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An Introduction to 
Aaron Ploetz
What is Cassandra? 
● Cassandra is a non-relational, partitioned row store. 
● Rows are organized into column families (tables) with a 
required primary key. 
● Data is distributed across multiple master-less, nodes in 
an application-transparent manner. 
● DataStax oversees the development of the Apache 
Cassandra open-source project, provides support to 
companies using Cassandra, and provides an enterprise-ready 
version of Cassandra.
$ whoami 
Aaron Ploetz 
● Lead Database Engineer 
● B.S.-MCS UW-Whitewater 
● M.S.-SED Regis University 
● Using Cassandra since version 0.8 
● Contributor to the Casandra tag on StackOverflow 
● Contributor to the Apache Cassandra project 
● 2014/15 DataStax MVP for Apache Cassandra
(short) History of Cassandra and 
● Developed at , open sourced in 2008. 
● Design influenced by Google BigTable and Amazon Dynamo. 
● Graduated to Apache “Top-Level Project” status in Feb 2010. 
● DataStax founded by Jonathan Ellis and Matt Pfeil in late 2010, 
offering enterprise Cassandra support. 
● Secured $190 million in VC funding. 
● Started with eight people, now employs more than 350. 
● 400+ Customers, including 25 of the Fortune 100.
Key Features 
● Current release is Cassandra 2.1 (Sept 10). 
● Distributed, decentralized storage; no SPOF. 
● Scalable. 
● High-availability, Fault-tolerance. 
● Tunable Consistency. 
● High-performance. 
● Data center awareness.
Distributed, Decentralized 
Storage DC1 DC2 
● Peer-to-peer, master-less replication. 
● Any node can handle a read or write operation. 
● Supports local read/write ops via “logical” data centers. 
● Gossip protocol allows nodes to be aware of each other. 
● Snitch ensures that data is replicated appropriately.
● Cassandra allows you to easily add nodes to scale your 
application back-end. 
● Benchmark from 2011: 
– 48 node cluster could handle 174,373 writes/sec. 
– 288 node cluster could handle 1,099,837 writes/sec. 
– Indicates that Cassandra scales linearly. 
● Throughput of N nodes = T. 
● Throughput of Nx2 nodes = Tx2.
High Availability 
DC1 DC2 
● Cassandra was designed under the premise that 
hardware failures can and do occur.
High Availability 
DC1 DC2 
● Cassandra was designed under the premise that 
hardware failures can and do occur.
High Availability 
DC1 DC2 
X X 
X X 
●Gossip Protocol keeps live nodes informed of failures. 
●Cassandra 2.0.2 implemented Rapid Read Protection which 
redirects read operations to live nodes.
Tunable Consistency 
● Cassandra allows you alter your consistency level on a 
per-operation basis. 
● Also allows configuration for data center locality: 
High Availability / 
Quorum == 
(nodes / 2) + 1
Eventual Consistency != Hopeful 
● experiment on consistency : 
– Created two data centers with C* 1.1.7 Cluster of 48 nodes in 
each data center. 
– Wrote 1,000,000 records at CL1 in one data center. 
– Read same 1,000,000 records at CL1 in other data center. 
– All records read successfully! 
– “Eventually consistent does not mean a day, minute or 
even a second from now… in most cases, it is 
milliseconds!”- Christos Kalantzis
High Performance 
● Cassandra is optimized from the ground up for 
Source: DataStax.com
High Performance 
● All disk writes are sequential, append-only 
● No reading before writing. 
● Cassandra is optimized for threading with multi-core/ 
processor machines.
Potential Drawbacks? 
● Some use cases are not appropriate (transient data 
or delete-heavy patterns). 
● Developer learning curve: CQL != SQL 
● Simple queries only. No JOINs or sub-queries. 
● Optimal performance is achieved through de-normalizaiton 
and query-based data modeling.
Cassandra moves beyond disco-era 
data modeling 
●Everything MUST be normalized!!! 
●Redundant data == “bad” 
●Relational Database theory originated when disk space was expensive. In 
1975 some vendors were selling disk space at $11k per MB. 
●By 1980 prices “dropped” so that you could finally buy 1GB of storage for 
under $1 Million. 
●Today I can buy a 1TB disk for $60.
Cassandra Storage Structures 
● Keyspace == Database (in the RDBMS world) 
CREATE KEYSPACE products WITH replication = { 
'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 
'RFD': '2', 'MKE': '4'}; 
● Column Family == Table 
CREATE TABLE hierarchy ( 
category text, 
subcategory text, 
classification text, 
skumap map<uuid, text>, 
PRIMARY KEY (category, subcategory, classification));
Cassandra Primary Keys 
● Primary Keys are unique. 
● Single Primary Key: 
PRIMARY KEY (keyColumn) 
● Composite Primary Key: 
PRIMARY KEY (myPartitionKey, my1stClusteringKey, 
● Composite Partitioning Key: 
PRIMARY KEY ((my1stPartitionKey, my2ndPartitionKey), 
Cassandra Secondary Indexes 
● Does allow secondary indexes. 
CREATE INDEX myIndex ON myTable(myNonKeyColumn) 
● Designed for query convenience, not for performance. 
● Does not perform well on high-cardinality columns, because you filter a 
huge volume of records for a small number of results. Extremely low 
cardinality is also not a good idea (ex: customer address [state == good, 
phone == bad, gender == bad]). 
● Works best on a table having many rows that contain the indexed value; 
middle-of-the-road cardinality.
Serenity “crew” 
● Create a table to store data for the crew of “Serenity” from “Firefly.” 
crewname TEXT, 
firstname TEXT, 
lastname TEXT, 
phone TEXT, 
PRIMARY KEY (crewname)); 
crewname | firstname | lastname | phone 
| Malcolm | Reynolds | 111­555­1234 
Jayne | Jayne | Cobb | 111­555­3464 
Sheppard | Derial | Book | 111­555­2349 
Simon | Simon | Tam | 111­555­8899
Serenity “crew” under the hood 
=> (column, value=, timestamp=1374546754299000) 
=> (column=firstname, value=Malcolm, timestamp=1374546754299000) 
=> (column=lastname, value=Reynolds, timestamp=1374546754299000) 
=> (column=phone, value=111­555­1234, 
=> (column, value=, timestamp=1374546757815000) 
=> (column=firstname, value=Jayne, timestamp=1374546757815000) 
=> (column=lastname, value=Cobb, timestamp=1374546757815000) 
=> (column=phone, value=111­555­3464, 
Serenity “crewbyphone” 
● To solve the problem of being able to query crew members by phone:” 
CREATE TABLE crewbyphone ( 
crewname TEXT, 
firstname TEXT, 
lastname TEXT, 
phone TEXT, 
PRIMARY KEY (phone,crewname)); 
crewname | firstname | lastname | phone 
| Malcolm | Reynolds | 111­555­1234 
Wash | Hoban | Washburne| 111­555­1212 
Zoey | Zoey | Washburne| 111­555­1212 
Jayne | Jayne | Cobb | 111­555­3464
Serenity “crewbyphone” under 
the hood 
=> (column=Mal, value=, timestamp=1374546754299000) 
=> (column:Mal:firstname, value=Malcolm, timestamp=... 
=> (column:Mal:lastname, value=Reynolds, timestamp=... 
=> (column=Wash, value=, timestamp=1374546754299000) 
=> (column=Wash:firstname, value=Hoban, timestamp=... 
=> (column=Wash:lastname, value=Washburne, timestamp=... 
=> (column=Zoey, value=, timestamp=1374546754299000) 
=> (column=Zoey:firstname, value=Zoey, timestamp=... 
=> (column=Zoey:lastname, value=Washburne, timestamp=...
Who Uses Cassandra?
Who else Uses Cassandra?
Cassandra Large Deployments 
● 100+ nodes. 250TB of data, cluster sizes vary from 6 to 32 
● 2,500+ nodes, 420TB of data, 4 DCs, handles 1 trillion 
operations per day. 
● 75,000+ nodes, 10s of PB of data, largest cluster 1000+ nodes.
Additional Reading 
● Amazon Dynamo paper 
● Facebook Cassandra paper 
● Harvest, Yield, and Scalable, Tolerant Systems - Brewer, Fox, 1999 
● DataStax grabs $106M to achieve big-dog status in database country 
● http://techblog.netflix.com/2011/11/benchmarking-cassandra-scalability-on.html 
● http://planetcassandra.org/blog/a-netflix-experiment-eventual-consistency-hopeful-consistency-● DataStax Documentation 
● KillrVideo.com
Getting Started 
● Community site: http://planetcassandra.org 
● http://datastax.com 
● DataStax community edition: 
● DataStax startup program: 
http://www.datastax.com/what-we-offer/products-services/datastax-enterprise/● Apache Cassandra project site: 
Want to work at AccuLynx? 
We're hiring! 

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Intro to cassandra

  • 1. An Introduction to Apache assandra Aaron Ploetz
  • 2. What is Cassandra? ● Cassandra is a non-relational, partitioned row store. ● Rows are organized into column families (tables) with a required primary key. ● Data is distributed across multiple master-less, nodes in an application-transparent manner. ● DataStax oversees the development of the Apache Cassandra open-source project, provides support to companies using Cassandra, and provides an enterprise-ready version of Cassandra.
  • 3. $ whoami Aaron Ploetz @APloetz ● Lead Database Engineer ● B.S.-MCS UW-Whitewater ● M.S.-SED Regis University ● Using Cassandra since version 0.8 ● Contributor to the Casandra tag on StackOverflow ● Contributor to the Apache Cassandra project ● 2014/15 DataStax MVP for Apache Cassandra
  • 4. (short) History of Cassandra and DataStax ● Developed at , open sourced in 2008. ● Design influenced by Google BigTable and Amazon Dynamo. ● Graduated to Apache “Top-Level Project” status in Feb 2010. ● DataStax founded by Jonathan Ellis and Matt Pfeil in late 2010, offering enterprise Cassandra support. ● Secured $190 million in VC funding. ● Started with eight people, now employs more than 350. ● 400+ Customers, including 25 of the Fortune 100.
  • 5. Key Features ● Current release is Cassandra 2.1 (Sept 10). ● Distributed, decentralized storage; no SPOF. ● Scalable. ● High-availability, Fault-tolerance. ● Tunable Consistency. ● High-performance. ● Data center awareness.
  • 6. Distributed, Decentralized Storage DC1 DC2 ● Peer-to-peer, master-less replication. ● Any node can handle a read or write operation. ● Supports local read/write ops via “logical” data centers. ● Gossip protocol allows nodes to be aware of each other. ● Snitch ensures that data is replicated appropriately.
  • 7. Scalability ● Cassandra allows you to easily add nodes to scale your application back-end. ● Benchmark from 2011: – 48 node cluster could handle 174,373 writes/sec. – 288 node cluster could handle 1,099,837 writes/sec. – Indicates that Cassandra scales linearly. ● Throughput of N nodes = T. ● Throughput of Nx2 nodes = Tx2.
  • 8. High Availability DC1 DC2 X ● Cassandra was designed under the premise that hardware failures can and do occur.
  • 9. High Availability DC1 DC2 X X ● Cassandra was designed under the premise that hardware failures can and do occur.
  • 10. High Availability DC1 DC2 X X X X X X X ●Gossip Protocol keeps live nodes informed of failures. ●Cassandra 2.0.2 implemented Rapid Read Protection which redirects read operations to live nodes.
  • 11. Tunable Consistency ● Cassandra allows you alter your consistency level on a per-operation basis. ● Also allows configuration for data center locality: ALL QUORUM ONE Strong Consistency High Availability / Eventual Consistency Quorum == (nodes / 2) + 1
  • 12. Eventual Consistency != Hopeful Consistency ● experiment on consistency : – Created two data centers with C* 1.1.7 Cluster of 48 nodes in each data center. – Wrote 1,000,000 records at CL1 in one data center. – Read same 1,000,000 records at CL1 in other data center. – All records read successfully! – “Eventually consistent does not mean a day, minute or even a second from now… in most cases, it is milliseconds!”- Christos Kalantzis
  • 13. High Performance ● Cassandra is optimized from the ground up for performance: Source: DataStax.com
  • 14. High Performance ● All disk writes are sequential, append-only operations. ● No reading before writing. ● Cassandra is optimized for threading with multi-core/ processor machines.
  • 15. Potential Drawbacks? ● Some use cases are not appropriate (transient data or delete-heavy patterns). ● Developer learning curve: CQL != SQL ● Simple queries only. No JOINs or sub-queries. ● Optimal performance is achieved through de-normalizaiton and query-based data modeling.
  • 16. Cassandra moves beyond disco-era data modeling ●Everything MUST be normalized!!! ●Redundant data == “bad” ●Relational Database theory originated when disk space was expensive. In 1975 some vendors were selling disk space at $11k per MB. ●By 1980 prices “dropped” so that you could finally buy 1GB of storage for under $1 Million. ●Today I can buy a 1TB disk for $60.
  • 17. Cassandra Storage Structures ● Keyspace == Database (in the RDBMS world) CREATE KEYSPACE products WITH replication = { 'class': 'NetworkTopologyStrategy', 'RFD': '2', 'MKE': '4'}; ● Column Family == Table CREATE TABLE hierarchy ( category text, subcategory text, classification text, skumap map<uuid, text>, PRIMARY KEY (category, subcategory, classification));
  • 18. Cassandra Primary Keys ● Primary Keys are unique. ● Single Primary Key: PRIMARY KEY (keyColumn) ● Composite Primary Key: PRIMARY KEY (myPartitionKey, my1stClusteringKey, my2ndClusteringKey) ● Composite Partitioning Key: PRIMARY KEY ((my1stPartitionKey, my2ndPartitionKey), myClusteringKey)
  • 19. Cassandra Secondary Indexes ● Does allow secondary indexes. CREATE INDEX myIndex ON myTable(myNonKeyColumn) ● Designed for query convenience, not for performance. ● Does not perform well on high-cardinality columns, because you filter a huge volume of records for a small number of results. Extremely low cardinality is also not a good idea (ex: customer address [state == good, phone == bad, gender == bad]). ● Works best on a table having many rows that contain the indexed value; middle-of-the-road cardinality.
  • 20. Serenity “crew” ● Create a table to store data for the crew of “Serenity” from “Firefly.” CREATE TABLE crew ( crewname TEXT, firstname TEXT, lastname TEXT, phone TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (crewname)); crewname | firstname | lastname | phone ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Mal | Malcolm | Reynolds | 111­555­1234 Jayne | Jayne | Cobb | 111­555­3464 Sheppard | Derial | Book | 111­555­2349 Simon | Simon | Tam | 111­555­8899
  • 21. Serenity “crew” under the hood RowKey:Mal => (column, value=, timestamp=1374546754299000) => (column=firstname, value=Malcolm, timestamp=1374546754299000) => (column=lastname, value=Reynolds, timestamp=1374546754299000) => (column=phone, value=111­555­1234, timestamp=1374546754299000) RowKey:Jayne => (column, value=, timestamp=1374546757815000) => (column=firstname, value=Jayne, timestamp=1374546757815000) => (column=lastname, value=Cobb, timestamp=1374546757815000) => (column=phone, value=111­555­3464, timestamp=1374546757815000)
  • 22. Serenity “crewbyphone” ● To solve the problem of being able to query crew members by phone:” CREATE TABLE crewbyphone ( crewname TEXT, firstname TEXT, lastname TEXT, phone TEXT, PRIMARY KEY (phone,crewname)); crewname | firstname | lastname | phone ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Mal | Malcolm | Reynolds | 111­555­1234 Wash | Hoban | Washburne| 111­555­1212 Zoey | Zoey | Washburne| 111­555­1212 Jayne | Jayne | Cobb | 111­555­3464
  • 23. Serenity “crewbyphone” under the hood RowKey:111­555­1234 => (column=Mal, value=, timestamp=1374546754299000) => (column:Mal:firstname, value=Malcolm, timestamp=... => (column:Mal:lastname, value=Reynolds, timestamp=... RowKey:111­555­1212 => (column=Wash, value=, timestamp=1374546754299000) => (column=Wash:firstname, value=Hoban, timestamp=... => (column=Wash:lastname, value=Washburne, timestamp=... => (column=Zoey, value=, timestamp=1374546754299000) => (column=Zoey:firstname, value=Zoey, timestamp=... => (column=Zoey:lastname, value=Washburne, timestamp=...
  • 25. Who else Uses Cassandra?
  • 26. Cassandra Large Deployments ● 100+ nodes. 250TB of data, cluster sizes vary from 6 to 32 nodes. ● 2,500+ nodes, 420TB of data, 4 DCs, handles 1 trillion operations per day. ● 75,000+ nodes, 10s of PB of data, largest cluster 1000+ nodes.
  • 27. Additional Reading ● Amazon Dynamo paper ● Facebook Cassandra paper ● Harvest, Yield, and Scalable, Tolerant Systems - Brewer, Fox, 1999 ● DataStax grabs $106M to achieve big-dog status in database country ● http://techblog.netflix.com/2011/11/benchmarking-cassandra-scalability-on.html ● http://planetcassandra.org/blog/a-netflix-experiment-eventual-consistency-hopeful-consistency-● DataStax Documentation ● KillrVideo.com
  • 28. Getting Started ● Community site: http://planetcassandra.org ● http://datastax.com ● DataStax community edition: http://planetcassandra.org/cassandra ● DataStax startup program: http://www.datastax.com/what-we-offer/products-services/datastax-enterprise/● Apache Cassandra project site: http://cassandra.apache.org/
  • 30. Demo
  • 31. Want to work at AccuLynx? We're hiring! http://careers.stackoverflow.com/company/acculynx