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Chapter 1: Introduction
That All Sounds Great! But I Don’t Have the Time or the Knowledge!
Who is This Book For?
Chapter 2: What Makes the Internet Go Around
The Economy of the Web
The Role of the Internet Marketer
Chapter 3: Earn Instant Money using the PLR Business Model
PLR Products: The Fastest Way Imaginable to Start Making Reliable Income Online
Chapter 4: Create Affiliate Marketing and Other Business Models in Free Time
What is Affiliate Marketing?
How it Works
Other Great Online Business Models You Can Set Up in No Time
Chapter 5: Picking Things to Make Money Online
Picking the Niche
Merging Niches
Choosing Products With Value Proposition
Chapter 6: Facebook Ads and Google AdSense for Super-Fast Profits
An Introduction to Facebook Ads and How to do it Right
An Introduction to Google AdWords
Chapter 7: Profiting From a Big Blog Using the Best Growth Hacks
Why You Should Always Sell and Never Display Ads
Building Trust and Offering Value
Growth Hacks for Quickly Growing Your Audience
Your Super-Fast Guide to SEO
Chapter 8: Conclusion and Productivity Tips to Help You Do More Work in Less
Chapter 01 - Introduction
To this day, it amazes me that
more people aren’t aware of
the HUGE potential that the
internet represents when it
comes to earning money.
This is not just an option for
those lucky, tech-savvy
entrepreneurs; this is
something that anyone can
start doing with amazing effects. If you know how to use a computer, then you
could be earning money online.
Not only that, but you could be earning passive income. That means you could
be earning money while you sleep. And those passive income business models
don’t need to be complicated to set up by the way. This is something you can
start doing in days if not hours.
Some online business models are so shockingly simple that they literally
involve doing little more than ‘copying and pasting’ an exciting business
model to start making it work for you.
And it’s not just money that you can stand to gain by doing all this. Running
a business online gives you a way to make money doing something you love
and that you’re truly passionate about. More than that, it will allow you to
develop a small amount of fame.
Can you imagine how rewarding it would be to get emails from strangers
telling you that your videos or your blog posts changed their lives?
This can be a stepping stone to great things. It can be a way to find yourself
on TV some day. It can lead to a publishing contract.
It can help you to create other products that you’ve always dreamed of –
imagine the sense of accomplishment that comes from seeing something that
you thought of in stores.
And if you already run a business or if you’re someone that works for
another company, then you can even use a basic understanding of internet
marketing in order to promote that existing organization and grow it to
entirely new heights.
If the web can do all that for an individual, imagine how much it could grow
your business. Imagine how many new visitors you can drive to your
website, how many new customers you could drive to your products and just
how little time, effort and money all of it could cost you…
In short, there is no limit to what you can accomplish using internet business
and it’s something that everyone should be involved in.
Whether you like the idea of having a blog that people read and enjoy,
whether you want to make a little money on the side, whether you want to
boost your existing organization, or whether you want to grow your own
internet empire.
That All Sounds Great! But I Don’t Have the Time or the Knowledge!
Maybe you’ve heard some of this pitch before.
Maybe friends have told you how their lives
changed when they started earning money online.
Maybe you’ve read the blogs of other internet
marketing gurus that promote the benefits of
earning money on the web.
Maybe you’re just smart enough to see
the opportunities there in front of you.
So why haven’t you don’t anything about it yet?
Well, if you’re like a lot of other people, then the answer likely comes down
to two factors:
And knowledge
You probably don’t know enough about the web or how it operates in order
to see the precise opportunities that are there for you.
You probably don’t yet know how to go about setting up a website, let alone
filling it with the kind of content that people fall over to read, creating a
product to sell from it, or promoting it so that people all around the world are
able to discover it (without trying to!).
And perhaps you’re not yet familiar with all the different types of business
that you can create online. Perhaps for instance, you didn’t know that you
could start making money by selling books that you didn’t even create!
And the other issue is time. You’d love to learn all this stuff, but do you
really have the time?
Then there’s the idea of actually running the business day-to-day. If you’re
already a busy professional, how can you possibly afford the time to build an
additional business on top of the one that already takes up the vast majority
of your time?
Especially if you’re also a family man or woman, or even just someone with an
active social life!
That’s where this book comes in. In these pages, you’re going to discover
everything you need to know to start running a massively successful business in
your spare time.
You don’t need to know a single thing about SEO, building a website or even
business just yet: you’re going to learn how the web works, how people make
their money and how you can get in on the action.
We’re going to focus on the fastest and most effective ways to start making
money online. You’re going to discover business models that you can easily
implement in a matter of hours or even less.
And you’re going to discover how you can create businesses that run
themselves so that you don’t have to.
I’m serious: you can start making thousands of dollars each month from a
business that will take you less than a few hours to set up. There’s an element
of luck involved sure, but the worst case scenario is that you’ll earn a few
hundred a month.
A few hundred a month.
From a few hours’ worth of work.
It sounds mad, right? It sounds impossible!
But it really isn’t. And you’re going to discover why not in this book. In the
first few chapters you will discover multiple simple businesses that can be
implemented this quickly and effectively.
If you want to take things a little further, we’ll look at some productivity tips
that will allow you to leverage the power of the web in order to accomplish
huge amounts of work in a very short amount of time.
And you’re going to see how you can take these ideas and use them to grow
your own business too.
If you’re new to all this, then this book can change the way you
approach your business. And in doing so, it can change your life…
Who is This Book For?
This book is really for anyone
who wants to learn more about
internet marketing and how to
make money from the web, but
who doesn’t have the time to
invest countless hours into
growing an online business or
managing a blog.
If you think you could benefit from earning several hundred dollars
minimum for a few hours’ work a month, then this book is for you.
But this book is particularly aimed at the business professional. If you’re
someone who runs a business or is currently worked to near-breaking point
by your existing employers, then you’re going to find that this book uses a
lot of concepts and strategies you’re familiar with but in a new way.
This will help you to understand how to use internet marketing in the
workplace or how to use it to escape the rat race.
Chapter 02 - What Makes the Internet
Go Around?
If you’re new to internet marketing, then a lot of the basic concepts might be
lost on you. You may be yet to fully understand
precisely how it’s possible to make
money online.
And if you’re someone who’s a little
more experienced, then you still
might not grasp the intricacies of the
systems that run the web’s economy.
What is driving it? Where does all
the money
come from? Where is it going?
Understanding this will help you to better manipulate those systems in order
to start earning and it will help to demystify a lot of what we’re going to be
looking at in subsequent chapters.
This is a chapter I wish my gran would read. She’s constantly asking me
how I’m making my money and whether or not it’s legal!
To people who don’t understand how to make internet marketing work for
them, it can seem a little like magic! Like you’re some kind of sorcerer who
can conjure money out of thin air (and of course this is part of the appeal of
understanding internet marketing).
When they learn that the money is rolling in while you’re snoring, you’ll find
they’re even more amazed!
The Economy of the Web
Money comes and goes on the
web and is driven by many of
the same forces that drives it
out here in the ‘real world’.
More specifically, most of the
money is made by people
buying things and for the most
part, these are physical
products (items from
sites like eBay, Amazon, clothes shops or even grocers), digital products
(eBooks on how to make money or get fit), services (legal services,
consultation, dating websites, marketing, writing, photography), holidays and
These days, you probably make a lot of your own purchases online and so
you’re probably familiar with this. And even if you don’t make the
purchase online, you might well do the research online – you might
search for the nearest local hairdresser or place to eat for instance.
Conventional businesses that you are likely very familiar with all make a lot
of their money online and so too might yours.
But you probably don’t have time to set up a business like this. If you’re a busy
professional then you’re not going to have time in the evenings to set up a hair
salon, to start offering legal advice or to sell t-shirts.
These are business models that require monetary investment, lots of time,
certain skills and knowledge etc.
This is not a business that you set up in your evenings!
One way you can get around this of course is to sell something that you can
create in a short amount of time and that won’t involve too much of a
financial investment. That might mean that you sell an ebook for example.
An ebook is really nothing more than a Word Document or a PDF file that
you can create in MS Word. As such, it will require no specialist skills or
knowledge to create, it will cost you nothing and you don’t need to store it
What’s more, is that you can sell it countless times while only having to
product it once. The same goes for apps, for games, for online courses and
for other ‘digital products.
The Role of the Internet Marketer
The problem is that these types of
product only appeal to a certain
type of person and you need to do
a lot of convincing in order to
persuade someone to spend
money on something they can’t
physically hold in their hands.
And that’s where internet marketing comes in. One simple form of internet
marketing is to sell a digital product and then to start profiting nearly
endlessly from a single file that they created just once.
Your job in this case will largely revolve around paying for online
advertising, trying to get to the top of Google (which takes more time) or
mailing people in a mailing list.
But that’s only one way you can use those internet marketing skills Because
all of those businesses need eyes. All of those clothes shops, all of those hair
dressers and all of those holiday sites… they all need people to find them.
Thus, they are willing to pay other people in order to get the word out – both
directly and indirectly.
This is how a lot of websites will make money from advertising, without
actually having to sell anything on their site.
In this case, you can make money from people who pay you monthly fees to
display banner ads on your website, or you can make money through Google
ads and other networks that will pair advertisers with the right content
In this latter scenario, you will often earn a very small amount each time
someone clicks on your ad or each time it is shown to a new user. In both
scenarios, the more visitors you can attract to your website, the more money
you still stand to earn.
YouTube videos earn money in a similar way – by showing ads at the
start of the video in most cases, or being paid by sponsors to show off
In this case, you can think of the way you make money as being similar to
a free magazine that gets handed out on the subway.
You didn’t pay for that magazine but it is absolutely covered in adverts and
those advertisers pay for the creation of the magazine knowing that it’s going
to be seen by a very large number of people.
Alternatively, you can earn money to directly promote a product. This can
happen by finding a sponsorship deal, as many of the Instagram and YouTube
stars have managed, or it can happen by promoting affiliate products.
This latter option essentially amounts to selling a product for commission.
Here, the seller will provide you with a unique link to their site that only you
know and any purchases that come through that link will be credited to your
account – earning you a percentage of each sale.
In short, the success of the internet marketer hinges on their ability to draw
eyes to a subject matter and to say opinions. If you do that, then you can drive
sales of both your own products and those of other creators and sellers.
As a busy professional, these skills can either allow you to grow your own
business, or to start making lots of money on the side in your evenings.
And over the next chapters you’re going to learn how to do both those
things with minimum time and effort.
Chapter 03 - Earn Instant Money using
the PLR Business Model
Simple Business Model: PLR Products
So far, you’re either intrigued by all this theory or rolling your eyes because
you’ve heard it all before. Either way
though, it’s just that - theory –
it’s time we started putting
things into practice.
Just before we do though, I want
you to consider one more thing:
the way you think about earning
money online as a business. A
paradigm shift if you will.
Because this is where a lot of people who set out to make money online will
go wrong. Hopefully, you’re less likely to fall into this trap if you’re already
successful in business, but it still bears mentioning.
Because a lot of people will approach online business with a plan to become
the next Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs. The web is new, it’s exciting and it’s
‘high tech’. This is where entrepreneurs are made and huge businesses are
born overnight.
This is your opportunity to create something truly new, something life
changing and something that will make you rich while changing the world.
Except that’s the very worst way to think as you go into this.
For every Mark Zuckerberg, there are millions of people who never make it.
These are rare, fluke occurrences and actually they do not represent the
majority of the big successes on the web at all.
Most of those big successes look nothing like Mark Zuckerberg – they look like
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  • 1. 1
  • 2. 2 Contents Chapter 1: Introduction That All Sounds Great! But I Don’t Have the Time or the Knowledge! Who is This Book For? Chapter 2: What Makes the Internet Go Around The Economy of the Web The Role of the Internet Marketer Chapter 3: Earn Instant Money using the PLR Business Model PLR Products: The Fastest Way Imaginable to Start Making Reliable Income Online Chapter 4: Create Affiliate Marketing and Other Business Models in Free Time What is Affiliate Marketing? How it Works Other Great Online Business Models You Can Set Up in No Time Chapter 5: Picking Things to Make Money Online Picking the Niche Merging Niches Choosing Products With Value Proposition Chapter 6: Facebook Ads and Google AdSense for Super-Fast Profits An Introduction to Facebook Ads and How to do it Right An Introduction to Google AdWords Chapter 7: Profiting From a Big Blog Using the Best Growth Hacks Why You Should Always Sell and Never Display Ads Building Trust and Offering Value Growth Hacks for Quickly Growing Your Audience Your Super-Fast Guide to SEO Chapter 8: Conclusion and Productivity Tips to Help You Do More Work in Less Time Conclusion
  • 3. 3 Chapter 01 - Introduction To this day, it amazes me that more people aren’t aware of the HUGE potential that the internet represents when it comes to earning money. This is not just an option for those lucky, tech-savvy entrepreneurs; this is something that anyone can start doing with amazing effects. If you know how to use a computer, then you could be earning money online. Not only that, but you could be earning passive income. That means you could be earning money while you sleep. And those passive income business models don’t need to be complicated to set up by the way. This is something you can start doing in days if not hours. Some online business models are so shockingly simple that they literally involve doing little more than ‘copying and pasting’ an exciting business model to start making it work for you. And it’s not just money that you can stand to gain by doing all this. Running a business online gives you a way to make money doing something you love and that you’re truly passionate about. More than that, it will allow you to develop a small amount of fame. Can you imagine how rewarding it would be to get emails from strangers telling you that your videos or your blog posts changed their lives? This can be a stepping stone to great things. It can be a way to find yourself on TV some day. It can lead to a publishing contract.
  • 4. 4 It can help you to create other products that you’ve always dreamed of – imagine the sense of accomplishment that comes from seeing something that you thought of in stores. And if you already run a business or if you’re someone that works for another company, then you can even use a basic understanding of internet marketing in order to promote that existing organization and grow it to entirely new heights. If the web can do all that for an individual, imagine how much it could grow your business. Imagine how many new visitors you can drive to your website, how many new customers you could drive to your products and just how little time, effort and money all of it could cost you… In short, there is no limit to what you can accomplish using internet business and it’s something that everyone should be involved in. Whether you like the idea of having a blog that people read and enjoy, whether you want to make a little money on the side, whether you want to boost your existing organization, or whether you want to grow your own internet empire. That All Sounds Great! But I Don’t Have the Time or the Knowledge! Maybe you’ve heard some of this pitch before. Maybe friends have told you how their lives changed when they started earning money online. Maybe you’ve read the blogs of other internet marketing gurus that promote the benefits of earning money on the web. Maybe you’re just smart enough to see the opportunities there in front of you. So why haven’t you don’t anything about it yet? Well, if you’re like a lot of other people, then the answer likely comes down to two factors: Time
  • 5. 5 And knowledge You probably don’t know enough about the web or how it operates in order to see the precise opportunities that are there for you. You probably don’t yet know how to go about setting up a website, let alone filling it with the kind of content that people fall over to read, creating a product to sell from it, or promoting it so that people all around the world are able to discover it (without trying to!). And perhaps you’re not yet familiar with all the different types of business that you can create online. Perhaps for instance, you didn’t know that you could start making money by selling books that you didn’t even create! And the other issue is time. You’d love to learn all this stuff, but do you really have the time? Then there’s the idea of actually running the business day-to-day. If you’re already a busy professional, how can you possibly afford the time to build an additional business on top of the one that already takes up the vast majority of your time? Especially if you’re also a family man or woman, or even just someone with an active social life! That’s where this book comes in. In these pages, you’re going to discover everything you need to know to start running a massively successful business in your spare time. You don’t need to know a single thing about SEO, building a website or even business just yet: you’re going to learn how the web works, how people make their money and how you can get in on the action. We’re going to focus on the fastest and most effective ways to start making money online. You’re going to discover business models that you can easily implement in a matter of hours or even less. And you’re going to discover how you can create businesses that run themselves so that you don’t have to.
  • 6. 6 I’m serious: you can start making thousands of dollars each month from a business that will take you less than a few hours to set up. There’s an element of luck involved sure, but the worst case scenario is that you’ll earn a few hundred a month. A few hundred a month. Indefinitely. From a few hours’ worth of work. It sounds mad, right? It sounds impossible! But it really isn’t. And you’re going to discover why not in this book. In the first few chapters you will discover multiple simple businesses that can be implemented this quickly and effectively. If you want to take things a little further, we’ll look at some productivity tips that will allow you to leverage the power of the web in order to accomplish huge amounts of work in a very short amount of time. And you’re going to see how you can take these ideas and use them to grow your own business too. If you’re new to all this, then this book can change the way you approach your business. And in doing so, it can change your life… Who is This Book For? This book is really for anyone who wants to learn more about internet marketing and how to make money from the web, but who doesn’t have the time to invest countless hours into growing an online business or managing a blog. If you think you could benefit from earning several hundred dollars minimum for a few hours’ work a month, then this book is for you.
  • 7. 7 But this book is particularly aimed at the business professional. If you’re someone who runs a business or is currently worked to near-breaking point by your existing employers, then you’re going to find that this book uses a lot of concepts and strategies you’re familiar with but in a new way. This will help you to understand how to use internet marketing in the workplace or how to use it to escape the rat race.
  • 8. 8 Chapter 02 - What Makes the Internet Go Around? If you’re new to internet marketing, then a lot of the basic concepts might be lost on you. You may be yet to fully understand precisely how it’s possible to make money online. And if you’re someone who’s a little more experienced, then you still might not grasp the intricacies of the systems that run the web’s economy. What is driving it? Where does all the money come from? Where is it going? Understanding this will help you to better manipulate those systems in order to start earning and it will help to demystify a lot of what we’re going to be looking at in subsequent chapters. This is a chapter I wish my gran would read. She’s constantly asking me how I’m making my money and whether or not it’s legal! To people who don’t understand how to make internet marketing work for them, it can seem a little like magic! Like you’re some kind of sorcerer who can conjure money out of thin air (and of course this is part of the appeal of understanding internet marketing). When they learn that the money is rolling in while you’re snoring, you’ll find they’re even more amazed! The Economy of the Web Money comes and goes on the web and is driven by many of the same forces that drives it out here in the ‘real world’.
  • 9. 9 More specifically, most of the money is made by people buying things and for the most part, these are physical products (items from sites like eBay, Amazon, clothes shops or even grocers), digital products (eBooks on how to make money or get fit), services (legal services, consultation, dating websites, marketing, writing, photography), holidays and more. These days, you probably make a lot of your own purchases online and so you’re probably familiar with this. And even if you don’t make the purchase online, you might well do the research online – you might search for the nearest local hairdresser or place to eat for instance. Conventional businesses that you are likely very familiar with all make a lot of their money online and so too might yours. But you probably don’t have time to set up a business like this. If you’re a busy professional then you’re not going to have time in the evenings to set up a hair salon, to start offering legal advice or to sell t-shirts. These are business models that require monetary investment, lots of time, certain skills and knowledge etc. This is not a business that you set up in your evenings! One way you can get around this of course is to sell something that you can create in a short amount of time and that won’t involve too much of a financial investment. That might mean that you sell an ebook for example. An ebook is really nothing more than a Word Document or a PDF file that you can create in MS Word. As such, it will require no specialist skills or knowledge to create, it will cost you nothing and you don’t need to store it anywhere. What’s more, is that you can sell it countless times while only having to product it once. The same goes for apps, for games, for online courses and for other ‘digital products.
  • 10. 10 The Role of the Internet Marketer The problem is that these types of product only appeal to a certain type of person and you need to do a lot of convincing in order to persuade someone to spend money on something they can’t physically hold in their hands. And that’s where internet marketing comes in. One simple form of internet marketing is to sell a digital product and then to start profiting nearly endlessly from a single file that they created just once. Your job in this case will largely revolve around paying for online advertising, trying to get to the top of Google (which takes more time) or mailing people in a mailing list. But that’s only one way you can use those internet marketing skills Because all of those businesses need eyes. All of those clothes shops, all of those hair dressers and all of those holiday sites… they all need people to find them. Thus, they are willing to pay other people in order to get the word out – both directly and indirectly. This is how a lot of websites will make money from advertising, without actually having to sell anything on their site. In this case, you can make money from people who pay you monthly fees to display banner ads on your website, or you can make money through Google ads and other networks that will pair advertisers with the right content creators. In this latter scenario, you will often earn a very small amount each time someone clicks on your ad or each time it is shown to a new user. In both scenarios, the more visitors you can attract to your website, the more money you still stand to earn.
  • 11. 11 YouTube videos earn money in a similar way – by showing ads at the start of the video in most cases, or being paid by sponsors to show off products. In this case, you can think of the way you make money as being similar to a free magazine that gets handed out on the subway. You didn’t pay for that magazine but it is absolutely covered in adverts and those advertisers pay for the creation of the magazine knowing that it’s going to be seen by a very large number of people. Alternatively, you can earn money to directly promote a product. This can happen by finding a sponsorship deal, as many of the Instagram and YouTube stars have managed, or it can happen by promoting affiliate products. This latter option essentially amounts to selling a product for commission. Here, the seller will provide you with a unique link to their site that only you know and any purchases that come through that link will be credited to your account – earning you a percentage of each sale. In short, the success of the internet marketer hinges on their ability to draw eyes to a subject matter and to say opinions. If you do that, then you can drive sales of both your own products and those of other creators and sellers. As a busy professional, these skills can either allow you to grow your own business, or to start making lots of money on the side in your evenings. And over the next chapters you’re going to learn how to do both those things with minimum time and effort.
  • 12. 12 Chapter 03 - Earn Instant Money using the PLR Business Model Simple Business Model: PLR Products So far, you’re either intrigued by all this theory or rolling your eyes because you’ve heard it all before. Either way though, it’s just that - theory – it’s time we started putting things into practice. Just before we do though, I want you to consider one more thing: the way you think about earning money online as a business. A paradigm shift if you will. Because this is where a lot of people who set out to make money online will go wrong. Hopefully, you’re less likely to fall into this trap if you’re already successful in business, but it still bears mentioning. Because a lot of people will approach online business with a plan to become the next Mark Zuckerberg or Steve Jobs. The web is new, it’s exciting and it’s ‘high tech’. This is where entrepreneurs are made and huge businesses are born overnight. This is your opportunity to create something truly new, something life changing and something that will make you rich while changing the world. Except that’s the very worst way to think as you go into this. For every Mark Zuckerberg, there are millions of people who never make it. These are rare, fluke occurrences and actually they do not represent the majority of the big successes on the web at all. Most of those big successes look nothing like Mark Zuckerberg – they look like you. Type your text Type y
  • 13. Premium content Worth $49 locked To unlock the Ebook and Download it for Free Click HERE