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Christy V. Vazhappilly et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2013, pp.1576-1580




Experimental Analysis of Vibration of Ball Bearing Considering
Solid Contaminants in Lubricants
Christy V.Vazhappilly1, Manoj Kumar V.K2, Praveen Raj C.R3, P.Kamalesan4

(Department of Mechanical Engg, Jyothi Engineering College, Kerala, India)
(Department of Mechanical Engg, Jyothi Engineering College, Kerala, India)
(Department of Mechanical Engg, Jyothi Engineering College, Kerala, India)
(Department of Mechanical Engg, Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, India)

Rolling element bearings are common in any rotating machinery. The rolling element bearings subjected to
failure under continuous running. Therefore they have received great attention in the field of condition
monitoring. Different methods are detection and diagnosis of the bearing defects. Among them the commonly
used technique is vibration signature analysis. The information obtained from the system vibration can be used
for identifying its response subjected to various conditions. In rolling element bearing, contamination of
lubricant grease by solid particles is one among the several reasons for early bearing failure. The main objective
of this project is to investigate the effect of lubricant contamination by solid particles on rolling element bearing.
This work is carried out to determine the vibrations on good and defective bearing in healthy grease and
contaminant grease conditions. Obtained the vibration characteristics of healthy grease tested ball bearings are
compared with those of contaminant grease tested ball bearings. Vibration signals are acquired from the ball
bearings assembled in an experimental rig. The radial load was applied to the outer ring of the test bearing. An
accelerometer placed on bearing housing measures radial vibration both in vertical and horizontal. The SKFLGWA type of lubricants is used in this test, and also different types of solid particles are used as contaminants.
The effect of contaminant concentration and particle size on vibration is to be studied. A way of monitoring
machinery performance during operation is through mechanical vibration measurement. In rolling bearings, a
sudden increase in vibration can be indicative of failure occurrence. In other techniques such as grease analyses
and temperature monitoring can also provide warning of faults. But here, vibration monitoring is more versatile
since it can reveal a wider range of faults.
Keywords – Condition monitoring, Contaminants, Grease, Particle size, Ball bearing.



In the lubrication systems occurring in rolling
bearings, very high contact pressures elastically deform
the surfaces, giving origin to small elliptical contact
areas. The cyclic formation of the elastically deformed
contacts eventually leads to surface fatigue. Spalling is
known as the typical failure mechanism happening in
rolling bearings lubricated by grease. The elastic
deformation is subject to the existence of material
defects near the subsurface region, as well as to the
presence of solid particles in the contact interface. The
surface initiated damage due to grease contamination
has become one of the main causes of bearing failure.



The term contaminant is another name for
pollution. Contaminants are any potentially undesirable
substance. It usually refers to the introduction of
harmful human-made substances. However, some
substances that may have harmful effects at high levels
occur naturally in ecosystems and may also be
introduced through human activities. They can produce
direct effect on lubrication for instance, in plain
bearings; an increase in contaminant concentration can

make the grease film thickness to decrease.
Concerning wear mechanisms in rolling contacts,
when hard particles go into the interface, surface
damage by mechanisms such as denting is inevitable.
A way of monitoring machinery performance
during operation is through mechanical vibration
measurement. In rolling bearings, a sudden increase in
vibration can be indicative of failure occurrence. In
other techniques such as grease analyses and
temperature monitoring can also provide warning of
faults. But here, vibration monitoring is more versatile
since it can reveal a wider range of faults. Defects in
bearings can excite vibration frequencies in both lowand high-frequency bands. Several works on ranges of
vibration frequencies affected by rubbing phenomena
occurring in lubricated contacts can be found in the
The authors found out that vibration analysis
through the root mean square (rms) value was able to
show that particle size and the concentration affect the
dynamical response of the bearing in the 600–10,000
Hz frequency range, in distinct trends:
ď‚· The vibration increases with concentration; and

1576 | P a g e
Christy V. Vazhappilly et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2013, pp.1576-1580



The vibration first increases and after decreases
with particle size.
In these tests, surface damage was noticed in
the bearings
after they had been run in contaminated grease.
By means of the same basic procedures
previously adopted for vibration analysis, the present
study investigates both the dependence of the
dynamical response of ball bearings on oil
concentration and particle size) and its correlation to
wear. Wear was characterized through surface
roughness measurements and oil analyses. This study
aimed at:
ď‚· determining the vibration amount specifically
related to worn bearings;
ď‚· determine the vibration specifically related to the
presence of solid particles in the interface;
ď‚· finding out to what extent the vibration due to the
presence of contaminant was correlated to the
vibration of the worn bearing;
ď‚· finding out to what extent the vibration of worn
bearings can be correlated to wear damage.


Figure 2 Experimental Set Up


Vibration signals are acquired from ball
bearings, grease lubricated assembled in an
experimental set up.

Figure 3 Geometry of the Ball Bearing

Figure 1 Experimental Lay Out
The radial load was applied to the outer ring of
the test bearing. An accelerometer placed on bearing
housing measured radial vibration both in vertical and
horizontal. The ball bearing geometry is shown in Fig.
LGWA 2 is premium quality mineral oil
viscosity (40oC) based lithium complex grease. LGWA
2 has such properties that it can be recommended for a
wide range of industrial and automotive applications.
So LGWA 2 grease was used as lubricant. Different
types of particles is used the project. In first step of the
project Mild Steel (MS) particles were to be used.
Particles of 90µm (T1), 150 µm (T2), 300 µm (T3)
average sizes were used as grease contaminants. The
sizes were obtained through screens of 600 and 300,
150 and 90 meshes, respectively.


Grease quantity is based on the ball bearing
geometry values .In the first step, the test bearings
were filled with a particular contaminated grease
mixture. The amount of grease added
G = 0.005DB
G = Grease quantity, gm
D = Bearing outside diameter, mm
B = Bearing width, mm.
Defective bearing

Healthy grease

Shaft speed
S1=740 rpm

Ball bearing(6206)


S2=1150 rpm
S3=1600 rpm

Table 1 Healthy Grease Condition
Three concentration levels were selected,
Grease quantity is 5 gm (grease quantity amount is
based on ball bearing geometry).0.5gm (10% of grease
quantity), 1gm (20 % of grease quantity), 1.5gm (30%
of grease quantity). The concentration level is based
on the amount of grease quantity.
Every test followed a sequence of three steps.
In the first step, the bearing was running in healthy
1577 | P a g e
Christy V. Vazhappilly et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2013, pp.1576-1580
grease condition in order to stabilize the oil bath
temperature. In second step the test continued to run in
healthy grease condition in order to collect the vibration
data in different combination of load and speed values.
In the third step the powder contaminant is poured into
the grease at a specified contamination condition.
Vibration signals with contaminated grease are acquired
from bearing housing in different combination of load
and speed values. Vibration results of the worn bearings
in healthy grease were compared to vibration results of
the bearings in contaminated grease, in order to find out
differences in the vibration trends due to the presence
of contaminants alone and due to the bearing wear.
Data were record and analysis with respect to the values
of RMS (root mean square) related to some specific
spectral frequency bands.

Concentration of Particl
e size
level (% wt)
Table 1 Contamination Grease Table




Figure 5 rms values related to vibration in frequency
bands as a function of speed of 1150 rpm and healthy
grease (horizontal) condition.

Figure 6 rms values related to vibration in frequency
bands as a function of speed of 1600 rpm and healthy
grease vertical condition.

Bearing vibration in healthy grease tests,
According to some previous results, the LF band is
more sensitive to the operating condition, not being
significantly affected by oil contamination. The
difference in vibration for the analyzed frequency bands
in all the studied operating conditions of different speed
condition from the tests performed in healthy grease.
The values were arranged according to growing rms
level. Vibration signals based on frequency domain and
time domain analysis.

Bearing vibration in contaminated grease
tests, In this test defective bearing is used to analyze
the vibration signals. Different types of contaminants
were used to analyze the test under contaminant
condition level.
In this test various sizes of particles is used.
The particle size differentiates with the help of sieve
shaker analyzer.

Figure 4 rms values related to vibration in frequency
bands as a function of speed of 740 rpm and healthy
grease vertical condition.

Figure 7 rms values related to vibration in frequency
bands as a function of speed of 1600 rpm and healthy
grease vertical condition.


1578 | P a g e
Christy V. Vazhappilly et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2013, pp.1576-1580
(Particle size=300µm and 10% of grease amount)




In the present work, ball bearings were tested
in order to study the effect of grease contamination on
vibration level.
The effect of contaminant
concentration on vibration was distinct from that of the
particle size. The vibration level increased with
contaminant concentration level, tending to stabilize in
a limit. On the other hand, as the particle size
increased, the vibration level first increased and then
For defective bearing conditions,
significant peaks at the bearing fault frequencies are
Larger sized contamination particles increase
surface waviness considerably. As a result, the
vibration level increased considerably at larger particle
Figure 8 rms values related to vibration in frequency
bands as a function of speed of 740 rpm and
contaminant grease vertical condition.
(Particle size=300µm and 20% of grease amount)



Kongu Engineering College,
Tamil Nadu Dr.P.Navaneethakrishnan, Kongu
Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India and R&D
Engineers, for their technical support and valuable



Figure 9 rms values related to vibration in frequency
bands as a function of speed of 740 rpm and
contaminant grease vertical condition.
(Particle size=300µm and 30% of grease amount)






Figure 10 rms values related to vibration in frequency
bands as a function of speed of 740 rpm, healthy grease
and contaminant grease (vertical) condition.


Amarnath.M, Shrinidhi.R, Ramachandra.A,
Kandagal.S.B (2004), “Prediction of defects
in antifriction bearings using vibration signal
analysis”, IE (I) Journal-MC, Vol 85.
Izzet Ăż Onel. Burak Dalci. K and Ibrahim
Senol (2005), “Detection of outer raceway
bearing defects in small induction motors
using stator current analysis”, Sadhana Vol.
30, Part 6, pp. 713–722.
Ohta.H and Kobayashi.K (1996), “Vibrations
of hybrid ceramic ball bearings, Journal of
Sound and Vibration”, Vol 192(2), pp.481493.
Muszynska A.: Whirl and Whip –
Rotor/Bearing Stability Problems, Journal of
Sound and Vibration (1986) 110(3), pp. 443–
Ohta.H and Sugimoto.N (1996), “Vibration
characteristics of tapered roller bearings,
Journal of Sound and Vibration”, Vol 190(2),
Purohit.R.K and Purohit.K (2006), “Dynamic
analysis of ball bearings with effect of
preload and number of balls”, Int. J. of
Applied Mechanics and Engineering; Vol.11,
No.1, pp.77-91
Tuma J., Biloˇs J.: Fluid induced instability of
rotor systems with journal bearings,
Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 14, 2007, No.
1/2, p. 69–80, ISSN 1802-1484
Radivoje Mitrović, Tatjana Lazović (2002),
“Influence of wear on deep groove ball
bearing service life”, Facta Universitatis
1579 | P a g e
Christy V. Vazhappilly et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application
ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2013, pp.1576-1580








Series: Mechanical Engineering; Vol.1, No 9,
pp. 1117
Eisenmann, Robert Sr. & Eisenmann, Robert
Jr., “Machinery Malfunction Diagnosis and
Correction”, ISBN 0-13-240946-1
Bellizzi, S., Gullemain, P. and KronlandMartinet, R., 2001, “Identification of coupled
non-linear modes from free vibration using
time-frequency representation,” Journal of
Sound and Vibration 243, 191–213.
Su.Y.-T, Lin. M.-H. and Lee. M.-S (1993),
“The effect of surface irregularities on roller
bearing vibrations”, Journal of Sound and
Vibration, Vol 165(3), pp.455-466.
Georgiades, F., Vakakis, A. F. and Kerschen,
G., 2007, “Broadband passive targeted energy
pumping from a linear dispersive rod to a
attachment,” International Journal of NonLinear Mechanics 42, 773–788.
Zeki Kiral., Hira Karagulle (2003),
“Simulation and analysis of vibration signals
generated by rolling element bearing with
defects”, Tribology International, Vol.36, pp.
Qinkai Han, Fulei Chu, Dynamic response of
cracked rotor-bearing system under timedependent base movements”’ sciencedirect,
Pages 6847-6870.

First Author – Christy V Vazhappilly,
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engg,
Jyothi Engineering College, Kerala, India.,
Second Author – Manoj Kumar V.K,
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engg,
Jyothi Engineering College, Kerala, India.,
Thrid Author – Praveen Raj,
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engg,
Jyothi Engineering College, Kerala, India.,
Fourth Author – P.Kamalesan,
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical Engg,
Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, India


1580 | P a g e

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  • 1. Christy V. Vazhappilly et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2013, pp.1576-1580 RESEARCH ARTICLE www.ijera.com OPEN ACCESS Experimental Analysis of Vibration of Ball Bearing Considering Solid Contaminants in Lubricants Christy V.Vazhappilly1, Manoj Kumar V.K2, Praveen Raj C.R3, P.Kamalesan4 1 (Department of Mechanical Engg, Jyothi Engineering College, Kerala, India) (Department of Mechanical Engg, Jyothi Engineering College, Kerala, India) 3 (Department of Mechanical Engg, Jyothi Engineering College, Kerala, India) 4 (Department of Mechanical Engg, Tamilnadu College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu, India) 2 Abstract Rolling element bearings are common in any rotating machinery. The rolling element bearings subjected to failure under continuous running. Therefore they have received great attention in the field of condition monitoring. Different methods are detection and diagnosis of the bearing defects. Among them the commonly used technique is vibration signature analysis. The information obtained from the system vibration can be used for identifying its response subjected to various conditions. In rolling element bearing, contamination of lubricant grease by solid particles is one among the several reasons for early bearing failure. The main objective of this project is to investigate the effect of lubricant contamination by solid particles on rolling element bearing. This work is carried out to determine the vibrations on good and defective bearing in healthy grease and contaminant grease conditions. Obtained the vibration characteristics of healthy grease tested ball bearings are compared with those of contaminant grease tested ball bearings. Vibration signals are acquired from the ball bearings assembled in an experimental rig. The radial load was applied to the outer ring of the test bearing. An accelerometer placed on bearing housing measures radial vibration both in vertical and horizontal. The SKFLGWA type of lubricants is used in this test, and also different types of solid particles are used as contaminants. The effect of contaminant concentration and particle size on vibration is to be studied. A way of monitoring machinery performance during operation is through mechanical vibration measurement. In rolling bearings, a sudden increase in vibration can be indicative of failure occurrence. In other techniques such as grease analyses and temperature monitoring can also provide warning of faults. But here, vibration monitoring is more versatile since it can reveal a wider range of faults. Keywords – Condition monitoring, Contaminants, Grease, Particle size, Ball bearing. I. INTRODUCTION In the lubrication systems occurring in rolling bearings, very high contact pressures elastically deform the surfaces, giving origin to small elliptical contact areas. The cyclic formation of the elastically deformed contacts eventually leads to surface fatigue. Spalling is known as the typical failure mechanism happening in rolling bearings lubricated by grease. The elastic deformation is subject to the existence of material defects near the subsurface region, as well as to the presence of solid particles in the contact interface. The surface initiated damage due to grease contamination has become one of the main causes of bearing failure. II. CONTAMINANTS The term contaminant is another name for pollution. Contaminants are any potentially undesirable substance. It usually refers to the introduction of harmful human-made substances. However, some substances that may have harmful effects at high levels occur naturally in ecosystems and may also be introduced through human activities. They can produce direct effect on lubrication for instance, in plain bearings; an increase in contaminant concentration can www.ijera.com make the grease film thickness to decrease. Concerning wear mechanisms in rolling contacts, when hard particles go into the interface, surface damage by mechanisms such as denting is inevitable. A way of monitoring machinery performance during operation is through mechanical vibration measurement. In rolling bearings, a sudden increase in vibration can be indicative of failure occurrence. In other techniques such as grease analyses and temperature monitoring can also provide warning of faults. But here, vibration monitoring is more versatile since it can reveal a wider range of faults. Defects in bearings can excite vibration frequencies in both lowand high-frequency bands. Several works on ranges of vibration frequencies affected by rubbing phenomena occurring in lubricated contacts can be found in the literature. The authors found out that vibration analysis through the root mean square (rms) value was able to show that particle size and the concentration affect the dynamical response of the bearing in the 600–10,000 Hz frequency range, in distinct trends: ď‚· The vibration increases with concentration; and 1576 | P a g e
  • 2. Christy V. Vazhappilly et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2013, pp.1576-1580 www.ijera.com ď‚· The vibration first increases and after decreases with particle size. In these tests, surface damage was noticed in the bearings after they had been run in contaminated grease. By means of the same basic procedures previously adopted for vibration analysis, the present study investigates both the dependence of the dynamical response of ball bearings on oil contamination characteristics (contaminant concentration and particle size) and its correlation to wear. Wear was characterized through surface roughness measurements and oil analyses. This study aimed at: ď‚· determining the vibration amount specifically related to worn bearings; ď‚· determine the vibration specifically related to the presence of solid particles in the interface; ď‚· finding out to what extent the vibration due to the presence of contaminant was correlated to the vibration of the worn bearing; ď‚· finding out to what extent the vibration of worn bearings can be correlated to wear damage. III. Figure 2 Experimental Set Up EXPERIMENTAL METHOD Vibration signals are acquired from ball bearings, grease lubricated assembled in an experimental set up. Figure 3 Geometry of the Ball Bearing Figure 1 Experimental Lay Out The radial load was applied to the outer ring of the test bearing. An accelerometer placed on bearing housing measured radial vibration both in vertical and horizontal. The ball bearing geometry is shown in Fig. LGWA 2 is premium quality mineral oil viscosity (40oC) based lithium complex grease. LGWA 2 has such properties that it can be recommended for a wide range of industrial and automotive applications. So LGWA 2 grease was used as lubricant. Different types of particles is used the project. In first step of the project Mild Steel (MS) particles were to be used. Particles of 90µm (T1), 150 µm (T2), 300 µm (T3) average sizes were used as grease contaminants. The sizes were obtained through screens of 600 and 300, 150 and 90 meshes, respectively. www.ijera.com Grease quantity is based on the ball bearing geometry values .In the first step, the test bearings were filled with a particular contaminated grease mixture. The amount of grease added G = 0.005DB Where, G = Grease quantity, gm D = Bearing outside diameter, mm B = Bearing width, mm. Defective bearing Healthy grease Shaft speed S1=740 rpm Ball bearing(6206) SKF-LGWA S2=1150 rpm S3=1600 rpm Table 1 Healthy Grease Condition Three concentration levels were selected, Grease quantity is 5 gm (grease quantity amount is based on ball bearing geometry).0.5gm (10% of grease quantity), 1gm (20 % of grease quantity), 1.5gm (30% of grease quantity). The concentration level is based on the amount of grease quantity. Every test followed a sequence of three steps. In the first step, the bearing was running in healthy 1577 | P a g e
  • 3. Christy V. Vazhappilly et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2013, pp.1576-1580 grease condition in order to stabilize the oil bath temperature. In second step the test continued to run in healthy grease condition in order to collect the vibration data in different combination of load and speed values. In the third step the powder contaminant is poured into the grease at a specified contamination condition. Vibration signals with contaminated grease are acquired from bearing housing in different combination of load and speed values. Vibration results of the worn bearings in healthy grease were compared to vibration results of the bearings in contaminated grease, in order to find out differences in the vibration trends due to the presence of contaminants alone and due to the bearing wear. Data were record and analysis with respect to the values of RMS (root mean square) related to some specific spectral frequency bands. Shaft speed S1=740 S2=1150 S3=1600 S1=740 S2=1150 S3=1600 S1=740 S2=1150 S3=1600 Grease Concentration of Particl Quantity contamination e size (gm) level (% wt) (µm) 5 10%=0.5gm 90 5 20%=1gm 90 5 30%=1.5gm 90 5 10%=0.5gm 150 5 20%=1gm 150 5 30%=1.5gm 150 5 10%=0.5gm 300 5 20%=1gm 300 5 30%=1.5gm 300 Table 1 Contamination Grease Table IV. RESULTS www.ijera.com Figure 5 rms values related to vibration in frequency bands as a function of speed of 1150 rpm and healthy grease (horizontal) condition. Figure 6 rms values related to vibration in frequency bands as a function of speed of 1600 rpm and healthy grease vertical condition. Bearing vibration in healthy grease tests, According to some previous results, the LF band is more sensitive to the operating condition, not being significantly affected by oil contamination. The difference in vibration for the analyzed frequency bands in all the studied operating conditions of different speed condition from the tests performed in healthy grease. The values were arranged according to growing rms level. Vibration signals based on frequency domain and time domain analysis. Bearing vibration in contaminated grease tests, In this test defective bearing is used to analyze the vibration signals. Different types of contaminants were used to analyze the test under contaminant condition level. In this test various sizes of particles is used. The particle size differentiates with the help of sieve shaker analyzer. Figure 4 rms values related to vibration in frequency bands as a function of speed of 740 rpm and healthy grease vertical condition. Figure 7 rms values related to vibration in frequency bands as a function of speed of 1600 rpm and healthy grease vertical condition. www.ijera.com 1578 | P a g e
  • 4. Christy V. Vazhappilly et al Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Application ISSN : 2248-9622, Vol. 3, Issue 5, Sep-Oct 2013, pp.1576-1580 (Particle size=300µm and 10% of grease amount) V. www.ijera.com CONCLUSION In the present work, ball bearings were tested in order to study the effect of grease contamination on vibration level. The effect of contaminant concentration on vibration was distinct from that of the particle size. The vibration level increased with contaminant concentration level, tending to stabilize in a limit. On the other hand, as the particle size increased, the vibration level first increased and then decreased. For defective bearing conditions, significant peaks at the bearing fault frequencies are observed. Larger sized contamination particles increase surface waviness considerably. As a result, the vibration level increased considerably at larger particle sizes. Figure 8 rms values related to vibration in frequency bands as a function of speed of 740 rpm and contaminant grease vertical condition. (Particle size=300µm and 20% of grease amount) VI. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors would like thank Dr.V.Hariharan, Kongu Engineering College, Tamil Nadu Dr.P.Navaneethakrishnan, Kongu Engineering College, Tamil Nadu, India and R&D Engineers, for their technical support and valuable suggestions. REFERENCES [1] [2] Figure 9 rms values related to vibration in frequency bands as a function of speed of 740 rpm and contaminant grease vertical condition. (Particle size=300µm and 30% of grease amount) [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] Figure 10 rms values related to vibration in frequency bands as a function of speed of 740 rpm, healthy grease and contaminant grease (vertical) condition. www.ijera.com [8] Amarnath.M, Shrinidhi.R, Ramachandra.A, Kandagal.S.B (2004), “Prediction of defects in antifriction bearings using vibration signal analysis”, IE (I) Journal-MC, Vol 85. Izzet Ăż Onel. Burak Dalci. K and Ibrahim Senol (2005), “Detection of outer raceway bearing defects in small induction motors using stator current analysis”, Sadhana Vol. 30, Part 6, pp. 713–722. Ohta.H and Kobayashi.K (1996), “Vibrations of hybrid ceramic ball bearings, Journal of Sound and Vibration”, Vol 192(2), pp.481493. Muszynska A.: Whirl and Whip – Rotor/Bearing Stability Problems, Journal of Sound and Vibration (1986) 110(3), pp. 443– 462 Ohta.H and Sugimoto.N (1996), “Vibration characteristics of tapered roller bearings, Journal of Sound and Vibration”, Vol 190(2), pp.137-147. Purohit.R.K and Purohit.K (2006), “Dynamic analysis of ball bearings with effect of preload and number of balls”, Int. J. of Applied Mechanics and Engineering; Vol.11, No.1, pp.77-91 Tuma J., Biloˇs J.: Fluid induced instability of rotor systems with journal bearings, Engineering Mechanics, Vol. 14, 2007, No. 1/2, p. 69–80, ISSN 1802-1484 Radivoje Mitrović, Tatjana Lazović (2002), “Influence of wear on deep groove ball bearing service life”, Facta Universitatis 1579 | P a g e
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