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JUnit 4
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 2
JUnit is an open source Java testing framework
It is used to write and run repeatable tests by
Testing done by JUnit is called Unit Testing.
JUnit was originally written by Erich Gamma and
Kent Beck.
Test A Class – AccountService
 Lets have a Class that
provides Account Services
 Here are methods to
perform account services.
o add
o delete
o update
o get
o list
o getBalance
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 3
+list() : List
+getBalance() : double
Conventional Testing Approach
 Write test in the main method
 public class TestAccount {
o public static void main(String[] args) {
 AccountDTO dto = new AccountDTO();
 dto.setId(1);
 dto.setNumber("SB123456");
 dto.setName("sunRays Technologies");
 dto.setBalance(10000);
 AccountService.add(dto); //Test#1
 AccountService.update(dto); //Test#2
 AccountService.delete(dto); //Test#3
 dto = AccountService.get(1); //Test#4
o }
 }
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 4
Problem ?
 AccountService.add(dto); //Test#1
 AccountService.update(dto); //Test#2
 AccountService.delete(dto); //Test#3
 dto = AccountService.get(1); //Test#4
 Any exception on any Test will
terminate subsequent tests from the
 Say if Test#2 has exception then
Test#3 and Test#4 will not be
executed. If Test#1 has exception then
Test#2,#3, and #4 will not be executed.
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 5
JUnit Framework.
Prepare Test Programs.
Test program is called
One Model/Service class will
have one JUnit Testcase.
Testing is called Unit Testing.
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 6
What is Unit Testcase
A Unit Testcase is a test program to test a
Usecase functionality.
A Testcase tests the response of a single
method to a particular set of input.
Unit Testcases are written and run by
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 7
What is JUnit
JUnit is an open source Java testing
It is used to write and run repeatable tests
by Developers.
Testing done by JUnit is called Unit Testing.
JUnit was originally written by Erich Gamma
and Kent Beck.
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 8
Features of JUnit
Fail and Assertion methods to test expected
Test suites to execute multiple test cases
Graphical and textual test runners.
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 9
Version 4.0
Current version is 4.x.
Supports Annotations.
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 10
What is regression testing
When you test new functionality along with
old functionality, is called regression testing.
Suppose you recently have developed
fundTransfer() method, when you test
openAccount(), deposit() and
withdraw() methods along with newly
created fundTransfer() method then it is
called regression testing.
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 11
Add testcase
 public class AccountServiceTestcase {
o @Test
o public void testAdd() {
 AccountDTO dto = new AccountDTO();
 dto.setId(1);
 dto.setNumber("SB123456");
 AccountService.add(dto);
 dto = AccountService.get(1);
 // If DTO is null then record is not added and testcase is fail
 if(dto == null){
 fail("Account is NOT added");
 }
o }
 }
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 12
Add testcase assert
 public class AccountServiceTestcase {
o @Test
o public void testAdd() {
 AccountDTO dto = new AccountDTO();
 dto.setId(1);
 dto.setNumber("SB123456");
 AccountService.add(dto);
 dto = AccountService.get(1);
 // If DTO is null then record is not added and testcase is fail
 assertNull("Account is NOT deleted", dto);
o }
 }
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 13
Delete testcase assert
 public class AccountServiceTestcase {
o @Test
o public void testDelete() {
 AccountDTO dto = new AccountDTO();
 dto.setId(1);
 AccountService.delete(dto);
 dto = AccountService.get(1);
 // If DTO is NOT null then record is not deleted and testcase is fail
 assertNotNull("Account is NOT deleted", dto);
o }
 }
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 14
Assert Methods
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 15
 @Test: public void method, annotated by this
annotation is run as test case.
 @Ignore: It is used to temporary disable a test or group of
tests to be executed. If a class is annotated by @Ignore
then all test methods of this class will be ignored.
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 16
Lifecycle Methods
A JUnit class may contain life-cycle
These methods are defined by following
o @BeforeClass
o @AfterClass
o @Before
o @After
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 17
JUnit LifeCycle
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 18
Life Cycle Annotation
 @BeforeClass: An annotated public static void no-
argument method will be executed before execution of any
test method in the class.
 @AfterClass: An annotated public static void no-
argument method will be executed after all test methods of
this class are executed.
 @Before: this method will be called before each test
method in the Class.
 @After: this method will be called after each test method
in the Class.
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 19
Test Suite
A test suite is a collection of test cases.
A test runner is software that runs tests and
reports results.
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 20
Test Suite
 public class AllTests {
 public static TestSuite getSuite() {
o TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(“Test All ");
o suite.addTestSuite(AccountServiceTestcase.class);
o suite.addTestSuite(UserServiceTestcase.class);
o return suite;
 }
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 21
Test Runner
public static void main(String args[]){
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 22
JUnit Dependency
o junit-4.12.jar
Maven Dependency
o <dependency>
 <groupId>junit</groupId>
 <artifactId>junit</artifactId>
 <version>4.12</version>
o </dependency>
03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 23
This is an educational presentation to enhance the
skill of computer science students.
This presentation is available for free to computer
science students.
Some internet images from different URLs are
used in this presentation to simplify technical
examples and correlate examples with the real
We are grateful to owners of these URLs and
www.SunilOS.com 2403/17/16
Thank You!
www.SunilOS.com 25

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JUnit 4

  • 2. 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 2 Introduction JUnit is an open source Java testing framework It is used to write and run repeatable tests by Developers. Testing done by JUnit is called Unit Testing. JUnit was originally written by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck.
  • 3. Test A Class – AccountService  Lets have a Class that provides Account Services  Here are methods to perform account services. o add o delete o update o get o list o getBalance 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 3 AccountService +add(dto) +update(dto) +delete(dto) +get(id) +list() : List +getBalance() : double AccountDTO +accssor +id +number +name +type +balance
  • 4. Conventional Testing Approach  Write test in the main method  public class TestAccount { o public static void main(String[] args) {  AccountDTO dto = new AccountDTO();  dto.setId(1);  dto.setNumber("SB123456");  dto.setName("sunRays Technologies");  dto.setBalance(10000);  AccountService.add(dto); //Test#1  AccountService.update(dto); //Test#2  AccountService.delete(dto); //Test#3  dto = AccountService.get(1); //Test#4 o }  } 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 4
  • 5. Problem ?  AccountService.add(dto); //Test#1  AccountService.update(dto); //Test#2  AccountService.delete(dto); //Test#3  dto = AccountService.get(1); //Test#4  Any exception on any Test will terminate subsequent tests from the execution.  Say if Test#2 has exception then Test#3 and Test#4 will not be executed. If Test#1 has exception then Test#2,#3, and #4 will not be executed. 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 5
  • 6. Solution JUnit Framework. Prepare Test Programs. Test program is called Testcase. One Model/Service class will have one JUnit Testcase. Testing is called Unit Testing. 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 6
  • 7. What is Unit Testcase A Unit Testcase is a test program to test a Usecase functionality. A Testcase tests the response of a single method to a particular set of input. Unit Testcases are written and run by Developers. 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 7
  • 8. What is JUnit JUnit is an open source Java testing framework It is used to write and run repeatable tests by Developers. Testing done by JUnit is called Unit Testing. JUnit was originally written by Erich Gamma and Kent Beck. 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 8
  • 9. Features of JUnit Fail and Assertion methods to test expected results. Test suites to execute multiple test cases together. Graphical and textual test runners. 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 9
  • 10. Version 4.0 Current version is 4.x. Supports Annotations. 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 10
  • 11. What is regression testing When you test new functionality along with old functionality, is called regression testing. Suppose you recently have developed fundTransfer() method, when you test openAccount(), deposit() and withdraw() methods along with newly created fundTransfer() method then it is called regression testing. 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 11
  • 12. Add testcase  public class AccountServiceTestcase { o @Test o public void testAdd() {  AccountDTO dto = new AccountDTO();  dto.setId(1);  dto.setNumber("SB123456");  AccountService.add(dto);  dto = AccountService.get(1);  // If DTO is null then record is not added and testcase is fail  if(dto == null){  fail("Account is NOT added");  } o }  } 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 12
  • 13. Add testcase assert  public class AccountServiceTestcase { o @Test o public void testAdd() {  AccountDTO dto = new AccountDTO();  dto.setId(1);  dto.setNumber("SB123456");  AccountService.add(dto);  dto = AccountService.get(1);  // If DTO is null then record is not added and testcase is fail  assertNull("Account is NOT deleted", dto); o }  } 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 13
  • 14. Delete testcase assert  public class AccountServiceTestcase { o @Test o public void testDelete() {  AccountDTO dto = new AccountDTO();  dto.setId(1);  AccountService.delete(dto);  dto = AccountService.get(1);  // If DTO is NOT null then record is not deleted and testcase is fail  assertNotNull("Account is NOT deleted", dto); o }  } 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 14
  • 16. Annotations  @Test: public void method, annotated by this annotation is run as test case.  @Ignore: It is used to temporary disable a test or group of tests to be executed. If a class is annotated by @Ignore then all test methods of this class will be ignored. 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 16
  • 17. Lifecycle Methods A JUnit class may contain life-cycle methods. These methods are defined by following annotations. o @BeforeClass o @AfterClass o @Before o @After 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 17
  • 19. Life Cycle Annotation  @BeforeClass: An annotated public static void no- argument method will be executed before execution of any test method in the class.  @AfterClass: An annotated public static void no- argument method will be executed after all test methods of this class are executed.  @Before: this method will be called before each test method in the Class.  @After: this method will be called after each test method in the Class. 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 19
  • 20. Test Suite A test suite is a collection of test cases. A test runner is software that runs tests and reports results. 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 20
  • 21. Test Suite  public class AllTests {  public static TestSuite getSuite() { o TestSuite suite = new TestSuite(“Test All "); o suite.addTestSuite(AccountServiceTestcase.class); o suite.addTestSuite(UserServiceTestcase.class); o return suite;  } 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 21
  • 22. Test Runner public static void main(String args[]){ junit.textui.TestRunner.run(getSuite()); } 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 22
  • 23. JUnit Dependency Jar o junit-4.12.jar Maven Dependency o <dependency>  <groupId>junit</groupId>  <artifactId>junit</artifactId>  <version>4.12</version> o </dependency> 03/17/16 www.SunilOS.com 23
  • 24. Disclaimer This is an educational presentation to enhance the skill of computer science students. This presentation is available for free to computer science students. Some internet images from different URLs are used in this presentation to simplify technical examples and correlate examples with the real world. We are grateful to owners of these URLs and pictures. www.SunilOS.com 2403/17/16