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               Eighth SemesterB.E. Degree ExamiDation, May/Jutr€ 2010
                                   wireless Gommsnication

                             Notet   A^*et at! FIW full       queslions, sele.tiflg
                                     at ledst 1'WO questids lrom eoch pdrl.

         a.   Briefly exllain the dilferenl geneddonsofceliula s,stems                   O0Mrk!)
         b.                                          phone svsten) nelwork oleraiions for a mobile
     !        Dxplain the aMPS (advmced nobile
              orisinated   call.                                                                   (loMrrk)

              Vhat is the fuction of the visitor loqtion   eghter?                                 (0a       Msrk)
               ;ai e $e tunftons olLhe moorle qw: ch'Dc lenk (MsCr' wiil c necr blo(L didg-m.
              explaio ine conponents of lhe   Msc.                                                 (   l0    M   irk!)

E*       a.   Explain lhe difeEnces bdween cell splirring dd cell sectorins
!g       b.   Exilain thc concept of frobilny nmasemenl. with a neure. explain the
              nDdions pe.lomed by lhe lo.alion mmaeemenl
2a       c,   Wlite a note on nelwork secwiq.

         !.   Explain with a neal schehalic, the GSM .elturk inlerlaces      ed Prolools.
"-:      b.   Biefly €xplain fie GSM chmel concopl.

;E                                                PART       B

E!            Define MSiN. Wbal is the purpos of motile stalion          rcmuc       number? Also explain the

".,!          GsM call serup using lhe  MSRN,                                                          0 0   M'rk)
              Explain lhe TDMA concept. Hov n h implemente! in          CSM?                           0 0   M*k)

         a.   Explain with a neal diaslm, the n€twork nodes      foud   in a CDN,-A 2000


E!                                                                                                     (06   Mrrk)
                                                                          spectn& ft odulalion syslems.
                                                                                                       (10   Msrrs)
                                                                                                       (04   M8rLr)

                                                     a   Pietess LAN    ed   a   wir€l€ss PAN,

              Eighth Semestcr B.E. Degr€€ Extminrtion, Mavflur€ 2010
                                Embedded System Design

                           Notc Antuet dN FIVE Jall questiohs. Ylectilg
                                at least TwO q"estiohslrom eo.h Part.

                                                PART A
        a.   r ro drn re omon oensl meL.' olm embedded r:reF
        h uin      rhe.elb ol md!- rindoh..p'arn lime 'o rdNer dengr
             ps-entse ?lPrle lo-+.     he Doo;."s l: nrin'r' i r(15 d d
        c,   What de llE sreps involved in desi8nins an edbedded rystem2

        B Bycor.ider.trg,ne'mp'col.. D ep'a'r ISVD dd.r. oblrmra or.
        b. ihd . a "ire'e prryJse prc.e$o. rra' a-e rh'be'c:N ol cloa'ng, .'lg'e brmoe
           po.e*orover d eele_ar pu?o.e p_ocer.or'
':s     c t n, e a C-vOs I r.Jo- impled.nkriol ol l)Nro:'iiorca'c.
        a. Explain the basic dclitecture olgcneralpulose pmce$or                lloMrrk)
        b. Explain the diifere.t tooh alailable in IDE                          (0sMrikl
        c.   As an embedded designerhas do you selccl a up for designins a edbedded        svsien,

        a.   Explain: i)Temimlcounl :        P e' Jer                                            to6      Mek)
                                          'i                                  tiner. Explain bdeflv
        b.   Meilion sy two applications for titoer, couder    and satching
:!                                                                                               (06      M.rki)
        c v      e a shotr note on   UAR1.                                                      (03      mrk)
tn                                                 PARI _ B
             Explain how   Dc motor is conlrolled using pm
                           a                                     Ectnique.            (10 M'rk)

             In;ucce$ile apprcximatio!, ADc calculare lhe cotrecl encodins of5v given a ealog
             signal whose vg rmges fton o to I 5V dd & 8 bn dignal   encoding.        (r M'rk)        0
        a.    Conpose lK * 8 ROM       ioa2K*I6ROM.
        6.    Explain the diilecot cache mapping lechriques.
ad;     c.    wrile a note on OT? ROM.

        a.    Ho*   0 imase is captued by CCD?
        b.    Explain the diferent potocols used

                     Eighth Semester B.E. DegrGe Examinetion, May/Jur€2010
                                    Blomedical Signal Piocessing

                                  Nore, A$wer aa! FIVE            ta
                                                              questiots, selecrins
                                        dt least TWO qqestio,s hom eoch pa,L
     i                                                      PART A
               a.   Explain lhc folloRine bionedical sienaG Draw         $c wavefoms        and Bive lhe lrequ.ncv
                    mces ielNml to these sicmls
    B               i)     Ecc
                    10 EEG                                                                                  (03   M*k)
 ,!                 wilh the help of a blek diaerM, cxplah fie objecrives of biom€di"al .iend         *lvi:;_k)
                    Explain llnee dilflcullies encoule@d in bionedicol siSnal malysh        dd   acquisition.
!*                                                                                                          (06   M,rkl
                    Stanirp lion hesh equalions of poteniial difleEnces between the limbs fu{, LA dd LL.
E*                  dcrive the expressio.s lor aVR, aVL dd avE. Also Epres. ielaiio,5hips betseen lhese
g5                  srMdard md suSmenred leads !ohase.
                    trrhar @ rhe two tvles oI eleclmdes nsed in ECGz r/hich oflheh ,, ,oru,"t ,Yu
IE                                                                                                                ,,.*",
                    D6* a diagrm ro iUnstlare lhe ehclrcde piacenenls for lhe &an} vCC lead syslen. Aho
Z1                  wite the resistor neiworl for conbini.C lhe body sutface potenlial 10 produce fie three tine
                    varyinsslal,rleadsoftheft lvCGleadsysieD.
               a.   If rLe oublt sequence of a disnd fille! h { l. 3, 2) in Espons ro   a uir iDpulse, what is rhe
ei                  rransfer frhcrion of fih nher? DBw lhe poles md 4toes                of this tansfer fucdon
                    wnai   m   rhe advanhses   oldicilal filles over analog filleN? Exllain.

ES                  rhe z-rnnsfod ofa ther is        HA:=!lu.'..')             whar is ils (i) mplitude respone,

                    ii) phas respoBe, iii)   di1fffie     equation?

!3                  With a block diaere and releht
1t                  Wn.l rc the advutases ol        adaptive
                    orisin for Bins rhe adgpdve lillers.
E'                  vhal de the difiiculties encounteEd in

          5 a.      showfiat sigal aveEcins inprcvcs lhe SNRby a facrorof           16, whm n         is lhe Nmbe!    of
               b.   Under {hal noise orditiotu     ,ill
                                                     signal aveoeirg fail lo @prove th.        SNRz
                                                                                                  (05 Mrrk)
               c.   In a sienal a!@grng applicalion,lhe @plitud. ofmconelated ndise is iniiially 16lines              d
                    ldee 6 lhe sie.al dplitude. Eow mdy saeels nul be 3vfrged to eive a rcsulti4 signsl-

                        Eighth S€b.ster B.E. Desrec ExaDination. May/June2010

                                Notet   1. Atsw.r an! FIW Ju qaestio,s. sele.tit?
                                           d tdst TWO queslions l.on each ?un
                                        2. Use of Erkrls tabl. a owed.
                                                      TART - A
                   with Elelel tgures, exllain GSM?LMN-. What ee its objeclives bd seRices?      (03   Mrkl)
         :         lvith a neat block dias6n, explain nrlpins ofcsM on to osl hyos               (07   Mrks)
                   Vrile a nole on MS subsynem                                                   (05   Mlrks)
             a.    $rhat a( lhe future lechniques lo ieduce inte,ler.ncc in csM?
             b.    Calculate dre nmb€r of calls requiEd Nirh
                   i)   Nolml anlema and ii) A'laprilc may anletuahaving fouelenenls   aor rhe
                   data ,(Asme hexagotul ceu)
    i,              Cov€rage ea               = 6o,O00ni1e,
                                        {id1h = 12.5 MHz.
                    Ore - say system band
                   chmel sp&ing               =21okF,z
                   FEquency reuse facloi      =4
                   MS otrtput power           = 800 nW
                   BS elema gain              =2l]dB
:!                 Recei,e cablc/comedor loss = 2dB
g:                 MS temgai.                 =odB
                   Requned S/I rado           = 12dB
                   Inlomation are             =271kbFs
                   Recei,( nolse 6snre        = 7 dB
'6e                PmpagatioD lath loss cxponenr    =4
?B                 Onenile path lossinte(epl        =80d8
E$                 Loenomal    fadingndgin          = t0dB
                   KT                               = l?4dBn/rlz
             a.   Explain ysious busls usd in CSM, with th,jqtr.etdjagBms.
:;           b.   DerfliDe rle robrir.denrl:c
             c    -rp.ail rFd,raenlDprioi fted    od Fcd   irpsM
             a Ir       tl.cpeelh.odi4e nelhodssdexotai, Lieatuibr,eso. !p"e(h.ode
::           b.   Eplain wilh LilunELion, wo rinE ollltl rair   i   oder.
             .    Wdreihofr note.n rnr T$nd;.n.

                                                     PART        B
             a    Explain ncssage ,ow disgre foi catl sct up by Dobile srarion.
E            b.   Descdbe intr!,MSC nMd.!d in csM

6 a. Nde all the dala Fdccs provided by GSM n rwork. Exptain SMS ir bdefwitt rcleva
     6gur6.                                                                   (osM,rb)
  b. Erllain the caU ,ow for tokm bed resistElion.                            (0z M'rk)
  c, Vha! @ tne secuily.lgo hns ued in cSM? Explain lhem biefly.              105Mitu)
7 a. wlate the frctos considered fordesisnoiawireless srstem?                 @aM.rks)
  b, wnle shon noteor spellal €fiici€ncyofwnebss system.                      (0sM,iks)
  c L rerhe roJomsd".d o-dGsMs)sencdtluure
     i) Ave6sebusy hou lralfic per suberiber
     ii) TEmc capacity per cell
     iii) RequiEd nmbd of BSs per &ne ed lhe heEsonal cell ndis for the zone.

        Subsdibq uage per month
                                                                   = 5 Ml:tz
                                                                   = 1^2


       GEfiic capacity of a s{tor   ar 2% GoS   for l6   chmls     = 9.82)
                                                                                               (03   Mrrk)
s a.   lrftdr deLI.e fie TAI lar.6 m VlOlOr Fiplon      t.   p..rnenr   LnEe --N,iN   lay6
   b. wrd re rhe nmgmem ftqui.nenrs ror a wn€bss nerwo,*r                                      [:H:[]
   c. Explain sinplned TMN physioal archftatu€ sith necessory diasm                            (06   M!rk)
Uslng rh. TP algorithm, seiecl the smFles to be stoEd from the dEla:
                         {15, 10,6,7,5.3,7,7, 10, 12}
     Explain rhe relelanr mathenatical ed logical equalion and also shov the lable lor choosing
     dre   sampl6.                                                                    (03   Mirk)
     Explain the meeing oflosless and    lo$,   daB comprcsion.   risl lhe alsori ms undei   both
     these                                                                            (06   M.*!)
     w,](aqy,aqk-iltlltr{.:ediAcdqutto3(qqdi{L                                        Q(tteti

..   wilh the help of a diagim of m ECC sigml with tokeN md of stale
     erpbrn rdrooab baed mplakoa..hinB olQRSdmjon
b.   wilh lhe help ofa 6lock diagm showing various nlters involved, explain
c.   In a moving windov intesaioi of lhe QRs deleclion 3lgoithn. ho* should the widlh or
     window be.hor.? $ftal e the er{ts ofchoosing a window widlh thlt is 1oo ldge or t@
     small? Explain with the help of ! dias@.                                  (06 Mrk)

a.   wilh a block diagdm explai. rhe portabk mbdmia nonilor.
b.   Describe the diferences berween a goe6l purlose nicrcptucessor and DSPS.
c.   Den.e lhe folowins Iems:
      i)   PaEllel processing
      ii)  Bir serial prcc.ssins.

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  • 1. 06fc8l Eighth SemesterB.E. Degree ExamiDation, May/Jutr€ 2010 wireless Gommsnication Notet A^*et at! FIW full queslions, sele.tiflg at ledst 1'WO questids lrom eoch pdrl. PART-A a. Briefly exllain the dilferenl geneddonsofceliula s,stems O0Mrk!) b. phone svsten) nelwork oleraiions for a mobile ! Dxplain the aMPS (advmced nobile orisinated call. (loMrrk) Vhat is the fuction of the visitor loqtion eghter? (0a Msrk) l-platrthepuroo"eolElobJdllerds'obalu.udlar,onlora.d.Ll&').rn.'06Mrtu' ;ai e $e tunftons olLhe moorle qw: ch'Dc lenk (MsCr' wiil c necr blo(L didg-m. explaio ine conponents of lhe Msc. ( l0 M irk!) E* a. Explain lhe difeEnces bdween cell splirring dd cell sectorins !g b. Exilain thc concept of frobilny nmasemenl. with a neure. explain the nDdions pe.lomed by lhe lo.alion mmaeemenl 2a c, Wlite a note on nelwork secwiq. !. Explain with a neal schehalic, the GSM .elturk inlerlaces ed Prolools. "-: b. Biefly €xplain fie GSM chmel concopl. ;E PART B E! Define MSiN. Wbal is the purpos of motile stalion rcmuc number? Also explain the ".,! GsM call serup using lhe MSRN, 0 0 M'rk) Explain lhe TDMA concept. Hov n h implemente! in CSM? 0 0 M*k) a. Explain with a neal diaslm, the n€twork nodes foud in a CDN,-A 2000 9.; ..^.', E! (06 Mrrk) spectn& ft odulalion syslems. (10 Msrrs) (04 M8rLr) i; a Pietess LAN ed a wir€l€ss PAN, E
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  • 3. 05EC834 USN Eighth Semester B.E. DegrGe Examinetion, May/Jur€2010 Blomedical Signal Piocessing Nore, A$wer aa! FIVE ta questiots, selecrins dt least TWO qqestio,s hom eoch pa,L r i PART A a. Explain lhc folloRine bionedical sienaG Draw $c wavefoms and Bive lhe lrequ.ncv mces ielNml to these sicmls B i) Ecc 10 EEG (03 M*k) ,! wilh the help of a blek diaerM, cxplah fie objecrives of biom€di"al .iend *lvi:;_k) Explain llnee dilflcullies encoule@d in bionedicol siSnal malysh dd acquisition. !* (06 M,rkl i*:: Stanirp lion hesh equalions of poteniial difleEnces between the limbs fu{, LA dd LL. E* dcrive the expressio.s lor aVR, aVL dd avE. Also Epres. ielaiio,5hips betseen lhese g5 srMdard md suSmenred leads !ohase. trrhar @ rhe two tvles oI eleclmdes nsed in ECGz r/hich oflheh ,, ,oru,"t ,Yu IE ,,.*", D6* a diagrm ro iUnstlare lhe ehclrcde piacenenls for lhe &an} vCC lead syslen. Aho Z1 wite the resistor neiworl for conbini.C lhe body sutface potenlial 10 produce fie three tine varyinsslal,rleadsoftheft lvCGleadsysieD. AE a. If rLe oublt sequence of a disnd fille! h { l. 3, 2) in Espons ro a uir iDpulse, what is rhe ei rransfer frhcrion of fih nher? DBw lhe poles md 4toes of this tansfer fucdon wnai m rhe advanhses oldicilal filles over analog filleN? Exllain. ES rhe z-rnnsfod ofa ther is HA:=!lu.'..') whar is ils (i) mplitude respone, ii) phas respoBe, iii) di1fffie equation? E? !3 With a block diaere and releht 1t Wn.l rc the advutases ol adaptive orisin for Bins rhe adgpdve lillers. E' vhal de the difiiculties encounteEd in :. 5 a. showfiat sigal aveEcins inprcvcs lhe SNRby a facrorof 16, whm n is lhe Nmbe! of € b. Under {hal noise orditiotu ,ill signal aveoeirg fail lo @prove th. SNRz (05 Mrrk) c. In a sienal a!@grng applicalion,lhe @plitud. ofmconelated ndise is iniiially 16lines d ldee 6 lhe sie.al dplitude. Eow mdy saeels nul be 3vfrged to eive a rcsulti4 signsl-
  • 4. 06EC844 Eighth S€b.ster B.E. Desrec ExaDination. May/June2010 GSM Notet 1. Atsw.r an! FIW Ju qaestio,s. sele.tit? d tdst TWO queslions l.on each ?un 2. Use of Erkrls tabl. a owed. € TART - A E with Elelel tgures, exllain GSM?LMN-. What ee its objeclives bd seRices? (03 Mrkl) : lvith a neat block dias6n, explain nrlpins ofcsM on to osl hyos (07 Mrks) Vrile a nole on MS subsynem (05 Mlrks) a-B a. $rhat a( lhe future lechniques lo ieduce inte,ler.ncc in csM? b. Calculate dre nmb€r of calls requiEd Nirh i) Nolml anlema and ii) A'laprilc may anletuahaving fouelenenls aor rhe data ,(Asme hexagotul ceu) i, Cov€rage ea = 6o,O00ni1e, {id1h = 12.5 MHz. Ore - say system band chmel sp&ing =21okF,z FEquency reuse facloi =4 MS otrtput power = 800 nW BS elema gain =2l]dB :! Recei,e cablc/comedor loss = 2dB g: MS temgai. =odB Requned S/I rado = 12dB Inlomation are =271kbFs Recei,( nolse 6snre = 7 dB '6e PmpagatioD lath loss cxponenr =4 ?B Onenile path lossinte(epl =80d8 E$ Loenomal fadingndgin = t0dB KT = l?4dBn/rlz a. Explain ysious busls usd in CSM, with th,jqtr.etdjagBms. :; b. DerfliDe rle robrir.denrl:c c -rp.ail rFd,raenlDprioi fted od Fcd irpsM a Ir tl.cpeelh.odi4e nelhodssdexotai, Lieatuibr,eso. !p"e(h.ode :: b. Eplain wilh LilunELion, wo rinE ollltl rair i oder. . Wdreihofr note.n rnr T$nd;.n. PART B a Explain ncssage ,ow disgre foi catl sct up by Dobile srarion. E b. Descdbe intr!,MSC nMd.!d in csM
  • 5. 06EC844 6 a. Nde all the dala Fdccs provided by GSM n rwork. Exptain SMS ir bdefwitt rcleva 6gur6. (osM,rb) b. Erllain the caU ,ow for tokm bed resistElion. (0z M'rk) c, Vha! @ tne secuily.lgo hns ued in cSM? Explain lhem biefly. 105Mitu) 7 a. wlate the frctos considered fordesisnoiawireless srstem? @aM.rks) b, wnle shon noteor spellal €fiici€ncyofwnebss system. (0sM,iks) c L rerhe roJomsd".d o-dGsMs)sencdtluure i) Ave6sebusy hou lralfic per suberiber ii) TEmc capacity per cell iii) RequiEd nmbd of BSs per &ne ed lhe heEsonal cell ndis for the zone. Subsdibq uage per month =24 =5 = 5 Ml:tz = 1^2 =60,000 GEfiic capacity of a s{tor ar 2% GoS for l6 chmls = 9.82) (03 Mrrk) s a. lrftdr deLI.e fie TAI lar.6 m VlOlOr Fiplon t. p..rnenr LnEe --N,iN lay6 b. wrd re rhe nmgmem ftqui.nenrs ror a wn€bss nerwo,*r [:H:[] c. Explain sinplned TMN physioal archftatu€ sith necessory diasm (06 M!rk)
  • 6. Uslng rh. TP algorithm, seiecl the smFles to be stoEd from the dEla: {15, 10,6,7,5.3,7,7, 10, 12} Explain rhe relelanr mathenatical ed logical equalion and also shov the lable lor choosing dre sampl6. (03 Mirk) Explain the meeing oflosless and lo$, daB comprcsion. risl lhe alsori ms undei both meihods. these (06 M.*!) w,](aqy,aqk-iltlltr{.:ediAcdqutto3(qqdi{L Q(tteti .. wilh the help of a diagim of m ECC sigml with tokeN md of stale erpbrn rdrooab baed mplakoa..hinB olQRSdmjon b. wilh lhe help ofa 6lock diagm showing various nlters involved, explain theEcGsi$al. c. In a moving windov intesaioi of lhe QRs deleclion 3lgoithn. ho* should the widlh or window be.hor.? $ftal e the er{ts ofchoosing a window widlh thlt is 1oo ldge or t@ small? Explain with the help of ! dias@. (06 Mrk) a. wilh a block diagdm explai. rhe portabk mbdmia nonilor. b. Describe the diferences berween a goe6l purlose nicrcptucessor and DSPS. c. Den.e lhe folowins Iems: i) PaEllel processing ii) Bir serial prcc.ssins.