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                          March 2013
Forward Looking
Certain information included in this presentation constitutes ‘forward-looking statements’ within the meaning of the ‘safe
harbor’ provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and Canadian securities laws. The
words ‘expect’, ‘believe’, ‘will’, ‘intend’, ‘estimate’, ‘forecast’, and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements.
Such statements include, without limitation, any information as to our future exploration, financial or operating
performance, including: the Company's forward looking production guidance, projected capital expenditures, operating
cost estimates, project timelines, mining and milling rates, the methods by which ore will be extracted, projected grades,
mill recoveries, and other statements that express management's expectations or estimates of future performance.
Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of factors and assumptions that, while considered
reasonable by management, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and
contingencies. The factors and assumptions contained in this press release, which may prove to be incorrect, include, but
are not limited to: metal prices assumptions, Canadian and U.S. dollar exchange rate assumptions, that there will be no
significant disruptions affecting operations, that prices for key mining and construction supplies, including labour and
transportation costs, will remain consistent with the Company's expectations, that the Company's current estimates of
mineral reserves and resources are accurate, and that there are no material delays in the timing of ongoing development
projects. The forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. The Company cautions the reader
that such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks that may cause the actual results to be materially
different from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Such risks include, but are not limited to: the
possibility that metal prices, foreign exchange rates or operating costs may differ from management's expectations,
uncertainty of mineral reserves and resources, inherent risks associated with mining and processing, the risk that the Lac des
Iles and Vezza mines may not perform as planned and that the Offset Zone and other properties may not be successfully
developed, and uncertainty of the ability of the Company to obtain financing. For more details on the factors, assumptions
and risks see the Company's most recent Form 40-F/Annual Information Form on file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange
Commission and Canadian provincial securities regulatory authorities. The Company disclaims any obligation to update or
revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, events or otherwise, except as expressly
required by law. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.

All dollar amounts are in Canadian currency unless otherwise stated, all references to production refer to payable
production, and all reference to tonnes refer to metric tonnes.

U.S. investors are encouraged to refer to the “Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors Concerning Estimates of Measured,
Indicated and Inferred Resources” in the appendix.

Investment Case

  COMMODITY                GROWTH            BALANCE SHEET          MANAGEMENT

•Palladium is a top   •LDI mine expansion   •Prudent financial     •Experienced senior
 pick amongst          offers production     management             management &
 metal price           growth with a         supports balance       operating team
 forecasters           decreasing cash       sheet to support       reduces risk
                       cost profile &        development
•Positive supply &     expanding margins     programs              •LDI has been
 demand                                                             producing
 fundamentals         •Significant          •$32.5 M in working     palladium for 20
 driven by             development &         capital as at Dec.     years
 constrained mine      exploration upside    31, 2012, including
 supply & rising       complimented by       $20.2 M in cash       •Over 500
 global vehicle        excess mill                                  employees and
 production            capacity, existing                           contractors driving
                       infrastructure &                             growth
•Canada is an          permits
 attractive PGM
 compared to South
 African peers

Market Statistics
                SECURITY SYMBOLS      NYSE MKT: PAL               $2.50
                                      TSX: PDL
                                      TSX: PDL.DB                 $2.00

        MARKET CAPITALIZATION         US$240 M                    $1.50
                     SHARE PRICE      US$1.36
          SHARES OUTSTANDING          177 M
             52-WEEK HIGH/LOW         US$3.06/$1.15
             3-MONTH AVERAGE          NYSE MKT: 2.5 M
               TRADING VOLUME         TSX: 0.3 M

CIBC,                      Haywood,                   RBC,
Leon Esterhuizen           Ben Asuncion               Sam Crittenden
                                                                          TOP INSTITUTIONAL SHAREHOLDERS
Cormark,                   Macquarie,                 Scotia,
Edward Otto                Daniel Greenspan           Leily Omoumi
                                                                          1.   Franklin Advisers (3.3%)
Credit Suisse,             Merrill Lynch,             Stifel Nicolaus,    2.   Mackenzie Financial (2.7%)
Nathan Littlewood          Michael Parkin             George Topping
                                                                          3.   T. Rowe Price Associates (2.6%)
Euro Pacific,              Octagon,
                                                                          4.   AllianceBernstein (1.3%)
Heiko Ihle                 Annie Zhang
                                                                          5.   AGF Investments (1.2%)
GMP,                       Raymond James,
                                                                          6.   RBC Global Asset Management (1.1%)
Andrew Mikitchook          Alex Terentiew

Information as at February 22, 2013, Thomson One.                                                                3
 • C$32.5 M in working capital as at Dec. 31

 • C$20.2 M in cash as at Dec. 31

 • C$43 M convertible debenture (6.15% interest,
   C$2.90 conversion price)

 • C$60 M operating line (US$27.5 M available)

 • C$15 M capital leases

 • C$72 M term debt (9.25% interest)

Investment Case for

Palladium Market
• Palladium prices forecasted to return to historical highs – up to $1,000/oz

     –   Palladium price forecasts projected to remain strong: most analysts forecast palladium will
         reach US$700 – US$900 in 2013

     –   Supply deficit expected to persist in the future

• Strong demand fundamentals – demand has historically exceeded mine supply

     –   Majority of demand derived from automobile sector with light vehicle production expected
         to increase at a 4% CAGR from 2012 and 2016 (autocatalyst demand for palladium to reach
         a record high in 2012)

     –   Recent significant increase in palladium investment demand reflects positive supply/demand
         fundamentals and automotive industry outlook

• Constrained mine supply – unable to match growth in demand

     –   Majority of mine production comes from challenging jurisdictions (Russia and South Africa –
         less attractive regions for committing capital due to ongoing geopolitical risk

     –   Russian stockpiles, a historical overhang on the market, are now believed to be at or near
Palladium Market

              AMERICA                                                                      41%


                                                             SOUTH AFRICA
1. Source: Johnson Matthey, November 2012 (forecasts for 2012 supply)
2. Other producing countries (~7%) include Zimbabwe, Australia, Botswana, China, Serbia and Montenegro.   7
3. Excludes secondary recycling supply of 2.2 M oz. and ~250,000 oz. From Russian stock sales.
Palladium Market
                   Constrained Mine Supply From Major Producers
        (000’s ounces)

           6,000                           South Africa      Russia
                     2008     2009       2010    2011     2012p       2013p   2014p     2015p
          Source: CPM Group, June 2012

•      2012 global palladium supply is expected to fall to the lowest level since 2003 (down11% YoY)
•      South African production particularly challenged by deeper mines, power/water limitations,
       higher operating costs, geopolitical risks, shortages of skilled labour and strengthening of
•      Considering the recent supply disruption in South Africa and a contraction of underlying output
       in Russia, the future production forecasts are expected to be significantly challenged

    1. Russian supply is entirely from Norilsk Nickel, which produces palladium as a by-product from nickel production.
    2. South African supply includes the major platinum producers who produce palladium as a by-product from platinum     8
Palladium Market
     2012 Gross Demand: 9.7 M oz.
                                                              • Demand diversified by
                                                                geography & end market
                 Investment    5%
         Chemical                      1% Jewellery
                      4%                                      • Strongest demand growth in
Automotive                                5%                    regions outside of North
   67%                                          Electronics     America, Europe and Japan –
                                                 12%            BRIC economies

                                                              • 2012 forecasted to be record
                                                                year for autocatalyst demand
                                                                (driven by China, North America
                                                                & Japan)

                                                              Pd. Demand:    2011A       2012E

                                                              Autocatalyst   6,030,000   6,480,000

                                                              Industrial     2,480,000   2,410,000

                                                              Jewellery      505,000     450,000

                                                              Investment     (565,000)   385,000

                                                              Gross demand   8,450,000   9,725,000

  Source: Johnson Matthey, November 2012
Palladium Market
         Global Light Vehicle Production Forecast


    110,000                                                                      102M   104M
                                                           95M         99M
    100,000                                     91M                                            Other1
     90,000                          85M
               77M        81M
     80,000                                                                                    Europe
     60,000                                                                                    North
     50,000                                                                                    America
     30,000                                                                                    BRIC
               2011       2012       2013       2014       2015        2016      2017   2018
        Source: IHS Automotive, February 2012
        1. Other includes: Japan, Korea, Middle East and Africa
        2. BRIC Economies include: Greater China, South America and South Asia

 • Global vehicle production biggest source of palladium demand
 • Light vehicle production is forecasted to increase to over 100 M units by 2017
 • Strong growth to +100 M units by 2017 driven by BRIC economies                                           10
Palladium Market
      Adoption of Stricter Emission Control Standards
                              2005       2006     2007        2008      2009        2010    2011    2012      2013   2014      2015
   Europe                    Euro IV                                    Euro V                                       Euro VI

               Beijing       Euro III             Euro IV                                           Euro V
             Nationwide       Euro II             Euro III                       Euro IV                             Euro V

             Select Cities   Euro III                                            Euro IV
             Nationwide       Euro II                                            Euro III

   Russia                     Euro I    Euro II              Euro III            Euro IV                             Euro V

    USA                       Tier 2 and LEV II

    Brazil                   Prconve 3            Prconve 4             Prconve 5                            Prconve 6

                                                                                                   Source: CPM Group, June 2012

 • Emerging economies have adopted emission control standards that mandate the
   use of catalytic converters
 • Advancing to a higher level of emission controls results in higher PGM loadings in
   the catalytic converter
 • Tightening emission control regulations for heavy-duty trucks
Use of Palladium in
Vast majority of 2020 cars still projected to be gas and diesel

Gasoline Engines                                                    Hybrids & Other New Forms
• Use +90% palladium (of total required                             • Neutral impact on PGM use
  PGM content)                                                      • Gasoline hybrids tend to use as much
                                                                      palladium as normal gasoline engines
Diesel Engines                                                      • Currently account for only 1% of global
• Historically used platinum due to                                   cars sales1
  technical requirements                                            • Forecasted to be 14% of overall market
• Currently use 30% palladium, with scope                             by 20202
  to increase to 50% due to advent of low
  sulphur diesel fuel                                               Electric
                                                                    • No requirement for catalytic converters
                                                                    • Challenged by lack of infrastructure to
                                                                      recharge, high costs, long charging
                                                                      periods and short driving range
                                                                    • Forecasted to account for only 2% of
                                                                      global car sales by 20202
 1. CPM Group, June 2010
 2. Stefan Bratzel, director of the Centre of Automotive Management in Germany; as reported in Mitsui Global Precious
    Metals “Pole Position” Report, June 2010                                                                            12
Palladium Market
     Exchange Traded Funds' Physical Palladium Holdings

      M oz. Pd.                                                M oz. Pd.

        2.5                                                      2.5
        2.0        SPDM                                          2.0
        1.5        Julius Baer                                   1.5
                   MSL ASX
        1.0        Palladium ZKB                                 1.0
                   PHPD LSE

        0.5                                                      0.5

        0.0                                                      0.0
           2007      2008          2009   2010   2011   2012

 • Large increase in palladium investment demand
 • Investment demand driven by supply/demand fundamentals for palladium --
   constrained mine supply and growth in global vehicle production

Source: CPM Group, as at May 28, 2012                                        13
Palladium Market

  Historic Price Performance (US$/oz)                            Average 2013 Price Forecast (US$/oz)
                                                                   PALLADIUM              2013
                                                                   BMO                     $725
                                                                   Canaccord               $775
                                                                   CIBC                    $700
                                                                   Cormark                 $750
                                                                   Credit Suisse           $700
 $400                                                              Deutsche Bank           $750
 $300                                                              Dundee                  $700
 $200                                                              J.P.Morgan              $700
 $100                                                              Macquarie               $790
   $0                                                              Morgan Stanley          $708
                                                                   National Bank           $750
                                                                   Raymond James           $775
                                                                   RBC                     $750
Historic High: US$1,090 (2001)                                     Scotiabank              $725
2012 Average Price: US$640                                         Societe Generale        $800
Recent Price: US$736 (Feb. 22, 2013)                               TD Securities           $600
                                                                   Average                 $731

Sources: Thomson One, Bloomberg and available equity research.
Investment Case For

LDI Mine & Mill Complex
• Located north of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada
• One of only two primary palladium producers in the world
• Deposit is unique in the world: high palladium concentration,
  broadly disseminated mineralization vs. narrow vein
• Established palladium producer since 1993
• Currently undergoing a major expansion to increase production
  and reduce cash costs per ounce
• 15,000 tpd mill has excess capacity available for production growth (currently operating at
  35% capacity)
• Significant exploration upside identified on the LDI property
• $105 M capital expenditure program in 2013 to establish operation for sustained growth

                                                          2012 Actual                                  2013 Guidance

Payable Pd. produced (oz)                                    163,980                                  150,000 -160,000

Cash cost per ounce1 (US$)                                    $401                                        $375 - $425

                                                              2.1 M                                      1.8 M – 2.0 M
                                              ~0.9 M (5.19 g/t Pd) from Underground         +/- 1.1 M (4.74 g/t Pd) from Underground
Tonnes of ore milled
                                                 ~1.2 M (2.21 g/t Pd) from Surface             +/- 0.8 M (1.80 g/t Pd) from Surface

Average Pd. head grade milled                                3.4 g/t                                   3.4 g/t – 3.6 g/t

Pd. mill recovery                                              78%                                            79%

                                                              Achieved 2012 production guidance

1. Non-IFRS measure. Please refer to Non-IFRS Measures in the MD&A. LDI’s cash costs per ounce are presented net of by-product
revenue. Assumptions used to forecast cash costs for 2013 include US$675 per ounce palladium, US$1,770 per ounce gold, US$1,675 per
ounce platinum, US$8.00 per pound nickel, US$3.50 per pound copper and an exchange rate of C$1.00 to US$1.00.

LDI Mine Expansion
• Approx. $296.5 M spent to date (2010 – 2012)

    o $79 M budget in 2013 to complete Phase I (of total
      $105 M 2013 capital expenditure program)

• Development in 2013 includes:

    o Sinking a shaft to the 825-metre level to transition
      underground operations from mining via ramp to
      mining via shaft

    o Setting up underground infrastructure to mine the
      Offset Zone using a high volume bulk mining
      method (long-hole stoping with primary &
      secondary stoping blocks) - this includes
      expanding the ramp, building new mine levels,
      and setting up mining stopes

• Through the utilization of the shaft & bulk mining
  method, operations are expected to benefit from
  increased mining rates & decreased operating costs

• Targeting production via shaft by end of Q3, 2013
                                                             The underground design schematic of LDI, showing the
                                                             deposit and underground ramp infrastructure, looking east.
                                                             Offset Zone remains open to the west, south & at depth.
LDI Mine Expansion
Surface construction:                              Underground development:

   Major construction components                     Shaft sinking is progressing on schedule:
    completed & fully operational:
                                                            Currently at a an approximate depth
         Headframe, main substation, hoist                  of 550 m below surface (+67%
          house, service hoist & auxiliary hoist             completed of the total 825 m planned
          are all fully operational                          for Phase I)

   Production hoist has been installed & is          Installation of the 740-m level loading
    currently undergoing mechanical &                  pocket & underground crusher has
    electrical testing                                 commenced

   Remaining work on surface includes the            Ramp & stope development also
    installation of the main skip dump &               progressing on schedule (mining in Offset
    surface ore bins                                   Zone commenced in Q4, 2012)

LDI Exploration Upside
3D View of Pit, Sheriff & Offset Zone             Sheriff Zone:

                                                  • Currently being assessed for open pit production potential

                                                  • Work commenced for initial resource estimate & to assess
                                                    production parameters, project economics, & permitting
                           Sheriff Zone           South Offset Extension:

                                                  • Encouraging hits south of the shaft show potential for lateral growth

                            South Offset
                                                  • Extension drilling indicated potential for expanding the resource to
                                                    the south of and above the current limits of the deposit

                                                  • Following up infill drilling to the south of the shaft between 825 & 740
                                                    m levels)
3D View of Pit, Sheriff & Offset Zone
                                                  North VT Rim:
                              North VT Rim
                                                  • Surface drilling demonstrated lateral continuity with high-grade
                                                    intersects and broader zones of pit grade mineralization

                                                  • Extremely speculative but could potentially develop a higher grade
                                   Sheriff Zone     narrow zone that outcrops

                                                  Roby Zone Extension:

                                                  • North extension drilling encountered high-grade intercepts (among
                                                    the highest ever reported from LDI)
LDI Property
                 Near-mine land package                          62,000-acre regional land package

             South Norite Zone
             Mineralization Trend

•    LDI represents a rare palladium-rich asset with excellent infrastructure
•    LDI complex has only been drilled in a 1km x 1km area & remains largely underexplored
•    Multiple targets identified for follow up exploration (surface & underground)
•    Regional land package covers the most prospective mafic complexes in the area (all PGM
     properties are less than 30 km from LDI mill)                                        21

         Transition to shaft mining

         Leverage existing infrastructure

         Realize exploration upside






North American Palladium’s vision is to become a low cost, mid-tier precious metals company operating in
mining friendly jurisdictions. NAP is an established precious metals producer that has been operating its flagship
Lac des Iles mine (LDI) located in Ontario, Canada since 1993. LDI is one of only two primary producers of
palladium in the world, and is currently undergoing a major expansion to increase production and reduce cash
costs per ounce. NAP also operates the Vezza gold mine located in the Abitibi region of Quebec, which is held
for sale. NAP’s experienced management and technical teams have a significant commitment to exploration
and are dedicated to building shareholder value.

             Corporate Office:       Royal Bank Plaza, South Tower
                                     200 Bay St., Suite 2350
                                     Toronto, ON M5J 2J2

              Security Symbols:      NYSE MKT– PAL
                                     TSX – PDL, PDL.DB

                        Website:     www.nap.com

             Investor Relations:     Camilla Bartosiewicz
                                     Director, Investor Relations & Corporate Communications
                                     416-360-7374                                                             24
Appendices &

  Andre Douchane – Chairman and Interim CEO
  Mr. Douchane is a seasoned mining executive with over 40 years of experience in the mining industry with a solid track record of successfully
  bringing development projects into production. He was appointed to the Company’s Board of Directors in April 2003, and served as the
  President and CEO until January 2006. He has held senior positions with several precious and base metal international mining companies
  including CEO of THEMAC Resources, President and CEO of Starfield Resources Inc., President and COO of Chief Consolidated Mining Co., and
  Vice President, Operations of Franco and Euro-Nevada (Newmont Mining Corporation). He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mining Engineering
  from the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and is a graduate of the Executive Business Program at the Kellogg School of Business
  in Toronto.

  Greg Struble – VP and COO
  Mr. Struble is a mine engineer with over 30 years of experience in underground mining. Prior to joining NAP, he served as Executive Vice
  President and Chief Operating Officer of Stillwater Mining Company, where he was responsible for two underground palladium mines as well as
  smelter and refinery operations. Prior to this, he worked as underground project manager for Barrick Gold’s Cortez Hills Joint Venture. Mr. Struble
  has also worked internationally at a number of large gold mines, including General Manager of the El Penon Mine in Chile and the Jerritt
  Canyon Mines in Nevada. Previously, he worked for the Homestake Mining Company and held various positions including Mine Superintendent
  at their Homestake Mine in South Dakota.

  Dave Langille – CFO
  Mr. Langille is a seasoned finance executive with over 26 years of international public company experience. He brings a wealth of international
  financial expertise to NAP, notably a solid track record of optimizing operations to improve operating margins, along with merger and
  acquisition experience, and raising capital through a broad range of capital market products. Most recently, Mr. Langille served as the CFO
  and Vice President, Finance of Breakwater Resources Ltd. Prior to this, he served in senior financial positions for various public companies,
  including Lindsey Morden Group Inc., Capital Environmental Resource Inc., Cott Corporation, and TVX Gold Inc. Mr. Langille received an
  Honours Bachelor of Business Administration from Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada in 1985, and has been a member of the
  Institute of Chartered Accounts of Ontario and the Society of Management Accountants of Ontario since 1987.

  David Peck – Head of Exploration
  Dr. Peck is a Professional Geoscientist with nearly 30 years of exploration and research experience specializing in magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE ore
  deposits. Dr. Peck holds global recognition as an expert in PGE exploration after serving as a senior technical and strategic consultant to
  several public and private companies and having worked on exploration and mining projects in more than a dozen countries. He was directly
  involved in several significant magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE discoveries in Canada and overseas. Prior to joining NAP, Dr. Peck served as President and
  Senior Technical and Strategic Consultant at Revelation Geoscience Ltd., and prior to this, he served as Global Nickel Commodity Leader at
  Anglo American plc, a Senior Geologist for Falconbridge Ltd., a Senior Mineral Deposits Geologist with the Manitoba Geological Survey, held
  various academic roles in Canadian universities, and was the technical lead on a multi-year mineral potential study funded by the Ontario
  Geological Survey. He has authored numerous public presentations and government and academic publications addressing his area of
  specialization.                                                                                                                        26
Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors Concerning

•   Mineral reserves and mineral resources have been calculated in accordance with National Instrument
    43-101 as required by Canadian securities regulatory authorities. For United States reporting purposes,
    Industry Guide 7, (under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934), as interpreted by Staff of the Securities
    Exchange Commission (SEC), applies different standards in order to classify mineralization as a reserve. In
    addition, while the terms “measured”, “indicated” and “inferred” mineral resources are required pursuant
    to National Instrument 43-101, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission does not recognize such
    terms. Canadian standards differ significantly from the requirements of the SEC, and mineral resource
    information contained herein is not comparable to similar information regarding mineral reserves
    disclosed in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. U.S.
    investors should understand that “inferred” mineral resources have a great amount of uncertainty as to
    their existence and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. In addition, U.S. investors
    are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of NAP's mineral resources constitute or will be
    converted into reserves. For a more detailed description of the key assumptions, parameters and
    methods used in calculating NAP’s mineral reserves and mineral resources, see NAP’s most recent Annual
    Information Form/Form 40-F on file with Canadian provincial securities regulatory authorities and the SEC.

• Please refer to North American Palladium’s most current Annual Information Form and applicable
  technical reports available on www.sedar.com, www.sec.gov and www.nap.com for further information.

LDI Palladium Mine
March 31, 2012
                                           Cut-off   Tonnes       Pd      Pt     Au       Ni    Cu           Pd
CATEGORY                                     (g/t)   (000'S)    (g/t)   (g/t)   (g/t)   (%)    (%)    (000's oz)
Offset Zone                                    2.5    5,632     4.34    0.30    0.30    0.11   0.08         787
Roby Underground                               5.8      420     6.38    0.42    0.34    0.08   0.07          86
Open Pit                                       1.8      722     1.99    0.21    0.22    0.11   0.10          46
Offset Zone                                    2.5    2,109     4.17    0.30    0.29    0.10   0.08         283
TOTAL RESERVE                                    -    8,883     4.21    0.30    0.29    0.11   0.08       1,202

                                           Cut-off   Tonnes       Pd      Pt      Au      Ni   Cu            Pd
CATEGORY                                     (g/t)    (000'S)   (g/t)   (g/t)   (g/t)    (%)   (%)    (000's oz)
Offset Zone                                    2.5    4,943     4.56    0.33    0.31    0.12   0.10         724
Open Pit                                       1.8    1,971     2.00    0.24    0.15    0.05   0.07         127
Stockpile                                                83     1.63    0.17    0.14    0.08   0.06           4
TOTAL MEASURED                                   -    6,997     3.80    0.31    0.27    0.12   0.10         855
Offset Zone                                    2.5    9,557     4.11    0.31    0.29    0.11   0.09       1,262
Roby Underground                               5.8    1,269     7.16    0.41    0.33    0.08   0.06         292
Open Pit                                       1.8    2,565     2.20    0.24    0.18    0.07   0.08         181
Low Grade Stockpile                            0.5   13,188     0.97    0.12    0.08    0.06   0.03         411
TOTAL INDICATED                                  -   26,579     2.51    0.21    0.18    0.08   0.06       2,147
TOTAL MEASURED & INDICATED                       -   33,575     2.78    0.23    0.20    0.08   0.05       3,002
Offset Zone                                    2.5   13,669     3.59    0.30    0.23    0.09   0.08       1,576
TOTAL INFERRED                                       13,669     3.59    0.30    0.23    0.09   0.08       1,576

See accompanying Notes on the next page.
LDI Reserves & Resources

1. Prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects and the CIM classification system.

2. Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. The estimate of mineral resources may
   be materially affected by environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing, or other relevant issues. Mineral
   resources are exclusive of the mineral reserves.

3. The mineral resource for the Offset Zone was estimated as of June 30, 2012 by Todd McCracken, P.Geo, of Tetra Tech, an independent
   QP under NI 43-101. The effective date of the resource is March 31, 2012. The mineral resource calculation uses a minimum 2.5 g/t
   palladium resource block cut-off. The mineral resource estimate is based on the combination of geological modeling, geostatistics, and
   conventional block modelling (5 m by 5 m by 5 m blocks). Assay grade capping was determined not to be necessary. The Offset Zone
   resource models used the ordinary kriging (OK) grade interpolation method within a 3Dl block model with mineralized zones defined by
   wireframed solids. The quality assurance (QA)/quality control (QC) protocols and corresponding sample preparation and shipment
   procedures for the Offset Zone have been reviewed by Tetra Tech. The following metal price assumptions were used: US$675/oz
   palladium, US$1,675/oz platinum, US$1,750/oz gold, US$8.00/lb nickel, and US$3.50/lb copper. A US$/CDN$ exchange rate of US$1.00 =
   CDN$1.00 was also applied.

4. Mineral reserves for the Offset Zone were estimated by Todd McCracken, P. Geo.; William Richard McBride, P.Eng.; Todd Kanhai, P.Eng.;
   and Philip Bridson, P.Eng. of Tetra Tech, independent QPs within the meaning of NI 43-101. The mineral reserves were estimated from
   drilling completed to March 31, 2012. Reserves were estimated to the 990 Mine Level (4,490 m elevation), a maximum depth of 1,017.5
   m. The following metal price assumptions were used for reserves estimation: US$675/oz palladium, US$1,675/oz platinum, US$1,750/oz
   gold, US$8.00/lb nickel, and US$3.50/lb copper. A US$/CDN$ exchange rate of US$1.00 = CDN$1.00 was also applied. An average
   production rate of 3,500 t/d was used to determine the reserves. The following recoveries were used in the assumptions to determine the
   reserves: 80.45% palladium, 71.30% platinum, 83.97% gold, 43.13% nickel, and 88.55% copper.

5. The mineral resource estimate for the Roby Zone open pit and stockpiles were estimated as of June 30, 2010 by Scott Wilson RPA and
   updated by David N. Penna, P.Geo., an employee of Lac des Iles Mining Ltd. (LDIM) and a qualified person (QP) under NI 43-101 to
   reflect: (i) additions to mineral reserves in the Roby Zone as a result of a lower cut-off palladium grade; (ii) depletion from production up
   to March 31, 2012, and (iii) mineral reserves from the crown pillar (supported by an internal engineering report). The following cut-off
   grades were used: (i) 1.8 g/t palladium equivalent (PdEq) for the Roby open pit, within an optimized pit shell run below the current pit
   survey; (ii) 1.9 g/t PdEq for the mine stockpiles; and (iii) 5.8 g/t PdEq for the underground Roby Zone. These cut-off grades were
   determined under the assumption that production would take place at a rate of 14,000 t/d. Metal price assumptions of US$350/oz
   palladium, US$1,400/oz platinum, US$850/oz gold, US$6.50/lb nickel, and US$2.00/lb copper were used in the estimation of cut-off grade.
   A US$/CDN$ exchange rate of 1.11 was also applied.
6. Numbers may not add due to rounding.
                                                       Impala Mine (IMP)
                                                             Bokoni (ATL)
                                                     Everest South (AQP)
                                                    Marikana (AQP/AMS)
                                                       Smokey Hills (PLA)
                                                    Modikwa (ARM/AMS)
                                                     Crocodile River (ELR)
                                                          Marikana (LMI)
                                                  Thembelani Mine (AMS)

Source: CIBC World Markets, based on H1 CY12
                                                    Kroondal (AQP/AMS)
                                                   Khuseleka Mine (AMS)
                                                     Zondereinde (NHM)
                                                  Khomanani Mine (AMS)
                                                      Pandora (LMI/AMS)
                                                Rustenburg Section (AMS)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      LDI is a Low Cost Producer

                                                              Unki (AMS)
                                                     Union Section (AMS)
                                                     Tumela Mine (AMS)
                                               Amandelbult Section (AMS)
                                                                                                                                                                                • NAP is one of the lowest cash cost producers

                                                 Siphumelele Mine (AMS)
                                                   Bathopele Mine (AMS)
                                                     Dishaba Mine (AMS)
                                                            Marula (IMP)
                                                             BRPM (RBP)
                                                     Mogalakwena (AMS)
                                                         Nye Mine (SWC)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 PALLADIUM CASH COST CURVE

                                                    Mototolo (XTA/AMS)
                                                           Boulder (SWC)
                                                      Mimosa (IMP/AQP)
                                                     Platinum Mile (AQP)
                                                      W/L Tailings (AMS)
                                                         CTRP (AQP/SLP)
                                                   Two Rivers (ARM/IMP)
                                                           LDI Mine (PDL)
                                                                                                                                              Cash Costs per PdEq Oz

                                                    Sylvania Dumps (SLP)
                                                                                                                  Average Pd Price Received

                                                           Zimplats (IMP)
Palladium Market

• The palladium market is expected to remain in a position of undersupply over
  the 2012 to 2016 period – will allow prices to remain robust

                                         World Palladium Supply and Demand Forecast
                                     2009        2010       2011          2012E         2013E   2014E   2015E
  (In koz, unless otherwise noted)


  Mine Production                    6,320      6,613       6,966         6,825         6,925   7,125   7,225

  Scrap                              1,184      1,454       1,620         1,770         1,980   2,130   2,250

  Total Palladium Supply             7,504      8,067       8,586         8,595         8,905   9,255   9,475

  Change (YoY %)                     (3.2%)      7.5%       6.4%          0.1%           3.6%   3.9%     2.4%

  Total Palladium Consumption        7,591      8,642       8,740         8,920         9,475   9,790   10,000
  Change (YoY %)                     (9.5%)     13.9%       1.1%          2.1%           6.2%   3.3%     2.1%

  Implied Market Balance             (87)       (575)       (154)         (325)         (570)   (535)   (525)

  Stock Releases                     1,100       800         800           150           150      --      --

  ETF Investment                      507       1,038       (514)           --            --      --      --

  Implied Residual Balance            507       (813)       1,160         (175)         (420)   (535)   (525)

 Source: Thomson Reuters GFMS, LPPM, RBS (Commodity Companion - Truly Precious, May 4th 2012)                    31
          PALLADIUM                          2013         2014     2015    2016       LT
          BMO                                 $725         $750    $700     $650     $650
          Canaccord Genuity                   $775         $850                      $900
          CIBC                                $700         $900   $1,000    $800     $700
          Cormark                             $750                                   $750
          Credit Suisse                       $700        $800     $850              $900
          Deutsche Bank                       $750        $800     $900    $1,000   $1,000
          Dundee                              $700        $775     $750     $700     $600
          J.P.Morgan                          $700        $881                      $1,000
          Macquarie                           $790        $830     $850     $875     $900
          Morgan Stanley                      $708        $780     $850    $1,092   $1,106
          National Bank Financial             $750        $750     $750     $750     $550
          Raymond James                       $775        $950     $950
          RBC                                 $750        $850     $850     $750     $750
          Scotiabank                          $725        $750     $750     $700     $650
          Societe Generale                    $800
          TD Securities                       $600                                   $550
          Average                             $731        $820     $836     $813     $786

Source: Scotiabank – based on available equity research                                      32
Gold Division

• NAP is currently exploring divestiture opportunities of its non-
  core portfolio of gold assets

• Portfolio consists of significantly de-risked gold assets in
  Quebec with total mineral resource inventory of 1.5 MM oz Au:

     • Vezza Mine – High-grade, underground, fully permitted
       gold mine with near-term cash generation potential
       (ready for commercial production)

     • Sleeping Giant Mine & Mill Complex – Fully permitted,
       900 tpd regional mill with potential to be expanded to
       1,750 tpd

     • Dormex, Flordin & Discovery Projects – Advanced and
       early stage exploration properties with blue sky potential,
       within trucking distance to regional mill

Gold Division

Divestiture strategy driven by:

• Gold assets are non-core to NAP

• Equity investor preference for pure play PGM exposure (gold diversification strategy
  perceived to dilute the palladium brand)

• Newly identified exploration & development upside in palladium assets that will give the
  Company growth in palladium (therefore not relying on growth through diversification)

• Lack of “mass scale” in gold production growth due to Sleeping Giant mine closure in early

• Significant development milestones reached at Vezza have well positioned the asset for
  sale (warrants more attractive valuation now that operations have commenced)


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Investor Presentation March 2013

  • 1. Investor PRESENTATION • PRESENTATION March 2013
  • 2. Forward Looking STATEMENTS Certain information included in this presentation constitutes ‘forward-looking statements’ within the meaning of the ‘safe harbor’ provisions of the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 and Canadian securities laws. The words ‘expect’, ‘believe’, ‘will’, ‘intend’, ‘estimate’, ‘forecast’, and similar expressions identify forward-looking statements. Such statements include, without limitation, any information as to our future exploration, financial or operating performance, including: the Company's forward looking production guidance, projected capital expenditures, operating cost estimates, project timelines, mining and milling rates, the methods by which ore will be extracted, projected grades, mill recoveries, and other statements that express management's expectations or estimates of future performance. Forward-looking statements are necessarily based upon a number of factors and assumptions that, while considered reasonable by management, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies. The factors and assumptions contained in this press release, which may prove to be incorrect, include, but are not limited to: metal prices assumptions, Canadian and U.S. dollar exchange rate assumptions, that there will be no significant disruptions affecting operations, that prices for key mining and construction supplies, including labour and transportation costs, will remain consistent with the Company's expectations, that the Company's current estimates of mineral reserves and resources are accurate, and that there are no material delays in the timing of ongoing development projects. The forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance. The Company cautions the reader that such forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks that may cause the actual results to be materially different from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Such risks include, but are not limited to: the possibility that metal prices, foreign exchange rates or operating costs may differ from management's expectations, uncertainty of mineral reserves and resources, inherent risks associated with mining and processing, the risk that the Lac des Iles and Vezza mines may not perform as planned and that the Offset Zone and other properties may not be successfully developed, and uncertainty of the ability of the Company to obtain financing. For more details on the factors, assumptions and risks see the Company's most recent Form 40-F/Annual Information Form on file with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and Canadian provincial securities regulatory authorities. The Company disclaims any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, events or otherwise, except as expressly required by law. Readers are cautioned not to put undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. All dollar amounts are in Canadian currency unless otherwise stated, all references to production refer to payable production, and all reference to tonnes refer to metric tonnes. U.S. investors are encouraged to refer to the “Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors Concerning Estimates of Measured, Indicated and Inferred Resources” in the appendix. 1
  • 3. Investment Case FOR NAP COMMODITY GROWTH BALANCE SHEET MANAGEMENT •Palladium is a top •LDI mine expansion •Prudent financial •Experienced senior pick amongst offers production management management & metal price growth with a supports balance operating team forecasters decreasing cash sheet to support reduces risk cost profile & development •Positive supply & expanding margins programs •LDI has been demand producing fundamentals •Significant •$32.5 M in working palladium for 20 driven by development & capital as at Dec. years constrained mine exploration upside 31, 2012, including supply & rising complimented by $20.2 M in cash •Over 500 global vehicle excess mill employees and production capacity, existing contractors driving infrastructure & growth •Canada is an permits attractive PGM investment jurisdiction compared to South African peers 2
  • 4. Market Statistics COMPELLING ENTRY POINT SECURITY SYMBOLS NYSE MKT: PAL $2.50 TSX: PDL TSX: PDL.DB $2.00 MARKET CAPITALIZATION US$240 M $1.50 SHARE PRICE US$1.36 $1.00 SHARES OUTSTANDING 177 M $0.50 52-WEEK HIGH/LOW US$3.06/$1.15 $0.00 3-MONTH AVERAGE NYSE MKT: 2.5 M TRADING VOLUME TSX: 0.3 M CIBC, Haywood, RBC, Leon Esterhuizen Ben Asuncion Sam Crittenden TOP INSTITUTIONAL SHAREHOLDERS Cormark, Macquarie, Scotia, Edward Otto Daniel Greenspan Leily Omoumi 1. Franklin Advisers (3.3%) Credit Suisse, Merrill Lynch, Stifel Nicolaus, 2. Mackenzie Financial (2.7%) Nathan Littlewood Michael Parkin George Topping 3. T. Rowe Price Associates (2.6%) Euro Pacific, Octagon, 4. AllianceBernstein (1.3%) Heiko Ihle Annie Zhang 5. AGF Investments (1.2%) GMP, Raymond James, 6. RBC Global Asset Management (1.1%) Andrew Mikitchook Alex Terentiew Information as at February 22, 2013, Thomson One. 3
  • 5. Financial POSITION • C$32.5 M in working capital as at Dec. 31 • C$20.2 M in cash as at Dec. 31 • C$43 M convertible debenture (6.15% interest, C$2.90 conversion price) • C$60 M operating line (US$27.5 M available) • C$15 M capital leases • C$72 M term debt (9.25% interest) 4
  • 6. Investment Case for PALLADIUM 5
  • 7. Palladium Market FUNDAMENTALS • Palladium prices forecasted to return to historical highs – up to $1,000/oz – Palladium price forecasts projected to remain strong: most analysts forecast palladium will reach US$700 – US$900 in 2013 – Supply deficit expected to persist in the future • Strong demand fundamentals – demand has historically exceeded mine supply – Majority of demand derived from automobile sector with light vehicle production expected to increase at a 4% CAGR from 2012 and 2016 (autocatalyst demand for palladium to reach a record high in 2012) – Recent significant increase in palladium investment demand reflects positive supply/demand fundamentals and automotive industry outlook • Constrained mine supply – unable to match growth in demand – Majority of mine production comes from challenging jurisdictions (Russia and South Africa – less attractive regions for committing capital due to ongoing geopolitical risk – Russian stockpiles, a historical overhang on the market, are now believed to be at or near depletion 6
  • 8. Palladium Market MINE SUPPLY RUSSIA NORTH AMERICA 41% 14% ONLY 6.3 M oz. ANNUAL PRODUCTION WORLDWIDE ~80% OF GLOBAL MINE SUPPLY COMING FROM HIGH-RISK JURISDICTIONS SOUTH AFRICA 38% Notes: 1. Source: Johnson Matthey, November 2012 (forecasts for 2012 supply) 2. Other producing countries (~7%) include Zimbabwe, Australia, Botswana, China, Serbia and Montenegro. 7 3. Excludes secondary recycling supply of 2.2 M oz. and ~250,000 oz. From Russian stock sales.
  • 9. Palladium Market MINE SUPPLY Constrained Mine Supply From Major Producers (000’s ounces) 6,000 South Africa Russia 5,500 5,000 4,500 4,000 3,500 3,000 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012p 2013p 2014p 2015p Source: CPM Group, June 2012 • 2012 global palladium supply is expected to fall to the lowest level since 2003 (down11% YoY) • South African production particularly challenged by deeper mines, power/water limitations, higher operating costs, geopolitical risks, shortages of skilled labour and strengthening of currencies • Considering the recent supply disruption in South Africa and a contraction of underlying output in Russia, the future production forecasts are expected to be significantly challenged Notes: 1. Russian supply is entirely from Norilsk Nickel, which produces palladium as a by-product from nickel production. 2. South African supply includes the major platinum producers who produce palladium as a by-product from platinum 8 production.
  • 10. Palladium Market DEMAND 2012 Gross Demand: 9.7 M oz. • Demand diversified by Dental Other geography & end market Investment 5% Chemical 1% Jewellery 4% • Strongest demand growth in 5% Automotive 5% regions outside of North 67% Electronics America, Europe and Japan – 12% BRIC economies • 2012 forecasted to be record year for autocatalyst demand (driven by China, North America & Japan) Pd. Demand: 2011A 2012E Autocatalyst 6,030,000 6,480,000 Industrial 2,480,000 2,410,000 Jewellery 505,000 450,000 Investment (565,000) 385,000 Gross demand 8,450,000 9,725,000 Source: Johnson Matthey, November 2012 9
  • 11. Palladium Market DEMAND FROM AUTO SECTOR Global Light Vehicle Production Forecast (000’s) 110,000 102M 104M 95M 99M 100,000 91M Other1 90,000 85M 77M 81M 80,000 Europe 70,000 60,000 North 50,000 America 40,000 30,000 BRIC Economies2 20,000 10,000 0 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Source: IHS Automotive, February 2012 1. Other includes: Japan, Korea, Middle East and Africa 2. BRIC Economies include: Greater China, South America and South Asia • Global vehicle production biggest source of palladium demand • Light vehicle production is forecasted to increase to over 100 M units by 2017 • Strong growth to +100 M units by 2017 driven by BRIC economies 10
  • 12. Palladium Market FABRICATION DEMAND Adoption of Stricter Emission Control Standards 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 Europe Euro IV Euro V Euro VI Beijing Euro III Euro IV Euro V China Nationwide Euro II Euro III Euro IV Euro V Select Cities Euro III Euro IV India Nationwide Euro II Euro III Russia Euro I Euro II Euro III Euro IV Euro V USA Tier 2 and LEV II Brazil Prconve 3 Prconve 4 Prconve 5 Prconve 6 Source: CPM Group, June 2012 • Emerging economies have adopted emission control standards that mandate the use of catalytic converters • Advancing to a higher level of emission controls results in higher PGM loadings in the catalytic converter • Tightening emission control regulations for heavy-duty trucks 11
  • 13. Use of Palladium in CATALYTIC CONVERTERS Vast majority of 2020 cars still projected to be gas and diesel Gasoline Engines Hybrids & Other New Forms • Use +90% palladium (of total required • Neutral impact on PGM use PGM content) • Gasoline hybrids tend to use as much palladium as normal gasoline engines Diesel Engines • Currently account for only 1% of global • Historically used platinum due to cars sales1 technical requirements • Forecasted to be 14% of overall market • Currently use 30% palladium, with scope by 20202 to increase to 50% due to advent of low sulphur diesel fuel Electric • No requirement for catalytic converters • Challenged by lack of infrastructure to recharge, high costs, long charging periods and short driving range • Forecasted to account for only 2% of global car sales by 20202 1. CPM Group, June 2010 2. Stefan Bratzel, director of the Centre of Automotive Management in Germany; as reported in Mitsui Global Precious Metals “Pole Position” Report, June 2010 12
  • 14. Palladium Market INVESTMENT DEMAND Exchange Traded Funds' Physical Palladium Holdings M oz. Pd. M oz. Pd. 2.5 2.5 Mitsubishi SPAL 2.0 SPDM 2.0 WITE GLTR 1.5 Julius Baer 1.5 PALL MSL ASX 1.0 Palladium ZKB 1.0 PHPD LSE 0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 • Large increase in palladium investment demand • Investment demand driven by supply/demand fundamentals for palladium -- constrained mine supply and growth in global vehicle production Source: CPM Group, as at May 28, 2012 13
  • 15. Palladium Market PRICE PERFORMANCE Historic Price Performance (US$/oz) Average 2013 Price Forecast (US$/oz) PALLADIUM 2013 $900 BMO $725 $800 Canaccord $775 $700 CIBC $700 $600 Cormark $750 $500 Credit Suisse $700 $400 Deutsche Bank $750 $300 Dundee $700 $200 J.P.Morgan $700 $100 Macquarie $790 $0 Morgan Stanley $708 National Bank $750 Raymond James $775 RBC $750 Historic High: US$1,090 (2001) Scotiabank $725 2012 Average Price: US$640 Societe Generale $800 Recent Price: US$736 (Feb. 22, 2013) TD Securities $600 Average $731 Sources: Thomson One, Bloomberg and available equity research. 14
  • 17. LDI Mine & Mill Complex A WORLD CLASS ASSET • Located north of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada • One of only two primary palladium producers in the world • Deposit is unique in the world: high palladium concentration, broadly disseminated mineralization vs. narrow vein • Established palladium producer since 1993 • Currently undergoing a major expansion to increase production and reduce cash costs per ounce • 15,000 tpd mill has excess capacity available for production growth (currently operating at 35% capacity) • Significant exploration upside identified on the LDI property • $105 M capital expenditure program in 2013 to establish operation for sustained growth 16 16
  • 18. LDI OPERATING METRICS 2012 Actual 2013 Guidance Payable Pd. produced (oz) 163,980 150,000 -160,000 Cash cost per ounce1 (US$) $401 $375 - $425 2.1 M 1.8 M – 2.0 M ~0.9 M (5.19 g/t Pd) from Underground +/- 1.1 M (4.74 g/t Pd) from Underground Tonnes of ore milled ~1.2 M (2.21 g/t Pd) from Surface +/- 0.8 M (1.80 g/t Pd) from Surface Average Pd. head grade milled 3.4 g/t 3.4 g/t – 3.6 g/t Pd. mill recovery 78% 79% Achieved 2012 production guidance 1. Non-IFRS measure. Please refer to Non-IFRS Measures in the MD&A. LDI’s cash costs per ounce are presented net of by-product revenue. Assumptions used to forecast cash costs for 2013 include US$675 per ounce palladium, US$1,770 per ounce gold, US$1,675 per ounce platinum, US$8.00 per pound nickel, US$3.50 per pound copper and an exchange rate of C$1.00 to US$1.00. 17
  • 19. LDI Mine Expansion PLAN FOR GROWTH • Approx. $296.5 M spent to date (2010 – 2012) o $79 M budget in 2013 to complete Phase I (of total $105 M 2013 capital expenditure program) • Development in 2013 includes: o Sinking a shaft to the 825-metre level to transition underground operations from mining via ramp to mining via shaft o Setting up underground infrastructure to mine the Offset Zone using a high volume bulk mining method (long-hole stoping with primary & secondary stoping blocks) - this includes expanding the ramp, building new mine levels, and setting up mining stopes • Through the utilization of the shaft & bulk mining method, operations are expected to benefit from increased mining rates & decreased operating costs • Targeting production via shaft by end of Q3, 2013 The underground design schematic of LDI, showing the deposit and underground ramp infrastructure, looking east. Offset Zone remains open to the west, south & at depth. 18
  • 20. LDI Mine Expansion RECENT UPDATE Surface construction: Underground development:  Major construction components  Shaft sinking is progressing on schedule: completed & fully operational:  Currently at a an approximate depth  Headframe, main substation, hoist of 550 m below surface (+67% house, service hoist & auxiliary hoist completed of the total 825 m planned are all fully operational for Phase I)  Production hoist has been installed & is  Installation of the 740-m level loading currently undergoing mechanical & pocket & underground crusher has electrical testing commenced  Remaining work on surface includes the  Ramp & stope development also installation of the main skip dump & progressing on schedule (mining in Offset surface ore bins Zone commenced in Q4, 2012) 19
  • 21. LDI Exploration Upside POTENTIAL GROWTH TARGETS 3D View of Pit, Sheriff & Offset Zone Sheriff Zone: • Currently being assessed for open pit production potential • Work commenced for initial resource estimate & to assess production parameters, project economics, & permitting requirements Sheriff Zone South Offset Extension: • Encouraging hits south of the shaft show potential for lateral growth South Offset • Extension drilling indicated potential for expanding the resource to the south of and above the current limits of the deposit • Following up infill drilling to the south of the shaft between 825 & 740 m levels) 3D View of Pit, Sheriff & Offset Zone North VT Rim: North VT Rim • Surface drilling demonstrated lateral continuity with high-grade intersects and broader zones of pit grade mineralization • Extremely speculative but could potentially develop a higher grade Sheriff Zone narrow zone that outcrops Roby Zone Extension: • North extension drilling encountered high-grade intercepts (among the highest ever reported from LDI) 20
  • 22. LDI Property EXPLORATION UPSIDE Near-mine land package 62,000-acre regional land package South Norite Zone Mineralization Trend • LDI represents a rare palladium-rich asset with excellent infrastructure • LDI complex has only been drilled in a 1km x 1km area & remains largely underexplored • Multiple targets identified for follow up exploration (surface & underground) • Regional land package covers the most prospective mafic complexes in the area (all PGM properties are less than 30 km from LDI mill) 21
  • 23. Plan: PRODUCE MORE, FOR LESS Transition to shaft mining Leverage existing infrastructure Realize exploration upside 22
  • 25. Shareholder INFORMATION North American Palladium’s vision is to become a low cost, mid-tier precious metals company operating in mining friendly jurisdictions. NAP is an established precious metals producer that has been operating its flagship Lac des Iles mine (LDI) located in Ontario, Canada since 1993. LDI is one of only two primary producers of palladium in the world, and is currently undergoing a major expansion to increase production and reduce cash costs per ounce. NAP also operates the Vezza gold mine located in the Abitibi region of Quebec, which is held for sale. NAP’s experienced management and technical teams have a significant commitment to exploration and are dedicated to building shareholder value. Corporate Office: Royal Bank Plaza, South Tower 200 Bay St., Suite 2350 Toronto, ON M5J 2J2 Security Symbols: NYSE MKT– PAL TSX – PDL, PDL.DB Website: www.nap.com Investor Relations: Camilla Bartosiewicz Director, Investor Relations & Corporate Communications camilla@nap.com 416-360-7374 24
  • 27. Senior MANAGEMENT Andre Douchane – Chairman and Interim CEO Mr. Douchane is a seasoned mining executive with over 40 years of experience in the mining industry with a solid track record of successfully bringing development projects into production. He was appointed to the Company’s Board of Directors in April 2003, and served as the President and CEO until January 2006. He has held senior positions with several precious and base metal international mining companies including CEO of THEMAC Resources, President and CEO of Starfield Resources Inc., President and COO of Chief Consolidated Mining Co., and Vice President, Operations of Franco and Euro-Nevada (Newmont Mining Corporation). He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Mining Engineering from the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and is a graduate of the Executive Business Program at the Kellogg School of Business in Toronto. Greg Struble – VP and COO Mr. Struble is a mine engineer with over 30 years of experience in underground mining. Prior to joining NAP, he served as Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of Stillwater Mining Company, where he was responsible for two underground palladium mines as well as smelter and refinery operations. Prior to this, he worked as underground project manager for Barrick Gold’s Cortez Hills Joint Venture. Mr. Struble has also worked internationally at a number of large gold mines, including General Manager of the El Penon Mine in Chile and the Jerritt Canyon Mines in Nevada. Previously, he worked for the Homestake Mining Company and held various positions including Mine Superintendent at their Homestake Mine in South Dakota. Dave Langille – CFO Mr. Langille is a seasoned finance executive with over 26 years of international public company experience. He brings a wealth of international financial expertise to NAP, notably a solid track record of optimizing operations to improve operating margins, along with merger and acquisition experience, and raising capital through a broad range of capital market products. Most recently, Mr. Langille served as the CFO and Vice President, Finance of Breakwater Resources Ltd. Prior to this, he served in senior financial positions for various public companies, including Lindsey Morden Group Inc., Capital Environmental Resource Inc., Cott Corporation, and TVX Gold Inc. Mr. Langille received an Honours Bachelor of Business Administration from Wilfrid Laurier University in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada in 1985, and has been a member of the Institute of Chartered Accounts of Ontario and the Society of Management Accountants of Ontario since 1987. David Peck – Head of Exploration Dr. Peck is a Professional Geoscientist with nearly 30 years of exploration and research experience specializing in magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE ore deposits. Dr. Peck holds global recognition as an expert in PGE exploration after serving as a senior technical and strategic consultant to several public and private companies and having worked on exploration and mining projects in more than a dozen countries. He was directly involved in several significant magmatic Ni-Cu-PGE discoveries in Canada and overseas. Prior to joining NAP, Dr. Peck served as President and Senior Technical and Strategic Consultant at Revelation Geoscience Ltd., and prior to this, he served as Global Nickel Commodity Leader at Anglo American plc, a Senior Geologist for Falconbridge Ltd., a Senior Mineral Deposits Geologist with the Manitoba Geological Survey, held various academic roles in Canadian universities, and was the technical lead on a multi-year mineral potential study funded by the Ontario Geological Survey. He has authored numerous public presentations and government and academic publications addressing his area of specialization. 26
  • 28. Cautionary Note to U.S. Investors Concerning MINERAL RESERVES AND MINERAL RESOURCE • Mineral reserves and mineral resources have been calculated in accordance with National Instrument 43-101 as required by Canadian securities regulatory authorities. For United States reporting purposes, Industry Guide 7, (under the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934), as interpreted by Staff of the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC), applies different standards in order to classify mineralization as a reserve. In addition, while the terms “measured”, “indicated” and “inferred” mineral resources are required pursuant to National Instrument 43-101, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission does not recognize such terms. Canadian standards differ significantly from the requirements of the SEC, and mineral resource information contained herein is not comparable to similar information regarding mineral reserves disclosed in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. U.S. investors should understand that “inferred” mineral resources have a great amount of uncertainty as to their existence and great uncertainty as to their economic and legal feasibility. In addition, U.S. investors are cautioned not to assume that any part or all of NAP's mineral resources constitute or will be converted into reserves. For a more detailed description of the key assumptions, parameters and methods used in calculating NAP’s mineral reserves and mineral resources, see NAP’s most recent Annual Information Form/Form 40-F on file with Canadian provincial securities regulatory authorities and the SEC. • Please refer to North American Palladium’s most current Annual Information Form and applicable technical reports available on www.sedar.com, www.sec.gov and www.nap.com for further information. 27
  • 29. LDI Palladium Mine RESERVES & RESOURCES March 31, 2012 LDI MINERAL RESERVES Cut-off Tonnes Pd Pt Au Ni Cu Pd CATEGORY (g/t) (000'S) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%) (000's oz) PROVEN Offset Zone 2.5 5,632 4.34 0.30 0.30 0.11 0.08 787 Roby Underground 5.8 420 6.38 0.42 0.34 0.08 0.07 86 Open Pit 1.8 722 1.99 0.21 0.22 0.11 0.10 46 PROBABLE Offset Zone 2.5 2,109 4.17 0.30 0.29 0.10 0.08 283 TOTAL RESERVE - 8,883 4.21 0.30 0.29 0.11 0.08 1,202 LDI MINERAL RESOURCES Cut-off Tonnes Pd Pt Au Ni Cu Pd CATEGORY (g/t) (000'S) (g/t) (g/t) (g/t) (%) (%) (000's oz) MEASURED Offset Zone 2.5 4,943 4.56 0.33 0.31 0.12 0.10 724 Open Pit 1.8 1,971 2.00 0.24 0.15 0.05 0.07 127 Stockpile 83 1.63 0.17 0.14 0.08 0.06 4 TOTAL MEASURED - 6,997 3.80 0.31 0.27 0.12 0.10 855 INDICATED Offset Zone 2.5 9,557 4.11 0.31 0.29 0.11 0.09 1,262 Roby Underground 5.8 1,269 7.16 0.41 0.33 0.08 0.06 292 Open Pit 1.8 2,565 2.20 0.24 0.18 0.07 0.08 181 Low Grade Stockpile 0.5 13,188 0.97 0.12 0.08 0.06 0.03 411 TOTAL INDICATED - 26,579 2.51 0.21 0.18 0.08 0.06 2,147 TOTAL MEASURED & INDICATED - 33,575 2.78 0.23 0.20 0.08 0.05 3,002 INFERRED Offset Zone 2.5 13,669 3.59 0.30 0.23 0.09 0.08 1,576 TOTAL INFERRED 13,669 3.59 0.30 0.23 0.09 0.08 1,576 28 See accompanying Notes on the next page.
  • 30. LDI Reserves & Resources NOTES Notes: 1. Prepared in accordance with NI 43-101 Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects and the CIM classification system. 2. Mineral resources which are not mineral reserves do not have demonstrated economic viability. The estimate of mineral resources may be materially affected by environmental, permitting, legal, title, taxation, socio-political, marketing, or other relevant issues. Mineral resources are exclusive of the mineral reserves. 3. The mineral resource for the Offset Zone was estimated as of June 30, 2012 by Todd McCracken, P.Geo, of Tetra Tech, an independent QP under NI 43-101. The effective date of the resource is March 31, 2012. The mineral resource calculation uses a minimum 2.5 g/t palladium resource block cut-off. The mineral resource estimate is based on the combination of geological modeling, geostatistics, and conventional block modelling (5 m by 5 m by 5 m blocks). Assay grade capping was determined not to be necessary. The Offset Zone resource models used the ordinary kriging (OK) grade interpolation method within a 3Dl block model with mineralized zones defined by wireframed solids. The quality assurance (QA)/quality control (QC) protocols and corresponding sample preparation and shipment procedures for the Offset Zone have been reviewed by Tetra Tech. The following metal price assumptions were used: US$675/oz palladium, US$1,675/oz platinum, US$1,750/oz gold, US$8.00/lb nickel, and US$3.50/lb copper. A US$/CDN$ exchange rate of US$1.00 = CDN$1.00 was also applied. 4. Mineral reserves for the Offset Zone were estimated by Todd McCracken, P. Geo.; William Richard McBride, P.Eng.; Todd Kanhai, P.Eng.; and Philip Bridson, P.Eng. of Tetra Tech, independent QPs within the meaning of NI 43-101. The mineral reserves were estimated from drilling completed to March 31, 2012. Reserves were estimated to the 990 Mine Level (4,490 m elevation), a maximum depth of 1,017.5 m. The following metal price assumptions were used for reserves estimation: US$675/oz palladium, US$1,675/oz platinum, US$1,750/oz gold, US$8.00/lb nickel, and US$3.50/lb copper. A US$/CDN$ exchange rate of US$1.00 = CDN$1.00 was also applied. An average production rate of 3,500 t/d was used to determine the reserves. The following recoveries were used in the assumptions to determine the reserves: 80.45% palladium, 71.30% platinum, 83.97% gold, 43.13% nickel, and 88.55% copper. 5. The mineral resource estimate for the Roby Zone open pit and stockpiles were estimated as of June 30, 2010 by Scott Wilson RPA and updated by David N. Penna, P.Geo., an employee of Lac des Iles Mining Ltd. (LDIM) and a qualified person (QP) under NI 43-101 to reflect: (i) additions to mineral reserves in the Roby Zone as a result of a lower cut-off palladium grade; (ii) depletion from production up to March 31, 2012, and (iii) mineral reserves from the crown pillar (supported by an internal engineering report). The following cut-off grades were used: (i) 1.8 g/t palladium equivalent (PdEq) for the Roby open pit, within an optimized pit shell run below the current pit survey; (ii) 1.9 g/t PdEq for the mine stockpiles; and (iii) 5.8 g/t PdEq for the underground Roby Zone. These cut-off grades were determined under the assumption that production would take place at a rate of 14,000 t/d. Metal price assumptions of US$350/oz palladium, US$1,400/oz platinum, US$850/oz gold, US$6.50/lb nickel, and US$2.00/lb copper were used in the estimation of cut-off grade. A US$/CDN$ exchange rate of 1.11 was also applied. 29 6. Numbers may not add due to rounding.
  • 31. $0 $200 $400 $600 $800 $1,000 $1,200 Impala Mine (IMP) Bokoni (ATL) Everest South (AQP) Marikana (AQP/AMS) Smokey Hills (PLA) Modikwa (ARM/AMS) Crocodile River (ELR) Marikana (LMI) Thembelani Mine (AMS) Source: CIBC World Markets, based on H1 CY12 Kroondal (AQP/AMS) Khuseleka Mine (AMS) Zondereinde (NHM) Khomanani Mine (AMS) Pandora (LMI/AMS) Rustenburg Section (AMS) LDI is a Low Cost Producer Unki (AMS) Union Section (AMS) Tumela Mine (AMS) Amandelbult Section (AMS) • NAP is one of the lowest cash cost producers Siphumelele Mine (AMS) Bathopele Mine (AMS) Dishaba Mine (AMS) Marula (IMP) BRPM (RBP) Mogalakwena (AMS) Nye Mine (SWC) PALLADIUM CASH COST CURVE Mototolo (XTA/AMS) Boulder (SWC) Mimosa (IMP/AQP) Platinum Mile (AQP) W/L Tailings (AMS) CTRP (AQP/SLP) Two Rivers (ARM/IMP) LDI Mine (PDL) Cash Costs per PdEq Oz Sylvania Dumps (SLP) Average Pd Price Received Zimplats (IMP) 30
  • 32. Palladium Market MARKET DYNAMICS • The palladium market is expected to remain in a position of undersupply over the 2012 to 2016 period – will allow prices to remain robust World Palladium Supply and Demand Forecast 2009 2010 2011 2012E 2013E 2014E 2015E (In koz, unless otherwise noted) Supply Mine Production 6,320 6,613 6,966 6,825 6,925 7,125 7,225 Scrap 1,184 1,454 1,620 1,770 1,980 2,130 2,250 Total Palladium Supply 7,504 8,067 8,586 8,595 8,905 9,255 9,475 Change (YoY %) (3.2%) 7.5% 6.4% 0.1% 3.6% 3.9% 2.4% Total Palladium Consumption 7,591 8,642 8,740 8,920 9,475 9,790 10,000 Change (YoY %) (9.5%) 13.9% 1.1% 2.1% 6.2% 3.3% 2.1% Implied Market Balance (87) (575) (154) (325) (570) (535) (525) Stock Releases 1,100 800 800 150 150 -- -- ETF Investment 507 1,038 (514) -- -- -- -- Implied Residual Balance 507 (813) 1,160 (175) (420) (535) (525) Source: Thomson Reuters GFMS, LPPM, RBS (Commodity Companion - Truly Precious, May 4th 2012) 31
  • 33. Palladium PRICE FORECASTS PALLADIUM 2013 2014 2015 2016 LT BMO $725 $750 $700 $650 $650 Canaccord Genuity $775 $850 $900 CIBC $700 $900 $1,000 $800 $700 Cormark $750 $750 Credit Suisse $700 $800 $850 $900 Deutsche Bank $750 $800 $900 $1,000 $1,000 Dundee $700 $775 $750 $700 $600 J.P.Morgan $700 $881 $1,000 Macquarie $790 $830 $850 $875 $900 Morgan Stanley $708 $780 $850 $1,092 $1,106 National Bank Financial $750 $750 $750 $750 $550 Raymond James $775 $950 $950 RBC $750 $850 $850 $750 $750 Scotiabank $725 $750 $750 $700 $650 Societe Generale $800 TD Securities $600 $550 Average $731 $820 $836 $813 $786 Source: Scotiabank – based on available equity research 32
  • 34. Gold Division OVERVIEW • NAP is currently exploring divestiture opportunities of its non- core portfolio of gold assets • Portfolio consists of significantly de-risked gold assets in Quebec with total mineral resource inventory of 1.5 MM oz Au: • Vezza Mine – High-grade, underground, fully permitted gold mine with near-term cash generation potential (ready for commercial production) • Sleeping Giant Mine & Mill Complex – Fully permitted, 900 tpd regional mill with potential to be expanded to 1,750 tpd • Dormex, Flordin & Discovery Projects – Advanced and early stage exploration properties with blue sky potential, within trucking distance to regional mill 33
  • 35. Gold Division OVERVIEW Divestiture strategy driven by: • Gold assets are non-core to NAP • Equity investor preference for pure play PGM exposure (gold diversification strategy perceived to dilute the palladium brand) • Newly identified exploration & development upside in palladium assets that will give the Company growth in palladium (therefore not relying on growth through diversification) • Lack of “mass scale” in gold production growth due to Sleeping Giant mine closure in early 2012 • Significant development milestones reached at Vezza have well positioned the asset for sale (warrants more attractive valuation now that operations have commenced) 34