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Kodak annual Report 06


  reconnect. reimagine. redesign. recharge.

  Dear Fellow Investors:
  In 2006, a new Kodak began to emerge.

  For the first time in our history, the full-year growth of our digital earnings
  exceeded the decline in earnings from our traditional business. When you
  consider where we were three years ago, with few digital prospects to speak
  of and the film industry in rapid decline, this milestone speaks volumes about
  our determination to remake and renew Kodak in the digital age.

  Our record of innovation and corporate responsibility grew in leaps and
  bounds. In 2006, we secured 688 new patents, putting us among the world’s
  top-ranked patent recipients, especially measured against dollars spent.
  We won dozens of awards for excellence and innovation in product design,
  service, and marketing. We were also recognized for our business ethics,
  corporate citizenship, diversity, and environmental stewardship.

  Our efforts to capitalize on our intellectual property accelerated in 2006. We
  now have patent license agreements with more than 20 companies. In addition
  to generating cash and earnings, these agreements increase our ability to enter
  new digital markets and reach more people with cutting-edge technology.

  We have met unprecedented challenges in the company’s history and we
  are becoming a stronger company in the process. Moreover, we’re within
  sight of completing what will be one of the most remarkable turnarounds in
  corporate history.

  We have a lot of work ahead of us on many fronts—launching our new and
  revolutionary consumer inkjet business, capitalizing on the creation of our
  graphic communications business, and completing our major restructuring,
  to name three. We approach this work with a confidence reinforced by our
  strong position in numerous digital markets, and our proven ability to make
  the changes needed for success.


resolve. reemerge.

 “We’re within sight of

 completing what will be

 one of the most remarkable

 turnarounds in corporate


                       Antonio M. Perez
    Chairman and Chief Executive Officer


Financial Review                                                                       Business Review
Since we began our transformation, we have measured our progress                       We can proudly point to examples of growth and revitalization in
against three clear metrics:                                                           each of our business areas.

• digital earnings
                                                                                       Graphic Communications Group
• digital revenue
                                                                                       A strategic pillar in Kodak’s future, in just three years our
• cash generation
                                                                                       Graphic Communications Group (GCG) has gone from a passive
Let’s take a look at our results for 2006.                                             and very modest participation in the industry to a business with
                                                                                       more than 100,000 customers worldwide and revenue of more than
In digital earnings*, we delivered a result of $343 million, nearly five                $3.6 billion. To put our leadership position in perspective, consider
times that of the prior year, representing a $271 million increase.                    this: Today, about 40 percent of the world’s commercially printed
This was driven by healthier gross profit margins, strong earnings                      pages are touched by Kodak technology.
improvement in our graphic communications and consumer digital
businesses, and global cost-reduction initiatives.

The second metric, digital revenue*, grew by $316 million, but was                     Just as acquisitions were key to our growth in 2005, our
less than we would have liked. However, this shortfall was partly due                  performance in 2006 depended on our ability to successfully
to deliberate action on our part as we chose and publicly announced                    integrate those acquisitions into Kodak. GCG has come together
on January 30, 2006, to forego revenue and market share in certain                     well; our integration is ahead of plan, our investment in digital
areas of the low-end digital capture category in the interest of                       technologies has begun to pay off, and we are on track to achieve our
focusing on improving overall digital profit margins.                                   target business model.

As for cash generation, we finished 2006 with nearly $1.5 billion                       We now offer the industry’s broadest range of prepress equipment,
in cash. Our cash flow was exceptionally strong, even after paying                      workflow software, digital printing, variable data printing, and
out $548 million in restructuring costs and reducing our debt by                       consumables. In 2006, we put our capabilities to good use, achieving
$805 million, to $2.778 billion. We plan to further reduce our debt                    substantial recognition for our products and industry leadership:
by another $1.15 billion in 2007, predicated upon the anticipated
                                                                                       • NAPL (National Association for Printing Leadership) Industry Award;
closing of the sale of our Health Group to Onex Corporation in the
                                                                                       • Flexographic Prepress Platemakers Association Innovator of the Year;
first half of the year.
                                                                                       • Stevie International Business Award for Service and Support;
Our financial results in 2006 reflect our determination to become a                      • AIIM E-Doc Magazine’s Best of Show for the Kodak i1220 scanner;
more profitable company. As we enter 2007 with solid momentum,                          • Numerous GATF (Graphic Arts Technical Foundation) awards;
we will place a strong emphasis on developing a sustainable,                           • Prinergy Evo workflow system became the fastest-selling workflow
profitable growth model, utilizing our talented people and our                            in the history of the industry;
valuable resources to generate greater value for our shareholders.                     • First sales of Kodak NexPress 2100 and Kodak Versamark dual
                                                                                         printing systems in Brazil;
                                                                                       • 10th anniversary of our groundbreaking CTP Thermal technology.
* Amounts used that are considered non-GAAP financial measures are defined and
                                                                                       With recognition such as this, and a broad and deep portfolio, we
  reconciled to the most directly comparable GAAP measures on page 1 of this annual
                                                                                       are uniquely positioned to serve customers in blended production
  report to shareholders. GAAP refers to accounting principles generally accepted in
  the U.S.                                                                             environments, with technologies and products that support both
                                                                                       conventional offset and digital printing. Consequently, we believe our
                                                                                       prospects for growth, both in revenue and earnings, are strong.


Consumer Digital Imaging Group
This past year was full of critical milestones for our Consumer
Digital Imaging Group (CDG). We are pleased about our progress
and feel confident that we will build on this momentum in 2007.
As Kodak transforms we look to the consumer business to bring
profitable digital revenue growth and further carry the Kodak brand
and consumer value proposition.

We continue to be a top market leader in the business segments
where CDG competes, including digital cameras, snapshot printers,
retail photo, kiosks, and online services. For the third year running,
we received the J.D. Power and Associates award for Highest
Customer Satisfaction with Digital Cameras—$200–$399. Kodak’s
EasyShare photo printers also earned high honors from J.D.
Power and Associates for the highest level of overall satisfaction,
significantly outpacing the other top six competitors. And, we earned
numerous innovation and “best in show” awards.

We have made substantial progress in installing our digital business
model and largely have the necessary infrastructure to compete in the
digital world. We saw some important proof points from this effort:
improved inventory levels and cash flow; a rationalized regional go-to-
market model; a streamlined design, manufacturing and supply chain
model; and a new marketing architecture with product marketing
and integrated team focus. We implemented this business model
with new partnerships and new ways of working and we should see
further benefits from leveraging this integration during the next year
and beyond. All of this was achieved while we kept investing in key
technologies and product development for the future.

As we head into 2007, we are well positioned to launch new products
and technologies in new markets, helping us to achieve profitable
growth. We will also continue to exploit our current businesses—
building on the scale that we gained during the past years.

One of those new products is a revolutionary approach to inkjet
printing. The innovative Kodak EasyShare all-in-one inkjet
printers, featuring premium pigment-based inks at half the price
of competing inks, offer customers quality, ease-of-use and value
that’s unprecedented in the industry.
                                                                          “40 percent of the world’s
Film Products Group
                                                                          commercially printed pages
Although our Film Products Group (FPG), formerly the Film and
Photofinishing Systems Group, might not be thought of as part
of the digital spotlight at Kodak, it continues to generate an            are touched by Kodak
impressive amount of cash to help fund our digital transition.
Showing great leadership, our traditional business has successfully
paced its restructuring efforts ahead of the decline in revenue.
Despite competing in a challenging industry environment, we have
maintained strong market positions and significant profit margins.
As a result, we are creating a sustainable business model for
customers who use film and paper.

Color negative film still holds a unique space in the motion picture
workflow. It remains the medium of choice because its artistic and
archival qualities still differentiate it from digital capture. For the
79th consecutive year—ever since the inception of the Academy
Awards—the Oscar for Best Picture went to a movie produced
on Kodak film. Similarly, Kodak distribution film still remains the
medium of choice for distributing and viewing movies.

Studio Photography named Kodak Professional Portra film as the top
choice in film in its first ever Reader’s Choice Awards competition
at Photo Plus Expo, the largest gathering of pro photographers and
advanced amateurs in the U.S.


Internally, much of the Global Manufacturing & Logistics organization
moved into FPG during the year, integrating the total supply chain
                                                                         We have two key strategic objectives for 2007:
into this unit’s structure. We’ve always worked closely with our
manufacturing partners; now we are together in one organization with
                                                                         • Achieve market success with our new products—In CDG, this
common goals and leadership, forging an even stronger and more
                                                                           includes CMOS and our game-changing all-in-one consumer
effective partnership.
                                                                           inkjet printers; In GCG, this includes important product line
                                                                           extensions and exciting new market segment opportunities.
FPG is focused more than ever on Kodak’s historic business of film and
                                                                         • Aggressively reduce our SG&A expenses, and complete our
related services. Our mission remains very straightforward: to build a
                                                                           traditional restructuring.
sustainable business, serving customers who use film and paper.

                                                                         By achieving those objectives we will have made the necessary
Health Group                                                             progress toward the new digital business model envisioned in our
As this Annual Report goes to print, we have announced that Onex         turnaround plan announced in September 2003. That will allow
Corporation has agreed to purchase our Health business for up to         Kodak to become a strong competitor in the digital world, with
$2.55 billion.                                                           the brand, intellectual property, products, and people to achieve
                                                                         sustainable, profitable growth and high return on invested capital
Despite the inherent uncertainty that went with such a process, the
                                                                         for our shareholders.
Health Group maintained double-digit operating profits and remained
a worldwide leader in health imaging, including digital x-ray capture,

medical printers, and x-ray film.

Technology Review
                                                                         There is one additional key to growth and to renewing Kodak’s
This has been an exceptional year for research at Kodak. The Kodak
                                                                         leadership, and it’s an important one: our corporate culture and
Easyshare printers, announced in early 2007, derived their existence
                                                                         our people—how we view the world, what we focus on, how
from early work in our research laboratories. The ground-breaking
                                                                         we make decisions and work with our customers, partners and
work on MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) allowed us
                                                                         amongst ourselves.
to design and manufacture long-life microscopic nozzles on the
same silicon wafer as the rest of the printhead. This means that the
                                                                         As we make all these changes and our culture evolves, I want to
printhead can stay where it belongs, namely in the printer, enabling
                                                                         emphasize just how important an asset we have in our people.
us to offer consumers replacement ink cartridges at significantly
                                                                         Kodak people are intelligent and creative. They are steady and
lower prices. Another product of Kodak research is the advanced
                                                                         strong and resilient. They are proud of this company, proud of their
nanoparticle pigment ink, which yields images that will hold their
                                                                         own contributions, and their commitment to success is unwavering.
color for more than a century. This is a great example of how Kodak’s
investment in research enables the design, production and marketing      We, all of us at Kodak, have a lot of work, and more rebuilding left
of state-of-the-art products.                                            to do to complete our transformation. But, together with that, we
                                                                         have new high value-creating opportunities to be developed this
Another success story has been the Shanghai Product Development
                                                                         year. The year 2007 will be pivotal. But with a new Kodak coming
Center. What began as a small software development center
                                                                         into view, we feel optimistic about the year ahead.
nine years ago has grown into an integral player in product
development serving Kodak’s different businesses. Several of
Kodak’s award-winning products have been developed, at least in
part, in the Shanghai Center, working together with the other Kodak
development centers in the U.S. and Europe. These products include
the Kodak picture kiosk, Kodak Professional digital printing software
(DP1), Document Imaging’s Smart Touch, and Entertainment
Imaging’s Kodak look management system (KLMS).
                                                                                            Antonio M. Perez
Lastly, our intellectual property position remains strong, as attested                      Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
by major licensing agreements concluded during the year. Our
research focus has been entirely digital for several years now, and
we are clearly picking up momentum.


   reconnect. reimagine. redesign. recharge.

   About Eastman Kodak Company

   Kodak is the world’s foremost imaging innovator. With sales of $13.3 billion

   in 2006, the company is committed to a digitally oriented growth strategy

   focused on helping people better use meaningful images and information in

   their life and work. Consumers use Kodak’s system of digital and traditional
   products and services to take, print and share their pictures anytime,

   anywhere; Businesses effectively communicate with customers worldwide

   using Kodak solutions for prepress, conventional and digital printing and

   document imaging; Creative Professionals rely on Kodak technology

   to uniquely tell their story through moving or still images; and leading

   Healthcare organizations rely on Kodak’s innovative products, services and

   customized workflow solutions to help improve patient care and maximize

   efficiency and information sharing within and across their enterprise.

   More information about Kodak (NYSE: EK) is available at www.kodak.com.


r e co n c i l i at i o n a n d sa f e h a r b o r

Digital earnings, Digital earnings growth and Digital revenue growth are non-GAAP financial measures. The reconciliations of those measures to the
respective most comparable GAAP measures follow below:

	 2006	Digital	Earnings	and	Digital	Earnings	Growth	(in millions)               	 2006	Digital	Revenue	Growth	(in millions)
                                                       Increase/	                 Digital revenue growth, as presented                    $     316
	 		 	                                       FY	2006	 (Decrease)
                                                                                  Traditional revenue decline                                 (1,302)
  Digital earnings, as presented            $ 343           $ 271
                                                                                  New Technologies revenue decline                                (8)
  Traditional earnings and
                                                                                  Total Company revenue decline
   New Technologies loss                         221          (214)
                                                                                   (GAAP basis)                                           $ (994)
  Legal settlement                                 2            (23)
  Restructuring costs and other items          (768)           (350)
  Loss from continuing operations before
   interest, other income (charges),
   net and income taxes (GAAP basis)        $ (202)         $ 430

Certain statements in this report may be forward-looking in nature, or “forward-looking statements” as defined in the United States Private Securities
Litigation Reform Act of 1995. For example, references to expectations for the Company’s revenue and earnings growth, debt, closing of the sale of
the Health Group, business model, digital revenue growth, new products, SGA expenses and restructuring are forward-looking statements.
Actual results may differ from those expressed or implied in forward-looking statements. In addition, any forward-looking statements represent the
Company’s estimates only as of the date they are made, and should not be relied upon as representing the Company’s estimates as of any subsequent
date. While the Company may elect to update forward-looking statements at some point in the future, the Company specifically disclaims any
obligation to do so, even if its estimates change. The forward-looking statements contained in this report are subject to a number of factors and
uncertainties, including the successful:
     •	 execution of the digital growth and profitability strategies, business model and cash plan;
	 •	 implementation of the cost reduction programs;
	 •	 	ransition of certain financial processes and administrative functions to a global shared services model and the outsourcing of certain
         functions to third parties;
	 •	 implementation of, and performance under, the debt management program, including compliance with the Company's debt covenants;
	 •	 development and implementation of product go-to-market and e-commerce strategies;
	 •	 	 rotection, enforcement and defense of the Company's intellectual property, including defense of our products against the intellectual property
         challenges of others;
	 •	 implementation of intellectual property licensing and other strategies;
	 •	 completion of information systems upgrades, including SAP, the Company's enterprise system software;
	 •	 completion of various portfolio actions;
	 •	 reduction of inventories;
	 •	 integration of acquired businesses;
	 •	 improvement in manufacturing productivity and techniques;
	 •	 improvement in receivables performance;
	 •	 improvement in supply chain efficiency; and
	 •	 implementation of the strategies designed to address the decline in the Company's traditional businesses.
The forward-looking statements contained in this report are subject to the following additional risk factors:
	 •	 inherent unpredictability of currency fluctuations, commodity prices and raw material costs;
	 •	 competitive actions, including pricing;
	 •	 changes in the Company's debt credit ratings and its ability to access capital markets;
	 •	 the nature and pace of technology evolution;
	 •	 	 hanges to accounting rules and tax laws, as well as other factors which could impact the Company's reported financial position or	effective
        tax rate;
	 •	 general economic, business, geo-political and regulatory conditions;
	 •	 market growth predictions;
	 •	 continued effectiveness of internal controls; and
	 •	 other factors and uncertainties disclosed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Any forward-looking statements in this report should be evaluated in light of these important factors and uncertainties.


secUrities and eXchanGe coMMission
                                                               Washington, D.C. 20549
                                                                       forM 10-K
                                                      X Annual report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the
                                                                Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                                                            For the year ended December 31, 2006 or

                                    Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

                                                             For the transition period from          to

                                                                  Commission File Number 1-87

                                                   eastMan KodaK coMPanY
                                                       (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

    			                                               NEW	JERSEY		                               16-0417150
                                                  (State of incorporation)              (IRS Employer Identification No.)

    			                              343	STATE	STREET,	ROCHESTER,	NEW	YORK		                        	14650
                                        (Address of principal executive offices)                   (Zip Code)

                                            Registrant’s	telephone	number,	including	area	code:	585-724-4000

    Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act:

                                                                    Name	of	each	exchange
    	    Title	of	each	Class	                                       on	which	registered	

    Common Stock, $2.50 par value                                   New York Stock Exchange

    Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None

    Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act.
    Yes [ X ]        No [ ]

    Indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Act.
    Yes [ ]          No [ X ]

    Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of
    1934 during the preceding 12 months, and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days.
    Yes [ X ]        No [ ]


Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to
the best of registrant’s knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amend-
ment to this Form 10-K. [ ]

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, or a non-accelerated filer. See definition of “accelerated
filer and large accelerated filer” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act.
Large accelerated filer [ X ]                 Accelerated filer [ ]                     Non-accelerated filer [ ]

Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act).
Yes [ ]          No [ X ]

The aggregate market value of the voting stock held by non-affiliates of the registrant, computed by reference to the closing price as of the last
business day of the registrant’s most recently completed second fiscal quarter, June 30, 2006, was approximately $6.8 billion. The registrant has no
non-voting common stock.

The number of shares outstanding of the registrant’s common stock as of February 21, 2007 was 287,513,753 shares of common stock.

                                                     DOCUMENTS	INCORPORATED	BY	REFERENCE

                                                                  PART	III	OF	FORM	10-K

The following items in Part III of this Form 10-K incorporate by reference information from the Notice of 2007 Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement:







ta b l e o f co n t e n t s

    Part I                                                       Part III
    				5	   Item	1.		    Business                               128	 	 	tem	10.	
                                                                        I            D
                                                                                     	 irectors,	Executive	Officers	and	
                                                                                     Corporate	Governance
    			11	 Item	1A.	      Risk	Factors
                                                                 128	 	 Item	11.	    Executive	Compensation
    		15	    Item	1B.		   Unresolved	Staff	Comments
                                                                 128	 	 Item	12.		   S
                                                                                     	 ecurity	Ownership	of	Certain		
      1      Item	2.		    Properties
                                                                                     Beneficial	Owners	and	Management	
    		16	    Item	3.		    Legal	Proceedings
                                                                                     and	Related	Stockholder	Matters
    		16	    Item	4.		    S
                          	 ubmission	of	Matters	to	a		
                                                                 129	 	 Item	13.		   C
                                                                                     	 ertain	Relationships	and	Related	
                          Vote	of	Security	Holders
                                                                                     Transactions,	and	Director		
    		17	    	   	        Executive	Officers	of	the	Registrant
                                                                 129	 	 Item	14.		   P
                                                                                     	 rincipal	Accounting	Fees		
    Part II                                                                          and	Services
    		20	 Item	5.		       M
                          	 arket	for	Registrant’s		
                          Common	Equity,	Related		               Part IV
                          Stockholder	Matters	and	Issuer		
                                                                 130	 	 Item	15.	    E
                                                                                     	 xhibits,	Financial	Statement	
                          Purchases	of	Equity	Securities
    		21	 Item	6.		       Selected	Financial	Data
                                                                 131	 	 	            Signatures
    		21	 Item	7.		       M
                          	 anagement’s	Discussion	and		
                                                                 132	 	 	            S
                                                                                     	 chedule	II	-	Valuation	and		
                          Analysis	of	Financial	Condition		
                                                                                     Qualifying	Accounts
                          and	Results	of	Operations		
                                                                 133	 	 	            Index	to	Exhibits
    		47	    	   	        Liquidity	and	Capital	Resources
    		57	    Item	7A.		
                          	 uantitative	and	Qualitative		
                          Disclosures	About	Market	Risk
    		58	 Item	8.		       F
                          	 inancial	Statements	and		
                          Supplementary	Data
    		60	 	      	        C
                          	 onsolidated	Statement		
                          of	Operations
    		61	    	   	        C
                          	 onsolidated	Statement	of		
                          Financial	Position
    		62	 	      	        C
                          	 onsolidated	Statement	of		
                          Shareholders’	Equity
    		65	 	      	        Consolidated	Statement	of		
    	 			 	      	        Cash	Flows
    		67	 	      		       Notes	to	Financial	Statements
    126	     Item	9.	     C
                          	 hanges	in	and	Disagreements		
                          With	Accountants	on	Accounting		
                          and	Financial	Disclosure
    126	     Item	9A.	    Controls	and	Procedures
    127	     Item	9B.		   Other	Information


Part i

Eastman Kodak Company (the Company or Kodak) is the world’s foremost imaging innovator, providing leading products and services to the photo-
graphic, graphic communications and healthcare markets. With sales of $13.3 billion in 2006, the Company is committed to a digitally oriented growth
strategy focused on helping people better use meaningful images and information in their life and work. Consumers use Kodak’s system of digital and
traditional image capture products and services to take, print, store and share their pictures anytime, anywhere; businesses effectively communicate
with customers worldwide using Kodak solutions for prepress, conventional and digital printing and document imaging; creative professionals rely on
Kodak technology to uniquely tell their story through moving or still images; and leading healthcare organizations rely on Kodak’s innovative products,
services and customized workflow solutions to help improve patient care and maximize efficiency and information sharing within and across their
In 2003, the Company announced a comprehensive strategy to be implemented through 2007 to complete its transformation as the leader of the tradi-
tional photographic industry to a leadership position in digital imaging markets. Solid progress was achieved during 2006 in each area of this strategy.
The Company holds a leading position in key digital product categories where it participates. For the year ended December 31, 2006, the Company
achieved a level of digital revenues that exceeded traditional revenues. Additionally, through the 2005 acquisitions of KPG and Creo, the Company has
essentially completed its $3 billion investment and acquisition plan included in the 2003 strategy.
For 2007, the Company’s strategy is to continue to focus on the following metrics:
     • Net cash generation
     • Earnings growth from digital products and services
     • Revenue growth from digital products and services
In addition the Company’s priorities for 2007 also include:
     • Achieve market success with new products, including consumer inkjet and CMOS, and Graphic Communications Group (GCG) product line
         extensions and new market opportunities within GCG
     • Continue progress toward the installation of our target cost model, including the focus on selling, general, and administrative (SGA)
         expenses, and completion of the traditional restructuring

Reportable Segments
As of and for the year ended December 31, 2006, the Company reported financial information for four reportable segments: Consumer Digital Imag-
ing Group (CDG), Film and Photofinishing Systems Group (FPG), Graphic Communications Group (GCG) and Health Group (KHG). The balance of the
Company’s operations, which individually and in the aggregate do not meet the criteria of a reportable segment, are reported in All Other.
The following business discussion is based on the four reportable segments and All Other as they were structured as of and for the year ended
December 31, 2006. The Company’s sales, earnings and assets by reportable segment for these four reportable segments and All Other for the past
three years are shown in Note 23, “Segment Information.”

Consumer Digital Imaging Group (CDG) Segment
Sales from continuing operations of the CDG segment for 2006, 2005 and 2004 were (in millions) $2,920, $3,215 and $2,366, respectively.
The Company is a global leader in providing digital photography products and services for consumer markets. Kodak holds top three market shares in
the major markets it participates in such as digital still cameras, snapshot printers, retail photo kiosks, and online imaging services.
CDG’s mission is to enhance people’s lives and social interactions through the capabilities of digital imaging technology, combined with Kodak’s unique
consumer knowledge, brand and intellectual property. This focus has led to a full range of product and service offerings to the consumer. CDG’s strat-
egy is to extend picture taking, picture search/organizing, creativity, sharing and printing to bring innovative new experiences to consumers – in ways
that extend Kodak’s legendary heritage in ease of use.
Digital	Products:	Consumer digital products include digital cameras, home imaging accessory products, and self-contained home printers and printer
media. This product line fuels Kodak’s participation in the high revenue growth personal device and home accessory digital markets. Products are sold
directly to retailers or distributors, and are also available to customers through the Internet at the Kodak store (www.kodak.com.). Kodak’s full line of
camera products and accessories enable the consumer to personalize their digital camera and their photographic experience. In January 2007 Kodak
introduced a new line of Digital Picture Frames that play customizable slideshows of pictures and videos that can be set to music.
Retail	Printing: In January 2007, the Retail Printing Group was redefined to manage Kodak’s complete set of digital printing hardware, media and
infrastructure offerings to retailers. This consolidation will enable a complete set of resources to be applied to bringing innovative service products


to retailers, and as such will add scale and stability to CDG’s ongoing revenue, cash flows and earnings. Kodak’s product and service offerings to retail-
    ers include retail kiosks, color paper, processing chemistry, retail store merchandising and identity programs, after sale service and support, web infra-
    structure support, and wholesale printing services. Kodak Picture Kiosks and associated media, with approximately 85,000 installations worldwide,
    are sold directly to major retailers and provide consumers with a flexible array of output products from their digital images. These products include
    high-quality custom printed products, and the ability to automatically create collages and interactive, picture-movie DVDs set to music.
    On-Line	Web	Services: Kodak Gallery, which has more than 50 million members, is a leading online merchandise and sharing service in the category.
    The Kodakgallery.com site provides consumers with a secure and easy way to view, store and share their photos with friends and family, and to receive
    Kodak prints and other creative products from their pictures, such as photo books, frames, calendars, and a host of other personalized merchandise.
    In 2006, Kodak entered a partnership to develop and sell a line of branded Martha Stewart photo products on Kodak Gallery. Products are distributed
    directly to consumers’ homes, or through relationships with major retailers. Additionally, the site is a chosen partner for leading companies such as
    Adobe, Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon.
    Kodak also distributes Kodak EasyShare desktop software at no charge to consumers, which provides easy organization and editing tools, and unifies
    the experience between digital cameras, home printers, and the Kodak Gallery services.
    Imaging	Sensors: Kodak’s line of CMOS sensors provides an attractive market opportunity, including mobile, automotive and industrial sectors. Kodak
    has leading sensor architecture intellectual property positions, and operates with an “asset light” manufacturing strategy that includes partnerships
    with key industry players for large-scale semiconductor manufacturing.
    All-in-One	Inkjet	Printers:	In February 2007, Kodak introduced the Kodak All-in-One Ink Jet Printing System as a major initiative to drive future
    revenue growth and earnings. Four key components enable an expected breakthrough market entry: 1) a proprietary high-speed inkjet printing system;
    2) nanoparticle pigment-based inks; 3) instant-dry, porous papers; and 4) Kodak’s unique Image Science technologies. Additionally, the system is
    designed with a permanent print head. This unique offering is targeting the high-volume document and photo printer market with a breakthrough value
    proposition that saves consumers 50% on everything they print. The Inkjet Operating Model leverages Kodak technology and the efficiency of the cur-
    rent industry infrastructure to achieve an “asset light” approach to deliver this unmatched value proposition to the marketplace.
    Kodak aims for superior customer satisfaction in all of its products and services. In 2006, for the third year in a row, Kodak ranked as the highest brand
    in customer satisfaction among digital cameras in the $200-$399 price segment (nearly half of the U.S. market), according to J.D. Power and Associ-
    ates. Kodak EasyShare Photo Printers earned highest levels of customer satisfaction in J.D. Power and Associates Snapshot Printer survey.
    Marketing	and	Competition: The Company faces competition from other online service companies, consumer electronics and printer manufacturers
    in the markets in which it competes, generally competing on price and technological advances. Rapid price declines shortly after product introduction
    are common in this environment, as producers are continually introducing new models with enhanced capabilities, such as improved resolution and/or
    optical systems in cameras.
    The key elements of CDG’s marketing strategy emphasize ease of use, quality and the complete solution offered by Kodak products and services. This
    is communicated through a combination of in-store presentation on-line, public relations and advertising. The Company’s advertising programs actively
    promote the segment’s products and services in its various markets, and its principal trademarks, trade dress and corporate symbol are widely used
    and recognized. Kodak is frequently noted by trade and business publications as one of the most recognized and respected brands in the world.

    Film and Photofinishing Systems Group (FPG) Segment
    Sales from continuing operations of the FPG segment for 2006, 2005 and 2004 were (in millions) $4,156, $5,325 and $7,051, respectively.
    This segment is composed of traditional photographic products and services used to create motion pictures, capture and print photographs, and for
    professional and commercial imaging applications. The Company manufactures and markets films (motion picture, consumer, professional, industrial
    and aerial), one-time-use and re-loadable film cameras, consumer and professional color photographic papers, photographic processing chemicals,
    wholesale photofinishing services, on-site event imaging solutions, and equipment service and support.
    The market for consumer and professional films and certain industrial and aerial films are in decline due to digital substitution. The market for motion
    picture films remains stable with significant impact from digital substitution still expected to be some time away. The continued future impact of digital
    substitution on these film markets is difficult to predict due to a number of factors, including the pace of digital technology adoption, the underlying
    economic strength or weakness in major world markets, and the timing of digital infrastructure installation. Film usage continues to decline as con-
    sumers continue to migrate from a film-only household, to a dual-use (digital camera and film) household, or digital only household.
    Marketing	and	Competition:	The fundamental elements of the Company’s strategy with respect to the photographic products in this segment are to
    create a sustainable business serving customers for traditional products while aggressively managing our cost structure for those businesses that are
    in decline. Selective innovation plays a key element in this strategy.
    The Company’s strategy for the entertainment imaging business is to sustain motion picture film’s position as the pre-eminent capture medium for the
    creation of motion pictures, television dramas, commercials and a number of other types of theatrical productions. Selective investments to sustain
    film’s superior image capture and quality characteristics are part of this strategy. Kodak has the leading share of the origination film market by a
    significant margin, led by the widely acclaimed Vision II series of motion picture films.


The distribution of motion pictures to theaters on print film is another important element of the business, one that the Company works hard to
preserve. Price competition is a bigger factor in this segment of the motion picture market, but the Company continues to maintain the leading share
In the consumer and professional film markets, Kodak continues to maintain the leading worldwide share position despite continuing strong competi-
tion as the market declines. The exit of several smaller participants, along with the move of retailers to a 2-brand strategy, has enabled the Company
to secure a number of preferred contract renewals with leading retailers in Europe and North America, strengthening our position as the market
consolidates. In 2006, Kodak continued to offer selective innovation, upgrading our family of one-time-use cameras with improved film and introduc-
ing a new family of Kodak Professional Portra films, which won significant acclaim and industry awards. Price increases during 2006 led to the most
stable pricing in nearly a decade.
Declines in the market for color photographic papers moderated during 2006, led by increased demand for digital printing. The Company’s strategy
to capitalize on this trend is to offer a variety of color paper formulations designed to optimize digital printing workflows in consumer and professional
photo processing labs. The Company also offers to professional and commercial labs an industry-leading family of digital workflow software designed
to improve their workflows and enhance our position as a supplier of consumables. Kodak’s paper business also benefited from industry consolidation,
gaining volume as several smaller participants have left the market.
Traditional products and services for the consumer are sold direct to retailers and through distributors throughout the world. Price competition con-
tinues to exist in all marketplaces. To be more cost competitive with its traditional product offerings, the Company is continuing to rationalize capacity
and restructure its go-to-market model. As previously outlined, digital product offerings are substituting for some of the traditional film products, as a
large number of consumers actively use digital cameras. While this substitution to date has had an impact primarily on the Company’s film and paper
sales, and processing services in the U.S., Japan and Western Europe, there are declining sales in emerging markets as well.
Throughout the world, almost all Entertainment Imaging products are sold directly to studios, laboratories, independent filmmakers or production
companies. Quality and availability are important factors for these products, which are sold in a price competitive environment. As the industry moves
to digital formats, the Company anticipates that it will face new competitors, including some of its current customers and other electronics manufac-

Graphic Communications Group (GCG) Segment
Sales from continuing operations of the Graphic Communications Group segment for 2006, 2005 and 2004 were (in millions) $3,632, $2,990 and
$1,344, respectively.
The Graphic Communications Group segment serves a variety of customers in the creative, in-plant, data center, commercial printing, packaging,
newspaper and digital service bureau market segments with a range of software, media and hardware products that provide customers with a variety
of solutions for prepress equipment, workflow software, digital and traditional printing, document scanning and multi-vendor IT services. Products in-
clude digital and traditional prepress consumables, including plates, chemistry, and media; workflow and proofing software; color and black and white
electrophotographic equipment and consumables; high-speed, high-volume continuous inkjet printing systems; wide-format inkjet printers; high-
speed production document scanners; micrographic peripherals; and media (including micrographic films). The Company also provides maintenance
and professional services for Kodak and other manufacturers’ products, as well as providing imaging services to customers.
Marketing	and	Competition:	Throughout the world, graphic communications products are sold through a variety of direct and indirect channels.
The end users of these products include businesses in the commercial printing, data center, in-plant and digital service provider market segments.
While there is price competition, the Company has been able to maintain price by adding more attractive features to its products through technologi-
cal advances. The Company has developed a wide-range portfolio of digital products; workflow, equipment, media, and services to meet the needs
of customers who are interested in converting from traditional analog to digital technology. Maintenance and professional services for the Company’s
products are sold either through product distribution channels or directly to the end users.
The growth in digital solutions has negatively affected the sale of traditional graphic films. As a result, the Company has become more active in digital
printing products and services in order to participate in this growth segment through the acquisitions of Scitex Digital Printing, renamed Kodak Versa-
mark, the NexPress-related entities, KPG and Creo. Traditional graphic products, primarily consisting of graphic films and chemistry, were formerly
sold directly by the Company to the KPG joint venture.
In addition, a range of inkjet products for digital printing and proofing are sold through direct and indirect means. Document scanners are sold primar-
ily through a two-tiered distribution channel to a number of different industries. The Company remains competitive by focusing on developing digital
solutions based on inkjet, thermal and electro-photographic technologies by comprehensive workflow, training and service systems.


Health Group Segment (KHG) Segment
    Sales from continuing operations of the Health Group segment for 2006, 2005 and 2004 were (in millions) $2,497, $2,655 and $2,686, respectively.
    Products and services of the Health Group segment enable healthcare customers (e.g., hospitals, imaging centers, etc.) to capture, process, integrate,
    archive and display images and information in a variety of forms. These products and services provide intelligent decision support through the entire
    patient pathway from research to detection to diagnosis to treatment. The Health Group segment also provides products and services that help custom-
    ers improve workflow in their facilities, which in turn helps them enhance the quality and productivity of healthcare delivery.
    The Health Group segment provides digital medical imaging and information products, and systems and solutions, which are key components of sales
    and earnings growth. These include laser imagers, digital print films, computed and digital radiography systems, dental radiographic imaging systems,
    dental practice management software, advanced picture-archiving and communications systems (PACS), and healthcare information systems (HCIS).
    Products of the Health Group segment also include traditional analog medical films, chemicals, and processing equipment. The Company’s history in
    traditional analog imaging has made it a leader in this area and has served as the foundation for building its important digital imaging business. The
    Health Group segment serves the general radiology market and specialty health markets, including dental, mammography, orthopedics and oncology.
    The segment also provides molecular imaging for the biotechnology research market.
    The Company announced on January 10, 2007 that it has reached an agreement to sell the Health Group to Onex Corporation for as much as $2.55
    billion. The transaction is expected to close in the first half of 2007. As a result, KHG will be reported as a discontinued operation beginning in the first
    quarter of 2007.
    Marketing	and	Competition:	In the U.S., Canada and Latin America, health imaging consumables and analog equipment are sold through distribu-
    tors. A significant portion of digital equipment and solutions is sold direct to end users, with the balance sold through distributors and OEMs. In the
    U.S., individual hospitals or groups of hospitals represented by, as buying agents, group purchasing organizations (GPOs), account for a significant
    portion of consumables and equipment sales industry-wide. The Health Group segment has secured long-term contracts with many of the major GPOs
    and, thus, has positioned itself well against competitors. In Europe, consumables and analog equipment are sold through distributors and value added
    service providers (VASPs) as well as direct to end users. Hospitals in Europe, which are a mix of private and government-funded types, employ a highly
    regimented tender process in acquiring medical imaging products. In addition to creating a competitive pricing environment, this process can result
    in a delay of up to 6 to 18 months between the time the tender is delivered to the hospital and the time the hospital makes a decision on the vendor.
    Additionally, the government-funded hospitals’ budgets tend to be limited and restricted. Government reimbursement policies often drive the use of
    particular types of equipment and influence the transition from analog to digital imaging. These policies vary widely among European countries. In Asia
    and Japan, sales of all products are split between distributors and end users. In Europe, Asia and Japan, consumables and analog equipment are often
    sold as part of a media/equipment bundle. Digital equipment and solutions are sold direct to end-users and through OEMs in these three geographic
    Worldwide, the medical imaging market is crowded with a range of strong competitors. To compete aggressively, the Company’s Health Group segment
    has developed a full portfolio of value-adding products and services. Some competitors offer digital solutions similar to those of Kodak, and other
    competitors offer similar analog solutions or a mix of analog and digital. The Health Group segment has a wide range of solutions from analog to digital
    as well as solutions combining both analog and digital technologies. Moreover, the segment’s portfolio is expanding into new areas, thus enabling the
    segment to offer solutions that combine medical images and information, such as patient reports, into one unified package for medical practitioners.
    The Company will continue to innovate products and services to meet the changing needs and preferences of the marketplace.

    All Other
    Sales from continuing operations comprising All Other for 2006, 2005 and 2004 were (in millions) $69, $83 and $70, respectively.
    All Other is composed of the Company’s display business, business development and other small, miscellaneous businesses. The development initia-
    tives in consumer inkjet technologies continue to be reported in All Other through the end of 2006.


Change in Reporting Structure
In December 2006, the Company announced that effective January 1, 2007 the Film and Photofinishing Systems Group would be called the Film
Products Group, and that certain strategic product groups (SPG’s) previously included in FPG would become part of CDG. Also effective January 1,
2007, consumer inkjet systems, formerly reported in All Other, would become part of CDG. This change in structure is to align the Company’s reporting
structure to the way in which the Company manages its business effective January 1, 2007. The most significant change, the transfer of photographic
paper and photofinishing services to CDG from FPG, reflects the increasing manner in which images captured or generated by CDG products and
services are printed and shared. CDG will be the Company’s primary point of contact for the digital picture-taking consumer, providing a full range of
products and services for capturing, storing, printing and sharing images. Additionally, the new structure will concentrate FPG’s portfolio exclusively on
film-related and entertainment imaging businesses. The following indicates the changes from the old reporting structure to the new reporting structure
that will be implemented beginning in the first quarter of 2007:
Consumer	Digital	Imaging	Group	Segment	(CDG): This segment will include photographic paper and photofinishing services, formerly part of FPG,
and consumer inkjet systems, formerly part of All Other.
Film	Products	Group	Segment	(FPG):	The Film Products Group segment will no longer include photographic paper and photofinishing services, since
they will become part of CDG. Additionally, the non-destructive testing business, formerly included in the FPG segment, will be included in the Health
Group segment.
Graphic	Communications	Group	Segment	(GCG): There are no changes to the composition of the GCG segment from 2006. However, as the GCG
segment completes its integration process and further aligns the discrete businesses, starting in the first quarter of 2007, the GCG segment results
will be reported using its new organizational structure, as described in Item 7, “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and
Report of Operations.”
Health	Group	Segment	(KHG):	The Company announced on January 10, 2007 that it has reached an agreement to sell the Health Group to Onex
Corporation for as much as $2.55 billion. The transaction is expected to close in the first half of 2007. As a result, the results of operations and assets,
net of liabilities, to be sold, inclusive of the non-destructive testing business formerly included in FPG, will be reported as a discontinued operation
beginning in the first quarter of 2007.
All	Other: In February 2007, the Company announced its entry into the consumer inkjet business. Beginning with the first quarter of 2007, the results
of the consumer inkjet business, formerly included in All Other, will be reported within the CDG segment. There are no other changes to the composi-
tion of All Other.

Financial information by Geographic Area
Financial information by geographic area for the past three years is shown in Note 23, “Segment Information.”

Raw Materials
The raw materials used by the Company are many and varied, and are generally readily available. Silver is one of the essential materials used in the
manufacture of films and papers. The Company purchases silver from numerous suppliers under annual agreements or on a spot basis. Paper base is
an essential material in the manufacture of photographic papers. The Company has contracts to acquire paper base from certified photographic paper
suppliers over the next several years. Lithographic aluminum is the primary material used in the manufacture of offset printing plates. The Company
procures raw aluminum coils from several suppliers on a spot basis or under contracts generally in place over the next one to three years.

Seasonality of Business
Sales and earnings of the CDG segment are linked to the timing of holidays, vacations and other leisure or gifting seasons. In 2006, sales of digital
products were highest in the last four months of the year. Digital capture and home printing products have experienced peak sales in this period as a
result of the December holidays. Sales are normally lowest in the first quarter due to the absence of holidays and fewer people taking vacations during
that time. These trends are expected to continue as the Company continues to experience growth in sales of digital products.
Sales and earnings of the FPG segment are linked to the timing of holidays, vacations and other leisure activities. Sales and earnings are normally
strongest in the second and third quarters as demand is high due to heavy vacation activity and events such as weddings and graduations.
Sales and earnings of the GCG segment exhibit modestly higher levels in the fourth quarter. This is driven primarily by the sales of continuous inkjet,
electrophotographic printing, and document scanner products due to seasonal customer demand linked to commercial year-end budgeting processes.
With respect to the KHG segment, the sales of consumable products, which generate the major portion of the earnings of this segment, tend to occur
uniformly throughout the year. Sales of equipment products, which carry lower margins than consumables, are highest in the fourth quarter as pur-
chases by healthcare customers are linked to their year-end capital budget process. This pattern is also reflected in the third month of each quarter.


Research and Development
     Through the years, the Company has engaged in extensive and productive efforts in research and development.
     Research and development expenditures for the Company’s four reportable segments and All Other for 2006, 2005 and 2004 were as follows:

                                                 2006	      2005	      2004
     (in millions)
     Consumer Digital Imaging Group             $ 171       $ 179      $ 164
     Film  Photofinishing Systems Group           40          89        155
     Graphic Communications Group                 198         278        145
     Health Group                                 138         162        180
     All Other                                    163         184        192
         Total                                  $ 710       $ 892      $ 836

     For an explanation of the trends in research and development expenditures in each of the segments and All Other see the discussion for each segment
     in Item 7, “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.”
     Research and development is headquartered in Rochester, New York. Other U.S. groups are located in Boston, Massachusetts; Dallas, Texas; Oakdale,
     Minnesota; New Haven, Connecticut; and San Jose and San Diego, California. Outside the U.S., groups are located in England, France, Iceland, Israel,
     Germany, Japan, China, Singapore and Canada. These groups work in close cooperation with manufacturing units and marketing organizations to
     develop new products and applications to serve both existing and new markets.
     It has been the Company’s general practice to protect its investment in research and development and its freedom to use its inventions by obtaining
     patents. The ownership of these patents contributes to the Company’s ability to provide leadership products and to generate revenue from licensing.
     The Company holds portfolios of patents in several areas important to its business, including digital cameras and image sensors; network photo shar-
     ing and fulfillment; flexographic and lithographic printing plates and systems, digital printing workflow and color management, proofing systems; color
     and black  white electrophotographic printing systems; wide-format, continuous, and home inkjet printers; inkjet inks, media and printing systems;
     thermal dye transfer and dye sublimation printing systems; digital cinema; color negative films, processing and papers; x-ray films, mammography
     systems, computed radiography, digital radiography, photothermographic dry printing, medical and dental image and information systems; and organic
     light-emitting diodes. Each of these areas is important to existing and emerging business opportunities that bear directly on the Company’s overall
     business performance.
     The Company’s major products are not dependent upon one single, material patent. Rather, the technologies that underlie the Company’s products
     are supported by an aggregation of patents having various remaining lives and expiration dates. There is no individual patent or group of patents the
     expiration of which is expected to have a material impact on the Company’s results of operations.

     Environmental Protection
     The Company is subject to various laws and governmental regulations concerning environmental matters. The U.S. federal environmental legislation
     and state regulatory programs having an impact on the Company include the Toxic Substances Control Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery
     Act (RCRA), the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the NY State Chemical Bulk Storage Regulations and the Comprehensive Environmental Response,
     Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended (the Superfund Law).
     It is the Company’s policy to carry out its business activities in a manner consistent with sound health, safety and environmental management
     practices, and to comply with applicable health, safety and environmental laws and regulations. The Company continues to engage in a program for
     environmental protection and control.
     Based upon information presently available, future costs associated with environmental compliance are not expected to have a material effect on the
     Company’s capital expenditures, earnings or competitive position. However, such costs could be material to results of operations in a particular future
     quarter or year.
     Environmental protection is further discussed in the Notes to Financial Statements, Note 11, “Commitments and Contingencies.”



At the end of 2006, the Company employed approximately 40,900 full time equivalent people, of whom approximately 20,600 were employed in the
U.S. The actual number of employees may be greater because some individuals work part time.
The current employment amounts are expected to decline more over the next year as a result of the personnel reductions yet to be made under the
2004-2007 cost reduction program. On February 8, 2007, the Company updated the ranges for anticipated restructuring activity. The Company now
expects that the total employment reductions will be in the range of 28,000 to 30,000 positions and total charges will be in the range of $3.6 billion
to $3.8 billion. See Item 7, “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” for further discussion on this
restructuring program.

Available Information
The Company files many reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including annual reports on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on
Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K. These reports, and amendments to these reports, are made available free of charge as soon as reason-
ably practicable after being electronically filed with or furnished to the SEC. They are available through the Company’s website at www.Kodak.com. To
reach the SEC filings, follow the links to Corporate, and then Investor Center. The Company also makes available free of charge through its website, at
www.Kodak.com/go/annualreport, its summary annual report to shareholders and proxy statement.
The public may also read and copy any materials the Company files with the SEC at the SEC’s Public Reference Room at 100 F Street, N.E., Wash-
ington, D.C. The public may obtain information on the operation of the Public Reference Room by calling the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. The SEC also
maintains an Internet site, at www.sec.gov, that contains reports, proxy and information statements, and other information regarding issuers that file
electronically with the SEC.
We have included the CEO and CFO certifications required by Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 as exhibits to this report. We have also
included these certifications with the Form 10-K filed on March 2, 2006. Additionally, we filed with the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) the CEO
certification, dated June 5, 2006, regarding our compliance with the NYSE’s corporate governance listing standards pursuant to Section 303A.12(a) of
the listing standards, and indicated that the CEO was not aware of any violations of the listing standards by the Company.

Set forth below and elsewhere in this report and in other documents that the Company files with the Securities and Exchange Commission are risks
and uncertainties that could cause the actual future results of the Company to differ from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements
contained in this document and other public statements the Company makes. Additionally, because of the following risks and uncertainties, as well as
other variables affecting our operating results, the Company’s past financial performance should not be considered an indicator of future performance.
If	we	do	not	effectively	execute	our	digital	transformation,	this	could	adversely	affect	our	operations,	revenue	and	ability	to	compete.	
The Company continues with its transformation from a traditional products and services company to a primarily digital products and services company.
This transformation includes an aggressive restructuring program to reduce its traditional infrastructure to cost-effectively manage the declining
traditional business and to reduce its general and administrative costs to the level necessary to compete profitably in the digital markets. The Company
expects these actions to be largely completed by the end of 2007. As a result of the digital transformation, the Company has established three key
financial metrics against which it will measure success: net cash generation, earnings growth from digital products and services, and revenue growth
from digital products and services. Accordingly, the success of the Company’s transformation is dependent upon the execution of the Company’s trans-
formation initiatives including (1) managing the amount and timing of the cost savings resulting from the restructuring of its traditional infrastructure
and the reductions in general and administrative costs, (2) Kodak’s ability to continue its development and sale of digital products and services that
deliver competitive margins in each of its segments, (3) the Company’s ability to manage the traditional business for cash generation in a cost-effec-
tive manner and (4) the Company’s ability to continue to successfully integrate its acquisitions, including KPG and Creo. If Kodak cannot continue to
successfully execute its transformation initiatives, the Company’s ability to compete as a profitable and growing digital company could be negatively
affected, which could adversely affect its results of operations and its ability to generate cash.
If	we	fail	to	comply	with	the	covenants	contained	in	our	Secured	Credit	Agreement,	including	the	two	financial	covenants,	our	ability	to	
meet	our	financial	obligations	could	be	severely	impaired.
There are affirmative, negative and financial covenants contained in the Company’s Secured Credit Agreement. These covenants are typical for a
secured credit agreement of this nature. The Company’s failure to comply with these covenants could result in a default under the Secured Credit
Agreement. If an event of default were to occur and is not waived by the lenders, then all outstanding debt, interest and other payments under the
Secured Credit Agreement could become immediately due and payable and any unused borrowing availability under the revolving credit facility of the
Secured Credit Agreement could be terminated by the lenders. The failure of the Company to repay any accelerated debt under the Secured Credit
Agreement could result in acceleration of the majority of the Company’s unsecured outstanding debt obligations.


If	we	cannot	effectively	manage	transitions	of	our	products	and	services,	this	could	adversely	affect	our	revenues.	
     The industries in which Kodak competes are rapidly changing and becoming increasingly more complex. Kodak’s ability to successfully transition its
     existing products to new offerings requires that the Company make accurate predictions of the product development schedule as well as volumes,
     product mix, customer demand, sales channels, and configuration. The process of developing new products and services is complex and often uncer-
     tain due to the frequent introduction of new products by competitors that offer improved performance and pricing. Kodak may anticipate demand and
     perceived market acceptance that differs from the product’s realizable customer demand and revenue stream. Further, in the face of intense industry
     competition, any unanticipated delay in implementing certain product strategies (including digital products, category expansion and digitization) or in
     the development, production or marketing of a new product could decrease any advantage Kodak may have to be the first or among the first to market
     and could adversely affect Kodak’s revenues. Kodak’s failure to carry out a product rollout in the time frame anticipated and in the quantities appropri-
     ate to customer demand, or at all, could adversely affect future demand for the Company’s products and services and have an adverse effect on its
     business. This risk is exacerbated when a product has a short life cycle or a competitor introduces a new product just before Kodak’s introduction of a
     similar product.
     Our results are subject to risks related to our significant investment in developing and introducing new products, such as consumer inkjet printers
     and CMOS semiconductors. These risk include: difficulties and delays in the development, production, testing and marketing of products; customer
     acceptance of products; resources we must devote to the development of new technology; and the ability to differentiate our products and compete
     with other companies in the same markets.
     If	we	cannot	effectively	anticipate	trends	and	respond	to	changing	customer	preferences,	this	could	aversely	affect	our	revenues.
     Due to changes in technology, the market for traditional photography products and services is in decline and, as a result, product development has
     focused on digital capture devices (digital cameras and scanners) designed to improve the image acquisition or digitalization process, software
     products designed to enhance and simplify the digital workflow, output devices (thermal and inkjet printers and commercial printing systems and
     solutions) designed to produce high quality documents and images, and media (thermal and silver halide) optimized for digital workflows. Kodak’s
     success depends in part on its ability to develop and introduce new products and services in a timely manner that keep pace with technological devel-
     opments and that are accepted in the market. The Company continues to introduce new consumer and commercial digital product offerings, however,
     there can be no assurance that the Company will be successful in anticipating and developing new products, product enhancements or new solutions
     and services to adequately address changing technologies and customer requirements. In addition, if the Company is unable to anticipate and develop
     improvements to its current technology, to adapt its products to changing customer preferences or requirements or to continue to produce high quality
     products in a timely and cost-effective manner in order to compete with products offered by its competitors, this could adversely affect the revenues
     of the Company.
     If	we	cannot	adequately	protect	our	intellectual	property,	our	business	could	be	harmed.
     Kodak has made substantial investments in technologies and has filed patent applications and obtained patents to protect its intellectual property
     rights as well as the interests of the Company licensees. The execution and enforcement of licensing agreements protects the Company’s intellectual
     property rights and provides a revenue stream in the form of royalties that enables Kodak to further innovate and provide the marketplace with new
     products and services. There is no assurance that such measures alone will be adequate to protect the Company’s intellectual property.
     Our	revenue	and	earnings	may	suffer	if	we	cannot	continue	to	implement	our	intellectual	property	licensing	strategies.
     The Company’s ability to execute its intellectual property licensing strategies could also affect the Company’s revenue and earnings. Kodak’s failure
     to develop and properly manage new intellectual property could adversely affect market positions and business opportunities. Furthermore, the
     Company’s failure to identify and implement licensing programs, including identifying appropriate licensees, could adversely affect the profitability of
     Kodak’s operations.
     Our	revenue,	earnings	and	expenses	may	suffer	if	we	cannot	continue	to	license	or	enforce	our	intellectual	property	rights.
     Kodak relies upon patent, copyright, trademark and trade secret laws in the United States and similar laws in other countries, and agreements with
     its employees, customers, suppliers and other parties, to establish, maintain and enforce its intellectual property rights. Any of the Company’s direct
     or indirect intellectual property rights could, however, be challenged, invalidated or circumvented, or such intellectual property rights may not be suf-
     ficient to permit the Company to take advantage of current market trends or otherwise to provide competitive advantages, which could result in costly
     product redesign efforts, discontinuance of certain product offerings or other competitive harm. Further, the laws of certain countries do not protect
     proprietary rights to the same extent as the laws of the United States. Therefore, in certain jurisdictions, Kodak may be unable to protect its propri-
     etary technology adequately against unauthorized third party copying or use, which could adversely affect its competitive position. Also, because of
     the rapid pace of technological change in the information technology industry, much of our business and many of our products rely on key technolo-
     gies developed or licensed by third parties, and we may not be able to obtain or continue to obtain licenses and technologies from these third parties
     at all or on reasonable terms.


Our	revenue,	earnings	and	expenses	may	suffer	if	third	parties	assert	that	we	violate	their	intellectual	property	rights.
Third parties may claim that the Company or customers indemnified by Kodak are infringing upon their intellectual property rights. In recent years,
individuals and groups have begun purchasing intellectual property assets for the sole purpose of making claims of infringement and attempting to
extract settlements from large companies like the Company. Even if Kodak believes that the claims are without merit, the claims can be time-con-
suming and costly to defend and distract management’s attention and resources. Claims of intellectual property infringement also might require the
Company to redesign affected products, enter into costly settlement or license agreements or pay costly damage awards, or face a temporary or
permanent injunction prohibiting Kodak from marketing or selling certain of its products. Even if the Company has an agreement to indemnify it against
such costs, the indemnifying party may be unable to uphold its contractual agreement to Kodak. If we cannot or do not license the infringed technol-
ogy at all or on reasonable terms or substitute similar technology from another source, our revenue and earnings could suffer.
If	we	are	not	successful	in	transitioning	certain	financial	processes	and	administrative	functions	to	a	global	shared	services	model	and	
outsourcing	some	of	the	work	to	third	parties,	our	business	performance,	cost	savings	and	cash	flow	could	be	adversely	impacted.	
The Company continues to migrate various administrative and financial processes, such as general accounting, accounts payable, credit and collec-
tions, call centers and human resources processes to a global shared services model to more effectively manage its costs. Delays in the migration to
the global shared services model and to third party vendors could adversely impact the Company’s ability to meet its cost reduction goals. Also, if third
party vendors do not perform to Kodak’s standards, such as a delay in collection of customer receipts, the Company’s cash flow could be negatively
Our	inability	to	develop	and	implement	e-commerce	strategies	that	align	with	industry	standards	could	adversely	affect	our	business.	
In the event Kodak were unable to develop and implement e-commerce strategies that are in alignment with consumer trends, the Company’s busi-
ness could be adversely affected. The availability of software and standards related to e-commerce strategies is of an emerging nature. Kodak’s ability
to successfully align with the industry standards and services and ensure timely solutions requires the Company to make accurate predictions of the
future accepted standards and services.
System	integration	issues	could	adversely	affect	our	revenues	and	earnings.	
Portions of our IT infrastructure may experience interruptions, delays or cessations of service or product errors in connection with systems integra-
tion or migration work that takes place from time to time; in particular, installation of SAP within our Graphic Communications Group. We may not be
successful in implementing new systems and transitioning data, which could cause business disruptions and be more expensive, time consuming,
disruptive and resource-intensive. Such disruption could adversely affect our ability to fulfill orders and interrupt other processes. Delayed sales,
higher costs or lost customers resulting from these disruptions could adversely affect our financial results, stock price and reputation.
Our	inability	to	effectively	manage	our	acquisitions	could	adversely	impact	our	revenues	and	earnings.	
In 2005, Kodak completed two large business acquisitions in its Graphic Communications Group segment in order to strengthen and diversify its port-
folio of businesses, while establishing itself as a leader in the graphic communications market. The Company is accelerating the current restructuring
of its traditional manufacturing infrastructure. In the event that Kodak fails to effectively manage the continuing decline of its more traditional busi-
nesses while simultaneously integrating these acquisitions, it could fail to obtain the expected synergies and favorable impact of these acquisitions.
Such a failure could cause Kodak to lose market opportunities and experience a resulting adverse impact on its revenues and earnings.
Our	inability	to	complete	divestitures	and	other	portfolio	actions	could	adversely	impact	our	financial	position.
In January 2007, Kodak announced that it has reached an agreement to sell the Health Group to Onex Corporation. The transaction is expected to
close in the first half of 2007. In the event that the Company is unable to complete the divestiture of the Health Group, it could fail to realize the favor-
able impacts to the Company created through the reduction of debt and other uses. Such a failure could cause Kodak to experience an adverse impact
on its financial position.
Economic	trends	in	our	major	markets	could	adversely	affect	net	sales.	
Economic downturns and declines in consumption in Kodak’s major markets may affect the levels of both commercial and consumer sales. Purchases
of Kodak’s consumer products are to a significant extent discretionary. Accordingly, weakening economic conditions or outlook could result in a decline
in the level of consumption and could adversely affect Kodak’s results of operations.
If	we	do	not	timely	implement	our	planned	inventory	reductions,	this	could	adversely	affect	our	cash	flow.	
Unanticipated delays in the Company’s plans to continue inventory reductions in 2007 could adversely impact Kodak’s cash flow outlook. Planned
inventory reductions could be compromised by slower sales due to the competitive environment for digital products, and the continuing decline in
demand for traditional products, which could also place pressures on Kodak’s sales and market share. In the event Kodak is unable to successfully
manage these issues in a timely manner, they could adversely impact the planned inventory reductions.


Delays	in	our	plans	to	improve	manufacturing	productivity	and	control	cost	of	operations	could	negatively	impact	our	gross	margins.	
     Kodak’s failure to successfully manage operational performance factors could delay or curtail planned improvements in manufacturing productivity.
     Delays in Kodak’s plans to improve manufacturing productivity and control costs of operations, including its ongoing restructuring actions to signifi-
     cantly reduce its traditional manufacturing infrastructure, could negatively impact the gross margins of the Company. Furthermore, if Kodak is unable
     to successfully negotiate raw material costs with its suppliers, or incurs adverse pricing on certain of its commodity-based raw materials, reduction in
     the gross margins could occur.
     We	depend	on	third	party	suppliers	and,	therefore,	our	revenue	and	gross	margins	could	suffer	if	we	fail	to	manage	supplier	issues	properly.
     Kodak’s operations depend on its ability to anticipate the needs for components, products and services and Kodak’s suppliers’ ability to deliver suf-
     ficient quantities of quality components, products and services at reasonable prices in time for Kodak to meet its schedules. Given the wide variety of
     products, services and systems that Kodak offers, the large number of suppliers and contract manufacturers that are dispersed across the globe, and
     the long lead times that are required to manufacture, assemble and deliver certain components and products, problems could arise in planning pro-
     duction and managing inventory levels that could seriously harm Kodak. Other supplier problems that Kodak could face include component shortages,
     excess supply and risks related to terms of its contracts with suppliers.
     We	have	outsourced	a	significant	portion	of	our	overall	worldwide	manufacturing	operations	and	face	the	risks	associated	with	relying	on	
     third	party	manufacturers	and	external	suppliers.	
     We have outsourced a significant portion of our overall worldwide manufacturing operations to third parties and various service providers. To the
     extent that we rely on third party manufacturing relationships, we face the risk that those manufacturers may not be able to develop manufacturing
     methods appropriate for our products, they may not be able to quickly respond to changes in customer demand for our products, they may not be able
     to obtain supplies and materials necessary for the manufacturing process, they may experience labor shortages and/or disruptions, manufacturing
     costs could be higher than planned and the reliability of our products could decline. If any of these risks were to be realized, and assuming similar
     third-party manufacturing relationships could not be established, we could experience interruptions in supply or increases in costs that might result in
     our being unable to meet customer demand for our products, damage our relationships with our customers, and reduce our market share, all of which
     could adversely affect our results of operations and financial condition.
     If	our	planned	improvements	in	supply	chain	efficiency	are	delayed,	this	could	adversely	affect	our	revenues	and	earnings.	
     As the Company continues with its transformation from a traditional products and services company to a digital products and services company,
     Kodak’s planned improvement in supply chain efficiency, if delayed, could adversely affect its business by preventing shipments of certain products to
     be made in their desired quantities and in a timely and cost-effective manner. The planned efficiencies could be compromised if Kodak expands into
     new markets with new applications that are not fully understood or if the portfolio broadens beyond that anticipated when the plans were initiated. Any
     unforeseen changes in manufacturing capacity could also compromise our supply chain efficiencies.
     The	competitive	pressures	we	face	could	harm	our	revenue,	gross	margins	and	market	share.	
     The markets in which we do business are highly competitive, and we encounter aggressive price competition for all our products and services from
     numerous companies globally. Over the past several years, price competition in the market for film and digital cameras and related products and
     services has been particularly intense as competitors have aggressively cut prices and lowered their profit margins for these products. In the Health
     Group and Graphic Communications Group segments, aggressive pricing tactics have intensified in the contract negotiations as competitors vie for
     customers and market share. Our results of operations and financial condition may be adversely affected by these and other industry-wide pricing
     pressures. If the Company is unable to obtain pricing or programs sufficiently competitive with current and future competitors, Kodak could also lose
     market share, adversely affecting its revenue and gross margins.
     If	we	fail	to	manage	distribution	of	our	products	and	services	properly,	our	revenue,	gross	margins	and	earnings	could	be	adversely	
     We use a variety of different distribution methods to sell our products and services, including third-party resellers and distributors and both direct and
     indirect sales to both enterprise accounts and customers. Successfully managing the interaction of direct and indirect channel efforts to reach various
     potential customer segments for our products and services is a complex process. Moreover, since each distribution method has distinct risks and
     costs, our failure to implement the most advantageous balance in the delivery model for our products and services could adversely affect our revenue,
     gross margins and earnings.
     We	may	provide	financing	and	financial	guarantees	to	our	customers,	some	of	which	may	be	for	significant	amounts.
     The competitive environment in which we operate may require us to provide customer financing to a customer in order to win a contract. Customer
     financing arrangements may include all or a portion of the purchase price for our products and services, as well as working capital. In some circum-
     stances, these loans can be significant. We may also assist customers in obtaining financing from banks and other sources and may also provide
     financial guarantees on behalf of our customers. Our success may be dependent, in part, upon our ability to provide customer financing on competitive
     terms and on our customers’ creditworthiness. If we are unable to provide competitive financing arrangements to our customers or if we extend credit
     to customers that are not creditworthy, this could adversely impact our revenues, profitability and financial position.


Economic	uncertainty	in	developing	markets	could	adversely	affect	our	revenue	and	earnings.	
Kodak conducts business in developing markets with economies that tend to be more volatile than those in the United States and Western Europe.
The risk of doing business in developing markets such as China, India, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Russia and other economically volatile areas could
adversely affect Kodak’s operations and earnings. Such risks include the financial instability among customers in these regions, political instability and
potential conflicts among developing nations and other non-economic factors such as irregular trade flows that need to be managed successfully with
the help of the local governments. Kodak’s failure to successfully manage economic, political and other risks relating to doing business in developing
countries and economically and politically volatile areas could adversely affect its business.
Because	we	sell	our	products	and	services	worldwide,	we	are	subject	to	changes	in	currency	exchange	rates	and	interest	rates	that	may	
adversely	impact	our	operations	and	financial	position.	
Kodak, as a result of its global operating and financing activities, is exposed to changes in currency exchange rates and interest rates, which may
adversely affect its results of operations and financial position. Exchange rates and interest rates in certain markets in which the Company does busi-
ness tend to be more volatile than those in the United States and Western Europe. There can be no guarantees that the economic situation in develop-
ing markets or elsewhere will not worsen, which could result in future effects on earnings should such events occur.
Management	has	concluded	that	the	Company	maintained	effective	internal	control	over	financial	reporting	as	of	December	31,	2006.	If	
we	discover	a	material	weakness	in	the	future,	we	may	not	be	able	to	provide	reasonable	assurance	regarding	the	reliability	of	our	finan-
cial	statements.	As	a	result,	our	business,	brand	and	operating	results	could	be	harmed.	
Effective internal control over financial reporting is necessary for the Company to provide reasonable assurance with respect to our financial reports.
If the Company cannot provide reasonable assurance with respect to its financial reports, its business, brand and operating results could be harmed.
As disclosed in the Company’s 2005 Annual Report on Form 10-K, and in its Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for each of the first three quarters
of 2006, management’s assessment of the Company’s internal controls over financial reporting identified a material weakness in the Company’s
internal controls related to the completeness and accuracy of the Company’s deferred income tax valuation allowance account. During the year ended
December 31, 2006, the Company has made significant progress in executing the remediation plans that were established to address the material
weakness identified above. This resulted in material improvements in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting, including the successful
remediation of the material weakness in internal controls related to the completeness and accuracy of the Company’s deferred income tax valuation
allowance account as of December 31, 2006. Internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements because of its inherent
limitations, including the possibility of human error, the circumvention or overriding of controls or fraud. Therefore, even effective internal controls over
financial reporting can provide only reasonable assurance with respect to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements.
If	we	cannot	protect	our	reputation	due	to	product	quality	and	liability	issues,	our	business	could	be	harmed.	
Kodak products are becoming increasingly sophisticated and complicated to design and build as rapid advancements in technologies occur. Although
Kodak has established internal procedures to minimize risks that may arise from product quality and liability issues, there can be no assurance that
Kodak will be able to eliminate or mitigate occurrences of these issues and associated damages. Kodak may incur expenses in connection with, for
example, product recalls, service and lawsuits, and Kodak’s brand image and reputation as a producer of high-quality products could suffer.


The Company’s worldwide headquarters is located in Rochester, New York.
The CDG segment of Kodak’s business in the United States is headquartered in Rochester, New York. Kodak Gallery operations are managed from
Emeryville, California. Kodak Inkjet Systems operations are located in San Diego, California and Rochester, New York. Many of CDG’s businesses rely
on manufacturing assets, company-owned or through relationships with design and manufacturing partners, which are located close to end markets
and/or supplier networks.
The FPG segment of Kodak’s business is centered in Rochester, New York, where film and photographic chemicals and related materials are manufac-
tured. Other manufacturing facilities in Windsor, Colorado; Harrow, England; and Xiamen, China produce photographic paper. Additional manufacturing
facilities supporting the business are located in China, Mexico, France, India, Brazil and Russia. There are a number of photofinishing laboratories in
the U.S. and distribution sites throughout the world.
Products in the GCG segment are manufactured in the United States, primarily in Rochester, New York; Dayton, Ohio; Columbus, Georgia; Weatherford,
Oklahoma; Windsor, Colorado; and San Diego, California. Manufacturing facilities outside the United States are located in the United Kingdom, Ger-
many, South Africa, Israel, Bulgaria, China, Japan, Canada and Mexico. The segment provides digital and traditional products and services including
prepress consumables, workflow and proofing software, color and black-and-white electrophotographic equipment and consumables, high-speed,
high-volume continuous inkjet printing systems, wide-format inkjet printers, high-speed production document scanners, and micrographic peripherals
and media (including micrographic films).


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Kodak annual Report 06

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Kodak annual Report 06

  • 2. ew. reconnect. reimagine. redesign. recharge. Dear Fellow Investors: In 2006, a new Kodak began to emerge. For the first time in our history, the full-year growth of our digital earnings exceeded the decline in earnings from our traditional business. When you consider where we were three years ago, with few digital prospects to speak of and the film industry in rapid decline, this milestone speaks volumes about our determination to remake and renew Kodak in the digital age. Our record of innovation and corporate responsibility grew in leaps and bounds. In 2006, we secured 688 new patents, putting us among the world’s top-ranked patent recipients, especially measured against dollars spent. We won dozens of awards for excellence and innovation in product design, service, and marketing. We were also recognized for our business ethics, corporate citizenship, diversity, and environmental stewardship. Our efforts to capitalize on our intellectual property accelerated in 2006. We now have patent license agreements with more than 20 companies. In addition to generating cash and earnings, these agreements increase our ability to enter new digital markets and reach more people with cutting-edge technology. We have met unprecedented challenges in the company’s history and we are becoming a stronger company in the process. Moreover, we’re within sight of completing what will be one of the most remarkable turnarounds in corporate history. We have a lot of work ahead of us on many fronts—launching our new and revolutionary consumer inkjet business, capitalizing on the creation of our graphic communications business, and completing our major restructuring, to name three. We approach this work with a confidence reinforced by our strong position in numerous digital markets, and our proven ability to make the changes needed for success.
  • 3. resolve. reemerge. “We’re within sight of completing what will be one of the most remarkable turnarounds in corporate history.” Antonio M. Perez Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
  • 4. Financial Review Business Review Since we began our transformation, we have measured our progress We can proudly point to examples of growth and revitalization in against three clear metrics: each of our business areas. • digital earnings Graphic Communications Group • digital revenue A strategic pillar in Kodak’s future, in just three years our • cash generation Graphic Communications Group (GCG) has gone from a passive Let’s take a look at our results for 2006. and very modest participation in the industry to a business with more than 100,000 customers worldwide and revenue of more than In digital earnings*, we delivered a result of $343 million, nearly five $3.6 billion. To put our leadership position in perspective, consider times that of the prior year, representing a $271 million increase. this: Today, about 40 percent of the world’s commercially printed This was driven by healthier gross profit margins, strong earnings pages are touched by Kodak technology. improvement in our graphic communications and consumer digital businesses, and global cost-reduction initiatives. charge. The second metric, digital revenue*, grew by $316 million, but was Just as acquisitions were key to our growth in 2005, our less than we would have liked. However, this shortfall was partly due performance in 2006 depended on our ability to successfully to deliberate action on our part as we chose and publicly announced integrate those acquisitions into Kodak. GCG has come together on January 30, 2006, to forego revenue and market share in certain well; our integration is ahead of plan, our investment in digital areas of the low-end digital capture category in the interest of technologies has begun to pay off, and we are on track to achieve our focusing on improving overall digital profit margins. target business model. As for cash generation, we finished 2006 with nearly $1.5 billion We now offer the industry’s broadest range of prepress equipment, in cash. Our cash flow was exceptionally strong, even after paying workflow software, digital printing, variable data printing, and out $548 million in restructuring costs and reducing our debt by consumables. In 2006, we put our capabilities to good use, achieving $805 million, to $2.778 billion. We plan to further reduce our debt substantial recognition for our products and industry leadership: by another $1.15 billion in 2007, predicated upon the anticipated • NAPL (National Association for Printing Leadership) Industry Award; closing of the sale of our Health Group to Onex Corporation in the • Flexographic Prepress Platemakers Association Innovator of the Year; first half of the year. • Stevie International Business Award for Service and Support; Our financial results in 2006 reflect our determination to become a • AIIM E-Doc Magazine’s Best of Show for the Kodak i1220 scanner; more profitable company. As we enter 2007 with solid momentum, • Numerous GATF (Graphic Arts Technical Foundation) awards; we will place a strong emphasis on developing a sustainable, • Prinergy Evo workflow system became the fastest-selling workflow profitable growth model, utilizing our talented people and our in the history of the industry; valuable resources to generate greater value for our shareholders. • First sales of Kodak NexPress 2100 and Kodak Versamark dual printing systems in Brazil; • 10th anniversary of our groundbreaking CTP Thermal technology. * Amounts used that are considered non-GAAP financial measures are defined and With recognition such as this, and a broad and deep portfolio, we reconciled to the most directly comparable GAAP measures on page 1 of this annual are uniquely positioned to serve customers in blended production report to shareholders. GAAP refers to accounting principles generally accepted in the U.S. environments, with technologies and products that support both conventional offset and digital printing. Consequently, we believe our prospects for growth, both in revenue and earnings, are strong.
  • 5. Consumer Digital Imaging Group This past year was full of critical milestones for our Consumer Digital Imaging Group (CDG). We are pleased about our progress and feel confident that we will build on this momentum in 2007. As Kodak transforms we look to the consumer business to bring profitable digital revenue growth and further carry the Kodak brand and consumer value proposition. We continue to be a top market leader in the business segments where CDG competes, including digital cameras, snapshot printers, retail photo, kiosks, and online services. For the third year running, we received the J.D. Power and Associates award for Highest Customer Satisfaction with Digital Cameras—$200–$399. Kodak’s EasyShare photo printers also earned high honors from J.D. Power and Associates for the highest level of overall satisfaction, significantly outpacing the other top six competitors. And, we earned numerous innovation and “best in show” awards. We have made substantial progress in installing our digital business model and largely have the necessary infrastructure to compete in the digital world. We saw some important proof points from this effort: improved inventory levels and cash flow; a rationalized regional go-to- market model; a streamlined design, manufacturing and supply chain model; and a new marketing architecture with product marketing and integrated team focus. We implemented this business model with new partnerships and new ways of working and we should see further benefits from leveraging this integration during the next year and beyond. All of this was achieved while we kept investing in key technologies and product development for the future. As we head into 2007, we are well positioned to launch new products and technologies in new markets, helping us to achieve profitable growth. We will also continue to exploit our current businesses— building on the scale that we gained during the past years. One of those new products is a revolutionary approach to inkjet printing. The innovative Kodak EasyShare all-in-one inkjet printers, featuring premium pigment-based inks at half the price of competing inks, offer customers quality, ease-of-use and value that’s unprecedented in the industry. “40 percent of the world’s Film Products Group commercially printed pages Although our Film Products Group (FPG), formerly the Film and Photofinishing Systems Group, might not be thought of as part of the digital spotlight at Kodak, it continues to generate an are touched by Kodak impressive amount of cash to help fund our digital transition. Showing great leadership, our traditional business has successfully technology.” paced its restructuring efforts ahead of the decline in revenue. Despite competing in a challenging industry environment, we have maintained strong market positions and significant profit margins. As a result, we are creating a sustainable business model for customers who use film and paper. Color negative film still holds a unique space in the motion picture workflow. It remains the medium of choice because its artistic and archival qualities still differentiate it from digital capture. For the 79th consecutive year—ever since the inception of the Academy Awards—the Oscar for Best Picture went to a movie produced on Kodak film. Similarly, Kodak distribution film still remains the medium of choice for distributing and viewing movies. Studio Photography named Kodak Professional Portra film as the top choice in film in its first ever Reader’s Choice Awards competition at Photo Plus Expo, the largest gathering of pro photographers and advanced amateurs in the U.S.
  • 6. Outlook Internally, much of the Global Manufacturing & Logistics organization moved into FPG during the year, integrating the total supply chain We have two key strategic objectives for 2007: into this unit’s structure. We’ve always worked closely with our manufacturing partners; now we are together in one organization with • Achieve market success with our new products—In CDG, this common goals and leadership, forging an even stronger and more includes CMOS and our game-changing all-in-one consumer effective partnership. inkjet printers; In GCG, this includes important product line extensions and exciting new market segment opportunities. FPG is focused more than ever on Kodak’s historic business of film and • Aggressively reduce our SG&A expenses, and complete our related services. Our mission remains very straightforward: to build a traditional restructuring. sustainable business, serving customers who use film and paper. By achieving those objectives we will have made the necessary Health Group progress toward the new digital business model envisioned in our As this Annual Report goes to print, we have announced that Onex turnaround plan announced in September 2003. That will allow Corporation has agreed to purchase our Health business for up to Kodak to become a strong competitor in the digital world, with $2.55 billion. the brand, intellectual property, products, and people to achieve sustainable, profitable growth and high return on invested capital Despite the inherent uncertainty that went with such a process, the for our shareholders. Health Group maintained double-digit operating profits and remained a worldwide leader in health imaging, including digital x-ray capture, emerge. medical printers, and x-ray film. Technology Review There is one additional key to growth and to renewing Kodak’s This has been an exceptional year for research at Kodak. The Kodak leadership, and it’s an important one: our corporate culture and Easyshare printers, announced in early 2007, derived their existence our people—how we view the world, what we focus on, how from early work in our research laboratories. The ground-breaking we make decisions and work with our customers, partners and work on MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) allowed us amongst ourselves. to design and manufacture long-life microscopic nozzles on the same silicon wafer as the rest of the printhead. This means that the As we make all these changes and our culture evolves, I want to printhead can stay where it belongs, namely in the printer, enabling emphasize just how important an asset we have in our people. us to offer consumers replacement ink cartridges at significantly Kodak people are intelligent and creative. They are steady and lower prices. Another product of Kodak research is the advanced strong and resilient. They are proud of this company, proud of their nanoparticle pigment ink, which yields images that will hold their own contributions, and their commitment to success is unwavering. color for more than a century. This is a great example of how Kodak’s investment in research enables the design, production and marketing We, all of us at Kodak, have a lot of work, and more rebuilding left of state-of-the-art products. to do to complete our transformation. But, together with that, we have new high value-creating opportunities to be developed this Another success story has been the Shanghai Product Development year. The year 2007 will be pivotal. But with a new Kodak coming Center. What began as a small software development center into view, we feel optimistic about the year ahead. nine years ago has grown into an integral player in product development serving Kodak’s different businesses. Several of Kodak’s award-winning products have been developed, at least in part, in the Shanghai Center, working together with the other Kodak development centers in the U.S. and Europe. These products include the Kodak picture kiosk, Kodak Professional digital printing software (DP1), Document Imaging’s Smart Touch, and Entertainment Imaging’s Kodak look management system (KLMS). Antonio M. Perez Lastly, our intellectual property position remains strong, as attested Chairman and Chief Executive Officer by major licensing agreements concluded during the year. Our research focus has been entirely digital for several years now, and we are clearly picking up momentum.
  • 7. new. reconnect. reimagine. redesign. recharge. About Eastman Kodak Company Kodak is the world’s foremost imaging innovator. With sales of $13.3 billion in 2006, the company is committed to a digitally oriented growth strategy focused on helping people better use meaningful images and information in their life and work. Consumers use Kodak’s system of digital and traditional products and services to take, print and share their pictures anytime, anywhere; Businesses effectively communicate with customers worldwide using Kodak solutions for prepress, conventional and digital printing and document imaging; Creative Professionals rely on Kodak technology to uniquely tell their story through moving or still images; and leading Healthcare organizations rely on Kodak’s innovative products, services and customized workflow solutions to help improve patient care and maximize efficiency and information sharing within and across their enterprise. More information about Kodak (NYSE: EK) is available at www.kodak.com.
  • 8. r e co n c i l i at i o n a n d sa f e h a r b o r Digital earnings, Digital earnings growth and Digital revenue growth are non-GAAP financial measures. The reconciliations of those measures to the respective most comparable GAAP measures follow below: 2006 Digital Earnings and Digital Earnings Growth (in millions) 2006 Digital Revenue Growth (in millions) Increase/ Digital revenue growth, as presented $ 316 FY 2006 (Decrease) Traditional revenue decline (1,302) Digital earnings, as presented $ 343 $ 271 New Technologies revenue decline (8) Traditional earnings and Total Company revenue decline New Technologies loss 221 (214) (GAAP basis) $ (994) Legal settlement 2 (23) Restructuring costs and other items (768) (350) Loss from continuing operations before interest, other income (charges), net and income taxes (GAAP basis) $ (202) $ 430 Certain statements in this report may be forward-looking in nature, or “forward-looking statements” as defined in the United States Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. For example, references to expectations for the Company’s revenue and earnings growth, debt, closing of the sale of the Health Group, business model, digital revenue growth, new products, SGA expenses and restructuring are forward-looking statements. Actual results may differ from those expressed or implied in forward-looking statements. In addition, any forward-looking statements represent the Company’s estimates only as of the date they are made, and should not be relied upon as representing the Company’s estimates as of any subsequent date. While the Company may elect to update forward-looking statements at some point in the future, the Company specifically disclaims any obligation to do so, even if its estimates change. The forward-looking statements contained in this report are subject to a number of factors and uncertainties, including the successful: • execution of the digital growth and profitability strategies, business model and cash plan; • implementation of the cost reduction programs; • ransition of certain financial processes and administrative functions to a global shared services model and the outsourcing of certain t functions to third parties; • implementation of, and performance under, the debt management program, including compliance with the Company's debt covenants; • development and implementation of product go-to-market and e-commerce strategies; • rotection, enforcement and defense of the Company's intellectual property, including defense of our products against the intellectual property p challenges of others; • implementation of intellectual property licensing and other strategies; • completion of information systems upgrades, including SAP, the Company's enterprise system software; • completion of various portfolio actions; • reduction of inventories; • integration of acquired businesses; • improvement in manufacturing productivity and techniques; • improvement in receivables performance; • improvement in supply chain efficiency; and • implementation of the strategies designed to address the decline in the Company's traditional businesses. The forward-looking statements contained in this report are subject to the following additional risk factors: • inherent unpredictability of currency fluctuations, commodity prices and raw material costs; • competitive actions, including pricing; • changes in the Company's debt credit ratings and its ability to access capital markets; • the nature and pace of technology evolution; • hanges to accounting rules and tax laws, as well as other factors which could impact the Company's reported financial position or effective c tax rate; • general economic, business, geo-political and regulatory conditions; • market growth predictions; • continued effectiveness of internal controls; and • other factors and uncertainties disclosed from time to time in the Company's filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Any forward-looking statements in this report should be evaluated in light of these important factors and uncertainties.
  • 9. secUrities and eXchanGe coMMission Washington, D.C. 20549 forM 10-K X Annual report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 For the year ended December 31, 2006 or Transition report pursuant to Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 For the transition period from to Commission File Number 1-87 eastMan KodaK coMPanY (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter) NEW JERSEY 16-0417150 (State of incorporation) (IRS Employer Identification No.) 343 STATE STREET, ROCHESTER, NEW YORK 14650 (Address of principal executive offices) (Zip Code) Registrant’s telephone number, including area code: 585-724-4000 Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(b) of the Act: Name of each exchange Title of each Class on which registered Common Stock, $2.50 par value New York Stock Exchange Securities registered pursuant to Section 12(g) of the Act: None Indicate by check mark if the registrant is a well-known seasoned issuer, as defined in Rule 405 of the Securities Act. Yes [ X ] No [ ] Indicate by check mark if the registrant is not required to file reports pursuant to Section 13 or Section 15(d) of the Act. Yes [ ] No [ X ] Indicate by check mark whether the registrant (1) has filed all reports required to be filed by Section 13 or 15(d) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 during the preceding 12 months, and (2) has been subject to such filing requirements for the past 90 days. Yes [ X ] No [ ]
  • 10. Indicate by check mark if disclosure of delinquent filers pursuant to Item 405 of Regulation S-K is not contained herein, and will not be contained, to the best of registrant’s knowledge, in definitive proxy or information statements incorporated by reference in Part III of this Form 10-K or any amend- ment to this Form 10-K. [ ] Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a large accelerated filer, an accelerated filer, or a non-accelerated filer. See definition of “accelerated filer and large accelerated filer” in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act. Large accelerated filer [ X ] Accelerated filer [ ] Non-accelerated filer [ ] Indicate by check mark whether the registrant is a shell company (as defined in Rule 12b-2 of the Exchange Act). Yes [ ] No [ X ] The aggregate market value of the voting stock held by non-affiliates of the registrant, computed by reference to the closing price as of the last business day of the registrant’s most recently completed second fiscal quarter, June 30, 2006, was approximately $6.8 billion. The registrant has no non-voting common stock. The number of shares outstanding of the registrant’s common stock as of February 21, 2007 was 287,513,753 shares of common stock. DOCUMENTS INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE PART III OF FORM 10-K The following items in Part III of this Form 10-K incorporate by reference information from the Notice of 2007 Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement: Item 10 - DIRECTORS, EXECUTIVE OFFICERS AND CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Item 11 - EXECUTIVE COMPENSATION Item 12 - SECURITY OWNERSHIP OF CERTAIN BENEFICIAL OWNERS AND MANAGEMENT AND RELATED STOCKHOLDER MATTERS Item 13 - CERTAIN RELATIONSHIPS AND RELATED TRANSACTIONS, AND DIRECTOR INDEPENDENCE Item 14 - PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTING FEES AND SERVICES
  • 11. ta b l e o f co n t e n t s Part I Part III 5 Item 1. Business 128 tem 10. I D irectors, Executive Officers and Corporate Governance 11 Item 1A. Risk Factors 128 Item 11. Executive Compensation 15 Item 1B. Unresolved Staff Comments 128 Item 12. S ecurity Ownership of Certain 5 1 Item 2. Properties Beneficial Owners and Management 16 Item 3. Legal Proceedings and Related Stockholder Matters 16 Item 4. S ubmission of Matters to a 129 Item 13. C ertain Relationships and Related Vote of Security Holders Transactions, and Director 17 Executive Officers of the Registrant Independence 129 Item 14. P rincipal Accounting Fees Part II and Services 20 Item 5. M arket for Registrant’s Common Equity, Related Part IV Stockholder Matters and Issuer 130 Item 15. E xhibits, Financial Statement Purchases of Equity Securities Schedules 21 Item 6. Selected Financial Data 131 Signatures 21 Item 7. M anagement’s Discussion and 132 S chedule II - Valuation and Analysis of Financial Condition Qualifying Accounts and Results of Operations 133 Index to Exhibits 47 Liquidity and Capital Resources 57 Item 7A. Q uantitative and Qualitative Disclosures About Market Risk 58 Item 8. F inancial Statements and Supplementary Data 60 C onsolidated Statement of Operations 61 C onsolidated Statement of Financial Position 62 C onsolidated Statement of Shareholders’ Equity 65 Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows 67 Notes to Financial Statements 126 Item 9. C hanges in and Disagreements With Accountants on Accounting and Financial Disclosure 126 Item 9A. Controls and Procedures 127 Item 9B. Other Information
  • 12. Part i ItEM 1. BUSINESS Eastman Kodak Company (the Company or Kodak) is the world’s foremost imaging innovator, providing leading products and services to the photo- graphic, graphic communications and healthcare markets. With sales of $13.3 billion in 2006, the Company is committed to a digitally oriented growth strategy focused on helping people better use meaningful images and information in their life and work. Consumers use Kodak’s system of digital and traditional image capture products and services to take, print, store and share their pictures anytime, anywhere; businesses effectively communicate with customers worldwide using Kodak solutions for prepress, conventional and digital printing and document imaging; creative professionals rely on Kodak technology to uniquely tell their story through moving or still images; and leading healthcare organizations rely on Kodak’s innovative products, services and customized workflow solutions to help improve patient care and maximize efficiency and information sharing within and across their enterprises. In 2003, the Company announced a comprehensive strategy to be implemented through 2007 to complete its transformation as the leader of the tradi- tional photographic industry to a leadership position in digital imaging markets. Solid progress was achieved during 2006 in each area of this strategy. The Company holds a leading position in key digital product categories where it participates. For the year ended December 31, 2006, the Company achieved a level of digital revenues that exceeded traditional revenues. Additionally, through the 2005 acquisitions of KPG and Creo, the Company has essentially completed its $3 billion investment and acquisition plan included in the 2003 strategy. For 2007, the Company’s strategy is to continue to focus on the following metrics: • Net cash generation • Earnings growth from digital products and services • Revenue growth from digital products and services In addition the Company’s priorities for 2007 also include: • Achieve market success with new products, including consumer inkjet and CMOS, and Graphic Communications Group (GCG) product line extensions and new market opportunities within GCG • Continue progress toward the installation of our target cost model, including the focus on selling, general, and administrative (SGA) expenses, and completion of the traditional restructuring Reportable Segments As of and for the year ended December 31, 2006, the Company reported financial information for four reportable segments: Consumer Digital Imag- ing Group (CDG), Film and Photofinishing Systems Group (FPG), Graphic Communications Group (GCG) and Health Group (KHG). The balance of the Company’s operations, which individually and in the aggregate do not meet the criteria of a reportable segment, are reported in All Other. The following business discussion is based on the four reportable segments and All Other as they were structured as of and for the year ended December 31, 2006. The Company’s sales, earnings and assets by reportable segment for these four reportable segments and All Other for the past three years are shown in Note 23, “Segment Information.” Consumer Digital Imaging Group (CDG) Segment Sales from continuing operations of the CDG segment for 2006, 2005 and 2004 were (in millions) $2,920, $3,215 and $2,366, respectively. The Company is a global leader in providing digital photography products and services for consumer markets. Kodak holds top three market shares in the major markets it participates in such as digital still cameras, snapshot printers, retail photo kiosks, and online imaging services. CDG’s mission is to enhance people’s lives and social interactions through the capabilities of digital imaging technology, combined with Kodak’s unique consumer knowledge, brand and intellectual property. This focus has led to a full range of product and service offerings to the consumer. CDG’s strat- egy is to extend picture taking, picture search/organizing, creativity, sharing and printing to bring innovative new experiences to consumers – in ways that extend Kodak’s legendary heritage in ease of use. Digital Products: Consumer digital products include digital cameras, home imaging accessory products, and self-contained home printers and printer media. This product line fuels Kodak’s participation in the high revenue growth personal device and home accessory digital markets. Products are sold directly to retailers or distributors, and are also available to customers through the Internet at the Kodak store (www.kodak.com.). Kodak’s full line of camera products and accessories enable the consumer to personalize their digital camera and their photographic experience. In January 2007 Kodak introduced a new line of Digital Picture Frames that play customizable slideshows of pictures and videos that can be set to music. Retail Printing: In January 2007, the Retail Printing Group was redefined to manage Kodak’s complete set of digital printing hardware, media and infrastructure offerings to retailers. This consolidation will enable a complete set of resources to be applied to bringing innovative service products
  • 13. to retailers, and as such will add scale and stability to CDG’s ongoing revenue, cash flows and earnings. Kodak’s product and service offerings to retail- ers include retail kiosks, color paper, processing chemistry, retail store merchandising and identity programs, after sale service and support, web infra- structure support, and wholesale printing services. Kodak Picture Kiosks and associated media, with approximately 85,000 installations worldwide, are sold directly to major retailers and provide consumers with a flexible array of output products from their digital images. These products include high-quality custom printed products, and the ability to automatically create collages and interactive, picture-movie DVDs set to music. On-Line Web Services: Kodak Gallery, which has more than 50 million members, is a leading online merchandise and sharing service in the category. The Kodakgallery.com site provides consumers with a secure and easy way to view, store and share their photos with friends and family, and to receive Kodak prints and other creative products from their pictures, such as photo books, frames, calendars, and a host of other personalized merchandise. In 2006, Kodak entered a partnership to develop and sell a line of branded Martha Stewart photo products on Kodak Gallery. Products are distributed directly to consumers’ homes, or through relationships with major retailers. Additionally, the site is a chosen partner for leading companies such as Adobe, Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon. Kodak also distributes Kodak EasyShare desktop software at no charge to consumers, which provides easy organization and editing tools, and unifies the experience between digital cameras, home printers, and the Kodak Gallery services. Imaging Sensors: Kodak’s line of CMOS sensors provides an attractive market opportunity, including mobile, automotive and industrial sectors. Kodak has leading sensor architecture intellectual property positions, and operates with an “asset light” manufacturing strategy that includes partnerships with key industry players for large-scale semiconductor manufacturing. All-in-One Inkjet Printers: In February 2007, Kodak introduced the Kodak All-in-One Ink Jet Printing System as a major initiative to drive future revenue growth and earnings. Four key components enable an expected breakthrough market entry: 1) a proprietary high-speed inkjet printing system; 2) nanoparticle pigment-based inks; 3) instant-dry, porous papers; and 4) Kodak’s unique Image Science technologies. Additionally, the system is designed with a permanent print head. This unique offering is targeting the high-volume document and photo printer market with a breakthrough value proposition that saves consumers 50% on everything they print. The Inkjet Operating Model leverages Kodak technology and the efficiency of the cur- rent industry infrastructure to achieve an “asset light” approach to deliver this unmatched value proposition to the marketplace. Kodak aims for superior customer satisfaction in all of its products and services. In 2006, for the third year in a row, Kodak ranked as the highest brand in customer satisfaction among digital cameras in the $200-$399 price segment (nearly half of the U.S. market), according to J.D. Power and Associ- ates. Kodak EasyShare Photo Printers earned highest levels of customer satisfaction in J.D. Power and Associates Snapshot Printer survey. Marketing and Competition: The Company faces competition from other online service companies, consumer electronics and printer manufacturers in the markets in which it competes, generally competing on price and technological advances. Rapid price declines shortly after product introduction are common in this environment, as producers are continually introducing new models with enhanced capabilities, such as improved resolution and/or optical systems in cameras. The key elements of CDG’s marketing strategy emphasize ease of use, quality and the complete solution offered by Kodak products and services. This is communicated through a combination of in-store presentation on-line, public relations and advertising. The Company’s advertising programs actively promote the segment’s products and services in its various markets, and its principal trademarks, trade dress and corporate symbol are widely used and recognized. Kodak is frequently noted by trade and business publications as one of the most recognized and respected brands in the world. Film and Photofinishing Systems Group (FPG) Segment Sales from continuing operations of the FPG segment for 2006, 2005 and 2004 were (in millions) $4,156, $5,325 and $7,051, respectively. This segment is composed of traditional photographic products and services used to create motion pictures, capture and print photographs, and for professional and commercial imaging applications. The Company manufactures and markets films (motion picture, consumer, professional, industrial and aerial), one-time-use and re-loadable film cameras, consumer and professional color photographic papers, photographic processing chemicals, wholesale photofinishing services, on-site event imaging solutions, and equipment service and support. The market for consumer and professional films and certain industrial and aerial films are in decline due to digital substitution. The market for motion picture films remains stable with significant impact from digital substitution still expected to be some time away. The continued future impact of digital substitution on these film markets is difficult to predict due to a number of factors, including the pace of digital technology adoption, the underlying economic strength or weakness in major world markets, and the timing of digital infrastructure installation. Film usage continues to decline as con- sumers continue to migrate from a film-only household, to a dual-use (digital camera and film) household, or digital only household. Marketing and Competition: The fundamental elements of the Company’s strategy with respect to the photographic products in this segment are to create a sustainable business serving customers for traditional products while aggressively managing our cost structure for those businesses that are in decline. Selective innovation plays a key element in this strategy. The Company’s strategy for the entertainment imaging business is to sustain motion picture film’s position as the pre-eminent capture medium for the creation of motion pictures, television dramas, commercials and a number of other types of theatrical productions. Selective investments to sustain film’s superior image capture and quality characteristics are part of this strategy. Kodak has the leading share of the origination film market by a significant margin, led by the widely acclaimed Vision II series of motion picture films.
  • 14. The distribution of motion pictures to theaters on print film is another important element of the business, one that the Company works hard to preserve. Price competition is a bigger factor in this segment of the motion picture market, but the Company continues to maintain the leading share position. In the consumer and professional film markets, Kodak continues to maintain the leading worldwide share position despite continuing strong competi- tion as the market declines. The exit of several smaller participants, along with the move of retailers to a 2-brand strategy, has enabled the Company to secure a number of preferred contract renewals with leading retailers in Europe and North America, strengthening our position as the market consolidates. In 2006, Kodak continued to offer selective innovation, upgrading our family of one-time-use cameras with improved film and introduc- ing a new family of Kodak Professional Portra films, which won significant acclaim and industry awards. Price increases during 2006 led to the most stable pricing in nearly a decade. Declines in the market for color photographic papers moderated during 2006, led by increased demand for digital printing. The Company’s strategy to capitalize on this trend is to offer a variety of color paper formulations designed to optimize digital printing workflows in consumer and professional photo processing labs. The Company also offers to professional and commercial labs an industry-leading family of digital workflow software designed to improve their workflows and enhance our position as a supplier of consumables. Kodak’s paper business also benefited from industry consolidation, gaining volume as several smaller participants have left the market. Traditional products and services for the consumer are sold direct to retailers and through distributors throughout the world. Price competition con- tinues to exist in all marketplaces. To be more cost competitive with its traditional product offerings, the Company is continuing to rationalize capacity and restructure its go-to-market model. As previously outlined, digital product offerings are substituting for some of the traditional film products, as a large number of consumers actively use digital cameras. While this substitution to date has had an impact primarily on the Company’s film and paper sales, and processing services in the U.S., Japan and Western Europe, there are declining sales in emerging markets as well. Throughout the world, almost all Entertainment Imaging products are sold directly to studios, laboratories, independent filmmakers or production companies. Quality and availability are important factors for these products, which are sold in a price competitive environment. As the industry moves to digital formats, the Company anticipates that it will face new competitors, including some of its current customers and other electronics manufac- turers. Graphic Communications Group (GCG) Segment Sales from continuing operations of the Graphic Communications Group segment for 2006, 2005 and 2004 were (in millions) $3,632, $2,990 and $1,344, respectively. The Graphic Communications Group segment serves a variety of customers in the creative, in-plant, data center, commercial printing, packaging, newspaper and digital service bureau market segments with a range of software, media and hardware products that provide customers with a variety of solutions for prepress equipment, workflow software, digital and traditional printing, document scanning and multi-vendor IT services. Products in- clude digital and traditional prepress consumables, including plates, chemistry, and media; workflow and proofing software; color and black and white electrophotographic equipment and consumables; high-speed, high-volume continuous inkjet printing systems; wide-format inkjet printers; high- speed production document scanners; micrographic peripherals; and media (including micrographic films). The Company also provides maintenance and professional services for Kodak and other manufacturers’ products, as well as providing imaging services to customers. Marketing and Competition: Throughout the world, graphic communications products are sold through a variety of direct and indirect channels. The end users of these products include businesses in the commercial printing, data center, in-plant and digital service provider market segments. While there is price competition, the Company has been able to maintain price by adding more attractive features to its products through technologi- cal advances. The Company has developed a wide-range portfolio of digital products; workflow, equipment, media, and services to meet the needs of customers who are interested in converting from traditional analog to digital technology. Maintenance and professional services for the Company’s products are sold either through product distribution channels or directly to the end users. The growth in digital solutions has negatively affected the sale of traditional graphic films. As a result, the Company has become more active in digital printing products and services in order to participate in this growth segment through the acquisitions of Scitex Digital Printing, renamed Kodak Versa- mark, the NexPress-related entities, KPG and Creo. Traditional graphic products, primarily consisting of graphic films and chemistry, were formerly sold directly by the Company to the KPG joint venture. In addition, a range of inkjet products for digital printing and proofing are sold through direct and indirect means. Document scanners are sold primar- ily through a two-tiered distribution channel to a number of different industries. The Company remains competitive by focusing on developing digital solutions based on inkjet, thermal and electro-photographic technologies by comprehensive workflow, training and service systems.
  • 15. Health Group Segment (KHG) Segment Sales from continuing operations of the Health Group segment for 2006, 2005 and 2004 were (in millions) $2,497, $2,655 and $2,686, respectively. Products and services of the Health Group segment enable healthcare customers (e.g., hospitals, imaging centers, etc.) to capture, process, integrate, archive and display images and information in a variety of forms. These products and services provide intelligent decision support through the entire patient pathway from research to detection to diagnosis to treatment. The Health Group segment also provides products and services that help custom- ers improve workflow in their facilities, which in turn helps them enhance the quality and productivity of healthcare delivery. The Health Group segment provides digital medical imaging and information products, and systems and solutions, which are key components of sales and earnings growth. These include laser imagers, digital print films, computed and digital radiography systems, dental radiographic imaging systems, dental practice management software, advanced picture-archiving and communications systems (PACS), and healthcare information systems (HCIS). Products of the Health Group segment also include traditional analog medical films, chemicals, and processing equipment. The Company’s history in traditional analog imaging has made it a leader in this area and has served as the foundation for building its important digital imaging business. The Health Group segment serves the general radiology market and specialty health markets, including dental, mammography, orthopedics and oncology. The segment also provides molecular imaging for the biotechnology research market. The Company announced on January 10, 2007 that it has reached an agreement to sell the Health Group to Onex Corporation for as much as $2.55 billion. The transaction is expected to close in the first half of 2007. As a result, KHG will be reported as a discontinued operation beginning in the first quarter of 2007. Marketing and Competition: In the U.S., Canada and Latin America, health imaging consumables and analog equipment are sold through distribu- tors. A significant portion of digital equipment and solutions is sold direct to end users, with the balance sold through distributors and OEMs. In the U.S., individual hospitals or groups of hospitals represented by, as buying agents, group purchasing organizations (GPOs), account for a significant portion of consumables and equipment sales industry-wide. The Health Group segment has secured long-term contracts with many of the major GPOs and, thus, has positioned itself well against competitors. In Europe, consumables and analog equipment are sold through distributors and value added service providers (VASPs) as well as direct to end users. Hospitals in Europe, which are a mix of private and government-funded types, employ a highly regimented tender process in acquiring medical imaging products. In addition to creating a competitive pricing environment, this process can result in a delay of up to 6 to 18 months between the time the tender is delivered to the hospital and the time the hospital makes a decision on the vendor. Additionally, the government-funded hospitals’ budgets tend to be limited and restricted. Government reimbursement policies often drive the use of particular types of equipment and influence the transition from analog to digital imaging. These policies vary widely among European countries. In Asia and Japan, sales of all products are split between distributors and end users. In Europe, Asia and Japan, consumables and analog equipment are often sold as part of a media/equipment bundle. Digital equipment and solutions are sold direct to end-users and through OEMs in these three geographic areas. Worldwide, the medical imaging market is crowded with a range of strong competitors. To compete aggressively, the Company’s Health Group segment has developed a full portfolio of value-adding products and services. Some competitors offer digital solutions similar to those of Kodak, and other competitors offer similar analog solutions or a mix of analog and digital. The Health Group segment has a wide range of solutions from analog to digital as well as solutions combining both analog and digital technologies. Moreover, the segment’s portfolio is expanding into new areas, thus enabling the segment to offer solutions that combine medical images and information, such as patient reports, into one unified package for medical practitioners. The Company will continue to innovate products and services to meet the changing needs and preferences of the marketplace. All Other Sales from continuing operations comprising All Other for 2006, 2005 and 2004 were (in millions) $69, $83 and $70, respectively. All Other is composed of the Company’s display business, business development and other small, miscellaneous businesses. The development initia- tives in consumer inkjet technologies continue to be reported in All Other through the end of 2006.
  • 16. Change in Reporting Structure In December 2006, the Company announced that effective January 1, 2007 the Film and Photofinishing Systems Group would be called the Film Products Group, and that certain strategic product groups (SPG’s) previously included in FPG would become part of CDG. Also effective January 1, 2007, consumer inkjet systems, formerly reported in All Other, would become part of CDG. This change in structure is to align the Company’s reporting structure to the way in which the Company manages its business effective January 1, 2007. The most significant change, the transfer of photographic paper and photofinishing services to CDG from FPG, reflects the increasing manner in which images captured or generated by CDG products and services are printed and shared. CDG will be the Company’s primary point of contact for the digital picture-taking consumer, providing a full range of products and services for capturing, storing, printing and sharing images. Additionally, the new structure will concentrate FPG’s portfolio exclusively on film-related and entertainment imaging businesses. The following indicates the changes from the old reporting structure to the new reporting structure that will be implemented beginning in the first quarter of 2007: Consumer Digital Imaging Group Segment (CDG): This segment will include photographic paper and photofinishing services, formerly part of FPG, and consumer inkjet systems, formerly part of All Other. Film Products Group Segment (FPG): The Film Products Group segment will no longer include photographic paper and photofinishing services, since they will become part of CDG. Additionally, the non-destructive testing business, formerly included in the FPG segment, will be included in the Health Group segment. Graphic Communications Group Segment (GCG): There are no changes to the composition of the GCG segment from 2006. However, as the GCG segment completes its integration process and further aligns the discrete businesses, starting in the first quarter of 2007, the GCG segment results will be reported using its new organizational structure, as described in Item 7, “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Report of Operations.” Health Group Segment (KHG): The Company announced on January 10, 2007 that it has reached an agreement to sell the Health Group to Onex Corporation for as much as $2.55 billion. The transaction is expected to close in the first half of 2007. As a result, the results of operations and assets, net of liabilities, to be sold, inclusive of the non-destructive testing business formerly included in FPG, will be reported as a discontinued operation beginning in the first quarter of 2007. All Other: In February 2007, the Company announced its entry into the consumer inkjet business. Beginning with the first quarter of 2007, the results of the consumer inkjet business, formerly included in All Other, will be reported within the CDG segment. There are no other changes to the composi- tion of All Other. Financial information by Geographic Area Financial information by geographic area for the past three years is shown in Note 23, “Segment Information.” Raw Materials The raw materials used by the Company are many and varied, and are generally readily available. Silver is one of the essential materials used in the manufacture of films and papers. The Company purchases silver from numerous suppliers under annual agreements or on a spot basis. Paper base is an essential material in the manufacture of photographic papers. The Company has contracts to acquire paper base from certified photographic paper suppliers over the next several years. Lithographic aluminum is the primary material used in the manufacture of offset printing plates. The Company procures raw aluminum coils from several suppliers on a spot basis or under contracts generally in place over the next one to three years. Seasonality of Business Sales and earnings of the CDG segment are linked to the timing of holidays, vacations and other leisure or gifting seasons. In 2006, sales of digital products were highest in the last four months of the year. Digital capture and home printing products have experienced peak sales in this period as a result of the December holidays. Sales are normally lowest in the first quarter due to the absence of holidays and fewer people taking vacations during that time. These trends are expected to continue as the Company continues to experience growth in sales of digital products. Sales and earnings of the FPG segment are linked to the timing of holidays, vacations and other leisure activities. Sales and earnings are normally strongest in the second and third quarters as demand is high due to heavy vacation activity and events such as weddings and graduations. Sales and earnings of the GCG segment exhibit modestly higher levels in the fourth quarter. This is driven primarily by the sales of continuous inkjet, electrophotographic printing, and document scanner products due to seasonal customer demand linked to commercial year-end budgeting processes. With respect to the KHG segment, the sales of consumable products, which generate the major portion of the earnings of this segment, tend to occur uniformly throughout the year. Sales of equipment products, which carry lower margins than consumables, are highest in the fourth quarter as pur- chases by healthcare customers are linked to their year-end capital budget process. This pattern is also reflected in the third month of each quarter.
  • 17. Research and Development Through the years, the Company has engaged in extensive and productive efforts in research and development. Research and development expenditures for the Company’s four reportable segments and All Other for 2006, 2005 and 2004 were as follows: 2006 2005 2004 (in millions) Consumer Digital Imaging Group $ 171 $ 179 $ 164 Film Photofinishing Systems Group 40 89 155 Graphic Communications Group 198 278 145 Health Group 138 162 180 All Other 163 184 192 Total $ 710 $ 892 $ 836 For an explanation of the trends in research and development expenditures in each of the segments and All Other see the discussion for each segment in Item 7, “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations.” Research and development is headquartered in Rochester, New York. Other U.S. groups are located in Boston, Massachusetts; Dallas, Texas; Oakdale, Minnesota; New Haven, Connecticut; and San Jose and San Diego, California. Outside the U.S., groups are located in England, France, Iceland, Israel, Germany, Japan, China, Singapore and Canada. These groups work in close cooperation with manufacturing units and marketing organizations to develop new products and applications to serve both existing and new markets. It has been the Company’s general practice to protect its investment in research and development and its freedom to use its inventions by obtaining patents. The ownership of these patents contributes to the Company’s ability to provide leadership products and to generate revenue from licensing. The Company holds portfolios of patents in several areas important to its business, including digital cameras and image sensors; network photo shar- ing and fulfillment; flexographic and lithographic printing plates and systems, digital printing workflow and color management, proofing systems; color and black white electrophotographic printing systems; wide-format, continuous, and home inkjet printers; inkjet inks, media and printing systems; thermal dye transfer and dye sublimation printing systems; digital cinema; color negative films, processing and papers; x-ray films, mammography systems, computed radiography, digital radiography, photothermographic dry printing, medical and dental image and information systems; and organic light-emitting diodes. Each of these areas is important to existing and emerging business opportunities that bear directly on the Company’s overall business performance. The Company’s major products are not dependent upon one single, material patent. Rather, the technologies that underlie the Company’s products are supported by an aggregation of patents having various remaining lives and expiration dates. There is no individual patent or group of patents the expiration of which is expected to have a material impact on the Company’s results of operations. Environmental Protection The Company is subject to various laws and governmental regulations concerning environmental matters. The U.S. federal environmental legislation and state regulatory programs having an impact on the Company include the Toxic Substances Control Act, the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA), the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act, the NY State Chemical Bulk Storage Regulations and the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act of 1980, as amended (the Superfund Law). It is the Company’s policy to carry out its business activities in a manner consistent with sound health, safety and environmental management practices, and to comply with applicable health, safety and environmental laws and regulations. The Company continues to engage in a program for environmental protection and control. Based upon information presently available, future costs associated with environmental compliance are not expected to have a material effect on the Company’s capital expenditures, earnings or competitive position. However, such costs could be material to results of operations in a particular future quarter or year. Environmental protection is further discussed in the Notes to Financial Statements, Note 11, “Commitments and Contingencies.” 0
  • 18. Employment At the end of 2006, the Company employed approximately 40,900 full time equivalent people, of whom approximately 20,600 were employed in the U.S. The actual number of employees may be greater because some individuals work part time. The current employment amounts are expected to decline more over the next year as a result of the personnel reductions yet to be made under the 2004-2007 cost reduction program. On February 8, 2007, the Company updated the ranges for anticipated restructuring activity. The Company now expects that the total employment reductions will be in the range of 28,000 to 30,000 positions and total charges will be in the range of $3.6 billion to $3.8 billion. See Item 7, “Management’s Discussion and Analysis of Financial Condition and Results of Operations” for further discussion on this restructuring program. Available Information The Company files many reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), including annual reports on Form 10-K, quarterly reports on Form 10-Q and current reports on Form 8-K. These reports, and amendments to these reports, are made available free of charge as soon as reason- ably practicable after being electronically filed with or furnished to the SEC. They are available through the Company’s website at www.Kodak.com. To reach the SEC filings, follow the links to Corporate, and then Investor Center. The Company also makes available free of charge through its website, at www.Kodak.com/go/annualreport, its summary annual report to shareholders and proxy statement. The public may also read and copy any materials the Company files with the SEC at the SEC’s Public Reference Room at 100 F Street, N.E., Wash- ington, D.C. The public may obtain information on the operation of the Public Reference Room by calling the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. The SEC also maintains an Internet site, at www.sec.gov, that contains reports, proxy and information statements, and other information regarding issuers that file electronically with the SEC. We have included the CEO and CFO certifications required by Section 302 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 as exhibits to this report. We have also included these certifications with the Form 10-K filed on March 2, 2006. Additionally, we filed with the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) the CEO certification, dated June 5, 2006, regarding our compliance with the NYSE’s corporate governance listing standards pursuant to Section 303A.12(a) of the listing standards, and indicated that the CEO was not aware of any violations of the listing standards by the Company. ITEM 1A. RISK FACTORS Set forth below and elsewhere in this report and in other documents that the Company files with the Securities and Exchange Commission are risks and uncertainties that could cause the actual future results of the Company to differ from those expressed or implied in the forward-looking statements contained in this document and other public statements the Company makes. Additionally, because of the following risks and uncertainties, as well as other variables affecting our operating results, the Company’s past financial performance should not be considered an indicator of future performance. If we do not effectively execute our digital transformation, this could adversely affect our operations, revenue and ability to compete. The Company continues with its transformation from a traditional products and services company to a primarily digital products and services company. This transformation includes an aggressive restructuring program to reduce its traditional infrastructure to cost-effectively manage the declining traditional business and to reduce its general and administrative costs to the level necessary to compete profitably in the digital markets. The Company expects these actions to be largely completed by the end of 2007. As a result of the digital transformation, the Company has established three key financial metrics against which it will measure success: net cash generation, earnings growth from digital products and services, and revenue growth from digital products and services. Accordingly, the success of the Company’s transformation is dependent upon the execution of the Company’s trans- formation initiatives including (1) managing the amount and timing of the cost savings resulting from the restructuring of its traditional infrastructure and the reductions in general and administrative costs, (2) Kodak’s ability to continue its development and sale of digital products and services that deliver competitive margins in each of its segments, (3) the Company’s ability to manage the traditional business for cash generation in a cost-effec- tive manner and (4) the Company’s ability to continue to successfully integrate its acquisitions, including KPG and Creo. If Kodak cannot continue to successfully execute its transformation initiatives, the Company’s ability to compete as a profitable and growing digital company could be negatively affected, which could adversely affect its results of operations and its ability to generate cash. If we fail to comply with the covenants contained in our Secured Credit Agreement, including the two financial covenants, our ability to meet our financial obligations could be severely impaired. There are affirmative, negative and financial covenants contained in the Company’s Secured Credit Agreement. These covenants are typical for a secured credit agreement of this nature. The Company’s failure to comply with these covenants could result in a default under the Secured Credit Agreement. If an event of default were to occur and is not waived by the lenders, then all outstanding debt, interest and other payments under the Secured Credit Agreement could become immediately due and payable and any unused borrowing availability under the revolving credit facility of the Secured Credit Agreement could be terminated by the lenders. The failure of the Company to repay any accelerated debt under the Secured Credit Agreement could result in acceleration of the majority of the Company’s unsecured outstanding debt obligations.
  • 19. If we cannot effectively manage transitions of our products and services, this could adversely affect our revenues. The industries in which Kodak competes are rapidly changing and becoming increasingly more complex. Kodak’s ability to successfully transition its existing products to new offerings requires that the Company make accurate predictions of the product development schedule as well as volumes, product mix, customer demand, sales channels, and configuration. The process of developing new products and services is complex and often uncer- tain due to the frequent introduction of new products by competitors that offer improved performance and pricing. Kodak may anticipate demand and perceived market acceptance that differs from the product’s realizable customer demand and revenue stream. Further, in the face of intense industry competition, any unanticipated delay in implementing certain product strategies (including digital products, category expansion and digitization) or in the development, production or marketing of a new product could decrease any advantage Kodak may have to be the first or among the first to market and could adversely affect Kodak’s revenues. Kodak’s failure to carry out a product rollout in the time frame anticipated and in the quantities appropri- ate to customer demand, or at all, could adversely affect future demand for the Company’s products and services and have an adverse effect on its business. This risk is exacerbated when a product has a short life cycle or a competitor introduces a new product just before Kodak’s introduction of a similar product. Our results are subject to risks related to our significant investment in developing and introducing new products, such as consumer inkjet printers and CMOS semiconductors. These risk include: difficulties and delays in the development, production, testing and marketing of products; customer acceptance of products; resources we must devote to the development of new technology; and the ability to differentiate our products and compete with other companies in the same markets. If we cannot effectively anticipate trends and respond to changing customer preferences, this could aversely affect our revenues. Due to changes in technology, the market for traditional photography products and services is in decline and, as a result, product development has focused on digital capture devices (digital cameras and scanners) designed to improve the image acquisition or digitalization process, software products designed to enhance and simplify the digital workflow, output devices (thermal and inkjet printers and commercial printing systems and solutions) designed to produce high quality documents and images, and media (thermal and silver halide) optimized for digital workflows. Kodak’s success depends in part on its ability to develop and introduce new products and services in a timely manner that keep pace with technological devel- opments and that are accepted in the market. The Company continues to introduce new consumer and commercial digital product offerings, however, there can be no assurance that the Company will be successful in anticipating and developing new products, product enhancements or new solutions and services to adequately address changing technologies and customer requirements. In addition, if the Company is unable to anticipate and develop improvements to its current technology, to adapt its products to changing customer preferences or requirements or to continue to produce high quality products in a timely and cost-effective manner in order to compete with products offered by its competitors, this could adversely affect the revenues of the Company. If we cannot adequately protect our intellectual property, our business could be harmed. Kodak has made substantial investments in technologies and has filed patent applications and obtained patents to protect its intellectual property rights as well as the interests of the Company licensees. The execution and enforcement of licensing agreements protects the Company’s intellectual property rights and provides a revenue stream in the form of royalties that enables Kodak to further innovate and provide the marketplace with new products and services. There is no assurance that such measures alone will be adequate to protect the Company’s intellectual property. Our revenue and earnings may suffer if we cannot continue to implement our intellectual property licensing strategies. The Company’s ability to execute its intellectual property licensing strategies could also affect the Company’s revenue and earnings. Kodak’s failure to develop and properly manage new intellectual property could adversely affect market positions and business opportunities. Furthermore, the Company’s failure to identify and implement licensing programs, including identifying appropriate licensees, could adversely affect the profitability of Kodak’s operations. Our revenue, earnings and expenses may suffer if we cannot continue to license or enforce our intellectual property rights. Kodak relies upon patent, copyright, trademark and trade secret laws in the United States and similar laws in other countries, and agreements with its employees, customers, suppliers and other parties, to establish, maintain and enforce its intellectual property rights. Any of the Company’s direct or indirect intellectual property rights could, however, be challenged, invalidated or circumvented, or such intellectual property rights may not be suf- ficient to permit the Company to take advantage of current market trends or otherwise to provide competitive advantages, which could result in costly product redesign efforts, discontinuance of certain product offerings or other competitive harm. Further, the laws of certain countries do not protect proprietary rights to the same extent as the laws of the United States. Therefore, in certain jurisdictions, Kodak may be unable to protect its propri- etary technology adequately against unauthorized third party copying or use, which could adversely affect its competitive position. Also, because of the rapid pace of technological change in the information technology industry, much of our business and many of our products rely on key technolo- gies developed or licensed by third parties, and we may not be able to obtain or continue to obtain licenses and technologies from these third parties at all or on reasonable terms.
  • 20. Our revenue, earnings and expenses may suffer if third parties assert that we violate their intellectual property rights. Third parties may claim that the Company or customers indemnified by Kodak are infringing upon their intellectual property rights. In recent years, individuals and groups have begun purchasing intellectual property assets for the sole purpose of making claims of infringement and attempting to extract settlements from large companies like the Company. Even if Kodak believes that the claims are without merit, the claims can be time-con- suming and costly to defend and distract management’s attention and resources. Claims of intellectual property infringement also might require the Company to redesign affected products, enter into costly settlement or license agreements or pay costly damage awards, or face a temporary or permanent injunction prohibiting Kodak from marketing or selling certain of its products. Even if the Company has an agreement to indemnify it against such costs, the indemnifying party may be unable to uphold its contractual agreement to Kodak. If we cannot or do not license the infringed technol- ogy at all or on reasonable terms or substitute similar technology from another source, our revenue and earnings could suffer. If we are not successful in transitioning certain financial processes and administrative functions to a global shared services model and outsourcing some of the work to third parties, our business performance, cost savings and cash flow could be adversely impacted. The Company continues to migrate various administrative and financial processes, such as general accounting, accounts payable, credit and collec- tions, call centers and human resources processes to a global shared services model to more effectively manage its costs. Delays in the migration to the global shared services model and to third party vendors could adversely impact the Company’s ability to meet its cost reduction goals. Also, if third party vendors do not perform to Kodak’s standards, such as a delay in collection of customer receipts, the Company’s cash flow could be negatively impacted. Our inability to develop and implement e-commerce strategies that align with industry standards could adversely affect our business. In the event Kodak were unable to develop and implement e-commerce strategies that are in alignment with consumer trends, the Company’s busi- ness could be adversely affected. The availability of software and standards related to e-commerce strategies is of an emerging nature. Kodak’s ability to successfully align with the industry standards and services and ensure timely solutions requires the Company to make accurate predictions of the future accepted standards and services. System integration issues could adversely affect our revenues and earnings. Portions of our IT infrastructure may experience interruptions, delays or cessations of service or product errors in connection with systems integra- tion or migration work that takes place from time to time; in particular, installation of SAP within our Graphic Communications Group. We may not be successful in implementing new systems and transitioning data, which could cause business disruptions and be more expensive, time consuming, disruptive and resource-intensive. Such disruption could adversely affect our ability to fulfill orders and interrupt other processes. Delayed sales, higher costs or lost customers resulting from these disruptions could adversely affect our financial results, stock price and reputation. Our inability to effectively manage our acquisitions could adversely impact our revenues and earnings. In 2005, Kodak completed two large business acquisitions in its Graphic Communications Group segment in order to strengthen and diversify its port- folio of businesses, while establishing itself as a leader in the graphic communications market. The Company is accelerating the current restructuring of its traditional manufacturing infrastructure. In the event that Kodak fails to effectively manage the continuing decline of its more traditional busi- nesses while simultaneously integrating these acquisitions, it could fail to obtain the expected synergies and favorable impact of these acquisitions. Such a failure could cause Kodak to lose market opportunities and experience a resulting adverse impact on its revenues and earnings. Our inability to complete divestitures and other portfolio actions could adversely impact our financial position. In January 2007, Kodak announced that it has reached an agreement to sell the Health Group to Onex Corporation. The transaction is expected to close in the first half of 2007. In the event that the Company is unable to complete the divestiture of the Health Group, it could fail to realize the favor- able impacts to the Company created through the reduction of debt and other uses. Such a failure could cause Kodak to experience an adverse impact on its financial position. Economic trends in our major markets could adversely affect net sales. Economic downturns and declines in consumption in Kodak’s major markets may affect the levels of both commercial and consumer sales. Purchases of Kodak’s consumer products are to a significant extent discretionary. Accordingly, weakening economic conditions or outlook could result in a decline in the level of consumption and could adversely affect Kodak’s results of operations. If we do not timely implement our planned inventory reductions, this could adversely affect our cash flow. Unanticipated delays in the Company’s plans to continue inventory reductions in 2007 could adversely impact Kodak’s cash flow outlook. Planned inventory reductions could be compromised by slower sales due to the competitive environment for digital products, and the continuing decline in demand for traditional products, which could also place pressures on Kodak’s sales and market share. In the event Kodak is unable to successfully manage these issues in a timely manner, they could adversely impact the planned inventory reductions.
  • 21. Delays in our plans to improve manufacturing productivity and control cost of operations could negatively impact our gross margins. Kodak’s failure to successfully manage operational performance factors could delay or curtail planned improvements in manufacturing productivity. Delays in Kodak’s plans to improve manufacturing productivity and control costs of operations, including its ongoing restructuring actions to signifi- cantly reduce its traditional manufacturing infrastructure, could negatively impact the gross margins of the Company. Furthermore, if Kodak is unable to successfully negotiate raw material costs with its suppliers, or incurs adverse pricing on certain of its commodity-based raw materials, reduction in the gross margins could occur. We depend on third party suppliers and, therefore, our revenue and gross margins could suffer if we fail to manage supplier issues properly. Kodak’s operations depend on its ability to anticipate the needs for components, products and services and Kodak’s suppliers’ ability to deliver suf- ficient quantities of quality components, products and services at reasonable prices in time for Kodak to meet its schedules. Given the wide variety of products, services and systems that Kodak offers, the large number of suppliers and contract manufacturers that are dispersed across the globe, and the long lead times that are required to manufacture, assemble and deliver certain components and products, problems could arise in planning pro- duction and managing inventory levels that could seriously harm Kodak. Other supplier problems that Kodak could face include component shortages, excess supply and risks related to terms of its contracts with suppliers. We have outsourced a significant portion of our overall worldwide manufacturing operations and face the risks associated with relying on third party manufacturers and external suppliers. We have outsourced a significant portion of our overall worldwide manufacturing operations to third parties and various service providers. To the extent that we rely on third party manufacturing relationships, we face the risk that those manufacturers may not be able to develop manufacturing methods appropriate for our products, they may not be able to quickly respond to changes in customer demand for our products, they may not be able to obtain supplies and materials necessary for the manufacturing process, they may experience labor shortages and/or disruptions, manufacturing costs could be higher than planned and the reliability of our products could decline. If any of these risks were to be realized, and assuming similar third-party manufacturing relationships could not be established, we could experience interruptions in supply or increases in costs that might result in our being unable to meet customer demand for our products, damage our relationships with our customers, and reduce our market share, all of which could adversely affect our results of operations and financial condition. If our planned improvements in supply chain efficiency are delayed, this could adversely affect our revenues and earnings. As the Company continues with its transformation from a traditional products and services company to a digital products and services company, Kodak’s planned improvement in supply chain efficiency, if delayed, could adversely affect its business by preventing shipments of certain products to be made in their desired quantities and in a timely and cost-effective manner. The planned efficiencies could be compromised if Kodak expands into new markets with new applications that are not fully understood or if the portfolio broadens beyond that anticipated when the plans were initiated. Any unforeseen changes in manufacturing capacity could also compromise our supply chain efficiencies. The competitive pressures we face could harm our revenue, gross margins and market share. The markets in which we do business are highly competitive, and we encounter aggressive price competition for all our products and services from numerous companies globally. Over the past several years, price competition in the market for film and digital cameras and related products and services has been particularly intense as competitors have aggressively cut prices and lowered their profit margins for these products. In the Health Group and Graphic Communications Group segments, aggressive pricing tactics have intensified in the contract negotiations as competitors vie for customers and market share. Our results of operations and financial condition may be adversely affected by these and other industry-wide pricing pressures. If the Company is unable to obtain pricing or programs sufficiently competitive with current and future competitors, Kodak could also lose market share, adversely affecting its revenue and gross margins. If we fail to manage distribution of our products and services properly, our revenue, gross margins and earnings could be adversely impacted. We use a variety of different distribution methods to sell our products and services, including third-party resellers and distributors and both direct and indirect sales to both enterprise accounts and customers. Successfully managing the interaction of direct and indirect channel efforts to reach various potential customer segments for our products and services is a complex process. Moreover, since each distribution method has distinct risks and costs, our failure to implement the most advantageous balance in the delivery model for our products and services could adversely affect our revenue, gross margins and earnings. We may provide financing and financial guarantees to our customers, some of which may be for significant amounts. The competitive environment in which we operate may require us to provide customer financing to a customer in order to win a contract. Customer financing arrangements may include all or a portion of the purchase price for our products and services, as well as working capital. In some circum- stances, these loans can be significant. We may also assist customers in obtaining financing from banks and other sources and may also provide financial guarantees on behalf of our customers. Our success may be dependent, in part, upon our ability to provide customer financing on competitive terms and on our customers’ creditworthiness. If we are unable to provide competitive financing arrangements to our customers or if we extend credit to customers that are not creditworthy, this could adversely impact our revenues, profitability and financial position.
  • 22. Economic uncertainty in developing markets could adversely affect our revenue and earnings. Kodak conducts business in developing markets with economies that tend to be more volatile than those in the United States and Western Europe. The risk of doing business in developing markets such as China, India, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Russia and other economically volatile areas could adversely affect Kodak’s operations and earnings. Such risks include the financial instability among customers in these regions, political instability and potential conflicts among developing nations and other non-economic factors such as irregular trade flows that need to be managed successfully with the help of the local governments. Kodak’s failure to successfully manage economic, political and other risks relating to doing business in developing countries and economically and politically volatile areas could adversely affect its business. Because we sell our products and services worldwide, we are subject to changes in currency exchange rates and interest rates that may adversely impact our operations and financial position. Kodak, as a result of its global operating and financing activities, is exposed to changes in currency exchange rates and interest rates, which may adversely affect its results of operations and financial position. Exchange rates and interest rates in certain markets in which the Company does busi- ness tend to be more volatile than those in the United States and Western Europe. There can be no guarantees that the economic situation in develop- ing markets or elsewhere will not worsen, which could result in future effects on earnings should such events occur. Management has concluded that the Company maintained effective internal control over financial reporting as of December 31, 2006. If we discover a material weakness in the future, we may not be able to provide reasonable assurance regarding the reliability of our finan- cial statements. As a result, our business, brand and operating results could be harmed. Effective internal control over financial reporting is necessary for the Company to provide reasonable assurance with respect to our financial reports. If the Company cannot provide reasonable assurance with respect to its financial reports, its business, brand and operating results could be harmed. As disclosed in the Company’s 2005 Annual Report on Form 10-K, and in its Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q for each of the first three quarters of 2006, management’s assessment of the Company’s internal controls over financial reporting identified a material weakness in the Company’s internal controls related to the completeness and accuracy of the Company’s deferred income tax valuation allowance account. During the year ended December 31, 2006, the Company has made significant progress in executing the remediation plans that were established to address the material weakness identified above. This resulted in material improvements in the Company’s internal control over financial reporting, including the successful remediation of the material weakness in internal controls related to the completeness and accuracy of the Company’s deferred income tax valuation allowance account as of December 31, 2006. Internal control over financial reporting may not prevent or detect misstatements because of its inherent limitations, including the possibility of human error, the circumvention or overriding of controls or fraud. Therefore, even effective internal controls over financial reporting can provide only reasonable assurance with respect to the preparation and fair presentation of financial statements. If we cannot protect our reputation due to product quality and liability issues, our business could be harmed. Kodak products are becoming increasingly sophisticated and complicated to design and build as rapid advancements in technologies occur. Although Kodak has established internal procedures to minimize risks that may arise from product quality and liability issues, there can be no assurance that Kodak will be able to eliminate or mitigate occurrences of these issues and associated damages. Kodak may incur expenses in connection with, for example, product recalls, service and lawsuits, and Kodak’s brand image and reputation as a producer of high-quality products could suffer. ItEM 1B. UNrESOLVED StaFF COMMENtS None. ItEM 2. PrOPErtIES The Company’s worldwide headquarters is located in Rochester, New York. The CDG segment of Kodak’s business in the United States is headquartered in Rochester, New York. Kodak Gallery operations are managed from Emeryville, California. Kodak Inkjet Systems operations are located in San Diego, California and Rochester, New York. Many of CDG’s businesses rely on manufacturing assets, company-owned or through relationships with design and manufacturing partners, which are located close to end markets and/or supplier networks. The FPG segment of Kodak’s business is centered in Rochester, New York, where film and photographic chemicals and related materials are manufac- tured. Other manufacturing facilities in Windsor, Colorado; Harrow, England; and Xiamen, China produce photographic paper. Additional manufacturing facilities supporting the business are located in China, Mexico, France, India, Brazil and Russia. There are a number of photofinishing laboratories in the U.S. and distribution sites throughout the world. Products in the GCG segment are manufactured in the United States, primarily in Rochester, New York; Dayton, Ohio; Columbus, Georgia; Weatherford, Oklahoma; Windsor, Colorado; and San Diego, California. Manufacturing facilities outside the United States are located in the United Kingdom, Ger- many, South Africa, Israel, Bulgaria, China, Japan, Canada and Mexico. The segment provides digital and traditional products and services including prepress consumables, workflow and proofing software, color and black-and-white electrophotographic equipment and consumables, high-speed, high-volume continuous inkjet printing systems, wide-format inkjet printers, high-speed production document scanners, and micrographic peripherals and media (including micrographic films).