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Sun Java Composite

Application Platform
Jaime Contreras
Software Architect
ACC Region
Sun Microsystems

   • Composite Applications:
     El qué y porqué

   • Componentes de Sun Java Composite
     Application Platform Suite (JCAPS 6)

   • Resumen

               Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required   2

 Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required   3
Qué es una aplicación compuesta?
Una aplicación compuesta es una aplicación que
mapea los recursos de otras aplicaciones para
realizar su trabajo. De cara al usuario luce como una
aplicación interactiva, con un 10% de funciones
nuevas y un 90% de ensamblaje de componentes y
datos de aplicaciones existentes. El pegante que
permite que las aplicaciones trabajen juntas es la
tecnología de integración.
- Yefim V. Natis, Gartner Research

                    Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required   4
Aplicación compuesta: Ejemplo

 Interfaz de
 usuario simple
 Acceso en tiempo real a
 múltiples sistemas en un
 sólo paso.

 Java CAPS
 Transforma y enruta datos,
 lanza procesos, consume y                                    From SAP        From Logistics
 produce servicios a y desde
 aplicaciones de negocio...

 Multiples aplicaciones
 son mostradas como servicios en
 lugar de complicadas interfaces                                        SAP   Logistics

                               Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required                     5
Porqué Aplicaciones Compuestas?
• El desarrollo de aplicaciones compuestas es el
  proceso centralizado sobre la base de SOA
  (Arquitectura Orientada a Servicios) frente a los
  antiguos enfoques de desarrollo. Este enfoque ...
  > Separa el proceso de negocio de los sistemas en su
    propia capa
  > Modularize funciones individuales o grupos de funciones
    en servicios autónomos y bien definidos
  > Provee para una mejor alineación con las metas de
    negocio y las operaciones debido a su orientación SO

                     Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required   6
Agilidad de negocio Bajo Costo                                    Fácil de usar
 • No hay          ●
                        Menor costo                               ●
   retraso en la        de                                            interfaces
   modificación         mantenimiento                                 para
                        de                                            aplicaciones
   de                   aplicaciones
   de negocio
   por parte de

                    Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required                      7
SOA Desarrollo de aplicaciones
 Butler Customer Study on Sun Integration Suite
 Percentage   58%   Total Savings
              70%   Maintenance Years 2 and 3

              50%   Total Design-to-Deploy Time

              57%   Project Contingency

              60%   Project Management

              37%   Deployment

              50%   Testing

              86%   Solution Build and Development

              25%   Design Phase

                                                              Source: Butler Group November 21, 2005

                        Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required                                    8
Componentes de

Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required   9
Java Composite Application Platform Suite
 Community Contribution                                             Java CAPS

         Open Source

         OPEN ESB
                                                      Business Activity Monitoring
         OPEN SSO
                                              COMPLEX EVENT PROCESSING | BUSINESS DASHBOARDS
         OPEN DS
                                Master Data Management                               Business to Business
                                          SINGLE ENTITY VIEW                              MESSAGE EXCHANGE
                                                   Business Process Management

                                                             Enterprise Service Bus
                                         MEDIATION       |   ADAPTERS       |   ROUTING    |   TRANSFORMATION

                                     SERVER          |       APPLICATION
                                                             SERVER              |    DIRECTORY
                                                                                      SERVER         |   SINGLE

                          Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required                                              10
Sun Enterprise Service Bus
• Open source, standards-                                                          Portal
  based, pluggable platform
   > Latest standards support
     includes Java EE 5 and JBI
                                                              Business Activity Monitoring
• Common development                                  COMPLEX EVENT PROCESSING | BUSINESS DASHBOARDS
  environment – NetBeans 6
   > Single IDE for Java EE,
     SOA, web, mobile,...               Master Data Management                               Business to Business
                                                  SINGLE ENTITY VIEW                              MESSAGE EXCHANGE
• Common run-time
  environment – GlassFish v2
   > Light-weight, high
                                                           Business Process Management
     performance, enterprise                                                    ORCHESTRATION
• Common Management –                                                Enterprise Service Bus
  Enterprise Manager                             MEDIATION       |   ADAPTERS       |   ROUTING    |   TRANSFORMATION
   > GUI, CLI, Java API,
     Scripting                                                             Infrastructure
                                             SERVER          |       APPLICATION
                                                                     SERVER              |    DIRECTORY
                                                                                              SERVER         |   SINGLE

                                  Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required                                              11
Common Development
Environment – NetBeans
• Permite diferentes estilos de desarrollo:
  >   Java EE and POJO (Plain Old Java Object)
  >   SOA, MoM, EAI, EDA
  >   Scripting and Web-Tier
  >   Extensible through NB ecosystem, e.g: Java ME
• Agilidad y productividad
  > Rapid code-build-deploy-test cycle
• Soportado en diferentes plataformas
  > Solaris, Mac OS X, Linux, Windows

                      Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required   12
NetBeans IDE

                                                             Editores para Java,
Vista                                                        XSLT, BPEL,
unificada                                                    EJB, JSP/JSF...
de proyectos

 Gestión de
 entorno de

               Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required                         13
Entorno enriquecido – NetBeans 6.1
• Editores disponibles
  para soportar desarrollo
  de web service usando
  WSDL, BPEL, y más!
• Composite Application
  Editor para crear
  soluciones con web
   > Service configuration
    de-coupled from
• .NET Interoperability

                             Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required   14
Common Runtime:               GlassFish Enterprise Server

                                 • Líder empresarial
                                        > Record en rendimiento
                                        > Clustering, 5 9's de
                                          disponibilidad (HADB)
                                        > Funciones de gestión
                                        > Interoperabilidad con .NET
                                 • Fácil de usar
                                 • Soporta Java Business
                                   Integration (JBI)
           Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required                 15
• Adaptadores
  comerciales y librerías
                                                                3rd Party Product
  de mensajes               Fine-Grain
  proporcionan              Access                                                            Interface
  integración con           Integration                                      Coarse-Grain
                                                                             Service Level
  aplicaciones,                                                              Access
  sistemas,bases de         Access
  datos, middleware y       Lightweight                                                           HTTP
  protocolos para
  comunicación externa
  al ESB                                      eWay                    JCA                    BC

• Expuestos como Web
  Services y/o métodos                             Connector Framework                        JBI
• Múltiples vías de                                       GlassFish Enterprise Server
                               Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required                                16
Sun Business Process Manager
 • Soporta WS-BPEL
   1.0, 1.1, y 2.0 para
   implementación de                                  Business Activity Monitoring
   Web services                               COMPLEX EVENT PROCESSING | BUSINESS DASHBOARDS

 • Clustering y calidad         Master Data Management                               Business to Business
   de servicio                            SINGLE ENTITY VIEW                              MESSAGE EXCHANGE
                                                   Business Process Management
 • Procesos                                                             ORCHESTRATION
   expuestos como
   web services                                              Enterprise Service Bus
                                         MEDIATION       |   ADAPTERS       |   ROUTING    |   TRANSFORMATION
 • Llamadas a
   servicios locales
   optimizadas                       MESSAGE
                                     SERVER          |       APPLICATION
                                                             SERVER              |    DIRECTORY
                                                                                      SERVER         |   SINGLE

                          Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required                                              17
Sun BPM: Vista de Negocio

                Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required   18
Sun BPM: Vista Técnica

                Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required   19
Sun Intelligent Event Processor
 • Recibe eventos de                                                      Portal
   negocio de
   múltiples fuentes                                 Business Activity Monitoring
 • Agrega,                                   COMPLEX EVENT PROCESSING | BUSINESS DASHBOARDS

   correlaciona, y             Master Data Management                               Business to Business
   procesa eventos                       SINGLE ENTITY VIEW                              MESSAGE EXCHANGE

 • Detecta patrones
                                                  Business Process Management
   y excepciones                                                       ORCHESTRATION

 • Envia alertas,
   dispara servicios,                                       Enterprise Service Bus
                                        MEDIATION       |   ADAPTERS       |   ROUTING    |   TRANSFORMATION
   o actualiza
   tableros de control                                            Infrastructure
                                    SERVER          |       APPLICATION
                                                            SERVER              |    DIRECTORY
                                                                                     SERVER         |   SINGLE

                         Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required                                              20
Sun Intelligent Event Processor
Real-time event trend detection & proactive management

• Componente Modular (JBI) pluggable open source
• Complementa business intelligence

                                                   Ofrece datos relevantes del
                                                   comportamiento del cliente basado en
                                                   su estilo de interacción...online vs.
                                                   branch walk-in, vs. llamadas, ej. Reset
                                                   de password...

                            Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required                      21
Business to Business Messaging
 • Soporte para                                                             Portal
   diferentes protocolos
   de intercambio de                                   Business Activity Monitoring
   mensajes                                    COMPLEX EVENT PROCESSING | BUSINESS DASHBOARDS

    > HL7
    > HIPAA                      Master Data Management                               Business to Business
                                           SINGLE ENTITY VIEW                              MESSAGE EXCHANGE
    > X12
    > EDIFACT                                       Business Process Management
    > SWIFT
                                                              Enterprise Service Bus
                                          MEDIATION       |   ADAPTERS       |   ROUTING    |   TRANSFORMATION

                                      SERVER          |       APPLICATION
                                                              SERVER              |    DIRECTORY
                                                                                       SERVER         |   SINGLE

                           Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required                                              22
Sun Master Data Management
 • Genera una                                                             Portal
   “Single View” para
   entidades como                                    Business Activity Monitoring
   pacientes,                                COMPLEX EVENT PROCESSING | BUSINESS DASHBOARDS
   suscriptores,               Master Data Management                               Business to Business
   cuentas cliente, y                    SINGLE ENTITY VIEW                              MESSAGE EXCHANGE

   clientes que no
   estan identificados                            Business Process Management
   univocamente                                                        ORCHESTRATION

   sobre los sistemas                                       Enterprise Service Bus
    empresariales                       MEDIATION       |   ADAPTERS       |   ROUTING    |   TRANSFORMATION

                                    SERVER          |       APPLICATION
                                                            SERVER              |    DIRECTORY
                                                                                     SERVER         |   SINGLE

                         Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required                                              23
The Key: Probabilistic Matching
             First Name Last Name                        SSN                Address Information

 Record #1     Ed               Lee                   55228998                  88 Serrano Ave

 Record #2     Edward           Lee                   55228989                  88 Serrano Ave

 Weight (0 to 1) = 0.9 +             1          +           0.7             +     1    = 3.6 Total

                    Max 4.0
                                       Automatic Match
                                                                             AUTOMATIC MATCH!
     High Threshold is 3.5
                                        Potential Match
     Low Threshold is 3.2

                                         New Customer
                    Min 0.0
                              Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required                            24
Sun Data Integrator
• Extrae, Transforma, y carga altos volumenes de datos desde y hacia
  diversos almacenes de datos
  > Actualiza data warehouses y fuentes de datos operacionales
  > Procesa carga inicial para Master Index
• Modela, depliega, y gestiona soluciones ETL                          Operators


Join Disparate
Sources: DB,
Files, etc.

                         Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required                    25
Java CAPS Roadmap
                                      CY2008                                                       CY2009                          CY2010
                      Q             Q      Q3                                   Q4                H1    H2
                    J 1F       M   A2M J J A  S                         O       N      D

                                         SOA / Business Integration
   Java CAPS         •
                 Release 6                   •
                                      Release 6                                            •
                                                                                          R6U1        R6U2
                                                                                                             •        •
                                                                                                                              Project Andes
                Early Access   OSS Re-Platform (GF/NB),                                                                        Websynergy
                                                                                Platform/system updates                    Design-Time Registry
                   (beta)          New MDM Suite
                                                                                                                       Dynamically-Typed Languages,
                                     ESB Suite
                                 Extensible Platform
                                                               •      • Component• • •
                                                                           • Releases                                    Declarative Programming,
                                                                     Event Processing / EDA,                              Lighter weight runtime,
                                                                                                                           OSGi (GlassFish v3)
                                                                      XSLT, SQL, RSS, XMPP,
                                     Swift 2008 Cert
                                                                Data Mashup, Rules Engine, BAM ...

GlassFish ESB                                                                        •
                                                                                     v2                 v2U1
                                                                                                            •            v3
                                                                                GlassFish v2                        GlassFish v3
                                                                                Open ESB v2                         Open ESB v3

 Open Source                             •
                               Open ESB v2 (final)                              •                       •             •
                                                                       Open ESB v3              Open ESB v3      Open ESB v3
                                          Open ESB v3                   Project Fuji             Project Fuji       (final)
                                           Project Fuji                 (preview 2)              (preview 3)
                                           (preview 1)
                                         •                                  •                       •                  •
                                     Mural v1                           Mural v2                Mural v2           Mural v2
                                      (final)                         ( preview 1)             (preview 2)          (final)

                                                          Sun Confidential: NDA Required                                                              26
Current Analysis
SOA Ranking January 2008

                    Sun Confidential: NDA Required   27
Resumen – Claves de Java CAPS
    • Abierto y Modular(Pluggins)
      > 2 requerimientos para un ecosistema exitoso
    • Fortaleza de SUN en Open Source
      > 5X de crecimiento en contribuciones al desarrollo de software
    • Master Data Management
      > Integración de datos de clientes
    • Event Processing
      > Proactiva gestión de eventos
    • (R)Evolutionary
      > Compatibilidad hacia atrás combinada con nuevas funciones
    • Proven Business Integration Specialists
      > Líderes en integración desde 1989

                    Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required         28
Resumen – Qué hay de nuevo en
Jcaps 6
   1. Usa las últimas herramientas de desarrollo :

       * Netbeans 6.x
       * Single IDE for everything
       * Extensible/Open ecosystem
   2. Una plataforma estándar implementada con código
   abierto :

       * Glassfish v2 Application Server
       * OpenESB JBI implementation
       * Mural for Master Data Management
       * etc.

                     Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required   29
Resumen – Qué hay de nuevo en
Jcaps 6
   3Versionamiento y control de código:

       * CVS
       * Subversion
       * Mercural
       * etc.
   4. Usa los últimos estándares incluyendo:

       * Java SE
       * Java EE 5
       * JBI
       * Project Metro (WSIT and JAX-WS)
       * BPEL 2.0
       * etc.

                      Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required   30
Resumen – Qué hay de nuevo en
Jcaps 6
   5.Soporta varias plataformas para desarrollo :

       * Solaris, Windows, Linux and Mac OS
   6. Una plataforma para desarrollo rápido

       * Lightweight GlassFish profile for development
       * Quick code-build-deploy-test
       * Use of Ant and Maven for building/deploying
       * Smaller/Faster deployments
   7. Permite más estilos de desarrollo:

       * Java EE
       * Scripting languages
       * Web-tier- Web 2.0, JSF, Struts, Spring, etc.

                       Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required   31
Resumen – Qué hay de nuevo en
Jcaps 6
   8. JBI provee una comunidad de integración :

       * Binding components from the community/3rd parties
       * Service engines from the community/3rd parties
       * More options for integration points
   9. Compatibilidad hacia atrás usando JBI :

       * Provee enlace al entorno clásico de Jcaps
   10. Roadmap completo y a largo plazo

                      Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required   32
Enlaces de interés de SUN SOA
                      Aprender más
                              Sun SOA

             Inside SOA Podcasts
                         Llame a Hugo
                6286330 (Colombia)
            1-650-960-1300 (International)
              Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required   33

Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required   34
Jaime Contreras
CalPERS Chooses Sun
       Industry: Financial Services
       Revenues: $21.89 billion

        Challenge            •    Real-time data synchronization and business process visibility
                             •    Business-to-business (B2B) connectivity
                             •    Operational cost reduction

         Solution                • CalPERS initial rollout of the Sun Java Composite Application
                                   Platform Suite replaced CalPERS' existing electronic data
                                   interchange (EDI) solution.
        Results              •    Reduced TCO by replacing legacy systems and migrating from
                             •    Reduced the number of overlapping applications

values include a strong customer focus. Sun will help us streamline our technology infrastructure to better meet our customer
                                                                         — Jack Corrie, Chief of Information Technology Services D

                                                    Sun Confidential: NDA Required                                           36
KBC Bank and Insurance
               Revenues: $25.6 billion in 2005                                     Create & Deliver New
                                                                                     Services Faster

Challenge         • Provide tailored products and real-time responses to customers
                  • Implement best-of-breed applications
                  • Ensure new and existing applications integrate

Solution          • Using a solution based on Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator,
                    KBC was the first bank in Belgium to deploy real-time integration
                    with Euronext clearing settlement systems.
                                                       Running the
                 • Increased revenue by speeding roll-out of new products &
Results            services                               Extended
                 • Substantially reduced maintenance and development costs
                 • System handles 80,000 to 200,000 transactions daily
  “ As we develop real-time services for our customers, the fact that we can integrate applications
  and easily is one of our crucial success factors. Thanks to Sun SeeBeyond, we don’t hesitate to
  even the most complex integrations. ”
    — Bart Vanhaeren, Senior Systems Integrator, EAI Competence Center, KBC Bank & Insurance Group
                                        Sun Confidential: NDA Required                                37
HVB Americas
Revenues: $28.3 billion in 2004

                    •    Lower processing costs and operational risks
                    •    Improve ability to respond to audit and compliance requiremen
                    •    Manage the entire trading life cycle process
                    •    Understand process cycle times and establish alerts

                     • Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite helped HVB
Solution               Americas improve its control over transactions by providing
                       dashboard-based monitoring capabilities for traders & staff.
                     •   Enhanced data quality via real-time reconciliation
Results              •   Improved transaction control
                     •   Established full trade management metrics
                     •   Provided comprehensive audit and compliance capability

  “ ...In addition to real-time reconciliation, this solution offers the opportunity to move to real-time, intra-day cash ba
                                             — David Dart, Managing Director and CIO, HVB Americas

                                             Sun Confidential: NDA Required                                            38
Revenues: $6.5 billion in 2005

                    •   Enable introduction of new range of products
Challenge           •   Implement a flexible, scalable integration solution
                    •   Process a high volume of messages with payment and transact

                    • PostFinance uses Java CAPS to integrate its payment process
 Solution             for three million customers. The company also uses Sun
                      SeeBeyond eGate Integrator to handle 70 million transactions/
                   • Migration freed up old hardware for other applications

 Results           • 50% decrease in interface development and production time
                   • System capable of processing 70 million transactions per day

   “ The goal was to streamline processes, reduce costs, and enable PostFinance to integrate its existing IT applica
                              — Dr. Harald Aust, Head of Business Unit, Middleware and EAI, PostFinance

                                          Sun Confidential: NDA Required                                       39
ING, Postbank
                 Need to develop and deploy a more powerful online banking solution for
                  their growing customer base of one and a half million users

                 Sun helped ING implement a new front-end of the internet banking
                 infrastructure which included computer infrastructure, network infra-
                  tructure and middle-ware, were implemented on time and within budget.
                                                          Running the
                The new environment substantially enhances the customer experience and
                is extremely adaptable. Any changes we made Enterprise
                                                             to the banking services
                subsequently will not lead to service degradation for the end-user.
 “ING selected Sun Microsystems because it showed a true partner approach right from the
 beginning. In addition to this, Sun proved it was able to deliver a complex infrastructure in a
 challenging environment, fitting our ambitious growth strategy.”
                                               Erik Dralans WW Head of Ops. and IT Banking, ING
                                       Sun Confidential: NDA Required                              40
American Express

  Challenge          Need to lower licensing, integration costs for improved deployment
                     and flexiblity for web based applications.

                    Employee based pricing of Java Enterprise System Software.
  Solution          Productivity enhancements allow the employees of American
                    to serve a greater number of customers, the cost of its middleware
                    remains the same.

"We found an excellent value proposition in the Java Enterprise System as it will help us to
consolidate our licensing costs, reduce integration costs, and improve both functionality and flexibility
our distributed applications, identity management and web services,"
                                        - Phil Steitz, chief technology officer, American Express
                                           Sun Confidential: NDA Required                                   41
Deutsche WerpapierService Bank AG
 Industry: Financial Services
 Revenues: N/A

 Challenge        • Optimize and simplify identity and authorization management
                  • Centralize management and administration of user access
                  • Provide single sign-on to diverse applications and systems

 Solution         • The bank deployed Sun Java System Identity Manager and
                    other Sun Java Enterprise System software to centralize
                                                                        Running the
                    management of user identities and access across diverse
 Results                                                                 Extended
                 • Faster, simplified access to applications and resources
                 • Enhanced security and improved availability
                 • Streamlined administration and management and reduced TCO

    “We like the flexibility of Sun Java System Identity Manager, since the software works
    our existing infrastructure.”
                                                        — Ralf Hoops, Project Manager, DWP Bank
                                      Sun Confidential: NDA Required                              42
Toyota Financials
“Toyota Financial Services has aggressive growth plans and requires a robust, stable,
cost-effective software system for deployment of new applications and services. We found
that Sun Java Enterprise System provides a solid foundation for addressing both our
and long-term objectives in this area.”

          - Shaun Coyne (VP and CIO, Toyota Financial Services)

                                    Sun Confidential: NDA Required                         43

More Related Content


  • 1. Sun Java Composite TM Application Platform Suite JCAPS Jaime Contreras Software Architect ACC Region Sun Microsystems
  • 2. Agenda • Composite Applications: El qué y porqué • Componentes de Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite (JCAPS 6) • Resumen Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 2
  • 3. COMPOSITE APPLICATIONS: EL QUE Y PORQUE Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 3
  • 4. Qué es una aplicación compuesta? Una aplicación compuesta es una aplicación que mapea los recursos de otras aplicaciones para realizar su trabajo. De cara al usuario luce como una aplicación interactiva, con un 10% de funciones nuevas y un 90% de ensamblaje de componentes y datos de aplicaciones existentes. El pegante que permite que las aplicaciones trabajen juntas es la tecnología de integración. - Yefim V. Natis, Gartner Research Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 4
  • 5. Aplicación compuesta: Ejemplo Interfaz de usuario simple Acceso en tiempo real a múltiples sistemas en un sólo paso. Java CAPS Transforma y enruta datos, lanza procesos, consume y From SAP From Logistics produce servicios a y desde aplicaciones de negocio... Multiples aplicaciones son mostradas como servicios en lugar de complicadas interfaces SAP Logistics Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 5
  • 6. Porqué Aplicaciones Compuestas? • El desarrollo de aplicaciones compuestas es el proceso centralizado sobre la base de SOA (Arquitectura Orientada a Servicios) frente a los antiguos enfoques de desarrollo. Este enfoque ... > Separa el proceso de negocio de los sistemas en su propia capa > Modularize funciones individuales o grupos de funciones en servicios autónomos y bien definidos > Provee para una mejor alineación con las metas de negocio y las operaciones debido a su orientación SO Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 6
  • 7. Beneficios Agilidad de negocio Bajo Costo Fácil de usar • No hay ● Menor costo ● Modernos retraso en la de interfaces modificación mantenimiento para de aplicaciones de aplicaciones parámetros de negocio por parte de TI Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 7
  • 8. SOA Desarrollo de aplicaciones compuestas Butler Customer Study on Sun Integration Suite Percentage 58% Total Savings Saving 70% Maintenance Years 2 and 3 50% Total Design-to-Deploy Time 57% Project Contingency 60% Project Management 37% Deployment 50% Testing 86% Solution Build and Development 25% Design Phase Source: Butler Group November 21, 2005 Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 8
  • 9. Componentes de JAVA CAPS Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 9
  • 10. Java Composite Application Platform Suite Community Contribution Java CAPS Portal Open Source OPEN ESB Business Activity Monitoring OPEN SSO COMPLEX EVENT PROCESSING | BUSINESS DASHBOARDS OPEN DS MURAL Master Data Management Business to Business NETBEANS SINGLE ENTITY VIEW MESSAGE EXCHANGE GLASSFISH PROJECT METRO Business Process Management ORCHESTRATION Enterprise Service Bus MEDIATION | ADAPTERS | ROUTING | TRANSFORMATION Infrastructure MESSAGE SERVER | APPLICATION SERVER | DIRECTORY SERVER | SINGLE SIGN-ON Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 10
  • 11. Sun Enterprise Service Bus • Open source, standards- Portal based, pluggable platform > Latest standards support includes Java EE 5 and JBI Business Activity Monitoring • Common development COMPLEX EVENT PROCESSING | BUSINESS DASHBOARDS environment – NetBeans 6 > Single IDE for Java EE, SOA, web, mobile,... Master Data Management Business to Business SINGLE ENTITY VIEW MESSAGE EXCHANGE • Common run-time environment – GlassFish v2 > Light-weight, high Business Process Management performance, enterprise ORCHESTRATION quality • Common Management – Enterprise Service Bus Enterprise Manager MEDIATION | ADAPTERS | ROUTING | TRANSFORMATION > GUI, CLI, Java API, Scripting Infrastructure MESSAGE SERVER | APPLICATION SERVER | DIRECTORY SERVER | SINGLE SIGN-ON Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 11
  • 12. Common Development Environment – NetBeans • Permite diferentes estilos de desarrollo: > Java EE and POJO (Plain Old Java Object) > SOA, MoM, EAI, EDA > Scripting and Web-Tier > Extensible through NB ecosystem, e.g: Java ME • Agilidad y productividad > Rapid code-build-deploy-test cycle • Soportado en diferentes plataformas > Solaris, Mac OS X, Linux, Windows Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 12
  • 13. NetBeans IDE Editores para Java, Vista XSLT, BPEL, unificada EJB, JSP/JSF... de proyectos Gestión de entorno de producción Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 13
  • 14. Entorno enriquecido – NetBeans 6.1 • Editores disponibles para soportar desarrollo de web service usando EJB, JBI, JAX-WS, WSDL, BPEL, y más! • Composite Application Editor para crear soluciones con web services > Service configuration de-coupled from implementation • .NET Interoperability Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 14
  • 15. Common Runtime: GlassFish Enterprise Server • Líder empresarial > Record en rendimiento > Clustering, 5 9's de disponibilidad (HADB) > Funciones de gestión avanzadas > Interoperabilidad con .NET 3.0 • Fácil de usar • Soporta Java Business Integration (JBI) Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 15
  • 16. Adaptadores: • Adaptadores comerciales y librerías 3rd Party Product de mensajes Fine-Grain WS proporcionan Access Interface Greater integración con Integration Coarse-Grain Service Level aplicaciones, Access Fine-Grain sistemas,bases de Access datos, middleware y Lightweight HTTP protocolos para comunicación externa al ESB eWay JCA BC • Expuestos como Web Services y/o métodos Connector Framework JBI Java • Múltiples vías de GlassFish Enterprise Server acceso Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 16
  • 17. Sun Business Process Manager Portal • Soporta WS-BPEL 1.0, 1.1, y 2.0 para implementación de Business Activity Monitoring Web services COMPLEX EVENT PROCESSING | BUSINESS DASHBOARDS • Clustering y calidad Master Data Management Business to Business de servicio SINGLE ENTITY VIEW MESSAGE EXCHANGE configurable Business Process Management • Procesos ORCHESTRATION expuestos como web services Enterprise Service Bus MEDIATION | ADAPTERS | ROUTING | TRANSFORMATION • Llamadas a servicios locales optimizadas MESSAGE SERVER | APPLICATION SERVER | DIRECTORY SERVER | SINGLE SIGN-ON Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 17
  • 18. Sun BPM: Vista de Negocio Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 18
  • 19. Sun BPM: Vista Técnica Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 19
  • 20. Sun Intelligent Event Processor • Recibe eventos de Portal negocio de múltiples fuentes Business Activity Monitoring • Agrega, COMPLEX EVENT PROCESSING | BUSINESS DASHBOARDS correlaciona, y Master Data Management Business to Business procesa eventos SINGLE ENTITY VIEW MESSAGE EXCHANGE • Detecta patrones Business Process Management y excepciones ORCHESTRATION • Envia alertas, dispara servicios, Enterprise Service Bus MEDIATION | ADAPTERS | ROUTING | TRANSFORMATION o actualiza tableros de control Infrastructure MESSAGE SERVER | APPLICATION SERVER | DIRECTORY SERVER | SINGLE SIGN-ON Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 20
  • 21. Sun Intelligent Event Processor Real-time event trend detection & proactive management • Componente Modular (JBI) pluggable open source • Complementa business intelligence Ejemplo: Ofrece datos relevantes del comportamiento del cliente basado en su estilo de interacción...online vs. branch walk-in, vs. llamadas, ej. Reset de password... Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 21
  • 22. Business to Business Messaging • Soporte para Portal diferentes protocolos de intercambio de Business Activity Monitoring mensajes COMPLEX EVENT PROCESSING | BUSINESS DASHBOARDS > HL7 > HIPAA Master Data Management Business to Business SINGLE ENTITY VIEW MESSAGE EXCHANGE > X12 > EDIFACT Business Process Management ORCHESTRATION > SWIFT Enterprise Service Bus MEDIATION | ADAPTERS | ROUTING | TRANSFORMATION Infrastructure MESSAGE SERVER | APPLICATION SERVER | DIRECTORY SERVER | SINGLE SIGN-ON Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 22
  • 23. Sun Master Data Management • Genera una Portal “Single View” para entidades como Business Activity Monitoring pacientes, COMPLEX EVENT PROCESSING | BUSINESS DASHBOARDS ciudadanos, suscriptores, Master Data Management Business to Business cuentas cliente, y SINGLE ENTITY VIEW MESSAGE EXCHANGE clientes que no estan identificados Business Process Management univocamente ORCHESTRATION sobre los sistemas Enterprise Service Bus empresariales MEDIATION | ADAPTERS | ROUTING | TRANSFORMATION Infrastructure MESSAGE SERVER | APPLICATION SERVER | DIRECTORY SERVER | SINGLE SIGN-ON Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 23
  • 24. The Key: Probabilistic Matching First Name Last Name SSN Address Information Record #1 Ed Lee 55228998 88 Serrano Ave Record #2 Edward Lee 55228989 88 Serrano Ave Weight (0 to 1) = 0.9 + 1 + 0.7 + 1 = 3.6 Total Max 4.0 Automatic Match AUTOMATIC MATCH! High Threshold is 3.5 Potential Match Low Threshold is 3.2 New Customer Min 0.0 Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 24
  • 25. Sun Data Integrator • Extrae, Transforma, y carga altos volumenes de datos desde y hacia diversos almacenes de datos > Actualiza data warehouses y fuentes de datos operacionales > Procesa carga inicial para Master Index Transformation • Modela, depliega, y gestiona soluciones ETL Operators Graphical Editor Join Disparate Sources: DB, Files, etc. Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 25
  • 26. Java CAPS Roadmap CY2008 CY2009 CY2010 Q Q Q3 Q4 H1 H2 J 1F M A2M J J A S O N D SOA / Business Integration Java CAPS • Release 6 • Release 6 • R6U1 R6U2 • • R6U3 • Project Andes Early Access OSS Re-Platform (GF/NB), Websynergy Platform/system updates Design-Time Registry (beta) New MDM Suite Dynamically-Typed Languages, ESB Suite Extensible Platform • • Component• • • • Releases Declarative Programming, Event Processing / EDA, Lighter weight runtime, OSGi (GlassFish v3) XSLT, SQL, RSS, XMPP, • Swift 2008 Cert Data Mashup, Rules Engine, BAM ... GlassFish ESB • v2 v2U1 • v3 • GlassFish v2 GlassFish v3 Open ESB v2 Open ESB v3 Open Source • Open ESB v2 (final) • • • Open ESB v3 Open ESB v3 Open ESB v3 • Open ESB v3 Project Fuji Project Fuji (final) Project Fuji (preview 2) (preview 3) (preview 1) • • • • Mural v1 Mural v2 Mural v2 Mural v2 (final) ( preview 1) (preview 2) (final) Sun Confidential: NDA Required 26
  • 27. Current Analysis SOA Ranking January 2008 Sun Confidential: NDA Required 27
  • 28. Resumen – Claves de Java CAPS • Abierto y Modular(Pluggins) > 2 requerimientos para un ecosistema exitoso • Fortaleza de SUN en Open Source > 5X de crecimiento en contribuciones al desarrollo de software • Master Data Management > Integración de datos de clientes • Event Processing > Proactiva gestión de eventos • (R)Evolutionary > Compatibilidad hacia atrás combinada con nuevas funciones • Proven Business Integration Specialists > Líderes en integración desde 1989 Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 28
  • 29. Resumen – Qué hay de nuevo en Jcaps 6 1. Usa las últimas herramientas de desarrollo :  * Netbeans 6.x * Single IDE for everything * Extensible/Open ecosystem 2. Una plataforma estándar implementada con código abierto : * Glassfish v2 Application Server * OpenESB JBI implementation * Mural for Master Data Management * etc. Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 29
  • 30. Resumen – Qué hay de nuevo en Jcaps 6 3Versionamiento y control de código:  * CVS * Subversion * Mercural * etc. 4. Usa los últimos estándares incluyendo:  * Java SE * Java EE 5 * JBI * Project Metro (WSIT and JAX-WS) * BPEL 2.0 * etc. Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 30
  • 31. Resumen – Qué hay de nuevo en Jcaps 6 5.Soporta varias plataformas para desarrollo :  * Solaris, Windows, Linux and Mac OS 6. Una plataforma para desarrollo rápido  * Lightweight GlassFish profile for development * Quick code-build-deploy-test * Use of Ant and Maven for building/deploying * Smaller/Faster deployments 7. Permite más estilos de desarrollo:  * Java EE * Scripting languages * Web-tier- Web 2.0, JSF, Struts, Spring, etc. Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 31
  • 32. Resumen – Qué hay de nuevo en Jcaps 6 8. JBI provee una comunidad de integración :  * Binding components from the community/3rd parties * Service engines from the community/3rd parties * More options for integration points 9. Compatibilidad hacia atrás usando JBI :  * Provee enlace al entorno clásico de Jcaps 10. Roadmap completo y a largo plazo  Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 32
  • 33. Enlaces de interés de SUN SOA Aprender más www.sun.com/javacaps www.sun.com/mdm Sun SOA www.sun.com/soa Inside SOA Podcasts www.sun.com/products/soa/podcasts.jsp Llame a Hugo 6286330 (Colombia) 1-650-960-1300 (International) Sun Microsystems Confidential: NDA Required 33
  • 36. CalPERS Chooses Sun Industry: Financial Services Revenues: $21.89 billion Challenge • Real-time data synchronization and business process visibility • Business-to-business (B2B) connectivity • Operational cost reduction Solution • CalPERS initial rollout of the Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite replaced CalPERS' existing electronic data interchange (EDI) solution. Results • Reduced TCO by replacing legacy systems and migrating from • Reduced the number of overlapping applications values include a strong customer focus. Sun will help us streamline our technology infrastructure to better meet our customer — Jack Corrie, Chief of Information Technology Services D Sun Confidential: NDA Required 36
  • 37. KBC Bank and Insurance Revenues: $25.6 billion in 2005 Create & Deliver New Services Faster Challenge • Provide tailored products and real-time responses to customers • Implement best-of-breed applications • Ensure new and existing applications integrate Solution • Using a solution based on Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator, Cost-effectively KBC was the first bank in Belgium to deploy real-time integration with Euronext clearing settlement systems. Running the • Increased revenue by speeding roll-out of new products & Results services Extended Enterprise • Substantially reduced maintenance and development costs • System handles 80,000 to 200,000 transactions daily “ As we develop real-time services for our customers, the fact that we can integrate applications quickly and easily is one of our crucial success factors. Thanks to Sun SeeBeyond, we don’t hesitate to tackle even the most complex integrations. ” — Bart Vanhaeren, Senior Systems Integrator, EAI Competence Center, KBC Bank & Insurance Group Sun Confidential: NDA Required 37
  • 38. HVB Americas Revenues: $28.3 billion in 2004 • Lower processing costs and operational risks Challenge • Improve ability to respond to audit and compliance requiremen • Manage the entire trading life cycle process • Understand process cycle times and establish alerts • Sun Java Composite Application Platform Suite helped HVB Solution Americas improve its control over transactions by providing dashboard-based monitoring capabilities for traders & staff. • Enhanced data quality via real-time reconciliation Results • Improved transaction control • Established full trade management metrics • Provided comprehensive audit and compliance capability “ ...In addition to real-time reconciliation, this solution offers the opportunity to move to real-time, intra-day cash ba — David Dart, Managing Director and CIO, HVB Americas Sun Confidential: NDA Required 38
  • 39. PostFinance Revenues: $6.5 billion in 2005 • Enable introduction of new range of products Challenge • Implement a flexible, scalable integration solution • Process a high volume of messages with payment and transact • PostFinance uses Java CAPS to integrate its payment process Solution for three million customers. The company also uses Sun SeeBeyond eGate Integrator to handle 70 million transactions/ day. • Migration freed up old hardware for other applications Results • 50% decrease in interface development and production time • System capable of processing 70 million transactions per day “ The goal was to streamline processes, reduce costs, and enable PostFinance to integrate its existing IT applica — Dr. Harald Aust, Head of Business Unit, Middleware and EAI, PostFinance Sun Confidential: NDA Required 39
  • 40. ING, Postbank Need to develop and deploy a more powerful online banking solution for Challenge their growing customer base of one and a half million users Sun helped ING implement a new front-end of the internet banking Solution Cost-effectively infrastructure which included computer infrastructure, network infra- tructure and middle-ware, were implemented on time and within budget. Running the Results Extended The new environment substantially enhances the customer experience and is extremely adaptable. Any changes we made Enterprise to the banking services subsequently will not lead to service degradation for the end-user. “ING selected Sun Microsystems because it showed a true partner approach right from the beginning. In addition to this, Sun proved it was able to deliver a complex infrastructure in a challenging environment, fitting our ambitious growth strategy.” Erik Dralans WW Head of Ops. and IT Banking, ING Sun Confidential: NDA Required 40
  • 41. American Express Challenge Need to lower licensing, integration costs for improved deployment and flexiblity for web based applications. Employee based pricing of Java Enterprise System Software. Solution Productivity enhancements allow the employees of American Express to serve a greater number of customers, the cost of its middleware remains the same. "We found an excellent value proposition in the Java Enterprise System as it will help us to consolidate our licensing costs, reduce integration costs, and improve both functionality and flexibility of our distributed applications, identity management and web services," - Phil Steitz, chief technology officer, American Express Sun Confidential: NDA Required 41
  • 42. Deutsche WerpapierService Bank AG Industry: Financial Services Revenues: N/A Challenge • Optimize and simplify identity and authorization management • Centralize management and administration of user access • Provide single sign-on to diverse applications and systems Solution • The bank deployed Sun Java System Identity Manager and Cost-effectively other Sun Java Enterprise System software to centralize Running the management of user identities and access across diverse systems Results Extended • Faster, simplified access to applications and resources • Enhanced security and improved availability Enterprise • Streamlined administration and management and reduced TCO “We like the flexibility of Sun Java System Identity Manager, since the software works with our existing infrastructure.” — Ralf Hoops, Project Manager, DWP Bank Sun Confidential: NDA Required 42
  • 43. Toyota Financials “Toyota Financial Services has aggressive growth plans and requires a robust, stable, cost-effective software system for deployment of new applications and services. We found that Sun Java Enterprise System provides a solid foundation for addressing both our short- and long-term objectives in this area.” - Shaun Coyne (VP and CIO, Toyota Financial Services) Sun Confidential: NDA Required 43