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       J2ME !

Guided By :-        Submitted By:-
Prof. S C Himbade   Kumar Gaurav
                    Roll no :- 26
Research work At a Glance

 1. What is J2ME.
 2. Introduction to Java
 3. Why J2ME
 4. Evolution of J2me
 5. Overview
 6. MIDP
 7. CLDC
 8. CDC
 9. J2ME Vs. J2EE
 10. Limitation
What is J2ME
J2ME is a family of specifications that defines various
  downsized versions of the standard Java 2 platform;
  these downsized versions can be used to program
  consumer electronic devices ranging from cell phones
  to highly capable Personal Data Assistants (PDAs),
  smart phones, and set-top boxes.
 J2ME is a reduced version of Java for small devices

            ”write once, run anywhere”
J2ME Overview
• Java
  – A programming language
    developed by Sun Microsystems
  – Required a Virtual machine to
    interpret the source codes and
    generate bytecode
  – Syntax is similar to C++
  – Platform independent feature

J2ME Overview
• Java2 is divided into three platforms
   – J2EE (Java2 Enterprise Edition)
       • Business applications.
   – J2SE (Java2 Standard Edition)
       • General applications
   – J2ME (Java2 Micro Edition)
       • Small devices such as mobile phone, PDA, car
The above three editions target for different devices or
Java Family

      -- java.sun.com (2003)
Why J2ME ?
Environment requirements
• We need an environment which is adapted for
  constrained devices - devices that have limitations on
  what they can do when compared to standard desktop
  or server computers.
• The constraints are:
   –   extremely limited memory
   –   small screen sizes
   –   alternative input methods
   –   slow processors

So – what’s the solution?

• Because of the vast
  need, Sun has decided
  to develop a special
  edition of Java -
  J2ME (Java 2 Micro

Let’s us try to answer it ?
J2ME is targeted to developers of intelligent wireless devices
and small computing devices who need to incorporate cross-
platform functionality in their products.

J2ME is used on the devices with limited resources (Resource
constraint devices) like Mobile phone, PDAs, Set top
box, screenphone, wireless, car, and digital assistant
 The J2ME platform maintains the qualities that Java
  technology has become famous for:
• Built-in consistency across products in terms of
      running anywhere, anytime, over any device
• Portability of the code
• Leveraging of the same Java programming
• Safe network delivery
• Applications written with J2ME technology are
      upwardly scalable to work with the J2SE and
      J2EE platforms
Evolution Of J2ME
Java Editions
• Different devices have different requirements
  and different expectations of Java.
• One platform (solution) cannot address all the
  market segments (web server, video games
• Users/developers want flexibility. They want
  to choose what they want to use and what they
  do not.

Java Editions
• The Java 2 Platform is split into three editions.
• Each edition provides a complete environment
  for running Java-based applications, including
  the Java virtual machine (VM) and runtime
• The three editions target different kinds of
  applications running on different kinds of

Java Editions

                            Java 2 Platform

     Java2                      Java2               Java2
Standard Edition           Enterprise Edition    Micro Edition
    (J2SE™)                    (J2EE™)            (J2ME™)

Standard desktop &          Heavy duty server   Small & memory
workstation applications    systems             constrained devices

Java Editions
• Each edition defines different sets of class
• There are thousands of core J2SE runtime
  classes, taking up to 10-20 megabytes
  of space.
• J2ME-based devices have              J2EE

  fewer classes.                            J2SE


• Announced in June 1999 at the JavaOne Developer
  Conference, J2ME brings the cross-platform
  functionality of the Java language to smaller devices.
• In 2000 Sun extended Personal Java for handsets with
  a JavaPhone API which found its way into several
  SymbianOS 6 implementations. It was to target PDAs
  and SmartPhones. Several of these extensions became
  new classes in the J2ME via the Personal Profile and
  the Personal Basis Profile
J2ME Overview
J2ME Core Concepts
• Configuration
   – Minimum platform                   Profile
     required for a
     group of devices
• Profile                              Libraries

   – Addresses specific             Java Language
     needs of a certain
     device family               Java Virtual Machine

• Optional Packages
                                 Host Operating System

J2ME Core Concepts
J2ME is based on 3 core concepts:
• Configuration
• Profiles
• Optional packages

• A configuration is a complete Java runtime
  environment, consisting of:
  – Java virtual machine (VM) to execute Java
  – Native code to interface to the underlying system
  – Set of core Java runtime classes
• To use a configuration, a device must meet
  certain minimum requirements.

• The set of core classes is normally quite small
  and must be enhanced with additional classes
  supplied by J2ME profiles or by configuration
• Configurations do not define any user
  interface classes.



     CLDC                            CDC
 Connected Limited               Connected Device
Device Configuration               Configuration

Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC)
  CLDC is aimed at the low end of the consumer electronics range.

• 16-bit or 32-bit small computing devices with
  limited memory.
• These devices usually have between 160KB and
  512KB of available memory.
• Usually these are powered by battery.
• They use small-bandwidth network wireless
• These devices include pagers, personal digital
  assistants, cell phones, dedicated terminals, and
  handheld consumer device.
Connected Device Configuration (CDC)

  CDC for plug-in devices:CDC(Connected Device
  Configuration) devices use a
• 32-bit architecture, have at least 2 MB of memory
  available, and
• Implement a complete functional JVM. CDC devices
  include digital set-top boxes, home appliances, navigation
  systems, point-of-sale terminals, and smart phones.
• CLDC                         • CDC
   – For very constrained         – 2 MB or more memory
     devices                        for Java platform
   – 160 - 512 KB of total        – 32-bit processor
     memory                       – High bandwidth
   – 16-bit or 32-bit               network connection,
     processor                      most often using
   – Low power                      TCP/IP
     consumption and
     often operating with
     battery power
   – Connectivity with
     limited bandwidth
J2ME Core Concepts
J2ME is based on 3 core concepts:
• Configurations
• Profiles
• Optional packages

• Adds domain-specific classes to a configuration:
   – To fill in missing functionality
   – To support specific uses of a device
• Most profiles define user interface classes for
  building interactive applications.
• To use a profile, the device must meet the minimum
  requirements of the underlying configuration and of
  the profile.

The Mobile Information Device Profile
              and MIDlets
• The Mobile Information Device Profile, or MIDP
  for short, is one such profile, intended for use on
  small footprint devices with a limited user
  interface in the form of a small screen with some
  kind of input capability.
• Java applications that run on MIDP devices are
  known as MIDlets. A MIDlet consists of atleast
  one Java class
MIDP Hardware Requirements
Hardware         Minimum Requirement
Display           96 X 54 Pixels 65,536 colors

Memory            32 KB workspace
                  128KB MIDP Implementation
                  8KB for MIDlets run
                   the device has the equivalent of a keypad that
Input Device   allows the user to type the numbers 0 through
               9,together with the equivalent of arrow keys and a
               select button

Connectivity       HTTP 1.1; TCP/IP
•   No floating point (CLDC 1.0)
•   No Object Finalization
•   No Reflection
•   No Native Methods
•   Threading, but no use of interrupt()
•   No file-based I/O
•   Many classes with fewer methods
•   Collections (Vector, Hashtable & Stack)
J2ME Core Concepts
J2ME is based on 3 core concepts:
• Configurations
• Profiles
• Optional packages

Optional Packages
• Set of APIs in support of additional, common
• Have specific dependencies on a particular
  configuration and/or one or more profiles.
• Examples of optional packages :
  – RMI Optional Package
  – Bluetooth Optional Package
  – JDBC Optional Package

How To Start
Getting Started…

– 1st step: Download sun’s J2ME Wireless
  Toolkit from:
– 2nd step: Make sure you have J2SE SDK
– 3rd step: Install the J2ME Toolkit.

After the installation….
• Shortcuts are available from the start menu.

• New directories

Using KToolbar

Creating a new Application
• Press “New Project”.
• Enter the project’s name and the MIDlet’s class
• New directories will automatically be created.

Where to place your files?
J2ME/apps/{proj}       source, resource, and binary
J2ME/apps/{proj}/bin   JAR, JAD, unpacked manifest
J2ME/apps/{proj}/lib   external class libraries, (JAR or
                       ZIP) for a specific project
J2ME/apps/{proj}/res   resource files

J2ME/apps/{proj}/src   source files

                       external class libraries, (JAR or
                       ZIP) for all KToolbar projects.
And then what?
• Choose the target platform
• Write your code Java Technology for the Wireless Industry
      JTWI - conforms to
• SaveMIDP1.0 - includes MIDP 1.0 and CLDC 1.0
      Custom - user defined settings, you can select project
• Build
      profile, configurations and various APIs.
  (Compile + Preverify)
• Run

Distribution to actual devices
•   Create a package
•   Place your code somewhere on the net.
•   Update .jad file
•   Download the application to your mobile
•   Start playing… 

4. Overall Evaluation

                      – Game building

                      – Network applications

                      – Rapid prototiping

© artesis 2008 | 42
4. Overall Evaluation

      • Accessing device resources

      • Multimedia applications

      • Performance-intensive applications

© artesis 2008 | 43

Any questions??

More Related Content


  • 1. Introduction of J2ME ! Guided By :- Submitted By:- Prof. S C Himbade Kumar Gaurav Roll no :- 26
  • 2. Research work At a Glance 1. What is J2ME. 2. Introduction to Java 3. Why J2ME 4. Evolution of J2me 5. Overview 6. MIDP 7. CLDC 8. CDC 9. J2ME Vs. J2EE 10. Limitation
  • 3. What is J2ME J2ME is a family of specifications that defines various downsized versions of the standard Java 2 platform; these downsized versions can be used to program consumer electronic devices ranging from cell phones to highly capable Personal Data Assistants (PDAs), smart phones, and set-top boxes. J2ME is a reduced version of Java for small devices ”write once, run anywhere”
  • 4. J2ME Overview • Java – A programming language developed by Sun Microsystems – Required a Virtual machine to interpret the source codes and generate bytecode – Syntax is similar to C++ – Platform independent feature 4
  • 5. J2ME Overview • Java2 is divided into three platforms – J2EE (Java2 Enterprise Edition) • Business applications. – J2SE (Java2 Standard Edition) • General applications – J2ME (Java2 Micro Edition) • Small devices such as mobile phone, PDA, car navigation. The above three editions target for different devices or systems
  • 6. Java Family -- java.sun.com (2003)
  • 8. Environment requirements • We need an environment which is adapted for constrained devices - devices that have limitations on what they can do when compared to standard desktop or server computers. • The constraints are: – extremely limited memory – small screen sizes – alternative input methods – slow processors J2ME
  • 9. So – what’s the solution? • Because of the vast need, Sun has decided to develop a special edition of Java - J2ME (Java 2 Micro Edition). J2ME
  • 10. Let’s us try to answer it ? J2ME is targeted to developers of intelligent wireless devices and small computing devices who need to incorporate cross- platform functionality in their products. J2ME is used on the devices with limited resources (Resource constraint devices) like Mobile phone, PDAs, Set top box, screenphone, wireless, car, and digital assistant
  • 11. Contd.. The J2ME platform maintains the qualities that Java technology has become famous for: • Built-in consistency across products in terms of running anywhere, anytime, over any device • Portability of the code • Leveraging of the same Java programming language • Safe network delivery • Applications written with J2ME technology are upwardly scalable to work with the J2SE and J2EE platforms
  • 13. Java Editions • Different devices have different requirements and different expectations of Java. • One platform (solution) cannot address all the market segments (web server, video games etc.) • Users/developers want flexibility. They want to choose what they want to use and what they do not. J2ME
  • 14. Java Editions • The Java 2 Platform is split into three editions. • Each edition provides a complete environment for running Java-based applications, including the Java virtual machine (VM) and runtime classes. • The three editions target different kinds of applications running on different kinds of devices. J2ME
  • 15. Java Editions Java 2 Platform Java2 Java2 Java2 Standard Edition Enterprise Edition Micro Edition (J2SE™) (J2EE™) (J2ME™) Standard desktop & Heavy duty server Small & memory workstation applications systems constrained devices J2ME
  • 16. Java Editions • Each edition defines different sets of class libraries. • There are thousands of core J2SE runtime classes, taking up to 10-20 megabytes of space. • J2ME-based devices have J2EE fewer classes. J2SE J2ME J2ME
  • 17. Contd. • Announced in June 1999 at the JavaOne Developer Conference, J2ME brings the cross-platform functionality of the Java language to smaller devices. • In 2000 Sun extended Personal Java for handsets with a JavaPhone API which found its way into several SymbianOS 6 implementations. It was to target PDAs and SmartPhones. Several of these extensions became new classes in the J2ME via the Personal Profile and the Personal Basis Profile
  • 19. J2ME Core Concepts • Configuration J2ME – Minimum platform Profile required for a group of devices J2ME • Profile Libraries – Addresses specific Java Language needs of a certain device family Java Virtual Machine • Optional Packages Host Operating System J2ME
  • 20. J2ME Core Concepts J2ME is based on 3 core concepts: • Configuration • Profiles • Optional packages J2ME
  • 21. Configurations • A configuration is a complete Java runtime environment, consisting of: – Java virtual machine (VM) to execute Java bytecode – Native code to interface to the underlying system – Set of core Java runtime classes • To use a configuration, a device must meet certain minimum requirements. J2ME
  • 22. Configurations • The set of core classes is normally quite small and must be enhanced with additional classes supplied by J2ME profiles or by configuration implementor. • Configurations do not define any user interface classes. J2ME
  • 23. Configurations Configuration CLDC CDC Connected Limited Connected Device Device Configuration Configuration J2ME
  • 24. Connected Limited Device Configuration (CLDC) CLDC is aimed at the low end of the consumer electronics range. • 16-bit or 32-bit small computing devices with limited memory. • These devices usually have between 160KB and 512KB of available memory. • Usually these are powered by battery. • They use small-bandwidth network wireless connection. • These devices include pagers, personal digital assistants, cell phones, dedicated terminals, and handheld consumer device.
  • 25. Connected Device Configuration (CDC) CDC for plug-in devices:CDC(Connected Device Configuration) devices use a • 32-bit architecture, have at least 2 MB of memory available, and • Implement a complete functional JVM. CDC devices include digital set-top boxes, home appliances, navigation systems, point-of-sale terminals, and smart phones.
  • 26. CLDC vs. CDC • CLDC • CDC – For very constrained – 2 MB or more memory devices for Java platform – 160 - 512 KB of total – 32-bit processor memory – High bandwidth – 16-bit or 32-bit network connection, processor most often using – Low power TCP/IP consumption and often operating with battery power – Connectivity with limited bandwidth J2ME
  • 27. J2ME Core Concepts J2ME is based on 3 core concepts: • Configurations • Profiles • Optional packages J2ME
  • 28. Profiles • Adds domain-specific classes to a configuration: – To fill in missing functionality – To support specific uses of a device • Most profiles define user interface classes for building interactive applications. • To use a profile, the device must meet the minimum requirements of the underlying configuration and of the profile. J2ME
  • 29. The Mobile Information Device Profile and MIDlets • The Mobile Information Device Profile, or MIDP for short, is one such profile, intended for use on small footprint devices with a limited user interface in the form of a small screen with some kind of input capability. • Java applications that run on MIDP devices are known as MIDlets. A MIDlet consists of atleast one Java class
  • 30. MIDP Hardware Requirements Hardware Minimum Requirement Display 96 X 54 Pixels 65,536 colors Memory 32 KB workspace 128KB MIDP Implementation 8KB for MIDlets run the device has the equivalent of a keypad that Input Device allows the user to type the numbers 0 through 9,together with the equivalent of arrow keys and a select button Connectivity HTTP 1.1; TCP/IP
  • 31. MIDP vs J2SE • No floating point (CLDC 1.0) • No Object Finalization • No Reflection • No Native Methods • Threading, but no use of interrupt() • No file-based I/O • Many classes with fewer methods • Collections (Vector, Hashtable & Stack)
  • 32. J2ME Core Concepts J2ME is based on 3 core concepts: • Configurations • Profiles • Optional packages J2ME
  • 33. Optional Packages • Set of APIs in support of additional, common behaviors. • Have specific dependencies on a particular configuration and/or one or more profiles. • Examples of optional packages : – RMI Optional Package – Bluetooth Optional Package – JDBC Optional Package J2ME
  • 35. Getting Started… – 1st step: Download sun’s J2ME Wireless Toolkit from: http://java.sun.com/products/j2mewtoolkit/do wnload-2_1.html – 2nd step: Make sure you have J2SE SDK installed – 3rd step: Install the J2ME Toolkit. J2ME
  • 36. After the installation…. • Shortcuts are available from the start menu. • New directories created J2ME
  • 38. Creating a new Application • Press “New Project”. • Enter the project’s name and the MIDlet’s class name. • New directories will automatically be created. J2ME
  • 39. Where to place your files? J2ME/apps/{proj} source, resource, and binary files J2ME/apps/{proj}/bin JAR, JAD, unpacked manifest files. J2ME/apps/{proj}/lib external class libraries, (JAR or ZIP) for a specific project J2ME/apps/{proj}/res resource files J2ME/apps/{proj}/src source files external class libraries, (JAR or J2ME/apps/lib ZIP) for all KToolbar projects. J2ME
  • 40. And then what? • Choose the target platform • Write your code Java Technology for the Wireless Industry JTWI - conforms to (JSR-185). • SaveMIDP1.0 - includes MIDP 1.0 and CLDC 1.0 Custom - user defined settings, you can select project • Build profile, configurations and various APIs. (Compile + Preverify) • Run J2ME
  • 41. Distribution to actual devices • Create a package • Place your code somewhere on the net. • Update .jad file • Download the application to your mobile • Start playing…  J2ME
  • 42. 4. Overall Evaluation Advantages – Game building – Network applications – Rapid prototiping © artesis 2008 | 42
  • 43. 4. Overall Evaluation Limitations • Accessing device resources • Multimedia applications • Performance-intensive applications © artesis 2008 | 43