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Jobs for the Future- Miami, July 2013
 Governors office
 Data
 CO Department of Higher Education
 Community College System
 FRCC: Lumina
 CCD FastStart: BreakingThrough, Scaling
 OVAE, “Ready for College” bridge programs
 Complete CollegeAmerica
 TAACCCT –Trade Adjustment Assistance
Community College and CareerTraining
 35 people from 16 colleges
 Mostly faculty from Reading, English, and
 Charged with:
 Clarify purpose of developmental education
 System policy review and revisions
 Measures of success
 Structures for student success
 Recommend strategies and specific initiatives for
 Washington State - iBest
 Tennessee –math emporium
 Los Medinos
 BaltimoreCounty
 Chabot College
 University ofTexas
 Austin Peay
 Aurora – Integrated English and Reading
 Denver – Fast Start
 Front Range – ALP learning communities
To accelerate students by reducing the amount
of time, number of developmental
credits, and number of courses in the
developmental sequence so students can
have access to and be supported for success
in a college level course.
 CCCNS documents
 Faculty training workshops
 Discipline specific training
 Targeted presentations
 Peer to peer relationships
 College peer access points
 D2L curriculum examples
 Active learning examples and lessons for new
 Campus advisory
 Math
 Student services
 Faculty and staff development
 Resources
 Program evaluation
 Math – pathways at the developmental level
 Algebra
 Non-Algebra (statistics and math for liberal arts)
 Non-transfer (career math, clinical calculations)
 CollegeComposition and Reading (formerly
reading and English)
 Integrated disciplines
 Tiers of support for students in classes
 No formal ABE
 Placement scores below the floor
 Open door
 NROC, Core Skills Mastery, MFL, Aleks
 Online course materials + lab access for one
on one support
 Cost varies depending on college and staffing
 Lab with online content
 In Math “classroom” environment but no credit
 Adjunct instructors and tutors
 Academic Support Center
 Platforms
 Math – NROC
 CCR – North Star
 Selected by faculty, test prep, and GED collaboration
 $60 for 1 semester, open enrollment
 Math bootcamp
 1 credit hour meets 5 days for 3 hours each
 No textbook purchase
 No tuition assistance through FA for the
credit - $216.25 in state, $248.70 out of state
 At end of bootcamp students take the
Accuplacer to test into a higher level course
 Offered week before start of term
 How many students successfully complete
college English or college math?
 Previously measured only course completion
 Cohort tracking – how many are completing
college courses?
 What will it look like?
 Fall 2014
 Old courses will be removed from common
course numbering system
 All students will be advised onto accelerated
courses – the new normal
 Need champions
 Process is so important
 Give people the time and resources to come
to the redesign
 Make the process as transparent as possible
 Work with DHE, DE, legislative bodies, local
foundations – what’s best for our students
 Focus on data informed decisions and
decision making
 DE site
 Word Press site
 D2L shells
 Campus teams
 Regional training
 Student services training
 2:2 sharing
Jobs for the Future July 2013
Unless otherwise specified, this work by the Colorado Community College System http://www.cccs.edu is licensed under a Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. The material was created with funds from the Trade Adjustment Assistance
Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) grant awarded to the Colorado Online Energy Training Consortium (COETC).

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Jobs for the Future July 2013

  • 1. Jobs for the Future- Miami, July 2013
  • 2.  Governors office  Data  CO Department of Higher Education  Community College System
  • 3.  FRCC: Lumina  CCD FastStart: BreakingThrough, Scaling Up, HACU  OVAE, “Ready for College” bridge programs  Complete CollegeAmerica  TAACCCT –Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and CareerTraining
  • 4.  35 people from 16 colleges  Mostly faculty from Reading, English, and Math  Charged with:  Clarify purpose of developmental education  System policy review and revisions  Measures of success  Structures for student success  Recommend strategies and specific initiatives for redesign
  • 5.  Washington State - iBest  Tennessee –math emporium  Los Medinos  BaltimoreCounty  Chabot College  University ofTexas  Austin Peay  Aurora – Integrated English and Reading  Denver – Fast Start  Front Range – ALP learning communities
  • 6. To accelerate students by reducing the amount of time, number of developmental credits, and number of courses in the developmental sequence so students can have access to and be supported for success in a college level course.
  • 7.  CCCNS documents  Faculty training workshops  Discipline specific training  Targeted presentations  Peer to peer relationships  College peer access points  D2L curriculum examples  Active learning examples and lessons for new courses
  • 8.  Campus advisory  CCR  Math  Student services  Faculty and staff development  Resources  Program evaluation
  • 9.  Math – pathways at the developmental level  Algebra  Non-Algebra (statistics and math for liberal arts)  Non-transfer (career math, clinical calculations)  CollegeComposition and Reading (formerly reading and English)  Integrated disciplines  Tiers of support for students in classes
  • 10.  No formal ABE  Placement scores below the floor  Open door  NROC, Core Skills Mastery, MFL, Aleks  Online course materials + lab access for one on one support  Cost varies depending on college and staffing needs
  • 11.  Lab with online content  In Math “classroom” environment but no credit  Adjunct instructors and tutors  Academic Support Center  Platforms  Math – NROC  CCR – North Star  Selected by faculty, test prep, and GED collaboration  $60 for 1 semester, open enrollment
  • 12.  Math bootcamp  1 credit hour meets 5 days for 3 hours each  No textbook purchase  No tuition assistance through FA for the credit - $216.25 in state, $248.70 out of state  At end of bootcamp students take the Accuplacer to test into a higher level course  Offered week before start of term
  • 13.  How many students successfully complete college English or college math?  Previously measured only course completion  Cohort tracking – how many are completing college courses?
  • 14.  What will it look like?  Fall 2014  Old courses will be removed from common course numbering system  All students will be advised onto accelerated courses – the new normal
  • 15.  Need champions  Process is so important  Give people the time and resources to come to the redesign  Make the process as transparent as possible  Work with DHE, DE, legislative bodies, local foundations – what’s best for our students  Focus on data informed decisions and decision making
  • 16.  DE site  Word Press site  D2L shells  Campus teams  Regional training  Student services training  2:2 sharing
  • 18. Unless otherwise specified, this work by the Colorado Community College System http://www.cccs.edu is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. The material was created with funds from the Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training (TAACCCT) grant awarded to the Colorado Online Energy Training Consortium (COETC).