September 17, 2013 - My Training Presentation prepared for educators at Colorado Community College System (CCCS).
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Introduction to Gamification VS. Game-Based Learning (GBL) - Make An Engaging Classroom!
1. “Introduction to Gamification vs.
Game-Based Learning (GBL):
Make an Engaging Classroom!”
Sherry Jones
September 17, 2013
“Introduction to Gamification vs. Game-Based Learning (GBL): Make an
Engaging Classroom!” by Sherry Jones is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
2. Gamification and Game-Based
Learning (GBL) are NOT the Same!
Although you may have heard or seen the terms
Gamification and Game-Based Learning (GBL) used
interchangeably, I need to emphasize that they are 2 very
different approaches to imbuing social situations with
game-like experiences. We must first address the theory
and methodology behind Gamification and GBL in order to
understand why the 2 different approaches are gaining
steam in the field of education.
Ready? Let’s Go!
3. What is Gamification?
“Gamification typically involves applying game design
thinking to non-game applications to make them more
fun and engaging . . . . Gamification can potentially be
applied to any industry and almost anything to create fun
and engaging experiences, converting users into players.”
4. In Education, Gamification is . . .
Using game design
principles to change non
game-like classrooms into
fun and engaging gamelike environments, for the
purpose of motivating
and changing learner
Some principles . . .
● Points
● Levels
● Challenges
● Quests
● Rewards
● Leaderboard
● Achievement Badges
● Feedback Loops
● Progress (Status Bar)
5. Why Gamify?
“Gamification techniques
strive to leverage people's
natural desires for
competition, achievement,
status, self-expression,
altruism, and closure”
Gamification Encourages:
● Fun
● Intense Focus
● Competitiveness
● Collaboration
● Camaraderie
● Retention
● Mastery (Fail often until
problem is solved)
● Meaningful Choices
● Productivity
● Joyful Optimism
● Creativity/Exploration
6. Gamification is Everywhere!
“By 2014, more than 70 percent of Global 2000
organizations will have at least one "gamified"
application, according to Gartner, Inc. Analysts said that
while the current success of gamification is largely driven
by novelty and hype, gamification is positioned to become
a highly significant trend over the next five years.”
-- Gartner Research (Nov. 9, 2011)
13. Gamifying Class: Benefits+Problems
● Make Classrooms more
fun and engaging.
● Motivate Students to
complete activities.
● Help Students focus and
be more attentive to
what they are learning.
● Allow Students engage in
friendly competitions
with peers.
● Gamification can
become become
predictable and boring.
● Poorly designed
gamified activities can
seem meaningless (if
learning objectives are
not well defined or
● Gamification can seem
manipulative (ethical
questions arise).
14. Your Turn: It’s Gamification Time!
1. Describe 1 lesson that you regularly give in
2. Explain how you would gamify that lesson with
1-2 principles below:
● Points; Levels; Challenges; Quests; Rewards;
Leaderboard; Achievement Badges;
Feedback Loops.
3. Finally, share your gamified lessons!
15. What is Game-Based Learning (GBL)?
“Game based learning (GBL) is a type of game play that
has defined learning outcomes. Generally, game based
learning is designed to balance subject matter with
gameplay and the ability of the player to retain and apply
said subject matter to the real world” (Wikipedia).
In other words, game-based learning is the use of games
(analog or digital) in teaching a subject matter. The idea is
to get students to play with already made games to fulfill
a learning objective.
16. What is a Game, Really?
Game Definitions by Molleindustria
17. Why Use GBL in Education?
Why are Games Good for Learning by PIXELearning (Infographic)
19. GBL Physics (Angry Birds)
The Physics of Angry Birds by Rhett Allain for Wired Science (Oct. 8, 2010)
20. GBL Math (Portal)
“Math of the Game Portal” by David Wees (Oct. 3, 2011)
23. GBL Cognitive Health
● Gaming Linked to Greater Emotional Well-Being
During Aging, According to Study by Alexa Ray
Corriea (March 6, 2013)
● UCSF Study Shows Gaming Makes You Cognitively
Younger by Timothy J. Seppala (Sept. 5, 2013)
● “Video Games Can Help You 'See' More” by Journal
of Attention, Perception and Psychophysics (June 12,
● Video Games May Improve Reading Skills In
Children With Dyslexia: Study by Betsy Isaacson
(March 8, 2013)
24. GBL Behavior Improvement
● Video Game Takes Bold Step Against Youth Suicide
by Leslie Scrivener (Sept. 13, 2013)
● Video Games Do Not Make Vulnerable Teens More
Violent by Heidelberg (Aug. 26, 2013)
● Gaming Can Inspire Healthy Behavior, Study Shows
by Elizabeth Armstrong Moore (March 20, 2012)
● The Key to Unlocking the Virtual Body: Virtual
Reality in the Treatment of Obesity and Eating
Disorders by Giuseppe Riva, PhD (March 2011)
25. GBL Class: Benefits+Problems
● Turn Students into
problem solvers and selfdirected learners.
● Foster Students’ design
thinking via game
making (create better
world systems).
● Allow Students to
engage in friendly
competitions with peers.
● Help Students learn to
analyze multimodalities.
● The Instructor, as the
sole troubleshooter,
must be quite familiar
with assigned games to
teach with them.
● Assigning games
without defining clear
learning objectives
reduces class time to
playtime only.
● Technology issues (PC
vs. Console gaming)
26. Not All Fun Activities Are Games
“Perhaps the best way to think about games in education
is not to automatically call everything that looks like fun a
‘learning game.’ Lumping all digital game approaches
together makes no more sense than a toddler’s inclination
to call every four-legged animal a ‘doggie.’”
-- Frank Catalano, Edsurge (August 20, 2013)
27. Gamification vs. GBL?
● Gamification = Turn the world into a playable and
meaningful game in order to achieve specific
● Game-Based Learning (GBL) = Apply concepts to
interpreting the meaning of existing game worlds. Or,
reframe the game worlds as a “playground” for
experimentation and analysis of concepts.
● Choose to apply Gamification or GBL to your class as
best fits your teaching objectives!
28. Let’s Play a Persuasive Game !
The Republia Times by Dukope
29. Let’s Play a Serious Game !
Acidosis by Twirlbound