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Islamic Investment Banking

                             Paul McNamara



      © Yasaar Media

      Published by

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      First published 2009

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   Islamic Investment Banking 2009
Paul McNamara


                Islamic Investment Banking 2009
Thanks to

      The author would like to thank the following people for their help during the preparation of
      this research report:

      Mai AlJishi, Unicorn Investment Bank
      Maha Saud Al Raisi, Doha Islamic
      Carolyn Makin
      Rakiya Sanusi, IFIS
      Paul Costers, Bureau Van Dijk
      Stanly Sutisna, Eurekahedge
      David Vicary, DVA Consulting
      Sameer Abdi, Ernst  Young Bahrain
      Stephen de Stadler and Robert Thursfield, Fitch Ratings
      Philip Dew, PD Business Information Middle East
      Juhaina Kasimali, Zawya

   Islamic Investment Banking 2009

             Strong partnerships
             build firm foundations
              At Unicorn Investment Bank, we know that strong partnerships can produce powerful results. From
              our inception, we have focused on developing meaningful collaborations – with our shareholders to
              protect their interests, with our clients to understand their multifaceted needs, with the communities
              in which we operate to help them flourish, and with Islamic and conventional financial institutions
              worldwide to grow and strengthen the global banking industry. Aligning our interests with those of
              our partners is an essential part of who we are – and the cornerstone of our vision to build a leading
              global Islamic bank.

              For further information, please visit www.unicorninvestmentbank.com.

             Asset Management  Real Estate | Capital Markets | Corporate Finance | Private Equity | Strategic MA | Treasury

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We will take care of the rest.
Foreword from
        Majid Al-Sayed Bader Al-Refai
        Managing Director  Chief Executive Officer, Unicorn Investment Bank

                                                           he unprecedented economic turmoil
                                                           of the past year has in many ways
                                                           created a significant ‘coming of age’
                                                           opportunity for the Islamic finance
                                                           industry. As the global financial
                                                crisis has worsened and economies around
                                                the world have suffered from its catastrophic
                                                effects, we have seen a renewed focus on
                                                Islamic finance and on the inherent advantages
                                                of a conservative, asset-backed banking
                                                model. While the Islamic finance industry has
                                                been in the spotlight for many years now, the
                                                fundamental strengths and intrinsic benefits of
                                                the Islamic banking model are now becoming
                                                widely acknowledged and accepted.

                                                Shari’ah principles prevent banks from engag-
                                                ing in excessively speculative activities and
                                                since all transactions must be backed by
                                                physical assets, the use of derivative and col-
                                                lateralised instruments is not permitted. This
has shielded the Islamic finance industry from direct exposure to the toxic assets that have
caused major losses to be incurred throughout the global banking industry. Furthermore,
the principle of risk-sharing, which is fundamental to Shari’ah-compliant finance, introduces
greater discipline to Islamic banks and encourages the adoption of prudent risk
management practices.

In short, the global financial crisis has provided an ideal opportunity for Islamic banks to
demonstrate how Islamic finance can benefit both Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Good
governance and prudent risk management are inherent in Islamic finance, and there is now a
growing recognition of the intrinsic link between Shari’ah compliance and disciplined growth.

Of course, Islamic banks have not been entirely immune to the effects of the market turmoil,
nor have they emerged unscathed. The interconnectedness of the international financial
system has ensured that the ripple effects of the crisis have been felt throughout the global
financial community, and Islamic financial institutions have also been affected by the general
crisis of confidence amongst investors. Most importantly, however, is that the crisis has
highlighted a fundamental weakness of the Islamic finance industry within the GCC region: the
lack of a truly diversified investment banking product and service offering.

Many Islamic banks in the region act as de facto real estate development companies and
have yet to really diversify beyond real estate investments and development projects. This
is in sharp contrast to the full-service and diversified conventional investment banking model
with its emphasis on providing a comprehensive range of investment banking products and
advisory services. The limited business focus of regional Islamic investment banks means not
only that they are unable to meet the full spectrum of their clients’ requirements, but also that
their resilience and capacity to withstand external and internal shocks is compromised.

                                                             Islamic Investment Banking 2009
Foreword from
                 Majid Al-Sayed Bader Al-Refai

    From its inception, Unicorn’s vision has been to build a full-service, global investment
    bank based on the conventional investment banking model. As such, we have deliberately
    avoided a narrow focus on specific investment sectors such as real estate and the stock
    markets and have sought instead to develop a comprehensive and integrated product and
    service offering. We have six business lines and a geographic presence in five countries
    across three continents. This strategy – product and geographic diversification - has
    served us well, with each of our business lines contributing to our profitability in different
    proportions each year. At the same time, our full-service approach means that we are able
    to service our clients on both sides of the balance sheet, providing not only investment
    opportunities, but also assistance in obtaining funding through the debt and equity capital
    markets. This dual role is an integral part of our commitment to being a long-term partner
    and trusted advisor to our clients.

    The current crisis provides Islamic and conventional financial institutions with a unique
    opportunity to work together on the ground to build a more robust global financial sys-
    tem, combining the best-practice credit assessment and risk management disciplines and
    techniques of the global conventional banks with the inherent strengths and stability of the
    Islamic banking model. At the same time, it also provides a good opportunity for Islamic
    investment banks to re-assess their strategy and re-align their objectives in order to build
    and strengthen the Islamic investment banking model, thereby ensuring that the Islamic
    finance industry achieves a level of resilience that can ensure its sustainability. It is our col-
    lective responsibility to shape the industry with long-term strategies, and we must seize the
    opportunity to build an enduring and competitive platform for Islamic banking, both within
    the GCC region and internationally.

   Islamic Investment Banking 2009

Not out of the woods yet
The Islamic finance industry is plagued by a lack of solid and reliable data. While the causes
of this are the subject of much debate, the consequences are that the industry is largely
ignorant of how big it is or how fast it is growing. Estimates of the size of the industry seem
to peak around $1,000 billion although more conservative estimates indicate that the overall
size of the industry is nearer $750 billion. Equally, the rate of growth of the industry is put
at somewhere between 10 per cent and 20 per cent each year thereby making it one of the
fastest growing areas of finance.

Even in mid-June 2009 industry experts are still bandying these same figures around when it
is clear that the industry as a whole suffered the same kind of shrinkage that the rest of the
financial world did. Sukuk issuance, for example, is down over 50 per cent year on year. The
Sukuk industry is facing the same sorts of challenges that the conventional world has faced
for many years including defaults and credit downgrades. Simply put, the Sukuk segment is
not growing at between 10 per cent and 20 per cent and some individual Sukuk issues are
now trading at 50 cents on the dollar.

Islamic funds, too, are having a rough time. According analysis by Ernst  Young average
returns for Islamic equity funds for 2008 plunged almost 40 per cent. Private equity as an
asset class has barely breathed this year, with the exception of a couple of transactions and
there have been no new funds raised. Islamic private equity is not growing at all.

The house that Jack built.
And real estate, for long the darling of the Islamic industry, has had the worst ride imagin-
able. Real estate as an asset class has come to dominate Islamic investment banking activ-
ity over recent years, particularly in the Middle East. Investment banking in the conventional
sphere has had much longer to grow and mature and as a result of this it has become a
many-headed beast with a high level of expertise evidenced in a wide range of investment
banking activities.

                                                                 Islamic Investment Banking 2009

         The conventional market has, historically, been a lucrative place to be and to work and therefore ultra-
         bright people tend to be attracted to it, lured by the prospect of making vast amounts of money in a rela-
         tively short space of time. This has encouraged product innovators and innovation and the structuring of
         ever more exotic financial instruments. It is fair to say that the conventional investment banking world has
         successfully turned into a maze of complex derivative instruments and impenetrable job functions. While
         this complexity and opacity has been at least partly responsible for the global financial dramas of the last
         year, it had also been responsible for massive profits for investment banks over the past decade.

         The Islamic investment banking world has perhaps been spared the worst excesses of the financial melt-
         down in part because of its antipathy to risk but also because the industry itself is less complex. While this
         lack of complexity may have been a blessing over recent months, it also means that many Islamic invest-
         ment banks may have been foregoing profits over recent years that they could have been reaping.

         But the fact is that Islamic investment banking can be as diverse as its conventional counterpart as this
         report will show. It is true that many Islamic investment banks have been focused too narrowly on real es-
         tate of late, but this is not because of any tenets of Shariah but rather that the investment teams at these
         banks have felt comfortable with real estate and it has offered them spectacular returns. When asked why
         they have not diversified into asset classes other than real estate many Islamic investment bank CEOs
         have, in the past, replied by asking which other asset classes could offer them returns that were better
         than the typical 250 per cent returns that they were seeing on their property portfolios.

         Diversity and risk
         The practical flaw in this argument has always been a simple one of putting too many eggs in one basket. If
         any investor, private or corporate, has too great an exposure to any single asset class then it simply is not
         safe. A cautious approach to risk should dictate that every investor has exposure to a series of asset classes
         and that, ideally, at least some of these asset classes should be uncorrelated. In this way, if one asset class
         takes a metaphorical beating then the other assets in the uncorrelated portfolio should be immune.

         The fact is, however, not enough Islamic investment banks have delved into a diverse range of asset
         classes and as a result the industry is perhaps not as robust as it could be. This report looks at the main
         avenues of investment open to Islamic investment banks and aims to show where there may still be signifi-
         cant areas for development. While not every bank will want to be involved in every area, a healthier spread
         of asset classes and diversification away from real estate can only serve to produce an industry that is
         less prone to market dips and more prone to healthy and sustained profitability.

         So what does the successful Islamic investment bank of the future look like? A rapidly maturing beast, is
         the short answer.

         Such a bank cannot be locally or even regionally focused but must become an investment bank with a global
         outlook with a strong base in an established financial centre. This might happen through organic growth but is
         more likely to be achieved through acquisition. The question the CEO must ask himself and his team is, ‘How
         do we become a world-class player with world-class products and services for our clients?’

         These products cannot be solely about real estate and must embrace the best of everything. For the bank
         it also means employing the best people and then keeping them. The talent pool in the Islamic finance
         industry is notoriously thin and finding enough brilliant people in order to cope with the challenges ahead
         will be tough, but the rewards for those who succeed will be immense.

         The finance industry has taken a battering over the past year and it is not over yet. The same goes for the
         Islamic finance segment. The winners, of course, will be the banks that diversify and that hire the best and
         brightest people.

10   Islamic Investment Banking 2009
private equity
Islamic private equity

     An opportunity still waiting                       productive activity underpinning them and that
     to happen                                          financial flows and assets remain correlated,
     As the economies of the oil producing              meant that debt simply never had the chance
     countries of the Middle East and North Africa      to balloon out of control in the Islamic sphere
     (MENA) region have boomed over recent years        to the same extent that it did in the conven-
     most areas of finance have witnessed spec-         tional sphere.
     tacular growth. Islamic private equity, however,
     has not been a particularly large beneficiary of   Size of the market
     this growth.                                       Industry estimates suggest that the global
                                                        private equity market is worth around $2,200
     The reasons for this are hard to fathom.           billion at present although the volume of
     There is a close relationship between Islamic      transactions completed in the first quarter of
     tenets of investing and private equity. By its     2009 is miniscule. According to Greenpark
     nature private equity is participatory in nature   Capital, a specialist secondary investor in
     and inevitably it must lead to the sharing         private equity, deals closed in the first quarter
     of both risks and rewards. As long as the          of 2009 amounted only to $2 billion. A market
     company seeking the private equity infusion        with too many sellers and too few buyers
     is not operating in a haram area of business       inevitably means depressed asset prices.
     such as pornography or liquor, or is not heav-     Figures for the Islamic private equity industry
     ily indebted, then few forms of co-investing       are much harder to come by, but estimates
     could be more pure from a Shariah compli-          from Yasaar Media research suggest that the
     ance perspective than private equity. The          industry is approaching $3 billion in funds
     reality of the matter is that there is a close     raised and deals done, much of it in the MENA
     relationship between Islamic private equity        region. This is a far cry from the $40 billion
     and conventional private equity and therefore      that pundits suggested was the kind of level
     as private equity has grown in size across         that the industry would reach by 2011. For an
     the globe then we might have expected its          overall Islamic finance industry whose size is
     Islamic counterpart to have done the same.         estimated at around $800 billion then it is not
                                                        hard to see that private equity does not play a
     Immediately prior to the financial crisis, con-    very significant part in the industry yet.
     ventional private equity had become the whip-
     ping boy of the financial world and there was      Before the credit crisis some observers
     much talk of the need for increased legislation    had postulated that there were not enough
     and greater transparency on the workings of        potential Shariah compliant target portfolio
     the private equity industry. Too many people       companies around to be able to soak up the
     were making enormous amounts of money out          Islamic private equity funds available. Re-
     of private equity transactions that were, in es-   member that at this time there seemed to be
     sence, being fuelled by excessive cheap debt.      money for even the most speculative of invest-
     Private equity players were being viewed as        ments, redolent of the dot.com boom where
     locust, corporate raiders, and pirates.            there was too much money chasing too few
                                                        opportunities. The picture to emerge since the
     Islamic private equity never fell into quite       collapse of Lehman Brothers is still far from
     the same trap in large part because of the         clear but there is now much less of a mis-
     prohibitions inherent in the Islamic financial     match between the financial heft of investors
     system against too much debt. In the ideal         and potential Shariah compliant private equity
     Islamic private equity transaction, the goals      targets and the undeniable conclusion is that
     of all of the shareholders are aligned: both       the Islamic private equity sector is particularly
     the entrepreneur who started the business          well placed for expansion at present.
     and the private equity investors who joined
     them want the same result. Both parties hope       The practicalities
     that they can achieve a significant return on      The Islamic private equity model is very similar
     their investment through a successful trade        to the classic Mudarabah model with the al-
     sale or an IPO listing. Equally importantly, the   liance of general partner and limited partner
     Shariah requirement that transactions have a       being a straightforward example of what a

1   Islamic Investment Banking 2009
Islamic private equity

Mudarabah is supposed to be. Equally impor-            cessive cheap debt and enters a world where
tantly, the long time frame involved in most           any form of financing is much harder to come
private equity transactions is complementary           across, then Islamic private equity becomes a
to the overall tenets of Shariah investing. At         much more attractive beast when compared
its most basic form, Shariah finance is about          to its conventional cousin. Expensive debt is
participatory investing for the long term health       burdensome and paying down debt has been
of both parties in the transaction as well as to       a real focus for most finance houses of late.
the overall Islamic financing system.                  The beauty of Islamic private equity is that it
                                                       has no tolerance for high levels of debt and in
The reality, however, is that that the Islamic         practice if a private equity fund takes a stake
private equity industry is still in its infancy both   in a portfolio company whose debt level is
in terms of overall size as well as numbers of         too high then the first priority has been to refi-
players in the market. One of the core devel-          nance conventional debt through using Shariah
opments that will be needed for the mature             compliant instruments.
development of the industry is for more and
better qualified human capital: more people            Dependence upon
with a higher level of training. This is a require-    Shariah advice
ment that afflicts much of the Islamic finance         Indeed this kind of refinancing manoeuvre
industry and the same dilemma applies here:            illustrates the ‘intrusive’ influence of Islamic
does the private equity firm employ private            financing principles in a private equity transac-
equity experts and teach them Shariah? Or              tion. The Shariah involvement in an Islamic pri-
does it employ people who understand Shariah           vate equity investment does not end when the
and then teach them the art of private equity?         documents are signed and money exchanged
This applies both to those experts charged             but rather it carries on for the length of the
with structuring products as well as those on          portfolio investment. If a company has been
the marketing and relationship management              taken over as part of an Islamic private equity
side of the business.                                  portfolio then it must remain Shariah compliant
                                                       in all significant respects throughout the dura-
                                                       tion of the investment. Such compliance cannot
                                                       be assured by the pre-existing management
                                                       of the company since the management team
                                                       would hardly be qualified to do so. The Shariah
                                                       advisers on the transaction will have an ongoing
                                                       duty to ensure that the tenets of Shariah are
                                                       not strayed from: the portfolio company will not
                                                       incur excessive debt or begin trading in haram
                                                       areas of business. If the Shariah advisers on the
                                                       transaction are not used on an ongoing basis
                                                       then a separate and distinct Shariah board will
                                                       have to be appointed for as long as the portfo-
                                                       lio company remains a component of an Islamic
                                                       private equity portfolio.

                                                       While this need for an extra level of oversight
In order to address this issue fully, however,         might be interpreted as an extra level of cost,
there needs to be a greater level of standar-          it is absolutely essential in maintaining the
disation across countries to ensure common             integrity of the Islamic private equity system
levels of compliance. In this way the Gulf-            as well as the credibility of all those involved in
based Islamic private equity practitioner can          the transaction. Amongst other things, ongoing
engage staff from Islamic markets in Asia and          Shariah compliance ensures the possibility of a
vice versa without the usual culture shock that        robust secondary market for trading in private
so badly affects Islamic retail banks trying to        equity stakes in growing companies as well as
ferry staff in from overseas to meet demand.           when the inevitable IPO or trade sale take place
As the financial world leaves the realm of ex-         and the original investors take their profits.

                                                                     Islamic Investment Banking 2009         1
Islamic private equity

     The origins of Islamic                              was completed through the fund’s wholly-
     private equity in the Gulf                          owned subsidiary, Regional Energy Services
     The Islamic private equity industry is a very       Holding. This is the sixth investment from the
     young one and traces its roots back less than       fund since launch.
     a decade. In 2003 Kuwait’s Global Invest-
     ment House appears to have been one of              That same year, 2006, also saw the establish-
     the first institutions to explore Islamic private   ment of Millennium Private Equity from the
     equity through the launch of a Kuwaiti dinar        Dubai Islamic Bank stable whose remit was to
     denominated Private Equity Fund where the           launch and manage a family of seven sector-
     investments were channelled into little known       specific funds in energy, telecoms, media,
     unlisted Kuwaiti companies. Also in Kuwait          communications, financial institutions, general
     during the same year Kuwait Finance House’s         industries, infrastructure, education, and real
     $100 million New Zealand Australia Private          estate. The Millennium Equity Growth Fund is
     Equity Fund was launched.                           a closed ended equity investment fund that
                                                         invests in IPOs, listed equities, private equity,
     Unicorn Investment Bank from Bahrain was            Shariah compliant bonds, and other financial
     not far behind and in 2006 launched its $150        instruments. Harking back to the point we
     million Unicorn Global Private Equity Fund.         made about the Islamic finance industry’s
     This was not a domestic or regional fund and        over exposure to real estate however, up to
     only 40 per cent of the fund was placed in          70 per cent of the funds will have real
     the GCC, 35 per cent in the Levant, while 25        estate exposure.
     per cent of the fund was placed in the US and
     South East Asia. The most successful private        Since those early days the industry has grown
     equity funds are tightly targeted and so to         and developed to some extent around the
     provide some focus for this fund, investments       world although there has been a growth focus
     had to be in one of four categories: consumer       on the GCC which stems largely from the mas-
     products, heath care, business services, and        sive petrodollar boom caused by sky-high
     light manufacturing. The fund is to be used         oil prices.
     for acquiring positions in existing businesses
     and creating value through the use of prudent       Other noteworthy examples of Islamic private
     leverage, consolidation, financial restructuring,   equity would include the following:
     operational enhancements and the granting of
     management incentives. June 2009 saw the            •   From January 2007 comes the Enmaa
     Unicorn Global Private Equity Fund acquire a            (Dubai Growth Fund) from 3i Capital Group.
     70 per cent equity stake in Bahrain Mainte-             This $100 million fund was intended to in-
     nance and Diving Services. The acquisition              vest in public and private equity securities

         Islamic Private Equity Funds

           Date of            Fund Name                                    Fund Manager                      Domicile         Assets Type

           04/10/2007         Al Imtiaz Investment Fund                    Al Imtiaz Investment              Kuwait           Private Equity
           31/05/2007         The Care 2 Fund                              Gulf Investment House             Cayman Islands   Private Equity
           01/05/2006         Unicorn Global Private Equity Fund l         Unicorn Investment Bank           Bahrain          Private Equity
            01/09/2005        The Care Fund                                Gulf Investment House             Cayman Islands   Private Equity

1   Islamic Investment Banking 2009
Islamic private equity

                                     primarily in the Middle East and beyond.             equities, real estate, private equity, and
                                                                                          structures replicating hedge funds returns.
                                 •   In April 2007 Khaleej Finance and Invest-        •   Arcapita, the Islamic investment bank from
                                     ment of Bahrain launched its $200 million            Bahrain, successfully exited its private
                                     Indian Private Equity Fund with the aim of           equity investment in US-fast food firm
                                     investing 50/50 in private equity and real           Church’s Chicken in mid-2009. The sale,
                                     estate in India.                                     to a San Francisco private equity group
                                                                                          Friedman Fleischer  Lowe, is said to
                                 •   The Al Imtiaz Investment Fund is a dinar             have seen Arcapita double its money on
                                     denominated open ended private equity                the $390 million it paid for Church’s back
                                     fund launched in October 2007 by Al                  in December 2004.
                                     Imtiaz Investment Company with a focus
                                     on both private equity and real estate.          Snapshot of an
                                                                                      industry sector
                                 •   From Millennium Private Equity and Global        The pool of funds listed here, from IFIS, is rath-
                                     of Kuwait comes the $500 million Global          er small and because of the wide variations
                                     DIB Millennium Islamic Buyout Fund which         in published performance figures an average
                                     was launched in 2008 as a true private eq-       return figure for such funds would be largely
                                     uity fund focused on companies located in        meaningless. The figures tend to suggest that
                                     the GCC, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon,         the great promise offered by private equity
                                     Tunisia, and Morocco.                            transactions to the Islamic finance industry has
                                                                                      not been met and the Islamic private equity
                                 •   In March of 2008 the $1 billion Dhow Gulf        industry remains ready for the boom that is
                                     Opportunities Fund was launched by Qatar         due. In fairness there are not many asset
                                     Islamic Bank (QIB) as a dollar denominated       classes that have performed well over the past
                                     closed ended fund with a focus on tele-          few quarters so perhaps the kindest conclu-
                                     coms, environmental recycling technolo-          sion that can be drawn from these figures is
                                     gies, media, oil  gas, and infrastructure.      that the Islamic private equity sector has not
                                     QIB, QInvest, and Silver Leaf Capital (SLC)      performed any worse than others.
                                     set up the private equity fund and a com-
                                     pany to manage it.                               Over the years a number of specialist Islamic
                                                                                      investment banks has grown up, some with
                                 •   The Family Shari’ah Fund which is a closed       a specific focus on Islamic private equity and
                                     ended fund that was launched in mid-2008         others with a more general investment focus.
                                     with the aim of investing in money market        We have already mentioned a number of the
                                     instruments, leasing and fixed income,           firms in this sector including KFH, Global, Uni-

Geofocus                              Base              Fund size in              Type                                 Total
                                      Currency          USD (Million)                                                  Returns

Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC)        KWD               Not disclosed             Open Ended                           99.60%
United States                         USD               50                        Closed Ended
Global                                USD               150                       Closed Ended-(Renewable)             -26.56%
United States                         USD               30                        Closed Ended
                                                                                                                         Source: IFIS

                                                                                                   Islamic Investment Banking 2009         15
Islamic private equity

     corn Investment Bank, and Millennium Private           cial Bank, Gulf Energy Holding Company,
     Equity but there are also others including:            Gulf Holding Company, Bayan Holding
                                                            Company, and Balexco.
     •   International Investment Bank of Bahrain       •   CIMB Islamic from Malaysia is also
         which was established in 2003 with                 involved in private equity but through its
         Islamic private equity was one of its main         mother organisation CIMB.
         planks. To date the bank has undertaken
         a number of private equity deals including     The future of Islamic
         in diverse sectors and companies such          private equity
         as IIB Paper Company Limited (UAE), IIB        As the Islamic finance industry grows, and as
         Power Company Limited (Asia), IIB Steel        the financial services industry recovers from
         Company Limited (Bahrain), IIB Automotive      the global recession it is likely that the Islamic
         Ltd (Tunisia), IIB Sugar Ltd (Bahrain), and    private equity industry will come back to life
         Istethmary Mortgage Finance BS (Saudi          quickly. The industry has never lived up to the
         Arabia). The bank reported a net profit of     promise that it had, in part because of the lack
         $13.5 million for 2008 although Q1 2009        of skilled professionals in the industry and in
         showed a loss of $0.9 million compared         part because there has been a lack of land-
         to a net profit of $5.4 million for the same   mark transactions to act as benchmarks.
         period of 2008.

     •   Rasmala from Dubai is another special-
         ist in private equity and in January 2009
         launched Rasmala MENA Private Equity
         Fund 2 as a Shariah compliant regional
         private equity fund with a target size of
                                                        The most successful private equity
         $350 million. The fund will primarily target   funds are tightly targeted and so to
         opportunities in Saudi Arabia, UAE and
         Egypt and targets target mid-cap oppor-
                                                        provide some focus for this fund,
         tunities with an enterprise value of $50       investments had to be in one of
         million to $250 million.
                                                        four categories: consumer products,
     •   In the UK Prosperitus Capital Partners is a
         newly formed private equity and alterna-
                                                        heath care, business services, and
         tive investments advisory group focused        light manufacturing.
         on Shariah compliant private equity funds
         investing into emerging market real estate
         and infrastructure projects.                   Islamic finance and private equity are natural
                                                        bedfellows and therefore it can only be a
     •   Bahraini bank Capital Management House         matter of time before Islamic private equity
         launched a $150 million Shariah compliant      takes off as a significant part of the financial
         private equity fund called CMH Enterprise      landscape. The essential requirements for this
         Fund I back in March 2007. CMH Enter-          to happen will include attracting and retain-
         prise Fund I was to invest in manufactur-      ing skilled talent, the return of liquidity to the
         ing, utility, energy, healthcare, services     market, and a set of benchmark deals to give
         and technology related companies. Capital      the industry some profile.
         Management House is not a standalone
         private equity house but provides Islamic      Both the Malaysian Venture Capital Associa-
         structured and corporate finance, invest-      tion and the Gulf Venture Capital Association
         ment advisory, asset management and            will have a role to play in this resurgence, but
         private equity products.                       these institutions will be covered in the follow-
     •   Gulf Finance House is one of Bahrain’s         ing section on Islamic venture capital.
         leading Islamic investment banks which
         also focuses in Islamic private equity
         whose projects include Khaleeji Commer-

16   Islamic Investment Banking 2009
venture capital
Islamic venture capital

     Ripe for growth

                                                         Collectively the parties share the proportionate
          f the Islamic private equity industry has      profit from the results of the enterprise as per
          failed to live up to its expectations then     their pre-arranged agreement. The entrepre-
          Islamic venture capital has followed the       neur cannot be placed at risk of losing money
          same path with even less spectacular re-       since he has contributed only expertise. If
          sults. Indeed discussion of Islamic venture    the business venture fails, then the most the
     capital is largely theoretical because real life    entrepreneur could lose is the investment he
     examples are few and far between. The gov-          has already made in the business and the time
     ernment of Malaysia has done more than any          and effort he had put into the venture. In other
     other body to promote and define the industry       words no one can come after the entrepreneur
     and indeed has launched a fund, albeit a small      for cash compensation. In a similar way, no one
     $10 million fund, to help show the way. The         should expect the venture investor to have any
     private sector has a few examples of Islamic        say in the management of the company or any
     venture capital at work but the reality is that     responsibility for it, since his part of the deal is
     often these are misnamed Islamic private eq-        to providing financing only.
     uity efforts and yet venture capital and Islamic
     finance are tailor-made for each other.             The principle of Musharakah in
     Rather like its cousin private equity, venture      venture investing
     capital is a mode of investing that seems           In the context of Islamic venture capital
     perfect for Islamic finance through the applica-    Musharakah financing is a partnership formed
     tion of various Islamic financing concepts,         between parties to finance a business venture
     with the Mudarabah concept being the most
     common. Venture capital here is defined as the
     provision of seed capital for a new venture in
     the process of being established, rather than
     the provision of capital to a small business to
     facilitate its growth.

     Rather like its conventional counterpart,
     Islamic venture capital appeals most to inves-
     tors who understand a sector or an industry
     intimately and are prepared to risk a portion
     of their capital on the strength of a business
     plan, the management team of the proposed
     business, and their own ability to pick a winner.
     Other similarities between Islamic venture capi-
     tal and conventional venture capital include the
     fact that deal sizes are small when compared
     to private equity transactions, since the start-
     up capital that is required for a burgeoning
     small businesses tends not to include monies
     for grandiose marketing and advertising plans
     but tends to be much more conservative in
     its outlook.

     Some basic principles
     The principle of Mudarabah in
     venture investing
     Mudarabah financing involves a contract
     under which the investor, or rabal-maal, brings
     financing to the table and the entrepreneur, the
     mudarib, brings expertise, effort, and in the
     case of Islamic venture capital, a business plan.

1   Islamic Investment Banking 2009
Islamic venture capital

where the parties contribute capital either in        the spirit of co-operation or ta’wun is made
the form of cash or in kind. Profits are distrib-     visible? Is the fixation of profit ($9 million) in
uted based on a pre-agreed ratio. Losses are          equity investment in the form of equity owner-
shared on the basis of capital contribution to        ship permissible in a Musharakah contract? It
the venture.                                          is, therefore, inadequate to say that venture
                                                      capital is by nature halal before any substantial
The principle of Wakalah in venture investing         research is made on the subject. There is a
In Wakalah financing a contract from one party        great deal of work one must do before the
gives the power and rights to another party to        Islamic label is used’.
act on his behalf, based on the agreed terms
and conditions.                                       Islamic venture capital in
                                                      the overall context of
Islamic venture capital:                              Islamic finance
determining ownership                                 The sector of Islamic venture capital had
shares                                                been largely ignored in the GCC until recently
Some scholars have made the case that even            because of the lack of an ‘entrepreneur class’
in cases of Islamic venture capital, it is impor-     which is essential for the development of a
tant to look at the details of each deal to make      healthy venture capital environment: young,
sure that they are being undertaken in the true       bright people with great business ideas and
spirit of Shariah. One exponent of this view          a determination to make a success of ‘their’
is Dr Saiful Azhar Rosly who makes the point          business. As the world becomes more of a
very forcefully in ‘Critical Issues on Islamic        global marketplace, and as the education
Banking and Financial Markets” (Authorhouse,          and skills level of young people in the region
Bloomington, 2005).                                   increases, then venture investing along Shariah
                                                      compliant lines may become more common.
Rosly says, ‘in the Musharakah framework, the         This is not to say that the greater Middle East
main element of the contract is the profit-loss       and North Africa region has been bereft of ven-
sharing ratio (PLSR), which is determined on          ture capital. Countries such as Egypt, Lebanon
the basis of conditions agreed upon by the            and even Turkey have long had an entrepre-
participating agents. But in modem finance, it        neur class of their own and the VC industry
is irrational to say that an investor will not give   is consequently more developed in these
a look at the expected return on investment of        countries. In much of the GCC there have been
a project, which all venture capitalists will do.     impediments to foreigners (i.e. non-GCC na-
So, how is the PLSR and pricing of the venture        tionals) owning their own businesses outright
capital deal related?’ To illustrate the point the    and this had naturally led to an absence of
author refers to the Hockey Stick Method and          such businesses in the marketplace. As coun-
uses the following example:                           tries like the UAE have introduced ‘free zones’
                                                      such as Dubai Internet City, Dubai Media City,
‘Let’s say, from a $1.5 million investments (the      Dubai International Financial Centre, Jebel Ali
investor) wants a return on investment (ROI)          Free Zone, and so on where foreign nationals
of six - or $9 million. Also he envisages the         and corporates can own 100 per cent of their
project to make a net profit of $2 million. If        own business then the market for venture
he decides on a price-earnings of 10:1 he will        capital has opened up. Naturally the business
obtain a 45 per cent equity in the company.           idea that will attract Islamic venture capital has
This is done by multiplying the projected earn-       to operate within the constraints of Shariah
ings ($2 million) by 10 and dividing it by his        and must not dabble in haram areas.
targeted return of $9 million.
                                                      But having a young entrepreneur class is only
What we see here is a deal that a venture             half of the equation. The other half of the equa-
capitalist will offer to an entrepreneur. Here        tion is having venture investors with the risk
the former wants 45 per cent equity in the            appetite to back the business plans presented
company on the basis of a ROI of six or $9 mil-       to them with hard cash. This is not simply a
lion on a $1.5 million investment. Can this be        matter of having the money, it is also about
a genuine case in a Musharakah deal in which          having the tools to analyse the business plan,

                                                                   Islamic Investment Banking 2009         1
Islamic venture capital

     structuring a deal, and ensuring that the short,    the management. This then creates significant
     medium, and long term investment interests of       value above and beyond the use of financial
     both the entrepreneur and the investor are the      engineering. New companies and industries
     same. This requires a level of education and        spawned by venture capitalists for example
     expertise that had been lacking until relatively    Apple Computer Inc., Federal Express, Google,
     recently but has arrived in the region on the       IBM have irreversibly changed the way we live
     back of the tidal wave of oil revenues and          and work today’.
     increasing globalisation.
                                                         The clear intention was to promote an Islamic
     The combined effect of this has been that the       venture capital industry whose aim was not
     Islamic venture capital industry was virtually      simply to nurture small businesses but rather to
     non-existent, except for a few cases where          be the catalyst behind the next wave of ‘mega
     Angel investors in the guise of ultra wealthy       brands’ too, in the mould of Apple and Google.
     merchant families have funded new start-up          Such thinking is certainly ambitious, but judging
     businesses with their own cash, after ensuring      by the way the balance of global financial and
     that the business had no likelihood of straying     economic power is currently shifting away from
     into haram areas of business practice. The          the traditional centres of London and New York
     arrival of financial centres such as Dubai Inter-   it may contain an element of realism.
     national Financial Centre, Malaysia International
     Islamic Financial Centre, Qatar Financial Cen-      Dato Mahmood then went on to say, ‘With the
     tre, and Bahrain Financial Harbour has opened       rapid expansion and innovation of Islamic capi-
     up the possibility that expert venture capital      tal market products such as Sukuk, Islamic
     talent from more mature financial markets           unit trust funds, Islamic REITs, Islamic ETF and
     could be transplanted into rapidly emerging         Shariah compliant listed securities, it is now
     Islamic finance markets and bring with it the       timely for us to encourage and facilitate the
     intellectual wherewithal to do lucrative Islamic    growth of Islamic venture capital as another
     venture capital deals.                              available asset class in Malaysia’s broad range
                                                         of Islamic products. The development of Is-
     Guidelines                                          lamic venture capital will offer the opportunity
     Anyone serious about setting up an Islamic          for Islamic investors to diversify their portfo-
     venture capital fund, or securing venture           lios. Also, the fact that venture capital does
     capital funding, in a Shariah compliant man-        not have perfect correlation with other asset
     ner should acquire a copy of the Securities         classes such as listed securities allows more
     Commission Malaysia document on Guidelines          opportunity for investors to enhance their
     and Best Practices on Islamic Venture Capital       portfolio returns’.
     published in May 2008. Essentially these
     form a set of guidelines and best practices to      Naturally Dato Mahmood was focused prin-
     promote the adoption of appropriate standards       cipally on Malaysia but the general concept
     for the development of the emerging Islamic         remains the same for the industry wherever it
     venture capital industry.                           is based. The speech by Dato Mahmood was
                                                         by way of a precursor to the publishing of the
     During her keynote address at the Islamic Ven-      Guidelines whose two core requirements for
     ture Capital  Private Equity Conference 2008       Shariah compliant venture capital were identi-
     launching these guidelines YBhg Dato Dr. Nik        fied as being:
     Ramlah Nik Mahmood, managing director,              • The appointment of a Shariah adviser who
     Securities Commission Malaysia said, ‘Venture            provides continuous guidance in ensuring
     capital brings profound impact to the econo-             that amongst others, the proposed invest-
     my. It bridges the financing gap where direct            ment contract and instrument structures
     bank lending or financing through the debt or            are Shariah compliant (our emphasis)
     equity market is difficult to obtain. The unique    • The core activities of the investee com-
     nature of the venture capital model, which               pany must be Shariah compliant
     is based on active management, leads to
     improved corporate governance and an overall        The Dato was clear that these guidelines were
     alignment of stakeholder interests with that of     absolutely necessary for Malaysia if it was to

0   Islamic Investment Banking 2009
Islamic venture capital

            stand a chance of attracting funds from the         The Gulf Venture Capital
            GCC, highly enriched with a vastly inflated         Association
            oil price at the time. Wealth, and therefore        As its name suggests the Gulf Venture Capital
            venture capital interest, was blossoming in the     Association (GVCA) is a body whose remit is
            Middle East and Malaysia did not want to lose       to encourage the growth and prosperity of
            out as a recipient of some of these funds. In       the venture capital industry in the GCC and
            order to attract Islamic venture capital funds in   the greater Middle East. While its remit is not
            particular she identified the importance of the     solely confined to Islamic venture capital there
            Shariah adviser who reinforces Shariah compli-      are clear areas where the GVCA and Islamic
            ance throughout the whole process, from deal        venture capital intersect.
            structuring and investing up to exit, and by
            doing so enhances confidence and attracts           The original intention of the GVCA was never
            greater potential Islamic investors.                simply to be a body which promoted venture
                                                                capital, however, but was seen as a counter-
                                                                part to the Arabian Knowledge Economy As-
                                                                sociation (AKEA) whose remit was to increase
                                                                entrepreneurial skills and awareness amongst
     A similar success story in the                             young up-and-coming businessmen and women
                                                                in the Arab world. Indeed the president of
 Islamic venture capital field could                            AKEA, Abdullah Al-Subyani, is also president of
  prove to be just the fillip that the                          the GVCA.

industry needs to spawn dozens of                               The reality of the industry, however, is that
      funds from the private sector                             the association focuses most of its attention
                                                                on private equity and not on venture capital.
           looking for the next big                             The annual report produced by the GVCA
                                                                from 2007 only makes passing reference to
          Shariah compliant thing.                              venture capital and even then only as a vir-
                                                                tual footnote which reads , ‘Venture capital
                                                                funds raised money in 2005 and 2006, but
                                                                lost their appeal in 2007. Venture capital
            An industry emerges                                 funds still have to ascertain their viability
            Shortly after this announcement, in July            in the MENA region in terms of availability
            2008, the first Islamic venture capital Musha-      of quality deal flow and realization of
            raka Fund was introduced by Malaysia Ven-           successful exits’.
            ture Capital Management with the fund man-
            aged by Musharaka Venture Management.               The 2008 report from the GVCA said, ‘Venture
            Malaysia Venture Capital Management is the          capital funds remain largely unattractive in the
            venture capital subsidiary of the Ministry of       MENA region, with only three venture capital
            Finance in Malaysia. Apparently the fund drew       funds raised in 2008. The venture capital
            interest from Swiss and Middle Eastern inves-       model has remained unproven in the region,
            tors. Malaysia Venture Capital Management           despite many attempts by individuals and
            allocated RM 30 million ($ 8.3 million) for the     governments to adapt the western model to
            fund while unnamed investors invested RM            the Middle East’.
            5 million ($1.83 million). Malaysia Venture
            Capital Management will continue its efforts        Malaysia Venture
            to attract participation from local and regional    Capital Association
            investors and hopes to increase the fund size       The Malaysia Venture Capital Association
            in 2009. The Musharaka Fund aims to invest          based in Kuala Lumpur has a similar agenda
            in at least four technology-based companies.        to the GVCA and the association works
            Judging by the Dato’s speech it seems likely        closely with the Islamic Banking and Finance
            that Malaysia’s Islamic venture industry is         Institute Malaysia to produce an annual event
            hoping to breed the new Apple Computer Inc,         called Islamic Venture Capital  Private
            Google, or IBM.                                     Equity Conference.

                                                                             Islamic Investment Banking 2009       1
Islamic venture capital

     At this conference held in May 2009 deputy          It seems a safe bet that successful Islamic
     finance minister Yb Datuk Dr. Awang Adek            venture capital investing in the future will be
     Hussin said, ‘the (Malaysian) government has        the speciality of Islamic investment banks
     given strong commitment to the development          rather than specially focused Islamic venture
     of venture capital industry In Malaysia, and in     capital firms. The rationale here is that, as
     2008, as much as 48 per cent of the total ven-      we have already observed, the quantum of
     ture capital funds under management, came           individual venture capital investments tends to
     from the government... The potential for purely     be small and therefore may not be lucrative
     ‘Islamic’ venture capital is great because          enough in the short term to finance all but the
     the nature of venture capital financing itself      most boutique of firms.
     is similar to the stated principles of Islamic
     finance, which favour profits, or losses, over      Bahrain’s Venture Capital Bank (VCBank) is
     interest. Besides, the industry can be lucrative,   an example of a specialist Islamic investment
     not only for investors, but also for the overall    bank launched with the aim of capitalising on
     advancement and development of economic             this niche, although VCBank’s remit is wider
     and innovative activity. By providing funds         than simply venture investing. Established in
     to budding entrepreneurs with sound ideas,          October 2005 the bank also looks at private
     Islamic venture capital can help to promote in-     equity and real estate, while also trying to
     novation, job creation and the development of       secure financial advisory mandates. In the
     high growth industries. Now, there are already      current climate its business plan seems to
     many Muslim entrepreneurs seeking Islamic           be succeeding and for the year ended 31 De-
     venture capitalists, and there are also a grow-     cember 2008 the bank achieved net profit of
     ing number of non-Muslim investors opting for       $47 million which showed 47 per cent growth
     Islamic investment schemes. From develop-           compared to 2007 and a 27 per cent return
     ments around the world, we can expect that          on equity. The bank is also increasing paid-up
     Islamic finance, venture capital and private        capital from $165 million to $250 million.
     equity will be major tools in implementing vari-
     ous investments and realizing various projects      VCBank launched its first fund, the $250 mil-
     at the global level. Given the contracting global   lion MENA Small  Medium Enterprises Fund
     credit markets currently, the promotion of          in December 2006 and has so far invested in
     Islamic venture capital and private equity is       Challenger Limited, an oil drilling company in
     both appropriate and timely.’                       North Africa.

     The private sector                                  The future of Islamic
     While the Malaysian government’s endeavours         venture capital
     are to be applauded it seems likely that the        Early signs would suggest that the industry is
     sustained growth and development of a strong        likely to flourish in Malaysia before anywhere
     and healthy Islamic venture capital an industry     else, in large part because of the initiatives of
     will rest in the private sector. If the Malaysian   the government. What seems beyond doubt
     government can help to kick start such indus-       is that the industry at present is tiny, certainly
     try domestically then so much for the good.         smaller than $100 million, and probably worth
     Perhaps what the industry needs more than           less than half of that. When the global reces-
     anything else is a catalogue of success stories     sion is over, Islamic venture investing could
     that will pique the interest of wealthy investors   easily be one of the fastest growing sectors
     with a penchant for backing small business.         of the industry, if for no other reason than it is
     The success story that Abraaj Capital, a Dubai-     coming off a very low base.
     based conventional private equity house, had
     with its investment in Aramex bred dozens of
     imitators across the GCC. A similar success
     story in the Islamic venture capital field could
     prove to be just the fillip that the industry
     needs to spawn dozens of funds from the
     private sector looking for the next big
     Shariah compliant thing.

   Islamic Investment Banking 2009
Islamic mergers
and acquisitions
Daar International Sukuk                t'azur B.S.C (c)                        open-Silicon, Inc               Victron, Inc
   US$600 MIllIon                          regIonal takaFUl                        75.6% Stake                     80% Stake
   SUkUk al-Ijara                          CoMPanY                                 Private equity Investment       Private equity Investment
   arranger, Shari'ah advisor              Strategic Ma transaction               December 2007                   December 2007
   and joint Bookrunner                    November 2007
   March 2007

   Dar al-arkan
   International Sukuk
   SUkUk al-Ijara
   arranger, Shari'ah advisor
   and joint Bookrunner
   July 2007

   Barwa real estate Co q.S.C              turquoise Coast                         Sun Well Service, Inc           Bahrain Financing Company
   US$700 MIllIon reVolVIng                Investment Company                      75% Stake                       B.S.C. (c)
   MUraBaha FInanCIng                      real eState PrIVate                     Private equity Investment       StrategIC aCqUISItIon
   FaCIlItY                                eqUItY                                  October 2008                    Strategic Ma transaction
   joint leader arranger,                  asset Management                                                       January 2009
   Structuring agent and                   real estate
   Shari'ah advisor                        March 2008
   December 2007

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Islamic mergers and

Opportunities abound

                                                      tant institution over and above the sum of its
      n the context of Islamic investment banking     constituent parts.
      the subject of mergers and acquisitions
      covers two distinct areas. The first of these   The benefits of size
      is when an Islamic finance house looks to       Much as in the world of conventional business
      grow or consolidate its position through        and finance, except with a Shariah compliant
either merger or acquisition. Generally this          overlay, building strong Islamic finance busi-
will involve an overseas move rather than a           nesses often involves buying other companies
domestic one, although this is not always so.         or merging with other companies rather than
The second area involves an Islamic investment        spending years launching a business and then
bank acting in an advisory capacity to another        going through years of costly competition. The
institution’s merger or acquisition, undertaken       benefits of MA can also include knowledge
within the parameters of Islamic finance, and for     transfer, technology transfer, and competitive
which the advising bank will earn fees.               advantage: in the financial services business in
                                                      particular these can lead directly to much better
In the heady oil-revenue-fuelled days before the      product structuring capabilities. Equally impor-
financial crisis there were regular proclama-         tantly in MA deals is the prospect of significant
tions from various Gulf states about the estab-       cost savings, which can make all the difference
lishment of an Islamic mega-bank that would           in tough markets. Duplicate layers of manage-
rival the conventional world’s mega-banks such        ment can be removed and there are generally
as Citibank or HSBC. These were to be huge            synergies at all levels of expertise that can lead
entities that spanned continents and managed          to significant cost savings.
to fund their investment banking and wealth
management offerings through equally huge             But perhaps the most important area where
retail deposits from their hundreds of thou-          Islamic MA could help Islamic banks is simply
sands of customers. The $10 billion capital           that consolidation should lead to larger balance
Istikhlaf Bank from Bahrain is the latest in the      sheets which should mean that the newly
long line of such banks to be announced.              formed larger entity should have access to deal
                                                      flow that was previously not available to them.
Perhaps the financial crisis itself has been
enough to make the architects of these gran-          One clear area where there could be scope
diose plans grateful that they never got off          for Islamic mergers and acquisitions is in the
the drawing board as they watched the giants          UAE which is often described as being ‘over-
of the conventional banking sphere become             banked’. The domestic market has 52 banks,
beset with problems. Nevertheless there is            24 domestic and 28 foreign, according to the
a core of sense in having an Islamic finance          Central Bank of the UAE. Of these local banks
institution that is not tied to one geographic        eight are Islamic. The world economic reces-
region or one area of financial services. It has      sion may increase pressure on some of these
long been argued that in the long run only truly      Islamic banks to merge but the truth is that
international investment banks can survive            there is often a fierce pride associated with a
since the real money to be made in investment         bank that bears the name of a specific emirate
banking lies in having mass or scale and this         and this is often enough to quell any debate
can only be achieved through having deals             about the need to merge.
cooking in many countries at the same time.
This does not hold true for retail banks where        As Philip Dew says in his book Half a Century
having a branch on every street corner of the         of Banking in the UAE, ‘For many years there
world provides little by way of benefit to cus-       has been a suggestion that the UAE has
tomers and little by way of profit to the bank.       been over-banked. Whether this is strictly the
                                                      case is open to conjecture because, as the
Herein lies the wealth of opportunity presented       economy grows, so there is a concomitant
by Islamic mergers and acquisitions: the art          increase in the demand for banking services.
of identifying a complementary institution            Furthermore, and perhaps paradoxically, the
that can be bought or merged to increase              banks have never been more profitable than
the market value and influence of the resul-          in the recent past, which of itself probably

                                                                   Islamic Investment Banking 2009         5
Islamic mergers and

     belies the argument there are too many banks        In spite of, or perhaps because of, the current
     in the UAE. Nevertheless, there is a strong         market turmoil there is still a significant amount
     belief amongst bankers that there is a need         of Islamic MA going on right now. As David
     for consolidation in the sector, probably           Vicary (Daud Abdullah), managing director of
     through mergers to create big institutions with     DVA Consulting in Kuala Lumpur says, ‘There is
     bigger capital bases. Suggestions are that          MA Islamic consolidation activity in Indonesia.
     these could possibly be between local banks         I am also aware of GCC entities looking for
     although in some minds they might better be         acquisitions in both Malaysia and Indonesia’.
     between regional financial institutions and yet     Discussions with senior bankers in the Gulf           My view here
     others consider that international banks from       suggests that they are only too happy to              is that there is
     outside the region might invest in the capital of   wait for valuations of banks to decline further
     locally incorporated banks’.                        throughout Asia before they proceed with their        some desirability
     Overseas expansion
                                                         acquisition plans. Vicary added, ‘You need to
                                                         have a tight definition of Islamic MA. If it is an
                                                                                                               to do this to help
     Another area where there is scope for Islamic       MA which involves transacting on the ordinary        to create scale
     mergers and acquisitions lies in firms in the       shares in the company, then there is no real
     GCC acquiring partners in Malaysia, Pakistan,       difference from a conventional MA, with the
                                                                                                               in both balance
     Brunei, and so on, while there is also much         exception of Shariah compliant business. If you       sheet size and
     scope for firms in these countries to attempt       mean MA between Islamic financial institu-
     acquisitions elsewhere. If the aim is to expand     tions, the same applies as well. My view here is      capital and there
     the Islamic finance footprint of an established     that there is some desirability to do this to help    are certainly
     entity then MA can be a swift solution. One        to create scale in both balance sheet size and
     potential stumbling block to carte blanche          capital and there are certainly entities out there    entities out there
     MA between the Gulf and Malaysia is that           looking. This primarily involves GCC entities
     many Islamic banks operating in Malaysia are        looking for bargains in South East Asia’.
     subsidiaries of conventional banks and there-                                                             David Vicary
     fore are not ‘for sale’ to third parties.           And what is the key to success in Islamic MA
                                                         transactions? According to Vicary it involves,
                                                         ‘A basic knowledge of Shariah principles and
                                                         keen consideration of prohibited activities.
                                                         Otherwise standard MA advisory qualifica-
                                                         tions are needed including a strong network of
                                                         potential players’.

                                                         Banks on the prowl
                                                         Banks like Saudi’s Al Rajhi Bank are said to be ac-
                                                         tively looking for opportunities for MA deals in
                                                         Asia and the bank has recently set up an office in
                                                         Kuala Lumpur to enable it to do so. There can be
                                                         no substitute for ‘people on the ground’ when it
                                                         comes to doing the due diligence on a deal or in-
                                                         deed when going through the target identification
                                                         process. By contrast, various international banks
                                                         have set up offices in Saudi Arabia although this
                                                         is not thought to be about securing takeovers
                                                         of existing Saudi banks since no acquisitions of
                                                         domestic banks are allowed by foreign entities.
                                                         Equally importantly, due to their sheer oil-price
      David Vicary                                       fuelled market size, it may not be possible for
                                                         foreign banks to acquire Saudi banks even if they
                                                         were allowed to do so.

                                                         But it is not all about acquisitions in Asia. In
                                                         2007 Saudi Arabia’s National Commercial

26   Islamic Investment Banking 2009
Islamic mergers and

                       Bank, at the time the Gulf’s largest lender, paid    more investment banking focused rather than
                       $1.08 billion for a 60 per cent stake in Turkish     the bank making inroads into the domestic
                       Islamic lender Turkiye Finans, a Turkish Shariah     Islamic retail market. It has also launched a re-
                       compliant participation bank. At the time this       search oriented brand in Kuala Lumpur called
                       was the biggest Islamic MA deal ever and            KFH Research.
                       was closely watched by others hoping to rep-
                       licate the success. The ruling Turkish political     In September 2008, Dubai Islamic Bank and
                       party, AK Party, had been actively encourag-         Dubai International Capital announced that they
                       ing Gulf investment into Turkey as a means of        intended to buy a 52 per cent stake in the
                       increasing stability to the sector and the NCB       Industrial Development Bank of Jordan which
                       deal was only the latest in a long line of foreign   was seen as a strategic acquisition that would
                       direct investments the Turkish banking sector.       pave the way for IDB’s conversion into a Shariah
                                                                            compliant financial institution. The resulting en-
                       Earlier that year Unicorn Investment Bank            tity would be called Jordan Dubai Islamic Bank.
                       and Inter Yatirim Menkul Degerler of Turkey
                       completed a deal which saw Unicorn acquire 75        Proving that the recession has not put paid
                       per cent of the brokerage and asset manage-          to all Islamic MA activity, on the run up to
                       ment company. Earlier still, in June 2006,           the summer of 2009 it was reported that
                       Unicorn bought a 22 per cent stake in what           Kuwait Finance House Bahrain was consider-
                       was then called First Dawood Islamic Bank, a         ing acquiring a stake in Bahrain Islamic Bank,
                       newly established commercial Islamic bank in         the listed Bahrain-based bank from Investment
                       Pakistan, now renamed Dawood Islamic Bank.           Dar. Investment Dar, in turn, was rumoured to
                       In March 2009 Unicorn increased its stake            have lost a buyback option on a 19 per cent
                       in Dawood Islamic Bank to 37 per cent for a          stake in the Islamic Boubyan Bank of Kuwait.
                       consideration of $13 million. In January 2009        Meanwhile non-Islamic National Bank of Kuwait
                       Unicorn announced the acquisition of Bahrain         was said to have bought Commercial Bank of
                       Financing Company, one of the leading foreign        Kuwait’s shares in Boubyan Bank.
                       exchange and remittance houses in the GCC.
                       These acquisitions were made either directly or
                       through the bank’s Strategic Acquisition Fund,
                       a $1 billion fund that seeks to acquire strategic
 It will be very       stakes in commercial banks and other financial
                       services institutions globally.
                       In 2007 Samba Financial Group, another of
   over the next       Saudi Arabia’s heavy team of banks, bought
  two years, on        68 per cent of the Crescent Commercial Bank
                       of Pakistan. The $100 million purchase was
  a global level,      part of the group’s efforts to expand its activi-
       but in the      ties geographically and enter into successful
                       investment ventures on the basis of a long-term
Islamic whole-         strategy. As we have seen Pakistan is a lure for
                       other cash-rich Gulf based Islamic banks due to
      sale space       its profoundly Islamic nature and the size of its
rather than the        population as well the relatively depressed level
                       of asset prices there. The Pakistani market
    retail space’.     consists of around 160 million inhabitants, 97
         Sameer Abdi   per cent of whom are Muslim.
                                                                             Sameer Abdi
                       Recession-proof activity
                       Kuwait Finance House is conspicuously active
                       in the Malaysian market while CIMB Islamic in
                       Malaysia has also been casting its net around
                       within Asia. KFH’s activity in Malaysia has been

                                                                                         Islamic Investment Banking 2009         27
Islamic mergers and

                        The world economic recession may increase pressure
                    on some of these Islamic banks to merge but the truth is
                      that there is often a fierce pride associated with a bank
                   that bears the name of a specific emirate and this is often
                         enough to quell any debate about the need to merge.

   Islamic Investment Banking 2009
Islamic mergers and

Other significant deals of late involve Qatar           Malaysia’s oldest and second biggest Islamic
Islamic Bank which has been trying to acquire           bank, Bank Islam Malaysia, is looking at MA as
an undisclosed minority stake in Al Ijarah              a way of clawing back the market share it has
Indonesia Finance since February 2009 and               lost to new competition. The bank is looking
plans to acquire PT Bank Jabar Banten, a                at home as well as Indonesia, Singapore, and
banking services provider from the Indonesian           Thailand to source an acquisition partner that
government. Before this, in January 2008,               will put it back on the growth trail. The bank
Qatar Islamic Bank sold a 20 per cent stake             would still require regulatory approval for such a
in Al Jazeera Islamic Co, a financial services          move. The problem seems to be that Malaysia’s
provider, to Qatar National Bank.                       Islamic banking industry is overcrowded with 14
                                                        fully fledged Islamic banks as well as conven-
Sameer Abdi, partner, advisory services, Ernst          tional lenders with Shariah windows.
 Young Middle East concurs that Islamic MA
could be in for a period of growth as a result of       As with the conventional MA space the
the global downturn. He said ‘At the moment we          Islamic industry does not have a free hand in
are seeing a lot of interest in Islamic MA and a       the realm of international Islamic MA. There
number of institutions that have kept some dry          are often legislative barriers to straightforward
powder over the past year are looking to do ac-         acquisitions to be overcome. In Malaysia for
quisitions, but most of the acquisitions are share      instance, foreign companies are only allowed
swaps, they are not cash acquisitions. This is not      to take minority stakes in local companies and
surprising, given the liquidity situation at present.   this extends to the financial services arena.
There is a view that the smaller banks, those with      This kind of impediment can stand in the way
$50 million-$100 million capital bases may have         of a deal if the acquirer is looking for a control-
to consolidate. It will be very interesting over the    ling stake in the target company.
next two years, on a global level, but in the Islamic
wholesale space rather than the retail space’.          The future of Islamic MA
                                                        The strengthening of bank balance sheets has
A full listing of completed and announced               been something of a trend in the market since
Islamic MA deals from January to June 2009             the onset of the financial crisis. This has had
from Bureau Van Dijk’s Zephyr database can              a number of effects but one of the most per-
be found at the end of this section.                    tinent affecting Islamic MA is the reduction
                                                        in valuations of banks caused by collapsing
Focus of activity                                       share prices. The next 12 month period would
Perhaps much of the Islamic MA activity will be         seem to be the perfect time for leading Islamic
centred on the Gulf until a global recovery is un-      investment banks to capitalise on the new eco-
derway. Even so it is possible that Islamic banks       nomic realities and bring forward their growth
in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Pakistan would not          plans since targets may not be so cheap again
have the balance sheet to be able to make               and there may be significant advantages in
acquisitions in the Gulf simply because of the          being an early mover. Doubtless this will mean
wealth divide between the oil-rich Middle East          Gulf-based banks acquiring assets in Asia
and emerging Asia. Perhaps bucking the trend            rather than the other way around although
Al-Zamin Leasing Modaraba of Pakistan plans to          we may well see some internal consolidation
merge with Emirates Global Islamic Bank.                within the Asian continent.

These factors have led some observers to
ponder the value of a pan-Asian Islamic bank
holding company formed by the merger of a
wide selection of smaller Asian players. While
the theory of this is admirable and perhaps
even desirable it is not necessarily practical
because of the point we have already made
that many Islamic banks operating in Asia are
subsidiaries of conventional banks and are
therefore not for sale.

                                                                      Islamic Investment Banking 2009
Islamic mergers and

        Islamic MA Deals Jan-June 2009
                Deal No       Acquiror name                                          Acquiror   Target name

         1.     278853        Islamic Development Bank Group                         SA         United Albanian Bank
         2.     1601026410    Shareholders                                                      Gulf Bank KSC
         3.     1601032179    Dubai Islamic Bank plc                                 AE         Industrial Development Bank
         4.     1601032919    HE Sheikh Thani Bin Abdulla Bin Thani Jasim Al Thani              Islamic Bank of Britain plc
         5.     1601035276    Qatar Investment Authority                             QA         Qatar International Islamic Bank QSC
         6.     1601047029    Unicorn Investment Bank BSC                            BH         Bahrain Financing Company BSC
         7.     1601047556    Al-Khabeer Merchant Finance Corporation                SA         Dari for Home Loans
         8.     1601047951    Al-Zamin Leasing Modaraba                              PK         International Multi Leasing Corporation Ltd
         9.     1601050426    Qatar Investment Authority                             QA         First Finance Company QSC
         10.    1601051850    Qatar Islamic Insurance Company                        QA         Al-Jisr Takaful Company QSC
         11.    1601051978    -                                                                 Van Entegre Et Sanayi Ve Ticaret AS
         12.    1601053846    Al Salam Bank Bahrain BSC                              BH         Bahraini Saudi Bank BSC
         13.    1601054757    Investors                                              QA         Syrian Islamic Company for Takaful Insurance, The
         14.    1601056002    BBK BSC                                                BH         Shamil Bank of Bahrain BSC
         15.    1601057106    Jordan Dubai Financial Investment Company              JO         First Takaful Insurance Company KSCC
         16.    1601061615    Brookwell Ltd                                          GB         Noble Investments (UK) plc
         17.    1601062874    -                                                                 Dubai Islamic Bank plc
         18.    1601063097    -                                                                 International Leasing  Investment Company KSC, The
         19.    1601069482    -                                                                 Arcapita Bank BSC
         20.    1601075086    Barwa Real Estate Company QSC                          QA         First Finance Company QSC
         21.    1601076581    -                                                                 Noble Investments (UK) plc
         22.    1601077502    Alliance Tuna International Inc.                       PH         International Alliance Food Indonesia PT
         23.    1601079266    SFS Group Public Company Ltd                           CY         Shariah compliant Shipping Fund LP
         24.    1601079687    -                                                                 National Bank for Development
         25.    1603008626    -                                                                 AmBank (M) Bhd
         26.    1603009366    Cahya Mata Sarawak Bhd                                 MY         UBG Berhad
         27.    1603009495    -                                                                 Public Bank Bhd
         28.    1603009760    -                                                                 Public Bank Bhd
         29.    1603010357    CIMB Group Sdn Bhd                                     MY         CIMB-Principal Islamic Asset Management Sdn Bhd
         30.    1603010360    Principal Global Investors Holding Co., Inc.           US         CIMB-Principal Islamic Asset Management Sdn Bhd
         31.    1603010713    -                                                                 Al Rajhi Banking  Investment Corporation (Malaysia) Bhd
         32.    1603013550    Putrajaya Perdana Bhd                                  MY         CMS Roads Sdn Bhd
         33.    1603013551    Putrajaya Perdana Bhd                                  MY         CMS Pavement Tech Sdn Bhd
         34.    1603015168    Khazanah Nasional Bhd                                  MY         Bank Muamalat Malaysia Bhd
         35.    1603015238    Unicorn Investment Bank BSC                            BH         Dawood Islamic Bank Ltd
         36.    1603018883    Lembaga Tabung Haji                                    MY         BIMB Holdings Bhd
         37.    1603019285    HLA Holdings Sdn Bhd                                   MY         Hong Leong Tokio Marine Takaful Bhd
         38.    1603020150    RHB Capital Bhd                                                   RHB Kawal Sdn Bhd
         39.    1603023770    Bank Islami Pakistan Ltd                               PK         Citibank NA’s consumer housing finance portfolio

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Islamic Investment Banking 2009
Islamic Investment Banking 2009
Islamic Investment Banking 2009
Islamic Investment Banking 2009
Islamic Investment Banking 2009
Islamic Investment Banking 2009

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Islamic Investment Banking 2009

  • 1. Islamic Investment Banking Islamic Investment Banking Paul McNamara Co-publishers
  • 2. Copyright Copyright © Yasaar Media Published by Yasaar Media DIFC The Gate District Precinct Building 3 607 Level 6 East PO Box 506765 Dubai UAE Website: www.yasaarmedia.com First published 2009 All rights reserved. This book may not be lent, resold, hired out or otherwise disposed of by way of trade in any form of binding or cover other than that which it is published, without the prior consent of the Publishers. Neither the publisher nor the author make any legal representation or warranty with respect to the contents of the book, and they do not accept liability for any inaccuracy in the material in the book. Design and Layout: James S. Naval II Islamic Investment Banking 2009
  • 3. Paul McNamara Co-publishers Islamic Investment Banking 2009
  • 4. Thanks to The author would like to thank the following people for their help during the preparation of this research report: Mai AlJishi, Unicorn Investment Bank Maha Saud Al Raisi, Doha Islamic Carolyn Makin Rakiya Sanusi, IFIS Paul Costers, Bureau Van Dijk Stanly Sutisna, Eurekahedge David Vicary, DVA Consulting Sameer Abdi, Ernst Young Bahrain Stephen de Stadler and Robert Thursfield, Fitch Ratings Philip Dew, PD Business Information Middle East Juhaina Kasimali, Zawya Islamic Investment Banking 2009
  • 5. www.unicorninvestmentbank.com Strong partnerships build firm foundations At Unicorn Investment Bank, we know that strong partnerships can produce powerful results. From our inception, we have focused on developing meaningful collaborations – with our shareholders to protect their interests, with our clients to understand their multifaceted needs, with the communities in which we operate to help them flourish, and with Islamic and conventional financial institutions worldwide to grow and strengthen the global banking industry. Aligning our interests with those of our partners is an essential part of who we are – and the cornerstone of our vision to build a leading global Islamic bank. For further information, please visit www.unicorninvestmentbank.com. Asset Management Real Estate | Capital Markets | Corporate Finance | Private Equity | Strategic MA | Treasury D-???? unicorn ad 18.8x25.7.indd 2 7/1/09 1:18:42 PM
  • 6. Get your copy of each Yasaar Media research report AS SOON AS IT IS PUBLISHED Staying ahead means staying informed – no matter what business you are in. But if you work in an industry as fast moving as the Islamic finance industry then you need to get your hands on the best industry insights as soon as they appear. Doing so has never been so simple: simply email media@yasaar.org with the Subject Line ‘Please send me your research reports immediately on publication’. We will take care of the rest.
  • 7. Foreword from Majid Al-Sayed Bader Al-Refai Managing Director Chief Executive Officer, Unicorn Investment Bank T he unprecedented economic turmoil of the past year has in many ways created a significant ‘coming of age’ opportunity for the Islamic finance industry. As the global financial crisis has worsened and economies around the world have suffered from its catastrophic effects, we have seen a renewed focus on Islamic finance and on the inherent advantages of a conservative, asset-backed banking model. While the Islamic finance industry has been in the spotlight for many years now, the fundamental strengths and intrinsic benefits of the Islamic banking model are now becoming widely acknowledged and accepted. Shari’ah principles prevent banks from engag- ing in excessively speculative activities and since all transactions must be backed by physical assets, the use of derivative and col- lateralised instruments is not permitted. This has shielded the Islamic finance industry from direct exposure to the toxic assets that have caused major losses to be incurred throughout the global banking industry. Furthermore, the principle of risk-sharing, which is fundamental to Shari’ah-compliant finance, introduces greater discipline to Islamic banks and encourages the adoption of prudent risk management practices. In short, the global financial crisis has provided an ideal opportunity for Islamic banks to demonstrate how Islamic finance can benefit both Muslims and non-Muslims alike. Good governance and prudent risk management are inherent in Islamic finance, and there is now a growing recognition of the intrinsic link between Shari’ah compliance and disciplined growth. Of course, Islamic banks have not been entirely immune to the effects of the market turmoil, nor have they emerged unscathed. The interconnectedness of the international financial system has ensured that the ripple effects of the crisis have been felt throughout the global financial community, and Islamic financial institutions have also been affected by the general crisis of confidence amongst investors. Most importantly, however, is that the crisis has highlighted a fundamental weakness of the Islamic finance industry within the GCC region: the lack of a truly diversified investment banking product and service offering. Many Islamic banks in the region act as de facto real estate development companies and have yet to really diversify beyond real estate investments and development projects. This is in sharp contrast to the full-service and diversified conventional investment banking model with its emphasis on providing a comprehensive range of investment banking products and advisory services. The limited business focus of regional Islamic investment banks means not only that they are unable to meet the full spectrum of their clients’ requirements, but also that their resilience and capacity to withstand external and internal shocks is compromised. Islamic Investment Banking 2009
  • 8. Foreword from Majid Al-Sayed Bader Al-Refai From its inception, Unicorn’s vision has been to build a full-service, global investment bank based on the conventional investment banking model. As such, we have deliberately avoided a narrow focus on specific investment sectors such as real estate and the stock markets and have sought instead to develop a comprehensive and integrated product and service offering. We have six business lines and a geographic presence in five countries across three continents. This strategy – product and geographic diversification - has served us well, with each of our business lines contributing to our profitability in different proportions each year. At the same time, our full-service approach means that we are able to service our clients on both sides of the balance sheet, providing not only investment opportunities, but also assistance in obtaining funding through the debt and equity capital markets. This dual role is an integral part of our commitment to being a long-term partner and trusted advisor to our clients. The current crisis provides Islamic and conventional financial institutions with a unique opportunity to work together on the ground to build a more robust global financial sys- tem, combining the best-practice credit assessment and risk management disciplines and techniques of the global conventional banks with the inherent strengths and stability of the Islamic banking model. At the same time, it also provides a good opportunity for Islamic investment banks to re-assess their strategy and re-align their objectives in order to build and strengthen the Islamic investment banking model, thereby ensuring that the Islamic finance industry achieves a level of resilience that can ensure its sustainability. It is our col- lective responsibility to shape the industry with long-term strategies, and we must seize the opportunity to build an enduring and competitive platform for Islamic banking, both within the GCC region and internationally. Islamic Investment Banking 2009
  • 9. Introduction Not out of the woods yet The Islamic finance industry is plagued by a lack of solid and reliable data. While the causes of this are the subject of much debate, the consequences are that the industry is largely ignorant of how big it is or how fast it is growing. Estimates of the size of the industry seem to peak around $1,000 billion although more conservative estimates indicate that the overall size of the industry is nearer $750 billion. Equally, the rate of growth of the industry is put at somewhere between 10 per cent and 20 per cent each year thereby making it one of the fastest growing areas of finance. Even in mid-June 2009 industry experts are still bandying these same figures around when it is clear that the industry as a whole suffered the same kind of shrinkage that the rest of the financial world did. Sukuk issuance, for example, is down over 50 per cent year on year. The Sukuk industry is facing the same sorts of challenges that the conventional world has faced for many years including defaults and credit downgrades. Simply put, the Sukuk segment is not growing at between 10 per cent and 20 per cent and some individual Sukuk issues are now trading at 50 cents on the dollar. Islamic funds, too, are having a rough time. According analysis by Ernst Young average returns for Islamic equity funds for 2008 plunged almost 40 per cent. Private equity as an asset class has barely breathed this year, with the exception of a couple of transactions and there have been no new funds raised. Islamic private equity is not growing at all. The house that Jack built. And real estate, for long the darling of the Islamic industry, has had the worst ride imagin- able. Real estate as an asset class has come to dominate Islamic investment banking activ- ity over recent years, particularly in the Middle East. Investment banking in the conventional sphere has had much longer to grow and mature and as a result of this it has become a many-headed beast with a high level of expertise evidenced in a wide range of investment banking activities. Islamic Investment Banking 2009
  • 10. Introduction The conventional market has, historically, been a lucrative place to be and to work and therefore ultra- bright people tend to be attracted to it, lured by the prospect of making vast amounts of money in a rela- tively short space of time. This has encouraged product innovators and innovation and the structuring of ever more exotic financial instruments. It is fair to say that the conventional investment banking world has successfully turned into a maze of complex derivative instruments and impenetrable job functions. While this complexity and opacity has been at least partly responsible for the global financial dramas of the last year, it had also been responsible for massive profits for investment banks over the past decade. The Islamic investment banking world has perhaps been spared the worst excesses of the financial melt- down in part because of its antipathy to risk but also because the industry itself is less complex. While this lack of complexity may have been a blessing over recent months, it also means that many Islamic invest- ment banks may have been foregoing profits over recent years that they could have been reaping. But the fact is that Islamic investment banking can be as diverse as its conventional counterpart as this report will show. It is true that many Islamic investment banks have been focused too narrowly on real es- tate of late, but this is not because of any tenets of Shariah but rather that the investment teams at these banks have felt comfortable with real estate and it has offered them spectacular returns. When asked why they have not diversified into asset classes other than real estate many Islamic investment bank CEOs have, in the past, replied by asking which other asset classes could offer them returns that were better than the typical 250 per cent returns that they were seeing on their property portfolios. Diversity and risk The practical flaw in this argument has always been a simple one of putting too many eggs in one basket. If any investor, private or corporate, has too great an exposure to any single asset class then it simply is not safe. A cautious approach to risk should dictate that every investor has exposure to a series of asset classes and that, ideally, at least some of these asset classes should be uncorrelated. In this way, if one asset class takes a metaphorical beating then the other assets in the uncorrelated portfolio should be immune. The fact is, however, not enough Islamic investment banks have delved into a diverse range of asset classes and as a result the industry is perhaps not as robust as it could be. This report looks at the main avenues of investment open to Islamic investment banks and aims to show where there may still be signifi- cant areas for development. While not every bank will want to be involved in every area, a healthier spread of asset classes and diversification away from real estate can only serve to produce an industry that is less prone to market dips and more prone to healthy and sustained profitability. So what does the successful Islamic investment bank of the future look like? A rapidly maturing beast, is the short answer. Such a bank cannot be locally or even regionally focused but must become an investment bank with a global outlook with a strong base in an established financial centre. This might happen through organic growth but is more likely to be achieved through acquisition. The question the CEO must ask himself and his team is, ‘How do we become a world-class player with world-class products and services for our clients?’ These products cannot be solely about real estate and must embrace the best of everything. For the bank it also means employing the best people and then keeping them. The talent pool in the Islamic finance industry is notoriously thin and finding enough brilliant people in order to cope with the challenges ahead will be tough, but the rewards for those who succeed will be immense. The finance industry has taken a battering over the past year and it is not over yet. The same goes for the Islamic finance segment. The winners, of course, will be the banks that diversify and that hire the best and brightest people. 10 Islamic Investment Banking 2009
  • 12. Islamic private equity An opportunity still waiting productive activity underpinning them and that to happen financial flows and assets remain correlated, As the economies of the oil producing meant that debt simply never had the chance countries of the Middle East and North Africa to balloon out of control in the Islamic sphere (MENA) region have boomed over recent years to the same extent that it did in the conven- most areas of finance have witnessed spec- tional sphere. tacular growth. Islamic private equity, however, has not been a particularly large beneficiary of Size of the market this growth. Industry estimates suggest that the global private equity market is worth around $2,200 The reasons for this are hard to fathom. billion at present although the volume of There is a close relationship between Islamic transactions completed in the first quarter of tenets of investing and private equity. By its 2009 is miniscule. According to Greenpark nature private equity is participatory in nature Capital, a specialist secondary investor in and inevitably it must lead to the sharing private equity, deals closed in the first quarter of both risks and rewards. As long as the of 2009 amounted only to $2 billion. A market company seeking the private equity infusion with too many sellers and too few buyers is not operating in a haram area of business inevitably means depressed asset prices. such as pornography or liquor, or is not heav- Figures for the Islamic private equity industry ily indebted, then few forms of co-investing are much harder to come by, but estimates could be more pure from a Shariah compli- from Yasaar Media research suggest that the ance perspective than private equity. The industry is approaching $3 billion in funds reality of the matter is that there is a close raised and deals done, much of it in the MENA relationship between Islamic private equity region. This is a far cry from the $40 billion and conventional private equity and therefore that pundits suggested was the kind of level as private equity has grown in size across that the industry would reach by 2011. For an the globe then we might have expected its overall Islamic finance industry whose size is Islamic counterpart to have done the same. estimated at around $800 billion then it is not hard to see that private equity does not play a Immediately prior to the financial crisis, con- very significant part in the industry yet. ventional private equity had become the whip- ping boy of the financial world and there was Before the credit crisis some observers much talk of the need for increased legislation had postulated that there were not enough and greater transparency on the workings of potential Shariah compliant target portfolio the private equity industry. Too many people companies around to be able to soak up the were making enormous amounts of money out Islamic private equity funds available. Re- of private equity transactions that were, in es- member that at this time there seemed to be sence, being fuelled by excessive cheap debt. money for even the most speculative of invest- Private equity players were being viewed as ments, redolent of the dot.com boom where locust, corporate raiders, and pirates. there was too much money chasing too few opportunities. The picture to emerge since the Islamic private equity never fell into quite collapse of Lehman Brothers is still far from the same trap in large part because of the clear but there is now much less of a mis- prohibitions inherent in the Islamic financial match between the financial heft of investors system against too much debt. In the ideal and potential Shariah compliant private equity Islamic private equity transaction, the goals targets and the undeniable conclusion is that of all of the shareholders are aligned: both the Islamic private equity sector is particularly the entrepreneur who started the business well placed for expansion at present. and the private equity investors who joined them want the same result. Both parties hope The practicalities that they can achieve a significant return on The Islamic private equity model is very similar their investment through a successful trade to the classic Mudarabah model with the al- sale or an IPO listing. Equally importantly, the liance of general partner and limited partner Shariah requirement that transactions have a being a straightforward example of what a 1 Islamic Investment Banking 2009
  • 13. Islamic private equity Mudarabah is supposed to be. Equally impor- cessive cheap debt and enters a world where tantly, the long time frame involved in most any form of financing is much harder to come private equity transactions is complementary across, then Islamic private equity becomes a to the overall tenets of Shariah investing. At much more attractive beast when compared its most basic form, Shariah finance is about to its conventional cousin. Expensive debt is participatory investing for the long term health burdensome and paying down debt has been of both parties in the transaction as well as to a real focus for most finance houses of late. the overall Islamic financing system. The beauty of Islamic private equity is that it has no tolerance for high levels of debt and in The reality, however, is that that the Islamic practice if a private equity fund takes a stake private equity industry is still in its infancy both in a portfolio company whose debt level is in terms of overall size as well as numbers of too high then the first priority has been to refi- players in the market. One of the core devel- nance conventional debt through using Shariah opments that will be needed for the mature compliant instruments. development of the industry is for more and better qualified human capital: more people Dependence upon with a higher level of training. This is a require- Shariah advice ment that afflicts much of the Islamic finance Indeed this kind of refinancing manoeuvre industry and the same dilemma applies here: illustrates the ‘intrusive’ influence of Islamic does the private equity firm employ private financing principles in a private equity transac- equity experts and teach them Shariah? Or tion. The Shariah involvement in an Islamic pri- does it employ people who understand Shariah vate equity investment does not end when the and then teach them the art of private equity? documents are signed and money exchanged This applies both to those experts charged but rather it carries on for the length of the with structuring products as well as those on portfolio investment. If a company has been the marketing and relationship management taken over as part of an Islamic private equity side of the business. portfolio then it must remain Shariah compliant in all significant respects throughout the dura- tion of the investment. Such compliance cannot be assured by the pre-existing management of the company since the management team would hardly be qualified to do so. The Shariah advisers on the transaction will have an ongoing duty to ensure that the tenets of Shariah are not strayed from: the portfolio company will not incur excessive debt or begin trading in haram areas of business. If the Shariah advisers on the transaction are not used on an ongoing basis then a separate and distinct Shariah board will have to be appointed for as long as the portfo- lio company remains a component of an Islamic private equity portfolio. While this need for an extra level of oversight In order to address this issue fully, however, might be interpreted as an extra level of cost, there needs to be a greater level of standar- it is absolutely essential in maintaining the disation across countries to ensure common integrity of the Islamic private equity system levels of compliance. In this way the Gulf- as well as the credibility of all those involved in based Islamic private equity practitioner can the transaction. Amongst other things, ongoing engage staff from Islamic markets in Asia and Shariah compliance ensures the possibility of a vice versa without the usual culture shock that robust secondary market for trading in private so badly affects Islamic retail banks trying to equity stakes in growing companies as well as ferry staff in from overseas to meet demand. when the inevitable IPO or trade sale take place As the financial world leaves the realm of ex- and the original investors take their profits. Islamic Investment Banking 2009 1
  • 14. Islamic private equity The origins of Islamic was completed through the fund’s wholly- private equity in the Gulf owned subsidiary, Regional Energy Services The Islamic private equity industry is a very Holding. This is the sixth investment from the young one and traces its roots back less than fund since launch. a decade. In 2003 Kuwait’s Global Invest- ment House appears to have been one of That same year, 2006, also saw the establish- the first institutions to explore Islamic private ment of Millennium Private Equity from the equity through the launch of a Kuwaiti dinar Dubai Islamic Bank stable whose remit was to denominated Private Equity Fund where the launch and manage a family of seven sector- investments were channelled into little known specific funds in energy, telecoms, media, unlisted Kuwaiti companies. Also in Kuwait communications, financial institutions, general during the same year Kuwait Finance House’s industries, infrastructure, education, and real $100 million New Zealand Australia Private estate. The Millennium Equity Growth Fund is Equity Fund was launched. a closed ended equity investment fund that invests in IPOs, listed equities, private equity, Unicorn Investment Bank from Bahrain was Shariah compliant bonds, and other financial not far behind and in 2006 launched its $150 instruments. Harking back to the point we million Unicorn Global Private Equity Fund. made about the Islamic finance industry’s This was not a domestic or regional fund and over exposure to real estate however, up to only 40 per cent of the fund was placed in 70 per cent of the funds will have real the GCC, 35 per cent in the Levant, while 25 estate exposure. per cent of the fund was placed in the US and South East Asia. The most successful private Since those early days the industry has grown equity funds are tightly targeted and so to and developed to some extent around the provide some focus for this fund, investments world although there has been a growth focus had to be in one of four categories: consumer on the GCC which stems largely from the mas- products, heath care, business services, and sive petrodollar boom caused by sky-high light manufacturing. The fund is to be used oil prices. for acquiring positions in existing businesses and creating value through the use of prudent Other noteworthy examples of Islamic private leverage, consolidation, financial restructuring, equity would include the following: operational enhancements and the granting of management incentives. June 2009 saw the • From January 2007 comes the Enmaa Unicorn Global Private Equity Fund acquire a (Dubai Growth Fund) from 3i Capital Group. 70 per cent equity stake in Bahrain Mainte- This $100 million fund was intended to in- nance and Diving Services. The acquisition vest in public and private equity securities Islamic Private Equity Funds Date of Fund Name Fund Manager Domicile Assets Type launch 04/10/2007 Al Imtiaz Investment Fund Al Imtiaz Investment Kuwait Private Equity 31/05/2007 The Care 2 Fund Gulf Investment House Cayman Islands Private Equity 01/05/2006 Unicorn Global Private Equity Fund l Unicorn Investment Bank Bahrain Private Equity 01/09/2005 The Care Fund Gulf Investment House Cayman Islands Private Equity 1 Islamic Investment Banking 2009
  • 15. Islamic private equity primarily in the Middle East and beyond. equities, real estate, private equity, and structures replicating hedge funds returns. • In April 2007 Khaleej Finance and Invest- • Arcapita, the Islamic investment bank from ment of Bahrain launched its $200 million Bahrain, successfully exited its private Indian Private Equity Fund with the aim of equity investment in US-fast food firm investing 50/50 in private equity and real Church’s Chicken in mid-2009. The sale, estate in India. to a San Francisco private equity group Friedman Fleischer Lowe, is said to • The Al Imtiaz Investment Fund is a dinar have seen Arcapita double its money on denominated open ended private equity the $390 million it paid for Church’s back fund launched in October 2007 by Al in December 2004. Imtiaz Investment Company with a focus on both private equity and real estate. Snapshot of an industry sector • From Millennium Private Equity and Global The pool of funds listed here, from IFIS, is rath- of Kuwait comes the $500 million Global er small and because of the wide variations DIB Millennium Islamic Buyout Fund which in published performance figures an average was launched in 2008 as a true private eq- return figure for such funds would be largely uity fund focused on companies located in meaningless. The figures tend to suggest that the GCC, Turkey, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, the great promise offered by private equity Tunisia, and Morocco. transactions to the Islamic finance industry has not been met and the Islamic private equity • In March of 2008 the $1 billion Dhow Gulf industry remains ready for the boom that is Opportunities Fund was launched by Qatar due. In fairness there are not many asset Islamic Bank (QIB) as a dollar denominated classes that have performed well over the past closed ended fund with a focus on tele- few quarters so perhaps the kindest conclu- coms, environmental recycling technolo- sion that can be drawn from these figures is gies, media, oil gas, and infrastructure. that the Islamic private equity sector has not QIB, QInvest, and Silver Leaf Capital (SLC) performed any worse than others. set up the private equity fund and a com- pany to manage it. Over the years a number of specialist Islamic investment banks has grown up, some with • The Family Shari’ah Fund which is a closed a specific focus on Islamic private equity and ended fund that was launched in mid-2008 others with a more general investment focus. with the aim of investing in money market We have already mentioned a number of the instruments, leasing and fixed income, firms in this sector including KFH, Global, Uni- Geofocus Base Fund size in Type Total Currency USD (Million) Returns Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) KWD Not disclosed Open Ended 99.60% United States USD 50 Closed Ended Global USD 150 Closed Ended-(Renewable) -26.56% United States USD 30 Closed Ended Source: IFIS Islamic Investment Banking 2009 15
  • 16. Islamic private equity corn Investment Bank, and Millennium Private cial Bank, Gulf Energy Holding Company, Equity but there are also others including: Gulf Holding Company, Bayan Holding Company, and Balexco. • International Investment Bank of Bahrain • CIMB Islamic from Malaysia is also which was established in 2003 with involved in private equity but through its Islamic private equity was one of its main mother organisation CIMB. planks. To date the bank has undertaken a number of private equity deals including The future of Islamic in diverse sectors and companies such private equity as IIB Paper Company Limited (UAE), IIB As the Islamic finance industry grows, and as Power Company Limited (Asia), IIB Steel the financial services industry recovers from Company Limited (Bahrain), IIB Automotive the global recession it is likely that the Islamic Ltd (Tunisia), IIB Sugar Ltd (Bahrain), and private equity industry will come back to life Istethmary Mortgage Finance BS (Saudi quickly. The industry has never lived up to the Arabia). The bank reported a net profit of promise that it had, in part because of the lack $13.5 million for 2008 although Q1 2009 of skilled professionals in the industry and in showed a loss of $0.9 million compared part because there has been a lack of land- to a net profit of $5.4 million for the same mark transactions to act as benchmarks. period of 2008. • Rasmala from Dubai is another special- ist in private equity and in January 2009 launched Rasmala MENA Private Equity Fund 2 as a Shariah compliant regional private equity fund with a target size of The most successful private equity $350 million. The fund will primarily target funds are tightly targeted and so to opportunities in Saudi Arabia, UAE and Egypt and targets target mid-cap oppor- provide some focus for this fund, tunities with an enterprise value of $50 investments had to be in one of million to $250 million. four categories: consumer products, • In the UK Prosperitus Capital Partners is a newly formed private equity and alterna- heath care, business services, and tive investments advisory group focused light manufacturing. on Shariah compliant private equity funds investing into emerging market real estate and infrastructure projects. Islamic finance and private equity are natural bedfellows and therefore it can only be a • Bahraini bank Capital Management House matter of time before Islamic private equity launched a $150 million Shariah compliant takes off as a significant part of the financial private equity fund called CMH Enterprise landscape. The essential requirements for this Fund I back in March 2007. CMH Enter- to happen will include attracting and retain- prise Fund I was to invest in manufactur- ing skilled talent, the return of liquidity to the ing, utility, energy, healthcare, services market, and a set of benchmark deals to give and technology related companies. Capital the industry some profile. Management House is not a standalone private equity house but provides Islamic Both the Malaysian Venture Capital Associa- structured and corporate finance, invest- tion and the Gulf Venture Capital Association ment advisory, asset management and will have a role to play in this resurgence, but private equity products. these institutions will be covered in the follow- • Gulf Finance House is one of Bahrain’s ing section on Islamic venture capital. leading Islamic investment banks which also focuses in Islamic private equity whose projects include Khaleeji Commer- 16 Islamic Investment Banking 2009
  • 18. Islamic venture capital Ripe for growth I Collectively the parties share the proportionate f the Islamic private equity industry has profit from the results of the enterprise as per failed to live up to its expectations then their pre-arranged agreement. The entrepre- Islamic venture capital has followed the neur cannot be placed at risk of losing money same path with even less spectacular re- since he has contributed only expertise. If sults. Indeed discussion of Islamic venture the business venture fails, then the most the capital is largely theoretical because real life entrepreneur could lose is the investment he examples are few and far between. The gov- has already made in the business and the time ernment of Malaysia has done more than any and effort he had put into the venture. In other other body to promote and define the industry words no one can come after the entrepreneur and indeed has launched a fund, albeit a small for cash compensation. In a similar way, no one $10 million fund, to help show the way. The should expect the venture investor to have any private sector has a few examples of Islamic say in the management of the company or any venture capital at work but the reality is that responsibility for it, since his part of the deal is often these are misnamed Islamic private eq- to providing financing only. uity efforts and yet venture capital and Islamic finance are tailor-made for each other. The principle of Musharakah in Rather like its cousin private equity, venture venture investing capital is a mode of investing that seems In the context of Islamic venture capital perfect for Islamic finance through the applica- Musharakah financing is a partnership formed tion of various Islamic financing concepts, between parties to finance a business venture with the Mudarabah concept being the most common. Venture capital here is defined as the provision of seed capital for a new venture in the process of being established, rather than the provision of capital to a small business to facilitate its growth. Rather like its conventional counterpart, Islamic venture capital appeals most to inves- tors who understand a sector or an industry intimately and are prepared to risk a portion of their capital on the strength of a business plan, the management team of the proposed business, and their own ability to pick a winner. Other similarities between Islamic venture capi- tal and conventional venture capital include the fact that deal sizes are small when compared to private equity transactions, since the start- up capital that is required for a burgeoning small businesses tends not to include monies for grandiose marketing and advertising plans but tends to be much more conservative in its outlook. Some basic principles explained The principle of Mudarabah in venture investing Mudarabah financing involves a contract under which the investor, or rabal-maal, brings financing to the table and the entrepreneur, the mudarib, brings expertise, effort, and in the case of Islamic venture capital, a business plan. 1 Islamic Investment Banking 2009
  • 19. Islamic venture capital where the parties contribute capital either in the spirit of co-operation or ta’wun is made the form of cash or in kind. Profits are distrib- visible? Is the fixation of profit ($9 million) in uted based on a pre-agreed ratio. Losses are equity investment in the form of equity owner- shared on the basis of capital contribution to ship permissible in a Musharakah contract? It the venture. is, therefore, inadequate to say that venture capital is by nature halal before any substantial The principle of Wakalah in venture investing research is made on the subject. There is a In Wakalah financing a contract from one party great deal of work one must do before the gives the power and rights to another party to Islamic label is used’. act on his behalf, based on the agreed terms and conditions. Islamic venture capital in the overall context of Islamic venture capital: Islamic finance determining ownership The sector of Islamic venture capital had shares been largely ignored in the GCC until recently Some scholars have made the case that even because of the lack of an ‘entrepreneur class’ in cases of Islamic venture capital, it is impor- which is essential for the development of a tant to look at the details of each deal to make healthy venture capital environment: young, sure that they are being undertaken in the true bright people with great business ideas and spirit of Shariah. One exponent of this view a determination to make a success of ‘their’ is Dr Saiful Azhar Rosly who makes the point business. As the world becomes more of a very forcefully in ‘Critical Issues on Islamic global marketplace, and as the education Banking and Financial Markets” (Authorhouse, and skills level of young people in the region Bloomington, 2005). increases, then venture investing along Shariah compliant lines may become more common. Rosly says, ‘in the Musharakah framework, the This is not to say that the greater Middle East main element of the contract is the profit-loss and North Africa region has been bereft of ven- sharing ratio (PLSR), which is determined on ture capital. Countries such as Egypt, Lebanon the basis of conditions agreed upon by the and even Turkey have long had an entrepre- participating agents. But in modem finance, it neur class of their own and the VC industry is irrational to say that an investor will not give is consequently more developed in these a look at the expected return on investment of countries. In much of the GCC there have been a project, which all venture capitalists will do. impediments to foreigners (i.e. non-GCC na- So, how is the PLSR and pricing of the venture tionals) owning their own businesses outright capital deal related?’ To illustrate the point the and this had naturally led to an absence of author refers to the Hockey Stick Method and such businesses in the marketplace. As coun- uses the following example: tries like the UAE have introduced ‘free zones’ such as Dubai Internet City, Dubai Media City, ‘Let’s say, from a $1.5 million investments (the Dubai International Financial Centre, Jebel Ali investor) wants a return on investment (ROI) Free Zone, and so on where foreign nationals of six - or $9 million. Also he envisages the and corporates can own 100 per cent of their project to make a net profit of $2 million. If own business then the market for venture he decides on a price-earnings of 10:1 he will capital has opened up. Naturally the business obtain a 45 per cent equity in the company. idea that will attract Islamic venture capital has This is done by multiplying the projected earn- to operate within the constraints of Shariah ings ($2 million) by 10 and dividing it by his and must not dabble in haram areas. targeted return of $9 million. But having a young entrepreneur class is only What we see here is a deal that a venture half of the equation. The other half of the equa- capitalist will offer to an entrepreneur. Here tion is having venture investors with the risk the former wants 45 per cent equity in the appetite to back the business plans presented company on the basis of a ROI of six or $9 mil- to them with hard cash. This is not simply a lion on a $1.5 million investment. Can this be matter of having the money, it is also about a genuine case in a Musharakah deal in which having the tools to analyse the business plan, Islamic Investment Banking 2009 1
  • 20. Islamic venture capital structuring a deal, and ensuring that the short, the management. This then creates significant medium, and long term investment interests of value above and beyond the use of financial both the entrepreneur and the investor are the engineering. New companies and industries same. This requires a level of education and spawned by venture capitalists for example expertise that had been lacking until relatively Apple Computer Inc., Federal Express, Google, recently but has arrived in the region on the IBM have irreversibly changed the way we live back of the tidal wave of oil revenues and and work today’. increasing globalisation. The clear intention was to promote an Islamic The combined effect of this has been that the venture capital industry whose aim was not Islamic venture capital industry was virtually simply to nurture small businesses but rather to non-existent, except for a few cases where be the catalyst behind the next wave of ‘mega Angel investors in the guise of ultra wealthy brands’ too, in the mould of Apple and Google. merchant families have funded new start-up Such thinking is certainly ambitious, but judging businesses with their own cash, after ensuring by the way the balance of global financial and that the business had no likelihood of straying economic power is currently shifting away from into haram areas of business practice. The the traditional centres of London and New York arrival of financial centres such as Dubai Inter- it may contain an element of realism. national Financial Centre, Malaysia International Islamic Financial Centre, Qatar Financial Cen- Dato Mahmood then went on to say, ‘With the tre, and Bahrain Financial Harbour has opened rapid expansion and innovation of Islamic capi- up the possibility that expert venture capital tal market products such as Sukuk, Islamic talent from more mature financial markets unit trust funds, Islamic REITs, Islamic ETF and could be transplanted into rapidly emerging Shariah compliant listed securities, it is now Islamic finance markets and bring with it the timely for us to encourage and facilitate the intellectual wherewithal to do lucrative Islamic growth of Islamic venture capital as another venture capital deals. available asset class in Malaysia’s broad range of Islamic products. The development of Is- Guidelines lamic venture capital will offer the opportunity Anyone serious about setting up an Islamic for Islamic investors to diversify their portfo- venture capital fund, or securing venture lios. Also, the fact that venture capital does capital funding, in a Shariah compliant man- not have perfect correlation with other asset ner should acquire a copy of the Securities classes such as listed securities allows more Commission Malaysia document on Guidelines opportunity for investors to enhance their and Best Practices on Islamic Venture Capital portfolio returns’. published in May 2008. Essentially these form a set of guidelines and best practices to Naturally Dato Mahmood was focused prin- promote the adoption of appropriate standards cipally on Malaysia but the general concept for the development of the emerging Islamic remains the same for the industry wherever it venture capital industry. is based. The speech by Dato Mahmood was by way of a precursor to the publishing of the During her keynote address at the Islamic Ven- Guidelines whose two core requirements for ture Capital Private Equity Conference 2008 Shariah compliant venture capital were identi- launching these guidelines YBhg Dato Dr. Nik fied as being: Ramlah Nik Mahmood, managing director, • The appointment of a Shariah adviser who Securities Commission Malaysia said, ‘Venture provides continuous guidance in ensuring capital brings profound impact to the econo- that amongst others, the proposed invest- my. It bridges the financing gap where direct ment contract and instrument structures bank lending or financing through the debt or are Shariah compliant (our emphasis) equity market is difficult to obtain. The unique • The core activities of the investee com- nature of the venture capital model, which pany must be Shariah compliant is based on active management, leads to improved corporate governance and an overall The Dato was clear that these guidelines were alignment of stakeholder interests with that of absolutely necessary for Malaysia if it was to 0 Islamic Investment Banking 2009
  • 21. Islamic venture capital stand a chance of attracting funds from the The Gulf Venture Capital GCC, highly enriched with a vastly inflated Association oil price at the time. Wealth, and therefore As its name suggests the Gulf Venture Capital venture capital interest, was blossoming in the Association (GVCA) is a body whose remit is Middle East and Malaysia did not want to lose to encourage the growth and prosperity of out as a recipient of some of these funds. In the venture capital industry in the GCC and order to attract Islamic venture capital funds in the greater Middle East. While its remit is not particular she identified the importance of the solely confined to Islamic venture capital there Shariah adviser who reinforces Shariah compli- are clear areas where the GVCA and Islamic ance throughout the whole process, from deal venture capital intersect. structuring and investing up to exit, and by doing so enhances confidence and attracts The original intention of the GVCA was never greater potential Islamic investors. simply to be a body which promoted venture capital, however, but was seen as a counter- part to the Arabian Knowledge Economy As- sociation (AKEA) whose remit was to increase entrepreneurial skills and awareness amongst A similar success story in the young up-and-coming businessmen and women in the Arab world. Indeed the president of Islamic venture capital field could AKEA, Abdullah Al-Subyani, is also president of prove to be just the fillip that the the GVCA. industry needs to spawn dozens of The reality of the industry, however, is that funds from the private sector the association focuses most of its attention on private equity and not on venture capital. looking for the next big The annual report produced by the GVCA from 2007 only makes passing reference to Shariah compliant thing. venture capital and even then only as a vir- tual footnote which reads , ‘Venture capital funds raised money in 2005 and 2006, but lost their appeal in 2007. Venture capital An industry emerges funds still have to ascertain their viability Shortly after this announcement, in July in the MENA region in terms of availability 2008, the first Islamic venture capital Musha- of quality deal flow and realization of raka Fund was introduced by Malaysia Ven- successful exits’. ture Capital Management with the fund man- aged by Musharaka Venture Management. The 2008 report from the GVCA said, ‘Venture Malaysia Venture Capital Management is the capital funds remain largely unattractive in the venture capital subsidiary of the Ministry of MENA region, with only three venture capital Finance in Malaysia. Apparently the fund drew funds raised in 2008. The venture capital interest from Swiss and Middle Eastern inves- model has remained unproven in the region, tors. Malaysia Venture Capital Management despite many attempts by individuals and allocated RM 30 million ($ 8.3 million) for the governments to adapt the western model to fund while unnamed investors invested RM the Middle East’. 5 million ($1.83 million). Malaysia Venture Capital Management will continue its efforts Malaysia Venture to attract participation from local and regional Capital Association investors and hopes to increase the fund size The Malaysia Venture Capital Association in 2009. The Musharaka Fund aims to invest based in Kuala Lumpur has a similar agenda in at least four technology-based companies. to the GVCA and the association works Judging by the Dato’s speech it seems likely closely with the Islamic Banking and Finance that Malaysia’s Islamic venture industry is Institute Malaysia to produce an annual event hoping to breed the new Apple Computer Inc, called Islamic Venture Capital Private Google, or IBM. Equity Conference. Islamic Investment Banking 2009 1
  • 22. Islamic venture capital At this conference held in May 2009 deputy It seems a safe bet that successful Islamic finance minister Yb Datuk Dr. Awang Adek venture capital investing in the future will be Hussin said, ‘the (Malaysian) government has the speciality of Islamic investment banks given strong commitment to the development rather than specially focused Islamic venture of venture capital industry In Malaysia, and in capital firms. The rationale here is that, as 2008, as much as 48 per cent of the total ven- we have already observed, the quantum of ture capital funds under management, came individual venture capital investments tends to from the government... The potential for purely be small and therefore may not be lucrative ‘Islamic’ venture capital is great because enough in the short term to finance all but the the nature of venture capital financing itself most boutique of firms. is similar to the stated principles of Islamic finance, which favour profits, or losses, over Bahrain’s Venture Capital Bank (VCBank) is interest. Besides, the industry can be lucrative, an example of a specialist Islamic investment not only for investors, but also for the overall bank launched with the aim of capitalising on advancement and development of economic this niche, although VCBank’s remit is wider and innovative activity. By providing funds than simply venture investing. Established in to budding entrepreneurs with sound ideas, October 2005 the bank also looks at private Islamic venture capital can help to promote in- equity and real estate, while also trying to novation, job creation and the development of secure financial advisory mandates. In the high growth industries. Now, there are already current climate its business plan seems to many Muslim entrepreneurs seeking Islamic be succeeding and for the year ended 31 De- venture capitalists, and there are also a grow- cember 2008 the bank achieved net profit of ing number of non-Muslim investors opting for $47 million which showed 47 per cent growth Islamic investment schemes. From develop- compared to 2007 and a 27 per cent return ments around the world, we can expect that on equity. The bank is also increasing paid-up Islamic finance, venture capital and private capital from $165 million to $250 million. equity will be major tools in implementing vari- ous investments and realizing various projects VCBank launched its first fund, the $250 mil- at the global level. Given the contracting global lion MENA Small Medium Enterprises Fund credit markets currently, the promotion of in December 2006 and has so far invested in Islamic venture capital and private equity is Challenger Limited, an oil drilling company in both appropriate and timely.’ North Africa. The private sector The future of Islamic While the Malaysian government’s endeavours venture capital are to be applauded it seems likely that the Early signs would suggest that the industry is sustained growth and development of a strong likely to flourish in Malaysia before anywhere and healthy Islamic venture capital an industry else, in large part because of the initiatives of will rest in the private sector. If the Malaysian the government. What seems beyond doubt government can help to kick start such indus- is that the industry at present is tiny, certainly try domestically then so much for the good. smaller than $100 million, and probably worth Perhaps what the industry needs more than less than half of that. When the global reces- anything else is a catalogue of success stories sion is over, Islamic venture investing could that will pique the interest of wealthy investors easily be one of the fastest growing sectors with a penchant for backing small business. of the industry, if for no other reason than it is The success story that Abraaj Capital, a Dubai- coming off a very low base. based conventional private equity house, had with its investment in Aramex bred dozens of imitators across the GCC. A similar success story in the Islamic venture capital field could prove to be just the fillip that the industry needs to spawn dozens of funds from the private sector looking for the next big Shariah compliant thing. Islamic Investment Banking 2009
  • 24. Daar International Sukuk t'azur B.S.C (c) open-Silicon, Inc Victron, Inc US$600 MIllIon regIonal takaFUl 75.6% Stake 80% Stake SUkUk al-Ijara CoMPanY Private equity Investment Private equity Investment arranger, Shari'ah advisor Strategic Ma transaction December 2007 December 2007 and joint Bookrunner November 2007 March 2007 Dar al-arkan International Sukuk US$1,000,000,000 SUkUk al-Ijara arranger, Shari'ah advisor and joint Bookrunner July 2007 Barwa real estate Co q.S.C turquoise Coast Sun Well Service, Inc Bahrain Financing Company US$700 MIllIon reVolVIng Investment Company 75% Stake B.S.C. (c) MUraBaha FInanCIng real eState PrIVate Private equity Investment StrategIC aCqUISItIon FaCIlItY eqUItY October 2008 Strategic Ma transaction joint leader arranger, asset Management January 2009 Structuring agent and real estate Shari'ah advisor March 2008 December 2007 A focused approach builds global opportunities Unicorn Investment Bank seeks to deliver exceptional value to clients and shareholders through a focus on innovation, professionalism and integrity – the shared values that drive our endeavour to be a leading global provider of Shari’ah-compliant investment banking products and services. our award-winning formula is underpinned by a pioneering spirit, a clearly defined strategy, an unwavering emphasis on disciplined growth and sustained investment in people, research and technology. For further information, please visit www.unicorninvestmentbank.com. Asset Management Real Estate | Capital Markets | Corporate Finance | Private Equity | Strategic MA | Treasury
  • 25. Islamic mergers and acquisitions Opportunities abound I tant institution over and above the sum of its n the context of Islamic investment banking constituent parts. the subject of mergers and acquisitions covers two distinct areas. The first of these The benefits of size is when an Islamic finance house looks to Much as in the world of conventional business grow or consolidate its position through and finance, except with a Shariah compliant either merger or acquisition. Generally this overlay, building strong Islamic finance busi- will involve an overseas move rather than a nesses often involves buying other companies domestic one, although this is not always so. or merging with other companies rather than The second area involves an Islamic investment spending years launching a business and then bank acting in an advisory capacity to another going through years of costly competition. The institution’s merger or acquisition, undertaken benefits of MA can also include knowledge within the parameters of Islamic finance, and for transfer, technology transfer, and competitive which the advising bank will earn fees. advantage: in the financial services business in particular these can lead directly to much better In the heady oil-revenue-fuelled days before the product structuring capabilities. Equally impor- financial crisis there were regular proclama- tantly in MA deals is the prospect of significant tions from various Gulf states about the estab- cost savings, which can make all the difference lishment of an Islamic mega-bank that would in tough markets. Duplicate layers of manage- rival the conventional world’s mega-banks such ment can be removed and there are generally as Citibank or HSBC. These were to be huge synergies at all levels of expertise that can lead entities that spanned continents and managed to significant cost savings. to fund their investment banking and wealth management offerings through equally huge But perhaps the most important area where retail deposits from their hundreds of thou- Islamic MA could help Islamic banks is simply sands of customers. The $10 billion capital that consolidation should lead to larger balance Istikhlaf Bank from Bahrain is the latest in the sheets which should mean that the newly long line of such banks to be announced. formed larger entity should have access to deal flow that was previously not available to them. Perhaps the financial crisis itself has been enough to make the architects of these gran- One clear area where there could be scope diose plans grateful that they never got off for Islamic mergers and acquisitions is in the the drawing board as they watched the giants UAE which is often described as being ‘over- of the conventional banking sphere become banked’. The domestic market has 52 banks, beset with problems. Nevertheless there is 24 domestic and 28 foreign, according to the a core of sense in having an Islamic finance Central Bank of the UAE. Of these local banks institution that is not tied to one geographic eight are Islamic. The world economic reces- region or one area of financial services. It has sion may increase pressure on some of these long been argued that in the long run only truly Islamic banks to merge but the truth is that international investment banks can survive there is often a fierce pride associated with a since the real money to be made in investment bank that bears the name of a specific emirate banking lies in having mass or scale and this and this is often enough to quell any debate can only be achieved through having deals about the need to merge. cooking in many countries at the same time. This does not hold true for retail banks where As Philip Dew says in his book Half a Century having a branch on every street corner of the of Banking in the UAE, ‘For many years there world provides little by way of benefit to cus- has been a suggestion that the UAE has tomers and little by way of profit to the bank. been over-banked. Whether this is strictly the case is open to conjecture because, as the Herein lies the wealth of opportunity presented economy grows, so there is a concomitant by Islamic mergers and acquisitions: the art increase in the demand for banking services. of identifying a complementary institution Furthermore, and perhaps paradoxically, the that can be bought or merged to increase banks have never been more profitable than the market value and influence of the resul- in the recent past, which of itself probably Islamic Investment Banking 2009 5
  • 26. Islamic mergers and acquisitions belies the argument there are too many banks In spite of, or perhaps because of, the current in the UAE. Nevertheless, there is a strong market turmoil there is still a significant amount belief amongst bankers that there is a need of Islamic MA going on right now. As David for consolidation in the sector, probably Vicary (Daud Abdullah), managing director of through mergers to create big institutions with DVA Consulting in Kuala Lumpur says, ‘There is bigger capital bases. Suggestions are that MA Islamic consolidation activity in Indonesia. these could possibly be between local banks I am also aware of GCC entities looking for although in some minds they might better be acquisitions in both Malaysia and Indonesia’. between regional financial institutions and yet Discussions with senior bankers in the Gulf My view here others consider that international banks from suggests that they are only too happy to is that there is outside the region might invest in the capital of wait for valuations of banks to decline further locally incorporated banks’. throughout Asia before they proceed with their some desirability Overseas expansion acquisition plans. Vicary added, ‘You need to have a tight definition of Islamic MA. If it is an to do this to help Another area where there is scope for Islamic MA which involves transacting on the ordinary to create scale mergers and acquisitions lies in firms in the shares in the company, then there is no real GCC acquiring partners in Malaysia, Pakistan, difference from a conventional MA, with the in both balance Brunei, and so on, while there is also much exception of Shariah compliant business. If you sheet size and scope for firms in these countries to attempt mean MA between Islamic financial institu- acquisitions elsewhere. If the aim is to expand tions, the same applies as well. My view here is capital and there the Islamic finance footprint of an established that there is some desirability to do this to help are certainly entity then MA can be a swift solution. One to create scale in both balance sheet size and potential stumbling block to carte blanche capital and there are certainly entities out there entities out there MA between the Gulf and Malaysia is that looking. This primarily involves GCC entities many Islamic banks operating in Malaysia are looking for bargains in South East Asia’. looking. subsidiaries of conventional banks and there- David Vicary fore are not ‘for sale’ to third parties. And what is the key to success in Islamic MA transactions? According to Vicary it involves, ‘A basic knowledge of Shariah principles and keen consideration of prohibited activities. Otherwise standard MA advisory qualifica- tions are needed including a strong network of potential players’. Banks on the prowl Banks like Saudi’s Al Rajhi Bank are said to be ac- tively looking for opportunities for MA deals in Asia and the bank has recently set up an office in Kuala Lumpur to enable it to do so. There can be no substitute for ‘people on the ground’ when it comes to doing the due diligence on a deal or in- deed when going through the target identification process. By contrast, various international banks have set up offices in Saudi Arabia although this is not thought to be about securing takeovers of existing Saudi banks since no acquisitions of domestic banks are allowed by foreign entities. Equally importantly, due to their sheer oil-price David Vicary fuelled market size, it may not be possible for foreign banks to acquire Saudi banks even if they were allowed to do so. But it is not all about acquisitions in Asia. In 2007 Saudi Arabia’s National Commercial 26 Islamic Investment Banking 2009
  • 27. Islamic mergers and acquisitions Bank, at the time the Gulf’s largest lender, paid more investment banking focused rather than $1.08 billion for a 60 per cent stake in Turkish the bank making inroads into the domestic Islamic lender Turkiye Finans, a Turkish Shariah Islamic retail market. It has also launched a re- compliant participation bank. At the time this search oriented brand in Kuala Lumpur called was the biggest Islamic MA deal ever and KFH Research. was closely watched by others hoping to rep- licate the success. The ruling Turkish political In September 2008, Dubai Islamic Bank and party, AK Party, had been actively encourag- Dubai International Capital announced that they ing Gulf investment into Turkey as a means of intended to buy a 52 per cent stake in the increasing stability to the sector and the NCB Industrial Development Bank of Jordan which deal was only the latest in a long line of foreign was seen as a strategic acquisition that would direct investments the Turkish banking sector. pave the way for IDB’s conversion into a Shariah compliant financial institution. The resulting en- Earlier that year Unicorn Investment Bank tity would be called Jordan Dubai Islamic Bank. and Inter Yatirim Menkul Degerler of Turkey completed a deal which saw Unicorn acquire 75 Proving that the recession has not put paid per cent of the brokerage and asset manage- to all Islamic MA activity, on the run up to ment company. Earlier still, in June 2006, the summer of 2009 it was reported that Unicorn bought a 22 per cent stake in what Kuwait Finance House Bahrain was consider- was then called First Dawood Islamic Bank, a ing acquiring a stake in Bahrain Islamic Bank, newly established commercial Islamic bank in the listed Bahrain-based bank from Investment Pakistan, now renamed Dawood Islamic Bank. Dar. Investment Dar, in turn, was rumoured to In March 2009 Unicorn increased its stake have lost a buyback option on a 19 per cent in Dawood Islamic Bank to 37 per cent for a stake in the Islamic Boubyan Bank of Kuwait. consideration of $13 million. In January 2009 Meanwhile non-Islamic National Bank of Kuwait Unicorn announced the acquisition of Bahrain was said to have bought Commercial Bank of Financing Company, one of the leading foreign Kuwait’s shares in Boubyan Bank. exchange and remittance houses in the GCC. These acquisitions were made either directly or through the bank’s Strategic Acquisition Fund, a $1 billion fund that seeks to acquire strategic It will be very stakes in commercial banks and other financial services institutions globally. interesting In 2007 Samba Financial Group, another of over the next Saudi Arabia’s heavy team of banks, bought two years, on 68 per cent of the Crescent Commercial Bank of Pakistan. The $100 million purchase was a global level, part of the group’s efforts to expand its activi- but in the ties geographically and enter into successful investment ventures on the basis of a long-term Islamic whole- strategy. As we have seen Pakistan is a lure for other cash-rich Gulf based Islamic banks due to sale space its profoundly Islamic nature and the size of its rather than the population as well the relatively depressed level of asset prices there. The Pakistani market retail space’. consists of around 160 million inhabitants, 97 Sameer Abdi per cent of whom are Muslim. Sameer Abdi Recession-proof activity Kuwait Finance House is conspicuously active in the Malaysian market while CIMB Islamic in Malaysia has also been casting its net around within Asia. KFH’s activity in Malaysia has been Islamic Investment Banking 2009 27
  • 28. Islamic mergers and acquisitions The world economic recession may increase pressure on some of these Islamic banks to merge but the truth is that there is often a fierce pride associated with a bank that bears the name of a specific emirate and this is often enough to quell any debate about the need to merge. Islamic Investment Banking 2009
  • 29. Islamic mergers and acquisitions Other significant deals of late involve Qatar Malaysia’s oldest and second biggest Islamic Islamic Bank which has been trying to acquire bank, Bank Islam Malaysia, is looking at MA as an undisclosed minority stake in Al Ijarah a way of clawing back the market share it has Indonesia Finance since February 2009 and lost to new competition. The bank is looking plans to acquire PT Bank Jabar Banten, a at home as well as Indonesia, Singapore, and banking services provider from the Indonesian Thailand to source an acquisition partner that government. Before this, in January 2008, will put it back on the growth trail. The bank Qatar Islamic Bank sold a 20 per cent stake would still require regulatory approval for such a in Al Jazeera Islamic Co, a financial services move. The problem seems to be that Malaysia’s provider, to Qatar National Bank. Islamic banking industry is overcrowded with 14 fully fledged Islamic banks as well as conven- Sameer Abdi, partner, advisory services, Ernst tional lenders with Shariah windows. Young Middle East concurs that Islamic MA could be in for a period of growth as a result of As with the conventional MA space the the global downturn. He said ‘At the moment we Islamic industry does not have a free hand in are seeing a lot of interest in Islamic MA and a the realm of international Islamic MA. There number of institutions that have kept some dry are often legislative barriers to straightforward powder over the past year are looking to do ac- acquisitions to be overcome. In Malaysia for quisitions, but most of the acquisitions are share instance, foreign companies are only allowed swaps, they are not cash acquisitions. This is not to take minority stakes in local companies and surprising, given the liquidity situation at present. this extends to the financial services arena. There is a view that the smaller banks, those with This kind of impediment can stand in the way $50 million-$100 million capital bases may have of a deal if the acquirer is looking for a control- to consolidate. It will be very interesting over the ling stake in the target company. next two years, on a global level, but in the Islamic wholesale space rather than the retail space’. The future of Islamic MA The strengthening of bank balance sheets has A full listing of completed and announced been something of a trend in the market since Islamic MA deals from January to June 2009 the onset of the financial crisis. This has had from Bureau Van Dijk’s Zephyr database can a number of effects but one of the most per- be found at the end of this section. tinent affecting Islamic MA is the reduction in valuations of banks caused by collapsing Focus of activity share prices. The next 12 month period would Perhaps much of the Islamic MA activity will be seem to be the perfect time for leading Islamic centred on the Gulf until a global recovery is un- investment banks to capitalise on the new eco- derway. Even so it is possible that Islamic banks nomic realities and bring forward their growth in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Pakistan would not plans since targets may not be so cheap again have the balance sheet to be able to make and there may be significant advantages in acquisitions in the Gulf simply because of the being an early mover. Doubtless this will mean wealth divide between the oil-rich Middle East Gulf-based banks acquiring assets in Asia and emerging Asia. Perhaps bucking the trend rather than the other way around although Al-Zamin Leasing Modaraba of Pakistan plans to we may well see some internal consolidation merge with Emirates Global Islamic Bank. within the Asian continent. These factors have led some observers to ponder the value of a pan-Asian Islamic bank holding company formed by the merger of a wide selection of smaller Asian players. While the theory of this is admirable and perhaps even desirable it is not necessarily practical because of the point we have already made that many Islamic banks operating in Asia are subsidiaries of conventional banks and are therefore not for sale. Islamic Investment Banking 2009
  • 30. Islamic mergers and acquisitions Islamic MA Deals Jan-June 2009 Deal No Acquiror name Acquiror Target name country code 1. 278853 Islamic Development Bank Group SA United Albanian Bank 2. 1601026410 Shareholders Gulf Bank KSC 3. 1601032179 Dubai Islamic Bank plc AE Industrial Development Bank 4. 1601032919 HE Sheikh Thani Bin Abdulla Bin Thani Jasim Al Thani Islamic Bank of Britain plc 5. 1601035276 Qatar Investment Authority QA Qatar International Islamic Bank QSC 6. 1601047029 Unicorn Investment Bank BSC BH Bahrain Financing Company BSC 7. 1601047556 Al-Khabeer Merchant Finance Corporation SA Dari for Home Loans 8. 1601047951 Al-Zamin Leasing Modaraba PK International Multi Leasing Corporation Ltd 9. 1601050426 Qatar Investment Authority QA First Finance Company QSC 10. 1601051850 Qatar Islamic Insurance Company QA Al-Jisr Takaful Company QSC 11. 1601051978 - Van Entegre Et Sanayi Ve Ticaret AS 12. 1601053846 Al Salam Bank Bahrain BSC BH Bahraini Saudi Bank BSC 13. 1601054757 Investors QA Syrian Islamic Company for Takaful Insurance, The 14. 1601056002 BBK BSC BH Shamil Bank of Bahrain BSC 15. 1601057106 Jordan Dubai Financial Investment Company JO First Takaful Insurance Company KSCC 16. 1601061615 Brookwell Ltd GB Noble Investments (UK) plc 17. 1601062874 - Dubai Islamic Bank plc 18. 1601063097 - International Leasing Investment Company KSC, The 19. 1601069482 - Arcapita Bank BSC 20. 1601075086 Barwa Real Estate Company QSC QA First Finance Company QSC 21. 1601076581 - Noble Investments (UK) plc 22. 1601077502 Alliance Tuna International Inc. PH International Alliance Food Indonesia PT 23. 1601079266 SFS Group Public Company Ltd CY Shariah compliant Shipping Fund LP 24. 1601079687 - National Bank for Development 25. 1603008626 - AmBank (M) Bhd 26. 1603009366 Cahya Mata Sarawak Bhd MY UBG Berhad 27. 1603009495 - Public Bank Bhd 28. 1603009760 - Public Bank Bhd 29. 1603010357 CIMB Group Sdn Bhd MY CIMB-Principal Islamic Asset Management Sdn Bhd 30. 1603010360 Principal Global Investors Holding Co., Inc. US CIMB-Principal Islamic Asset Management Sdn Bhd 31. 1603010713 - Al Rajhi Banking Investment Corporation (Malaysia) Bhd 32. 1603013550 Putrajaya Perdana Bhd MY CMS Roads Sdn Bhd 33. 1603013551 Putrajaya Perdana Bhd MY CMS Pavement Tech Sdn Bhd 34. 1603015168 Khazanah Nasional Bhd MY Bank Muamalat Malaysia Bhd 35. 1603015238 Unicorn Investment Bank BSC BH Dawood Islamic Bank Ltd 36. 1603018883 Lembaga Tabung Haji MY BIMB Holdings Bhd 37. 1603019285 HLA Holdings Sdn Bhd MY Hong Leong Tokio Marine Takaful Bhd 38. 1603020150 RHB Capital Bhd RHB Kawal Sdn Bhd 39. 1603023770 Bank Islami Pakistan Ltd PK Citibank NA’s consumer housing finance portfolio 0 Islamic Investment Banking 2009