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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Ricky Partida
Ap seminar
30 November 2015
How is intelligence Effectively Measured in The U.S
Intelligence is the ability to adapt to new information and use creativity and prior knowledge to
assess problems in life situations. It is general cognitive problem–solving skills and. It is the mental
ability involved in reasoning, perceiving relationships and analogies, calculating, and learning
quickly. In the past,Earlier it was believed that there was one underlying general factor at the
intelligence base called the g–factor, but later psychologists maintained that it is more complicated
and could not be determined by such a simplistic method (Green). Some psychologists have divided
intelligence into subcategories. For example Howard Gardner maintained that it is comprised of
seven components: musical, bodily–kinesthetic, logical–mathematical, linguistic, spatial,
interpersonal, naturalist, existential, and intrapersonal ("Gardner 's Multiple Intelligences."). We
measure these intelligences through tests. Mainly known as intelligence testing, IQs are gathered
from certain tests that measure the 7 components of intelligence. Intelligence testing is a method for
assessing an individual 's mental aptitudes and comparing them with those of others (Green). The
G–factor, also known as factor analysis , is a procedure that identifies clusters of factors on a test,
used to identify different dimensions of performance that underlie a person 's total score (Green).
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Learning Styles, Multiple Intelligences And Emotional...
Taking into account the learning needs and diversities of all my students, I have made adjustments
to the curriculum content. I included choice homework, individual work, small groups and graphic
organizers to allow for students who struggle, students who need a challenge and for English
Language Learners. Using strategies that can be as simplified or as complicated as I need them to
be, allows me to address every student's individual needs.
In order to ensure that that curriculum is developmentally appropriate for the students, I used
Michigan GLEC's. Additionally, each lesson can be adjusted to accommodate every student. The
curriculum also builds on student's prior knowledge and skills. Students will be asked questions that
will cause them to reflect on their previous experiences and be given the chance to apply their
In my unit I have nurtured and promoted diversity while honoring each child's identity. I did this by
taking into account the four learning styles, multiple intelligences and emotional intelligences. I
included opportunities for students to interact with one another, move around the classroom, work
individually and with partners. The videos, songs and activities I included promotes diversity by
showing individuals, ideas and actions students can identify with.
The curriculum increases students' ability to view the world from a variety of different perspectives.
The students will use the website ePals.com to communicate with
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Intelligence Vs Human Intelligence
Ever since humans started to walk the Earth, their intelligence has improved dramatically. Human
intelligence is an important tool that many people use daily. Using it to think through or around
specific situations and not freaking out in a tense moment. Others do not calm down and think like
they do. When they are faced with a situation they have an initial reaction of fight of flight. They do
not choose to calm themselves down and think of a reasonable solution to their problem. George
from "Edward's Rocks" and an unknown protagonist from "Sea Devil" both shown their intelligence
in difficult situations they find themselves caught in. In "Edward's Rocks" and "Sea Devil" the
protagonists show true intelligence. They get themselves out of life threatening situations in which
others would have panicked and possibly ended their lives. In "Edward's Rocks" George is a
seventeen year old boy who has grown up on the ocean. He had dropped out of school at the age of
seven to help provide for his family. He knew the ocean and shorelines like the back of his hand.
Late one June night George was faced with a dilemma that if he did not think quickly and smartly
he, his brothers, and his father would find themselves in life ending circumstances. Thinking they
were on course to Primming Islands, They did not expect to even come close to crashing into the
sharp, jagged points of Edward's Rocks. They had rode the boat half a mile off course, although
their compass said they were headed in
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Intelligence Theories
Theories of Intelligence Throughout the years, psychologists have been discussing what exactly is
intelligence. Is intelligence your ability to perform well on analytical tests, or is it something more
common, like your ability to survive on your own? If one person scores high in english, and another
in math are they both still intelligent? This is the debate that had been on going the past few
decades, and while we still have no concrete answer, we do have a variety of theories.
Louis Terman was a very influential, yet controversial psychologist. On one end, he believed that
some students are exceptionally gifted. He developed a test, now known as the Stanford–Binet, that
would measure the linguistic, mathematical, logical, and analytical ... Show more content on
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These eight types are visual–spatial, linguistic–verbal, logical–mathematical, bodily–kinesthetic,
musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. A visual–spatial individual is good at visualizing things. A
linguistic–verbal person has a knack with words. A logical mathematical individual is good at
reasoning, recognizing patterns, and analyzing problems. A bodily–kinesthetic individual is deft
when it comes to body movement, performing actions and physical control. A musical person may
proficiently think in patterns, rhythms, and sounds. An interpersonal individual is skilled at
understanding and interacting with other people. An intrapersonal person is very self–aware and
understands the reasoning behind their emotional states, feelings, and motivations. Howard Gardner
believed that while one may be preeminent in a single intelligence, it is found that usually, one
possesses a wide range of abilities. For example, after taking a test it was found that I am spatial,
linguistic, and intrapersonal.
The triarchy theory depends on three main types of intelligence, or talents. The first is analytical
intelligence which is the ability to problem–solve. The second is creative intelligence, the capacity
that helps us deal with new situations using past experiences and current skills. The third is practical
intelligence, the ability to adapt to a changing
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Competitive Intelligence
The course lecturer will have argued that "strategy without intelligence isn't strategy, its guessing".
Some managers however take the view that a competitive strategy that is rigorously developed
around a strong set of product/service offerings, regardless of rivals intentions, plans, and actions,
will, in any event, 'win the day'. Your task is to defend, through evidence and argument one of these
two (or alternative) views.
1. Introduction
In the 1960s and 1970s, firms across the world faced little foreign competition from each other and
corporate strategy simply consisted of focusing on new product development to meet the increasing
demand from expanding middle classes. In recent times, world growth has slowed, ease of trade ...
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Whilst this practice of understanding what the competition is doing has been integrated into the
organisational culture of many leading companies today, competitive intelligence has come some
way. Its benefits were long understood in Germany as far back as the eighteenth century. By
scouting the European Continent, the Germans discovered they could compete with British and
French firms by applying foreign scientific adv ances to their own industrial processes. This allowed
them to develop their own base of education and research as a foundation for technological
innovation leading to the ownership of many international rights to formulae and processes,
particularly in che micals (Rouach and Santi
Japan was also an early pioneer in terms of grasping of the importance of competitive intelligence.
It opened up to external influences after two centuries of self –imposed seclusion after the American
invasion of 1854. Rulers in the decade that followed encouraged policies of community, nationalism
and modernisation with the intention of enabling Japan to compete with the West by absorbing the
latter's best practices (Rouach and Santi 2001).
Following the end of World War Two, Japan converted its military espionage capability into a
system of economic intelligence, for example, in the early 1950s, tens of thousands of market
researchers were sent around the world to assess the potential
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence And Psychological Intelligence
Have you ever thought about how many emotions you have in one single day? Now think about how
many emotions you have had just at work alone. Emotions are extremely important and can rule our
lives daily. We make decisions off of them, choose activities based on them and the way we react in
situations can depend on them. When digging deeper you will find a concept called "emotional
intelligence" which puts you in tune with not only your emotions but the emotions of others as well.
This paper will fully explain "emotional intelligence" along with examples of the concept, examine
the theories of "emotional intelligence" compared to traditional "intelligence quotient", suggest
reasons why leaders' need emotional intelligence in today's workforce, speculate on the
consequences when leaders do not possess emotional intelligence, explore elements of emotional
intelligence that leaders must be aware of to increase leadership effectiveness and finally
recommend a strategy that the organization could undertake in order to improve social skills of
leaders within the organization and thereby positively influence their emotional intelligence.
"Emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor the feelings and emotions of the self and of others
and to use this information to guide tone's behaviors." (Wicks, Nakisher, Grimm, 2014). A person
with low emotional intelligence will get uneasy and think irrational when a high priority project is
due and their employer begins to lay heavy
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Human Intelligence And Artificial Intelligence
There is little consensus on what human intelligence is, how it works, and how it is formed. There
are several different theories as to what intelligence is, and there is no concrete explanation of
intelligence. Despite these uncertainties, many have proposed the idea modeling human intelligence
and creating artificial intelligence. Many see artificial intelligence as a way to bypass human error
and to improve jobs by completing them faster and more accurately. They argue that artificial
intelligence can be based on human intelligence, and thought processes can be translated into
computer programs to create a non–human entity that can think. In contrast, many others do not
think it is possible to recreate the human mind and thought ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
In the article Some Current Trends in Research of Intelligence, Imrich Ruisel examines three
different concepts of intelligence before applying the ideas to artificial intelligence. As there is not a
single set of ideas about intelligence, multiple theories and concepts need to be looked at in order to
try and replicate intelligence into artificial intelligence. Ruisel breaks down intelligence into three
categories: (one) a general intelligence represented by Spearman's g factor and is based on
biological differences accounting for differences in cognitive performance, (two) intelligence as it
relates to behavior, and (three) intelligence is composed of a set of abilities and an individual's total
knowledge (Ruisel 2007). Each of these three concepts of intelligence provides different challenges
in the task to create artificial intelligence. However, it is still important to consider different views of
intelligence when looking at artificial intelligence; artificial intelligence cannot be understood or
created unless all of the information about intelligence itself is known. As human intelligence
consists of many different aspects, artificial intelligence must follow this pattern if it is to be based
on human intelligence. In her article On the Approaches of Classical Artificial Intelligence and
Embodied Artificial Intelligence, Elena Nechita explains classical approaches to artificial
intelligence and some of the problems associated with
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence And Personal Intelligence
It is vital to have emotional intelligence because it is the establishment of a large group of basic
aptitudes, it affects most all that you say and do every day. Emotional intelligence is the single
greatest indicator of execution in the work environment and the most grounded driver of initiative
and individual brilliance. Emotional intelligence requires successful correspondence between the
sane and enthusiastic focuses on the mind. At the point when an individual works, his capacity to
acknowledge difficulties and tackle reasonable work and ensuring that the errands is being done in a
compelling and productive way is delegated execution. A man, who has terrible execution, normally
originates from tiredness, the failure to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Affiliations moreover have a commitment to their kinfolk in helping them manage their sentiments
inside the working environment. The procurement of a properly qualified aide by the relationship
with whom people can speak with is uncommonly solid way to deal with license people to discard
their day and build some perspective and insights on the condition. Then again, it justifies having a
trusted work accomplice with whom you can discuss your disappointments. This may take care of
business that makes you feel extraordinary when you are around them and will pass on your
perspective to a more positive spot. This will allow people to meet up to work the next day with an
unmistakable head and in a perfect world a light heart. Those with such a manner are the clear
researchers and receiving wires who will be imaginative, fun and easy to work with. A human
resource boss ' dream bunch. You can explain emotional intelligence to your employees as James A.
Belasco and Ralph C. Stayer (1993) suggest that four responsibilities a leader must implement at all
levels of an organization. They first start with, exchange possession for work to the general
population who take the necessary steps. Second, make the earth where the exchange of possession
can occur, where every individual needs to be in charge of his or her own execution. Third, create
singular ability and capability.
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
The Theory of Multiple Intelligence
Theory of Multiple Intelligence
Theory of Multiple Intelligence Intelligence is defined as the mental ability of a person to learn and
understand effectively and efficiently what is happening around. If any person is considered good
enough in communication, understanding and learning, logical reasoning, facts and figures, general
knowledge, ability to interpret information and other alike mental activities which account for
personal growth, we say that he/she is wise and intelligent. Unfortunately, intelligence is mostly
used in terms of learning education only, but general knowledge and common sense are also
categorized in intelligence as they constitute a great part of someone's personality. All what is
described is usually termed as general intelligence, which had been the subject of interest until
researchers from different fields like psychology, artificial intelligence and neurology introduced the
concept of "Multiple intelligences". Some theories regarding this phenomena state that "human
mind consists of independent and autonomous intelligences, all or some of which can be used at the
same time, in contrast to the correlation of all intelligences". The most famous and authentic theory
in this regard was presented by famous developmental psychologist Howard Earl Gardner in his
book "Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences" (1983). In explaining his theory,
Gardner proclaimed that human mind has at least eight intellectual capacities to solve
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Intelligence And Society
Lizzie Nush
B190 – Intelligence and Society
26 November 2014
Position Paper
Numerous individuals consider themselves as intelligent; this may be based on their IQ score or
because they have graduated high school and maybe have a college degree. However, one does not
just title, or label, themselves as intelligent without taking into consideration the whole perspective
of how one can be intelligent both scholarly and personally. For example, being "book smart" versus
"street smart". We may be both or more one than the other, but do we really know everything? How
to calculate the mileage from home to California without using maps.com, what time or day each
President of the United States was born, or something as little as knowing how to tie a shoe. Not
everyone knows this information by heart or memory. Going onto talking about hearts, what about
love? How do we know if we are in love or if we love each other? How do we know if we are upset
or mad? What do we do if we find ourselves in this wrap of emotions and cannot find a way out?
Well, that is where our emotional intelligence (EI) comes into play. When we have emotional
intelligence, or understand the concept, we can better understand how to go about our lives without
breaking down because we are bottling everything up, or because we have lost everyone around us
from wrongfully exploding our feelings. We may be the most intelligent people in the world, but
does that mean that we know everything on how
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
The Intelligence Cycle
Intelligence is the result of a process or a cycle as identified by the intelligence community. This
cycle involves five or six steps based on the agency's needs. These steps include planning and
direction, collection, processing, analysis and dissemination. Planning and direction step it is an
important part of the process because the essential elements of the intelligence cycle are identified
especially the collection requirements. To produce an intelligence product the information collected
from the multitude of sources available to analysts or the collections assets must be analyzed and
must be disseminated to the consumers of intelligence, so they can make the decisions. There are
many types of sources important to intelligence analyst and these are only some of them: HUMINT,
SIGINT, IMINIT, OSINT, MASINT, and COMINT ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
According to the Open Source Intelligence: Professional Handbook 1.0, open source information
represents all lawfully obtain data from any "publicly available information" (pg. 6). This includes
information from media, professional and academic records, public data released by the government
agencies and "grey literature." The grey literature may include, but is not limited to "market research
reports, technical specifications, bibliographies, patents, non–commercial translations" ("What is
Grey Literature, "n.d.). Now, let's see the advantages of the OSINT. First, with a click of a button the
analysts get instant gratification. Now, with the development of the Internet, analysts can find out
large amount of information. So, is less time consuming to find some data about a certain subject.
You don't have to be an expert on WMD to know about it, because you can find lots of public
information on the Web. The disadvantage of this collection method for the analysts is that what
they know and what they can use that can make a big difference on the results of the intelligence
product. Sorting the information can be time
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Social Intelligence And Emotional Intelligence
High school is the time in a students' life where learning how to understand others emotions is key
to their education. Learning how others emotions can influence their own and how to respond to it
can have a positive influence on their psyche and teaches how to be socially aware of how their
emotions can be interpreted. They need to have the capacity to discern and respond appropriately to
others emotions. To ensure this possibility, the teachers need to be competent in this area. High
school teachers should exhibit social intelligence and emotional intelligence to ensure students are
self–aware of one's emotional state and others.
Social intelligence is a combination of social awareness and social facility. Social awareness
involves ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Self–presentation is basically presenting ourselves in ways that make a good impression. Teachers
usually need to make a good first impression in front of their students because it usually sets how
the students will treat them throughout the course of the year. By being socially intelligent, the
teacher can get a read on their crowd so they can respond accordingly.
Charisma is one aspect of self–presentation that peaks in effective speaking. Women are usually
more emotionally expressive than men, but are often constrained by the norms of the workplace
where crying and being angry can be a no–no. An exception to the anger rule is the boss. It may not
seem out of place when it comes from the boss because they are in a position of leadership and may
be unsatisfied with their team. Influence is shaping the outcome of social situations. Skillful and
subtle use of acknowledged power like the very best police officers.
Concern is for those most susceptible to emotional contagiousness are those most moved to help
others, and act on it. Concern becomes potent when harnessed to high road abilities. Concern is at
the root of the helping professions such as medicine and social work, who thrive when concern
waxes, but burn out as it wanes (Gardner 177). Manipulative people
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence And Authentic Intelligence Essay
Artificial Intelligence and Authentic Intelligence By Weldon Smith | Submitted On May 23, 2012
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Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Weldon Smith Scientific people have always enjoyed
the thought of artificial intelligence––of a machine being able to think and act on its own. It 's a
popular theme for novels and movies too. And who of us wouldn 't love to have a personal robot to
anticipate our needs and take care of them? I even remember a production from the local
planetarium about computers worldwide that networked and synergized their data. At the end of the
production this networked computer system commanded, "Let there be light!" and a new universe
was born. Artificial intelligence has as many definitions as people defining it. For some it is only a
matter of a machine being able to analyze data and then take an appropriate action. But I think for
most, it means that a machine can actually think, can learn, can create, can come up with original
ideas––that it can act like a person and be indistinguishable from a human being in its actions and
thoughts. If artificial intelligence is only a machine or a system acting on its own, then a lawn
sprinkler system that has
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Intelligence And Intelligence: An Introduction To...
Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to monitor one's own and other people's emotions, to
discriminate between different emotions and label them appropriately, and to use emotional
information to guide thinking and behaviour. Emotional intelligence impacts many different aspects
of one's daily life, such as the way one behaves and the way one interacts with others.
If one has high emotional intelligence one is able to recognize his/her own emotional state and the
emotional states of others, and engage with people in a way that draws them to themselves. One can
use this understanding of emotions to relate better to other people, form healthier relationships,
achieve greater success at work, and lead a more fulfilling life. ... Show more content on
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Empathy involves the ability to: (a) understand a person's situation, perspective, and feelings (and
their attached meanings); (b) to communicate that understanding and check its accuracy; and (c) to
act on that understanding with the person in a helpful (therapeutic) way, according to Mercer &
Reynolds (2002). The more self–aware we are, the more skilled we become at reading the feelings
of others. A good rapport with one's peers and superiors comes from a high level of Empathy. Those
who can read others' feelings are better adjusted, more popular, outgoing and sensitive. Empathy
begins in infancy, with attunement, when a parent can wordlessly mirror the child's feelings.
Attunement reassures an infant and makes it feel emotionally connected. This requires enough calm
to be able to read subtle, non–verbal signals from the other person. People with high empathy are
able to view any problem from the other person's
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Intelligence And Intelligence: The Concept Of Intelligence
Oliver is a sixth grader who had just gotten his first report card. In spite of his lackluster grades,
teachers praise him for his "intelligence and diligence". His grades weren't grade, then how is Oliver
intelligent? Spanning over several years, the topic of intelligence has been a subject of debate
between scientists. No one is sure of how to define it exactly, and no one is sure about how it is
structured. This is because intelligence is such an intricate concept – a concept surrounded by
theories of what makes up intelligence and how it is defined. What is intelligence? Dictionaries
typically define intelligence as "the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge" (Sparksnotes Editors).
Most psychologists define it as "the ability to profit from experience and to adapt to new conditions
in the environment" (Ragland and Saxon 98). Furthermore, intelligence can also be defined as" the
ability to learn and manipulate the environment by applying that knowledge to reason and think
abstractly and to understand complicated ideas" (Cohen). In other words, the concept of intelligence
is so complicated, so complex with its various capabilities, that it is incredibly difficult to describe
precisely. Richard J. Herrnstein once said, "The sheer complexity of mental capacities guarantees
room for alternative descriptions" (98). The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Arguably, the most well–known theory of multiple intelligences is Howard Gardener's eight types of
intelligences. Gardner proposed the idea that people do not have a single intelligence capacity, but
that there are eight different kinds of intelligences. In his theory, he describes eight intelligences:
verbal–linguistic, logical–mathematical, visual–spatial, bodily kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal,
intrapersonal, and naturalist. His theory has garnered much criticism from educators and other
people yet it is still widely used and known
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Business Intelligence, Accountant, And Marketing Intelligence
I am a student at Bryant and Stratton College working towards his bachelor in the business field. I
haven't yet decided what I want to use my degree to accomplish or what career I see myself attaining
in my future. As I conducted my research on my three professions, I have discovered that I would
like to be a business intelligence analyst, accountant, or maybe even a marketing manager.
Business intelligence analysts are important to the business field. They are responsible for producing
financial and marketing intelligence by querying data repositories and generating periodic reports.
They are also to devise methods for identifying data patterns and trends in available information
sources. Its certain you must acquire or already attain to be a business analyst such as critical
thinking, active listening, reading comprehension, active learning, and also speaking well. They
must complete certain tasks, like for example, Analyzing competitive marketing strategies,
synthesizing current business intelligence, managing timely flow of the business, and also collect
data from available industries reports. As of the 2014 research business analyst median wages are
$40.10 an hour and their salaries are $83,410. What really drew me to this field was the chance to
work with a company to ensure growth and improvement.
Accountants to me are the most important field in the business aspect of the world. They're
responsible for analyzing financial information and preparing financial
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Intelligence And Emotional Intelligence
Emotional intelligence (EI) has a lot to do with being aware of your emotions. It refers to the ability
to distinguish your emotions and other people's emotions. It is one of the most recently defined
types of intelligence in the field of psychology that appeared at the beginning of the 1990s by
developing the concept of intelligence. Based on EI people have the mental abilities and emotional
skills to solve their problems and influence other people (Pfeiffer, 2001).
EI has two components and being aware of these two components help us to understand its concept.
Many psychologists in 18 century stated that brain includes Cognition, affect, and motivation. The
cognitive part of the brain included memory, reasoning, and abstract thought. Intelligence has a lot
to do with the way that cognitive part of the brain works. Intelligence by definition is "the capacity
for learning, reasoning, and understanding" (Webster's American ... Show more content on
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Gardner (1983) introduced theory of Multiple Intelligence (MI). Two important components of MI
that is, intrapersonal and interpersonal paved the way for development of EI. Salovey and Mayer are
well–known as the originators of the term "emotional intelligence". They stated that EI is the type of
social intelligence that means the individuals' ability to monitor their emotions and other people's
emotions, to distinguish among these emotions, and to use the information to guide one's thinking
and actions. Emotional intelligence is considered as the capacity to receive emotions, unify feelings
which are related emotions, find out the information of those emotions, and last step is the ability to
manage these emotions (Salovey & Mayer,
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Iq & Eq, Intelligence and Cognitive Intelligence
Assessment Name: Cognitive intelligence and Emotional Intelligence in Modern organisations
"Intelligence is an abstract concept for whose definition continues to evolve with modernity, these
days it refers to a variety of mental capabilities, including the ability to reason, plan, solve problems,
think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience as well as the
potential to do so" (Bonnies Strickland, 2nd,2001). This essay will be a discussion on what cognitive
intelligence and emotional intelligence are, how they both represent intelligence, and how they play
a role within an organisation through their strengths and limitations. This essay will discuss the
recent popularity of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are points of criticism that revolves around GMA; firstly is central criticism this is seen in
articles by Goldstein et all, and it validates GMA for low real–life predicaments. Also it is seen that
GMA tests should be acknowledged on the terminology used as some words can be seen as racist or
fascist, words like discrimination and adverse can impact bias or unfair results (Viswesvaran &
Ones, 2003).
It has been belief that cognitive attuned staff give modern organisations the competitive advantage
in the organisational domain this is due with the cognitive ability to process technical, numerical and
vast amounts of information (Schmidt & Hunter, 1998. 2000; Michaels Handfield– Jones and
Axelrod, 2001, as cited in Cote & Miners, 2006). Although, the limitations of one possessing
cognitive ability alone and very minimal if any emotional intelligence can result in a poor
performance rate if one is to completely rely on only skills that are cognitive in the work place (
Cherniss, Goleman & Bennis, 2003).
Recently theorists have suggested that one's intelligence does not only exist of cognitive
intelligence, but also a grave amount of interpersonal and emotional intelligence. In modern
management, one of the most proactive concerns is that of emotions related to performance of
organisations (Cote & Miners, 2006).
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Reflection Paper On Intelligence
During high school, I read world renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck's
research on achievement and success and I have been immediately fascinated by her growth versus
fixed mindset findings. Dweck conducted research where she gave fifth graders problems that were
too hard for them and monitored their reactions; some students understood that they weren't good at
the problems yet, but they would learn from the challenge. Other students felt their intelligence had
been up for judgement and they didn't believe they could improve so they failed. I became intrigued
by why some students possess a view that intelligence is incremental based on effort and some
believe that intelligence is unchanging. I came to the realization that I was one of the students with a
fixed mindset and worked incredibly hard to adopt a growth mindset.
Now, as a college student, I've read the research by Leah Lessard, Andrew Grossman, and Maggie
L. Syme on "Effects of Gender and Type of Praise on Task Performance Among Undergraduates",
which led me to acknowledge the relationship between praise, intrinsic versus extrinsic motivators,
and growth versus fixed mindsets. I began to register that receiving person praise my whole life was
what led me to develop a fixed mindset, I didn't accept that intelligence was incremental due to
being told I was smart from the start of my educational journey. Lessard, et. al conducted an
experimental study using 48 undergraduates who completed puzzles and
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Intelligence Stereotypes
Naama Almoraissi
In the earlier year of psychology and research there had been ways on how to calculate different
subjects that would be used to portray the demographics of social groups. One of which is
intelligence testing. Looking back in the history of intelligence testing, there had been many studies
conducted on intelligence that indicated some strong theories on what determines intelligence. The
most controversial involving race and ethnicity. Modern research has made much advancements to
say that these researchers did not realize was that there was much flaw in their procedures. Not to
mention that the obliviousness may have been a result of subjectivity. These claims can be
invalidated by many studies with revealing the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There is no denying that racism had an influence on these case studies. It is very reflective on how
the data was developed, and what the claims were being stated. As Kevin Carlos Blanton shared, in
his article how invalid the representation of Black and Mexican children in their IQ scores on one
particular source. He expressed how the Mexican children were being categorized not exclusively in
one group, but they were being divided by the pigmentation of their skin, (Blanton, 2000). The
lighter skinned children were concluded as more intelligent of the darker skinned children, (Blanton,
2000). Some of these children were even labelled as white, because they were unidentifiable as
Mexican, (Blanton, 2000).Not only that but they were also being tested in English, which may have
been a major disadvantage for many of these children, (Blanton, 2000). Blacks on the other hand
were the only racial group that did not have counter parts included, (Blanton, 2000). Whites and
some Mexicans however, were strategically organized by rural and urban backgrounds, economic
status, (Blanton, 2000).Blanton also reveals that "that the lower scores of the African Americans
were not included,"(Blanton, 2000). Proving there was an unfair and inaccurate representation for
the African
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence: The Influence Of Emotional...
I walked out of the lesson full of thoughts. The case with the student who stole from his friends
made me think about my feelings. It is so hard not to take the blame on yourself that you did not
educate him enough or maybe you was not strict enough. I am a person who usually takes the blame
on herself, which can be very troublesome. However, from the lesson, I got to the understanding that
I cannot live like that. It can be too much sometimes. I have to understand that I cannot expect my
students to be perfect since after thinking about it, it seems as the only possibility for me to not feel
guilty all the time. However, at the same time, I am still debating on what I should do in this kind of
a situation.
In addition, I also found out that I do not accept failure, which can be a good thing but also a bad
thing. Nevertheless, I also found out that I have to stop thinking of things as a success or a failure,
there is not a third option in my way of thinking sometimes. However, I came to the understanding
that in education, we fall down and get up, fall down and get up and learn from our mistakes, just ...
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However, at school, the IQ is much more important than emotional intelligence, which is in my
opinion truly a shame. In addition, I was very surprised that emotional intelligence is virtually all
learned. I thought that it is the opposite and it is amazing. When I read about the "test anxiety", I
remember myself as a 15–year–old girl, who have a relatively high IQ, but since I was so anxious
that I would fail sometimes I would just go blank from all the pressure. It seems that it would be
much more useful if we learned at school how to be emotional intelligence. Not only for life in
general but all in order to succeed in school, which is a surprising fact for me.I did not understand
that because of my lost control of emotions, I could not remember the answer in the test for
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Intelligence By Robert Sternbergs Triarchic Theory Of...
This essay is going to be focused on intelligence. A persons intelligence is described as a "person's
ability to learn and remember information, to recognise concepts and their relations, and to apply the
information to their own behaviour in an adaptive way" (Neisser et al., 1996). There are a huge
amount of different theories in relation to intelligence but this essay will pay particular focus to
Robert Sternbergs Triarchic Theory of intelligence. He defines intelligence as
" 1) the ability to achieve one's goals in life, given one's sociocultural context; 2) by capitalizing on
strengths and correcting or compensating for weaknesses; 3) in order to adapt to, shape, and select
environments; and, 4) through a combination of analytical, creative, and practical abilities"
(Sternberg, 2005, p.189).
Therefore this means that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The first form is analytic intelligence. This is whereby people are able to think and evaluate
information. (Jacobson, Mulick, Rojahn, 2007). It involves familiar circumstances where abstract
thinking is applied. (Sternberg, 2005).The second is creative intelligence. This is demonstrated by
how people deal with unfamiliar situations and experiences. Practical intelligence is the way in
which people adapt to their surroundings in a positive way. (Jacobson, Mulick, Rojahn, 2007).
Sterbergs theory implies that intelligence is demonstrated by a person's ability to deal with normal
tasks and everyday situations. (Jacobson et al., 2007). Sternberg believed that tests and exams often
ignored the creative and practical intelligence. For the theory as a
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Intelligence And Intelligence: The Impact Of Emotional...
Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize one's own and other people's emotions, to
discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use emotional
information to guide thinking and behavior.
Leadership would be a bit more difficult to pin point a definition. Leaders set direction and help
themselves and others to do the right thing to move forward. To do this they create an inspiring
vision, and then motivate and inspire others to reach that vision. They also manage delivery of the
vision, either directly or indirectly, and build and coach their teams to make them ever stronger.
Effective leadership is to be able to cultivate these skills and put it to effective use
Emotional intelligence, hope, mindfulness, and compassion help a person reverse the ... Show more
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As the baby boomer population approaches retirement age, companies are going to find themselves
dealing with labor shortages the likes of which have never been seen before.
In an economy characterized by scarce labor, it's going to become increasingly important to hold on
to the good employees. At the same time, competition for the best employees is going to become
even more fierce, and good workers who feel they aren't treated fairly at work will have an easy
time finding employment elsewhere.
The best way to hold on to the employees that you want to keep is to incorporate emotional
intelligence into your personal and organizational management philosophy. Managers and business
owners can't let themselves lose sight of the fact that their employees are people, with real lives and
emotions that impact how they think, feel, and act. Managers with emotional intelligence understand
that their staff members are people first and workers second. This understanding guides how the best
managers treat their employees at all
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
The importance of Emotional Intelligence is something that needs to be recognized. Emotional
intelligence is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, and others.
Emotional intelligence is a central parent of our everyday lives, both in professional and personal
enviornments , and as such it is important to become aware of exactly how you rate your own
emotional intelligence.
After the the emotional intelligence test that was provided on www.ihhp.com/testsites.htm, I learned
more about myself and how I respond to those around me. As I was taking the test I realized that
much of my emotional intelligence is not only concerned with my own feelings and actions but how
others effect me.
My emotional ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One method is set goals for yourself in achieving a good emotional intelligence. This can be done by
first taking a test, such as I did, and finding out how your emotional intelligence rates. This will
inform you on your strengths and your weaknesses. Once this is done, then you are able to set a
responsible goal for improvement. For example, one area of improvement for my emotional
intelligence is for me to take time out to reflect of events. I will set a goals to begin doing this at
least three time per week. Once I accomplish this goal I will then increase this to once a day.
Reaching goals also gives a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment which improves your
emotional intelligence.
Other ways to enhance your emotional intelligence are by encouraging insight and self–awareness,
and build in a support system. Allow yourself to acknowledge your weaknesses, for it is by doing
this that improvement may begin. It is important to realize that no one is perfect and that it is o.k.to
have areas of improvement. Very often, people views the need for improvement as being something
that is embarrassing. This is not true. Part of emotional intelligence is breaking down the barriers of
fear and anxiety.
References: www. businessballs.com>self/personal development
© alan chapman 2000–2012, based on Daniel Goleman's EQ concept.
Site (c) Copyright
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence: The Development Of Emotional...
Development of emotional intelligence, however, is more complex. It may start with one's self by
knowing the mental state in a situation in order to assess capabilities and limitations. Because
knowing is not enough, one must also know how to control emotions to prevent conflicts. Staying
calm under pressure distresses situations and a right mindset uses motivation to develop emotional
intelligence by staying committed to fulfill duties or achieve a goal with the use of emotional
maturity. (Ravenscraft n.p.)
Emotional intelligence development is also affected by social factors. Other individuals affect one's
empathy, the ability to sense the feelings of others for us to feel for ourselves. Empathy plays an
important role in children's EQ. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
To care for pets is to be responsible for the life of another. It is necessary to give time, money, and
energy. Since pets are a commitment, choosing the right animal is imperative to this big decision.
Children may opt for low–maintenance pets, like fish, since they are the easiest to care for since
they don't require too much attention. However, pets like cats or dogs need a lot more care, therefore
constant interaction between them is a must. Children must be aware of the responsibilities that
come with a pet. (Pet Responsibilities n.p.) Once a child starts pet care, the development of their
social skills and emotional intelligence unfolds.
Children care for pets by fulfilling their basic needs for food, exercise, hygiene, and love. The ways
that children care for their pets show how mindful they are of the difference between animals' needs
and human beings' needs. (Melson 51) Since pets depend on the provision of their owners, proper
food and adequate water, suitable shelter, physical activity like exercise for pet dogs, health and
hygiene like check–up's at the veterinarian and proper grooming, as well as love and attention
cannot be given to a pet without its owner. (Taking Care Of Your Pet
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Ribot's Nine Intelligences
According to Ribot (2007) the nine intelligences are as follows:
Verbal–Linguistic intelligence speaks to an individual's ability to understand and manipulate words
and language. This intelligence is possessed by everyone at the same level and includes reading,
writing, speaking and other forms of verbal and written communication. Logical–Mathematical
intelligence refers to an individual's ability to do things with data: collect, and organize, analyze and
interpret, conclude and predict. Individuals strong in this intelligence see patterns and relationships.
These individuals are oriented toward thinking: inductive and deductive logic, numeration, and
abstract patterns. Visual–Spatial intelligence refers to the ability to form and manipulate ... Show
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These individuals often daydream, imagine and pretend. They are good at reading diagrams and
maps and enjoy solving mazes and jigsaw puzzles. Bodily–Kinesthetic intelligence refers to people
who process information through the sensations they feel in their bodies. These people like to move
around, touch the people they are talking to and act things out. They are good at small and large
muscle skills; they enjoy all types of sports and physical activities. They often express themselves
through dance. Musical–Rhythm intelligence refers to the ability to understand, create, and interpret
musical pitches, timbre, rhythm, and tones and the capability to compose music. Teachers can
integrate activities into their lessons that encourage students' musical intelligence by playing music
for the class and assigning tasks that involve students creating lyrics about the material being taught.
Composers and instrumentalists are individuals with strength in this area. Naturalistic intelligence is
seen in someone who recognizes and classifies plants, animals, and minerals including a mastery of
taxonomies. They are holistic thinkers who recognize specimens and value the unusual. They are
aware of species such as the flora and fauna around them. They notice natural and
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
The Measure Of Intelligence : Intelligence
The Measure of Intelligence Scientists have been searching for an accurate way to measure
intelligence for many years. This search has led to multiple tests that claim to test intelligence.
However, due to the many theories of intelligence, these tests vary from simply assessing a person's
knowledge, to testing reasoning skills. However, these tests tend to fail in the most key part in
testing intelligence: Intelligence is widely considered a constant characteristic throughout a person's
life, and these scores on the tests can be easily affected by factors such as sickness and practice.
Intelligence can be defined in many different ways. It has been defined as "An index of intelligence
originally computed by dividing a child's estimated mental age by the child's chronological age, then
multiplying by 100," (Grisson, Heatherton, & Gazzaniga, 2015). It has also been defined as "A set
of cognitive skills that include abstract thinking, reasoning, problem solving, and the ability to
acquire knowledge," (Gayzur, 2015). By taking three different IQ tests, each test varying on how it
tested intelligence, I received three entirely different scores. According to a test on IQtest.com, I was
below average intelligence (Autumn Group, 2015).A day later, I took the IQ test from the High IQ
Society website. This website claimed that my IQ was at or slightly above average (International
High IQ Society, 2015). These two websites were very similar, both seeming to test the IQ based on
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Intelligence Versus Education:The Effects Of Intelligence
Intelligence Versus Education: The Effects of Intelligence Test Scores on Student Learning
A common explanation of intelligence includes "the importance of learning from experience" and
being able to "adapt to the environment." Later the "importance of people's understanding and
control of their own thinking processes" was added along with the other two to attempt to measure
intelligence itself (Williams, 1996). When measuring intelligence, there are two extreme sides that
take up about four percent of the population according to the normal distribution of intelligence, one
being intellectual disability and the other being giftedness. The other 96 percent of the population
fall in the average intelligence (Weiten, 2013). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Instead of measuring what a person is capable of learning, intelligence tests measure what a person
has learned previously which may cause some controversy as to how valid they are when it comes to
learning in school. This affects students as they learn because based on their IQ scores, students
could be treated differently by their teachers or anyone in the school system whether its intentional
or unintentional.
Students who end up on the intellectually disabled side of the spectrum of intelligence have
"subnormal general mental ability accompanied by deficiencies in adaptive skills, originating before
age 18" (Weiten, 2013). Based on the category, if a child is considered "intellectually disabled," then
they will need to go through special education classes for school to meet any needs that a child may
have. Some children are also said to have learning disabilities when they have lower intelligences
which are "manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking,
reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities" (Gunderson & Siegel, 2001). According to
Gunderson and Siegel, the use of intelligence tests may not be very reliable when it comes to
whether a child has a learning disability or not. They believe that some children who are identified
as having a learning disability should not be, therefore making it harder on
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
The Characteristics Of Spiritual Intelligence And...
Slovey & Mayer (1990) says that Emotional intelligence is a kind of social intelligence that involves
the ability to monitor one's own emotions, to discriminate among them and to use the information to
guide one's thinking and actions. For Goleman emotional intelligence help us to get success at the
highest levels, in leadership positions, emotional competence accounts for virtually the entire
advantage. As we know, it's not the smartest people that are the most successful or the most fulfilled
in life. Perhaps we are well–acquainted to the fact that people who academically brilliant and yet are
socially inept and unsuccessful at work or in their personal relationships. Intellectual intelligence or
IQ isn't enough on its own to be successful ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However the concept was very old and ancient, the term spiritual intelligence is first exposed by
them. The term derived from the Latin word 'Wind or breath'. This is literally a wind that is blowing
through us, the principle that makes us alive and humane Zohar and Marshall (2000), describe
spiritual intelligence as the ultimate intelligence and place it at the top of a hierarchy, with emotional
intelligence below and rational intelligence (IQ) below that.
Relying loosely on limited neurological findings, suggest that Spiritual Intelligence (which they
refer to as SQ) represents the brain's tertiary process of intuitive thinking. This tertiary process
combines the lower processes of rational and emotional intelligence in order to "reframe or
reconceptualize our experience and thus transform our understanding of it" (Zohar & Marshall,
2000: 65), allowing for higher orders cognition of a spiritual and moral nature. While a specific ;set
of mental abilities is not defined, Zohar and Marshall (2000) by stress on the utility of spiritual
intelligence in solving problems of meaning, value, and those of an existential nature, concurring
with Vaughan (2002) and Wolman (2001). Intelligence that is with which we access our deepest
meanings, purposes, and highest motivations. It is the intelligence that makes us whole, that gives us
our integrity. It is the soul's intelligence, the intelligence of the deep self It is the intelligence with
which we ask fundamental questions and with which we reframe our
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence And Personal Intelligence
Introduction The author was given the task to explain emotional intelligence, and give two (2)
example of the concept. Second, to examine, the concept of "emotional quotient" compared to
traditional "intelligence quotient." Third to suggest two to three (2–3) reasons why leaders' need
emotional intelligence to manage today's workforce, as well as to speculate on at least two (2)
possible consequences should a leader not possess emotional intelligence. Fourth, to explore the
elements of emotional intelligence that leaders must be aware of to increase leadership
effectiveness. Lastly, to recommend a strategy that the organization could undertake in order to
improve the social skills of leaders within the organization and thereby ... Show more content on
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Secondly, a person with a good EQ can recognize, control and express one's own emotions, perceive
and assess other's emotions. On the contrary, a person with a high IQ can learn, understand and
implement knowledge, and possesses logical reasoning and abstract thinking. Lastly, EQ measures
an individual's social and emotional competencies or one's ability to recognize one's own and other
person's emotional expression. Conversely, IQ measures a person's academic competency and
reasoning ability (S, 2016)".
Suggest two to three (2–3) reasons why leaders' need emotional intelligence to manage today's
workforce. Speculate on at least two (2) possible consequences should a leader not possess
emotional intelligence.
"Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage our emotions and those around us,
therefore, this quality gives individuals a variety of skills, such as the ability to manage
relationships, navigate social networks, influence and inspire others. Every individual possesses
different level, but in order for individuals to become effective leaders, they will need a high level of
emotional intelligence. In today's workplace, it has become a highly important
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
Leaders, now more than ever before, have enormous challenges and potential conflicts due to
today's diverse and rapidly changing world, making emotional intelligence almost as important as
our knowledge or experience (Greenockle, 2010). Now days, our companies are driven by budget
cuts, downsizing, constant changes, and new policies that make sustaining work settings that allow
for better communication and collaboration be difficult many times. Hence, it will be reasonable to
believe that the ability to understand and correlate to others will be equally important as our
knowledge and experience. Goleman (1998), describes emotional intelligence is the capability each
individual has to identify, comprehend and deal with emotions, both within self and with others,
thus, making it directly related to self–improvement, self–awareness, and team building.
The Emotional Intelligence Test identified Social ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Being a Hospice Case Manager empathy and the ability to pick up on and understand the emotions
and needs of my patients and their families without letting my personal values interfere becomes a
crucial part of my job. I need to understand my patient's needs in order to create an individualized
plan of care that reflects their goals for care.
Self–awareness relates closely to our emotions, self–evaluation, and self–esteem (Greenockle,
2010). High self–awareness helps with our ability to examine ourselves in order to direct possible
behaviors derived from good and bad emotions. On the other hand self–management deals with
ethics, flexibility, excellence, and with showing initiative (Greenockle, 2010). Without the ability to
manage our emotions with will be very difficult to achieve emotional intelligence because
uncontrolled emotions are non–productive and most of the time result only in
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
What Is Intelligence? Intelligence
What is intelligence to you? Intelligence to me is someone who is able to be creative and can think
outside the box. There are many different ideas of intelligence, depending on the person you speak
to. Many traits can go into being intelligent; therefore, there is no single underlying factor. Some
simple traits are: creative, thinker, knowledge, the ability to set a goal and achieve it, and able to
think outside the box. According to the Merriam–Webster dictionary, intelligence is "the ability to
learn or understand things or to deal with new or difficult situations." (www.merriam–webster.com)
Our textbook says intelligence is "the ability to solve problems and to adapt and learn from
experiences." (Ch. 8, Pg. 247, Santrock) There are many traits you could find in an intelligent
person, although some may be shocking. According to the website, Citehr.com, there are many
qualities for highly intelligent people. They are: "make decisions intuitively, self–awareness, use
active reflection, think out of the box, have an open mind, are responsive, are resourceful, question
authority, upgrade their brain, have a sense of humor, take risks, trust themselves, write and list
things on paper, use discernment, read, value learning, teach others, reinvent themselves, and are
students of life." (www.citehr.com) When including intelligence with nature vs. nurture, many
thoughts come to mind. As we previously learned in our textbooks, nature is "the biological
inheritance and
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
The Concept Of Intelligence And Intelligence
The concept of intelligence can be hard to define. The question is what are the characteristics
involved in one's perceived notion of intelligence. Most people can certainly provide examples or
ideas of intelligence only in regard to people. Since the concept of intelligence seems to only be
based of ideas and examples constructed from individual people, how valid the tests, given to
children and adults, to measure intelligence? The assessment of intelligence from the past and
present are factors to consider how intelligence is defined and how those tests are applied to predict
certain performances that can affect the future of people.
The view and understanding of intelligence was much different during the late 19th century. There
were only two separate significant works done involving intelligence by Sir Francis Gallon and
Alfred Binet. Gallon's perspective involved a more psychophysical view of intelligence that stressed
low–level tasks joining physical and mental abilities (Simpson, 1943). To test intelligence, he
performed tests that would measure grip, strength and physical abilities that were not related to
school performances (Simpson, 1943). Because of his type of assessment, his results were not given
much attention. Other researchers decided that results should reflect achievement, the first factor
that contributed to defining intelligence.
Binet's approaches were very different when it came to assessing intelligence. He first defined
intelligence as comprising
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Emotional Intelligence
Emotional Intelligence
EDUCATION 2: Facilitating Learning
Mrs. Sheryl Ann Perciano
Submitted By:
Hazel P. Villegas
Maria Dolores L. Comighod
BEED– Content Course [ II–D ]
Individuals have many similar characteristics but they too differ in many respects. One of these
individual differences is the intellectual differences which also refers to the intelligence.
Intelligence is the general capacity of a person to adjust consciously his thinking to a new
requirement. It is the combination of general and specific abilities that a person possesses in coping
with the problem of his everyday living. Also according to studies the non–cognitive aspects of
intelligence is also important for adaptation and success that ... Show more content on
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Five Domains of Emotional Intelligence
PERSONAL COMPETENCES | | 1. Self–Awareness | ●Emotional Awareness | | ●Accurate Self–
assessment | | ● Self–confidence | | | 2. Self–Regulation | ●Self–control | | ●Trustworthiness | |
●Conscientiousness | | ●Adaptability | | ●Innovativeness | | | 3. Self–Motivation | ●Achievement
Drive | | ●Commitment | | ●Initiative | | ●Optimism | SOCIAL COMPETENCES | | 4. Social
Awareness | ●Empathy | | ●Service Orientation | | ●Developing Others | | ●Leveraging Diversity | |
●Political Awareness | | | 5. Social Skills | ●Influence | | ●Communication | | ●Leadership | |
●Change Catalyst | | ●Conflict management | | ●Building bonds | | ●Collaboration and Cooperation |
| ●Team Capabilities |
Description of High Emotionally Intelligent Individual
High EI Individual | | ●Better perceive emotions, use them in thought, understand their meanings,
and manage emotions, than others. | | ●Less emotional 'baggage ' and conversely people | | ●Drawn
to occupations involving social interactions such as teaching and counseling more so than to
occupations involving clerical or administrative tasks. | | ●Less apt to engage in problem behaviors,
and avoids self–destructive, negative behaviors
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Essay Intelligence
Intlligence In society, people base their life on intelligence. They do everything possible to get ahead
in life. To get ahead, they cheat each other, back stab, and commit many sinful acts. Also, they
educate themselves so they are capable of doing whatever is required of them. Society is trying to
always make themselves smarter. Are they trying to change something that they have no control
over though? Intelligence is something that everybody has, but is something that is developed over
time. The development of intelligence has many items that play a factor. For instance, environment
and heredity both play a role in developing a person's I.Q. "Each of us are born with intelligence"
(Lawler 15). With one's intelligence, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For instance, a child that comes from an environment that is uncaring, unlovable, and abusive tends
to score lower on an I.Q. test. Put that same child into a different situation, by either adoption or
foster care, or just a change of parental support, and that child performance increases. "I.Q. could be
based on a range of environments, or lowered by lack of positive environmental feedback" (Loehlin,
Lindzey, and Spuhler 103). Without positive feedback a child gives up. He gives up because he feels
like he is a failure at what he is doing. While the main focus on a child's intelligence comes from the
home, other influences also play a role. Pinter stated "By environmental influences we way mean
very specific and narrow changes or else those factors of home and school" (94). At school, children
learn reading, writing, and arithmetic. In addition to classes, school offers a good place to fellowship
with others. During the fellowship, one is able to gain knowledge from other people. That
fellowship though isn't always a good thing. For example, suppose that everything the child hears
throughout the day is not true. Then, that child becomes ignorant to the truth. All this happens
because the child is bombarded with false information throughout the day. At some time the child
will start believing that everything he hears is true. With children balancing out each other's
intelligence in conversation, the need for it to
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Intelligence And The Theory Of Intelligence Essay
Psychology Of Intelligence Intelligence is a very important factor in human psychology. Human
intelligence is a rather complicated form of psychology and quite complex as well. Many people
may lack intelligence, many people may have a strong amount of intelligence. Human intellect is
what makes humans "smart" and sets us aside from animals and other types of beings. Many
researchers in psychology have studied intelligence and how it makes us, us. Intelligence has since
become something that can be tested and measured through a wide array of tests. Although
intelligence can vary from person to person, it is what truly makes us human. The theory of
intelligence was first brought up around 300 BC, the time of the Greek philosophers. Greek scholars
and philosophers from the likes of Aristotle and Plato were rather interested in human intellect, the
idea of intelligence astounded them. They were most known to be one of the firsts to explore the
ideas of human intelligence but it wasn't until Francis Galton who was "influenced by his half–
cousin Charles Darwin, was the first to propose a theory of general intelligence." (Defining
Intelligence, n.d.) As Francis Galton was beginning to study intelligence more intensely, many
"different researchers have proposed a variety of theories to explain the nature of intelligence"
(Theories Of Intelligence, n.d.) as well. Galton later realized that through cognitive tests and
reaction times, the size of one's brain does not equal to the
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Intelligence, Surveillance, And Reconnaissance
2.1.3. Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance
The intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) is a main function of airpower, which
integrates the intelligence production activities with activities such as surveillance and
reconnaissance. ISR is an "integrated intelligence and operations function" by nature.
The ISR efforts contribute to the creation of joint integrated intelligence preparation of tactical,
operational and even strategic environment. This results in gaining the effect of situational
awareness, and provides with the opportunity to dominate adversaries in the decision making at all
levels of war – tactical, operational and strategic.
The core airpower attributes height, speed and reach, provides with ... Show more content on
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Thus it is most likely to be a role, applicable with service, agency or organisation. Rather it is more
appropriate the approach of naming the role, used in NATO AJP–3.3 "Allied Joint Doctrine for Air
and Space Operations" – "contribution to ISR", which addresses the airpower as contributor.
The main activities, which comply with the definition and core attributes of air power, are
surveillance and reconnaissance. While performing the surveillance and reconnaissance, airpower
contributes to the intelligence and enables the achievement of the "situational awareness" effect.
Separating these three functions will lead to loss of effectiveness. Surveillance
Surveillance is defined as operations which include "systematic observation of space, aerospace,
surface areas, places, persons or objects, by visual, aural, electronic, photographic or other means"
[15]. The aim of conducting surveillance is to provide with indications and warning about the
adversaries' activities and potential or actual threats of different origin. Surveillance is a persistent
monitoring of the environment in order to detect any changes.
Figure 5. South Korea located THAAD's X band radar coverage
Airborne and space–based surveillance capabilities are able
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence
Questions On Intelligence And Intelligence
Everyone has their own unique ability to understand complex ideas and use reasoning to solve a
problem. These capabilities are what we typically associate with intelligence. However, intelligence
cannot easily be defined by a single IQ number on a scale or even by saying someone is "smart" or
"dumb" in a certain area of knowledge such as math or science. Each and every person is unique in
their own respect and there are a multitude of facets that contribute to the way we measure and
assess an individual's abilities to understand or adapt to a given situation.
Intelligence is a combination of an individual's ability to learn, pose problems, and solve problems.
Learning is the ability to combine education, experiences, and training and transform that into
background knowledge to be used later. Posing problems is the ability to recognize that there is a
problem in a given situation. Problem solving includes not only finding a solution to a given
problem, but by also forming products and doing complex tasks. However, the way one may solve a
problem or overcome an obstacle can be completely different from another's solution. These
differences between individuals make it difficult to make a single measurement of how smart or
"intelligent" someone may be, but intelligence tests can be useful to identifying strengths and
Since very early in history, many have strived to devise a way to measure the intelligence of an
individual. During the late 1800's, English
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Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence

  • 1. Intelligence Of Intelligence And Intelligence Ricky Partida Mrs.Behrend Ap seminar 30 November 2015 How is intelligence Effectively Measured in The U.S Intelligence is the ability to adapt to new information and use creativity and prior knowledge to assess problems in life situations. It is general cognitive problem–solving skills and. It is the mental ability involved in reasoning, perceiving relationships and analogies, calculating, and learning quickly. In the past,Earlier it was believed that there was one underlying general factor at the intelligence base called the g–factor, but later psychologists maintained that it is more complicated and could not be determined by such a simplistic method (Green). Some psychologists have divided intelligence into subcategories. For example Howard Gardner maintained that it is comprised of seven components: musical, bodily–kinesthetic, logical–mathematical, linguistic, spatial, interpersonal, naturalist, existential, and intrapersonal ("Gardner 's Multiple Intelligences."). We measure these intelligences through tests. Mainly known as intelligence testing, IQs are gathered from certain tests that measure the 7 components of intelligence. Intelligence testing is a method for assessing an individual 's mental aptitudes and comparing them with those of others (Green). The G–factor, also known as factor analysis , is a procedure that identifies clusters of factors on a test, used to identify different dimensions of performance that underlie a person 's total score (Green). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Learning Styles, Multiple Intelligences And Emotional... Taking into account the learning needs and diversities of all my students, I have made adjustments to the curriculum content. I included choice homework, individual work, small groups and graphic organizers to allow for students who struggle, students who need a challenge and for English Language Learners. Using strategies that can be as simplified or as complicated as I need them to be, allows me to address every student's individual needs. In order to ensure that that curriculum is developmentally appropriate for the students, I used Michigan GLEC's. Additionally, each lesson can be adjusted to accommodate every student. The curriculum also builds on student's prior knowledge and skills. Students will be asked questions that will cause them to reflect on their previous experiences and be given the chance to apply their knowledge. In my unit I have nurtured and promoted diversity while honoring each child's identity. I did this by taking into account the four learning styles, multiple intelligences and emotional intelligences. I included opportunities for students to interact with one another, move around the classroom, work individually and with partners. The videos, songs and activities I included promotes diversity by showing individuals, ideas and actions students can identify with. The curriculum increases students' ability to view the world from a variety of different perspectives. The students will use the website ePals.com to communicate with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Intelligence Vs Human Intelligence Ever since humans started to walk the Earth, their intelligence has improved dramatically. Human intelligence is an important tool that many people use daily. Using it to think through or around specific situations and not freaking out in a tense moment. Others do not calm down and think like they do. When they are faced with a situation they have an initial reaction of fight of flight. They do not choose to calm themselves down and think of a reasonable solution to their problem. George from "Edward's Rocks" and an unknown protagonist from "Sea Devil" both shown their intelligence in difficult situations they find themselves caught in. In "Edward's Rocks" and "Sea Devil" the protagonists show true intelligence. They get themselves out of life threatening situations in which others would have panicked and possibly ended their lives. In "Edward's Rocks" George is a seventeen year old boy who has grown up on the ocean. He had dropped out of school at the age of seven to help provide for his family. He knew the ocean and shorelines like the back of his hand. Late one June night George was faced with a dilemma that if he did not think quickly and smartly he, his brothers, and his father would find themselves in life ending circumstances. Thinking they were on course to Primming Islands, They did not expect to even come close to crashing into the sharp, jagged points of Edward's Rocks. They had rode the boat half a mile off course, although their compass said they were headed in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Intelligence Theories Theories of Intelligence Throughout the years, psychologists have been discussing what exactly is intelligence. Is intelligence your ability to perform well on analytical tests, or is it something more common, like your ability to survive on your own? If one person scores high in english, and another in math are they both still intelligent? This is the debate that had been on going the past few decades, and while we still have no concrete answer, we do have a variety of theories. Louis Terman was a very influential, yet controversial psychologist. On one end, he believed that some students are exceptionally gifted. He developed a test, now known as the Stanford–Binet, that would measure the linguistic, mathematical, logical, and analytical ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These eight types are visual–spatial, linguistic–verbal, logical–mathematical, bodily–kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, and intrapersonal. A visual–spatial individual is good at visualizing things. A linguistic–verbal person has a knack with words. A logical mathematical individual is good at reasoning, recognizing patterns, and analyzing problems. A bodily–kinesthetic individual is deft when it comes to body movement, performing actions and physical control. A musical person may proficiently think in patterns, rhythms, and sounds. An interpersonal individual is skilled at understanding and interacting with other people. An intrapersonal person is very self–aware and understands the reasoning behind their emotional states, feelings, and motivations. Howard Gardner believed that while one may be preeminent in a single intelligence, it is found that usually, one possesses a wide range of abilities. For example, after taking a test it was found that I am spatial, linguistic, and intrapersonal. The triarchy theory depends on three main types of intelligence, or talents. The first is analytical intelligence which is the ability to problem–solve. The second is creative intelligence, the capacity that helps us deal with new situations using past experiences and current skills. The third is practical intelligence, the ability to adapt to a changing ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Competitive Intelligence The course lecturer will have argued that "strategy without intelligence isn't strategy, its guessing". Some managers however take the view that a competitive strategy that is rigorously developed around a strong set of product/service offerings, regardless of rivals intentions, plans, and actions, will, in any event, 'win the day'. Your task is to defend, through evidence and argument one of these two (or alternative) views. 1. Introduction In the 1960s and 1970s, firms across the world faced little foreign competition from each other and corporate strategy simply consisted of focusing on new product development to meet the increasing demand from expanding middle classes. In recent times, world growth has slowed, ease of trade ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Whilst this practice of understanding what the competition is doing has been integrated into the organisational culture of many leading companies today, competitive intelligence has come some way. Its benefits were long understood in Germany as far back as the eighteenth century. By scouting the European Continent, the Germans discovered they could compete with British and French firms by applying foreign scientific adv ances to their own industrial processes. This allowed them to develop their own base of education and research as a foundation for technological innovation leading to the ownership of many international rights to formulae and processes, particularly in che micals (Rouach and Santi 2001). Japan was also an early pioneer in terms of grasping of the importance of competitive intelligence. It opened up to external influences after two centuries of self –imposed seclusion after the American invasion of 1854. Rulers in the decade that followed encouraged policies of community, nationalism and modernisation with the intention of enabling Japan to compete with the West by absorbing the latter's best practices (Rouach and Santi 2001). Following the end of World War Two, Japan converted its military espionage capability into a system of economic intelligence, for example, in the early 1950s, tens of thousands of market researchers were sent around the world to assess the potential ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. Emotional Intelligence And Psychological Intelligence Have you ever thought about how many emotions you have in one single day? Now think about how many emotions you have had just at work alone. Emotions are extremely important and can rule our lives daily. We make decisions off of them, choose activities based on them and the way we react in situations can depend on them. When digging deeper you will find a concept called "emotional intelligence" which puts you in tune with not only your emotions but the emotions of others as well. This paper will fully explain "emotional intelligence" along with examples of the concept, examine the theories of "emotional intelligence" compared to traditional "intelligence quotient", suggest reasons why leaders' need emotional intelligence in today's workforce, speculate on the consequences when leaders do not possess emotional intelligence, explore elements of emotional intelligence that leaders must be aware of to increase leadership effectiveness and finally recommend a strategy that the organization could undertake in order to improve social skills of leaders within the organization and thereby positively influence their emotional intelligence. "Emotional intelligence is the ability to monitor the feelings and emotions of the self and of others and to use this information to guide tone's behaviors." (Wicks, Nakisher, Grimm, 2014). A person with low emotional intelligence will get uneasy and think irrational when a high priority project is due and their employer begins to lay heavy ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Human Intelligence And Artificial Intelligence There is little consensus on what human intelligence is, how it works, and how it is formed. There are several different theories as to what intelligence is, and there is no concrete explanation of intelligence. Despite these uncertainties, many have proposed the idea modeling human intelligence and creating artificial intelligence. Many see artificial intelligence as a way to bypass human error and to improve jobs by completing them faster and more accurately. They argue that artificial intelligence can be based on human intelligence, and thought processes can be translated into computer programs to create a non–human entity that can think. In contrast, many others do not think it is possible to recreate the human mind and thought ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the article Some Current Trends in Research of Intelligence, Imrich Ruisel examines three different concepts of intelligence before applying the ideas to artificial intelligence. As there is not a single set of ideas about intelligence, multiple theories and concepts need to be looked at in order to try and replicate intelligence into artificial intelligence. Ruisel breaks down intelligence into three categories: (one) a general intelligence represented by Spearman's g factor and is based on biological differences accounting for differences in cognitive performance, (two) intelligence as it relates to behavior, and (three) intelligence is composed of a set of abilities and an individual's total knowledge (Ruisel 2007). Each of these three concepts of intelligence provides different challenges in the task to create artificial intelligence. However, it is still important to consider different views of intelligence when looking at artificial intelligence; artificial intelligence cannot be understood or created unless all of the information about intelligence itself is known. As human intelligence consists of many different aspects, artificial intelligence must follow this pattern if it is to be based on human intelligence. In her article On the Approaches of Classical Artificial Intelligence and Embodied Artificial Intelligence, Elena Nechita explains classical approaches to artificial intelligence and some of the problems associated with ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Emotional Intelligence And Personal Intelligence It is vital to have emotional intelligence because it is the establishment of a large group of basic aptitudes, it affects most all that you say and do every day. Emotional intelligence is the single greatest indicator of execution in the work environment and the most grounded driver of initiative and individual brilliance. Emotional intelligence requires successful correspondence between the sane and enthusiastic focuses on the mind. At the point when an individual works, his capacity to acknowledge difficulties and tackle reasonable work and ensuring that the errands is being done in a compelling and productive way is delegated execution. A man, who has terrible execution, normally originates from tiredness, the failure to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Affiliations moreover have a commitment to their kinfolk in helping them manage their sentiments inside the working environment. The procurement of a properly qualified aide by the relationship with whom people can speak with is uncommonly solid way to deal with license people to discard their day and build some perspective and insights on the condition. Then again, it justifies having a trusted work accomplice with whom you can discuss your disappointments. This may take care of business that makes you feel extraordinary when you are around them and will pass on your perspective to a more positive spot. This will allow people to meet up to work the next day with an unmistakable head and in a perfect world a light heart. Those with such a manner are the clear researchers and receiving wires who will be imaginative, fun and easy to work with. A human resource boss ' dream bunch. You can explain emotional intelligence to your employees as James A. Belasco and Ralph C. Stayer (1993) suggest that four responsibilities a leader must implement at all levels of an organization. They first start with, exchange possession for work to the general population who take the necessary steps. Second, make the earth where the exchange of possession can occur, where every individual needs to be in charge of his or her own execution. Third, create singular ability and capability. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. The Theory of Multiple Intelligence Theory of Multiple Intelligence Theory of Multiple Intelligence Intelligence is defined as the mental ability of a person to learn and understand effectively and efficiently what is happening around. If any person is considered good enough in communication, understanding and learning, logical reasoning, facts and figures, general knowledge, ability to interpret information and other alike mental activities which account for personal growth, we say that he/she is wise and intelligent. Unfortunately, intelligence is mostly used in terms of learning education only, but general knowledge and common sense are also categorized in intelligence as they constitute a great part of someone's personality. All what is described is usually termed as general intelligence, which had been the subject of interest until researchers from different fields like psychology, artificial intelligence and neurology introduced the concept of "Multiple intelligences". Some theories regarding this phenomena state that "human mind consists of independent and autonomous intelligences, all or some of which can be used at the same time, in contrast to the correlation of all intelligences". The most famous and authentic theory in this regard was presented by famous developmental psychologist Howard Earl Gardner in his book "Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences" (1983). In explaining his theory, Gardner proclaimed that human mind has at least eight intellectual capacities to solve ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. Intelligence And Society Lizzie Nush B190 – Intelligence and Society 26 November 2014 Position Paper (Title) Numerous individuals consider themselves as intelligent; this may be based on their IQ score or because they have graduated high school and maybe have a college degree. However, one does not just title, or label, themselves as intelligent without taking into consideration the whole perspective of how one can be intelligent both scholarly and personally. For example, being "book smart" versus "street smart". We may be both or more one than the other, but do we really know everything? How to calculate the mileage from home to California without using maps.com, what time or day each President of the United States was born, or something as little as knowing how to tie a shoe. Not everyone knows this information by heart or memory. Going onto talking about hearts, what about love? How do we know if we are in love or if we love each other? How do we know if we are upset or mad? What do we do if we find ourselves in this wrap of emotions and cannot find a way out? Well, that is where our emotional intelligence (EI) comes into play. When we have emotional intelligence, or understand the concept, we can better understand how to go about our lives without breaking down because we are bottling everything up, or because we have lost everyone around us from wrongfully exploding our feelings. We may be the most intelligent people in the world, but does that mean that we know everything on how ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. The Intelligence Cycle Intelligence is the result of a process or a cycle as identified by the intelligence community. This cycle involves five or six steps based on the agency's needs. These steps include planning and direction, collection, processing, analysis and dissemination. Planning and direction step it is an important part of the process because the essential elements of the intelligence cycle are identified especially the collection requirements. To produce an intelligence product the information collected from the multitude of sources available to analysts or the collections assets must be analyzed and must be disseminated to the consumers of intelligence, so they can make the decisions. There are many types of sources important to intelligence analyst and these are only some of them: HUMINT, SIGINT, IMINIT, OSINT, MASINT, and COMINT ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to the Open Source Intelligence: Professional Handbook 1.0, open source information represents all lawfully obtain data from any "publicly available information" (pg. 6). This includes information from media, professional and academic records, public data released by the government agencies and "grey literature." The grey literature may include, but is not limited to "market research reports, technical specifications, bibliographies, patents, non–commercial translations" ("What is Grey Literature, "n.d.). Now, let's see the advantages of the OSINT. First, with a click of a button the analysts get instant gratification. Now, with the development of the Internet, analysts can find out large amount of information. So, is less time consuming to find some data about a certain subject. You don't have to be an expert on WMD to know about it, because you can find lots of public information on the Web. The disadvantage of this collection method for the analysts is that what they know and what they can use that can make a big difference on the results of the intelligence product. Sorting the information can be time ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Social Intelligence And Emotional Intelligence High school is the time in a students' life where learning how to understand others emotions is key to their education. Learning how others emotions can influence their own and how to respond to it can have a positive influence on their psyche and teaches how to be socially aware of how their emotions can be interpreted. They need to have the capacity to discern and respond appropriately to others emotions. To ensure this possibility, the teachers need to be competent in this area. High school teachers should exhibit social intelligence and emotional intelligence to ensure students are self–aware of one's emotional state and others. Social intelligence is a combination of social awareness and social facility. Social awareness involves ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Self–presentation is basically presenting ourselves in ways that make a good impression. Teachers usually need to make a good first impression in front of their students because it usually sets how the students will treat them throughout the course of the year. By being socially intelligent, the teacher can get a read on their crowd so they can respond accordingly. Charisma is one aspect of self–presentation that peaks in effective speaking. Women are usually more emotionally expressive than men, but are often constrained by the norms of the workplace where crying and being angry can be a no–no. An exception to the anger rule is the boss. It may not seem out of place when it comes from the boss because they are in a position of leadership and may be unsatisfied with their team. Influence is shaping the outcome of social situations. Skillful and subtle use of acknowledged power like the very best police officers. Concern is for those most susceptible to emotional contagiousness are those most moved to help others, and act on it. Concern becomes potent when harnessed to high road abilities. Concern is at the root of the helping professions such as medicine and social work, who thrive when concern waxes, but burn out as it wanes (Gardner 177). Manipulative people ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Artificial Intelligence And Authentic Intelligence Essay Artificial Intelligence and Authentic Intelligence By Weldon Smith | Submitted On May 23, 2012 Recommend Article Article Comments Print Article Share this article on Facebook Share this article on Twitter Share this article on Google+ Share this article on Linkedin Share this article on StumbleUpon Share this article on Delicious Share this article on Digg Share this article on Reddit Share this article on Pinterest Expert Author Weldon Smith Scientific people have always enjoyed the thought of artificial intelligence––of a machine being able to think and act on its own. It 's a popular theme for novels and movies too. And who of us wouldn 't love to have a personal robot to anticipate our needs and take care of them? I even remember a production from the local planetarium about computers worldwide that networked and synergized their data. At the end of the production this networked computer system commanded, "Let there be light!" and a new universe was born. Artificial intelligence has as many definitions as people defining it. For some it is only a matter of a machine being able to analyze data and then take an appropriate action. But I think for most, it means that a machine can actually think, can learn, can create, can come up with original ideas––that it can act like a person and be indistinguishable from a human being in its actions and thoughts. If artificial intelligence is only a machine or a system acting on its own, then a lawn sprinkler system that has ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Intelligence And Intelligence: An Introduction To... INTRODUCTION Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to monitor one's own and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different emotions and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behaviour. Emotional intelligence impacts many different aspects of one's daily life, such as the way one behaves and the way one interacts with others. If one has high emotional intelligence one is able to recognize his/her own emotional state and the emotional states of others, and engage with people in a way that draws them to themselves. One can use this understanding of emotions to relate better to other people, form healthier relationships, achieve greater success at work, and lead a more fulfilling life. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Empathy involves the ability to: (a) understand a person's situation, perspective, and feelings (and their attached meanings); (b) to communicate that understanding and check its accuracy; and (c) to act on that understanding with the person in a helpful (therapeutic) way, according to Mercer & Reynolds (2002). The more self–aware we are, the more skilled we become at reading the feelings of others. A good rapport with one's peers and superiors comes from a high level of Empathy. Those who can read others' feelings are better adjusted, more popular, outgoing and sensitive. Empathy begins in infancy, with attunement, when a parent can wordlessly mirror the child's feelings. Attunement reassures an infant and makes it feel emotionally connected. This requires enough calm to be able to read subtle, non–verbal signals from the other person. People with high empathy are able to view any problem from the other person's ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Intelligence And Intelligence: The Concept Of Intelligence Oliver is a sixth grader who had just gotten his first report card. In spite of his lackluster grades, teachers praise him for his "intelligence and diligence". His grades weren't grade, then how is Oliver intelligent? Spanning over several years, the topic of intelligence has been a subject of debate between scientists. No one is sure of how to define it exactly, and no one is sure about how it is structured. This is because intelligence is such an intricate concept – a concept surrounded by theories of what makes up intelligence and how it is defined. What is intelligence? Dictionaries typically define intelligence as "the capacity to acquire and apply knowledge" (Sparksnotes Editors). Most psychologists define it as "the ability to profit from experience and to adapt to new conditions in the environment" (Ragland and Saxon 98). Furthermore, intelligence can also be defined as" the ability to learn and manipulate the environment by applying that knowledge to reason and think abstractly and to understand complicated ideas" (Cohen). In other words, the concept of intelligence is so complicated, so complex with its various capabilities, that it is incredibly difficult to describe precisely. Richard J. Herrnstein once said, "The sheer complexity of mental capacities guarantees room for alternative descriptions" (98). The ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Arguably, the most well–known theory of multiple intelligences is Howard Gardener's eight types of intelligences. Gardner proposed the idea that people do not have a single intelligence capacity, but that there are eight different kinds of intelligences. In his theory, he describes eight intelligences: verbal–linguistic, logical–mathematical, visual–spatial, bodily kinesthetic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and naturalist. His theory has garnered much criticism from educators and other people yet it is still widely used and known ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Business Intelligence, Accountant, And Marketing Intelligence I am a student at Bryant and Stratton College working towards his bachelor in the business field. I haven't yet decided what I want to use my degree to accomplish or what career I see myself attaining in my future. As I conducted my research on my three professions, I have discovered that I would like to be a business intelligence analyst, accountant, or maybe even a marketing manager. Business intelligence analysts are important to the business field. They are responsible for producing financial and marketing intelligence by querying data repositories and generating periodic reports. They are also to devise methods for identifying data patterns and trends in available information sources. Its certain you must acquire or already attain to be a business analyst such as critical thinking, active listening, reading comprehension, active learning, and also speaking well. They must complete certain tasks, like for example, Analyzing competitive marketing strategies, synthesizing current business intelligence, managing timely flow of the business, and also collect data from available industries reports. As of the 2014 research business analyst median wages are $40.10 an hour and their salaries are $83,410. What really drew me to this field was the chance to work with a company to ensure growth and improvement. Accountants to me are the most important field in the business aspect of the world. They're responsible for analyzing financial information and preparing financial ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Intelligence And Emotional Intelligence Emotional intelligence (EI) has a lot to do with being aware of your emotions. It refers to the ability to distinguish your emotions and other people's emotions. It is one of the most recently defined types of intelligence in the field of psychology that appeared at the beginning of the 1990s by developing the concept of intelligence. Based on EI people have the mental abilities and emotional skills to solve their problems and influence other people (Pfeiffer, 2001). EI has two components and being aware of these two components help us to understand its concept. Many psychologists in 18 century stated that brain includes Cognition, affect, and motivation. The cognitive part of the brain included memory, reasoning, and abstract thought. Intelligence has a lot to do with the way that cognitive part of the brain works. Intelligence by definition is "the capacity for learning, reasoning, and understanding" (Webster's American ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Gardner (1983) introduced theory of Multiple Intelligence (MI). Two important components of MI that is, intrapersonal and interpersonal paved the way for development of EI. Salovey and Mayer are well–known as the originators of the term "emotional intelligence". They stated that EI is the type of social intelligence that means the individuals' ability to monitor their emotions and other people's emotions, to distinguish among these emotions, and to use the information to guide one's thinking and actions. Emotional intelligence is considered as the capacity to receive emotions, unify feelings which are related emotions, find out the information of those emotions, and last step is the ability to manage these emotions (Salovey & Mayer, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Iq & Eq, Intelligence and Cognitive Intelligence A Assessment Name: Cognitive intelligence and Emotional Intelligence in Modern organisations "Intelligence is an abstract concept for whose definition continues to evolve with modernity, these days it refers to a variety of mental capabilities, including the ability to reason, plan, solve problems, think abstractly, comprehend complex ideas, learn quickly, and learn from experience as well as the potential to do so" (Bonnies Strickland, 2nd,2001). This essay will be a discussion on what cognitive intelligence and emotional intelligence are, how they both represent intelligence, and how they play a role within an organisation through their strengths and limitations. This essay will discuss the recent popularity of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are points of criticism that revolves around GMA; firstly is central criticism this is seen in articles by Goldstein et all, and it validates GMA for low real–life predicaments. Also it is seen that GMA tests should be acknowledged on the terminology used as some words can be seen as racist or fascist, words like discrimination and adverse can impact bias or unfair results (Viswesvaran & Ones, 2003). It has been belief that cognitive attuned staff give modern organisations the competitive advantage in the organisational domain this is due with the cognitive ability to process technical, numerical and vast amounts of information (Schmidt & Hunter, 1998. 2000; Michaels Handfield– Jones and Axelrod, 2001, as cited in Cote & Miners, 2006). Although, the limitations of one possessing cognitive ability alone and very minimal if any emotional intelligence can result in a poor performance rate if one is to completely rely on only skills that are cognitive in the work place ( Cherniss, Goleman & Bennis, 2003). Recently theorists have suggested that one's intelligence does not only exist of cognitive intelligence, but also a grave amount of interpersonal and emotional intelligence. In modern management, one of the most proactive concerns is that of emotions related to performance of organisations (Cote & Miners, 2006). ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Reflection Paper On Intelligence During high school, I read world renowned Stanford University psychologist Carol Dweck's research on achievement and success and I have been immediately fascinated by her growth versus fixed mindset findings. Dweck conducted research where she gave fifth graders problems that were too hard for them and monitored their reactions; some students understood that they weren't good at the problems yet, but they would learn from the challenge. Other students felt their intelligence had been up for judgement and they didn't believe they could improve so they failed. I became intrigued by why some students possess a view that intelligence is incremental based on effort and some believe that intelligence is unchanging. I came to the realization that I was one of the students with a fixed mindset and worked incredibly hard to adopt a growth mindset. Now, as a college student, I've read the research by Leah Lessard, Andrew Grossman, and Maggie L. Syme on "Effects of Gender and Type of Praise on Task Performance Among Undergraduates", which led me to acknowledge the relationship between praise, intrinsic versus extrinsic motivators, and growth versus fixed mindsets. I began to register that receiving person praise my whole life was what led me to develop a fixed mindset, I didn't accept that intelligence was incremental due to being told I was smart from the start of my educational journey. Lessard, et. al conducted an experimental study using 48 undergraduates who completed puzzles and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Intelligence Stereotypes Naama Almoraissi PSY–45–34463 In the earlier year of psychology and research there had been ways on how to calculate different subjects that would be used to portray the demographics of social groups. One of which is intelligence testing. Looking back in the history of intelligence testing, there had been many studies conducted on intelligence that indicated some strong theories on what determines intelligence. The most controversial involving race and ethnicity. Modern research has made much advancements to say that these researchers did not realize was that there was much flaw in their procedures. Not to mention that the obliviousness may have been a result of subjectivity. These claims can be invalidated by many studies with revealing the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There is no denying that racism had an influence on these case studies. It is very reflective on how the data was developed, and what the claims were being stated. As Kevin Carlos Blanton shared, in his article how invalid the representation of Black and Mexican children in their IQ scores on one particular source. He expressed how the Mexican children were being categorized not exclusively in one group, but they were being divided by the pigmentation of their skin, (Blanton, 2000). The lighter skinned children were concluded as more intelligent of the darker skinned children, (Blanton, 2000). Some of these children were even labelled as white, because they were unidentifiable as Mexican, (Blanton, 2000).Not only that but they were also being tested in English, which may have been a major disadvantage for many of these children, (Blanton, 2000). Blacks on the other hand were the only racial group that did not have counter parts included, (Blanton, 2000). Whites and some Mexicans however, were strategically organized by rural and urban backgrounds, economic status, (Blanton, 2000).Blanton also reveals that "that the lower scores of the African Americans were not included,"(Blanton, 2000). Proving there was an unfair and inaccurate representation for the African ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Emotional Intelligence: The Influence Of Emotional... I walked out of the lesson full of thoughts. The case with the student who stole from his friends made me think about my feelings. It is so hard not to take the blame on yourself that you did not educate him enough or maybe you was not strict enough. I am a person who usually takes the blame on herself, which can be very troublesome. However, from the lesson, I got to the understanding that I cannot live like that. It can be too much sometimes. I have to understand that I cannot expect my students to be perfect since after thinking about it, it seems as the only possibility for me to not feel guilty all the time. However, at the same time, I am still debating on what I should do in this kind of a situation. In addition, I also found out that I do not accept failure, which can be a good thing but also a bad thing. Nevertheless, I also found out that I have to stop thinking of things as a success or a failure, there is not a third option in my way of thinking sometimes. However, I came to the understanding that in education, we fall down and get up, fall down and get up and learn from our mistakes, just ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, at school, the IQ is much more important than emotional intelligence, which is in my opinion truly a shame. In addition, I was very surprised that emotional intelligence is virtually all learned. I thought that it is the opposite and it is amazing. When I read about the "test anxiety", I remember myself as a 15–year–old girl, who have a relatively high IQ, but since I was so anxious that I would fail sometimes I would just go blank from all the pressure. It seems that it would be much more useful if we learned at school how to be emotional intelligence. Not only for life in general but all in order to succeed in school, which is a surprising fact for me.I did not understand that because of my lost control of emotions, I could not remember the answer in the test for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Intelligence By Robert Sternbergs Triarchic Theory Of... This essay is going to be focused on intelligence. A persons intelligence is described as a "person's ability to learn and remember information, to recognise concepts and their relations, and to apply the information to their own behaviour in an adaptive way" (Neisser et al., 1996). There are a huge amount of different theories in relation to intelligence but this essay will pay particular focus to Robert Sternbergs Triarchic Theory of intelligence. He defines intelligence as " 1) the ability to achieve one's goals in life, given one's sociocultural context; 2) by capitalizing on strengths and correcting or compensating for weaknesses; 3) in order to adapt to, shape, and select environments; and, 4) through a combination of analytical, creative, and practical abilities" (Sternberg, 2005, p.189). Therefore this means that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The first form is analytic intelligence. This is whereby people are able to think and evaluate information. (Jacobson, Mulick, Rojahn, 2007). It involves familiar circumstances where abstract thinking is applied. (Sternberg, 2005).The second is creative intelligence. This is demonstrated by how people deal with unfamiliar situations and experiences. Practical intelligence is the way in which people adapt to their surroundings in a positive way. (Jacobson, Mulick, Rojahn, 2007). Sterbergs theory implies that intelligence is demonstrated by a person's ability to deal with normal tasks and everyday situations. (Jacobson et al., 2007). Sternberg believed that tests and exams often ignored the creative and practical intelligence. For the theory as a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Intelligence And Intelligence: The Impact Of Emotional... INTRODUCTION Emotional intelligence (EI) is the ability to recognize one's own and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior. Leadership would be a bit more difficult to pin point a definition. Leaders set direction and help themselves and others to do the right thing to move forward. To do this they create an inspiring vision, and then motivate and inspire others to reach that vision. They also manage delivery of the vision, either directly or indirectly, and build and coach their teams to make them ever stronger. Effective leadership is to be able to cultivate these skills and put it to effective use Emotional intelligence, hope, mindfulness, and compassion help a person reverse the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... As the baby boomer population approaches retirement age, companies are going to find themselves dealing with labor shortages the likes of which have never been seen before. In an economy characterized by scarce labor, it's going to become increasingly important to hold on to the good employees. At the same time, competition for the best employees is going to become even more fierce, and good workers who feel they aren't treated fairly at work will have an easy time finding employment elsewhere. The best way to hold on to the employees that you want to keep is to incorporate emotional intelligence into your personal and organizational management philosophy. Managers and business owners can't let themselves lose sight of the fact that their employees are people, with real lives and emotions that impact how they think, feel, and act. Managers with emotional intelligence understand that their staff members are people first and workers second. This understanding guides how the best managers treat their employees at all ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Emotional Intelligence The importance of Emotional Intelligence is something that needs to be recognized. Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, and others. Emotional intelligence is a central parent of our everyday lives, both in professional and personal enviornments , and as such it is important to become aware of exactly how you rate your own emotional intelligence. After the the emotional intelligence test that was provided on www.ihhp.com/testsites.htm, I learned more about myself and how I respond to those around me. As I was taking the test I realized that much of my emotional intelligence is not only concerned with my own feelings and actions but how others effect me. My emotional ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One method is set goals for yourself in achieving a good emotional intelligence. This can be done by first taking a test, such as I did, and finding out how your emotional intelligence rates. This will inform you on your strengths and your weaknesses. Once this is done, then you are able to set a responsible goal for improvement. For example, one area of improvement for my emotional intelligence is for me to take time out to reflect of events. I will set a goals to begin doing this at least three time per week. Once I accomplish this goal I will then increase this to once a day. Reaching goals also gives a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment which improves your emotional intelligence. Other ways to enhance your emotional intelligence are by encouraging insight and self–awareness, and build in a support system. Allow yourself to acknowledge your weaknesses, for it is by doing this that improvement may begin. It is important to realize that no one is perfect and that it is o.k.to have areas of improvement. Very often, people views the need for improvement as being something that is embarrassing. This is not true. Part of emotional intelligence is breaking down the barriers of fear and anxiety. References: www. businessballs.com>self/personal development © alan chapman 2000–2012, based on Daniel Goleman's EQ concept. www.unh.edu/emotional_intelligenc/.../EI2004MayorSaloveyCarusotarget Site (c) Copyright ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Emotional Intelligence: The Development Of Emotional... Development of emotional intelligence, however, is more complex. It may start with one's self by knowing the mental state in a situation in order to assess capabilities and limitations. Because knowing is not enough, one must also know how to control emotions to prevent conflicts. Staying calm under pressure distresses situations and a right mindset uses motivation to develop emotional intelligence by staying committed to fulfill duties or achieve a goal with the use of emotional maturity. (Ravenscraft n.p.) Emotional intelligence development is also affected by social factors. Other individuals affect one's empathy, the ability to sense the feelings of others for us to feel for ourselves. Empathy plays an important role in children's EQ. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To care for pets is to be responsible for the life of another. It is necessary to give time, money, and energy. Since pets are a commitment, choosing the right animal is imperative to this big decision. Children may opt for low–maintenance pets, like fish, since they are the easiest to care for since they don't require too much attention. However, pets like cats or dogs need a lot more care, therefore constant interaction between them is a must. Children must be aware of the responsibilities that come with a pet. (Pet Responsibilities n.p.) Once a child starts pet care, the development of their social skills and emotional intelligence unfolds. Children care for pets by fulfilling their basic needs for food, exercise, hygiene, and love. The ways that children care for their pets show how mindful they are of the difference between animals' needs and human beings' needs. (Melson 51) Since pets depend on the provision of their owners, proper food and adequate water, suitable shelter, physical activity like exercise for pet dogs, health and hygiene like check–up's at the veterinarian and proper grooming, as well as love and attention cannot be given to a pet without its owner. (Taking Care Of Your Pet ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Ribot's Nine Intelligences According to Ribot (2007) the nine intelligences are as follows: Verbal–Linguistic intelligence speaks to an individual's ability to understand and manipulate words and language. This intelligence is possessed by everyone at the same level and includes reading, writing, speaking and other forms of verbal and written communication. Logical–Mathematical intelligence refers to an individual's ability to do things with data: collect, and organize, analyze and interpret, conclude and predict. Individuals strong in this intelligence see patterns and relationships. These individuals are oriented toward thinking: inductive and deductive logic, numeration, and abstract patterns. Visual–Spatial intelligence refers to the ability to form and manipulate ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These individuals often daydream, imagine and pretend. They are good at reading diagrams and maps and enjoy solving mazes and jigsaw puzzles. Bodily–Kinesthetic intelligence refers to people who process information through the sensations they feel in their bodies. These people like to move around, touch the people they are talking to and act things out. They are good at small and large muscle skills; they enjoy all types of sports and physical activities. They often express themselves through dance. Musical–Rhythm intelligence refers to the ability to understand, create, and interpret musical pitches, timbre, rhythm, and tones and the capability to compose music. Teachers can integrate activities into their lessons that encourage students' musical intelligence by playing music for the class and assigning tasks that involve students creating lyrics about the material being taught. Composers and instrumentalists are individuals with strength in this area. Naturalistic intelligence is seen in someone who recognizes and classifies plants, animals, and minerals including a mastery of taxonomies. They are holistic thinkers who recognize specimens and value the unusual. They are aware of species such as the flora and fauna around them. They notice natural and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. The Measure Of Intelligence : Intelligence The Measure of Intelligence Scientists have been searching for an accurate way to measure intelligence for many years. This search has led to multiple tests that claim to test intelligence. However, due to the many theories of intelligence, these tests vary from simply assessing a person's knowledge, to testing reasoning skills. However, these tests tend to fail in the most key part in testing intelligence: Intelligence is widely considered a constant characteristic throughout a person's life, and these scores on the tests can be easily affected by factors such as sickness and practice. Intelligence can be defined in many different ways. It has been defined as "An index of intelligence originally computed by dividing a child's estimated mental age by the child's chronological age, then multiplying by 100," (Grisson, Heatherton, & Gazzaniga, 2015). It has also been defined as "A set of cognitive skills that include abstract thinking, reasoning, problem solving, and the ability to acquire knowledge," (Gayzur, 2015). By taking three different IQ tests, each test varying on how it tested intelligence, I received three entirely different scores. According to a test on IQtest.com, I was below average intelligence (Autumn Group, 2015).A day later, I took the IQ test from the High IQ Society website. This website claimed that my IQ was at or slightly above average (International High IQ Society, 2015). These two websites were very similar, both seeming to test the IQ based on the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. Intelligence Versus Education:The Effects Of Intelligence Intelligence Versus Education: The Effects of Intelligence Test Scores on Student Learning Introduction: A common explanation of intelligence includes "the importance of learning from experience" and being able to "adapt to the environment." Later the "importance of people's understanding and control of their own thinking processes" was added along with the other two to attempt to measure intelligence itself (Williams, 1996). When measuring intelligence, there are two extreme sides that take up about four percent of the population according to the normal distribution of intelligence, one being intellectual disability and the other being giftedness. The other 96 percent of the population fall in the average intelligence (Weiten, 2013). ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Instead of measuring what a person is capable of learning, intelligence tests measure what a person has learned previously which may cause some controversy as to how valid they are when it comes to learning in school. This affects students as they learn because based on their IQ scores, students could be treated differently by their teachers or anyone in the school system whether its intentional or unintentional. Students who end up on the intellectually disabled side of the spectrum of intelligence have "subnormal general mental ability accompanied by deficiencies in adaptive skills, originating before age 18" (Weiten, 2013). Based on the category, if a child is considered "intellectually disabled," then they will need to go through special education classes for school to meet any needs that a child may have. Some children are also said to have learning disabilities when they have lower intelligences which are "manifested by significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning, or mathematical abilities" (Gunderson & Siegel, 2001). According to Gunderson and Siegel, the use of intelligence tests may not be very reliable when it comes to whether a child has a learning disability or not. They believe that some children who are identified as having a learning disability should not be, therefore making it harder on ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 57. The Characteristics Of Spiritual Intelligence And... Slovey & Mayer (1990) says that Emotional intelligence is a kind of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor one's own emotions, to discriminate among them and to use the information to guide one's thinking and actions. For Goleman emotional intelligence help us to get success at the highest levels, in leadership positions, emotional competence accounts for virtually the entire advantage. As we know, it's not the smartest people that are the most successful or the most fulfilled in life. Perhaps we are well–acquainted to the fact that people who academically brilliant and yet are socially inept and unsuccessful at work or in their personal relationships. Intellectual intelligence or IQ isn't enough on its own to be successful ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However the concept was very old and ancient, the term spiritual intelligence is first exposed by them. The term derived from the Latin word 'Wind or breath'. This is literally a wind that is blowing through us, the principle that makes us alive and humane Zohar and Marshall (2000), describe spiritual intelligence as the ultimate intelligence and place it at the top of a hierarchy, with emotional intelligence below and rational intelligence (IQ) below that. Relying loosely on limited neurological findings, suggest that Spiritual Intelligence (which they refer to as SQ) represents the brain's tertiary process of intuitive thinking. This tertiary process combines the lower processes of rational and emotional intelligence in order to "reframe or reconceptualize our experience and thus transform our understanding of it" (Zohar & Marshall, 2000: 65), allowing for higher orders cognition of a spiritual and moral nature. While a specific ;set of mental abilities is not defined, Zohar and Marshall (2000) by stress on the utility of spiritual intelligence in solving problems of meaning, value, and those of an existential nature, concurring with Vaughan (2002) and Wolman (2001). Intelligence that is with which we access our deepest meanings, purposes, and highest motivations. It is the intelligence that makes us whole, that gives us our integrity. It is the soul's intelligence, the intelligence of the deep self It is the intelligence with which we ask fundamental questions and with which we reframe our ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 59. Emotional Intelligence And Personal Intelligence Introduction The author was given the task to explain emotional intelligence, and give two (2) example of the concept. Second, to examine, the concept of "emotional quotient" compared to traditional "intelligence quotient." Third to suggest two to three (2–3) reasons why leaders' need emotional intelligence to manage today's workforce, as well as to speculate on at least two (2) possible consequences should a leader not possess emotional intelligence. Fourth, to explore the elements of emotional intelligence that leaders must be aware of to increase leadership effectiveness. Lastly, to recommend a strategy that the organization could undertake in order to improve the social skills of leaders within the organization and thereby ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Secondly, a person with a good EQ can recognize, control and express one's own emotions, perceive and assess other's emotions. On the contrary, a person with a high IQ can learn, understand and implement knowledge, and possesses logical reasoning and abstract thinking. Lastly, EQ measures an individual's social and emotional competencies or one's ability to recognize one's own and other person's emotional expression. Conversely, IQ measures a person's academic competency and reasoning ability (S, 2016)". Suggest two to three (2–3) reasons why leaders' need emotional intelligence to manage today's workforce. Speculate on at least two (2) possible consequences should a leader not possess emotional intelligence. "Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand and manage our emotions and those around us, therefore, this quality gives individuals a variety of skills, such as the ability to manage relationships, navigate social networks, influence and inspire others. Every individual possesses different level, but in order for individuals to become effective leaders, they will need a high level of emotional intelligence. In today's workplace, it has become a highly important ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 61. Emotional Intelligence Leaders, now more than ever before, have enormous challenges and potential conflicts due to today's diverse and rapidly changing world, making emotional intelligence almost as important as our knowledge or experience (Greenockle, 2010). Now days, our companies are driven by budget cuts, downsizing, constant changes, and new policies that make sustaining work settings that allow for better communication and collaboration be difficult many times. Hence, it will be reasonable to believe that the ability to understand and correlate to others will be equally important as our knowledge and experience. Goleman (1998), describes emotional intelligence is the capability each individual has to identify, comprehend and deal with emotions, both within self and with others, thus, making it directly related to self–improvement, self–awareness, and team building. The Emotional Intelligence Test identified Social ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Being a Hospice Case Manager empathy and the ability to pick up on and understand the emotions and needs of my patients and their families without letting my personal values interfere becomes a crucial part of my job. I need to understand my patient's needs in order to create an individualized plan of care that reflects their goals for care. Self–awareness relates closely to our emotions, self–evaluation, and self–esteem (Greenockle, 2010). High self–awareness helps with our ability to examine ourselves in order to direct possible behaviors derived from good and bad emotions. On the other hand self–management deals with ethics, flexibility, excellence, and with showing initiative (Greenockle, 2010). Without the ability to manage our emotions with will be very difficult to achieve emotional intelligence because uncontrolled emotions are non–productive and most of the time result only in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 63. What Is Intelligence? Intelligence What is intelligence to you? Intelligence to me is someone who is able to be creative and can think outside the box. There are many different ideas of intelligence, depending on the person you speak to. Many traits can go into being intelligent; therefore, there is no single underlying factor. Some simple traits are: creative, thinker, knowledge, the ability to set a goal and achieve it, and able to think outside the box. According to the Merriam–Webster dictionary, intelligence is "the ability to learn or understand things or to deal with new or difficult situations." (www.merriam–webster.com) Our textbook says intelligence is "the ability to solve problems and to adapt and learn from experiences." (Ch. 8, Pg. 247, Santrock) There are many traits you could find in an intelligent person, although some may be shocking. According to the website, Citehr.com, there are many qualities for highly intelligent people. They are: "make decisions intuitively, self–awareness, use active reflection, think out of the box, have an open mind, are responsive, are resourceful, question authority, upgrade their brain, have a sense of humor, take risks, trust themselves, write and list things on paper, use discernment, read, value learning, teach others, reinvent themselves, and are students of life." (www.citehr.com) When including intelligence with nature vs. nurture, many thoughts come to mind. As we previously learned in our textbooks, nature is "the biological inheritance and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 65. The Concept Of Intelligence And Intelligence The concept of intelligence can be hard to define. The question is what are the characteristics involved in one's perceived notion of intelligence. Most people can certainly provide examples or ideas of intelligence only in regard to people. Since the concept of intelligence seems to only be based of ideas and examples constructed from individual people, how valid the tests, given to children and adults, to measure intelligence? The assessment of intelligence from the past and present are factors to consider how intelligence is defined and how those tests are applied to predict certain performances that can affect the future of people. The view and understanding of intelligence was much different during the late 19th century. There were only two separate significant works done involving intelligence by Sir Francis Gallon and Alfred Binet. Gallon's perspective involved a more psychophysical view of intelligence that stressed low–level tasks joining physical and mental abilities (Simpson, 1943). To test intelligence, he performed tests that would measure grip, strength and physical abilities that were not related to school performances (Simpson, 1943). Because of his type of assessment, his results were not given much attention. Other researchers decided that results should reflect achievement, the first factor that contributed to defining intelligence. Binet's approaches were very different when it came to assessing intelligence. He first defined intelligence as comprising ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 67. Emotional Intelligence Emotional Intelligence EDUCATION 2: Facilitating Learning INSTRUCTOR: Mrs. Sheryl Ann Perciano Submitted By: Hazel P. Villegas Maria Dolores L. Comighod BEED– Content Course [ II–D ] Individuals have many similar characteristics but they too differ in many respects. One of these individual differences is the intellectual differences which also refers to the intelligence. Intelligence is the general capacity of a person to adjust consciously his thinking to a new requirement. It is the combination of general and specific abilities that a person possesses in coping with the problem of his everyday living. Also according to studies the non–cognitive aspects of intelligence is also important for adaptation and success that ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Five Domains of Emotional Intelligence PERSONAL COMPETENCES | | 1. Self–Awareness | ●Emotional Awareness | | ●Accurate Self– assessment | | ● Self–confidence | | | 2. Self–Regulation | ●Self–control | | ●Trustworthiness | | ●Conscientiousness | | ●Adaptability | | ●Innovativeness | | | 3. Self–Motivation | ●Achievement Drive | | ●Commitment | | ●Initiative | | ●Optimism | SOCIAL COMPETENCES | | 4. Social Awareness | ●Empathy | | ●Service Orientation | | ●Developing Others | | ●Leveraging Diversity | | ●Political Awareness | | | 5. Social Skills | ●Influence | | ●Communication | | ●Leadership | | ●Change Catalyst | | ●Conflict management | | ●Building bonds | | ●Collaboration and Cooperation | | ●Team Capabilities | Description of High Emotionally Intelligent Individual High EI Individual | | ●Better perceive emotions, use them in thought, understand their meanings, and manage emotions, than others. | | ●Less emotional 'baggage ' and conversely people | | ●Drawn to occupations involving social interactions such as teaching and counseling more so than to
  • 68. occupations involving clerical or administrative tasks. | | ●Less apt to engage in problem behaviors, and avoids self–destructive, negative behaviors ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 70. Essay Intelligence Intlligence In society, people base their life on intelligence. They do everything possible to get ahead in life. To get ahead, they cheat each other, back stab, and commit many sinful acts. Also, they educate themselves so they are capable of doing whatever is required of them. Society is trying to always make themselves smarter. Are they trying to change something that they have no control over though? Intelligence is something that everybody has, but is something that is developed over time. The development of intelligence has many items that play a factor. For instance, environment and heredity both play a role in developing a person's I.Q. "Each of us are born with intelligence" (Lawler 15). With one's intelligence, ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For instance, a child that comes from an environment that is uncaring, unlovable, and abusive tends to score lower on an I.Q. test. Put that same child into a different situation, by either adoption or foster care, or just a change of parental support, and that child performance increases. "I.Q. could be based on a range of environments, or lowered by lack of positive environmental feedback" (Loehlin, Lindzey, and Spuhler 103). Without positive feedback a child gives up. He gives up because he feels like he is a failure at what he is doing. While the main focus on a child's intelligence comes from the home, other influences also play a role. Pinter stated "By environmental influences we way mean very specific and narrow changes or else those factors of home and school" (94). At school, children learn reading, writing, and arithmetic. In addition to classes, school offers a good place to fellowship with others. During the fellowship, one is able to gain knowledge from other people. That fellowship though isn't always a good thing. For example, suppose that everything the child hears throughout the day is not true. Then, that child becomes ignorant to the truth. All this happens because the child is bombarded with false information throughout the day. At some time the child will start believing that everything he hears is true. With children balancing out each other's intelligence in conversation, the need for it to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 72. Intelligence And The Theory Of Intelligence Essay Psychology Of Intelligence Intelligence is a very important factor in human psychology. Human intelligence is a rather complicated form of psychology and quite complex as well. Many people may lack intelligence, many people may have a strong amount of intelligence. Human intellect is what makes humans "smart" and sets us aside from animals and other types of beings. Many researchers in psychology have studied intelligence and how it makes us, us. Intelligence has since become something that can be tested and measured through a wide array of tests. Although intelligence can vary from person to person, it is what truly makes us human. The theory of intelligence was first brought up around 300 BC, the time of the Greek philosophers. Greek scholars and philosophers from the likes of Aristotle and Plato were rather interested in human intellect, the idea of intelligence astounded them. They were most known to be one of the firsts to explore the ideas of human intelligence but it wasn't until Francis Galton who was "influenced by his half– cousin Charles Darwin, was the first to propose a theory of general intelligence." (Defining Intelligence, n.d.) As Francis Galton was beginning to study intelligence more intensely, many "different researchers have proposed a variety of theories to explain the nature of intelligence" (Theories Of Intelligence, n.d.) as well. Galton later realized that through cognitive tests and reaction times, the size of one's brain does not equal to the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 74. Intelligence, Surveillance, And Reconnaissance 2.1.3. Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance The intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) is a main function of airpower, which integrates the intelligence production activities with activities such as surveillance and reconnaissance. ISR is an "integrated intelligence and operations function" by nature. The ISR efforts contribute to the creation of joint integrated intelligence preparation of tactical, operational and even strategic environment. This results in gaining the effect of situational awareness, and provides with the opportunity to dominate adversaries in the decision making at all levels of war – tactical, operational and strategic. The core airpower attributes height, speed and reach, provides with ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Thus it is most likely to be a role, applicable with service, agency or organisation. Rather it is more appropriate the approach of naming the role, used in NATO AJP–3.3 "Allied Joint Doctrine for Air and Space Operations" – "contribution to ISR", which addresses the airpower as contributor. The main activities, which comply with the definition and core attributes of air power, are surveillance and reconnaissance. While performing the surveillance and reconnaissance, airpower contributes to the intelligence and enables the achievement of the "situational awareness" effect. Separating these three functions will lead to loss of effectiveness. Surveillance Surveillance is defined as operations which include "systematic observation of space, aerospace, surface areas, places, persons or objects, by visual, aural, electronic, photographic or other means" [15]. The aim of conducting surveillance is to provide with indications and warning about the adversaries' activities and potential or actual threats of different origin. Surveillance is a persistent monitoring of the environment in order to detect any changes. Figure 5. South Korea located THAAD's X band radar coverage Airborne and space–based surveillance capabilities are able ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 76. Questions On Intelligence And Intelligence Everyone has their own unique ability to understand complex ideas and use reasoning to solve a problem. These capabilities are what we typically associate with intelligence. However, intelligence cannot easily be defined by a single IQ number on a scale or even by saying someone is "smart" or "dumb" in a certain area of knowledge such as math or science. Each and every person is unique in their own respect and there are a multitude of facets that contribute to the way we measure and assess an individual's abilities to understand or adapt to a given situation. Intelligence is a combination of an individual's ability to learn, pose problems, and solve problems. Learning is the ability to combine education, experiences, and training and transform that into background knowledge to be used later. Posing problems is the ability to recognize that there is a problem in a given situation. Problem solving includes not only finding a solution to a given problem, but by also forming products and doing complex tasks. However, the way one may solve a problem or overcome an obstacle can be completely different from another's solution. These differences between individuals make it difficult to make a single measurement of how smart or "intelligent" someone may be, but intelligence tests can be useful to identifying strengths and weaknesses. Since very early in history, many have strived to devise a way to measure the intelligence of an individual. During the late 1800's, English ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...