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Intro to
Azure container app
Presented By :
Senior Software Consultant
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1. Intro to azure container apps
2. Why use containers apps and microservices
architecture ?
3. How Azure Container Apps service
differs with AKS?
4. How it works
5. Demo - Create an azure container
app using terraform.
Intro to Azure Container App Presentation
Intro to azure container apps
Azure Container Apps is a serverless platform that allows you to maintain less infrastructure and save
costs while running containerized applications. Instead of worrying about server configuration,
container orchestration, and deployment details, Container Apps provides all the up-to-date server
resources required to keep your applications stable and secure.
Common uses of Azure Container Apps include:
• Deploying API endpoints
• Hosting background processing jobs
• Handling event-driven processing
• Running microservice
Why use container apps and
microservices architecture?
Monolithic vs Microservice Architecture
Monolithic vs Microservice Architecture
Monolithic vs Microservice Architecture
each microservice has its own db,monitoring,storage,security
Features of Container apps
With Azure Container Apps, you can:
• Run containers from any registry, public or private, including Docker Hub and Azure
Container Registry (ACR).
• Provide an existing virtual network when creating an environment for your container
• Enable HTTPS or TCP ingress without having to manage other Azure infrastructure.
• Run Jobs on-demand, on a schedule, or based on events.
• Securely manage secrets directly in your application.
• Monitor Logs using Azure Log analytics.
• Traffic split cross multiple versions of an application for Blue/Green deployments and
A/B testing scenarios
Apart from these , applications built on Azure Container Apps can dynamically scale
based on the following characteristics:
• HTTP traffic
• Event-driven processing
• CPU or memory load
Example scenarios
How Azure Container Apps service
differs with AKS?
How Azure Container Apps service
differs with AKS?
Kubernetes is really powerful container orchestrator it knows how to to run containers &
microservices in cloud at scale .its not easy to learn Kubernetes concepts some developers
might struggle in learning & understanding k8s just to get their containers up & running.
To deploy application in aks we need to create deployment , service, ingress & lot of more
concepts that are really complex to understand .
Whereas container apps provider superfast path to publish and run my containers.
it is not replacement of aks it is just azure mananged for you that part.
Azure managed aks cluster itself for you behind the container app service.
How Azure Container Apps service
differs with AKS?
How container apps works ?
How container app works?
Azure Container Apps is a serverless platform , behind the scenes, azure kubernetes service is actually
powering that container . But I have not had to configure and manage it .To provide some of the powerfull
capablities it is layered on powerful open source technology to kubernetes , for instance every container app
can auto scale all the way to zero and inactive .or scale to dozes of containers under high load .
KEDA is open source tech which makes that happen . As I am deploying more and more microservies to my
container app environment . I can use set of building blocks provided from open source Dapr project .Dapr
provides a ton of capablities :
Demo - Create an azure container
app using terraform.
Intro to Azure Container App Presentation

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Intro to Azure Container App Presentation

  • 1. Intro to Azure container app Presented By : PRINCE SHARMA Senior Software Consultant
  • 2. Lack of etiquette and manners is a huge turn off. KnolX Etiquettes  Punctuality Join the session 5 minutes prior to the session start time. We start on time and conclude on time!  Feedback Make sure to submit a constructive feedback for all sessions as it is very helpful for the presenter.  Silent Mode Keep your mobile devices in silent mode, feel free to move out of session in case you need to attend an urgent call.  Avoid Disturbance Avoid unwanted chit chat during the session.
  • 3. 1. Intro to azure container apps 2. Why use containers apps and microservices architecture ? 3. How Azure Container Apps service differs with AKS? 4. How it works 5. Demo - Create an azure container app using terraform.
  • 5. Intro to azure container apps Azure Container Apps is a serverless platform that allows you to maintain less infrastructure and save costs while running containerized applications. Instead of worrying about server configuration, container orchestration, and deployment details, Container Apps provides all the up-to-date server resources required to keep your applications stable and secure. Common uses of Azure Container Apps include: • Deploying API endpoints • Hosting background processing jobs • Handling event-driven processing • Running microservice
  • 6. Why use container apps and microservices architecture? 02
  • 9. Monolithic vs Microservice Architecture each microservice has its own db,monitoring,storage,security
  • 10. Features of Container apps With Azure Container Apps, you can: • Run containers from any registry, public or private, including Docker Hub and Azure Container Registry (ACR). • Provide an existing virtual network when creating an environment for your container apps. • Enable HTTPS or TCP ingress without having to manage other Azure infrastructure. • Run Jobs on-demand, on a schedule, or based on events. • Securely manage secrets directly in your application. • Monitor Logs using Azure Log analytics. • Traffic split cross multiple versions of an application for Blue/Green deployments and A/B testing scenarios Apart from these , applications built on Azure Container Apps can dynamically scale based on the following characteristics: • HTTP traffic • Event-driven processing • CPU or memory load
  • 12. How Azure Container Apps service differs with AKS? 03
  • 13. How Azure Container Apps service differs with AKS? Kubernetes is really powerful container orchestrator it knows how to to run containers & microservices in cloud at scale .its not easy to learn Kubernetes concepts some developers might struggle in learning & understanding k8s just to get their containers up & running. To deploy application in aks we need to create deployment , service, ingress & lot of more concepts that are really complex to understand . Whereas container apps provider superfast path to publish and run my containers. it is not replacement of aks it is just azure mananged for you that part. Azure managed aks cluster itself for you behind the container app service.
  • 14. How Azure Container Apps service differs with AKS?
  • 15. How container apps works ? 04
  • 16. How container app works? Azure Container Apps is a serverless platform , behind the scenes, azure kubernetes service is actually powering that container . But I have not had to configure and manage it .To provide some of the powerfull capablities it is layered on powerful open source technology to kubernetes , for instance every container app can auto scale all the way to zero and inactive .or scale to dozes of containers under high load . KEDA is open source tech which makes that happen . As I am deploying more and more microservies to my container app environment . I can use set of building blocks provided from open source Dapr project .Dapr provides a ton of capablities :
  • 17. 05 Demo - Create an azure container app using terraform.