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jcmd 便利
KUBOTA Yuji @sugarlife <kubota.yuji@gmail.com>
NTT OSS Center
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
Who I am
KUBOTA Yuji (@sugarlife)
* Java Technical Support Engineer at NTT
* OpenJDK author, Icedtea committer, Speaker
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
•Introduction to Troubleshooting in JDK 9
•jcmd と jhsdb を使おう
JDK 9 からの診断ツール
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
Java 8
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
/jdk9/jdk/src/jdk.jcmd/share/classes/sun/tools% tree
|-- common
| `-- ProcessArgumentMatcher.java
|-- jcmd
| |-- Arguments.java
| `-- JCmd.java
|-- jinfo
| `-- JInfo.java
|-- jmap
| `-- JMap.java
|-- jps
| |-- Arguments.java
| `-- Jps.java
|-- jstack
| `-- JStack.java
`-- jstat
|-- Alignment.java
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
Dynamic Attach (on Linux)
Unix domain socket
2. Start
AttachListener thread
4. Processing
3. Send request
5. Receive response
•Introduction to Troubleshooting in JDK 9
•JDK 9 では jcmd / jhsdb を使おうという話
JavaOne 2016
% jstack # JDK 8
-F to force a thread dump. Use when jstack <pid> does not respond (process is hung)
-m to print both java and native frames (mixed mode)
-l long listing. Prints additional information about locks
-h or -help to print this help message
% ./jstack # JDK 9
-l long listing. Prints additional information about locks
-h or -help to print this help message
# -F was removed by JDK-8155091: Remove SA related functions from tmtools
% ./jstack -m
Error: -m option used
Cannot connect to core dump or remote debug server. Use jhsdb jstack instead
% ./jhsdb jstack --mixed
You have to set --pid or --exe.
--locks to print java.util.concurrent locks
--mixed to print both java and native frames (mixed mode)
--exe executable image name
--core path to coredump
--pid pid of process to attach
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
•CLI の Local JVM process 診断ツール
•jcmd [-l | -h | process command]
•-h : help, -l | no argument: jps
•process: <pid | main-class>
• pid に 0 を指定すると全部
• main-class は一致したプロセス全部
•command: <command[ options] | -f file>
• command は Domain.suffix 形式
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
•jcmd process help
•実行可能なコマンド一覧 (対象プロセス依存)
•jcmd process help command
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
% jcmd 999 help GC.run
Call java.lang.System.gc().
Impact: Medium: Depends on Java heap size and content.
Syntax: GC.run
Command: Domain.suffix (Java 8)
PerfCounter 1 各種 JVM 統計情報 (※)
ManagementAgent 3 JMX エージェント操作
Thread 1 スレッドダンプ
GC 7 GC 機構 (Heap / GC / Finalization)
VM 7 ランタイム操作、情報取得
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
※: 本来はコマンドとは別枠だが、見易さのため並べて記載している
Command: Domain.suffix (Java 9)
PerfCounter 1 - 各種 JVM 統計情報 (※)
ManagementAgent 4 +1 JMX エージェント操作
Thread 1 - スレッドダンプ
GC 7 +2
GC 機構 (Heap / GC / Finalization)
VM 15 +8 ランタイム操作、情報取得
Compiler 7 - コンパイラ操作、情報取得
JVMTI 2 - JVMTI エージェント操作
GC.rotate_log が VM ドメインへ移動
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
※: 本来はコマンドとは別枠だが、見易さのため並べて記載している
•JVM 統計情報
•jstat や jinfo はこれを基に加工して出力してる
• jdk/src/jdk.jcmd/share/classes/sun/tools/jstat/resources/jstat_options
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
suffix Description
print JVM 統計情報を出力
•Management Agent 起動したり終わらせたり
•JMX (Management Extensions) と JDP(Discovery Protocol)
• JMXリモートアクセスを忘れてても後から設定可能
suffix Description
status 状態表示
start リモートエージェントを有効化
start_local ローカルエージェントを有効化
stop リモートエージェントを無効化
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
JDK 9 から
$ jcmd 999 ManagementAgent.start jmxremote.port=777 jmxremote.ssl=true
Commandexecuted successfully
$ jcmd 999 ManagementAgent.status
Agent: enabled
Connection Type: remote
Protocol : rmi
Host : fedora24.novalocal
URL : service:jmx:rmi://XXX…XXX
Properties :
com.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate = true [default]
com.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl.need.client.auth = false [default]
com.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl = true [default]
com.sun.management.jmxremote.port = 8070
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
[config.file | jmxremote.* | jdp.*]
•mixed モードが欲しい場合は
% jhsdb jstack --mixed --pid <pid>
suffix Description
print Thread dump
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
•GC機構 (Heap/GC/Finalization)
suffix Description
class_stats* クラスメタデータ一覧 (-helpで各項目説明)
class_histogram クラスヒストグラム (jmap -histo:live)
heap_info ヒープ・メタスペース使用量
heap_dump ヒープダンプ (jmap -dump, -allで参照切れも)
finalizer_info Finalize 待ちキュー表示
run_finalization Finalization 実行 (System#runFinalization)
run GC 実行 (System#gc)
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
*:要 -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions
suffix Description
info Fatal Error Log (クラッシュ時等で出すログ)
uptime 起動時間
command_line VM 引数
system_properties システムプロパティ
version バージョン
flags 設定した(された)フラグ (-all で全フラグ)
dynlibs メモリマップ付き Dynamic library リスト
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
suffix Description
print_touched_methods* JVM 実行中に触ったメソッドを表示
classloader_stats メタデータ状況等の全クラスローダ情報
class_hierarchy 読込クラスをクラスローダ付き階層表示
native_memory** Native Memory Tracking (NMT)
stringtable StringTable (-verboseで全Stringダンプ)
symboltable SymbolTable (-verboseで全シンボル)
set_flag flgname [value] JVM フラグの設定 (一部のみ)
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
*:要 -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions
**: 要 -XX:NativeMemoryTracking 設定
• Native メモリの状態を記録する
1. Run Java with -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary
2. jcmd 999 VM.native_memory baseline
3. jcmd 999 VM.native_memory summary.diff
• 詳細に見たい場合は上の summary を details に変える
• NativeMemoryTracking was available since Java 8
• https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/
Native Memory Tracking
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
$ jcmd 999 VM.native_memory baseline
Baseline succeeded
# --- Run method which wants to check the memory consumption ---
$ jcmd 999 VM.native_memory summary.diff
Native Memory Tracking:
Total: reserved=5664359KB -36096KB, committed=371555KB -36096KB
- Java Heap (reserved=4108288KB, committed=258048KB)
(mmap: reserved=4108288KB, committed=258048KB)
- Class (reserved=1056953KB +15KB, committed=5433KB +15KB)
(classes #767 +3)
(malloc=185KB +3KB #741 -4)
(mmap: reserved=1056768KB, committed=5248KB)
- Thread (reserved=36128KB -112KB, committed=36128KB -112KB)
(thread #36 +1)
(stack: reserved=35980KB +325KB, committed=35980KB+325KB)
(malloc=107KB +2KB #197 +4)
(arena=41KB -130KB #70 +2)
Native Memory Tracking
±n shows diff from baseline
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
• -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:gc.log.`date +%Y-
%m-%d_%H-%M-%S` -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps
• -Xlog:gc*=debug:gc.log.%t:time,level
• -Xlog:[<selection>]:[<output>]:[<decorators>]
suffix Description
log JVM Unified Logging (JEP158) 制御
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
•jcmd 999 VM.log [options]
GC ログを設定するケース
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
Options Description
output output (出力先)
output_options output (その他の設定)
what selection (ロギング対象とそのレベル)
decorators decorators (出力内容調整)
disable Clears all configurations and turns off all loggings
list Lists current log configurations
rotate Rotate all logs (instead of GC.log_rotate in Java 8)
•Confirms current loggings
GC ログを設定するケース
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
$ jcmd 999 VM.log list
Available log levels: off, trace, debug, info, warning, error
Available log decorators: time (t), uptime (u), timemillis (tm), …
Available log tags: add, age, alloc, arguments, annotation, barrier, …
Described tag combinations:
logging: Logging for the log framework itself
Log output configuration:
#0: stdout all=warning uptime,level,tags
#1: stderr all=off uptime,level,tags
default configurations
•Turns on a new logging: GC.log
GC ログを設定するケース
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
$ jcmd 999 VM.log output="file=gc.log"
what="gc=debug" decorators="time,level"
Command executed successfully
$ jcmd 999 VM.log list
Log output configuration:
#0: stdout all=warning uptime,level,tags
#1: stderr all=off uptime,level,tags
#2: gc.log gc=debug time,level added a new GC logging
name or path
options (log
•Turns off all existing loggings
•If you want to turn off #2 only
•jcmd 999 VM.log output="#2" what="all=off"
GC ログを設定するケース
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
$ jcmd 999 VM.log disable
Command executed successfully
$ jcmd 999 VM.log list
Log output configuration:
#0: stdout all=off uptime,level,tags
#1: stderr all=off uptime,level,tags
set all=off at stdout / stderr, and removed
the other configuration(s) such as #2
output nothing
•jcmd 999 VM.log rotate
•Rotates logs satisfying the following
1. Configured ‘output’ as file
2. Configured ‘filecount’ (by ‘output_option’)
$ jcmd 999 VM.log list
Log output configuration:
#0: stdout all=warning uptime,level,tags
#1: stderr all=off uptime,level,tags
#2: gc.log gc=debug filecount=5,filesize=20M level,tags
#2 will be rotated,
not #0 and #1
Obsoleted GC.rotate_log
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
•JIT Compiler
•JEP 165: Compiler Control (JDK 9 Feature)
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
suffix Description
directive_add Adds directives of JIT by JSON format same as -XX:CompilerDirectivesFile
directive_remove Removes a latest directive
directive_clear Clears all directives
directive_print Prints current directives
codecache Prints summary of code cache
codelist Lists all code cache
queue Lists methods in waiting queue for JIT
% cat disable_c2_at_string-hashCode.json
"match":[ "*String.hashCode" ],
"c2":{ "Exclude":true }
% jcmd 999 Compiler.directives_add disable_c2_at_string-hashCode.json
1 compiler directives added
% jcmd 999 Compiler.directives_print
matching: *String.hashCode
c1 directives:
inline: -
Enable:false Exclude:false BreakAtExecute:false Log:false PrintAssembly:false …
c2 directives:
inline: -
Enable:true Exclude:true BreakAtExecute:false Log:false PrintAssembly:false …
Switch false to true
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
•jcmd 999 Compiler.codelist
•Prints JIT compiled methods (in code cache)
How JIT Compiler works?
% jcmd 999 Compiler.codelist
18 3 java.lang.String.hashCode()I [0x00007ff301594090, 0x00007ff301594280 - 0x00007ff3015946e8]
Compile level of -XX:+TieredCompilation
0: Interpreter
1-3: C1
1: C1 without profiling (full optimization)
2: C1 with basic profiling (invocation and back-edge)
3: C1 with full profiling
4: C2
Method name nmethod start address code start address
code end address
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
•jcmd 999 Compiler.codelist
•Prints JIT compiled methods (in code cache)
How JIT Compiler works?
% jcmd 999 Compiler.codelist
18 3 java.lang.String.hashCode()I [0x00007ff301594090, 0x00007ff301594280 - 0x00007ff3015946e8]
Compile level of -XX:+TieredCompilation
0: Interpreter
1-3: C1
1: C1 without profiling (full optimization)
2: C1 with basic profiling (invocation and back-edge)
3: C1 with full profiling
4: C2
Method name nmethod start address code start address
code end address
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
How JIT Compiler works?
•JVM JIT compilation overview
•Intrinsic Methods in HotSpot VM
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
•JVMTI Agent 制御
suffix Description
agent_load library_path [option] Attach JVMTI agent of library path
data_dump Fire DataDumpRequest JVMTI
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
% jcmd 999 JVMTI.agent_load /path/to/libheapstats.so
% jcmd 999 JVMTI.agent_load ¥
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
• DiagnosticCommandMBean (jconsole / jvisualvm)
リモートプロセスに jcmd
same as jcmd
click then run jcmd
Lightweight JVMTI agent
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
•Gathers runtime information
continuously, then draws up
time-series graphs
•Lightweight agent to run on the
production systems
•New solution to troubleshooting
for OpenJDK users.
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
Overhead of HeapStats
467.59 461.43
Without HeapStats With HeapStats
1.32 %
Overhead Rate
SPECjvm2008 Composite Result
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
$ jcmd 999 JVMTI.agent_load libheapstats.so
Commandexecuted successfully
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
$ java –jar heapstats-analyzer.jar
$ rpm -ivh heapstats-2.0.1-0.*.rpm
$ java -agentpath:heapstats … Your_Application
How to use HeapStats
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
Most doubtful class which
has many references to byte[]
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
Monitor wait
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
Your contributions are welcome!
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
Copyright©2016 NTT corporation

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jcmd #javacasual

  • 1. jcmd 便利 KUBOTA Yuji @sugarlife <kubota.yuji@gmail.com> NTT OSS Center 2016/Nov/07 Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
  • 2. Who I am KUBOTA Yuji (@sugarlife) * Java Technical Support Engineer at NTT * OpenJDK author, Icedtea committer, Speaker Copyright©2016 NTT corporation HeapStats/heapstats
  • 3. •Introduction to Troubleshooting in JDK 9 •jcmd と jhsdb を使おう •スライド:https://goo.gl/4jaujJ JDK 9 からの診断ツール Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
  • 5. /jdk9/jdk/src/jdk.jcmd/share/classes/sun/tools% tree . |-- common | `-- ProcessArgumentMatcher.java |-- jcmd | |-- Arguments.java | `-- JCmd.java |-- jinfo | `-- JInfo.java |-- jmap | `-- JMap.java |-- jps | |-- Arguments.java | `-- Jps.java |-- jstack | `-- JStack.java `-- jstat |-- Alignment.java : Copyright©2016 NTT corporation jdk9/jdk/src/jdk.attach/linux/classes/sun/tools/attach/ VirtualMachineImpl.java jdk9/hotspot/src/share/vm/services/diagnosticCommand.cpp Dynamic Attach (on Linux) Unix domain socket 1. Send SIGQUIT 2. Start AttachListener thread 4. Processing 3. Send request 5. Receive response Serviceability Tool (jcmdを含む) Target JVM process
  • 6. •Introduction to Troubleshooting in JDK 9 •JDK 9 では jcmd / jhsdb を使おうという話 •スライド:https://goo.gl/4jaujJ JavaOne 2016 % jstack # JDK 8 : Options: -F to force a thread dump. Use when jstack <pid> does not respond (process is hung) -m to print both java and native frames (mixed mode) -l long listing. Prints additional information about locks -h or -help to print this help message % ./jstack # JDK 9 : Options: -l long listing. Prints additional information about locks -h or -help to print this help message # -F was removed by JDK-8155091: Remove SA related functions from tmtools % ./jstack -m Error: -m option used Cannot connect to core dump or remote debug server. Use jhsdb jstack instead % ./jhsdb jstack --mixed You have to set --pid or --exe. --locks to print java.util.concurrent locks --mixed to print both java and native frames (mixed mode) --exe executable image name --core path to coredump --pid pid of process to attach Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
  • 7. •CLI の Local JVM process 診断ツール •jcmd [-l | -h | process command] •-h : help, -l | no argument: jps •process: <pid | main-class> • pid に 0 を指定すると全部 • main-class は一致したプロセス全部 •command: <command[ options] | -f file> • command は Domain.suffix 形式 jcmd Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
  • 8. •jcmd process help •実行可能なコマンド一覧 (対象プロセス依存) •jcmd process help command •コマンドのヘルプ(使い方、負荷、オプション等) Help Copyright©2016 NTT corporation % jcmd 999 help GC.run 999: GC.run Call java.lang.System.gc(). Impact: Medium: Depends on Java heap size and content. Syntax: GC.run
  • 9. Command: Domain.suffix (Java 8) Domain Num. suffix Abstract PerfCounter 1 各種 JVM 統計情報 (※) ManagementAgent 3 JMX エージェント操作 Thread 1 スレッドダンプ GC 7 GC 機構 (Heap / GC / Finalization) VM 7 ランタイム操作、情報取得 Copyright©2016 NTT corporation ※: 本来はコマンドとは別枠だが、見易さのため並べて記載している
  • 10. Command: Domain.suffix (Java 9) Domain Num. suffix Abstract PerfCounter 1 - 各種 JVM 統計情報 (※) ManagementAgent 4 +1 JMX エージェント操作 Thread 1 - スレッドダンプ GC 7 +2 -1 GC 機構 (Heap / GC / Finalization) VM 15 +8 ランタイム操作、情報取得 Compiler 7 - コンパイラ操作、情報取得 JVMTI 2 - JVMTI エージェント操作 GC.rotate_log が VM ドメインへ移動 Copyright©2016 NTT corporation ※: 本来はコマンドとは別枠だが、見易さのため並べて記載している
  • 11. •JVM 統計情報 •jstat や jinfo はこれを基に加工して出力してる • jdk/src/jdk.jcmd/share/classes/sun/tools/jstat/resources/jstat_options •無加工は辛いので加工スクリプトに渡して出 力すると便利 PerfCounter Copyright©2016 NTT corporation suffix Description print JVM 統計情報を出力
  • 12. •Management Agent 起動したり終わらせたり •JMX (Management Extensions) と JDP(Discovery Protocol) • JMXリモートアクセスを忘れてても後から設定可能 ManagementAgent suffix Description status 状態表示 start リモートエージェントを有効化 start_local ローカルエージェントを有効化 stop リモートエージェントを無効化 Copyright©2016 NTT corporation JDK 9 から
  • 13. $ jcmd 999 ManagementAgent.start jmxremote.port=777 jmxremote.ssl=true 999: Commandexecuted successfully $ jcmd 999 ManagementAgent.status Agent: enabled Connection Type: remote Protocol : rmi Host : fedora24.novalocal URL : service:jmx:rmi://XXX…XXX Properties : com.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate = true [default] com.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl.need.client.auth = false [default] com.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl = true [default] : com.sun.management.jmxremote.port = 8070 Copyright©2016 NTT corporation [config.file | jmxremote.* | jdp.*]
  • 14. •Thread •mixed モードが欲しい場合は % jhsdb jstack --mixed --pid <pid> Thread suffix Description print Thread dump Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
  • 15. •GC機構 (Heap/GC/Finalization) GC suffix Description class_stats* クラスメタデータ一覧 (-helpで各項目説明) class_histogram クラスヒストグラム (jmap -histo:live) heap_info ヒープ・メタスペース使用量 heap_dump ヒープダンプ (jmap -dump, -allで参照切れも) finalizer_info Finalize 待ちキュー表示 run_finalization Finalization 実行 (System#runFinalization) run GC 実行 (System#gc) Copyright©2016 NTT corporation *:要 -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions 参考:hotspot/src/share/vm/runtime/globals.hpp
  • 16. •ランタイム周り。情報出力系 VM suffix Description info Fatal Error Log (クラッシュ時等で出すログ) uptime 起動時間 command_line VM 引数 system_properties システムプロパティ version バージョン flags 設定した(された)フラグ (-all で全フラグ) dynlibs メモリマップ付き Dynamic library リスト Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
  • 17. •ランタイム周り。情報出力・動作変更系 VM suffix Description print_touched_methods* JVM 実行中に触ったメソッドを表示 classloader_stats メタデータ状況等の全クラスローダ情報 class_hierarchy 読込クラスをクラスローダ付き階層表示 native_memory** Native Memory Tracking (NMT) stringtable StringTable (-verboseで全Stringダンプ) symboltable SymbolTable (-verboseで全シンボル) set_flag flgname [value] JVM フラグの設定 (一部のみ) Copyright©2016 NTT corporation *:要 -XX:+UnlockDiagnosticVMOptions **: 要 -XX:NativeMemoryTracking 設定
  • 18. • Native メモリの状態を記録する 1. Run Java with -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary 2. jcmd 999 VM.native_memory baseline 3. jcmd 999 VM.native_memory summary.diff • 詳細に見たい場合は上の summary を details に変える • NativeMemoryTracking was available since Java 8 • https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/ guides/troubleshoot/tooldescr007.html Native Memory Tracking Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
  • 19. $ jcmd 999 VM.native_memory baseline 999: Baseline succeeded # --- Run method which wants to check the memory consumption --- $ jcmd 999 VM.native_memory summary.diff 999: Native Memory Tracking: Total: reserved=5664359KB -36096KB, committed=371555KB -36096KB - Java Heap (reserved=4108288KB, committed=258048KB) (mmap: reserved=4108288KB, committed=258048KB) - Class (reserved=1056953KB +15KB, committed=5433KB +15KB) (classes #767 +3) (malloc=185KB +3KB #741 -4) (mmap: reserved=1056768KB, committed=5248KB) - Thread (reserved=36128KB -112KB, committed=36128KB -112KB) (thread #36 +1) (stack: reserved=35980KB +325KB, committed=35980KB+325KB) (malloc=107KB +2KB #197 +4) (arena=41KB -130KB #70 +2) : Native Memory Tracking ±n shows diff from baseline Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
  • 20. •ランタイム周り。ログ。 • -XX:+PrintGCDetails -Xloggc:gc.log.`date +%Y- %m-%d_%H-%M-%S` -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps • -Xlog:gc*=debug:gc.log.%t:time,level • -Xlog:[<selection>]:[<output>]:[<decorators>] VM suffix Description log JVM Unified Logging (JEP158) 制御 Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
  • 21. •jcmd 999 VM.log [options] •-Xlog:[<selection>]:[<output>]:[<decorators>] GC ログを設定するケース Copyright©2016 NTT corporation Options Description output output (出力先) output_options output (その他の設定) what selection (ロギング対象とそのレベル) decorators decorators (出力内容調整) disable Clears all configurations and turns off all loggings list Lists current log configurations rotate Rotate all logs (instead of GC.log_rotate in Java 8)
  • 22. •Confirms current loggings GC ログを設定するケース Copyright©2016 NTT corporation $ jcmd 999 VM.log list 999: Available log levels: off, trace, debug, info, warning, error Available log decorators: time (t), uptime (u), timemillis (tm), … Available log tags: add, age, alloc, arguments, annotation, barrier, … : Described tag combinations: logging: Logging for the log framework itself Log output configuration: #0: stdout all=warning uptime,level,tags #1: stderr all=off uptime,level,tags default configurations
  • 23. •Turns on a new logging: GC.log GC ログを設定するケース Copyright©2016 NTT corporation $ jcmd 999 VM.log output="file=gc.log" output_options="filecount=5,filesize=10m" what="gc=debug" decorators="time,level" 999: Command executed successfully $ jcmd 999 VM.log list 999: : Log output configuration: #0: stdout all=warning uptime,level,tags #1: stderr all=off uptime,level,tags #2: gc.log gc=debug time,level added a new GC logging gc=log_level name or path options (log rotation)
  • 24. •Turns off all existing loggings •If you want to turn off #2 only •jcmd 999 VM.log output="#2" what="all=off" GC ログを設定するケース Copyright©2016 NTT corporation $ jcmd 999 VM.log disable 999: Command executed successfully $ jcmd 999 VM.log list 999: : Log output configuration: #0: stdout all=off uptime,level,tags #1: stderr all=off uptime,level,tags set all=off at stdout / stderr, and removed the other configuration(s) such as #2 output nothing
  • 25. •jcmd 999 VM.log rotate •Rotates logs satisfying the following 1. Configured ‘output’ as file 2. Configured ‘filecount’ (by ‘output_option’) 手動ログローテート $ jcmd 999 VM.log list : Log output configuration: #0: stdout all=warning uptime,level,tags #1: stderr all=off uptime,level,tags #2: gc.log gc=debug filecount=5,filesize=20M level,tags #2 will be rotated, not #0 and #1 Obsoleted GC.rotate_log Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
  • 26. •JIT Compiler •JEP 165: Compiler Control (JDK 9 Feature) Compiler Copyright©2016 NTT corporation suffix Description directive_add Adds directives of JIT by JSON format same as -XX:CompilerDirectivesFile directive_remove Removes a latest directive directive_clear Clears all directives directive_print Prints current directives codecache Prints summary of code cache codelist Lists all code cache queue Lists methods in waiting queue for JIT
  • 27. % cat disable_c2_at_string-hashCode.json [ { "match":[ "*String.hashCode" ], "c2":{ "Exclude":true } } ] % jcmd 999 Compiler.directives_add disable_c2_at_string-hashCode.json 999: 1 compiler directives added % jcmd 999 Compiler.directives_print 999: Directive: matching: *String.hashCode c1 directives: inline: - Enable:false Exclude:false BreakAtExecute:false Log:false PrintAssembly:false … c2 directives: inline: - Enable:true Exclude:true BreakAtExecute:false Log:false PrintAssembly:false … Switch false to true Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
  • 28. •jcmd 999 Compiler.codelist •Prints JIT compiled methods (in code cache) How JIT Compiler works? % jcmd 999 Compiler.codelist 999: : 18 3 java.lang.String.hashCode()I [0x00007ff301594090, 0x00007ff301594280 - 0x00007ff3015946e8] : ID Compile level of -XX:+TieredCompilation 0: Interpreter 1-3: C1 1: C1 without profiling (full optimization) 2: C1 with basic profiling (invocation and back-edge) 3: C1 with full profiling 4: C2 Method name nmethod start address code start address code end address Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
  • 29. •jcmd 999 Compiler.codelist •Prints JIT compiled methods (in code cache) How JIT Compiler works? % jcmd 999 Compiler.codelist 999: : 18 3 java.lang.String.hashCode()I [0x00007ff301594090, 0x00007ff301594280 - 0x00007ff3015946e8] : ID Compile level of -XX:+TieredCompilation 0: Interpreter 1-3: C1 1: C1 without profiling (full optimization) 2: C1 with basic profiling (invocation and back-edge) 3: C1 with full profiling 4: C2 Method name nmethod start address code start address code end address Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
  • 30. How JIT Compiler works? •JVM JIT compilation overview •http://www.slideshare.net/ZeroTurnaround/vlad imir-ivanovjvmjitcompilationoverview- 24613146 •Intrinsic Methods in HotSpot VM •http://www.slideshare.net/RednaxelaFX/green- teajug-hotspotintrinsics02232013 Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
  • 31. •JVMTI Agent 制御 JVMTI suffix Description agent_load library_path [option] Attach JVMTI agent of library path data_dump Fire DataDumpRequest JVMTI event Copyright©2016 NTT corporation % jcmd 999 JVMTI.agent_load /path/to/libheapstats.so % jcmd 999 JVMTI.agent_load ¥ /path/to/libheapstats.so=heapstats.conf
  • 32. Copyright©2016 NTT corporation • DiagnosticCommandMBean (jconsole / jvisualvm) リモートプロセスに jcmd same as jcmd commands click then run jcmd VM.system_properties result
  • 34. •Gathers runtime information continuously, then draws up time-series graphs •Lightweight agent to run on the production systems •New solution to troubleshooting for OpenJDK users. HeapStats Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
  • 35. Overhead of HeapStats 467.59 461.43 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 Without HeapStats With HeapStats (ops/m) 1.32 % Overhead Rate SPECjvm2008 Composite Result Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
  • 36. $ jcmd 999 JVMTI.agent_load libheapstats.so 999: Commandexecuted successfully or java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space $ java –jar heapstats-analyzer.jar $ rpm -ivh heapstats-2.0.1-0.*.rpm $ java -agentpath:heapstats … Your_Application then How to use HeapStats Copyright©2016 NTT corporation
  • 39. byte[] Most doubtful class which has many references to byte[] Copyright©2016 NTT corporation