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Introduction To A Compare And Contrast
Writing an essay on the topic of "Introduction to a Compare and Contrast Essay" can present its
own set of challenges. Crafting an effective introduction requires a keen understanding of the
subject matter, a clear grasp of the purpose of a compare and contrast essay, and the ability to
engage the reader from the very beginning.
One difficulty lies in finding the right balance between providing enough context for the reader
to understand the subjects being compared and contrasted and maintaining brevity to keep the
introduction concise and focused. The introduction should offer a preview of the main points
without revealing too much, encouraging readers to delve further into the essay.
Additionally, ensuring a smooth transition from the introduction to the body of the essay poses
another challenge. The introduction should not only capture the reader's attention but also set the
stage for a seamless transition into the comparative analysis of the chosen subjects.
Moreover, selecting an appropriate thesis statement—one that encapsulates the essence of the
comparison and contrast—is crucial. This requires a thorough understanding of the similarities
and differences between the subjects and the ability to articulate a concise and compelling
While the task may seem daunting, breaking it down into smaller steps, such as outlining key
points and organizing thoughts coherently, can help simplify the process. Nevertheless, achieving
a well-crafted introduction to a compare and contrast essay demands careful consideration of
language, structure, and the overall message to be conveyed.
In conclusion, navigating the intricacies of composing an introduction for a compare and
contrast essay can be challenging, requiring a thoughtful approach and a deep understanding of
the subject matter. However, with dedication and careful planning, one can overcome these
challenges to create an engaging and effective introduction.
If you find yourself struggling with such tasks, it's worth noting that there are resources available
to provide assistance. Similar essays and a variety of writing services can be explored on
platforms like HelpWriting.net, where experts can guide and support you in tackling complex
writing assignments.
Introduction To A Compare And Contrast EssayIntroduction To A Compare And Contrast Essay


Suffering In Buddhism Research Paper
Daniel Mora
Professor Leontov
World Religions
August 2, 2015
Suffering in Buddhism and Hinduism
The concept that all life is suffering directly to the Hindu and Buddhist teachings have
a lot in common, but they are two different religions that have different belies and
teachings for their religion. They both use the same word dukkha in order to describe
their way of suffering, but their meaning of suffering has a small difference.
When it comes to Buddhism you are born into suffering and that your task is to find
a solution for serving. In Buddhism dukkha as it is described by the Four Noble
Truth s is that we are always suffering in this life we live in. We don t always get
what we want and in order for us to get what we want. The problem ... Show more
content on Helpwriting.net ...
Hinduism suffering is just a part of life and so which means that suffering is natural
to the Hindu religion. For example in Hinduism dukkha means that physical, mental
and emotional instability and afflictions arise from the dualities and modifications of
the mind and body. Hinduism has its Caste System where it gives their people orders
of how to live their life.
The Caste System has four different types of groups where the groups have
different meanings and people don t get to choose which type of group they want,
because they are born into it. This system had a lot of people suffering, because
they didn t have any freedom to do what they want or be what they wanted.
Brahmins belong to the highest caste. They are priests and scholars. Kshatryas are
soldiers and warriors. Vaisyas are merchants and professionals. Sudras are the lowest
cast. They are labors and


Phillip Spencers Monologue
Krista, you might want to come in here and see this! Jane shouted from the living
room of her sister s home after having just turned on the television set. Your son is
on TV. What? Krista replied from the kitchen. Phillip... have they found Phillip? she
asked ever hopeful as she came running up. No, it s Russell, Jane said. Russell was
on the television. Live coverage of the Volunteers Day festival had been interrupted
when the commotion of yet another event was taking place up on the town hall s
rooftop. On screen the camerafocused squarely in on Russell who was holding a
scrawny, long haired gentleman by his shirt collar as he forcefully leaned him
over the edge of the roof s retaining wall. Russell was clearly looking over his
shoulder as if speaking to someone behind him. The camera then slowly moved and
panned in catching a glimpse of who it may be. A woman and several officers stood
close to Russell... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Hello, to all of you in West Chester Grove where I m from. The state of New York,
New American, and even the entire world, I guess. My name is Phillip Spencer
and many of you may now know me as the boy who disappeared from the world
after leaping from the rooftop of West Chester Grove s town hall. I would like to
just say that I am fine, and that I m coming to you today from the other side. From
a world many of you only know as being that of an impossibility... a world that of
the volunteers. Phillip paused after he said where he was located and broadcasting
from, the very thought had momentarily even struck him as funny. An impossibility.
Leland motioned him with hand to keep going. I don t know how long I have here,
said Phillip unsure of where to go with his feelings. They may be trying to shut this
transmission down as I speak, he said. And, when I say they I mean the


The Aesthetics of Passion and Betrayal Essay
The Aesthetics of Passion and Betrayal In The Passion of Joan of Arc, Carl
Theodor Dreyer uses the visuality of spatial relationships in each shot with the
human face and its ability to convey unspoken emotion in his portrayal of the
demise of Joan of Arc. Unlike most film, the message is almost entirely told by just
the eyes and expressions of the actors. There is very little reliance upon props and
background. The camera angles and close up shooting accentuate emotions and
reactions. The editing style is almost methodic in keeping the emotional pace; it is
much like an argument, alternating images of Joans tenacity, and the judges contempt.
The artistic elements of the film are found in the subtle elements of the setting in...
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The overall stylization of the film s world can be taken to indicate the state of Joan s
consciousness with the flat spaces and shifting angles and framing.
The methodology used in shooting the film also holds metaphorical significance.
There is a great feeling of uncertainty created by the lack of accurate depth. With all
the shots so close up and backgrounds devoid of angles, color, and reference points,
everything on the screen is placed in the same plane visually. The lighting is also
deceptive since there are few definitive shadows cast to give definition to depth.
The Passion of Joan of Arc is not without geometric motifs however. It is noticeably
evident that even though there are few well defined lines in the sets, when lines do
appear, they appear as a pair of lines intersecting in sharp angles. This is suggestive
of the sharp difference in Joan s viewpoint with that of her judges.
The eerily evil presence of the judges is due in part to the camera angles. The
action of a scene is rarely centered and the action position jumps around from scene
to scene. Mocking grins from the upper left corner and judges leaving Joan s cell in
the bottom left corner. Also, the low camera angles make the judges appear larger
and more looming. They appear sheared off at the chest, making them seem to float
and glide instead


Neuroenhancing Drugs By Margaret Talbot Summary
In her article, Brain Gain: The Underground World of Neuroenhancing Drugs,
Margaret Talbot discuss the use of different drugs like Adderall, to boost their
productivity. She s writing to people from college up to people who have 9 to 5
office jobs. She uses her essay to not be on one side or the other, but to analyze
both points of view. She never puts in, or implies, that she has had a personal
experience, and her background doesn t give her much credibility to speak on the
matter to people who already have an opinion on it themselves. Talbot uses anecdotes
to...and she uses statistics. But her thesis strays away from what she was indicating
about the drugs. Talbot strongly believes that we are headed in a society where we
re even more over worked and driven by technology than we already are, and where
we have to take drugs to keep up; a society where we give children academic
steroids along with their daily vitamins (pg. 13). She uses her thesis as the only time
where she put her actual opinion, unlike in the rest of the article where she just states
facts and experiences of others without her input. The thesis statement comes towards
the end of the article, so the beginning seems like she s actually for people using the
drugbecause she never really talks bad and puts mostly good experiences in there.
When she gives her opinion, the tone kind of shift from a do it if it works to a more
think of the consequences attitude. The audiencethat is for it and really intrigued in
the article, are taken back a bit because of her blatant out of nowhere statement of
how this is a society [she s] not sure [she] wants to live in (pg. 13). This is almost
the opposite of what she was implying earlier in her essay. Talbot seems to be
speaking to a wide audience: people who use neuroenhancing drugs, people who
don t, and people who may be thinking that they want to try them. Throughout her
essay she seems to be for the use of these types of substances because she only uses
anecdotes that show good experiences, and the bad experiences were solved with a
quick easy adjustment in the dosage and time it was taken, or solved by sleeping it
away, but still getting the work done on time. She uses the stories given to


Speech On A Parol Circuit
Making a parol is really hard especially with lights in it. It was hard and fun at the
same time. In order for us to start doing it we designed and make our circuit plan. In
doing our parol circuit we trodden with different electronics material like resistor,
capacitor, transformer and a lot more. This is not new to me and to others but at
the same time my knowledge into it widens. Our parol is one of the biggest and
widest it was really hard and we thought that we could not finish it on the allotted
time given. But with unity and team work we are able to finish it. All of us have a
different role or task to make. I still remember the time that after school we would
immediately go to Jake house and finish it. It was exhausting but it is all worth it in
the end seeing it light for the first time takes away all of the sweat and tiredness away.
Parallel Circuit
Parallel circuit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In its simplest form, a capacitor consists of two conducting plates separated by an
insulating material called the dielectric. The capacitance is measured in units of
Farad (F). The capacitor disconnects current in direct current (DC) circuits and short
circuit in alternating current (AC) circuits. Large capacitors are used in the power
supplies of electronic equipment of all types, including computers and their
Resistors are electronic components which have a specific, never changing electrical
resistance. The resistor s resistance limits the flow of electrons through a circuit.
They are passive components, meaning they only consume power (and can t generate
it). Resistors are usually added to circuits where they complement active components
like op amps, microcontrollers, and other integrated circuits. Commonly resistors are
used to limit current, divide voltages, and pull up I/O lines. The electrical resistance
of a resistor is measured in ohms.


The Armenian Genocide In The Ottoman Empire
Jayden: Starting in 1915, the Turkish government stimulated a plan to exterminate
Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire. Most sources agree that there were around
2 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire at the time of the massacre. By the early
1920s, when the manslaughter and deportations finally ended, 1.5 million of Turkey s
Armenians were deceased, with many more forcefully removed from their homeland
in the Ottoman Empire.The genocide left the Armenian community in a wreckage ,
and present day Armeniais only a fragment of the size of Armenia before the
disastrous massacre committed by the Ottoman Empire.
Sam: Today, most history experts and others worldwide label this event as a genocide.
A genocide is the deliberately executing of a large group of people, most of which are
of the same ethnic group or nation. Unfortunately, the Turkish government does not
acknowledge the damage that these events had upon the people. Despite pressure
from Armenians and social justice advocates throughout the world, it is still illegal in
Turkey to converse about the events that included the Armenians during this era.
Armenians were publicly humiliated and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
An example of this is a purple flower. The flower is a symbol that stands for God s
presence during this tough time. The forget me not flower has five petals, each of
which symbolizes the five continents, where Armenians settled after the genocide.
Madison: While there are few solutions to genocide, the best way to solve this is to
create a better situation in this massacre. An example of this would be to better
educate the Armenian children about this horrible bloodshed in hopes that what
happened will not occur in the future. When becoming educated on what s happening
in the world it creates a better understanding of what is occurring and provides
solutions to prevent this in the future and not repeat


Who Am I Who I Am
Why I am Who I am
When I think back to why I am who I am, I think back to my childhood and what
memories have stuck in my mind. They often come up in certain situations as a
reminder to never forget the people that love me, or the places that I love that
influence my choices and the road to my future goals. I try my best to follow advice
and recollect on the important things in life, like zipping up my coat or enjoying time
with my family, making the best out of situations and thinking positively. I
remember repetitive smells or touch that one day added to my mind and never left,
that will always be a part of me, Now I am eighteen and in college, about to start a
new chapter my life and compose new memories with new people. Thinking back
now makes me wonder what it will be like to think back years from now to these
moments that im making now, and how I will connect them all.
Zip it up or don t go outside my teacher would declare to me, because I still couldn t
zip up my own coat without someone s help. Could you please help me? I asked,
Try zipping it up or don t go outside , I remember her reciting it in a somewhat of a
rude tone and it was announced in front of the class, usually in line before recess,
which did not make me feel any better. The pressure of doing it in front of the class
made me a bit frightened, I could feel their wide eyes on me which only made me
more nervous. With my small fingers trembling


Black Panthers Downfall
The Fall of the Black Panther Party The Black Panther Party was a prominent
political organization that operated from 1966 to 1982, born out of the civil rights
movement of the 1950s and 60s and advocated for equal rights and economic
opportunities for African American communities. While the party did originate in
California, influential chapters spread out across the United States beyond
California, including major cities like New York, Philadelphia, Seattle, and Chicago.
With the party so widespread and with a great amount of people involved, it allowed
for problems to arise within the communities they reached and within the party itself.
These issues, both internal and external, lead to the eventual fall of the Black
Panthers. The collapse... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This Counter Intelligence Program the name shortened to COINTELPRO was
launched by the FBI in August of 1956, a decade prior to their involvement with the
Black Panther Party. The primary goal of this program was to survey, permeate,
discredit, and dismantle groups that were domestic political organizations. The main
targets were individuals or institutions that the United States government considered
subversive. The FBI first engaged with the Black Panthers in the late 1960s, when J.
Edgar Hoover, the Director of the FBI at the time, released a public statement saying
the Black Panther party... represents the greatest threat to the internal security of the
country , and also labeled them a violence prone black extremist group (citation
needed). This first remark about the party would become a telling sign that
COINTELPRO was ready to strike at the slightest hint of a threat, and foreshadowed
the bloody event that unfolded five months


Transgender Video Analysis
2) I think learning more about the history of transgender individuals would be very
interesting. It is not a topic that is discussed a ton, and I believe it would be good to
get exposed to their history. Learning more about the current transgender movements
is an issue we should also become more informed on. The news does not talk about
the violence directed towards transgenderpeople, so I think we should get more
educated on what they are going through. I never really heard about the violence
towards transgender individuals because I come from a small town and it is not
really an issue that is brought up on the news often.
4) I thought it was really interesting when they brought up the issue of a lot of
transgender characters being played by cisgender actors and actresses. I am sure
there are plenty of extremely talented transgender actresses and actors. I feel like
the casting people did not try to reach out to the transgender group of actors and
actresses. I my opinion, transgender individuals would relate more to the
transgender characters. I think it would add a lot of authenticity, so I believe more
shows should look for a transgender to play their transgender role of characters. I
think we need to start giving these individuals more chances, so we can have more ...
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Laverne Cox shares a lot of stories her own and others that work to inspire
acceptance of the transgender community. It is super admiring that Laverne is using
her celebrity status to spread awareness about the discriminations and violence that
is directed to the transgender community. More and more people are becoming
more open about being transgender, so I think as a society we need to be more
accepting of differences between each other. She does a great job with addressing
the violence that is directed at the transgender community, and I believe it is a topic
that needs to be covered


Analysis Of Esther By Sylvia Plath
The stereotypical survivor could be described as someone who endured grueling
physical obstacles, survived and returned to normal life, and developed as a person
since then. Sylvia Plath does not fit the typical template of a survivor; she did not
physically survive. However, the emotional and mental stress she withstood the ten
years prior to her suicidemade her just as much of a survivor as anyone who lived to
tell their story. Although Plath eventually crumbled under the weight of her
deteriorating emotional stability, she persevered for as long as she could until she
could take it no longer, making her as strong as anyone who survived a physical
challenge. The bell jarwas a symbolic representation of her emotional state
throughout the novel, whether it be pre treatment, post treatment, or pre suicide.
Before her treatment with Dr. Nolan, Esther , the character name for Sylvia Plath,
began a rapid downward spiral beginning while she was still in college, which
included a month of no sleep, a withdrawal from social interaction, and several
suicide attempts. At this time, the bell jar had closed in on her, suffocating her from
the inside. Everything reminded her of death. Esther had tried to drown herself as
one of her last suicide attempts before the beginning of her treatment, and prior to her
attempt she noticed that sharks teeth and whales earbones littered about down there
like gravestones (Plath 153). Her relating measly shark teeth as gravestones down


Shadrach, Meshach, And Abednegory
The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is part of Daniel Chapter 3. It s
about 3 guys, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who refuse to worship this guy,
Nebuchadnezzar s, idol. So they are thrown into a fire as punishment. But due to
their faith in God, they are saved from the fire. Then, because of their faith in God,
and have been rescued by him, Nebuchadnezzar promotes them and admits he was
wrong before. In the nonfiction account of this story (aka: Daniel Chapter 3 of the
bible); Nebuchadnezzar forces the people of Babalon to worship his idol whenever
they heard the the sound of the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, harp, bagpipe, and every kind
of music, [they were] to fall down and worship the golden image that King
Nebuchadnezzar has... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The hair of their heads was not singed, their d cloaks were not harmed, and no smell
of fire had come upon them. When he saw this he proclaimed Blessed be the God of
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who has sent his angel and delivered his
servants, who trusted in him, and set aside the king s command, and yielded up
their bodies rather than h serve and worship any god except their own God.
Therefore I make a decree: Any people, nation, or language that speaks anything
against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego shall be torn limb from
limb, and their houses laid in ruins, for there is no other god who is able to rescue
in this way. (Daniel 3:28 29). And then promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and
Abednego. However, in the fiction account of this story (aka: the Veggietale s
episode; Rack Shack, and Benny); Nebuchadnezzar forces the people of the
chocolate factory, that he owned, to worship his idol. Which is a giant bunny.
Worshiping an idol is against Rack Shack, and Benny s religion, as well as what their
parents told them was right. Also in this version, Nebuchadnezzar notices that the 3
are not conforming, and gets


Essay on Analysis of Ministry Leaders’ Approaches to...
A young international student walked onto a secular Florida college campus ready
to start his medical studies. Being an international student meant he had to take an
English class. Little did he know a required English class would change the purpose
of his life. The teacher of that class was committed to discipleship as defined and
shown in the Bible. Having permission to use the Bible as the textbook the teacher
taught his students the Word of God. The student did not immediately respond to the
things being taught, though he excelled in his English studies. He came to the States
with the purpose of learning English and medicine. However he left having learned
English, certified as a Registered Nurse and following Jesus Christ as his Lord...
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There are many views and ideas of how to define a disciple . Yet how do they stand
up to Jesus example?
Looking up the word disciple in an English or Greek dictionary yields similar
meanings. The English language defines it as, A person who is a pupil or an
adherent to the doctrines of another; follower. (disciple) The Greek simply defines
it as, A learner or pupil. (Strong 45) The most common definition of a disciple is
someone who follows behind or one who is learning from another. While the Bible
does build upon the idea of following and one who learns from another, there is an
additional element to be seen. In Luke 14:25 35 Jesus shares the heart of a
disciple. (Schadt) The first aspect is hating one s family and even their own life.
Without complete devotion to Christ there is not any progress in the Christian
walk. A disciple is one who loves God more than he loves his own flesh. Second, he
must carry his cross and follow Jesus. In the time of the Roman Empire carrying
one s cross visualized one s agreement that the Empire s death sentence was proper
condemnation. In the same way Jesus asks for meek submission in aligning
yourself with His mission and purpose by carrying your cross. (Walvoord, John F.;
Zuck, Roy B.; Dallas Theological Seminary; 243) The last characteristic of a disciple
is giving up everything. Sacrifice of all the heart holds dear. Once again this shows
where the allegiance lays. Is it in the physical securities of possessions or is it in


The Importance Of Leisure And Ethnic Minorities In
Introduction Today, Canadian cities are more diverse than they have been at any
point in history. Over the last 20 years, the number of Canada s visible minorities
has increased from 5 percent to 19 percent (Stodolska M., 2015). Commonly,
immigrants will arrive with a strong determination to be successful in their everyday
lives and to acquire new knowledge and language skills. The people with the most
drive to succeed in these areas tend to have a more effective adaptation to their new
country (McNeely, C. A et al., 2017). A healthy transition to a new country can be
realised by many aspects throughout the resettlement process, most are the
characteristics of the host community.
Leisure and Ethnic Minorities
Leisure Constraints The importance of diversity can sometimes be taken for granted.
But there is no doubt that Canada is a better and more successful country because of
it. The ability and readiness of a majority population and the way they accept
immigrants has been proven to have a high impact on how well these immigrants can
adapt to their new environment (Tirone, S., Pedlar, A., 2000). Distinct cultural
identities of ethnic minorities can be persistently challenged. Even with
discrimination and segregation almost eliminated from our society there are still a
few constraints that can hinder adaptation and feel more like acculturation.
Acculturation can refer to the ways in which immigrants accept and follow dominant
values because of pressure exerted from the


Zora Neale s Character Analysis
Ultimately, Janie found herself contempt with the experience from her adventure.
Janie at a young age knew nothing of love, but as she grew up love took hold of her.
Janie searched for love to the point of looking for it blindfolded. After the first two
attempts of love, she was able to find some of her ideals of lovein Tea Cake, but after
losing him, she was able to see her capability. She developed to the point of taking
action for herself as She pulled in her horizon like a great fish net. Pulled it from
around her waist of the world and draped it over her shoulder (Hurston 193). Janie
who was once a girl that waited for life to give her an answer on love was able to
search for it. She carries the negatives and positives from her adventure


Similarities Between Hinduism And Christianity
Hinduism and Christianity Hinduism and Christianity are two religions that have
been around for thousands of years. Both religions since creation has developed
philosophies on certain subjects that can be compared and contrasted, to show the
similarities and differences within Hinduism and Christianity. Key subjects that can
be analyzed after reviewing the history and foundation of these religions are their:
paths to enlightenment/salvation, the religions treatment of women, and the afterlife.
This paper will give a thorough and concise analysis through discussion with the
inclusion of comparing and contrasting embedded throughout this paper. One of the
most important elements of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The main deities of the Hindu religion are Brahma and his two lieutenants named
Shiva and Vishnu. The god Vishnu is the creator, and Shiva is the destroyer. One is
not looked upon as better than the other. This shows the ultimate realism that the
Hindu culture possesses. These are not the only gods in Hindu culture. There are
many others and all have special skills and talents. The gods themselves also give
birth to the idea of avatars, or the form of god when he or she comes to earth.
Perhaps the most important part of the philosophy of a religion lay in its path to
enlightenment. The main ideas of enlightenment come through the Four Ends of
Life. The first of these ends is Moksa. Moksa could be considered the realization of
separation between the spiritual self and the physical self. It is only through this
realization that one can be released from the mortal coil and allowed to spiritual
liberty. It is through Moska that the Hindu follower becomes familiar with the
existence of the spiritual world. The second of the Four Ends of life is Kama. This
end says that we must pass through life in an ethical manner that brings about the
most from life. This includes learning its great values as well as experiencing its
enjoyments. This protects the Hindu follower from shutting out the physical world
entirely. Artha is the third end and it deals with wealth and material well being. It
explains that


Descriptive Essay On Moving Day
The scene outside, rainy and gloomy, sets an eerie tone. This isn t the typical
August weather, but we re not concerned at all. It ll only make our jobs more
difficult in this harsh downpour. As a matter of fact, my parents have been
waiting for this day ever since they made their choice. My voice didn t matter as
much, so I had two choices. I had tried preparing myself by opting for one of the
choices. However, that wasn t the case on moving day. My day started like every
other day. Laying in bed and unwinding until you have the energy to actually get
out of bed and be productive. Except, it really wasn t. It was August of 2014,
beginning of the school year. I had lived on a street called Larsen Lane nearly all
of my life, and had gone to the same school all my life, too. We should ve been
getting ready for school, but our parents decided we should take the day off. This
kind of unwinding was different because my brother and I had slept on just
mattresses; our bed frames had already been packed. Our room was just plain. The
blue walls had stayed here ever since we had got them painted years ago, but that
was it. The stickers we collected on our sliding glass doors to our closet were all
taken off. I laid there, bland and lifeless, on the verge of tears even, thinking about
the choice that could set me up for middle school. Our mom settled herself in bed
with us, comforting us so we would couldn t get too overwhelmed by the emotions of
leaving behind our old life.


Hurricane Mitch
In all of the texts Memories of the Flood, Hurricane Mitch, and Teacher Rescued at
Sea they all tell and show about how people had to deal with a long term problem
caused by the destruction of hurricane Mitch. The impact that this hurricane were
similar and different in each story but it was still heartbreaking. In the article
Memories of the Floodmany cars and even some houses were under water and left
many homeless. In addition the article Hurricane Mitchmany people s houses and
land were destroyed by mud, also there food population went down by a lot so
many people were left starving. Finally in the article Teacher Rescued at Sea a
women has lossed her really close family members including her three kids and
husband when... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
One of these similarities were that in each article Memories of the Flood,
Hurricane Mitch, and Teacher Rescued at Sea something was taken away from
somebody or a large a population that they loved. For example in the article
Memories of the Flood 600 acres of farming land was drenched in water and all of
the plants and crops has died, According to the text it states If the rains did not
stop, we knew, the seeds and soil would wash away. . Also in the article Hurricane
Mitch Farming property homes were destroyed by mud, mud cover acres of land
across many islands and countries, there were only a few houses left and very
little food so most people were left starving, According to the text it states Tons and
tons of mud flowed down the hillsides and covered whole towns it also states the
hurricane pounded the island and destroyed almost everything in sight. It ripped
up houses, boats, docks, telephone poles, and roads. Many people have went
homeless and some have died of starvation. Finally In the article Teacher Rescued
at Sea a teacher, wife, and mother has lost her house and her children due to this
hurricane, there house has been washed away along with everybody else.
According to the text it states that was the last time Mrs. Arriola saw the rest of her
family alive. The force of the water soon separated all of them and washed them out
to sea, Mrs Arriola will never overcome this problem. These similarities show how a
hurricane can take something that is so valuable and loved away from


Rome Dbq
After nearly half a millennium of rule, the Romans began to lose their grip on
Europe in the fifth century. The Fall of Rome left in its ruin political chaos,
confusion, wide spread devastation, although the Romans at the time had no idea the
fall of Rome was occurring. Divide of Western and Eastern Rome, invasions, military
disloyalty, and economic instability are some of the factors associated with the fall of
In AD 476, the last Roman emperor in the west, Romulus Augustulus, was removed
from power by Odovacar, leader of the Goths.
The divide of Western and Eastern Rome was a major factor in the fall of Rome.
Eastern and Western Rome were separated in the beginning to make the Roman
empire more easily governed. On the contrary,


The Public Sphere By Nancy Fraser
Nancy Fraser s article speaks as both critical analysis and a modern day interpretation
JГјrgen Habermas concept of the public sphere. Through the application of a
revisionist historical lens, Fraser both highlights the limits of the original concept of
a single public sphere, and introduces interpretations of it as applied to modern day
social issues. Through these critiques, Fraser is successful in forwarding the theory of
the public sphereas an indispensible element to the application of critical theory.
Drawing on examples in late capitalist societies, Fraser illustrates an alternate
proposal of co existing multiple public spheres as a more accurate representation of
this theory in practice.
Fraser informs the reader that Habermas concept of the public sphere served as a
regulating force in the promotion of both democracy, and as a guideline for
separation between public and private areas. This sphere was comprised of
politically minded and motivated individuals existing outside of the realms of
government, business and association; with a mandate for debate of matters of
public or common interest; excluding those interests deemed private. Its intention
was to serve as arbitrators between the public and the state. (58) Critics and
revisionist historians however state Habermas account was an idealized version
unrepresentative of the public it claimed to speak for. Fraser contends the logic of
the single public sphere s guiding principles, going so far as suggesting


A Brief Look at Oscar Romero
Oscar Romero was an amazing man. Even though his life was cut short, he was
able to make an impact on the society that he lived in. Oscar Romero died a hero and
an advocate for the people of El Salvador, specifically the city of Agulaires. Leading
up to his death, Romero s spiritual journey evolved. Romerowas elected Archbishop
because few saw Romero as a threat. He was very intelligent, and would hardly take
his head out of a book. When Romero was elected he became good friends with
Rutilio Grande. Grande was a priest of Agularies. His mission was to help the poor.
After aggravating the government, Grande was killed, along with a young boy and
an older man. This event greatly affected Romero s spiritual journey. Romero stated,
I took off [Rutilio Grande s] socks, all soaked in blood. I helped prepare his body for
burial. When I heard the news, I felt as if I was being lifted into the air and
suddenly dropped to the ground. I was so bewildered I don t even know how I got
to the church. And now I wonder how I was able to get through everything that
everything that happened that day. I loved him. That s why I kept a small piece of
cloth with his blood on it. (Page 26).
This passage is a critical moment in Romero s spiritual journey. He has seen the
people of his city die, but it was not personal. Losing someone so close to him, he
changed his attitude for the remainder of his life. Another important moment in
Romero s spiritual journey was when he was kidnapped and was


Top 1 Cause for Project Failure
Anish Mathai Mathew [PMP|MBA]
Temenos T24 PROGRAM MANAGER at Union National Bank
Featured discussion
In your experience, what is the TOP #1 cause for Project failure?
From experience, the following are the TOP10 causes of Project failure that Mathew
can think of (they are not in any kind of order):
#1. Lacking Sponsor s Involvement/Ownership
#2. Halo Effect (Wrong Man for the Job)
#3. Poor HR Management
#4. Poor/Inadequate Project Communications
#5. Ignoring Project Stakeholders
#6. Absence of Risk Management
#7. Scope Creep/Unrealistic Expectations ( scope creep: Frequent and uncontrolled
changes in the scope or requirements of a project)
#8. Lack of Monitoring of Plan
#9. Absence of a Project Management Methodology ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
For me this question shows the real reason for faillure. Most projects focus on
producing a rocket (only focus on delivery). Successful projects however look
further: why do we create a rocket? Because we want to go to the moon. If NASA
would have only focussed on delivering rockets, they would never have reached the
moon and probably had produced a great number of disasters while delivering or
using those rockets. A Business Case focus, rather than only a delivery focus!
(By the way off topic: this delivery approach for me also caused the current financial
crisis. Only focussing on the deal, not on the long term effects.)
All reasons summed up in the question above are in my view symptoms and results
of the delivery only approach rather than reasons.
3. 4. [pic]
Alexandro Zencovich
Senior Project Manager at ZTE Canada
I would say #7. Scope Creep/Unrealistic Expectations. All the others reasons are
certainly strong source for failure but somehow most of them point to have a bad
road map document.
This is why a Project Manager is so useful in any organization to make sure that we


get the right project management plan, which include a concise and accurate project
scope statement and realistic project expectations.
5. [pic]
Beth Barrett
Beth Barrett Consulting, LLC
Based on over 20 years of project management experience, I would say item #1 to


Erin May Be Liable For Tort Of Negligence
Going by the scenario of incident given in the pleasure boat mishap, Erin may be
liable for tort of negligence where a person s conduct falls below a reasonable
standard and harms another.
However, in order for there to be a successful claim against Erin in the court, the
following elements of tort of negligence has to be established; that she owe a duty of
care to any potential claimant, that she has breached that duty of care, that her
breached of the duty of care caused the harm suffered by the claimant, and that the
damage was not legally too remote.
The court will also consider whether Erin foresaw the harm and whether the parties
acted in a reasonable way.
There is the possibility that Erin might be liable to several parties which includes;
each of the holidaymakers on board the pleasure boat at the time of the accident
(subsequently referred to as holidaymakers), the estate of Rio and Anya (dead
victims), and Sneha, Wayne and Zak (mental breakdown victims).
We will take each potential claimant case one by one.
The Holidaymakers v Erin
For the holidaymakers to make a successful claim against Erin, they must first of
all establish that a duty of care exited between them and Erin. Applying the test for
duty of care as established in the case of Caparo Industries v Dickman [1990] 1 All
ER 568; would a reasonable person foresee the possibility of the claimant suffering
damage as a result of the defendant s negligence. In the case of Erin, it could be
argue that a


Video Streaming
Aplikasi Video Streaming Pada Wireless Ad Hoc Network Berbasis Free Open
Source Software
| |
|Agus Wagyana1, Linna Oktaviana Sari2 Jurusan |
|Teknik Elektro, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Universitas Indonesia1,2 |
|Kampus Baru Universitas Indonesia Depok, 16425 |
|E mail : awagyana@gmail.com1, linna_vivi@yahoo.com2 ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
Aliran media melalui jaringan yang padat akan memunculkan proses buffering yaitu
proses penampungan sementara paket paket media sebelum diputarkan.
Arsitektur audio dan video streaming terdiri atas 4 komponen [2], seperti
diperlihatkan pada Gambar 1, yaitu : Kamera dan mikropon (capture device) dan
encoder Server (penyimpan dan streaming) Kanal distribusi Media player
Capture device dan encoder berfungsi untuk menangkap tayangan audio dan video
dan kemudian mengkodekannya menjadi file digital terkompresi. File ini lalu
disimpan di server, yang memiliki software khusus yang dapat mengontrol secara real
time pengiriman aliran media melalui jaringan.
Kanal distribusi merupakan penghubung server ke media player client. Kanal ini bisa
melibatkan banyak interkoneksi jaringan dan cache server. Jaringan bisa berbentuk
jaringan lokal (LAN) atau Internet.
Gambar 1. Arsitektur Video dan Audio Streaming
Media player, biasanya berbentuk plug in pada web browser, yang akan menerima
aliran data dan men dekompresikan ke audio dan video semula, yang dapat
diputarkan pada monitor dan speaker komputer.
2 Wireless Ad Hoc Network
Standar IEEE 802.11b WLAN [3] menyediakan kemampuan akses tanpa kabel ke
jaringan Internet dengan kecepatan transmisi data sampai dengan 11 Mbps. Standar
IEEE 802.11 memungkinkan


Jackie Robinson Changes
Did you know that history supports that an individual has the power to change
society. For example how martin luther king jr improved to not be judged about your
color. Also for these three people also changed history by themselves Jackie
Robinson,Rosa Parks, and Lyndon B. Johnson.
If you don t know who Jackie Robinson is he was black baseball player,who changed
society by being the first black to play on a Major League Baseball team. For
example in the article how Jackie Robinson changed baseball by Jessica McBirney
says Robinson also made important racial breakthroughs in the sports world. The
first baseball player to break the color barrier in 60 years, he paved the way for many
future African American and minority athletes. This shows


Regulatory Rule Governing Indian Power Sector
Independence of the State Electricity Regulatory Commission has continued
indefinable in reality. Scopes to restoration the current regulatory structure may be
discovered with the aim to keep the State government at arm s length from the tariff
setting application. It is necessary that the current controlled structure of the
distribution sector be transformed and competition be stimulated. One of the ways to
obvious this is to distinct posture and gratified businesses of the distribution segment.
Regulatory commissions should alert the consumers about the rationale of tariff
setting and notify them before every tariff amendment. Every concerned investor
should admit the economic significance at a national level of the present crisis.
Political will of the governments (i.e., State and Central) is vital to overwhelmed
many of the challenges.
Discoms in many States are earning massive losses due to increasing, unimpeded
regulatory assets. It is essential that the States explore ways to settle them in a time
bound manner without further postponement. The regulatory commissions need to
plan ways to keep the State governments at arm s length from the State utilities. The
governments should effort to attract greater contribution of private discoms.
The Electricity Act, 2003 defines the duty of a distribution licensee to produce and
maintain an efficient, synchronized and economical distribution system in his area to
supply. It also


Analysis Of Gerard Genette s Glossary Of Poetic Terms
In recent years, the term narratology has often been associated principally with
European structuralism [1], bolstered by the work of Gerard Genette, perhaps one of
the most famous narrative theorists. Rather than other theorists, such as Todorov,
who s work on the influence of the protagonist on a narrativeequilibrium has too
provided an insight into different forms and varieties of narratives [2], Genette is
more concerned with breaking down the mechanics and processes behind a story,
shifting away from the characters and their respective character arcs. He argues that
the principalities behind explaining narratologyexist in the routine in which the story
is presented. In simpler terms, his interest is not in the story itself, but how it is
told. [3} In this essay, I will use this as an analytical tool for taking apart a selected
Any good author, playwright, or poet will always tell you that forms of literature
will always contain a message. This may be personal, or historical for instance, but
underneath the visual and auditory sugar coat of graphology and literary
techniques, there always exists an underlying message to influence and engage the
reader. This could be ambiguous, or easily recognised, or perhaps in between. One
prominent branch of writing subsists in between free verse and poetry, in what is
known as Prose . More specifically, The Glossary of Poetic Terms (2006) [4] states it
is a piece of writing which features the charged language


Comparing Hobbes s Leviathan And The Grand Inquisitor
The Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes and the Grand Inquisitor by Fyodor Dostoevsky,
are both important works that share the views of two men on human nature. The
Leviathan by Hobbes is one of the most influential pieces of all time. Many great
philosophers got inspiration from Hobbes writing and based their views on it. The
Grand Inquisitor is considered one of the most well know pieces of writing. The
main reasons for it being so well known is because of its ideas of human nature and
freedom. Both works, The Leviathanand the Grand Inquisitor, share their views on,
human nature and priority, the role of freedom in people s lives and when would it
be right to have an all powerful leader who controls everything. The Leviathan by
Thomas Hobbes, concerns the structure of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
He saids how fear drives everything and how fear is the reason for the creation of
God. The fear that created God was the fear of what would eventually happen to
man. He saids that religion comes from three sources they are the curiosity into
what causes events, curiosity of the causes of these causes and forgetting the order
of things and past causes and effects. So if something happens and no one knows
why it happens or the cause of it, it becomes the work of god. His view on religion
is that is has been used wrong; it makes people obedient to a self serving authority.
If something goes wrong the important people in the religion will claim that it is a
work of God. The reason why this is an issue is since people don t know what
really caused the issue they won t blame the government who is truly at fault for the
issues. Hobbes believes that nature created everyone the same and the difference
between people is very small, so according to Hobbes man can thereupon claim to
himself any benefit to which another may not pretend as well as he (Hobbes). He also


Environmental Impact Of Environmentalism
As people grew more environmentally conscious conflict about the protection of the
environment and its ecosystem arose, so environmentalists and organizations such
as the Department of Interior s U.S Fish and Wildlife Service fought for greater
protection of endangered species and the Endangered Species Act of 1973 was
passed. However, the passing of this act caused a greater conflict as its economic
role was not clear, and some argued that it would become an economic burden.
Starting in the 1970s, people of the United States began to fight for the protection of
all living things and their habitats, as they saw the damage that the rapidly growing
economy was having on the environment. This is shown through various events and
acts... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The ESA provided the establishment of state programs, and the conservation of
ecosystems upon which threatened and endangered species of fish, wildlife, and
plants depend (Digest of Federal Resource Laws). To conserve the ecosystem, the
ESA first listed the species they decided were endangered, and then they enforced
the prohibition of the taking, selling, and transportation of those endangered
species (Digest of Federal Resource Laws). However, not everything about the
Endangered Species Act of 1973 was clear as boundaries of how far the act could
go economically to protect the endangered species were not defined. In fact, it did
not have much of a boundary when it came to the economic cost of achieving its
purpose, and this would later become a huge problem because it would cause a
greater divide between those who supported the act and those who did not. This
divide would cause conflict about the protection of endangered species once again.
Even though in its future years the Endangered Species Act of 1973 would have to
be revised, when it first came out it was a great solution to the environmental
problem at hand. It helped preserve the ecosystem by providing the necessary
resources required to create a safe environment for species in need. (INSERT
economic boundaries when it came to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, so a
conflict arose in which the Tennessee Valley Authority ended up


Toad As An Extended Metaphors In Toads By Philip Larkin
In the poem Toads by Philip Larkin, the title announces a metaphor, specifically an
extended metaphor which dominates the poem, which is Larkin utilizing a toad as an
extended metaphor for work and obligation, in order to communicate his idea that
individuals have a difficult time living a fulfilling life, due to one s personal obligation
, as well social expectations. Furthermore, the toadis compared to his obligations in
life, as well the life of others who do not work, in order to convey the idea that
individuals feel they are living an unfulfilling life, as a result of personal sense of
obligation, as well social expectations. In addition, the use of figurative language
helps to communicate the idea with greater vividness, being it emphasizes that the
speaker is questioning if his work, is worth his time, being it takes a vast majority
of it, in addition, it is just to get by. Altogether, Larkin s utilizes an extended
metaphor, comparing a toad to work and obligations, in order to bolster his idea with
greater force than a prosaic description would have achieved.
Firstly, the usage of a toad as an the extended metaphor, for work and obligation,
Larkin s idea of work being difficult for individuals as a result of one s personal sense
of obligation, as well social expectations, as illustrated by comparing the speaker to
the lives of others. As evident, in the excerpt Are skinny as whippets and yet/ No
one actually starves (Lines 19 20), the speaker, the hard working toad is comparing
himself to the lives of other, in order to reveal that others are living without
working as a result of being able to handle not living up to the social expectations.
Moreover, the citation Losels, loblolly men, louts They don t end as paupers
(Lines 11 12), bolsters Larkins idea of work being difficult as a result of one s
personal sense of obligation, by comparing the toads sense of self obligation to
work, to the absence of it for people, thus revealing they are all able to live the
same way, due to they avoid work, however the speaker does not chose to follow
that route. Altogether, Larkins, usage of a toad as an extended metaphor for work
and obligation, helps convey his idea with more force than


Multinational Startup Spotify Ab Company
Introduction Headquartered in London and Stockholm, Spotify Ltd. is based upon
the Swedish startup Spotify AB, founded in 2006 by two entrepreneurs Daniel Ek
and Martin Lorentzon and launched in 2008. In the digital music industry, the
streaming market, which represents 10% of the sector, has grown by 51.3% in
2013 while revenues from the download market (iTunes, Amazon) has fallen by
2.1%. Spotify perfectly illustrates this superior growth as the leader in terms of
innovation in this market. Considered to be one of the 10 most innovative
companies in the U.K. in 2014 by Fast Company , Spotify with almost 50 million
active users and 12.5 million paying subscribers, is considered to be worth at around
4 billion dollars and often rumoured... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The Marketing Environment A.The Macroenvironment: PEST Analysis We shall
see how Spotify integrates this broader set of forces in its strategy. Political
factors: We believed that if we could build a service which was better than piracy,
then we could convince people to stop illegal file sharing, and start consuming
music legally again (Ek, 2013). It tries to attract customers who previously relied
on illegal options for their music needs. Digital piracy is the single most important
factor restraining development of the music business. Governments were involved
to fight against it and established laws such as Digital Economy Act in the U.K.
The turnaround dates back to 2009 when these anti piracy laws combined with The
Pirate Bay trial inclined customers to try the new Spotify platform. It has
successfully helped curb the illegal downloading of music since it does not allow
you to download the track. If you want to own the track, you will be redirected to a
legal vendor. Therefore Spotify claims to have reduced the number of people who
pirated music by 25% between 2009 and 2011. As such the streaming industry helps
governments to combat piracy but in the medium; to long term some political forces
could play against this industry: pressure from governments to ensure that the laws
are created to protect


My Story About My Daughter
So I have come here to tell you guys about my daughter and request some assistance
from you, I guess. Last night sort of shook me a little bit and I am at a loss
mentally about what to do. I have an 8 year old daughter, Amber, who shares a
multitude of personality traits in common with me. One of my favorites is the use
of wanton sarcasm pretty much 100% of the time. I keep telling my wife, Jennifer,
that it s a sign of intelligence; she ll just roll her eyes and reminds me that she
constantly has to explain the process of moving shit in the fridge to find other shit
to the both of us. I guess that means we aren t all that smart. However, like I said, I
didn t come here to gush over my love for my daughter. Yesterday morning pretty
much started how it usually does with me struggling to get my wife and daughter
up and ready for work and school respectively. My wife is more of an uphill
struggle than Amber is most of the time. It really only gets bad if she doesn t get a
restful sleep. This day was apparently one of those days indicated by the three trips
I made into her bedroom to annoy the shit out of her until she woke up. The more I
tried to probe into why she was so tired she met it with a significant amount more
resistance. Sometimes you have to pick your battles, so I dropped it. We had plans
to go to a fair in central Ohio that I had been excited for all year. It was two hours
away from our house but I hadn t been in so long that the drive seemed worth it.


Difference Between Cruel And Unusual Punishment
Capital Punishment: Is it cruel and unusual Punishment and is it Applied Equally?
Throughout time, it appears that the best way society has punish death is through the
killing of the killer. This is also mentioned in the Bible several times as an eye for an
eye . In our current time, things have not changed much; revenge for murder is still
strong. However, in the U.S., repaying death through death is done through the legal
system. This is what is known as capital punishment.
Ever since capital punishment was initiated, there have been many problems in terms
of its continuality. Is the death penalty constitutional? This has been a question that
Supreme Courts Justices have wrestled with for a really long time. The main
constitutional question in terms of capital punishment is found in the Eight
Amendment, which pretty much talks about the concept of cruel and unusual
Capital Punishment can be agreed upon, as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Throughout history in the U.S., many civil rights leaders and others have attempted
to argue about the cruelty of capital punishment, yet it s interesting to note that it s
still. This issue is so controversial that the states themselves have to allowed to decide
if capital punishment is constitutional or not. The state of Illinois, for example, has
banned capital punishment, mainly because of concerns that innocent people are
being lethally injected for crimes they never committed. There is a great concern that
innocent people are being put to death. But Rehnquist, during the 1980s, never
believed that presumed innocence should stand on the way of capital punishment,
especially if little technical knowledge of the defendant was available. This stands
true today, especially in light of use of DNA testing to prove criminality. However, if
one were to apply Marshall s excessive force argument, one could argue that capital
punishment is


Elastic Wave Filtering Properties Of Graded Undulated...
We investigate and experimentally demonstrate the elastic wave filtering properties
of graded undulated lattices. Square reticulates composed of curved beams are
characterized by graded mechanical properties which result from the spatial
modulation of the curvature parameter. Among such properties, the progressive
formation of frequencybandgaps leads to strong waveattenuation over a broad
frequency range. The experimental investigation of wave transmission and the
detection of full wavefields effectively illustrate this behavior. Transmission
measurements are conducted using a scanning laser Doppler vibrometer, while a
dedicated digital image correlation procedure is implemented to capture in plane
wave motion at selected frequencies.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In this regard, gradient index phononic crystals (GRIN PCs) can be designed to
provide a refractive index profile able to focus elastic energy, realizing acoustic lenses,
52 20 with recent promising extensions to piezoelectric energy harvesting. In
structural lattices, grading the curvature of the beam elements has been numerically
explored in undulated configurations. Although it was theoretically shown that
structural metamaterials provide a disparate landscape of wave propagation
properties, experimental validation is scarcely documented, with most of the tests
performed to obtain transmissibility measures through a small number of sensors.
When a full wavefield measurement is required, 3D scanning laser Doppler
vibrometry (SLDV) is commonly used to measure the wave velocity field in
predefined lattice locations. This approach presents a number of shortcomings, mainly


North America And South America
Both North and South Americas span across many latitudes. This means that they
experience many different climates. North America is very wide and experiences
continentality. South America is more narrow and does not experience the same level
of continentality. Both Americas have rain shadow effect in their south west. They
have desert areas created by this rain shadow. South America has a huge tropical area
that North Americadoes not experience, but South America does not have an arctic
area like North America.
The physical geography of the Americas has lots to do with where the population
densities are located. These locations are also heavily rooted in colonialism. When the
first settlers arrived in the Americas the set up trading posts and small communities
along the coasts. In areas that were good for growing crops, the would bring slaves
from africa to work the farms growing these resources for the European states.
(Demos, 2013) The population distribution has as much to do with colonialism as
the Physical geography. Whether they were called Native Americans, First Nations
or Amerindian the people who inhabited these lands in the pre Christopher
Columbus times were often forced off their lands and onto land deemed undesirable
to the European colonist. The Europeans also brought many people of African
descent to the Americas as slave labor. While times have changed and both
descendants of blacks and natives are free and able to move around at their will, their


Similarities Between Night And Wiesel
The Holocaust is the world s most dehumanizing incident that occurred from the
years 1933 to 1945. It was a racial injustice in which Jews, along with people seen
as inferior, were persecuted by the German Nazi s. Author Elie Wiesel and director
Steven Spielberg both do excellent jobs at educating an audience of the horrors
people experienced during this time. In Wiesel s novel Night, the Holocaustis shown
from a Jewish boy s perspective as Elie struggles to survive the torment of several
concentration camps. Steven Spielbergs film Schindler s List shows the Holocaust
from a German Nazi s perspective, as Oscar Schindler faces an internal struggle
while attempting to protect several Jews. The stories share numerous similarities
along with differences, however, when it comes down to which is a better
representation of the Holocaust, Night will come out on top due to Wiesel s first
hand experiences inside the camps. Both of the stories use many similar concepts
while displaying the Holocaust. For example, the main characters in each story
show a great value of courage. Oscar Schindler demonstrates his courage by putting
his career and quite possibly his life on the line as he makes a great effort to save as
many Jews as he can. Similarly, Elie Wieseldisplays courage as he fights the urge to
fall into the easy option of death. Along with this, there is an abundance of events that
happened during the Holocaust that are included in both Night and Schindler s List.


What Are The Challenges Of Balancing High School
My greatest challenge so far has to be balancing high school with the issues that
my family has faced. During ninth and tenth grade, my mother was experiencing
back pain as well as scaitia in her leg, which almost led her to be bed ridden. My
mother experienced tremendous pain and her pain killers were not even helping her
out. To further arise the issue, neither of my parents speak English well, so it was my
responsibility to go with my parents to any doctor s appointments or any other
appointments that were necessary. Furthermore, the first two years of high school
were also an intense period for me because my father also had two neck surgeries in
the past and with his age, his body was not supporting him either. I was expected to
take over


Daniel 4
This project, primarily intends to poetically reconstruct events from the story of the
life of Daniel, a God fearing man, extremely knowledgeable, wise, from a royal
bloodline who faced extreme difficulties and immensely dire circumstances because
of his faith. Under the continually changing kings, who had overthrown his
homeland, Daniel, unexpectedly became among the most powerful people in the
entire land, after the Kings made use of his God given gift of interpreting dreams. In
the face of radical change, Daniel thrived when thought humanly impossible
considering his odds. In the midst of his troubles, he trusted God, never shrinking,
even while in a den of lions, despite every logical reason to fear and doubt that God
would rescue him.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Through the use of repetition of God s own words, from the beginning through to
the end, the theme of God, the only constant in Daniel s life will develop. Through
inclusion and exclusion of certain words, lapses in Daniel s trust in God will
appear, as well as some of his weaknesses. In certain verses, which will appear in the
form of visions, God confides in Daniel through visions of future happenings, some
of which deeply disturb Daniel s spirit. In others, Daniel expresses physical weakness,
doubting his ability to even function, all the while knowing that God will renew his
strength, notwithstanding continual contrasting evidence. For example, Daniel
laments, I am overcome with anguish, because of your vision, my Lord , and have
become very weak. (Daniel 10.16). In some verses, God s angels sent words of
encouragement from God, which, as mentioned previously will appear multiple times
throughout the


Keep Animals In Captivity
Which side are you on, do you think we should keep animals should in captivity or
in the wild. Here are some reasons why they should be in the wild. When an
animals is taken to the zoo it is going to be their for the rest of It s life. Animals
that are born in the zoo and are kept in captivity will start to get weird behaviour,
stress, and dangerous. The problem is that some people don t agree with me and why
they think they should be kept in captivity. The reason why some people might want
this is because the zookeepers keep them well fed and protect them from getting
killed or driven out of their natural habitat. The rest of this essay will be about why
we should not keep these animals in captivity. In zoos the animalsget very little


Comparing Two Movie Versions Of Romeo And Juliet
In this essay I will be comparing two different movie versions of Romeo and Juliet.
The two films I will be comparing are Romeo and Juliet directed by Carlo Carlei
and Romeo + Juliet directed by Baz Luhrmann. The points that I will be comparing
are the props, setting, and costumes. Within each movie there are good things and
there are bad things and I will be comparing those good and bad things. The props
in the two films of Romeo and Juliet are extremely different which make them a
good point of comparison. Luhrmann s version of Romeo and Juliet is a more
modern take on the play. I think this because they use guns, cars, television and
newspapers. By using guns, it brings a more dramatic and forceful feel to the movie.
It makes every death... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
The costumes in Luhrmann s film are defiantly more modern and beached themed.
Some of the men/boys in the film wore floral patterned Hawaiian shirts, but most
of them would wear plain black jeans and a tight t shirt with their gun belt. They
also would have their hair slicked back. The women/girls would wear mainly what
girls would wear now. Juliet in particular had some scenes where she was just
wearing a boyfriend tee look and in others she was wearing just a simple sailor
looking outfit. For a lot of the movie it was a ball so both Romeo and Juliet were in
costumes. Romeo was wearing a knight costume. I think that his costume is kind
of playing a tribute to the older more play like costumes that they would have worn
in the plays. Juliet costume was an angel. I think they chose this costume for Juliet
because it represented her innocence and how she was innocent before she went
off with Romeo a boy from the rival family. In Carlei s version of the film the men
/boys wore the jackets and pants with the shirts with the puffy white sleeves and
also they would wear their sword belts with every outfit. Definitely what you would
typically think of from the original play. The women/girls wore the puffy elegant
ball gowns that the little puff on the shoulders. The ball in this version was a
masquerade ball so they were all wearing masks. But the women/girls were still
wearing big, huge ball gowns and the men/boys were still wearing their outfits. I
definitely think that the costumes from both movies were different from each other
but good in their own


My Identity And Identity
Sunday mornings my mother in the kitchen singing in Spanish cooking breakfast
for everyone afterward we would head to church, a Latino congregation. My
parents would be talking in Spanish, I would always understand what they were
saying when they would talk with me speaking English or Spanish interchangeably
back to them. It never occurred to me that other kids parents do not speak another
language because I was so used to both. As I grew up I was always called the
gringa (white girl) of the family. From neighbors to classmates, co workers, and
people I interacted with in general did not think I was Latina because I have fair
skin and naturally blonde hair but light brown eyes, my brother, and, father have
green eyes and blonde hair too. It never really bothered me until I realized later as I
grew up and started to navigate the world more on my own that I saw it as an
issue. Being confronted by people who challenge me on my own identity has given
me another identity in which I must defend and prove that the labels I put on myself
are mine and I do not need to meet your requirements for you to accept that I am
who I say I am. When meeting people they do not assume that we are Latino, let
alone that my father is from MichoacГЎn, Mexico. With the physical features, I
assume we did not fit what might be considered what a stereotypical Latinos look
like we all come in different colors, shapes, and size. Growing up my father has an
accent I would say it was not heavy but it was


Joseph Raymond McCarthy and Communism Essay
Joseph Raymond McCarthy, once a senator, is best known for his accusatory
remarks on communism. During a time of cold war, opposition to McCarthy was
the last thing the public wanted, in fear of being accused themselves. McCarthy led
a life of almost fifty years, beginning on November 14, 1908 and ending on May 2,
1957 due to acute hepatitis and numerous additional ailments and liver problems
(Reference Staff). Joseph McCarthywas born in Grand Chute, Wisconsinon
November 14, 1908 to Timothy and Bridget McCarthy. In adolescence and early
adulthood, McCarthy completed eight grades of schooling and started farm work,
only to return to high school in Manawa in 1929. McCarthy completed high school
in a year s time ( Wisconsin Historical... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
During his time in the Marines, McCarthy challenged, and is defeated by,
Alexander Wiley for the Republican primary for US Senate. Once McCarthy
resigned from the Marines in 1945, he returned to Appleton to repossess his seat as
judge. Within the next year, he begins his political stance by running against the
low campaigning Senator Robert La Follette Jr. with the strategy of heavy
campaigning and attacking La Follette. McCarthy defeats La Follette and goes on,
in November of 1946, to defeat the Democratic candidate Howard J. McMurray in
the general election. During the start of his political career, anti communism was
only a minor issue for McCarthy. During McCarthy s first few years as senator, anti
communism started to take a larger stance in United States politics, as well as the
United States as a whole ( Wisconsin Historical Images ). McCarthy started the age
of McCarthyism on February 9, 1950 when he announced his first list. McCarthy
stated, I have in my hand a list of 205, a list of names that were made known to the
Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who, nevertheless,
are still working and shaping policy in the State Department. Within the following
weeks, McCarthy claimed that there were different numbers of communists within
the United States that he had listed, including 57, as he told reporters, and later 81, as
he told the Senate. McCarthy s


The Issue Of Legal Issues
Legal Issues
There are far more opportunities for the decrease of legal issues with this conflict
implementation plan. With tiered meeting being conducted on a daily basis, the
project status is addressed and issues with schedule, cost, scope and quality can be
brought to the forefront and addressed. If negative issues were not addressed in this
matter, negative impacts on the project would likely occur such as:
(a).Teams making unethical decisions
(b).Adversarial contractual relationships
(c).Decrease in productivity, quality and efficiency
(d).Wrongful representation and contractual agreements not met
Ultimately, if not addressed the effected parties may claim relief through the legal
system (Wallace, 1999). This can be detrimental to project success and the
organization future business and reputation.
Ethical Dilemma
Looking at the trends within the American organizations that have conducted
unethical behavior there could be a relationship between how the leadership conduct
themselves and how the employees act. The culture within the organization can shape
how employees think and act (Taylor, et al., 2014). Business Leaders must establish
the culture through clear guidelines and setting the example to foster ethical
performance. Take for instance, the culture within Tyco International, which former
CEO Dennis Kozlowski created one that was all about numbers. He had told
BusinessWeek the sky is the limit (Jennings, 2012). In addition, research has shown


Mid-Level Information Technology Jobs in Texas
Introduction It s quite evidence that world market and innovation in the field of
information technology is growing too fast in the United States. Even though a
lot has been said for last few decades about the employment shift in the field of IT,
however, as stated by McKinsey (2009) the field still remains the most significant
sectors of the economy. In Texas the Information Technology is playing a vital role
in the development of the City. There are a number of companies offering various
IT services within the five cities in Texas, such cities are Dallas, Houston, Austin,
San Antonio and Fort Worth (McKinsey, 2009). This paper however, seeks to
analyze the entry and Mid level information Technology jobs and the top IT
companies within Texas. It also seek to highlight what most IT recruiters normally
look for in a prospective candidate and the average wages offered in each city.
Finally, the study analyzes the average cost to do business in each city in the State of
Texas. Dallas Entry and Mid level Information Technology Jobs Network System
Engineer Technical Helpdesk analyst Java Developer Business System Analyst
Application Developer HYPERLINK http://www.careerbuilder.com/JobSeeker/Jobs
/JobDetails.aspx?siteid=par_214_rssj Job_DID=JHP87M6WSX2YG28Q7W3
lr=cbpar_214 ipath=rss SmartPlant 3D Administrator (remote office) HYPERLINK


The Topic Of Advertising And How It Affects Young
This research argument paper presents findings on the topic of advertising and how it
affects young children. Advertising of all types, including television commercials are
large part of everyday life. Through commercials and other advertising, agencies and
companies introduce their product or services to people of all ages, including young
children. Many people do not realize these advertisements truly have a profound
effect on the development of young children. Advertisers understand that reaching
children through these advertisements will increase their profits dramatically and do
so without regard to the well being of the child. The effects of advertisements, such as
magazines and billboards, online advertisements and television... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
Advertisements may be in the form of a television commercial, a printed ad in a
magazine, signs and billboards or commercials on television and advertisements on
the internet. Advertisements are seen in the home; in stores and even in the schools
and do not always promote the best of things. Many online websites have increased
advertising directed at children. Print advertisements, online advertisements and
television commercials can have an adverse effect on children s behavior and
development through the exposure to negative options, as well as children having the
need to possess material things they see in the advertisements. Children are
negatively affected by advertisements because of the inability to understand the
reason and the inclusion of violence and unhealthy food options.
Children s Understanding of Advertisements
Advertisements and commercials are geared towards children now more than ever
and the promoters of the products express exactly what the children want to hear.
Although young children do not understand the meaning of commercials and
advertising, these advertisements are very persuasive and encourage children to seek
out the product, whether good or bad, that is being advertised. Young children are
unable to differentiate information that is portrayed to them that may be biased, like
information in a commercial on


Difference Between The Kala Virtual Image And The Xp...
In this lab report I will be discussing both the Kali Virtual Image as well as the XP
Security Image. I will also emphasize on three particular tools of my liking related
to each image and speak in detail of what those tools do and how they might help a
security practitioner in a security operations center.
Kali Linux:
Kali Linux is a Linux distribution which is primarily for the security service such
as like digital forensics and penetration testing. It comes on pre loaded and pre
installed versions of over 500 testing platforms which are currently being used by
millions of clients across the globe to securely certify their programs, applications,
clients and web. [1]
Currently, Kali Linux offering is extended to ... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
This type of search use case is useful in identifying the tables and entries with
confidential/certified data which can be a huge loss in case of an attack.
The most important functionality that it offers is that it can help create an out of
band stateful TCP connection between the attacker and the database which can then
help us emulate an actual scenario where the system is under attack.
These are the various ways in which sqlmap gives us a way to protect and secure
our database servers underlying the operation system of our web and mobile
applications from a potential cyber security t.
Reaver implements a robust and practical brute force attack targeting a Wi Fi
Protected Setup (WPS) enabled router. It uses all the permutations and combinations
on 6 digit pins to obtain the passphrases out of it. [5] It can crack wps pins
extremely quickly with the time for default configured pin averaging around 3 5
Usage: Run reaver is used to test wireless penetration for Wi Fi enabled applications
and or web servers. It can take seconds or hours based on the target network. It may
vary based on the password length field as well as the pin configuration restrictions.
Once we have the passphrases obtained by reaver for our use case and the time
taken for doing so, we can evaluate the general design for the password security for
our application and the amount of bounding restrictions we ask the user to take care of


Darnell s Narrative Report
On Thursday, 07/09/2015, at approximately 1722 hours, I, Deputy Stacy Stark
#1815, responded to 147 Hillendale Dr., Murphysboro, IL 62966 to speak with the
reporting party, Gary W. Darnell (M/W, DOB: 07/10/1956) and his wife, also the
victim, Jane M. Darnell (F/W, DOB: 03 31 1958) about a reckless driving
complaint. Jackson County Dispatch received the call for service via a non
emergency line at the Jackson County Sheriff s Office. I arrived on scene at 1730
hours. I met with Gary and Jane Darnell at their residence. Gary Darnell started
explaining the history with their neighbor, William J. Boyer (M/W, DOB: 11/19
/1948). Gary stated that during the fall of last year around September, the neighbor
s daughter rescued a stray dog named, Wakka. Boyer did not care for the dog. Boyer
wanted to get rid of the dog. The Darnell s told Boyer if he wanted to get rid of the
dog, they would purchase the dog from him. Wakka was... Show more content on
Helpwriting.net ...
between 11:15am 11:30am today, July 9, 2015, when her neighbor, Boyer, was
traveling east on West Lake Rd. in his gold newer model Cadillac. Darnell was
walking on the south side of the road, when Boyer drove straight towards her like
he was going to hit her and then swerved away. Jane Darnell thought she was going
to have to jump in the ditch. Jane Darnell believes Boyer s actions are intentional
because he has done this before. There are two other unreported incidents of this
nature that occurred in the past while Jane Darnell was walking her dogs. While
Jane Darnell walks her dogs and Boyer happens to drive by during her walk, Boyer
drives fast and very close to her and/or dogs. The built up animosity of Boyer has
the Darnell s on edge for the safety of their dogs and Jane Darnell. Gary Darnell
stated that Boyer never does anything when he is present. The non neighborly actions
only occur towards Jane


The Changing Price Elasticity of Demand for Domestic...
The Changing Price Elasticity of Demand for Domestic Airline Travel
Consumers make economic decisions as to what they buy based largely on price.
More specifically, the change in the amount of a good purchased is often highly
dependent on its change in price. That measure of responsiveness is defined as the
price elasticity of demand.
Mathematically, it is often expressed as: Ed
= percent change in quantity demanded / percent change in price, or (dQ/Q)/(dP/P).
The minus sign is often omitted because price elasticity of demand is presumed to
be negative. If Ed = 0, it is perfectly inelastic, a change in price does not affect the
quantity demanded. If 0 Ed
1, it is relatively inelastic, the quantity demanded does
not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Multiplicative: Y= (X)a
, in which each independent variable interacts with other independent variables.
The bulk of aviation demand models have been of the multiplicative form to
utilize that interaction. Fortunately, the multiplicative form can be readily
converted to a linear form by simply taking the logarithms of all variables. One
difficulty with both model types if using actual data is the effect of the numerical
value (size) of the variables themselves. Different scalar size in the variables tends
to mask the effect of which independent variable has a greater effect on the
dependent variable. While one correction to scalar effects may be to use what is
known as standardized or beta coefficients,1 the models developed below will be
based on the percentage change in the variables from one year to the next, rather than
the level of the variable.
In this manner the scalar differences are also eliminated. In Part D, Results and
Conclusions, the development of the model form is shown in steps, using actual data.
Models may also be developed with or without a constant (trend) factor. In a model
without a developed constant, the trend is subsumed in the coefficients of the
remaining independent variables, and may bias those coefficients. All equations in
this paper use a constant term.
Part C. The


Nightmare On Elm Street Movie Comparison Essay
Kaylin Brooks English 1010 October 6, 2017 Nightmare On Elm Street Remake
VS. Original Me being a total horror movie fanatic and with the remake craze
taking the horror genre by storm, we all compare the remake to the original while
we re watching it. One of the most classic horror films of all time, Nightmare on
Elm Street, was originally made in 1984 and later got remade in 2010 after a slew
of sequels. When Nightmare on Elm Street got a remake, everyone at that time had
split decisions about the new movie. Me personally, I am not a big fan of remakes,
but since I am such a fan of scary movies, I went in with an open mind and actually
liked it a lot. I have seen this movie hundreds of time since the movie came out and
my sentiments... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
They made Freddy look more human as opposed to the original, where the makeup
was cartoonish and devilish. In the original Freddy was completely red. Freddy is
also known for the red and green striped sweater and razor glove. The sweater is
pretty much the same in both films, but the glove in the remake is much more
intricate, probably due to technology, in the remake. Even the sounds on the
gloves, when Freddy is rubbing his fingers together, are much sharper an realistic.
In the 1984 classic, Freddy was about psychologically attacking his victims. He
liked to play off of his victim s fears and when they went to sleep he would bring
their fears into their nightmares resulting to their demise. But in the remake,
Freddy would attack his victims physically and in their dreams, he would
constantly remind them of how he died causing them to develop insomnia. Also
making them have psychotic breakdowns and killing themselves. In both films,
Freddy Kruger preyed on the children of the parents that killed him. The parents
decided to kill him because they believed he was molesting their children while he
was working as a gardener at their children school. The parent burned him alive.
That storyline remained constant in both movies. His favorite target in both movies
was Nancy. There were some changes to Nancy in the remake, they changed her last
name from Thompson to Holbrook. In 1984 Nancy was played by Heather
Langenkamp and in 2010, Nancy was played by Rooney Mara.


Beethoven Seventh Symphony Analysis
Pratt Carrol stated that Music is the language of emotion, and emotions tend to be the
same the world over, in spite of differences in social customs and language. In other
words, music is a fabulous expression of the human being no matter the culture or
norms because it manages to immediately transmit different feelings and emotions
that other forms of art may not transmit.
For my Introduction to music class I decided, to write about the Seventh Symphony
in A major (Op. 92) by Ludwig van Beethoven. The reason why I choose this
symphony is because it s an emotional piece of music, and it definitely catch my
attention since the moment I heard it. I feel this symphony reach emotional situations
that are above human explosions. Emotional areas that invade us through a
contradictory fact between feelings. The Seventh Symphony in A major by
Beethoven appears in 1813. The orchestra contains two flutes, two oboes, two
clarinets in A, two bassoons, two horns in A (E and D in the inner movements), two
trumpets in D, timpani, and strings. Beethoven insisted on directing it at its premiere,
with tragicomic results. The critics recognized a new genius of Beethoven; even
today there are experts who consider it as the best of their symphonies. Richard
Wagner, another fervent Beethovenian, describe this symphony as all tumult, all
yearning and storming of heart into the blissful insolence of joy, which snatches us
away with bacchanalian might. For its relentless dance rhythm and


Key Communication Failures That Were Exposed During...
Freeman Teague Jr. effectively expresses the importance and complexity of
communication. At one time the U.S. Army defined communication as the exchange
and flow of information and ideas from one person to another; it involves a sender
transmitting an idea, information, or feeling to a receiver (Clark, 2015). Throughout
this paper we will expound on key communication failures that were exposed during
Operation Anaconda. The overall verdict is that Anaconda s outcome was a success,
but its original plan was a resounding failure. Many things contributed to the failure,
but this paper will focus on the communication aspect.
Effective communication occurs only if the receiver understands the exact
information or idea that the sender intended to transmit. Many of the problems that
occur in an organization are: the direct result of people failing to communicate and
processes that leads to confusion and can cause good plans to fail (Clark, 2015). To
understand how some of the soon to be discussed failures arose, all of the key
commanders need to be identified. When Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) began
General Tommy Frankswas the CENTCOM Combatant Commander in Tampa,
Florida. Events on 9/11 lead to us having forces in Afghanistan soon after. From the
beginning of the war Special Forces (SOF) were the primary assets utilized. As time
went on conventional units were joining the forces in theatre. This caused the need
for the Command and Control (C2) structure to adapt to the

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  • 6. Speech On A Parol Circuit Making a parol is really hard especially with lights in it. It was hard and fun at the same time. In order for us to start doing it we designed and make our circuit plan. In doing our parol circuit we trodden with different electronics material like resistor, capacitor, transformer and a lot more. This is not new to me and to others but at the same time my knowledge into it widens. Our parol is one of the biggest and widest it was really hard and we thought that we could not finish it on the allotted time given. But with unity and team work we are able to finish it. All of us have a different role or task to make. I still remember the time that after school we would immediately go to Jake house and finish it. It was exhausting but it is all worth it in the end seeing it light for the first time takes away all of the sweat and tiredness away. Parallel Circuit Parallel circuit ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In its simplest form, a capacitor consists of two conducting plates separated by an insulating material called the dielectric. The capacitance is measured in units of Farad (F). The capacitor disconnects current in direct current (DC) circuits and short circuit in alternating current (AC) circuits. Large capacitors are used in the power supplies of electronic equipment of all types, including computers and their peripherals. Resistor Resistors are electronic components which have a specific, never changing electrical resistance. The resistor s resistance limits the flow of electrons through a circuit. They are passive components, meaning they only consume power (and can t generate it). Resistors are usually added to circuits where they complement active components like op amps, microcontrollers, and other integrated circuits. Commonly resistors are used to limit current, divide voltages, and pull up I/O lines. The electrical resistance of a resistor is measured in ohms.
  • 7. The Armenian Genocide In The Ottoman Empire Jayden: Starting in 1915, the Turkish government stimulated a plan to exterminate Armenians living in the Ottoman Empire. Most sources agree that there were around 2 million Armenians in the Ottoman Empire at the time of the massacre. By the early 1920s, when the manslaughter and deportations finally ended, 1.5 million of Turkey s Armenians were deceased, with many more forcefully removed from their homeland in the Ottoman Empire.The genocide left the Armenian community in a wreckage , and present day Armeniais only a fragment of the size of Armenia before the disastrous massacre committed by the Ottoman Empire. Sam: Today, most history experts and others worldwide label this event as a genocide. A genocide is the deliberately executing of a large group of people, most of which are of the same ethnic group or nation. Unfortunately, the Turkish government does not acknowledge the damage that these events had upon the people. Despite pressure from Armenians and social justice advocates throughout the world, it is still illegal in Turkey to converse about the events that included the Armenians during this era. Armenians were publicly humiliated and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... An example of this is a purple flower. The flower is a symbol that stands for God s presence during this tough time. The forget me not flower has five petals, each of which symbolizes the five continents, where Armenians settled after the genocide. Madison: While there are few solutions to genocide, the best way to solve this is to create a better situation in this massacre. An example of this would be to better educate the Armenian children about this horrible bloodshed in hopes that what happened will not occur in the future. When becoming educated on what s happening in the world it creates a better understanding of what is occurring and provides solutions to prevent this in the future and not repeat
  • 8. Who Am I Who I Am Why I am Who I am When I think back to why I am who I am, I think back to my childhood and what memories have stuck in my mind. They often come up in certain situations as a reminder to never forget the people that love me, or the places that I love that influence my choices and the road to my future goals. I try my best to follow advice and recollect on the important things in life, like zipping up my coat or enjoying time with my family, making the best out of situations and thinking positively. I remember repetitive smells or touch that one day added to my mind and never left, that will always be a part of me, Now I am eighteen and in college, about to start a new chapter my life and compose new memories with new people. Thinking back now makes me wonder what it will be like to think back years from now to these moments that im making now, and how I will connect them all. Zip it up or don t go outside my teacher would declare to me, because I still couldn t zip up my own coat without someone s help. Could you please help me? I asked, Try zipping it up or don t go outside , I remember her reciting it in a somewhat of a rude tone and it was announced in front of the class, usually in line before recess, which did not make me feel any better. The pressure of doing it in front of the class made me a bit frightened, I could feel their wide eyes on me which only made me more nervous. With my small fingers trembling
  • 9. Black Panthers Downfall The Fall of the Black Panther Party The Black Panther Party was a prominent political organization that operated from 1966 to 1982, born out of the civil rights movement of the 1950s and 60s and advocated for equal rights and economic opportunities for African American communities. While the party did originate in California, influential chapters spread out across the United States beyond California, including major cities like New York, Philadelphia, Seattle, and Chicago. With the party so widespread and with a great amount of people involved, it allowed for problems to arise within the communities they reached and within the party itself. These issues, both internal and external, lead to the eventual fall of the Black Panthers. The collapse... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This Counter Intelligence Program the name shortened to COINTELPRO was launched by the FBI in August of 1956, a decade prior to their involvement with the Black Panther Party. The primary goal of this program was to survey, permeate, discredit, and dismantle groups that were domestic political organizations. The main targets were individuals or institutions that the United States government considered subversive. The FBI first engaged with the Black Panthers in the late 1960s, when J. Edgar Hoover, the Director of the FBI at the time, released a public statement saying the Black Panther party... represents the greatest threat to the internal security of the country , and also labeled them a violence prone black extremist group (citation needed). This first remark about the party would become a telling sign that COINTELPRO was ready to strike at the slightest hint of a threat, and foreshadowed the bloody event that unfolded five months
  • 10. Transgender Video Analysis 2) I think learning more about the history of transgender individuals would be very interesting. It is not a topic that is discussed a ton, and I believe it would be good to get exposed to their history. Learning more about the current transgender movements is an issue we should also become more informed on. The news does not talk about the violence directed towards transgenderpeople, so I think we should get more educated on what they are going through. I never really heard about the violence towards transgender individuals because I come from a small town and it is not really an issue that is brought up on the news often. 4) I thought it was really interesting when they brought up the issue of a lot of transgender characters being played by cisgender actors and actresses. I am sure there are plenty of extremely talented transgender actresses and actors. I feel like the casting people did not try to reach out to the transgender group of actors and actresses. I my opinion, transgender individuals would relate more to the transgender characters. I think it would add a lot of authenticity, so I believe more shows should look for a transgender to play their transgender role of characters. I think we need to start giving these individuals more chances, so we can have more ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Laverne Cox shares a lot of stories her own and others that work to inspire acceptance of the transgender community. It is super admiring that Laverne is using her celebrity status to spread awareness about the discriminations and violence that is directed to the transgender community. More and more people are becoming more open about being transgender, so I think as a society we need to be more accepting of differences between each other. She does a great job with addressing the violence that is directed at the transgender community, and I believe it is a topic that needs to be covered
  • 11. Analysis Of Esther By Sylvia Plath The stereotypical survivor could be described as someone who endured grueling physical obstacles, survived and returned to normal life, and developed as a person since then. Sylvia Plath does not fit the typical template of a survivor; she did not physically survive. However, the emotional and mental stress she withstood the ten years prior to her suicidemade her just as much of a survivor as anyone who lived to tell their story. Although Plath eventually crumbled under the weight of her deteriorating emotional stability, she persevered for as long as she could until she could take it no longer, making her as strong as anyone who survived a physical challenge. The bell jarwas a symbolic representation of her emotional state throughout the novel, whether it be pre treatment, post treatment, or pre suicide. Before her treatment with Dr. Nolan, Esther , the character name for Sylvia Plath, began a rapid downward spiral beginning while she was still in college, which included a month of no sleep, a withdrawal from social interaction, and several suicide attempts. At this time, the bell jar had closed in on her, suffocating her from the inside. Everything reminded her of death. Esther had tried to drown herself as one of her last suicide attempts before the beginning of her treatment, and prior to her attempt she noticed that sharks teeth and whales earbones littered about down there like gravestones (Plath 153). Her relating measly shark teeth as gravestones down
  • 12. Shadrach, Meshach, And Abednegory The story of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego is part of Daniel Chapter 3. It s about 3 guys, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego who refuse to worship this guy, Nebuchadnezzar s, idol. So they are thrown into a fire as punishment. But due to their faith in God, they are saved from the fire. Then, because of their faith in God, and have been rescued by him, Nebuchadnezzar promotes them and admits he was wrong before. In the nonfiction account of this story (aka: Daniel Chapter 3 of the bible); Nebuchadnezzar forces the people of Babalon to worship his idol whenever they heard the the sound of the horn, pipe, lyre, trigon, harp, bagpipe, and every kind of music, [they were] to fall down and worship the golden image that King Nebuchadnezzar has... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The hair of their heads was not singed, their d cloaks were not harmed, and no smell of fire had come upon them. When he saw this he proclaimed Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, who has sent his angel and delivered his servants, who trusted in him, and set aside the king s command, and yielded up their bodies rather than h serve and worship any god except their own God. Therefore I make a decree: Any people, nation, or language that speaks anything against the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego shall be torn limb from limb, and their houses laid in ruins, for there is no other god who is able to rescue in this way. (Daniel 3:28 29). And then promoted Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. However, in the fiction account of this story (aka: the Veggietale s episode; Rack Shack, and Benny); Nebuchadnezzar forces the people of the chocolate factory, that he owned, to worship his idol. Which is a giant bunny. Worshiping an idol is against Rack Shack, and Benny s religion, as well as what their parents told them was right. Also in this version, Nebuchadnezzar notices that the 3 are not conforming, and gets
  • 13. Essay on Analysis of Ministry Leaders’ Approaches to... A young international student walked onto a secular Florida college campus ready to start his medical studies. Being an international student meant he had to take an English class. Little did he know a required English class would change the purpose of his life. The teacher of that class was committed to discipleship as defined and shown in the Bible. Having permission to use the Bible as the textbook the teacher taught his students the Word of God. The student did not immediately respond to the things being taught, though he excelled in his English studies. He came to the States with the purpose of learning English and medicine. However he left having learned English, certified as a Registered Nurse and following Jesus Christ as his Lord... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are many views and ideas of how to define a disciple . Yet how do they stand up to Jesus example? Looking up the word disciple in an English or Greek dictionary yields similar meanings. The English language defines it as, A person who is a pupil or an adherent to the doctrines of another; follower. (disciple) The Greek simply defines it as, A learner or pupil. (Strong 45) The most common definition of a disciple is someone who follows behind or one who is learning from another. While the Bible does build upon the idea of following and one who learns from another, there is an additional element to be seen. In Luke 14:25 35 Jesus shares the heart of a disciple. (Schadt) The first aspect is hating one s family and even their own life. Without complete devotion to Christ there is not any progress in the Christian walk. A disciple is one who loves God more than he loves his own flesh. Second, he must carry his cross and follow Jesus. In the time of the Roman Empire carrying one s cross visualized one s agreement that the Empire s death sentence was proper condemnation. In the same way Jesus asks for meek submission in aligning yourself with His mission and purpose by carrying your cross. (Walvoord, John F.; Zuck, Roy B.; Dallas Theological Seminary; 243) The last characteristic of a disciple is giving up everything. Sacrifice of all the heart holds dear. Once again this shows where the allegiance lays. Is it in the physical securities of possessions or is it in
  • 14. The Importance Of Leisure And Ethnic Minorities In Canada Introduction Today, Canadian cities are more diverse than they have been at any point in history. Over the last 20 years, the number of Canada s visible minorities has increased from 5 percent to 19 percent (Stodolska M., 2015). Commonly, immigrants will arrive with a strong determination to be successful in their everyday lives and to acquire new knowledge and language skills. The people with the most drive to succeed in these areas tend to have a more effective adaptation to their new country (McNeely, C. A et al., 2017). A healthy transition to a new country can be realised by many aspects throughout the resettlement process, most are the characteristics of the host community. Leisure and Ethnic Minorities Leisure Constraints The importance of diversity can sometimes be taken for granted. But there is no doubt that Canada is a better and more successful country because of it. The ability and readiness of a majority population and the way they accept immigrants has been proven to have a high impact on how well these immigrants can adapt to their new environment (Tirone, S., Pedlar, A., 2000). Distinct cultural identities of ethnic minorities can be persistently challenged. Even with discrimination and segregation almost eliminated from our society there are still a few constraints that can hinder adaptation and feel more like acculturation. Acculturation can refer to the ways in which immigrants accept and follow dominant values because of pressure exerted from the
  • 15. Zora Neale s Character Analysis Ultimately, Janie found herself contempt with the experience from her adventure. Janie at a young age knew nothing of love, but as she grew up love took hold of her. Janie searched for love to the point of looking for it blindfolded. After the first two attempts of love, she was able to find some of her ideals of lovein Tea Cake, but after losing him, she was able to see her capability. She developed to the point of taking action for herself as She pulled in her horizon like a great fish net. Pulled it from around her waist of the world and draped it over her shoulder (Hurston 193). Janie who was once a girl that waited for life to give her an answer on love was able to search for it. She carries the negatives and positives from her adventure
  • 16. Similarities Between Hinduism And Christianity Hinduism and Christianity Hinduism and Christianity are two religions that have been around for thousands of years. Both religions since creation has developed philosophies on certain subjects that can be compared and contrasted, to show the similarities and differences within Hinduism and Christianity. Key subjects that can be analyzed after reviewing the history and foundation of these religions are their: paths to enlightenment/salvation, the religions treatment of women, and the afterlife. This paper will give a thorough and concise analysis through discussion with the inclusion of comparing and contrasting embedded throughout this paper. One of the most important elements of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The main deities of the Hindu religion are Brahma and his two lieutenants named Shiva and Vishnu. The god Vishnu is the creator, and Shiva is the destroyer. One is not looked upon as better than the other. This shows the ultimate realism that the Hindu culture possesses. These are not the only gods in Hindu culture. There are many others and all have special skills and talents. The gods themselves also give birth to the idea of avatars, or the form of god when he or she comes to earth. Perhaps the most important part of the philosophy of a religion lay in its path to enlightenment. The main ideas of enlightenment come through the Four Ends of Life. The first of these ends is Moksa. Moksa could be considered the realization of separation between the spiritual self and the physical self. It is only through this realization that one can be released from the mortal coil and allowed to spiritual liberty. It is through Moska that the Hindu follower becomes familiar with the existence of the spiritual world. The second of the Four Ends of life is Kama. This end says that we must pass through life in an ethical manner that brings about the most from life. This includes learning its great values as well as experiencing its enjoyments. This protects the Hindu follower from shutting out the physical world entirely. Artha is the third end and it deals with wealth and material well being. It explains that
  • 17. Descriptive Essay On Moving Day The scene outside, rainy and gloomy, sets an eerie tone. This isn t the typical August weather, but we re not concerned at all. It ll only make our jobs more difficult in this harsh downpour. As a matter of fact, my parents have been waiting for this day ever since they made their choice. My voice didn t matter as much, so I had two choices. I had tried preparing myself by opting for one of the choices. However, that wasn t the case on moving day. My day started like every other day. Laying in bed and unwinding until you have the energy to actually get out of bed and be productive. Except, it really wasn t. It was August of 2014, beginning of the school year. I had lived on a street called Larsen Lane nearly all of my life, and had gone to the same school all my life, too. We should ve been getting ready for school, but our parents decided we should take the day off. This kind of unwinding was different because my brother and I had slept on just mattresses; our bed frames had already been packed. Our room was just plain. The blue walls had stayed here ever since we had got them painted years ago, but that was it. The stickers we collected on our sliding glass doors to our closet were all taken off. I laid there, bland and lifeless, on the verge of tears even, thinking about the choice that could set me up for middle school. Our mom settled herself in bed with us, comforting us so we would couldn t get too overwhelmed by the emotions of leaving behind our old life.
  • 18. Hurricane Mitch In all of the texts Memories of the Flood, Hurricane Mitch, and Teacher Rescued at Sea they all tell and show about how people had to deal with a long term problem caused by the destruction of hurricane Mitch. The impact that this hurricane were similar and different in each story but it was still heartbreaking. In the article Memories of the Floodmany cars and even some houses were under water and left many homeless. In addition the article Hurricane Mitchmany people s houses and land were destroyed by mud, also there food population went down by a lot so many people were left starving. Finally in the article Teacher Rescued at Sea a women has lossed her really close family members including her three kids and husband when... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... One of these similarities were that in each article Memories of the Flood, Hurricane Mitch, and Teacher Rescued at Sea something was taken away from somebody or a large a population that they loved. For example in the article Memories of the Flood 600 acres of farming land was drenched in water and all of the plants and crops has died, According to the text it states If the rains did not stop, we knew, the seeds and soil would wash away. . Also in the article Hurricane Mitch Farming property homes were destroyed by mud, mud cover acres of land across many islands and countries, there were only a few houses left and very little food so most people were left starving, According to the text it states Tons and tons of mud flowed down the hillsides and covered whole towns it also states the hurricane pounded the island and destroyed almost everything in sight. It ripped up houses, boats, docks, telephone poles, and roads. Many people have went homeless and some have died of starvation. Finally In the article Teacher Rescued at Sea a teacher, wife, and mother has lost her house and her children due to this hurricane, there house has been washed away along with everybody else. According to the text it states that was the last time Mrs. Arriola saw the rest of her family alive. The force of the water soon separated all of them and washed them out to sea, Mrs Arriola will never overcome this problem. These similarities show how a hurricane can take something that is so valuable and loved away from
  • 19. Rome Dbq After nearly half a millennium of rule, the Romans began to lose their grip on Europe in the fifth century. The Fall of Rome left in its ruin political chaos, confusion, wide spread devastation, although the Romans at the time had no idea the fall of Rome was occurring. Divide of Western and Eastern Rome, invasions, military disloyalty, and economic instability are some of the factors associated with the fall of Rome. In AD 476, the last Roman emperor in the west, Romulus Augustulus, was removed from power by Odovacar, leader of the Goths. The divide of Western and Eastern Rome was a major factor in the fall of Rome. Eastern and Western Rome were separated in the beginning to make the Roman empire more easily governed. On the contrary,
  • 20. The Public Sphere By Nancy Fraser Nancy Fraser s article speaks as both critical analysis and a modern day interpretation JГјrgen Habermas concept of the public sphere. Through the application of a revisionist historical lens, Fraser both highlights the limits of the original concept of a single public sphere, and introduces interpretations of it as applied to modern day social issues. Through these critiques, Fraser is successful in forwarding the theory of the public sphereas an indispensible element to the application of critical theory. Drawing on examples in late capitalist societies, Fraser illustrates an alternate proposal of co existing multiple public spheres as a more accurate representation of this theory in practice. Fraser informs the reader that Habermas concept of the public sphere served as a regulating force in the promotion of both democracy, and as a guideline for separation between public and private areas. This sphere was comprised of politically minded and motivated individuals existing outside of the realms of government, business and association; with a mandate for debate of matters of public or common interest; excluding those interests deemed private. Its intention was to serve as arbitrators between the public and the state. (58) Critics and revisionist historians however state Habermas account was an idealized version unrepresentative of the public it claimed to speak for. Fraser contends the logic of the single public sphere s guiding principles, going so far as suggesting
  • 21. A Brief Look at Oscar Romero Oscar Romero was an amazing man. Even though his life was cut short, he was able to make an impact on the society that he lived in. Oscar Romero died a hero and an advocate for the people of El Salvador, specifically the city of Agulaires. Leading up to his death, Romero s spiritual journey evolved. Romerowas elected Archbishop because few saw Romero as a threat. He was very intelligent, and would hardly take his head out of a book. When Romero was elected he became good friends with Rutilio Grande. Grande was a priest of Agularies. His mission was to help the poor. After aggravating the government, Grande was killed, along with a young boy and an older man. This event greatly affected Romero s spiritual journey. Romero stated, I took off [Rutilio Grande s] socks, all soaked in blood. I helped prepare his body for burial. When I heard the news, I felt as if I was being lifted into the air and suddenly dropped to the ground. I was so bewildered I don t even know how I got to the church. And now I wonder how I was able to get through everything that everything that happened that day. I loved him. That s why I kept a small piece of cloth with his blood on it. (Page 26). This passage is a critical moment in Romero s spiritual journey. He has seen the people of his city die, but it was not personal. Losing someone so close to him, he changed his attitude for the remainder of his life. Another important moment in Romero s spiritual journey was when he was kidnapped and was
  • 22. Top 1 Cause for Project Failure Anish Mathai Mathew [PMP|MBA] Temenos T24 PROGRAM MANAGER at Union National Bank Featured discussion In your experience, what is the TOP #1 cause for Project failure? From experience, the following are the TOP10 causes of Project failure that Mathew can think of (they are not in any kind of order): #1. Lacking Sponsor s Involvement/Ownership #2. Halo Effect (Wrong Man for the Job) #3. Poor HR Management #4. Poor/Inadequate Project Communications #5. Ignoring Project Stakeholders #6. Absence of Risk Management #7. Scope Creep/Unrealistic Expectations ( scope creep: Frequent and uncontrolled changes in the scope or requirements of a project) #8. Lack of Monitoring of Plan #9. Absence of a Project Management Methodology ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... For me this question shows the real reason for faillure. Most projects focus on producing a rocket (only focus on delivery). Successful projects however look further: why do we create a rocket? Because we want to go to the moon. If NASA would have only focussed on delivering rockets, they would never have reached the moon and probably had produced a great number of disasters while delivering or using those rockets. A Business Case focus, rather than only a delivery focus! (By the way off topic: this delivery approach for me also caused the current financial crisis. Only focussing on the deal, not on the long term effects.) All reasons summed up in the question above are in my view symptoms and results of the delivery only approach rather than reasons. 3. 4. [pic] Alexandro Zencovich Senior Project Manager at ZTE Canada I would say #7. Scope Creep/Unrealistic Expectations. All the others reasons are certainly strong source for failure but somehow most of them point to have a bad road map document. This is why a Project Manager is so useful in any organization to make sure that we
  • 23. get the right project management plan, which include a concise and accurate project scope statement and realistic project expectations. 5. [pic] Beth Barrett Beth Barrett Consulting, LLC Based on over 20 years of project management experience, I would say item #1 to
  • 24. Erin May Be Liable For Tort Of Negligence Going by the scenario of incident given in the pleasure boat mishap, Erin may be liable for tort of negligence where a person s conduct falls below a reasonable standard and harms another. However, in order for there to be a successful claim against Erin in the court, the following elements of tort of negligence has to be established; that she owe a duty of care to any potential claimant, that she has breached that duty of care, that her breached of the duty of care caused the harm suffered by the claimant, and that the damage was not legally too remote. The court will also consider whether Erin foresaw the harm and whether the parties acted in a reasonable way. There is the possibility that Erin might be liable to several parties which includes; each of the holidaymakers on board the pleasure boat at the time of the accident (subsequently referred to as holidaymakers), the estate of Rio and Anya (dead victims), and Sneha, Wayne and Zak (mental breakdown victims). We will take each potential claimant case one by one. The Holidaymakers v Erin For the holidaymakers to make a successful claim against Erin, they must first of all establish that a duty of care exited between them and Erin. Applying the test for duty of care as established in the case of Caparo Industries v Dickman [1990] 1 All ER 568; would a reasonable person foresee the possibility of the claimant suffering damage as a result of the defendant s negligence. In the case of Erin, it could be argue that a
  • 25. Video Streaming Aplikasi Video Streaming Pada Wireless Ad Hoc Network Berbasis Free Open Source Software | | |Agus Wagyana1, Linna Oktaviana Sari2 Jurusan | |Teknik Elektro, Politeknik Negeri Jakarta, Universitas Indonesia1,2 | |Kampus Baru Universitas Indonesia Depok, 16425 | |E mail : awagyana@gmail.com1, linna_vivi@yahoo.com2 ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Aliran media melalui jaringan yang padat akan memunculkan proses buffering yaitu proses penampungan sementara paket paket media sebelum diputarkan. Arsitektur audio dan video streaming terdiri atas 4 komponen [2], seperti diperlihatkan pada Gambar 1, yaitu : Kamera dan mikropon (capture device) dan encoder Server (penyimpan dan streaming) Kanal distribusi Media player Capture device dan encoder berfungsi untuk menangkap tayangan audio dan video dan kemudian mengkodekannya menjadi file digital terkompresi. File ini lalu disimpan di server, yang memiliki software khusus yang dapat mengontrol secara real time pengiriman aliran media melalui jaringan. Kanal distribusi merupakan penghubung server ke media player client. Kanal ini bisa melibatkan banyak interkoneksi jaringan dan cache server. Jaringan bisa berbentuk jaringan lokal (LAN) atau Internet. Gambar 1. Arsitektur Video dan Audio Streaming Media player, biasanya berbentuk plug in pada web browser, yang akan menerima aliran data dan men dekompresikan ke audio dan video semula, yang dapat diputarkan pada monitor dan speaker komputer. 2 Wireless Ad Hoc Network Standar IEEE 802.11b WLAN [3] menyediakan kemampuan akses tanpa kabel ke jaringan Internet dengan kecepatan transmisi data sampai dengan 11 Mbps. Standar IEEE 802.11 memungkinkan
  • 26. Jackie Robinson Changes Did you know that history supports that an individual has the power to change society. For example how martin luther king jr improved to not be judged about your color. Also for these three people also changed history by themselves Jackie Robinson,Rosa Parks, and Lyndon B. Johnson. If you don t know who Jackie Robinson is he was black baseball player,who changed society by being the first black to play on a Major League Baseball team. For example in the article how Jackie Robinson changed baseball by Jessica McBirney says Robinson also made important racial breakthroughs in the sports world. The first baseball player to break the color barrier in 60 years, he paved the way for many future African American and minority athletes. This shows
  • 27. Regulatory Rule Governing Indian Power Sector REGULATORY REGIME GOVERNING INDIAN POWER SECTOR Independence of the State Electricity Regulatory Commission has continued indefinable in reality. Scopes to restoration the current regulatory structure may be discovered with the aim to keep the State government at arm s length from the tariff setting application. It is necessary that the current controlled structure of the distribution sector be transformed and competition be stimulated. One of the ways to obvious this is to distinct posture and gratified businesses of the distribution segment. Regulatory commissions should alert the consumers about the rationale of tariff setting and notify them before every tariff amendment. Every concerned investor should admit the economic significance at a national level of the present crisis. Political will of the governments (i.e., State and Central) is vital to overwhelmed many of the challenges. Discoms in many States are earning massive losses due to increasing, unimpeded regulatory assets. It is essential that the States explore ways to settle them in a time bound manner without further postponement. The regulatory commissions need to plan ways to keep the State governments at arm s length from the State utilities. The governments should effort to attract greater contribution of private discoms. The Electricity Act, 2003 defines the duty of a distribution licensee to produce and maintain an efficient, synchronized and economical distribution system in his area to supply. It also
  • 28. Analysis Of Gerard Genette s Glossary Of Poetic Terms In recent years, the term narratology has often been associated principally with European structuralism [1], bolstered by the work of Gerard Genette, perhaps one of the most famous narrative theorists. Rather than other theorists, such as Todorov, who s work on the influence of the protagonist on a narrativeequilibrium has too provided an insight into different forms and varieties of narratives [2], Genette is more concerned with breaking down the mechanics and processes behind a story, shifting away from the characters and their respective character arcs. He argues that the principalities behind explaining narratologyexist in the routine in which the story is presented. In simpler terms, his interest is not in the story itself, but how it is told. [3} In this essay, I will use this as an analytical tool for taking apart a selected narrative. Any good author, playwright, or poet will always tell you that forms of literature will always contain a message. This may be personal, or historical for instance, but underneath the visual and auditory sugar coat of graphology and literary techniques, there always exists an underlying message to influence and engage the reader. This could be ambiguous, or easily recognised, or perhaps in between. One prominent branch of writing subsists in between free verse and poetry, in what is known as Prose . More specifically, The Glossary of Poetic Terms (2006) [4] states it is a piece of writing which features the charged language
  • 29. Comparing Hobbes s Leviathan And The Grand Inquisitor The Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes and the Grand Inquisitor by Fyodor Dostoevsky, are both important works that share the views of two men on human nature. The Leviathan by Hobbes is one of the most influential pieces of all time. Many great philosophers got inspiration from Hobbes writing and based their views on it. The Grand Inquisitor is considered one of the most well know pieces of writing. The main reasons for it being so well known is because of its ideas of human nature and freedom. Both works, The Leviathanand the Grand Inquisitor, share their views on, human nature and priority, the role of freedom in people s lives and when would it be right to have an all powerful leader who controls everything. The Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes, concerns the structure of... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... He saids how fear drives everything and how fear is the reason for the creation of God. The fear that created God was the fear of what would eventually happen to man. He saids that religion comes from three sources they are the curiosity into what causes events, curiosity of the causes of these causes and forgetting the order of things and past causes and effects. So if something happens and no one knows why it happens or the cause of it, it becomes the work of god. His view on religion is that is has been used wrong; it makes people obedient to a self serving authority. If something goes wrong the important people in the religion will claim that it is a work of God. The reason why this is an issue is since people don t know what really caused the issue they won t blame the government who is truly at fault for the issues. Hobbes believes that nature created everyone the same and the difference between people is very small, so according to Hobbes man can thereupon claim to himself any benefit to which another may not pretend as well as he (Hobbes). He also
  • 30. Environmental Impact Of Environmentalism As people grew more environmentally conscious conflict about the protection of the environment and its ecosystem arose, so environmentalists and organizations such as the Department of Interior s U.S Fish and Wildlife Service fought for greater protection of endangered species and the Endangered Species Act of 1973 was passed. However, the passing of this act caused a greater conflict as its economic role was not clear, and some argued that it would become an economic burden. Starting in the 1970s, people of the United States began to fight for the protection of all living things and their habitats, as they saw the damage that the rapidly growing economy was having on the environment. This is shown through various events and acts... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The ESA provided the establishment of state programs, and the conservation of ecosystems upon which threatened and endangered species of fish, wildlife, and plants depend (Digest of Federal Resource Laws). To conserve the ecosystem, the ESA first listed the species they decided were endangered, and then they enforced the prohibition of the taking, selling, and transportation of those endangered species (Digest of Federal Resource Laws). However, not everything about the Endangered Species Act of 1973 was clear as boundaries of how far the act could go economically to protect the endangered species were not defined. In fact, it did not have much of a boundary when it came to the economic cost of achieving its purpose, and this would later become a huge problem because it would cause a greater divide between those who supported the act and those who did not. This divide would cause conflict about the protection of endangered species once again. Even though in its future years the Endangered Species Act of 1973 would have to be revised, when it first came out it was a great solution to the environmental problem at hand. It helped preserve the ecosystem by providing the necessary resources required to create a safe environment for species in need. (INSERT SOMETHING ABOUT SECTION 7 IN THIS PARAGRAPH) There were no set economic boundaries when it came to the Endangered Species Act of 1973, so a conflict arose in which the Tennessee Valley Authority ended up
  • 31. Toad As An Extended Metaphors In Toads By Philip Larkin In the poem Toads by Philip Larkin, the title announces a metaphor, specifically an extended metaphor which dominates the poem, which is Larkin utilizing a toad as an extended metaphor for work and obligation, in order to communicate his idea that individuals have a difficult time living a fulfilling life, due to one s personal obligation , as well social expectations. Furthermore, the toadis compared to his obligations in life, as well the life of others who do not work, in order to convey the idea that individuals feel they are living an unfulfilling life, as a result of personal sense of obligation, as well social expectations. In addition, the use of figurative language helps to communicate the idea with greater vividness, being it emphasizes that the speaker is questioning if his work, is worth his time, being it takes a vast majority of it, in addition, it is just to get by. Altogether, Larkin s utilizes an extended metaphor, comparing a toad to work and obligations, in order to bolster his idea with greater force than a prosaic description would have achieved. Firstly, the usage of a toad as an the extended metaphor, for work and obligation, upholds Larkin s idea of work being difficult for individuals as a result of one s personal sense of obligation, as well social expectations, as illustrated by comparing the speaker to the lives of others. As evident, in the excerpt Are skinny as whippets and yet/ No one actually starves (Lines 19 20), the speaker, the hard working toad is comparing himself to the lives of other, in order to reveal that others are living without working as a result of being able to handle not living up to the social expectations. Moreover, the citation Losels, loblolly men, louts They don t end as paupers (Lines 11 12), bolsters Larkins idea of work being difficult as a result of one s personal sense of obligation, by comparing the toads sense of self obligation to work, to the absence of it for people, thus revealing they are all able to live the same way, due to they avoid work, however the speaker does not chose to follow that route. Altogether, Larkins, usage of a toad as an extended metaphor for work and obligation, helps convey his idea with more force than
  • 32. Multinational Startup Spotify Ab Company Introduction Headquartered in London and Stockholm, Spotify Ltd. is based upon the Swedish startup Spotify AB, founded in 2006 by two entrepreneurs Daniel Ek and Martin Lorentzon and launched in 2008. In the digital music industry, the streaming market, which represents 10% of the sector, has grown by 51.3% in 2013 while revenues from the download market (iTunes, Amazon) has fallen by 2.1%. Spotify perfectly illustrates this superior growth as the leader in terms of innovation in this market. Considered to be one of the 10 most innovative companies in the U.K. in 2014 by Fast Company , Spotify with almost 50 million active users and 12.5 million paying subscribers, is considered to be worth at around 4 billion dollars and often rumoured... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The Marketing Environment A.The Macroenvironment: PEST Analysis We shall see how Spotify integrates this broader set of forces in its strategy. Political factors: We believed that if we could build a service which was better than piracy, then we could convince people to stop illegal file sharing, and start consuming music legally again (Ek, 2013). It tries to attract customers who previously relied on illegal options for their music needs. Digital piracy is the single most important factor restraining development of the music business. Governments were involved to fight against it and established laws such as Digital Economy Act in the U.K. The turnaround dates back to 2009 when these anti piracy laws combined with The Pirate Bay trial inclined customers to try the new Spotify platform. It has successfully helped curb the illegal downloading of music since it does not allow you to download the track. If you want to own the track, you will be redirected to a legal vendor. Therefore Spotify claims to have reduced the number of people who pirated music by 25% between 2009 and 2011. As such the streaming industry helps governments to combat piracy but in the medium; to long term some political forces could play against this industry: pressure from governments to ensure that the laws are created to protect
  • 33. My Story About My Daughter So I have come here to tell you guys about my daughter and request some assistance from you, I guess. Last night sort of shook me a little bit and I am at a loss mentally about what to do. I have an 8 year old daughter, Amber, who shares a multitude of personality traits in common with me. One of my favorites is the use of wanton sarcasm pretty much 100% of the time. I keep telling my wife, Jennifer, that it s a sign of intelligence; she ll just roll her eyes and reminds me that she constantly has to explain the process of moving shit in the fridge to find other shit to the both of us. I guess that means we aren t all that smart. However, like I said, I didn t come here to gush over my love for my daughter. Yesterday morning pretty much started how it usually does with me struggling to get my wife and daughter up and ready for work and school respectively. My wife is more of an uphill struggle than Amber is most of the time. It really only gets bad if she doesn t get a restful sleep. This day was apparently one of those days indicated by the three trips I made into her bedroom to annoy the shit out of her until she woke up. The more I tried to probe into why she was so tired she met it with a significant amount more resistance. Sometimes you have to pick your battles, so I dropped it. We had plans to go to a fair in central Ohio that I had been excited for all year. It was two hours away from our house but I hadn t been in so long that the drive seemed worth it.
  • 34. Difference Between Cruel And Unusual Punishment Capital Punishment: Is it cruel and unusual Punishment and is it Applied Equally? Throughout time, it appears that the best way society has punish death is through the killing of the killer. This is also mentioned in the Bible several times as an eye for an eye . In our current time, things have not changed much; revenge for murder is still strong. However, in the U.S., repaying death through death is done through the legal system. This is what is known as capital punishment. Ever since capital punishment was initiated, there have been many problems in terms of its continuality. Is the death penalty constitutional? This has been a question that Supreme Courts Justices have wrestled with for a really long time. The main constitutional question in terms of capital punishment is found in the Eight Amendment, which pretty much talks about the concept of cruel and unusual punishment. Capital Punishment can be agreed upon, as ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Throughout history in the U.S., many civil rights leaders and others have attempted to argue about the cruelty of capital punishment, yet it s interesting to note that it s still. This issue is so controversial that the states themselves have to allowed to decide if capital punishment is constitutional or not. The state of Illinois, for example, has banned capital punishment, mainly because of concerns that innocent people are being lethally injected for crimes they never committed. There is a great concern that innocent people are being put to death. But Rehnquist, during the 1980s, never believed that presumed innocence should stand on the way of capital punishment, especially if little technical knowledge of the defendant was available. This stands true today, especially in light of use of DNA testing to prove criminality. However, if one were to apply Marshall s excessive force argument, one could argue that capital punishment is
  • 35. Elastic Wave Filtering Properties Of Graded Undulated... We investigate and experimentally demonstrate the elastic wave filtering properties of graded undulated lattices. Square reticulates composed of curved beams are characterized by graded mechanical properties which result from the spatial modulation of the curvature parameter. Among such properties, the progressive formation of frequencybandgaps leads to strong waveattenuation over a broad frequency range. The experimental investigation of wave transmission and the detection of full wavefields effectively illustrate this behavior. Transmission measurements are conducted using a scanning laser Doppler vibrometer, while a dedicated digital image correlation procedure is implemented to capture in plane wave motion at selected frequencies.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In this regard, gradient index phononic crystals (GRIN PCs) can be designed to provide a refractive index profile able to focus elastic energy, realizing acoustic lenses, 52 20 with recent promising extensions to piezoelectric energy harvesting. In structural lattices, grading the curvature of the beam elements has been numerically explored in undulated configurations. Although it was theoretically shown that structural metamaterials provide a disparate landscape of wave propagation properties, experimental validation is scarcely documented, with most of the tests performed to obtain transmissibility measures through a small number of sensors. When a full wavefield measurement is required, 3D scanning laser Doppler vibrometry (SLDV) is commonly used to measure the wave velocity field in predefined lattice locations. This approach presents a number of shortcomings, mainly
  • 36. North America And South America Both North and South Americas span across many latitudes. This means that they experience many different climates. North America is very wide and experiences continentality. South America is more narrow and does not experience the same level of continentality. Both Americas have rain shadow effect in their south west. They have desert areas created by this rain shadow. South America has a huge tropical area that North Americadoes not experience, but South America does not have an arctic area like North America. The physical geography of the Americas has lots to do with where the population densities are located. These locations are also heavily rooted in colonialism. When the first settlers arrived in the Americas the set up trading posts and small communities along the coasts. In areas that were good for growing crops, the would bring slaves from africa to work the farms growing these resources for the European states. (Demos, 2013) The population distribution has as much to do with colonialism as the Physical geography. Whether they were called Native Americans, First Nations or Amerindian the people who inhabited these lands in the pre Christopher Columbus times were often forced off their lands and onto land deemed undesirable to the European colonist. The Europeans also brought many people of African descent to the Americas as slave labor. While times have changed and both descendants of blacks and natives are free and able to move around at their will, their
  • 37. Similarities Between Night And Wiesel The Holocaust is the world s most dehumanizing incident that occurred from the years 1933 to 1945. It was a racial injustice in which Jews, along with people seen as inferior, were persecuted by the German Nazi s. Author Elie Wiesel and director Steven Spielberg both do excellent jobs at educating an audience of the horrors people experienced during this time. In Wiesel s novel Night, the Holocaustis shown from a Jewish boy s perspective as Elie struggles to survive the torment of several concentration camps. Steven Spielbergs film Schindler s List shows the Holocaust from a German Nazi s perspective, as Oscar Schindler faces an internal struggle while attempting to protect several Jews. The stories share numerous similarities along with differences, however, when it comes down to which is a better representation of the Holocaust, Night will come out on top due to Wiesel s first hand experiences inside the camps. Both of the stories use many similar concepts while displaying the Holocaust. For example, the main characters in each story show a great value of courage. Oscar Schindler demonstrates his courage by putting his career and quite possibly his life on the line as he makes a great effort to save as many Jews as he can. Similarly, Elie Wieseldisplays courage as he fights the urge to fall into the easy option of death. Along with this, there is an abundance of events that happened during the Holocaust that are included in both Night and Schindler s List. However,
  • 38. What Are The Challenges Of Balancing High School My greatest challenge so far has to be balancing high school with the issues that my family has faced. During ninth and tenth grade, my mother was experiencing back pain as well as scaitia in her leg, which almost led her to be bed ridden. My mother experienced tremendous pain and her pain killers were not even helping her out. To further arise the issue, neither of my parents speak English well, so it was my responsibility to go with my parents to any doctor s appointments or any other appointments that were necessary. Furthermore, the first two years of high school were also an intense period for me because my father also had two neck surgeries in the past and with his age, his body was not supporting him either. I was expected to take over
  • 39. Daniel 4 This project, primarily intends to poetically reconstruct events from the story of the life of Daniel, a God fearing man, extremely knowledgeable, wise, from a royal bloodline who faced extreme difficulties and immensely dire circumstances because of his faith. Under the continually changing kings, who had overthrown his homeland, Daniel, unexpectedly became among the most powerful people in the entire land, after the Kings made use of his God given gift of interpreting dreams. In the face of radical change, Daniel thrived when thought humanly impossible considering his odds. In the midst of his troubles, he trusted God, never shrinking, even while in a den of lions, despite every logical reason to fear and doubt that God would rescue him.... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Through the use of repetition of God s own words, from the beginning through to the end, the theme of God, the only constant in Daniel s life will develop. Through inclusion and exclusion of certain words, lapses in Daniel s trust in God will appear, as well as some of his weaknesses. In certain verses, which will appear in the form of visions, God confides in Daniel through visions of future happenings, some of which deeply disturb Daniel s spirit. In others, Daniel expresses physical weakness, doubting his ability to even function, all the while knowing that God will renew his strength, notwithstanding continual contrasting evidence. For example, Daniel laments, I am overcome with anguish, because of your vision, my Lord , and have become very weak. (Daniel 10.16). In some verses, God s angels sent words of encouragement from God, which, as mentioned previously will appear multiple times throughout the
  • 40. Keep Animals In Captivity Which side are you on, do you think we should keep animals should in captivity or in the wild. Here are some reasons why they should be in the wild. When an animals is taken to the zoo it is going to be their for the rest of It s life. Animals that are born in the zoo and are kept in captivity will start to get weird behaviour, stress, and dangerous. The problem is that some people don t agree with me and why they think they should be kept in captivity. The reason why some people might want this is because the zookeepers keep them well fed and protect them from getting killed or driven out of their natural habitat. The rest of this essay will be about why we should not keep these animals in captivity. In zoos the animalsget very little
  • 41. Comparing Two Movie Versions Of Romeo And Juliet In this essay I will be comparing two different movie versions of Romeo and Juliet. The two films I will be comparing are Romeo and Juliet directed by Carlo Carlei and Romeo + Juliet directed by Baz Luhrmann. The points that I will be comparing are the props, setting, and costumes. Within each movie there are good things and there are bad things and I will be comparing those good and bad things. The props in the two films of Romeo and Juliet are extremely different which make them a good point of comparison. Luhrmann s version of Romeo and Juliet is a more modern take on the play. I think this because they use guns, cars, television and newspapers. By using guns, it brings a more dramatic and forceful feel to the movie. It makes every death... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The costumes in Luhrmann s film are defiantly more modern and beached themed. Some of the men/boys in the film wore floral patterned Hawaiian shirts, but most of them would wear plain black jeans and a tight t shirt with their gun belt. They also would have their hair slicked back. The women/girls would wear mainly what girls would wear now. Juliet in particular had some scenes where she was just wearing a boyfriend tee look and in others she was wearing just a simple sailor looking outfit. For a lot of the movie it was a ball so both Romeo and Juliet were in costumes. Romeo was wearing a knight costume. I think that his costume is kind of playing a tribute to the older more play like costumes that they would have worn in the plays. Juliet costume was an angel. I think they chose this costume for Juliet because it represented her innocence and how she was innocent before she went off with Romeo a boy from the rival family. In Carlei s version of the film the men /boys wore the jackets and pants with the shirts with the puffy white sleeves and also they would wear their sword belts with every outfit. Definitely what you would typically think of from the original play. The women/girls wore the puffy elegant ball gowns that the little puff on the shoulders. The ball in this version was a masquerade ball so they were all wearing masks. But the women/girls were still wearing big, huge ball gowns and the men/boys were still wearing their outfits. I definitely think that the costumes from both movies were different from each other but good in their own
  • 42. My Identity And Identity Sunday mornings my mother in the kitchen singing in Spanish cooking breakfast for everyone afterward we would head to church, a Latino congregation. My parents would be talking in Spanish, I would always understand what they were saying when they would talk with me speaking English or Spanish interchangeably back to them. It never occurred to me that other kids parents do not speak another language because I was so used to both. As I grew up I was always called the gringa (white girl) of the family. From neighbors to classmates, co workers, and people I interacted with in general did not think I was Latina because I have fair skin and naturally blonde hair but light brown eyes, my brother, and, father have green eyes and blonde hair too. It never really bothered me until I realized later as I grew up and started to navigate the world more on my own that I saw it as an issue. Being confronted by people who challenge me on my own identity has given me another identity in which I must defend and prove that the labels I put on myself are mine and I do not need to meet your requirements for you to accept that I am who I say I am. When meeting people they do not assume that we are Latino, let alone that my father is from MichoacГЎn, Mexico. With the physical features, I assume we did not fit what might be considered what a stereotypical Latinos look like we all come in different colors, shapes, and size. Growing up my father has an accent I would say it was not heavy but it was
  • 43. Joseph Raymond McCarthy and Communism Essay Joseph Raymond McCarthy, once a senator, is best known for his accusatory remarks on communism. During a time of cold war, opposition to McCarthy was the last thing the public wanted, in fear of being accused themselves. McCarthy led a life of almost fifty years, beginning on November 14, 1908 and ending on May 2, 1957 due to acute hepatitis and numerous additional ailments and liver problems (Reference Staff). Joseph McCarthywas born in Grand Chute, Wisconsinon November 14, 1908 to Timothy and Bridget McCarthy. In adolescence and early adulthood, McCarthy completed eight grades of schooling and started farm work, only to return to high school in Manawa in 1929. McCarthy completed high school in a year s time ( Wisconsin Historical... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... During his time in the Marines, McCarthy challenged, and is defeated by, Alexander Wiley for the Republican primary for US Senate. Once McCarthy resigned from the Marines in 1945, he returned to Appleton to repossess his seat as judge. Within the next year, he begins his political stance by running against the low campaigning Senator Robert La Follette Jr. with the strategy of heavy campaigning and attacking La Follette. McCarthy defeats La Follette and goes on, in November of 1946, to defeat the Democratic candidate Howard J. McMurray in the general election. During the start of his political career, anti communism was only a minor issue for McCarthy. During McCarthy s first few years as senator, anti communism started to take a larger stance in United States politics, as well as the United States as a whole ( Wisconsin Historical Images ). McCarthy started the age of McCarthyism on February 9, 1950 when he announced his first list. McCarthy stated, I have in my hand a list of 205, a list of names that were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who, nevertheless, are still working and shaping policy in the State Department. Within the following weeks, McCarthy claimed that there were different numbers of communists within the United States that he had listed, including 57, as he told reporters, and later 81, as he told the Senate. McCarthy s
  • 44. The Issue Of Legal Issues Legal Issues There are far more opportunities for the decrease of legal issues with this conflict implementation plan. With tiered meeting being conducted on a daily basis, the project status is addressed and issues with schedule, cost, scope and quality can be brought to the forefront and addressed. If negative issues were not addressed in this matter, negative impacts on the project would likely occur such as: (a).Teams making unethical decisions (b).Adversarial contractual relationships (c).Decrease in productivity, quality and efficiency (d).Wrongful representation and contractual agreements not met Ultimately, if not addressed the effected parties may claim relief through the legal system (Wallace, 1999). This can be detrimental to project success and the organization future business and reputation. Ethical Dilemma Looking at the trends within the American organizations that have conducted unethical behavior there could be a relationship between how the leadership conduct themselves and how the employees act. The culture within the organization can shape how employees think and act (Taylor, et al., 2014). Business Leaders must establish the culture through clear guidelines and setting the example to foster ethical performance. Take for instance, the culture within Tyco International, which former CEO Dennis Kozlowski created one that was all about numbers. He had told BusinessWeek the sky is the limit (Jennings, 2012). In addition, research has shown that
  • 45. Mid-Level Information Technology Jobs in Texas Introduction It s quite evidence that world market and innovation in the field of information technology is growing too fast in the United States. Even though a lot has been said for last few decades about the employment shift in the field of IT, however, as stated by McKinsey (2009) the field still remains the most significant sectors of the economy. In Texas the Information Technology is playing a vital role in the development of the City. There are a number of companies offering various IT services within the five cities in Texas, such cities are Dallas, Houston, Austin, San Antonio and Fort Worth (McKinsey, 2009). This paper however, seeks to analyze the entry and Mid level information Technology jobs and the top IT companies within Texas. It also seek to highlight what most IT recruiters normally look for in a prospective candidate and the average wages offered in each city. Finally, the study analyzes the average cost to do business in each city in the State of Texas. Dallas Entry and Mid level Information Technology Jobs Network System Engineer Technical Helpdesk analyst Java Developer Business System Analyst Application Developer HYPERLINK http://www.careerbuilder.com/JobSeeker/Jobs /JobDetails.aspx?siteid=par_214_rssj Job_DID=JHP87M6WSX2YG28Q7W3 lr=cbpar_214 ipath=rss SmartPlant 3D Administrator (remote office) HYPERLINK
  • 46. The Topic Of Advertising And How It Affects Young Children This research argument paper presents findings on the topic of advertising and how it affects young children. Advertising of all types, including television commercials are large part of everyday life. Through commercials and other advertising, agencies and companies introduce their product or services to people of all ages, including young children. Many people do not realize these advertisements truly have a profound effect on the development of young children. Advertisers understand that reaching children through these advertisements will increase their profits dramatically and do so without regard to the well being of the child. The effects of advertisements, such as magazines and billboards, online advertisements and television... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Advertisements may be in the form of a television commercial, a printed ad in a magazine, signs and billboards or commercials on television and advertisements on the internet. Advertisements are seen in the home; in stores and even in the schools and do not always promote the best of things. Many online websites have increased advertising directed at children. Print advertisements, online advertisements and television commercials can have an adverse effect on children s behavior and development through the exposure to negative options, as well as children having the need to possess material things they see in the advertisements. Children are negatively affected by advertisements because of the inability to understand the reason and the inclusion of violence and unhealthy food options. Children s Understanding of Advertisements Advertisements and commercials are geared towards children now more than ever and the promoters of the products express exactly what the children want to hear. Although young children do not understand the meaning of commercials and advertising, these advertisements are very persuasive and encourage children to seek out the product, whether good or bad, that is being advertised. Young children are unable to differentiate information that is portrayed to them that may be biased, like information in a commercial on
  • 47. Difference Between The Kala Virtual Image And The Xp... KALI VERSES XP In this lab report I will be discussing both the Kali Virtual Image as well as the XP Security Image. I will also emphasize on three particular tools of my liking related to each image and speak in detail of what those tools do and how they might help a security practitioner in a security operations center. Kali Linux: Kali Linux is a Linux distribution which is primarily for the security service such as like digital forensics and penetration testing. It comes on pre loaded and pre installed versions of over 500 testing platforms which are currently being used by millions of clients across the globe to securely certify their programs, applications, clients and web. [1] Currently, Kali Linux offering is extended to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This type of search use case is useful in identifying the tables and entries with confidential/certified data which can be a huge loss in case of an attack. The most important functionality that it offers is that it can help create an out of band stateful TCP connection between the attacker and the database which can then help us emulate an actual scenario where the system is under attack. These are the various ways in which sqlmap gives us a way to protect and secure our database servers underlying the operation system of our web and mobile applications from a potential cyber security t. Reaver: Reaver implements a robust and practical brute force attack targeting a Wi Fi Protected Setup (WPS) enabled router. It uses all the permutations and combinations on 6 digit pins to obtain the passphrases out of it. [5] It can crack wps pins extremely quickly with the time for default configured pin averaging around 3 5 seconds. Usage: Run reaver is used to test wireless penetration for Wi Fi enabled applications and or web servers. It can take seconds or hours based on the target network. It may vary based on the password length field as well as the pin configuration restrictions. Once we have the passphrases obtained by reaver for our use case and the time taken for doing so, we can evaluate the general design for the password security for our application and the amount of bounding restrictions we ask the user to take care of
  • 48. Darnell s Narrative Report On Thursday, 07/09/2015, at approximately 1722 hours, I, Deputy Stacy Stark #1815, responded to 147 Hillendale Dr., Murphysboro, IL 62966 to speak with the reporting party, Gary W. Darnell (M/W, DOB: 07/10/1956) and his wife, also the victim, Jane M. Darnell (F/W, DOB: 03 31 1958) about a reckless driving complaint. Jackson County Dispatch received the call for service via a non emergency line at the Jackson County Sheriff s Office. I arrived on scene at 1730 hours. I met with Gary and Jane Darnell at their residence. Gary Darnell started explaining the history with their neighbor, William J. Boyer (M/W, DOB: 11/19 /1948). Gary stated that during the fall of last year around September, the neighbor s daughter rescued a stray dog named, Wakka. Boyer did not care for the dog. Boyer wanted to get rid of the dog. The Darnell s told Boyer if he wanted to get rid of the dog, they would purchase the dog from him. Wakka was... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... between 11:15am 11:30am today, July 9, 2015, when her neighbor, Boyer, was traveling east on West Lake Rd. in his gold newer model Cadillac. Darnell was walking on the south side of the road, when Boyer drove straight towards her like he was going to hit her and then swerved away. Jane Darnell thought she was going to have to jump in the ditch. Jane Darnell believes Boyer s actions are intentional because he has done this before. There are two other unreported incidents of this nature that occurred in the past while Jane Darnell was walking her dogs. While Jane Darnell walks her dogs and Boyer happens to drive by during her walk, Boyer drives fast and very close to her and/or dogs. The built up animosity of Boyer has the Darnell s on edge for the safety of their dogs and Jane Darnell. Gary Darnell stated that Boyer never does anything when he is present. The non neighborly actions only occur towards Jane
  • 49. The Changing Price Elasticity of Demand for Domestic... The Changing Price Elasticity of Demand for Domestic Airline Travel Consumers make economic decisions as to what they buy based largely on price. More specifically, the change in the amount of a good purchased is often highly dependent on its change in price. That measure of responsiveness is defined as the price elasticity of demand. Mathematically, it is often expressed as: Ed = percent change in quantity demanded / percent change in price, or (dQ/Q)/(dP/P). The minus sign is often omitted because price elasticity of demand is presumed to be negative. If Ed = 0, it is perfectly inelastic, a change in price does not affect the quantity demanded. If 0 Ed 1, it is relatively inelastic, the quantity demanded does not ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Multiplicative: Y= (X)a (X1)b (X2)c , in which each independent variable interacts with other independent variables. The bulk of aviation demand models have been of the multiplicative form to utilize that interaction. Fortunately, the multiplicative form can be readily converted to a linear form by simply taking the logarithms of all variables. One difficulty with both model types if using actual data is the effect of the numerical value (size) of the variables themselves. Different scalar size in the variables tends to mask the effect of which independent variable has a greater effect on the dependent variable. While one correction to scalar effects may be to use what is known as standardized or beta coefficients,1 the models developed below will be based on the percentage change in the variables from one year to the next, rather than the level of the variable. In this manner the scalar differences are also eliminated. In Part D, Results and Conclusions, the development of the model form is shown in steps, using actual data. 3 Models may also be developed with or without a constant (trend) factor. In a model without a developed constant, the trend is subsumed in the coefficients of the remaining independent variables, and may bias those coefficients. All equations in this paper use a constant term. Part C. The
  • 50. Nightmare On Elm Street Movie Comparison Essay Kaylin Brooks English 1010 October 6, 2017 Nightmare On Elm Street Remake VS. Original Me being a total horror movie fanatic and with the remake craze taking the horror genre by storm, we all compare the remake to the original while we re watching it. One of the most classic horror films of all time, Nightmare on Elm Street, was originally made in 1984 and later got remade in 2010 after a slew of sequels. When Nightmare on Elm Street got a remake, everyone at that time had split decisions about the new movie. Me personally, I am not a big fan of remakes, but since I am such a fan of scary movies, I went in with an open mind and actually liked it a lot. I have seen this movie hundreds of time since the movie came out and my sentiments... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... They made Freddy look more human as opposed to the original, where the makeup was cartoonish and devilish. In the original Freddy was completely red. Freddy is also known for the red and green striped sweater and razor glove. The sweater is pretty much the same in both films, but the glove in the remake is much more intricate, probably due to technology, in the remake. Even the sounds on the gloves, when Freddy is rubbing his fingers together, are much sharper an realistic. In the 1984 classic, Freddy was about psychologically attacking his victims. He liked to play off of his victim s fears and when they went to sleep he would bring their fears into their nightmares resulting to their demise. But in the remake, Freddy would attack his victims physically and in their dreams, he would constantly remind them of how he died causing them to develop insomnia. Also making them have psychotic breakdowns and killing themselves. In both films, Freddy Kruger preyed on the children of the parents that killed him. The parents decided to kill him because they believed he was molesting their children while he was working as a gardener at their children school. The parent burned him alive. That storyline remained constant in both movies. His favorite target in both movies was Nancy. There were some changes to Nancy in the remake, they changed her last name from Thompson to Holbrook. In 1984 Nancy was played by Heather Langenkamp and in 2010, Nancy was played by Rooney Mara.
  • 51. Beethoven Seventh Symphony Analysis Pratt Carrol stated that Music is the language of emotion, and emotions tend to be the same the world over, in spite of differences in social customs and language. In other words, music is a fabulous expression of the human being no matter the culture or norms because it manages to immediately transmit different feelings and emotions that other forms of art may not transmit. For my Introduction to music class I decided, to write about the Seventh Symphony in A major (Op. 92) by Ludwig van Beethoven. The reason why I choose this symphony is because it s an emotional piece of music, and it definitely catch my attention since the moment I heard it. I feel this symphony reach emotional situations that are above human explosions. Emotional areas that invade us through a contradictory fact between feelings. The Seventh Symphony in A major by Beethoven appears in 1813. The orchestra contains two flutes, two oboes, two clarinets in A, two bassoons, two horns in A (E and D in the inner movements), two trumpets in D, timpani, and strings. Beethoven insisted on directing it at its premiere, with tragicomic results. The critics recognized a new genius of Beethoven; even today there are experts who consider it as the best of their symphonies. Richard Wagner, another fervent Beethovenian, describe this symphony as all tumult, all yearning and storming of heart into the blissful insolence of joy, which snatches us away with bacchanalian might. For its relentless dance rhythm and
  • 52. Key Communication Failures That Were Exposed During... Freeman Teague Jr. effectively expresses the importance and complexity of communication. At one time the U.S. Army defined communication as the exchange and flow of information and ideas from one person to another; it involves a sender transmitting an idea, information, or feeling to a receiver (Clark, 2015). Throughout this paper we will expound on key communication failures that were exposed during Operation Anaconda. The overall verdict is that Anaconda s outcome was a success, but its original plan was a resounding failure. Many things contributed to the failure, but this paper will focus on the communication aspect. Effective communication occurs only if the receiver understands the exact information or idea that the sender intended to transmit. Many of the problems that occur in an organization are: the direct result of people failing to communicate and processes that leads to confusion and can cause good plans to fail (Clark, 2015). To understand how some of the soon to be discussed failures arose, all of the key commanders need to be identified. When Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) began General Tommy Frankswas the CENTCOM Combatant Commander in Tampa, Florida. Events on 9/11 lead to us having forces in Afghanistan soon after. From the beginning of the war Special Forces (SOF) were the primary assets utilized. As time went on conventional units were joining the forces in theatre. This caused the need for the Command and Control (C2) structure to adapt to the