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An Introduction to OSGi

               Alexandre Alves
                June 24, 2008
Short Bio

Employed by Oracle Corp.
 Previously   at BEA Systems

Architect for WebLogic Event Server (rebranded into
Oracle CEP)
 Light-weight   application server just for event processing
 Completely   built on top of Equinox/OSGi and completely

OASIS BPEL 2.0 spec committee


The OSGi Alliance is an independent non-profit
 Deutsche Telekom, Nokia, Samsung, etc
 IBM, Oracle, IONA, etc

OSGi technology is the dynamic module system for Java
 Firstrelease in May 2000
 Latest version 4.1 was released in May 2007

OSGi technology provides a
 service-oriented,
 component-based   environment for developers
 and offers standardized ways to manage the software


Problem Domain
   In large and complex systems, different components need to evolve
       Developed by different teams
       Re-used from other products
       Some components need more patches than others

Solution Domain
  Organize components as independent versioned modules
       Modules define public interface and dependencies
       Design and implement for re-use!
 Bind   modules dynamically and verify constraints

Dynamic module system for Java
 Java does not define the concept of a module
 Closest to it would be a JAR

     Has no clear definition of its interfaces, dependencies, or
Dynamic module system for Java
 One   can load new classes into a Class-Loader, but cannot
 No standard way of loading new features into a running
     Different technology/vendors have different approaches
     (e.g. JBI, J2EE)

OSGi Framework Layered Architecture

The Framework is split up into
different layers
 Execution    Environment – the VM                                Bundles
 Module   Layer – Module system                                                             Services

  for the Java Platform
 Lifecycle   Layer – Dynamic
  support                                                                                     Module
 Service Layer – Module
                                                                        Execution Environment
                                                                                            OS + Hardware

            © 2008 by IBM Corp and Code 9; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 2008
Execution Environment

Execution Environment
 The VM used to launch the
  Framework                                                      Bundles
 The  OSGi specification originated                                                       Services
  on the J2ME platform

 Framework    implementations can
  scale down to small devices and                                                           Module
  scale up to large server
  environments                                                        Execution Environment

                                                                                          OS + Hardware

          © 2008 by IBM Corp and Code 9; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 2008
Module Layer

Module system for the Java
 Enforces    visibility rules                                      Bundles
 Dependency         management                                                               Services

 Supports versioning of bundles,                                                             Lifecycle
  the OSGi modules
Sophisticated modularity
framework                                                                Execution Environment
 provides for class space
                                                                                             OS + Hardware
  consistency for bundles
 supportsmultiple versions of
  packages and bundles

             © 2008 by IBM Corp and Code 9; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 2008
Lifecycle Layer

Lifecycle Layer provides API to
manage bundles
 Installing
 Starting                                                                                    Services

 Stopping
 Updating
 Uninstalling
 All   dynamically supported at runtime                                 Execution Environment

                                                                                             OS + Hardware

             © 2008 by IBM Corp and Code 9; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 2008
Service Layer

Provides an in-VM service model
 Services
         can be registered and
  consumed inside a VM                                              Bundles
 Again   all operations are dynamic                                                          Services

 Extensive  support for notification of                                                      Lifecycle
  the service lifecycle

                                                                         Execution Environment

                                                                                             OS + Hardware

             © 2008 by IBM Corp and Code 9; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 2008
Key Concepts

For most users, there are really just two main concepts to
 Bundles

      Supported by Execution Environment, Module, and
      Lifecycle layers

 Services

      Supported by the Lifecycle and Service layers

Bundle as Module

OSGi technology’s modularity unit
 Or,   in enterprise terms, OSGi technology’s deployment unit
 Again,   main advantage of bundles is to achieve better re-use

Regular JAR file
 Java   code
 Resources
 OSGi    specific entries in MANIFEST.MF
Bundle Definition


   Bundle-SymbolicName:        Bundle-Classpath:
   Bundle-Version:             Bundle-Activator:

   Import-Package:
   Export-Package:

        export-package                 import-package
Importing and Exporting Packages

 Explicit   dependency model
      Rigid documentation of public interface of module, which
      can be shared amongst development teams
      Helps with build automation (don’t under-estimate the
      effort of building large systems)
 Allows     dynamic selection (i.e. resolve) of dependencies
      Allows framework to find best suitable provider of a
      Allows framework to dynamically change provider, useful
      for patching system
Bundle Versioning

 Import-Package:   com.acme.foo;version="[, 2.1)“
  ==> <= version < 2.1

 Import-Package:   com.acme.foo;version="“
  ==> <= version < ∞

 Import-Package:   com.acme.foo;version="1.0“
  ==> <= version < ∞
Importing and Exporting Packages

Attribute matching
    Declarative way of influencing resolving

    Example:
         Bundle A: Import-Package:

         Bundle B: Export-Package: com.acme.foo

         Bundle C: Export-Package: com.acme.foo;
Bundle Life-cycle

 Framework    has bits installed
 Framework    has resolved all dependencies successfully
 Framework    is starting bundle, and invokes registered
  activators in the process
 Bundle   is running
 Framework    is shutting down bundle, and invokes registered
  activators in the process
Bundle Activation

Use Bundle Activator to:
 Contribute   to start and stop of bundle
 Allows   bundle to manage resources (e.g. start thread, read
 Specify   Bundle-Activator and import org.osgi.framework
 Should    perform work async, or return quickly
 Provides   bundle implementer access to BundleContext object

Note-worthy: there is no standard way of installing/un-
installing bundle from remote agent
Bundle Activation

Bundle-SymbolicName: example.mybundle
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
Bundle-Activator: example.MyBundleActivator
Import-Package: org.osgi.framework

public class MyBundleActivator implements BundleActivator {
    public void start(BundleContext c) {
      // Initialize
    public void stop(BundleContext c) {
      // Shutdown
Bundle Activation

Another approach is to use Spring-DM
 Specify   bundle as a Spring-DM application context
       Spring-Context: META-INF/spring-context.xml

 Use   standard Spring-bean life-cycle interfaces

 By   default, context is created asynchronously

IMO, cleaner and simpler
Bundle Activation

Bundle-SymbolicName: example.mybundle
Bundle-Version: 1.0.0
Spring-Context: META-INF/spring-context.xml

<bean id=“bundleBean” class=“example.myBundleBean”
 init-method=“init” destroy-method=“destroy” />


SOA deals with programming-in-the-large
 Interaction
           between system components (e.g. WS-clients and
  WS-providers through WSDL)

OSGi Service Layer allows one to bring SOA concepts
(e.g. re-use, implementation abstraction) into the system
component implementation level (e.g. programming-in-the-

Main benefit: de-coupling of interface and implementation
allows the selection of different implementation providers
 Authentication/Authorization   providers: LDAP, file-system
Service Definition

Services are regular Java classes
   No need to implement technology-specific interfaces

A Service is made of three components:
  Service name(s)

 Service  implementation

 Service   (reference) properties (optional)
       String property type = (‘file-system” | ‘ldap”)
Service Interaction

Service-provider bundles:
 Register service name(s), implementation, and properties into
  a Service Registry

Service-consumer bundles:
 Query   Service Registry for a particular service name(s)
     May do additional filtering by properties
 Communicates through returned class/interface, does not see

Service Registry:
 Similar   to a map of services
Service Registration

AuthenticationService serviceImpl = new
Dictionary properties = new Dictionary();
properties.put(“type”, “LDAP”);
ServiceRegistration reference =
       new String [] {AuthenticationService.class.getName()},
Service Registration

 Or alternatively using Spring-DM:

<bean name=“ldapService”
 class=“LDAPAuthenticationServiceImpl” />
<osgi:service ref=“ldapService“
   <beans:entry key=“type" value=“LDAP"/>
Referencing Services

ServiceReference reference =

AuthenticationService service =
Referencing Services


<osgi:reference id=“authenService"
Services are Dynamic

Services are dynamic, they may come and go
 Service   reference/service may be null/stale
 Should    not cache references

ServiceListener used to keep track
 ServiceTracker   raises the ServiceListener abstraction

Spring-DM proxies services, and will do the right thing


 Understand   that it is more work to create a modular solution,
  but it pays off long-term

 Very   large Import-Packages
 Non-intuitive   Import-Packages
     Hard to get correct when reflection is used (e.g. Kodo)

 Hard   to debug complex class-path resolving
      instanceof just fails sometimes…
 Service   availability race-conditions
      Client applications referencing to services that have not
      been bound it
      Particularly a problem during start-up

Certain features are missing or too hard to use:
 Security,   Configuration support, Transaction support

Many framework implementations
 Equinox   – Open source
 Felix   – Open source
 Knopflerfish     – Open source
 Concierge     – Open source
 ProSyst

Spring Dynamic Modules for OSGi
All Eclipse-based systems run on Equinox
 Runtimes    (e.g., RAP, Swordfish, Riena, ECF, EclipseLink)
 RCP,    eRCP
 Tooling

            © 2008 by IBM Corp and Code 9; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 2008

Equinox OSGi as a component runtime
Consistent programming model from embedded to server
Reuse components across the spectrum

                                                       Rational Suite                   WAS
   eRCP                                                Borland                          BEA
                       Swiss Rail
   Nokia                                               BEA                              Jazz
   Sprint                                              Jazz                             Spring

 Embedded              Rich Client                         Tooling                          Server

            © 2008 by IBM Corp and Code 9; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 2008
Lessons Learned when using OSGi

There are always opportunities for re-use
  Re-use within organization
  Re-use of standard services

        HTTP Service
        Service Tracker
        Initial Provisioning
        Declarative Services using Spring-DM
        Start Level Service
Modularize at all levels
    WL-EvS programming model itself is a separate bundle, de-coupled
     from other services, which means WL-EvS could in theory support
     other programming models, such as SCA, etc.

 Several    different implementations are available

 Proven    technology
 Over   8 years-old (versus JSR-277/294)

 Bundles:    re-usability
 Service:   flexibility, extensibility

         Alexandre Alves

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Introduction to OSGi

  • 1. An Introduction to OSGi Alexandre Alves June 24, 2008
  • 2. Short Bio Employed by Oracle Corp.  Previously at BEA Systems Architect for WebLogic Event Server (rebranded into Oracle CEP)  Light-weight application server just for event processing  Completely built on top of Equinox/OSGi and completely modular OASIS BPEL 2.0 spec committee
  • 4. History The OSGi Alliance is an independent non-profit corporation  Deutsche Telekom, Nokia, Samsung, etc  IBM, Oracle, IONA, etc OSGi technology is the dynamic module system for Java  Firstrelease in May 2000  Latest version 4.1 was released in May 2007 OSGi technology provides a  service-oriented,  component-based environment for developers  and offers standardized ways to manage the software lifecycle.
  • 6. Benefits Problem Domain  In large and complex systems, different components need to evolve separately Developed by different teams Re-used from other products Some components need more patches than others Solution Domain  Organize components as independent versioned modules Modules define public interface and dependencies Design and implement for re-use!  Bind modules dynamically and verify constraints
  • 7. Benefits Dynamic module system for Java  Java does not define the concept of a module  Closest to it would be a JAR Has no clear definition of its interfaces, dependencies, or version Dynamic module system for Java  One can load new classes into a Class-Loader, but cannot un-load  No standard way of loading new features into a running platform Different technology/vendors have different approaches (e.g. JBI, J2EE)
  • 9. OSGi Framework Layered Architecture The Framework is split up into different layers  Execution Environment – the VM Bundles  Module Layer – Module system Services Security for the Java Platform Lifecycle  Lifecycle Layer – Dynamic support Module  Service Layer – Module Execution Environment collaboration OS + Hardware © 2008 by IBM Corp and Code 9; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 2008
  • 10. Execution Environment Execution Environment  The VM used to launch the Framework Bundles  The OSGi specification originated Services on the J2ME platform Security Lifecycle  Framework implementations can scale down to small devices and Module scale up to large server environments Execution Environment OS + Hardware © 2008 by IBM Corp and Code 9; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 2008
  • 11. Module Layer Module system for the Java Platform  Enforces visibility rules Bundles  Dependency management Services Security  Supports versioning of bundles, Lifecycle the OSGi modules Module Sophisticated modularity framework Execution Environment  provides for class space OS + Hardware consistency for bundles  supportsmultiple versions of packages and bundles © 2008 by IBM Corp and Code 9; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 2008
  • 12. Lifecycle Layer Lifecycle Layer provides API to manage bundles  Installing Bundles  Starting Services Security  Stopping Lifecycle  Updating Module  Uninstalling  All dynamically supported at runtime Execution Environment OS + Hardware © 2008 by IBM Corp and Code 9; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 2008
  • 13. Service Layer Provides an in-VM service model  Services can be registered and consumed inside a VM Bundles  Again all operations are dynamic Services Security  Extensive support for notification of Lifecycle the service lifecycle Module Execution Environment OS + Hardware © 2008 by IBM Corp and Code 9; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 2008
  • 14. Key Concepts For most users, there are really just two main concepts to learn  Bundles Supported by Execution Environment, Module, and Lifecycle layers  Services Supported by the Lifecycle and Service layers
  • 16. Bundle as Module OSGi technology’s modularity unit  Or, in enterprise terms, OSGi technology’s deployment unit  Again, main advantage of bundles is to achieve better re-use Regular JAR file  Java code  Resources  OSGi specific entries in MANIFEST.MF
  • 17. Bundle Definition MANIFEST.MF  Bundle-SymbolicName:  Bundle-Classpath:  Bundle-Version:  Bundle-Activator:  Import-Package:  Export-Package: export-package import-package bundle
  • 18. Importing and Exporting Packages Import-Package/Export-Package  Explicit dependency model Rigid documentation of public interface of module, which can be shared amongst development teams Helps with build automation (don’t under-estimate the effort of building large systems)  Allows dynamic selection (i.e. resolve) of dependencies Allows framework to find best suitable provider of a feature Allows framework to dynamically change provider, useful for patching system
  • 19. Bundle Versioning Versioning  Import-Package: com.acme.foo;version="[, 2.1)“ ==> <= version < 2.1  Import-Package: com.acme.foo;version="“ ==> <= version < ∞  Import-Package: com.acme.foo;version="1.0“ ==> <= version < ∞
  • 20. Importing and Exporting Packages Attribute matching  Declarative way of influencing resolving  Example: Bundle A: Import-Package: com.acme.foo;company=ACME Bundle B: Export-Package: com.acme.foo Bundle C: Export-Package: com.acme.foo; company="ACME";
  • 21. Bundle Life-cycle INSTALLED:  Framework has bits installed RESOLVED:  Framework has resolved all dependencies successfully STARTING:  Framework is starting bundle, and invokes registered activators in the process ACTIVE:  Bundle is running STOPPING:  Framework is shutting down bundle, and invokes registered activators in the process
  • 22. Bundle Activation Use Bundle Activator to:  Contribute to start and stop of bundle  Allows bundle to manage resources (e.g. start thread, read file)  Specify Bundle-Activator and import org.osgi.framework  Should perform work async, or return quickly  Provides bundle implementer access to BundleContext object Note-worthy: there is no standard way of installing/un- installing bundle from remote agent
  • 23. Bundle Activation Bundle-SymbolicName: example.mybundle Bundle-Version: 1.0.0 Bundle-Activator: example.MyBundleActivator Import-Package: org.osgi.framework public class MyBundleActivator implements BundleActivator { public void start(BundleContext c) { // Initialize } public void stop(BundleContext c) { // Shutdown } }
  • 24. Bundle Activation Another approach is to use Spring-DM  Specify bundle as a Spring-DM application context Spring-Context: META-INF/spring-context.xml  Use standard Spring-bean life-cycle interfaces InitializingBean DisposableBean  By default, context is created asynchronously IMO, cleaner and simpler
  • 25. Bundle Activation Bundle-SymbolicName: example.mybundle Bundle-Version: 1.0.0 Spring-Context: META-INF/spring-context.xml Import-Package: <bean id=“bundleBean” class=“example.myBundleBean” init-method=“init” destroy-method=“destroy” />
  • 27. Services SOA deals with programming-in-the-large  Interaction between system components (e.g. WS-clients and WS-providers through WSDL) OSGi Service Layer allows one to bring SOA concepts (e.g. re-use, implementation abstraction) into the system component implementation level (e.g. programming-in-the- small) Main benefit: de-coupling of interface and implementation allows the selection of different implementation providers  Authentication/Authorization providers: LDAP, file-system
  • 28. Service Definition Services are regular Java classes  No need to implement technology-specific interfaces A Service is made of three components:  Service name(s) “example.AuthenticationService”  Service implementation example.LDAPAuthenticationServiceImpl  Service (reference) properties (optional) String property type = (‘file-system” | ‘ldap”)
  • 29. Service Interaction Service-provider bundles:  Register service name(s), implementation, and properties into a Service Registry Service-consumer bundles:  Query Service Registry for a particular service name(s) May do additional filtering by properties  Communicates through returned class/interface, does not see implementation Service Registry:  Similar to a map of services
  • 30. Service Registration AuthenticationService serviceImpl = new LDAPAuthenticationServiceImpl(); Dictionary properties = new Dictionary(); properties.put(“type”, “LDAP”); ServiceRegistration reference = bundleContext.registerService( new String [] {AuthenticationService.class.getName()}, serviceImpl, properties);
  • 31. Service Registration Or alternatively using Spring-DM: <bean name=“ldapService” class=“LDAPAuthenticationServiceImpl” /> <osgi:service ref=“ldapService“ interface="example.AuthenticationService"> <osgi:service-properties> <beans:entry key=“type" value=“LDAP"/> </osgi:service-properties> </osgi:service>
  • 32. Referencing Services ServiceReference reference = bundleContext.getServiceReference( AuthenticationService.class.getName()); AuthenticationService service = (AuthenticationService) bundleContext.getService(reference);
  • 33. Referencing Services Or <osgi:reference id=“authenService" interface="example.AuthenticationService"/>
  • 34. Services are Dynamic Services are dynamic, they may come and go  Service reference/service may be null/stale  Should not cache references ServiceListener used to keep track  ServiceTracker raises the ServiceListener abstraction Spring-DM proxies services, and will do the right thing
  • 36. Challenges Mind-set:  Understand that it is more work to create a modular solution, but it pays off long-term Design-time:  Very large Import-Packages Error-prone  Non-intuitive Import-Packages Hard to get correct when reflection is used (e.g. Kodo)
  • 37. Challenges Runtime:  Hard to debug complex class-path resolving instanceof just fails sometimes…  Service availability race-conditions Client applications referencing to services that have not been bound it Particularly a problem during start-up Certain features are missing or too hard to use:  Security, Configuration support, Transaction support
  • 38. Adoption Many framework implementations  Equinox – Open source  Felix – Open source  Knopflerfish – Open source  Concierge – Open source  ProSyst Spring Dynamic Modules for OSGi All Eclipse-based systems run on Equinox  Runtimes (e.g., RAP, Swordfish, Riena, ECF, EclipseLink)  RCP, eRCP  Tooling © 2008 by IBM Corp and Code 9; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 2008
  • 39. Adoption Equinox OSGi as a component runtime Consistent programming model from embedded to server Reuse components across the spectrum NASA RAP JPMorgan Swordfish Lotus Riena Jazz Rational Suite WAS SAS eRCP Borland BEA Swiss Rail Nokia BEA Jazz Daimler Sprint Jazz Spring Riena Embedded Rich Client Tooling Server © 2008 by IBM Corp and Code 9; made available under the EPL v1.0 | March 2008
  • 40. Lessons Learned when using OSGi There are always opportunities for re-use  Re-use within organization  Re-use of standard services HTTP Service Service Tracker Initial Provisioning Declarative Services using Spring-DM Start Level Service Modularize at all levels  WL-EvS programming model itself is a separate bundle, de-coupled from other services, which means WL-EvS could in theory support other programming models, such as SCA, etc.
  • 41. Conclusion Standard  Several different implementations are available Mature  Proven technology  Over 8 years-old (versus JSR-277/294) Key-concepts  Bundles: re-usability  Service: flexibility, extensibility
  • 42. Q/A Alexandre Alves alex.alves@oracle.com