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Kids for a Better World Chenling Zhang Kids Expert MTV Networks 05/06/2009 Inspiration to engage kids in a socially complicated world
Who is Nickelodeon?
We believe in  encouragement
Nickelodeon believes in the  empowerment  of children
In the world of Nickelodeon, every child is a small hero
NORTH SOUTH Key to success 1: Top quality kids content
Key to success 2: Variation and innovation NORTH SOUTH Source: CIM Audimetrie, Jan-Dec 2008 In 2008 81 different programs 23 new formats 53 different programs 17 new formats
Key to success 3: Favourite characters on Nick Source: Nickelodeon Brand Tracking, MTV Networks, November 2008 NORTH SOUTH Q:  Which television character (from a cartoon, series or other children’s program) is your favorite? Brand new   Brand Tracking  Insigths
Nickelodeon is in permanent search to gain better understanding of kids & family
But Nickelodeon is so much more!
Kids for a Better World
Short interviews with children age 6-12 y.o.: Research Q’s:  - What social themes do they care about? - What do they know about social themes? - How do they deal with them? - Are they willing to listen to social themes? - … Online survey amongst 417 parents & 423 kids Field: 27.03.2009 – 08.04.2009 Research Q’s:  - Validation quali insights - What do they (dis)like? - Are they aware of Nickelodeon’s    initiatives? - Ideas for the future? - Do’s & don’ts in    communication - … Quali Quanti
What’s the role for your brand in the future of the children?  ...what do you want children & family to do with your brand? … act through learning … change behaviour through behaviour … positive behaviour before negative behaviour  … connect with kids & family through the right kind of communication Source: Kids2 – Dirk Lorré ICU 24-06-08
Symbols Icon legend used throughout the report Significant difference between groups are highlighted with following symbols: Father Mother 6 – 8 years old 9 – 12 years old Boys Girls Flanders vs. Wallonia Parents are more positive  /less positive  about the theme
4 themes for today…
(health y)   Nutrition
Parents & Kids agree on the importance of healthy nutrition (top 2 answers) Q: To what extent do you agree with the following statements? I think it’s important that… Q: Do you think it is important to eat healthy?
They also agree on what is healthy food 78% 80% 83% 81% 22% SUGAR 28%
The chicken & the egg… Top 3 arguments for the parents for eating healthy… Q: Which arguments do you use to convince your child that healthy food is better? The ‘teeth’ argument is much more used in Flanders (41%) than in Wallonia (26%)
#1 Healthy food contains a lot of vitamins (86%)
#2 Healthy eating is good for the teeth (57%)
#3 I will get FAT if I DON’T eat healthy (54%)
Children love food Perception Healthiness Likeability Vitamin candies Mother’s fav’ Guilty pleasures 60% 20% 60%
More info? Q: Would you like to find out more about healthy food? 56% of the parents thinks they know enough, but extra info is very welcome!
9 out of 10  kids indicated that their  parents  are their  most important source for healthy nutrition.  Especially girls discuss healthy nutrition with their parents.  Q:  Who taught you something about healthy eating?
What kind of info do the kids prefer?
76%: Recipes that I can prepare with my parents
66%: A recipe that I can prepare myself
59%: Tips to eat more healthy/tips about healthy snacks!
Don’t tell parents & kids that it’s important to eat healthy, they already know! Instead, give them guidance & tips Kids love easy & fun recipes, by giving them recipes to prepare with their parents you engage the parents as well!
Filthy feet & the outdoor
Parents favour outside while kids have no clear preference, but lean towards outside  Q:  Do you prefer your child to play inside or outside? Q:  Do you prefer to play inside or outside?
Health & social contacts as main reason for the parents Q:  Why do you prefer your child to play outside?
Kids prefer ‘fun’, ‘freedom’ & ‘friends’  Q: Why do you prefer to play outside?
Where do they prefer to play outside? 43% 40% 31% 36% 57% 61% 69% 10% 40% 10%
Supervision Q:  When you play outside, how do you do that usually? 43% 40% 31% 36% 57% 61% 69%
Playing outside :  safety first Q:  Which conditions need to be met for you to prefer your child to play outside (only if they prefer their kids to play outside) a  Safe  environment 77% Good  weather 71% No/little  traffic  on the road 44%
The arguments for playing outside: 1 out of 2 dads got it right   Q:  Which arguments do you use to convince your child that it should play outside (only if discussed with child)?
88%: Cycling
79%: Ballgames
57%: Hide & Seek/You’re it/…
Youth organisation Q:  Is your child a member of a youth organisation (scouts, cubs,...)? 38% is a member of a Youth Organisation 17% used to be a member 10% of the children plans to become a member
Social motives are most important reason to join youth organisation Q:  Why are you a member of a youth organisation (only if member of a youth organisation)? 43% 40% 31% 36% 57% 61% 69%
Nonetheless… 33%  of the parents feel they could use more info to get their children outside   87%   of the kids would like to receive more tips about fun things to do outside/inside HEALTH vs FFF
From the government to the kids (via the parents) 4 out of 10 Flemish parents would like to receive info from the government about playing outside. That’s twice as much as in Wallonia! 7 out of 10 Flemish kids would like to receive info from their parents about playing outside. 1 out of 2 Flemish kids also prefer the TV as source for playing outside (  )
Awareness vs Likeability Buitenspeeldag Q:  Have you heard of this campaign? Q: What do you think of this campaign? 9 out of 10 children have heard about the Buitenspeeldag. 97% of the kids evaluated the Buitenspeeldag as (very) positive!
Buitenspeeldag: correct associations! Q:  Please describe in your own words what you think this initiative entails (OPEN Q)
Correct attribution! Q:  Which organisation / TV network do you believe is organising the "Buitenspeeldag"? 77% 71% 77%  of the parents think this link between Nickelodeon and the Flemish Government is (very) appropriate!  Why do parents think that Nickelodeon is very appropriate as ambassador for the Buitenspeeldag?
#1: Nickelodeon reaches a lot of children (87%)
Source: Nickelodeon Brand Tracking, MTV Networks, November 2008 NORTH SOUTH Core brand values Nick versus Ketnet Core brand values Nick versus Kids Club #2: Children find Nickelodeon cool (69%)
#3: Nickelodeon has a big influence on children (68%)
Social contact and (old) friends are important motivation to take part Q:  Why do you think the "Buitenspeeldag" is a good idea?
Parents use the right arguments as well Q:  How would you motivate your child to take part? 83% 80% 64% 63%
Don’t tell parents & kids that it’s important to spend time outdoors, they already know! Stress ‘health’-factor towards the parents & ‘fun’/‘freedom’-factor towards kids, when communicating about playing outdoors So provide kids with fun tips about cool things to do outside and focus on the ‘health’ factor when talking to parents!
Do they have enough exercise?  Q:  Does your child play sports (we DON'T include the PE lessons at school)? Q:  Do you play sports (we don't mean the PE lessons at school)? It seems that they already have enough exercise?
School’s out…  Q:  Why do you like sports more outside of school? Q:  Where do you prefer to play sports: at school during PE lessons or outside of school? It’s an issue of freedom &  self development
90%: Playing sports is  FUN !
70%: Playing sports is  Healthy !
44%: I meet new  Friends  playing sports
Parents forget the social part Q:  Which arguments have you used to convince your child that it should start playing sports?
Parents mostly encourage swimming Q:  Which sport(s) does your child play? KIDS’ SPORTS PARENTS’ SPORTS NORTH Football Dancing Cycling Swimming
Q:  Which sport(s) does your child play? Cycling Swimming KIDS’ SPORTS PARENTS’ SPORTS SOUTH
80%: Swimming
75%: Cycling
46%: Soccer
Nonetheless: children would still like more info Q:  Do you feel that you know enough to encourage your child to play sports, or do you feel that you may need some help? Q: Would you like to find out more about the sport(s) that you play? Q:  Would you like to find out about  new  sports? What new sports would interest them?
9%: Tennis
7%: Dancing
6%: Horseback riding
Parents, the government and television as popular information channels Q:  How would you prefer to receive this information? 36% 48% 56% Q:  Where would you like to find out more about  sports? 1 out of 2 parents indicated they would like to receive information about sports through the government. A quarter of the parents also would prefer the television.  58% of the kids would like to receive the info from their parents. Television was also preferred by 45% of the kids.
What would persuade the grown ups? Q:  What things would convince you to let your child play a certain sport? Reasons for parents are mostly financial
When I grow up, I want to be… Q:  Which athlete do you admire? NORTH SOUTH 9% 9% 7% 7% 2% 2% Axel Witsel
Don’t tell parents & kids that it’s important to play sports, they already know! Provide kids with info on new sports & put the emphasis on Fun, Health & Freedom Provide parents with financial incentives to attract entire families
The environment
R.E.S.P.E.C.T for the environment: parents set the example Q:  To what extent do you think it is important that your  child  respects the environment? Q:  Do you think it is important to care for the environment?
Nature  (trees & flowers) animals …  the air What’s the environment according to the kids?
How’s the nature doing? Q:  Do you think the environment is doing well? 3 out of 4 children think that there’s something wrong with the environment
Why’s the nature not doing well? 73% 67% 66% 60% 59%
Parents also set the example for the solutions Q:  Which of the following actions do you also try to teach your child? Q:  Below is a list of things you can do to care for the environment. Which of these things do you sometimes do?
Parents really set the example! Q:  Do you do these things on you own accord, or have you learned them somewhere? 63% 52% 44% 43% 40% 31% 36% 48% 56% 57% 61% 69% Q:  Below is a list of things you can do to care for the environment. Which of these things do you sometimes do? 9 out of 10 kids say that they learned to take care of the environment from their parents!
Same old story… Q:  Would you like to find out more about what you can do to care for the environment? Q:  Do you feel that you know enough to encourage your child to care about the environment, or do you feel that you may need some help with this? 37%  of the parents welcome extra info to encourage their children to care about the environment 3 out of 4  children would also like to find out more about what they can do to take care of the environment
Q:  How would you prefer to receive this information? Q:  Where would you like to find out more about what you can do to care for the environment? 70% of the parents prefer to receive more info on the care for the environment through the government 72% of the kids prefer to receive more info to better take care of the environment from their parents.  1 out of 2 kids also prefer to receive info from television
Don’t tell parents & kids that it’s important to take care of the environment, they already know! Provide kids with fun tips to take care of the environment Also stress the problems that aren’t visible at the first sight
Impact of Social Actions
Awareness Q:  Have you heard of this campaign? 2005 2008 (!) 2004 2009
Likeability 2005 2008 (!) 2004 2009 Q:  What do you think of this campaign?
General conclusions
Overall  involvement  is high However, there is  still 20% to 30%  who doesn’t talk about social topics with their kids Openness  to new info  Parents  put their trust in the  government  while  kids  put their trust in their parents But kids also trust commercial media like  TV
Awareness is no longer an issue!
Promote conversation through clear facts
Change behaviour through behaviour
Give them hugs!  
Tailor made information
Rational arguments vs tips, tricks & fun
Don’t underestimate the social aspect
Emphasis on positive Children love recipes they can prepare themselves or with their parents Provide parents & children with concrete tips to eat more healthy! Tips about healthy snacks and famous cooks are more in demand in Flanders Government – GP & Parents
Friends, freedom and fun Emphasis on positive aspects: nice weather, having fun, meeting new friends,… Stress good and avoid bad weather when communicating towards parents Provide kids with concrete tips for playing outside Government, parents & TV as info channels
Fun, health & friends Potential of sports in school Provide financial incentives to parents Information need kids is high! Government (obj.), parents & TV (power of medium) as info channels
Information need is high as well Parents set the example! Concrete tips to take care of environment Animals as part of the solution Government, parents, TV & Games
Lets do this together, because face it…
Thank you!

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Kids For A Better - World Vipjeugd

  • 1. Kids for a Better World Chenling Zhang Kids Expert MTV Networks 05/06/2009 Inspiration to engage kids in a socially complicated world
  • 3. We believe in encouragement
  • 4. Nickelodeon believes in the empowerment of children
  • 5. In the world of Nickelodeon, every child is a small hero
  • 6. NORTH SOUTH Key to success 1: Top quality kids content
  • 7. Key to success 2: Variation and innovation NORTH SOUTH Source: CIM Audimetrie, Jan-Dec 2008 In 2008 81 different programs 23 new formats 53 different programs 17 new formats
  • 8. Key to success 3: Favourite characters on Nick Source: Nickelodeon Brand Tracking, MTV Networks, November 2008 NORTH SOUTH Q: Which television character (from a cartoon, series or other children’s program) is your favorite? Brand new Brand Tracking Insigths
  • 9. Nickelodeon is in permanent search to gain better understanding of kids & family
  • 10. But Nickelodeon is so much more!
  • 11.  
  • 12. Kids for a Better World
  • 13. Short interviews with children age 6-12 y.o.: Research Q’s: - What social themes do they care about? - What do they know about social themes? - How do they deal with them? - Are they willing to listen to social themes? - … Online survey amongst 417 parents & 423 kids Field: 27.03.2009 – 08.04.2009 Research Q’s: - Validation quali insights - What do they (dis)like? - Are they aware of Nickelodeon’s initiatives? - Ideas for the future? - Do’s & don’ts in communication - … Quali Quanti
  • 14. What’s the role for your brand in the future of the children? ...what do you want children & family to do with your brand? … act through learning … change behaviour through behaviour … positive behaviour before negative behaviour … connect with kids & family through the right kind of communication Source: Kids2 – Dirk Lorré ICU 24-06-08
  • 15. Symbols Icon legend used throughout the report Significant difference between groups are highlighted with following symbols: Father Mother 6 – 8 years old 9 – 12 years old Boys Girls Flanders vs. Wallonia Parents are more positive /less positive about the theme
  • 16. 4 themes for today…
  • 17. (health y) Nutrition
  • 18. Parents & Kids agree on the importance of healthy nutrition (top 2 answers) Q: To what extent do you agree with the following statements? I think it’s important that… Q: Do you think it is important to eat healthy?
  • 19. They also agree on what is healthy food 78% 80% 83% 81% 22% SUGAR 28%
  • 20. The chicken & the egg… Top 3 arguments for the parents for eating healthy… Q: Which arguments do you use to convince your child that healthy food is better? The ‘teeth’ argument is much more used in Flanders (41%) than in Wallonia (26%)
  • 21. #1 Healthy food contains a lot of vitamins (86%)
  • 22. #2 Healthy eating is good for the teeth (57%)
  • 23. #3 I will get FAT if I DON’T eat healthy (54%)
  • 24.  
  • 25.  
  • 26. Children love food Perception Healthiness Likeability Vitamin candies Mother’s fav’ Guilty pleasures 60% 20% 60%
  • 27.  
  • 28.  
  • 29. More info? Q: Would you like to find out more about healthy food? 56% of the parents thinks they know enough, but extra info is very welcome!
  • 30. 9 out of 10 kids indicated that their parents are their most important source for healthy nutrition. Especially girls discuss healthy nutrition with their parents. Q: Who taught you something about healthy eating?
  • 31. What kind of info do the kids prefer?
  • 32. 76%: Recipes that I can prepare with my parents
  • 33. 66%: A recipe that I can prepare myself
  • 34. 59%: Tips to eat more healthy/tips about healthy snacks!
  • 35. Don’t tell parents & kids that it’s important to eat healthy, they already know! Instead, give them guidance & tips Kids love easy & fun recipes, by giving them recipes to prepare with their parents you engage the parents as well!
  • 36. Filthy feet & the outdoor
  • 37. Parents favour outside while kids have no clear preference, but lean towards outside Q: Do you prefer your child to play inside or outside? Q: Do you prefer to play inside or outside?
  • 38. Health & social contacts as main reason for the parents Q: Why do you prefer your child to play outside?
  • 39. Kids prefer ‘fun’, ‘freedom’ & ‘friends’ Q: Why do you prefer to play outside?
  • 40. Where do they prefer to play outside? 43% 40% 31% 36% 57% 61% 69% 10% 40% 10%
  • 41. Supervision Q: When you play outside, how do you do that usually? 43% 40% 31% 36% 57% 61% 69%
  • 42. Playing outside : safety first Q: Which conditions need to be met for you to prefer your child to play outside (only if they prefer their kids to play outside) a Safe environment 77% Good weather 71% No/little traffic on the road 44%
  • 43. The arguments for playing outside: 1 out of 2 dads got it right  Q: Which arguments do you use to convince your child that it should play outside (only if discussed with child)?
  • 46. 57%: Hide & Seek/You’re it/…
  • 47. Youth organisation Q: Is your child a member of a youth organisation (scouts, cubs,...)? 38% is a member of a Youth Organisation 17% used to be a member 10% of the children plans to become a member
  • 48. Social motives are most important reason to join youth organisation Q: Why are you a member of a youth organisation (only if member of a youth organisation)? 43% 40% 31% 36% 57% 61% 69%
  • 49. Nonetheless… 33% of the parents feel they could use more info to get their children outside 87% of the kids would like to receive more tips about fun things to do outside/inside HEALTH vs FFF
  • 50. From the government to the kids (via the parents) 4 out of 10 Flemish parents would like to receive info from the government about playing outside. That’s twice as much as in Wallonia! 7 out of 10 Flemish kids would like to receive info from their parents about playing outside. 1 out of 2 Flemish kids also prefer the TV as source for playing outside ( )
  • 51.  
  • 52. Awareness vs Likeability Buitenspeeldag Q: Have you heard of this campaign? Q: What do you think of this campaign? 9 out of 10 children have heard about the Buitenspeeldag. 97% of the kids evaluated the Buitenspeeldag as (very) positive!
  • 53. Buitenspeeldag: correct associations! Q: Please describe in your own words what you think this initiative entails (OPEN Q)
  • 54. Correct attribution! Q: Which organisation / TV network do you believe is organising the "Buitenspeeldag"? 77% 71% 77% of the parents think this link between Nickelodeon and the Flemish Government is (very) appropriate! Why do parents think that Nickelodeon is very appropriate as ambassador for the Buitenspeeldag?
  • 55. #1: Nickelodeon reaches a lot of children (87%)
  • 56. Source: Nickelodeon Brand Tracking, MTV Networks, November 2008 NORTH SOUTH Core brand values Nick versus Ketnet Core brand values Nick versus Kids Club #2: Children find Nickelodeon cool (69%)
  • 57. #3: Nickelodeon has a big influence on children (68%)
  • 58. Social contact and (old) friends are important motivation to take part Q: Why do you think the "Buitenspeeldag" is a good idea?
  • 59. Parents use the right arguments as well Q: How would you motivate your child to take part? 83% 80% 64% 63%
  • 60. Don’t tell parents & kids that it’s important to spend time outdoors, they already know! Stress ‘health’-factor towards the parents & ‘fun’/‘freedom’-factor towards kids, when communicating about playing outdoors So provide kids with fun tips about cool things to do outside and focus on the ‘health’ factor when talking to parents!
  • 62. Do they have enough exercise? Q: Does your child play sports (we DON'T include the PE lessons at school)? Q: Do you play sports (we don't mean the PE lessons at school)? It seems that they already have enough exercise?
  • 63.  
  • 64. School’s out… Q: Why do you like sports more outside of school? Q: Where do you prefer to play sports: at school during PE lessons or outside of school? It’s an issue of freedom & self development
  • 66. 70%: Playing sports is Healthy !
  • 67. 44%: I meet new Friends playing sports
  • 68. Parents forget the social part Q: Which arguments have you used to convince your child that it should start playing sports?
  • 69. Parents mostly encourage swimming Q: Which sport(s) does your child play? KIDS’ SPORTS PARENTS’ SPORTS NORTH Football Dancing Cycling Swimming
  • 70. Q: Which sport(s) does your child play? Cycling Swimming KIDS’ SPORTS PARENTS’ SPORTS SOUTH
  • 74. Nonetheless: children would still like more info Q: Do you feel that you know enough to encourage your child to play sports, or do you feel that you may need some help? Q: Would you like to find out more about the sport(s) that you play? Q: Would you like to find out about new sports? What new sports would interest them?
  • 78. Parents, the government and television as popular information channels Q: How would you prefer to receive this information? 36% 48% 56% Q: Where would you like to find out more about sports? 1 out of 2 parents indicated they would like to receive information about sports through the government. A quarter of the parents also would prefer the television. 58% of the kids would like to receive the info from their parents. Television was also preferred by 45% of the kids.
  • 79. What would persuade the grown ups? Q: What things would convince you to let your child play a certain sport? Reasons for parents are mostly financial
  • 80. When I grow up, I want to be… Q: Which athlete do you admire? NORTH SOUTH 9% 9% 7% 7% 2% 2% Axel Witsel
  • 81. Don’t tell parents & kids that it’s important to play sports, they already know! Provide kids with info on new sports & put the emphasis on Fun, Health & Freedom Provide parents with financial incentives to attract entire families
  • 83. R.E.S.P.E.C.T for the environment: parents set the example Q: To what extent do you think it is important that your child respects the environment? Q: Do you think it is important to care for the environment?
  • 84. Nature (trees & flowers) animals … the air What’s the environment according to the kids?
  • 85. How’s the nature doing? Q: Do you think the environment is doing well? 3 out of 4 children think that there’s something wrong with the environment
  • 86. Why’s the nature not doing well? 73% 67% 66% 60% 59%
  • 87. Parents also set the example for the solutions Q: Which of the following actions do you also try to teach your child? Q: Below is a list of things you can do to care for the environment. Which of these things do you sometimes do?
  • 88. Parents really set the example! Q: Do you do these things on you own accord, or have you learned them somewhere? 63% 52% 44% 43% 40% 31% 36% 48% 56% 57% 61% 69% Q: Below is a list of things you can do to care for the environment. Which of these things do you sometimes do? 9 out of 10 kids say that they learned to take care of the environment from their parents!
  • 89. Same old story… Q: Would you like to find out more about what you can do to care for the environment? Q: Do you feel that you know enough to encourage your child to care about the environment, or do you feel that you may need some help with this? 37% of the parents welcome extra info to encourage their children to care about the environment 3 out of 4 children would also like to find out more about what they can do to take care of the environment
  • 90. Q: How would you prefer to receive this information? Q: Where would you like to find out more about what you can do to care for the environment? 70% of the parents prefer to receive more info on the care for the environment through the government 72% of the kids prefer to receive more info to better take care of the environment from their parents. 1 out of 2 kids also prefer to receive info from television
  • 91.  
  • 92.  
  • 93.  
  • 94. Don’t tell parents & kids that it’s important to take care of the environment, they already know! Provide kids with fun tips to take care of the environment Also stress the problems that aren’t visible at the first sight
  • 95. Impact of Social Actions
  • 96. Awareness Q: Have you heard of this campaign? 2005 2008 (!) 2004 2009
  • 97. Likeability 2005 2008 (!) 2004 2009 Q: What do you think of this campaign?
  • 99. Overall involvement is high However, there is still 20% to 30% who doesn’t talk about social topics with their kids Openness to new info Parents put their trust in the government while kids put their trust in their parents But kids also trust commercial media like TV
  • 100. Awareness is no longer an issue!
  • 105. Rational arguments vs tips, tricks & fun
  • 106. Don’t underestimate the social aspect
  • 107.  
  • 108. Emphasis on positive Children love recipes they can prepare themselves or with their parents Provide parents & children with concrete tips to eat more healthy! Tips about healthy snacks and famous cooks are more in demand in Flanders Government – GP & Parents
  • 109. Friends, freedom and fun Emphasis on positive aspects: nice weather, having fun, meeting new friends,… Stress good and avoid bad weather when communicating towards parents Provide kids with concrete tips for playing outside Government, parents & TV as info channels
  • 110. Fun, health & friends Potential of sports in school Provide financial incentives to parents Information need kids is high! Government (obj.), parents & TV (power of medium) as info channels
  • 111. Information need is high as well Parents set the example! Concrete tips to take care of environment Animals as part of the solution Government, parents, TV & Games
  • 112. Lets do this together, because face it…