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Intro to HBase
                      Alex Baranau, Sematext International, 2012

Monday, July 9, 12


About Me

                     Software Engineer at Sematext International



                     http://github.com/sematext (abaranau)

Monday, July 9, 12



                     What is HBase?

                     How to use HBase?

                     When to use HBase?

Monday, July 9, 12


What is HBase?

Monday, July 9, 12


What: HBase is...
                     Open-source non-relational distributed
                     column-oriented database modeled after
                     Google’s BigTable.

                       Think of it as a sparse, consistent,
                       distributed, multidimensional, sorted map:

                         labeled tables of rows

                         row consist of key-value cells:

       (row key, column family, column, timestamp) -> value

Monday, July 9, 12


What HBase is NOT
                     Not an SQL database

                     Not relational

                     No joins

                     No fancy query language and no
                     sophisticated query engine

                     No transactions out-of-the box

                     No secondary indices out-of-the box

                     Not a drop-in replacement for your RDBMS

Monday, July 9, 12


What: Features-1

                     Linear scalability, capable of
                     storing hundreds of terabytes of data

                     Automatic and configurable sharding
                     of tables

                     Automatic failover support

                     Strictly consistent reads and writes

Monday, July 9, 12


What: Part of Hadoop

                        Provides realtime random read/write
                        access to data stored in HDFS

                                read          HBase           write

                       Data            read           write             Data
                     Consumer                                         Producer
                                              HDFS            write

Monday, July 9, 12


What: Features-2
                     Integrates nicely with Hadoop MapReduce (both
                     as source and destination)

                     Easy Java API for client access

                     Thrift gateway and REST APIs

                     Bulk import of large amount of data

                     Replication across clusters & backup options

                     Block cache and Bloom filters for real-time

                     and many more...

Monday, July 9, 12


How to use HBase?

Monday, July 9, 12


How: the Data
                         Row keys uninterpreted byte arrays

                         Columns grouped in columnfamilies (CFs)

                         CFs defined statically upon table creation

                         Cell is uninterpreted byte array and a timestamp
   Rows are ordered
                                   Different data                    All values stores as
    and accessed by
                                 separated into CFs                      byte arrays
        row key

                       Row Key                                Data
                                                                                            Rows can have
                                         geo:{‘country’:‘Belarus’,‘region’:‘Minsk’}           different
                                       demography:{‘population’:‘1,937,000’@ts=2011}           columns

                                            geo:{‘country’:‘USA’,‘state’:’NY’}              Cell can have
                     New_York_City     demography:{‘population’:‘8,175,133’@ts=2010,          multiple
                                              ‘population’:‘8,244,910’@ts=2011}               versions

                                                                                             Data can be
                         Suva                         geo:{‘country’:‘Fiji’}
                                                                                            very “sparse”
Monday, July 9, 12


How: Writing the Data
                      Row updates are atomic

                      Updates across multiple rows are NOT
                      atomic, no transaction support out of
                      the box

                      HBase stores N versions of a cell
                      (default 3)

                      Tables are usually “sparse”, not all
                      columns populated in a row

Monday, July 9, 12


How: Reading the Data
                      Reader will always read the last written (and committed)

                      Reading single row: Get

                      Reading multiple rows: Scan (very fast)

                         Scan usually defines start key and stop key

                         Rows are ordered, easy to do partial key scan

                                   Row Key                  Data
                       ‘login_2012-03-01.00:09:17’    d:{‘user’:‘alex’}
                                     ...                     ...
                       ‘login_2012-03-01.23:59:35’    d:{‘user’:‘otis’}
                       ‘login_2012-03-02.00:00:21’   d:{‘user’:‘david’}

                      Query predicate pushed down via server-side Filters

Monday, July 9, 12


How: MapReduce Integration
                     Out of the box integration with Hadoop

                       Data from HBase table can be source
                       for MR job

                       MR job can write data into HBase

                       MR job can write data into HDFS
                       directly and then output files can be
                       very quickly loaded into HBase via
                       “Bulk Loading” functionality

Monday, July 9, 12


How: Sharding the Data
                      Automatic and configurable sharding of

                        Tables partitioned into Regions

                        Region defined by start & end row keys

                        Regions are the “atoms” of

                      Regions are assigned to RegionServers
                      (HBase cluster slaves)

Monday, July 9, 12


How: Setup: Components
                      HBase components


                      client             HMaster


                               RegionServer    RegionServer

Monday, July 9, 12


How: Setup: Hadoop Cluster
                         Typical Hadoop+HBase setup
                                                     Master Node                  HDFS

                                 NameNode      JobTracker                        MapReduce


                         RegionServer         RegionServer                         Slave



                           DataNode             DataNode

                              Slave Node                     Slave Node
Monday, July 9, 12


How: Setup: Automatic Failover

                     DataNode failures handled by HDFS

                     RSs failures (incl. caused by whole
                     server failure) handled automatically

                       Master re-assignes Regions to
                       available RSs

                     HMaster failover: automatic with
                     multiple HMasters

Monday, July 9, 12


When to Use HBase?

Monday, July 9, 12


When: What HBase is good at

                     Serving large amount of data: built
                     to scale from the get-go

                     fast random access to the data

                     Write-heavy applications*

                     Append-style writing (inserting/
                     overwriting new data) rather than
                     heavy read-modify-write operations**

      * clients should handle the loss of HTable client-side buffer
      ** see https://github.com/sematext/HBaseHUT

Monday, July 9, 12


When: HBase vs ...

                     Favors consistency over availability

                     Part of a Hadoop ecosystem

                     Great community; adopted by tech
                     giants like Facebook, Twitter,
                     Yahoo!, Adobe, etc.

Monday, July 9, 12


When: Use-cases
                     Audit logging systems

                       track user actions

                       answer questions/queries like:

                         what are the last 10 actions made by
                         row key: userId_timestamp

                         which users logged into system
                         row key: action_timestamp_userId

Monday, July 9, 12


When: Use-cases

                     Real-time analytics, OLAP

                       real-time counters

                       interactive reports showing
                       trends, breakdowns, etc

                       time-series databases

Monday, July 9, 12


When: Use-cases
                     Monitoring system example

Monday, July 9, 12


When: Use-cases
                     Messages-centered systems

                       twitter-like messages/statuses

                     Content management systems

                       serving content out of HBase

                     Canonical use-case: webtable (pages
                     stored during crawling the web)

                     And others

Monday, July 9, 12



                     Making stable enough to substitute
                     RDBMS in mission critical cases

                     Easier system management

                     Performance improvements

Monday, July 9, 12


                     (next: Intro into HBase Internals)

                            Sematext is hiring!
Monday, July 9, 12

More Related Content

Intro to HBase

  • 1. Intro to HBase Alex Baranau, Sematext International, 2012 Monday, July 9, 12
  • 2. About Me Software Engineer at Sematext International http://blog.sematext.com/author/abaranau @abaranau http://github.com/sematext (abaranau) Monday, July 9, 12
  • 3. Agenda What is HBase? How to use HBase? When to use HBase? Monday, July 9, 12
  • 5. What: HBase is... Open-source non-relational distributed column-oriented database modeled after Google’s BigTable. Think of it as a sparse, consistent, distributed, multidimensional, sorted map: labeled tables of rows row consist of key-value cells: (row key, column family, column, timestamp) -> value Monday, July 9, 12
  • 6. What HBase is NOT Not an SQL database Not relational No joins No fancy query language and no sophisticated query engine No transactions out-of-the box No secondary indices out-of-the box Not a drop-in replacement for your RDBMS Monday, July 9, 12
  • 7. What: Features-1 Linear scalability, capable of storing hundreds of terabytes of data Automatic and configurable sharding of tables Automatic failover support Strictly consistent reads and writes Monday, July 9, 12
  • 8. What: Part of Hadoop ecosystem Provides realtime random read/write access to data stored in HDFS read HBase write Data read write Data Consumer Producer HDFS write Monday, July 9, 12
  • 9. What: Features-2 Integrates nicely with Hadoop MapReduce (both as source and destination) Easy Java API for client access Thrift gateway and REST APIs Bulk import of large amount of data Replication across clusters & backup options Block cache and Bloom filters for real-time queries and many more... Monday, July 9, 12
  • 10. How to use HBase? Monday, July 9, 12
  • 11. How: the Data Row keys uninterpreted byte arrays Columns grouped in columnfamilies (CFs) CFs defined statically upon table creation Cell is uninterpreted byte array and a timestamp Rows are ordered Different data All values stores as and accessed by separated into CFs byte arrays row key Row Key Data Rows can have geo:{‘country’:‘Belarus’,‘region’:‘Minsk’} different Minsk demography:{‘population’:‘1,937,000’@ts=2011} columns geo:{‘country’:‘USA’,‘state’:’NY’} Cell can have New_York_City demography:{‘population’:‘8,175,133’@ts=2010, multiple ‘population’:‘8,244,910’@ts=2011} versions Data can be Suva geo:{‘country’:‘Fiji’} very “sparse” Monday, July 9, 12
  • 12. How: Writing the Data Row updates are atomic Updates across multiple rows are NOT atomic, no transaction support out of the box HBase stores N versions of a cell (default 3) Tables are usually “sparse”, not all columns populated in a row Monday, July 9, 12
  • 13. How: Reading the Data Reader will always read the last written (and committed) values Reading single row: Get Reading multiple rows: Scan (very fast) Scan usually defines start key and stop key Rows are ordered, easy to do partial key scan Row Key Data ‘login_2012-03-01.00:09:17’ d:{‘user’:‘alex’} ... ... ‘login_2012-03-01.23:59:35’ d:{‘user’:‘otis’} ‘login_2012-03-02.00:00:21’ d:{‘user’:‘david’} Query predicate pushed down via server-side Filters Monday, July 9, 12
  • 14. How: MapReduce Integration Out of the box integration with Hadoop MapReduce Data from HBase table can be source for MR job MR job can write data into HBase MR job can write data into HDFS directly and then output files can be very quickly loaded into HBase via “Bulk Loading” functionality Monday, July 9, 12
  • 15. How: Sharding the Data Automatic and configurable sharding of tables: Tables partitioned into Regions Region defined by start & end row keys Regions are the “atoms” of distribution Regions are assigned to RegionServers (HBase cluster slaves) Monday, July 9, 12
  • 16. How: Setup: Components HBase components ZooKeeper ZooKeeper ZooKeeper client HMaster HMaster RegionServer RegionServer RegionServer RegionServer RegionServer Monday, July 9, 12
  • 17. How: Setup: Hadoop Cluster Typical Hadoop+HBase setup Master Node HDFS NameNode JobTracker MapReduce HBase HMaster RegionServer RegionServer Slave TaskTracker TaskTracker Nodes DataNode DataNode Slave Node Slave Node Monday, July 9, 12
  • 18. How: Setup: Automatic Failover DataNode failures handled by HDFS (replication) RSs failures (incl. caused by whole server failure) handled automatically Master re-assignes Regions to available RSs HMaster failover: automatic with multiple HMasters Monday, July 9, 12
  • 19. When to Use HBase? Monday, July 9, 12
  • 20. When: What HBase is good at Serving large amount of data: built to scale from the get-go fast random access to the data Write-heavy applications* Append-style writing (inserting/ overwriting new data) rather than heavy read-modify-write operations** * clients should handle the loss of HTable client-side buffer ** see https://github.com/sematext/HBaseHUT Monday, July 9, 12
  • 21. When: HBase vs ... Favors consistency over availability Part of a Hadoop ecosystem Great community; adopted by tech giants like Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo!, Adobe, etc. Monday, July 9, 12
  • 22. When: Use-cases Audit logging systems track user actions answer questions/queries like: what are the last 10 actions made by user? row key: userId_timestamp which users logged into system yesterday? row key: action_timestamp_userId Monday, July 9, 12
  • 23. When: Use-cases Real-time analytics, OLAP real-time counters interactive reports showing trends, breakdowns, etc time-series databases Monday, July 9, 12
  • 24. When: Use-cases Monitoring system example Monday, July 9, 12
  • 25. When: Use-cases Messages-centered systems twitter-like messages/statuses Content management systems serving content out of HBase Canonical use-case: webtable (pages stored during crawling the web) And others Monday, July 9, 12
  • 26. Future Making stable enough to substitute RDBMS in mission critical cases Easier system management Performance improvements Monday, July 9, 12
  • 27. Qs? (next: Intro into HBase Internals) Sematext is hiring! Monday, July 9, 12