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Jasmine Perez   Period: 2   4/19/12
   Plankton – Small plant and animal organisms that float in aquatic
   Phytoplankton – Small, drifting plants, mostly algae and bacteria found in
    aquatic ecosystems
   Zooplankton – Small floating herbivores that feed on plant plankton
   Ultraplankton – Photosynthetic bacteria
   Nekton – Strongly swimming organisms found in aquatic systems
   Benthos – Botton dwelling organisms
   Decomposers – Organism that digests parts of dead organisms
   Euphotic Zone – Upper layer of a body of water through which sunlight can
    penetrate and support photosynthesis
   Coastal Zone – Nutrient rich shallow part of the ocean
   Coastal Wetlands – Land along coastline extending inland
   Intertidal Zone – The area of shoreline between low and high tides.
   Aquaculture – growing marine or aquatic species in net pens or tanks
   Polyculture – raising different fish species together
   Monoculture – raising one fish species together
   Overfishing – Fishing to the point of depleting resources in an aquatic area
   Bycatch – When nontarget fish species are caught in a net
   Barrier Island – Low, narrow sandy islands that are formed off shore
   Freshwater Life Zones – Aquatic systems where water with a dissolved salt
    concentration less than 1%
   Oligotrophic Lake – Lake with a low supply of plant nutrient
   Eutrophic Lake – Lake with a large or excessive supply of plant nutrients
   Runoff – Freshwater from precipitation and melting ice that flows on the
    earths surface to nearby bodies of water
MC Questions
   1) _________ is the lowering of the pH of the oceans due to an increase in
    carbon dioxide
       A – ocean acidification
       B – acidic sea levels
       C – photovoltaic acidification
       D – aquatic pH levels

   2) What kind of consumer feeds of phytoplankton?
       A – Primary
       B – Secondary
       C – Tertiary
       D – All of the above
MC Questions
   3) Which is the smallest plankton?
       A – Ultraplankton
       B – Nekton
       C – Phytoplankton
       D – Zooplankton

   4) Which part of the ocean is nutrient rich and shallow?
       A – Coastal Zone
       B – Coastal Inland
       C – Intertidal Inland
       D – Intertidal Zone
MC Questions
   5) Which lake has an excessive supply of plant nutrients?
       A – Eutrophic
       B – Polytrophic
       C – Oligotrophic
       D – Monotrophic

   6) Which lake has a low supply of nutrients ?
       A – Eutrophic
       B – Polytrophic
       C – Oligotrophic
       D – Monotrophic
MC Questions
   7) An algal bloom appears in a nearby canal, what could this be attributed
       A – Eutrophication
       B – Runoff
       C – High levels of pH
       D – Urban Development

   8) Which of the following has caused the greatest increase in the
    introduction of marine alien species into new ecosystems?
       A – Tourism
       B – Air Travel
       C – Shipping
       D – Commercial Fishing
MC Questions
   9) Fishing methods like bottom trawling, gill netting, and lonling are
    especially subject to
       A – Poor yields
       B – Crew safety policies
       C – Seasonal Variation
       D – Bycatch

   10) Growing marine or aquatic species in net pens or tanks is known as
       A – Bioculture
       B – Aquaculture
       C – Cross Cultivation
       D Nonviable Organisms
MC Questions
   1A
   2A
   3C
   4B
   5A
   6C
   7B
   8C
   9D
   10 B
Free Response Question
   Why do aquatic plants such as
    phytoplankton tend to be very small,
    whereas most terrestrial plants such as
    trees tend to be larger and have more
    specialized structures such as stems and
    leaves for growth? Why are some aquatic
    animals, especially marine mammals such
    as whales, extremely large compared to
    terrestrial animals?
Free Response Question
   Phytoplankton have many challenges to overcome,
    such as obtaining light for growth and food production,
    a place to store nutrients efficiently, and a defense
    mechanism. Many terrestrial plants have these
    qualities in their structure, allowing them to
    differentiate in size and many other factors compared
    to a phytoplankton. Marine mammals are so large
    because in the ocean it is difficult for them to stay
    warm. The larger the mammals are, the more fat they
    have in their body, allowing them to keep warm in the
    cold ocean. Terrestrial animals have the advantage of
    being directly hit by the sun which allows them to be
    slim and still be warm. Many animals, such as the
    bear, eat a lot of food before hibernating in the winder
    to gain weight which helps them keep warm.

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  • 2. Keywords  Plankton – Small plant and animal organisms that float in aquatic ecosystems  Phytoplankton – Small, drifting plants, mostly algae and bacteria found in aquatic ecosystems  Zooplankton – Small floating herbivores that feed on plant plankton  Ultraplankton – Photosynthetic bacteria  Nekton – Strongly swimming organisms found in aquatic systems  Benthos – Botton dwelling organisms  Decomposers – Organism that digests parts of dead organisms  Euphotic Zone – Upper layer of a body of water through which sunlight can penetrate and support photosynthesis  Coastal Zone – Nutrient rich shallow part of the ocean  Coastal Wetlands – Land along coastline extending inland  Intertidal Zone – The area of shoreline between low and high tides.
  • 3. Keywords  Aquaculture – growing marine or aquatic species in net pens or tanks  Polyculture – raising different fish species together  Monoculture – raising one fish species together  Overfishing – Fishing to the point of depleting resources in an aquatic area  Bycatch – When nontarget fish species are caught in a net  Barrier Island – Low, narrow sandy islands that are formed off shore  Freshwater Life Zones – Aquatic systems where water with a dissolved salt concentration less than 1%  Oligotrophic Lake – Lake with a low supply of plant nutrient  Eutrophic Lake – Lake with a large or excessive supply of plant nutrients  Runoff – Freshwater from precipitation and melting ice that flows on the earths surface to nearby bodies of water
  • 4. MC Questions  1) _________ is the lowering of the pH of the oceans due to an increase in carbon dioxide  A – ocean acidification  B – acidic sea levels  C – photovoltaic acidification  D – aquatic pH levels  2) What kind of consumer feeds of phytoplankton?  A – Primary  B – Secondary  C – Tertiary  D – All of the above
  • 5. MC Questions  3) Which is the smallest plankton?  A – Ultraplankton  B – Nekton  C – Phytoplankton  D – Zooplankton  4) Which part of the ocean is nutrient rich and shallow?  A – Coastal Zone  B – Coastal Inland  C – Intertidal Inland  D – Intertidal Zone
  • 6. MC Questions  5) Which lake has an excessive supply of plant nutrients?  A – Eutrophic  B – Polytrophic  C – Oligotrophic  D – Monotrophic  6) Which lake has a low supply of nutrients ?  A – Eutrophic  B – Polytrophic  C – Oligotrophic  D – Monotrophic
  • 7. MC Questions  7) An algal bloom appears in a nearby canal, what could this be attributed to?  A – Eutrophication  B – Runoff  C – High levels of pH  D – Urban Development  8) Which of the following has caused the greatest increase in the introduction of marine alien species into new ecosystems?  A – Tourism  B – Air Travel  C – Shipping  D – Commercial Fishing
  • 8. MC Questions  9) Fishing methods like bottom trawling, gill netting, and lonling are especially subject to  A – Poor yields  B – Crew safety policies  C – Seasonal Variation  D – Bycatch  10) Growing marine or aquatic species in net pens or tanks is known as  A – Bioculture  B – Aquaculture  C – Cross Cultivation  D Nonviable Organisms
  • 9. MC Questions  1A  2A  3C  4B  5A  6C  7B  8C  9D  10 B
  • 10. Free Response Question  Why do aquatic plants such as phytoplankton tend to be very small, whereas most terrestrial plants such as trees tend to be larger and have more specialized structures such as stems and leaves for growth? Why are some aquatic animals, especially marine mammals such as whales, extremely large compared to terrestrial animals?
  • 11. Free Response Question  Phytoplankton have many challenges to overcome, such as obtaining light for growth and food production, a place to store nutrients efficiently, and a defense mechanism. Many terrestrial plants have these qualities in their structure, allowing them to differentiate in size and many other factors compared to a phytoplankton. Marine mammals are so large because in the ocean it is difficult for them to stay warm. The larger the mammals are, the more fat they have in their body, allowing them to keep warm in the cold ocean. Terrestrial animals have the advantage of being directly hit by the sun which allows them to be slim and still be warm. Many animals, such as the bear, eat a lot of food before hibernating in the winder to gain weight which helps them keep warm.