This document provides instructions for a psychology exam consisting of three sections: Psychopathology, Psychology in Action, and Psychological Research and Scientific Method. Candidates must choose one topic for the first two sections and answer all associated questions for that topic. The third section contains questions covering research methods that all candidates must answer. The exam is 2 hours long and candidates should write in black ink in a 16-page answer booklet.
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PSYA4 June 2010
1. General Certificate of Education
Advanced Level Examination
June 2010
Psychology (Specification A) PSYA4
Unit 4 Psychopathology, Psychology in Action
and Research Methods
Wednesday 30 June 2010 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm
For this paper you must have:
a 16-page answer book.
Time allowed
2 hours
Use black ink or black ball-point pen.
Write the information required on the front of your answer book. The Examining Body for this
paper is AQA. The Paper Reference is PSYA4.
In Section A, choose one topic. Answer all questions on the topic you choose.
Where appropriate, refer to theories and/or studies.
In Section B, choose one topic. Answer all questions on the topic you choose.
Where appropriate, refer to theories and/or studies, approaches, issues and debates.
In Section C, you should answer all questions.
Do all rough work in the answer book. Cross through any work you do not want to be marked.
The marks for questions are shown in brackets.
The maximum mark for this paper is 85.
In Section A and in Section B, you will be marked on your ability to:
– use good English
– organise information clearly
– use specialist vocabulary where appropriate.
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Section A Psychopathology
Choose one topic from Section A. Answer all questions on the topic you choose.
Each topic carries 25 marks.
Where appropriate, refer to theories and/or studies.
Topic: Schizophrenia
0 1 ‘In an important and influential criticism of the diagnosis of mental illness,
Rosenhan (1973) showed that healthy ‘pseudopatients’ could gain admission to
psychiatric hospital by pretending to have auditory hallucinations. Although systems of
classification and diagnosis have changed considerably since the 1970s, many people
still have concerns about their accuracy and appropriateness.’
Discuss issues surrounding the classification and diagnosis of schizophrenia.
(9 marks + 16 marks)
Topic: Depression
0 2 Outline at least one biological explanation of depression and at least one psychological
explanation of depression. (9 marks)
0 3 Evaluate biological and psychological explanations of depression. (16 marks)
Topic: Anxiety Disorders
0 4 Outline clinical characteristics of one anxiety disorder. (4 marks)
0 5 Briefly describe one psychological therapy for the anxiety disorder that you outlined in
your answer to 0 4 . (5 marks)
0 6 Evaluate psychological therapies for this anxiety disorder. (16 marks)
Turn over for the next section
Turn over
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Section B Psychology in Action
Choose one topic from Section B. Answer all questions on the topic you choose.
Each topic carries 25 marks.
Where appropriate, refer to theories and/or studies, approaches, issues and debates.
Topic: Media Psychology
0 7 ‘It has been suggested that people who watch violent media images may be encouraged
to imitate the violence. Television and film producers frequently reject this view.’
Discuss what psychological research has told us about some of the media influences on
anti-social behaviour. (5 marks + 6 marks)
0 8 A group of students has been asked to produce a short film to encourage more school
leavers to apply for science degree courses at university instead of arts-based courses.
Using your knowledge of psychological research into persuasion and attitude change,
identify some of the factors which the film-makers might take into account. (4 marks)
0 9 Explain how factors such as those you identified in your answer to 0 8 might help
to persuade young people to apply for particular courses. (10 marks)
Topic: The Psychology of Addictive Behaviour
1 0 ‘Sally is a young woman who puts herself down all the time. She thinks that she is
overweight and has started to diet. Like her parents and some of her friends, Sally
smokes cigarettes. Her smoking habit has recently become excessive and she is now
addicted to nicotine.’
Using your knowledge of the psychology of addictive behaviour, explain some of the
likely reasons why Sally has become addicted to smoking. (6 marks)
1 1 Outline the theory of reasoned action. (5 marks)
1 2 Outline two examples of public health interventions aimed at reducing addictive
behaviour. (4 marks)
1 3 Assess the effectiveness of public health interventions and/or legislation in reducing
addictive behaviour. (10 marks)
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Topic: Anomalistic Psychology
1 4 Explain what is meant by pseudoscience. (5 marks)
1 5 During a public demonstration of ‘psychic powers’, a psychologist witnessed what
appeared to be the ability of one person to read the thoughts of another.
Explain how the psychologist could use the Ganzfeld procedure to investigate this
apparent ability. (6 marks)
1 6 At the same event, the psychologist observed that many audience members appeared
impressed by, and expressed a belief in, the abilities of a psychic medium.
Outline two or more factors underlying belief in anomalous experience. (4 marks)
1 7 Consider how such factors can be used to understand belief in psychic mediumship.
(10 marks)
Turn over for the next section
Turn over
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Section C Psychological Research and Scientific Method
Answer all questions in this section.
This topic carries 35 marks.
Topic: Psychological Research and Scientific Method
1 8 Outline what is meant by the term peer review in psychological research. (2 marks)
1 9 Explain why peer review is important in psychological research. (5 marks)
Read the text below and answer questions 2 0 , 2 1 and 2 2 .
A psychologist was interested in looking at the effects of a restricted diet on psychological
functioning. A group of 20 healthy, young adult volunteers agreed to spend four weeks
in a research unit. They were kept warm and comfortable but given only water and small
amounts of plain food. They were able to socialise with one another and watch television,
but they had to keep to strict, set mealtimes and were not allowed to eat anything
between meals. The psychologist carried out various tests of emotional and cognitive
functioning during this four-week period. One area of interest for the psychologist was
the effect of the dietary restriction on the perception of food. He tested this by asking the
volunteers to draw pictures of food at the end of each week. When all the drawings had
been completed, the psychologist used content analysis to analyse them.
2 0 What is meant by the term content analysis? (1 mark)
2 1 Explain how the psychologist might have carried out content analysis to analyse these
drawings. (3 marks)
2 2 The psychologist needed to be sure that his participants understood the nature of the
study so that they were able to give informed consent.
Write a consent form which would be suitable for this study. Make sure there is
sufficient information about the study for the participants to make an informed decision.
(5 marks)
2 3 The psychologist was also interested in the effects of a restricted diet on memory
functioning and he expected memory to become impaired. The psychologist’s hypothesis
was that participants’ scores on a memory test are lower after a restricted diet than
before a restricted diet. He gave the volunteers a memory test when they first arrived in
the research unit and a similar test at the end of the four-week period. He recorded the
memory scores on both tests and analysed them using the Wilcoxon signed ranks test.
He set his significance level at 5%.
His calculated value was T = 53.
State whether the hypothesis for this study is directional or non-directional. (1 mark)
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2 4 Table 1: Extract from table of critical values from the Wilcoxon signed ranks test
Level of significance for a one-tailed test 0.05 0.025
Level of significance for a two-tailed test 0.1 0.05
N T≤
19 53 46
20 60 52
21 67 58
22 75 65
Calculated T must be equal to or less than the critical value (table value) for
significance at the level shown
Using Table 1, state whether or not the psychologist’s result was significant. Explain
your answer. (3 marks)
Read the text below and answer questions 2 5 to 2 8 .
A psychologist is using the observational method to look at verbal aggression in a group
of children with behavioural difficulties. Pairs of observers watch a single child in the
class for a period of one hour and note the number of verbally aggressive acts within
ten-minute time intervals. After seeing the first set of ratings, the psychologist becomes
concerned about the quality of inter-rater reliability. The tally chart for the two observers
is shown in Table 2.
Table 2: Observation of one child – number of verbally aggressive
acts in ten-minute time intervals
Time slots 0 – 10 11 – 20 21 – 30 31 – 40 41 – 50 51 – 60
Observer A 2 5 0 6 4 3
Observer B 4 3 2 1 6 5
2 5 Use the data in Table 2 to sketch a scattergram. Label the axes and give the
scattergram a title. (4 marks)
2 6 Using the data in Table 2, explain why the psychologist is concerned about inter-rater
reliability. (4 marks)
2 7 Identify an appropriate statistical test to check the inter-rater reliability of these two
observers. Explain why this is an appropriate test. (3 marks)
2 8 If the psychologist does find low reliability, what could she do to improve inter-rater
reliability before proceeding with the observational research? (4 marks)