points
Potentially put Kafka topics into Memento
storing “offsets of interest” from producers
facilitate switching between incompatible versions of stream processors
Evolving Big Data Architecture
stream processor
batch processor
Thank you!
Michael Häusler, Head of Engineering

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Integration Patterns for Big Data Applications

  • 1. Big Data Integration Patterns Michael Häusler Jun 12, 2017
  • 2. The social network gives scientists new tools to connect, collaborate, and keep up with the research that matters most to them. ResearchGate is built for scientists.
  • 3. Our mission is to connect the world of science and make research open to all.
  • 5. operational systems end users 12+ M scientists “Analytics” Cluster (batch) “Live” Cluster (near realtime) internal users HBase replication transactional load (HBase reads / writes) continuous updates (Flink streaming results) batch updates (MR / Hive / Flink results) data ingestion Big Data
  • 6. 65+ 370+ 3,000+ Engineers Data Ingestion Jobs per Day Big Data Yarn Applications per Day
  • 7. 65+ 3,000+ Engineers Yarn Applications per Day Developer Productivity Ease of Maintenance Ease of Operations
  • 8. Big Data Architecture Integration Patterns & Pricinicples
  • 9. Patterns & Principles Integration patterns should be strategic, but also ... should be driven by use cases should tackle real world pain points should not be dictated by a single technology
  • 10. Patterns & Principles Big data is still a fast moving space Big data batch processing today is quite different compared to 5 years ago Big data stream processing is evolving heavily right now Big data architecture must evolve over time
  • 11. First Big Data Use Case Early 2011, Author Analysis
  • 12. Author Analysis – Clustering and Disambiguation
  • 13. Author Analysis – High Product Impact
  • 14. Enriching User Generated Content Users and batch flows continuously enrich an evolving dataset Both user actions and batch flow results ultimately affect the same live database Users Live Database Batch flow
  • 15. Bibliographic Metadata – Data Model Author Asset Derivative Publication Journal Institution Department Account Affiliation Citation Authorship Publication Link Affiliation Claiming
  • 16. community publication service asset service Bibliographic Metadata – Services Author Asset Derivative Publication Journal Institution Department Account Affiliation Citation Authorship Publication Link Affiliation Claiming
  • 18. Implementation publication service author analysis community data sources data ingestion input data data processing intermediate results final results export of results differ
  • 19. #1 Decouple Data Ingestion
  • 21. Debugging an Error on Production Your flow has unit and integrations tests but still breaks unexpectedly in production You need to find the root cause Is it a change in input data? Is it a change on the cluster? Is it a race condidition? Crucial capabilities Easy adhoc analysis of all involved data (input, intermediate, result) Rerun current flow with current cluster configuration on yesterday’s data Confirm hotfix by re-running on today’s data (exactly the same data that triggered the bug)
  • 23. Ingesting Data as Needed?
  • 26. Platform Data Import ... Hive... Adhoc Analytics
  • 27. Platform Data Import Dedicated component, but generic Every team can onboard new data sources, as required by use cases Every ingested source is immediately available for all consumers (incl. analytics) Feature parity for all data sources (e.g., mounting everything in Hive)
  • 28. #2 Speak a common format* * have at least one copy of all data in a common format (e.g., avro)
  • 29. Formats Text SequenceFiles Avro ORC X X + schema evolution self describing reflect datum reader flexible for batch & streaming columnar great for batch
  • 30. Speak a common format Have at least one copy of all data in a common format Your choice of processing framework should not be limited by format of existing data Every ingested source should be available for all consumers When optimizing for a framework (e.g., ORC for Hive) consider a copy
  • 31. #3 Speak a common language* * continuously propagate schema changes
  • 32. Structured or unstructured data? ... ... mongodb (schemaless) service knows structure postgres (schema)
  • 33. Data Warehouse vs. Data Lake ... ... data lake assume no schema (defer schema to consumer) data warehouse enforce schema at ingestion (schema on write) X X
  • 34. Can we have both? Preserve schema information that is already present some times at database level many times at application level Preserve full data – be truthful to our data source continuously propagate schema changes Can we have something like a Data Lakehouse?
  • 35. Entities Define Schema Code first entities within owning service define schema Auto conversion preferred conversion to other representations via annotations (JSON, BSON, Avro, ...)
  • 36. Continuously propagate schema changes Data ingestion process is generic and driven by avro schema Changes in avro schema are continuously propagated to data ingestion process Consumers with old schema can still read data due to avro schema evolution Caveat: breaking changes still have to be dealt with by a change process Everyone speaks the same language
  • 37. Extra Benefit service and batch processor can share business logic
  • 38. #4 Model Data Dependencies Explicitly
  • 40. Model Data Dependencies Explicitly memento publish poll 1 2 3 4
  • 41. Memento v2 memento publish unique artifactId memento poll <waiting-time>
  • 42. Model Data Dependencies Explicitly More flexible scheduling – run flows as early as possible Allows multiple ingestion or processing attempts Allows immutable data (repeatable read) Allows analysis of dependency graph which datasets are used by what flow
  • 43. #5 Decouple export of results
  • 46. Push results via HTTP to service Export of results just becomes a client of the service service does not have to be aware of big data technologies Service can validate results, e.g., plausibility checks optimistic locking Makes testing much easier
  • 47. Avro → Http Part of the flow, but standardized component Handles tracking of progress treats input file as a “queue” converts records to http calls can be interrupted and resumed anytime Sends standardized headers, e.g., X-rg-client-id: author-analysis Handles backpressure signals from services
  • 48. #6 Model Flow Orchestration Explicitly
  • 49. Model Flow Orchestration Explicitly Consider using an execution system like Azkaban, Luigi, or Airflow Establish coding standards for orchestration, e.g., inject paths from outside – don’t construct them in your flow inject calculation dates – never call now() inject configuration settings – don’t hardcode -D mapreduce.map.java.opts=-Xmx4096m foresee environment specific settings Think about ease of operations tuning of settings upgrades
  • 50. What about Stream Processing?
  • 51. Sources of Streaming Data entity conveyor timeseries data non-timeseries data (e.g., graph data) kafka kafka
  • 52. Stream Processing stream processor mqcom #2 Speak a common format #5 Decouple export of results #1 Decouple data ingestion #3 Speak a common language #6 Model flow execution explicitly
  • 53. What about #4 ? Model Data Dependencies Explicitly We think about it Depends on use cases and pain points Potentially put Kafka topics into Memento storing “offsets of interest” from producers facilitate switching between incompatible versions of stream processors
  • 54. Evolving Big Data Architecture stream processor batch processor
  • 55. Thank you! Michael Häusler, Head of Engineering https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Michael_Haeusler https://www.researchgate.net/careers