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Internet Marketing Tips Guide

      by Jinger Jarrett

Copyright, 2013, Jinger Jarrett. All Rights Reserved. You may print a
copy of this ebook for your own personal use. You may also brand it and
give it away. (Instructions on how to get your brandable copy are
included at the end of this ebook.) You may not change any of the

Additionally: Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or
private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright,
Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced,
stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior
permission in writing of the author. Inquiries concerning reproduction
outside those terms should be sent to the author.

The use of registered names, trademarks etc. in this publication does not
imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are
exempt from the relevant laws and regulations and therefore free for
general use.

The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard
to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and cannot
accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that
may be made.

To contact me, or for further resources, please see the list at the
end of this report.
Table of Contents

About this book...........................................................................................iii
Internet Marketing for FREE...........................................................5
Introduction: Building Traffic to Your Site for Free...................................5
The Techniques............................................................................................8
A Word on Viral Marketing.......................................................................19
Your Action Plan........................................................................................22
The Programs.............................................................................................23


About this book
This whole idea that you can just jump online and start making money,
or marketing for that matter without any preparation, is a joke. If you
want to make money online, then you need to make a few decisions first.

Once you've decided what type of business you want to start, then your
next step is to decide how you will market your business online. If I've
learned one thing about the time I've been online it's this: The more
things change, the more things stay the same.

Blogging and the creation of Wordpress were two of these innovations. It
caused me to change the way I do websites forever. However, that's one
of those rare changes. The truth about internet marketing is this: many
of the techniques, like article marketing and search engine optimization
still work. What you have to do is learn how to properly do these

Once you learn how to do them, your next step is to find those
techniques that work the best for you and keep doing them. Eventually
what happens is that your marketing takes off on its own. If you market
long enough, hard enough, and consistently enough, you build a
following and your business markets itself.

With that said, let's get started.

Jinger Jarrett

Internet Marketing for FREE

Introduction: Building Traffic to Your Site for Free
So many of my subscribers have asked me exactly what I do to build
traffic to my site. The questions have become so frequent that I've finally
decided to reveal in this ebook exactly how I do it.

Although my plan may seem simplistic at first, if you implement my plan,
step by step, you'll have a constant flow of targeted traffic to your site.
(Targeted traffic is traffic that is looking for your offers. This is also
traffic that's more likely to buy.)

The purpose of this ebook is to help those who are intimidated by the
whole idea of marketing online. This section will cut through all the
hype, and give you real information immediately.

The bottom line is this: if you want to make money online, and you want
to do it consistently, you have to market consistently. This report will
show you how to do it, and do it for free.

You're probably wondering why I would tell everything I know and then
give it away when so many are selling what they know and making really
big money to do it.


I know what it's like to build a business on a shoestring. I know what it's
like to struggle until you find the right formula to market your business.

The information you will find in this report is only the tip of the iceberg.
It's to give you a good taste of what I can teach you about internet

Internet Marketing for FREE

I want to build a relationship with you so that you choose my products
and services over other marketers. This ebook is about over delivering to
both my customers and potential customers.

I'll be the first to tell you that I run my business for less $100 a month.
This includes 14 websites, web hosting, domain names, and all of my
business expenses. Everything. I have been in business online for several
years now, and I have consistently made a profit on my business every
month that I have been in business.

Have I gotten rich? Of course not. Most of this time, I have run my
business part time while I raised my three daughters. Now that I am
working full time in my business, I make a lot more money, but while I
was working part time, I was still earning a full time income. This gave
me the time and the freedom to raise my children.

The point is, don't let anyone tell you that making money online is easy.
It's not. If it were, we'd all be millionaires. Once you develop a business
system that works for you though, it gets a whole lot easier, and money
will come in like clockwork.

You have to take action. Have a plan. Know what you want. Once you get
a system in place that works for you, then, and only then, does it become
easy and profitable. The most important thing to do is to stay focused.
Set up a business, get it making a profit, and then set up another one.
Create multiple streams of income so that you are making money all the
time. If one opportunity fails, you have money coming in elsewhere.

I've learned from talking to my readers that they want simple solutions
to their business and marketing problems. Most can't afford to spend
hundreds or thousands of dollars on traffic solutions that may be too
complicated to use, or simply cost too much.

Internet Marketing for FREE

The most important thing I have learned about doing business online is
that you have to help others. You have to give your customers and
potential customers simple solutions that work for their situations. The
truth is, the most expensive solution, although it may put money in your
pocket, may not be the best for your customers.

Give your customers the solutions that are right for them, or they won't
come back. In the long run, you'll spend a whole lot more money getting
new customers than you will keeping the ones you have.

You reap what you sow. Treat your customers right, and money won't
ever be an issue. I want to build a relationship with my readers and
customers. I treat others the way I want to be treated.

I'm sure some of you have been burned by high priced products that
either didn't work for you, or were too advanced for you to do anything
with. I know I have, and I no longer use those products.

After reading a manual written by one of the top online marketers that I
paid $69 for, I threw it in the trash. It was a waste of paper and ink, as
well as reading time. I bought over $100 worth of products from that
person, but I won't buy any more. Lesson learned.

That's another reason I want to make my readers, as well as your
promotion efforts, as simple as possible.

As long as you follow the steps in this ebook, you'll be building traffic
and sales to your site in no time. You can send me a testimonial to help
build your linking strategy.

Internet Marketing for FREE

With that said, know that you will find all of the tools you need, in this
book, to market your business online, and many of them are free. I won't
make you pay for things I didn't buy either.

If time is a problem for you, spend 30 minutes a day implementing your
strategies. Do them one at a time. Work through the list until you have
done them all. You'll be amazed at how much just 30 minutes adds up.

The more you market, the better you will get, but you will also get faster
at whatever you are doing too. Take your time. You have a step by step
plan before you that is easy to implement. (In the resources section of
this book you will find a link to my software directory where you will find
low cost software to market. This will save you so much time, and time is

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me through my
support desk. I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. I'm a
real person.

With that, let's get going!

The Techniques
1. Build a list.

This step is absolutely crucial to your success in business. The key here
is to differentiate yourself from others who are marketing the same
program you are, or to differentiate yourself from competitors who are
selling products and services that are similar to yours.

The way to do this is to offer a free report, write articles and send them
out to your lists, and offer your potential customers valuable information

Internet Marketing for FREE

through your list. Give your potential customers something they can't get
anywhere else. Use this information to entice others to join your list.
Make it exclusive so they can't get it anywhere else.

Demonstrate a problem that relates to your products or services, and
then show how your products or services solve the problem.

To get started building your list, you can build a one page mini site.
Explain what your list is about, and what kind of information you will
offer on your list.

Emphasize the benefits of your list. Study sites whose lists you have
joined to help you write your descriptions. Tell your potential readers
and customers about your free report and how it will help them.

Put a subscription box on the page so that potential customers can join
your list. If you have a content site, then make sure you put a copy of
your subscription box on all of the pages of your site.

A one page site is very easy to make. I like Website.ws because it gives
you an income opportunity, and it's very flexible. I have used this service
to build sites for others, and it is very reliable and dependable.

If you visit my sites, you will also notice that I use free reports to get
more subscribers to subscribe to my lists, and I use them to get traffic to
my site.

2. Promote on Traffic Exchanges.

The way to get the most out of this marketing technique is to give your
potential customers a reason to visit your site. The mistake that most
marketers make with this promotion strategy is that they offer their

Internet Marketing for FREE

products or services up front, or they promote the same lead capture
page everyone else is using.

Like classified advertising in a newspaper, you want to use a two step
approach with this technique. Get your visitors to your site. Get them to
sign up for your list. In fact, a list page (lead capture page) is the easy
way to do it.

Again, offer a free report, ezine, or opt in list. Create a page on your site
specifically for this, and be sure and include a headline at the top that
emphasizes the most        important benefit for joining      your list or
downloading your report. Make yourself different.

If this sounds too complicated, then choose a program with a good lead
capture page that you can promote. Use this for your page in the rotator.

To get the most from this type of marketing, I would recommend you use
Easy Downlines. It's a complete marketing system.

One other thing I want to point out here is that you also want to promote
whatever traffic exchanges you join. By promoting them, this allows you
to earn additional credits through referrals. This is good because you
will get more traffic faster.

3. Build your reputation.

No single strategy on the Internet will help you more than building your
reputation. By getting your name out there, no matter what you are
selling, your potential customers will come to you.

Internet Marketing for FREE

I have been using this technique for a long time now, and I have seen a
significant increase in my traffic and sales, as well as increasing links to
my sites and higher rankings in the search engines.

By increasing the number of links to your site in the search engines, you
can use it to help you raise your rankings in the search engines.

The other strategy that will also help you is writing articles. This allows
you to create keyword rich pages in your area of expertise.

Below are the various techniques I have used to build my reputation,
business, and sales. Use each of these techniques to help you build your
reputation and get your name out there.

a. Joint Ventures.

If you want to make money a whole lot faster, and get your name out
there, no single strategy will do it faster than this one.

The reason joint ventures are so effective is because you are putting
your products and services in front of a whole lot more people a lot more
quickly than if you simply sent a mailing to your own list. By creating
joint ventures with ezine publishers and other web site owners who own
large lists, you can quickly get your products and services in front of
others. You are using the power of leverage.

The key here is to build relationships with the potential joint venture
partners you approach. Give them a valuable offer and make it an offer
they can't refuse. Whether you contact them by email or support desk,
make it personal and show them whats' in it for them.

b. Affiliate Program Management.

Internet Marketing for FREE

By creating your own affiliate program, you can boost the number of
sales you get by having others sell your products and services for you.
Instead of having to spend your own money on advertising, your
affiliates do that for you.

The place to start here is by posting your affiliate program description to
as many affiliate program directories as possible. Currently, there are
over 40 affiliate program directories online. You can find these in the
search engines by searching for "affiliate program directories".

c. Article Writing and Marketing.

I've mentioned this in many of my other ebooks and articles I have
written. This is my primary means of promoting my business, and it has
done far more than anything else except joint ventures to help me build
traffic to my sites.

You can do a search in the search engines for the top 50 article
directories. Once you have been marketing for awhile, then consider
signing up for a submission service or software to help you submit.
There are some good ones available.

Another good place to promote is on Yahoo Groups. You can submit your
articles to lists there. Just search for the types of lists you want, or better
yet, browse some of the categories. Pay particular attention to the
subscriber numbers. You want active lists with lots of people on them.

d. Forum Posting.

Not only does posting on forums allow you to build your reputation and
get your name out there, it also creates search engine friendly content. It
allows you to network with potential customers and build a relationship.

Internet Marketing for FREE

There are quite a few forums online that are heavy traffic sites ranked
very highly in the search engines.

Now, there are forums out there for every topic you can imagine. The
easiest way to find them is to do a search in the search engines. Search
by topic and add the word forums. Put your search term in quotes so that
your search is more targeted. If you use Alexa, you can also get
information on the rankings of the sites.

Make sure you lurk for awhile before posting, then contribute. Don't post
advertising unless it's allowed. Otherwise, you'll either get banned from
the boards, and worse, you'll make a name for yourself you'll never get
rid of.

I know one forum owner who has banned entire ISPs from his board
because of his board being spammed. Anyone living in India, Malaysia,
Singapore, or anywhere in the Pacific Rim can't use this forum because a
few bad apples decided to spam this forum.

The truth is, you can get a lot more effective results from posting on
forums simply by following the guidelines for each forum. Make your
content valuable and helpful to others, and you will get better results.

e. Blog Posting.

This has become one of my favorite activities online. I don't get to do it
as much as I would like to, but it has been very helpful in helping me
build my reputation as well as a following of loyal readers and

A blog is like an online diary. You can use for posts that are too short to
be articles. I use mine to write marketing tips, resources I have read

Internet Marketing for FREE

about, and to give my free ebooks and reports away. I also offer my
readers free tutorials, as well as free marketing software and online
tools. Again, remember to include information.

I use Wordpress self hosted, which has tons of plug ins to help you
market your business.

If you don't want to set up your own blog using Wordpress, then I would
recommend you sign up for a site like Blogger. You can get a free blog at

The other side of blogging is guest blogging. This is where you submit
unique blog posts to other blog owners for publication on their blogs.
You'll have to do a search in the search engines to find relevant blogs,
but you can use Google Blog Search.

f. Free Ebooks and Reports.

This technique is already covered in the section on list building. This
technique is much easier than you think.

You can create ebooks from articles you've written, or you can find
affiliate programs that offer articles. Combine them into a free report
and give it away. You can easily create PDFs using Open Office.

I try to create a new report or ebook about every few months. I submit
them to the major ebook directories. You can find ebook directories by
doing a search in the search engines under the search term "Ebook
Directories". I've also listed several I recommend later in this ebook.

g. Social Marketing.

Internet Marketing for FREE

So you think you can make big money online without meeting people? Or
doing nothing?

I always laugh when I hear that one.

Whether you are sending out an ezine or articles, posting on forums, or
any other method I have already mentioned, you are building a
relationship with someone.

Offline it's a little easier to get away with not building a relationship with
your customers. After all, you have a physical address, and if your
customers are unhappy, they can just show up on your doorstep.

Not so online. If you don't take the time to build a relationship with
others online, they won't trust you enough to buy from you. It's one of
the reasons that SPAM is so ineffective. (Another reason SPAM is so
ineffective is because it's so untargeted).


Let me pause here a moment and explain to you what SPAM really is.
I've actually had people who subscribed to my list write me and complain
because I was sending them email. (If you don't want email from me,
then don't subscribe).

SPAM is unsolicited commercial email. It is email that you didn't request.
Somehow your email address has been indexed by some less than
reputable list builders out there, and they are sending you email. One
way to spot these people is if they request that you send an email to be
removed from their lists. Reputable companies will use autoresponders,
include a link at the bottom of the email, and all you have to do is click
the link.

Internet Marketing for FREE


When networking, go to the high traffic sites. There are three top sites I
recommend: Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter.

Which networking sites you use online is a matter of choice. Different
sites work better than others depending on how you plan to promote.

Build an effective profile on the site. Tell others about yourself and what
you offer. If the site offers you a personal blog, post to it. If it doesn't,
then find out if you can add your RSS feed to your profile. This will allow
others to read your blog content.

If the site offers them join their forums and/or groups. Participate. These
sites can save you a lot of time because you'll have your forums and
groups in one place. Participating in these forums and/or groups may
allow you to build content to your profile allowing you to offer updated
content to those who are visiting or connecting with you.

Other   forms    of   social   marketing   do   include   blogging,    social
bookmarking, and video marketing. It is beyond the scope of this book to
go into detail on these techniques. However, if you are looking for some
very effective ways to market your business, then you definitely want to
consider them.

h. Press Releases.

If you want to drive a ton of traffic to your website, press releases are
another great way to do it.

Internet Marketing for FREE

Like articles, press releases are very viral in nature. Unlike articles,
which give your visitors information about the topic of your site, press
releases are news about your site and your business.

A press release, like a news story, should answer the 5Ws and the H of
journalism: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How.

One of the best ways to learn how to write a good press release is to
read press releases. However, I wouldn't recommend reading press
releases on press release sites. Read your local paper and study the

It's estimated that up to 92 percent of the news in newspapers is taken
from press releases. Newspaper reporters simply don't have time to
write all of the material for newspapers that newspapers require,
especially if it's a daily paper. Using press releases, even if they need to
be rewritten, are better than empty space.

To find newspapers to study, you can search sites like Google News or
Yahoo News or read your local paper.

Once you have a feel for the news in a publication, then you can craft
your own press release.

Craft a compelling headline. Like news stories, if the headline doesn't
grab readers, they won't read the story.

Answer the questions that I listed above.

If you are writing a press release to announce the release of a book or a
new product, stay away from talking about the product or book. Start

Internet Marketing for FREE

with a problem and then explain how the product or book solves the
problem, but never directly refer to the product or book.

Include a resource box, especially if you are submitting your press
release online. Like articles, when you are promoting your press release
online, you want to promote your products, books/ebooks, or services in
your resource box. Lead your readers to your site.

For more information on how to effectively use press releases, the best
thing to do is to read the information on the press release site you are
submitting to. You'll find plenty of tips on how to write effective press
releases, as well as how to properly format your releases and get more
from your promotions. Simply search for “submit press release.”

-i. Search Engines.

No ebook would be complete without at least mentioning the search
engines. In fact, I can't believe that when I first wrote this report I didn't
include this information because search engine optimization and
submission have always been a big part of my internet marketing

Anyway, if you own a website, a part, even if it's just a small part of your
marketing strategy, must include search engines because this is often
one of the ways that people will use to find you.

To get found, the easiest way to do it is to create a sitemap and then
submit it to the three major search engines: Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

I would also recommend that you submit your website to Exactseek, as
well as Alexa. Exactseek will help you grab the smaller search engines.
Alexa will provide you with some pretty good statistics about your site.

Internet Marketing for FREE

This includes how much traffic you are getting, where it's coming from,
and what words visitors are using to find you. You'll also find information
on your competitors.

The best way to prepare your website for the search engines is to study
the information you find at Google and Bing. These two sites cover about
80 percent of the search traffic for the Internet. (Bing supplements
Yahoo now.)

As for telling you how to optimize your sites for the search engines, I
would recommend that you make sure you optimize your website for the
keywords that searchers are actually looking for. Build lots of backlinks,
and the easiest way to do this is to write articles, guest blog posts, etc.
Social bookmarking is a good way, as is blog comments. Again, the best
thing to do is read the Webmaster tools sections at Google and Bing.
This will save you so much time because you'll understand what they're
looking for.

A Word on Viral Marketing
Viral marketing is a way to spread your message across the Internet by
generating buzz about your products or services. Promoting with
articles, press releases, and free ebooks can also create a viral
marketing strategy for your business because other website owners are
publishing your work.

For example: you have a free ebook. You give it to two people, they each
give it to two people, and on and on.

Viral marketing multiplies itself exponentially. 2x2x2x2=16, not 8.

Internet Marketing for FREE

All of these techniques are very effective for spreading your marketing
message. However, what if you are intimidated by the whole process of

Deep down, I don't think that it's the writing that is really the issue here
for most people. I think it's a matter of confidence. It takes a lot of
confidence in yourself, your product, and your writing ability to make
yourself vulnerable enough to put your message out there in front of
millions of people.

I know when I first started sending out my articles, I was scared to
death. I just knew people would tell me I was a horrible writer, that I
was stupid, or I should quit this business because I didn't have what it

Although I have gotten a few nasty, and pretty condescending emails
about my writing over the years, overall, the reception was quite warm.
It helped build my confidence. Now it doesn't matter because I've grown
past the need to have approval from others. It's very liberating!

(Sooner or later you learn that the ones who are so negative towards you
are the same ones who have never published or who have never owned a
successful business. These are the same people who will never succeed
for that reason. They're either critical people or perfectionists. Either
way, they never succeed).

People want to know what you know, especially if it will benefit them.
Most people are less interested in whether or not your grammar is
perfect. They just want to know what you know that they don't, that will
help them improve their lives. (If they show more interest in your
grammar than in your content, or they prefer “pretty” web sites to “ugly”
ones, reread what I just wrote above).

Internet Marketing for FREE

Some business people will never develop the confidence necessary to do
their own writing. It isn't a problem if you can afford to hire a
copywriter, but what if you can't?

There's a simple solution. You can use craigslist to advertise your site.

Since craigslist gets so much traffic, it really is a terrific way to post
your ads and get high search engine rankings for those ads. craigslist
has high page rank, which means that Google ranks it really high.

You can set up a complete internet marketing campaign on craigslist,
and it will only take you about 15 minutes a day to maintain. This is
great for those who are time crunched.

You can get a free copy of CraigsList Marketer Pro video and ebook to
teach you how. All you have to do is sign up at Lead's Leap for a free
account. Once you've confirmed your account, log in and go the the free
bonuses page. Download the video and ebook. Read it, watch the video,
and set up your campaigns. It really is that easy.

Viral marketing is very effective and can continue to drive traffic to your
business for years. Don't overlook it if you are looking for a way to get
extra exposure, but you aren't comfortable with your writing.

Finally, please remember you don't have to do all this in one day. I
certainly didn't do it in one day. Work it one step at a time. Build on your
marketing plan. Make changes. Nothing is written in stone. Everyone's
situation is different. All of these methods will work, but you have to
apply it in a way that reaches your target market.

Jay Abraham mentions this in his ebook, "Getting Everything You Can
Out of All That You've Got", and I think it definitely applies here.

Internet Marketing for FREE

Someone once asked bank robber Willie Sutton why he robbed banks.
His reply? "Because that's where the money is".

So how does this apply to marketing? Simple. Go where your target
market is and apply these techniques. You will get traffic and sales. Do it
consistently. You'll get more traffic and sales. Keep building on that
momentum, and be consistent. You'll definitely see a difference. Target,
target, target. That's the real secret to converting your visitors into

Your Action Plan
-Implement one strategy per week from this list until you have them all
in place. Take as much time as you need. Don't overwhelm yourself.
Work on each method until you have completed it, and then start on the
next one.

-Track your results to find out which methods are the most effective for
you. Do a search in the search engines for link tracking software. These
change, but you can find plenty of free solutions that will do the job.

-Tweak your marketing plan until you have the methods that are most
effective for you and continue to consistently apply these methods to
your business. You will see results.


If you would like to brand this report, then you can either download it
from Killer Marketing Arsenal, or you can download it from my affiliates'
site. You can get a free membership at Killer Marketing Arsenal

The Programs

Easy Downlines

Leads Leap – Although not mentioned in this ebook, this is one of my
favorite marketing resources because it allows you to build traffic to
your site, and Kenneth Koh offers a ton of marketing training for free.
Worth a look.

Killer Marketing Arsenal

Still have questions? Then feel free to use my convenient support desk:



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Internet Marketing Tips Guide

  • 1. Internet Marketing Tips Guide by Jinger Jarrett
  • 2. Copyright Copyright, 2013, Jinger Jarrett. All Rights Reserved. You may print a copy of this ebook for your own personal use. You may also brand it and give it away. (Instructions on how to get your brandable copy are included at the end of this ebook.) You may not change any of the content. Additionally: Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of research or private study, or criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988, this publication may only be reproduced, stored or transmitted, in any form or by any means, with the prior permission in writing of the author. Inquiries concerning reproduction outside those terms should be sent to the author. The use of registered names, trademarks etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. The publisher makes no representation, express or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and cannot accept any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions that may be made. To contact me, or for further resources, please see the list at the end of this report.
  • 3. Table of Contents Preface............................................................................................iii About this book...........................................................................................iii Internet Marketing for FREE...........................................................5 Introduction: Building Traffic to Your Site for Free...................................5 The Techniques............................................................................................8 A Word on Viral Marketing.......................................................................19 Your Action Plan........................................................................................22 Resources.......................................................................................23 The Programs.............................................................................................23 Support......................................................................................................23 i
  • 4. Preface About this book This whole idea that you can just jump online and start making money, or marketing for that matter without any preparation, is a joke. If you want to make money online, then you need to make a few decisions first. Once you've decided what type of business you want to start, then your next step is to decide how you will market your business online. If I've learned one thing about the time I've been online it's this: The more things change, the more things stay the same. Blogging and the creation of Wordpress were two of these innovations. It caused me to change the way I do websites forever. However, that's one of those rare changes. The truth about internet marketing is this: many of the techniques, like article marketing and search engine optimization still work. What you have to do is learn how to properly do these techniques. Once you learn how to do them, your next step is to find those techniques that work the best for you and keep doing them. Eventually what happens is that your marketing takes off on its own. If you market long enough, hard enough, and consistently enough, you build a following and your business markets itself. With that said, let's get started. Jinger Jarrett iii
  • 5. Internet Marketing for FREE Introduction: Building Traffic to Your Site for Free So many of my subscribers have asked me exactly what I do to build traffic to my site. The questions have become so frequent that I've finally decided to reveal in this ebook exactly how I do it. Although my plan may seem simplistic at first, if you implement my plan, step by step, you'll have a constant flow of targeted traffic to your site. (Targeted traffic is traffic that is looking for your offers. This is also traffic that's more likely to buy.) The purpose of this ebook is to help those who are intimidated by the whole idea of marketing online. This section will cut through all the hype, and give you real information immediately. The bottom line is this: if you want to make money online, and you want to do it consistently, you have to market consistently. This report will show you how to do it, and do it for free. You're probably wondering why I would tell everything I know and then give it away when so many are selling what they know and making really big money to do it. Simple. I know what it's like to build a business on a shoestring. I know what it's like to struggle until you find the right formula to market your business. The information you will find in this report is only the tip of the iceberg. It's to give you a good taste of what I can teach you about internet marketing. 5
  • 6. Internet Marketing for FREE I want to build a relationship with you so that you choose my products and services over other marketers. This ebook is about over delivering to both my customers and potential customers. I'll be the first to tell you that I run my business for less $100 a month. This includes 14 websites, web hosting, domain names, and all of my business expenses. Everything. I have been in business online for several years now, and I have consistently made a profit on my business every month that I have been in business. Have I gotten rich? Of course not. Most of this time, I have run my business part time while I raised my three daughters. Now that I am working full time in my business, I make a lot more money, but while I was working part time, I was still earning a full time income. This gave me the time and the freedom to raise my children. The point is, don't let anyone tell you that making money online is easy. It's not. If it were, we'd all be millionaires. Once you develop a business system that works for you though, it gets a whole lot easier, and money will come in like clockwork. You have to take action. Have a plan. Know what you want. Once you get a system in place that works for you, then, and only then, does it become easy and profitable. The most important thing to do is to stay focused. Set up a business, get it making a profit, and then set up another one. Create multiple streams of income so that you are making money all the time. If one opportunity fails, you have money coming in elsewhere. I've learned from talking to my readers that they want simple solutions to their business and marketing problems. Most can't afford to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on traffic solutions that may be too complicated to use, or simply cost too much. 6
  • 7. Internet Marketing for FREE The most important thing I have learned about doing business online is that you have to help others. You have to give your customers and potential customers simple solutions that work for their situations. The truth is, the most expensive solution, although it may put money in your pocket, may not be the best for your customers. Give your customers the solutions that are right for them, or they won't come back. In the long run, you'll spend a whole lot more money getting new customers than you will keeping the ones you have. You reap what you sow. Treat your customers right, and money won't ever be an issue. I want to build a relationship with my readers and customers. I treat others the way I want to be treated. I'm sure some of you have been burned by high priced products that either didn't work for you, or were too advanced for you to do anything with. I know I have, and I no longer use those products. After reading a manual written by one of the top online marketers that I paid $69 for, I threw it in the trash. It was a waste of paper and ink, as well as reading time. I bought over $100 worth of products from that person, but I won't buy any more. Lesson learned. That's another reason I want to make my readers, as well as your promotion efforts, as simple as possible. As long as you follow the steps in this ebook, you'll be building traffic and sales to your site in no time. You can send me a testimonial to help build your linking strategy. 7
  • 8. Internet Marketing for FREE With that said, know that you will find all of the tools you need, in this book, to market your business online, and many of them are free. I won't make you pay for things I didn't buy either. If time is a problem for you, spend 30 minutes a day implementing your strategies. Do them one at a time. Work through the list until you have done them all. You'll be amazed at how much just 30 minutes adds up. The more you market, the better you will get, but you will also get faster at whatever you are doing too. Take your time. You have a step by step plan before you that is easy to implement. (In the resources section of this book you will find a link to my software directory where you will find low cost software to market. This will save you so much time, and time is money). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me through my support desk. I'll be happy to answer any questions you may have. I'm a real person. With that, let's get going! The Techniques 1. Build a list. This step is absolutely crucial to your success in business. The key here is to differentiate yourself from others who are marketing the same program you are, or to differentiate yourself from competitors who are selling products and services that are similar to yours. The way to do this is to offer a free report, write articles and send them out to your lists, and offer your potential customers valuable information 8
  • 9. Internet Marketing for FREE through your list. Give your potential customers something they can't get anywhere else. Use this information to entice others to join your list. Make it exclusive so they can't get it anywhere else. Demonstrate a problem that relates to your products or services, and then show how your products or services solve the problem. To get started building your list, you can build a one page mini site. Explain what your list is about, and what kind of information you will offer on your list. Emphasize the benefits of your list. Study sites whose lists you have joined to help you write your descriptions. Tell your potential readers and customers about your free report and how it will help them. Put a subscription box on the page so that potential customers can join your list. If you have a content site, then make sure you put a copy of your subscription box on all of the pages of your site. A one page site is very easy to make. I like Website.ws because it gives you an income opportunity, and it's very flexible. I have used this service to build sites for others, and it is very reliable and dependable. If you visit my sites, you will also notice that I use free reports to get more subscribers to subscribe to my lists, and I use them to get traffic to my site. 2. Promote on Traffic Exchanges. The way to get the most out of this marketing technique is to give your potential customers a reason to visit your site. The mistake that most marketers make with this promotion strategy is that they offer their 9
  • 10. Internet Marketing for FREE products or services up front, or they promote the same lead capture page everyone else is using. Like classified advertising in a newspaper, you want to use a two step approach with this technique. Get your visitors to your site. Get them to sign up for your list. In fact, a list page (lead capture page) is the easy way to do it. Again, offer a free report, ezine, or opt in list. Create a page on your site specifically for this, and be sure and include a headline at the top that emphasizes the most important benefit for joining your list or downloading your report. Make yourself different. If this sounds too complicated, then choose a program with a good lead capture page that you can promote. Use this for your page in the rotator. To get the most from this type of marketing, I would recommend you use Easy Downlines. It's a complete marketing system. One other thing I want to point out here is that you also want to promote whatever traffic exchanges you join. By promoting them, this allows you to earn additional credits through referrals. This is good because you will get more traffic faster. 3. Build your reputation. No single strategy on the Internet will help you more than building your reputation. By getting your name out there, no matter what you are selling, your potential customers will come to you. 10
  • 11. Internet Marketing for FREE I have been using this technique for a long time now, and I have seen a significant increase in my traffic and sales, as well as increasing links to my sites and higher rankings in the search engines. By increasing the number of links to your site in the search engines, you can use it to help you raise your rankings in the search engines. The other strategy that will also help you is writing articles. This allows you to create keyword rich pages in your area of expertise. Below are the various techniques I have used to build my reputation, business, and sales. Use each of these techniques to help you build your reputation and get your name out there. a. Joint Ventures. If you want to make money a whole lot faster, and get your name out there, no single strategy will do it faster than this one. The reason joint ventures are so effective is because you are putting your products and services in front of a whole lot more people a lot more quickly than if you simply sent a mailing to your own list. By creating joint ventures with ezine publishers and other web site owners who own large lists, you can quickly get your products and services in front of others. You are using the power of leverage. The key here is to build relationships with the potential joint venture partners you approach. Give them a valuable offer and make it an offer they can't refuse. Whether you contact them by email or support desk, make it personal and show them whats' in it for them. b. Affiliate Program Management. 11
  • 12. Internet Marketing for FREE By creating your own affiliate program, you can boost the number of sales you get by having others sell your products and services for you. Instead of having to spend your own money on advertising, your affiliates do that for you. The place to start here is by posting your affiliate program description to as many affiliate program directories as possible. Currently, there are over 40 affiliate program directories online. You can find these in the search engines by searching for "affiliate program directories". c. Article Writing and Marketing. I've mentioned this in many of my other ebooks and articles I have written. This is my primary means of promoting my business, and it has done far more than anything else except joint ventures to help me build traffic to my sites. You can do a search in the search engines for the top 50 article directories. Once you have been marketing for awhile, then consider signing up for a submission service or software to help you submit. There are some good ones available. Another good place to promote is on Yahoo Groups. You can submit your articles to lists there. Just search for the types of lists you want, or better yet, browse some of the categories. Pay particular attention to the subscriber numbers. You want active lists with lots of people on them. d. Forum Posting. Not only does posting on forums allow you to build your reputation and get your name out there, it also creates search engine friendly content. It allows you to network with potential customers and build a relationship. 12
  • 13. Internet Marketing for FREE There are quite a few forums online that are heavy traffic sites ranked very highly in the search engines. Now, there are forums out there for every topic you can imagine. The easiest way to find them is to do a search in the search engines. Search by topic and add the word forums. Put your search term in quotes so that your search is more targeted. If you use Alexa, you can also get information on the rankings of the sites. Make sure you lurk for awhile before posting, then contribute. Don't post advertising unless it's allowed. Otherwise, you'll either get banned from the boards, and worse, you'll make a name for yourself you'll never get rid of. I know one forum owner who has banned entire ISPs from his board because of his board being spammed. Anyone living in India, Malaysia, Singapore, or anywhere in the Pacific Rim can't use this forum because a few bad apples decided to spam this forum. The truth is, you can get a lot more effective results from posting on forums simply by following the guidelines for each forum. Make your content valuable and helpful to others, and you will get better results. e. Blog Posting. This has become one of my favorite activities online. I don't get to do it as much as I would like to, but it has been very helpful in helping me build my reputation as well as a following of loyal readers and customers. A blog is like an online diary. You can use for posts that are too short to be articles. I use mine to write marketing tips, resources I have read 13
  • 14. Internet Marketing for FREE about, and to give my free ebooks and reports away. I also offer my readers free tutorials, as well as free marketing software and online tools. Again, remember to include information. I use Wordpress self hosted, which has tons of plug ins to help you market your business. If you don't want to set up your own blog using Wordpress, then I would recommend you sign up for a site like Blogger. You can get a free blog at Blogger. The other side of blogging is guest blogging. This is where you submit unique blog posts to other blog owners for publication on their blogs. You'll have to do a search in the search engines to find relevant blogs, but you can use Google Blog Search. f. Free Ebooks and Reports. This technique is already covered in the section on list building. This technique is much easier than you think. You can create ebooks from articles you've written, or you can find affiliate programs that offer articles. Combine them into a free report and give it away. You can easily create PDFs using Open Office. I try to create a new report or ebook about every few months. I submit them to the major ebook directories. You can find ebook directories by doing a search in the search engines under the search term "Ebook Directories". I've also listed several I recommend later in this ebook. g. Social Marketing. 14
  • 15. Internet Marketing for FREE So you think you can make big money online without meeting people? Or doing nothing? I always laugh when I hear that one. Whether you are sending out an ezine or articles, posting on forums, or any other method I have already mentioned, you are building a relationship with someone. Offline it's a little easier to get away with not building a relationship with your customers. After all, you have a physical address, and if your customers are unhappy, they can just show up on your doorstep. Not so online. If you don't take the time to build a relationship with others online, they won't trust you enough to buy from you. It's one of the reasons that SPAM is so ineffective. (Another reason SPAM is so ineffective is because it's so untargeted). ************************************* Let me pause here a moment and explain to you what SPAM really is. I've actually had people who subscribed to my list write me and complain because I was sending them email. (If you don't want email from me, then don't subscribe). SPAM is unsolicited commercial email. It is email that you didn't request. Somehow your email address has been indexed by some less than reputable list builders out there, and they are sending you email. One way to spot these people is if they request that you send an email to be removed from their lists. Reputable companies will use autoresponders, include a link at the bottom of the email, and all you have to do is click the link. 15
  • 16. Internet Marketing for FREE ******************************************* When networking, go to the high traffic sites. There are three top sites I recommend: Facebook, Linkedin, and Twitter. Which networking sites you use online is a matter of choice. Different sites work better than others depending on how you plan to promote. Build an effective profile on the site. Tell others about yourself and what you offer. If the site offers you a personal blog, post to it. If it doesn't, then find out if you can add your RSS feed to your profile. This will allow others to read your blog content. If the site offers them join their forums and/or groups. Participate. These sites can save you a lot of time because you'll have your forums and groups in one place. Participating in these forums and/or groups may allow you to build content to your profile allowing you to offer updated content to those who are visiting or connecting with you. Other forms of social marketing do include blogging, social bookmarking, and video marketing. It is beyond the scope of this book to go into detail on these techniques. However, if you are looking for some very effective ways to market your business, then you definitely want to consider them. h. Press Releases. If you want to drive a ton of traffic to your website, press releases are another great way to do it. 16
  • 17. Internet Marketing for FREE Like articles, press releases are very viral in nature. Unlike articles, which give your visitors information about the topic of your site, press releases are news about your site and your business. A press release, like a news story, should answer the 5Ws and the H of journalism: Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How. One of the best ways to learn how to write a good press release is to read press releases. However, I wouldn't recommend reading press releases on press release sites. Read your local paper and study the news. It's estimated that up to 92 percent of the news in newspapers is taken from press releases. Newspaper reporters simply don't have time to write all of the material for newspapers that newspapers require, especially if it's a daily paper. Using press releases, even if they need to be rewritten, are better than empty space. To find newspapers to study, you can search sites like Google News or Yahoo News or read your local paper. Once you have a feel for the news in a publication, then you can craft your own press release. Craft a compelling headline. Like news stories, if the headline doesn't grab readers, they won't read the story. Answer the questions that I listed above. If you are writing a press release to announce the release of a book or a new product, stay away from talking about the product or book. Start 17
  • 18. Internet Marketing for FREE with a problem and then explain how the product or book solves the problem, but never directly refer to the product or book. Include a resource box, especially if you are submitting your press release online. Like articles, when you are promoting your press release online, you want to promote your products, books/ebooks, or services in your resource box. Lead your readers to your site. For more information on how to effectively use press releases, the best thing to do is to read the information on the press release site you are submitting to. You'll find plenty of tips on how to write effective press releases, as well as how to properly format your releases and get more from your promotions. Simply search for “submit press release.” -i. Search Engines. No ebook would be complete without at least mentioning the search engines. In fact, I can't believe that when I first wrote this report I didn't include this information because search engine optimization and submission have always been a big part of my internet marketing strategy. Anyway, if you own a website, a part, even if it's just a small part of your marketing strategy, must include search engines because this is often one of the ways that people will use to find you. To get found, the easiest way to do it is to create a sitemap and then submit it to the three major search engines: Google, Yahoo, and MSN. I would also recommend that you submit your website to Exactseek, as well as Alexa. Exactseek will help you grab the smaller search engines. Alexa will provide you with some pretty good statistics about your site. 18
  • 19. Internet Marketing for FREE This includes how much traffic you are getting, where it's coming from, and what words visitors are using to find you. You'll also find information on your competitors. The best way to prepare your website for the search engines is to study the information you find at Google and Bing. These two sites cover about 80 percent of the search traffic for the Internet. (Bing supplements Yahoo now.) As for telling you how to optimize your sites for the search engines, I would recommend that you make sure you optimize your website for the keywords that searchers are actually looking for. Build lots of backlinks, and the easiest way to do this is to write articles, guest blog posts, etc. Social bookmarking is a good way, as is blog comments. Again, the best thing to do is read the Webmaster tools sections at Google and Bing. This will save you so much time because you'll understand what they're looking for. A Word on Viral Marketing Viral marketing is a way to spread your message across the Internet by generating buzz about your products or services. Promoting with articles, press releases, and free ebooks can also create a viral marketing strategy for your business because other website owners are publishing your work. For example: you have a free ebook. You give it to two people, they each give it to two people, and on and on. Viral marketing multiplies itself exponentially. 2x2x2x2=16, not 8. 19
  • 20. Internet Marketing for FREE All of these techniques are very effective for spreading your marketing message. However, what if you are intimidated by the whole process of writing? Deep down, I don't think that it's the writing that is really the issue here for most people. I think it's a matter of confidence. It takes a lot of confidence in yourself, your product, and your writing ability to make yourself vulnerable enough to put your message out there in front of millions of people. I know when I first started sending out my articles, I was scared to death. I just knew people would tell me I was a horrible writer, that I was stupid, or I should quit this business because I didn't have what it takes. Although I have gotten a few nasty, and pretty condescending emails about my writing over the years, overall, the reception was quite warm. It helped build my confidence. Now it doesn't matter because I've grown past the need to have approval from others. It's very liberating! (Sooner or later you learn that the ones who are so negative towards you are the same ones who have never published or who have never owned a successful business. These are the same people who will never succeed for that reason. They're either critical people or perfectionists. Either way, they never succeed). People want to know what you know, especially if it will benefit them. Most people are less interested in whether or not your grammar is perfect. They just want to know what you know that they don't, that will help them improve their lives. (If they show more interest in your grammar than in your content, or they prefer “pretty” web sites to “ugly” ones, reread what I just wrote above). 20
  • 21. Internet Marketing for FREE Some business people will never develop the confidence necessary to do their own writing. It isn't a problem if you can afford to hire a copywriter, but what if you can't? There's a simple solution. You can use craigslist to advertise your site. Since craigslist gets so much traffic, it really is a terrific way to post your ads and get high search engine rankings for those ads. craigslist has high page rank, which means that Google ranks it really high. You can set up a complete internet marketing campaign on craigslist, and it will only take you about 15 minutes a day to maintain. This is great for those who are time crunched. You can get a free copy of CraigsList Marketer Pro video and ebook to teach you how. All you have to do is sign up at Lead's Leap for a free account. Once you've confirmed your account, log in and go the the free bonuses page. Download the video and ebook. Read it, watch the video, and set up your campaigns. It really is that easy. Viral marketing is very effective and can continue to drive traffic to your business for years. Don't overlook it if you are looking for a way to get extra exposure, but you aren't comfortable with your writing. Finally, please remember you don't have to do all this in one day. I certainly didn't do it in one day. Work it one step at a time. Build on your marketing plan. Make changes. Nothing is written in stone. Everyone's situation is different. All of these methods will work, but you have to apply it in a way that reaches your target market. Jay Abraham mentions this in his ebook, "Getting Everything You Can Out of All That You've Got", and I think it definitely applies here. 21
  • 22. Internet Marketing for FREE Someone once asked bank robber Willie Sutton why he robbed banks. His reply? "Because that's where the money is". So how does this apply to marketing? Simple. Go where your target market is and apply these techniques. You will get traffic and sales. Do it consistently. You'll get more traffic and sales. Keep building on that momentum, and be consistent. You'll definitely see a difference. Target, target, target. That's the real secret to converting your visitors into customers. Your Action Plan -Implement one strategy per week from this list until you have them all in place. Take as much time as you need. Don't overwhelm yourself. Work on each method until you have completed it, and then start on the next one. -Track your results to find out which methods are the most effective for you. Do a search in the search engines for link tracking software. These change, but you can find plenty of free solutions that will do the job. -Tweak your marketing plan until you have the methods that are most effective for you and continue to consistently apply these methods to your business. You will see results. 22
  • 23. Resources If you would like to brand this report, then you can either download it from Killer Marketing Arsenal, or you can download it from my affiliates' site. You can get a free membership at Killer Marketing Arsenal The Programs Website.ws Easy Downlines Leads Leap – Although not mentioned in this ebook, this is one of my favorite marketing resources because it allows you to build traffic to your site, and Kenneth Koh offers a ton of marketing training for free. Worth a look. Killer Marketing Arsenal Support Still have questions? Then feel free to use my convenient support desk: http://www.jingerjarrett.com/support/ 23