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Job related stress among the nurses working in critical care areas at
                          BPKIHS, Nepal
                                       R S Mehta, R N Chaudhary

        Abstract: It is a hospital based descriptive exploratory study, carried out on 81 nurses working
in critical care areas of the B.P Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal to find out the job related
stress factors among them. Total 57 subjects were selected purposively. Structured questionnaire
was used to collect the data.

       Majority of the subjects reported that shortage of nursing staff (57.7 %), too high workload
(59.6%), lack of recognition of ones effort (29.8 %), aggressive relatives (31.9 %), demanding patients
(12.6%), poor promotion opportunity (48.9 %), lack of support from supervisors (25.5 %), poor evaluation
system (44.7 %), poor nursing administration (40.4 %) and low pay scale (31.9 %) were the main
factors of stress among the nurses working in BPKIHS, Nepal.

                                                             On the threshold of a new century,
                                                      nurses are well positioned to influence the
                                                      divers trends impacting on health care and
                                                      nursing. The changing demographics
                                                      influenced by an aging population, a shift to
Key Words:
                                                      diseases patterns and advances in medical
Nurses, stress,
                                                      and information technology, challenges nurses
critical care, job
                                                      to keep up with changing health care demands
                                                      through life long learning with foresight, regular
                                                      environmental scanning and sound health
                                                      policies. The major trends can be monitored
Correspondence at :
                                                      and their impact can be analyzed to help guide
Mr. Ram Sharan Mehta,                                 future planning and action. In U.K. total of 342
Assistant Professor,
                                                      nurses committed suicide in the six years i.e.
Medical-Surgical Nursing Dept. College of Nursing,
B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan,    1992 to 1998, a rate of 11 per 100,000. Stress
Sunsari, Nepal

Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, Vol-1, No. 2, April 2005                                      70
and depression are like a virus: you catch it         activity, pleasure and euphoria, which can be
at work and take it                                   constructive. On the other hand distress can
        In this complex world vast majority of        cause reduced attention, forgetting, poor work
people are in state of stress. It is inevitable.      performance, all of which can be potentially
Stress has always been around in one from             dangerous for critical care unit nurses.
another. We all are individual creature with          Objective
unique requirements. Stresses are unique as                 The main objective of this study is to
well. It is impossible to avoid stress, stressors     find out the job-related stress factors among
will be always being there because we live in         the nurses working in critical care areas at
an imperfect and unpredictable world.                 BPKIHS.
       Stress is a part of our life. Stress can       Materials and methods
also create positive and negative influence in
our daily lives. As a positive influence stress              It was hospital based descriptive
is a motivating force towards progress and it         exploratory study conducted at BP Koirala
can create new awareness and exciting new             Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS). It is one
perspective. As a negative influence it creates       of the pioneers Health Sciences teaching
feeling of distress, rejection, depression, which     institute in eastern region of Nepal. It was
leads to variety of physical and psychological        established in 1993. Over the years it has been
problems. Many types of disease                       grown in every sphere and render the hospital
(psychosomatic illnesses) have been linked            services in various specialties, such as
with stress including high blood pressure,            medical, surgical, orthopedics, Eye, ENT,
hear t attack, heart disease, peptic ulcer,           Dialysis, maternity, pediatrics, psychiatric
headache, pain in the neck, asthma, cancer,           besides a number of super specialty (ICU,
depression etc.                                       CCU, NICU, PICU, MICU and Dialysis)
                                                      services. At present the bed strength of
       People might get sick sometime in their        hospital is around 700 and about 400 nurses
life. Each patient has right to receive best          working in this institution. The data was
nursing care while he/ she is in the hospital.        gathered from critical care units comprised 10
Nursing care is directly provided by nurses in        bedded ICU, 4 bedded CCU, 30 bedded
hospital. Competent nursing care makes                emergency, 13 bedded NICU/ Nursery, 6
treatment more economics, promotes morale             bedded PICU/MICU. Out of total 81 staff nurses
at work, shor tens the duration of                    in this area, total 57staff nurses are selected
hospitalization and increase the confidence of        purposively as a study subjects.
the patient in the nursing care as they receive.
                                                            After explaining the purpose of the study,
       Stress occurs when there are demands           verbal consent was obtained from each
on the person which tax or exceed his adaptive        subject. Subjects were assured about the
resources. Eustress causes increased mental           confidentiality of the information given by

Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, Vol-1, No. 2, April 2005                                   71
them. A structured questionnaire was given            Table-2 : Unit / ward wise distribution of
to each study subject separately and asked            study subjects
them to return it on completion to
investigators. The collected data was analyzed                                                N= 57
using the software program of Excel and
SPSS- 4.                                              Units / Wards             n(%)
                                                      Intensive Care Unit       15 ( 26.0 )
       Study results shows that total 57 staff
nurses were participated in the study. Majority
                                                      Cardiac Care Unit         06 ( 10.5
of subjects i.e. 37 ( 64.91 % ) were less than
25 years of age, who had participated in the
                                                      Emergency                 20 ( 35.0 )
study. Only 05 ( 08.77 %) study subjects were
older than 30 years of age (Table- 1).
                                                      NICU* / Nursery           08 ( 14.0 )
Table-1 : Age wise distribution of study
subjects                                              PICU* / MICU*             08 ( 14.0 )

                                          N= 57             NICU*- Neonatal ICU, PICU*- Pulmonary ICU,
                                                      MICU*- Medical ICU
            Age in years   n(%)
                                                              Table- 3 depicts that the majority of the
            < 25           37 ( 64.91 )
                                                      subjects (81.1 %) had greater stress because
            26—30          15 ( 26.31 )
                                                      of the shortage of staff followed by too high
            > 30           05 ( 08.77 )
                                                      workload (80.9 %) and responsibility in patient
       Table- 2 depicts that maximum number           care (55.3 %). Total 40.4 % subjects
of subjects i.e. 20 (35 %) were from                  experienced moderate stress in relation of
emergency and rest 16 (26.0 %), 08 (14.0              trying to achieve minimum standard of care
%), 08 (14.0 %), 06 (10.5 %) were from                but very much stress is experienced by only
Intensive Care Unit, NICU / Nursery, PICU /           very few (14.9 %) subjects for this
MICU, Cardiac Care Unite respectively. Number
                                                      phenomenon. It highlights that lack of
of subjects ranged from 06 to 20 from every
Critical Care Unit / ward. Staff nurses from          manpower causes high workload, which
Cardiac Care Unit, NICU / Nursery and PICU /          ultimately leads to stress among staffs working
MICU are proportionally lesser in number as           in critical care areas.
study subjects.

Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, Vol-1, No. 2, April 2005                                    72
Table- 3 Factors of stress related to workload
                                                                                        N= 57

                                                         Responses ( % )

Stress factors                        Not at all         Slightly          Moderately   Very much
                                      (< 25%)            (25-50%)          (50- 80%)    ( > 80%)

Responsibility on patient care          29.8               14.9               14.9         40.4
Shortage of staff                         4.2              14.9               23.4         57.7
Lack of time to spend with patients     34.0               36.2               25.5         04.3
Inadequate time to complete task        23.3               34.0               29.8         12.8
Workload too high                         6.3              12.8               21.3         59.6
Trying to achieve minimum standard      21.3               23.4               40.4         14.9

       Table- 4 depicts that the lack of              motivated staff (31.9 %). Where as very less
recognition for ones effort (53.1 %) was the          number of (08.5 %) staff nurses has greater
major factors to produce stress followed by           stress because of the lack of support from
high sickness among staff (46.8%), lack of            colleagues.
friendly working condition (38.3 %), poorly
Table- 4 Factors of stress related to lack of support and involvement
                                                                                        N= 57

                                                         Responses ( % )

Stress factors                        Not at all         Slightly          Moderately   Very much
                                      (< 25%)            (25-50%)          (50- 80%)    ( > 80%)

Lack of friendly working condition      25.5              36.1              21.3          17.0
Lack of support from colleagues         51.1              27.6              12.8           8.5
Poorly motivated staff                  42.6              25.5              10.6          21.3
Lack of recognition for ones effort     21.2              25.5              23.3          29.8
High sickness among staff               19.2              34.0              27.7          19.1

       Table- 5 depicts that the aggressive           staff nurses but this factor has caused very
relatives (59.5 %) were the major factors to          high stress in only very few subjects (06.4
produce stress, followed by demanding                 %). Pressure from other staff has been lower
patients (36.1 %). Impolite behavior of patients      in cards to cause very much stress among
caused the moderately stress among 29.8 %             the critical care nurses.

Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, Vol-1, No. 2, April 2005                                    73
Table- 5 Factors of stress related to patients/relatives
                                                                                        N= 57

                                                         Responses ( % )

Stress factors                        Not at all         Slightly          Moderately   Very much
                                      (< 25%)            (25-50%)          (50- 80%)    ( > 80%)

Demanding patients                     36.1               27.7              23.5         12.6
Aggressive relatives                   08.5               31.9              27.6         31.9
Impolite behavior of patient           42.6               21.3              29.8         06.4
Pressure from other staff              36.2               31.9              21.1         10.8

      Table- 6 depicts that the poor promotion        structure (46.8 %). Where as only 25.5 %
opportunity (74.4 %) was the major factors            staff nurses experienced very much stress
to produce moderately to very much stress to          because the lack of support from supervisor
the staffs nurses followed by organizational          but majority (34.0 %) subject has not
and management problems (53.2 %), limited             experienced any degree of stress because of
annual leave (51.0 %) and poor organizational         this factor.
Table- 6 Factors of stress related to administrative problems
                                                                                        N= 57

                                                         Responses ( % )

Stress factors                        Not at all         Slightly          Moderately   Very much
                                      (< 25%)            (25-50%)          (50- 80%)    ( > 80%)

Lack of support from supervisor       34.0               21.3              19.1         25.5
Poor promotion opportunity            10.6               14.9              25.5         48.9
Poor organizational structure         19.1               34.0              23.4         23.4
Limited annual leave                  19.1               27.7              31.9         19.1
Organizational and management         21.2               25.5              27.7         25.5

      Table- 7 depicts that majority of (68.1         career. Most of the respondents (48.2 %) are
%) these critical care nurses are slightly to         very much satisfied with nursing care provided
moderately overall satisfied with nursing             to the patient followed by physical facilities
career. But very less number of (21.2 %) these        available in the unit (29.8 %), guidance/
nurses are very much satisfied with nursing           supervision from seniors (19.5 %), job securit

Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, Vol-1, No. 2, April 2005                                    74
(19.1 %), and Security service (17.0 %).                 very much satisfied with pay scale (06.4 %),
Where as very less number of staff nurses are            nursing administration (06.4 %) and evaluation
                                                         system (10.6 %) of the organization.
Table- 7 Level of job satisfaction
                                                                                          N= 57

                                                           Responses ( % )

Stress factors                              Not at all     Slightly          Moderately   Very much
                                            (< 25%)        (25-50%)          (50- 80%)    ( > 80%)

Job security                                  25.5           21.3               34.0        19.1
Pay scale                                     31.9           29.8               31.9         6.4
Nursing administration                        40.4           25.5               27.7         6.4
Evaluation system                             44.7           23.4               21.3        10.6
Nursing care provided to the Patient           6.4            6.4               38.3        48.9
Security service/visitor control provision 27.6              21.3               34.0        17.0
Cooperation from helpers/health aids          12.8           40.4               31.9        14.9
Guidance/supervision service                  12.8           42.6               25.1        19.5
Availability of supplies                      10.6           38.3               38.3        12.7
Physical facilities available in the
unit i.e. light toilet, furniture, etc.        6.4           27.7               36.2        29.8
Overall satisfaction with nursing career.     10.7           31.9               36.2        21.2

Discussion                                                      Majority of the subjects (81.1 %) had
      The present study was undertaken to                greater stress because of the shortage of staff
evaluate job related stress factors among the            followed by too high workload (80.9 %) and
nurses working in critical care areas at                 responsibility in patient care (55.3 %). About
BPKIHS, Nepal. Role conflict and workload                forty percent subjects experienced moderate
were linked to poor motivation and                       stress in relation of trying to achieve minimum
performance and more absenteeism among                   standard of care but very much stress is
nurses. Job dissatisfaction resulting from lack          experienced by only very few (14.9 %)
of independence and decision making power                subjects for this phenomenon. Similar findings
has been associated with poor provision of               were reported by Hall 3, Shaver 4, Makhija 2,
care and breakdown communication between                 and Bhattacharya1.
patient and staff.

Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, Vol-1, No. 2, April 2005                                      75
Lack of recognition for ones effor t           (06.4 %) and evaluation system (10.6 %) of
(53.1% ) was the major factors to produce             the organization. Similar findings were
stress, rest high sickness among staff                reported by Hall 3 and Shaver 4
(46.8%), lack of friendly working condition                 Keeping in mind these factors, required
(38.3 %), poorly motivated staff (31.9 %)             nurses patient ratio, conducive working
factors has well contributed to stress among          environment, recognition to good work,
nurses providing critical care. In other hand         effective motivation, better promotional
very less number of critical care providing           opportunity, attractive pay scale, enough
nurses (08.5 %) had greater stress because            annual leaves, well managed nursing
of the lack of support from colleagues. As per        administration and evaluation system is
patient / relative and administrative problems        recommended in an organization to have
in critical care area are concerned, poor             eustressed and well motivated nurses toward
promotion oppor tunity (74.4 %),                      the quality of nursing care which ultimately
organizational and management problems                directs one towards excellent personal and
(53.2 %), limited annual leave (51.0 %) and           professional development.
poor organizational structure (46.8 %),
aggressive relatives (59.5 %), and demanding          References
patients (36.1 %) are main factors to cause           1.             Bhattacharya A. Stress among cardiac
the greater degree of stress among nurses                    nurses related to patient’s satisfaction during
providing critical. The results of the study are             hospitalization. Asian Journal Of Cardiovascular
                                                             Nursing 1998;6 (1): 101- 106.
comparable to other studies where similar
                                                      2.             Makhija N, Gupta R. Personality
factors are identified.1
                                                             development and stress reduction in nursing
        Very less number of (21.2 %) these                   personnel. NJI 2000; 89 (12): 275-276.
critical care providers are satisfied with nursing    3.             Hall DS. Work related stress of registered
career. But about half of them are satisfied with            nurses in a hospital setting. Journal of Nurses
                                                             Staff Development 2004;20(1): 6-14.
nursing care provided to the patient. Other
                                                      4.             Shaner KH, Lacey LM. Job and career
factors like physical facilities available in the
                                                             satisfaction among staff nurses: Effect of job
unit (29.8 %), guidance/supervision from                     setting and environment. Journal of Nursing
seniors (19.5 %), job security (19.1 % ), and                Administration 2003, 33(3):166-172.
Security service (17.0 %) has contributory            5.             Sura O. Strategies for stress. Nursing
respectively in satisfaction of the nurses                   Times 1989 Sept; 49 ( 7 ):13-19.
providing critical. In other hand less number         6.             Riding R. Occupational stress and
of subjects were very much satisfied with pay                cognitive style in nurses. BJN 1992; 4 (2): 49-
scale (06.4 %), nursing administration                       53.
                                                      7.             Julia C . Opting out of burn out. Nursing
                                                             Times 1991 May; 17 ( 2 ): 15-21.

Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, Vol-1, No. 2, April 2005                                           76

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  • 1. Job related stress among the nurses working in critical care areas at BPKIHS, Nepal R S Mehta, R N Chaudhary Abstract: It is a hospital based descriptive exploratory study, carried out on 81 nurses working in critical care areas of the B.P Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Nepal to find out the job related . stress factors among them. Total 57 subjects were selected purposively. Structured questionnaire was used to collect the data. Majority of the subjects reported that shortage of nursing staff (57.7 %), too high workload (59.6%), lack of recognition of ones effort (29.8 %), aggressive relatives (31.9 %), demanding patients (12.6%), poor promotion opportunity (48.9 %), lack of support from supervisors (25.5 %), poor evaluation system (44.7 %), poor nursing administration (40.4 %) and low pay scale (31.9 %) were the main factors of stress among the nurses working in BPKIHS, Nepal. Introduction On the threshold of a new century, nurses are well positioned to influence the divers trends impacting on health care and nursing. The changing demographics influenced by an aging population, a shift to Key Words: diseases patterns and advances in medical Nurses, stress, and information technology, challenges nurses critical care, job to keep up with changing health care demands through life long learning with foresight, regular environmental scanning and sound health policies. The major trends can be monitored Correspondence at : and their impact can be analyzed to help guide Mr. Ram Sharan Mehta, future planning and action. In U.K. total of 342 Assistant Professor, nurses committed suicide in the six years i.e. Medical-Surgical Nursing Dept. College of Nursing, B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences, Dharan, 1992 to 1998, a rate of 11 per 100,000. Stress Sunsari, Nepal Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, Vol-1, No. 2, April 2005 70
  • 2. and depression are like a virus: you catch it activity, pleasure and euphoria, which can be at work and take it constructive. On the other hand distress can In this complex world vast majority of cause reduced attention, forgetting, poor work people are in state of stress. It is inevitable. performance, all of which can be potentially Stress has always been around in one from dangerous for critical care unit nurses. another. We all are individual creature with Objective unique requirements. Stresses are unique as The main objective of this study is to well. It is impossible to avoid stress, stressors find out the job-related stress factors among will be always being there because we live in the nurses working in critical care areas at an imperfect and unpredictable world. BPKIHS. Stress is a part of our life. Stress can Materials and methods also create positive and negative influence in our daily lives. As a positive influence stress It was hospital based descriptive is a motivating force towards progress and it exploratory study conducted at BP Koirala can create new awareness and exciting new Institute of Health Sciences (BPKIHS). It is one perspective. As a negative influence it creates of the pioneers Health Sciences teaching feeling of distress, rejection, depression, which institute in eastern region of Nepal. It was leads to variety of physical and psychological established in 1993. Over the years it has been problems. Many types of disease grown in every sphere and render the hospital (psychosomatic illnesses) have been linked services in various specialties, such as with stress including high blood pressure, medical, surgical, orthopedics, Eye, ENT, hear t attack, heart disease, peptic ulcer, Dialysis, maternity, pediatrics, psychiatric headache, pain in the neck, asthma, cancer, besides a number of super specialty (ICU, depression etc. CCU, NICU, PICU, MICU and Dialysis) services. At present the bed strength of People might get sick sometime in their hospital is around 700 and about 400 nurses life. Each patient has right to receive best working in this institution. The data was nursing care while he/ she is in the hospital. gathered from critical care units comprised 10 Nursing care is directly provided by nurses in bedded ICU, 4 bedded CCU, 30 bedded hospital. Competent nursing care makes emergency, 13 bedded NICU/ Nursery, 6 treatment more economics, promotes morale bedded PICU/MICU. Out of total 81 staff nurses at work, shor tens the duration of in this area, total 57staff nurses are selected hospitalization and increase the confidence of purposively as a study subjects. the patient in the nursing care as they receive. After explaining the purpose of the study, Stress occurs when there are demands verbal consent was obtained from each on the person which tax or exceed his adaptive subject. Subjects were assured about the resources. Eustress causes increased mental confidentiality of the information given by Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, Vol-1, No. 2, April 2005 71
  • 3. them. A structured questionnaire was given Table-2 : Unit / ward wise distribution of to each study subject separately and asked study subjects them to return it on completion to investigators. The collected data was analyzed N= 57 using the software program of Excel and SPSS- 4. Units / Wards n(%) Results Intensive Care Unit 15 ( 26.0 ) Study results shows that total 57 staff nurses were participated in the study. Majority Cardiac Care Unit 06 ( 10.5 of subjects i.e. 37 ( 64.91 % ) were less than 25 years of age, who had participated in the Emergency 20 ( 35.0 ) study. Only 05 ( 08.77 %) study subjects were older than 30 years of age (Table- 1). NICU* / Nursery 08 ( 14.0 ) Table-1 : Age wise distribution of study subjects PICU* / MICU* 08 ( 14.0 ) N= 57 NICU*- Neonatal ICU, PICU*- Pulmonary ICU, MICU*- Medical ICU Age in years n(%) Table- 3 depicts that the majority of the < 25 37 ( 64.91 ) subjects (81.1 %) had greater stress because 26—30 15 ( 26.31 ) of the shortage of staff followed by too high > 30 05 ( 08.77 ) workload (80.9 %) and responsibility in patient Table- 2 depicts that maximum number care (55.3 %). Total 40.4 % subjects of subjects i.e. 20 (35 %) were from experienced moderate stress in relation of emergency and rest 16 (26.0 %), 08 (14.0 trying to achieve minimum standard of care %), 08 (14.0 %), 06 (10.5 %) were from but very much stress is experienced by only Intensive Care Unit, NICU / Nursery, PICU / very few (14.9 %) subjects for this MICU, Cardiac Care Unite respectively. Number phenomenon. It highlights that lack of of subjects ranged from 06 to 20 from every Critical Care Unit / ward. Staff nurses from manpower causes high workload, which Cardiac Care Unit, NICU / Nursery and PICU / ultimately leads to stress among staffs working MICU are proportionally lesser in number as in critical care areas. study subjects. Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, Vol-1, No. 2, April 2005 72
  • 4. Table- 3 Factors of stress related to workload N= 57 Responses ( % ) Stress factors Not at all Slightly Moderately Very much (< 25%) (25-50%) (50- 80%) ( > 80%) Responsibility on patient care 29.8 14.9 14.9 40.4 Shortage of staff 4.2 14.9 23.4 57.7 Lack of time to spend with patients 34.0 36.2 25.5 04.3 Inadequate time to complete task 23.3 34.0 29.8 12.8 Workload too high 6.3 12.8 21.3 59.6 Trying to achieve minimum standard 21.3 23.4 40.4 14.9 Table- 4 depicts that the lack of motivated staff (31.9 %). Where as very less recognition for ones effort (53.1 %) was the number of (08.5 %) staff nurses has greater major factors to produce stress followed by stress because of the lack of support from high sickness among staff (46.8%), lack of colleagues. friendly working condition (38.3 %), poorly Table- 4 Factors of stress related to lack of support and involvement N= 57 Responses ( % ) Stress factors Not at all Slightly Moderately Very much (< 25%) (25-50%) (50- 80%) ( > 80%) Lack of friendly working condition 25.5 36.1 21.3 17.0 Lack of support from colleagues 51.1 27.6 12.8 8.5 Poorly motivated staff 42.6 25.5 10.6 21.3 Lack of recognition for ones effort 21.2 25.5 23.3 29.8 High sickness among staff 19.2 34.0 27.7 19.1 Table- 5 depicts that the aggressive staff nurses but this factor has caused very relatives (59.5 %) were the major factors to high stress in only very few subjects (06.4 produce stress, followed by demanding %). Pressure from other staff has been lower patients (36.1 %). Impolite behavior of patients in cards to cause very much stress among caused the moderately stress among 29.8 % the critical care nurses. Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, Vol-1, No. 2, April 2005 73
  • 5. Table- 5 Factors of stress related to patients/relatives N= 57 Responses ( % ) Stress factors Not at all Slightly Moderately Very much (< 25%) (25-50%) (50- 80%) ( > 80%) Demanding patients 36.1 27.7 23.5 12.6 Aggressive relatives 08.5 31.9 27.6 31.9 Impolite behavior of patient 42.6 21.3 29.8 06.4 Pressure from other staff 36.2 31.9 21.1 10.8 Table- 6 depicts that the poor promotion structure (46.8 %). Where as only 25.5 % opportunity (74.4 %) was the major factors staff nurses experienced very much stress to produce moderately to very much stress to because the lack of support from supervisor the staffs nurses followed by organizational but majority (34.0 %) subject has not and management problems (53.2 %), limited experienced any degree of stress because of annual leave (51.0 %) and poor organizational this factor. Table- 6 Factors of stress related to administrative problems N= 57 Responses ( % ) Stress factors Not at all Slightly Moderately Very much (< 25%) (25-50%) (50- 80%) ( > 80%) Lack of support from supervisor 34.0 21.3 19.1 25.5 Poor promotion opportunity 10.6 14.9 25.5 48.9 Poor organizational structure 19.1 34.0 23.4 23.4 Limited annual leave 19.1 27.7 31.9 19.1 Organizational and management 21.2 25.5 27.7 25.5 problems Table- 7 depicts that majority of (68.1 career. Most of the respondents (48.2 %) are %) these critical care nurses are slightly to very much satisfied with nursing care provided moderately overall satisfied with nursing to the patient followed by physical facilities career. But very less number of (21.2 %) these available in the unit (29.8 %), guidance/ nurses are very much satisfied with nursing supervision from seniors (19.5 %), job securit Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, Vol-1, No. 2, April 2005 74
  • 6. (19.1 %), and Security service (17.0 %). very much satisfied with pay scale (06.4 %), Where as very less number of staff nurses are nursing administration (06.4 %) and evaluation system (10.6 %) of the organization. Table- 7 Level of job satisfaction N= 57 Responses ( % ) Stress factors Not at all Slightly Moderately Very much (< 25%) (25-50%) (50- 80%) ( > 80%) Job security 25.5 21.3 34.0 19.1 Pay scale 31.9 29.8 31.9 6.4 Nursing administration 40.4 25.5 27.7 6.4 Evaluation system 44.7 23.4 21.3 10.6 Nursing care provided to the Patient 6.4 6.4 38.3 48.9 Security service/visitor control provision 27.6 21.3 34.0 17.0 Cooperation from helpers/health aids 12.8 40.4 31.9 14.9 Guidance/supervision service 12.8 42.6 25.1 19.5 Availability of supplies 10.6 38.3 38.3 12.7 Physical facilities available in the unit i.e. light toilet, furniture, etc. 6.4 27.7 36.2 29.8 Overall satisfaction with nursing career. 10.7 31.9 36.2 21.2 Discussion Majority of the subjects (81.1 %) had The present study was undertaken to greater stress because of the shortage of staff evaluate job related stress factors among the followed by too high workload (80.9 %) and nurses working in critical care areas at responsibility in patient care (55.3 %). About BPKIHS, Nepal. Role conflict and workload forty percent subjects experienced moderate were linked to poor motivation and stress in relation of trying to achieve minimum performance and more absenteeism among standard of care but very much stress is nurses. Job dissatisfaction resulting from lack experienced by only very few (14.9 %) of independence and decision making power subjects for this phenomenon. Similar findings has been associated with poor provision of were reported by Hall 3, Shaver 4, Makhija 2, care and breakdown communication between and Bhattacharya1. patient and staff. Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, Vol-1, No. 2, April 2005 75
  • 7. Lack of recognition for ones effor t (06.4 %) and evaluation system (10.6 %) of (53.1% ) was the major factors to produce the organization. Similar findings were stress, rest high sickness among staff reported by Hall 3 and Shaver 4 (46.8%), lack of friendly working condition Keeping in mind these factors, required (38.3 %), poorly motivated staff (31.9 %) nurses patient ratio, conducive working factors has well contributed to stress among environment, recognition to good work, nurses providing critical care. In other hand effective motivation, better promotional very less number of critical care providing opportunity, attractive pay scale, enough nurses (08.5 %) had greater stress because annual leaves, well managed nursing of the lack of support from colleagues. As per administration and evaluation system is patient / relative and administrative problems recommended in an organization to have in critical care area are concerned, poor eustressed and well motivated nurses toward promotion oppor tunity (74.4 %), the quality of nursing care which ultimately organizational and management problems directs one towards excellent personal and (53.2 %), limited annual leave (51.0 %) and professional development. poor organizational structure (46.8 %), aggressive relatives (59.5 %), and demanding References patients (36.1 %) are main factors to cause 1. Bhattacharya A. Stress among cardiac the greater degree of stress among nurses nurses related to patient’s satisfaction during providing critical. The results of the study are hospitalization. Asian Journal Of Cardiovascular Nursing 1998;6 (1): 101- 106. comparable to other studies where similar 2. Makhija N, Gupta R. Personality factors are identified.1 development and stress reduction in nursing Very less number of (21.2 %) these personnel. NJI 2000; 89 (12): 275-276. critical care providers are satisfied with nursing 3. Hall DS. Work related stress of registered career. But about half of them are satisfied with nurses in a hospital setting. Journal of Nurses Staff Development 2004;20(1): 6-14. nursing care provided to the patient. Other 4. Shaner KH, Lacey LM. Job and career factors like physical facilities available in the satisfaction among staff nurses: Effect of job unit (29.8 %), guidance/supervision from setting and environment. Journal of Nursing seniors (19.5 %), job security (19.1 % ), and Administration 2003, 33(3):166-172. Security service (17.0 %) has contributory 5. Sura O. Strategies for stress. Nursing respectively in satisfaction of the nurses Times 1989 Sept; 49 ( 7 ):13-19. providing critical. In other hand less number 6. Riding R. Occupational stress and of subjects were very much satisfied with pay cognitive style in nurses. BJN 1992; 4 (2): 49- scale (06.4 %), nursing administration 53. 7. Julia C . Opting out of burn out. Nursing Times 1991 May; 17 ( 2 ): 15-21. Nursing and Midwifery Research Journal, Vol-1, No. 2, April 2005 76