Kubernetes is an open-source container orchestration system that automates deployment, scaling, and management of containerized applications. It groups containers that make up an application into logical units for easy management and discovery. Kubernetes services handle load balancing, networking, and execution of containers across a cluster of nodes. It addresses challenges in managing containers at scale through features like deployment and rolling update of containers, self-healing, resource allocation and monitoring.
4. But soon you have many applications, many instances…
5. And that is why there is container orchestration
6. What is container orchestration?
Cluster management creates unified targets
for varied workload
Scheduling intelligently distributes containers
across nodes
Service discovery knows where containers are
located and provides a method to direct
requests to them
Replication allows the workload to be scaled
Health management creates a method to
ensure the application is assured to be viable
by allowing unhealthy containers to be
Container Orchestrator
Management of the deployment, placement, and lifecycle of workload containers
8. What is Kubernetes? Fully open source container orchestrator inspired
and informed by Google's experiences and internal
Unified API for deploying web applications, batch
jobs, and databases maintaining and tracking the
global view of the cluster
Supports multiple cloud and bare-metal
Manage applications, not machines providing a
better framework to support rolling updates, canary
deploys, and blue-green deployments
Designed for extensibility
Rich ecosystem of plug-ins for scheduling, storage,
and networking
Open source project managed by the Linux
9. Kubernetes strengths
Clear governance model
‒ Managed by the Linux Foundation.
‒ Google is driving the product features and roadmap, while allowing the rest of the ecosystem to participate.
Growing and vibrant ecosystem
‒ IBM, Huawei, Intel, and Red Hat are among the companies making prominent contributions to the project.
Avoid dependency and vendor lock-in
‒ Active community participation and ecosystem support.
Support for a wide range of deployment options
‒ Customers can choose between bare metal, virtualization, private, public, and hybrid cloud deployments
‒ Wide range of delivery models across on-premises and cloud-based services.
Design is more operations-centric
‒ First choice of DevOps teams.
11. Immutability
Build Once - Deploy Everywhere
The same container image is
built once and is moved
between environments
12. Pod
A single unit of work in Kubernetes, which may consist of one or more containers
All containers in a pod
are co-located and co-
scheduled, and share
the kernel namespace
(process, storage,
network, etc.)
13. Pod Health Checking
Pods are automatically kept alive by “process check” checking the basic status of the main
process for the application
To go beyond this Kubernetes
allows you to create a
liveness probe to provide
additional means for
identifying health.
14. Config Maps & Secrets
Share and store configurations, credentials and more
Store the configurations and
secrets (credentials,
certificates) in the K8s
environment and mount them
to the local filesystem within
The container image can
move un-changed between
environments (i.e. container
15. Replicaset
Replicasets run one-to-
many instances of the
desired pod
When possible the replica
pod should be stateless or
Scale pods horizontally and provide resiliency
16. Service Discovery
Kubernetes has an internal DNS that is used as a Service Registry.
A Service resource in
Kubernetes results in an
entry in the internal DNS
By default, a Service points
to an internal Cluster IP that
load balances between a set
of healthy running pods
17. Ingress Resources
External access to applications running in Kubernetes may be enabled through Ingress
resources and proxy nodes
The proxy node(s) in ICP
expose services defined in
18. More on Scaling
More on Scaling
Allows you to scale the
number of running pods in
a replicaset based upon
resource (or application
custom) metrics
Horizontal Pod Auto-scaling (HPA)
19. Statefulsets
Similar to replicaset for the purpose of scale or redundancy and/or, statefulsets run one-to-
many instances of the desired pod
Unlike replicasets the are intended for
applications requiring state.
Valuable for applications that require:
• Stable, unique network identifiers
• Stable persistent storage
• Ordered graceful deployment and scaling
• Ordered graceful deletion and
• Ordered automated rolling updates
20. Persistence & Storage
There are many types of persistent storage and many provider options
Some pods must be able to
persist data so that if Kubernetes
restarts them on the same or
another node data loss is avoided
Kubernetes will re-attach the
shared storage when the pod
Storage providers support
different retention and recycling
policies and the definitions of
these are not universal
23. 23
Persistent Storage
Persistent Volume is a storage resource within the
cluster. PVs have a lifecycle independent of any
individual pod that uses it. This API object
encapsulates the details of the storage
implementation or cloud-provider-specific storage
A Persistent Volume Claim is a storage request, or
claim, made by the developer. Claims request
specific sizes of storage, as well as other aspects
such as access modes.
A StorageClass describes an offering of storage
and allow for the dynamically provisioning of PVs
and PVCs based upon these controlled definitions.
Solution components
25. Deployments
Deployments manage rolling updates to ReplicaSets and StatefulSets
When a new version of the application
is available, the Deployment provides
the ability to scale down the previous
version of the application and scale
up the new version in a controlled
fashion with zero downtime
Enables rollback in the case of failure
26. CI / CD with Jenkins
Build artifacts from
Jenkins (the
container image)
are continuously
built and deployed
in ICP
The same image is
promoted between
each environment
(dev, QA, stage,
28. Worker node
Kubernetes cluster architecture
Worker node
Master node
pod pod
pod pod
Kubernetes cluster
kubelet kubelet
kubectl controller
29. Master Node components
• Make scheduling decisions for the cluster, and respond to cluster events, like a node failure
• Can run on any node in the cluster, but typically all master components run on the same virtual machine (vm),
and do not run any container apps on that vm
Master node
Node controller
Replication controller
Endpoints controller
Service account &
token controller
30. Master Node Components
– A highly-available key value store
– Stores all cluster data
API Server
– Exposes API for managing Kubernetes
– Used by kubectl CLI
– Selects the worker node for each pods runs
Controller manager
– Daemon that runs controllers (background
threads that handle routine tasks in the cluster)
– Node Controller – Responsible for noticing and
responding when nodes go down
– Endpoints Controller – Populates the
Endpoints object (joins services and pods)
– Service Account and Token Controllers –
Create default accounts and API access
tokens for new namespaces
31. Worker Node Components
• Provide the Kubernetes runtime environment; run on every node
• Maintain running pods
Worker node
kubelet kube-proxy
pod pod
33. Naming in Kubernetes
– Each resource object by type has a unique name
– Resource isolation: Each namespace is a virtual cluster within the physical cluster
• Resource objects are scoped within namespaces
• Low-level resources are not in namespaces: nodes, persistent volumes, and namespaces
• Names of resources need to be unique within a namespace, but not across namespaces
– Resource quotas: Namespaces can divide cluster resources
– Initial namespaces
• default – The default namespace for objects with no other namespace
• kube-system – The namespace for objects created by the Kubernetes system
34. Kubernetes configuring
Containers and Resources
• Metadata assigned to Kubernetes
resources (pods, services, etc.)
• Key-value pairs for identification
• Critical to Kubernetes
• An expression that matches labels to
identify related resources
36. Kubectl command useful examples
Get the state of a cluster
$ kubectl cluster-info
Get all the nodes of a cluster
$ kubectl get nodes -o wide
Get info about the pods of a cluster
$ kubectl get pods -o wide
Get info about the replication controllers of a cluster
$ kubectl get rc -o wide
Get info about the services of a cluster
$ kubectl get services
Get full config info about a Service
$ kubectl get service
Get the IP of a Pod
$ kubectl get pod NAME_OF_POD -
Delete a Pod
$ kubectl delete pod NAME
Delete a Service
$ kubectl delete service
37. Resources
Kubernetes tutorial
– https://kubernetes.io/docs/tutorials/kubernetes-basics/
Introduction to container orchestration
– https://www.exoscale.ch/syslog/2016/07/26/container-orch/
TNS Research: The Present State of Container Orchestration
– https://thenewstack.io/tns-research-present-state-container-orchestration/
Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg
– https://research.google.com/pubs/pub43438.html