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                 Solid State Storage :
               Key to Efficient Tiered
            Are SSDs Ready for Enterprise Storage Systems
               Storage Infrastructure                                Anil Vasudeva, President & Chief Analyst, IMEX Research

                                                                                                                      © 2007-11 IMEX Research
                                                                                                                           All Rights Reserved
                                                                                                                       Copying Prohibited
                                                                                                                 Please write to IMEX for authorization

         Anil Vasudeva
         President & Chief Analyst
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Agenda – Automated Tiered Storage                               IMEX

      1.            NextGen Data Center and Cloud Computing Infrastructure
      2.            Solid State Enabling New Systems Architecture
      3.            Improving Transaction Query Response Time and IOPS
      4.            Workload Characterization
      5.            Applications best utilizing Solid State Storage
      6.            Data Forensics and Tiered Mapping
      7.            Selecting Automated Storage Tiering Software
      8.            Key Takeaways

Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011                    2
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


IT Industry’s Journey - Roadmap                                                                                                         IMEX

             SIVAC                                                                    On-Premises > Private Clouds > Public Clouds
                                                                                      DC to Cloud-Aware Infrast. & Apps. Cascade migration to SPs/Public Clouds.

                 by IMEX Research                                                   Automation
                                                                         Automatically Maintains Application SLAs
                                                                         (Self-Configuration, Self-Healing©IMEX, Self-Acctg. Charges etc)

                                           Pools Resources. Provisions, Optimizes, Monitors
                                           Shuffles Resources to optimize Delivery of various Business Services

                         Integrate Physical Infrast./Blades to meet CAPSIMS                                              ®IMEX

                         Cost, Availability, Performance, Scalability, Inter-operability, Manageability & Security

    Standard IT Infrastructure- Volume Economics HW/Syst SW
    (Servers, Storage, Networking Devices, System Software (OS, MW & Data Mgmt SW)

Source:: IMEX Research - Cloud Infrastructure Report       ©   2009-11
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Data Centers & Cloud Infrastructure IMEX                                                                                                                      RESEARCH.COM

                                                                Public CloudCenter                        ©       Enterprise VZ Data Center
                                                                                                                            On-Premise Cloud

                                                                     Clouds           Servers      VPN                     Switches: Layer 4-7,
                                                                      IaaS, PaaS                                          Layer 2, 10GbE, FC Stg

                   Supplier/Partners                                               ISP
                                                                     ISP   Internet                  ISP                                               FC/ IPSANs
                                                                  ISP               Core
                                                                         ISP             Edge
                                                                                                                Caching, Proxy,                        Database Servers,
            Remote/Branch Office                                                    ISP                        FW, SSL, IDS, DNS,                      Middleware, Data
                                                                                                                LB, Web Servers                        Mgmt

                                                                                                                Tier-1          Application Servers             Tier-3
                                                                                                              Edge Apps         HA, File/Print, ERP,          Data Base
                                                                                 Web 2.0                                        SCM, CRM Servers               Servers
                                                                               Social Ntwks.
                                                                                   Facebook,                                        Tier-2 Apps
                                                                               Twitter, YouTube…
                                                                                 Cable/DSL…                   Directory    Security      Policy             Management
                                Wireless                                                                                      Middleware Platform
                                                                         Home Networks

        Request for data from a remote client to an enterprise data center crosses a myriad of
           systems and devices. Key is identifying bottlenecks & improving performance

Source:: IMEX Research - Cloud Infrastructure Report       ©   2009-11
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Virtualized Cloud Infrastructure                                                                                          IMEX

                                                                            Cloud Computing
                                                         Private Cloud                 Hybrid         Public Cloud Service
                                                           Enterprise                  Cloud               Providers

                                                                                 SaaS Applications



                                                      App                  App          App           App         App



                                                      App                  App          App           App         App

                                                                            Platform Tools & Services
                                                                                   Operating Systems

                                                                     Resources (Servers, Storage, Networks)

               Application’s SLA dictates the Resources Required to meet specific
            requirements of Availability, Performance, Cost, Security, Manageability etc.

© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Server to Storage IO Gap

                                                                                            For Each Disk Operation:
                                                                      r   r          I/O
                                                                  r ve sso           Gap
                                                                                            Millions of CPU Operations or Hundreds of
                                                                Se oce                      Thousands of Memory Operations can be done
                                                                       Disk I

                         1980                1990                    2000            2010

                          A 7.2K/15k rpm HDD can do 100/140 IOPS

© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


SSD Filling Price/Perf Gaps in Storage                                                                                 IMEX

            $/GB                                                                                CPU

                                                                                                       DRAM getting
                                                                           NOR                         Faster (to feed faster CPUs) &
                                                                                                       Larger (to feed Multi-cores &
                                                           NAND                                        Multi-VMs from Virtualization)

                                                                                                SSD segmenting into
                                                                                 SATA            PCIe SSD Cache
                                         Tape                                    SSD              - as backend to DRAM &
                                                                                                 SATA SSD
                                                                HDD becoming                       - as front end to HDD
                                                                Cheaper, not faster
                           Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report   2011

                                                                                                                  I/O Access Latency

Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011                                                                               7
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


SSDs - Price Erosion & IOPS/GB                                                                                          IMEX

                  600                                                                                                          8

                                                                HDD                          SSDs
                                                                                    I OPS/GB

                                                                                                               s (M
                                                                                                      D Un

                                                                                                                                       Units (Millions)

                  300                                                                                                          4

                                                                                  IOPS/GB HDDs
                        0                                                                                                      0
                                      2009                      2010       2011   2012        2013               2014
                     Key to Database • 2.5” HDD max cap = 400GB / 24 HDDs, de-stroked to 20%, •SSDsmax cap = 800GB /HDD in IO
                           Note: 2U storage rack, performance are random IOPS. 2.5” SSD outshine 36 SSDs

                    price/performance – a major reason, besides better space and power, for their
                                                           explosive growth.
    Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Advantage Solid State Storage (vs. HDDs)                                                                                               IMEX

                                                  HDD                                                   SSD
                                                                          Parameter                                  SSD vs. HDD
                                                                      Concurrent Access                                    900 %
                                                                     Data Access Time ms                                    <1 %
                                                                             IOPS                                          475 %
                                                                         Read Speed                                        500%
                                                      1.0             MTBF (Million Hrs) *                 2.1             110 %
                                                     <5%             Failure Rate (AFR%) **              <=3%               40 %
                                                  10^(-14)                 UBER **                     10^ (-16)            16 %
                                               11.4 GB/W               Power Efficiency               570 GB/W           5,000 %
                                             43.1         IOPS/W      Performance/Power          42,850 IOPS/W         100,000 %
                                                 6.8 Watts               Idling Power                 0.5 Watts             93 %
                                                10.1 Watts                Load Power                  0.9 Watts             91 %
                                               1.0       GB/in3        Storage Density               16 GB/in3            1600 %
                                               4.2 IOPS/in3          Performance Density           1,250 IOPS/in3       30,000 %
                                                                     Shock/Vibration/Noise                          800/1600%/30dBLess

                                                                            Weight                                            50 %
                                                                     Maintenance/Op.Time #                                     50 %

                                         #Reduced -Booting Up, -Virus Scan, -Defrag, -RAID Build, -Patching, -Data Restoration
                                                                                 ** JEDEC’s Mfr’s Required Specs
  Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©   2011

© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Improving DB Query Response Time                                                                                                                            IMEX

                                 Query Response Time (ms)
                                                                        HDDs             HDDs             Hybrid
                                                            6       14 Drives       112 Drives             HDDs
                                                                           $$          w short            36 Drives
                                                                                      stroking             + SSDs            SSDs
                                                                                $$$$$$$$                  $$$$             12 Drives

                                                                                                                         Conceptual Only -Not to Scale
                                                                0               10,000           20,000               30,000                       40,000

                                                                                IOPS (or Number of Concurrent Users)

                        For a targeted query response time in DB & OLTP applications, many more
                        concurrent users can be added cost-effectively when using SSDs or SSD +
                                HDDs storage vs. adding more HDDs or short-stroking HDDs

Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report                           2011
                                                                    ©                                                                                             10
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Buying SSD vs. Memory to Improve TPS                                                                                                          IMEX

                      Transactions per second (TPS)   2500


                                                                                                      4.0 x
                                                                                          2.5 x
                                                      1000                                                 Ie
                                                                                                    SS D PC

                                                                                               SD SA T A                      1   0
                                                                        4.0 x              S                             A ID
                                                                                                                 D   R
                                                                              2.5 x
                                                             0   2        4           6         8    10   12     14        16         18   20
                                                                                      Buffer Pool (Memory) GB
                       To achieve a certain TPS improvement, its cheaper to deploy SSD vs
                      increased buffer memory (in GB costs) needed with using HDDs alone.
Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report                        2011
                                                                 ©                                                                                    11
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Market Segments by Apps/Workloads                                                                                          IMEX

                 1000 K
                                       Processing                        eCommerce
                       100 K
      IOPS* (*Latency-1)

                                            (RAID - 1, 5, 6)                Data          Intelligence
                                                                                                                  (RAID - 0, 3)


                                                                                     Scientific Computing       HPC
                                                                                                       Audio             Web 2.0
                                   1                        5                   10                50            100               500
                                 *IOPS for a required response time ( ms)                                             MB/sec

Source:: IMEX Research - Cloud Infrastructure Report       ©   2009-11
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Data Storage Usage – In DCs & Cloud                                                                       ©

                                    I/O Access Frequency vs. Percent of Corporate Data


                 65%                                                     FCoE/         Storage
                                                                         SAS              SATA
                % of I/O Accesses

                                                                                        • Back Up Data
                                       SSD                                • Tables      • Archived Data
                                       • Logs                             • Indices   • Offsite DataVault
                                       • Journals                        • Hot Data
                                       • Temp Tables
                                       • Hot Tables

                                     1% 2%                                10%          50%                         100%
                                                                                             % of Corporate Data
Source:: IMEX Research - Cloud Infrastructure Report       ©   2009-11
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Applications Best Suited for SSDs                                                                                         IMEX

                                                                                 Apps and impact from SSD Usage
                                                                                 • Databases
                 Applications most benefitting                                     • Databases have key elements of commit files
                        from SSDs Use                                              • logs, redo, undo, tempDB
         DB / OLTP                                                         43%
                                                                                 • Structured data vs. Unstructured Data
                                                                                   • Structured/SQL data access is an excellent fit for SSD
    E-Mail/Collab.                                                   32%
                                                                                   • Exception–large, growing table spaces
                  HPC                                            31%               • Unstructured data access is a poor fit for SSD
             BI / DW                                            30%                   Exception – small, non-growing, tagged files
   ERP/SCM/CRM                                            25%
                                                                                 • OS images
                                                                                   • boot-from-flash, page-to-DRAM
            Web 2.0                                      23%

      Office Apps                                  20%
                                                                                 Typical Cases - Impact on Applications
                                                                                 • Financials/ATM Transactions Improvements
                                                                                    • Batch Window 22%, App Response Time 50%,
                                                                                    • App I/O Rate 50%
                                                                                 • Messaging Applications
                                                                                    • Cost Savings: 200+ FC HDDs into only 16 SSDs

  Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Applications best suited for SSDs:
  Workloads Characterization                                                                         RESEARCH.COM

            Storage performance, management and costs
                 are big issues in running Databases
             Data Warehousing Workloads are I/O intensive
                     • Predominantly read based with low hit ratios on buffer pools
                     • High concurrent sequential and random read levels
                         Sequential Reads requires high level of I/O Bandwidth (MB/sec)
                         Random Reads require high IOPS)
                     • Write rates driven by life cycle management and sort operations
             OLTP Workloads are strongly random I/O intensive
                     • Random I/O is more dominant
                         Read/write ratios of 80/20 are most common but can be 50/50
                         Can be difficult to build out test systems with sufficient I/O characteristics
             Batch Workloads are more write intensive
                     • Sequential Writes requires high level of I/O Bandwidth (MB/sec)
             Backup & Recovery times are critical for these workloads
                     • Backup operations drive high level of sequential IO
                     • Recovery operation drives high levels of random I/O

Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Applications Best Suited for SSDs:                                                                                                                               IMEX
  Data Warehouse/BI
                                                                                                                      Large DB Size Growth by Market Segment
                                             Scale In                                               1200
            Scale Up

                                                                                                    1000              OLTP

                                                                          DB Size (TB)
                                                 Scale Out
                                                                                                                     2009     2010        2011   2012       2013   2014
                        Storage Usage vs DB Capacity
                                                                                          I/O Access Frequency vs. Percent of Corporate Data
               1-2 TB                  DB Size (TB)
                                       Storage Size (TB)                                 75
  DB Size

              2-5 TB                                                                     65                                    FCoE/
                                                                                                                               FCoE/              Storage
                                                                                                                               SAS                  SATA
                                                                                         % of I/O Accesses

                                                                                                                              Arrays               • Back Up
                                                                                                                                                    • Back Up
            5-10 TB                                                                                              SSD          • Tables
                                                                                                                               • Tables
                                                                                                                              • Indices
                                                                                                                              • Indices
                                                                                                                                                   • Archived
                                                                                                                                                   • Archived
                                                                                                                 • Logs
                                                                                                                 • Logs
                                                                                                                                 • Hot
                                                                                                                                 • Hot                 Data
                                                                                                                 • Journals
                                                                                                                 • Journals      Data
                                                                                                                                  Data               • Offsite
                                                                                                                                                     • Offsite
               >10 TB                                                                                            • Temp
                                                                                                                 • Temp                            DataVault
                                                                                                                 • Hot
                                                                                                                 • Hot
                        0      20             40             60      80
                                                                                                             1   2              10                 50                     100
      Data Source: IMEX Research
      Cloud Infrastructure Report ©2009-11                                                                                                   % of Corporate Data
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Apps Best Suited for SSDs:
  HPC/Web 2.0

                                       VDI              Commercial           Bioinformatics Decision Support              Entertainment-
                                                        Visualization        & Diagnostics Bus. Intelligence               VoD / U-Tube
  Data: IMEX Research & Panasas


                                  Instant On Boot Ups       Rendering (Texture & Polygons)          Data Warehousing     Most Accessed Videos
                                  Rugged, Low Power       Very Read Intensive, Small Block I/O   Random IO, High OLTPM    Very Read Intensive
                                      1GB/s, __ms                    10 GB/s, __ms                    1GB/s, __ms            4 GB/s, __ms

© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Automated Storage Tiering                                                                                                        IMEX
       - Next Frontier in Storage Efficiency                                                                                             RESEARCH.COM

            Data Protection                                          Storage Efficiency
                     Back Up/Archive/DR                              Storage Virtualization
                          RAID – 0,1,5,6,10                                                                      Flash
                                                                     Thin Provisioning                           SSD
                                   Virtual Tape                      Deduplication
                                     Replication                     MAID                                       Disk

                                                                                                           Capacity Disk


                                                                                                         Auto Tiering
                                                                                                        Data Class (Tiers 0,1,2,3)
                                                                                                 Storage Media Type (Flash/Disk/Tape)
                                                                                                    Policy Engines (Workload Mgmt)
                                                                                                Transparent Migration (Data Placement)
                                                                                         File Virtualization (Uninterrupted App.Opns.in Migration)
Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Automated Storage Tiering:                                                                 IMEX
       The Killer App for Enterprise SSDs                                                         RESEARCH.COM

                                                                     • Traditional Disk Mapping
                                                                      • Volumes have different
                                                                        characteristics. Applications
                                                                        need to place them on correct
                                                                        tiers of storage based on usage

                                                                     • Smart Storage Mapping
                                                                       • All volumes appear to be
                                                                         “logically” homogenous to apps.
                                                                         But data is placed at the right
                                                                         tier of storage based on its
                                                                         usage through smart data
                                                                         placement and migration
Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011                                                19
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Automated Storage Tiering:
     Workload I/O Monitoring & Migration                                                                 IMEX

                    Storage-Tiered Virtualization                              • Automated Storage Tiering
                      Storage-Tiering at LBA/Sub-LUN Level
                                                                                 • Continuously monitor and
          Physical Storage                                    Logical Volume       analyze data access on the
                                                                                 • Automatically elevate hot data
        SSDs                                            Hot Data                   to “Hot Tiers” and demote cool
       Arrays                                                                      data/volumes to “Lower Tiers
                                                                                 • Allocate and relocate volumes
                                                       Cold Data                   on each tier based on use
      Arrays                                                                     • Automated Migration reduces
                                                                                   OPEX to otherwise SANs
                                                                                   managed manually

Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011                                                       20
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Automated Storage Tiering:                                                                  IMEX
     Workload I/O Monitoring & Migration                                                         RESEARCH.COM

                                                                     • LBA Monitoring and
                                                                       Tiered Placement
                                                                      • Every workload has unique I/O
                                                                        access signature
                                                                      • Historical performance data for a
                                                                        LUN can identify performance skews
                                                                        & hot data regions by LBAs
                                                                      • Using Smart Tiering identify hot LBA
                                                                        regions and non-disruptivelymigrate
                                                                        hot data from HDD to SSDs.
                                                                      • Typically 4-8% of data becomes a
                                                                        candidate and when migrated to
                                                                        SSDs can provide response time
                                                                        reduction of ~65% at peak loads.

Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011                                               21
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Automated Storage Tiering:
       Improving Response Time

                                                                     • Productivity Improvements
                                                                          (Response Time)
                                                                       • With automated reallocation of hot spot
                                                                         data (~ 5-10% of total data) to SSDs,
                                                                         performance improvements
                                                                           Response time reduction ~70+%
                                                                            IOPS increase of 200% for any I/O
                                                                            intensive workloads in Time-Perishable
                                                                            OLTP markets: Airlines Reservations,
                                                                            Wall Street Investment Banking Stock
                                                                            Transactions, Financial Institutions
                                                                            Hedge Funds etc.
                                                                           Performance boost in Low Latency
                                                                            seeking Systems (High Perf. Clustered

Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011                                                       22
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Automated Storage Tiering:
    Enhancing Database Throughput                                                                 RESEARCH.COM

                                                                     • DB Throughput Optimization
                                                                       • Every workload has unique I/O
                                                                         access signature and historical
                                                                       • identify hot “database objects” and
                                                                         smartly placed in the right tier.
                                                                       • Scalable Throughput Improvement -
                                                                       • Substantial IO Bound Transaction
                                                                         Response time Improvement - 45%-

Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011                                                23
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Automated Storage Tiering:
     Storage Tiering – Best Practices                                                 RESEARCH.COM

             Storage Tiering - Best Practices Highlights
             • SSD-PCIe perform better than SATA SSDs
                      • Use Nehalem Class CPUs especially when using PCIe SSDs
             • Put Random Access Files on SSDs (Index, Tables, Table Spaces)
                      •    Keep ample SSD Reserved Space to avoid massive SSD write
             • Put Sequentially Written Files on HDDs since
                      •    HDDs better at Sequential Writes compared to SSDs
                      •    Removes SSD Write performance bottle necks
                      •    Increases SSD life
                      •    Archive Less Active Tables/Records to HDDs
             • Leverage Auto-Tiering Storage SW to balance between SSDs and
                      •    Heat Mapping with Tier Managed Extent Pools
                      •    Workload Hot Spot Analysis
                      •    Smart Data Migration & Placement
                      •    Continuous Workload Monitoring
             • Use Faster Networks (10GbE vs 1GbE) to avoid saturating DRBD
             • Target Price/Performance Economic Benefits of 150-800%
Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


SSS in DB Environments:
    Enabling new System Architectures

               SSD class memories fundamentally changing
                   Computing Systems Architectures
               Using SSDs, a leading Computer Systems company achieved:

               •    Sustained 1 million IOPS with random 4K size
               •    70%RD/30%WR with Queue depth of 16
               •    System Latency 720 us Average
               •    Floor Space Less than 25% vs. Std. Disk Storage System
               •    Energy Used only 55% vs Std. System
               • Comparable Total Cost New system vs. Standard System
               • System Test HW:
                  Host - 2 Servers (26 cores, 28 GB Memory),
                  Cluster - 14 Storage Controller Nodes,
                  Storage - 31 Storage Arrays with 41 PCIe SSDs 160GB Each

Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


SSS in DB Environments:
  DB Improvements with Flash SSDs                                                                            RESEARCH.COM

         • Storage management, performance and cost - a big issue in DBs
         • SSDs enable super IO performance and cost reduction in DBs

                                                                     •   Insert/Update/Delete Performance
                  Improve                                            •   Random Read I/O Performance
                  Responsiveness                                     •   Query Response Time
                                                                     •   Sort Performance
                                                                     •   Batch Performance too.
                  Reduce Costs                                       • DRAM size for Buffer Pools used to cache
                                                                       data on SSDs
                                                                     • Power/Cooling Space for housing Databases
                  New Added                                          • Database Recovery performance
                  Benefits                                           • I/O performance impact by Flash Copy
                                                                     • Skill levels required for DB tuning & monitoring
Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


SSS in DB Environments:
  Best Practices for DB/DW/BI Apps

       Goals & Implementation
               • Establish Goals for SLAs (Performance/Cost/Availability), BC/DR (RPO/RTO) &
               • Increase Performance for DB, Data Warehousing, OLTP Apps:
                           Random I/O > 20x , Sequential I/O Bandwidth > 5x
                           Remove Stale data from Production Resources to improve performance
               • Use Partitioning Software to Classify Data
                           By Frequency of Access (Recent Usage) and
                           Capacity (by percent of total Data) using general guidelines as:
                           Hyperactive (1%), Active (5%), Less Active (20%), Historical (74%)
               • Optimize Tiering by Classifying Hot & Cold Data
                           Improve Query Performance by reducing number of I/Os
                           Reduce number of Disks Needed by 25-50% using advance compression software
                            achieving 2-4x compression
               • Match Data Classification vs.Tiered Devices accordingly
                           Flash, High Performance Disk, Low Cost Capacity Disk, Online Lowest Cost Archival
               • Balance Cost vs. Performance of Flash
                           More Data in Flash > Higher Cache Hit Ratio > Improved Data Performance
               • Create and Auto-Manage Tiering (Monitoring, Migrations, Placements) without
                 manual intervention

Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


SSS in DB Environments:
  Enabling new Economics

                              SAN Performance                                                             SAN TCO using HDD vs. Hybrid Storage
                               Improvements using SSD
         300                                                                 10
                                                                 IOPS        9
                       $/IOPS                                                                       200
         250                                                 Improvement
                    Improvement                                              8
                        800%                                                 7                                     145
         200                                                                                        150
                                                                             6                                               HDD-FC

                                                                                          Cost $K

         150                                                                 5                                                        HDD-       36

                                                                                                    100                               SATA
                                                                                                                                      SSD        64
                                                                             2                      50             75
                                                                             1                                              RackSpace
          0                                                                  0
                                                                                                                   14.2      Pwr/Cool            5.2
                       FC-HDD Only                            SSD/SATA-HDD                                       HDD Only                      HDD/SSD

                              Performance (IOPS)                     $/IOP                            Power & Cooling     RackSpace     SSDs     HDD SATA    HDD FC

  Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011

© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Tiered Storage – Industry Ecosystem                                                            IMEX

             Industry Status
             •      Integrated Storage Tiering Products offered by over top 10 Storage Vendors
             •      Major Storage Vendors
                    - Automated Volume Level Tiering (SSD & HDD)
             •      New Storage Start Ups
                    – Integrated Flash Caching & Block Level Tiering
             •      Cloud Vendors
                    – Adding Shared Cloud for Lowest Cost Backup & Restore Storage

              NAND Flash                                                           Storage Systems
                                                                     SSD Storage
               SSD Controllers
                                                                                   Computer Systems

Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


SSD Challenges & Solutions:
    Goals & Best Practices                                                                                                               RESEARCH.COM

                                                                                                          Concerned about SSD
                                                                                                       Adoption in your Enterprise ?
                                                                                                        Be aware of Tools & Best Practices …
     % of Drives Failing (AFR %)

                                                                                                             And you should be OK !!

                                                                                                 Best Practices


                                                                                                 • By leveraging Error Avoidance Algorithms, and

                                                                                                   Best Practices of Verification Testing, to keep

                                                                                                   total functional failure rate <=3% (with defects
                                   5%                                                rld
                                                                                l Wo

                                                                                                   and wear-outs issues combined)

                                                                                                 • In practice, endurance ratings are likely to be

                                   0%                                                              significantly higher than typical use, so data
                                         0   1     2     3         4    5
                                                                            JEDEC                  errors and failures will be even less.
                                                 Years of Use                SSD                 • Capacity Over-provisioning will provide large
                                                                              Std.                 increases in random performance and
                                                                             <=3%                  endurance.
                                                                                                 • Select SSD based on confirmed EVT Ratings
                                                                                                 • Use MLC within requirements of Endurance

                                       Using Best-of-Breed Controllers to achieve <=3% AFR and JEDEC
                                     Endurance Verification Testing should allow Enterprise Capabile SSDs
 Source: Intel IDF’10 & IMEX Research SSD Industry Report 2011 ©IMEX 2010-11
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


New Intelligent Controllers:
     Meeting Enterprise Requirements

                           Enterprise Requirements
                                 • Always-On 24x7 Reliability and performance supersede cost
                                 • Fast I/O Performance required by business-critical applications and
                                 • 5-Yr. Life Cycle Endurance required by mission-critical applications in the
                                 • Use State-of-the-Art new sophisticated controllers and firmware
                                   technologies to run mission critical applications in the enterprise, using
                                     - Robust ECC, Internal RAID, Wear Leveling (To reduce hot spots),
                                       Spare Capacity, Write Amplification, Avoidance, Garbage Collection
                                       Efficiency, Wear Out Prediction Management etc.
       Source: SandForce

                           SATA3 I/F                                       New Intelligent Controller (2nd Generation)                        JTAG I/F
                            6Gb/s,32 NCQ
                                                               Optimized     Block Mgmt/       Garbage     Read/Disturb   RAID w/o Std.
                                                                                                                                            NAND Flash I/F
                                                                 Write       Wear Leveling    Collection   Management      Parity OH

                                                                                                                                          • Toggle , ONFI-2

                                                                                                                                          • SLC/ MLC/ eMLC

                                                                          AES 256/128          TCG               55b/512B                 • 8ch/16 Byte Lanes
                                                                                                                                          • 3x,2x nm Supp
                                                                          Encryption         Compliance          BCH ECC                  • 512 GB Capable

                                                    New Gen Controllers allow SSDs to meet Enterprise Class
                                                      Availability/Performance/ over 5-Year Life/Scalability/
                                                            Auto-Configuration & Auto Data-Tiering                                                          31
Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report                          2011

© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.


Key Takeaways                                                                         IMEX

      • Solid State Storage creating a paradigm shift in Storage Industry
               • Leverage the opportunity to optimize your computing infrastructure with SSD adoption
                 after making a due diligence in selection of vendors/products, industry testing and
      • Optimize Transactions for Query Response Time vs. # of Users
               • Improving Query Response time for a given number of users (IOPs) or Serving more
                 users (IOPS) for a given query response time

      • Select Automated Storage Tiering Software
               • Data Forensics and Tiered Placement
               • Every workload has unique I/O access signature
               • Historical performance data for a LUN can identify performance skews & hot data
                 regions by LBAs.Non-disruptively migrate hot data from HDD to SSDs.
      • Optimize Infrastructure to meet needs of Applications/SLA
               • Performance Economics/Benefits
               • Typically 4-8% of data becomes a candidate and when migrated to SSDs can provide
                 response time reduction of ~65% at peak loads

Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report          ©2011                                           32
© 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.

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  • 6. Server to Storage IO Gap Performance IMEX RESEARCH.COM For Each Disk Operation: r r I/O r ve sso Gap Millions of CPU Operations or Hundreds of Se oce Thousands of Memory Operations can be done Pr /O Disk I 1980 1990 2000 2010 A 7.2K/15k rpm HDD can do 100/140 IOPS © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
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  • 9. Advantage Solid State Storage (vs. HDDs) IMEX RESEARCH.COM HDD SSD Improvement Parameter SSD vs. HDD Concurrent Access 900 % Data Access Time ms <1 % IOPS 475 % Read Speed 500% 1.0 MTBF (Million Hrs) * 2.1 110 % <5% Failure Rate (AFR%) ** <=3% 40 % 10^(-14) UBER ** 10^ (-16) 16 % 11.4 GB/W Power Efficiency 570 GB/W 5,000 % 43.1 IOPS/W Performance/Power 42,850 IOPS/W 100,000 % 6.8 Watts Idling Power 0.5 Watts 93 % 10.1 Watts Load Power 0.9 Watts 91 % 1.0 GB/in3 Storage Density 16 GB/in3 1600 % 4.2 IOPS/in3 Performance Density 1,250 IOPS/in3 30,000 % Shock/Vibration/Noise 800/1600%/30dBLess Weight 50 % Maintenance/Op.Time # 50 % #Reduced -Booting Up, -Virus Scan, -Defrag, -RAID Build, -Patching, -Data Restoration ** JEDEC’s Mfr’s Required Specs Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report © 2011 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 10. Improving DB Query Response Time IMEX RESEARCH.COM 8 Query Response Time (ms) HDDs HDDs Hybrid 6 14 Drives 112 Drives HDDs $$ w short 36 Drives stroking + SSDs SSDs 4 $$$$$$$$ $$$$ 12 Drives $$$ 2 Conceptual Only -Not to Scale 0 0 10,000 20,000 30,000 40,000 IOPS (or Number of Concurrent Users) For a targeted query response time in DB & OLTP applications, many more concurrent users can be added cost-effectively when using SSDs or SSD + HDDs storage vs. adding more HDDs or short-stroking HDDs Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report 2011 © 10 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
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  • 12. Market Segments by Apps/Workloads IMEX RESEARCH.COM 1000 K OLTP Transaction Processing eCommerce 100 K Business IOPS* (*Latency-1) (RAID - 1, 5, 6) Data Intelligence (RAID - 0, 3) Warehousing 10K OLAP 1K Scientific Computing HPC Imaging TP 100 Audio Web 2.0 HPC Video 10 1 5 10 50 100 500 *IOPS for a required response time ( ms) MB/sec *=(#Channels*Latency-1) Source:: IMEX Research - Cloud Infrastructure Report © 2009-11 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 13. Data Storage Usage – In DCs & Cloud © IMEX RESEARCH.COM I/O Access Frequency vs. Percent of Corporate Data 95% 75% Cloud 65% FCoE/ Storage SAS SATA Arrays % of I/O Accesses • Back Up Data SSD • Tables • Archived Data • Logs • Indices • Offsite DataVault • Journals • Hot Data • Temp Tables • Hot Tables 1% 2% 10% 50% 100% % of Corporate Data Source:: IMEX Research - Cloud Infrastructure Report © 2009-11 13 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 14. Applications Best Suited for SSDs IMEX RESEARCH.COM Apps and impact from SSD Usage • Databases Applications most benefitting • Databases have key elements of commit files from SSDs Use • logs, redo, undo, tempDB DB / OLTP 43% • Structured data vs. Unstructured Data • Structured/SQL data access is an excellent fit for SSD E-Mail/Collab. 32% • Exception–large, growing table spaces HPC 31% • Unstructured data access is a poor fit for SSD BI / DW 30% Exception – small, non-growing, tagged files ERP/SCM/CRM 25% • OS images • boot-from-flash, page-to-DRAM Web 2.0 23% Office Apps 20% Typical Cases - Impact on Applications • Financials/ATM Transactions Improvements • Batch Window 22%, App Response Time 50%, • App I/O Rate 50% • Messaging Applications • Cost Savings: 200+ FC HDDs into only 16 SSDs Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report ©2011 14 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 15. Applications best suited for SSDs: IMEX Workloads Characterization RESEARCH.COM Storage performance, management and costs are big issues in running Databases  Data Warehousing Workloads are I/O intensive • Predominantly read based with low hit ratios on buffer pools • High concurrent sequential and random read levels  Sequential Reads requires high level of I/O Bandwidth (MB/sec)  Random Reads require high IOPS) • Write rates driven by life cycle management and sort operations  OLTP Workloads are strongly random I/O intensive • Random I/O is more dominant  Read/write ratios of 80/20 are most common but can be 50/50  Can be difficult to build out test systems with sufficient I/O characteristics  Batch Workloads are more write intensive • Sequential Writes requires high level of I/O Bandwidth (MB/sec)  Backup & Recovery times are critical for these workloads • Backup operations drive high level of sequential IO • Recovery operation drives high levels of random I/O Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report ©2011 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 16. Applications Best Suited for SSDs: IMEX RESEARCH.COM Data Warehouse/BI Large DB Size Growth by Market Segment Scale In 1200 1100 Scale Up 1000 OLTP DB Size (TB) 900 DW/BI 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Scale Out 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 Storage Usage vs DB Capacity I/O Access Frequency vs. Percent of Corporate Data 95 1-2 TB DB Size (TB) Storage Size (TB) 75 Cloud DB Size 2-5 TB 65 FCoE/ FCoE/ Storage SAS SATA % of I/O Accesses Arrays Arrays • Back Up • Back Up 5-10 TB SSD • Tables • Tables • Indices • Indices Data Data • Archived • Archived • Logs • Logs • Hot • Hot Data Data • Journals • Journals Data Data • Offsite • Offsite >10 TB • Temp • Temp DataVault DataVault Tables Tables • Hot • Hot Tables Tables 0 20 40 60 80 TB 1 2 10 50 100 Data Source: IMEX Research Cloud Infrastructure Report ©2009-11 % of Corporate Data © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 17. Apps Best Suited for SSDs: HPC/Web 2.0 IMEX RESEARCH.COM VDI Commercial Bioinformatics Decision Support Entertainment- Visualization & Diagnostics Bus. Intelligence VoD / U-Tube Data: IMEX Research & Panasas 17 Instant On Boot Ups Rendering (Texture & Polygons) Data Warehousing Most Accessed Videos Rugged, Low Power Very Read Intensive, Small Block I/O Random IO, High OLTPM Very Read Intensive 1GB/s, __ms 10 GB/s, __ms 1GB/s, __ms 4 GB/s, __ms © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 18. Automated Storage Tiering IMEX - Next Frontier in Storage Efficiency RESEARCH.COM Data Protection Storage Efficiency DRAM Back Up/Archive/DR Storage Virtualization RAID – 0,1,5,6,10 Flash Thin Provisioning SSD Virtual Tape Deduplication Performance Replication MAID Disk Capacity Disk Tape Auto Tiering Data Class (Tiers 0,1,2,3) Storage Media Type (Flash/Disk/Tape) Policy Engines (Workload Mgmt) Transparent Migration (Data Placement) File Virtualization (Uninterrupted App.Opns.in Migration) Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report ©2011 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 19. Automated Storage Tiering: IMEX The Killer App for Enterprise SSDs RESEARCH.COM • Traditional Disk Mapping • Volumes have different characteristics. Applications need to place them on correct tiers of storage based on usage • Smart Storage Mapping • All volumes appear to be “logically” homogenous to apps. But data is placed at the right tier of storage based on its usage through smart data placement and migration Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report ©2011 19 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 20. Automated Storage Tiering: Workload I/O Monitoring & Migration IMEX RESEARCH.COM Storage-Tiered Virtualization • Automated Storage Tiering Storage-Tiering at LBA/Sub-LUN Level • Continuously monitor and Physical Storage Logical Volume analyze data access on the tiers • Automatically elevate hot data SSDs Hot Data to “Hot Tiers” and demote cool Arrays data/volumes to “Lower Tiers • Allocate and relocate volumes HDDs Cold Data on each tier based on use Arrays • Automated Migration reduces OPEX to otherwise SANs managed manually Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report ©2011 20 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 21. Automated Storage Tiering: IMEX Workload I/O Monitoring & Migration RESEARCH.COM • LBA Monitoring and Tiered Placement • Every workload has unique I/O access signature • Historical performance data for a LUN can identify performance skews & hot data regions by LBAs • Using Smart Tiering identify hot LBA regions and non-disruptivelymigrate hot data from HDD to SSDs. • Typically 4-8% of data becomes a candidate and when migrated to SSDs can provide response time reduction of ~65% at peak loads. Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report ©2011 21 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 22. Automated Storage Tiering: Improving Response Time IMEX RESEARCH.COM • Productivity Improvements (Response Time) • With automated reallocation of hot spot data (~ 5-10% of total data) to SSDs, performance improvements  Response time reduction ~70+% IOPS increase of 200% for any I/O intensive workloads in Time-Perishable OLTP markets: Airlines Reservations, Wall Street Investment Banking Stock Transactions, Financial Institutions Hedge Funds etc.  Performance boost in Low Latency seeking Systems (High Perf. Clustered Systems) Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report ©2011 22 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 23. Automated Storage Tiering: IMEX Enhancing Database Throughput RESEARCH.COM • DB Throughput Optimization • Every workload has unique I/O access signature and historical behavior • identify hot “database objects” and smartly placed in the right tier. • Scalable Throughput Improvement - 300% • Substantial IO Bound Transaction Response time Improvement - 45%- 75% Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report ©2011 23 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 24. Automated Storage Tiering: IMEX Storage Tiering – Best Practices RESEARCH.COM Storage Tiering - Best Practices Highlights • SSD-PCIe perform better than SATA SSDs • Use Nehalem Class CPUs especially when using PCIe SSDs • Put Random Access Files on SSDs (Index, Tables, Table Spaces) • Keep ample SSD Reserved Space to avoid massive SSD write deterioration • Put Sequentially Written Files on HDDs since • HDDs better at Sequential Writes compared to SSDs • Removes SSD Write performance bottle necks • Increases SSD life • Archive Less Active Tables/Records to HDDs • Leverage Auto-Tiering Storage SW to balance between SSDs and HDDs • Heat Mapping with Tier Managed Extent Pools • Workload Hot Spot Analysis • Smart Data Migration & Placement • Continuous Workload Monitoring • Use Faster Networks (10GbE vs 1GbE) to avoid saturating DRBD • Target Price/Performance Economic Benefits of 150-800% Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report ©2011 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 25. SSS in DB Environments: Enabling new System Architectures IMEX RESEARCH.COM SSD class memories fundamentally changing Computing Systems Architectures Using SSDs, a leading Computer Systems company achieved: • Sustained 1 million IOPS with random 4K size • 70%RD/30%WR with Queue depth of 16 • System Latency 720 us Average • Floor Space Less than 25% vs. Std. Disk Storage System • Energy Used only 55% vs Std. System • Comparable Total Cost New system vs. Standard System • System Test HW: Host - 2 Servers (26 cores, 28 GB Memory), Cluster - 14 Storage Controller Nodes, Storage - 31 Storage Arrays with 41 PCIe SSDs 160GB Each Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report ©2011 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 26. SSS in DB Environments: IMEX DB Improvements with Flash SSDs RESEARCH.COM • Storage management, performance and cost - a big issue in DBs • SSDs enable super IO performance and cost reduction in DBs Improve • Insert/Update/Delete Performance Improve • Random Read I/O Performance Responsiveness • Query Response Time • Sort Performance • Batch Performance too. Reduce Reduce Costs • DRAM size for Buffer Pools used to cache data on SSDs • Power/Cooling Space for housing Databases Reduce New Added • Database Recovery performance Benefits • I/O performance impact by Flash Copy • Skill levels required for DB tuning & monitoring Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report ©2011 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 27. SSS in DB Environments: Best Practices for DB/DW/BI Apps IMEX RESEARCH.COM Goals & Implementation • Establish Goals for SLAs (Performance/Cost/Availability), BC/DR (RPO/RTO) & Compliance • Increase Performance for DB, Data Warehousing, OLTP Apps:  Random I/O > 20x , Sequential I/O Bandwidth > 5x  Remove Stale data from Production Resources to improve performance • Use Partitioning Software to Classify Data  By Frequency of Access (Recent Usage) and  Capacity (by percent of total Data) using general guidelines as:  Hyperactive (1%), Active (5%), Less Active (20%), Historical (74%) Implementation • Optimize Tiering by Classifying Hot & Cold Data  Improve Query Performance by reducing number of I/Os  Reduce number of Disks Needed by 25-50% using advance compression software achieving 2-4x compression • Match Data Classification vs.Tiered Devices accordingly  Flash, High Performance Disk, Low Cost Capacity Disk, Online Lowest Cost Archival Disk/Tape • Balance Cost vs. Performance of Flash  More Data in Flash > Higher Cache Hit Ratio > Improved Data Performance • Create and Auto-Manage Tiering (Monitoring, Migrations, Placements) without manual intervention Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report ©2011 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 28. SSS in DB Environments: Enabling new Economics IMEX RESEARCH.COM SAN Performance SAN TCO using HDD vs. Hybrid Storage 250 Improvements using SSD 300 10 IOPS 9 $/IOPS 200 250 Improvement Improvement 8 475% 800% 7 145 200 150 6 HDD-FC Cost $K 0 IOPS $/IOP 150 5 HDD- 36 100 SATA 4 0 100 3 SSD 64 2 50 75 50 1 RackSpace 28 0 0 0 14.2 Pwr/Cool 5.2 FC-HDD Only SSD/SATA-HDD HDD Only HDD/SSD Performance (IOPS) $/IOP Power & Cooling RackSpace SSDs HDD SATA HDD FC Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report ©2011 28 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 29. Tiered Storage – Industry Ecosystem IMEX RESEARCH.COM Industry Status • Integrated Storage Tiering Products offered by over top 10 Storage Vendors • Major Storage Vendors - Automated Volume Level Tiering (SSD & HDD) • New Storage Start Ups – Integrated Flash Caching & Block Level Tiering • Cloud Vendors – Adding Shared Cloud for Lowest Cost Backup & Restore Storage NAND Flash Storage Systems SSD Storage SSD Controllers Computer Systems Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report ©2011 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 30. SSD Challenges & Solutions: IMEX Goals & Best Practices RESEARCH.COM Concerned about SSD 20% Adoption in your Enterprise ? Be aware of Tools & Best Practices … % of Drives Failing (AFR %) And you should be OK !! 15% Best Practices ve ise Cur • By leveraging Error Avoidance Algorithms, and Prom 10% Best Practices of Verification Testing, to keep a noi total functional failure rate <=3% (with defects 5% rld l Wo a and wear-outs issues combined) Par • In practice, endurance ratings are likely to be Rea 0% significantly higher than typical use, so data 0 1 2 3 4 5 JEDEC errors and failures will be even less. Years of Use SSD • Capacity Over-provisioning will provide large Std. increases in random performance and <=3% endurance. • Select SSD based on confirmed EVT Ratings • Use MLC within requirements of Endurance Limits Using Best-of-Breed Controllers to achieve <=3% AFR and JEDEC Endurance Verification Testing should allow Enterprise Capabile SSDs Source: Intel IDF’10 & IMEX Research SSD Industry Report 2011 ©IMEX 2010-11 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 31. New Intelligent Controllers: Meeting Enterprise Requirements IMEX RESEARCH.COM Enterprise Requirements • Always-On 24x7 Reliability and performance supersede cost • Fast I/O Performance required by business-critical applications and • 5-Yr. Life Cycle Endurance required by mission-critical applications in the enterprise. • Use State-of-the-Art new sophisticated controllers and firmware technologies to run mission critical applications in the enterprise, using - Robust ECC, Internal RAID, Wear Leveling (To reduce hot spots), Spare Capacity, Write Amplification, Avoidance, Garbage Collection Efficiency, Wear Out Prediction Management etc. Source: SandForce RS232,GPIO,I2C, SATA3 I/F New Intelligent Controller (2nd Generation) JTAG I/F 6Gb/s,32 NCQ Optimized Block Mgmt/ Garbage Read/Disturb RAID w/o Std. NAND Flash I/F Write Wear Leveling Collection Management Parity OH Command • Toggle , ONFI-2 Transport PHY • SLC/ MLC/ eMLC Link AES 256/128 TCG 55b/512B • 8ch/16 Byte Lanes • 3x,2x nm Supp Encryption Compliance BCH ECC • 512 GB Capable New Gen Controllers allow SSDs to meet Enterprise Class Availability/Performance/ over 5-Year Life/Scalability/ Auto-Configuration & Auto Data-Tiering 31 Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report 2011 © © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.
  • 32. Key Takeaways IMEX RESEARCH.COM • Solid State Storage creating a paradigm shift in Storage Industry • Leverage the opportunity to optimize your computing infrastructure with SSD adoption after making a due diligence in selection of vendors/products, industry testing and interoperability • Optimize Transactions for Query Response Time vs. # of Users • Improving Query Response time for a given number of users (IOPs) or Serving more users (IOPS) for a given query response time • Select Automated Storage Tiering Software • Data Forensics and Tiered Placement • Every workload has unique I/O access signature • Historical performance data for a LUN can identify performance skews & hot data regions by LBAs.Non-disruptively migrate hot data from HDD to SSDs. • Optimize Infrastructure to meet needs of Applications/SLA • Performance Economics/Benefits • Typically 4-8% of data becomes a candidate and when migrated to SSDs can provide response time reduction of ~65% at peak loads Source: IMEX Research SSD Industry Report ©2011 32 © 2010‐11  IMEX Research, Copying prohibited. All rights reserved.