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2012 Human Capital Conference
23–26 October

                          Keeping up with global
                            bilit t h l       t   d
                          mobility technology trends

►   Ernst & Young refers to the global organization of member firms of
    Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity.
    Ernst & Young LLP is a client-serving member firm of Ernst & Young
    Global Limited located in the US.
►   This presentation is © 2012 Ernst & Young LLP. All rights reserved. No
    part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted or otherwise
    distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
    including by photocopying, facsimile transmission, recording, rekeying, or
    using any information storage and retrieval system, without written
    permission from Ernst & Young LLP. Any reproduction, transmission or
                                       LLP      reproduction
    distribution of this form or any of the material herein is prohibited and is in
    violation of US and international law. Ernst & Young LLP expressly
    disclaims any liability in connection with use of this presentation or its
    contents by any third party.
►   The views expressed by panelists in this session are not necessarily
    those of Ernst & Young LLP LLP.
Page 2                 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends

►   Tim Stansel                                   ►     Andy Williams
    ►    Ernst & Young LLP                              ►     Ernst & Young LLP (UK)
    ►    tim.stansel@ey.com                             ►     awilliams6@uk.ey.com

Page 3               Keeping up with global mobility technology trends

►   Identify key technologies and technology concepts that
    have or will affect global mobility.
►   Understand how these technologies may impact your
    assignees and h
       i           d how you i t
                              interact with th
                                      t ith them.
►   Provide a forum to better understand what other
    companies are experiencing from a global mobility
    technology perspective.

Page 4            Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Polling question number one

►   What technology or technology concept do y think will
                  gy            gy       p      you
    have the greatest impact on global mobility in the next 5 to
    10 years?
    ►    Social networking
    ►    Data analytics
    ►    Location-based
         Location based computing (GPS)
    ►    Workflow
    ►    Mobile computing
                    p    g

Page 5               Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Polling results

►   Overview
►   Communications
►   Data accessibility
►   Data analytics
►   Workflow
►   Location-based services
►   Mobile computing

Page 7           Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Three core uses for technology

►   Technology can be used to:
    ►    Enhance traditional business models
    ►    Transform existing business models
    ►    Invent entirely new business models
►   Examples in global mobility:
    ►    Process efficiencies
    ►    Short-term business traveler monitoring
    ►    “Virtual” relocations

Page 9                 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Technology in context

►   Technology is full of trade-offs:
          Accessibility                           Security
          Instant response
                     p                            Technical detail
          Freedom                                 Control
          Self-service                            No service
          Personal                                Professional
          Standards                               Ad-hoc
          I t    t d                              Stand-alone
                                                  St d l
          Global                                  Local

Page 10                   Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Evolution of communication platforms

       Written           Voicemail             Instant messaging
                                                            g g                      Wikis               Virtual worlds

Time                                                                                                                      ?

                 Telephone           Email                             Blogs                 Social networks

 ►      Communication platforms have dramatically changed the
        nature of our communications

 Page 12                             Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Impact on global mobility

►   The evolution of tax briefings:
    ►     Face-to-face
    ►     Telephone
    ►     Live meeting/sametime meeting
    ►     Web briefings
►   Client
    Cli t support:
    ►     Live meetings
    ►     Telephone
    ►     Email
    ►     Chat

Page 13                   Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Polling question number two

►   Which method of communications will become less
    important in the field of global mobility in the coming
    ►     Face-to-face
    ►     Email
    ►     Telephone
    ►     Instant messaging
    ►     Social networking

Page 14                Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Polling results
Social networks

►   Social networks have gained p
                           g      prominence
►   Facebook recently announced over 1 billion registered
►   Social networks have mostly been nonbusiness focused,
    but that is quickly changing:
    ►     Yammer
    ►     LinkedIn

Page 16              Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Impact on global mobility

►   Driven by assignee
             y    g
►   Easier to monitor, difficult to control

Page 17             Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Polling question number three

►   Do you have a p
       y          personal social network account?

Page 18          Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Polling results
Polling question number four

►   Do you have a work-related social network account?

Page 20          Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Polling results
Data accessibility
Web services example

Page 23    Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
What just happened?

                                         Upon update, data passed to
                                         USPS shipping “calculator”:
                                                                                Postal Service
                                   eBay d
                                    B data:
                                   ►   Package size — 14” x 23”
                                   ►   Package weight — 2 lbs
                                   ►   Originating ZIP code — 10940
            Link to                ►   Delivery methods — priority and parcel
              pp g
           shipping                    post
            section                Purchaser data:
                                   ►   Originating ZIP code — 07452

                                                                                         shipping costs:
                                                                                         ► $$20.05 priority

Page 24    Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Examples of uses for global mobility

►   Assignment initiations
►   Status updates
►   Calculations:
    ►     Compensation
    ►     Tax

Page 25              Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Data analytics
Data analytics

►   The process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming and
         p            p     g,        g,             g
    modeling data with the goal of highlighting useful
    information, suggesting conclusions and supporting

Page 27           Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Analytics: applicability to global mobility

►   Workforce planning/talent management
               p      g           g
►   Compensation management
►   Candidate selection
►   Policy development
►   Retention
►   Return on investment

Page 28          Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Polling question number five

►   In which of the following areas do y see the g
                              g        you       greatest
    applicability for analytics?
    ►     Benchmarking
    ►     Compensation management
    ►     Policy development
    ►     Talent management
    ►     Return on investment

Page 29              Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Polling results

►   The automation of a business process, in whole or part,
                                  p        ,             p ,
    during which documents, information or tasks are passed
    from one participant* to another for action, according to a
    set of procedural rules.

    *Participant — resource (human or machine)

Page 32                        Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Benefits of workflow

►   Better, cheaper and faster processes
          ,     p               p
►   Improved efficiency — mostly through automation of
    business processes
►   Improved customer service — through consistency in the
►   Improved process control — helps management and
    improves overall quality of the outcomes
►   Business process improvement — through focus on
    business processes

Page 33          Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Challenges of workflow

►   Depending on technology, may be inflexible
       p      g              gy,     y
►   Often requires businesses to adopt to technology
►   May be difficult to “work around” the system
►   Can build in inefficiencies to the process
►   Workflow can become a task in itself

Page 34           Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Location-based services
Location-based services

►   What is it?
    ►     Technology that relies on geographic-specific data to provide
          relevant information
►   How is it applied in global mobility today?
    ►     Short-term business traveler monitoring
►   Benefits:
    B   fit
    ►     Reduced data input
    ►     Increased relevancy
►   Other applications:
    ►     Employee monitoring (high-risk areas)
                                 (high risk
    ►     Networking
    ►     Real-time location information

Page 36                 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Mobile computing
Mobile computing

►   A huge g
          g growth in mobile internet has taken p place in the
    last few years.
►   It is predicted by Microsoft that mobile internet will
          p          y
    overtake desktop usage by 2014.
►   While 91% of mobile internet access is to socialize, the
    proportion linked to employment will grow.
►   What this means is that employees and assignees will
    expect to interact with vendors using mobile d i
            tt i t     t ith    d      i       bil devices.

Page 38            Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
Mobile computing

►   The market for smartphones and tablets is increasing
                          p                               g
    rapidly while the market for desktops and notebooks
►   As organizations move towards “bring your own”, the
    impact of this switch will be seen in business.
►   Service providers will need to have mobile sites in the first
    instance and apps in some situations.
►   Information and data will need to be delivered in a more
    I f     ti      dd t    ill    d t b d li     di
    effective “mobile” way.

Page 39            Keeping up with global mobility technology trends

Page 40     Keeping up with global mobility technology trends

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EY Human Capital Conference 2012: Keeping up with global mobility technology trends

  • 1. 2012 Human Capital Conference 23–26 October Keeping up with global bilit t h l t d mobility technology trends
  • 2. Disclaimer ► Ernst & Young refers to the global organization of member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young LLP is a client-serving member firm of Ernst & Young Global Limited located in the US. ► This presentation is © 2012 Ernst & Young LLP. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, transmitted or otherwise distributed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including by photocopying, facsimile transmission, recording, rekeying, or using any information storage and retrieval system, without written permission from Ernst & Young LLP. Any reproduction, transmission or LLP reproduction distribution of this form or any of the material herein is prohibited and is in violation of US and international law. Ernst & Young LLP expressly disclaims any liability in connection with use of this presentation or its contents by any third party. ► The views expressed by panelists in this session are not necessarily those of Ernst & Young LLP LLP. Page 2 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 3. Presenters ► Tim Stansel ► Andy Williams y ► Ernst & Young LLP ► Ernst & Young LLP (UK) ► tim.stansel@ey.com ► awilliams6@uk.ey.com Page 3 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 4. Objectives ► Identify key technologies and technology concepts that have or will affect global mobility. ff ► Understand how these technologies may impact your assignees and h i d how you i t interact with th t ith them. ► Provide a forum to better understand what other companies are experiencing from a global mobility technology perspective. Page 4 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 5. Polling question number one ► What technology or technology concept do y think will gy gy p you have the greatest impact on global mobility in the next 5 to 10 years? ► Social networking ► Data analytics ► Location-based Location based computing (GPS) ► Workflow ► Mobile computing p g Page 5 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 7. Agenda ► Overview ► Communications C ► Data accessibility ► Data analytics ► Workflow ► Location-based services ► Mobile computing Page 7 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 9. Three core uses for technology ► Technology can be used to: gy ► Enhance traditional business models ► Transform existing business models ► Invent entirely new business models ► Examples in global mobility: ► Process efficiencies ► Short-term business traveler monitoring ► “Virtual” relocations Virtual Page 9 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 10. Technology in context ► Technology is full of trade-offs: gy Accessibility Security Instant response p Technical detail Freedom Control Self-service No service Personal Professional Standards Ad-hoc Integrated I t t d Stand-alone St d l Global Local Page 10 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 12. Evolution of communication platforms Written Voicemail Instant messaging g g Wikis Virtual worlds Time ? Telephone Email Blogs Social networks ► Communication platforms have dramatically changed the nature of our communications Page 12 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 13. Impact on global mobility ► The evolution of tax briefings: g ► Face-to-face ► Telephone ► Live meeting/sametime meeting ► Web briefings ► Client Cli t support: t ► Live meetings ► Telephone ► Email ► Chat Page 13 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 14. Polling question number two ► Which method of communications will become less important in the field of global mobility in the coming years? ► Face-to-face ► Email ► Telephone ► Instant messaging ► Social networking g Page 14 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 16. Social networks ► Social networks have gained p g prominence ► Facebook recently announced over 1 billion registered users ► Social networks have mostly been nonbusiness focused, but that is quickly changing: ► Yammer ► LinkedIn Page 16 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 17. Impact on global mobility ► Driven by assignee y g ► Easier to monitor, difficult to control Page 17 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 18. Polling question number three ► Do you have a p y personal social network account? Page 18 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 20. Polling question number four ► Do you have a work-related social network account? y Page 20 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 23. Web services example Page 23 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 24. What just happened? Upon update, data passed to USPS shipping “calculator”: US Postal Service “calculator” eBay d B data: ► Package size — 14” x 23” ► Package weight — 2 lbs ► Originating ZIP code — 10940 Link to ► Delivery methods — priority and parcel pp g shipping post section Purchaser data: ► Originating ZIP code — 07452 Computed shipping costs: ► $$20.05 priority Page 24 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 25. Examples of uses for global mobility ► Assignment initiations g ► Status updates ► Calculations: ► Compensation ► Tax Page 25 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 27. Data analytics ► The process of inspecting, cleaning, transforming and p p g, g, g modeling data with the goal of highlighting useful information, suggesting conclusions and supporting decision-making. Page 27 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 28. Analytics: applicability to global mobility ► Workforce planning/talent management p g g ► Compensation management ► Candidate selection ► Policy development ► Retention ► Return on investment Page 28 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 29. Polling question number five ► In which of the following areas do y see the g g you greatest applicability for analytics? ► Benchmarking ► Compensation management ► Policy development ► Talent management ► Return on investment Page 29 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 32. Workflow ► The automation of a business process, in whole or part, p , p , during which documents, information or tasks are passed from one participant* to another for action, according to a set of procedural rules. *Participant — resource (human or machine) Page 32 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 33. Benefits of workflow ► Better, cheaper and faster processes , p p ► Improved efficiency — mostly through automation of business processes p ► Improved customer service — through consistency in the processes ► Improved process control — helps management and improves overall quality of the outcomes ► Business process improvement — through focus on business processes Page 33 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 34. Challenges of workflow ► Depending on technology, may be inflexible p g gy, y ► Often requires businesses to adopt to technology constraints ► May be difficult to “work around” the system ► Can build in inefficiencies to the process p ► Workflow can become a task in itself Page 34 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 36. Location-based services ► What is it? ► Technology that relies on geographic-specific data to provide relevant information ► How is it applied in global mobility today? ► Short-term business traveler monitoring ► Benefits: B fit ► Reduced data input ► Increased relevancy ► Other applications: ► Employee monitoring (high-risk areas) (high risk ► Networking ► Real-time location information Page 36 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 38. Mobile computing ► A huge g g growth in mobile internet has taken p place in the last few years. ► It is predicted by Microsoft that mobile internet will p y overtake desktop usage by 2014. ► While 91% of mobile internet access is to socialize, the proportion linked to employment will grow. ► What this means is that employees and assignees will expect to interact with vendors using mobile d i tt i t t ith d i bil devices. Page 38 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 39. Mobile computing ► The market for smartphones and tablets is increasing p g rapidly while the market for desktops and notebooks declines. ► As organizations move towards “bring your own”, the impact of this switch will be seen in business. ► Service providers will need to have mobile sites in the first instance and apps in some situations. ► Information and data will need to be delivered in a more I f ti dd t ill d t b d li di effective “mobile” way. Page 39 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends
  • 40. Questions Page 40 Keeping up with global mobility technology trends