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Welcome to Training!!
3 Days of intense, immersive fun learning
You will learn everything that you need to do your job effectively
Agenda Day 1 and 2 = 9a-6p & Day 3 = 9a-5p on. See Training Manual
for the Training Agenda
Your training consists of 5 parts. You must successfully complete
all 5.


Day-to-Day operations

Our MISSION is simple = Transform Lives
By making people feel young beautiful and confident
Give Excellent Medical service (give them Great Results!) &
Give Excellent Customer service (create raving fans!)


My goal is to build a place of Truth and
To contribute meaningfully to society by
making people’s (customers and
employees’) lives better
It is not easy and quick. It will take hard
work, discipline and sacrifice
You will have to work hard, save & invest
and be willing put off buying a lot of stuff
today, for a better tomorrow
About Us - Who we are

American Laser Med Spa is a group of 6 clinics in Texas and New
Mexico. We specialize in non-surgical cosmetic laser procedures

We offer the following services:
4 laser procedures
LHR = Laser Hair Removal
ii. Foto = Fotofacial / Skin Rejuvenation
iii. ST = Skin Tightening
iv. Velashape = Cellulite reduction and body
Ultrasonic facials
Cosmetic injections = Botox and Dermal Fillers - Juvederm Ultra
Plus XC
Company History (Our Story)

I was always interested in Laser Hair
Removal and non-surgical cosmetic
procedures. When a local physician
and her husband planned to move to
Dallas from Amarillo, I purchased
their clinic
Company History (Our Story)
Date Event
Aug-05 Purchased Advanced Laser Clinic Amarillo
Nov-05 Joined as licensee - American Laser Centers
Apr-06 Opened Albuquerque
Jun-06 Opened El Paso
Nov-06 Opened Tulsa
May-07 Opened Midland
Jun-07 Opened Lubbock
Jul-07 Opened Corpus Christi
Dec-08 Closed Tulsa – due to financial reasons

Parted ways with ALC. Now - American Laser Med Spa
3 Very Important Definitions

Life Time Value of a Customer
Lifetime Value of Customer
Create Customers for Life
Our goal is to build long term relationship
as their trusted friend and advisor.
Rather than just a $2K sale for today,
think of them as a customers for life.
Exchange of money for services
Focus on Transaction. Not just on sale
A transaction is not complete until they
have received ALL their services
(eg LHR – full 2 yrs, Velashape – all 6 Tx
So when we make a $2k LHR
sale, all we have done is collected a
Now we owe them Excellent Quality Service
Sale - Definition
All 3 things MUST be done to qualify
as a Sale
 All papers signed (Mindbody
receipts, Pt Pad = signed consents
& Consult papers)
 Money in the bank
 Received 1st treatment

Internal Rules


Tell us Bad news immediately
Trust but Verify
Do not come with just a problem. Come with a
solution. Be a PPS – Professional Problem
Judge people on recent performance only
Be Frugal in spending
Be a Fierce competitor
Use technology only to improve customer
happiness. Not just because it is ‘cool’
Core Values - ETHICS



Ask yourself “If this was my family member, will I
still do it? The answer has to be YES, WITHOUT A
DOUBT. If the answer is ‘maybe’ then DON’T DO IT
After you first obey all rules, ask yourself whether you
are willing to have any contemplated act appear the next
day on Facebook or Google to be read by your Friends &
Family. If you follow this test, you need not fear my
other message –
Loose Money for the clinic and I will be
understanding. Loose a shred of reputation and I
will be ruthless
Core Values – 2 Videos

Core values and Ethics Videos –
Jeff Bezos video
Warren Buffett Video

It takes $40K to pay bills and $60k to pay
equipment loans monthly
Minimum Sales Goal per month Clinic Managers Goal = $40K cash basis
Tech Goal = $10K accrual monthly
95% Customers must be Happy with results &
ZERO Burns
50% of Tech time in Treatment Room (5-10 tx
per day/per tech)
Zero – absences/tardies
Successfully implement NEW projects – eg Wish
CM Job Expectations

Meet sales goals (cash or accrual)
Daily – 5K
 Weekly – 30K
 Monthly - >100K


Do 10 consults per day – close rate
Oversee 15-30 Tx per day
Work 45 hrs/wk.
8:45am to about 6:30pm daily
CM – Report Card


Lead Measure

Lag Measure


Sales By Rep

•Meet and exceed sales
•$40K/mo cash (daily,
weekly, monthly)

Less than 40K accrual/mo


•EMR Report
•Burn Report
•SG Report

95% Happy Pts
•# of Pts seeing results
•Treat 5 pts a day

ZERO Burns & 5%
•# of BURNS
•# of Slow-Responders
•ZERO burns expected
•ALL Slow-responders

•50% Labor

Listen 360

# of Testimonials/mo

•# of Patient Complaints
•ZERO unresolved
customer complaints



Always ON-Time and
minimal Absenteeism

•# of Absences
•# of Tardies

Peer to Peer

Peer Survey

# of Compliments

# of Complaints
CM – Report Card

Lead Measure

Lag Measure

Always on top of things from
Corporate and her staff

Needs to be reminded
several times – eg clock-ins,
pulse counts

Optimized schedule
Checklist followed

•Checklists not done
•Sch not optimized
•Repeated OT

Equipment –
maintained properly and clean

Equipment Problems –
breakage due to staff

Supply Chain –
accurate quarterly
consumption, ordering and

NOT on Top of Supplies –
with inaccurate quarterly
consumption, ordering and
Tech Job Expectations



Meet sales goals (cash or accrual)
$10K accrual per Month
Treatments = 50% of your time
must go towards doing Treatments
Treat 5-10 pts/day
95% Pts Happy (>90% Improv.)
Work = 36-40 hrs/wk

(8:45am to 6pm daily for 4 to 5 days a week)
Tech Job Expectations

Quality of Work
 Good

 No Burns
 Minimal Satisfaction Guarantees

Quantity of Work
 Attendance

Report – Tardiness (coming
late or leaving early), Absenteeism
(gone for whole day)
 50% Labor Report
Tech – Report Card


Lead Measure

Lag Measure


Sales By Rep

Meet and exceed sales
goals. 10K accrual

Less than 10K accrual


•EMR Report
•Burn Report
•SG Report

95% Happy Pts
•# of Pts seeing results
•Treat 5-10 pts a day

ZERO Burns & 5%
•# of BURNS
•# of Slow-Responders
•ZERO burns expected
•Address ALL Slowresponders

•50% Labor

Listen 360

# of Testimonials/mo

•# of Patient Complaints
•ZERO unresolved
customer complaints



Always ON-Time and
minimal Absenteeism

•# of Absences
•# of Tardies

Peer to Peer

Peer Survey

# of Compliments

# of Complaints
Define who gets credit for sale



Person present when #1 and #2 above are done. i.e.
money collected and signatures obtained.
Exception – If you completed everything and pt came
in just to make the payment and sign papers and you
can prove it (your notes in contact logs, sales ticket,
sales forecast and chart notes). If there is a
disagreement between 2 staff members about who gets
credit, regional manager will break the tie.
Sales – calculated on cash basis AND accrual basis.
(Without taxes)
Since it is hard to track who gets credit for auto-pay
sales, you get full credit for the accrual sale on the
date it happens so you won’t have to worry about
tracking each future monthly auto-pay payment on
that account.
Chase financing sales go to you as cash basis
Who does Consults & Upsells


Consults – are generally done by CM’s.
Upsells - are generally done by techs.
Referrals – If a tech brings in a consult
from a referral – As much as possible, the
Tech will do the consult so she can close
the sale she has worked on and begin a
positive relationship with the new sale. If
there is a scheduling conflict then CM to
do the consult.
DO NOT reschedule consults to fit staff
schedule. The convenience factor works
the other way around.
Pmt on Account / Account Payment


For payment collected from patient for
balance due. If you (as a tech or
manager) processed this in Retail section,
note that Regional Manager or Accounting
Dept will change the Rep from your name
to ‘unassigned’. If you find a mistake
please notify us to correct it.
Put Sales Notes on bottom right side in
Retail section
Where to look at Clinic Sales & Your
Sales - ‘Sales by Rep’ report

Sales Report on our Intranet
MB Dashboard
Report >> Sales >>Sales by Rep >>choose
Accrual basis >>summary >>subtotal
We look at CASH BASIS for clinic sales
Where to look at ‘Sales by Rep’ report
MB Dashboard
Report >> Sales >>Sales by Rep >> choose cash
basis >>summary >>subtotal = Your Cash Sales
Same as above >> choose accrual basis = Your
Accrual Sales
Always Verify accuracy to avoid losing


If you don’t tell us about a mistake
within 48 hrs you loose credit and we
won’t change it thereafter.
Eg .you made a $3000 sale but it was
accidentally assigned to another tech. If
you fail to notify us within 48 hrs (except
on Sat – notify by Tue), you will loose
credit for that entire sale and the sale will
be credited to ‘unassigned’ so please
watch your “Sales by Rep” report
Staff Purchase & Staff Treatment

Staff Treatment –

Guidelines for Employees treating each other (even for training purposes)


Notify and get permission from Regional Manager
Both employees must be off the clock (unless permitted
for training)
Treatment preferably done outside of clinic hours
Cannot interfere with paying patients
The treatment receiving employee must be treated just
like any other pt i.e.
 Consents & Patient Pad must be accurate
 Must have EMR notes
 Must be on MB schedule - Check out as ‘comp’

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Introduction by Dr K

  • 1. INTRODUCTION BY DR KANASE      Welcome to Training!! 3 Days of intense, immersive fun learning You will learn everything that you need to do your job effectively Agenda Day 1 and 2 = 9a-6p & Day 3 = 9a-5p on. See Training Manual for the Training Agenda Your training consists of 5 parts. You must successfully complete all 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.    Medical Sales Day-to-Day operations IT Marketing Our MISSION is simple = Transform Lives By making people feel young beautiful and confident Give Excellent Medical service (give them Great Results!) & Give Excellent Customer service (create raving fans!)
  • 2. INTRODUCTION BY DR KANASE     My goal is to build a place of Truth and Happiness To contribute meaningfully to society by making people’s (customers and employees’) lives better It is not easy and quick. It will take hard work, discipline and sacrifice You will have to work hard, save & invest and be willing put off buying a lot of stuff today, for a better tomorrow
  • 3. About Us - Who we are   http://www.americanlaser-medspa.com/about-us American Laser Med Spa is a group of 6 clinics in Texas and New Mexico. We specialize in non-surgical cosmetic laser procedures We offer the following services: 1. 4 laser procedures i. LHR = Laser Hair Removal ii. Foto = Fotofacial / Skin Rejuvenation iii. ST = Skin Tightening iv. Velashape = Cellulite reduction and body reshaping/contouring 2. Ultrasonic facials 3. Cosmetic injections = Botox and Dermal Fillers - Juvederm Ultra Plus XC
  • 4. Company History (Our Story)  I was always interested in Laser Hair Removal and non-surgical cosmetic procedures. When a local physician and her husband planned to move to Dallas from Amarillo, I purchased their clinic
  • 5. Company History (Our Story) Date Event Aug-05 Purchased Advanced Laser Clinic Amarillo Nov-05 Joined as licensee - American Laser Centers Apr-06 Opened Albuquerque Jun-06 Opened El Paso Nov-06 Opened Tulsa May-07 Opened Midland Jun-07 Opened Lubbock Jul-07 Opened Corpus Christi Dec-08 Closed Tulsa – due to financial reasons June-11 Parted ways with ALC. Now - American Laser Med Spa
  • 6. 3 Very Important Definitions    Life Time Value of a Customer Transaction Sale
  • 7. Lifetime Value of Customer Create Customers for Life Our goal is to build long term relationship as their trusted friend and advisor. Rather than just a $2K sale for today, think of them as a customers for life.
  • 8. Transaction Exchange of money for services Focus on Transaction. Not just on sale A transaction is not complete until they have received ALL their services (eg LHR – full 2 yrs, Velashape – all 6 Tx received). So when we make a $2k LHR sale, all we have done is collected a ‘deposit’. Now we owe them Excellent Quality Service
  • 9. Sale - Definition All 3 things MUST be done to qualify as a Sale  All papers signed (Mindbody receipts, Pt Pad = signed consents & Consult papers)  Money in the bank  Received 1st treatment
  • 11. Internal Rules 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Tell us Bad news immediately Trust but Verify Do not come with just a problem. Come with a solution. Be a PPS – Professional Problem Solver Judge people on recent performance only Be Frugal in spending Be a Fierce competitor Use technology only to improve customer happiness. Not just because it is ‘cool’
  • 12. Core Values - ETHICS    Ask yourself “If this was my family member, will I still do it? The answer has to be YES, WITHOUT A DOUBT. If the answer is ‘maybe’ then DON’T DO IT After you first obey all rules, ask yourself whether you are willing to have any contemplated act appear the next day on Facebook or Google to be read by your Friends & Family. If you follow this test, you need not fear my other message – Loose Money for the clinic and I will be understanding. Loose a shred of reputation and I will be ruthless
  • 13. Core Values – 2 Videos    Core values and Ethics Videos – Jeff Bezos video Warren Buffett Video
  • 14. DO I KNOW WHAT IS EXPECTED OF ME?         It takes $40K to pay bills and $60k to pay equipment loans monthly Minimum Sales Goal per month Clinic Managers Goal = $40K cash basis monthly Tech Goal = $10K accrual monthly 95% Customers must be Happy with results & ZERO Burns 50% of Tech time in Treatment Room (5-10 tx per day/per tech) Zero – absences/tardies Successfully implement NEW projects – eg Wish Lists
  • 15. CM Job Expectations  Meet sales goals (cash or accrual) Daily – 5K  Weekly – 30K  Monthly - >100K     Do 10 consults per day – close rate 70% Oversee 15-30 Tx per day Work 45 hrs/wk. 8:45am to about 6:30pm daily
  • 16. CM – Report Card Criteria Report Lead Measure Lag Measure Sales Sales By Rep Report •Meet and exceed sales goals •$40K/mo cash (daily, weekly, monthly) Less than 40K accrual/mo Medical •EMR Report •Burn Report •SG Report 95% Happy Pts •# of Pts seeing results •Treat 5 pts a day ZERO Burns & 5% Slow-Responders •# of BURNS •# of Slow-Responders •ZERO burns expected •ALL Slow-responders addressed •50% Labor Report Customer Service Listen 360 # of Testimonials/mo •# of Patient Complaints •ZERO unresolved customer complaints Attendance Attendance Report Always ON-Time and minimal Absenteeism •# of Absences •# of Tardies Peer to Peer Relations Peer Survey Report # of Compliments # of Complaints
  • 17. CM – Report Card Communication/ Management Lead Measure Lag Measure Always on top of things from Corporate and her staff Needs to be reminded several times – eg clock-ins, pulse counts ZERO OT Optimized schedule Checklist followed •Checklists not done •Sch not optimized •Repeated OT Equipment – maintained properly and clean Equipment Problems – breakage due to staff negligence Supply Chain – accurate quarterly consumption, ordering and receiving NOT on Top of Supplies – with inaccurate quarterly consumption, ordering and receiving
  • 18. Tech Job Expectations      Meet sales goals (cash or accrual) $10K accrual per Month Treatments = 50% of your time must go towards doing Treatments Treat 5-10 pts/day 95% Pts Happy (>90% Improv.) Work = 36-40 hrs/wk (8:45am to 6pm daily for 4 to 5 days a week)
  • 19. Tech Job Expectations  Quality of Work  Good Results  No Burns  Minimal Satisfaction Guarantees  Quantity of Work  Attendance Report – Tardiness (coming late or leaving early), Absenteeism (gone for whole day)  50% Labor Report
  • 20. Tech – Report Card Criteria Report Lead Measure Lag Measure Sales Sales By Rep Report Meet and exceed sales goals. 10K accrual monthly Less than 10K accrual basis Medical •EMR Report •Burn Report •SG Report 95% Happy Pts •# of Pts seeing results •Treat 5-10 pts a day ZERO Burns & 5% Slow-Responders •# of BURNS •# of Slow-Responders •ZERO burns expected •Address ALL Slowresponders •50% Labor Report Customer Service Listen 360 # of Testimonials/mo •# of Patient Complaints •ZERO unresolved customer complaints Attendance Attendance Report Always ON-Time and minimal Absenteeism •# of Absences •# of Tardies Peer to Peer Relations Peer Survey Report # of Compliments # of Complaints
  • 21. Define who gets credit for sale      Person present when #1 and #2 above are done. i.e. money collected and signatures obtained. Exception – If you completed everything and pt came in just to make the payment and sign papers and you can prove it (your notes in contact logs, sales ticket, sales forecast and chart notes). If there is a disagreement between 2 staff members about who gets credit, regional manager will break the tie. Sales – calculated on cash basis AND accrual basis. (Without taxes) Since it is hard to track who gets credit for auto-pay sales, you get full credit for the accrual sale on the date it happens so you won’t have to worry about tracking each future monthly auto-pay payment on that account. Chase financing sales go to you as cash basis
  • 22. Who does Consults & Upsells     Consults – are generally done by CM’s. Upsells - are generally done by techs. Referrals – If a tech brings in a consult from a referral – As much as possible, the Tech will do the consult so she can close the sale she has worked on and begin a positive relationship with the new sale. If there is a scheduling conflict then CM to do the consult. DO NOT reschedule consults to fit staff schedule. The convenience factor works the other way around.
  • 23. Pmt on Account / Account Payment   For payment collected from patient for balance due. If you (as a tech or manager) processed this in Retail section, note that Regional Manager or Accounting Dept will change the Rep from your name to ‘unassigned’. If you find a mistake please notify us to correct it. Put Sales Notes on bottom right side in Retail section
  • 24. Where to look at Clinic Sales & Your Sales - ‘Sales by Rep’ report         Sales Report on our Intranet MB Dashboard Report >> Sales >>Sales by Rep >>choose Accrual basis >>summary >>subtotal We look at CASH BASIS for clinic sales performance Where to look at ‘Sales by Rep’ report MB Dashboard Report >> Sales >>Sales by Rep >> choose cash basis >>summary >>subtotal = Your Cash Sales Same as above >> choose accrual basis = Your Accrual Sales
  • 25. Always Verify accuracy to avoid losing credit   If you don’t tell us about a mistake within 48 hrs you loose credit and we won’t change it thereafter. Eg .you made a $3000 sale but it was accidentally assigned to another tech. If you fail to notify us within 48 hrs (except on Sat – notify by Tue), you will loose credit for that entire sale and the sale will be credited to ‘unassigned’ so please watch your “Sales by Rep” report carefully.
  • 26. Staff Purchase & Staff Treatment  Staff Treatment – Guidelines for Employees treating each other (even for training purposes)      Notify and get permission from Regional Manager Both employees must be off the clock (unless permitted for training) Treatment preferably done outside of clinic hours Cannot interfere with paying patients The treatment receiving employee must be treated just like any other pt i.e.  Consents & Patient Pad must be accurate  Must have EMR notes  Must be on MB schedule - Check out as ‘comp’