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Henry Fielding
Henry Fielding was born at Sharpham in Glastonbury in
Somerset in 1707 as the son of an army lieutenant and a
judge’s daughter. He was educated at Eton School, where he
established a lifelong friendship with William Pitt the Elder –
the famous British Whig statesman who led Britain during the
Seven Years’ War. After a romantic episode with a young
woman that ended in his getting into trouble with the law, he
went to London where his literary career began. In 1728, he
travelled to Leiden to study classics and law at the University.
However, due to lack of money, he was obliged to return to
London and he began writing a series of farces, operas and
light comedies for the theatre, some of his work being
savagely critical of the contemporary government.
In London, Fielding formed his own company and was
running the Little Theatre, Haymarket, when one of his
satirical plays began to upset the government. The passing of
the Theatrical Licensing Act in 1737 effectively ended
Fielding’s career as a playwright. He retired from the theatre
and resumed his career in law and, in order to support his wife
Charlotte Cradock and two children, he became a barrister. His
lack of financial sense meant that he and his family often
endured periods of poverty. But, Fielding never stopped
writing. In 1739, he turned to journalism and became editor of
The Champion. Almost by accident, in anger at the success of
Samuel Richardson’s novel Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded,
Fielding took to writing novels in 1741. His is first major
success was Shamela, an anonymous parody of Richardson’s
original melodramatic novel.
He immediately published The Adventures of Joseph Andrews
in 1742, an original work supposedly dealing with Pamela’s
brother, Joseph. Although he begun to write the novel also as a
parody, this work developed into an accomplished novel in its
own right and is considered to mark Fielding’s debut as a
serious novelist. Fielding’s Miscellanies (3 volumes, 1743)
contain The History of the Life of the Late Mr. Jonathan Wild
the Great, a satirical novel about heroism. Fielding used the
criminal Jonathan Wild to caricature Whig politician and
British Prime Minister Robert Walpole. His greatest work
however was The History of Tom Jones published in 1749 to
public acclaim, a meticulously constructed picaresque novel
telling the convoluted and hilarious tale of how a foundling
came into a fortune.
Joseph Andrews
The Novel
The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of His
Friend Mr. Abraham Adams, or Joseph Andrews, was written
by Henry Fielding and published in 1742 as a “comic epic
poem in prose” (14). The novel, one of the first in the English
language, encompasses many principles of the Augustan Age
in which it was written. In this era literature, particularly
satire, was viewed as a means of instruction, and observation
was considered the best way to learn about human nature and
the world. Henry Fielding’s satirical commentary on
hypocrisy, status, and virtue demonstrates to readers which
qualities to avoid and which to emulate. This guide refers to
the edition of the book published by CreateSpace Independent
The novel is similar in style to Cervantes’s Don Quixote, as the
main characters embark on a journey full of slapstick comedy
and meet several upper- and lower-class characters along the
way. As Joseph Andrews and Parson Adams journey from
London to their country town, they face robbers, rude inn
owners, sexual temptations, and false kindness from the upper
class, all while maintaining their Christian virtue and charity.
Written in response to Samuel Richardson’s novel Pamela
(1740), in which the heroine fends off sexual temptation to
maintain her virtue, Joseph Andrews flips 18th-century ideas
of sexuality and virtue upside down. Fielding shows that
charity and virtue lead to true contentment and blessings from
God, while selfishness and lust lead to nothing.
Joseph Andrews, a handsome young footman in the
household of Sir Thomas Booby, has attracted the erotic
interest of his master’s wife, Lady Booby. He has also
been noticed by the parson of the parish, Mr. Abraham
Adams, who wishes to cultivate Joseph’s moral and
intellectual potential. Before he can start Joseph on a
course of Latin instruction, however, the Boobys depart
the country for London, taking Joseph with them. In
London, Joseph falls in with a fast crowd of urban
footmen, but despite his rakish peers and the
insinuations of the libidinous Lady Booby he remains
After a year or so Sir Thomas dies, leaving his widow
free to make attempts on the footman’s virtue. Joseph
fails to respond to her amorous hints, however, because
he is too naïve to understand them; in a letter to his
sister Pamela, he indicates his belief that no woman of
Lady Booby’s social stature could possibly be attracted
to a mere servant. Soon Joseph endures and rebuffs
another, less subtle attempt at seduction by Lady
Booby’s waiting-gentlewoman, the middle-aged and
hideous Mrs. Slipslop. Lady Booby sends for Joseph
and tries again to beguile him, to no avail. His virtue
infuriates her, so she sends him away again, resolved to
terminate his employment.
She then suffers agonies of indecision over whether to
retain Joseph or not, but eventually Joseph receives his
wages and his walking papers from the miserly steward,
Peter Pounce. The former footman is actually relieved
to have been dismissed, because he now believes his
mistress to be both lascivious and psychologically
Joseph sets out for the Boobys’ country parish, where he
will reunite with his childhood sweetheart and now
fiancée, the illiterate milkmaid Fanny Goodwill. On his
first night out, he runs into Two Ruffians who beat,
strip, and rob him and leave him in a ditch to die.
Soon a stage-coach approaches, full of hypocritical and
self-interested passengers who only admit Joseph into
the coach when a lawyer among them argues that they
may be liable for Joseph’s death if they make no effort
to help him and he dies. The coach takes Joseph and the
other passengers to an inn, where the chamber-maid,
Betty, cares for him and a Surgeon pronounces his
injuries likely mortal.
Joseph defies the Surgeon’s prognosis the next day,
receiving a visit from Mr. Barnabas the clergyman and
some wretched hospitality from Mrs. Tow-wouse, the
wife of the innkeeper.
Soon another clergyman arrives at the inn and turns out to be
Mr. Adams, who is on his way to London to attempt to publish
several volumes of his sermons. Joseph is thrilled to see him,
and Adams treats his penniless protégé to several meals.
Adams is not flush with cash himself, however, and he soon
finds himself trying unsuccessfully to get a loan from Mr.
Tow-wouse with a volume of his sermons as security. Soon
Mr. Barnabas, hearing that Adams is a clergyman, introduces
him to a Bookseller who might agree to represent him in the
London publishing trade. The Bookseller is not interested in
marketing sermons, however, and soon the fruitless discussion
is interrupted by an uproar elsewhere in the inn, as Betty the
chambermaid, having been rejected by Joseph, has just been
discovered in bed with Mr. Tow-wouse.
Mr. Adams ends up getting a loan from a servant from a
passing coach, and he and Joseph are about to part ways when
he discovers that he has left his sermons at home and thus has
no reason to go to London. Adams and Joseph decide to take
turns riding Adams’s horse on their journey home, and after a
rocky start they are well on their way, with Adams riding in a
stage-coach and Joseph riding the horse. In the coach Mr.
Adams listens avidly to a gossipy tale about a jilted woman
named Leonora; at the next inn he and Joseph get into a brawl
with an insulting innkeeper and his wife. When they depart the
inn, with Joseph in the coach and Adams theoretically on
horseback, the absent-minded Adams unfortunately forgets
about the horse and ends up going on foot.
On his solitary walk, Adams encounters a Sportsman
who is out shooting partridge and who boasts of the
great value he places on bravery. When the sound of a
woman’s cries reaches them, however, the Sportsman
flees with his gun, leaving Adams to rescue the woman
from her assailant. The athletic Adams administers a
drubbing so thorough that he fears he has killed the
attacker. When a group of young men comes by,
however, the assailant suddenly recovers and accuses
Adams and the woman of robbing and beating him. The
young men lay hold of Adams and the woman and drag
them to the Justice of the Peace, hoping to get a reward
for turning them in
On the way Mr. Adams and the woman discover that
they know each other: she is Joseph’s beloved, Fanny
Goodwill, who set out to find Joseph when she heard of
his unfortunate encounter with the Ruffians.
The Justice of the Peace is negligent and is about to
commit Adams and Fanny to prison without giving their
case much thought when suddenly a bystander
recognizes Adams and vouches for him as a clergyman
and a gentleman. The Justice readily reverses himself
and dismisses the charges against Adams and Fanny,
though the assailant has already slipped away and will
not be held accountable. Soon Adams and Fanny depart
for the next inn, where they expect to meet Joseph.
Joseph and Fanny have a joyous reunion at the inn, and
Joseph wishes to get married then and there; both Mr.
Adams and Fanny, however, prefer a more patient
approach. In the morning the companions discover that
they have another inn bill that they cannot pay, so
Adams goes off in search of the wealthy parson of the
parish. Parson Trulliber, who spends most of his time
tending his hogs rather than tending souls, reacts badly
to Adams’s request for charity. Adams returns to the inn
with nothing to show for his efforts, but fortunately a
generous Pedlar hears of the travelers’ predicament and
loans Adams the money he needs.
After a couple more miles on the road, the travelers
encounter a gregarious Squire who offers them generous
hospitality and the use of his coach but then retracts
these offers at the last minute. Adams discusses this
strange behavior with the innkeeper, who tells him
about the Squire’s long history of making false
Walking on after nightfall, the companions encounter a
group of spectral lights that Mr. Adams takes to be
ghosts but that turn out later to be the lanterns of sheep-
stealers. The companions flee the scene and find
accommodations at the home of a family named Wilson.
After the women have retired for the evening, Mr. Adams and
Joseph sit up to hear Mr. Wilson tell his life story, which is
approximately the story of a “rake’s progress” redeemed by
the love of a good woman. Wilson also mentions that since
moving from London to the country, he and his wife have lost
their eldest son to a gypsy abduction.
The travelers, who are quite won over by the Wilson family
and their simple country life, depart in the morning. As they
walk along, Mr. Adams and Joseph discuss Wilson’s biography
and debate the origins of human virtue and vice. Eventually
they stop to take a meal, and while they are resting, a pack of
hunting dogs comes upon them, annihilates a defenseless hare,
and then attacks the sleeping Mr. Adams.
Joseph and his cudgel come to the parson’s defense,
laying waste to the pack of hounds. The owner of the
hounds, a sadistic Squire whom Fielding labels a
“Hunter of Men,” is at first inclined to be angry about
the damage to his dogs, but as soon as he sees the lovely
Fanny he changes his plans and invites the companions
to his house for dinner.
The Hunter of Men and his retinue of grotesques taunt
Mr. Adams throughout dinner, prompting the parson to
fetch Joseph and Fanny from the kitchen and leave the
house. The Hunter sends his servants after them with
orders to abduct Fanny, whom he has been planning all
along to debauch.
The servants find the companions at an inn the next
morning, and after another epic battle they succeed in
tying Adams and Joseph to a bedpost and making off
with Fanny. Luckily for Fanny, however, a group of
Lady Booby’s servants come along, recognize the
milkmaid, and rescue her from her captors. They then
proceed to the inn where Adams and Joseph are tied up,
and Joseph gets to take out his frustrations on Fanny’s
primary captor before they all set off again. Mr. Adams
rides in a coach with the obnoxious Peter Pounce, who
so insults the parson that he eventually gets out of the
coach and walks beside Joseph and Fanny’s horse for
the last mile of the journey.
The servants find the companions at an inn the next
morning, and after another epic battle they succeed in
tying Adams and Joseph to a bedpost and making off
with Fanny. Luckily for Fanny, however, a group of
Lady Booby’s servants come along, recognize the
milkmaid, and rescue her from her captors. They then
proceed to the inn where Adams and Joseph are tied up,
and Joseph gets to take out his frustrations on Fanny’s
primary captor before they all set off again. Mr. Adams
rides in a coach with the obnoxious Peter Pounce, who
so insults the parson that he eventually gets out of the
coach and walks beside Joseph and Fanny’s horse for
the last mile of the journey.
The companions finally arrive home in Lady Booby’s
parish, and Lady Booby herself arrives shortly
thereafter. At church on Sunday she hears Mr. Adams
announce the wedding banns of Joseph and Fanny, and
later in the day she summons the parson for a
browbeating. She claims to oppose the marriage of the
young lovers on the grounds that they will raise a family
of beggars in the parish. When Adams refuses to
cooperate with Lady Booby’s efforts to keep the lovers
apart, Lady Booby summons a lawyer named Scout,
who trumps up a legal pretext for preventing the
marriage. Two days later Joseph and Fanny are brought
before the Justice of the Peace, who is perfectly willing
to acquiesce in Lady Booby’s plans.
The arrival of Lady Booby’s nephew, Mr. Booby, and
his new wife, who happens to be Joseph’s sister Pamela,
thwarts the legal proceedings. Mr. Booby, not wanting
anything to upset his young wife, intervenes in the case
and springs her brother and Fanny. He then takes Joseph
back to Booby Hall, while Fanny proceeds to the Adams
home. The next day Lady Booby convinces Mr. Booby
to join in her effort to dissuade Joseph from marrying
Fanny. Meanwhile, Fanny takes a walk near Booby Hall
and endures an assault by a diminutive gentleman
named Beau Didapper; when the Beau fails to have his
way with Fanny, he delegates the office to a servant and
walks off. Fortunately, Joseph intervenes before the
servant can get very far.
Joseph and Fanny arrive at the Adams home, where Mr.
Adams counsels Joseph to be moderate and rational in
his attachment to his future wife. Just as Adams finishes
his recommendation of stoical detachment, someone
arrives to tell him that his youngest son, Dick, has just
drowned in the river. Mr. Adams, not so detached,
weeps copiously for his son, who fortunately comes
running up to the house before long, having been
rescued from the river by the same Pedlar who earlier
redeemed the travelers from one of their inns. Adams
rejoices and once again thanks the Pedlar, then resumes
counseling Joseph to avoid passionate attachments.
Joseph attempts to point out to Adams his own
inconsistency, but to no avail.
Meanwhile, Lady Booby is plotting to use Beau
Didapper to come between Joseph and Fanny. She takes
him, along with Mr. Booby and Pamela, to the Adams
household, where the Beau attempts to fondle Fanny
and incurs the wrath of Joseph. When the assembled
Boobys suggest to Joseph that he is wasting his time on
the milkmaid, Joseph departs with his betrothed, vowing
to have nothing more to do with any relations who will
not accept Fanny.
Joseph, Fanny, the Pedlar, and the Adamses all dine
together at an alehouse that night.
There, the Pedlar reveals that he has discovered that Fanny is
in fact the long-lost daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, which
would make her the sister of Joseph and thereby not eligible to
be his wife. Back at Booby Hall, Lady Booby rejoices to learn
that Joseph and Fanny have been discovered to be siblings.
Everyone then gathers at the Hall, where Mr. Booby advises
everyone to remain calm and withhold judgment until the next
day, when Mr. and Mrs. Andrews will arrive and presumably
will clear things up.
Late that night, hi-jinx ensue as Beau Didapper seeks Fanny’s
bed but ends up in Mrs. Slipslop’s. Slipslop screams for help,
bringing Mr. Adams, who mistakenly attacks Slipslop while
the Beau gets away.
Lady Booby then arrives to find Adams and Slipslop in bed
together, but the confusion dissipates before long and Adams
makes his way back toward his room. Unfortunately, a wrong
turn brings him to Fanny’s room, where he sleeps until
morning, when Joseph discovers the parson and the milkmaid
in bed together. After being briefly angry, Joseph concludes
that Adams simply made a wrong turn in the night.
Once Adams has left them alone, the apparent siblings vow
that if they turn out really to be siblings, they will both remain
perpetually celibate. Later that morning Mr. and Mrs. Andrews
arrive, and soon it emerges that Fanny is indeed their daughter,
stolen from her cradle; what also emerges, however, is that
Joseph is not really their son but the changeling baby they
received in place of Fanny.
The Pedlar suddenly thinks of the Wilson family, who long ago
lost a child with a distinctive birth-mark on his chest, and it so
happens that Joseph bears just such a distinctive birth-mark.
Mr. Wilson himself is luckily coming through the gate of
Booby Hall at that very moment, so the reunion between father
and son takes place on the spot.
Everyone except Lady Booby then proceeds to Mr. Booby’s
country estate, and on the ride over Joseph and Fanny make
their wedding arrangements. After the wedding, the
newlyweds settle near the Wilsons. Mr. Booby dispenses a
small fortune to Fanny, a valuable clerical living to Mr.
Adams, and a job as excise-man to the Pedlar. Lady Booby
returns to a life of flirtation in London.

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Joseph Andrews Henry Fielding summary, themes and character analysis.pptx

  • 2. Henry Fielding was born at Sharpham in Glastonbury in Somerset in 1707 as the son of an army lieutenant and a judge’s daughter. He was educated at Eton School, where he established a lifelong friendship with William Pitt the Elder – the famous British Whig statesman who led Britain during the Seven Years’ War. After a romantic episode with a young woman that ended in his getting into trouble with the law, he went to London where his literary career began. In 1728, he travelled to Leiden to study classics and law at the University. However, due to lack of money, he was obliged to return to London and he began writing a series of farces, operas and light comedies for the theatre, some of his work being savagely critical of the contemporary government.
  • 3. In London, Fielding formed his own company and was running the Little Theatre, Haymarket, when one of his satirical plays began to upset the government. The passing of the Theatrical Licensing Act in 1737 effectively ended Fielding’s career as a playwright. He retired from the theatre and resumed his career in law and, in order to support his wife Charlotte Cradock and two children, he became a barrister. His lack of financial sense meant that he and his family often endured periods of poverty. But, Fielding never stopped writing. In 1739, he turned to journalism and became editor of The Champion. Almost by accident, in anger at the success of Samuel Richardson’s novel Pamela, or Virtue Rewarded, Fielding took to writing novels in 1741. His is first major success was Shamela, an anonymous parody of Richardson’s original melodramatic novel.
  • 4. He immediately published The Adventures of Joseph Andrews in 1742, an original work supposedly dealing with Pamela’s brother, Joseph. Although he begun to write the novel also as a parody, this work developed into an accomplished novel in its own right and is considered to mark Fielding’s debut as a serious novelist. Fielding’s Miscellanies (3 volumes, 1743) contain The History of the Life of the Late Mr. Jonathan Wild the Great, a satirical novel about heroism. Fielding used the criminal Jonathan Wild to caricature Whig politician and British Prime Minister Robert Walpole. His greatest work however was The History of Tom Jones published in 1749 to public acclaim, a meticulously constructed picaresque novel telling the convoluted and hilarious tale of how a foundling came into a fortune.
  • 6. The History of the Adventures of Joseph Andrews and of His Friend Mr. Abraham Adams, or Joseph Andrews, was written by Henry Fielding and published in 1742 as a “comic epic poem in prose” (14). The novel, one of the first in the English language, encompasses many principles of the Augustan Age in which it was written. In this era literature, particularly satire, was viewed as a means of instruction, and observation was considered the best way to learn about human nature and the world. Henry Fielding’s satirical commentary on hypocrisy, status, and virtue demonstrates to readers which qualities to avoid and which to emulate. This guide refers to the edition of the book published by CreateSpace Independent Publishing.
  • 7. The novel is similar in style to Cervantes’s Don Quixote, as the main characters embark on a journey full of slapstick comedy and meet several upper- and lower-class characters along the way. As Joseph Andrews and Parson Adams journey from London to their country town, they face robbers, rude inn owners, sexual temptations, and false kindness from the upper class, all while maintaining their Christian virtue and charity. Written in response to Samuel Richardson’s novel Pamela (1740), in which the heroine fends off sexual temptation to maintain her virtue, Joseph Andrews flips 18th-century ideas of sexuality and virtue upside down. Fielding shows that charity and virtue lead to true contentment and blessings from God, while selfishness and lust lead to nothing.
  • 8. Joseph Andrews, a handsome young footman in the household of Sir Thomas Booby, has attracted the erotic interest of his master’s wife, Lady Booby. He has also been noticed by the parson of the parish, Mr. Abraham Adams, who wishes to cultivate Joseph’s moral and intellectual potential. Before he can start Joseph on a course of Latin instruction, however, the Boobys depart the country for London, taking Joseph with them. In London, Joseph falls in with a fast crowd of urban footmen, but despite his rakish peers and the insinuations of the libidinous Lady Booby he remains uncorrupted.
  • 9. After a year or so Sir Thomas dies, leaving his widow free to make attempts on the footman’s virtue. Joseph fails to respond to her amorous hints, however, because he is too naïve to understand them; in a letter to his sister Pamela, he indicates his belief that no woman of Lady Booby’s social stature could possibly be attracted to a mere servant. Soon Joseph endures and rebuffs another, less subtle attempt at seduction by Lady Booby’s waiting-gentlewoman, the middle-aged and hideous Mrs. Slipslop. Lady Booby sends for Joseph and tries again to beguile him, to no avail. His virtue infuriates her, so she sends him away again, resolved to terminate his employment.
  • 10. She then suffers agonies of indecision over whether to retain Joseph or not, but eventually Joseph receives his wages and his walking papers from the miserly steward, Peter Pounce. The former footman is actually relieved to have been dismissed, because he now believes his mistress to be both lascivious and psychologically unhinged. Joseph sets out for the Boobys’ country parish, where he will reunite with his childhood sweetheart and now fiancée, the illiterate milkmaid Fanny Goodwill. On his first night out, he runs into Two Ruffians who beat, strip, and rob him and leave him in a ditch to die.
  • 11. Soon a stage-coach approaches, full of hypocritical and self-interested passengers who only admit Joseph into the coach when a lawyer among them argues that they may be liable for Joseph’s death if they make no effort to help him and he dies. The coach takes Joseph and the other passengers to an inn, where the chamber-maid, Betty, cares for him and a Surgeon pronounces his injuries likely mortal. Joseph defies the Surgeon’s prognosis the next day, receiving a visit from Mr. Barnabas the clergyman and some wretched hospitality from Mrs. Tow-wouse, the wife of the innkeeper.
  • 12. Soon another clergyman arrives at the inn and turns out to be Mr. Adams, who is on his way to London to attempt to publish several volumes of his sermons. Joseph is thrilled to see him, and Adams treats his penniless protégé to several meals. Adams is not flush with cash himself, however, and he soon finds himself trying unsuccessfully to get a loan from Mr. Tow-wouse with a volume of his sermons as security. Soon Mr. Barnabas, hearing that Adams is a clergyman, introduces him to a Bookseller who might agree to represent him in the London publishing trade. The Bookseller is not interested in marketing sermons, however, and soon the fruitless discussion is interrupted by an uproar elsewhere in the inn, as Betty the chambermaid, having been rejected by Joseph, has just been discovered in bed with Mr. Tow-wouse.
  • 13. Mr. Adams ends up getting a loan from a servant from a passing coach, and he and Joseph are about to part ways when he discovers that he has left his sermons at home and thus has no reason to go to London. Adams and Joseph decide to take turns riding Adams’s horse on their journey home, and after a rocky start they are well on their way, with Adams riding in a stage-coach and Joseph riding the horse. In the coach Mr. Adams listens avidly to a gossipy tale about a jilted woman named Leonora; at the next inn he and Joseph get into a brawl with an insulting innkeeper and his wife. When they depart the inn, with Joseph in the coach and Adams theoretically on horseback, the absent-minded Adams unfortunately forgets about the horse and ends up going on foot.
  • 14. On his solitary walk, Adams encounters a Sportsman who is out shooting partridge and who boasts of the great value he places on bravery. When the sound of a woman’s cries reaches them, however, the Sportsman flees with his gun, leaving Adams to rescue the woman from her assailant. The athletic Adams administers a drubbing so thorough that he fears he has killed the attacker. When a group of young men comes by, however, the assailant suddenly recovers and accuses Adams and the woman of robbing and beating him. The young men lay hold of Adams and the woman and drag them to the Justice of the Peace, hoping to get a reward for turning them in
  • 15. On the way Mr. Adams and the woman discover that they know each other: she is Joseph’s beloved, Fanny Goodwill, who set out to find Joseph when she heard of his unfortunate encounter with the Ruffians. The Justice of the Peace is negligent and is about to commit Adams and Fanny to prison without giving their case much thought when suddenly a bystander recognizes Adams and vouches for him as a clergyman and a gentleman. The Justice readily reverses himself and dismisses the charges against Adams and Fanny, though the assailant has already slipped away and will not be held accountable. Soon Adams and Fanny depart for the next inn, where they expect to meet Joseph.
  • 16. Joseph and Fanny have a joyous reunion at the inn, and Joseph wishes to get married then and there; both Mr. Adams and Fanny, however, prefer a more patient approach. In the morning the companions discover that they have another inn bill that they cannot pay, so Adams goes off in search of the wealthy parson of the parish. Parson Trulliber, who spends most of his time tending his hogs rather than tending souls, reacts badly to Adams’s request for charity. Adams returns to the inn with nothing to show for his efforts, but fortunately a generous Pedlar hears of the travelers’ predicament and loans Adams the money he needs.
  • 17. After a couple more miles on the road, the travelers encounter a gregarious Squire who offers them generous hospitality and the use of his coach but then retracts these offers at the last minute. Adams discusses this strange behavior with the innkeeper, who tells him about the Squire’s long history of making false promises. Walking on after nightfall, the companions encounter a group of spectral lights that Mr. Adams takes to be ghosts but that turn out later to be the lanterns of sheep- stealers. The companions flee the scene and find accommodations at the home of a family named Wilson.
  • 18. After the women have retired for the evening, Mr. Adams and Joseph sit up to hear Mr. Wilson tell his life story, which is approximately the story of a “rake’s progress” redeemed by the love of a good woman. Wilson also mentions that since moving from London to the country, he and his wife have lost their eldest son to a gypsy abduction. The travelers, who are quite won over by the Wilson family and their simple country life, depart in the morning. As they walk along, Mr. Adams and Joseph discuss Wilson’s biography and debate the origins of human virtue and vice. Eventually they stop to take a meal, and while they are resting, a pack of hunting dogs comes upon them, annihilates a defenseless hare, and then attacks the sleeping Mr. Adams.
  • 19. Joseph and his cudgel come to the parson’s defense, laying waste to the pack of hounds. The owner of the hounds, a sadistic Squire whom Fielding labels a “Hunter of Men,” is at first inclined to be angry about the damage to his dogs, but as soon as he sees the lovely Fanny he changes his plans and invites the companions to his house for dinner. The Hunter of Men and his retinue of grotesques taunt Mr. Adams throughout dinner, prompting the parson to fetch Joseph and Fanny from the kitchen and leave the house. The Hunter sends his servants after them with orders to abduct Fanny, whom he has been planning all along to debauch.
  • 20. The servants find the companions at an inn the next morning, and after another epic battle they succeed in tying Adams and Joseph to a bedpost and making off with Fanny. Luckily for Fanny, however, a group of Lady Booby’s servants come along, recognize the milkmaid, and rescue her from her captors. They then proceed to the inn where Adams and Joseph are tied up, and Joseph gets to take out his frustrations on Fanny’s primary captor before they all set off again. Mr. Adams rides in a coach with the obnoxious Peter Pounce, who so insults the parson that he eventually gets out of the coach and walks beside Joseph and Fanny’s horse for the last mile of the journey.
  • 21. The servants find the companions at an inn the next morning, and after another epic battle they succeed in tying Adams and Joseph to a bedpost and making off with Fanny. Luckily for Fanny, however, a group of Lady Booby’s servants come along, recognize the milkmaid, and rescue her from her captors. They then proceed to the inn where Adams and Joseph are tied up, and Joseph gets to take out his frustrations on Fanny’s primary captor before they all set off again. Mr. Adams rides in a coach with the obnoxious Peter Pounce, who so insults the parson that he eventually gets out of the coach and walks beside Joseph and Fanny’s horse for the last mile of the journey.
  • 22. The companions finally arrive home in Lady Booby’s parish, and Lady Booby herself arrives shortly thereafter. At church on Sunday she hears Mr. Adams announce the wedding banns of Joseph and Fanny, and later in the day she summons the parson for a browbeating. She claims to oppose the marriage of the young lovers on the grounds that they will raise a family of beggars in the parish. When Adams refuses to cooperate with Lady Booby’s efforts to keep the lovers apart, Lady Booby summons a lawyer named Scout, who trumps up a legal pretext for preventing the marriage. Two days later Joseph and Fanny are brought before the Justice of the Peace, who is perfectly willing to acquiesce in Lady Booby’s plans.
  • 23. The arrival of Lady Booby’s nephew, Mr. Booby, and his new wife, who happens to be Joseph’s sister Pamela, thwarts the legal proceedings. Mr. Booby, not wanting anything to upset his young wife, intervenes in the case and springs her brother and Fanny. He then takes Joseph back to Booby Hall, while Fanny proceeds to the Adams home. The next day Lady Booby convinces Mr. Booby to join in her effort to dissuade Joseph from marrying Fanny. Meanwhile, Fanny takes a walk near Booby Hall and endures an assault by a diminutive gentleman named Beau Didapper; when the Beau fails to have his way with Fanny, he delegates the office to a servant and walks off. Fortunately, Joseph intervenes before the servant can get very far.
  • 24. Joseph and Fanny arrive at the Adams home, where Mr. Adams counsels Joseph to be moderate and rational in his attachment to his future wife. Just as Adams finishes his recommendation of stoical detachment, someone arrives to tell him that his youngest son, Dick, has just drowned in the river. Mr. Adams, not so detached, weeps copiously for his son, who fortunately comes running up to the house before long, having been rescued from the river by the same Pedlar who earlier redeemed the travelers from one of their inns. Adams rejoices and once again thanks the Pedlar, then resumes counseling Joseph to avoid passionate attachments. Joseph attempts to point out to Adams his own inconsistency, but to no avail.
  • 25. Meanwhile, Lady Booby is plotting to use Beau Didapper to come between Joseph and Fanny. She takes him, along with Mr. Booby and Pamela, to the Adams household, where the Beau attempts to fondle Fanny and incurs the wrath of Joseph. When the assembled Boobys suggest to Joseph that he is wasting his time on the milkmaid, Joseph departs with his betrothed, vowing to have nothing more to do with any relations who will not accept Fanny. Joseph, Fanny, the Pedlar, and the Adamses all dine together at an alehouse that night.
  • 26. There, the Pedlar reveals that he has discovered that Fanny is in fact the long-lost daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrews, which would make her the sister of Joseph and thereby not eligible to be his wife. Back at Booby Hall, Lady Booby rejoices to learn that Joseph and Fanny have been discovered to be siblings. Everyone then gathers at the Hall, where Mr. Booby advises everyone to remain calm and withhold judgment until the next day, when Mr. and Mrs. Andrews will arrive and presumably will clear things up. Late that night, hi-jinx ensue as Beau Didapper seeks Fanny’s bed but ends up in Mrs. Slipslop’s. Slipslop screams for help, bringing Mr. Adams, who mistakenly attacks Slipslop while the Beau gets away.
  • 27. Lady Booby then arrives to find Adams and Slipslop in bed together, but the confusion dissipates before long and Adams makes his way back toward his room. Unfortunately, a wrong turn brings him to Fanny’s room, where he sleeps until morning, when Joseph discovers the parson and the milkmaid in bed together. After being briefly angry, Joseph concludes that Adams simply made a wrong turn in the night. Once Adams has left them alone, the apparent siblings vow that if they turn out really to be siblings, they will both remain perpetually celibate. Later that morning Mr. and Mrs. Andrews arrive, and soon it emerges that Fanny is indeed their daughter, stolen from her cradle; what also emerges, however, is that Joseph is not really their son but the changeling baby they received in place of Fanny.
  • 28. The Pedlar suddenly thinks of the Wilson family, who long ago lost a child with a distinctive birth-mark on his chest, and it so happens that Joseph bears just such a distinctive birth-mark. Mr. Wilson himself is luckily coming through the gate of Booby Hall at that very moment, so the reunion between father and son takes place on the spot. Everyone except Lady Booby then proceeds to Mr. Booby’s country estate, and on the ride over Joseph and Fanny make their wedding arrangements. After the wedding, the newlyweds settle near the Wilsons. Mr. Booby dispenses a small fortune to Fanny, a valuable clerical living to Mr. Adams, and a job as excise-man to the Pedlar. Lady Booby returns to a life of flirtation in London.