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100 Point Lab Report/Write-Up Guides Lines
2 pts Title:
3 pts Purpose:Explainswhy the research/experimentisconducted/whatyou areanalyzing
5 pts Hypothesis:If/then format…oneforeach experimentyou did
15 pts Background Research: IN YOUROWN WORDS…summarizeyournoteson thetopic…informthereader aboutthe
subjectyourare testing…usecitationsif needed (to makesure you are notaccused of plagiarism)
10 pts Materials and Procedures:Detailed list of material; Step-by-step listof how experimentwasconducted….beVERY
specific so I can replicate yourexperimentif I wanted to
20 pts Data and Results:Diagrams,tables,pictures,graphs,charts,calculations; Stateindependent,dependentand
constantvariables;also statecontrol/controlgroup if necessary; EVERYTHINGmustbe labeled with a caption…do NOT
explain results yet,thatwill be in the conclusion…UseMicrosoftEXCEL…makeSCATTERPLOTSand includethe “bestfit
line” or “trend line”…Do NOTconnectthe dots!Label theaxes….y-axisshould bedependentvariableof experimentand
the x-axisshould betheindependentvariableof theexperiment
40 pts Conclusion:MOSTimportantpart!!!Worth theMOST points!!!
Paragraph 1:Restatepurpose,hypothesis,SUMMARIZEyourprocedures, briefly statewhetheryourhypothesis
wasright or wrong (you willexplain this later)
Paragraph 2:DETAILED explanation of yourresultsand data…referto the charts,tables,graphs,picturesin the
Data and Results section of yourreport. Explain the trendson yourgraphs,whatthosetrendstell you about
yourexperiment,aboutany unusualresults. This is whereyou put wordsto yourtablesand charts. Itmight be
morethan justone paragraph. BETHOROUGH!!!
Paragraph 3:Statewhetheror notyourhypothesiswascorrect. It is OK to havean incorrect hypothesis!Do NOT
changeit!!! If it is correct, explain why (how yourdata showed yourhypothesiswascorrect). If it wasincorrect
(AGAIN…itis OK!!!) makesureand EXPLAIN why it waswrong…basically why thedata did notsupportyour
hypothesis. Then explain possiblereasonsforthedata being incorrect, maybewrong calculations,procedures
were notfollowed correctly (explain how),incorrectmaterials,etc…list ALL possiblereasons!Explain howthe
experimentcould be improved orthe mistakescould havebeen avoided. Statewhatyou should haveorhavenot
doneand howthatmightimpact theresults/experiment.
Paragraph 4:Summarizeyourresults.Explain the significanceof yourfindings….why yourdata wasimportant
(bothcorrectly and incorrect hypothesestell usvaluableinformation!) Explain how yourresultscan beapplied to
society/medicine/forensics,etc….thinkoutsidethebox…EVERYTHINGhasan application. Also statewaysyou
can extend yourresearch orthe nexttype of experimentyou could do on the topic.
ReferencesCited:If you used any outsideresources,you mustwritea referencescited pageand cite thosesources
throughoutyourreport. UseMLA stylecitations (Googleit, there are plenty of websitesthatwill do it for you
www.citationcenter.net isa good one) Pointswill be addedto backgroundsection
5 pts Format You will be graded on formataswell…labels, unitsincluded in ALL measurements and calculations,NOfirst
person usage(no “I,we,me, our,us,you,etc etc)…if a typed lab report:12 pointfont,1 inch margins,doublespaced,
Times NewRoman font,nothing Fancy,Each section is titled, in bold and underlined (like this guide)

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Lab report guide

  • 1. 100 Point Lab Report/Write-Up Guides Lines 2 pts Title: 3 pts Purpose:Explainswhy the research/experimentisconducted/whatyou areanalyzing 5 pts Hypothesis:If/then format…oneforeach experimentyou did 15 pts Background Research: IN YOUROWN WORDS…summarizeyournoteson thetopic…informthereader aboutthe subjectyourare testing…usecitationsif needed (to makesure you are notaccused of plagiarism) 10 pts Materials and Procedures:Detailed list of material; Step-by-step listof how experimentwasconducted….beVERY specific so I can replicate yourexperimentif I wanted to 20 pts Data and Results:Diagrams,tables,pictures,graphs,charts,calculations; Stateindependent,dependentand constantvariables;also statecontrol/controlgroup if necessary; EVERYTHINGmustbe labeled with a caption…do NOT explain results yet,thatwill be in the conclusion…UseMicrosoftEXCEL…makeSCATTERPLOTSand includethe “bestfit line” or “trend line”…Do NOTconnectthe dots!Label theaxes….y-axisshould bedependentvariableof experimentand the x-axisshould betheindependentvariableof theexperiment 40 pts Conclusion:MOSTimportantpart!!!Worth theMOST points!!! Paragraph 1:Restatepurpose,hypothesis,SUMMARIZEyourprocedures, briefly statewhetheryourhypothesis wasright or wrong (you willexplain this later) Paragraph 2:DETAILED explanation of yourresultsand data…referto the charts,tables,graphs,picturesin the Data and Results section of yourreport. Explain the trendson yourgraphs,whatthosetrendstell you about yourexperiment,aboutany unusualresults. This is whereyou put wordsto yourtablesand charts. Itmight be morethan justone paragraph. BETHOROUGH!!! Paragraph 3:Statewhetheror notyourhypothesiswascorrect. It is OK to havean incorrect hypothesis!Do NOT changeit!!! If it is correct, explain why (how yourdata showed yourhypothesiswascorrect). If it wasincorrect (AGAIN…itis OK!!!) makesureand EXPLAIN why it waswrong…basically why thedata did notsupportyour hypothesis. Then explain possiblereasonsforthedata being incorrect, maybewrong calculations,procedures were notfollowed correctly (explain how),incorrectmaterials,etc…list ALL possiblereasons!Explain howthe experimentcould be improved orthe mistakescould havebeen avoided. Statewhatyou should haveorhavenot doneand howthatmightimpact theresults/experiment. Paragraph 4:Summarizeyourresults.Explain the significanceof yourfindings….why yourdata wasimportant (bothcorrectly and incorrect hypothesestell usvaluableinformation!) Explain how yourresultscan beapplied to society/medicine/forensics,etc….thinkoutsidethebox…EVERYTHINGhasan application. Also statewaysyou can extend yourresearch orthe nexttype of experimentyou could do on the topic. ReferencesCited:If you used any outsideresources,you mustwritea referencescited pageand cite thosesources throughoutyourreport. UseMLA stylecitations (Googleit, there are plenty of websitesthatwill do it for you www.citationcenter.net isa good one) Pointswill be addedto backgroundsection 5 pts Format You will be graded on formataswell…labels, unitsincluded in ALL measurements and calculations,NOfirst person usage(no “I,we,me, our,us,you,etc etc)…if a typed lab report:12 pointfont,1 inch margins,doublespaced, Times NewRoman font,nothing Fancy,Each section is titled, in bold and underlined (like this guide)