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Necessity of Irrigation
• Less Rainfall
• Non-uniform Rainfall
• Growing a number of crops during a year
• Growing perennial crops
• Commercial crop with additional water
• Controlled water supply
Advantages of Irrigation:
1. For proper nourishment of crops certain amount of water is required. If
rainfall is insufficient there will be deficiency in fulfillment of water
requirement. Irrigation tries to remove this deficiency caused due to
inadequate rainfall. Thus, irrigation comes to rescue in dry years.
2. Irrigation improves the yield of crops and makes people prosperous. The
living standards of the people is thereby improved.
3. Irrigation also adds to the wealth of the country in two ways. Firstly as
bumper crops are produced due to irrigation it makes country self-sufficient
in food requirements. Secondly as the irrigation water is taxed when it is
supplied to the cultivators, it adds to the revenue.
4. Irrigation makes it possible to grow cash crops which give good returns to
the cultivators than the ordinary crops they might have grown in absence of
irrigation. Fruit gardens, sugarcane, potato, tobacco etc., are the cash crops.
5. Protection from famine: The availability of irrigation
facilities in any region ensures protection against failure of
crops or famine due to drought. In regions without irrigation,
farmers have to depend only on rains for growing crops and
since the rains may not provide enough rainfall required for
crop growing every year, the farmers are always faced with a
6. The falls which come across the irrigation channels can be
utilized for producing hydroelectric power.
7. Domestic advantages should not be overlooked. Irrigation
facilitates bathing, cattle watering etc., and improves
freshwater circulation.
8. Irrigation improves the groundwater storage as water lost
due to seepage adds to the groundwater storage.
Disadvantages of
1 Excessive seepage and leakage of water forms marshes and
ponds all along the channels. The marshes and the ponds in
course of time become the colonies of the mosquito, which gives
rise to a disease like malaria.
2. Excessive seepage into the ground raises the water-table and
this in turn completely saturates the crop root-zone. It causes
waterlogging of that area.
3. It lowers the temperature and makes the locality damp due to
the presence of irrigation water.
4. Under irrigation canal system valuable residential and
industrial land is lost.
5. Initial cost of irrigation project is very high and thereby the
cultivators have to pay more taxes in the form of levy.
6. Irrigation works become obstacles in the way of free drainage
of water during rainy season and thus results in submerging
standing crops and even villages.
Functions of irrigation
Water and nutrients are the most important requirements of plants.
Following are the main functions of irrigation water :
1. Water dissolves the nutrients, forms a solution of the nutrients and
which are absorbed by the roots and thus water acts as a nutrient
carrier. It acts as a solvent for the nutrients.
2. The irrigation water supplies moisture which is essential for the life
of bacteria which are beneficial to plant growth.
3. Irrigation water supplied moisture which is essential for the
metabolism within the plant leading to plant growth.
4. Some essential salts present in soil react in presence of water to
produce nourishing food products.
5. Water cools the soil and atmosphere, thus creating a healthy
environment for plant growth.
6. It softens the tillage pans (area to be irrigated).
Suitability of water for
In order to perform the required functions, for optimum
growth of plants, the water may be turned as unfit if,
1. Sediment concentration is excessive
2. Total concentration of salts of sodium (Na), calcium,
magnesium and potassium is excessive.
3. Percentage of sodium ions to that of other ions is
4. Percentage of bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium
becomes excessive.
5. Bacteria harmful to plant growth are present.
6. Contains chemicals toxic to plants, animals and humans.
Functions of the Soil:
Soil provide the following for the life and
development of plants
1. Anchor for plants roots
2. Water for transpiration and
3. Minerals and nutrients for metabolism
4. Oxygen for metabolism
Classification of soils
1. Classification according to age of formation: In
this method soil has subdivided as
a) Youth full: Soil which is fully pervious
b) Mature soil: Soil which is less permeable
c) Senile Soil: Soil which has little or no
productivity. It has become hard and
2. Classification according to geological forces of formation
a) Residual soil: Soil formed by disintegration of rocks by various actions in the
same place.
b) Alluvial soil: soils formed by deposition of water borne (carried by water)
c) Eolian soil: Solis formed by deposition of wind action.
d) Colluvial soil: soils formed by deposing by rain water below foot hills.
e) Glacial soil: Solis formed by transportation and deposition by glaciers.
f) Volcanic ash: Ash deposits due to volcanic eruptions.
g) Solis of aggradations: soils formed accumulation in layers.
h) Soils of degradation: soils which are continuously zoning out due to erosion.
i) Pan clay pan: Impervious soils deposited on hard layers to form new set of
soils & cemented by calcium carbonate, Iron oxide, silica etc.
3. Classification based on salt content
a) Ped-O- Cal: Soil rich in calcium
carbonate b) Ped-Al-Fer: Soil rich in
aluminum and iron salts
c) Humus: Soil rich in organic matter or
Classification of Indian soil
a) Alluvial soils: These are soils formed due to deposition by water in Indo-
Gangetic plains. These soils are very fertile and also absorb good amount
of rainfall.
b) Red soil: It is a residual soil which is left over in a same place as a result of
decay of underlying parent rock & covering parent rock. These have light
texture and good porosity varying fertility and low soluble salt content.
Such soils are found in central and peninsular India.
c) Lateral soil: These are residual soils commonly found in coastal region.
These are usually porous and well drained & they do not contain common
nutrients required for plant growth in sufficient quality.
d) Black soil: The texture of this varies from clay to loamy
Classes of soil water:
Water in the soil may be present in the following forms
1. Hygroscopic water: 2. Capillary water 3. Gravitational water
Hygroscopic water: When an over dried soil sample is exposed to
atmosphere, the soil absorbs some amount of water from the atmosphere.
This water absorbed by the soil is called hygroscopic water and it is not
capable of moving either under capillary action or gravitation.
Capillary water: It is that part of water in excess of hygroscopic water, which
exists in the pore spaces (voids) of the soil due to molecular attraction.
Gravitational water is that part of water in excess of hygroscopic and
capillary water which will drain out under favorable conditions.
Soil Moisture Constants
Saturation Capacity
Field Capacity
Permanent wilting point
Temporary Wilting
Ultimate wilting
Available Moisture
Readily available moisture
Depth and frequency of irrigation:
y = (Fc − Min moisture content). γs . d /
Find the field capacity of a soil for the following data. Depth of root zone = 2m Existing
moisture content = 5% Dry density of soil =15 kN/m3 Water applied to soil = 600 m
Water lost due to evaporation and deep percolation = 10% Area of land irrigated = 900 m
Total water applied = 600 m3
Loss of water = 10 %
Amount of water retained in soil = (600 X 90 )/100 = 540 m3
Weight of water retained in the soil = 540 m3 x γw = 540 x 9.81 = 5297.4 kN
Total weight of dry soil = (V x γd ) = 900 x 2 x 15 =27000 kN
Percentage of water retained in soil = (5297.4 X 100)/ 27000 = 19.62%
Field capacity = Available water + Existing or Hydroscopic water = 19.62% + 5% = 24.62%
A loam silt soil has field capacity of 25% and permanent wilting coefficient of 10%. The dry unit weight of soil is
1.5g/cc. If the depth of root zone is 0.75m, determine the storage capacity of the soil. If the moisture content
drops to 14% determine the depth of irrigation water to be applied to maintain available water, also take
application efficiency as 75%.
a. Storage capacity of soil is nothing but the depth of available water in root zone
y = (Fc − PWPt). γs . d /γw
y = (25 − 10 )X 1.5 X 0.75 X (1 /100)
y = 0.169 m
b. Depth of irrigation water required to raise moisture level from minimum level to field
capacity y = (Fc − Min moisture content). γs . d /γw
c. Depth of irrigation water to be applied at the field = Depth of irrigation water required /Water application
= 0.124 /0.75 = 0.165m.
Consumptive use of water:
It is defined as the total quantity of water used by plants in transpiration; tissues build up, evaporation
from adjacent or exposed soil in an area at any specific time.
The following factors affect the consumptive use of water,
1. Direct evaporation from soil
2. Relative humidity of air 3. Wind velocity 4.
Temperature 5. Precipitation 6. Hours of the day
7. Intensity of sunlight 8. Soil and topography 9.
Type of crop 10. Cropping pattern 11. Method of
irrigation 12. Nature of plant leaves 13. Cropping
Water Requirement of crops
Water requirement of a crop is the total quantity of water
required by the crop from the time it is sown to the time it is
harvested. Different crops require different amounts of water.
It is essential to maintain the quantity of water (readily
available moisture) in soil by supplying water more or less at
fixed intervals throughout the plant growth. The growth of
crops is retarded, if the moisture content becomes, excessive
or deficient. Excessive soil moisture results in filling the pore
spaces and there by drawing out the air in root zone, which is
also essential for plant growth. In case of moisture deficiency,
plants require extra energy to extract the moisture in soil.
As seen from the above graph, in a soil there exists a moisture content known as optimum
moisture content at which plants grow most rapidly. OMC is usually lesser than field capacity for
all crops in any soil. Hence, it is required to maintain OMC by supplying water at regular
The amount of irrigation water applied should be
such that the moisture content is raised to the
field capacity. The moisture content in soil reduces
due to consumptive use by plants. However, the
moisture content should not be allowed to fall
below lower limit of readily available moisture.
When the moisture content reaches the lower
limit of readily available moisture, water should be
supplied by irrigation method to rise it to the field
capacity or optimum moisture content.
Crop period
Base period
Factors affecting duty:
1. Methods and systems of irrigation: Perennial system of irrigation has more duty of water than
inundation irrigation system the loss of water by deep percolation is minimum in the first case.
In flow irrigation by channels the duty is less as conveyance losses are more. In lift irrigation the
lands to be irrigated are very near to the source of water than any surface irrigation method.
2. Type of Crop: Different crops require varying quantities of water and therefore duty of water
varies from crop to crop. Crops requiring large quantity of water have lower duty than crops
requiring lesser quantity of water.
3. Climate conditions of the area: The climatic condition such as wind, temperature, humidity and
rainfall affect the duty of water. At high temperature losses due to evaporation and
transpiration are more and hence duty decreases. At higher wind velocity, rate of evaporation
and transpiration are more thereby, duty decreased. But in humid conditions evaporations and
transpiration losses are minimum, there by duty increases.
4. Canal conditions: In earthen canals, seepage losses are high resulting low duty. If canal is lined,
losses are minimum and hence duty increases. If the length of the canal is very large before it
reaches the irrigation fields (as in hilly areas) the duty of water decreases.
5. Quality of Water: If water contains harmful salts and alkali contents, then
more water is to be applied liberally to leach out these salts and in turn duty
of water decreases.
6. Characteristics of soil and subsoil in field and canals: If the soil and subsoil
of the field and canals are made of coarse grained soils the seepage and
percolation losses are more and hence the duty of water decreases.
7. Topography of land: If the area to be irrigated is level, uniform water
application is possible which will result in economical views and hence duty
of water increases.
8. Method of Cultivation: If the land is properly tilled up to the required
depth and soil is made loose before irrigation, water retaining capacity of soil
increases. This reduces the number of watering or frequency of watering and
hence duty increases.
Efficient use of irrigation water is an obligation of each user as
well as of the planners Even under the best method of
irrigation, not all the water applied during an irrigation & is
stored in the root zone. In general, efficiency is the ratio of
water output to the water input and is expressed as
percentage. The objective of efficiency concepts is to show
when improvements can be made which will result in more
efficient irrigation. The following are the various types of
irrigation efficiencies : (i) water conveyance efficiency, (u)
water application efficiency, (Ui) water use efficiency, (iv)
water storage efficiency, (v) water distribution efficiency and
(vi) consumptive use efficiency.
In order to determine the irrigation requirements of certain crop, during its base period, the
following terms are required :
(i) Effective Rainfall (Re)
Effective rainfall is that part of the precipitation falling during the growing period of a crop that is
available to meet the evapo-transpiration needs of the crop
(ii) Consumptive Irrigation Requirement (CIR)
Consumptive irrigation requirement is defined as the amount of irrigation water that is required to meet
the evapo-transpiration needs of the crop during its full growth.
Therefore, CIR = CU-Re where Cu is the consumptive use of water.
iii) Net Irrigation Requirement (NCR) Net irrigation requirement is defined as the amount
of irrigation water required at the plot to meet the evapo-transpiration needs of water as
well as other needs such as leaching etc.
Thus NIR= Cu - Re + water lost in deep percolation for the purpose of leaching etc.
iv) Field Irrigation Requirement (FIR) Field irrigation requirement is the amount of water
required, to meet 'net irrigation requirements, plus the water lost in percolation in the field
water courses, field channels and in field applications of water. If ὴ a is water application
efficiency, we have FIR=NIR/ὴ
v) Gross Irrigation Requirement (GTR) Gross irrigation requirement is the sum of water
required to satisfy the field irrigation requirement and the water lost as conveyance losses
in distributaries upto the field.
If ὴa is the water conveyance efficiency, we have GIR=FIR/ὴa
Water Logging
Water logging is the natural flooding and overirrigation
that brings water at underground levels to the surface.
As a consequence, displacement of the air occurs in the
soil with corresponding changes in soil processes and an
accumulation of toxic substances that impede plant
Absence of aeration of soil in the root zone of the plants
Difficulty in cultivation operations
Growth of water weeds & wild aquatic plants
Rise of salts in surface layers
Restricted root growth
Lower soil temperature
Plant diseases
Inadequate surface Drainage
Seepage from canal system
Over irrigation of fields
Impermeable clay layer below the soil.
Construction of a water reservoir
Natural obstruction to the flow of ground water
Providing efficient surface Drainage.
Reducing percolation(the slow passage of a liquid
through a filtering medium) from canals.
Restriction of unwanted irrigation.
Adoption of sprinkler method for irrigation
Removing obstructions in natural drainage.
Measure to control
If the concentration of harmful salts in the root zone of a plant
increases to such on extent that plant growth is effected, this
situation is called Salinity.
The factors contributing towards the problem of salinity are almost same
as that of water logging.
Every agricultural soil has certain mineral salt in it like NaCl, Na2CO3 , Na2
SO4 etc
Measure to control
Controlled Irrigation.
Providing adequate surface drainage.
Allowing lower intensity of irrigation.
Reducing surface evaporation.
Not using alkaline water for irrigation purpose.
The possible causes for salt-affected soils could be poor
drainage, saline or sodic subsoil exposure due to erosion,
parent soil material, use of high salt irrigation water, longterm
use of some fertilizers, low rainfall or oil field activity
The following techniques or events can help reclaim saline soils.
Salt can be leached out of the root zone through good
quality irrigation water or by heavy rainfall. Create good
surface and internal drainage.
The use of tile drains and open ditches in the fields can
increase drainage and remove some of the salts.
Break the compacted layers that occur near or at the soil
Add organic matter, such as rotted hay or feedlot manure,
at 10-15 tons/acre to improve soil porosity.
There are some additional considerations in the reclamation
of sodic and saline-sodic soils.
Reclamation of sodic soils is similar to saline soil in leaching
the salts out of the root zone, except that gypsum should be
added to remove the sodium. The amount of gypsum
required depends on the soil texture and ESP.
Reclamation of these salt-affected soils is a very difficult thing
and can take several years, so be patient.
Sandy soils in high rainfall regions can be reclaimed more
easily than clay soils if rainfall is the only source of

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  • 2. Necessity of Irrigation • Less Rainfall • Non-uniform Rainfall • Growing a number of crops during a year • Growing perennial crops • Commercial crop with additional water • Controlled water supply
  • 3. Advantages of Irrigation: 1. For proper nourishment of crops certain amount of water is required. If rainfall is insufficient there will be deficiency in fulfillment of water requirement. Irrigation tries to remove this deficiency caused due to inadequate rainfall. Thus, irrigation comes to rescue in dry years. 2. Irrigation improves the yield of crops and makes people prosperous. The living standards of the people is thereby improved. 3. Irrigation also adds to the wealth of the country in two ways. Firstly as bumper crops are produced due to irrigation it makes country self-sufficient in food requirements. Secondly as the irrigation water is taxed when it is supplied to the cultivators, it adds to the revenue. 4. Irrigation makes it possible to grow cash crops which give good returns to the cultivators than the ordinary crops they might have grown in absence of irrigation. Fruit gardens, sugarcane, potato, tobacco etc., are the cash crops.
  • 4. 5. Protection from famine: The availability of irrigation facilities in any region ensures protection against failure of crops or famine due to drought. In regions without irrigation, farmers have to depend only on rains for growing crops and since the rains may not provide enough rainfall required for crop growing every year, the farmers are always faced with a risk. 6. The falls which come across the irrigation channels can be utilized for producing hydroelectric power. 7. Domestic advantages should not be overlooked. Irrigation facilitates bathing, cattle watering etc., and improves freshwater circulation. 8. Irrigation improves the groundwater storage as water lost due to seepage adds to the groundwater storage.
  • 5. Disadvantages of Irrigation: 1 Excessive seepage and leakage of water forms marshes and ponds all along the channels. The marshes and the ponds in course of time become the colonies of the mosquito, which gives rise to a disease like malaria. 2. Excessive seepage into the ground raises the water-table and this in turn completely saturates the crop root-zone. It causes waterlogging of that area. 3. It lowers the temperature and makes the locality damp due to the presence of irrigation water. 4. Under irrigation canal system valuable residential and industrial land is lost. 5. Initial cost of irrigation project is very high and thereby the cultivators have to pay more taxes in the form of levy. 6. Irrigation works become obstacles in the way of free drainage of water during rainy season and thus results in submerging standing crops and even villages.
  • 6. Functions of irrigation water Water and nutrients are the most important requirements of plants. Following are the main functions of irrigation water : 1. Water dissolves the nutrients, forms a solution of the nutrients and which are absorbed by the roots and thus water acts as a nutrient carrier. It acts as a solvent for the nutrients. 2. The irrigation water supplies moisture which is essential for the life of bacteria which are beneficial to plant growth. 3. Irrigation water supplied moisture which is essential for the metabolism within the plant leading to plant growth. 4. Some essential salts present in soil react in presence of water to produce nourishing food products. 5. Water cools the soil and atmosphere, thus creating a healthy environment for plant growth. 6. It softens the tillage pans (area to be irrigated).
  • 7. Suitability of water for irrigation: In order to perform the required functions, for optimum growth of plants, the water may be turned as unfit if, 1. Sediment concentration is excessive 2. Total concentration of salts of sodium (Na), calcium, magnesium and potassium is excessive. 3. Percentage of sodium ions to that of other ions is excessive. 4. Percentage of bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium becomes excessive. 5. Bacteria harmful to plant growth are present. 6. Contains chemicals toxic to plants, animals and humans.
  • 8. Functions of the Soil: Soil provide the following for the life and development of plants 1. Anchor for plants roots 2. Water for transpiration and metabolism 3. Minerals and nutrients for metabolism 4. Oxygen for metabolism
  • 9. Classification of soils 1. Classification according to age of formation: In this method soil has subdivided as a) Youth full: Soil which is fully pervious b) Mature soil: Soil which is less permeable c) Senile Soil: Soil which has little or no productivity. It has become hard and impermeable
  • 10. 2. Classification according to geological forces of formation a) Residual soil: Soil formed by disintegration of rocks by various actions in the same place. b) Alluvial soil: soils formed by deposition of water borne (carried by water) material. c) Eolian soil: Solis formed by deposition of wind action. d) Colluvial soil: soils formed by deposing by rain water below foot hills. e) Glacial soil: Solis formed by transportation and deposition by glaciers. f) Volcanic ash: Ash deposits due to volcanic eruptions. g) Solis of aggradations: soils formed accumulation in layers. h) Soils of degradation: soils which are continuously zoning out due to erosion. i) Pan clay pan: Impervious soils deposited on hard layers to form new set of soils & cemented by calcium carbonate, Iron oxide, silica etc.
  • 11. 3. Classification based on salt content a) Ped-O- Cal: Soil rich in calcium carbonate b) Ped-Al-Fer: Soil rich in aluminum and iron salts c) Humus: Soil rich in organic matter or salts.
  • 12. Classification of Indian soil a) Alluvial soils: These are soils formed due to deposition by water in Indo- Gangetic plains. These soils are very fertile and also absorb good amount of rainfall. b) Red soil: It is a residual soil which is left over in a same place as a result of decay of underlying parent rock & covering parent rock. These have light texture and good porosity varying fertility and low soluble salt content. Such soils are found in central and peninsular India. c) Lateral soil: These are residual soils commonly found in coastal region. These are usually porous and well drained & they do not contain common nutrients required for plant growth in sufficient quality. d) Black soil: The texture of this varies from clay to loamy
  • 13. Classes of soil water: Water in the soil may be present in the following forms 1. Hygroscopic water: 2. Capillary water 3. Gravitational water Hygroscopic water: When an over dried soil sample is exposed to atmosphere, the soil absorbs some amount of water from the atmosphere. This water absorbed by the soil is called hygroscopic water and it is not capable of moving either under capillary action or gravitation. Capillary water: It is that part of water in excess of hygroscopic water, which exists in the pore spaces (voids) of the soil due to molecular attraction. Gravitational water is that part of water in excess of hygroscopic and capillary water which will drain out under favorable conditions.
  • 14. Soil Moisture Constants Saturation Capacity Field Capacity Permanent wilting point Temporary Wilting Ultimate wilting Available Moisture Readily available moisture 50
  • 15. Depth and frequency of irrigation: y = (Fc − Min moisture content). γs . d / γw
  • 16. Find the field capacity of a soil for the following data. Depth of root zone = 2m Existing moisture content = 5% Dry density of soil =15 kN/m3 Water applied to soil = 600 m Water lost due to evaporation and deep percolation = 10% Area of land irrigated = 900 m Total water applied = 600 m3 Loss of water = 10 % Amount of water retained in soil = (600 X 90 )/100 = 540 m3 Weight of water retained in the soil = 540 m3 x γw = 540 x 9.81 = 5297.4 kN Total weight of dry soil = (V x γd ) = 900 x 2 x 15 =27000 kN Percentage of water retained in soil = (5297.4 X 100)/ 27000 = 19.62% Field capacity = Available water + Existing or Hydroscopic water = 19.62% + 5% = 24.62%
  • 17. A loam silt soil has field capacity of 25% and permanent wilting coefficient of 10%. The dry unit weight of soil is 1.5g/cc. If the depth of root zone is 0.75m, determine the storage capacity of the soil. If the moisture content drops to 14% determine the depth of irrigation water to be applied to maintain available water, also take application efficiency as 75%. a. Storage capacity of soil is nothing but the depth of available water in root zone y = (Fc − PWPt). γs . d /γw y = (25 − 10 )X 1.5 X 0.75 X (1 /100) y = 0.169 m b. Depth of irrigation water required to raise moisture level from minimum level to field capacity y = (Fc − Min moisture content). γs . d /γw Y=0.124 c. Depth of irrigation water to be applied at the field = Depth of irrigation water required /Water application efficiency = 0.124 /0.75 = 0.165m.
  • 18. Consumptive use of water: It is defined as the total quantity of water used by plants in transpiration; tissues build up, evaporation from adjacent or exposed soil in an area at any specific time. The following factors affect the consumptive use of water, 1. Direct evaporation from soil 2. Relative humidity of air 3. Wind velocity 4. Temperature 5. Precipitation 6. Hours of the day 7. Intensity of sunlight 8. Soil and topography 9. Type of crop 10. Cropping pattern 11. Method of irrigation 12. Nature of plant leaves 13. Cropping season
  • 19. Water Requirement of crops Water requirement of a crop is the total quantity of water required by the crop from the time it is sown to the time it is harvested. Different crops require different amounts of water. It is essential to maintain the quantity of water (readily available moisture) in soil by supplying water more or less at fixed intervals throughout the plant growth. The growth of crops is retarded, if the moisture content becomes, excessive or deficient. Excessive soil moisture results in filling the pore spaces and there by drawing out the air in root zone, which is also essential for plant growth. In case of moisture deficiency, plants require extra energy to extract the moisture in soil. As seen from the above graph, in a soil there exists a moisture content known as optimum moisture content at which plants grow most rapidly. OMC is usually lesser than field capacity for all crops in any soil. Hence, it is required to maintain OMC by supplying water at regular intervals.
  • 20. The amount of irrigation water applied should be such that the moisture content is raised to the field capacity. The moisture content in soil reduces due to consumptive use by plants. However, the moisture content should not be allowed to fall below lower limit of readily available moisture. When the moisture content reaches the lower limit of readily available moisture, water should be supplied by irrigation method to rise it to the field capacity or optimum moisture content.
  • 22. 58v
  • 23. Factors affecting duty: 1. Methods and systems of irrigation: Perennial system of irrigation has more duty of water than inundation irrigation system the loss of water by deep percolation is minimum in the first case. In flow irrigation by channels the duty is less as conveyance losses are more. In lift irrigation the lands to be irrigated are very near to the source of water than any surface irrigation method. 2. Type of Crop: Different crops require varying quantities of water and therefore duty of water varies from crop to crop. Crops requiring large quantity of water have lower duty than crops requiring lesser quantity of water. 3. Climate conditions of the area: The climatic condition such as wind, temperature, humidity and rainfall affect the duty of water. At high temperature losses due to evaporation and transpiration are more and hence duty decreases. At higher wind velocity, rate of evaporation and transpiration are more thereby, duty decreased. But in humid conditions evaporations and transpiration losses are minimum, there by duty increases. 4. Canal conditions: In earthen canals, seepage losses are high resulting low duty. If canal is lined, losses are minimum and hence duty increases. If the length of the canal is very large before it reaches the irrigation fields (as in hilly areas) the duty of water decreases.
  • 24. 5. Quality of Water: If water contains harmful salts and alkali contents, then more water is to be applied liberally to leach out these salts and in turn duty of water decreases. 6. Characteristics of soil and subsoil in field and canals: If the soil and subsoil of the field and canals are made of coarse grained soils the seepage and percolation losses are more and hence the duty of water decreases. 7. Topography of land: If the area to be irrigated is level, uniform water application is possible which will result in economical views and hence duty of water increases. 8. Method of Cultivation: If the land is properly tilled up to the required depth and soil is made loose before irrigation, water retaining capacity of soil increases. This reduces the number of watering or frequency of watering and hence duty increases.
  • 25. IRRIGATION EFFICIENCIES Efficient use of irrigation water is an obligation of each user as well as of the planners Even under the best method of irrigation, not all the water applied during an irrigation & is stored in the root zone. In general, efficiency is the ratio of water output to the water input and is expressed as percentage. The objective of efficiency concepts is to show when improvements can be made which will result in more efficient irrigation. The following are the various types of irrigation efficiencies : (i) water conveyance efficiency, (u) water application efficiency, (Ui) water use efficiency, (iv) water storage efficiency, (v) water distribution efficiency and (vi) consumptive use efficiency.
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  • 29. DETERMINATION OF IRRIGATION REQUIREMENTS OF CROPS In order to determine the irrigation requirements of certain crop, during its base period, the following terms are required : (i) Effective Rainfall (Re) Effective rainfall is that part of the precipitation falling during the growing period of a crop that is available to meet the evapo-transpiration needs of the crop (ii) Consumptive Irrigation Requirement (CIR) Consumptive irrigation requirement is defined as the amount of irrigation water that is required to meet the evapo-transpiration needs of the crop during its full growth. Therefore, CIR = CU-Re where Cu is the consumptive use of water.
  • 30. iii) Net Irrigation Requirement (NCR) Net irrigation requirement is defined as the amount of irrigation water required at the plot to meet the evapo-transpiration needs of water as well as other needs such as leaching etc. Thus NIR= Cu - Re + water lost in deep percolation for the purpose of leaching etc. iv) Field Irrigation Requirement (FIR) Field irrigation requirement is the amount of water required, to meet 'net irrigation requirements, plus the water lost in percolation in the field water courses, field channels and in field applications of water. If ὴ a is water application efficiency, we have FIR=NIR/ὴ v) Gross Irrigation Requirement (GTR) Gross irrigation requirement is the sum of water required to satisfy the field irrigation requirement and the water lost as conveyance losses in distributaries upto the field. If ὴa is the water conveyance efficiency, we have GIR=FIR/ὴa
  • 35. Water Logging Water logging is the natural flooding and overirrigation that brings water at underground levels to the surface. As a consequence, displacement of the air occurs in the soil with corresponding changes in soil processes and an accumulation of toxic substances that impede plant growth
  • 36. Absence of aeration of soil in the root zone of the plants Difficulty in cultivation operations Growth of water weeds & wild aquatic plants Rise of salts in surface layers Restricted root growth Lower soil temperature Plant diseases EFFECTS
  • 37. Inadequate surface Drainage Seepage from canal system Over irrigation of fields Impermeable clay layer below the soil. Construction of a water reservoir Natural obstruction to the flow of ground water Causes
  • 38. Providing efficient surface Drainage. Reducing percolation(the slow passage of a liquid through a filtering medium) from canals. Restriction of unwanted irrigation. Adoption of sprinkler method for irrigation Removing obstructions in natural drainage. Measure to control
  • 39. SALINITY If the concentration of harmful salts in the root zone of a plant increases to such on extent that plant growth is effected, this situation is called Salinity. Causes The factors contributing towards the problem of salinity are almost same as that of water logging. Every agricultural soil has certain mineral salt in it like NaCl, Na2CO3 , Na2 SO4 etc
  • 40. Measure to control Controlled Irrigation. Providing adequate surface drainage. Allowing lower intensity of irrigation. Reducing surface evaporation. Not using alkaline water for irrigation purpose. The possible causes for salt-affected soils could be poor drainage, saline or sodic subsoil exposure due to erosion, parent soil material, use of high salt irrigation water, longterm use of some fertilizers, low rainfall or oil field activity
  • 41. The following techniques or events can help reclaim saline soils. Salt can be leached out of the root zone through good quality irrigation water or by heavy rainfall. Create good surface and internal drainage. The use of tile drains and open ditches in the fields can increase drainage and remove some of the salts. Break the compacted layers that occur near or at the soil surface. Add organic matter, such as rotted hay or feedlot manure, at 10-15 tons/acre to improve soil porosity.
  • 42. There are some additional considerations in the reclamation of sodic and saline-sodic soils. Reclamation of sodic soils is similar to saline soil in leaching the salts out of the root zone, except that gypsum should be added to remove the sodium. The amount of gypsum required depends on the soil texture and ESP. Reclamation of these salt-affected soils is a very difficult thing and can take several years, so be patient. Sandy soils in high rainfall regions can be reclaimed more easily than clay soils if rainfall is the only source of reclamation.