Petrobras signed several new agreements and partnerships that will help expand its business opportunities in Asia and Europe. In Asia, Petrobras signed memorandums with Chinese companies to promote economic development and trade between Brazil and China. It also signed an agreement to sell oil to a Chinese company. In Europe, Petrobras partnered with Portuguese companies in areas like biofuels, natural gas, power, and oil exploration. These partnerships open new fronts for Petrobras in regions where it already operates. Additionally, three new oil platforms started production in Brazil, increasing Petrobras' domestic output by 460,000 barrels per day. Two more platforms are scheduled to begin operating in Brazil in 2009.
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Edition 30 - Sharing in Petrobras - number 1/2009
1. Investor Relations • Year VII • # 30
Petrobras em Ações
Sharing at Petrobras
Petrobras presents its
Production in Brazil increased by
5.4% in 2008
I Petrobras’ oil and natural gas production
2009-2013 Business Plan
in Brazil in barrels of oil equivalent (boe) was
2.175.896 barrels/day in 2008, 5.4% more than etrobras announced its Business Plan for 2009-2013 in January 2009.
the previous year. Factors that contributed to this
The Plan calls for investments on the order of $174.4 billion,
result were the increased production of the three
platforms that started up in late 2007 (P-52, of which $158.2 billion will go to projects in Brazil, with the remain-
P-54, and FPSO Cidade de Vitória) and produc- ing $16.2 billion going to activities abroad.
tion going online at the FPSO Cidade do Rio The investments focus on E&P, which will get $104.6 billion
das Ostras (Badejo) and at the P-53 (Marlim
Leste) in 2008, which allowed the natural decline of the total, including Brazil and abroad, which is 59% of the total
in mature fields to be overcome. Adding the approved for the period. Of this amount, some $28.9 billion
volume coming from the fields located in the is destined to develop the pre-salt province, which is expected
nine countries where the company produces,
Petrobras’ total daily average rose to 2,399,958
to produce an average of 219,000 barrels per day in 2013. The new plan
barrels, a 4.3% increase over the 2007 average. incorporates this newfound exploratory frontier, establishing more aggres-
sive production growth goals compared to the previous plan. Total oil and
Petrobras participates in explo- natural gas production should reach 3,655,000 barrels of oil equivalent
ration for oil off the coast of Cuba
(boed) in 2013, with 3,314,000 boed in Brazil.
I Petrobras and the Companhia Cubana de
Petróleo (Cupet) signed a shared oil exploration The downstream segment (Refining, Transportation and Trade
and production agreement for Block 37, in the will get $43.4 billion, or 25% of the total investments, and the
Caribbean Sea. The agreement is the outcome of strategy of increasing the refining capacity to keep up with the increased
the negotiations between the two companies and
oil production will be maintained. The investments will center on improv-
foresees a 32-year term, seven of which for
exploration and 25 for production. Initial invest- ing fuel quality, on boosting heavy oil processing, and on expanding the
ments are on the order of $8 million, and the refining capacity, including investments in new refineries. With the Abreu
block covers an area of 1,600 square kilometers.
e Lima Refinery going on stream in 2011, the Rio de Janeiro Petrochemical
Diesel with lower sulfur content Complex (COMPERJ) kicking off operations in 2012, and the first phase of
I Petrobras has signed an agreement with the Premium I Refinery going online in 2013, the amount of processed oil
the Federal Prosecutor’s Office for the supply of in Brazil is expected to reach 2,270,000 bpd in 2013.
S-50 diesel, which has 50 ppm (particles per Investments in Gas & Energy will total $11.8 billion. Keeping up
million) of sulfur. The agreement was signed
with the growing domestic production of natural gas, this backing will
although the P-6 diesel engine is currently
unavailable in Brazil, in a timeline to be defined allow the outflow capacity to be increased, raising sales in the
by the Ministry of the Environment. S-50 diesel domestic market. The plan also includes investments in the Distribution,
has a lower sulfur content than S-500, currently
Corporate and Biofuels segments.
used in the metropolitan regions.
In January 2009, Petrobras started providing Most of the investments will be funded by the cash generation from
S-50 diesel for use by the urban bus fleets in operating activities, estimated at $148.6 billion for the next five years,
the cities of São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The based on the premises of an average price of $66 per barrel and an aver-
diesel is being marketed for the same price as
the previous one, the S-500 (with 500 particles age annual production of 2.4 million barrels of oil equivalent. The rest of
per million of sulfur). By 2011, the S-50 diesel the investments will be made feasible by contracting new financing. The
fuel will be made available to the fleets in seven graph on the following page shows the performance of Petrobras’ shares
more Brazilian states.
after the announcement of the Plan, indicating that the market was very
A world record in carbonate receptive to the new strategies presented.
I Petrobras set a new world record in oil
production from carbonate reservoirs relative to
the water depth, of 1,413 meters, in the Marlim
Leste Field. The field known as Jabuti was the Record Gasoline blend US$1.5 billion
first commercial light oil accumulation (29o API) net with 3% of issued in global
discovered in ultra-deep water carbonate income ethanol in Japan notes
reservoirs. In the past, it was believed that oil
accumulation and retention capacity was lost
at great depths. PAGE 2 PAGE 3 PAGE 4
Results for the 2008 fiscal year
volume, and the foreign exchange gains Total sales in the internal market
on the net monetary assets in dollars rose 5,4% compared to 2007, with the
greatly contributed to this outcome. spotlight on diesel, gasoline, aviation
The earnings before interest, taxes, fuel, and natural gas. Natural gas sales
depreciation and amortization (EBITDA) surged 26%, thanks to the greater
were 22.3% higher than in 2007, supply of imported and domestic gas
ensuring resources for the record (platforms P-52, P-54, and Piranema),
investments in the year of US$ in association with the expansion of the
29.8 billion, most of which was des- distribution network with the construc-
tined to the Exploration & Production tion of new gas pipelines.
area. The net operating revenue rose to The excellent result achieved in
P-53 US$ 118,257 million, an increase of 35% 2008 allowed the Company to pro-
in relation to 2007. pose a payment of dividends of
Oil and natural gas production R$9,915 million for the 2008 fis-
in Brazil in 2008 was 2,176,000 bar- cal year (US$ 4,242 million based on
rels of oil equivalent per day (boed), the exchange rate of December 31,
5.4% more than in 2007, while the 2008). The proposed dividend is
etrobras set a net consolidated
total oil and natural gas production, equivalent to 29.04% of the adjusted
profit of US$18,879 million in including Brazil and abroad, grew Net Income, and R$1.13 per share. In
2008, 43.7% more than in 4.3% compared to the 2007 average, 2007, the rate had been R$0.75 per
2007. The improved average oil and oil rising to 2.4 million boed. Exports share, after the share split.
product realization prices, the increased increased to a record volume of
domestic production of oil and natural 673,000 barrels/day, 9.4% above the
gas (which rose 5.4%, the larger trade previous year’s mark. (1) Annual amounts based on US GAAP numbers.
Petrobras ADR versus Dow Jones Index Economic and Financial Figures
In US$ million 2008 2007 Variation
Index Number = 100 in 12.31.02
2,000 557% PBR (%)
1,800 509% PBRA Sales of products and services 146,529 112,425 30.3
5% Index Dow Jones Net operating revenues 118,257 87,735 34.8
1,400 Operating income 25,294 20,451 26.6
1,200 Net income 18,879 13,138 43.7
Earnings per share (US$) 2.15 1.50 43.3
Earnings per ADS (US$) 4.30 3.00 43.3
Net cash provided by operating activities 28,220 22,664 24.5
Capital expenditures 29,874 20,978 42.4
Net debt 20,852 14,908 39.9
Total liabilities/shareholder equity (%) 50 48 +2
Ebida 31,308 25,604 22.3
Market value (US$ bi) 96,8 241,6 (60)
PBR versus Dow Jones Index Operating Performance
In thousand barrels of oil equivalent per day 2008 2007 Variation
Total crude oil, NGLs and natural gas production 2.400 2.301 46
Before the disclosure After the disclosure Total oil products production 1.970 2.046 (4)
Index Number = 100 in 12.31.08
of Strategic Plan 2009 of Strategic Plan 2009 140.46
140 Net exports of crude oil and oil products 103 77 34
130 Refining and marketing operations
120 Brazil – Utilization 91% 90% 1 pp
110 Capacidade de utilização das refinarias
International – Utilization 61% 85% -24 pp
Domestic crude oil of
90 88.3
Index total feedstock processed 78% 78% –
80 Dow
PBR$ Index Dow Jones
Petrobras' ADR's
Dow Jones PBRA PBR
(%) (%) (%)
8 years 84,26 290,59 240,73
Source: Bloomberg
5 years 83,95 235,48 206,46
1 year 63,00 -58,36 -58,40
etrobras has signed agree-
ments and a contract that
enable the development of
good business opportunities and
open new fronts in two different
continents where the company
already has operations: Asia and P-51
Europe. The partners are compa-
nies from China and Portugal.
An agreement and two memo-
randa were signed with the Chi-
nese companies. The memo-
Three new platforms
randa, signed with the China
Development Bank Corporation, the
in production
China Petrochemical Corporation etrobras’ increasing oil and gas Marlim Sul. At a water depth of 1,255
(SINOPEC), and PetroChina aim to production trend is expected meters, and 150 km off the coast, it
promote the economic development to continue in 2009. Between can produce 180,000 barrels of oil per
and trade between the two nations. late 2008 and early 2009, three more day.
The agreement with UNIPEC Asia platforms went on stream and will Installed in Marlim Leste, the P-53
Co. Ltd., a SINOPEC subsidiary, fore- increase production by 460,000 can produce up to 180,000 barrels of
sees the sale of 60,000 to 100,000 barrels per day when attaining top heavy oil and compress up to 6 million
barrels of oil per day. production. The new units (all in the m3 of gas per day. It is at a site 120 km
As for the Portuguese firms Campos Basin) are the P-53, P-51, and from the coast where the water depth
Galp Energia and EDP Energias, FPSO Cidade de Niterói. is 1,080 meters.
agreements were signed that allow The FPSO Cidade de Niterói op- This year, two more Petrobras pro-
for partnerships in different areas, erates in Marlim Leste, at 120 km off duction units are scheduled to kick-off
such as biofuels, natural gas, power, the coast and at a water depth of operations. These are FPSO (Floating
and oil exploration and production. 1,370 meters. It can produce 100,000 Production, Storage, and Offloading)
The documents foresee the imple- barrels of light oil and 3.5 million m3 type units, the Cidade de São Ma-
mentation of the projects the two of gas per day. teus and the BW Peace, which will be
companies approved in technical, The P-51, the first semi-submersible installed in the Espírito Santo and San-
commercial, and financial terms. platform built entirely in Brazil, is in tos basins, respectively.
Petrobras produces gasoline with ethanol in Japan
Brazil Japan
between Petrobras and Japan
Ethanol office etrobras has started producing a
in Tokyo gasoline/ethanol blend with 3% Alcohol Trading is strategic, since it
ethanol in Japan. With this corpo- is located in the city of Sodegaura, in
rate initiative, the company intends the region of Kanto, which, for its cen-
to show the Japanese business tral location in the country, accounts for
community that it is technically 40% of the total volume of gaso-
and economically feasible to use line consumed in Japan. Produc-
this new, more efficient, and much tion capacity is estimated at up to
more ecological fuel. 3,000,000 liters of E3 gasoline per
Last March, Brazil Japan Ethanol month. The Nansei Sekiyu refinery,
inaugurated its first unit to pro- in the city of Okinawa, will supply the
duce E3, fuel made out of the blend gasoline and ethanol blend. Petrobras
of gasoline with 3% ethanol. The in- holds an 87.5% stake in the re-
stallation of this joint venture finery.
4. NEWS BOARD Petrobras is
Biodiesel plant delivers its first production
The Montes Claros Biodiesel Plant, located in the northern region of
leader in ethical
the state of Minas Gerais, has made its first delivery of biodiesel production. reputation
The 75,000-liter cargo was destined to Petrobras Distribuidora. The plant expects
to deliver 1.5 million liters of biodiesel in the first quarter of 2009. mong 541 multinationals,
The plant, as is the case of the Candeias (Bahia) and Quixadá (Ceará) plants, Petrobras was elected one of
is capable of producing 57 million liters of biofuels per year. The plant production the leaders in ethical reputa-
process is equipped with automated instrumentation and control systems. In tion by the Covalence Ethical Ranking
addition, it has a flexible capacity in the processing of crude vegetable oils and 2008 in Switzerland last January. It
was the Brazilian company rated the
in the use of various inputs, and can also process bovine fat and oil and grease
best in the global ranking in all 18
residues (OGR).
evaluated categories and was ahead
of 29 oil and gas multinationals.
The Covalence Ethical Ranking 2008
Petrobras creates petrochemical complex evaluates various criteria, such as the en-
vironmental impact the company's pro-
he Rio de Janeiro Petrochemical Complex from the fact the companies are located in duction has, its position regarding social
T (COMPERJ) will be composed of six
companies, which are wholly-owned
the same production site. Beginning with
the implementation process, Petrobras will
responsibility, its recycling policy, in-
formation for consumers, ecological in-
Petrobras subsidiaries. Initially, Petrobras will transfer to the newly-formed companies, the novation, international presence, en-
hold 100% of the total and voting capital of goods, obligations, and rights relative to vironmental risk, labor standards, and
these companies, aiming to implement the COMPERJ. This will allow the project to be anticorruption policy. This award, cre-
relationship integration model for the newly- prepared for the entry of potential partners. ated by the Covalence Company, aims
incorporated companies. In this way, it will COMPERJ will process 150,000 barrels per to offer and to facilitate conditions and
create the needed synergy process derived day (bpd) of heavy oil coming from the information on sustainable development.
Campos Basin. Aligned with Petrobras' The global ranking places Petrobras
strategic guidelines, it seeks to increase the as the best appraised Brazilian company
production of basic petrochemical products in all sectors. Published since 2005, the
and to perform in an integrated manner in Covalence Ethical Ranking is composed
petrochemicals, meeting the needs of the of a measurement system that is based
other Petrobras System businesses. In this on the gathering of qualitative data
way, it will add important conditions to regarding 45 criteria and works as a
Petrobras' value chain, such as: the thermometer of how multinationals are
expansion of the domestic petrochemicals perceived concerning ethics. This as-
market; the use of Campos Basin oil as a sessment system also takes into consid-
raw material; the promotion of synergy among eration the integration of information
the existing structures in the region; and an published by the media, by companies,
The construction of the Rio de Janeiro
Petrochemical Complex (COMPERJ) improved trade balance in the oil, oil products, by NGOs and by research institutions.
Integration Center and petrochemicals chain.
$ 1. 5 bi l l io n issu ed i n gl ob al n ot es
In February, Petrobras issued, in the international Yield to investor (notes due 2019)
capitals market, $1.5 billion of Global Notes due 8.20
on March 15, 2019, with a yield to investor of 8.125% 8.00
p.a. The resources raised are destined to general 7.80
corporate investments, including the funding of the 7.60
Company's Business Plan. The operation had a 7.40
demand that was 3.5 times over the final volume. 7.20
It was destined to more than 230 investors, most of 7.301%
them dedicated to the fixed income market of high-
grade companies and it was the first issuing made by a
Brazilian company since July 2008, when the effects of 9 09 09 09 009 009 009 /2009 2009
200 13/20 20/20 27/20 3/2 3/2 /20/2
the global financial crisis worsened. 2/6 / 2/ 2 / 2 / 06/0 3/1 3 3/2
Newssheet edited by Petrobras' Investor Relations Department • Executive Manager: Theodore Helms • Editor: Cláudio Paula MTb-22069/RJ • Colaboration: Bianca Nasser, Carlos
Eduardo Curvello, Clara Rodrigues, Fernanda Bianchini, Luciana Guilliod and Orlando Gonçalves, • Contact: Petrobras' Shareholders Department • Phones: (55-21) 3224-
1540/4914 • Fax: (55-21) 2262-3678 • Address: Av. República do Chile, 65 / 2202-B • Centro – Rio de Janeiro – RJ – Brazil – 20031-912 • E-mail: • Design: Estúdio
Matiz Depositary Bank: JPMorgan Chase Bank • JPMorgan Depositary Receipts • 4 New York Plaza, 13th Fl. • New York, NY 10004 • +1 (866) JPM-ADRS (576-2377)
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