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Design Patterns
2014 – Pham Tung
• What is Design Pattern?
• Why Design Pattern?
• Types of Design Pattern
• Explore some patterns
1. Singleton Pattern
2. Factory Pattern
3. Module Pattern
4. Decorator Pattern
5. Command Pattern
6. Observer Pattern
What is Design Pattern
• A general reusable solution to a commonly
occurring problem in software design.
• Not a finished design that can be transformed
directly into code. It is a description or
template for how to solve a problem that can
be used in many different situations.
Why Design Patterns
No need!
Why Design Patterns
Why Design Patterns
• To design a new software system quickly and
• To understand a existing software system.
• Speed up the development process by providing
tested, proven development paradigms.
• Help to prevent subtle issues that can cause major
problems, code readability.
• Allow developers to communicate using well-
known, well understood names for software
Types of Design Pattern
• Creational
– Object creation.
• Structural
– Relationship between entities.
• Behavioral
– Communication between objects.
Periodic Table of Patterns
Patterns we are going to explore
● Singleton
● Factory
● Decorator
● Command
● Observer
● Module
Singleton Pattern
Singleton Pattern
• Ensure a class has only one instance, and provide a
global point of access to it.
• Encapsulated “just-in-time initialization” or
“initialization on first use”.
• Reduce the need for global variables which is
particularly important in JavaScript because it limits
namespace pollution and associated risk of name
• The Module pattern is JavaScript's manifestation of
the Singleton pattern.
Singleton Pattern
1. var Singleton = (function () {
2. var instance;
3. function createInstance() {
4. var object = new Object("I am the instance");
5. return object;
6. }
7. return {
8. getInstance: function () {
9. if (!instance) {
10. instance = createInstance();
11. }
12. return instance;
13. }
14. };
15. })();
16. var instance1 = Singleton.getInstance();
17. var instance2 = Singleton.getInstance();
18. alert("Same instance? " + (instance1 === instance2));
Singleton Pattern
1. function MySingletonClass() {
2. if ( arguments.callee._singletonInstance )
3. return arguments.callee._singletonInstance;
4. arguments.callee._singletonInstance = this;
5. this.Foo = function() {
6. // ...
7. }
8. }
9. var a = new MySingletonClass()
10. var b = MySingletonClass()
11. console.log( a === b ); // prints: true
Factory Patterns
Factory Patterns
Classes should be open for extension, but closed for modification.
Dependency Inversion Principle
Depend upon abstractions. Do not depend
upon concrete classes.
Factory Patterns
● Simple Factory
● Factory Method
● Abstract Factory
Factory Patterns
I want to buy a
Doraemon book.
Oh, yes yes! Please
send me that Rabbit
Factory Patterns
Factory Patterns
Factory Patterns
Factory Patterns
(Simple Factory)
● Is a class with a public static method which will
actually do the object creation task according to
the input it gets.
Factory Patterns
(Simple Factory)
function orderBook(var type){
var book;
if (type === 'comic') {
book = new ComicBook();
} else if (type === 'history') {
book = new HistoryBook();
} else if (type === 'Science') {
book = new ScienceBook();
return book;
We need to
modify the entire
code whenever a
new type is
And this code is
consistent. We
don’t need to
make a change.
But only this
highlight code
need to be
Factory Patterns
(Simple Factory)
function orderBook(type){
var book;
return book;
var Factory = {
getBook : function (type){
var book;
if (type === 'comic') {
book = new
} else if (type === 'history') {
book = new
} else if (type === 'Science') {
book = new
return book;
book =
So, why don’t we
move this mess
to another place?
Factory Patterns
(Factory Method Pattern)
• Define an interface for creating an object, but let
subclasses decide which class to instantiate.
Factory lets a class defer instantiation to
Factory Patterns
(Factory Method Pattern)
Factory Patterns
(Factory Method Pattern)
function BookFactory(){
this.getBook = function (type){
var book;
if (type === 'comic') {
book = new
} else if (type === 'hisoty') {
book = new
} else if …
return book;
var factory = new BookFactory();
var book = factory.getBook( 'comic');
Factory Patterns
(Abstract Factory Pattern)
• Abstract Factory offers the interface for creating a
family of related objects, without explicitly
specifying their classes.
Factory Patterns
(Abstract Factory Pattern)
Factory Patterns
(Abstract Factory Pattern)
Factory Patterns
(Abstract Factory Pattern)
function EnglishBookFactory(){
this.getBook = function(type){
// …
return book;
this.getNewspaper = function(){
// …
return newspaper;
function VietnameseBookFactory(){
// …
var factory = new
var store = new XyzBookStore(factory);
Factory Patterns
Create only one product.
Exposes a method to the
client for creating the
Factory Method Abstract Factory
Creating families of related
or dependent products.
Expose a family of related
objects which may consist
of these Factory methods.
Factory Patterns
Hides the construction of
single object.
Uses inheritance and relies
on derived class or sub
class to create object.
Hides the construction of a
family of related objects.
Uses composition to
delegate responsibility of
creating object to another
Factory Method Abstract Factory
Factory Patterns
Differences (when to use):
● Factory Method
○ There is a need to decouple a client from a particular
product that it uses
○ To relieve a client of responsibility for creating and
configuring instances of a product.
● Abstract Factory
○ Clients must be decoupled from product classes.
Especially useful for program configuration and
○ Can also enforce constraints about which classes must be
used with others.
Factory Patterns
• When To Use:
– When your object's setup requires a high level of
– When you need to generate different instances
depending on the environment.
– When you're working with many small objects that share
the same properties.
– When composing classes with instances of other classes
that need only satisfy an API contract (aka, duck typing)
to work. This is useful for decoupling.
Module Pattern
Creational, Structural:
Module Pattern
private members
public members
Module Pattern
private members
public members
Module Pattern
public members
Module Pattern
public members
private members
Module Pattern
• Provide both private and public encapsulation
for classes.
• Emulate the concept of classes: able to
include both public/private methods and
variables inside a single object, thus shielding
particular parts from the global scope.
☛ Reduce names conflicting with other
functions defined in additional scripts on the
Module Pattern
1. var TestModule = (function () {
2. var counter = 0; // private member
3. return {
4. incrementCounter: function () {
5. return counter++;
6. },
7. resetCounter: function () {
8. console.log('counter value prior to reset:' + counter);
9. counter = 0;
10. }
11. };
12. })();
13. // test
14. TestModule.incrementCounter();
15. TestModule.resetCounter();
Module Pattern
testModule.printCounter = function(){
1. var testModule = (function () {
2. var counter = 0; // private member
3. return {
4. incrementCounter: function () { ... },
5. resetCounter: function () { ... }
6. };
7. })();
What will happen
if I dynamically
add a new
function to the
Like this.
Module Pattern
testModule.printCounter = function(){
Module Pattern
• Advantages
– Cleaner for developers coming from an object-oriented
background than the idea of true encapsulation.
– Supports private data.
• Disadvantages
– Hard to change visibility of members.
– Can't access private members in methods that are added
to the object at a later point (dynamically add method).
– Inability to create automated unit tests for private
members and additional complexity.
Decorator Pattern
Decorator Pattern
Classes should be open for extension, but closed for modification.
Open-Closed Principle
Classes should be open for extension, but
closed for modification.
Decorator Pattern
5 $
7 $
Decorator Pattern
7 $
Decorator Pattern
7 $
Decorator Pattern
7 $
Decorator Pattern
99 $
29 $
89 $7 $
Waiter: Here is your bill, sir
7 + 89 + 99 + 29 =
224 $
Decorator Pattern
Way 1:
Decorator Pattern
Beer (+ 29$)
Chicken (+99$)
Worm (+89$)
Rice (7$)
Way 2:
Decorator Pattern
• Attach additional responsibilities to an object
dynamically. Decorators provide a flexible
alternative to subclassing for extending
• Multiple decorators can add or override
functionality to the original object.
Decorator Pattern
Decorator Pattern
function Rice(){
this.cost = 7;
function WormDecorator(rice){
rice.cost += 89;
function ChickenDecorator(rice){
rice.cost += 99;
function BeerDecorator(rice){
rice.cost += 29;
var rice = new Rice();
// 224
Command Pattern
Command Pattern
• Encapsulate requests/actions as objects.
• Command objects allow for loosely coupled
systems by separating the objects that issue a
request from the objects that actually process the
• These requests are called events and the code
that processes the requests are called event
Command Pattern
Command Pattern
- ConcreteCommand: implementing the Execute
method by invoking the corresponding operations
on Receiver.
- Client: creates a ConcreteCommand object and
sets its receiver.
- Invoker: asks the command to carry out the
- Receiver: knows how to perform the operations;
Command Pattern
Command Pattern
Command Pattern
Command Pattern
// Receiver.
function Sword() {
this.cut = function() {
console.log("Sword: YAAAA! YOU'RE DEAD!");
// Command.
function CutCommand(sword){
this.execute = function() {
// Invoker (may have a lot of commands)
function Executioner() {
this.cutHead = function(command) {
// Client
function King() {
this.run = function(){
var sword = new Sword();
var command = new CutCommand
var executioner = new Executioner();
(new King()).run();
Command Pattern
1. var Agent = {
2. sayHello: function(name) { alert("Hello " + name); },
3. sayGoodbye: function(name) { alert("Good bye " + name); },
4. execute: function (name) {
5. return Agent[name] && Agent[name].apply(Agent, [].slice.call(arguments, 1));
6. }
7. };
8. Agent.execute("sayHello", "Bill");
Command Pattern
1. var Agent = {
2. sayHello: function(name) { alert("Hello " +
name); },
3. sayGoodbye: function(name) { alert("Good
bye " + name); },
4. execute: function (name) {
5. return Agent[name] &&
[].slice.call(arguments, 1));
6. }
7. };
8. Agent.execute("sayHello", "Bill");
It seems I have
and will never use
this pattern in
Oh, really?
Command Pattern
var button = document.getElementById('myBtn');
// add event listener
button.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
What about
Command Pattern
var button = document.getElementById('myBtn');
// add event listener
button.addEventListener('click', function(event) {
Command Pattern
Command Pattern Event Driven
Command object
Event object
Target object
Command Pattern
Command Pattern Event Driven
Command object
Event object
Target object
Command Pattern
Client Server
Normal way
Command Pattern
Client Update Invoker Update
Observer Pattern
(Publish/Subscribe pattern)
Observer Pattern
Hello, I’m Putin. I’d
like to make an annual
Aye aye sir.
Observer Pattern
Observer Pattern
Observer Pattern
I want to cancel
my subscription
‘cause I’m tired
to death.
Observer Pattern
OK, take care,
Observer Pattern
• Allows an object (subscriber or observer) to
watch another object (publisher or subject).
• Subscribers are able to register/unregister
(subscribe/unsubscribe) to receive topic
notifications from the publisher.
• Publisher can notify observers by
broadcasting (publishing) a notification to
each observer.
Observer Pattern
Observer Pattern
Observer Pattern
function Subject() {
this.observers = [];
Subject.prototype = {
subscribe: function(observer) {
unsubscribe: function(name) {
// remove observer from subscribers
notify: function(message) {
for (var i =0; i < this.observers.length;
i++) {
function Observer(name) {
this.name = name;
this.callback = function(message){
// Here's where it gets used.
var subject = new Subject();
subject.subscribe(new Observer("Putin"));
subject.subscribe(new Observer("Mary"));
subject.subscribe(new Observer("Binladen"));
Observer Pattern
<input id='button1' type='button' value='Publish'>
<input class='subscriber' type='text'>
<input class='subscriber' type='text'>
function publish(){
$('.subscriber').trigger('/getnews', 'Hello!');
$('.subscriber').on('/getnews', function(event, message){
this.value = message;
Javascript (jQuery):
More example: http://jsfiddle.net/rajeshpillai/xQkXk/22/
Observer Pattern
• The power of Loose Coupling
– The only thing the subject knows about an observer
is that it implements a certain interface.
– We can add new observers at any time.
– We never need to modify the subject to add new
types of observers.
– We can reuse subjects or observers independently of
each other.
– Changes to either the subjects or an observer will no
affect the other.
Observer Pattern
I found that the
Observer pattern
is so much like
the Event-driven
Are they the
Observer Pattern
Well, the main
difference between
them is the word
Observer Pattern
When Boss provides the
instruction, the event will
be responsible for
transferring it to staff.
And Boss doesn’t care
who the hell will
receive his instruction.
Observer Pattern
As you well
know, Leader
works closely to
the others...
In Observer,
Leader knows all
who will receive his
Member (Observer)
Member (Observer)
Member (Observer)
Leader (Subject)
Observer Pattern
So, Event-driven is
more loose coupling
than Observer pattern?
Yep! And actually, no
one prevents you to
implement Observer
using Event-drivent.
Member (Observer)
Member (Observer)
Member (Observer)
1. Learning JavaScript Design Patterns - Addy Osmani
2. Head First Design Patterns - Eric Freeman & Elisabeth Freeman with
Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates
3. OODesign - oodesign.com
4. Javascript Design Pattern - ww.dofactory.com/javascript-pattern.aspx
The end!
Thank you for your

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Javascript Common Design Patterns

  • 2. Contents • What is Design Pattern? • Why Design Pattern? • Types of Design Pattern • Explore some patterns 1. Singleton Pattern 2. Factory Pattern 3. Module Pattern 4. Decorator Pattern 5. Command Pattern 6. Observer Pattern
  • 3. What is Design Pattern • A general reusable solution to a commonly occurring problem in software design. • Not a finished design that can be transformed directly into code. It is a description or template for how to solve a problem that can be used in many different situations.
  • 6. Why Design Patterns • To design a new software system quickly and efficiently. • To understand a existing software system. • Speed up the development process by providing tested, proven development paradigms. • Help to prevent subtle issues that can cause major problems, code readability. • Allow developers to communicate using well- known, well understood names for software interactions.
  • 7. Types of Design Pattern • Creational – Object creation. • Structural – Relationship between entities. • Behavioral – Communication between objects.
  • 8. Periodic Table of Patterns
  • 9. Patterns we are going to explore Creational ● Singleton ● Factory Structural ● Decorator Behavioral ● Command ● Observer ● Module
  • 11. Singleton Pattern • Ensure a class has only one instance, and provide a global point of access to it. • Encapsulated “just-in-time initialization” or “initialization on first use”. • Reduce the need for global variables which is particularly important in JavaScript because it limits namespace pollution and associated risk of name collisions. • The Module pattern is JavaScript's manifestation of the Singleton pattern.
  • 12. Singleton Pattern 1. var Singleton = (function () { 2. var instance; 3. function createInstance() { 4. var object = new Object("I am the instance"); 5. return object; 6. } 7. return { 8. getInstance: function () { 9. if (!instance) { 10. instance = createInstance(); 11. } 12. return instance; 13. } 14. }; 15. })(); 16. var instance1 = Singleton.getInstance(); 17. var instance2 = Singleton.getInstance(); 18. alert("Same instance? " + (instance1 === instance2));
  • 13. Singleton Pattern 1. function MySingletonClass() { 2. if ( arguments.callee._singletonInstance ) 3. return arguments.callee._singletonInstance; 4. arguments.callee._singletonInstance = this; 5. this.Foo = function() { 6. // ... 7. } 8. } 9. var a = new MySingletonClass() 10. var b = MySingletonClass() 11. console.log( a === b ); // prints: true
  • 15. Factory Patterns Classes should be open for extension, but closed for modification. Dependency Inversion Principle Depend upon abstractions. Do not depend upon concrete classes.
  • 16. Factory Patterns ● Simple Factory ● Factory Method ● Abstract Factory
  • 17. Factory Patterns I want to buy a Doraemon book. Oh, yes yes! Please send me that Rabbit book.
  • 21. Factory Patterns (Simple Factory) ● Is a class with a public static method which will actually do the object creation task according to the input it gets.
  • 22. Factory Patterns (Simple Factory) function orderBook(var type){ var book; if (type === 'comic') { book = new ComicBook(); } else if (type === 'history') { book = new HistoryBook(); } else if (type === 'Science') { book = new ScienceBook(); } book.prepare(); book.box(); return book; } We need to modify the entire code whenever a new type is added. And this code is consistent. We don’t need to make a change. But only this highlight code need to be modified.
  • 23. Factory Patterns (Simple Factory) function orderBook(type){ var book; book.prepare(); book.box(); return book; } var Factory = { getBook : function (type){ var book; if (type === 'comic') { book = new ComicBook(); } else if (type === 'history') { book = new HistoryBook(); } else if (type === 'Science') { book = new ScienceBook(); } return book; } }; book = Factory.getBook(type) So, why don’t we move this mess to another place?
  • 24. Factory Patterns (Factory Method Pattern) • Define an interface for creating an object, but let subclasses decide which class to instantiate. Factory lets a class defer instantiation to subclasses.
  • 26. Factory Patterns (Factory Method Pattern) function BookFactory(){ this.getBook = function (type){ var book; if (type === 'comic') { book = new ComicBook(); } else if (type === 'hisoty') { book = new HistoryBook(); } else if … return book; } } var factory = new BookFactory(); var book = factory.getBook( 'comic');
  • 27. Factory Patterns (Abstract Factory Pattern) • Abstract Factory offers the interface for creating a family of related objects, without explicitly specifying their classes.
  • 30. Factory Patterns (Abstract Factory Pattern) function EnglishBookFactory(){ this.getBook = function(type){ // … return book; }; this.getNewspaper = function(){ // … return newspaper; }; } function VietnameseBookFactory(){ // … } var factory = new EnglishBookFactory(); var store = new XyzBookStore(factory); store.comeIntoOperations();
  • 31. Factory Patterns Create only one product. Exposes a method to the client for creating the object. Factory Method Abstract Factory Creating families of related or dependent products. Expose a family of related objects which may consist of these Factory methods. 2 1
  • 32. Factory Patterns Hides the construction of single object. Uses inheritance and relies on derived class or sub class to create object. Hides the construction of a family of related objects. Uses composition to delegate responsibility of creating object to another class. Factory Method Abstract Factory 3 4
  • 33. Factory Patterns Differences (when to use): ● Factory Method ○ There is a need to decouple a client from a particular product that it uses ○ To relieve a client of responsibility for creating and configuring instances of a product. ● Abstract Factory ○ Clients must be decoupled from product classes. Especially useful for program configuration and modification. ○ Can also enforce constraints about which classes must be used with others.
  • 34. Factory Patterns • When To Use: – When your object's setup requires a high level of complexity. – When you need to generate different instances depending on the environment. – When you're working with many small objects that share the same properties. – When composing classes with instances of other classes that need only satisfy an API contract (aka, duck typing) to work. This is useful for decoupling.
  • 40. Module Pattern • Provide both private and public encapsulation for classes. • Emulate the concept of classes: able to include both public/private methods and variables inside a single object, thus shielding particular parts from the global scope. ☛ Reduce names conflicting with other functions defined in additional scripts on the page.
  • 41. Module Pattern 1. var TestModule = (function () { 2. var counter = 0; // private member 3. return { 4. incrementCounter: function () { 5. return counter++; 6. }, 7. resetCounter: function () { 8. console.log('counter value prior to reset:' + counter); 9. counter = 0; 10. } 11. }; 12. })(); 13. // test 14. TestModule.incrementCounter(); 15. TestModule.resetCounter();
  • 42. Module Pattern testModule.printCounter = function(){ console.log(counter); }; 1. var testModule = (function () { 2. var counter = 0; // private member 3. return { 4. incrementCounter: function () { ... }, 5. resetCounter: function () { ... } 6. }; 7. })(); What will happen if I dynamically add a new function to the testModule variable. Like this.
  • 43. Module Pattern WTF testModule.printCounter = function(){ console.log(counter); }; testModule.printCounter();
  • 44. Module Pattern • Advantages – Cleaner for developers coming from an object-oriented background than the idea of true encapsulation. – Supports private data. • Disadvantages – Hard to change visibility of members. – Can't access private members in methods that are added to the object at a later point (dynamically add method). – Inability to create automated unit tests for private members and additional complexity.
  • 46. Decorator Pattern Classes should be open for extension, but closed for modification. Open-Closed Principle Classes should be open for extension, but closed for modification.
  • 47. Decorator Pattern 5 $ 7 $ DecoratorComponent
  • 50. Decorator Pattern 7 $ Waiter: NOT BAD!LIKE A BOSS
  • 51. Decorator Pattern 99 $ 29 $ 89 $7 $ Waiter: Here is your bill, sir 7 + 89 + 99 + 29 = 224 $
  • 53. Decorator Pattern Beer (+ 29$) Chicken (+99$) Worm (+89$) Rice (7$) Way 2:
  • 54. Decorator Pattern • Attach additional responsibilities to an object dynamically. Decorators provide a flexible alternative to subclassing for extending functionality. • Multiple decorators can add or override functionality to the original object.
  • 56. Decorator Pattern function Rice(){ this.cost = 7; } function WormDecorator(rice){ rice.cost += 89; } function ChickenDecorator(rice){ rice.cost += 99; } function BeerDecorator(rice){ rice.cost += 29; } var rice = new Rice(); WormDecorator(rice); ChickenDecorator(rice); BeerDecorator(rice); alert(rice.cost); // 224
  • 58. Command Pattern • Encapsulate requests/actions as objects. • Command objects allow for loosely coupled systems by separating the objects that issue a request from the objects that actually process the request. • These requests are called events and the code that processes the requests are called event handlers.
  • 60. Command Pattern - ConcreteCommand: implementing the Execute method by invoking the corresponding operations on Receiver. - Client: creates a ConcreteCommand object and sets its receiver. - Invoker: asks the command to carry out the request. - Receiver: knows how to perform the operations;
  • 64. Command Pattern // Receiver. function Sword() { this.cut = function() { console.log("Sword: YAAAA! YOU'RE DEAD!"); } } // Command. function CutCommand(sword){ this.execute = function() { sword.cut(); } } // Invoker (may have a lot of commands) function Executioner() { this.cutHead = function(command) { command.execute(); } } // Client function King() { this.run = function(){ var sword = new Sword(); var command = new CutCommand (sword); var executioner = new Executioner(); executioner.cutHead(command); } } (new King()).run(); DEMO
  • 65. Command Pattern 1. var Agent = { 2. sayHello: function(name) { alert("Hello " + name); }, 3. sayGoodbye: function(name) { alert("Good bye " + name); }, 4. execute: function (name) { 5. return Agent[name] && Agent[name].apply(Agent, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); 6. } 7. }; 8. Agent.execute("sayHello", "Bill");
  • 66. Command Pattern 1. var Agent = { 2. sayHello: function(name) { alert("Hello " + name); }, 3. sayGoodbye: function(name) { alert("Good bye " + name); }, 4. execute: function (name) { 5. return Agent[name] && Agent[name].apply(Agent, [].slice.call(arguments, 1)); 6. } 7. }; 8. Agent.execute("sayHello", "Bill"); It seems I have and will never use this pattern in Javascript. Oh, really?
  • 67. Command Pattern var button = document.getElementById('myBtn'); // add event listener button.addEventListener('click', function(event) { closeWindow(); }); ... What about this?
  • 68. Command Pattern var button = document.getElementById('myBtn'); // add event listener button.addEventListener('click', function(event) { closeWindow(); }); ...
  • 69. Command Pattern Command Pattern Event Driven Command object Receiver Invoker Source Event object Target object
  • 70. Command Pattern http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Command_pattern Command Pattern Event Driven Command object Receiver Invoker Source Event object Target object
  • 74. Observer Pattern Hello, I’m Putin. I’d like to make an annual subscription. register/subscribe Subject Aye aye sir.
  • 75. Observer Pattern Observers ONE TO MANY RELATIONSHIP Subject
  • 77. Observer Pattern Observers I want to cancel my subscription ‘cause I’m tired to death. Subject
  • 79. Observer Pattern • Allows an object (subscriber or observer) to watch another object (publisher or subject). • Subscribers are able to register/unregister (subscribe/unsubscribe) to receive topic notifications from the publisher. • Publisher can notify observers by broadcasting (publishing) a notification to each observer.
  • 82. Observer Pattern function Subject() { this.observers = []; } Subject.prototype = { subscribe: function(observer) { this.observers.push(observer); }, unsubscribe: function(name) { // remove observer from subscribers }, notify: function(message) { for (var i =0; i < this.observers.length; i++) { this.observers[i].callback(message); } } }; function Observer(name) { this.name = name; this.callback = function(message){ console.log(message) }; } // Here's where it gets used. var subject = new Subject(); subject.subscribe(new Observer("Putin")); subject.subscribe(new Observer("Mary")); subject.subscribe(new Observer("Binladen")); subject.notify('Hello!');
  • 83. Observer Pattern <input id='button1' type='button' value='Publish'> <input class='subscriber' type='text'> <input class='subscriber' type='text'> $(function(){ function publish(){ $('.subscriber').trigger('/getnews', 'Hello!'); } $('.subscriber').on('/getnews', function(event, message){ this.value = message; }); $('#button1').click(publish); }); Javascript (jQuery): More example: http://jsfiddle.net/rajeshpillai/xQkXk/22/
  • 84. Observer Pattern • The power of Loose Coupling – The only thing the subject knows about an observer is that it implements a certain interface. – We can add new observers at any time. – We never need to modify the subject to add new types of observers. – We can reuse subjects or observers independently of each other. – Changes to either the subjects or an observer will no affect the other.
  • 85. Observer Pattern I found that the Observer pattern is so much like the Event-driven approach. Are they the same? Staff Staff Staff Boss notify Hmm...
  • 86. Observer Pattern Staff Staff Staff Event Boss Well, the main difference between them is the word “Event”.
  • 87. Observer Pattern Staff Staff Staff Event Boss When Boss provides the instruction, the event will be responsible for transferring it to staff. And Boss doesn’t care who the hell will receive his instruction.
  • 88. Observer Pattern As you well know, Leader works closely to the others... In Observer, Leader knows all who will receive his instruction. Member (Observer) Member (Observer) Member (Observer) Leader (Subject)
  • 89. Observer Pattern So, Event-driven is more loose coupling than Observer pattern? Yep! And actually, no one prevents you to implement Observer using Event-drivent. Member (Observer) Member (Observer) Member (Observer) Leader (Subject)
  • 91. References 1. Learning JavaScript Design Patterns - Addy Osmani 2. Head First Design Patterns - Eric Freeman & Elisabeth Freeman with Kathy Sierra & Bert Bates 3. OODesign - oodesign.com 4. Javascript Design Pattern - ww.dofactory.com/javascript-pattern.aspx
  • 92. The end! Thank you for your attention