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Richard “RichiH” Hartmann
Intro to open source observability
with Grafana, Prometheus,
Loki, and Tempo
I come from the trenches of tech
Bad tools are worse than no tools
| 2
Today’s reality: Disparate systems. Disparate data.
Back to the basics
Let’s rethink this
| 4
Or: Buzzwords, and their useful parts
Observability & SRE
| 5
| 6
Dirty secret
● What is “cloud native scale” is “Internet scale” of networks two
decades ago
● The combination of metrics and events has been standard in
power measurement for half a century
● Modern tools with good engineering practices map very well onto
brownfield technology
| 7
Buzzword alert!
● Cool new term, almost meaningless by now, what does it mean?
○ Pitfall alert: Cargo culting
○ It’s about changing the behaviour, not about changing the name
● “Monitoring” has taken on a meaning of collecting, not using data
○ One extreme: Full text indexing
○ Other extreme: Data lake
● “Observability” is about enabling humans to understand complex
○ Ask why it’s not working instead of just knowing that it’s not
| 8
If you can’t ask new questions on the fly, it’s not
| 9
| 10
● Fake complexity, a.k.a. bad design
○ Can be reduced
● Real, system-inherent complexity
○ Can be moved (monolith vs client-server vs microservices)
○ Must be compartmentalized (service boundaries)
○ Should be distilled meaningfully
| 11
SRE, an instantiation of DevOps
● At its core: Align incentives across the org
○ Error budgets allow devs, ops, PMs, etc. to optimize for shared benefits
● Measure it!
○ SLI: Service Level Indicator: What you measure
○ SLO: Service Level Objective: What you need to hit
○ SLA: Service Level Agreement: When you need to pay
| 12
Shared understanding
● Everyone uses the same tools & dashboards
○ Shared incentive to invest into tooling
○ Pooling of institutional system knowledge
○ Shared language & understanding of services
| 13
● Service?
○ Compartmentalized complexity, with an interface
○ Different owners/teams
○ Contracts define interfaces
● Why “contract”: Shared agreement which MUST NOT be broken
○ Internal and external customers rely on what you build and maintain
● Other common term: layer
○ The Internet would not exist without network layering
○ Enables innovation, parallelizes human engineering
● Other examples: CPUs, harddisk, compute nodes, your lunch
| 14
● Customers care about services being up, not about individual components
● Discern between different SLIs
○ Primary: service-relevant, for alerting
○ Secondary: informational, debugging, might be underlying’s primary
Anything currently or imminently impacting customer service must be
alerted upon
But nothing(!) else
| 15
| 16
Prometheus 101
● Inspired by Google's Borgmon
● Time series database
● unit64 millisecond timestamp, float64 value
● Instrumentation & exporters
● Not for event logging
● Dashboarding via Grafana
| 17
Main selling points
● Highly dynamic, built-in service discovery
● No hierarchical model, n-dimensional label set
● PromQL: for processing, graphing, alerting, and export
● Simple operation
● Highly efficient
| 18
Main selling points
● Prometheus is a pull-based system
● Black-box monitoring: Looking at a service from the outside (Does the server
answer to HTTP requests?)
● White-box monitoring: Instrumenting code from the inside (How much time
does this subroutine take?)
● Every service should have its own metrics endpoint
● Hard API commitments within major versions
| 19
Time series
● Time series are recorded values which change over time
● Individual events are usually merged into counters and/or histograms
● Changing values are recorded as gauges
● Typical examples
○ Requests to a webserver (counter)
○ Temperatures in a datacenter (gauge)
○ Service latency (histograms)
| 20
Super easy to emit, parse & read
http_requests_total{env="prod",method="post",code="200"} 1027
http_requests_total{env="prod",method="post",code="400"} 3
http_requests_total{env="prod",method="post",code="500"} 12
http_requests_total{env="prod",method="get",code="200"} 20
http_requests_total{env="test",method="post",code="200"} 372
http_requests_total{env="test",method="post",code="400"} 75
| 21
● Kubernetes is Borg
● Prometheus is Borgmon
● Google couldn't have run Borg without Borgmon (plus Omega and Monarch)
● Kubernetes & Prometheus are designed and written with each other in mind
| 22
Prometheus scale
● 1,000,000+ samples/second no problem on current hardware
● ~200,000 samples/second/core
● 16 bytes/sample compressed to 1.36 bytes/sample
The highest we saw in production on a single Prometheus instance were 15
million active times series at once!
| 23
Long term storage
● Two long term storage solutions have Prometheus-team members
working on them
○ Thanos
■ Historically easier to run, but slower
■ Scales storage horizontally
○ Cortex
■ Easy to run these days
■ Scales both storage, ingester, and querier horizontally
| 24
Cortex @ Grafana (largest cluster, 2021-09)
● ~65 million active series (just the one cluster)
● 668 CPU cores
● 3,349 GiB RAM
One customer running at 3 billion active series
| 25
| 26
Loki 101
● Following the same label-based system like Prometheus
● No full text index needed, incredible speed
● Work with logs at scale, without the massive cost
● Access logs with the same label sets as metrics
● Turn logs into metrics, to make it easier to work with them
● Make direct use of syslog data, via promtail
2019-12-11T10:01:02.123456789Z {env="prod",instance=””} GET /about
with nanosecond precision
log line
Prometheus-style Labels
key-value pairs
indexed unindexed
| 28
Loki @ Grafana Labs
● Queries regularly see 40 GiB/s
● Query terabytes of data in under a minute
○ Including complex processing of result sets
| 29
| 30
● Exemplars: Jump from relevant logs & metrics
○ Native to Prometheus, Cortex, Thanos, and Loki
○ Exemplars work at Google scale, with the ease of Grafana
● Index and search by labelsets available for those who need it
● Object store only: No Cassandra, Elastic, etc.
● 100% compatible with OpenTelemetry Tracing, Zipkin, Jaeger
● 100% of your traces, no sampling
| 31
Tempo @ Grafana Labs (2021-07)
● 2,200,000 samples per second @ 350 MiB/s
● 14-day retention @ 3 copies stored
● ~240 CPU cores (includes compression cost)
● ~450 GiB RAM
● 132 TiB object storage
● Latencies:
○ p99 - 2.5s
○ p90 - 2.3s
○ p50 - 1.6s
Bringing it together
| 32
From logs to traces
| 33
From metrics to traces
| 34
From metrics to traces
| 35
...and from traces to logs
| 36
All of this is Open Source and you can run it yourself
| 37
Intro to open source observability with grafana, prometheus, loki, and tempo(2).pptx
Intro to open source observability with grafana, prometheus, loki, and tempo(2).pptx
| 40
For a deeper dive into
Open Source Observability, go to:
Thank you!

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Intro to open source observability with grafana, prometheus, loki, and tempo(2).pptx

  • 1. Richard “RichiH” Hartmann Intro to open source observability with Grafana, Prometheus, Loki, and Tempo
  • 2. I come from the trenches of tech Bad tools are worse than no tools | 2
  • 3. Today’s reality: Disparate systems. Disparate data.
  • 4. Back to the basics Let’s rethink this | 4
  • 5. Or: Buzzwords, and their useful parts Observability & SRE | 5
  • 6. | 6 Dirty secret ● What is “cloud native scale” is “Internet scale” of networks two decades ago ● The combination of metrics and events has been standard in power measurement for half a century ● Modern tools with good engineering practices map very well onto brownfield technology
  • 7. | 7 Buzzword alert! ● Cool new term, almost meaningless by now, what does it mean? ○ Pitfall alert: Cargo culting ○ It’s about changing the behaviour, not about changing the name ● “Monitoring” has taken on a meaning of collecting, not using data ○ One extreme: Full text indexing ○ Other extreme: Data lake ● “Observability” is about enabling humans to understand complex systems ○ Ask why it’s not working instead of just knowing that it’s not
  • 8. | 8
  • 9. If you can’t ask new questions on the fly, it’s not observability | 9
  • 10. | 10 Complexity ● Fake complexity, a.k.a. bad design ○ Can be reduced ● Real, system-inherent complexity ○ Can be moved (monolith vs client-server vs microservices) ○ Must be compartmentalized (service boundaries) ○ Should be distilled meaningfully
  • 11. | 11 SRE, an instantiation of DevOps ● At its core: Align incentives across the org ○ Error budgets allow devs, ops, PMs, etc. to optimize for shared benefits ● Measure it! ○ SLI: Service Level Indicator: What you measure ○ SLO: Service Level Objective: What you need to hit ○ SLA: Service Level Agreement: When you need to pay
  • 12. | 12 Shared understanding ● Everyone uses the same tools & dashboards ○ Shared incentive to invest into tooling ○ Pooling of institutional system knowledge ○ Shared language & understanding of services
  • 13. | 13 Services ● Service? ○ Compartmentalized complexity, with an interface ○ Different owners/teams ○ Contracts define interfaces ● Why “contract”: Shared agreement which MUST NOT be broken ○ Internal and external customers rely on what you build and maintain ● Other common term: layer ○ The Internet would not exist without network layering ○ Enables innovation, parallelizes human engineering ● Other examples: CPUs, harddisk, compute nodes, your lunch
  • 14. | 14 Alerting ● Customers care about services being up, not about individual components ● Discern between different SLIs ○ Primary: service-relevant, for alerting ○ Secondary: informational, debugging, might be underlying’s primary Anything currently or imminently impacting customer service must be alerted upon But nothing(!) else
  • 16. | 16 Prometheus 101 ● Inspired by Google's Borgmon ● Time series database ● unit64 millisecond timestamp, float64 value ● Instrumentation & exporters ● Not for event logging ● Dashboarding via Grafana
  • 17. | 17 Main selling points ● Highly dynamic, built-in service discovery ● No hierarchical model, n-dimensional label set ● PromQL: for processing, graphing, alerting, and export ● Simple operation ● Highly efficient
  • 18. | 18 Main selling points ● Prometheus is a pull-based system ● Black-box monitoring: Looking at a service from the outside (Does the server answer to HTTP requests?) ● White-box monitoring: Instrumenting code from the inside (How much time does this subroutine take?) ● Every service should have its own metrics endpoint ● Hard API commitments within major versions
  • 19. | 19 Time series ● Time series are recorded values which change over time ● Individual events are usually merged into counters and/or histograms ● Changing values are recorded as gauges ● Typical examples ○ Requests to a webserver (counter) ○ Temperatures in a datacenter (gauge) ○ Service latency (histograms)
  • 20. | 20 Super easy to emit, parse & read http_requests_total{env="prod",method="post",code="200"} 1027 http_requests_total{env="prod",method="post",code="400"} 3 http_requests_total{env="prod",method="post",code="500"} 12 http_requests_total{env="prod",method="get",code="200"} 20 http_requests_total{env="test",method="post",code="200"} 372 http_requests_total{env="test",method="post",code="400"} 75
  • 21. | 21 Scale ● Kubernetes is Borg ● Prometheus is Borgmon ● Google couldn't have run Borg without Borgmon (plus Omega and Monarch) ● Kubernetes & Prometheus are designed and written with each other in mind
  • 22. | 22 Prometheus scale ● 1,000,000+ samples/second no problem on current hardware ● ~200,000 samples/second/core ● 16 bytes/sample compressed to 1.36 bytes/sample The highest we saw in production on a single Prometheus instance were 15 million active times series at once!
  • 23. | 23 Long term storage ● Two long term storage solutions have Prometheus-team members working on them ○ Thanos ■ Historically easier to run, but slower ■ Scales storage horizontally ○ Cortex ■ Easy to run these days ■ Scales both storage, ingester, and querier horizontally
  • 24. | 24 Cortex @ Grafana (largest cluster, 2021-09) ● ~65 million active series (just the one cluster) ● 668 CPU cores ● 3,349 GiB RAM One customer running at 3 billion active series
  • 26. | 26 Loki 101 ● Following the same label-based system like Prometheus ● No full text index needed, incredible speed ● Work with logs at scale, without the massive cost ● Access logs with the same label sets as metrics ● Turn logs into metrics, to make it easier to work with them ● Make direct use of syslog data, via promtail
  • 27. 2019-12-11T10:01:02.123456789Z {env="prod",instance=””} GET /about Timestamp with nanosecond precision Content log line Prometheus-style Labels key-value pairs indexed unindexed
  • 28. | 28 Loki @ Grafana Labs ● Queries regularly see 40 GiB/s ● Query terabytes of data in under a minute ○ Including complex processing of result sets
  • 30. | 30 Tempo ● Exemplars: Jump from relevant logs & metrics ○ Native to Prometheus, Cortex, Thanos, and Loki ○ Exemplars work at Google scale, with the ease of Grafana ● Index and search by labelsets available for those who need it ● Object store only: No Cassandra, Elastic, etc. ● 100% compatible with OpenTelemetry Tracing, Zipkin, Jaeger ● 100% of your traces, no sampling
  • 31. | 31 Tempo @ Grafana Labs (2021-07) ● 2,200,000 samples per second @ 350 MiB/s ● 14-day retention @ 3 copies stored ● ~240 CPU cores (includes compression cost) ● ~450 GiB RAM ● 132 TiB object storage ● Latencies: ○ p99 - 2.5s ○ p90 - 2.3s ○ p50 - 1.6s
  • 33. From logs to traces | 33
  • 34. From metrics to traces | 34
  • 35. From metrics to traces | 35
  • 36. ...and from traces to logs | 36
  • 37. All of this is Open Source and you can run it yourself | 37
  • 40. grafana.com/go/obscon2021 | 40 For a deeper dive into Open Source Observability, go to: