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Interesting Essay TopicsInteresting Essay Topics
International Adoptions Essay
The number of international adoptions taking place in the United States is steadily increasing.
Many people looking to start a family in the United States are turning to international adoptions
because the process is easier than adopting within this country. However, many of these adoptive
parents are not ready for the challenges of adopting a child from another country. Not only are the
adoptive parents and the children at different levels of readiness to attach but the child is forced
into a new culture as well. Many of the children adopted internationally have been mistreated prior
to adoption and as a resulting have great difficulty forming attachments with their adoptive parents.
It is difficult for these internationally ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
A number of children when adopted come to the United States with nothing from their cultural
pasts and must face the anti immigrant sentiment that is prevalent in our society. Many adopted
children are mourning the loss of their cultural context in many ways that adoptive parents and
practitioners are not prepared to deal with.
Although the number of international adoptions are increasing in the United States there have been
few studies focusing on the adjustment, identity, and attachment of international adoptees. There is
very little research on adult adoptees and the ethnic/cultural socialization and identity
developmental process. According to Freidlander (1999), most of the available research considers
self esteem or adjustment of adopted children, not the process by which they begin forming an
understanding and acceptance of their identity.
This topic merits attention in the research field so this study proposes to understand the adoptive
experience of internationally adopted adults in terms of their identity development, attachment
experience, and adaptation to life in an American family. A qualitative interview approach will be
used while interviewing internationally adopted adults to understand the complex experience of
adoption and how one adapts to this experience. This study is developed in hopes to inform
prospective adoptive families and mental health practitioners of the experiences and challenges
faced by international adoptees so they are
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Summary Of Margaret Atwood s The Victory Burlesk
Madeleine Davies had once said that Margaret Atwood s female bodies are inevitably coded bodies
that tell the story of the subject s experience within a political economy that seeks to consume them,
convert them into consumers in turn, shrink them, neutralize them, silence them, and contain them
physically or metaphorically. (Davies 60). In Margaret Atwood s short story, The Victory Burlesk,
Atwood is showing just that; Atwood is demonstrating how a womanis shrunken, silenced, and
contained. This short story is bringing attention to how people feel shamefor women in realization
of reality, and how there is a focus on the Good Woman and the Bad Woman , how Bad Woman are
The Victory Burlesk is a story in which a woman is on stage and reveals herself as an elderly
woman, putting on a show for one another to watch, a show in which people in the audience began
to feel shame about. I could feel shame washing through me. (Atwood 20 21), there is a woman on
the stage, making herself vulnerable for everyone to see, and yet others are shameful in this
situation. Why do others feel shame? Because there is a realization that this woman is real. That
that is a actual body up there, one that no one wants to sexualize anymore due to her age and
appearance. But also because they are not properly showing the representation of how women are
shown on stage. Difference can make one feel uncomfortable, to the point they feel shame for
another person. It was seen as if
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The First Iron Heads
The Sportster style motorcycle was born out of an ambition to put power and precision in a mid
sized bike. Over the decades, motorcycle designers and engineers have strived to masterfully blend
a middleweight frame with an innovative power source. Here s a walk through the evolution of the
mid sized street style motorcycle.
The First Iron Heads
No other motorcycle has more history than the Sportster does. Although the first official mid sized
bike didn t roll off the assembly line until late 1957, engineers across the industry had been toying
with the idea of a sleeker designed motorcycle that did not compromise on power.
Early models, dating back to the late 1920s, were in the middleweight motorcycle class, but no one
could seem to put their finger on the perfect combination of power and sleekness. Control and
comfort were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Although it didn t have a long life itself, it was definitive evidence that motorcycle designers were
on the verge of producing a motorcycle style they had been striving towards for over 20 years.
The First Sportster is Born
Three years later a true middleweight motorcycle was designed that produced of sporty style
matched with power. In 1957, the first Sportster design hit the streets. Engineers had finally
mastered the idea of a mid sized motorcycle with impeccable handling capabilities, fueled by an
883cc OHV engine with a flathead configuration.
A classic street style design was used to propel Leo Payne over Leo Payne over 200 mph, setting
a land speed record on a motorcycle in 1969. Motorcycle enthusiasts had thirsted for a more
controllable bike that did not compromise power for handling. By the 1970s, the sport bike style
motorcycles took over as the most sought after style and design. The trend continues, as engine
innovations add even more power to the mid sized stylish street bikes like the Sportster
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Goeth In Schindler s List
In Schindler s List, Goeth is a Nazi, who is in charge of a concentration camp. He was born to
hate the Jews and has no mercy towards them. He shoots them off his balcony, at random,
showing that he has no disregard for their lives. When he comes to take charge of the
concentration camp he lines up all the women to pick one as his cleaning lady. He picks Helen
by chance and she begins her job. Helen tells Schindler that the first night she was working,
Goethe beat her. He beat her even harder when she asked him why she was being beaten.
Throughout the war, and movie Goethe starts to develop feeling towards Helen. Helen thinks that
someday he will shoot her. Schindler can see Goethe mixed feeling towards Helen and know that
he will not because
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Romig Middle School Research Paper
Have you ever had to go all the way to your locker just to get one thing for one class? If we could
just take our backpacks or something to carry things with, we wouldn t have that problem. At
Romig Middle School, we aren t allowed to bring such things. Instead of carrying our backpacks
we have to keep them in our lockers at all times. If we do take backpacks with us to class, we get
in trouble by our teachers or security guards. Going back and forth through the hallways wastes
needed energy that we already don t have because of the long and early school hours. Not only
does it waste energy, but it s also time consuming and causes us to become late for class. Students
should have the option of carrying some of our things through the hallways... Show more content on
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On debate.org an anonamous user said, Stop pretending that our children are stupid, if they want
to smuggle contraband or weapons into school, they will! I believe this statement is true because
if a student wanted to bring drugs or weapons into a school then they would have plenty of ways
to hide them without getting caught. Even if a student did bring those kinds of things into school,
the school should have already been prepared to take care of the issue. At the end of the day, it is
a school s and a parents responsibility to raise their child to know that violence is not the
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Castle s Family Chain Analysis Paper
Castle s family restaurant is a fairly small chain that the family owns in northern California in
which they provide work for as many as 300 340 recruits. Out of the 300 340 recruits most of
which are part time employed and the remainder of the recruits which is approximately 40
percent is full time recruited employees. Mr. Morgan performs as the HR manager among being
the operations manager, which requires him to travel between locations on a daily basis. While
traveling from location to location he has to be prepared to take care of the recruiting, hiring, as
well as be ready and able to answer any questions that any of the recruits may have. As part of Mr.
Morgan s daily responsibilities he also has to take care of or complete the required... Show more
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In doing this they appear to be a closer nit and allowing for upper management to be more
accessible to the employees. With the family chain only having one person as the operations HR
manager it results in non productive man hours such as travel time, the cost incurred to get to
each store with the price of fuel, plus all the wear and tear on Mr. Morgan s vehicle. In addition to
all the above Mr. Morgan has to spend time gathering everything he needs for each location before
leaving his office which could take time trying to remember everything such as things he needs for
hiring, scheduling, training, as well as all the payroll documentation he has to transport from
location to location to fulfill the effectiveness on each visit. At the current time it is very inefficient
in the way that Mr. Morgan is completing the payroll process with using excel and to input all
information and then a separate system to print the payroll. It is very time consuming in the fact
that he manually enters all the data into the spreadsheet and then has to transfer all information
inputted over to the check printing program. As a result of all these things including the traveling
between locations Mr. Morgan s duties as the Operations Manager in addition to performing all the
HR duties limits the ability for the business to
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Mercury Athletic
Problem statement:
West Coast Fashions, Inc a large business of men s and women s apparel decided to dispose of
one of their segments; Mercury Athletic. John Liedtke, head of the business development for
Active Gear, Inc saw it has a possible opportunity for them to acquire it. The footwear industry is
very competitive, with low growth and stable profit margins. AGI is very profitable but it is
smaller than its competitors, which is becoming a disadvantage. Therefore, Liedtke believes that if
they takeover Mercury will double AGI s revenue, increase it s leverage with contract manufactures
and expand its presence with key retailers and distributions. Liedtke is evaluating the company in
order to find out ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
It is important to look at it because it is a measure that investors can use to evaluate the financial
health of the company. However Liedkte being more conservative he says that the combined
businesses could achieve and EBIT of 9 % and when looking at the projections for Mercury from
2007 2011 we can see a growth in earnings. So then what are the cash flows if Liedtke thinks the
combined businesses will have a revenue growth of 2% in year 2011 considering we discounting
back to 2006. We need to calculate the Free Cash Flow (FCF) in order to determine if the Net
profit Value is positive or negative. Knowing that we will know if the acquisition should be
undertaken. When looking at the excel sheet we can see that the NVP using the discount rate
given by the case 7.65 % with a growth rate of 3 % gives us an NVP= $ 275,399.78. Therefore
the NVP s value compares the value of the investment made today to the same value of the amount
in the future. So that is the amount AGI needs to pay up front. The free cash flows are made from
the financial statement given in the case and were determined using the FCF method; EBIT (1 Tax
Rate) + Depreciation amp; Amortization Change in Net Working Capital Capital
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Essay On Stuffed Crust
To find the amount of inches of stuffed crust put around the edge of pizza A, you must find the
perimeter. To do so, you can use the formula p = 2 (l+w). Since pizza A has both a length and width
of 5 inches, you can multiply 2 by 10 to get a perimeter of 20 inches. To find the perimeter of pizza
B, you can also use the same formula. Since pizza B has a length of 4 inches and a width of 8
inches, you can multiply 2 by 12 to get a perimeter of 24 inches. To find the circumferenceof pizza
C, you can use the formula a = pi (d), as d represents diameter. Because the diameter of the pizza
is 9 inches, you can multiply pi, or 3.14, by 9 to get a circumference of 28.26 inches. To figure
out the length of stuffed crust around the edge of a square pizza with an area of 36 square inches,
you must first find the length of each side.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The square root of 36 is 6, so that means each side is 6 inches. 4 sides that are each 6 inches long
is a total of 24 inches, so the perimeter of the pizza is 24 inches. To design two rectangular pizzas
each with an area of 36 square inches, you can simply just find the factors of 36. One pair of
factors are 4 and 9, so these numbers can represent the length and width of the pizza. Now to find
the perimeter of this pizza, you can use the same formula we used for pizza A and B in number
1. Since this pizza has a length of 4 inches and a width of 9 inches, you can multiply 2 by 13 to
get a perimeter of 26 inches. Another pair of factors of 36 are 3 and 12, so these numbers can
represent the length and width of pizza 2. Once again, you use the same formula to find the
perimeter. Since pizza 2 has a length of 3 inches and a width of 12 inches, you can multiply 2 by
15 to get a perimeter of 30 inches. To find the circumference of a round pizza with an area of 36
square inches, you must first find the radius of the
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The Case Of Korematsu V. US
323 U.S. 214 (1944)
Perhaps, according to Bernard Schwartz, the greatest failure of American law during World War
II may be illustrated by the case of Fred Toyosaburo Korematsu. As graphically described in 1944
by a member of the bench, his case is one that is unique in our system:
Korematsu was born on our soil, of parents born in Japan. The Constitution makes him a citizen of
the United States by nativity and a citizen of California by residence. No claim is made that he is
not loyal to this country. There is no suggestion that apart from the matter involved here he is not
law abiding and well disposed. Korematsu, however, has been convicted of an act not commonly a
crime. It consists me rely of being present in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Secondly, regardless of the true nature of the assembly and relocation centers, we are dealing
specifically with nothing but the exclusion order. To bring in the issue of racial prejudice, without
reference to the real military dangers which existed, merely confuses the issue.
Korematsu was not excluded from the Military Area because of hostility to him or his race. He
was excluded because we are at war with the Japanese Empire . . . The military urgency of the
situation required that all citizens of Japanese ancestry be segregated from the West Coast
temporarily. Congress put their confidence in our military leaders and decided that they should
have the power to carry out the necessary measures. There was evidence of disloyalty on the part
of some so the military authorities felt that the need for action was great. The fact that we can look
back and see things more calmly does not allow us to say that at the time these actions were
In dissenting Justice Owen Roberts felt the facts presented exhibited a clear violation of
Constitutional rights. It is he stated not a case of keeping people off the streets at night, nor a
case of temporary exclusion from an area for safety reasons . . . It is the case of convicting a
citizen as a punishment to not going into imprisonment in a concentration camp. In addition, if a
citizen were forced to obey two laws and obedience
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The As A Metaphor For The State Of A Nation Essay
In what ways does the figure of the child serve as a metaphor for the state of a nation?
In China s quest for modernity, the figure of the child transcended its biological definition. It took
on a symbolic metaphorical form of rejuvenation used to revitalize the state of a nation facing
extinction. After the Opium Wars, Chinese intellectuals had started to become aware of Chinas
weakness on the world stage. By 1900, defeat in the Sino Japanese War, the failure of the Boxer
Rebellion and the humiliating treaties that followed, made it clear to all. The old empire was in
decline with the inadequacies of tradition exposed. A critique of the Confucian Doctrine, had begun.
China needed to rejuvenate, rewriting the weaknesses of the old empire into a youthful nation. The
questioning of nationhood coincided with a rising class of literati learning outside of China. Those
such as Liang Qichao, believed that the huge gap between China and the West was not because of
race but different educational systems within which, the education of children was vital. Ideas of
Social Darwinism and the survival of the nation spread, furthering the symbolism of the child
through the prism of the nation. Reformers in this class fervently critiqued the Civil Service
Examination system in relation to foreign aggression. Lin Shu denotes, thousands of literati were
trained to be familiar with Confucian classics and historical books, but they had no ability to deal
with invaders. In this way,
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Essay on Cooperative Learning ( Johnson and Johnson, 2006)
Cooperative Learning Cooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy in which small teams,
each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their
understanding of a subject. Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning what is
taught but also for helping teammates learn, thus creating an atmosphere of achievement. Students
work through the assignment until all group members successfully understand and complete it.
Cooperative efforts result in participants striving for mutual benefit so that all group members: *
gain from each other s efforts. (Your success benefits me and my success benefits you.) * recognize
that all group members share a common fate. (We all... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Individual amp; Group Accountability ( no hitchhiking! no social loafing) * Keeping the size of
the group small. The smaller the size of the group, the greater the individual accountability may
be. * Giving an individual test to each student. * Randomly examining students orally by calling
on one student to present his or her group s work to the teacher (in the presence of the group) or
to the entire class. * Observing each group and recording the frequency with which each member
contributes to the group s work. * Assigning one student in each group the role of checker. The
checker asks other group members to explain the reasoning and rationale underlying group
answers. * Having students teach what they learned to someone else. | | 4. Interpersonal amp;
Small Group Skills * Social skills must be taught: * Leadership * Decision making * Trust
building * Communication * Conflict management skills| | 5. Group Processing * Group members
discuss how well they are achieving their goals and maintaining effective working relationships *
Describe what member actions are helpful and not helpful * Make decisions about what behaviors
to continue or change | | Class Activities that use Cooperative LearningMost of these structures are
developed by Dr. Spencer Kagan and his associates at Kagan Publishing and
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“That’S The Difference Between Being Privileged And Being
That s the difference between being privileged and being poor in America: it s how many
chances you get. Malcolm Gladwell The United States prides itself on being an out with old, in
with the new kind of country; citizens have access to all the latest technology, landscapes are
constantly being remodeled to fit the modern look, and trends come and go in the blink of an
eye. We have become a society of instant gratification. Anything we want, we can have it unless
you re poor. Or a person of color, gay, or even a female. The odds are against you and your
success if you don t fit the mold of the person designed to fulfill their American Dream. This is an
issue that has plagued the US since its conception, but as we become increasingly... Show more
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Gatsby s parties are notoriously extravagant, occupied by shallow guests, alcohol, and his desire
to catch Daisy s attention. There are pages of the novel dedicated to demonstrate the luxury of
wealth. When Nick describes the plot between West Egg and New York, however, readers are
met with grim imagery that lasts but a few powerful sentences; Nick describes the land as a
valley of ashes a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque
gardens; where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys . . . of men who move dimly and
already crumbling through the powdery air (Fitzgerald 26). This is a stark contrast to the ritzy
lifestyle in the East and West Egg. It is a glimpse into the realities of those who do not have
money to sweep them away from their worries. And when Nick runs into Tom Buchannan,
months after Gatsby s symbolic death and desolate funeral, Nick cannot thwart his disdain. He
says, They were careless people, Tom and Daisy they smashed up things and creatures and then
retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever kept them together, and let
other people clean up the mess they had made . . . (Fitzgerald 191). This story does not preach a
tale of rags to riches, but acts a critic to American society and wealth. In his own subtle way,
Fitzgerald writes about the demon that still plagues the country today: classism. Classism, as
defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary, is the prejudice
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Computer Science In Education Essay
Only 5% of United States high schools teach computer science, the study of the principles and use
of computers, despite its critical importance. Even as the enrollment in science, technology,
engineering, and math classes have increased in the past 20 years, the number of students enrolled
in computer science has actually decreased. This can be attributed to the neglect exhibited by
schools on computer science. In these 20 years, 1 billion computers have been built which makes
computerscience integrated : so baked into human life that it is not surprising to encounter, with
social, technological, and futuristic aspects of the world. Unlike other integrated disciplines such as
English or math, computer science is not a required course in... Show more content on
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Universities are already starting to require computer science classes, but this creates the question:
How should computer science courses be implemented in education before University? An optimal
solution must teach social problem solving skills, increase the functionality of technology, and
provide an understanding of the future. The time at which computer science is introduced must also
be considered to ensure students have enough prior background knowledge in other related
disciplines and a basic understanding of what computer can and cannot do. In order to properly
implement computer science in education, it should be required in high school education and teach
the ubiquitous relationship that computer science has with the social, technological, and futuristic
aspects of the world.
Computer science is bound to have social impacts because of its ubiquitous nature. The most
influential of these impacts is the introduction of computational thinking. Computational Thinking
is a process that generalizes a solution to open ended problems. Open ended problems encourage
full, meaningful answers based on multiple variables, which are derived using abstraction and
automation. When solving open ended problems, computer scientists abstract notions from both the
physical and theoretical worlds. Unlike mathematical notions which only consider theory, computer
science combines both
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The Global Demographic Transition
Throughout the globe, we are experiencing the greatest demographic transition of all time.
According to the UN DESA report, our world population is projected to grow at approximately 9.7
billion by 2050. This immense growth will predominantly occur in underdeveloped regions and
developed countries, such as Africa and the U.S. Parts of the globe has an increasing ageing
population, while others are having a huge influx of new youth. Mainly Europe and South America
will contain ageing growths, whereas Africa and Asia will have larger proportions of youth ages.
This particular dynamic is going to have desiccating affects towards our interconnected global
society, if stable governments and its citizens do not come up with viable solutions. My main...
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The issue does not lie with spacial capacity of earth, rather the resources are being deplet and
distributed unevenely. Fact is developed countries in North America and Europe need to
corroborate methods that will satisfy the majority, since there will always be critiques. Hundreds of
millions of people in developing regions, are struck with poverty and malnutrition. It is time for the
leading developed countries to take new measures into account, and setting examples for the future
decades of humanity and the
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Comparing Two Metaphors
Under the tree light has dropped from the top of the sky, light like a green latticework of
branches, shining on every leaf, drifting down like clean white sand. A cicada sends its sawing
song high into the empty air The world is a glass overflowing with water. 2. I thought the earth
remembered me, she took me back so tenderly, arranging her dark skirts, her pockets full of
lichens[1] and seeds. I slept as never before, a stone on the riverbed, nothing between me and the
white fire of the stars but my thoughts, and they floated light as moths among the branches of the
perfect trees. All night I heard the small kingdoms breathing around me, the insects, and the birds
who do their work in the darkness. All night I rose and fell, as if in water,... Show more content on
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These are two poems about nature. Now they are talking about the same thing. Well, they say it
differently, you see the first one is talking about how the sun is rising and it shines on every leaf
and they use a simile which is just perfect. Then on the second one, then they use many, many
metaphors which are ok, but they rhyme a little which is better for the reader and it is longer and
so they make it more interesting. They are very interesting, and they make you want to just get
up and go outside. So you can feel what they are talking about so should right now just get off
the couch and go outside. Run around make some camping plans so you can go into the forest
and then see all the beauty of the world. Or you could go camping in the wrong spot where there
was a forest fire and so then you will see all the destruction and you will try to do something
about it. So then will decide that you need to do something about it so join a group that goes
around and helps put up signs that say. Fire Resrictions No Campfires No Barbeques Nothing
that are a Fire Hazard But then people will get very mad and so then you will need to go and talk to
your group and you will go and make new signs that
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During the 1960’s a woman’s role in society was greatly...
During the 1960 s a woman s role in society was greatly changed through both social and legal
means. Women s rights movements in the United States date back to 1848 at the Seneca Falls
Convention, but were greatly ignored after women were granted the right to vote in 1920 by the
nineteenth amendment. Many reasons contributed to the reemergence of women s movements
but the most prevalent is the end of World War II in 1945. During World War II, more than three
million women of all classes of society voluntarily exchanged their aprons and jobs as a house
wives and took up real tools in factories. Women working in industrial jobs during World War II
affected the mind set of both men and women about the full capabilities of women. People could...
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The commission worked to end job discrimination through legal means. The National
Organization for Women (NOW), whose goal it was to give women equality of opportunity and
freedom of choice , also fought for women s rights and to get men and women the same job
benefits. The EEOC, NOW and organizations like it assured profound change for women by
allowing them a legal opportunity to file suit against discriminatory organizations. By the end of the
1960 s women significantly changed their position in society and law and overcame sexism in
several ways including breaking into male dominated fields, moderate and radical thinking,
breaking down male power structures and through cultural expressions. Although women
experienced profound cultural change during the 1960 s many things including a male dominated
society, the classic perception of women and opposition to equal work undermined women s
movements. Since the birth of the United States, men dominated almost every part of society. This
did not change much during the 1960 s. Other movements, including the civil rights and anti war
movements, were controlled by men. This represents American s view of women as being inferior
to men. Women were kept behind closed doors during these movements because it was not seen as
lady like to publically protest and fight injustices in society. Men also dominated politics during
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Loren Eiseley Essay
Loren Eiseley was a strong autobiographical nature writer who was also contemporary in some
ways. He was born in 1907 and lived until 1977 in the plains of Nebraska. His mother was deaf
and a unstable mother. As a child Loren spent his childhood writing stories and poetry, this was an
interest of his at a early age resulting him to his future of being a nature writer. Loren Eiseley
eventually became a professor in Pennsylvania teaching anthropology. In the mid 20th century he
made a achievement of publishing his first book, not only was this his first book but it was a best
seller. It influenced many Americans on human nature and natural events. Eiseley spent much of his
life alone, he talks about New York City in his writings and how their... Show more content on
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To me being in a city like New York and going to the train station is something so far from nature.
Loren has seen a different way of looking at this in a nature way, since he observes the crows and
pigeons. Not only does Loren Eiseley talk bout New York but also his experiences in the forests
of nature. He has said You may put it that I had come over a mountain, that I had slogged through
fern and pine needles for half a long day, and that on the edge of a little glade with one long,
crooked branch extending across it, I had sat down to rest with my back against a stump.
Through accident I was concealed from the glade, although I could see into it perfectly. The sun
was warm there, and the murmurs of the forest life blurred softly into my sleep. When I awoke,
dimly aware of some commotion and outcry in the clearing, the light was slanting down through
the pines in such a way that the glade was lit like some vast cathedral. I could see the dust motes
of the wood pollen in the long shaft of light, and there on the extended branch sat an enormous
raven with red and squirming nestling in his beak. In this passage Loren Eiseley was so
descriptive I could imagine him trudging through the ferns and the pine forests falling asleep next
to a
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The Wise Fools of Shakespeare
The Wise Fools of Shakespeare Infirmity that decays the wise doth ever make a better fool
though uttered by one of his own characters Shakespeare does not seem to conform to this ideal.
The fools carved by Shakespeare in his plays showed no resemblance to the mentally and
physically challenged people who were treated as pets and used for amusement during the
medieval period. Rather Shakespeare s fools appear to be in the best of their wits when they are in
possession of the wisest minds. Fools whether in their rustic vigour displaying grotesque humour or
in the forms of the sophisticated court jesters with their polished puns occupied a substantial
position in his plays. Not only they added the element of humour but often alluded a... Show more
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However the most mesmerizing of Shakespeare s fools touches his pieces in the form of the
court jesters with their precise and caustic wit fabricated by their well bred minds. These fools it
is often presumed were sketched from the models of the contemporary court jesters particularly
influenced by Tarlton and Armin the royal fools who were not only popular to the audience but
also favorites of the Queen herself. One of the foremost reasons of introduction of these jesters
in his plays was to impart them with the role of social critics in the guise of their iridescent
costumes. The royal fools in spite of their acerbic tongue that blurted out many a comment
against royalty were forgiven for the obvious reasons of those statements being wrapped under
their fooleries. Thus the jesters in his plays acted as the representatives of Shakespeare, through
whom he can show a glimpse of the real face of the contemporary society to his audience. The
first professional fool who made his way into Shakespeare s plays is Touchstone in As you Like
it who is probably the most buoyant of his jesters. From his pert speeches it can be assumed that
he is serving his namesake, a touchstone giving a peek of the real world in mid of all the dreamy
romanticism. In the play upon their arriving
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Implementing A Country s Legal System Essay
1.A constitution explains the principles that form the framework of a country s legal system. It
establishes the major institutions of the government, mentions their fundamental controls, and
makes general rules about how those controls can be exercised. New Zealand s constitution is found
in several important documents (such as the Treaty of Waitangi) rather than in a single document.
The New Zealand (NZ) constitution is the foundation from which other laws are developed. It
addresses all the regulations and rights of NZ citizens that include: your right to vote,
responsibilities of parents to their children and so forth. Comparative to the NZ constitution, the
United States (US) constitution is more structured in the sense that it is found in a four page
document. It incorporates the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence and it
indicates how the various government departments are expected to operate. These departments are
divided into three branches: Legislative Congress and Senate (establish legislation), Executive
President (sign treaties) and Judicial Supreme Court (take appeals from courts and States, interpret
the law). These characteristics of the U.S. constitution are also a point of differentiation between
the two constitutions. Therefore, the main difference between the two constitutions is that the NZ
constitution is not found in a single document whereas the U.S. constitution is compiled in a four
page document. 2.A unitary
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How Hunger Is Detrimental Effects And Outcomes On Children
Hunger is not only a threat to our nation s public health but it also threatens the physical and
cognitive development of children in our community and their potential educational attainment (
Childhood, n.d., para. 1). This research paper will discuss various key topics on child hunger,
beginning from a global health aspect and winding down to a local community aspect, which will
place emphasis on Las Vegas. A literature review will be conducted on how hunger has detrimental
effects and outcomes on children, including but not limited to: nutrition, learning, and education,
and behavioral effects. Next, research will show what s currently being done about child hunger
and what needs to be done in the future with focus on the prevalent hunger issues facing children in
the Las Vegas community and how povertyand hunger in the United States contributes to the issue
of child hunger. Examples of public health organizations, primarily Three Square, who are working
towards the prevention of child hunger, will be given to demonstrate civic engagement in the Las
Vegas community.
From a global health perspective, world hunger is the want or scarcity of food in a country and
connects to malnutrition, which is the lack of nutritional elements in a diet. When contemplating
the question what is the cause of hunger around the world, one might think of factors such as
access to food, geographical location, and social status. However, another key element of hunger
around the world is
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Segmentation, Target Market Selection and Positioning...
AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY | Marketing Management|
SEGMENTATION6 Demographic Features7 Age Factor7 Gender Factor7 Income Factor8
CHOICE OF TARGET MARKET9 Five Patterns of Target Market Selection9 Single Segment
Concentration9 Selective Specialization9 Product Specialization9 Market Specialization10 Full
Market Coverage10 POSITIONING10 Perceptual Maps11 Value Map12 APPENDIX (TABLES)13
Companies cannot connect with all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Especially after 1997, importation from Germany has increased because of the exchange rate of
Mark was under the inflation rate [2]. In 2001 economic crisis, exchange rates was high and then
importation began to decrease. Despite the increase in manufacturing in Turkey, about 57% of the
Turkey automotive industry provides its products by importation. As shown in Table 5, Renault,
TofaЕџ and Ford have bigger market share in Turkey. Renault and TofaЕ
џ has mostly personal cars
share and on the other hand Ford has mostly pickups share in Turkey. When buses are considered,
Mercedes has the biggest share. By July 2008, 55 kinds of brand are being sold in Turkey [2].
Improvements in technology made it necessary to merge for different companies in order to
compete in market. As a result of these merges, quality and competitiveness increased.
The leader manufacturer of * Personal cars is Oyak Renault * Pick ups is Ford Otosan * Trucks is
Mercedes Benz TГјrk * Buses is Mercedes Benz TГјrk * Minibuses is Ford Otosan * Midibuses is
Karsan * Tractors is Türk Traktör in Turkey.
The leader exporters are Ford, Oyak Renault, TofaЕџ and Toyota in Turkey. The most profitable
companies are Ford, Oyak Renault, Mercedes and TofaЕџ in Turkey (According to Turkey s ISO
500 report)[3]. In Turkey s exportation list top 10, there are 4 automotive companies that show us
the impotance of automotive industry for Turkey s economy. Let s look at from the
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The Characterization of Miss Brill in Miss Brill by...
In the Bedford Introduction to Literature, Characterization is defined as ... the process by which a
writer makes that character seem real to the reader (2126). In order to do this a writer has multiple
tools at their disposal that add to the depth of a character and simplify roles in a story. This includes
the use of Protagonists and Antagonists, static and dynamic characters, showing and telling, and
motivated and plausible action, as well as many others. The short storyMiss Brill by Katherine
Mansfield is no exception to this and displays the main characterof Miss Brill as the protagonist,
who is confronted with the reality of her existence.
In order to bring us closer to Miss Brill, Mansfield uses the technique of showing, by ... Show more
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This is also a nice example of the fore mentioned method of showing, allowing the reader to draw
the conclusion of the situation alone.
One of the most vital elements of the story though is the classification of Miss Brill as a dynamic
character. Being a dynamic character entail that the knowledge about the character grows and that
some kind of change takes place because of the action occurring in the plot. In Miss Brill this
hinges on the fact that Miss Brill spends her time alone, with almost no actual human contact. Her
only means of living life is through that of those around her, she watches their actions, listens to
their conversations and acts like a hidden parasite, drawing her own meaning in life by observing
others, or as she put it ... there was always the crowd to watch (Mansfield 259).
The tragedy of the story rests in that she does not see herself as this. She describes some of the
other people in the park as ... they were nearly always the same, Sunday after Sunday, and Miss
Brill had often noticed there was something funny about nearly all of them. They were odd, silent,
nearly all old, and from the way they stared they looked as though they d come just come from
dark little rooms or even even cupboards! (Mansfield 259), this is exactly what she is. Not only
does this
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Prioritizing Hawaii Born Homeless Before Those From The...
Brandt Ben
English 100
Norman Thompson
December 14, 2015
Prioritizing Hawaii born Homeless before Those from the Mainland
Hawaii is known for its beautiful beaches, tropical climate, and (former) pineapple exports. This
state is also number one in a lot of areas: worst traffic, highest cost of living, and highest homeless
population. These are all important issues that most people outside of the islands do not think about
when imagining a tropical paradise. The homeless population is a critical issue that will be
discussed in this essay. Homelessness is a result of many factors: job loss, family disputes,
foreclosure, and even drug addiction. In Hawaii, the main cause of homelessness is the rising cost
of living. As housing costs ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is their home, yet they do not have a home. Meanwhile others from out of state are flown
down here because it is easier to live in. Being homeless in your own home state is tough. Many
possible solutions to solve homelessness in Hawaii exist, but it is important to give priority to the
local born homeless population before helping the ones that arrived here from out of state. Having a
large homeless population affects everything about Hawaii the economy, the government, the
environment, and the people. These things stack up on each other which creates a snowball effect.
Local residents may complain to the government to do something about the homeless issue. The
government decides to create laws limiting where the homeless may stay. The homeless move to
other places, such as popular tourist beaches. The tourists are turned off by the growing homeless
population dirtying the beaches, which in turn causes a decrease in tourism. The island s economy
suffers. Homelessness affects everything, especially in a small island like Hawaii. The economy
takes the biggest toll, however because Hawaii relies on the tourism industry, it is important to keep
visitors happy and satisfied. It is an eyesore looking at the homeless littering the beaches and streets
with tarps and shopping carts. This drives the tourists away, and without them, our economy
declines. The homeless also affect the environment in which we live. With nowhere to go, they
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Tim Minchin s Speech Analysis
The graduation ceremonies marked the beginning of the next stage in the lives of the graduates.
An important feature to the ceremony is the occasional address during which the guest speaker
imparts some words of wisdom to the graduating class. However an occasional address isn t just
any inspirational speech, the message of the speech must fits its audience, fit the speaker and
fits the purpose of the event. Tim Minchin s occasional address at the University of Western
Australia is a perfect example of what an occasional address should be. Know your audience. He
obviously knew who his audience are, the speech he wrote and delivered was for the youth who are
yet to conquer the real world. His speech was easy to follow, it was short and simple.
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The War Of The Holy Roman Empire
The Thirty Years War initiated when Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II of Bohemia tried to
restrain the religious activities of his subjects, triggering a rebellion among Protestants. The war
included the major powers of Europe, with Sweden, France, Spain, and Austria all conducting
campaigns mainly on German soil. The war was partially known for the slaughters committed by
mercenary soldiers, the war ended with a series of contracts that made up the Peace of Westphalia.
The outcome restructured the religious and political map of central Europe, setting the stage for the
old national Roman Catholic empire to yield to a community of self governing states. For the
occurrence of the war, the developing catastrophe of the Holy Roman Empirewas of vital
significance. The crisis had a legitimate and governmental as well as a religious component. The
emperor s privileges had never been evidently described. A ruler who knew how to misuse his
significant informal powers of benefaction could possess a major deal of authority, but a
corruptible monarch could effortlessly be diminished to a simple figurehead. This was
definitively Rudolf II s fate throughout the final decade of his reign. The aging emperor, who was
rationally unstable, was doubted by both Catholics and Protestants. Besides, he had managed to
alienate his own family. The power void produced by the failure of his authority allowed
determined princes such as Maximilian I, the duke of Bavaria, or Frederick V, the elector of
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Aira Case Study
the operation of sUAS to transport property in air transportation and the development of a
classification system for persons issued sUAS air carrier certificates. Spectrum Usage Allows
drones to use spectrum for wireless control purposes if permitted by the FCC and FAA. With
respect to licensed frequencies, they also must have the consent of spectrum licensees Collegiate
Training Initiative program for UAS The FAA must create a Collegiate Training Initiative program
to help prepare college students for careers involved UAS. University use of UAS Streamlines the
approval process for the safe operation of UAS at institutions of higher education Drone
Registration Provides the FAA authority to require registration of sUAS... Show more content on
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Some key aspects of the bill include: Risk based permitting of UAS The FAA is to establish
means for issuing permits to for UAS aircraft and operations based appropriate achievement of
safety and risk mitigation tactics Certification of new air navigation facilities for UAS Within
18 months of the bill passing, the FAA is to craft a process for issuing air navigation facility
certificates to operators of Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM) systems and
low altitude communication, navigation or surveillance system or service (CNS). For a system
to be approved, it must be able to identify UAS, deconflict aircraft trajectories, sense and avoid
manned and unmanned aircraft, protect the public safety and property and other safety
mitigations tactics deemed necessary by the FAA Administrator. o The DOT shall also provide
expedited procedures for reviewing and approving UTM or low altitude CNS operated to monitor
or control aircraft operated primarily or exclusively in airspace above, croplands, areas other than
congested areas; and other areas in which the operation of [UAS] poses very low risk. UAS
Package Delivery Requires DOT to establish a delivery air carrier certificate that would allow for
package deliveries by UAS within a year of passage of the FAA Reauthorization. The DOT would
be mandated to create a small UAS air carrier certificate for persons that directly oversee the
operation of sUAS to transport property in
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Business Organization Shareholders vs Social Responsibility
In this essay, I am going to prove that a business organization should be socially responsible in a
successful or an effective manner which will eventually benefit the company s owners or
shareholders. I will do so through illustrating the different potential effects of a business
organization engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ). The effects that will be shown in
this essay would be an increase and decrease in the company s expenses, sustaining and harming
the environment, increase and decrease in sales and customers, improve the lives of people inside
and outside the company, and the practice of social irresponsibility. I will also be providing actual
companies engage in CSR, and its effects on each company. I... Show more content on
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They practice being socially responsible and encourage their clients to do so as well by signing
with their company. The companies Director of Sustainability, Garratt Hasenstab said that their
clients are willing to work with them because the company is focused on creating a healthier and
productive world (Thorpe, 2013).
Companies can also change a certain process or activity in their production to reduce their
greenhouse gas emissions. An example of this is Cisco, a manufacturing company of network
equipment. The company s vision is to reduce greenhouse gas emission in each of their business
functions and processes to build environmental sustainability. After 5 years, they were able to
reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent, save $500,000 from reducing their business
travels, and through the use of well known collaborative tools, they were able to increase its
revenue by 30 percent (Cisco Systems Inc., 2014). This illustrates that companies practicing CSR
can reduce expenses and increase sales after a certain amount of years after the implementation of
CSR which increases the profit of the company that benefits the owners or shareholders.
However engaging in CSR is being ethical and sensitive towards the things around the company, it
can also instigate some kind of social irresponsibility. There are entities that try to pursue socially
responsible agendas but end up behaving in a socially irresponsible way
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A Passover Seder
A Passover Seder Remembering how to pronounce Seder ( SAY dur ) correctly made me
nervous at first, but there wasn t really any cause for me to say it. There was such a whirlwind of
activity that I spent most of my time simply trying to keep up as new foods were brought to the
table or unveiled, the many steps of a long dinner ceremony were described and engaged in, and
certain religious songs or hymns were sung. A book was provided to everyone at the table, with
English on one side of the page and Hebrew on the other, that was used to go through the
ceremony one step at a time. All of the foods were unusual in sight, smell, and taste, but most
were quite delicious (with some exceptions), and everyone had pillows to lean against at the
dinner table which was akward at first but quickly became enjoyable. Everything, from each
individual food item to the pillows to the drinking of wine (or grape juice) and the order of the
entire meal carried some sort of significance, and was described during the meal according to the
small books that had been handed out. Everyone, including my key informant, was very friendly
and helpful sometimes to a humorous degree. The concern that I understood what was happening
was mixed with a joviality regarding my ignorance not that I was made fun of, but that it was
amusing to have someone entirely uninitiated in the background of the meal of the religion. There
were also times when I felt almost invisible, as parts of the tradition such as songs
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Christine Jorgensen Biography
Christine Jorgensen Biography Christine Jorgensen (May 30, 1926 May 3, 1989) was the first
widely known person to have sex reassignment surgery in this case, male to female. She was born
George William Jorgensen, Jr., the second child of George William Jorgensen Sr., a carpenter and
contractor, and his wife, the former Florence Davis Hansen. She grew up in the Bronx and later
described herself as having been a frail, tow headed, introverted little boy who ran from fistfights
and rough and tumble games . She graduated from Christopher Columbus High School in 1945 and
shortly thereafter was drafted into the Army. After being discharged from the Army, Jorgensen
attended Mohawk College in Utica, New York, the Progressive School of... Show more content on
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By the end of her career, however, Lilly was earning less than any of the men in the same
position. Although she signed a contract with her employer that she would not discuss pay
rates, just before Ledbetter s retirement an anonymous individual slipped a note into her mailbox
listing the salaries of the men performing the same job. In spite of the fact that Ledbetter had
received a Top Performance Award from the company, she discovered that she had been paid
considerably less than her male counterparts. Ledbetter filed a formal complaint with the Equal
Employment Opportunities Commission and later initiated a lawsuit alleging pay
discrimination. After filing her complaint with the EEOC, Ledbetter, then in her 60s, was
reassigned to such duties as lifting heavy tires. The formal lawsuit claimed pay discrimination
under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Pay Act of 1963. Although a jury
initially awarded her compensation, Goodyear appealed the decision to the United States
Supreme Court. In 2007 the Supreme Court ruled on the Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire Rubber Co.
case. In a 5 4 decision, the court determined that employers cannot be sued under Title VII of the
Civil Rights Act if the claims are based on decisions made by the employer 180 days ago or more.
Due to the fact that Ledbetter s claim regarding her discriminatory pay was filed outside of that
time frame, she was not entitled to receive any
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The Role Of Discrimination Against First Nations People In...
Since Canada has been founded by European settlers and constituted as a country, there has been
victimization against First Nations people by the Canadian government. There are three problems
that will be addressed, First off, the government has been taking away and in some cases polluting
the First Nations land (Lukacs, M, 2015). Secondly, to this day the Canadian government pays less
attention to missing aboriginal women. (Still thinking about the second point) Finally, in the past,
there has been serious discrimination toward the First Nationspeople from residential schools
(News, C, 2016). With each problem, there can also be a solution. As each point will be discussed,
the best solution will be provided that will satisfy the First
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Vedic And The Vedic Age
UID NO: 121054
ROLL NO: 051
The objective of this report is to delve into the importance and study the major features of the Vedic
Age and its contribution to today s world.
The Vedic periodalso referred to as the vedic age was that period in the Indian History during
which the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism were composed. The Indo Aryans, settled in
North India were very closely related to the Vedic Age and its inception. They played a key role
in bringing in specific religious traditions and customs which is commonly referred to as the Vedic
Civilization. In the civilizations early days, it was a tribal and pastoral society based in the
northwestern parts of the Indian Subcontinent. It spread to the Ganges Plain after 1200 BCE
shaped by the increasing settled agriculture, a hierarchy of four social classes and the unfolding of
monarchial, state level polities.
The first rays of the sun pierced through and the Sun of Vedic Culture rose on the horizon of Indian
History. Who were their ancestors and where do they become apparent in our cultural view.
Questions like this have
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The Characteristics Of Professional Basketball Athletes In...
When people think of professional basketball players, the first word that usually comes to mind
is tall . However, that is not always the case. There are many players that are under 6 3 and while
that may sound tall to us, it is short in the world of basketball. Surprisingly, some of the shorter
players are known to be better on the court. And they re not just known for their height... many are
known for the name brands they represent. Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, and Jordan, are just a few
of the brands that are promoted by these players. All great basketballplayers, NBA or not, are tall.
Both current and past players all have a common trait of being tall. Lebron James 6 8, Kevin
Durant 6 10, Jimmy Butler 6 6. All of these players have height, and the skills that come with it.
Being tall in the NBA doesn t guarantee you are the best players, but it does give you a
significant advantage. Lebron and Kevin both have championship rings and a numerous about of
MVP s (Most Valuable Player). These awards show what having height and the skills that come
with it, can give a huge disadvantage to the rest of the smaller guards and forwards in the NBA.
Both Kevin and Lebron developed the skills of being big men , and once it was perfected, they
developed the insane art or shooting. These two players can shoot from anywhere, That s what
makes them so dominant and un guardable. Their size only adds to the fact that smaller players can
t contest them or use their
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Police Procedural In The Short Story By George Simenon
What classifies a story as a good police procedural? What even makes a story a police
procedural? Along with many other stories in The Longman Anthology of Detective Fiction, the
short story written by georges Simenon portrays a police procedural and contain the attributes
necessary to make the story a police procedural. Inspector maigret deuces by George Simenon
fell in this category as it meets the requirements. The story revolves itself around the killing of
Otto Braun who was a jewish banker. Braun was killed on a train with a needle by one of the
passengers.A police procedural requires the author to focus on realism. The story could ve been
true given how it is written. George Simenon wrote this story as if it actually happened,... Show
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A police procedural on the contrary places the detective in the middle of a working police force,
where he or she must abide by the rules and regulations established by the law. This was shown
during the questioning of the suspects on the train. Had it been a freelance detective he would
use threat and force to get the people on the train to speak. The police procedural was conducted
in a formal and lawfull fashion, where Maigret questions the passenger on the train one by one
to get as much info as possible to catch the killer of Braun. Solving the crime in a police
procedural is a matter of teamwork, and the answer to most cases comes from an accumulation of
information. Maigret wasn t alone, in fact he was called at around three in the morning by his
nephew Paul Vinchon to help with the investigation. Maigret and Vinchon worked as one
gathering as much info as possible, finally after much running around they sat down and planned
to catch the murderer who had been denying her guiltiness. Had ipt been just Maigret he could
have figured it out all by himself but that would have taken a while, much longer than it took.
Working as a team allows everyone a different job thus speeding the process. The murders are
usually not cleverly plotted puzzles; they are violent, messy, and committed for any number of
reasons. This murder was very messy, the body wasn t even disposed, it was just left on the train,
the murder weapon was not disposed either. The
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Definition Of Cells Within Immune System
Cells within immune system that responds to acute and chronic inflammation
Undergoes phagocytosis→ makro means big and pagein means eat
Stronger and longer life span than neutrophils
Part of innate immunity and initiates adaptive immunity
Macrophage formation
Differentiation of monocytes (found in white blood cells) from bone marrow
Able to modify в†’different structures to fight different foreign materials в†’host s first line of
defense from infection
Some fixed (attached to connective tissue fibre) and others motile
Surfaces contain specific protein markers в†’ e.g. MHC II, MAC 1, CD14, etc.
Produce interleukin 1 в†’ acts on hypothalamus so microbial infection cause rise in body ... Show
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Lysosome fuses with phagosome to form phagolysosome
Foreign materials trapped within phagolysosme is digested by enzymes
Adaptive immunity
Initiate immune response в†’present antigens after digestion of foreign material
Antigen (protein on the surface of a pathogen) stimulates T lymphocytes
Antigen on macrophage s membrane displayed with attachment of MHC II в†’ not recognized as
Stimulates production of antibodies that attach to pathogen s antigens в†’easier for macrophage to
attach with cell membrane and undergo phagocytosis
Wound Healing
Two days after wound injury polymorphonuclear neutrophils replaced
Platelets and other cells releasing growth factors attract macrophage to wound
Monocytes (matures to become macrophages) passes through blood vessel walls to arrive at wound
Phagocytose foreign material
Repair tissue by producing в†’platelet derived growth factor в†’fibroblast growth factor
в†’transforming growth factor beta
Vascular endothelial growth factor stimulated and produced в†’endothelial cell growth в†’create
granulation tissue в†’new extracellular matrix generated
Macrophage activities
M1 (classically activated)в†’ killer в†’inhibit cell proliferation and damage tissue в†’activated by
natural killer cells and interferon gamma
M2 (alternatively activated)в†’ repair в†’wound healing and tissue repair в†’activated by
eosinophils and basophils
Effector cell в†’
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The Natural Disasters Of The United States
While I have listed many natural disasters that one would need to prepare for, what about the
government failing. Many citizens feel that the government is encroaching on our fundamental
rights as Americans. Take for example Jade Helm 15, a military training exercise. While the
government is telling us it s just an exercise so that the everyday citizen can get used to the
presence of militaryin their neighborhoods and in their towns, is that really what s going on? Or
is this just another ploy to have the government take over the American citizens and it turn into
another Hitler debacle? Some groups suggest that this is a ruse to implement Martial Law on the
citizens. On the other hand though there has been a lot of small terrorist attacks on military
bases lately so having the presence of military in the communities might just be a preemptive
measure of what s to come. The cause of the underlying concerns is that we see instances, like a
shooting in Fort Hood by a terrorist, that the President labels workplace violence. We see the
President come to the border in Texas and say it s safer than it s ever been, Abbott told Austin
based NBC affiliate KXAN TV. And so I think it was a misplaced perception by people in Texas
who have problems with the Obama administration and connected that trust with the Obama
administration to the military (Viser). This should be a concern of American. We should be
preparing for government fall out, or even something that is happening
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Essay on The Gutting of Couffignal Analysis
The Gutting of Couffignal is a crime story written by Dashiell Hammet. It is about the robbing
and stealing of bank, Jewelry stores and wedding presents on the island of Couffignal. Couffignal
is a small island connected by a wooden bridge to the mainland. The main street contains bank,
hotels, jewelry stores and other usual stores. The higher part of the road lives the owners and
rulers of the island. One of the rulers, The Henderixson family is having a wedding and they hired
a detective to guard the valuable wedding presents. However, the criminals used various strategies
to steal the presents, but they did not succeed at the end. Consider the opening of the story, the
story begins with a very detailed description of Couffignal... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
I was sitting in a secondstory room in Couffignal s largest house. This shows that he must be one
of the characters who are involved in the story, he is not just some story teller who has nothing to
do with the content of the story. Soon in the next paragraph, his identity is introduced, the
narrator is the detective. Of all the work that comes to a private detective (except divorce work,
which the Continental Detective Agency doesn t handle) I like weddings as little as any. The
narrator is the detective himself and he is hired to protect the wedding presents. Normally, people
would think it is weird to protect the wedding presents, and nobody would pay extra money to hire
a detective to protect their wedding presents. However, it is explained in the previous paragraph
that the value of the presents would add up to something between fifty and a hundred thousand
dollars. So this solves the reader s doubt, since the presents are so valuable, it is reasonable to
protect them, and it is obvious that the extra money paid to the detective has no comparison with
the value of these presents. In paragraph 8, a few other characters are introduced, the admiral and
earl from England, ex president of a South American country, the Danish baron, Russian princess
and general, ambassador from a Central European country. This paragraph is very important,
because the reader would want to know who are the people involved in the story. By giving a brief
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How I Fell In Love With A Fish Summary
In his video, How I Fell in Love with a Fish, Dan Barber explains what he found when he travelled
to Spain to get an intimate understanding of exactly why this fish farm is still in business and what
it is that makes their fish taste so good.
Dan explains that the majority of what his trip to the fish farm taught him revolved around
relationships. He learned that in order to become a prosperous business the farm first had to
establish a thriving network of relationships between all of its inhabitants.
One of the boldest statements made in the video pertains to the fact that this fish farm does not
feed any of its fish at all there is no secret fish food formula or anything of the like. Unlike other
farms that feed their fish with and animal
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The And Clarke s Theory Of The Criminal Justice System
The Whites family is a crime bred family from West Virginia, Boone County. This family
struggles with addictions to alcohol and drugs, is in and out of prison and jail, and also depends
on illegal means to get what they want and need. These all lead to separate facets of the criminal
justice system allowing for separate theories to set in to the families. I choose Cornish and Clarke
s rational choice theory, general strain theory, and Sutherland s differential association theory.
Cornish and Clarke begin the lead in allowing for work on why offenders enjoyed committing
crimes to be accepted. Following Katz used this again to explain in more depth why offenders feel
the need to commit crimes. They have found differing factors in females and males; generally
males lack self control and empathy. Females are more influenced by the morality of the crime.
Generally either sex their peers will play a large role in the deciding factors. This framework
emphasizes all the important factors that go into a person s decision to engage or not engage in
a particular act (p.54). This family in all aspects shows the intent and decision making on
multiple occasions to commit crimes, the one when one white family member shot his uncle in
the face shows a clear decision to engage in multiple acts of illegal activity. He was under the
influence of drugs and already around peers who encouraged bad behavior, and with low self
control it was a bad mix with a worse ending. He had stole his uncles
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The Importance Of Power In A Tale Of Two Cities
The poet Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792 1822) explains the effects of power on society in his quote,
Power, like a desolating pestilence, Pollutes whate er it touches . Shelley compares power to a
disease, almost like a plague that can eradicate an entire town. In whom this power is bestowed
upon will desecrate the entire society around them. On the contrary, this quote is challenged as
well as defended in the novel, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. Characters such as both
Monseigneurs St. Evremonds and Madame Defarge embody strong aristocratic or noble roles
that have radicalized France. As well as this, they have engendered great deaths and hatred from
people in the third estates due to their unjustified actions. However, people like Charles Darnay
are great rebuttals to Shelley s argument, because even though he is an aristocrat of France, he
actually gives up his own power. He doesn t allow his placing in society to define nor dictate his
actions or morals. The older looking twin of the Monseigneur St.... Show more content on
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Due to his role in the hierarchies of France, he begins to use that power as vindications for his
vulgar attitude and such demoralizing actions upon society. Monseigneur started his morning off
with, the aid of four strong men besides the cook to help stir his hot chocolate (Dickens 100).
This idea is absolutely absurd and illustrates his arrogant characteristic. This task is seemingly
effortless and requires the manpower of a toddler. Despite this, due to the power he has gained
from his family s bloodline, he uses that a vindication for his actions. Moreover, not only does
Monseigneur demand 4 hot
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Xbox 360 History
Many people have heard of Microsoft. Many people have also heard of their product known as
Windows. Windows is a computer operating system. Even though Microsoft only worked on
computers, they released their first ever video game console known as the Xbox in late 2001. The
Xbox had newer, upgraded versions of the console later on such as the Xbox 360in 2005 and the
XboxOne in 2013. The idea of the Xbox first started when Kevin Bachus, Seamus Blackley, Otto
Berkes, and Ted Hase were working on developing the DirectX. The DirectX was a set of API s
(application programming interfaces) that was introduced by Microsoftin 1995 which encouraged
videogame developers to embrace their Windows operating system. These men approached Bill...
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This was good, however, it had some consequences. When the Xbox 360 was released as quickly
as possible, huge, technical problems with the console caused Microsoft to replace or repair
most of the consoles. This made video game designers learn valuable lessons about taking time
with their products (Lasky). There were many different designs of the Xbox 360, such as the Pro,
Premium, Elite, and Arcade (Loguidice). There are two current Xbox 360 S (slim) models which
are the Xbox 360 250GB and the Xbox 360 4GB. These models are similar because they both
include 5 USB (universal serial bus) 2.0. ports and a custom port for the Kinect sensor. They also
have optical digital audio with built in WiFi (Loguidice). They also are sleeker, smaller, and run
quieter and cooler than their predecessors ( Loguidice). The Xbox 360 4GB and the Xbox 360
250GB are also different. The Xbox 360 4GB (as the name implies) has 4GB of storage. This is
enough for playing physical copies of games, but not for downloaded games. A hard drive can be
purchased to get more space though. This model also costs $100 less than the Xbox 360 250GB.
The Xbox 360 250GB model includes a 250GB hard drive and a headset. It costs $100 more than
the Xbox 360 4GB
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Hasidic Jews
Who are the Hasidic Jews, where are they from; and why did they migrate to the United States.
Hasidic Jews, sometimes known also as Hasidic Judaism, is a Jewish religious sec. It rose as a
spiritual revival movement in contemporary Western Ukraine during the 18th century and spread
rapidly through Eastern Europe. The Hasidic Jewsoriginated during a time in history when Adolf
Hitlerwas a Nazi leader, killing more than five million Jews; because the where considered to be
inferior and a treated to those German clarity and clique. These survivors came from Eastern
Europe during a time in history that will never be forgotten World War II. During the time in
history when Jews were easily identified by their characteristics, the Hasidic Jews seemed to stand
out more than other Jewish settlers do to their distinctive clothing and overall manifestation. As for
their distinctive clothing apparel, the men were black suits with a white shirt; and a black top hat
that is accompanied by their long facial hair and braided algors (Scupin,... Show more content on
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Just like with the Hasidic Jews, though they can free rome, they still encounter the realities of
having the component parts closely compacted together; in those inhabited domains like Brooklyn,
which in turn has created some activities that shapes, affects; or involves the political sphere.
Nevertheless, Hasidic sodality very similarly restraint the race of inspirational prestige that
compass, and protect dangerous familiar influential barriers around their colonies. Consequently,
the rigorous culturally self protective strategies of the Hasidic Jews have ensured a remarkable
degree of religious and ethnic continuity compared to that of other segments of the Jewish
American population (Scupin, 2012, pg. 168).
Scupin, R. (2012). Race and Ethnicity: The United States and the World (2nd ed.). Boston,
Massachusetts, MA: Pearson
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Six Sigma s Most Central And Got A Handle On Structure
Six Sigma s most central and got a handle on structure is its critical sense DMAIC approach. This
upgrade takes after the framework and its sporadic state stray pieces, given that the necessities
depict the best deliverables, which deal with the endeavors and the contraption decision to help in
the errand. The DMAIC approach is required to consider flexibility and iterative work, if
principal. As more is found through the 5 make process, demand or theories concerning the key
driver of the issue may be reproved, requiring the wander get together to come back to them and
modify or to research elective potential outcomes. For case, control driver to a business oblige
fittingness issue may have been considered as an attracting system issue in a specific geographic
district. As denied to making a surged judgment without presumptions by executing another
business plan program, the Six Sigmaincrement securing respectably proposes substances about the
issue first. After some examination and examination, the gathering finds that the secured driver
centers to an issue with layouts organization together heading, not nonappearance of offers
strengths data and aptitudes. In the occasion that the wind wrap followed up on the key
supposition, time and money would have been abused on working up a frustrated approach that
would have made poor results; the get together s beat work would have gone to squander. Rather,
the party did a mid course upgrade in light of truths, adjusted its
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The Use of Symbolism in Golding s Lord of the Flies Essay
The Use of Symbolism in Golding s Lord of the Flies
His head opened and stuff came out and turned red. Piggy s arms and legs twitched a bit like a pig
after it has been killed (217). This is what can happen to someone when all signs of civilization,
order and power disappear and have no more meaning to members of a group or society. In the
writing of William Golding s Lord of the Flies (1954), the symbol of power and civilization is the
conch. Once that is lost, all bets are off. When the novel begins, two boys are talking about what
has happened and why they are on this island. While walking on the beach, the main character
Ralph then proceeds to find a shell which the two boys call the conch. Blowing on this shell Ralph
calls a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the very beginning the conch is used to bring all of the boys in the story together. Ralph blows
it and they come. This is the first sign of its power. The boys have been lost and now there is this
thing, much like a school bell, calling them to be brought together. It has brought order to this
strange place in which they are stranded.
During these boys escapade, when one wants to speak in front of the assembly, one must have the
conch in his hand. We ll have to have hands up like at school...Then I ll give him the conch (35).
They are setting up rules just as they had learned in their civilization. They are also making the
conch the only way one can talk at meetings.
All throughout this novel the boys are called to meetings to discuss the rules, the fire, and many
other assorted things. One of these things is a beast that comes in the night but does not leave
foot prints or any trail at any time. All the boys are very afraid of this beast and what it may do
to them if it gets hold of them. As it turns out the beast is in the boys: You knew, didn t you? I m
part of you? (172). This is the lord of the flies, also known as the beast, talking to Simon the first
boy murdered. The beast is their unwillingness to maintain a civilization; it is their transformation
into savages. All the time at all these meetings the boys respect the conch and whoever held the
conch was respected, even if he was not liked. Once this symbol of
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Yes Money Can Make You Happy By Cass R. Sunstein
Undoubtedly, money is and has been arguably the most important aspect of any society in the
world. Money is an essential piece of every day life because of the fact that nearly everything comes
with a price tag. With how important the aspect of money has become, there have been arguments
about whether money can truly make an individual happy. This particular topic has been highly
controversial with multiple different stands on the effect of money on happiness. With that being
said, money does influence people and makes them happier because they can live comfortably
without worry, it allows for many dreams to become realities, and it provides the opportunity to
give back and help others. First, money increases the happiness of people because... Show more
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In many instances, people cannot give back because they desperately need the money themselves.
An increase in prosperity would present the opportunity to provide for themselves along with help
support people who are not as fortunate as them. To support the claim that giving back to others
produces happiness, Cass Sunstein, from the article Yes, Money Can Make You Happy writes, In
one study, the best prediction of people s happiness was not how much they devoted to personal
spending, but instead how much they gave to others (Sunstein 271). The study that was completed
produced findings that displayed a relationship between sharing with others and personal happiness.
Michael Norton also presented similar feelings during his TED talk presentation titled, How to Buy
Happiness. In this video presentation he describes a study that recorded the feelings of
undergraduate college students when it came to spending money. The method involved giving
these students money with the freedom of spending the money on themselves or on others. As a
result of the study, Norton shared, When we called people back at the end of the day, people who
spent money on other people got happier, while people who spent the money on themselves did not
change (Norton). Norton illustrates the benefit of spending money prosocially. Both of these
sources agree with each other
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Biomes are the Communities of the World
Biomes are all over the world, that s why they are considered the world s major communities.
Biomes are large areas scattered around the earth, filled with animals and plants acclimating to their
environments. You can classify biomes in many different ways, by their climate, their biodiversity,
human activity, their animals and plants, and their habitats. There are only five conspicuous types
of biomes, Grassland, Tundra, Desert, Aquatic, and forest. Without biomes, the earth would be
unbalanced. Throughout the years, we have cause a lot of damage towards our earth, such as
causing pollution, and abolishing natural habitats. If we continue living like this, there might be
more serious or severe implications on the biomes. Knowing that we share the world with so many
other species of plants and animals, we should consider the consequences of our actions. The
Aquatic biomeis the most significant out of all of the five biomes. Water is essential and
important for life here on Earth. It s what we all need in order to survive. Water also supports
life, and many different species live in it, or for some parts of their life. Since water covers one
thirds of the Earth, the temperature of the aquatic biome tends to be humid and slightly cool. It is
fairly constant so it can be able to tolerate life. This region is filled with so many different species
of animals some big and some even small. The Aquatic biome is broken into two regions freshwater
and marine
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The Water and Wastewater Crisis in Mexico City
In what was once lake Texcoco now stands the 3rd most populous city in the world. quot;Ciudad
de los Palacios quot; ( quot;City of Palaces quot;), or as we know it Mexico City, is home to
more then 20 million (2003) people and serves as the governing capital of Mexico. Like many
other metropolis D.F. (as known by the Mexican people) post enormous water sanitation and
distribution problems. Ironically enough, the waters once known as lake Texcoco, in which the city
lays its foundation on causes as many problems pertaining to this matter as it solves.
Much like Seattle WA, Mexico cityis sinking into the ground. Unlike Seattle this is mostly from
poor planning and over use of the cities under lying ground water, not sandy; unstable ... Show more
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But how do you combat this crisis? One solution, installing low flow toilets could cut usage by 70
percent. (CIP) New York city in the mid 90 s was facing a similar water shortage. Facing a choice
of a billion dollar pumping station or low flow toilets, NY opted for the low flows. 1.33 million
low flow toilets later, water consumption per day drop 70 percent over an eight year span (91 99),
with 70 90 million gallons saved a day!
A solution currently being employed is to fix leaks in the cities out dated water pipes. Anywhere
from 27 40 percent of the cities water is lost through leaks, an estimated 1100 gallons could be
saved a second if these leak were. Other ideas currently in use or suggested include: Collecting
rainfall, Desalination, and drip irrigation. My favorite, drip irrigation would not only save 30 70
percent compared with flood irrigation, but has been shown to increase crop yield 20 90 percent,
talk about killing two birds with one stone.
But really when it comes down to it the easiest and most logical way to cut the cities water
demand of 7,750 gallons per second would be to teach people water conservation methods, recycle
water more effectively, and/or just stop polluting the current sources. Still it s easier said then done
without the proper funding this will never happen. While were on the money subject let me throw
just one more fun statistic at you, some 40 percent of water users either never receive water bills or
simply refuse to pay them.
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Laura Ashley Research Paper
Laura Ashley,a beautiful fashion designer and business woman;she was Born in
September7,1925;at her grandmama house.she was raised in a civil service family as a strict
baptist.The chapel she attended in Dowlais (Hebron) was Welsh language and although she
could not understand the language, she loved it, especially the singing. Educated at Marshall s
School in Merthyr Tydfil until 1932, she was then sent to the Elmwood School, Croydon. She
was evacuated back to Wales aged 13, but with so many World War II evacuees there were no
school places left and she attended Aberdare Secretarial School.In 1942, at age 16, she left
school and served in the Women s Royal Naval Service. During this period she met engineer
Bernard Ashley at a youth club in Wallington.she got married to a man named bernard Ashley in
1949 together they had four children; two daughters and two sons who were all involved with the
business. David born 1954 he was the eldest son, designed the... Show more content on
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A memorial plaque to Laura Ashley, at the familys former home 83 Cambridge Street, Pimlico was
unveiled on 5 July
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Analysis Of The Silence Of The Lambs
The following essay examines the characteristics of the aestheticisation of abjection by analysing
Jonathan Demme s, The Silence of The Lambs (1991) to better understand what pleasure we, as a
culture, find in consuming horror films. The Silence of the Lambs shows women being tortured,
sexually assaulted and murdered yet is still a widely popular filmthat serves to entertain a seemingly
sane society.
By exploring the theory of the abject , horror and the role of gender instability within film with
regards to The Silence of the Lambs, this essay will attempt to explain the characteristics of the
aestheticisation of abjection.
What is abjection?
The idea of the abject was developed by Bulgarian French philosopher and psychoanalyst, Julia ...
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The transition from night vision to the normal camera view calls attention to the fact that the
audience had just been exposed to a different vantage point, creating awareness of the
embodiment of the male gaze by seeing things through Gumb s eyes. The camera shots high
angled quality presents Starling as vulnerable, exposed and at arm s reach from evil. (Howell
2014 : online). The nature of the night vision shots presents the male gaze as predatory. The
audience assumes the position of Buffalo Bill. and turns into a man objectifying a woman with his
gaze. This base assumption that the audience is Jame Gumb forces the viewer to come face to face
with the inherent perversion of the gaze, a ritual in which they have become complicit. (Richter
n.d. online).
1.Burke, E. 1998. A Philosophical Enquiry into the Sublime and Beautiful. New York: Penguin.
Childers, J. Hentzi, G. (eds.). 1978. The Columbia Dictionary of modern Literary and Cultural
Criticism. Columbia University Press.
Kirsteva, J. 1982. Powers of Horror: An essay on abjection. New York: Columbia University Press.
Nelmes, J. 1996. Introduction to Film Studies. New York: Routledge.
Creed, B. 1999. Horror and the Monstrous Feminine: An Imaginary Abjection. Feminist Film
Theory, a Reader, edited by. Sue Thornham. New York: New York U P.
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Tupac Shakur s Photography
Celebrities are used to being photographed, but it s never clear when a photo will be a celebrity s
last. These 10 haunting photos of celebrities just before they died are both scary and eye opening.
You never know when a photo could be your last.
Number Ten: Tupac Shakur.
This photo of Tupac shows him with his manager, Suge Knight. The photo was taken on September
13, 1996, just before he was shot to death.
Number Nine: Amelia Earhart.
This chilling photo of Amelia Earhart was taken before she left for her final flight in 1937. The
photo shows her packing and looking happy.
Number Eight: Amy Winehouse.
Talented singer Amy Winehouse is seen here casually strolling the streets in North London. She
died just one week later in July of 2011.
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The Nottingham Pulse Rig Towards Determining The Mechanism...
This Chapter discusses the progress made using the Nottingham Pulse Rig towards determining
the mechanism of the Fischer Tropsch reaction. A summary of the three main mechanisms
proposed in the literature was outlined in Chapter 1 but is still the subject of much debate.1 6
Generally the carbide mechanism is accepted for Fe catalysts,7 but the mechanism over Co
catalysts is less clear.1 Ge and Neurock,8 as well as Ojeda et al.,4 have suggested that the carbide
mechanism is the pathway for FT synthesis on Co catalysts. However, they disagree over the
route to CO dissociation; direct dissociation of the carbonyl bond has been proposed by Ge and
Neurock, whilst Ojeda et al. have concluded that carbonyl dissociation proceeds via an H assisted...
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3.1.1 On the Mechanism and Active Site of the FT Process Over Co Catalysts Several studies
have investigated the effect of syngas on the structure of metallic Co catalysts.9 12 For instance,
Karaca et al. investigated the effect of syngas on a CoPt/Al2O3 catalyst using X Ray Diffraction
(XRD).9 After reducing the catalyst in H2 at 623 K, XRD peaks were observed for face centred
cubic (fcc) and hexagonal close packed (hcp) structures of metallic Co. After exposure to 20 bar
of syngas at 493 K, the fcc XRD peaks became narrower over 5 hrs, which was suggested to be
due to an increase in the particle size due to sintering of the Co metal phase. Over the subsequent
5 hrs this peak decreased in intensity and a new peak assigned to a carbide phase grew in.
Therefore, the authors concluded that deactivation of the catalyst was due initially to sintering
and then, over longer periods of time, to carbidisation. Wilson and de Groot have investigated
the surface reorganisation of a model Co catalyst upon exposure to 4 bar of a H2/CO mixture
(2:1 ratio) at 523 K.10 11 The surface was examined ex situ in an Ultra High Vacuum (UHV)
chamber before and after exposure to syngas using a Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM).
Before exposure to CO the surface consisted of flat terraces, with a Co(0001) structure. The terrace
surfaces were separated by cliff edges ranging in size from single atom high steps
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The Bass Compare And Contrast Sam And Sheila Mant
Characterization Essay When I was a kid I had a gap in my teeth that I hated and in many photos
I would not smile with my teeth because I did not like the way I looked. Just like many people
Sam and the narrator from The Bass, The River, Sheila Mant have something that they don t like
about themselves. Sam is more insecure than the narrator from the bass the river and sheila
mant because she cares what people think of her. Sam from before i fall is insecure about many
things about herself. Tomorrow I will be different (56 Oliver). She always wants to change and
she always thinks that tomorrow she will change in a big way. She wants to change overnight
and have people look at her differently from what they do. She also thinks that it is more
important to care what others think rather than what she thinks about herself. She would think I
was crazy (89 Oliver). She thinks if she tells people what she is thinking that they will not like her
and that she is crazy for thinking that way. She also wants people to like her and she doesn t want
her friends to leave her because she is different.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
he is insecure about what she will think of him. Yeah, bass. They come into the shallows at night
to chase frogs and moths and things. Big largemouths. Micropterus salmoides, I added, showing
off .(2 wetherell) This shows that he was trying to make himself look better than what he usually
is. He was also thinking that if he could show off that she will like him more because he knew
more about fishing and that he was smart. I think that fishing is dumb she said making a face I
mean it s boring and all definitely dumb (3 wetherell). He didn t tell her that he liked fishing
because he didn t want to look stupid to her. He cared more what the girl thought then what he
cared about
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Black Education Issues
The relevance to this study was important because it examines factors that cause withdrawals and
my assist with increasing retention rates. The information collected is significant to all stakeholders
who wish to retain minority students in higher education. Both public and private universities can
stand to increase their knowledge base of how to improve higher education retention for minority
Consequently, this study was significant because it revealed the inequities in college persistence
between universities and among various ethnic groups in selected public and private institutions.
Thus, investigating what caused minority students to persist in college beyond their freshmen year
provided answers as to how the selected universities ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
For example, the percentage of Blacks age 25 and older with a high school diploma or more was 72
percent in the 2000 census, compared to 85.5 percent for Whites. Also, the percentage of Blacks
with bachelor s degrees or more was 14 percent, compared to 27 percent of Whites.
Closing achievement gaps is a critical issue. The performance of Blacks is systematically different
from that of other racial and ethnic groups. Decreasing gaps in student achievement means that we
must increase the learning gains of Blacks. This will require the creation of public policies and
legislation that support public schools committed to identifying and setting high, worthwhile, and
attainable goals for students and ensuring that teachers and students are supported in these efforts.
It will also require meaningful collaboration among community organizations and leaders, parents,
and the school. The success of the school must become the success of the
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The Symbolism of Death in Alistair McLeod’s The Lost Salt...
In Alistair McLeod s collection of short stories the Lost Salt Gift of Blood; death seems to be a
constant companion. Death is important and perhaps even symbolic in this collection of short
stories. It is important because it has the power to affect people and relationships, invokes freedom
and even predetermines ones future, through the deathof animal s people and the impending death
of others. The first story In the Fall consists of 2 deaths, the death of a horse and a death of
chickens both with very different effects on people. The first death was the death of a horse who
was a very close companion or more like an old familyfriend to the family but with age Scott the
horse had grown old and incapable of farm work. The mother... Show more content on
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For a long time their marriage had been held together by responsibility, after the chickens die
their relationship changes. My father puts his arms around my mother s waist and he does not
move it as I have always seen her do. (p. ) In this story 2 different deaths cause 2 totally different
impacts on people and relationships within the story. In another story by McLeod called The
Boat the death of the father liberates his spirit and frees his son from obligated responsibility.
When the father dies his own spirit is freed from his nagging wife, she always nagged on him
because ... he was a failure as a husband and father who retained none of his own. (p. ) His wife
was controlling and he was burdened by her; dying in a sense liberated him. The father s dying
also freed the son from obligated responsibility. The son felt he had to stay because he loved his
father very much and he thought it was ...very much braver to spend a life doing what you really
do not want rather then selfishly following forever your own dreams and inclinations. (p. ) After
the father s death the son was free to return to his own life and follow his own dreams. In the
story The Road to Rankings Point death predetermines a young mans future. The young man
Calum, has only been given a few months to live. He was living in Toronto but decided to go
home to Cape Breton to live with his grand mother who is also unsure of her death. Calum s grand
mother loves him
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Interesting Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.
Interesting Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.
Interesting Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.
Interesting Essay Topics. Online assignment writing service.

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  • 2. International Adoptions Essay INTRODUCTION The number of international adoptions taking place in the United States is steadily increasing. Many people looking to start a family in the United States are turning to international adoptions because the process is easier than adopting within this country. However, many of these adoptive parents are not ready for the challenges of adopting a child from another country. Not only are the adoptive parents and the children at different levels of readiness to attach but the child is forced into a new culture as well. Many of the children adopted internationally have been mistreated prior to adoption and as a resulting have great difficulty forming attachments with their adoptive parents. It is difficult for these internationally ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A number of children when adopted come to the United States with nothing from their cultural pasts and must face the anti immigrant sentiment that is prevalent in our society. Many adopted children are mourning the loss of their cultural context in many ways that adoptive parents and practitioners are not prepared to deal with. Although the number of international adoptions are increasing in the United States there have been few studies focusing on the adjustment, identity, and attachment of international adoptees. There is very little research on adult adoptees and the ethnic/cultural socialization and identity developmental process. According to Freidlander (1999), most of the available research considers self esteem or adjustment of adopted children, not the process by which they begin forming an understanding and acceptance of their identity. This topic merits attention in the research field so this study proposes to understand the adoptive experience of internationally adopted adults in terms of their identity development, attachment experience, and adaptation to life in an American family. A qualitative interview approach will be used while interviewing internationally adopted adults to understand the complex experience of adoption and how one adapts to this experience. This study is developed in hopes to inform prospective adoptive families and mental health practitioners of the experiences and challenges faced by international adoptees so they are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 3. Summary Of Margaret Atwood s The Victory Burlesk Madeleine Davies had once said that Margaret Atwood s female bodies are inevitably coded bodies that tell the story of the subject s experience within a political economy that seeks to consume them, convert them into consumers in turn, shrink them, neutralize them, silence them, and contain them physically or metaphorically. (Davies 60). In Margaret Atwood s short story, The Victory Burlesk, Atwood is showing just that; Atwood is demonstrating how a womanis shrunken, silenced, and contained. This short story is bringing attention to how people feel shamefor women in realization of reality, and how there is a focus on the Good Woman and the Bad Woman , how Bad Woman are represented. The Victory Burlesk is a story in which a woman is on stage and reveals herself as an elderly woman, putting on a show for one another to watch, a show in which people in the audience began to feel shame about. I could feel shame washing through me. (Atwood 20 21), there is a woman on the stage, making herself vulnerable for everyone to see, and yet others are shameful in this situation. Why do others feel shame? Because there is a realization that this woman is real. That that is a actual body up there, one that no one wants to sexualize anymore due to her age and appearance. But also because they are not properly showing the representation of how women are shown on stage. Difference can make one feel uncomfortable, to the point they feel shame for another person. It was seen as if ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 4. The First Iron Heads The Sportster style motorcycle was born out of an ambition to put power and precision in a mid sized bike. Over the decades, motorcycle designers and engineers have strived to masterfully blend a middleweight frame with an innovative power source. Here s a walk through the evolution of the mid sized street style motorcycle. The First Iron Heads No other motorcycle has more history than the Sportster does. Although the first official mid sized bike didn t roll off the assembly line until late 1957, engineers across the industry had been toying with the idea of a sleeker designed motorcycle that did not compromise on power. Early models, dating back to the late 1920s, were in the middleweight motorcycle class, but no one could seem to put their finger on the perfect combination of power and sleekness. Control and comfort were ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Although it didn t have a long life itself, it was definitive evidence that motorcycle designers were on the verge of producing a motorcycle style they had been striving towards for over 20 years. The First Sportster is Born Three years later a true middleweight motorcycle was designed that produced of sporty style matched with power. In 1957, the first Sportster design hit the streets. Engineers had finally mastered the idea of a mid sized motorcycle with impeccable handling capabilities, fueled by an 883cc OHV engine with a flathead configuration. A classic street style design was used to propel Leo Payne over Leo Payne over 200 mph, setting a land speed record on a motorcycle in 1969. Motorcycle enthusiasts had thirsted for a more controllable bike that did not compromise power for handling. By the 1970s, the sport bike style motorcycles took over as the most sought after style and design. The trend continues, as engine innovations add even more power to the mid sized stylish street bikes like the Sportster ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 5. Goeth In Schindler s List In Schindler s List, Goeth is a Nazi, who is in charge of a concentration camp. He was born to hate the Jews and has no mercy towards them. He shoots them off his balcony, at random, showing that he has no disregard for their lives. When he comes to take charge of the concentration camp he lines up all the women to pick one as his cleaning lady. He picks Helen by chance and she begins her job. Helen tells Schindler that the first night she was working, Goethe beat her. He beat her even harder when she asked him why she was being beaten. Throughout the war, and movie Goethe starts to develop feeling towards Helen. Helen thinks that someday he will shoot her. Schindler can see Goethe mixed feeling towards Helen and know that he will not because ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 6. Romig Middle School Research Paper Have you ever had to go all the way to your locker just to get one thing for one class? If we could just take our backpacks or something to carry things with, we wouldn t have that problem. At Romig Middle School, we aren t allowed to bring such things. Instead of carrying our backpacks we have to keep them in our lockers at all times. If we do take backpacks with us to class, we get in trouble by our teachers or security guards. Going back and forth through the hallways wastes needed energy that we already don t have because of the long and early school hours. Not only does it waste energy, but it s also time consuming and causes us to become late for class. Students should have the option of carrying some of our things through the hallways... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... On debate.org an anonamous user said, Stop pretending that our children are stupid, if they want to smuggle contraband or weapons into school, they will! I believe this statement is true because if a student wanted to bring drugs or weapons into a school then they would have plenty of ways to hide them without getting caught. Even if a student did bring those kinds of things into school, the school should have already been prepared to take care of the issue. At the end of the day, it is a school s and a parents responsibility to raise their child to know that violence is not the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 7. Castle s Family Chain Analysis Paper Castle s family restaurant is a fairly small chain that the family owns in northern California in which they provide work for as many as 300 340 recruits. Out of the 300 340 recruits most of which are part time employed and the remainder of the recruits which is approximately 40 percent is full time recruited employees. Mr. Morgan performs as the HR manager among being the operations manager, which requires him to travel between locations on a daily basis. While traveling from location to location he has to be prepared to take care of the recruiting, hiring, as well as be ready and able to answer any questions that any of the recruits may have. As part of Mr. Morgan s daily responsibilities he also has to take care of or complete the required... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In doing this they appear to be a closer nit and allowing for upper management to be more accessible to the employees. With the family chain only having one person as the operations HR manager it results in non productive man hours such as travel time, the cost incurred to get to each store with the price of fuel, plus all the wear and tear on Mr. Morgan s vehicle. In addition to all the above Mr. Morgan has to spend time gathering everything he needs for each location before leaving his office which could take time trying to remember everything such as things he needs for hiring, scheduling, training, as well as all the payroll documentation he has to transport from location to location to fulfill the effectiveness on each visit. At the current time it is very inefficient in the way that Mr. Morgan is completing the payroll process with using excel and to input all information and then a separate system to print the payroll. It is very time consuming in the fact that he manually enters all the data into the spreadsheet and then has to transfer all information inputted over to the check printing program. As a result of all these things including the traveling between locations Mr. Morgan s duties as the Operations Manager in addition to performing all the HR duties limits the ability for the business to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 8. Mercury Athletic MERCURY ATHLETIC FOOTWEAR Problem statement: West Coast Fashions, Inc a large business of men s and women s apparel decided to dispose of one of their segments; Mercury Athletic. John Liedtke, head of the business development for Active Gear, Inc saw it has a possible opportunity for them to acquire it. The footwear industry is very competitive, with low growth and stable profit margins. AGI is very profitable but it is smaller than its competitors, which is becoming a disadvantage. Therefore, Liedtke believes that if they takeover Mercury will double AGI s revenue, increase it s leverage with contract manufactures and expand its presence with key retailers and distributions. Liedtke is evaluating the company in order to find out ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It is important to look at it because it is a measure that investors can use to evaluate the financial health of the company. However Liedkte being more conservative he says that the combined businesses could achieve and EBIT of 9 % and when looking at the projections for Mercury from 2007 2011 we can see a growth in earnings. So then what are the cash flows if Liedtke thinks the combined businesses will have a revenue growth of 2% in year 2011 considering we discounting back to 2006. We need to calculate the Free Cash Flow (FCF) in order to determine if the Net profit Value is positive or negative. Knowing that we will know if the acquisition should be undertaken. When looking at the excel sheet we can see that the NVP using the discount rate given by the case 7.65 % with a growth rate of 3 % gives us an NVP= $ 275,399.78. Therefore the NVP s value compares the value of the investment made today to the same value of the amount in the future. So that is the amount AGI needs to pay up front. The free cash flows are made from the financial statement given in the case and were determined using the FCF method; EBIT (1 Tax Rate) + Depreciation amp; Amortization Change in Net Working Capital Capital ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 9. Essay On Stuffed Crust To find the amount of inches of stuffed crust put around the edge of pizza A, you must find the perimeter. To do so, you can use the formula p = 2 (l+w). Since pizza A has both a length and width of 5 inches, you can multiply 2 by 10 to get a perimeter of 20 inches. To find the perimeter of pizza B, you can also use the same formula. Since pizza B has a length of 4 inches and a width of 8 inches, you can multiply 2 by 12 to get a perimeter of 24 inches. To find the circumferenceof pizza C, you can use the formula a = pi (d), as d represents diameter. Because the diameter of the pizza is 9 inches, you can multiply pi, or 3.14, by 9 to get a circumference of 28.26 inches. To figure out the length of stuffed crust around the edge of a square pizza with an area of 36 square inches, you must first find the length of each side.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The square root of 36 is 6, so that means each side is 6 inches. 4 sides that are each 6 inches long is a total of 24 inches, so the perimeter of the pizza is 24 inches. To design two rectangular pizzas each with an area of 36 square inches, you can simply just find the factors of 36. One pair of factors are 4 and 9, so these numbers can represent the length and width of the pizza. Now to find the perimeter of this pizza, you can use the same formula we used for pizza A and B in number 1. Since this pizza has a length of 4 inches and a width of 9 inches, you can multiply 2 by 13 to get a perimeter of 26 inches. Another pair of factors of 36 are 3 and 12, so these numbers can represent the length and width of pizza 2. Once again, you use the same formula to find the perimeter. Since pizza 2 has a length of 3 inches and a width of 12 inches, you can multiply 2 by 15 to get a perimeter of 30 inches. To find the circumference of a round pizza with an area of 36 square inches, you must first find the radius of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 10. The Case Of Korematsu V. US KOREMATSU v U.S. 323 U.S. 214 (1944) Perhaps, according to Bernard Schwartz, the greatest failure of American law during World War II may be illustrated by the case of Fred Toyosaburo Korematsu. As graphically described in 1944 by a member of the bench, his case is one that is unique in our system: Korematsu was born on our soil, of parents born in Japan. The Constitution makes him a citizen of the United States by nativity and a citizen of California by residence. No claim is made that he is not loyal to this country. There is no suggestion that apart from the matter involved here he is not law abiding and well disposed. Korematsu, however, has been convicted of an act not commonly a crime. It consists me rely of being present in the ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Secondly, regardless of the true nature of the assembly and relocation centers, we are dealing specifically with nothing but the exclusion order. To bring in the issue of racial prejudice, without reference to the real military dangers which existed, merely confuses the issue. Korematsu was not excluded from the Military Area because of hostility to him or his race. He was excluded because we are at war with the Japanese Empire . . . The military urgency of the situation required that all citizens of Japanese ancestry be segregated from the West Coast temporarily. Congress put their confidence in our military leaders and decided that they should have the power to carry out the necessary measures. There was evidence of disloyalty on the part of some so the military authorities felt that the need for action was great. The fact that we can look back and see things more calmly does not allow us to say that at the time these actions were unjustified.21 In dissenting Justice Owen Roberts felt the facts presented exhibited a clear violation of Constitutional rights. It is he stated not a case of keeping people off the streets at night, nor a case of temporary exclusion from an area for safety reasons . . . It is the case of convicting a citizen as a punishment to not going into imprisonment in a concentration camp. In addition, if a citizen were forced to obey two laws and obedience ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. The As A Metaphor For The State Of A Nation Essay In what ways does the figure of the child serve as a metaphor for the state of a nation? In China s quest for modernity, the figure of the child transcended its biological definition. It took on a symbolic metaphorical form of rejuvenation used to revitalize the state of a nation facing extinction. After the Opium Wars, Chinese intellectuals had started to become aware of Chinas weakness on the world stage. By 1900, defeat in the Sino Japanese War, the failure of the Boxer Rebellion and the humiliating treaties that followed, made it clear to all. The old empire was in decline with the inadequacies of tradition exposed. A critique of the Confucian Doctrine, had begun. China needed to rejuvenate, rewriting the weaknesses of the old empire into a youthful nation. The questioning of nationhood coincided with a rising class of literati learning outside of China. Those such as Liang Qichao, believed that the huge gap between China and the West was not because of race but different educational systems within which, the education of children was vital. Ideas of Social Darwinism and the survival of the nation spread, furthering the symbolism of the child through the prism of the nation. Reformers in this class fervently critiqued the Civil Service Examination system in relation to foreign aggression. Lin Shu denotes, thousands of literati were trained to be familiar with Confucian classics and historical books, but they had no ability to deal with invaders. In this way, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Essay on Cooperative Learning ( Johnson and Johnson, 2006) Cooperative Learning Cooperative learning is a successful teaching strategy in which small teams, each with students of different levels of ability, use a variety of learning activities to improve their understanding of a subject. Each member of a team is responsible not only for learning what is taught but also for helping teammates learn, thus creating an atmosphere of achievement. Students work through the assignment until all group members successfully understand and complete it. Cooperative efforts result in participants striving for mutual benefit so that all group members: * gain from each other s efforts. (Your success benefits me and my success benefits you.) * recognize that all group members share a common fate. (We all... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Individual amp; Group Accountability ( no hitchhiking! no social loafing) * Keeping the size of the group small. The smaller the size of the group, the greater the individual accountability may be. * Giving an individual test to each student. * Randomly examining students orally by calling on one student to present his or her group s work to the teacher (in the presence of the group) or to the entire class. * Observing each group and recording the frequency with which each member contributes to the group s work. * Assigning one student in each group the role of checker. The checker asks other group members to explain the reasoning and rationale underlying group answers. * Having students teach what they learned to someone else. | | 4. Interpersonal amp; Small Group Skills * Social skills must be taught: * Leadership * Decision making * Trust building * Communication * Conflict management skills| | 5. Group Processing * Group members discuss how well they are achieving their goals and maintaining effective working relationships * Describe what member actions are helpful and not helpful * Make decisions about what behaviors to continue or change | | Class Activities that use Cooperative LearningMost of these structures are developed by Dr. Spencer Kagan and his associates at Kagan Publishing and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. “That’S The Difference Between Being Privileged And Being That s the difference between being privileged and being poor in America: it s how many chances you get. Malcolm Gladwell The United States prides itself on being an out with old, in with the new kind of country; citizens have access to all the latest technology, landscapes are constantly being remodeled to fit the modern look, and trends come and go in the blink of an eye. We have become a society of instant gratification. Anything we want, we can have it unless you re poor. Or a person of color, gay, or even a female. The odds are against you and your success if you don t fit the mold of the person designed to fulfill their American Dream. This is an issue that has plagued the US since its conception, but as we become increasingly... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Gatsby s parties are notoriously extravagant, occupied by shallow guests, alcohol, and his desire to catch Daisy s attention. There are pages of the novel dedicated to demonstrate the luxury of wealth. When Nick describes the plot between West Egg and New York, however, readers are met with grim imagery that lasts but a few powerful sentences; Nick describes the land as a valley of ashes a fantastic farm where ashes grow like wheat into ridges and hills and grotesque gardens; where ashes take the forms of houses and chimneys . . . of men who move dimly and already crumbling through the powdery air (Fitzgerald 26). This is a stark contrast to the ritzy lifestyle in the East and West Egg. It is a glimpse into the realities of those who do not have money to sweep them away from their worries. And when Nick runs into Tom Buchannan, months after Gatsby s symbolic death and desolate funeral, Nick cannot thwart his disdain. He says, They were careless people, Tom and Daisy they smashed up things and creatures and then retreated back into their money or their vast carelessness, or whatever kept them together, and let other people clean up the mess they had made . . . (Fitzgerald 191). This story does not preach a tale of rags to riches, but acts a critic to American society and wealth. In his own subtle way, Fitzgerald writes about the demon that still plagues the country today: classism. Classism, as defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary, is the prejudice ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. Computer Science In Education Essay Only 5% of United States high schools teach computer science, the study of the principles and use of computers, despite its critical importance. Even as the enrollment in science, technology, engineering, and math classes have increased in the past 20 years, the number of students enrolled in computer science has actually decreased. This can be attributed to the neglect exhibited by schools on computer science. In these 20 years, 1 billion computers have been built which makes computerscience integrated : so baked into human life that it is not surprising to encounter, with social, technological, and futuristic aspects of the world. Unlike other integrated disciplines such as English or math, computer science is not a required course in... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Universities are already starting to require computer science classes, but this creates the question: How should computer science courses be implemented in education before University? An optimal solution must teach social problem solving skills, increase the functionality of technology, and provide an understanding of the future. The time at which computer science is introduced must also be considered to ensure students have enough prior background knowledge in other related disciplines and a basic understanding of what computer can and cannot do. In order to properly implement computer science in education, it should be required in high school education and teach the ubiquitous relationship that computer science has with the social, technological, and futuristic aspects of the world. Computer science is bound to have social impacts because of its ubiquitous nature. The most influential of these impacts is the introduction of computational thinking. Computational Thinking is a process that generalizes a solution to open ended problems. Open ended problems encourage full, meaningful answers based on multiple variables, which are derived using abstraction and automation. When solving open ended problems, computer scientists abstract notions from both the physical and theoretical worlds. Unlike mathematical notions which only consider theory, computer science combines both ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. The Global Demographic Transition Throughout the globe, we are experiencing the greatest demographic transition of all time. According to the UN DESA report, our world population is projected to grow at approximately 9.7 billion by 2050. This immense growth will predominantly occur in underdeveloped regions and developed countries, such as Africa and the U.S. Parts of the globe has an increasing ageing population, while others are having a huge influx of new youth. Mainly Europe and South America will contain ageing growths, whereas Africa and Asia will have larger proportions of youth ages. This particular dynamic is going to have desiccating affects towards our interconnected global society, if stable governments and its citizens do not come up with viable solutions. My main... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The issue does not lie with spacial capacity of earth, rather the resources are being deplet and distributed unevenely. Fact is developed countries in North America and Europe need to corroborate methods that will satisfy the majority, since there will always be critiques. Hundreds of millions of people in developing regions, are struck with poverty and malnutrition. It is time for the leading developed countries to take new measures into account, and setting examples for the future decades of humanity and the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. Comparing Two Metaphors Under the tree light has dropped from the top of the sky, light like a green latticework of branches, shining on every leaf, drifting down like clean white sand. A cicada sends its sawing song high into the empty air The world is a glass overflowing with water. 2. I thought the earth remembered me, she took me back so tenderly, arranging her dark skirts, her pockets full of lichens[1] and seeds. I slept as never before, a stone on the riverbed, nothing between me and the white fire of the stars but my thoughts, and they floated light as moths among the branches of the perfect trees. All night I heard the small kingdoms breathing around me, the insects, and the birds who do their work in the darkness. All night I rose and fell, as if in water,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... These are two poems about nature. Now they are talking about the same thing. Well, they say it differently, you see the first one is talking about how the sun is rising and it shines on every leaf and they use a simile which is just perfect. Then on the second one, then they use many, many metaphors which are ok, but they rhyme a little which is better for the reader and it is longer and so they make it more interesting. They are very interesting, and they make you want to just get up and go outside. So you can feel what they are talking about so should right now just get off the couch and go outside. Run around make some camping plans so you can go into the forest and then see all the beauty of the world. Or you could go camping in the wrong spot where there was a forest fire and so then you will see all the destruction and you will try to do something about it. So then will decide that you need to do something about it so join a group that goes around and helps put up signs that say. Fire Resrictions No Campfires No Barbeques Nothing that are a Fire Hazard But then people will get very mad and so then you will need to go and talk to your group and you will go and make new signs that ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. During the 1960’s a woman’s role in society was greatly... During the 1960 s a woman s role in society was greatly changed through both social and legal means. Women s rights movements in the United States date back to 1848 at the Seneca Falls Convention, but were greatly ignored after women were granted the right to vote in 1920 by the nineteenth amendment. Many reasons contributed to the reemergence of women s movements but the most prevalent is the end of World War II in 1945. During World War II, more than three million women of all classes of society voluntarily exchanged their aprons and jobs as a house wives and took up real tools in factories. Women working in industrial jobs during World War II affected the mind set of both men and women about the full capabilities of women. People could... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The commission worked to end job discrimination through legal means. The National Organization for Women (NOW), whose goal it was to give women equality of opportunity and freedom of choice , also fought for women s rights and to get men and women the same job benefits. The EEOC, NOW and organizations like it assured profound change for women by allowing them a legal opportunity to file suit against discriminatory organizations. By the end of the 1960 s women significantly changed their position in society and law and overcame sexism in several ways including breaking into male dominated fields, moderate and radical thinking, breaking down male power structures and through cultural expressions. Although women experienced profound cultural change during the 1960 s many things including a male dominated society, the classic perception of women and opposition to equal work undermined women s movements. Since the birth of the United States, men dominated almost every part of society. This did not change much during the 1960 s. Other movements, including the civil rights and anti war movements, were controlled by men. This represents American s view of women as being inferior to men. Women were kept behind closed doors during these movements because it was not seen as lady like to publically protest and fight injustices in society. Men also dominated politics during ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. Loren Eiseley Essay Loren Eiseley was a strong autobiographical nature writer who was also contemporary in some ways. He was born in 1907 and lived until 1977 in the plains of Nebraska. His mother was deaf and a unstable mother. As a child Loren spent his childhood writing stories and poetry, this was an interest of his at a early age resulting him to his future of being a nature writer. Loren Eiseley eventually became a professor in Pennsylvania teaching anthropology. In the mid 20th century he made a achievement of publishing his first book, not only was this his first book but it was a best seller. It influenced many Americans on human nature and natural events. Eiseley spent much of his life alone, he talks about New York City in his writings and how their... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... To me being in a city like New York and going to the train station is something so far from nature. Loren has seen a different way of looking at this in a nature way, since he observes the crows and pigeons. Not only does Loren Eiseley talk bout New York but also his experiences in the forests of nature. He has said You may put it that I had come over a mountain, that I had slogged through fern and pine needles for half a long day, and that on the edge of a little glade with one long, crooked branch extending across it, I had sat down to rest with my back against a stump. Through accident I was concealed from the glade, although I could see into it perfectly. The sun was warm there, and the murmurs of the forest life blurred softly into my sleep. When I awoke, dimly aware of some commotion and outcry in the clearing, the light was slanting down through the pines in such a way that the glade was lit like some vast cathedral. I could see the dust motes of the wood pollen in the long shaft of light, and there on the extended branch sat an enormous raven with red and squirming nestling in his beak. In this passage Loren Eiseley was so descriptive I could imagine him trudging through the ferns and the pine forests falling asleep next to a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. The Wise Fools of Shakespeare The Wise Fools of Shakespeare Infirmity that decays the wise doth ever make a better fool though uttered by one of his own characters Shakespeare does not seem to conform to this ideal. The fools carved by Shakespeare in his plays showed no resemblance to the mentally and physically challenged people who were treated as pets and used for amusement during the medieval period. Rather Shakespeare s fools appear to be in the best of their wits when they are in possession of the wisest minds. Fools whether in their rustic vigour displaying grotesque humour or in the forms of the sophisticated court jesters with their polished puns occupied a substantial position in his plays. Not only they added the element of humour but often alluded a... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However the most mesmerizing of Shakespeare s fools touches his pieces in the form of the court jesters with their precise and caustic wit fabricated by their well bred minds. These fools it is often presumed were sketched from the models of the contemporary court jesters particularly influenced by Tarlton and Armin the royal fools who were not only popular to the audience but also favorites of the Queen herself. One of the foremost reasons of introduction of these jesters in his plays was to impart them with the role of social critics in the guise of their iridescent costumes. The royal fools in spite of their acerbic tongue that blurted out many a comment against royalty were forgiven for the obvious reasons of those statements being wrapped under their fooleries. Thus the jesters in his plays acted as the representatives of Shakespeare, through whom he can show a glimpse of the real face of the contemporary society to his audience. The first professional fool who made his way into Shakespeare s plays is Touchstone in As you Like it who is probably the most buoyant of his jesters. From his pert speeches it can be assumed that he is serving his namesake, a touchstone giving a peek of the real world in mid of all the dreamy romanticism. In the play upon their arriving ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Implementing A Country s Legal System Essay 1.A constitution explains the principles that form the framework of a country s legal system. It establishes the major institutions of the government, mentions their fundamental controls, and makes general rules about how those controls can be exercised. New Zealand s constitution is found in several important documents (such as the Treaty of Waitangi) rather than in a single document. The New Zealand (NZ) constitution is the foundation from which other laws are developed. It addresses all the regulations and rights of NZ citizens that include: your right to vote, responsibilities of parents to their children and so forth. Comparative to the NZ constitution, the United States (US) constitution is more structured in the sense that it is found in a four page document. It incorporates the principles outlined in the Declaration of Independence and it indicates how the various government departments are expected to operate. These departments are divided into three branches: Legislative Congress and Senate (establish legislation), Executive President (sign treaties) and Judicial Supreme Court (take appeals from courts and States, interpret the law). These characteristics of the U.S. constitution are also a point of differentiation between the two constitutions. Therefore, the main difference between the two constitutions is that the NZ constitution is not found in a single document whereas the U.S. constitution is compiled in a four page document. 2.A unitary ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. How Hunger Is Detrimental Effects And Outcomes On Children Hunger is not only a threat to our nation s public health but it also threatens the physical and cognitive development of children in our community and their potential educational attainment ( Childhood, n.d., para. 1). This research paper will discuss various key topics on child hunger, beginning from a global health aspect and winding down to a local community aspect, which will place emphasis on Las Vegas. A literature review will be conducted on how hunger has detrimental effects and outcomes on children, including but not limited to: nutrition, learning, and education, and behavioral effects. Next, research will show what s currently being done about child hunger and what needs to be done in the future with focus on the prevalent hunger issues facing children in the Las Vegas community and how povertyand hunger in the United States contributes to the issue of child hunger. Examples of public health organizations, primarily Three Square, who are working towards the prevention of child hunger, will be given to demonstrate civic engagement in the Las Vegas community. From a global health perspective, world hunger is the want or scarcity of food in a country and connects to malnutrition, which is the lack of nutritional elements in a diet. When contemplating the question what is the cause of hunger around the world, one might think of factors such as access to food, geographical location, and social status. However, another key element of hunger around the world is ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Segmentation, Target Market Selection and Positioning... SEGMENTATION, TARGET MARKET SELECTION AND POSITIONING (STP) PRACTICE in AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY | Marketing Management| | CONTENTS GENERAL INFORMATION2 OVERVIEW OF THE INDUSTRY2 PROCESS OF SEGMENTATION6 Demographic Features7 Age Factor7 Gender Factor7 Income Factor8 CHOICE OF TARGET MARKET9 Five Patterns of Target Market Selection9 Single Segment Concentration9 Selective Specialization9 Product Specialization9 Market Specialization10 Full Market Coverage10 POSITIONING10 Perceptual Maps11 Value Map12 APPENDIX (TABLES)13 SOURCES18 SEGMENTATION, TARGET MARKET SELECTION AND POSITIONING PRACTICE IN AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY GENERAL INFORMATION Companies cannot connect with all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Especially after 1997, importation from Germany has increased because of the exchange rate of Mark was under the inflation rate [2]. In 2001 economic crisis, exchange rates was high and then importation began to decrease. Despite the increase in manufacturing in Turkey, about 57% of the Turkey automotive industry provides its products by importation. As shown in Table 5, Renault, TofaЕџ and Ford have bigger market share in Turkey. Renault and TofaЕ џ has mostly personal cars share and on the other hand Ford has mostly pickups share in Turkey. When buses are considered, Mercedes has the biggest share. By July 2008, 55 kinds of brand are being sold in Turkey [2]. Improvements in technology made it necessary to merge for different companies in order to compete in market. As a result of these merges, quality and competitiveness increased. The leader manufacturer of * Personal cars is Oyak Renault * Pick ups is Ford Otosan * Trucks is Mercedes Benz TГјrk * Buses is Mercedes Benz TГјrk * Minibuses is Ford Otosan * Midibuses is Karsan * Tractors is TГјrk TraktГ¶r in Turkey. The leader exporters are Ford, Oyak Renault, TofaЕџ and Toyota in Turkey. The most profitable companies are Ford, Oyak Renault, Mercedes and TofaЕџ in Turkey (According to Turkey s ISO 500 report)[3]. In Turkey s exportation list top 10, there are 4 automotive companies that show us the impotance of automotive industry for Turkey s economy. Let s look at from the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. The Characterization of Miss Brill in Miss Brill by... In the Bedford Introduction to Literature, Characterization is defined as ... the process by which a writer makes that character seem real to the reader (2126). In order to do this a writer has multiple tools at their disposal that add to the depth of a character and simplify roles in a story. This includes the use of Protagonists and Antagonists, static and dynamic characters, showing and telling, and motivated and plausible action, as well as many others. The short storyMiss Brill by Katherine Mansfield is no exception to this and displays the main characterof Miss Brill as the protagonist, who is confronted with the reality of her existence. In order to bring us closer to Miss Brill, Mansfield uses the technique of showing, by ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is also a nice example of the fore mentioned method of showing, allowing the reader to draw the conclusion of the situation alone. One of the most vital elements of the story though is the classification of Miss Brill as a dynamic character. Being a dynamic character entail that the knowledge about the character grows and that some kind of change takes place because of the action occurring in the plot. In Miss Brill this hinges on the fact that Miss Brill spends her time alone, with almost no actual human contact. Her only means of living life is through that of those around her, she watches their actions, listens to their conversations and acts like a hidden parasite, drawing her own meaning in life by observing others, or as she put it ... there was always the crowd to watch (Mansfield 259). The tragedy of the story rests in that she does not see herself as this. She describes some of the other people in the park as ... they were nearly always the same, Sunday after Sunday, and Miss Brill had often noticed there was something funny about nearly all of them. They were odd, silent, nearly all old, and from the way they stared they looked as though they d come just come from dark little rooms or even even cupboards! (Mansfield 259), this is exactly what she is. Not only does this ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Prioritizing Hawaii Born Homeless Before Those From The... Brandt Ben English 100 Norman Thompson December 14, 2015 Prioritizing Hawaii born Homeless before Those from the Mainland Hawaii is known for its beautiful beaches, tropical climate, and (former) pineapple exports. This state is also number one in a lot of areas: worst traffic, highest cost of living, and highest homeless population. These are all important issues that most people outside of the islands do not think about when imagining a tropical paradise. The homeless population is a critical issue that will be discussed in this essay. Homelessness is a result of many factors: job loss, family disputes, foreclosure, and even drug addiction. In Hawaii, the main cause of homelessness is the rising cost of living. As housing costs ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is their home, yet they do not have a home. Meanwhile others from out of state are flown down here because it is easier to live in. Being homeless in your own home state is tough. Many possible solutions to solve homelessness in Hawaii exist, but it is important to give priority to the local born homeless population before helping the ones that arrived here from out of state. Having a large homeless population affects everything about Hawaii the economy, the government, the environment, and the people. These things stack up on each other which creates a snowball effect. Local residents may complain to the government to do something about the homeless issue. The government decides to create laws limiting where the homeless may stay. The homeless move to other places, such as popular tourist beaches. The tourists are turned off by the growing homeless population dirtying the beaches, which in turn causes a decrease in tourism. The island s economy suffers. Homelessness affects everything, especially in a small island like Hawaii. The economy takes the biggest toll, however because Hawaii relies on the tourism industry, it is important to keep visitors happy and satisfied. It is an eyesore looking at the homeless littering the beaches and streets with tarps and shopping carts. This drives the tourists away, and without them, our economy declines. The homeless also affect the environment in which we live. With nowhere to go, they ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Tim Minchin s Speech Analysis The graduation ceremonies marked the beginning of the next stage in the lives of the graduates. An important feature to the ceremony is the occasional address during which the guest speaker imparts some words of wisdom to the graduating class. However an occasional address isn t just any inspirational speech, the message of the speech must fits its audience, fit the speaker and fits the purpose of the event. Tim Minchin s occasional address at the University of Western Australia is a perfect example of what an occasional address should be. Know your audience. He obviously knew who his audience are, the speech he wrote and delivered was for the youth who are yet to conquer the real world. His speech was easy to follow, it was short and simple. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. The War Of The Holy Roman Empire The Thirty Years War initiated when Holy Roman Emperor Ferdinand II of Bohemia tried to restrain the religious activities of his subjects, triggering a rebellion among Protestants. The war included the major powers of Europe, with Sweden, France, Spain, and Austria all conducting campaigns mainly on German soil. The war was partially known for the slaughters committed by mercenary soldiers, the war ended with a series of contracts that made up the Peace of Westphalia. The outcome restructured the religious and political map of central Europe, setting the stage for the old national Roman Catholic empire to yield to a community of self governing states. For the occurrence of the war, the developing catastrophe of the Holy Roman Empirewas of vital significance. The crisis had a legitimate and governmental as well as a religious component. The emperor s privileges had never been evidently described. A ruler who knew how to misuse his significant informal powers of benefaction could possess a major deal of authority, but a corruptible monarch could effortlessly be diminished to a simple figurehead. This was definitively Rudolf II s fate throughout the final decade of his reign. The aging emperor, who was rationally unstable, was doubted by both Catholics and Protestants. Besides, he had managed to alienate his own family. The power void produced by the failure of his authority allowed determined princes such as Maximilian I, the duke of Bavaria, or Frederick V, the elector of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Aira Case Study the operation of sUAS to transport property in air transportation and the development of a classification system for persons issued sUAS air carrier certificates. Spectrum Usage Allows drones to use spectrum for wireless control purposes if permitted by the FCC and FAA. With respect to licensed frequencies, they also must have the consent of spectrum licensees Collegiate Training Initiative program for UAS The FAA must create a Collegiate Training Initiative program to help prepare college students for careers involved UAS. University use of UAS Streamlines the approval process for the safe operation of UAS at institutions of higher education Drone Registration Provides the FAA authority to require registration of sUAS... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Some key aspects of the bill include: Risk based permitting of UAS The FAA is to establish means for issuing permits to for UAS aircraft and operations based appropriate achievement of safety and risk mitigation tactics Certification of new air navigation facilities for UAS Within 18 months of the bill passing, the FAA is to craft a process for issuing air navigation facility certificates to operators of Unmanned Aircraft System Traffic Management (UTM) systems and low altitude communication, navigation or surveillance system or service (CNS). For a system to be approved, it must be able to identify UAS, deconflict aircraft trajectories, sense and avoid manned and unmanned aircraft, protect the public safety and property and other safety mitigations tactics deemed necessary by the FAA Administrator. o The DOT shall also provide expedited procedures for reviewing and approving UTM or low altitude CNS operated to monitor or control aircraft operated primarily or exclusively in airspace above, croplands, areas other than congested areas; and other areas in which the operation of [UAS] poses very low risk. UAS Package Delivery Requires DOT to establish a delivery air carrier certificate that would allow for package deliveries by UAS within a year of passage of the FAA Reauthorization. The DOT would be mandated to create a small UAS air carrier certificate for persons that directly oversee the operation of sUAS to transport property in ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Business Organization Shareholders vs Social Responsibility ABSTRACT In this essay, I am going to prove that a business organization should be socially responsible in a successful or an effective manner which will eventually benefit the company s owners or shareholders. I will do so through illustrating the different potential effects of a business organization engaging in Corporate Social Responsibility ( CSR ). The effects that will be shown in this essay would be an increase and decrease in the company s expenses, sustaining and harming the environment, increase and decrease in sales and customers, improve the lives of people inside and outside the company, and the practice of social irresponsibility. I will also be providing actual companies engage in CSR, and its effects on each company. I... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They practice being socially responsible and encourage their clients to do so as well by signing with their company. The companies Director of Sustainability, Garratt Hasenstab said that their clients are willing to work with them because the company is focused on creating a healthier and productive world (Thorpe, 2013). Companies can also change a certain process or activity in their production to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions. An example of this is Cisco, a manufacturing company of network equipment. The company s vision is to reduce greenhouse gas emission in each of their business functions and processes to build environmental sustainability. After 5 years, they were able to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions by 25 percent, save $500,000 from reducing their business travels, and through the use of well known collaborative tools, they were able to increase its revenue by 30 percent (Cisco Systems Inc., 2014). This illustrates that companies practicing CSR can reduce expenses and increase sales after a certain amount of years after the implementation of CSR which increases the profit of the company that benefits the owners or shareholders. However engaging in CSR is being ethical and sensitive towards the things around the company, it can also instigate some kind of social irresponsibility. There are entities that try to pursue socially responsible agendas but end up behaving in a socially irresponsible way ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. A Passover Seder A Passover Seder Remembering how to pronounce Seder ( SAY dur ) correctly made me nervous at first, but there wasn t really any cause for me to say it. There was such a whirlwind of activity that I spent most of my time simply trying to keep up as new foods were brought to the table or unveiled, the many steps of a long dinner ceremony were described and engaged in, and certain religious songs or hymns were sung. A book was provided to everyone at the table, with English on one side of the page and Hebrew on the other, that was used to go through the ceremony one step at a time. All of the foods were unusual in sight, smell, and taste, but most were quite delicious (with some exceptions), and everyone had pillows to lean against at the dinner table which was akward at first but quickly became enjoyable. Everything, from each individual food item to the pillows to the drinking of wine (or grape juice) and the order of the entire meal carried some sort of significance, and was described during the meal according to the small books that had been handed out. Everyone, including my key informant, was very friendly and helpful sometimes to a humorous degree. The concern that I understood what was happening was mixed with a joviality regarding my ignorance not that I was made fun of, but that it was amusing to have someone entirely uninitiated in the background of the meal of the religion. There were also times when I felt almost invisible, as parts of the tradition such as songs ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Christine Jorgensen Biography Christine Jorgensen Biography Christine Jorgensen (May 30, 1926 May 3, 1989) was the first widely known person to have sex reassignment surgery in this case, male to female. She was born George William Jorgensen, Jr., the second child of George William Jorgensen Sr., a carpenter and contractor, and his wife, the former Florence Davis Hansen. She grew up in the Bronx and later described herself as having been a frail, tow headed, introverted little boy who ran from fistfights and rough and tumble games . She graduated from Christopher Columbus High School in 1945 and shortly thereafter was drafted into the Army. After being discharged from the Army, Jorgensen attended Mohawk College in Utica, New York, the Progressive School of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... By the end of her career, however, Lilly was earning less than any of the men in the same position. Although she signed a contract with her employer that she would not discuss pay rates, just before Ledbetter s retirement an anonymous individual slipped a note into her mailbox listing the salaries of the men performing the same job. In spite of the fact that Ledbetter had received a Top Performance Award from the company, she discovered that she had been paid considerably less than her male counterparts. Ledbetter filed a formal complaint with the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission and later initiated a lawsuit alleging pay discrimination. After filing her complaint with the EEOC, Ledbetter, then in her 60s, was reassigned to such duties as lifting heavy tires. The formal lawsuit claimed pay discrimination under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Equal Pay Act of 1963. Although a jury initially awarded her compensation, Goodyear appealed the decision to the United States Supreme Court. In 2007 the Supreme Court ruled on the Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire Rubber Co. case. In a 5 4 decision, the court determined that employers cannot be sued under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act if the claims are based on decisions made by the employer 180 days ago or more. Due to the fact that Ledbetter s claim regarding her discriminatory pay was filed outside of that time frame, she was not entitled to receive any ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. The Role Of Discrimination Against First Nations People In... Since Canada has been founded by European settlers and constituted as a country, there has been victimization against First Nations people by the Canadian government. There are three problems that will be addressed, First off, the government has been taking away and in some cases polluting the First Nations land (Lukacs, M, 2015). Secondly, to this day the Canadian government pays less attention to missing aboriginal women. (Still thinking about the second point) Finally, in the past, there has been serious discrimination toward the First Nationspeople from residential schools (News, C, 2016). With each problem, there can also be a solution. As each point will be discussed, the best solution will be provided that will satisfy the First ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. Vedic And The Vedic Age THE RIGVEDIC AGE T.R. CHANDRIKA UID NO: 121054 ROLL NO: 051 Contents OBJECTIVE3 INTRODUCTION3 ORIGIN AND HOME OF THE ARYANS3 THE RIGVEDA4 GEOGRAPHICAL BACKGROUND OF RIGVEDIC ARYANS4 TRIBAL DIVISIONS AND WARS5 POLITICAL ORGANISATION6 FAMILY LIFE6 OCCUPATIONS7 TRADE7 RELEVANCE OF VEDIC PRACTICES AND CULTURE IN TODAYS WORLD8 BIBLIOGRAPHY9 OBJECTIVE The objective of this report is to delve into the importance and study the major features of the Vedic Age and its contribution to today s world. INTRODUCTION The Vedic periodalso referred to as the vedic age was that period in the Indian History during which the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism were composed. The Indo Aryans, settled in North India were very closely related to the Vedic Age and its inception. They played a key role in bringing in specific religious traditions and customs which is commonly referred to as the Vedic Civilization. In the civilizations early days, it was a tribal and pastoral society based in the northwestern parts of the Indian Subcontinent. It spread to the Ganges Plain after 1200 BCE shaped by the increasing settled agriculture, a hierarchy of four social classes and the unfolding of monarchial, state level polities. ORIGIN AND HOME OF THE ARYANS The first rays of the sun pierced through and the Sun of Vedic Culture rose on the horizon of Indian History. Who were their ancestors and where do they become apparent in our cultural view. Questions like this have ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. The Characteristics Of Professional Basketball Athletes In... When people think of professional basketball players, the first word that usually comes to mind is tall . However, that is not always the case. There are many players that are under 6 3 and while that may sound tall to us, it is short in the world of basketball. Surprisingly, some of the shorter players are known to be better on the court. And they re not just known for their height... many are known for the name brands they represent. Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, and Jordan, are just a few of the brands that are promoted by these players. All great basketballplayers, NBA or not, are tall. Both current and past players all have a common trait of being tall. Lebron James 6 8, Kevin Durant 6 10, Jimmy Butler 6 6. All of these players have height, and the skills that come with it. Being tall in the NBA doesn t guarantee you are the best players, but it does give you a significant advantage. Lebron and Kevin both have championship rings and a numerous about of MVP s (Most Valuable Player). These awards show what having height and the skills that come with it, can give a huge disadvantage to the rest of the smaller guards and forwards in the NBA. Both Kevin and Lebron developed the skills of being big men , and once it was perfected, they developed the insane art or shooting. These two players can shoot from anywhere, That s what makes them so dominant and un guardable. Their size only adds to the fact that smaller players can t contest them or use their ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Police Procedural In The Short Story By George Simenon What classifies a story as a good police procedural? What even makes a story a police procedural? Along with many other stories in The Longman Anthology of Detective Fiction, the short story written by georges Simenon portrays a police procedural and contain the attributes necessary to make the story a police procedural. Inspector maigret deuces by George Simenon fell in this category as it meets the requirements. The story revolves itself around the killing of Otto Braun who was a jewish banker. Braun was killed on a train with a needle by one of the passengers.A police procedural requires the author to focus on realism. The story could ve been true given how it is written. George Simenon wrote this story as if it actually happened,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A police procedural on the contrary places the detective in the middle of a working police force, where he or she must abide by the rules and regulations established by the law. This was shown during the questioning of the suspects on the train. Had it been a freelance detective he would use threat and force to get the people on the train to speak. The police procedural was conducted in a formal and lawfull fashion, where Maigret questions the passenger on the train one by one to get as much info as possible to catch the killer of Braun. Solving the crime in a police procedural is a matter of teamwork, and the answer to most cases comes from an accumulation of information. Maigret wasn t alone, in fact he was called at around three in the morning by his nephew Paul Vinchon to help with the investigation. Maigret and Vinchon worked as one gathering as much info as possible, finally after much running around they sat down and planned to catch the murderer who had been denying her guiltiness. Had ipt been just Maigret he could have figured it out all by himself but that would have taken a while, much longer than it took. Working as a team allows everyone a different job thus speeding the process. The murders are usually not cleverly plotted puzzles; they are violent, messy, and committed for any number of reasons. This murder was very messy, the body wasn t even disposed, it was just left on the train, the murder weapon was not disposed either. The ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Definition Of Cells Within Immune System Definition Cells within immune system that responds to acute and chronic inflammation Undergoes phagocytosisв†’ makro means big and pagein means eat Stronger and longer life span than neutrophils Part of innate immunity and initiates adaptive immunity Macrophage formation Differentiation of monocytes (found in white blood cells) from bone marrow Able to modify в†’different structures to fight different foreign materials в†’host s first line of defense from infection Some fixed (attached to connective tissue fibre) and others motile Surfaces contain specific protein markers в†’ e.g. MHC II, MAC 1, CD14, etc. Produce interleukin 1 в†’ acts on hypothalamus so microbial infection cause rise in body ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... royed Lysosome fuses with phagosome to form phagolysosome Foreign materials trapped within phagolysosme is digested by enzymes Adaptive immunity Initiate immune response в†’present antigens after digestion of foreign material Antigen (protein on the surface of a pathogen) stimulates T lymphocytes Antigen on macrophage s membrane displayed with attachment of MHC II в†’ not recognized as pathogen Stimulates production of antibodies that attach to pathogen s antigens в†’easier for macrophage to attach with cell membrane and undergo phagocytosis Wound Healing Two days after wound injury polymorphonuclear neutrophils replaced Platelets and other cells releasing growth factors attract macrophage to wound Monocytes (matures to become macrophages) passes through blood vessel walls to arrive at wound Phagocytose foreign material Repair tissue by producing в†’platelet derived growth factor в†’fibroblast growth factor в†’transforming growth factor beta Vascular endothelial growth factor stimulated and produced в†’endothelial cell growth в†’create granulation tissue в†’new extracellular matrix generated Macrophage activities M1 (classically activated)в†’ killer в†’inhibit cell proliferation and damage tissue в†’activated by natural killer cells and interferon gamma M2 (alternatively activated)в†’ repair в†’wound healing and tissue repair в†’activated by eosinophils and basophils
  • 36. Summary Effector cell в†’ ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. The Natural Disasters Of The United States While I have listed many natural disasters that one would need to prepare for, what about the government failing. Many citizens feel that the government is encroaching on our fundamental rights as Americans. Take for example Jade Helm 15, a military training exercise. While the government is telling us it s just an exercise so that the everyday citizen can get used to the presence of militaryin their neighborhoods and in their towns, is that really what s going on? Or is this just another ploy to have the government take over the American citizens and it turn into another Hitler debacle? Some groups suggest that this is a ruse to implement Martial Law on the citizens. On the other hand though there has been a lot of small terrorist attacks on military bases lately so having the presence of military in the communities might just be a preemptive measure of what s to come. The cause of the underlying concerns is that we see instances, like a shooting in Fort Hood by a terrorist, that the President labels workplace violence. We see the President come to the border in Texas and say it s safer than it s ever been, Abbott told Austin based NBC affiliate KXAN TV. And so I think it was a misplaced perception by people in Texas who have problems with the Obama administration and connected that trust with the Obama administration to the military (Viser). This should be a concern of American. We should be preparing for government fall out, or even something that is happening ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. Essay on The Gutting of Couffignal Analysis The Gutting of Couffignal is a crime story written by Dashiell Hammet. It is about the robbing and stealing of bank, Jewelry stores and wedding presents on the island of Couffignal. Couffignal is a small island connected by a wooden bridge to the mainland. The main street contains bank, hotels, jewelry stores and other usual stores. The higher part of the road lives the owners and rulers of the island. One of the rulers, The Henderixson family is having a wedding and they hired a detective to guard the valuable wedding presents. However, the criminals used various strategies to steal the presents, but they did not succeed at the end. Consider the opening of the story, the story begins with a very detailed description of Couffignal... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... I was sitting in a secondstory room in Couffignal s largest house. This shows that he must be one of the characters who are involved in the story, he is not just some story teller who has nothing to do with the content of the story. Soon in the next paragraph, his identity is introduced, the narrator is the detective. Of all the work that comes to a private detective (except divorce work, which the Continental Detective Agency doesn t handle) I like weddings as little as any. The narrator is the detective himself and he is hired to protect the wedding presents. Normally, people would think it is weird to protect the wedding presents, and nobody would pay extra money to hire a detective to protect their wedding presents. However, it is explained in the previous paragraph that the value of the presents would add up to something between fifty and a hundred thousand dollars. So this solves the reader s doubt, since the presents are so valuable, it is reasonable to protect them, and it is obvious that the extra money paid to the detective has no comparison with the value of these presents. In paragraph 8, a few other characters are introduced, the admiral and earl from England, ex president of a South American country, the Danish baron, Russian princess and general, ambassador from a Central European country. This paragraph is very important, because the reader would want to know who are the people involved in the story. By giving a brief ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. How I Fell In Love With A Fish Summary In his video, How I Fell in Love with a Fish, Dan Barber explains what he found when he travelled to Spain to get an intimate understanding of exactly why this fish farm is still in business and what it is that makes their fish taste so good. Dan explains that the majority of what his trip to the fish farm taught him revolved around relationships. He learned that in order to become a prosperous business the farm first had to establish a thriving network of relationships between all of its inhabitants. One of the boldest statements made in the video pertains to the fact that this fish farm does not feed any of its fish at all there is no secret fish food formula or anything of the like. Unlike other farms that feed their fish with and animal ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The And Clarke s Theory Of The Criminal Justice System The Whites family is a crime bred family from West Virginia, Boone County. This family struggles with addictions to alcohol and drugs, is in and out of prison and jail, and also depends on illegal means to get what they want and need. These all lead to separate facets of the criminal justice system allowing for separate theories to set in to the families. I choose Cornish and Clarke s rational choice theory, general strain theory, and Sutherland s differential association theory. Cornish and Clarke begin the lead in allowing for work on why offenders enjoyed committing crimes to be accepted. Following Katz used this again to explain in more depth why offenders feel the need to commit crimes. They have found differing factors in females and males; generally males lack self control and empathy. Females are more influenced by the morality of the crime. Generally either sex their peers will play a large role in the deciding factors. This framework emphasizes all the important factors that go into a person s decision to engage or not engage in a particular act (p.54). This family in all aspects shows the intent and decision making on multiple occasions to commit crimes, the one when one white family member shot his uncle in the face shows a clear decision to engage in multiple acts of illegal activity. He was under the influence of drugs and already around peers who encouraged bad behavior, and with low self control it was a bad mix with a worse ending. He had stole his uncles ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. The Importance Of Power In A Tale Of Two Cities The poet Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792 1822) explains the effects of power on society in his quote, Power, like a desolating pestilence, Pollutes whate er it touches . Shelley compares power to a disease, almost like a plague that can eradicate an entire town. In whom this power is bestowed upon will desecrate the entire society around them. On the contrary, this quote is challenged as well as defended in the novel, A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens. Characters such as both Monseigneurs St. Evremonds and Madame Defarge embody strong aristocratic or noble roles that have radicalized France. As well as this, they have engendered great deaths and hatred from people in the third estates due to their unjustified actions. However, people like Charles Darnay are great rebuttals to Shelley s argument, because even though he is an aristocrat of France, he actually gives up his own power. He doesn t allow his placing in society to define nor dictate his actions or morals. The older looking twin of the Monseigneur St.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Due to his role in the hierarchies of France, he begins to use that power as vindications for his vulgar attitude and such demoralizing actions upon society. Monseigneur started his morning off with, the aid of four strong men besides the cook to help stir his hot chocolate (Dickens 100). This idea is absolutely absurd and illustrates his arrogant characteristic. This task is seemingly effortless and requires the manpower of a toddler. Despite this, due to the power he has gained from his family s bloodline, he uses that a vindication for his actions. Moreover, not only does Monseigneur demand 4 hot ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Xbox 360 History Many people have heard of Microsoft. Many people have also heard of their product known as Windows. Windows is a computer operating system. Even though Microsoft only worked on computers, they released their first ever video game console known as the Xbox in late 2001. The Xbox had newer, upgraded versions of the console later on such as the Xbox 360in 2005 and the XboxOne in 2013. The idea of the Xbox first started when Kevin Bachus, Seamus Blackley, Otto Berkes, and Ted Hase were working on developing the DirectX. The DirectX was a set of API s (application programming interfaces) that was introduced by Microsoftin 1995 which encouraged videogame developers to embrace their Windows operating system. These men approached Bill... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This was good, however, it had some consequences. When the Xbox 360 was released as quickly as possible, huge, technical problems with the console caused Microsoft to replace or repair most of the consoles. This made video game designers learn valuable lessons about taking time with their products (Lasky). There were many different designs of the Xbox 360, such as the Pro, Premium, Elite, and Arcade (Loguidice). There are two current Xbox 360 S (slim) models which are the Xbox 360 250GB and the Xbox 360 4GB. These models are similar because they both include 5 USB (universal serial bus) 2.0. ports and a custom port for the Kinect sensor. They also have optical digital audio with built in WiFi (Loguidice). They also are sleeker, smaller, and run quieter and cooler than their predecessors ( Loguidice). The Xbox 360 4GB and the Xbox 360 250GB are also different. The Xbox 360 4GB (as the name implies) has 4GB of storage. This is enough for playing physical copies of games, but not for downloaded games. A hard drive can be purchased to get more space though. This model also costs $100 less than the Xbox 360 250GB. The Xbox 360 250GB model includes a 250GB hard drive and a headset. It costs $100 more than the Xbox 360 4GB ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Hasidic Jews Who are the Hasidic Jews, where are they from; and why did they migrate to the United States. Hasidic Jews, sometimes known also as Hasidic Judaism, is a Jewish religious sec. It rose as a spiritual revival movement in contemporary Western Ukraine during the 18th century and spread rapidly through Eastern Europe. The Hasidic Jewsoriginated during a time in history when Adolf Hitlerwas a Nazi leader, killing more than five million Jews; because the where considered to be inferior and a treated to those German clarity and clique. These survivors came from Eastern Europe during a time in history that will never be forgotten World War II. During the time in history when Jews were easily identified by their characteristics, the Hasidic Jews seemed to stand out more than other Jewish settlers do to their distinctive clothing and overall manifestation. As for their distinctive clothing apparel, the men were black suits with a white shirt; and a black top hat that is accompanied by their long facial hair and braided algors (Scupin,... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Just like with the Hasidic Jews, though they can free rome, they still encounter the realities of having the component parts closely compacted together; in those inhabited domains like Brooklyn, which in turn has created some activities that shapes, affects; or involves the political sphere. Nevertheless, Hasidic sodality very similarly restraint the race of inspirational prestige that compass, and protect dangerous familiar influential barriers around their colonies. Consequently, the rigorous culturally self protective strategies of the Hasidic Jews have ensured a remarkable degree of religious and ethnic continuity compared to that of other segments of the Jewish American population (Scupin, 2012, pg. 168). Resources Scupin, R. (2012). Race and Ethnicity: The United States and the World (2nd ed.). Boston, Massachusetts, MA: Pearson ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Six Sigma s Most Central And Got A Handle On Structure Six Sigma s most central and got a handle on structure is its critical sense DMAIC approach. This upgrade takes after the framework and its sporadic state stray pieces, given that the necessities depict the best deliverables, which deal with the endeavors and the contraption decision to help in the errand. The DMAIC approach is required to consider flexibility and iterative work, if principal. As more is found through the 5 make process, demand or theories concerning the key driver of the issue may be reproved, requiring the wander get together to come back to them and modify or to research elective potential outcomes. For case, control driver to a business oblige fittingness issue may have been considered as an attracting system issue in a specific geographic district. As denied to making a surged judgment without presumptions by executing another business plan program, the Six Sigmaincrement securing respectably proposes substances about the issue first. After some examination and examination, the gathering finds that the secured driver centers to an issue with layouts organization together heading, not nonappearance of offers strengths data and aptitudes. In the occasion that the wind wrap followed up on the key supposition, time and money would have been abused on working up a frustrated approach that would have made poor results; the get together s beat work would have gone to squander. Rather, the party did a mid course upgrade in light of truths, adjusted its ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. The Use of Symbolism in Golding s Lord of the Flies Essay The Use of Symbolism in Golding s Lord of the Flies His head opened and stuff came out and turned red. Piggy s arms and legs twitched a bit like a pig after it has been killed (217). This is what can happen to someone when all signs of civilization, order and power disappear and have no more meaning to members of a group or society. In the writing of William Golding s Lord of the Flies (1954), the symbol of power and civilization is the conch. Once that is lost, all bets are off. When the novel begins, two boys are talking about what has happened and why they are on this island. While walking on the beach, the main character Ralph then proceeds to find a shell which the two boys call the conch. Blowing on this shell Ralph calls a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the very beginning the conch is used to bring all of the boys in the story together. Ralph blows it and they come. This is the first sign of its power. The boys have been lost and now there is this thing, much like a school bell, calling them to be brought together. It has brought order to this strange place in which they are stranded. During these boys escapade, when one wants to speak in front of the assembly, one must have the conch in his hand. We ll have to have hands up like at school...Then I ll give him the conch (35). They are setting up rules just as they had learned in their civilization. They are also making the conch the only way one can talk at meetings. All throughout this novel the boys are called to meetings to discuss the rules, the fire, and many other assorted things. One of these things is a beast that comes in the night but does not leave foot prints or any trail at any time. All the boys are very afraid of this beast and what it may do to them if it gets hold of them. As it turns out the beast is in the boys: You knew, didn t you? I m part of you? (172). This is the lord of the flies, also known as the beast, talking to Simon the first boy murdered. The beast is their unwillingness to maintain a civilization; it is their transformation into savages. All the time at all these meetings the boys respect the conch and whoever held the conch was respected, even if he was not liked. Once this symbol of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Yes Money Can Make You Happy By Cass R. Sunstein Undoubtedly, money is and has been arguably the most important aspect of any society in the world. Money is an essential piece of every day life because of the fact that nearly everything comes with a price tag. With how important the aspect of money has become, there have been arguments about whether money can truly make an individual happy. This particular topic has been highly controversial with multiple different stands on the effect of money on happiness. With that being said, money does influence people and makes them happier because they can live comfortably without worry, it allows for many dreams to become realities, and it provides the opportunity to give back and help others. First, money increases the happiness of people because... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In many instances, people cannot give back because they desperately need the money themselves. An increase in prosperity would present the opportunity to provide for themselves along with help support people who are not as fortunate as them. To support the claim that giving back to others produces happiness, Cass Sunstein, from the article Yes, Money Can Make You Happy writes, In one study, the best prediction of people s happiness was not how much they devoted to personal spending, but instead how much they gave to others (Sunstein 271). The study that was completed produced findings that displayed a relationship between sharing with others and personal happiness. Michael Norton also presented similar feelings during his TED talk presentation titled, How to Buy Happiness. In this video presentation he describes a study that recorded the feelings of undergraduate college students when it came to spending money. The method involved giving these students money with the freedom of spending the money on themselves or on others. As a result of the study, Norton shared, When we called people back at the end of the day, people who spent money on other people got happier, while people who spent the money on themselves did not change (Norton). Norton illustrates the benefit of spending money prosocially. Both of these sources agree with each other ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 47. Biomes are the Communities of the World Biomes are all over the world, that s why they are considered the world s major communities. Biomes are large areas scattered around the earth, filled with animals and plants acclimating to their environments. You can classify biomes in many different ways, by their climate, their biodiversity, human activity, their animals and plants, and their habitats. There are only five conspicuous types of biomes, Grassland, Tundra, Desert, Aquatic, and forest. Without biomes, the earth would be unbalanced. Throughout the years, we have cause a lot of damage towards our earth, such as causing pollution, and abolishing natural habitats. If we continue living like this, there might be more serious or severe implications on the biomes. Knowing that we share the world with so many other species of plants and animals, we should consider the consequences of our actions. The Aquatic biomeis the most significant out of all of the five biomes. Water is essential and important for life here on Earth. It s what we all need in order to survive. Water also supports life, and many different species live in it, or for some parts of their life. Since water covers one thirds of the Earth, the temperature of the aquatic biome tends to be humid and slightly cool. It is fairly constant so it can be able to tolerate life. This region is filled with so many different species of animals some big and some even small. The Aquatic biome is broken into two regions freshwater and marine ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 48. The Water and Wastewater Crisis in Mexico City In what was once lake Texcoco now stands the 3rd most populous city in the world. quot;Ciudad de los Palacios quot; ( quot;City of Palaces quot;), or as we know it Mexico City, is home to more then 20 million (2003) people and serves as the governing capital of Mexico. Like many other metropolis D.F. (as known by the Mexican people) post enormous water sanitation and distribution problems. Ironically enough, the waters once known as lake Texcoco, in which the city lays its foundation on causes as many problems pertaining to this matter as it solves. Much like Seattle WA, Mexico cityis sinking into the ground. Unlike Seattle this is mostly from poor planning and over use of the cities under lying ground water, not sandy; unstable ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... But how do you combat this crisis? One solution, installing low flow toilets could cut usage by 70 percent. (CIP) New York city in the mid 90 s was facing a similar water shortage. Facing a choice of a billion dollar pumping station or low flow toilets, NY opted for the low flows. 1.33 million low flow toilets later, water consumption per day drop 70 percent over an eight year span (91 99), with 70 90 million gallons saved a day! A solution currently being employed is to fix leaks in the cities out dated water pipes. Anywhere from 27 40 percent of the cities water is lost through leaks, an estimated 1100 gallons could be saved a second if these leak were. Other ideas currently in use or suggested include: Collecting rainfall, Desalination, and drip irrigation. My favorite, drip irrigation would not only save 30 70 percent compared with flood irrigation, but has been shown to increase crop yield 20 90 percent, talk about killing two birds with one stone. But really when it comes down to it the easiest and most logical way to cut the cities water demand of 7,750 gallons per second would be to teach people water conservation methods, recycle water more effectively, and/or just stop polluting the current sources. Still it s easier said then done without the proper funding this will never happen. While were on the money subject let me throw just one more fun statistic at you, some 40 percent of water users either never receive water bills or simply refuse to pay them. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 49. Laura Ashley Research Paper Laura Ashley,a beautiful fashion designer and business woman;she was Born in September7,1925;at her grandmama house.she was raised in a civil service family as a strict baptist.The chapel she attended in Dowlais (Hebron) was Welsh language and although she could not understand the language, she loved it, especially the singing. Educated at Marshall s School in Merthyr Tydfil until 1932, she was then sent to the Elmwood School, Croydon. She was evacuated back to Wales aged 13, but with so many World War II evacuees there were no school places left and she attended Aberdare Secretarial School.In 1942, at age 16, she left school and served in the Women s Royal Naval Service. During this period she met engineer Bernard Ashley at a youth club in Wallington.she got married to a man named bernard Ashley in 1949 together they had four children; two daughters and two sons who were all involved with the business. David born 1954 he was the eldest son, designed the... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... A memorial plaque to Laura Ashley, at the familys former home 83 Cambridge Street, Pimlico was unveiled on 5 July ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 50. Analysis Of The Silence Of The Lambs The following essay examines the characteristics of the aestheticisation of abjection by analysing Jonathan Demme s, The Silence of The Lambs (1991) to better understand what pleasure we, as a culture, find in consuming horror films. The Silence of the Lambs shows women being tortured, sexually assaulted and murdered yet is still a widely popular filmthat serves to entertain a seemingly sane society. By exploring the theory of the abject , horror and the role of gender instability within film with regards to The Silence of the Lambs, this essay will attempt to explain the characteristics of the aestheticisation of abjection. What is abjection? The idea of the abject was developed by Bulgarian French philosopher and psychoanalyst, Julia ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The transition from night vision to the normal camera view calls attention to the fact that the audience had just been exposed to a different vantage point, creating awareness of the embodiment of the male gaze by seeing things through Gumb s eyes. The camera shots high angled quality presents Starling as vulnerable, exposed and at arm s reach from evil. (Howell 2014 : online). The nature of the night vision shots presents the male gaze as predatory. The audience assumes the position of Buffalo Bill. and turns into a man objectifying a woman with his gaze. This base assumption that the audience is Jame Gumb forces the viewer to come face to face with the inherent perversion of the gaze, a ritual in which they have become complicit. (Richter n.d. online). Bibliography Books: 1.Burke, E. 1998. A Philosophical Enquiry into the Sublime and Beautiful. New York: Penguin. Childers, J. Hentzi, G. (eds.). 1978. The Columbia Dictionary of modern Literary and Cultural Criticism. Columbia University Press. Kirsteva, J. 1982. Powers of Horror: An essay on abjection. New York: Columbia University Press. Nelmes, J. 1996. Introduction to Film Studies. New York: Routledge. Creed, B. 1999. Horror and the Monstrous Feminine: An Imaginary Abjection. Feminist Film Theory, a Reader, edited by. Sue Thornham. New York: New York U P. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 51. Tupac Shakur s Photography Celebrities are used to being photographed, but it s never clear when a photo will be a celebrity s last. These 10 haunting photos of celebrities just before they died are both scary and eye opening. You never know when a photo could be your last. Number Ten: Tupac Shakur. This photo of Tupac shows him with his manager, Suge Knight. The photo was taken on September 13, 1996, just before he was shot to death. Number Nine: Amelia Earhart. This chilling photo of Amelia Earhart was taken before she left for her final flight in 1937. The photo shows her packing and looking happy. Number Eight: Amy Winehouse. Talented singer Amy Winehouse is seen here casually strolling the streets in North London. She died just one week later in July of 2011. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 52. The Nottingham Pulse Rig Towards Determining The Mechanism... This Chapter discusses the progress made using the Nottingham Pulse Rig towards determining the mechanism of the Fischer Tropsch reaction. A summary of the three main mechanisms proposed in the literature was outlined in Chapter 1 but is still the subject of much debate.1 6 Generally the carbide mechanism is accepted for Fe catalysts,7 but the mechanism over Co catalysts is less clear.1 Ge and Neurock,8 as well as Ojeda et al.,4 have suggested that the carbide mechanism is the pathway for FT synthesis on Co catalysts. However, they disagree over the route to CO dissociation; direct dissociation of the carbonyl bond has been proposed by Ge and Neurock, whilst Ojeda et al. have concluded that carbonyl dissociation proceeds via an H assisted... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 3.1.1 On the Mechanism and Active Site of the FT Process Over Co Catalysts Several studies have investigated the effect of syngas on the structure of metallic Co catalysts.9 12 For instance, Karaca et al. investigated the effect of syngas on a CoPt/Al2O3 catalyst using X Ray Diffraction (XRD).9 After reducing the catalyst in H2 at 623 K, XRD peaks were observed for face centred cubic (fcc) and hexagonal close packed (hcp) structures of metallic Co. After exposure to 20 bar of syngas at 493 K, the fcc XRD peaks became narrower over 5 hrs, which was suggested to be due to an increase in the particle size due to sintering of the Co metal phase. Over the subsequent 5 hrs this peak decreased in intensity and a new peak assigned to a carbide phase grew in. Therefore, the authors concluded that deactivation of the catalyst was due initially to sintering and then, over longer periods of time, to carbidisation. Wilson and de Groot have investigated the surface reorganisation of a model Co catalyst upon exposure to 4 bar of a H2/CO mixture (2:1 ratio) at 523 K.10 11 The surface was examined ex situ in an Ultra High Vacuum (UHV) chamber before and after exposure to syngas using a Scanning Tunnelling Microscope (STM). Before exposure to CO the surface consisted of flat terraces, with a Co(0001) structure. The terrace surfaces were separated by cliff edges ranging in size from single atom high steps ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 53. The Bass Compare And Contrast Sam And Sheila Mant Characterization Essay When I was a kid I had a gap in my teeth that I hated and in many photos I would not smile with my teeth because I did not like the way I looked. Just like many people Sam and the narrator from The Bass, The River, Sheila Mant have something that they don t like about themselves. Sam is more insecure than the narrator from the bass the river and sheila mant because she cares what people think of her. Sam from before i fall is insecure about many things about herself. Tomorrow I will be different (56 Oliver). She always wants to change and she always thinks that tomorrow she will change in a big way. She wants to change overnight and have people look at her differently from what they do. She also thinks that it is more important to care what others think rather than what she thinks about herself. She would think I was crazy (89 Oliver). She thinks if she tells people what she is thinking that they will not like her and that she is crazy for thinking that way. She also wants people to like her and she doesn t want her friends to leave her because she is different.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... he is insecure about what she will think of him. Yeah, bass. They come into the shallows at night to chase frogs and moths and things. Big largemouths. Micropterus salmoides, I added, showing off .(2 wetherell) This shows that he was trying to make himself look better than what he usually is. He was also thinking that if he could show off that she will like him more because he knew more about fishing and that he was smart. I think that fishing is dumb she said making a face I mean it s boring and all definitely dumb (3 wetherell). He didn t tell her that he liked fishing because he didn t want to look stupid to her. He cared more what the girl thought then what he cared about ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 54. Black Education Issues The relevance to this study was important because it examines factors that cause withdrawals and my assist with increasing retention rates. The information collected is significant to all stakeholders who wish to retain minority students in higher education. Both public and private universities can stand to increase their knowledge base of how to improve higher education retention for minority students. Consequently, this study was significant because it revealed the inequities in college persistence between universities and among various ethnic groups in selected public and private institutions. Thus, investigating what caused minority students to persist in college beyond their freshmen year provided answers as to how the selected universities ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For example, the percentage of Blacks age 25 and older with a high school diploma or more was 72 percent in the 2000 census, compared to 85.5 percent for Whites. Also, the percentage of Blacks with bachelor s degrees or more was 14 percent, compared to 27 percent of Whites. Closing achievement gaps is a critical issue. The performance of Blacks is systematically different from that of other racial and ethnic groups. Decreasing gaps in student achievement means that we must increase the learning gains of Blacks. This will require the creation of public policies and legislation that support public schools committed to identifying and setting high, worthwhile, and attainable goals for students and ensuring that teachers and students are supported in these efforts. It will also require meaningful collaboration among community organizations and leaders, parents, and the school. The success of the school must become the success of the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 55. The Symbolism of Death in Alistair McLeod’s The Lost Salt... In Alistair McLeod s collection of short stories the Lost Salt Gift of Blood; death seems to be a constant companion. Death is important and perhaps even symbolic in this collection of short stories. It is important because it has the power to affect people and relationships, invokes freedom and even predetermines ones future, through the deathof animal s people and the impending death of others. The first story In the Fall consists of 2 deaths, the death of a horse and a death of chickens both with very different effects on people. The first death was the death of a horse who was a very close companion or more like an old familyfriend to the family but with age Scott the horse had grown old and incapable of farm work. The mother... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For a long time their marriage had been held together by responsibility, after the chickens die their relationship changes. My father puts his arms around my mother s waist and he does not move it as I have always seen her do. (p. ) In this story 2 different deaths cause 2 totally different impacts on people and relationships within the story. In another story by McLeod called The Boat the death of the father liberates his spirit and frees his son from obligated responsibility. When the father dies his own spirit is freed from his nagging wife, she always nagged on him because ... he was a failure as a husband and father who retained none of his own. (p. ) His wife was controlling and he was burdened by her; dying in a sense liberated him. The father s dying also freed the son from obligated responsibility. The son felt he had to stay because he loved his father very much and he thought it was ...very much braver to spend a life doing what you really do not want rather then selfishly following forever your own dreams and inclinations. (p. ) After the father s death the son was free to return to his own life and follow his own dreams. In the story The Road to Rankings Point death predetermines a young mans future. The young man Calum, has only been given a few months to live. He was living in Toronto but decided to go home to Cape Breton to live with his grand mother who is also unsure of her death. Calum s grand mother loves him ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...