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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2418
S.Agalya1, L.Udhaya2, A.Helina Mercy3, S.Gowsalya4, Asst. Prof R.Kabilan5
1S.Agalya,Plot No:100,Indra Nagar,N.K.Road,Thanjavur-613006
5Asst.Prof R.Kabilan, Dept of MCA Anjalai Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College, Kovilveni, Thiruvarur,
Tamil Nadu India.
Abstract: Libraries may soon bestructureand management
their own information centers. This copy would let libraries
keep up more manage over the application and data
requirements that contain friendly, personal in run about
consumers. Provisioning and defense of transport for web
based digital library current several challenge. In this paper
we talk setback faced with digital library and increase effort
to defeat that trouble. Moving virtualization and cloud
computing are mainly good-looking choice whichis challenge
by in cooperation growth in the mass of the indexed text set
new skin and most highly usage with the idea of affect cloud
computing to college library the paper explain the current
status of user check models in university libraries. Then it
proposed to develop nearby user future model with cloud.This
paper presents some of the security challenges next data
location, ease of use and mobility. Cloud computingequipment
came up as a extra for libraries and is gift diverse.Opportunity
for libraries to attach their army with smoke. The paper
present on impression of cloud computing and its promising
applications, that can be club with library services on the web
based environment. This study may be caring in identify and
generate cloud base navy for libraries.
Keywords: Cloud Computing; libraries; use; library
services; problems.
Cultivate lately, and now too many organizationandpersons
use computers to work alone, inside a business or home by
invest in hardware, software, and protection. Itistheneedof
the day to adopt the latest skill in an organization. With the
help of experts, it can make sure fast and proper access to
every in sequence when needed. Cloud Computing is an
entirely new IT expertise and it is known as the third revolt
after PC and Internet in IT. To be more exact, Cloud
computing is the development of spread computing, similar
computing, web Computing and Spread Databases. And the
vital standard of Cloud Computing is making tasks spread in
huge statistics of spread computer but not in narrow
computers or isolated servers. In other words, by collect a
huge quantity of in sequence and property stored in private
computers, mobile phones, andothertools,CloudComputing
is competent of integrate them and put them on the open
cloud for helping users. Nowadays we are alive in the age of
in sequence.
Information technology acting the very vital role in library
science i.e. for collection, Storage, organization, processing,
and analysis of information. Library filed facing many
challenges in the profession due to applications of
information technology. New concepts are being additional
to ease the practice in the libraries is also accepting many
new technology in the profession as they suit the present
information handling and they satisfy needs of the
knowledge society. With the advent of Information
technology, libraries have become mechanical which is the
basic need towards advancement followed by networks.
Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient on
demand network access to a shared pool of configurable
computing a resource ,like network, service ,storage and
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2419
Cloud computing was a new idea that has been extensively
debate lately. It turn into one of the major fanciest sign
sound in the information earth and it had good-looking to
letter that twenty nine percent (29%) thought with the
meaning of Cloud was connected with the type of weather
(LaManna, 2012), as it held diverse interoperations. To
define cloud Computing it is " a model for allow suitable, on-
demand system right of admission to a shared pool of
configurable compute assets(e.g.,networks,servers,storage,
applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned
and at great with irrelevant association attempt or repair
provider communication" (Mell, and Grance, 2009). Hartig
(2008) referred to cloud computing as the phenomenon of
“virtualization of resources with the intention of maintain
and manage itself.” When it come to the acceptance of cloud
computing in the instructive sector it appear to be highly
adaptive, Thomas (2011) arguedthat“cloudcomputinghasa
important position in the higher education countrysideboth
as a ever-present compute tool and a authoritative platform
that can improve meeting among instructive Researchers
and educator to recognize and look up apply, and thus,
enlarge the worth of their students’ knowledge outcome".
Additional to that, cloud compute completely reform useful
process and superior the excellence of carrying arms forces
provide by the libraries and e-libraries. It was a genuine
technological get through. Vague impression.
Descriptive method utilizing qualitative techniques,
purposive sampling and content analysis were employed.
The study utilized a sample size of thirty librarians across
the emirates from selected learning institutions in United
Arab Emirates. Questionnaire, observation and in depth
interviews had been utilized. The responses to thequestions
were tallied, analyzed and interpreted. The research
concluded the methodology were we utilizedquestionnaires
to gather as much information and analyzed through the
SPSS to calculate accurate quantifiable results. At last, the
best option of all types of cloud was the private cloud to
eliminate threats of divulging data and reduce concerns
when it comes to compliance requirements.
In keeping up with the latest advanced technology, the
Information Centre @ CSIR-NAL (ICAST) has adopted in
their day to day activities, the concept of cloud computing
being one of them. There are many areas adopted at the
center has been ‘computed’ on the cloud.
Single of the common frequent uses of the shade is in e-
learning and b-learning plan, as fit as established course
whose academic capital are accessible online.
At the same time, contact to a storage area of online texts
and educational objects has improved dramatically, as the
use of online credentials and digitized print media is rising,
and people from different campus can access the same
objects online.
This democratizes the access to information and decreases
the costs of organization and leveraging corporal inter-
departmental loans.
The same online capability can apply to student’s report,
making their organization well-organized in institutionwith
special buildings and campuses, where students tend to
work from special places in the same day, or even spend a
semester out of the country.
Information knowledge working and savings expenses are
concentrated, as the academy only pays for the services it
uses and the storage it needs. The industrial team and
software engineers can focus in the worth of a site service,
by work in the effectiveness of cloud operation in campus,
and coordinate that online services are in sync with the rest
of the institutional system.
Higher education institutions canrentexactingsoftwarepost
to be used online from any place, which reduces greatly the
cost of purchase individual or institutional softwarelicenses
for a limited number of computers.
Mutually student, teacher and administrator can access in
sequence from their computer not include the settingupofa
particular list. This makes access flexible and facilitates
interdepartmental association. While one area provisions
recordsto a common storage area, another area can provide
other records.
At the same time forms, text files, presentation and
spreadsheet can be edited by dissimilar people at the same
time from any computer, helping in an efficientcirculationof
tasks and improving the quality of information by boosting
peer feedback.
Software specialist call it a “idleness”: the same data is store
in more than one place. Cloud computing storesin sequence
in a large group of servers around the world. This helps
assurance a quick entrance at any minute, and backsupdata
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2420
in case of any physical or digital problem with a particular
server or if in any condition, the university is helpless with
the loss of dangerous information.
A lot of time, there is inadequate space to store objectiveand
digital data. The use of cloud compute helpsintheprocedure
of working and file past data and collection not used in daily
tasks, but that they are important to keep in storage. For
illustration, graduates report or historical financial
Nowadays, a teacher can manage its wages online, and a
software system superficially processes payments and
manages timestamps.
This improves the responsibility of economic informationto
exterior party, and helps focusing the employee-employer
connection around academic issues. According to Times
Higher Education (THE) 76%of UK institutionsusethecloud
for payment and administration.
Although university needs to supply more verification and
indicator to recognize for their educational value, these
platforms make easy register and certification.
The institution of higher education employees doesn’t have
to invest much time to gather code and process large
amounts of information but only to submit them into the
At the same time it helps by keeping confidentiality in
evaluations such as educational presentation surveys,andin
the get-together of exterior assessment, such as consistent
English ability tests or higher education placement
At the same time, the cloud’s suppleness (which means that
there is more capacity available whenever an institution
needs it ) can help managing situations where the traffic of
information increases dramatically – for instance, inperiods
of high demand for undergraduate or regulate application.
Cloud supplier has residential protocol to maintain privacy
and safety of the data their clients store in their servers, and
they provide supplementary warrantees and services to
particular customerswho need an additional safekeeping of
information. Nonetheless this is the main concern of
institution that hasn’t entered the cloud.
While the cloud’s interior security is good, a exacting
computer mortal might not have the same safety protocols.
Therefore, a person might be disinclined to enter classified
in succession in a central processing unit that can be usedby
anybody else.
There are also fears about the protection of top secret
information in foreign based servers, especially in countries
where data protection regulation is not available. UNESCOis
aware of these concerns, and states that several cloud
suppliershave contracts that assurance personaldataisonly
stored in strong-minded countries with safe legal systems.
As long as an association centralize the organization of its in
sequence in one given cloud software, it is easy to become
overly needy.
An organization might have incorporated into an
complicated network of services that can be shut down
overnight or whose costs can rise noticeably with no further
notice. Any failure with a single supplier with a central
system can be critical, thus UNESCO suggest that institution
spread the number of software supplier to reduce risks.
These platformsare overly needy on the present system of a
given organization. The higher the volume of in sequence
managed through the cloud, the higher the use of broadband
or fiber optics. In one hand, this is costly. On the other hand,
it may be complex to work in a scenario where an
organization is suddenly offline and its software is overly
needy on an online internet association.
specified this stability, even although cloud compute profit
any higher education association both in educational and
organizational issues, it is highly optional to check what are
your institutions’ exact needs and how will it run a cloud
based growth within in order to watch arrangement and
address technical issues with a supply company.
The best team obtainable is your interior IT section. Have
you used cloud computing? What questions do you have
regarding these solutions? I appreciate your commentary
and suggestion below.
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072
© 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2421
Cloud computing is a new phenomenon in the computer
systems technology. It emerged due to the developments in
internet and associated technologies. This phenomenonisin
developing stage and will be very helpful for the
organizations, if the services are being used with care.
However, this technology is very helpful for organizations
like libraries in automating and managing their services.
This technology has certain advantages. With the helpofthis
technology, library staff will be free from managing the
servers. It is commonly seen that it is difficult for library
professionals to manage the technologies.
The reasons may be their skill levels; there may be lack of
support from IT section or absence of IT facilities in the
organizations. In these circumstances, the library staff
hinders in undertaking automation of library activities or
developing digital library services, etc. This technology can
be of immense importance in helping libraries to undertake
modern ICT activities. The library professionals need not to
worry technical side of ICT activities. They only have to add
content of resources.
Libraries in the west countries have already been using the
cloud computing technology for their resources. Slowly the
awareness about this technology is spreading in other parts
of the world and with the use of ICT and 30 Mahipal Dutt
internets; library professionals are sharing their library
resources with otherson the platform. Thus this technology
will be of immense use to libraries, if handled with utmost
care and awareness and about it awareness about its
[1].Impact of Cloud Computing Technology for Library
Services-Raghavendra R, Indrani V and Dr.
[2].Cloud Computing Applications in Indian Central
University libraries: A study of librarians` use Mayank
[3].The Effects of Cloud Computing (IaaS) on E- Libraries in
United Arab Emirates Mounir Mohamed El Khatiba* ,Maria
Jade Catalan Opulenciab.
[4]. Application of Cloud Technology in Digital Library D
Kishore Kumar1, Dr.YSSR Murthy2, D Ramakrishna3, A V
[5].E-learning Using Cloud Computing Gunjan C. Bhure and
Sneha M. Bansod.
[6].Cloud Computing and Libraries S.Y. Bansode and S.M.

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IRJET- Advanced Cloud in E-Libraries

  • 1. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2418 ADVANCED CLOUD IN E-LIBRARIES S.Agalya1, L.Udhaya2, A.Helina Mercy3, S.Gowsalya4, Asst. Prof R.Kabilan5 1S.Agalya,Plot No:100,Indra Nagar,N.K.Road,Thanjavur-613006 2L.Udhaya,2/150,konour,Poondi(po),Thanjavur-613502 5Asst.Prof R.Kabilan, Dept of MCA Anjalai Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College, Kovilveni, Thiruvarur, Tamil Nadu India. --------------------------------------------------------------------------***-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract: Libraries may soon bestructureand management their own information centers. This copy would let libraries keep up more manage over the application and data requirements that contain friendly, personal in run about consumers. Provisioning and defense of transport for web based digital library current several challenge. In this paper we talk setback faced with digital library and increase effort to defeat that trouble. Moving virtualization and cloud computing are mainly good-looking choice whichis challenge by in cooperation growth in the mass of the indexed text set new skin and most highly usage with the idea of affect cloud computing to college library the paper explain the current status of user check models in university libraries. Then it proposed to develop nearby user future model with cloud.This paper presents some of the security challenges next data location, ease of use and mobility. Cloud computingequipment came up as a extra for libraries and is gift diverse.Opportunity for libraries to attach their army with smoke. The paper present on impression of cloud computing and its promising applications, that can be club with library services on the web based environment. This study may be caring in identify and generate cloud base navy for libraries. Keywords: Cloud Computing; libraries; use; library services; problems. 1. INTRODUCTION: Cultivate lately, and now too many organizationandpersons use computers to work alone, inside a business or home by invest in hardware, software, and protection. Itistheneedof the day to adopt the latest skill in an organization. With the help of experts, it can make sure fast and proper access to every in sequence when needed. Cloud Computing is an entirely new IT expertise and it is known as the third revolt after PC and Internet in IT. To be more exact, Cloud computing is the development of spread computing, similar computing, web Computing and Spread Databases. And the vital standard of Cloud Computing is making tasks spread in huge statistics of spread computer but not in narrow computers or isolated servers. In other words, by collect a huge quantity of in sequence and property stored in private computers, mobile phones, andothertools,CloudComputing is competent of integrate them and put them on the open cloud for helping users. Nowadays we are alive in the age of in sequence. Information technology acting the very vital role in library science i.e. for collection, Storage, organization, processing, and analysis of information. Library filed facing many challenges in the profession due to applications of information technology. New concepts are being additional to ease the practice in the libraries is also accepting many new technology in the profession as they suit the present information handling and they satisfy needs of the knowledge society. With the advent of Information technology, libraries have become mechanical which is the basic need towards advancement followed by networks. 2. CLOUD COMPUTING Cloud computing is a model for enabling convenient on demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing a resource ,like network, service ,storage and application.
  • 2. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2419 3. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Cloud computing was a new idea that has been extensively debate lately. It turn into one of the major fanciest sign sound in the information earth and it had good-looking to letter that twenty nine percent (29%) thought with the meaning of Cloud was connected with the type of weather (LaManna, 2012), as it held diverse interoperations. To define cloud Computing it is " a model for allow suitable, on- demand system right of admission to a shared pool of configurable compute assets(e.g.,networks,servers,storage, applications, and services) that can be rapidly provisioned and at great with irrelevant association attempt or repair provider communication" (Mell, and Grance, 2009). Hartig (2008) referred to cloud computing as the phenomenon of “virtualization of resources with the intention of maintain and manage itself.” When it come to the acceptance of cloud computing in the instructive sector it appear to be highly adaptive, Thomas (2011) arguedthat“cloudcomputinghasa important position in the higher education countrysideboth as a ever-present compute tool and a authoritative platform that can improve meeting among instructive Researchers and educator to recognize and look up apply, and thus, enlarge the worth of their students’ knowledge outcome". Additional to that, cloud compute completely reform useful process and superior the excellence of carrying arms forces provide by the libraries and e-libraries. It was a genuine technological get through. Vague impression. 4. METHODOLOGY Descriptive method utilizing qualitative techniques, purposive sampling and content analysis were employed. The study utilized a sample size of thirty librarians across the emirates from selected learning institutions in United Arab Emirates. Questionnaire, observation and in depth interviews had been utilized. The responses to thequestions were tallied, analyzed and interpreted. The research concluded the methodology were we utilizedquestionnaires to gather as much information and analyzed through the SPSS to calculate accurate quantifiable results. At last, the best option of all types of cloud was the private cloud to eliminate threats of divulging data and reduce concerns when it comes to compliance requirements. 5. IMPLEMENTATION OF CLOUD COMPUTING @ CSIR-NAL, INFORMATION CENTREFORAEROSPACE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (ICAST) In keeping up with the latest advanced technology, the Information Centre @ CSIR-NAL (ICAST) has adopted in their day to day activities, the concept of cloud computing being one of them. There are many areas adopted at the center has been ‘computed’ on the cloud. 6. ADVANTAGES 1. IMPROVES PROCESS MORE EFFICIENT Single of the common frequent uses of the shade is in e- learning and b-learning plan, as fit as established course whose academic capital are accessible online. At the same time, contact to a storage area of online texts and educational objects has improved dramatically, as the use of online credentials and digitized print media is rising, and people from different campus can access the same objects online. This democratizes the access to information and decreases the costs of organization and leveraging corporal inter- departmental loans. The same online capability can apply to student’s report, making their organization well-organized in institutionwith special buildings and campuses, where students tend to work from special places in the same day, or even spend a semester out of the country. 2. REDUCES EXPENSES Information knowledge working and savings expenses are concentrated, as the academy only pays for the services it uses and the storage it needs. The industrial team and software engineers can focus in the worth of a site service, by work in the effectiveness of cloud operation in campus, and coordinate that online services are in sync with the rest of the institutional system. Higher education institutions canrentexactingsoftwarepost to be used online from any place, which reduces greatly the cost of purchase individual or institutional softwarelicenses for a limited number of computers. 3. BOOSTS MUTUAL WORK Mutually student, teacher and administrator can access in sequence from their computer not include the settingupofa particular list. This makes access flexible and facilitates interdepartmental association. While one area provisions recordsto a common storage area, another area can provide other records. At the same time forms, text files, presentation and spreadsheet can be edited by dissimilar people at the same time from any computer, helping in an efficientcirculationof tasks and improving the quality of information by boosting peer feedback. 4. BACKS UP INFORMATION Software specialist call it a “idleness”: the same data is store in more than one place. Cloud computing storesin sequence in a large group of servers around the world. This helps assurance a quick entrance at any minute, and backsupdata
  • 3. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2420 in case of any physical or digital problem with a particular server or if in any condition, the university is helpless with the loss of dangerous information. 5. IMPROVES FILING AND ACCESS A lot of time, there is inadequate space to store objectiveand digital data. The use of cloud compute helpsintheprocedure of working and file past data and collection not used in daily tasks, but that they are important to keep in storage. For illustration, graduates report or historical financial information. 6. HELPS FINANCIAL AND HR MANAGEMENT Nowadays, a teacher can manage its wages online, and a software system superficially processes payments and manages timestamps. This improves the responsibility of economic informationto exterior party, and helps focusing the employee-employer connection around academic issues. According to Times Higher Education (THE) 76%of UK institutionsusethecloud for payment and administration. 7. IMPROVES ACCOUNTABILITY Although university needs to supply more verification and indicator to recognize for their educational value, these platforms make easy register and certification. The institution of higher education employees doesn’t have to invest much time to gather code and process large amounts of information but only to submit them into the system. At the same time it helps by keeping confidentiality in evaluations such as educational presentation surveys,andin the get-together of exterior assessment, such as consistent English ability tests or higher education placement examination. At the same time, the cloud’s suppleness (which means that there is more capacity available whenever an institution needs it ) can help managing situations where the traffic of information increases dramatically – for instance, inperiods of high demand for undergraduate or regulate application. 7.DISADVANTAGES 1. SECRECY Cloud supplier has residential protocol to maintain privacy and safety of the data their clients store in their servers, and they provide supplementary warrantees and services to particular customerswho need an additional safekeeping of information. Nonetheless this is the main concern of institution that hasn’t entered the cloud. While the cloud’s interior security is good, a exacting computer mortal might not have the same safety protocols. Therefore, a person might be disinclined to enter classified in succession in a central processing unit that can be usedby anybody else. There are also fears about the protection of top secret information in foreign based servers, especially in countries where data protection regulation is not available. UNESCOis aware of these concerns, and states that several cloud suppliershave contracts that assurance personaldataisonly stored in strong-minded countries with safe legal systems. 2. LACK OF CONTROL As long as an association centralize the organization of its in sequence in one given cloud software, it is easy to become overly needy. An organization might have incorporated into an complicated network of services that can be shut down overnight or whose costs can rise noticeably with no further notice. Any failure with a single supplier with a central system can be critical, thus UNESCO suggest that institution spread the number of software supplier to reduce risks. 3. DEPENDENCE OF NETWORK PERFORMANCE These platformsare overly needy on the present system of a given organization. The higher the volume of in sequence managed through the cloud, the higher the use of broadband or fiber optics. In one hand, this is costly. On the other hand, it may be complex to work in a scenario where an organization is suddenly offline and its software is overly needy on an online internet association. specified this stability, even although cloud compute profit any higher education association both in educational and organizational issues, it is highly optional to check what are your institutions’ exact needs and how will it run a cloud based growth within in order to watch arrangement and address technical issues with a supply company. The best team obtainable is your interior IT section. Have you used cloud computing? What questions do you have regarding these solutions? I appreciate your commentary and suggestion below.
  • 4. International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056 Volume: 05 Issue: 03 | Mar-2018 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072 © 2018, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 6.171 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2421 8. CONCLUSION Cloud computing is a new phenomenon in the computer systems technology. It emerged due to the developments in internet and associated technologies. This phenomenonisin developing stage and will be very helpful for the organizations, if the services are being used with care. However, this technology is very helpful for organizations like libraries in automating and managing their services. This technology has certain advantages. With the helpofthis technology, library staff will be free from managing the servers. It is commonly seen that it is difficult for library professionals to manage the technologies. The reasons may be their skill levels; there may be lack of support from IT section or absence of IT facilities in the organizations. In these circumstances, the library staff hinders in undertaking automation of library activities or developing digital library services, etc. This technology can be of immense importance in helping libraries to undertake modern ICT activities. The library professionals need not to worry technical side of ICT activities. They only have to add content of resources. Libraries in the west countries have already been using the cloud computing technology for their resources. Slowly the awareness about this technology is spreading in other parts of the world and with the use of ICT and 30 Mahipal Dutt internets; library professionals are sharing their library resources with otherson the platform. Thus this technology will be of immense use to libraries, if handled with utmost care and awareness and about it awareness about its disadvantages. REFERENCE [1].Impact of Cloud Computing Technology for Library Services-Raghavendra R, Indrani V and Dr. PoornimaNarayana. [2].Cloud Computing Applications in Indian Central University libraries: A study of librarians` use Mayank yuvaraj. [3].The Effects of Cloud Computing (IaaS) on E- Libraries in United Arab Emirates Mounir Mohamed El Khatiba* ,Maria Jade Catalan Opulenciab. [4]. Application of Cloud Technology in Digital Library D Kishore Kumar1, Dr.YSSR Murthy2, D Ramakrishna3, A V Rohit4. [5].E-learning Using Cloud Computing Gunjan C. Bhure and Sneha M. Bansod. [6].Cloud Computing and Libraries S.Y. Bansode and S.M. Pujar. [7].http://www.ijidt.com/index.php/ijidt/article/viewFile/3 .4.9/pdf [8].http://www.kiit.ac.in/centrallibrary/pdf/pdf_presentati on/Impact_of_Cloud_Computing_on_Library_Services.pdf [9]. http://www.ijodls.in/uploads/3/6/0/3/3603729/vol._2_jul y_-_sept._2012_part-2.pdf [10].http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?issn=08 88045X&volume=25&issue=3&articleid=17062886&show= html&PHPSESSID=ufq4bgqsp3hpbd70rru9dfc8t4 [11]. http://www.webopedia.com/TERM/C/cloud_computing.