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Introduction To Online
  Sexual Exploitation:
       February 2003

  Safe OnLine Outreach Project
           © M. Horton 2003


Safe OnLine Outreach Project


This document is the result of many hours of hard work and dedication.
I'd like to thank Renata Karrys, Jaynne Aster, Nikki O'Halloran, Charlaine Avery, Lisa Ingvallsen and
Elizabeth Nethery for their support and assistance in producing this document.
Additionally the SOLO Advisory Committee, the Canadian National Crime Prevention - Community
Mobilization Program, the Vancouver Foundation, Athabasca University/MediaCan and Parents Against
Sexual Abuse have all been instrumental in turning this idea into a Project.
Lastly, David and Conor have been silent contributors to this project since it began. Their support is woven
into each page.

Merlyn Horton
SOLO Project Coordinator
February 2003


Safe OnLine Outreach Project

February 3, 2003

Introduction to the Curriculum

Dear Reader,
The curriculum you hold in your hands was produced in a former pottery studio in the middle of a coastal
rain forest in British Columbia, Canada; the physical launch pad for this examination of a virtual issue. It is
the result of three years of research.
This introduction is intended to outline a context for the curriculum and to give you an overview of how
to use this curriculum, who should present this curriculum and how appropriate audiences might be

The philosophical foundation for this curriculum, and indeed for the Safe OnLine Outreach Project, is
the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)1. The CRC is one of four Conventions
created by the United Nations to further the goal of recognizing the inherent dignity and rights of all
members of the human family2. (See “Background on United Nations Convention on the Rights of the
Child Summary” - Handouts.)
The background for the specific issue of online sexual exploitation is contained in the “Background on
Online Sexual Exploitation” also in the Handouts.

How to use this curriculum
This curriculum is to be delivered by an informed presenter to groups of youth serving professionals.

It is recommended that presenters of this curriculum be child rights focused practitioners with a
background in youth work, adolescent development and education. An understanding of Internet
technologies is also necessary. Most important is that presenters are positive about the technology and
about youth’s capacity to participate in these technologies. An alarmist attitude about online risks would
undermine the essential message of this curriculum; that advancements in communication technologies
represent tremendous opportunities and potential for youth, professionals who serve youth and many
other sectors of society. The risks to youth online discussed here represent the extreme end of abuse
possible through the Internet. It is additionally important to remember that the vast majority of young

1. Available Internet: http://www.unicef.org/crc/crc.htm
2. see http://www.safeonlineoutreach.org/content/un_conventions.html


Safe OnLine Outreach Project

people are sexually abused by someone they know – not strangers in city parks, and not predators trolling
chat rooms. The Internet is ONE venue, albeit a new one, for adults with a sexual interest in children.
Focussing on Internet exploitation at the expense of vigilance about sexual abuse by ‘known’ offenders
would be counter-productive.
It will be important for presenters to read all handout materials thoroughly before presenting the
curriculum. Additional references are cited throughout this document and will provide the necessary
background to present the material. The curriculum content is estimated to be delivered over 110 minutes.
Presenters should feel free to create their own agenda around the material and schedule breaks, discussion
periods, videos or interactive exercises as appropriate for the situation.
Please contact the SOLO Project if this material was useful, relevant or annoying. SOLO can assist with
additional information, up to date research and answer questions. It would also be helpful for evaluation
purposes to hear from presenters about the relevance of the curriculum in different communities and
professional settings.

Target audience
This curriculum is targeted at youth serving professionals. This will include all professionals who are
entrusted to support, educate, respond to and/or serve youth. Including, but not limited to:
               • criminal justice personnel (probation officers, parole officers, court personnel, and
                 police officers),
               • recreation workers, youth workers,
               • drug and alcohol counselors
               • social workers, child protection workers, youth outreach workers,
               • residential care givers,
               • school counselors, teachers, librarians,
               • youth probation officers, youth detention workers and
               • other parties concerned about the needs of children and youth victimized by online
                 sexually exploitative crimes and who require updating on the issue of sexual exploitation
                 on the Internet.
These groups require targeting due to the rapid adoption of the Internet into youth culture. Today’s young
people are using Internet communication tools as a seamless extension of their world. (Young Canadians in
a Wired World, 2001 – “99% of all youth surveyed reported having been on the Internet”).
By contrast, the majority of adults entrusted to care for youth are limited in their Internet use and are
unfamiliar with the most common activities of youth online. Adults / youth serving professionals need
specific and timely information about the Internet and the scope of youth-targeted exploitation and crime
on the Internet in order to meet the changing needs of youth. Knowledge about Internet exploitation is
needed by all levels of youth service professionals because Internet communication is relevant to all youth.


Safe OnLine Outreach Project

Two ‘Topics’ in the curriculum are targeted at specific youth serving professionals. Topic 8a is a brief
discussion aimed at law enforcement professionals and addresses the basic legislative reforms that are
evolving to address sexual exploitation online. Topic 8b offers a brief discussion of issues relevant to
human services professionals. Neither are meant to be exhaustive and will hopefully provide material for
audience discussion and encourage participant contributions.
The material presented here is the beginning of a discussion about how changing communication
technologies are going to affect youth, youth work and professional practices. It has been our aim to
contribute to the discussion with information and questions. The end of this discussion is a long way off.
Hopefully the knowledge you may glean from this document will inform and challenge you to think about
technology, youth and communications in new ways.
It’s been a blast to write.

Merlyn Horton
SOLO Project Coordinator
February 2003


Safe OnLine Outreach Project

    Course Overview: An Introduction to Online
    Sexual Exploitation
    “When Wolves look like Sheep”                                                         Time

                  Introduction                                                            5 min

    The Internet Playgound - A New Environment “Internet Space”

    Topic 1       New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101                                     10 min

    Topic 2       Talking on the Playground - Effects of the Internet on Communication    5 min

    Riding and Hiding on the Merry-go-round - Players & Activities in “Internet Space”

    Topic 3       Kids @ Play - What are YOUTH doing online?                              10 min

    Topic 4       Kids Growing Up - Adolescent Development in an Online                   5 min

    Topic 5       Predators @ Play - What are Pedophiles doing online?                    10 min

    Topic 6       Traps, Bad Toys, Bad Friends - Risks to Youth Online                    10 min

    Making Safer Places to Play - Responses to Issues/Problems in “Internet Space”

    Topic 7       Cyberstreet Proofing Kids @ the Playground- What can you do?            5 min

    Topic 8a      Law Enforcement - Special Topics                                        10 min

    Topic 8b      Human Services - Special Topics                                         10 min

    Topic 9       Wrap-up/Q&A                                                             30 min

    TOTAL Course Time                                                                    110 min
    (excluding breaks)

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                              1


Safe OnLine Outreach Project                                             Learning Objectives

 Learning Objectives

         1. Identify types of technology available on the Internet and be encouraged to explore
         these technologies on their own.

         2. Identify activities youth are participating in online.

         3. Identify 3 effects of the Web on behavior. Understand how these effects and adolescent
         development can explain youth behaviors online.
         4. Increase awareness about how pedophiles are using the Internet and identify some com-
         mon techniques and activities.

         5. Identify some of the risks (who and why) to youth when they are online.

         6. Identify what the participants can do to address concerns of Online Sexual Exploitation
         (OSE) with youth.

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                 2


Safe OnLine Outreach Project                                                        Introduction


  •   Welcome
  •   Introduce Facilitator and Background
  •   What is the SOLO (Safe OnLine Outreach) Project?
  •   Participant Objectives
  •   Training/Presentation Objectives
  •   Agenda

   Time - Topic 0) : 5 min

   Resources - Topic 0) : IOCSE-PPT 1-4, Agenda

 Introduce Facilitator and Background
                 • Introduce facilitator and explain facilitator’s background.

 What is the Safe OnLine Outreach Project (SOLO)?
                 The course content for this presentation was developed by the SOLO Project in
                             The Safe OnLine Outreach (SOLO) Project has been developed to address
                             the emerging issue of sexual exploitation of youth on the Internet. Grounded
                             in the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of the Child, SOLO's goal is
                             to create educational material for professionals who serve children and youth
                             and make them aware of the risks to young people on the Internet.
                             The SOLO Project was initiated by Merlyn Horton in 1999 and is a now part
                             of the non-profit SOLO Society. In the 2002-2003 year, SOLO was hosted
                             and administered by Parents Against Sexual Abuse (PASA) and funded by
                             the National Crime Prevention Program and the Vancouver Foundation.
                             Athabasca University/MediaCan assisted with web site development and
                             SOLO develops specific curriculum for youth-serving professionals in the
                             law enforcement, educational, social service and crisis response fields.

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                        3


Safe OnLine Outreach Project                                                         Introduction

                            SOLO aims to prevent sexual exploitation on the Internet by:
                            • Educating communities about potential dangers
                            • Educating service providers and police about intervention methods
                            • Educating policy makers on the risks and harms associated with sexual
                              exploitation on the Internet

                         Background/Rationale for SOLO

                            The rapid introduction and widespread use of the Internet by youth and
                            predators, has created a knowledge gap in youth-serving professionals that
                            must be addressed quickly. Adults with a sexual interest in children have
                            long been active on the Internet in chat sites and newsgroups. Consultations
                            with experts in the fields of law enforcement, youth work, and
                            communications have revealed that the issue of online commercial sexual
                            exploitation is not adequately understood nor addressed by present youth-
                            serving professionals. SOLO creates materials and delivers workshops that
                            will train police officers, teachers, social workers and crisis response workers
                            how to recognize and respond to online sexual exploitation and assist
                            children and youth affected by this issue.

 Participant Objectives
                 It is useful to quickly ask participants about their objectives for the presentation/
                 course. This gives the facilitator a “heads-up” about any key areas of interest for the
                 • Ask group to quickly describe: “Their name, background/job, and what they are
                     hoping to learn today/in the presentation?”

 Presentation Objectives & Agenda
                 This is a moment to quickly explain the objectives of the presentation (see Learning
                 Objectives on page 5) and to address any obvious discrepancies between
                 participant objectives the current agenda.

                 Quickly explain the Agenda. (PPT slide)

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                          4


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                          New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

  Topic 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

  Learning Objectives:

         • Understand historical context and evolution of “the Internet”.

         • Differentiate between static vs. dynamic online settings.

         • Define technologies which exist within online settings.

   CONTENT: Topic 1


  • History of the Internet
          What it is and how it developed.
          Progression from 1960’s to 2002.
          Canadian context in 1990’s.
  • Online Environments:
          Type 1: Static Environment
                     Examples: Email, BB, Usenet/Newsgroups, P2P
                     Describe examples of how each is used by youth or pedophiles.
          Type 2: Dynamic Environment
                     Examples: IM, Chat, IRC, Audio/Video Conferencing
                     Describe examples of how each is used by youth or pedophiles.

   Time - Topic 1) : 10 min

   Resources - Topic 1) : IOCSE-PPT 5-13

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                               5


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                              New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

                      WHY? The history of the Internet and how, and why it was created help us
                      understand how it works and why it works the way it does.

                      • Invented by the US Defense Department in the late 60's. They began working on
                        it in 1957 and by 1969 they had the basic framework, called ARPANET.
                      • What was it? A linkage of computers which would SHARE information.
                      • Designed to allow for continued communication (and function) if one or more
                        sites was destroyed. Example: The original “network” was set up so that if a
                        nuclear bomb destroyed 80% of the sites, 20% would still work.
                      • The INTERNET is:
                               a big web: with lots of connection points and lots of transmission

                      • The World Wide Web came into being in 1991 at the European Laboratory for
                        Particle Physics. The difference at this time was the creation of hypertext and
                      • Hypertext/Hyperlinks are the “links” which allow you to navigate through
                        information in the Internet. On a web page, when you click on a link, you go to
                        another page. So it’s links that allow interwoven and interconnected
                        information. It’s the development of a way to link information through the web
                        which was key in 1991.

                      • Progression of the web since 1991:
                               In June 1993 the Web had 130 web sites.
                               By 1998 there were more than 2.2 million. And that's four years ago
                               Worldwide, (2002) there are approximately 440 million people online.
                                    By 2004, that is projected to hit 700 million.1
                      • In Canada: By 1999 the federal government and Industry Canada funded many
                        initiatives to encourage internet adoption. E.g. “Illegal and Offensive Content on
                        the Internet”2
                               By 1999, 100% of Canadian schools and libraries had Internet access.
                               Canada is one of the most wired nations, per capita, in the world.
                                    Canada has approximately 9 million active internet users. US has 102
                                    million, UK 14 million, Japan 20 million.3

 1. Jupitermedia, CyberAtlas, March 2002, http://cyberatlas.internet.com/big_picture/geographics/print/0,,5911_151151,00.html
 2. Industry Canada, Illegal and Offensive Content on the Internet: The Canadian Strategy to Promote Safe, Wise and Responsible Internet
    Use, http://connect.gc.ca/cyberwise/
 3. ibid 1.

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                                      6


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                             New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

 “Internet Space” as Community Space
                 • The Internet is like a new space. You can “Go” places on the Internet.
                 • There’s a lot more to the Internet than Email!
                 • Like Real Space (“Meat Space”) there are many different things you can do,
                   places you can go, in “Internet Space”

                                   What you can do in Internet “Space” 
                   EXAMPLE         • Find information on literally any topic you can imagine.
                                   • Socialize - gossip, chat with friends, date, have relationships,
                                     create community, meet new people who are physically anywhere in
                                     the world
                                     • You can also construct a virtual identity online - to “be”
                                       someone different or new.
                                   • Shop - buy things, e.g. Amazon.com or Chapters.com
                                   • Pop culture - there is unique and new language and culture
                                     which has evolved because of Internet Space.
                                   [ It's a real environment.

                 Just because you buy something online, doesn’t mean it’s imaginary. Just
                 because you have a relationship with someone online, doesn’t make it less

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                   7


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                       New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

 Youth as Indigenous Citizens…of the Internet

                                              Today’s Youth are growing up “Online”
                       EXAMPLE                Older Generation: Their technological evolution started with
                                              bringing the concept of having video movies you could bring home and
                                              watch on your own TV.
                                              Youth Today: Eight-year olds growing up today, don’t think anything
                                              of going online, with high-speed access, and playing a JavaScript
                                              game on Digimon.com.
                                              [ Today’s youth are very comfortable with the Internet.
                                              [ Other generations are having to bridge and catch up the best
                                                 they can. We may never be indigenous citizens of

                                              Youth on the Internet:
                       EXAMPLE                A 15-year old boy, in a computer room at school. He's trying to get
                                              out of school to get to a Santana concert with his brother. The
                                              problem is the iron-clad high tech security system at the school.
                                              In less than 60 seconds online he transformed himself into a middle-
                                              aged overworked service technician employed by the West Coast
                                              Security System who'd unfortunately misplaced the schematic design
                                              for the WSC model 8872 alarm fire door he was trying to repair and
                                              needed some help from the manufacturer's technical supervisor. He
                                              emails the technical supervisor with the request and within seconds,
                                              receives his own copy of the schematic. 4
                                              [ This example shows how this environment has no physical
                                                presence. Without the checks and balances we usually do,
                                                young people can transform themselves into anything or find
                                                any information.
                                              [ Information can be accessed quickly.

 4. Deaver, Jeffrey, The Blue Nowhere, 2002

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                8


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                               New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

 The Technology we use to Communicate: Converging Environments5
                      • In today’s world, people communicate with each other using a variety of
                              Face to face communication
                              Technology-facilitated communication
                      • Technological Environments are settings where communication takes place
                        through “technology”. This can include:
                              Telephone, Cell Phone, Video
                      • Online Environments are settings where communication takes place over the
                        Internet (i.e.. in “Internet Space”).
                      • Online and other “Technological” Environments are constantly evolving and
                              Evolving: New environments and technologies are being developed.
                              Converging: (Technologies are “coming together”).

                                              Example (Converging environments): “Blackberry” - a new
                                              portable unit that combines a cell phone, pager, voice mail, instant
                                              messaging and email. You pay a wireless fee like you do for a cell
                                              phone. This can interface to a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) (e.g.
                                              Palm Pilot, Clio etc.) and desktop.

                                              Fido - Use Web Site to send “Text messages” to a Cell
                                              Phone: You can use Fido’s web site to send a “text message” to
                                              someone’s cell phone. I.e.. you “talk” to a cell phone using the
                                              [ The technology is coming together in more and more ways.
                                                  The Internet is merging with cell phone technologies, etc.

 5. Horton, Places of Risk, Places of Help- Internet Exploitation: an Overview of Existing Technologies, 2001

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                    9


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                           New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

 Static and Real Time Environments: Two kinds of Online Environments

                     What are Static Environments?

                     • Communication can occur over unsynchronized periods of time.
                     • Two people can communicate but communication does not need to happen at
                       the same time.


                     • Email is classified as a point-to-point data exchange system (message or package
                       of data travels directly between two points).
                              Transfer of information can occur slowly if users are not online.
                     • Email messages travel from one computer directly to another through individual
                       server systems.
                     • Most emails are text messages, but graphic, audio, and other large files can also
                       be sent via email.
                     • Static messages to specified recipients.
                     Email is one of the primary forms of networked communications. The first email was
                     sent in 1971 and has since become the most widely used aspect of the Internet.
                     Primarily text-based, email exchange is the most common online activity. 6

                     Usenet Newsgroups

                     •   A newsgroup is a discussion group devoted to a particular subject.
                     •   Usenet is a worldwide collection of newsgroups.
                     •   All require specific software, (clients) to access.
                     •   While the environment of Usenet is mostly text-based, it can be used to post
                         graphic files and make them available for public download and distribution. 7

                     “Newsgroups are a continuous public discussion on a specific topic.
                     Newsgroups are decentralized, which means that the messages are not
                     maintained on a single server, but are replicated to hundreds of servers
                     around the world”. 8

 6. Jones, Jeffrey M. Almost All E-Mail Users Say Internet, E-Mail Have Made Lives Better POLL ANALYSES July 23, 2001. Available
    Internet: http://www.gallup.com/poll/releases/pr010723.asp
 7. Aftab, Parry, The Parents Guide to Protecting your Children in Cyberspace, McGraw Hill, 2000 USA.
 8. Tyson, Jeff, How Newsgroups Work, Marshall Brain’s How Stuff Works. Copyright © 1998-2001 Howstuffworks, Inc. Available Inter-
    net; http://www.howstuffworks.com/newsgroup.htm

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                                10


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                            New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

                 This layer of the web is one of the oldest environments on the Internet and started
                 without many of the bells and whistles of more recent environments. Indexes
                 (names) of newsgroups are available by searching on Usenet. Often topics of
                 newsgroups are very specific making them useful for hobbyists and specialists
                 seeking others with the same interests.
                 • Usenet Newsgroups predate hypertext (1991) and are a very old function of the
                 How it works: (Newsgroups)
                 • The actual messages and “posts” are on servers throughout the Internet
                 • Static form of communication:
                          Somebody “posts” a message on the virtual board (or newsgroup)
                          You go to that board and read the message
                          And you can choose to respond to the message, in your own time not
                              in real time
                          All messages will exist “posted” for anyone to read, for a very long time
                              (depending on the board or newsgroup, anywhere from 1 year to 4-5
                                   Examples: Thousands (if not tens of thousands) of
                                   newsgroups exist:
                   EXAMPLE         Some titles are very graphic/descriptive: alt.sex.babies,
                                   • rec.football.coaching
                                   • info.news.george-bush
                                   • alt.sex.anything-you-can-imagine
                                   • People will go and post graphic child porn files; anyone can come
                                       and download them
                                   [ Once information is posted to a newsgroup or bulletin board
                                       anyone can view or download the information.

                 Bulletin Board Systems

                 • Bulletin boards (BBS) systems are very similar to newsgroups.
                 • BBS are different in that you dial up to a specific “bulletin board” using a phone
                   number and modem. You can then “browse” the files on the BBS and download
                   what you want.

                 BBS are becoming less widely used with the adoption of new HTML-based web
                 pages and sites.

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                    11


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                            New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

                     Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Transfers

                     • P2P Transfers mean that computer files are shared between two users’ home
                       computers without using a “central” computer.

                                            Napster/Morpheus/Kazaa/WinMX: Napster, written by a high
                                            school student Shawn Fanning, was introduced in 1999. Fanning
                                            created a software client that distributed music files, known as MP3s,
                                            which are single-song data files. What was different about the
                                            Napster way of sharing files is that instead of sharing the songs from a
                                            central computer the files can be shared from each user’s home computer. This is
                                            called peer-to-peer sharing or P2P.
                                            While peer-to-peer file sharing has created much controversy,
                                            especially over copyright, it is doubtful that the technology is going
                                            to go away. Other similar clients have appeared since Napster and
                                            these new clients are not limited to P2P distribution of MP3 files.
                                            Programs such as Gnutella, Scour, Kazaa, WinMX and other file-
                                            sharing clients have now appeared. These clients not only share and
                                            distribute MP3 files, but virtually any kind of digital file such as graphics
                                            files, audio files or small video files. Additionally, these P2P clients work
                                            without the need for a central server and as a result are virtually
                                            impossible to shut down.
                                            [ The decentralized nature of the Internet has been taken one
                                              step further.
                                            [ “Since there is no central server maintaining the index of
                                              users, there is no easy way to target and stop the use of the

                     How information is shared between computers:
                                 I specify a “public” area on my hard drive
                                 Whenever my computer is on (and connected to the Internet, which
                                      for people with high-speed, is often full-time), you connect to my
                                      computer and download anything available in the “public” area.
                                            • mp3 files are shared (Kazaa, WinMX, Morpheus)
                       EXAMPLE              • can be used to share child porn - not just visuals/images, but also
                                              video, audio (e.g. audio files of rapes are part of “collections”.)

 9. Tyson, Jeff, How Napster Works, Marshall Brain’s How Stuff Works. Copyright © 1998-2001 Howstuffworks, Inc. Available Internet;

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                                 12


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                           New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

 Online Settings: Real Time Environments

                     What are Static Environments?

                     Real time: Instantaneous transfer of information from my computer to yours.
                                            • I type a line of text and press return
                       EXAMPLE              • You see it instantly on your screen.

                     • These are generally referred to as ‘chats’. This encompasses Internet relay chat
                       (IRC), web-based chats, instant messaging (IM) and audio-video conferencing.

                     “A chat room is software that allows a group of people to type in messages
                     that are seen by everyone in the “room,” while instant messages are basically
                     a chat room for just two people. 10

                     Instant Messaging (IM)

                     • Instant messaging (IM) allows users to privately converse with others over the
                     • IM is very popular among teens/youth.
                     • Communication requires IM client software. (e.g. Yahoo, AOL, MSN)

                     “Instant messaging is something of a cross between chat and e-mail. It allows
                     you to maintain a list of people that you wish to interact with. You can send
                     messages to any of the people in your list, as long as that person is online.
                     Sending a message opens up a small window where you and your friend can
                     type in messages that each of you can see.” 11

                     Instant messaging is available through IM client software. Internet service companies
                     such as America On Line, Microsoft Service Network, Mirabilis and Yahoo! all offer
                     their own version of IM software. Instant messenger clients operate on a variety of
                     different internet protocols and are not necessarily interchangeable with each other.

 10.Tyson, Jeff, How Instant Messaging Works. Marshall Brain’s How Stuff Works. Copyright © 1998- 2001 Howstuffworks, Inc. Avail-
     able Internet; http://www.howstuffworks.com/instant-messaging.htm
 11. Tyson, Jeff, How Newsgroups Work, Marshall Brain’s How Stuff Works. Copyright © 1998-2001 Howstuffworks, Inc. Available Inter-
     net; http://www.howstuffworks.com/newsgroup.htm

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                                 13


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                           New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

                     Currently this is an industry issue that the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is
                     attempting to resolve by developing a standard protocol for instant messaging called
                     Instant Messaging Presence Protocol.12

                     Most of the popular IM programs provide a variety of features:

                                Instant messages - send notes back and forth with a friend who is
                                Chat - create your own custom chat room with friends or co-workers
                                Web links - share links to your favorite web sites
                                Images - look at an image on your friend’s computer
                                Sounds - play sounds for your friends
                                Files - share files by sending them directly to your friends
                                Talk - use the Internet as a phone to actually talk with others
                                Streaming content - real-time or near real-time stock quotes and
                                            Instant messaging is used in many ways, from groups of teens using
                                            it as an alternative to the telephone, to business groups using instant
                                            messaging to hold conferences with geographically diverse members.

                     How IM works:
                     • You install a piece of software (e.g. MSN, AOL, or Yahoo Messenger) on your
                       computer. Normally, it will run all the time when you are connected to the
                     • Within this software, you have a buddy list.
                             A buddy list is a list of colleagues, workgroup members, friends, etc.,
                                  that you might wish to communicate with via instant messaging.
                     • When you are online, people on your buddy list know you are online. E.g. When
                       I go online and run my IM program, I will get a message saying “Keith’s online,
                       Joe’s online, and Bob’s online”.
                             Then, you can “talk”, email, send files, or do any “normal” web stuff
                                  with these people when you are all online.
                             I can send them links to the web sites I'm looking at; I can send them
                                  audio files, any kinds of files. You can even do web cams through
                                  instant messaging.
                             Instant Messaging is kind of a cross between chats and email–you can
                                  do all these things.

 12.Tyson, Jeff, How Instant Messaging Works. Marshall Brain’s How Stuff Works. Copyright © 1998- 2001 Howstuffworks, Inc. Avail-
    able Internet http://www.howstuffworks.com/instant-messaging.htm

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                               14


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                           New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

                     Problems with IM: Not really secure.
                            Buddy lists can get passed around to many people, just like email
                            Give an illusion of being “secure” but can be infiltrated.

                     Web Based Chats

                     • Web-based chats are similar to IRC but are conducted through web sites and
                       with browsers instead of IRC software clients.
                     • Accessible via a regular website.
                     • You click on a “Chat” icon and a little applet will pop-up. The chat window will
                             all the text typed in the “chat room”
                             a window where you type your comments
                             a list on the side showing the current users in that room (their
                     • A search of the Internet using the Google search engine reveals 83 general listings
                       for places to go and chat online. Most of these 83 are web-based chat sites.
                       These sites offer small computer programs called ‘applets’ through which the
                       exchange of text is facilitated. These web-based chats are often seen as ‘trainer’
                       areas with novice users usually moving on to IRC once they become more
                       proficient with the web-based commands. Web-based chats usually require that
                       a user register with them and are for the most part unmoderated. 14
                     • Mostly unmoderated - no-one is “monitoring” for appropriate language,
                       behavior, content etc.
                     • There are some moderated chat sites available on web sites. In these sites,
                       moderators hired by the web-site operators, invisibly lurk and remove offensive
                       material or ban users who do not comply with previously agreed-to codes of

 14.Web Based Chat Rooms Available Internet; http://www.Best-of-Web.com/entertainment/ chat.shtml

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                15


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                              New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

                                             CyberAngels - Moderated Chat sites
                        EXAMPLE              CyberAngels operates some moderated chat sites for teens.
                                             CyberAngels (www.cyberangels.org) is an organization that has long
                                             been involved in Internet safety concerns. They host a moderated
                                             site that in addition to having ‘cybermoms’ moderate the rooms, also
                                             have a strict registration requirement. Users who want to register to
                                             use the CyberAngel chat rooms must send a letter from a school or
                                             police agency via ground mail, verifying their age.
                                             This procedure and level of security- consciousness is rare on the
                                             Internet and represents the most conservative end of the range.
                                             Some of the other moderated chat sites are user-fee based and
                                             require parents to sign their children up. These measures will
                                             obviously make young users safer but are the minority of web-based
                                             chat sites, and require fairly precise searching skills to find them on
                                             the Internet. Much easier to find are the regular, unmoderated sites.

                      IRC: Internet Relay Chat

                      Internet relay chat was developed in Finland by Jarkko Oikarien in 1988 and has
                      grown to be a globally accessible way to text-chat with others.

                      “IRC is a multi-user chat system where users meet on “channels” (rooms,
                      virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups
                      or privately” 15

                      IRC Channels:
                      • Conversations happen on “channels”. A channel will have a name, usually
                        referring to the topic of conversation for that channel.
                      • Channels on IRC are like virtual rooms; like a room, they may have people in
                        them discussing sports, pop culture or sex. People in the same room can see each
                        other’s chat names on a ‘user list’ and can send a message to a selected person
                        either publicly or privately. Channels may be open to the public, invitation-only,
                        or be more secret and invisible. Though usually open, some communications
                        occurring on IRC channels cannot be viewed or detected by others at all.
                      • Chatting using IRC channels is a simple matter of getting the necessary software
                        and learning the code or commands.

 15.Charalabidis, Alex IRC Networks and Server Lists. Available Internet <http://www.irchelp.org/ irchelp/networks/>

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                      16


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                              New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

                      IRC Networks:
                      • There are up to 2,000 different channels on one network. A network is just a
                        “collection” of IRC Channels.
                      • 4 major IRC networks; EFnet, DALnet, Undernet, and IRCnet16, which have up
                        to 15,000 people participating in each of them at any given time. 17
                              E.g.. EFnet (2,000 channels)
                              Other networks of various sizes are subject-specific and without
                                  geographical boundaries.
                              At least 300 of the multitude of networks are available for public use.
                              It is impossible to estimate the number of private networks in use.

                      IRC Client Programs:
                      • You need a special program (software) to connect to IRC. Using an IRC client
                        (another word for program), users can connect to an IRC network and
                        communicate on the IRC channels.
                      • Any (1 or 50) number of users can be logged into a channel and “talking” on that
                      • IRC conversations can be confusing if many users are on the channel.

                      The IRC Culture:
                      • Internet relay chat is for the most part unregulated.

                      Elastic quality: When they first started out, IRC had four channels for 4 networks.
                      There's now hundreds of networks and channels, and each channel can have up to
                      an unlimited number of users per channel. IRC is constantly growing and changing.

 16.ibid, 10
 17.Internet Relay Chat Frequently Asked Questions. Available Internet; http://www.mirc.com/ ircintro.html

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                   17


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                           New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

                                           IRC Chat - Communication Independent of Physical
                                           Merlyn Horton, the SOLO Project Coordinator, describes the
                                           following experience she had on IRC.
                                           I had some computer problems with my Mac in 1997. I went onto a
                                           Mac IRC channel to get some help with my extensions conflicts.
                                           I went on a I talked to these two guys and we're typing back and
                                           forth and they eventually solved my extension problem. During the
                                           chat, I said, “so where are you?” , “oh well, we're in New York”.
                                           Another 20 minutes goes by: “how old are you?”, “well I'm 13, and
                                           my brother can't type and he's just 12”.
                                           [ All of sudden, knowledge is no longer based in physicality, age
                                             or physical presentation. “They could have been sitting
                                             there in their little cowboy pajamas for all I knew.”
                                           [ All that matters is the communication and the exchange of
                                             information, regardless of physical space.

                     Audio and Video Conferencing

                     • Audio Only:
                            Most personal computers have built-in microphones and speakers and
                                audio-only transmissions are also possible with only minimal hardware
                     • Video and Audio:
                            Technology allows users to communicate in real time with full sound
                                and video over the internet.
                            Requires some specific hardware like web cams (becoming cheaper all
                                the time).
                            This technology makes possible real time broadcast from one computer
                                to others.
                            ’Web cams’, small digital video cameras that hook directly to personal
                                computers, gather video images and transmit them to others over the
                            Web Cam technology can also be used for the creation of pornography
                                and for recording assaults.

 18.Tyson, Jeff, How Newsgroups Work, Marshall Brain’s How Stuff Works. Copyright © 1998-2001 Howstuffworks, Inc. Available Inter-
    net; http://www.howstuffworks.com/newsgroup.htm

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                                18


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                              New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

                                             Orchid Club - Online Sexual Assault
                        EXAMPLE              “For example, in 1996, a group of paedophiles that called itself the
                                             Orchid Club was arrested in the United States. Using a digital
                                             camera, one of the group members transmitted real-time images of a
                                             child being sexually assaulted and responded to requests from the
                                             club's members in directing the abuse. Members of the Orchid club
                                             lived in the United States, Europe and Australia.”19
                                             [ Web cams have the potential to be quite dangerous.

                                             Cam Girls
                        EXAMPLE              Cam Girls are women who post information about themselves on
                                             personal websites. The majority use Web cams to display live video
                                             (sexual and non-sexual) images of themselves over the web.
                                             “The World Wide Web isn't considered a safe place for personal
                                             information. But there are a growing number of young women,
                                             known as camgirls, who have few qualms about their privacy. They're
                                             not giving their names and addresses away, but you can watch them
                                             online through webcams.
                                             In British Columbia, Devon Henderson, 23, says she gets 400
                                             visitors a day to her personal website, where, in addition to reading
                                             journal entries, surfers can watch Devon on her webcam.
                                             Henderson, whose site contains no nudity, says she doesn't consider
                                             herself a camgirl. Other women are willing to show a little more of
                                             themselves in order to get noticed. What's in it for them? Surfers
                                             who like what they see can let the camgirl know by buying them an
                                             item off the website's wishlist.
                                             Henderson’s site features a wishlist of books, CDs and movies.
                                             Enamoured viewers can pick out an item, pick up the tab and have it
                                             sent to her at an undisclosed address.”20

 19.Taylor, Quayle and Holland, Child Pornography, the Internet and offending, Volume 2 N° 2 o Summer 2001 o ISSN 1492-0611
 20.CTV Newsnet, “Camgirls draw a crowd with online exploits, Jan 2, 2003. Available online at: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                                    19


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                            New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

                                   Web Cam Use - Amber’s Secret
                   EXAMPLE         A mother in Port Moody stumbled on her daughter vamping for the
                                   camera. She was sending to a man in Australia.
                                   The police are worried that photos of the girl, are being flogged
                                   around the world on Internet porn sites.
                                   See “Amber’s Secret”, Doug Stead (POLCYB) - Handout
                                   [ It's dangerous. If you watch big brother you realize that after
                                     a certain amount of time you become desensitized to the
                                     knowledge that there's a camera there.
                                   [ Can young people understand that they are creating
                                     pornography that may exist when they're 85 years old?
                                   [ It's in a digital form, not just pictures that can be burned. It's
                                     infinitely reproducible, it's free, it's untraceable, it doesn't
                                     exist in a physical form. There are many issues around the
                                     digital media and images created in a digital form.

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                     20


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                             New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

 Online Environments can be used for Sexual Exploitation
                 • Examples: Cam Girls, Web Cams (creation of online pornography)
                 • Predators to have exposure to more children than they normally would in a
                   physical form through chat rooms.
                 • Predators can groom 15 or 20 kids at a time in the chat rooms easily without
                   actually having to risk being physically involved or physically identified.
                 • Every day, there are more and more cases being reported:
                                   Operation “Eye of the Needle” - Victoria, BC
                   EXAMPLE         Porn charges laid in Victoria (the Province, Feb 8, 2002) “Child-Porn
                                   charge laid in Victoria” - Operation Eye of the Needle (overhead
                                   with article text)
                                   Operation Snowball - Canada
                                   A multinational police operation known as Operation Snowball in
                                   Canada, Operation Avalanche in the USA, and Operation Ore in the
                                   UK uncovered an extensive list of suspects who paid to view child
                                   porn over the internet. In Canada, the investigation uncovered a total
                                   of 2,329 suspects: 406 suspects in BC and 946 suspects in Ontario. A
                                   child porn ring (Landslide Productions) in Texas charged 30$/month
                                   to allow people to access child porn. They were busted and hundreds
                                   of thousands of credit card numbers were seized. (Globe and Mail
                                   News - “Canadian links in porn case to be unveiled”21).
                                   From CBC News Online22
                                   “Operation Snowball is an appropriate name for the Canadian
                                   crackdown on Internet pedophiles, as the search for child porn
                                   suspects has rolled from a seemingly small, Texas bust into a huge,
                                   global manhunt.
                                   From 1997 until August 2001, a Fort Worth, Texas couple, Thomas
                                   and Janice Reedy, provided paying subscribers with access to child-
                                   porn Web sites. Thanks to Landslide, their gateway portal, the
                                   Reedys were making as much as $1.4 million US a month.
                                   Their child-porn empire ended after a two-year joint investigation by
                                   the U.S. Postal Inspection Service and the Internet Crimes Against
                                   Children Task Force. But stopping the Reedys wasn’t the biggest
                                   success to come out of the bust.
                                   Authorities kept the Landslide portal site going, e-mailing
                                   subscribers with offers of more child pornography. The 144
                                   members who said “yes” soon were the subjects of search warrants.
                                   In addition to the undercover work, authorities were able to recover

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                       21


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                              New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101

                                              Landslide’s member database, containing hundreds of thousands of
                                              credit card numbers from suspected clients in North America and
                                              The Federal Bureau of Investigation has since passed on the names
                                              to various international authorities. One investigation in Britain has
                                              led to arrests of more than 1,300 suspects, ranging from judges and
                                              dentists to TV hosts and Pete Townshend of the rock band The
                                              In Canada, police say they’ve only arrested five per cent of the 2,329
                                              suspects on their copy of the Landslide list. The reason? According
                                              to Det. Sgt. Paul Gillespie of the Toronto Police Services, it’s a matter
                                              of resources, the very nature of the Internet and Canadian child
                                              pornography laws, which critics say provide pedophiles with the legal
                                              loophole of categorizing their collection as having artistic merit.”

 21.Globe and Mail News, “Canadian links in porn case to be unveiled”, Graeme Smith, Jan 16, 2003, page A5. Available online at: http://
 22.CBC News Online, “Canada’s child exploitation laws” Erik Missio and Justin Thompson, Jan. 16, 2003

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                                      22


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                        Talking on the Playground - Effects
                                                        of the Internet on Communication

  Topic 2 Talking on the Playground - Effects of the Internet on Communication

  Learning Objectives:

         • Identify 3 Effects of the Web on Human Behavior.

   CONTENT: Topic 2

  Three Effects of the Web on Communication
  • Hyper personal Effect
  • Disinhibition Effect
  • Effects of Accessibility

   Time - Topic 2) : 5 min

   Resources - Topic 2) : IOCSE-PPT 14-17

 Key Questions for this topic:
                 • How does the Internet affect behavior and how we communicate online.

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                             23


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                             Talking on the Playground - Effects
                                                                             of the Internet on Communication

 Three Effects of the Web23
                     • By virtue of being on the internet, interpersonal (human) messages and
                       communication are fundamentally changed.
                     • The changes in person-to-person messages are the result of certain 'effects' of the
                       web on the information conveyed.
                     • There are many other ways the Internet effects human behavior and

                     Hyper personal Effect

                     • Joseph Walther (1996) suggested that the Internet created a mutually reinforcing
                       "intensification loop"
                     • Selective self-representation, idealization and reciprocation - Individuals choose
                       “identities” according to their own self-perception.

                                            Individuals choose “virtual identities”
                       EXAMPLE              If people choose to represent themselves as 21 year old Brad Pitt
                                            look a likes, they have that option.
                                            [ 'Who a person “is” becomes vague and selective in

                     • Strengthened ego function ( Walther 1996) - Virtual (created) identities tend to
                       be confirmed rather than challenged through the internet.
                     • Joseph Walter argues in the "hyper personal" model, selective self-representation
                       combined with selective reception can foster a heightened sense of intimacy24.
                     • Walther suggests there is a strong appeal to having an idealized self confirmed
                       rather than challenged, and outlined the potential of this type of interaction in
                       strengthening ego function thus having a beneficial effect on individuals. 25

 23.Horton, Places of Risk, Places of Help- Internet Exploitation: an Overview of Existing Technologies, 2001
 24.Walther, Joseph. B. Computer Mediated Communications: Impersonal, interpersonal and hyperpersonal interaction. Communication
    Research 23 (1) 3-43, 1996

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                              24


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                               Talking on the Playground - Effects
                                                                               of the Internet on Communication

                      Dis-Inhibition Effect

                      “This (Internet) not only allows for more clear communication, but also
                      allows for greater disclosure and the processing of “soul” issues needing to
                      be addressed.” 26

                      • Internet dis-inhibits unconscious defense mechanisms.
                      • Promotes greater discourse and disclosure.
                      • This disinhibition is double-edged; Individuals are more inclined toward self
                        disclosure AND conflict.

                                             Individual seem to do/say things in online settings
                                             that they would unlikely do in real life.
                        EXAMPLE              Individuals who wouldn't consider stepping into a pornographic
                                             video store at their local shopping mall, might be less inhibited if
                                             they were online, with the perception of anonymity.

                      Accessible Effect

                      • The accessible effect comes from the ability of the Internet to make services
                        available to people who can’t access traditional services.
                      • People previously isolated are coming together for mutual assistance.
                      • Geography and age are irrelevant.
                      • Can be positive and negative.
                                             Online Therapy - Increased Participation and
                                             Effectiveness over the Internet
                        EXAMPLE              Individuals who are in need of information or support for ideas not supported
                                             in their community can access the support, information or sense of
                                             community in online settings. People can also access services
                                             • Gay, lesbian and sexually-questioning youth can seek out support
                                                 or information online that they might not access in their regular
                                                 life communities for fear of ridicule or harassment.
                                             • Young women struggling with post-abortion grief or trauma
                                                 could access support or follow up information online where the
                                                 disinhibiting and anonymity effect would make it easier and more

 26.Laszlo, J.V., Esterman, G. &, Zabko, S. (1999). Therapy over the Internet? Theory, Research & Finances. CyberPsychology & Behavior.
    2(4), p.293-307 Available Internet: http:// www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Resort/7579/internet.htm.

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                                     25


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                               Talking on the Playground - Effects
                                                               of the Internet on Communication

                                   • Male sexual abuse survivors are more likely to engage in
                                     therapeutic and deep therapeutic interactions online than they are
                                     in the human, in meat space.

                 “Online therapy reaches out to the majority of people who would never seek
                 professional mental health services...Online therapy offers a valuable new
                 modality to reach out to a larger group of people concerned about issues of
                 confidentiality and privacy.” 37

                                   Pedophilic Communities
                   EXAMPLE         Individuals with a sexual interest in children can find information
                                   (e.g. share grooming techniques) and support (encouragement) for
                                   their values on the web.
                                   These individuals can increase their technological knowledge (e.g.
                                   how to avoid detection, and encryption methods) and likelihood of
                                   offending by gathering together in online communities.

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                     26


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                             Kids @ Play - What are YOUTH
                                                                             doing online?

  Topic 3 Kids @ Play - What are YOUTH doing online?

  Learning Objectives:

         • Identify the main activities of Youth Online.

         • Identify the differences between the perceptions of parents and youth regarding
         youth activity online.

   CONTENT: Topic 3

  • “Young Canadians in a Wired World” (2001) Study
         Frequency of Internet Activity among Youth
         Youth Activities by age (older/younger)
         Youth Activities vs. Parents Perceptions
         Youth (negative) Experiences Online - Porn Web sites, Porn Email, Meeting
             “Cyberfriends”, Unwanted Sexual Comments
         Summarize main activities of Youth online

   Time - Topic 3) : 10 min

   Resources - Topic 3) : IOCSE-PPT 18-25

 Key Question for this Topic:
                 • So, what ACTIVITIES are Canadian youth doing online?

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                            27


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                                Kids @ Play - What are YOUTH
                                                                                                doing online?

 Young Canadians in a Wired World 27:
                     •   Study published in 2001 (October), by Media Awareness Network, (or Mnet)
                     •   Funded by Industry Canada
                     •   Surveyed 5,682 youth ages nine to 17
                     •   The largest survey of Canadian youth and Internet use ever.
                     •   Only prior report was Finklehorn report out of the US– surveyed 1501 kids.
                     •   Very extensive report. (See SOLO Website under Documents.)

                     Key Results - High Frequency on Online Use among Youth:28

                     • 99% report using the Internet
                     • 78% have home access
                     • 43% use the Internet daily

                     Survey Breakdown by Younger/Older Kids:

                     •   See Survey Graph. PPT Slide
                     •   Majority of Younger kids use internet for surfing, Games
                     •   Older Kids - Socializing! Chats, Email.
                     •   Homework is a common use among all ages. 50%.
                     •   Marketing - 5% of kids are buying stuff online! Marketers are targeting kids and
                         being funneled into consumer-based web sites.

 27.Media Awareness Network and the Government of Canada, Young Canadians in a Wired World, the student’s view, 2001
 28.ibid, pages 23-25

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                      28


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                                Kids @ Play - What are YOUTH
                                                                                                doing online?

 What do PARENTS think Youth are doing? - The Parent’s View29
                     • See PPT slide- Survey Graph
                     • Youth are playing and downloading music 57% of the time (parents think 10 %).
                     • Homework? Parents are very optimistic. Parents think that youth are doing
                       homework 65% of the time. In reality, youth are only spending 38% of their time
                       doing homework.
                     • Parents are unaware of what young people are actually doing online.

                     Youth’s Online Experiences - RISKS

                     • More than half have been exposed to pornographic websites

                     “More than five in ten youth (52%) say they have accidentally ended up in a
                     pornographic Web site a lot (15%) or only a few times (37%). Boys in
                     secondary school, those who do not have a parent who is a college or
                     university graduate and those who use the Internet more frequently at home
                     are more likely to say they have done this a lot.

                     Among youth who have accidentally ended up in a pornographic Web site,
                     most got there by doing a search for something else (59%) and typing in a
                     wrong address (59%). Much smaller numbers mention clicking on a link that
                     was sent to them in their e-mail or when they were instant messaging (29%),
                     clicking on a banner ad (20%), receiving a link from someone in a chat room
                     (15%) and clicking on a link in a newsgroup (7%). Eleven percent mention
                     something else, including five percent who say it was just accidental and four
                     percent who say it was on purpose. Youth in secondary school are more
                     likely to say they ended up in a pornographic Web site by doing a search for
                     something else and by clicking on a link that was sent to them in their e-mail
                     or when they were instant messaging. Boys in secondary school are also
                     more likely to mention that they got there by clicking on a banner ad and
                     receiving a link from someone in a chat room.” (from Young Canadians in a
                     Wired World) 30

                                           How do Youth access Porn?
                       EXAMPLE             • They type in whitehouse.com; it’s actually a porn site.
                                           • Mistype disney-related sites, movie star names, Harry Potter sites.

                     • More than half the young people surveyed received porno junk mail.

 29.ibid, pages 45-56
 30.Media Awareness Network and the Government of Canada, Young Canadians in a Wired World, the student’s view, 2001, pages 63-65
    “Exposure to Pornography”

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                               29


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                     Kids @ Play - What are YOUTH
                                                                                     doing online?

                                     Porno Junk Mail
                     EXAMPLE         • Junk mail can range from real porn images, Viagra ads, etc.

                    • 46% of older youth say someone has made unwanted sexual comments to them
                      on the web.
                    • In person meetings with “Cyberfriends”: 25% of youth have been asked to
                      meet in person, somebody they met in cyberspace. 31
                            15% go; half (7%) went alone to a meeting with someone (a
                               “cyberfriend”) whose real identity is not known to them.
                            12% have had bad real life experiences with Internet friends.
                                     • Canadian age of sexual consent is 14
                     EXAMPLE         Americans will actually actively seek out Canadian kids (for sexual
                                     exploitation) because there's less legal loop holes. The average age of
                                     consent in the USA is 16 and it varies state to state. In some states
                                     the age of sexual consent is as high as 18.

                    Summarize: What are Youth DOING Online?

                    • No surprise - most youth use the Internet to socialize!
                           Email - 71% have email accounts
                           Instant messaging - 56% of youth use
                           Chatting - 56% use chat rooms

 31.ibid, page 78

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                          30


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                               Kids Growing Up - Adolescent
                                                                   Development in an Online

  Topic 4 Kids Growing Up - Adolescent Development in an Online Environment

  Learning Objectives:

         • Identify impacts of the web on adolescent development through youth behav-
         iors online.

   CONTENT: Topic 4

  Adolescent Development
  • Identity experimentation
  • Sexual experimentation
  • Separation from Parents and family
  • Venting frustration

  Adding the “Internet” to the Equation - Adolescent Development Online.

   Time - Topic 4) : 5 min

   Resources - Topic 4) : IOCSE-PPT 26

 Key Questions for this topic:
                 • How do the Effects of the Internet affect Youth and their behavior online?

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                             31


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                       Kids Growing Up - Adolescent
                                                                           Development in an Online

 Adolescent Development
                        • Normal adolescent development behaviors can include:32

                                Identity experimentation
                                Sexual experimentation
                                Separation from Parents and family
                                Venting frustration

                        Note: this presentation will not discuss adolescent development theories in detail.
                        For more information see references.

 32.see Eric Erikson.

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                         32


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                    Kids Growing Up - Adolescent
                                                                        Development in an Online

 Adolescents Online -Effects of the Web and Youth Development
                 • These normal adolescent behaviors, combined with the Internet, add up to kids
                   acting out normal adolescent development, online.
                 • There are positive and negative aspects to this:

                 Identity Experimentation

                 Youth naturally go through periods of questioning their identity and of
                 experimenting with their identity where they try to be “different” people, and
                 explore different experiences.

                                   Identity Experimentation in Meat Space
                   EXAMPLE         Youth choose to “dress” in a certain style to experiment with that

                                   Identity Experimentation on the Internet - Virtual
                   EXAMPLE         The internet is a great place to explore/experiment with identity.
                                   • Chat medias require use of nicknames - Youth nicknames reflect
                                      identity experimentation.
                                   • Kids pretending to be someone/something
                                   • They pretend they’re a different age, a different appearance, or
                                      have a different personality. The internet is open to
                                   Also, add in the Disinhibition effect:
                                   • Sometimes, youth do things online that they wouldn't really do
                                   • Create identities, and act out behaviors, that are experimental,
                                     forgetting that the digital media is treacherous (i.e.. create porn
                                     using web cams - See Amber’s Secret).
                                   [ The creation of a virtual personality or an aspect of
                                     personalities is becoming a recognized and shared experience
                                     of youth. The norm will be to explore this.
                                   [ Online Experiences and Identities can be just as real as
                                     physical experiences. Emotional impact, manipulation is just
                                     as possible through text, video, images, as it is through in-
                                     person contact.

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                      33


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                   Kids Growing Up - Adolescent
                                                                       Development in an Online

                 Intimacy, Belonging & Sex

                 • All teens experience and explore issues of intimacy and sex.
                 • This is a big part of adolescent development.

                                   Youth Experiment with Sex
                   EXAMPLE         Sexual roles emerge and develop throughout adolescence.
                                   Experimentation with sexuality may include: dating, gender roles,
                                   sexual preference, viewing sexual materials, seeking information
                                   about sexual health and/or language.

                                   On the Internet, Youth can access unlimited
                                   information about sex
                   EXAMPLE         Using the Internet, youth can view pornography for free.
                                   Dangerous - Youth can be convinced to create pornography of
                                   themselves using web cams and can be sent child pornography via
                                   IM, chats or email.
                                   [ There can be long term effects of viewing child pornography.
                                   [ Can be positive for youth trying to find information
                                   [ Filtering software is not usually recommended (can be
                                      ineffective) for teens. Filtering software is only appropriate
                                      for young children (>10 yrs).

                 Separation from Parents and Family

                 Most youth experience a period where they try to separate themselves from their
                 family and/or parents. They try to experience things to distinguish themselves as
                 unique individuals.
                                   Separation from Family by “running away” or doing
                                   things against the “rules”
                   EXAMPLE         Youth may “run away” to separate themselves from parents

                                   Separation from Family on the Internet - You can Go
                   EXAMPLE         On the web, you can go anywhere. Also, you have the disinhibition
                                   effect which encourages people to do things they wouldn’t normally
                                   do in “real life”
                                   • “Like it's the best kid's tree fort in the world. You can go
                                      anywhere, they can't find you.”

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                   34


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                                  Kids Growing Up - Adolescent
                                                                                      Development in an Online

                                           • Youth can find information about topics which may be
                                             “forbidden” by their parents.

                     Venting frustrations

                     Adolescents express frustrations verbally to friends, parents, and in private.

                       EXAMPLE             On the Internet, venting can happen through web sites, chats, etc.
                                           Images, text can be permanent if copied around the web.
                                           • Young people say things on the Internet that they would not say
                                             in real life. “Almost six in ten older youth (57%) say they have said
                                             things they normally wouldn’t say in real life when they were
                                             chatting, using instant messaging or participating in chat rooms
                                             and newsgroups. Boys in secondary school are slightly more likely
                                             than their female counterparts to say they have done this often.
                                             Those who use the Internet more frequently at home are also
                                             more likely to report doing this.”33
                                           [ Youth are using the Internet to express feelings they wouldn’t
                                               necessarily say in real life.

 33.Media Awareness Network and the Government of Canada, Young Canadians in a Wired World, the student’s view, 2001, page 83

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                                           35


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                    Predators @ Play - What are
                                                                       Pedophiles doing online?

  Topic 5 Predators @ Play - What are Pedophiles doing online?

  Learning Objectives:

         • Identify the main online activities of adults with a sexual interest in children.

   CONTENT: Topic 5

  • Classifications of Online Pedophilic Activities (COPINE)
          Online Child Pornography
          Online Pedophilic Communities
          Online Grooming and Luring
          Online Sexual Assaults

   Time - Topic 5) : 10 min

   Resources - Topic 5) : IOCSE-PPT 27-32

 Key Question for this topic:
                 • Youth are mostly using the Internet to SOCIALIZE and talk. Who are they talking
                   to? Everyone, anyone... Some end up talking to pedophiles.
                 • What are Pedophiles doing online?

Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum                                                 36


Safe OnLine Outreach Project
                                                                                 Predators @ Play - What are
                                                                                    Pedophiles doing online?

 Pedophiles Online - 4 Types of Online Sexual Exploitation (OSE)
                       • Most information in this section is from the COPINE (Combating Pedophiles
                         Information Network in Europe) Project. COPINE is at the University College
                         Cork, Ireland. COPINE has been studying pedophilic activities online since
                       • The pedophiles were online as early as 1991.
                       • 4 Types of Online Sexual Exploitation:
                               Online Pornography
                               Pedophilic Communities
                               Online Sexual Assaults

                       Online Child Porn

                                               Making Child Porn in the Past
                         EXAMPLE               History: Examples of child porn exist dating back to 1840.
                                               • The development of child pornography has been closely
                                                  associated with the development of photographic media.
                                               • In 1847, Police raided a photographic studio and confiscated
                                                  130,000 photographs depicting children involved in sexual acts.
                                               • The first laws against child pornography were written in Holland
                                                  in the late 1970s.
                                               • Child pornography had to be physically produced: Pictures taken,
                                                  film developed, prints made, copied, and physically distributed.
                                               • Producers and distributors of child pornography were vulnerable
                                                  to detection. Photographs had to be sent to a lab for developing,
                                                  put in envelopes, transported via government postal systems, and
                                                  cross borders where they were subject to physical inspection.
                                               • Viewers of child pornography could not easily destroy collections
                                                  of child pornography.
                                               • In 1986, the Canadian Police College predicted that child
                                                  pornography production and distribution would be under control
                                                  by the end of the decade.

                       • Pornography can now be created using relatively cheap equipment (digital
                         cameras, digital video cameras)

 34.COPINE Project is online at: http://copine.ucc.ie/

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Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum


Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum


Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum


Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum


Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum


Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum


Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum


Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum


Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum


Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum


Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum


Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum


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Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum


Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum


Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum


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Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum


Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum

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Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum

  • 1. Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation: Curriculum February 2003 Safe OnLine Outreach Project © M. Horton 2003
  • 2. Safe OnLine Outreach Project Acknowledgements This document is the result of many hours of hard work and dedication. I'd like to thank Renata Karrys, Jaynne Aster, Nikki O'Halloran, Charlaine Avery, Lisa Ingvallsen and Elizabeth Nethery for their support and assistance in producing this document. Additionally the SOLO Advisory Committee, the Canadian National Crime Prevention - Community Mobilization Program, the Vancouver Foundation, Athabasca University/MediaCan and Parents Against Sexual Abuse have all been instrumental in turning this idea into a Project. Lastly, David and Conor have been silent contributors to this project since it began. Their support is woven into each page. Merlyn Horton SOLO Project Coordinator February 2003
  • 3. Safe OnLine Outreach Project February 3, 2003 Introduction to the Curriculum Dear Reader, The curriculum you hold in your hands was produced in a former pottery studio in the middle of a coastal rain forest in British Columbia, Canada; the physical launch pad for this examination of a virtual issue. It is the result of three years of research. This introduction is intended to outline a context for the curriculum and to give you an overview of how to use this curriculum, who should present this curriculum and how appropriate audiences might be chosen. Context The philosophical foundation for this curriculum, and indeed for the Safe OnLine Outreach Project, is the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC)1. The CRC is one of four Conventions created by the United Nations to further the goal of recognizing the inherent dignity and rights of all members of the human family2. (See “Background on United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child Summary” - Handouts.) The background for the specific issue of online sexual exploitation is contained in the “Background on Online Sexual Exploitation” also in the Handouts. How to use this curriculum This curriculum is to be delivered by an informed presenter to groups of youth serving professionals. Presenters It is recommended that presenters of this curriculum be child rights focused practitioners with a background in youth work, adolescent development and education. An understanding of Internet technologies is also necessary. Most important is that presenters are positive about the technology and about youth’s capacity to participate in these technologies. An alarmist attitude about online risks would undermine the essential message of this curriculum; that advancements in communication technologies represent tremendous opportunities and potential for youth, professionals who serve youth and many other sectors of society. The risks to youth online discussed here represent the extreme end of abuse possible through the Internet. It is additionally important to remember that the vast majority of young 1. Available Internet: http://www.unicef.org/crc/crc.htm 2. see http://www.safeonlineoutreach.org/content/un_conventions.html
  • 4. Safe OnLine Outreach Project people are sexually abused by someone they know – not strangers in city parks, and not predators trolling chat rooms. The Internet is ONE venue, albeit a new one, for adults with a sexual interest in children. Focussing on Internet exploitation at the expense of vigilance about sexual abuse by ‘known’ offenders would be counter-productive. It will be important for presenters to read all handout materials thoroughly before presenting the curriculum. Additional references are cited throughout this document and will provide the necessary background to present the material. The curriculum content is estimated to be delivered over 110 minutes. Presenters should feel free to create their own agenda around the material and schedule breaks, discussion periods, videos or interactive exercises as appropriate for the situation. Please contact the SOLO Project if this material was useful, relevant or annoying. SOLO can assist with additional information, up to date research and answer questions. It would also be helpful for evaluation purposes to hear from presenters about the relevance of the curriculum in different communities and professional settings. Target audience This curriculum is targeted at youth serving professionals. This will include all professionals who are entrusted to support, educate, respond to and/or serve youth. Including, but not limited to: • criminal justice personnel (probation officers, parole officers, court personnel, and police officers), • recreation workers, youth workers, • drug and alcohol counselors • social workers, child protection workers, youth outreach workers, • residential care givers, • school counselors, teachers, librarians, • youth probation officers, youth detention workers and • other parties concerned about the needs of children and youth victimized by online sexually exploitative crimes and who require updating on the issue of sexual exploitation on the Internet. These groups require targeting due to the rapid adoption of the Internet into youth culture. Today’s young people are using Internet communication tools as a seamless extension of their world. (Young Canadians in a Wired World, 2001 – “99% of all youth surveyed reported having been on the Internet”). By contrast, the majority of adults entrusted to care for youth are limited in their Internet use and are unfamiliar with the most common activities of youth online. Adults / youth serving professionals need specific and timely information about the Internet and the scope of youth-targeted exploitation and crime on the Internet in order to meet the changing needs of youth. Knowledge about Internet exploitation is needed by all levels of youth service professionals because Internet communication is relevant to all youth.
  • 5. Safe OnLine Outreach Project Two ‘Topics’ in the curriculum are targeted at specific youth serving professionals. Topic 8a is a brief discussion aimed at law enforcement professionals and addresses the basic legislative reforms that are evolving to address sexual exploitation online. Topic 8b offers a brief discussion of issues relevant to human services professionals. Neither are meant to be exhaustive and will hopefully provide material for audience discussion and encourage participant contributions. The material presented here is the beginning of a discussion about how changing communication technologies are going to affect youth, youth work and professional practices. It has been our aim to contribute to the discussion with information and questions. The end of this discussion is a long way off. Hopefully the knowledge you may glean from this document will inform and challenge you to think about technology, youth and communications in new ways. It’s been a blast to write. Later, Merlyn Horton SOLO Project Coordinator February 2003
  • 6. Safe OnLine Outreach Project Course Overview: An Introduction to Online Sexual Exploitation “When Wolves look like Sheep” Time Introduction 5 min The Internet Playgound - A New Environment “Internet Space” Topic 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 10 min Topic 2 Talking on the Playground - Effects of the Internet on Communication 5 min Riding and Hiding on the Merry-go-round - Players & Activities in “Internet Space” Topic 3 Kids @ Play - What are YOUTH doing online? 10 min Topic 4 Kids Growing Up - Adolescent Development in an Online 5 min Environment Topic 5 Predators @ Play - What are Pedophiles doing online? 10 min Topic 6 Traps, Bad Toys, Bad Friends - Risks to Youth Online 10 min Making Safer Places to Play - Responses to Issues/Problems in “Internet Space” Topic 7 Cyberstreet Proofing Kids @ the Playground- What can you do? 5 min Topic 8a Law Enforcement - Special Topics 10 min Topic 8b Human Services - Special Topics 10 min Topic 9 Wrap-up/Q&A 30 min TOTAL Course Time 110 min (excluding breaks) Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 1
  • 7. Safe OnLine Outreach Project Learning Objectives Learning Objectives 1. Identify types of technology available on the Internet and be encouraged to explore these technologies on their own. 2. Identify activities youth are participating in online. 3. Identify 3 effects of the Web on behavior. Understand how these effects and adolescent development can explain youth behaviors online. 4. Increase awareness about how pedophiles are using the Internet and identify some com- mon techniques and activities. 5. Identify some of the risks (who and why) to youth when they are online. 6. Identify what the participants can do to address concerns of Online Sexual Exploitation (OSE) with youth. Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 2
  • 8. Safe OnLine Outreach Project Introduction Introduction • Welcome • Introduce Facilitator and Background • What is the SOLO (Safe OnLine Outreach) Project? • Participant Objectives • Training/Presentation Objectives • Agenda Time - Topic 0) : 5 min Resources - Topic 0) : IOCSE-PPT 1-4, Agenda Introduce Facilitator and Background • Introduce facilitator and explain facilitator’s background. What is the Safe OnLine Outreach Project (SOLO)? The course content for this presentation was developed by the SOLO Project in 2002-2003. The Safe OnLine Outreach (SOLO) Project has been developed to address the emerging issue of sexual exploitation of youth on the Internet. Grounded in the United Nation's Convention on the Rights of the Child, SOLO's goal is to create educational material for professionals who serve children and youth and make them aware of the risks to young people on the Internet. The SOLO Project was initiated by Merlyn Horton in 1999 and is a now part of the non-profit SOLO Society. In the 2002-2003 year, SOLO was hosted and administered by Parents Against Sexual Abuse (PASA) and funded by the National Crime Prevention Program and the Vancouver Foundation. Athabasca University/MediaCan assisted with web site development and hosting. SOLO develops specific curriculum for youth-serving professionals in the law enforcement, educational, social service and crisis response fields. Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 3
  • 9. Safe OnLine Outreach Project Introduction SOLO aims to prevent sexual exploitation on the Internet by: • Educating communities about potential dangers • Educating service providers and police about intervention methods • Educating policy makers on the risks and harms associated with sexual exploitation on the Internet Background/Rationale for SOLO The rapid introduction and widespread use of the Internet by youth and predators, has created a knowledge gap in youth-serving professionals that must be addressed quickly. Adults with a sexual interest in children have long been active on the Internet in chat sites and newsgroups. Consultations with experts in the fields of law enforcement, youth work, and communications have revealed that the issue of online commercial sexual exploitation is not adequately understood nor addressed by present youth- serving professionals. SOLO creates materials and delivers workshops that will train police officers, teachers, social workers and crisis response workers how to recognize and respond to online sexual exploitation and assist children and youth affected by this issue. Participant Objectives It is useful to quickly ask participants about their objectives for the presentation/ course. This gives the facilitator a “heads-up” about any key areas of interest for the participants. • Ask group to quickly describe: “Their name, background/job, and what they are hoping to learn today/in the presentation?” Presentation Objectives & Agenda This is a moment to quickly explain the objectives of the presentation (see Learning Objectives on page 5) and to address any obvious discrepancies between participant objectives the current agenda. Quickly explain the Agenda. (PPT slide) Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 4
  • 10. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 Topic 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 Learning Objectives: • Understand historical context and evolution of “the Internet”. • Differentiate between static vs. dynamic online settings. • Define technologies which exist within online settings. CONTENT: Topic 1 Overview: • History of the Internet What it is and how it developed. Progression from 1960’s to 2002. Canadian context in 1990’s. • Online Environments: Type 1: Static Environment Examples: Email, BB, Usenet/Newsgroups, P2P Describe examples of how each is used by youth or pedophiles. Type 2: Dynamic Environment Examples: IM, Chat, IRC, Audio/Video Conferencing Describe examples of how each is used by youth or pedophiles. Time - Topic 1) : 10 min Resources - Topic 1) : IOCSE-PPT 5-13 Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 5
  • 11. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 History WHY? The history of the Internet and how, and why it was created help us understand how it works and why it works the way it does. • Invented by the US Defense Department in the late 60's. They began working on it in 1957 and by 1969 they had the basic framework, called ARPANET. • What was it? A linkage of computers which would SHARE information. • Designed to allow for continued communication (and function) if one or more sites was destroyed. Example: The original “network” was set up so that if a nuclear bomb destroyed 80% of the sites, 20% would still work. • The INTERNET is: a big web: with lots of connection points and lots of transmission points. • The World Wide Web came into being in 1991 at the European Laboratory for Particle Physics. The difference at this time was the creation of hypertext and hyperlinks. • Hypertext/Hyperlinks are the “links” which allow you to navigate through information in the Internet. On a web page, when you click on a link, you go to another page. So it’s links that allow interwoven and interconnected information. It’s the development of a way to link information through the web which was key in 1991. • Progression of the web since 1991: In June 1993 the Web had 130 web sites. By 1998 there were more than 2.2 million. And that's four years ago Worldwide, (2002) there are approximately 440 million people online. By 2004, that is projected to hit 700 million.1 • In Canada: By 1999 the federal government and Industry Canada funded many initiatives to encourage internet adoption. E.g. “Illegal and Offensive Content on the Internet”2 By 1999, 100% of Canadian schools and libraries had Internet access. Canada is one of the most wired nations, per capita, in the world. Canada has approximately 9 million active internet users. US has 102 million, UK 14 million, Japan 20 million.3 1. Jupitermedia, CyberAtlas, March 2002, http://cyberatlas.internet.com/big_picture/geographics/print/0,,5911_151151,00.html 2. Industry Canada, Illegal and Offensive Content on the Internet: The Canadian Strategy to Promote Safe, Wise and Responsible Internet Use, http://connect.gc.ca/cyberwise/ 3. ibid 1. Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 6
  • 12. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 “Internet Space” as Community Space • The Internet is like a new space. You can “Go” places on the Internet. • There’s a lot more to the Internet than Email! • Like Real Space (“Meat Space”) there are many different things you can do, places you can go, in “Internet Space” What you can do in Internet “Space”  EXAMPLE • Find information on literally any topic you can imagine. • Socialize - gossip, chat with friends, date, have relationships, create community, meet new people who are physically anywhere in the world • You can also construct a virtual identity online - to “be” someone different or new. • Shop - buy things, e.g. Amazon.com or Chapters.com • Pop culture - there is unique and new language and culture which has evolved because of Internet Space. [ It's a real environment. Just because you buy something online, doesn’t mean it’s imaginary. Just because you have a relationship with someone online, doesn’t make it less real. Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 7
  • 13. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 Youth as Indigenous Citizens…of the Internet Today’s Youth are growing up “Online” EXAMPLE Older Generation: Their technological evolution started with bringing the concept of having video movies you could bring home and watch on your own TV. Youth Today: Eight-year olds growing up today, don’t think anything of going online, with high-speed access, and playing a JavaScript game on Digimon.com. [ Today’s youth are very comfortable with the Internet. [ Other generations are having to bridge and catch up the best they can. We may never be indigenous citizens of cyberspace. Youth on the Internet: EXAMPLE A 15-year old boy, in a computer room at school. He's trying to get out of school to get to a Santana concert with his brother. The problem is the iron-clad high tech security system at the school. In less than 60 seconds online he transformed himself into a middle- aged overworked service technician employed by the West Coast Security System who'd unfortunately misplaced the schematic design for the WSC model 8872 alarm fire door he was trying to repair and needed some help from the manufacturer's technical supervisor. He emails the technical supervisor with the request and within seconds, receives his own copy of the schematic. 4 [ This example shows how this environment has no physical presence. Without the checks and balances we usually do, young people can transform themselves into anything or find any information. [ Information can be accessed quickly. 4. Deaver, Jeffrey, The Blue Nowhere, 2002 Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 8
  • 14. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 The Technology we use to Communicate: Converging Environments5 • In today’s world, people communicate with each other using a variety of methods. Face to face communication Technology-facilitated communication • Technological Environments are settings where communication takes place through “technology”. This can include: Telephone, Cell Phone, Video • Online Environments are settings where communication takes place over the Internet (i.e.. in “Internet Space”). • Online and other “Technological” Environments are constantly evolving and converging. Evolving: New environments and technologies are being developed. Converging: (Technologies are “coming together”). Example (Converging environments): “Blackberry” - a new portable unit that combines a cell phone, pager, voice mail, instant EXAMPLE messaging and email. You pay a wireless fee like you do for a cell phone. This can interface to a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) (e.g. Palm Pilot, Clio etc.) and desktop. Fido - Use Web Site to send “Text messages” to a Cell Phone: You can use Fido’s web site to send a “text message” to someone’s cell phone. I.e.. you “talk” to a cell phone using the EXAMPLE Internet! [ The technology is coming together in more and more ways. The Internet is merging with cell phone technologies, etc. 5. Horton, Places of Risk, Places of Help- Internet Exploitation: an Overview of Existing Technologies, 2001 Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 9
  • 15. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 Static and Real Time Environments: Two kinds of Online Environments What are Static Environments? • Communication can occur over unsynchronized periods of time. • Two people can communicate but communication does not need to happen at the same time. Email • Email is classified as a point-to-point data exchange system (message or package of data travels directly between two points). Transfer of information can occur slowly if users are not online. • Email messages travel from one computer directly to another through individual server systems. • Most emails are text messages, but graphic, audio, and other large files can also be sent via email. • Static messages to specified recipients. History: Email is one of the primary forms of networked communications. The first email was sent in 1971 and has since become the most widely used aspect of the Internet. Primarily text-based, email exchange is the most common online activity. 6 Usenet Newsgroups • A newsgroup is a discussion group devoted to a particular subject. • Usenet is a worldwide collection of newsgroups. • All require specific software, (clients) to access. • While the environment of Usenet is mostly text-based, it can be used to post graphic files and make them available for public download and distribution. 7 “Newsgroups are a continuous public discussion on a specific topic. Newsgroups are decentralized, which means that the messages are not maintained on a single server, but are replicated to hundreds of servers around the world”. 8 6. Jones, Jeffrey M. Almost All E-Mail Users Say Internet, E-Mail Have Made Lives Better POLL ANALYSES July 23, 2001. Available Internet: http://www.gallup.com/poll/releases/pr010723.asp 7. Aftab, Parry, The Parents Guide to Protecting your Children in Cyberspace, McGraw Hill, 2000 USA. 8. Tyson, Jeff, How Newsgroups Work, Marshall Brain’s How Stuff Works. Copyright © 1998-2001 Howstuffworks, Inc. Available Inter- net; http://www.howstuffworks.com/newsgroup.htm Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 10
  • 16. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 History: This layer of the web is one of the oldest environments on the Internet and started without many of the bells and whistles of more recent environments. Indexes (names) of newsgroups are available by searching on Usenet. Often topics of newsgroups are very specific making them useful for hobbyists and specialists seeking others with the same interests. • Usenet Newsgroups predate hypertext (1991) and are a very old function of the internet. How it works: (Newsgroups) • The actual messages and “posts” are on servers throughout the Internet • Static form of communication: Somebody “posts” a message on the virtual board (or newsgroup) You go to that board and read the message And you can choose to respond to the message, in your own time not in real time All messages will exist “posted” for anyone to read, for a very long time (depending on the board or newsgroup, anywhere from 1 year to 4-5 years). Examples: Thousands (if not tens of thousands) of newsgroups exist: EXAMPLE Some titles are very graphic/descriptive: alt.sex.babies, alt.sex.daddysgirl • rec.football.coaching • info.news.george-bush • alt.sex.anything-you-can-imagine • People will go and post graphic child porn files; anyone can come and download them [ Once information is posted to a newsgroup or bulletin board anyone can view or download the information. Bulletin Board Systems • Bulletin boards (BBS) systems are very similar to newsgroups. • BBS are different in that you dial up to a specific “bulletin board” using a phone number and modem. You can then “browse” the files on the BBS and download what you want. History: BBS are becoming less widely used with the adoption of new HTML-based web pages and sites. Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 11
  • 17. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Transfers • P2P Transfers mean that computer files are shared between two users’ home computers without using a “central” computer. Napster/Morpheus/Kazaa/WinMX: Napster, written by a high school student Shawn Fanning, was introduced in 1999. Fanning EXAMPLE created a software client that distributed music files, known as MP3s, which are single-song data files. What was different about the Napster way of sharing files is that instead of sharing the songs from a central computer the files can be shared from each user’s home computer. This is called peer-to-peer sharing or P2P. While peer-to-peer file sharing has created much controversy, especially over copyright, it is doubtful that the technology is going to go away. Other similar clients have appeared since Napster and these new clients are not limited to P2P distribution of MP3 files. Programs such as Gnutella, Scour, Kazaa, WinMX and other file- sharing clients have now appeared. These clients not only share and distribute MP3 files, but virtually any kind of digital file such as graphics files, audio files or small video files. Additionally, these P2P clients work without the need for a central server and as a result are virtually impossible to shut down. [ The decentralized nature of the Internet has been taken one step further. [ “Since there is no central server maintaining the index of users, there is no easy way to target and stop the use of the program.”9 How information is shared between computers: I specify a “public” area on my hard drive Whenever my computer is on (and connected to the Internet, which for people with high-speed, is often full-time), you connect to my computer and download anything available in the “public” area. • mp3 files are shared (Kazaa, WinMX, Morpheus) EXAMPLE • can be used to share child porn - not just visuals/images, but also video, audio (e.g. audio files of rapes are part of “collections”.) 9. Tyson, Jeff, How Napster Works, Marshall Brain’s How Stuff Works. Copyright © 1998-2001 Howstuffworks, Inc. Available Internet; http://www.howstuffworks.com/napster.htm Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 12
  • 18. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 Online Settings: Real Time Environments What are Static Environments? Real time: Instantaneous transfer of information from my computer to yours. • I type a line of text and press return EXAMPLE • You see it instantly on your screen. • These are generally referred to as ‘chats’. This encompasses Internet relay chat (IRC), web-based chats, instant messaging (IM) and audio-video conferencing. “A chat room is software that allows a group of people to type in messages that are seen by everyone in the “room,” while instant messages are basically a chat room for just two people. 10 Instant Messaging (IM) • Instant messaging (IM) allows users to privately converse with others over the computer. • IM is very popular among teens/youth. • Communication requires IM client software. (e.g. Yahoo, AOL, MSN) “Instant messaging is something of a cross between chat and e-mail. It allows you to maintain a list of people that you wish to interact with. You can send messages to any of the people in your list, as long as that person is online. Sending a message opens up a small window where you and your friend can type in messages that each of you can see.” 11 Instant messaging is available through IM client software. Internet service companies such as America On Line, Microsoft Service Network, Mirabilis and Yahoo! all offer their own version of IM software. Instant messenger clients operate on a variety of different internet protocols and are not necessarily interchangeable with each other. 10.Tyson, Jeff, How Instant Messaging Works. Marshall Brain’s How Stuff Works. Copyright © 1998- 2001 Howstuffworks, Inc. Avail- able Internet; http://www.howstuffworks.com/instant-messaging.htm 11. Tyson, Jeff, How Newsgroups Work, Marshall Brain’s How Stuff Works. Copyright © 1998-2001 Howstuffworks, Inc. Available Inter- net; http://www.howstuffworks.com/newsgroup.htm Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 13
  • 19. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 Currently this is an industry issue that the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is attempting to resolve by developing a standard protocol for instant messaging called Instant Messaging Presence Protocol.12 Most of the popular IM programs provide a variety of features: Instant messages - send notes back and forth with a friend who is online Chat - create your own custom chat room with friends or co-workers Web links - share links to your favorite web sites Images - look at an image on your friend’s computer Sounds - play sounds for your friends Files - share files by sending them directly to your friends Talk - use the Internet as a phone to actually talk with others Streaming content - real-time or near real-time stock quotes and news13 Instant messaging is used in many ways, from groups of teens using it as an alternative to the telephone, to business groups using instant EXAMPLE messaging to hold conferences with geographically diverse members. How IM works: • You install a piece of software (e.g. MSN, AOL, or Yahoo Messenger) on your computer. Normally, it will run all the time when you are connected to the internet. • Within this software, you have a buddy list. A buddy list is a list of colleagues, workgroup members, friends, etc., that you might wish to communicate with via instant messaging. • When you are online, people on your buddy list know you are online. E.g. When I go online and run my IM program, I will get a message saying “Keith’s online, Joe’s online, and Bob’s online”. Then, you can “talk”, email, send files, or do any “normal” web stuff with these people when you are all online. I can send them links to the web sites I'm looking at; I can send them audio files, any kinds of files. You can even do web cams through instant messaging. Instant Messaging is kind of a cross between chats and email–you can do all these things. 12.Tyson, Jeff, How Instant Messaging Works. Marshall Brain’s How Stuff Works. Copyright © 1998- 2001 Howstuffworks, Inc. Avail- able Internet http://www.howstuffworks.com/instant-messaging.htm 13.ibid. Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 14
  • 20. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 Problems with IM: Not really secure. Buddy lists can get passed around to many people, just like email addresses. Give an illusion of being “secure” but can be infiltrated. Web Based Chats • Web-based chats are similar to IRC but are conducted through web sites and with browsers instead of IRC software clients. • Accessible via a regular website. • You click on a “Chat” icon and a little applet will pop-up. The chat window will have: all the text typed in the “chat room” a window where you type your comments a list on the side showing the current users in that room (their nicknames) • A search of the Internet using the Google search engine reveals 83 general listings for places to go and chat online. Most of these 83 are web-based chat sites. These sites offer small computer programs called ‘applets’ through which the exchange of text is facilitated. These web-based chats are often seen as ‘trainer’ areas with novice users usually moving on to IRC once they become more proficient with the web-based commands. Web-based chats usually require that a user register with them and are for the most part unmoderated. 14 • Mostly unmoderated - no-one is “monitoring” for appropriate language, behavior, content etc. • There are some moderated chat sites available on web sites. In these sites, moderators hired by the web-site operators, invisibly lurk and remove offensive material or ban users who do not comply with previously agreed-to codes of conduct. 14.Web Based Chat Rooms Available Internet; http://www.Best-of-Web.com/entertainment/ chat.shtml Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 15
  • 21. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 CyberAngels - Moderated Chat sites EXAMPLE CyberAngels operates some moderated chat sites for teens. CyberAngels (www.cyberangels.org) is an organization that has long been involved in Internet safety concerns. They host a moderated site that in addition to having ‘cybermoms’ moderate the rooms, also have a strict registration requirement. Users who want to register to use the CyberAngel chat rooms must send a letter from a school or police agency via ground mail, verifying their age. This procedure and level of security- consciousness is rare on the Internet and represents the most conservative end of the range. Some of the other moderated chat sites are user-fee based and require parents to sign their children up. These measures will obviously make young users safer but are the minority of web-based chat sites, and require fairly precise searching skills to find them on the Internet. Much easier to find are the regular, unmoderated sites. IRC: Internet Relay Chat History: Internet relay chat was developed in Finland by Jarkko Oikarien in 1988 and has grown to be a globally accessible way to text-chat with others. “IRC is a multi-user chat system where users meet on “channels” (rooms, virtual places, usually with a certain topic of conversation) to talk in groups or privately” 15 IRC Channels: • Conversations happen on “channels”. A channel will have a name, usually referring to the topic of conversation for that channel. • Channels on IRC are like virtual rooms; like a room, they may have people in them discussing sports, pop culture or sex. People in the same room can see each other’s chat names on a ‘user list’ and can send a message to a selected person either publicly or privately. Channels may be open to the public, invitation-only, or be more secret and invisible. Though usually open, some communications occurring on IRC channels cannot be viewed or detected by others at all. • Chatting using IRC channels is a simple matter of getting the necessary software and learning the code or commands. 15.Charalabidis, Alex IRC Networks and Server Lists. Available Internet <http://www.irchelp.org/ irchelp/networks/> Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 16
  • 22. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 IRC Networks: • There are up to 2,000 different channels on one network. A network is just a “collection” of IRC Channels. • 4 major IRC networks; EFnet, DALnet, Undernet, and IRCnet16, which have up to 15,000 people participating in each of them at any given time. 17 E.g.. EFnet (2,000 channels) Other networks of various sizes are subject-specific and without geographical boundaries. At least 300 of the multitude of networks are available for public use. It is impossible to estimate the number of private networks in use. IRC Client Programs: • You need a special program (software) to connect to IRC. Using an IRC client (another word for program), users can connect to an IRC network and communicate on the IRC channels. • Any (1 or 50) number of users can be logged into a channel and “talking” on that channel. • IRC conversations can be confusing if many users are on the channel. The IRC Culture: • Internet relay chat is for the most part unregulated. Elastic quality: When they first started out, IRC had four channels for 4 networks. There's now hundreds of networks and channels, and each channel can have up to an unlimited number of users per channel. IRC is constantly growing and changing. 16.ibid, 10 17.Internet Relay Chat Frequently Asked Questions. Available Internet; http://www.mirc.com/ ircintro.html Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 17
  • 23. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 IRC Chat - Communication Independent of Physical Space EXAMPLE Merlyn Horton, the SOLO Project Coordinator, describes the following experience she had on IRC. I had some computer problems with my Mac in 1997. I went onto a Mac IRC channel to get some help with my extensions conflicts. I went on a I talked to these two guys and we're typing back and forth and they eventually solved my extension problem. During the chat, I said, “so where are you?” , “oh well, we're in New York”. Another 20 minutes goes by: “how old are you?”, “well I'm 13, and my brother can't type and he's just 12”. [ All of sudden, knowledge is no longer based in physicality, age or physical presentation. “They could have been sitting there in their little cowboy pajamas for all I knew.” [ All that matters is the communication and the exchange of information, regardless of physical space. Audio and Video Conferencing • Audio Only: Most personal computers have built-in microphones and speakers and audio-only transmissions are also possible with only minimal hardware requirements. • Video and Audio: Technology allows users to communicate in real time with full sound and video over the internet. Requires some specific hardware like web cams (becoming cheaper all the time). This technology makes possible real time broadcast from one computer to others. ’Web cams’, small digital video cameras that hook directly to personal computers, gather video images and transmit them to others over the Internet.18 Web Cam technology can also be used for the creation of pornography and for recording assaults. 18.Tyson, Jeff, How Newsgroups Work, Marshall Brain’s How Stuff Works. Copyright © 1998-2001 Howstuffworks, Inc. Available Inter- net; http://www.howstuffworks.com/newsgroup.htm Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 18
  • 24. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 Orchid Club - Online Sexual Assault EXAMPLE “For example, in 1996, a group of paedophiles that called itself the Orchid Club was arrested in the United States. Using a digital camera, one of the group members transmitted real-time images of a child being sexually assaulted and responded to requests from the club's members in directing the abuse. Members of the Orchid club lived in the United States, Europe and Australia.”19 [ Web cams have the potential to be quite dangerous. Cam Girls EXAMPLE Cam Girls are women who post information about themselves on personal websites. The majority use Web cams to display live video (sexual and non-sexual) images of themselves over the web. “The World Wide Web isn't considered a safe place for personal information. But there are a growing number of young women, known as camgirls, who have few qualms about their privacy. They're not giving their names and addresses away, but you can watch them online through webcams. In British Columbia, Devon Henderson, 23, says she gets 400 visitors a day to her personal website, where, in addition to reading journal entries, surfers can watch Devon on her webcam. Henderson, whose site contains no nudity, says she doesn't consider herself a camgirl. Other women are willing to show a little more of themselves in order to get noticed. What's in it for them? Surfers who like what they see can let the camgirl know by buying them an item off the website's wishlist. Henderson’s site features a wishlist of books, CDs and movies. Enamoured viewers can pick out an item, pick up the tab and have it sent to her at an undisclosed address.”20 19.Taylor, Quayle and Holland, Child Pornography, the Internet and offending, Volume 2 N° 2 o Summer 2001 o ISSN 1492-0611 20.CTV Newsnet, “Camgirls draw a crowd with online exploits, Jan 2, 2003. Available online at: http://www.ctv.ca/servlet/ArticleNews/ story/CTVNews/1041541836267_36951036/?hub=SciTech Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 19
  • 25. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 Web Cam Use - Amber’s Secret EXAMPLE A mother in Port Moody stumbled on her daughter vamping for the camera. She was sending to a man in Australia. The police are worried that photos of the girl, are being flogged around the world on Internet porn sites. See “Amber’s Secret”, Doug Stead (POLCYB) - Handout [ It's dangerous. If you watch big brother you realize that after a certain amount of time you become desensitized to the knowledge that there's a camera there. [ Can young people understand that they are creating pornography that may exist when they're 85 years old? [ It's in a digital form, not just pictures that can be burned. It's infinitely reproducible, it's free, it's untraceable, it doesn't exist in a physical form. There are many issues around the digital media and images created in a digital form. Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 20
  • 26. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 Online Environments can be used for Sexual Exploitation • Examples: Cam Girls, Web Cams (creation of online pornography) • Predators to have exposure to more children than they normally would in a physical form through chat rooms. • Predators can groom 15 or 20 kids at a time in the chat rooms easily without actually having to risk being physically involved or physically identified. • Every day, there are more and more cases being reported: Operation “Eye of the Needle” - Victoria, BC EXAMPLE Porn charges laid in Victoria (the Province, Feb 8, 2002) “Child-Porn charge laid in Victoria” - Operation Eye of the Needle (overhead with article text) Operation Snowball - Canada EXAMPLE A multinational police operation known as Operation Snowball in Canada, Operation Avalanche in the USA, and Operation Ore in the UK uncovered an extensive list of suspects who paid to view child porn over the internet. In Canada, the investigation uncovered a total of 2,329 suspects: 406 suspects in BC and 946 suspects in Ontario. A child porn ring (Landslide Productions) in Texas charged 30$/month to allow people to access child porn. They were busted and hundreds of thousands of credit card numbers were seized. (Globe and Mail News - “Canadian links in porn case to be unveiled”21). From CBC News Online22 “Operation Snowball is an appropriate name for the Canadian crackdown on Internet pedophiles, as the search for child porn suspects has rolled from a seemingly small, Texas bust into a huge, global manhunt. From 1997 until August 2001, a Fort Worth, Texas couple, Thomas and Janice Reedy, provided paying subscribers with access to child- porn Web sites. Thanks to Landslide, their gateway portal, the Reedys were making as much as $1.4 million US a month. Their child-porn empire ended after a two-year joint investigation by the U.S. Postal Inspection Service and the Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force. But stopping the Reedys wasn’t the biggest success to come out of the bust. Authorities kept the Landslide portal site going, e-mailing subscribers with offers of more child pornography. The 144 members who said “yes” soon were the subjects of search warrants. In addition to the undercover work, authorities were able to recover Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 21
  • 27. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 1 New Toys & Places to Play - Web 101 Landslide’s member database, containing hundreds of thousands of credit card numbers from suspected clients in North America and Europe. The Federal Bureau of Investigation has since passed on the names to various international authorities. One investigation in Britain has led to arrests of more than 1,300 suspects, ranging from judges and dentists to TV hosts and Pete Townshend of the rock band The Who. In Canada, police say they’ve only arrested five per cent of the 2,329 suspects on their copy of the Landslide list. The reason? According to Det. Sgt. Paul Gillespie of the Toronto Police Services, it’s a matter of resources, the very nature of the Internet and Canadian child pornography laws, which critics say provide pedophiles with the legal loophole of categorizing their collection as having artistic merit.” 21.Globe and Mail News, “Canadian links in porn case to be unveiled”, Graeme Smith, Jan 16, 2003, page A5. Available online at: http:// www.globeandmail.com/servlet/ArticleNews/PEstory/TGAM/20030116/UPORNXI/national/national/ nationalTheNationHeadline_temp/18/18/27/ 22.CBC News Online, “Canada’s child exploitation laws” Erik Missio and Justin Thompson, Jan. 16, 2003 Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 22
  • 28. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 2 Talking on the Playground - Effects of the Internet on Communication Topic 2 Talking on the Playground - Effects of the Internet on Communication Learning Objectives: • Identify 3 Effects of the Web on Human Behavior. CONTENT: Topic 2 Three Effects of the Web on Communication • Hyper personal Effect • Disinhibition Effect • Effects of Accessibility Time - Topic 2) : 5 min Resources - Topic 2) : IOCSE-PPT 14-17 Key Questions for this topic: • How does the Internet affect behavior and how we communicate online. Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 23
  • 29. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 2 Talking on the Playground - Effects of the Internet on Communication Three Effects of the Web23 • By virtue of being on the internet, interpersonal (human) messages and communication are fundamentally changed. • The changes in person-to-person messages are the result of certain 'effects' of the web on the information conveyed. • There are many other ways the Internet effects human behavior and communication. Hyper personal Effect • Joseph Walther (1996) suggested that the Internet created a mutually reinforcing "intensification loop" • Selective self-representation, idealization and reciprocation - Individuals choose “identities” according to their own self-perception. Individuals choose “virtual identities” EXAMPLE If people choose to represent themselves as 21 year old Brad Pitt look a likes, they have that option. [ 'Who a person “is” becomes vague and selective in cyberspace. • Strengthened ego function ( Walther 1996) - Virtual (created) identities tend to be confirmed rather than challenged through the internet. • Joseph Walter argues in the "hyper personal" model, selective self-representation combined with selective reception can foster a heightened sense of intimacy24. • Walther suggests there is a strong appeal to having an idealized self confirmed rather than challenged, and outlined the potential of this type of interaction in strengthening ego function thus having a beneficial effect on individuals. 25 23.Horton, Places of Risk, Places of Help- Internet Exploitation: an Overview of Existing Technologies, 2001 24.Walther, Joseph. B. Computer Mediated Communications: Impersonal, interpersonal and hyperpersonal interaction. Communication Research 23 (1) 3-43, 1996 25.ibid Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 24
  • 30. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 2 Talking on the Playground - Effects of the Internet on Communication Dis-Inhibition Effect “This (Internet) not only allows for more clear communication, but also allows for greater disclosure and the processing of “soul” issues needing to be addressed.” 26 • Internet dis-inhibits unconscious defense mechanisms. • Promotes greater discourse and disclosure. • This disinhibition is double-edged; Individuals are more inclined toward self disclosure AND conflict. Individual seem to do/say things in online settings that they would unlikely do in real life. EXAMPLE Individuals who wouldn't consider stepping into a pornographic video store at their local shopping mall, might be less inhibited if they were online, with the perception of anonymity. Accessible Effect • The accessible effect comes from the ability of the Internet to make services available to people who can’t access traditional services. • People previously isolated are coming together for mutual assistance. • Geography and age are irrelevant. • Can be positive and negative. Online Therapy - Increased Participation and Effectiveness over the Internet EXAMPLE Individuals who are in need of information or support for ideas not supported in their community can access the support, information or sense of community in online settings. People can also access services privately. • Gay, lesbian and sexually-questioning youth can seek out support or information online that they might not access in their regular life communities for fear of ridicule or harassment. • Young women struggling with post-abortion grief or trauma could access support or follow up information online where the disinhibiting and anonymity effect would make it easier and more comfortable. 26.Laszlo, J.V., Esterman, G. &, Zabko, S. (1999). Therapy over the Internet? Theory, Research & Finances. CyberPsychology & Behavior. 2(4), p.293-307 Available Internet: http:// www.geocities.com/HotSprings/Resort/7579/internet.htm. Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 25
  • 31. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 2 Talking on the Playground - Effects of the Internet on Communication • Male sexual abuse survivors are more likely to engage in therapeutic and deep therapeutic interactions online than they are in the human, in meat space. “Online therapy reaches out to the majority of people who would never seek professional mental health services...Online therapy offers a valuable new modality to reach out to a larger group of people concerned about issues of confidentiality and privacy.” 37 Pedophilic Communities EXAMPLE Individuals with a sexual interest in children can find information (e.g. share grooming techniques) and support (encouragement) for their values on the web. These individuals can increase their technological knowledge (e.g. how to avoid detection, and encryption methods) and likelihood of offending by gathering together in online communities. Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 26
  • 32. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 3 Kids @ Play - What are YOUTH doing online? Topic 3 Kids @ Play - What are YOUTH doing online? Learning Objectives: • Identify the main activities of Youth Online. • Identify the differences between the perceptions of parents and youth regarding youth activity online. CONTENT: Topic 3 • “Young Canadians in a Wired World” (2001) Study Frequency of Internet Activity among Youth Youth Activities by age (older/younger) Youth Activities vs. Parents Perceptions Youth (negative) Experiences Online - Porn Web sites, Porn Email, Meeting “Cyberfriends”, Unwanted Sexual Comments Summarize main activities of Youth online Time - Topic 3) : 10 min Resources - Topic 3) : IOCSE-PPT 18-25 Key Question for this Topic: • So, what ACTIVITIES are Canadian youth doing online? Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 27
  • 33. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 3 Kids @ Play - What are YOUTH doing online? Young Canadians in a Wired World 27: • Study published in 2001 (October), by Media Awareness Network, (or Mnet) • Funded by Industry Canada • Surveyed 5,682 youth ages nine to 17 • The largest survey of Canadian youth and Internet use ever. • Only prior report was Finklehorn report out of the US– surveyed 1501 kids. • Very extensive report. (See SOLO Website under Documents.) Key Results - High Frequency on Online Use among Youth:28 • 99% report using the Internet • 78% have home access • 43% use the Internet daily Survey Breakdown by Younger/Older Kids: • See Survey Graph. PPT Slide • Majority of Younger kids use internet for surfing, Games • Older Kids - Socializing! Chats, Email. • Homework is a common use among all ages. 50%. • Marketing - 5% of kids are buying stuff online! Marketers are targeting kids and being funneled into consumer-based web sites. 27.Media Awareness Network and the Government of Canada, Young Canadians in a Wired World, the student’s view, 2001 28.ibid, pages 23-25 Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 28
  • 34. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 3 Kids @ Play - What are YOUTH doing online? What do PARENTS think Youth are doing? - The Parent’s View29 • See PPT slide- Survey Graph • Youth are playing and downloading music 57% of the time (parents think 10 %). • Homework? Parents are very optimistic. Parents think that youth are doing homework 65% of the time. In reality, youth are only spending 38% of their time doing homework. • Parents are unaware of what young people are actually doing online. Youth’s Online Experiences - RISKS • More than half have been exposed to pornographic websites “More than five in ten youth (52%) say they have accidentally ended up in a pornographic Web site a lot (15%) or only a few times (37%). Boys in secondary school, those who do not have a parent who is a college or university graduate and those who use the Internet more frequently at home are more likely to say they have done this a lot. Among youth who have accidentally ended up in a pornographic Web site, most got there by doing a search for something else (59%) and typing in a wrong address (59%). Much smaller numbers mention clicking on a link that was sent to them in their e-mail or when they were instant messaging (29%), clicking on a banner ad (20%), receiving a link from someone in a chat room (15%) and clicking on a link in a newsgroup (7%). Eleven percent mention something else, including five percent who say it was just accidental and four percent who say it was on purpose. Youth in secondary school are more likely to say they ended up in a pornographic Web site by doing a search for something else and by clicking on a link that was sent to them in their e-mail or when they were instant messaging. Boys in secondary school are also more likely to mention that they got there by clicking on a banner ad and receiving a link from someone in a chat room.” (from Young Canadians in a Wired World) 30 How do Youth access Porn? EXAMPLE • They type in whitehouse.com; it’s actually a porn site. • Mistype disney-related sites, movie star names, Harry Potter sites. • More than half the young people surveyed received porno junk mail. 29.ibid, pages 45-56 30.Media Awareness Network and the Government of Canada, Young Canadians in a Wired World, the student’s view, 2001, pages 63-65 “Exposure to Pornography” Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 29
  • 35. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 3 Kids @ Play - What are YOUTH doing online? Porno Junk Mail EXAMPLE • Junk mail can range from real porn images, Viagra ads, etc. • 46% of older youth say someone has made unwanted sexual comments to them on the web. • In person meetings with “Cyberfriends”: 25% of youth have been asked to meet in person, somebody they met in cyberspace. 31 15% go; half (7%) went alone to a meeting with someone (a “cyberfriend”) whose real identity is not known to them. 12% have had bad real life experiences with Internet friends. • Canadian age of sexual consent is 14 EXAMPLE Americans will actually actively seek out Canadian kids (for sexual exploitation) because there's less legal loop holes. The average age of consent in the USA is 16 and it varies state to state. In some states the age of sexual consent is as high as 18. Summarize: What are Youth DOING Online? • No surprise - most youth use the Internet to socialize! Email - 71% have email accounts Instant messaging - 56% of youth use Chatting - 56% use chat rooms 31.ibid, page 78 Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 30
  • 36. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 4 Kids Growing Up - Adolescent Development in an Online Environment Topic 4 Kids Growing Up - Adolescent Development in an Online Environment Learning Objectives: • Identify impacts of the web on adolescent development through youth behav- iors online. CONTENT: Topic 4 Adolescent Development • Identity experimentation • Sexual experimentation • Separation from Parents and family • Venting frustration Adding the “Internet” to the Equation - Adolescent Development Online. Time - Topic 4) : 5 min Resources - Topic 4) : IOCSE-PPT 26 Key Questions for this topic: • How do the Effects of the Internet affect Youth and their behavior online? Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 31
  • 37. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 4 Kids Growing Up - Adolescent Development in an Online Environment Adolescent Development • Normal adolescent development behaviors can include:32 Identity experimentation Sexual experimentation Separation from Parents and family Venting frustration Note: this presentation will not discuss adolescent development theories in detail. For more information see references. 32.see Eric Erikson. Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 32
  • 38. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 4 Kids Growing Up - Adolescent Development in an Online Environment Adolescents Online -Effects of the Web and Youth Development • These normal adolescent behaviors, combined with the Internet, add up to kids acting out normal adolescent development, online. • There are positive and negative aspects to this: Identity Experimentation Youth naturally go through periods of questioning their identity and of experimenting with their identity where they try to be “different” people, and explore different experiences. Identity Experimentation in Meat Space EXAMPLE Youth choose to “dress” in a certain style to experiment with that identity. Identity Experimentation on the Internet - Virtual Identities EXAMPLE The internet is a great place to explore/experiment with identity. • Chat medias require use of nicknames - Youth nicknames reflect identity experimentation. • Kids pretending to be someone/something • They pretend they’re a different age, a different appearance, or have a different personality. The internet is open to experimentation. Also, add in the Disinhibition effect: • Sometimes, youth do things online that they wouldn't really do • Create identities, and act out behaviors, that are experimental, forgetting that the digital media is treacherous (i.e.. create porn using web cams - See Amber’s Secret). [ The creation of a virtual personality or an aspect of personalities is becoming a recognized and shared experience of youth. The norm will be to explore this. [ Online Experiences and Identities can be just as real as physical experiences. Emotional impact, manipulation is just as possible through text, video, images, as it is through in- person contact. Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 33
  • 39. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 4 Kids Growing Up - Adolescent Development in an Online Environment Intimacy, Belonging & Sex • All teens experience and explore issues of intimacy and sex. • This is a big part of adolescent development. Youth Experiment with Sex EXAMPLE Sexual roles emerge and develop throughout adolescence. Experimentation with sexuality may include: dating, gender roles, sexual preference, viewing sexual materials, seeking information about sexual health and/or language. On the Internet, Youth can access unlimited information about sex EXAMPLE Using the Internet, youth can view pornography for free. Dangerous - Youth can be convinced to create pornography of themselves using web cams and can be sent child pornography via IM, chats or email. [ There can be long term effects of viewing child pornography. [ Can be positive for youth trying to find information [ Filtering software is not usually recommended (can be ineffective) for teens. Filtering software is only appropriate for young children (>10 yrs). Separation from Parents and Family Most youth experience a period where they try to separate themselves from their family and/or parents. They try to experience things to distinguish themselves as unique individuals. Separation from Family by “running away” or doing things against the “rules” EXAMPLE Youth may “run away” to separate themselves from parents Separation from Family on the Internet - You can Go ANYWHERE! EXAMPLE On the web, you can go anywhere. Also, you have the disinhibition effect which encourages people to do things they wouldn’t normally do in “real life” • “Like it's the best kid's tree fort in the world. You can go anywhere, they can't find you.” Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 34
  • 40. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 4 Kids Growing Up - Adolescent Development in an Online Environment • Youth can find information about topics which may be “forbidden” by their parents. Venting frustrations Adolescents express frustrations verbally to friends, parents, and in private. EXAMPLE On the Internet, venting can happen through web sites, chats, etc. Images, text can be permanent if copied around the web. • Young people say things on the Internet that they would not say in real life. “Almost six in ten older youth (57%) say they have said things they normally wouldn’t say in real life when they were chatting, using instant messaging or participating in chat rooms and newsgroups. Boys in secondary school are slightly more likely than their female counterparts to say they have done this often. Those who use the Internet more frequently at home are also more likely to report doing this.”33 [ Youth are using the Internet to express feelings they wouldn’t necessarily say in real life. 33.Media Awareness Network and the Government of Canada, Young Canadians in a Wired World, the student’s view, 2001, page 83 Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 35
  • 41. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 5 Predators @ Play - What are Pedophiles doing online? Topic 5 Predators @ Play - What are Pedophiles doing online? Learning Objectives: • Identify the main online activities of adults with a sexual interest in children. CONTENT: Topic 5 • Classifications of Online Pedophilic Activities (COPINE) Online Child Pornography Collections Encryption/Storage Online Pedophilic Communities Online Grooming and Luring Online Sexual Assaults Time - Topic 5) : 10 min Resources - Topic 5) : IOCSE-PPT 27-32 Key Question for this topic: • Youth are mostly using the Internet to SOCIALIZE and talk. Who are they talking to? Everyone, anyone... Some end up talking to pedophiles. • What are Pedophiles doing online? Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 36
  • 42. Safe OnLine Outreach Project 5 Predators @ Play - What are Pedophiles doing online? Pedophiles Online - 4 Types of Online Sexual Exploitation (OSE) • Most information in this section is from the COPINE (Combating Pedophiles Information Network in Europe) Project. COPINE is at the University College Cork, Ireland. COPINE has been studying pedophilic activities online since 1997.34 • The pedophiles were online as early as 1991. • 4 Types of Online Sexual Exploitation: Online Pornography Grooming/Luring Pedophilic Communities Online Sexual Assaults Online Child Porn Making Child Porn in the Past EXAMPLE History: Examples of child porn exist dating back to 1840. • The development of child pornography has been closely associated with the development of photographic media. • In 1847, Police raided a photographic studio and confiscated 130,000 photographs depicting children involved in sexual acts. • The first laws against child pornography were written in Holland in the late 1970s. Pre-internet: • Child pornography had to be physically produced: Pictures taken, film developed, prints made, copied, and physically distributed. • Producers and distributors of child pornography were vulnerable to detection. Photographs had to be sent to a lab for developing, put in envelopes, transported via government postal systems, and cross borders where they were subject to physical inspection. • Viewers of child pornography could not easily destroy collections of child pornography. • In 1986, the Canadian Police College predicted that child pornography production and distribution would be under control by the end of the decade. • Pornography can now be created using relatively cheap equipment (digital cameras, digital video cameras) 34.COPINE Project is online at: http://copine.ucc.ie/ Introduction To Online Sexual Exploitation Curriculum 37