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Kinds of companies


Companies Registered
Newly Formed
limited by
limited by
Private Co. And Public


1. Statutory Companies – Companies created
by a special act of the legislature. These
are mostly concerned with public utilities.
Reserve Bank of India, LIC, GIC, Railways,
Tramways, NHAI.
2. Registered Companies – Which are formed
& registered under the companies act,
and RNRL.


1. Companies with limited liability:
(A). Companies limited by shares.
The liability of the members limited only
up to face value of the share. It may be
public or a private company.
(B). Companies limited by guarantee – Liability
of the member is limited to a fixed amount
which the member undertake to contribute
to the assets of company in the event of
winding up.


2. Unlimited companies – Section 12 specifically
provides that any 7 or more persons ( 2 or more in
case of a private company ) may form an
incorporated company, without limited liability. In
case of such a company, every member is liable for
the debts of the company.


1. Private Company :
 A company which has a minimum paid up
capital of Rs. 1,00,000 or higher paid up
capital as may be prescribed, and by its
Articles-(prohibits any invitation to public)
 A) restricts the right to transfer its shares, if
any. This restriction is meant to preserve the
private feature of the company.
 Limits the members to 2-50.
 Donot accept deposits accept from members,
also no subscription from members


2. Public Company- means a company which
(a) Is not a private company and members 7-
(b) Has min paid up capital of Rs. 5,00,000.
(c) It may be :-
 Listed public company
 Unlisted public company
 Diff between both
 When does pvt co becomes public and vice versa


1. Holding company :- a company is holding
of another company if it has control over
that other company.
2. Subsidiary :- a company is known as
subsidiary of another when the control is
exercised by latter. I.e. controlling BOD,
majority of shares, subsidiary of another


1. Govt. company:- it means any company in
which not less than 51% of paid up capital
is held by central, state or partly by
central & partly by state.
Rules- appointment of auditor and audit
reports to comptroller, also annual report
to parliament
2. Non- govt. company:- it is controlled &
operated by private capital


 It means any company incorporated outside
India which has established its place of
business in India , where a minimum of 50%
of the paid up share capital( equity or
Preference) /Mix is held by one or more
citizens of India or one or more body
corporates incorporated in India.


 This is the company in which one man holds
practically the whole of the share capital of
the company & in order to meet the
statutory requirements of min members,
some dummy members who are mostly his
relations or friends hold just 1 or 2 shares
 E.g- A private company is registered with a
share capital of Rs 5,00,000 divided into 5000
shares of 100 each. Of these shares 4999
shares are held by A and one share is held by
A’s Wife, B. This is a one man Company.



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Kinds of companies

  • 2. COMPANIES Incorporated Statutory Companies Registered Companies Existing Companies Newly Formed Companies Companies limited by shares Companies limited by guarantee Unlimited companies Private Co. And Public Companies
  • 3. 1. Statutory Companies – Companies created by a special act of the legislature. These are mostly concerned with public utilities. Reserve Bank of India, LIC, GIC, Railways, Tramways, NHAI. 2. Registered Companies – Which are formed & registered under the companies act, 1956. BHEL, SAIL, GAIL, BEML, ONGC, OIL and RNRL.
  • 4. 1. Companies with limited liability: (A). Companies limited by shares. The liability of the members limited only up to face value of the share. It may be public or a private company. (B). Companies limited by guarantee – Liability of the member is limited to a fixed amount which the member undertake to contribute to the assets of company in the event of winding up.
  • 5. 2. Unlimited companies – Section 12 specifically provides that any 7 or more persons ( 2 or more in case of a private company ) may form an incorporated company, without limited liability. In case of such a company, every member is liable for the debts of the company.
  • 6. 1. Private Company :  A company which has a minimum paid up capital of Rs. 1,00,000 or higher paid up capital as may be prescribed, and by its Articles-(prohibits any invitation to public)  A) restricts the right to transfer its shares, if any. This restriction is meant to preserve the private feature of the company.  Limits the members to 2-50.  Donot accept deposits accept from members, also no subscription from members
  • 7. 2. Public Company- means a company which (a) Is not a private company and members 7- unlimited (b) Has min paid up capital of Rs. 5,00,000. (c) It may be :-  Listed public company  Unlisted public company  Diff between both  When does pvt co becomes public and vice versa
  • 8. 1. Holding company :- a company is holding of another company if it has control over that other company. 2. Subsidiary :- a company is known as subsidiary of another when the control is exercised by latter. I.e. controlling BOD, majority of shares, subsidiary of another subsidiary
  • 9. 1. Govt. company:- it means any company in which not less than 51% of paid up capital is held by central, state or partly by central & partly by state. Rules- appointment of auditor and audit reports to comptroller, also annual report to parliament 2. Non- govt. company:- it is controlled & operated by private capital
  • 10.  It means any company incorporated outside India which has established its place of business in India , where a minimum of 50% of the paid up share capital( equity or Preference) /Mix is held by one or more citizens of India or one or more body corporates incorporated in India.
  • 11.  This is the company in which one man holds practically the whole of the share capital of the company & in order to meet the statutory requirements of min members, some dummy members who are mostly his relations or friends hold just 1 or 2 shares each.  E.g- A private company is registered with a share capital of Rs 5,00,000 divided into 5000 shares of 100 each. Of these shares 4999 shares are held by A and one share is held by A’s Wife, B. This is a one man Company.