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Name Roll No.
Anish singh
Aishwarya 06
Amika Bhagat 09
Kajal 20
Kamala Pati Singhaniyan 21
Mohammad Soffiyan 27
Rajat Bandhu 41
Shanshu Kumar
• The world is becoming more interconnected with the internet
and new networking technology.
• Network security has become more important to personal
computer users, organization and military.
• The internet structure itself allowed for many threats to occur.
• The architecture of internet, when modified can reduce the
possible attacks that can be sent across the networks.
• Knowing the attack methods , allows for the appropriate
security to emerge
• Security is crucial to networks and application. With the
connectivity comes security.
• Securities issues are like
• Threats
• Viruses
• Cyber Attacks
• Easily accessible to anyone,
• Drain your bank account
• Hacked your account and profile
• Scam-Fraud, Predators and fake friends
Common internet attacks methods are broken down into
categories. Some attacks gain system knowledge or personal
• Eavesdropping
• Viruses
• Worms
• Trojans
• Phishing
• IP Spoofing Attacks
• Denial of Service
• Interception of communications by an
unauthorized party is called
• Passive eavesdropping is when the
person only secretly listens to the
networked messages.
• On the other hand, active
eavesdropping is when the intruder
listens and inserts something into the
communication stream.
• Police department uses this method to
trace suspected phone calls,where
attackers usee to trace private and
confedential calls.
• Viruses are self‐replication programs that use files to infect and propagate.
• Once a file is opened, the virus will activate within the system.
• A worm is similar to a virus because they both are self‐replicating, but the worm does
not require a file to allow it to propagate.
• There are two main types of worms, mass‐mailing worms and network aware worms.
• Mass mailing worms use email as a means to infect other computer.
• Phishing is an attempt to obtain
confidential information from an
• individual, group, or organization .
• Phishers trick users into disclosing
personal data, such as credit card
numbers, online banking
credentials, and other sensitive
• Example :- Russians hacked in
DNS influencing the election in
favour of Donald Trump.
• Fake Images can be displayed on
screen that may divert/misguide
• Spoofing means to have the address of the computer mirror
the address of a trusted computer in order to gain access to
other computers. The identity of the intruder is hidden by
different means making detection and prevention difficult.
• Computers in government offices can be accessed through
this method which may leak highly confedential information
between two nations.
Internet threats will continue to be a major issue in the global
world as long as information is accessible and transferred across
the Internet. Different defense and detection mechanisms were
developed to deal with these attacks. Such as
• Firewall
• Intrusion Detection Systems
• Anti‐Malware Software and scanners
• Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
• A firewall is a typical border control
mechanism or perimeter defense.
• The purpose of a firewall is to block traffic
from the outside, but it could also be used to
block traffic from the inside.
• A firewall is the front line defense mechanism
against intruders.
• It is a system designed to prevent unauthorized
access to or from a private network.
• Firewalls can be implemented in both
hardware and software, or a combination of
• An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is an additiona
lprotection measure that helps ward off computer
• IDS systems can be software and hardware devices used to
detect an attack.
• IDS products are used to monitor connection in
determining whether attacks are been launched.
• Some IDS systems just monitor and alert of an attack,
whereas others try to block the attack.
• The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a suite of protocols that
is a standard way to achieve a good level of security
between a web browser and a website.
• SSL is designed to create a secure channel, or tunnel,
between a web browser and the web server, so that any
information exchanged is protected with in the secured
• SSL provides authentication of clients to server through
the use of certificates.
• Clients present a certificate to the server to prove their
Computer Security
Attack Methods Technology for internet
Confidential Eavesdropping,
Hacking, Phishing,DoS
and IP Spoofing
IDS, Firewall,
Cryptographic System.
IP Sec and SSL
Integrity Viruses , Worms,
Eavesdropping, Dos
and IP Spoofing.
IDS, Firewall,Anti-
Maleware Software,
IPsec and SSL
Privacy Email Bombing,
Spamming, Hacking,
Dos and Cookies
IDS, Firewall, Anti-
Maleware Software,
IPSec and SSL
Availability Dos, Email Bombing,
Spamming and System
IDS, Anti-Maleware
Software and Firewall.
Regular connectivity with
• Social Media - Facebook, twitter
• Business world - Different location across different
• Media – to circulate information all over the world from
anywhere and at anytime
• Business-related security issues
• Personal security issues
• Network security is an important field that is increasingly
gaining attention as the internet expands.
• The Attack Methods and Internet Security were analyzed
to determine the necessary security technology. The
security technology is mostly software based, but many
common hardware devices are used.

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Internet and Global Connectivity – Security Concerns

  • 2. Name Roll No. Anish singh Aishwarya 06 Amika Bhagat 09 Kajal 20 Kamala Pati Singhaniyan 21 Mohammad Soffiyan 27 Rajat Bandhu 41 Pragya Shanshu Kumar
  • 3. • The world is becoming more interconnected with the internet and new networking technology. • Network security has become more important to personal computer users, organization and military. • The internet structure itself allowed for many threats to occur. • The architecture of internet, when modified can reduce the possible attacks that can be sent across the networks. • Knowing the attack methods , allows for the appropriate security to emerge INTRODUCTION
  • 4. NETWORK SECURITY • Security is crucial to networks and application. With the connectivity comes security. • Securities issues are like • Threats • Viruses • Cyber Attacks • Easily accessible to anyone, • Drain your bank account • Hacked your account and profile • Scam-Fraud, Predators and fake friends
  • 5. COMMON INTERNET ATTACK METHODS Common internet attacks methods are broken down into categories. Some attacks gain system knowledge or personal information. • Eavesdropping • Viruses • Worms • Trojans • Phishing • IP Spoofing Attacks • Denial of Service
  • 6. EAVESDROPPING • Interception of communications by an unauthorized party is called eavesdropping. • Passive eavesdropping is when the person only secretly listens to the networked messages. • On the other hand, active eavesdropping is when the intruder listens and inserts something into the communication stream. • Police department uses this method to trace suspected phone calls,where attackers usee to trace private and confedential calls.
  • 7. VIRUSES • Viruses are self‐replication programs that use files to infect and propagate. • Once a file is opened, the virus will activate within the system. RED CODE VIRUS WORMS • A worm is similar to a virus because they both are self‐replicating, but the worm does not require a file to allow it to propagate. • There are two main types of worms, mass‐mailing worms and network aware worms. • Mass mailing worms use email as a means to infect other computer.
  • 8. PHISHING • Phishing is an attempt to obtain confidential information from an • individual, group, or organization . • Phishers trick users into disclosing personal data, such as credit card numbers, online banking credentials, and other sensitive information. • Example :- Russians hacked in DNS influencing the election in favour of Donald Trump. • Fake Images can be displayed on screen that may divert/misguide you.
  • 9. IP SPOOFING ATTACKS • Spoofing means to have the address of the computer mirror the address of a trusted computer in order to gain access to other computers. The identity of the intruder is hidden by different means making detection and prevention difficult. • Computers in government offices can be accessed through this method which may leak highly confedential information between two nations.
  • 10. TECHNOLOGY FOR INTERNET SECURITY Internet threats will continue to be a major issue in the global world as long as information is accessible and transferred across the Internet. Different defense and detection mechanisms were developed to deal with these attacks. Such as • Firewall • Intrusion Detection Systems • Anti‐Malware Software and scanners • Secure Socket Layer (SSL)
  • 11. FIREWALL • A firewall is a typical border control mechanism or perimeter defense. • The purpose of a firewall is to block traffic from the outside, but it could also be used to block traffic from the inside. • A firewall is the front line defense mechanism against intruders. • It is a system designed to prevent unauthorized access to or from a private network. • Firewalls can be implemented in both hardware and software, or a combination of both.
  • 12. INTRUSION DETECTION SYSTEMS • An Intrusion Detection System (IDS) is an additiona lprotection measure that helps ward off computer intrusions. • IDS systems can be software and hardware devices used to detect an attack. • IDS products are used to monitor connection in determining whether attacks are been launched. • Some IDS systems just monitor and alert of an attack, whereas others try to block the attack.
  • 13. SECURE SOCKET LAYER (SSL) • The Secure Socket Layer (SSL) is a suite of protocols that is a standard way to achieve a good level of security between a web browser and a website. • SSL is designed to create a secure channel, or tunnel, between a web browser and the web server, so that any information exchanged is protected with in the secured tunnel. • SSL provides authentication of clients to server through the use of certificates. • Clients present a certificate to the server to prove their identity.
  • 14. ATTACK METHODS AND SECURITY TECHNOLOGY Computer Security attributes Attack Methods Technology for internet security Confidential Eavesdropping, Hacking, Phishing,DoS and IP Spoofing IDS, Firewall, Cryptographic System. IP Sec and SSL Integrity Viruses , Worms, Trojans, Eavesdropping, Dos and IP Spoofing. IDS, Firewall,Anti- Maleware Software, IPsec and SSL Privacy Email Bombing, Spamming, Hacking, Dos and Cookies IDS, Firewall, Anti- Maleware Software, IPSec and SSL Availability Dos, Email Bombing, Spamming and System Boot IDS, Anti-Maleware Software and Firewall.
  • 15. ADVANTAGES Regular connectivity with • Social Media - Facebook, twitter • Business world - Different location across different countries • Media – to circulate information all over the world from anywhere and at anytime DISADVANTAGES • Business-related security issues • Personal security issues
  • 16. CONCLUSION • Network security is an important field that is increasingly gaining attention as the internet expands. • The Attack Methods and Internet Security were analyzed to determine the necessary security technology. The security technology is mostly software based, but many common hardware devices are used. .