The document provides information on creating a more waterwise landscape. It discusses adjusting existing landscapes to be more efficient by improving irrigation systems and making behavioral changes. This includes inspecting sprinklers for problems, improving coverage, and making seasonal schedule adjustments. The document also recommends replacing grass with native plants according to water needs and designing new landscape zones. Overall the recommendations aim to conserve water through both minor tune-ups and more extensive landscape conversions.
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Creating A Waterwise Landscape - Conservation Garden Park, Utah
2. Adjusting your landscape to be Conserving water for future generations
more water-efficient
The majority of Utah homeowners own and maintain a ith ten people added to our population each hour
traditional European landscape consisting of a bluegrass through both in-migration and natural increase, Utah
lawn and annual flowers. While this style of landscaping has an anticipated population increase of 1.5 million
people by the year 2030. Current rates of water use will not sustain
is well suited for areas of the country with large amounts
projected growth. Water conservation is not only important in
of annual rainfall, it is not sustainable here in the response to droughts, but is essential in providing for future water
semi-arid region in which we live without significant needs.
supplemental watering. Population growth in the Salt
On average, Utah homeowners use 44 inches of water on their
Lake Valley continues to increase steadily, placing more
outdoor landscaping each summer. While this guide will teach you
reliance on limited water sources. Studies show that Utah simple things you can do to make your landscape and sprinklers
homeowners use an average of 44 inches of water on more water-efficient, we’d like to invite you to the Conservation
their landscapes each year, when only 30 inches or less Garden Park to see these principles in action.
are needed to maintain a healthy lawn. For this reason,
The landscapes represented in the graph at right can all be found at
homeowners are encouraged to take an active part
the Conservation Garden Park, and as you can see, require much
in conserving our precious water resource. Using this less water than what is currently being used on the average Utah
brochure will help you get started. landscape. Naturally, this translates into not only water savings, but
a lower water bill. And wouldn’t we all like to have a lower water
4. 1 Time for a
Tip 1: Visually inspect your irrigation system zone by
zone. Activate one valve at a time and inspect each
sprinkler head individually. Look for the following possible
problems, marking any needed repairs:
Assessing Your Landscape and
Making Simple Adjustments Inadequate coverage. Each sprinkler head should spray to the
next head (see diagram below). Dry areas in turf are an indication
This section focuses on improving the irrigation
of poor coverage. Sprinkler heads may have to be added, moved,
efficiency of your existing landscape and making
or adjusted to improve
behavioral changes for long-term water savings. All
coverage (see section 2,
measures in this section are either no-cost or low-cost
“Performance Upgrades”).
changes you can make.
Using a different nozzle
(see diagram, next page)
may also improve coverage.
Arrange sprinkler heads so the spray patterns
overlap each other.
How much will I save?
Depending on your previous watering Broken or leaking sprinkler heads. If any water is observed
habits, making the changes recommended immediately around the sprinkler head (other than the water
in “Time for a Tune-up” could result in up spraying from the nozzle), it may be broken, loose or worn out.
to 15% water savings.
5. Replace or repair any leaking sprinkler heads you find.
Sprinkler heads too high, too low, or tilted to one side. Heads
should be straight and flush with the ground. If the head is too low,
the spray may be blocked by surrounding turf. It could also become
easily clogged by debris. If the head is too high it becomes an
obstacle to mowing and edging, as well as a trip hazard. If the head
is tilted, the uniformity of the spray is compromised. Dig up the
head and use a swing joint to set the head at the proper grade.
Diagram of a sprinkler head with swing joint.
Improper nozzles. If a sprinkler is spraying onto a wall, house,
More Information
Contact Jordan Valley Water Conservancy District for
more information about water-efficient landscaping:
Many nozzle patterns, like those above, are available for fixed-spray sprinklers. • 1-877-728-3420
6. 1 Time for a
sidewalk, street, or anywhere other than the turf, changing to a
different nozzle may correct the problem. Many nozzle patterns are
available for fixed-spray sprinklers, as shown in the image on the
previous page.
Tip 2: “Cycle and Soak” to avoid runoff. This is done by
setting multiple start times for a certain zone. For
example, watering three times for five minutes in each zone may
allow water to penetrate deeper into the soil than watering fifteen
minutes all at once. Water will run off from clay soil or sloped
areas, where flat, sandy areas will soak up water quickly. Determine
the length of time it takes for runoff to occur and never water
longer than the runoff time during any watering cycle.
Regular turf maintenance such as fertilization and aeration will
create healthy turf and also reduce runoff by opening the soil for
better water penetration.
7. Tip 3: Create a zone chart and attach it in or near the
sprinkler timer (also called the clock or controller).
Assign a number to each valve/station/zone. Next, include a
description of each zone being watered. The chart could also
include scheduling information such as number of start times per
day, number of minutes per day, and number of watering days per
Another easy way to get a customized watering schedule is to sign
up for a free Water Check by calling 1-877-728-3420.
Tip 4: Evaluate the capability of your sprinkler timer to
water efficiently. Look for the following waterwise
features in a modern sprinkler timer:
• The ability to water in single-minute increments.
• The ability to set multiple start times for each zone (this will
For best efficiency, consider replacing
allow you to “cycle and soak” as discussed in Tip 2). old-style sprinkler timers such as this one.
• The ability to water on specific days or day intervals.
8. 1 Time for a
• Multiple programs (allows you to water certain zones
• Backup battery (prevents scheduling information from being
erased in the event of a power interruption).
For added efficiency, try looking for these additional options:
How Often to Water ~ A Guide* • Station test features (allows you to quickly check each zone for
broken heads or leaks).
Month Interval
• Cycle and soak feature (allows you to set the run and soak time
Startup to
Once every 6 days for any zone).
April 30
May Once every 4 days • Rain shut-off device.
June • Weather-based watering technology.
July Once every 3 days
September Once every 6 days
October 1 to
Tip 5: Make seasonal adjustments to your watering
Once every 10 days schedule depending on temperature, wind and
*Your water needs may be different based
rain. Plants require more water when it’s hot or windy, and less
on soil type and other conditions. Call for water when it’s rainy or humid. Delay watering in the spring until
a free Water Check to get your customized your lawn actually needs water, then start the system manually and
watering schedule. 1-877-728-3420.
9. run it only as needed. Use your regular watering schedule when the
hot summer months arrive (before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m. to minimize
evaporation), but remember to water less often in the fall. Making
frequent adjustments to your watering schedule based on changing
seasons and weather will save a significant amount of water.
Tip 6: Call 1-877-728-3420 for a free Water Check to
determine a proper watering schedule. After a series
of tests and observations of your irrigation system, water checkers Water Checks are a good way to determine if your
will make recommendations and provide you with a customized watering is efficient. Call today to make an appointment.
watering schedule.
10. 2 Performance
Tip 1: Improve spacing of sprinkler heads to improve
uniformity. Sprinkler heads that are too close together
will create soggy areas in the lawn, and heads that are too far apart
will cause dry areas. Assuming your water pressure is adequate,
Improving Problem Areas in this problem can be corrected by adding or moving heads to create
Your Yard better uniformity in the zone.
This section focuses on areas of the landscape that may
require more extensive work to improve.
Tip 2: Use the same type of sprinkler heads within each
zone to improve uniformity. Performance character-
istics vary widely between different types and brands of sprinkler
heads. For example, a rotor head will generally spray farther than
a fixed spray head, but its precipitation rate is lower because it is
rotating. For the most consistent coverage, use only one type of
How much will I save? sprinkler head per zone.
Making changes based on the
recommendations in this section could
result in water savings of 5 to 10% (for
a total of up to 25% if combined with
changes in section 1, “Time for A Tune-up”).
11. Tip 3: Improve uniformity by maintaining system pres-
sure. High pressure causes misting, which results in
water loss due to evaporation and wind drift. It can also cause dam-
age to your sprinkler system. Low pressure can cause poor cover-
age and runoff.
Check your water pressure. A plumber can do this for you, or you
can schedule a free Water Check, which includes a pressure test.
Check with the sprinkler manufacturer to verify the recommended
operating pressure range for your sprinklers (available online or
from sprinkler supply stores).
To reduce high pressure, install a pressure regulator for the sprin-
kler system.
To increase pressure that is too low, eliminate one or more heads
on the zone, change out nozzles to some with lower flow rates,
eliminate any obstructions in the pipe or valves, or reduce the size
of the zone by adding a valve to create an additional zone.
Misting created by high water pressure causes water loss.
12. 2 Performance
Tip 4: Improve irrigation zones. Check to make sure each
zone contains plants with similar water needs (hydro-
zoning). For instance, lawn and thirsty annuals could be in one
zone, and natives or drought-tolerant species in another. Use only
one type of sprinkler or one type of drip irrigation product to ensure
even and consistent watering. Zonal watering is the most efficient
means of irrigating a landscape that consists of plants with varying
water needs.
Most plants, including lawn, are healthiest when watered deeply
but infrequently. Lawns and annuals, however, require more
frequent watering than trees and shrubs because of their relatively
shallow root zones. Therefore, watering time and frequency should
vary greatly between turf and other plants.
13. Tip 5: Correct any valve problems. Common automatic Dry spots caused by
low water pressure.
control valve malfunctions include valves leaking
externally (water leaking from the valve itself), valves leaking in-
ternally (water leaking through the valve, into the pipe, and out the
lowest sprinkler head), valves that are stuck open, and valve wiring
problems. These malfunctions can generally be repaired simply by
replacing the valve or its components.
For more technical valve troubleshooting, contact a certified irriga-
tion professional.
Debris in valves can cause leakage by prevent-
ing the valve from closing properly. 11
14. 3 Making the
Step 1: Evaluate which areas of turf could be replaced
with waterwise landscaping. Park strips, turf
along walls or next to buildings, narrow side yards, irregularly-
shaped turf areas, and turf areas with no practical purpose are all
Applying Waterwise Principles in excellent areas to consider for replacement.
Your Landscape
A park strip, like our example below, is an ideal area to reland-
This section provides information on how to transition
from a traditional landscape to a water-thrifty landscape
by utilizing proven waterwise principles. This process can
be done gradually to accommodate budget limitations.
Below are basic steps for making this transition, along
with an example park strip design to illustrate how each
step can be accomplished.
How much will I save?
Changes made based on the
recommendations in this section could
result in water savings up to 25%, or 50% if
combined with changes from all sections,
depending on previous conditions and A parkstrip, like this example, is an
ideal area to relandscape.
how much turf is replaced.
15. Step 2: Using a tape measure or measuring wheel, Notes:
determine the total square footage of the area
to be relandscaped. This information will be used to determine
quantities of materials needed.
In our example, we will measure the length and width of the park
strip to determine the total square footage. We will also measure
each planter and paver area individually to determine the amount of
bark mulch and pavers to
16. 3 Making the
Step 3: Review your city’s landscape ordinances so you
can comply with any limitations and/or guidelines.
Make sure your plans comply before going any further.
Step 4: Prepare a landscape design on paper using
native and low-water-use plants.
As you visualize the design, consider the following:
The functional use of the Seasonal characteristics including
landscape. months the plants will bloom.
The look and feel you desire for Selection of plants based on the
the area. amount of sun or shade the area
The shape, color and mature size Watering requirements due to soil
of the plant materials you wish to conditions and plant needs.
17. In your design, group plants with similar watering needs in each Notes:
zone (hydrozoning). Visit our plant database at www.Conservation- to search for plants by water requirement, bloom
time, or other criteria. In addition, a wide variety of low-water-use
plants are displayed at the Conservation Garden Park located at
8215 South 1300 West in West Jordan.
In our example, the park strip will be watered on one zone since all
the plants will have a relatively low water requirement. Because vis-
ibility is important along the street, all the plants will be fairly small
while still providing various colors throughout the year. The paver
areas will provide areas for people to cross the park strip.
Step 5: Use existing turf valves for new drip systems—
one valve per hydrozone.
This park strip was watered on one zone prior to relandscaping, so
the same valve will be used after the retrofit.
18. 3 Making the
Step 6: Locate buried utility lines before you dig. Hit-
ting a buried utility line such as a gas or electrical
line can be both dangerous and costly. Call your local utility locat-
ing service (Blue Stakes) at least two days prior to digging. The
number for Blue Stakes is 1-800-662-4111, or visit their web site at for more information.
Step 7: Remove turf and enough soil to accommodate
mulch and hardscaping.
19. We will dig three to four inches below sidewalk level for the whole Notes:
length of the park strip.
Step 8: If using existing sprinkler pipe, remove sprin-
kler heads and cap all unused pipe fittings.
In our park strip we will use existing sprinkler pipe. In planter areas
we will replace sprinkler heads with multi-outlet emitters. All other
sprinkler heads will be removed and pipe fittings will be capped.
20. 3 Making the
Step 9: Install hardscaping (pavers, concrete, path-
ways, retaining walls) according to your design.
Remember to install sleeves under hardscapes if installing new
irrigation lines.
In our example, we will install cobblestone brick pavers across two
sections of the park strip.
Step 10: Install other landscape features such as boul-
ders, edging, extra soil, rock, etc. according to
design plans.
In our example there are no additional landscape features.
Step 11: Install a drip irrigation system. Methods of drip
irrigation may vary depending on the landscape
In our park strip we will install multi-outlet drip emitters designed
21. for retrofitting an existing sprinkler system. Multi-outlet drip de-
vices will be used in place of sprinkler heads in the planter areas.
Other methods of drip irrigation include subsurface inline drip,
point source emitters, soaker hoses, and bubblers. Some of these
may require additional drip components such as filters, pressure
regulators, air relief valves, or flush valves.
Note: If planting will be done in segments or over a long period
of time, rock or bark mulch can be installed as a “placeholder.”
One type of multi-outlet drip emitter. These can be used to
retrofit existing sprinkler heads to drip irrigation.
Step 12: Install plants in appropriate hydrozones. This
can be done over time to defer costs.
All the plants in our example have similar water needs and will be
watered as one zone.
22. 3 Making the
Step 13: Finish installing drip system components as
necessary (emitters, distribution tubing, etc.).
Emitters should be distributed throughout the root zone of the plant,
not just at the base of the plant. Small plants may only need one or
two emitters to adequately wet the root zone, while larger shrubs
and trees may need several.
Step 14: Install mulch if not done previously.
We will install shredded wood/bark to a three-inch depth.
Step 15: Program drip zones to water deeply but infre-
In our example, using low-water-use plants in clay soil will require
deep watering only once every week in the summer and twice a
month in spring and fall.
23. Typical grass park strips are difficult
to water efficiently, and keeping them
green can use a lot of water.
Below is an example of a park strip
that has been relandscaped for water
efficiency using low-water-use plants,
drip emitters, and mulch.
How much will I save?
By making the changes recommended in
this guide, you may be able to save 50% or
more water while maintaining a beautiful,
healthy landscape.
Remember, if we each save a little, we’ll all
save a lot.
24. Congratulations!
Implementing these simple adjustments will put you
on your way to saving water and money. Additional
information is available at the Conservation Garden Park,
where you’ll find examples of beautiful, water-thrifty
Summer hours: Monday - Saturday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ;
Sunday noon to 8.
Winter hours: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
8215 South 1300 West
West Jordan, UT 84088
Inspiring and empowering water conservation