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Know Your Status Project: HIV Case Management as
a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care
Leslie Ann Smith and Jocelyn Andrews
This Session is sponsored by:


Jocelyn Andrews, Regional Director of Primary Health Care and Population Health
Leslie-Ann Smith, Nurse in Charge
First Nations and Inuit Health Branch - Saskatchewan (FNIHB-SK)
April 2013
Know Your Status Project: HIV Case Management
as Model of Improvement of Quality of Care


Know Your Status Project:  HIV Case Management as a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care


• HIV/AIDS remains an issue of concern for Canada.
• In Canada, the number of new infections in 2011 was estimated
at 3,175 (PHAC).
• Saskatchewan has the highest incidence of HIV in Canada, with
the highest burden among First Nations/Métis people
(Figures 1 & 2).


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
SK 2.5 3.9 5.4 7.6 10.2 12.6 16.7 19.3 16.2 17.2
Canada 7.9 7.8 7.9 7.7 7.8 7.5 7.9 7.2 6.8 6.4
Year of diagnosis
Figure 1: Rate of HIV cases by year, Saskatchewan and Canada,
2002 to 2011 (sources: SK Ministry of Health, PHAC)


2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011
Year of diagnosis
Figure 2: HIV Cases by self-reported ethnicity, Saskatchewan,
2002 to 2011 (source: SK Ministry of Health)
Aboriginal Non-Aboriginal/Unspecified


Background and Context
First Nations and Inuit Health Quality Improvement Framework
• Articulate First Nations and Inuit Health Branch’s commitment to
improving continuously the quality of First Nations and Inuit
(FNI) health services
• Provide common vision, language and understanding of Quality
Improvement for First Nations and Inuit Health Services
• Prepare a foundation for quality improvement action planning


Background and Context
• High rates of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea
• Increase Hepatitis C
• Sporadic cases of HIV
• IDU population identified and growing
• Initial testing in for the Know Your Status (KYS) project began in
January 2011.
• Mobile Infectious Diseases clinic with physician services held
quarterly since July 2011.


This is a first of its kind client focused,
mobile, community-based, multi-disciplinary
HIV /STI project delivered in First Nations


Key objectives are:
1. Decrease the number of new cases of HIV and STIs in
2. Decrease stigma and increase understanding of HIV and
STIs; and
3. Develop community and professional capacity to manage
HIV and STIs.


 Approach for case management: Client Focused Care
 Culturally competent care is provided by a multi-disciplinary
team with ID specialist, pharmacist, mental health worker and
community health nurses in the health clinic or directly in
patients’ homes.
• Client focused culturally sensitive care is being provided one-to-
one care by community health nurses, including assisting in the
delivery of ARV and other supportive care.


Health Indicators
Maximum Time to Care:
• Maximum time to care, from testing to treatment, is three
months. The time varies depending on the blood work. In many
cases the time to care is less than three months.
Access to appropriate care:
• Clinics are provided by Infectious Diseases Doctor quarterly, on
regular basis.
Cultural Safety:
• Case management occurs within the community. The specific
needs of each client are respected (e.g. meeting times and


• Access to testing to clients and contacts by CHNs
working in rural First Nation settings
• If positive for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, expand
testing to all those with risky behavior for:
• Hepatitis
• Syphilis
• Pregnancy testing for high risk


• Referrals to PA Sexual Health - relationship building
for team (nurse to nurse), better understanding of
• Referrals to family physicians/NPs limited.
• Numerous home visits to same client (challenging).
• We needed one nurse to run CDC program.
• Requisition in hand-MHO needed to be on board.


• Approach was not working.
• Most clients would not go to PA-Positive living
• Transportation issue to lab-even with requisition in
• Poor access to care.


• We needed to develop a community based, but also
culturally responsive program that would meet the
needs of our high risk clients.
• We needed to start testing in the community-Veni-
puncture, POCT, urinalysis.
New Ideas


Action Plan
• We advocated for change to our community health program.
• Involved Nursing Office-RNO, ZNO and NIC and met with the
• HPPH-MHO/CDC coordinator was briefed on what we would
like to do to improve service delivery.
• ARNO-was involved in the collaboration with SDCL.
• Lab licensing - Quality Assurance testing for Tests: POCT,
• Forms for project


Action Plan
• Community Meetings with Chief and Council and
Health Director.
• Community Information Sessions - Nursing and HIV


• Pre and post-test counseling
• Veni-puncture training
• SDCL tour
• PA positive living program - Marlene Allen
• PA South Hill Lab


Testing and Referrals
• Testing open to everyone
• High school testing
• Treat positive Chlamydia / Gonorrhea clients
• Refer all clients with Hep C and HIV to PA Positive
Living Program
• Dr. Lanoie for methadone program


Concerns with Testing and Referrals
• Clients would not go to PA for most referrals-stigma
• Many wanting treatment but unable to do follow-up
that was needed
• Poor access to physicians and NPs
• We have an obligation to ensure clients are followed
• No relationship


Solutions for Testing and Referral Concerns
• Clients already had relationship with nurses and
trusted them
• Needed to develop relationships with doctors and
other health care professionals
• Very sensitive issue
• ID doctor willing to come into community for client
assessment-VIP-relationship building


Client Case Management
• Appointments
• AV Treatment
• Methadone
• Medication delivery/follow up
• Frequent testing-case management
• Social networking ongoing


Program Concerns
• POCT testing-immediate result
• CD4 & CD8 & VL
• Strict guidelines for quality specimens
• Follow-up blood work and appointments (numerous)
• Workload
• Paper overload
• Confidentiality-protecting client, community concerns


Lessons Learned and Limitations
There are three crucial elements for success of a community-
centered multi-disciplinary care model:
1. Community readiness, ownership and mobilization to ensure the
development of culturally appropriate strategies to deal with HIV
related issues and harm reduction;
2. Continuous alignment of resources, internal and external to meet
the needs of HIV clients; and
3. Creation of effective, on-going partnerships.


Conclusion and Recommendations
• Applied Quality Improvement principles & outcomes: STEEP
(Safe; Timely; Equitable; Effective and Efficient; Patient-Centered)
• The first year evaluation of the project has been finalized in
2012 and recommendations approved and endorsed by the First
Nations community
• Use of available and existing resources and tools
• Continued partnership-building
• Continuum in care and social support to clients
• Evidence-based approach


Know Your Status Project:  HIV Case Management as a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care


Know Your Status Project:  HIV Case Management as a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care


Know Your Status Project:  HIV Case Management as a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care


Know Your Status Project:  HIV Case Management as a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care


Know Your Status Project:  HIV Case Management as a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care


Know Your Status Project:  HIV Case Management as a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care


Know Your Status Project:  HIV Case Management as a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care


Know Your Status Project:  HIV Case Management as a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care


Know Your Status Project:  HIV Case Management as a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care


Know Your Status Project:  HIV Case Management as a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care


Know Your Status Project:  HIV Case Management as a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care


Know Your Status Project:  HIV Case Management as a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care


Know Your Status Project:  HIV Case Management as a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care


Know Your Status Project:  HIV Case Management as a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care


• Public Health Agency of Canada (2012) Estimates of HIV prevalence
and incidence in Canada
• Saskatchewan Ministry of Health (2012): HIV/AIDS Annual Report
• Saskatchewan Ministry of Health (2010): The Saskatchewan HIV
Strategy 2010-14
• Health Canada/FNIHB Project Evaluation (2012): Know Your Status. A
Comprehensive Review of HIV testing, Case Management and
Treatment in a Saskatchewan First Nation.
• Reif F, Golon SE, Smith SR (2005): Barriers to accessing HIV/AIDS
care in North Carolina: Rural and urban differences. AIDS Care, 17(5),


• Chief Morin and all key stakeholders from Big River First Nations for
their engagement in this project
• Community Health Nurses and clients involved in this project
• The Ministry of Health and Regional Health Authorities involved
• All the multidisciplinary team for their dedicated contribution and
participation in this project



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Know Your Status Project: HIV Case Management as a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care

  • 1. Know Your Status Project: HIV Case Management as a Model of Improvement of Quality of Care Leslie Ann Smith and Jocelyn Andrews This Session is sponsored by:
  • 2. Presenters: Jocelyn Andrews, Regional Director of Primary Health Care and Population Health Leslie-Ann Smith, Nurse in Charge First Nations and Inuit Health Branch - Saskatchewan (FNIHB-SK) April 2013 Know Your Status Project: HIV Case Management as Model of Improvement of Quality of Care
  • 4. Introduction • HIV/AIDS remains an issue of concern for Canada. • In Canada, the number of new infections in 2011 was estimated at 3,175 (PHAC). • Saskatchewan has the highest incidence of HIV in Canada, with the highest burden among First Nations/Métis people (Figures 1 & 2).
  • 5. 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 SK 2.5 3.9 5.4 7.6 10.2 12.6 16.7 19.3 16.2 17.2 Canada 7.9 7.8 7.9 7.7 7.8 7.5 7.9 7.2 6.8 6.4 0 5 10 15 20 25 Cruderateper100,000 Year of diagnosis Figure 1: Rate of HIV cases by year, Saskatchewan and Canada, 2002 to 2011 (sources: SK Ministry of Health, PHAC)
  • 6. 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Numberofcases Year of diagnosis Figure 2: HIV Cases by self-reported ethnicity, Saskatchewan, 2002 to 2011 (source: SK Ministry of Health) Aboriginal Non-Aboriginal/Unspecified
  • 7. Background and Context First Nations and Inuit Health Quality Improvement Framework • Articulate First Nations and Inuit Health Branch’s commitment to improving continuously the quality of First Nations and Inuit (FNI) health services • Provide common vision, language and understanding of Quality Improvement for First Nations and Inuit Health Services • Prepare a foundation for quality improvement action planning BUILD PEOPLE CAPABILITIES BUILD SYSTEM CAPACITY
  • 8. Background and Context • High rates of Chlamydia and Gonorrhea • Increase Hepatitis C • Sporadic cases of HIV • IDU population identified and growing • Initial testing in for the Know Your Status (KYS) project began in January 2011. • Mobile Infectious Diseases clinic with physician services held quarterly since July 2011.
  • 9. This is a first of its kind client focused, mobile, community-based, multi-disciplinary HIV /STI project delivered in First Nations community.
  • 10. Objectives Key objectives are: 1. Decrease the number of new cases of HIV and STIs in community; 2. Decrease stigma and increase understanding of HIV and STIs; and 3. Develop community and professional capacity to manage HIV and STIs.
  • 11. Method  Approach for case management: Client Focused Care  Culturally competent care is provided by a multi-disciplinary team with ID specialist, pharmacist, mental health worker and community health nurses in the health clinic or directly in patients’ homes. • Client focused culturally sensitive care is being provided one-to- one care by community health nurses, including assisting in the delivery of ARV and other supportive care.
  • 12. Health Indicators Maximum Time to Care: • Maximum time to care, from testing to treatment, is three months. The time varies depending on the blood work. In many cases the time to care is less than three months. Access to appropriate care: • Clinics are provided by Infectious Diseases Doctor quarterly, on regular basis. Cultural Safety: • Case management occurs within the community. The specific needs of each client are respected (e.g. meeting times and locations).
  • 13. Approach • Access to testing to clients and contacts by CHNs working in rural First Nation settings • If positive for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea, expand testing to all those with risky behavior for: • Hepatitis • Syphilis • HIV • Pregnancy testing for high risk
  • 14. Approach • Referrals to PA Sexual Health - relationship building for team (nurse to nurse), better understanding of program. • Referrals to family physicians/NPs limited. • Numerous home visits to same client (challenging). • We needed one nurse to run CDC program. • Requisition in hand-MHO needed to be on board.
  • 15. • Approach was not working. • Most clients would not go to PA-Positive living program. • Transportation issue to lab-even with requisition in hand. • Poor access to care.
  • 16. • We needed to develop a community based, but also culturally responsive program that would meet the needs of our high risk clients. • We needed to start testing in the community-Veni- puncture, POCT, urinalysis. New Ideas
  • 17. Action Plan • We advocated for change to our community health program. • Involved Nursing Office-RNO, ZNO and NIC and met with the Chief. • HPPH-MHO/CDC coordinator was briefed on what we would like to do to improve service delivery. • ARNO-was involved in the collaboration with SDCL. • Lab licensing - Quality Assurance testing for Tests: POCT, Pregnancy. • Forms for project
  • 18. Action Plan • Community Meetings with Chief and Council and Health Director. • Community Information Sessions - Nursing and HIV Coordinator.
  • 19. Training • Pre and post-test counseling • Veni-puncture training • SDCL tour • PA positive living program - Marlene Allen • PA South Hill Lab
  • 20. Testing and Referrals • Testing open to everyone • High school testing • Treat positive Chlamydia / Gonorrhea clients • Refer all clients with Hep C and HIV to PA Positive Living Program • Dr. Lanoie for methadone program
  • 21. Concerns with Testing and Referrals • Clients would not go to PA for most referrals-stigma • Many wanting treatment but unable to do follow-up that was needed • Poor access to physicians and NPs • We have an obligation to ensure clients are followed up • No relationship
  • 22. Solutions for Testing and Referral Concerns • Clients already had relationship with nurses and trusted them • Needed to develop relationships with doctors and other health care professionals • Very sensitive issue • ID doctor willing to come into community for client assessment-VIP-relationship building
  • 23. Client Case Management • Appointments • AV Treatment • Methadone • Medication delivery/follow up • Frequent testing-case management • Social networking ongoing
  • 24. Program Concerns • POCT testing-immediate result • CD4 & CD8 & VL • Strict guidelines for quality specimens • Follow-up blood work and appointments (numerous) • Workload • Paper overload • Confidentiality-protecting client, community concerns
  • 25. Lessons Learned and Limitations There are three crucial elements for success of a community- centered multi-disciplinary care model: 1. Community readiness, ownership and mobilization to ensure the development of culturally appropriate strategies to deal with HIV related issues and harm reduction; 2. Continuous alignment of resources, internal and external to meet the needs of HIV clients; and 3. Creation of effective, on-going partnerships.
  • 26. Conclusion and Recommendations • Applied Quality Improvement principles & outcomes: STEEP (Safe; Timely; Equitable; Effective and Efficient; Patient-Centered) • The first year evaluation of the project has been finalized in 2012 and recommendations approved and endorsed by the First Nations community • Use of available and existing resources and tools • Continued partnership-building • Continuum in care and social support to clients • Evidence-based approach
  • 41. References • Public Health Agency of Canada (2012) Estimates of HIV prevalence and incidence in Canada • Saskatchewan Ministry of Health (2012): HIV/AIDS Annual Report Saskatchewan • Saskatchewan Ministry of Health (2010): The Saskatchewan HIV Strategy 2010-14 • Health Canada/FNIHB Project Evaluation (2012): Know Your Status. A Comprehensive Review of HIV testing, Case Management and Treatment in a Saskatchewan First Nation. • Reif F, Golon SE, Smith SR (2005): Barriers to accessing HIV/AIDS care in North Carolina: Rural and urban differences. AIDS Care, 17(5), 558-565.
  • 42. Acknowledgements To… • Chief Morin and all key stakeholders from Big River First Nations for their engagement in this project • Community Health Nurses and clients involved in this project • The Ministry of Health and Regional Health Authorities involved • All the multidisciplinary team for their dedicated contribution and participation in this project …THANK YOU!