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Just Words


 1. Come in quietly and take your seat
 2. Place materials on desk
 3. Take out HW assignment
 4. Write down HW assignment in
  agenda book.
 5. Begin “JUST START!”
DO NOW: Just Start! (3 min)

 1. Open your Student
                                Why is it important to
  Challenge Books to My          chart your progress?
  Progress Section.
                                To monitor our strengths
 2. We will chart your
                                 and weakness in reading
  progress together from         and spelling words
  your first progress check.
 Explain: This chart will
  tell us if you have
  difficulty with high
  frequency words or
  phonetic words.

 By the end of the lesson, SWBAT:

 1. read, tap, skywrite 5 words with bonus
 …80% of the time as measured by a
  progress check.
PRIDE scholars, hit it!!

 Vocabulary, vocabulary
  how many words do you
 We’ll have power to read
  in Just Words class
 Here we go!!
I DO: Teacher Build Words hide
 TEACH BONUS LETTERS                            ASK: When do f, l and s get bonus
 WORD: mis                                         letters at the end of the word?
 EXPLAIN: this word has 3 sounds                  WORDS: smell & sniff
    but it needs another letter.                   ASK: Who can tap the word -?
   ASK: Who can guess what letter it is?           …Wonderful!
    S… great!                                      ASK: How many letters does the
   EXPLAIN: the 2nd letter s does not              word – have? How many taps does it
    get a sound and does not get tapped.            get? Why?...Fantastic!
   ASK: Who can tap the word with 3               WORD: shelf
    taps and read it aloud?                        EXPLAIN: notice that the l comes
   EXPLAIN: I want you to remember                 after a short vowel but does not
    that f, l, and s all get bonus letters at       come with a bonus letter.
    the end of the word if they follow a           ASK: Who can guess why? Because
    short vowel.                                    the word has a digraph, the l is part
   ASK: Who can tell me again what the             of a blend so no bonus letter is
    3 letters are which get bonus letters           added.
    at the end of the word when they
    follow a short vowel?
WE DO: Mark Words hide
 EXPLAIN: the letter z         EXPLAIN: Now we mark
  sometimes gets a bonus         up bonus letters with a star
  letter and sometimes does      over the bonus letter. Let’s
  not. It is a “bonus letter     have an example…
  wanna be” because z wants     ASK: I need a volunteer to
  to be a bonus letter too.      come up and mark the
 ASK: Can you give me an        bonus letter in the word –
  example? buzz & quiz          WORDS:
 ASK: Let’s review how we       miss, staff, spill
  mark up words. Long vowel     ASK: why do these words
  sound? Short vowel sound?      have bonus letters?
  Digraph? Blends?               Because the letters s, f, and
  …Fantastic!!                   l come after a short vowel
                                 and do not have a digraph
                                 that is part of a blend.
YOU DO! hide
 EXPLAIN: Like doctors
  who are doing surgery in
  the emergency room, let us
  dissect these words: thrill
 ASK: Who wants to come
  and mark up this word on
  the board?...Great job!!
 ASK: Notice that we have a
  digraph here, why do we
  still need to add an extra l?
  We add a bonus letter
  when a word ends with a
  vowel followed by an
  f, l, or s that is not part of
  a blend.

 Explain: We will be         Instruct: 1. Please take
 doing a progress check at     out your Student
 the beginning of every        Challenge Book.
 Unit to see your             2. Find Unit 3 Progress
 strengths and                 Check page
 weaknesses. Don’t worry      3. You need to fold back
 if you make                   your answers on this
 mistakes, you will get        page.
 better and better as we
                              Ready? (dictation page
 go on practicing and
 learning Just Words!          90 of Instructor’s
Progress Check

 Explain: Now let’s open the     YOU DO:
    page so you’ll see the        Circle the correctly spelled
    answers.                         high frequency words red
   Examine: Notice that there      Underline the correctly
    are words that were              spelled phonetic words
    circled, and some are            blue
    underlined.                     You have 2 min.
   Ask: Who can guess what         Done?
    these words are?
                                    Tally up high frequency
   Circled= high frequency          words
                                    Tally up phonetic words
   Underlined= phonetic

 DO NOW:                      Explain: This is not a test
 1. Open your Student          but a way to see progress
  Challenge Books to My         as you learn more in our
  Progress Section.             class.
 2. We will chart your        Explain: You will see that
  progress together.            you will get better and
 Explain: This chart will
                                better in our Just Words
  tell us if you have           class and will eventually
  difficulty with high          be able to know how to
  frequency words or            spell these words
  phonetic words.               correctly!

 Why is it important to
  chart your progress?
 To monitor our strengths
  and weakness in reading
  and spelling words

 1. Write these words
    three times, and
   2. Use these words in
    a sentence:
   fill
   spell
   fuss
   jazz
   less
Did we meet the OBJECTIVES:

 By the end of the lesson, SWBAT:
 read, tap, skywrite 5 words with
 bonus letters
…80% of the time as measured by a
progress check.

          You deserve a

 1. Homework in homework folder
 2. Notes in folders
 3. Materials put away
 4. Clean desk and area
 5. Line up when instructed

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Jw day 1 (unit 3)

  • 2. FIRST FIVE!  1. Come in quietly and take your seat  2. Place materials on desk  3. Take out HW assignment  4. Write down HW assignment in agenda book.  5. Begin “JUST START!”
  • 3. DO NOW: Just Start! (3 min)  1. Open your Student  Why is it important to Challenge Books to My chart your progress? Progress Section.  To monitor our strengths  2. We will chart your and weakness in reading progress together from and spelling words your first progress check.  Explain: This chart will tell us if you have difficulty with high frequency words or phonetic words.
  • 4. OBJECTIVES:  By the end of the lesson, SWBAT:  1. read, tap, skywrite 5 words with bonus letters  …80% of the time as measured by a progress check.
  • 5. PRIDE scholars, hit it!!  Vocabulary, vocabulary how many words do you know?  We’ll have power to read in Just Words class  Here we go!!
  • 6. I DO: Teacher Build Words hide  TEACH BONUS LETTERS  ASK: When do f, l and s get bonus  WORD: mis letters at the end of the word?  EXPLAIN: this word has 3 sounds  WORDS: smell & sniff but it needs another letter.  ASK: Who can tap the word -?  ASK: Who can guess what letter it is? …Wonderful! S… great!  ASK: How many letters does the  EXPLAIN: the 2nd letter s does not word – have? How many taps does it get a sound and does not get tapped. get? Why?...Fantastic!  ASK: Who can tap the word with 3  WORD: shelf taps and read it aloud?  EXPLAIN: notice that the l comes  EXPLAIN: I want you to remember after a short vowel but does not that f, l, and s all get bonus letters at come with a bonus letter. the end of the word if they follow a  ASK: Who can guess why? Because short vowel. the word has a digraph, the l is part  ASK: Who can tell me again what the of a blend so no bonus letter is 3 letters are which get bonus letters added. at the end of the word when they follow a short vowel?
  • 7. WE DO: Mark Words hide  EXPLAIN: the letter z  EXPLAIN: Now we mark sometimes gets a bonus up bonus letters with a star letter and sometimes does over the bonus letter. Let’s not. It is a “bonus letter have an example… wanna be” because z wants  ASK: I need a volunteer to to be a bonus letter too. come up and mark the  ASK: Can you give me an bonus letter in the word – example? buzz & quiz  WORDS:  ASK: Let’s review how we miss, staff, spill mark up words. Long vowel  ASK: why do these words sound? Short vowel sound? have bonus letters? Digraph? Blends? Because the letters s, f, and …Fantastic!! l come after a short vowel and do not have a digraph that is part of a blend.
  • 8. YOU DO! hide  EXPLAIN: Like doctors who are doing surgery in the emergency room, let us dissect these words: thrill  ASK: Who wants to come and mark up this word on the board?...Great job!!  ASK: Notice that we have a digraph here, why do we still need to add an extra l? We add a bonus letter when a word ends with a vowel followed by an f, l, or s that is not part of a blend.
  • 9. PROGRESS CHECK  Explain: We will be  Instruct: 1. Please take doing a progress check at out your Student the beginning of every Challenge Book. Unit to see your  2. Find Unit 3 Progress strengths and Check page weaknesses. Don’t worry  3. You need to fold back if you make your answers on this mistakes, you will get page. better and better as we  Ready? (dictation page go on practicing and learning Just Words! 90 of Instructor’s manual)
  • 10. Progress Check  Explain: Now let’s open the  YOU DO: page so you’ll see the  Circle the correctly spelled answers. high frequency words red  Examine: Notice that there  Underline the correctly are words that were spelled phonetic words circled, and some are blue underlined.  You have 2 min.  Ask: Who can guess what  Done? these words are?  Tally up high frequency  Circled= high frequency words words  Tally up phonetic words  Underlined= phonetic words
  • 11. Charting  DO NOW:  Explain: This is not a test  1. Open your Student but a way to see progress Challenge Books to My as you learn more in our Progress Section. class.  2. We will chart your  Explain: You will see that progress together. you will get better and  Explain: This chart will better in our Just Words tell us if you have class and will eventually difficulty with high be able to know how to frequency words or spell these words phonetic words. correctly!
  • 12. QUICK CHECK  Why is it important to chart your progress?  To monitor our strengths and weakness in reading and spelling words
  • 13. HOMEWORK  1. Write these words three times, and  2. Use these words in a sentence:  fill  spell  fuss  jazz  less
  • 14. Did we meet the OBJECTIVES:  By the end of the lesson, SWBAT:  read, tap, skywrite 5 words with bonus letters …80% of the time as measured by a progress check.
  • 15. YOU ARE AMAZING!!!  You deserve a Chimpan- CHEER!!!
  • 16. LAST FIVE!  1. Homework in homework folder  2. Notes in folders  3. Materials put away  4. Clean desk and area  5. Line up when instructed

Editor's Notes

  1. Let’s try with some more words: vest, stash, trash. (tap, demonstrate blends)