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Samsung Open Source Group 1
From micro controllers
to products
Philippe Coval
Samsung Open Source Group / SRUK
“IoT with the Best” Online conference
#IOTWTB <2016-10-29>
Samsung Open Source Group 2
Hello World !
● Philippe Coval
– Software engineer for Samsung OSG
● Belongs to SRUK team, based in Rennes, France
● Ask me for IoTivity support on Tizen platform and others
– Interests
● Libre Soft/Hard/ware, Communities, Interoperability
– DIY, Embedded, Mobile, Wearables, Automotive...
– Find me online
● https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/User:Pcoval
Samsung Open Source Group 3
● What is IoT ?
● IoTivity framework for connected devices
● Example
● Deployed on Arduino and Tizen Mobile Wearable devices
● More
● Q&A
Samsung Open Source Group 4
Internet of Things is: A complex equation
● Where all parameters are correlated :
– Connectivity: not only Internet, probably IP, but not only
● Personal (<1m), Local (<10m - 10km), Metropolitan (<10km), Wide Area
– Security matters ! (during all expected life span)
● Several surfaces of attacks: service, monitoring, upgrade
– Cost of materials and cost of usage:
● Computing capability (CPU or MCU?), consumption, if 24x7
● Development, maintenance: FLOSS or Closed source ?
Samsung Open Source Group 5
● Many Silos / Many implementations :
– One app per device (better than many remote controls)
– Dependence on centralized models (hub/cloud)
● Many concerns or issues:
– Security/Privacy concerns?
– Long term support and maintenance?
– Do we want critical devices exposed to the Internet ?
● Few Interoperability/Interconnection of today's things.
IoT: Internet of Today or Internet of Troubles ?
Samsung Open Source Group 6
IoT: Internet of Tomorrow? Internet of Trust?
● “I” like Interoperability
– <blink>Local connectivity between devices</blink>
– Interconnect any protocols or on line services
● “O” like Openness
– Open standards, protocol, implementations
● “T” like Trustworthy
– Security is sine qua non condition for IoT
– Today, gateway is a reasonable answer
Samsung Open Source Group 7
“Talk is cheap.
Show me the code.”
~ Linus Torvalds
Samsung Open Source Group 8
“I” like framework
● Seamless device to device connectivity for IoT
– Core: Discovery, Secure Transmission, Data/Device
– Plus profile services : SmartHome, Automotive, Health...
● C/C++ library (Apache 2.0)
– RESTfull design : CoAP and CBOR
● Backed by Open Connectivity Foundation
– Establishes standard, certifies of products, propose models
– With industry support (Samsung, Intel, Cisco, GE, +190)
Samsung Open Source Group 9
OCF is standard / IoTivity is implementation
● Based on existing standards or solutions
– Interacts with other standards: uPnP, AllSeen
● Current features:
– Discovery (IETF RFC7252 / IP Multicast)
– Communication (RESTfull API on CoAP) w/ Security (DTLS)
– Transports (IP, WiFi, BT, BLE, Zigbee...)
– Data/Device management, web services, cloud, plugins...
● Today I explain only discovery and notification mechanism
Samsung Open Source Group 10
“The secret of getting ahead
is getting started.”
~ Mark Twain
Samsung Open Source Group 11
Challenge yourself !
● No limit: sensors, robotics, from cat feeder to autonomous vehicles
● Start with simplest example:
– Led blinking is the “hello word” for embedded developer
● Using GPIO
– Then we can replace LED by a relay
● And make is visible by several connected clients
– And notify them on each change
● Today mission: multi controlled binary switch (Flip/Flop)
● Shared resource is boolean (on/off) as READ and WRITE mode
Samsung Open Source Group 12
Typical flow
● Resource is identified by an URI and composed of properties
– To be Created, Read, Updated, Deleted, + Notified (CRUD+N)
IoTivity Server IoTivity Client(s)
Registration of resource
Handling new requests Set/Get/ing properties values
Initialization as server Initialization as client
Handling new clients Discovery of resource
(CoAP Multicast)
Samsung Open Source Group 13
Let's develop a client/server
● You can start an Arduino project
– IoTivity CSDK code is cross platform
– Suggestion: Try to make a portable project too
● Or on a friendly GNU/Linux environment:
– Debian/Ubuntu, Tizen, Yocto (meta-oic), OpenWRT
– Try to Isolate platform code (syscalls, POSIX, GPIO)
– Use your favorites tools, IDE, debug, log, trace, QA
Samsung Open Source Group 14
Get your hands on IoTivity!
● Get and build libraries: https://wiki.iotivity.org/build
– Download sources and dependencies
Build current version 1.1.1 using scons
– Or if OS shipping IoTivity
● Tizen, Yocto based Automotive Grade Linux GENIVI ...
● Use it a regular library (CPPFLAGS & LDFLAGS)
● Look at tree: https://wiki.iotivity.org/sources
– Samples apps: resource/examples
– C SDK: resource/csdk or C++ SDK: resource/resource/src
Samsung Open Source Group 15
IoTivity CSDK flow : Create Resource
OCInit(... OC_SERVER);
OCCreateResource( …, onOCEntity);
{ OCProcess(); }
OCInit(... OC_CLIENT);
IoTivity Server IoTivity Client(s)
IP NetworkIP Network
● Initialization is trivial
● Then server create a new resource
– and registers a callback to serve client
– and waits for new client(s) requests
Samsung Open Source Group 16
IoTivity CSDK flow: Discovery of resource
OCCreateResource( …, onOCEntity);
{ OCProcess(); }
OCDoResource(...,OC_REST_DISCOVER, ...)
onDiscover(... OCClientResponse ...)
IoTivity Server IoTivity Client(s)
IP NetworkIP Network
● Client attempts to discover server's resources
– and finds registered ones
Samsung Open Source Group 17
IoTivity CSDK flow: GET Request
OCInit(..., OC_SERVER);
OCCreateResource( …, onOCEntity);
{ OCProcess(); }
onOCEntity(entityHandlerRequest) {
switch entityHandlerRequest->method
case 'GET' : // READ current value
OCInit(..., OC_CLIENT);
OCDoResource(...,OC_REST_DISCOVER, ...)
onDiscover(... OCClientResponse ...)
OCDoResource(...OC_REST_GET …)
onGet(... OCClientResponse ...)
IoTivity Server IoTivity Client(s)
IP NetworkIP Network
● Client is asking
– for resource's value
● Server is responding
Samsung Open Source Group 18
OCDoResource(...OC_REST_PUT …)
onPut(... OCClientResponse ...)
IoTivity CSDK flow: PUT request
OCInit(..., OC_SERVER);
OCCreateResource( …, onOCEntity);
{ OCProcess(); }
onOCEntity(entityHandlerRequest) {
switch entityHandlerRequest->method
case 'POST: // Create value
case 'PUT' : // Update new resource
// handling the change
case 'GET' : // READ current value
OCInit(..., OC_CLIENT);
OCDoResource(...,OC_REST_DISCOVER, ...)
onDiscover(... OCClientResponse ...)
IoTivity Server IoTivity Client(s)
IP NetworkIP Network
● Client sets resource's value
● Server is handling it
– and responding
Samsung Open Source Group 19
OCDoResource(...OC_REST_PUT …)
onPut(... OCClientResponse ...)
IoTivity CSDK flow: Notification/Observation
OCInit(..., OC_SERVER);
OCCreateResource( …, onOCEntity);
{ OCProcess(); }
onOCEntity(entityHandlerRequest) {
switch entityHandlerRequest->method
case 'POST: // Create value
case 'PUT' : // Update new resource
case 'GET' : // READ current value
OCInit(..., OC_CLIENT);
OCDoResource(...,OC_REST_DISCOVER, ...)
onDiscover(... OCClientResponse ...)
IoTivity Server IoTivity Client(s)
IP NetworkIP Network
onObserve(... OCClientResponse ...)
● All subscribed clients
– are notified of the change
Samsung Open Source Group 20
“I'm not crazy. My reality
is just different from yours.”
~ Lewis Carroll
Samsung Open Source Group 21
Microcontrollers (MCU)
● A microcontroller is a System on Chip (SoC)
– Digital I/O, A/D & D/A Conversion, Serial Interface, Timers
– Flash Memory, Static RAM
● Arduino : OSHW Electronic prototyping platform
– Huge community, OOP libraries, education purposes
– Supports daughter boards called shields, ie: Ethernet, WiFi, etc
● Baremetal development
– main loop program have direct access to hardware
● Note that many operating system for MCU are existing
Samsung Open Source Group 22
IoTivity is supporting Arduino atmega256
● IoTivity CSDK use atmega256 as reference target
– Based on Atmel ATmega2560 MCU (8KiB RAM, 256KiB of Flash, 16Mhz)
● Class 2 Constrained device (RFC7228 ~ 50 KiB data ~ 250 KiB code)
– Build it using scons tool:
scons resource 
– It will download toolchain, and build using avr-gcc & avr-g++
– And produce a set of static libs (~100KiB) to be linked with any program:
● libcoap.a, liboctbstack.a, libconnectivity_abstraction,a ...
Samsung Open Source Group 23
Port server code to Arduino API
● Adapt/rewrite platform code: sleep(sec) vs delay(ms)
– Initialize Ethernet, GPIO (pinMode, digitalWrite)
● Update build scripts (tip: use Arduino-Makefile/Arduino.mk)
– Note Arduino API are using C++ POO while ours in plain C
– Trick: symlink or echo “#include “$file.c” “ > “$file.c.tmp.cpp”
– LOCAL_CPP_SRCS += src/server.c.tmp.cpp
● Deploy server using Arduino's avrdure: (117056 bytes of flash)
● Use client(s) on GNU/Linux or port code for other devices
Samsung Open Source Group 24
Hardware integration : DIY or Modules?
● High voltage relay (0-220V)
– Signal = Base of NPN Transistor
● Simples modules, to wire on headers
– Ie: Single channel Relay (HXJ-36) : 0V, +5V, GPIO
Relay 5V
Finder F34
Vcc 2
Vcc 1
+ 5V
Transistor NPN
P2N 2222A
Resistor *
(*) ARTIK10 | MinnowMax
47 OHM
(yellow, purple, black)
(*) RaspberryPI
180 OHM
(brown, grey, brown)
Samsung Open Source Group 25
What is a friend?
A single soul dwelling in two bodies
~ Aristotle
Samsung Open Source Group 26
Interaction with products
● Tizen is an Operating System based on FLOSS
● Shipped into consumer electronics products
● Tizen IoTivity
– Tizen:3 contains as platform package (.rpm)
– Tizen:2 can ship shared lib into native app (.tpk)
● For Samsung Z{1,2,3} (Tizen:2.4:Mobile)
● Samsung GearS2 (Tizen:2.3.1:Wearable)
Samsung Open Source Group 27
Build Tizen clients 1/2: build library
● Setup and configure GBS for :
– Tizen:2.4:Mobile for Z1
– Tizen:2.3.1:Wearable for Gear S2
– Tizen:3.0 for x86 or ARM
● Build dependencies 1st : (scons, boost...)
– git clone $URL -b ${branch} # (ie: tizen, tizen_2.4)
– gbs build -p ${profile} # (ie: tizen_mobile-armv7l)
● In the end : iotivity-*.rpm
Samsung Open Source Group 28
Build Tizen clients 2/2: create App
● Using Tizen SDK, create native tizen project
– Unpack lib and headers from: iotivity-*.rpm iotivity-devel*.rpm
– Update build and link flags (see wiki)
– cp usr/lib/*.so lib and make deploy package (.tpk)
● Adapt EFL gui and integrate IoTivity
– Create UI using elementary widgets toolkit
– Use previous CSDK client (or write it again using C++)
● Start IoTivity client in a separate thread
– Update UI on IoTivity events (main loop)
Samsung Open Source Group 29
IoTivity hardware to hack on:
● Single Board Computers with daughters boards
– ARTIK 5,10,7 are also compatible with Arduino Shields
– Raspberry Pi + hats (RabbitMax Flex, CoPiino)
– Minnowboard + lures (Calamari, Tadpole), Edison
● Other micro controllers:
– ESP8266, Arduino 101, Galileo
● Yours? Tell us: https://wiki.iotivity.org/hardware
● IoTivity is also supported outside GNU/Linux or Tizen
Samsung Open Source Group 30
You can even create your own Tizen device
● Since Tizen 3, Tizen:Common was introduced
● A profile to create new profiles on:
– 90% Tizen:IVI (cars) is Tizen Common
– IoTivity is part of Tizen:Common
● Like “your Tizen gateway” profile
– Start by installing OS for supported devices (ARM or Intel)
● Or port to new architecture hardware using GBS or Yocto
Samsung Open Source Group 31
“Any sufficiently
advanced technology
is indistinguishable
from magic.”
~ Arthur C. Clarke
Samsung Open Source Group 32
Samsung Open Source Group 33
Want More ?
● More constrained:
– Iotivity-constrained: RIOT, Contiki, Zephyr...
– Tizen Micro (RTOS + JerryScript + IoT.js), Tizen Nano...
● More connectivity: BT, BLE, Zigbee, LTE, NFC...
● Security & scale: Deploy an OCF network of sensors
– For Smart (Home | Car | City | $profile)
Samsung Open Source Group 34
● IoT is not only about apps or cloud but new connections between things
● Open Connectivity Foundation
– establishes a standard for interconnecting things
– Open Source IoTivity project implements it
● Devices can be connected using IoTivity:
– Micro controllers are part of IoT
– Arduino are great development platforms for prototyping
– Tizen OS is shipped into today products or into your own design
● And many more OS or hardware
Samsung Open Source Group 35
Entry point:
– https://wiki.iotivity.org/examples
– git clone iotivity-example -b sandbox/pcoval/arduino
Technical references
– https://openconnectivity.org/resources/iotivity
● OIC_1.1_Candidate_Specification.zip
– http://www.atmel.com/Images/
● Atmel-2549-8-bit-AVR-Microcontroller-ATmega640-1280-1281-2560-2561_datasheet.pdf
– https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7228
– https://www.tizen.org/sites/default/files/event/gb1_tdc15_tizen_micro_profile_for_low-end_iot_device.pdf
Keep in touch online:
– https://wiki.iotivity.org/community
– https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/Meeting
– https://blogs.s-osg.org/author/pcoval/
Samsung Open Source Group 36
Q&A or/and Annexes ?
Samsung Open Source Group 37
Thank you
Merci / 고맙습니다
Samung OSG, SSI,
Open Connectivity Foundation, LinuxFoundation, BeMyApp,
FLOSS Communities: Tizen, Yocto, EFL, AGL, GENIVI
FlatIcons (CC BY 3.0) : Freepik, xkcd.com (CC BY NC 2.5),
Libreoffice, openshot,
SRUK,SEF, Intel, Rabbitmax, LabFabFr,Chao@TelecomBretagne,
IOTWTF attendees,
Samsung Open Source Group 38
Samsung Open Source Group 39

More Related Content

IoT: From Arduino Microcontrollers to Tizen Products using IoTivity

  • 1. Samsung Open Source Group 1 IoT: From micro controllers to products using Philippe Coval Samsung Open Source Group / SRUK philippe.coval@osg.samsung.com “IoT with the Best” Online conference #IOTWTB <2016-10-29>
  • 2. Samsung Open Source Group 2 Hello World ! ● Philippe Coval – Software engineer for Samsung OSG ● Belongs to SRUK team, based in Rennes, France ● Ask me for IoTivity support on Tizen platform and others – Interests ● Libre Soft/Hard/ware, Communities, Interoperability – DIY, Embedded, Mobile, Wearables, Automotive... – Find me online ● https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/User:Pcoval
  • 3. Samsung Open Source Group 3 Agenda ● What is IoT ? ● IoTivity framework for connected devices ● Example ● Deployed on Arduino and Tizen Mobile Wearable devices ● More ● Q&A
  • 4. Samsung Open Source Group 4 Internet of Things is: A complex equation ● Where all parameters are correlated : – Connectivity: not only Internet, probably IP, but not only ● Personal (<1m), Local (<10m - 10km), Metropolitan (<10km), Wide Area (<1000Km) – Security matters ! (during all expected life span) ● Several surfaces of attacks: service, monitoring, upgrade – Cost of materials and cost of usage: ● Computing capability (CPU or MCU?), consumption, if 24x7 ● Development, maintenance: FLOSS or Closed source ?
  • 5. Samsung Open Source Group 5 ● Many Silos / Many implementations : – One app per device (better than many remote controls) – Dependence on centralized models (hub/cloud) ● Many concerns or issues: – Security/Privacy concerns? – Long term support and maintenance? – Do we want critical devices exposed to the Internet ? ● Few Interoperability/Interconnection of today's things. IoT: Internet of Today or Internet of Troubles ?
  • 6. Samsung Open Source Group 6 IoT: Internet of Tomorrow? Internet of Trust? ● “I” like Interoperability – <blink>Local connectivity between devices</blink> – Interconnect any protocols or on line services ● “O” like Openness – Open standards, protocol, implementations ● “T” like Trustworthy – Security is sine qua non condition for IoT – Today, gateway is a reasonable answer
  • 7. Samsung Open Source Group 7 “Talk is cheap. Show me the code.” ~ Linus Torvalds
  • 8. Samsung Open Source Group 8 “I” like framework ● Seamless device to device connectivity for IoT – Core: Discovery, Secure Transmission, Data/Device – Plus profile services : SmartHome, Automotive, Health... ● C/C++ library (Apache 2.0) – RESTfull design : CoAP and CBOR ● Backed by Open Connectivity Foundation – Establishes standard, certifies of products, propose models – With industry support (Samsung, Intel, Cisco, GE, +190)
  • 9. Samsung Open Source Group 9 OCF is standard / IoTivity is implementation ● Based on existing standards or solutions – Interacts with other standards: uPnP, AllSeen ● Current features: – Discovery (IETF RFC7252 / IP Multicast) – Communication (RESTfull API on CoAP) w/ Security (DTLS) – Transports (IP, WiFi, BT, BLE, Zigbee...) – Data/Device management, web services, cloud, plugins... ● Today I explain only discovery and notification mechanism
  • 10. Samsung Open Source Group 10 “The secret of getting ahead is getting started.” ~ Mark Twain
  • 11. Samsung Open Source Group 11 Challenge yourself ! ● No limit: sensors, robotics, from cat feeder to autonomous vehicles ● Start with simplest example: – Led blinking is the “hello word” for embedded developer ● Using GPIO – Then we can replace LED by a relay ● And make is visible by several connected clients – And notify them on each change ● Today mission: multi controlled binary switch (Flip/Flop) ● Shared resource is boolean (on/off) as READ and WRITE mode
  • 12. Samsung Open Source Group 12 Typical flow ● Resource is identified by an URI and composed of properties – To be Created, Read, Updated, Deleted, + Notified (CRUD+N) IoTivity Server IoTivity Client(s) Network Registration of resource Handling new requests Set/Get/ing properties values Initialization as server Initialization as client Handling new clients Discovery of resource ( POST/PUT GET ) (CoAP Multicast)
  • 13. Samsung Open Source Group 13 Let's develop a client/server ● You can start an Arduino project – IoTivity CSDK code is cross platform – Suggestion: Try to make a portable project too ● Or on a friendly GNU/Linux environment: – Debian/Ubuntu, Tizen, Yocto (meta-oic), OpenWRT – Try to Isolate platform code (syscalls, POSIX, GPIO) – Use your favorites tools, IDE, debug, log, trace, QA
  • 14. Samsung Open Source Group 14 Get your hands on IoTivity! ● Get and build libraries: https://wiki.iotivity.org/build – Download sources and dependencies ● Build current version 1.1.1 using scons – Or if OS shipping IoTivity ● Tizen, Yocto based Automotive Grade Linux GENIVI ... ● Use it a regular library (CPPFLAGS & LDFLAGS) ● Look at tree: https://wiki.iotivity.org/sources – Samples apps: resource/examples – C SDK: resource/csdk or C++ SDK: resource/resource/src
  • 15. Samsung Open Source Group 15 IoTivity CSDK flow : Create Resource OCInit(... OC_SERVER); OCCreateResource( …, onOCEntity); { OCProcess(); } OCInit(... OC_CLIENT); IoTivity Server IoTivity Client(s) IP NetworkIP Network ● Initialization is trivial ● Then server create a new resource – and registers a callback to serve client – and waits for new client(s) requests
  • 16. Samsung Open Source Group 16 IoTivity CSDK flow: Discovery of resource OCInit(NULL, 0, OC_SERVER); OCCreateResource( …, onOCEntity); { OCProcess(); } OCInit(NULL, 0, OC_CLIENT); OCDoResource(...,OC_REST_DISCOVER, ...) onDiscover(... OCClientResponse ...) IoTivity Server IoTivity Client(s) IP NetworkIP Network ● Client attempts to discover server's resources – and finds registered ones
  • 17. Samsung Open Source Group 17 IoTivity CSDK flow: GET Request OCInit(..., OC_SERVER); OCCreateResource( …, onOCEntity); { OCProcess(); } onOCEntity(entityHandlerRequest) { switch entityHandlerRequest->method { case 'GET' : // READ current value ... OCDoResponse(&response); }} OCInit(..., OC_CLIENT); OCDoResource(...,OC_REST_DISCOVER, ...) onDiscover(... OCClientResponse ...) OCDoResource(...OC_REST_GET …) onGet(... OCClientResponse ...) IoTivity Server IoTivity Client(s) IP NetworkIP Network ● Client is asking – for resource's value ● Server is responding
  • 18. Samsung Open Source Group 18 OCDoResource(...OC_REST_PUT …) onPut(... OCClientResponse ...) IoTivity CSDK flow: PUT request OCInit(..., OC_SERVER); OCCreateResource( …, onOCEntity); { OCProcess(); } onOCEntity(entityHandlerRequest) { switch entityHandlerRequest->method { case 'POST: // Create value case 'PUT' : // Update new resource // handling the change case 'GET' : // READ current value ... OCDoResponse(&response); }} OCInit(..., OC_CLIENT); OCDoResource(...,OC_REST_DISCOVER, ...) onDiscover(... OCClientResponse ...) IoTivity Server IoTivity Client(s) IP NetworkIP Network ● Client sets resource's value ● Server is handling it – and responding
  • 19. Samsung Open Source Group 19 OCDoResource(...OC_REST_PUT …) onPut(... OCClientResponse ...) IoTivity CSDK flow: Notification/Observation OCInit(..., OC_SERVER); OCCreateResource( …, onOCEntity); { OCProcess(); } onOCEntity(entityHandlerRequest) { switch entityHandlerRequest->method { case 'POST: // Create value case 'PUT' : // Update new resource OCNotifyAllObservers(); case 'GET' : // READ current value ... OCDoResponse(&response); }} OCInit(..., OC_CLIENT); OCDoResource(...,OC_REST_DISCOVER, ...) onDiscover(... OCClientResponse ...) IoTivity Server IoTivity Client(s) IP NetworkIP Network onObserve(... OCClientResponse ...) ● All subscribed clients – are notified of the change
  • 20. Samsung Open Source Group 20 “I'm not crazy. My reality is just different from yours.” ~ Lewis Carroll
  • 21. Samsung Open Source Group 21 Microcontrollers (MCU) ● A microcontroller is a System on Chip (SoC) – Digital I/O, A/D & D/A Conversion, Serial Interface, Timers – Flash Memory, Static RAM ● Arduino : OSHW Electronic prototyping platform – Huge community, OOP libraries, education purposes – Supports daughter boards called shields, ie: Ethernet, WiFi, etc ● Baremetal development – main loop program have direct access to hardware ● Note that many operating system for MCU are existing
  • 22. Samsung Open Source Group 22 IoTivity is supporting Arduino atmega256 ● IoTivity CSDK use atmega256 as reference target – Based on Atmel ATmega2560 MCU (8KiB RAM, 256KiB of Flash, 16Mhz) ● Class 2 Constrained device (RFC7228 ~ 50 KiB data ~ 250 KiB code) – Build it using scons tool: scons resource TARGET_OS=arduino TARGET_ARCH=avr BOARD=mega SHIELD=ETH – It will download toolchain, and build using avr-gcc & avr-g++ – And produce a set of static libs (~100KiB) to be linked with any program: ● libcoap.a, liboctbstack.a, libconnectivity_abstraction,a ...
  • 23. Samsung Open Source Group 23 Port server code to Arduino API ● Adapt/rewrite platform code: sleep(sec) vs delay(ms) – Initialize Ethernet, GPIO (pinMode, digitalWrite) ● Update build scripts (tip: use Arduino-Makefile/Arduino.mk) – Note Arduino API are using C++ POO while ours in plain C – Trick: symlink or echo “#include “$file.c” “ > “$file.c.tmp.cpp” – LOCAL_CPP_SRCS += src/server.c.tmp.cpp ● Deploy server using Arduino's avrdure: (117056 bytes of flash) ● Use client(s) on GNU/Linux or port code for other devices
  • 24. Samsung Open Source Group 24 Hardware integration : DIY or Modules? ● High voltage relay (0-220V) – Signal = Base of NPN Transistor ● Simples modules, to wire on headers – Ie: Single channel Relay (HXJ-36) : 0V, +5V, GPIO SBC Relay 5V Finder F34 Vcc 2 ? GND 2 Vcc 1 + 5V GND 1 Transistor NPN P2N 2222A Resistor * (*) ARTIK10 | MinnowMax 47 OHM (yellow, purple, black) C B E o o o o GPIO (*) RaspberryPI 180 OHM (brown, grey, brown) GND1GND1 GPIOGPIO PinPin 1313 Vcc1Vcc1 (5v)(5v) Vcc2Vcc2 GND2GND2
  • 25. Samsung Open Source Group 25 What is a friend? A single soul dwelling in two bodies ~ Aristotle
  • 26. Samsung Open Source Group 26 Interaction with products ● Tizen is an Operating System based on FLOSS ● Shipped into consumer electronics products ● Tizen IoTivity – Tizen:3 contains as platform package (.rpm) – Tizen:2 can ship shared lib into native app (.tpk) ● For Samsung Z{1,2,3} (Tizen:2.4:Mobile) ● Samsung GearS2 (Tizen:2.3.1:Wearable)
  • 27. Samsung Open Source Group 27 Build Tizen clients 1/2: build library ● Setup and configure GBS for : – Tizen:2.4:Mobile for Z1 – Tizen:2.3.1:Wearable for Gear S2 – Tizen:3.0 for x86 or ARM ● Build dependencies 1st : (scons, boost...) – git clone $URL -b ${branch} # (ie: tizen, tizen_2.4) – gbs build -p ${profile} # (ie: tizen_mobile-armv7l) ● In the end : iotivity-*.rpm
  • 28. Samsung Open Source Group 28 Build Tizen clients 2/2: create App ● Using Tizen SDK, create native tizen project – Unpack lib and headers from: iotivity-*.rpm iotivity-devel*.rpm – Update build and link flags (see wiki) – cp usr/lib/*.so lib and make deploy package (.tpk) ● Adapt EFL gui and integrate IoTivity – Create UI using elementary widgets toolkit – Use previous CSDK client (or write it again using C++) ● Start IoTivity client in a separate thread – Update UI on IoTivity events (main loop)
  • 29. Samsung Open Source Group 29 IoTivity hardware to hack on: ● Single Board Computers with daughters boards – ARTIK 5,10,7 are also compatible with Arduino Shields – Raspberry Pi + hats (RabbitMax Flex, CoPiino) – Minnowboard + lures (Calamari, Tadpole), Edison ● Other micro controllers: – ESP8266, Arduino 101, Galileo ● Yours? Tell us: https://wiki.iotivity.org/hardware ● IoTivity is also supported outside GNU/Linux or Tizen
  • 30. Samsung Open Source Group 30 You can even create your own Tizen device ● Since Tizen 3, Tizen:Common was introduced ● A profile to create new profiles on: – 90% Tizen:IVI (cars) is Tizen Common – IoTivity is part of Tizen:Common ● Like “your Tizen gateway” profile – Start by installing OS for supported devices (ARM or Intel) ● Or port to new architecture hardware using GBS or Yocto
  • 31. Samsung Open Source Group 31 “Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” ~ Arthur C. Clarke
  • 32. Samsung Open Source Group 32 iotivity-arduino-20161006rzr https://vimeo.com/185851073#iotivity-arduino-20161006rzr
  • 33. Samsung Open Source Group 33 Want More ? ● More constrained: – Iotivity-constrained: RIOT, Contiki, Zephyr... – Tizen Micro (RTOS + JerryScript + IoT.js), Tizen Nano... ● More connectivity: BT, BLE, Zigbee, LTE, NFC... ● Security & scale: Deploy an OCF network of sensors – For Smart (Home | Car | City | $profile)
  • 34. Samsung Open Source Group 34 Summary ● IoT is not only about apps or cloud but new connections between things ● Open Connectivity Foundation – establishes a standard for interconnecting things – Open Source IoTivity project implements it ● Devices can be connected using IoTivity: – Micro controllers are part of IoT – Arduino are great development platforms for prototyping – Tizen OS is shipped into today products or into your own design ● And many more OS or hardware
  • 35. Samsung Open Source Group 35 References ● Entry point: – https://wiki.iotivity.org/examples – git clone iotivity-example -b sandbox/pcoval/arduino ● Technical references – https://openconnectivity.org/resources/iotivity ● OIC_1.1_Candidate_Specification.zip – http://www.atmel.com/Images/ ● Atmel-2549-8-bit-AVR-Microcontroller-ATmega640-1280-1281-2560-2561_datasheet.pdf – https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7228 – https://www.tizen.org/sites/default/files/event/gb1_tdc15_tizen_micro_profile_for_low-end_iot_device.pdf ● Keep in touch online: – https://wiki.iotivity.org/community – https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/Meeting – https://blogs.s-osg.org/author/pcoval/
  • 36. Samsung Open Source Group 36 Q&A or/and Annexes ?
  • 37. Samsung Open Source Group 37 Thank you Merci / 고맙습니다 Samung OSG, SSI, Open Connectivity Foundation, LinuxFoundation, BeMyApp, FLOSS Communities: Tizen, Yocto, EFL, AGL, GENIVI FlatIcons (CC BY 3.0) : Freepik, xkcd.com (CC BY NC 2.5), Libreoffice, openshot, SRUK,SEF, Intel, Rabbitmax, LabFabFr,Chao@TelecomBretagne, IOTWTF attendees, YOU ! Contact: https://wiki.tizen.org/wiki/User:Pcoval
  • 38. Samsung Open Source Group 38 iotivity-genivi-demo-platform-20160210rzr https://vimeo.com/154879264#iotivity-genivi-demo-platform-20160210rzr
  • 39. Samsung Open Source Group 39 tizen-artik-20161010rzr https://vimeo.com/186286428#tizen-artik-20161010rzr