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Use the Best Watering Method                                 Measure the Quantity of Water
While soils vary greatly in their ability to hold water,     To measure the amount of water – whether from a sprin-
your garden and lawn should receive enough water to          kler or rain – use a rain gauge or a tin can set in the lawn
wet the soil to the bottom of the root zone each time        or garden areas to be measured. The soil has received an
you water – generally 1 inch per week. Determine this        inch of water when the water in the container is an inch
by digging a hole 5 to 6 inches deep in the watered area     deep.

                                                                                                                                                                                    Creating a
the day after watering so the water has a chance to seep
in. Adjust weekly watering to your soil needs.

Avoid watering by hand – it often wastes water as
there is excess runoff, and water does not penetrate

beyond the top 1 inch of soil. This irrigation practice
harms plants by forcing root growth too close to the
surface. If you must water by hand, place a 5-gallon
bucket with a few holes in the bottom next to the plant
and fill it with water; when it is has drained, move it to
the next plant and refill.
                                                             For more information on selection, planting, cultural
Properly used sprinkler systems can deliver a large          practices, and environmental quality, contact your local
quantity of water in a short time. They have the disadvan-   Virginia Cooperative Extension Office. If you want to
tage, however, of excessive evaporation, both during         learn more about horticulture through training and vol-
watering and from the plant and soil surface. Early morn-    unteer work, ask your Extension agent about becoming
ing watering minimizes water loss. However, sprinkler        an Extension Master Gardener. For monthly gardening
systems that deliver the water from overhead are the most    information, subscribe to The Virginia Gardener
effective means of watering turfgrass. Be sure to position   Newsletter by sending your name and address and a
sprinklers to shower areas of vegetation, not driveways,     check for $5.00 made out to “Treasurer, Va. Tech” to The
streets, or patios. Water until the soil is moist 6 inches   Virginia Gardener, Department of Horticulture, Virginia
deep, usually 1 inch per week applied at one time.           Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0349. Horticultural infor-
                                                             mation is also now available on the Internet by connect-
                                                             ing with Virginia Cooperative Extension’s server at

                                                             The original development of this series was funded by
                                                             ESUSDA Smith Lever 3(d) National Water Quality
                                                             Initiative Funds and the Virginia Department of
                                                             Conservation and Recreation, Division of Soil and Water
Trickle or drip irrigation systems and ooze hoses are
very efficient, slowly applying water to vegetable and       Revised by Joyce Latimer, Extension Specialist, Virginia
ornamental gardens. Soil moisture can be maintained at       Tech
a level most suitable to plant uptake. If properly
installed and maintained, little water is lost to evapora-
tion or runoff and water use can be reduced by up to 50      www.ext.vt.edu                                                       Publication 426-713
percent. For many situations, the expense of installing      Produced by Communications and Marketing, College of Agriculture and Life

a good trickle irrigation system will be compensated by
                                                                    Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2009

reduced water usage, less replacement of plant materi-       Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and employment are open to all, regardless of race, color,
                                                             national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status.

als, and less work. On any irrigation system, replace        An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work,
                                                             Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia State University, and the U.S. Department

leaky parts promptly.                                        of Agriculture cooperating. Mark A. McCann, Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech,
                                                                 Blacksburg; Alma C. Hobbs, Administrator, 1890 Extension Program, Virginia State, Petersburg.
Creating a Water-Wise Landscape                              Prepare Soil Adequately                                           Mulch Your Gardens
                                                             Good soil is the basis for healthy plants and optimum use         Use mulch to conserve soil moisture. Organic mulches
What is Water-Wise Landscaping?                              of water. The key to good soil is the addition of organic         help retain moisture so there is less need to water. They
Water-wise landscape design and management focus on          matter, such as compost. Sandy soil will hold water and           also recycle plant materials that might otherwise end up
working with nature and natural forces (such as rain-        nutrients better if organic matter is incorporated. Clay          in the landfill. In addition, mulches control annual
fall) to create an aesthetically pleasing, livable land-     will absorb water faster, reducing runoff and erosion, if it      weeds that compete with desired plants for water.
scape, while using less water from the local supply.         is loosened with organic matter. Incorporate approxi-             Organic mulches improve soil structure as they decom-
                                                             mately 2 to 3 inches of compost, shredded leaves, or other        pose and moderate the soil temperature, two factors that
Minimizing the need for watering in your landscape           fine organic material into the soil annually.                     also help plants use water efficiently.
requires careful observation, planning, and common
sense. Several principles for water-wise landscaping                                                                           Use Optimum Cultural Practices
include choosing the best design and plants, preparing
                                                                                                                               Proper mowing and fertilizing of the lawn help con-
soils, and watering properly for efficient water use.
                                                                                                                               serve moisture. Mowing at the proper height (do not
                                                                                                                               remove more than one third of the grass at any one
                                                                                                                               mowing) allows the grass to develop deeper roots that
   Water-wise landscaping is also known as xeri-                                                                               are more efficient in using soil moisture, and reduces
   scaping, a word trademarked by the National                                                                                 annual weeds. Fertilizing at the proper time (your
   Xeriscape Council. The word is a combination of           In locations with established trees and shrubs, it is difficult   Extension agent or local nursery experts can help you
   the prefix xero- or xer- meaning dry or dryness           to incorporate organic matter, but applying and maintain-         determine this) encourages healthier turf that needs less
   and the suffix -scape meaning scene or view.              ing a 2- to 3-inch layer of an organic mulch (coarse leaves,      watering.
                                                             shredded bark, pine needles, or wood chips) will gradually
                                                             improve the soil as the humic acid formed by the decom-           Leaving shrubs in their natural forms reduces stress to
                                                             posing material leaches into the ground.                          the plants and, therefore, lessens their need for water.
Plan Your Landscape                                                                                                            Keeping weeds, insects,
The first step in any successful landscape is a good         Select Plants Wisely                                              and diseases under control
plan. Observe the site and take notes on the current use     Decide on the trees, shrubs, and ground covers for your           reduces the competition and
of different areas or their desired use. Indicate high-use   water-wise landscape based on their natural ability to            stress to plants that increase
areas, desirable views, environmental concerns (such as      grow well in your area. Select plants that do well with           their water
wind direction, slopes, dense shade), and traffic flow       little or no addition of water. Consider native plants as         demands.
through the yard. Sketch the property, including any         well as introduced species for residential landscapes.
permanent structures, trees, and shrubs that you plan to     Your local Extension agent and nursery personnel can              These principles minimize the water demands in your
leave, grass areas, driveways, and sidewalks.                help you identify suitable plants for your location.              landscape, help you save money and time, and reduce
                                                                                                                               your impact on the local water supply.
Based on your notes, develop a plan that meets your          Limit plants with high water demands to small areas that
needs for use, appearance, and budget. Consider main-        can be watered efficiently. Grouping plants by water              Use Turfgrass Appropriately
tenance and water requirements in making your deci-          requirements is one way to guard against overwatering
sions. For example, maintaining a high-quality lawn          some plants and underwatering others.                             Limit the amount of turfgrass you use in the landscape
area for entertaining will require frequent fertilizing                                                                        to areas in which grass provides a functional benefit
and mowing, as well as high water use. A more mainte-        In general, ground covers require less water than turf-           (i.e., a play area for children) that exceeds the benefit of
nance-free choice for get-togethers is a deck or patio,      grass, so replacing some of your lawn with a ground               other ground covers or surfacing materials. Select turf-
but don’t overdo the use of wood or concrete on your         cover will conserve water. If you have large deciduous            grass suitable to your climate and site.
land. Leave plenty of vegetative surface for rain to         trees in your yard and want to reduce work and water, go
reach the soil and soak in; otherwise, runoff and erosion    natural – allow leaves to accumulate as they would in             Design the grass area to make watering easier. Long
problems are created. Whatever plan you develop, the         nature. Plant a few understory shrubs (such as azaleas            narrow areas and small, odd shapes are hard to water
cost can be distributed over a period of time if you         and rhododendrons), a few understory trees (such as               efficiently. Avoid turf in the strip between the sidewalk
implement your design over several years.                    dogwood), and quit raking!                                        and the road; most irrigation water will land on the
                                                                                                                               paved surfaces and run off.

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Creating A Water-Wise Landscape - Virginia Cooperative Extension

  • 1. Use the Best Watering Method Measure the Quantity of Water While soils vary greatly in their ability to hold water, To measure the amount of water – whether from a sprin- your garden and lawn should receive enough water to kler or rain – use a rain gauge or a tin can set in the lawn wet the soil to the bottom of the root zone each time or garden areas to be measured. The soil has received an you water – generally 1 inch per week. Determine this inch of water when the water in the container is an inch by digging a hole 5 to 6 inches deep in the watered area deep. Creating a the day after watering so the water has a chance to seep in. Adjust weekly watering to your soil needs. Water-Wise Avoid watering by hand – it often wastes water as there is excess runoff, and water does not penetrate Landscape beyond the top 1 inch of soil. This irrigation practice harms plants by forcing root growth too close to the surface. If you must water by hand, place a 5-gallon bucket with a few holes in the bottom next to the plant and fill it with water; when it is has drained, move it to the next plant and refill. For more information on selection, planting, cultural Properly used sprinkler systems can deliver a large practices, and environmental quality, contact your local quantity of water in a short time. They have the disadvan- Virginia Cooperative Extension Office. If you want to tage, however, of excessive evaporation, both during learn more about horticulture through training and vol- watering and from the plant and soil surface. Early morn- unteer work, ask your Extension agent about becoming ing watering minimizes water loss. However, sprinkler an Extension Master Gardener. For monthly gardening systems that deliver the water from overhead are the most information, subscribe to The Virginia Gardener effective means of watering turfgrass. Be sure to position Newsletter by sending your name and address and a sprinklers to shower areas of vegetation, not driveways, check for $5.00 made out to “Treasurer, Va. Tech” to The streets, or patios. Water until the soil is moist 6 inches Virginia Gardener, Department of Horticulture, Virginia deep, usually 1 inch per week applied at one time. Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061-0349. Horticultural infor- mation is also now available on the Internet by connect- ing with Virginia Cooperative Extension’s server at http://www.ext.vt.edu. The original development of this series was funded by ESUSDA Smith Lever 3(d) National Water Quality Initiative Funds and the Virginia Department of Conservation and Recreation, Division of Soil and Water Conservation. Trickle or drip irrigation systems and ooze hoses are very efficient, slowly applying water to vegetable and Revised by Joyce Latimer, Extension Specialist, Virginia ornamental gardens. Soil moisture can be maintained at Tech a level most suitable to plant uptake. If properly installed and maintained, little water is lost to evapora- tion or runoff and water use can be reduced by up to 50 www.ext.vt.edu Publication 426-713 percent. For many situations, the expense of installing Produced by Communications and Marketing, College of Agriculture and Life a good trickle irrigation system will be compensated by Sciences, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, 2009 reduced water usage, less replacement of plant materi- Virginia Cooperative Extension programs and employment are open to all, regardless of race, color, national origin, sex, religion, age, disability, political beliefs, sexual orientation, or marital or family status. als, and less work. On any irrigation system, replace An equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Issued in furtherance of Cooperative Extension work, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Virginia State University, and the U.S. Department leaky parts promptly. of Agriculture cooperating. Mark A. McCann, Director, Virginia Cooperative Extension, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg; Alma C. Hobbs, Administrator, 1890 Extension Program, Virginia State, Petersburg.
  • 2. Creating a Water-Wise Landscape Prepare Soil Adequately Mulch Your Gardens Good soil is the basis for healthy plants and optimum use Use mulch to conserve soil moisture. Organic mulches What is Water-Wise Landscaping? of water. The key to good soil is the addition of organic help retain moisture so there is less need to water. They Water-wise landscape design and management focus on matter, such as compost. Sandy soil will hold water and also recycle plant materials that might otherwise end up working with nature and natural forces (such as rain- nutrients better if organic matter is incorporated. Clay in the landfill. In addition, mulches control annual fall) to create an aesthetically pleasing, livable land- will absorb water faster, reducing runoff and erosion, if it weeds that compete with desired plants for water. scape, while using less water from the local supply. is loosened with organic matter. Incorporate approxi- Organic mulches improve soil structure as they decom- mately 2 to 3 inches of compost, shredded leaves, or other pose and moderate the soil temperature, two factors that Minimizing the need for watering in your landscape fine organic material into the soil annually. also help plants use water efficiently. requires careful observation, planning, and common sense. Several principles for water-wise landscaping Use Optimum Cultural Practices include choosing the best design and plants, preparing Proper mowing and fertilizing of the lawn help con- soils, and watering properly for efficient water use. serve moisture. Mowing at the proper height (do not remove more than one third of the grass at any one mowing) allows the grass to develop deeper roots that Water-wise landscaping is also known as xeri- are more efficient in using soil moisture, and reduces scaping, a word trademarked by the National annual weeds. Fertilizing at the proper time (your Xeriscape Council. The word is a combination of In locations with established trees and shrubs, it is difficult Extension agent or local nursery experts can help you the prefix xero- or xer- meaning dry or dryness to incorporate organic matter, but applying and maintain- determine this) encourages healthier turf that needs less and the suffix -scape meaning scene or view. ing a 2- to 3-inch layer of an organic mulch (coarse leaves, watering. shredded bark, pine needles, or wood chips) will gradually improve the soil as the humic acid formed by the decom- Leaving shrubs in their natural forms reduces stress to posing material leaches into the ground. the plants and, therefore, lessens their need for water. Plan Your Landscape Keeping weeds, insects, The first step in any successful landscape is a good Select Plants Wisely and diseases under control plan. Observe the site and take notes on the current use Decide on the trees, shrubs, and ground covers for your reduces the competition and of different areas or their desired use. Indicate high-use water-wise landscape based on their natural ability to stress to plants that increase areas, desirable views, environmental concerns (such as grow well in your area. Select plants that do well with their water wind direction, slopes, dense shade), and traffic flow little or no addition of water. Consider native plants as demands. through the yard. Sketch the property, including any well as introduced species for residential landscapes. permanent structures, trees, and shrubs that you plan to Your local Extension agent and nursery personnel can These principles minimize the water demands in your leave, grass areas, driveways, and sidewalks. help you identify suitable plants for your location. landscape, help you save money and time, and reduce your impact on the local water supply. Based on your notes, develop a plan that meets your Limit plants with high water demands to small areas that needs for use, appearance, and budget. Consider main- can be watered efficiently. Grouping plants by water Use Turfgrass Appropriately tenance and water requirements in making your deci- requirements is one way to guard against overwatering sions. For example, maintaining a high-quality lawn some plants and underwatering others. Limit the amount of turfgrass you use in the landscape area for entertaining will require frequent fertilizing to areas in which grass provides a functional benefit and mowing, as well as high water use. A more mainte- In general, ground covers require less water than turf- (i.e., a play area for children) that exceeds the benefit of nance-free choice for get-togethers is a deck or patio, grass, so replacing some of your lawn with a ground other ground covers or surfacing materials. Select turf- but don’t overdo the use of wood or concrete on your cover will conserve water. If you have large deciduous grass suitable to your climate and site. land. Leave plenty of vegetative surface for rain to trees in your yard and want to reduce work and water, go reach the soil and soak in; otherwise, runoff and erosion natural – allow leaves to accumulate as they would in Design the grass area to make watering easier. Long problems are created. Whatever plan you develop, the nature. Plant a few understory shrubs (such as azaleas narrow areas and small, odd shapes are hard to water cost can be distributed over a period of time if you and rhododendrons), a few understory trees (such as efficiently. Avoid turf in the strip between the sidewalk implement your design over several years. dogwood), and quit raking! and the road; most irrigation water will land on the paved surfaces and run off.