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Oskar Schindler Essay
The Holocaust was a dark time in world history. Jews, Gypsies, Homosexuals and more were killed
and cremated by the hands of the Nazis. There were a few, however, that fought the views of Adolf
Hitler and attempted to save some of the victims of his cruelty. One of the greatest of these is Oskar
Schindler. Oskar Schindler has been described as a crook, an alcoholic, and an insatiable womanizer.
All of this may very well be true, but this factory owner was a hero to many Jewish men, women, and
children. When those Jews were shipped to the concentration camp Plazsow, he would make the
famed Schindler s list. This list was a promise, a promise to those who were on it, that they would not
die at the hands of the Nazis. Since he was known to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
On a business trip with his father he visited the farming village of Alt Molstein in the Bohemian
countryside. They stopped at the Pelzl farm where he became infatuated with the farmer s daughter
Emilie. She was beautiful, educated, and was very religious just like his mother, Louisa. With talk of
marriage, neither father was very pleased. However Herr Pelzl, Emilie s father, reluctantly agreed and
promised Oskar a dowry of one hundred thousand Czech crowns and the couple were married in
March. 1928 only six months after they first met. Schindler worked in his family business until he one
day accepted a job as a sales manager in Czechoslovakia. He soon joined the Nazi Party and began
working as a spy for the Germans.In 1939 he was arrested by the Czechs and was condemned to
death. However, his life was saved when the Nazis soon took over Czechoslovakia. Also in 1939, the
Germans invaded Poland and Word War II began. Schindler acquired a bankrupt factory that made
enamel coated pots and pans. He hired Itzhak Stern to be his accountant. Schindler bribed his way into
getting army contracts and his factory soon began supplying the German army. The Jews were soon
forced into the Krakow ghetto, Where living conditions were horrible. Many of the Jews that lived
here worked
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Motek On The Radar Artist Of The Month Summary
Mrotek On the Radar Artist of the Month 2.8k likes on Facebook profile
https://www.facebook.com/MrotekDJ/ 1k followers on Instagram
https://www.instagram.com/mrotek_media/ 300~ followers on Soundcloud
https://soundcloud.com/mrotekdj Signed with DWX Anarchy raw sub label of Dirty Workz Records
Genre: Raw Hardstyle (rawstyle) Scottsdale, Arizona, USA Playing in HTX on December 29th
https://www.facebook.com/events/490263074677492/ Welcome to the first ever edition of On the
Radar Artist of the Month! This series will focus on producers with high quality sound and track
development that we feel are under recognized and should be garnering more attention than they
currently are. This month s artist is a raw hardstyle producer located ... Show more content on
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Mrotek Deimos collaborated on the Sub Sonik track to win the WE R Raw remix competition, which
is well deserved. Their rendition is simple in its dedication to the raw style sounds, but it is so high
energy that it is almost impossible to resist dancing along. The bass line is heavy and voluminous,
perfect for any good sound system to carry through a room. Mrotek Deimos s remix is noteworthy,
and should be considered a highlight of their 2017 works. Check out the winning remix on
Soundcloud below: https://soundcloud.com/subsonikmedia/sub sonik to hell mrotek deimos remix 1
Mrotek was given the honor of producing the anthem for the Black Magic music festival that took
place this past October. Aptly named Daedra (released on Dirty Workz), the song is dark and
terrifying, exactly what you would expect for a festival taking place on Friday the 13th in October.
With ominous mids and energetic synths, Mrotek s song builds tension alongside eerie vocals. The
drops are both heavy and exciting, with enough momentum to keep you moving through each second.
Overall the tune is wicked and unrelenting, perfect for a Halloween festival. Check out this killer tune
on Soundcloud below: https://soundcloud.com/dirtyworkzofficial/mrotek daedra black magic 2017
anthem official hq preview I also had the opportunity to have ask Mrotek a few questions about his
music past, current works, and what we can expect from him
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The Theme Of Sibling Rivalry In The Rich Brother By Tobias...
Sibling rivalry is a common theme in many literary works. In his story The Rich Brother , Tobias
Wolff shows the paradox between this rivalry and love between two brothers while also showing that
someone s material wealth does not always make them the richer person. From the religious Donald to
the outwardly prosperous Pete, the differences between the brothers are evident from the start.
However, by the end of the story, Wolff creates the underlying theme that Donald, who often relies on
his brother for material things, is truly the richer of the two brothers through his ability to believe in
people and willingness to love a brother who will not admit that he tried to kill him when they were
young and that seems to continue to despise him in adulthood. Wolff indicates that the sibling rivalry
in this story started when the two brothers were young, though he only touches on it beginning when
Donald had his surgery. In Wolff s line Mom was in a state every time you burped, the author shows
how Pete felt about his brother and the attention he received from their mother (). This animosity is
further hinted at when Donald tries to get Pete to admit he remembers trying ... Show more content on
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When Donald asks to be let out of the vehicle, he still shows his love for his brother and his ability to
forgive when he tells Pete I don t blame you and God bless you (Wolff,). Rather than saying mean or
hurtful things back to his brother, Donald continues to let his religion be his guide, showing his love
and richness of character. When Pete decides to turn around to go get his brother it is because he doesn
t want to have to answer his wife s questions about why Pete is not with him. If he told his wife he
essentially let his brother out over money, it would show the truth of his character, which does not
coincide with the prosperous and good image he has of
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Foundation Design Lessons Learned From The Rion Antirion...
Aseismic foundation design lessons learned from the rion antirion bridge
1 Introduction
The choice of a design concept for designing foundation is decided by various factors such as
environmental conditions, information of the building, construction techniques and constraints at
finance and time. These aspects will be considered more rigid on aseismic foundation designing which
is a very broad activity requiring the synthesis of experience and technical knowledge. These will be
illustrated by an example of solutions adopted for the Rion Antiron Bridge.
2 aseismic foundation design process
The aseismic design for foundation is important so information is required and methods should be
planned at different stage: 1 investigation of environmental conditions of the soil profile (geotechnical
characterization and design seismic conditions)
2 calculation of the magnitude of the loads that will be applied to the foundation soil.
2 investigation of possible solutions 3 information about the required performance and safety factors
of the structure. 3 design phase 4 estimate of deformations. 5 consideration of constraints of finance
and time. 6 decision of the construction.
3 Description of the Rion Antirion Bridge
The Rion Antirion Bridge is located in the Region of Western Greece and crosses the Gulf of Corinth
connection the Peloponnese with mainland Greece. The bridge spans a total length of 2860m which
includes a five spans cable stayed bridge 2252m in length and two
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College Essay On Rock And Roll
What is Rock and Roll
What is the definition of rock and roll? According to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame; Rock and roll is
a form of popular music that emerged in the United States in the late Forties and early Fifties (Rock
and Roll Hall of Fame Museum). Although this may be the meaning based on technicalities, is it a true
definition? Rock and Roll has trillions of definitions. Each one is based on the person listening to their
own version of rock and roll. Music in itself cannot be given any definition based on the variety and
rock and roll is just one variety. Different generations have different stand points. From the beginning
of what is known as rock and roll throughout the years has changed too much that there is no way to
put a definite meaning to the words rock and roll.
What we know as rock and roll can actually be ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
David Bowie, Kool and the Gang, ABBA, BeeGee s were very popular among many others. Each
person or band took the music a little harder and stronger creating many more different styles of
music. The 1980 s still went even harder with heavy metal music, new wave and hip hop. We gained
bands like Poison, Metallica, Run DMC, Beastie Boys, Madonna and Cyndi Lauper. Each put their
own style towards the ever changing world of music. The styles changed with the music.
Music helped play a part in what people were wearing and also how they started acting. People also
tended to lean towards certain parts of music. It was like they dressed the part. One was able to tell
who listened to punk or metal just by the way they dressed. From the 80 s, music got louder while
some music was harder to understand. So many new types have come out that the best music is now
considered classic rock. Keeping track all these types like grunge, rap, pop, even country and western
is hard since there has been a huge increase in singers and
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The Australian Toy Safety Standards Essay
Classification toy Teaches children how to classify Children must put the correct block in the
appropriate cut out hole The box and the blocks that fit in the hole are made of soft foam to meet the
Australian Toy Safety Standards The box as rounded corners so during play, children will not hurt
themselves Encourages physical growth, solitary and active play The child will learn how to group
according to more than one feature of the object (The Australian Toy Safety Standards state that toys
for children under the age of 3 must not have small parts that come off after wear and tear. This
prevents choking, suffocation or death. Building blocks must also be smoothly finished.)
JUSTIFICATION OF DEVEOPMENTAL ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This type of growth is important as it helps the child grow and provides a purpose for the child.
Another benefit is that this toy will encourage solitary and active play, types of social patterns and
play, which is vital for child s development. This toy supports skill development through maturation as
children will learn how to play with this toy as they mature cognitively. According to Piaget s idea of
schemas which are created by assimilation and accommodation, the schema for the child in the
preoperational stage will be that they will think that two different shapes of the same colour would
both fit into the same cut out hole in the box, when in fact, they will not. The child then goes through
assimilation, where they will adjust their existing schema and understand that an object can be
classified by more than one feature. The state of the schema is then changed from disequilibrium to
equilibrium. Therefore, this toy is developmentally appropriate to children in the preoperational stage
as it will encourage the child to overcome an issue they face in their age period. PART C:
EVALUATION OF DEVELOPMENTAL THEORY Piaget s Stages of Cognitive Development Aim:
To explain the mechanisms and processes by which the infant, and then the child, develops into an
individual who can reason and think. Piaget proposed that a child s thinking
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Health And Behavior Change Analysis
The local, state and national, government has many roles and responsibilities in health and behavior
change (Altman, 2001). An effective public health system that can assure the nation s health requires
the collaborative efforts of a complex network of people and organizations in the public and private
sectors, as well as an alignment of policy and practice of governmental public health agencies at the
national, state, and local levels.
In the United States, governments at all levels federal, state, and local have a specific responsibility to
strive to create the conditions in which people can be as healthy as possible which implement health
and behavior change. In the government, policy makers can play their role within the public health
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Pope John XXIII Or The Twenty-Third
Pope John XXIII or the twenty third was Pope from 1958 to 1963. He was raised in Italy before going
on to higher education for this time area. He also says peace is in mutual trust alone not equality. He
wrote the encyclical Pacem in terris meaning Peace on Earth. Bishop John XXIII endured a rather
normal life style till school came along. Pope John the twenty third led a very average life until he got
a scholarship, making it possible for him to attend the Apollinaris in Rome. Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli
was born the third of thirteen children on November 25, 1881, at Sotto iI Monte. While attending the
Apollinaris in Rome, he studied under the Church historian, Umberto Benigni. Being that 1915 was
when Italy entered World War I they drafted
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Five Elements Of The Theft Act 1968 (TA 1968)
If found liable, Justin and Robbie could both be charged with the property offence of theft under s.1 of
the Theft Act 1968 (TA 1968). The Act states A person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriates
property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it... In order for
the offence of theft to be applied, Justin and Robbie must satisfy all five elements of the actus reus and
mens rea at the same time for the prosecution to prove liability. The actus reus of the offence of theft is
outlined in s.1(1) of the TA 1968 as; appropriation of property belonging to another . Appropriation is
defined in s.3 (1) of the TA 1968 as Any assumption by a person of the rights of an owner amounts to
an appropriation. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Robbie stabbed Tommy after the alteration in the bank where Tommy punched Robbie in the face. For
Robbie to complete the actus reus of murder, the stabbing needs to be the reason for Tommy s death.
Nevertheless, Robbie stabbing Tommy does not need to be the sole or even the main cause of Tommy
s death. Robbie s stabbing needs only to make a substantial contribution to the killing as decided in R
v Cheshire. In order for Robbie to satisfy the elements of the actus reus, he must also satisfy causation.
R v White, sets out the but for test which asks; but for the actions of the defendant, would the result
have occurred? Robbie stabbing Tommy twice is the only reason for Tommy s death. R v Cato also
held that the defendants conduct must be more than a minimal cause of the consequences, but it is not
required for it to be the substantial cause. Therefore, there is no intervening act, and the chain of
causation is not broke. Tommy s injuries from the stabbing were the reason for his death and he would
not have died had Robbie not stabbed
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A Eulogy For Father
I don t think anyone understand the joy I had when Javeon Ray first came into this world.. He is the
first one my mom has been able to keep ; becuase she had to give the other two up for adaption to
AMAZING, wonderful families ... but this time we get to keep the baby, we get to stay up late
changing diapers, we get to have sleepless nights when he is cranky, we get to go through this together
... I m extremely blessed and joyed to have my first baby brother, and to have my mom sober ...
Javeon Ray; You re the smile that is on my face, your the twinkle in my eye. When you get older ...
NO ONE is going to be able to be your girlfriend because no girl will live up to my expectations of
what you deserve. You deserve the world , and nothing Less.
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Cite Source Analysis
How do I cite sources?
This depends on what type of work you are writing, how you are using the borrowed material, and the
expectations of your instructor.
First, you have to think about how you want to identify your sources. If your sources are very
important to your ideas, you should mention the author and work in a sentence that introduces your
citation. If, however, you are only citing the source to make a minor point, you may consider using
parenthetical references, footnotes, or endnotes.
There are also different forms of citation for different disciplines. For example, when you cite sources
in a psychology paper you would probably use a different form of citation than you might in a paper
for an English class.
Finally, you should ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
If the source is central to your work, you may want to introduce it in a separate sentence or two,
summarizing its importance and main ideas. But often you can just tag this information onto the
beginning or end of a sentence. For example, the following sentence puts information about the author
and work before the quotation:
Milan Kundera, in his book The Art of the Novel, suggests that if the novel should really disappear, it
will do so not because it has exhausted its powers but because it exists in a world grown alien to it.
You may also want to describe the author(s) if they are not famous, or if you have reason to believe
your reader does not know them. You should say whether they are economic analysts, artists,
physicists, etc. If you do not know anything about the author, and cannot find any information, it is
best to say where you found the source and why you believe it is credible and worth citing. For
In an essay presented at an Asian Studies conference held at Duke University, Sheldon Geron analyzes
the relation of state, labor unions, and small businesses in Japan between 1950s and
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Former Slaves Role In Reconstruction
During the Reconstruction, former slaves got many opportunities to things they would have never
been able to do before. In my opinion, the three most important opportunities were the building of
churches, the right to education, and the job opportunities. All of these gave the African Americans or
former slaves help to accomplish what they could not do as slaves. These three opportunities were
giving them the chance to a better life. When churches were built the former slaves were eager to go to
them and build them. This was the most important institution. Churches played a very important role
in the African Americans. They had always gone to white churches or had to hide their own secret
services. Black churches grew quickly. Many
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The Main Objective Of This Essay Is To Study The Inheritance
The main objective of this essay is to study the inheritance laws, family structure and the impact of
those laws on the gender dynamics of the Akan community in Africa, mainly in the regions of Ghana
and Ivory coast. The intergeneration transfer of property upon the death of its owner is called
inheritance. There are many dimensions to inheritance like economic dimension, political dimension,
etc. Different communities have different laws of inheritance. However, they are mainly divided into
two main categories, namely patrilineal and matrilineal form of inheritance. Patrilineal form of
inheritance is a common kinship system wherein an individual s family membership and inheritance
rights are derived from their father s lineage, whereas ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
There are four types of marriage in Ghana, namely customary marriages, mutual consent, marriage
under the marriage of Mohammedans Ordinance, and the marriage ordinance. Most of the marriages
recorded are customary marriages and they involve an elaborate ceremony and in some scenarios it
includes payments to legalise the union. Polygyny was removed by a marriage divorce and inheritance
Bill of 1961 but it was defeated in the parliament and was legalised. The main aspect in customary
marriages like discussed above is the approval of both the families as according to the Akans,
marriage not only unites two individuals but unites two families.
When it comes to the Islamic marriages they are celebrated under the Marriage of Mohammedans
Ordinance. The men are permitted to marry unto four women in the Islamic law. The transfer of
intestate property in church marriages,islam marriages is regulated by a specific provision in the
marriage ordinance.
The dispersal or delegation of self acquired intestate property among the Akans is followed according
to the customary law. The matrilineal Akans occupy the Western Central, and Ashanti regions and
parts of the Brong Ahafo and Eastern Regions. They make up more than fifty per cent of the
population in Ghana. According to the customary beliefs it is known that Akan children inherit their
soul from their father and their blood
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Cultural Values In Prometheus And Mary Shelley s Frankenstein
The creation myths/stories from around the world such as the stories of Genesis from Christianity,
Prometheus from Greek myth made in the attempt to explain their unknown origin and Mary Shelley s
story of Frankenstein express cultural values from the society they originate, some of which show
similarities. In addition to these cultural values these stories set up a relationship between the creator
and the creation, and with it their views and obligations to one another. Furthermore, these myths
establish characteristics on the nature of man, their creator and humanities condition.
Cultural values are revealed in these stories. The greek myth of Prometheus shows that ancient greek
culture blamed women for the evils of the world, as a result from the gods. This cultural concept is
demonstrated because in the story Prometheus, Pandora is sent down from Zeus as a proxy
punishment; she was designed to inevitably open a box to release all that would release all that is evil
into the world but was made so Zeus could punish humanity indirectly. This happens eventually, in the
tale it says pandora s curiosity about the forbidden jar overwhelmed her; she opened it, releasing all ...
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However we see a change on their views when the creature asks for his creator to make him happy.
Free me from the misery I now feel. Oh! my creator, make me happy. [5] Initially Frankenstein
repulsed by his creation didn t want to help it however he felt had an obligation to make his creation
happy and the creature felt an obligation to not break his promise to Frankenstein and says I consent to
your demand, on your solemn oath to quit Europe for ever, and every other place in the
neighbourhood of man, as soon as I shall deliver into your hands a female who will accompany you in
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A Doll House Essay
Nora and Kristine Nora Helmer and Kristine Linde represent the role of women in Henrik Ibsen s, A
Doll House. Their lives had always been in parallel. In the beginning of the story Nora lives a very
happy life and has the role of a loving wife, while Kristine is a lonely widow. As the story develops;
Nora Helmer and Kristine Linde emerge as contrasting characters; one goes on to liberate herself,
while the other comes to security.
Nora portrays as a happy and submissive wife in the beginning of the story; however, as the story
emerges Nora turns out to be an unconventional character who goes on to liberate herself. At first
Nora lives under the security of the norm by being a submissive wife and obeying her husband. People
take Nora as inexperienced ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
In the beginning of the story, Kristine is a poor widow who had just lost her husband and was
searching for a job. Kristine portrays as a woman who have suffered and sacrificed much for her
family s well being. Unlike Nora, Kristine s life had passed many hardships, she is an experienced
woman. For example, Kristine had to work non stop for the past three years to support her afflicted
mother and her younger brothers. Moreover, she had to marry a man she did not love for the survival
of her family. From all the hard work and lack of rest, Kristine s appear as a pale middle age woman
contrasting the young looking Nora. As Kristine is in search for a job, she runs into her ex lover,
Krogstad. She sees that from all the hard work she had to encounter, she is lonely and want someone
to be beside her. She suggests that they should be together, Two on one wreck are at least better off
than each on his own. From an independent woman, Kristine wants to settle down. She need to have
someone to care for, since she believes that her life is meaning less without someone to be with.
Kristine now realise that she need someone to rely on and bring herself to
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How Did The United States Build The Erie Canal
America s Great Canal: The Erie Canal During the 1800 s there was no clear passage to take from
New York to the American west. This created an issue as the expense to transport goods such as wheat
and flour would be a costly amount of approximately $100 per ton. Due to the Appalachian Mountains
New York was secluded from much of western America. The Canal took approximately nine years to
be completed, despite funding issues that were presented the canal proved to be an expense well made.
The Erie Canal (Clinton s Ditch) was a project known to be doubted upon by political figures, yet
despite political opposes to the idea, the result of the canal was noted to be America s greatest
engineering achievement of its time, as the increase of economic prosperity arose in New York
because of the canal, alongside popularity for the regions that surrounded the canal; the canal proved
to be a success. The idea to construct a canal was continuously declined by the federal government,
despite s the benefits that the canal would bring, for this reason New York decided the fund the project
on its own. It was important to recognize that New York needed a passage which would make
transportation of goods cost efficient. It was also important to make a means for transportation that
would put New York as a place for business since it is the only way that states at the time would grow
and prosper. The problem although resided on the overall cost to make a canal. It was proposed that
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The Design And Aesthetic Appeal
The design and aesthetic appeal between the two models was uncanny. Patented features such as
rubber banding, in which a screen image bounces slightly when a user tries to scroll past the bottom,
were identical. Same with pinch to zoom, which allows users to manipulate image size by pinching
the thumb and forefinger together on the screen. And on and on. We look at Samsung s record of
patent infringement, among other ruthless business tactics, and explains why Apple might win the
battles but still lose the war. Samsung threatened if any claims for patent infringement were thrown
their way they would retaliate with the same charges. If Apple executives pursued a claim against
Samsung for stealing the iPhone, Samsung would come right back at them with a theft claim of its
own. The battle lines were drawn. In the months and years that followed, Apple and Samsung would
clash on a scale almost unprecedented in the business world, costing the two companies more than a
billion dollars and engendering millions of pages of legal papers, multiple verdicts and rulings, and
more hearings.
Patent infringement is unlawful and thus there is a necessary obligation to avoid it. Samsung was
found guilty on 6 of the 7 patent infringement cases and Apple was awarded 600 million dollars in
damages from Samsung for the infringement battle, however Samsung essentially won the war. The
Samsung brand had become a household name, with a huge percentage of the industry s consumers
loyal to
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My Goals In My Life
The big question, What do I want to do with my life? floats through my mind more and more often as
graduation approaches. I have many goals and ambitions I wish to achieve after high school, but
deciding something as important as what career I should pursue has brought me much uneasiness.
These past few months I have struggled to figure out what I am truly passionate about; however, as I
mature I begin to find so much fulfillment in helping others, both mentally and physically. Growing
up with a sizable family is one of my most wonderful blessings. My family and the environment that I
have grown up in has had a tremendous impact on who I am and who I aspire to be. Both of my
parents immigrated from Mexico and became residents approximately twenty five years ago. Neither
of them graduated high school for distinct reasons. My dad now works diligently to provide for us and
my mom takes care of the house and our needs. They have taught me to put others before myself and
have shaped me into who I am today. My loved ones are one of my biggest inspirations. I strive to
show them the person I can become and the impact that I can have on others. Ever since I was a small
child, I was fascinated with animals and every aspect of nature. For the longest time, I believed I
would aim to go into a field of animal science/research. As I grow into my own skin I have begun to
find different passions within me. Leadership and service have taken a great role in my high school
life and both
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Research Paper On The Moonstone
The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins does not follow a traditional marriage driven plot. Although The
Moonstone s plot is not centered on marriage, it becomes essential to the story.
Introduce the characters and the aim of the essay
Without Franklin s drive to get Rachel back, the matter of the stolen moonstone would have been put
to rest. This shows that even though The Moonstone is a mystery novel, marriage plays an essential
role in enhancing the plot. The novel looks at various couples and though it ends with the marriage of
Franklin and Rachel, it does not suggest that all marriages end happily. Collins is known for
developing his ideas about marriage in his writing, including novels such as The Moonstone, The
Woman in White, and many other works. There are things within The Moonstone that both contradict
and support Collins ideas and views on marriage. Collins used his novels as a platform to express his
feeling towards Victorian marriage laws, unmarried woman, and ideas on marriage as a whole.
Marriage plays a crucial role in Wilkie Collins The Moonstone. Collins quickly introduces the idea of
romance and marriage in his novel with Rosanna Spearman. Rosanna s love for Franklin Blake in the
beginning of the story introduces Collins unconventional beliefs. Collins uses Rosanna to highlight the
idea of social classes in this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
This is why in Collins works marriage is always addressed. At the time, marriage was something that
people did for more reasons than love. People got married to keep power in the family, for financial
reasons, and for social acceptance. Collins did not agree with these reasons for marriage. This is very
different than today s society, but was very normal at the time. WHO IS THIS INTRODUCE HIM
James Hammerton explains Victorian marriage laws in his academic article titled Victorian Marriage
and the Law of Matrimonial Cruelty. In this article Hammerton
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Pros And Cons Of Prison Reform
Prison reform is the policy in which conditions in prisons are improved. Prisons have been a part of
our government since the Americas were first colonized. Conditions in the prisons were completely
different than they are now. For instance, our current prison system calls for regulations and check ups
on the facilities to make sure that they are habitable for prisoners. Many prisons are very costly to
keep up and running.Even though, there are some privately owned prisons but many are funded by the
U.S. s taxpaying citizens.Additionally, prisons make it hard to come back to society. Once you have
something on your record a lot of opportunities are thrown out the window.
In a TED talk presented by Michelle Alexander, she talks about how society is still segregated by the
Jim Crow laws even if it is not completely apparent. Specifically, Alexander talks about the issues
with our prison system and how it segregates our society even more. In addition to talking about the
segregation of our society she takes the time to talk about how convicted criminals have an extremely
difficult time transitioning back into society. She talks about the individual struggles that they go
through. Alexander states, The reality is that when you re released from prison, people who are
released from prison typically have little or no money at all. They need to find a place to sleep, but if
they try to get access to public housing, they find often that they re barred from public housing
because of
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Trench Shoring Of The Trenches
Trench Shoring Boxes
Shoring is a very critical and safe process of excavation that used to prevent collapse of the trenches.
This quick and easy temporary earth retaining structure works by ensuring ground stability within the
trench. Trench shoring and excavation services are undertaken thousands of time everyday throughout
the US. However, because of the risk of accidents, safe equipments that comply with laws and
regulations governing trenching and excavation must be used. Trench shoring offers durable trench
boxes made from steel or aluminum. This is certain securing the workers and protecting the utility
The boxes feature sidewalls of varying thickness and interchangeable steel or aluminum spreaders.
Trench Shoring boxes, rent to own steel trench boxes feature reinforced knife edge, pounding pads, all
steel design and vertical and horizontal steel members for strength. The aluminum trench boxes, on
the other hand, are great for light repair work as well as scheduled maintenance service. The company
also offers an array of Kundel lightweight aluminum hydraulic shoring equipment models of different
stackable range and sizes such as Shorelite, Shorelite Lite, TuffGuy, and V Panel.
The TuffGuy box series features durable panels and steel made end members designed to maximum
protection in the trench. Kundel boxes and safe and incompliant with OSHA regulations and standards
set for hazardous working conditions. The Kundel V Panel, on the other hand, is used
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Ultra Sound Screening
For many decades now, sound advances in the ultrasound technology have become a successful
innovation towards access to 3D images of a fetus as it continues developing in the womb. This
innovation has helped pediatricians to gain clinical insights on the growing fetus and parental
development of the mother. These images also serve the doctors with information that is used in
determining the condition of the fetus all though its growth until it is ready to be born. However it
some people think that this innovation as much as it is beneficial to the parents it does not apply to all
of them since it comes with expenses and extra costs. They give a precise description of the fetus and
all its congenital anomalies. Doctors can be able to know if ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
According to the author of this article, the syndrome is preventable only if the mother is able to
change their behavior. This syndrome is said to cause disabilities in children especially the unborn
children. Mothers found abusing drugs during pregnancy might be charged in court for risking the
health of the unborn child. However, every person has the right to choose what to eat or drink during
his or her pregnancy period but putting the health of the child in danger is out of question. As much as
we want to protect these mothers, we also have to bear in mind the idea of making an innocent child
suffer simply because you want to enjoy yourself without considering the risks you are exposing the
child to. For instance, the syndrome may cause a series of disabilities in children, according to the
author of this article states that one out of every woman in the United States of America uses alcohol
or other drugs (Heinen,
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Gun Control Movement Research Paper
Bang, the sound of a gunshot is heard, a rapid succession of shots are fired. More gunshots are being
fired, what is going on? People are screaming, shouting, and chaos is everywhere. Bang, bang, bang
more shots fired. What is going on? Looking out the windows to see that there are people lying on the
ground dead. Some of the people are not moving, there is blood is everywhere. Then there is white hot
pain in the shoulder, what has happened? Looking down, there is blood soaking through the shirt.
Then everything goes black nothing is seen or heard after that. Waking up there is reports with
cameras everywhere What has happened . A reports rushes over and starts asking questions, Was the
shooter a friend? , What set off the shooter? , Why was he able to buy a gun? This is the scene of a
mass shooting that has happened in any number of cities across America. This is where the country s
problem we are having with gun control, law makers should have acted not reacting to a ... Show more
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It took the assassination of a President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. to force the issue
of gun control in this country (William J. Vizzard The current and future state of gun policy in the
United States ). The gun control act of 1968 was to prevent transfers of guns across state lines to
anyone that wanted a gun (Earl Kruschke, Gun Control: A reference handbook page 175). This act is
what put more emphasis on having licensed individuals or brick and mortar stores to sell guns to
people in the state or transfer guns across state lines. The GCA also put rules on who could and couldn
t buy guns, Gun Control Act took effect expanding the requirements for licenses and recordkeeping
and adding to the list of those, such as convicted felons and drug users, who couldn t legally buy guns.
(Frederick Allen, Guns America). This part of the Gun Control Act of 1968 is still in effect
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Grand Theft Auto 4 Research Paper
Grand Theft Auto V is a third person open world adventure game developed by Rockstar North.
Players also have the option of playing in First person view in versions of the game that was later
released for the new generation consoles (Xbox1, PS4) and PC. Grand Theft Auto is meant for the
mature audience since it involves Crime, violence, sex, drugs, alcohol and foul language. One of the
most anticipated and popular releases for the younger generation. The previous highly popular title
Grand Theft Auto Four was released in 2008 which managed to get various game of the year awards,
five years later Grand Theft Auto Five was released it quickly became the fastest selling game in
history earning 1 billion in just a few days.
The story takes place in the beautiful city of Los Santos with different variety of cultures and modern
city atmosphere. Los Santos located in San ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
However all these boxes were ticked with all these features brought back into the game, massive
world to explore with lots of side missions and free roam. Wildlife was introduced to the game from
crows, deer s, coyote s, bears and dogs. Also the ability to hunt wildlife as a side quest. A large variety
of fast cars were introduced from sports cars and heavy duty industrial trucks and being able to apply
visual and performance upgrades. An under water world to explore with various marine life and also
the danger of being mauled by a shark. Enormous commercial planes are available for flying along
with high grade military fighter jets. Online multilayer is also available which can hold lobbies up to
32 players where they can participate in co op missions, death matches, capture, raid, heist s and
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Questions On Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 5
Table of Contents
Introduction and Goals 3
Procedure 3
Domain Name System 3
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 5
Network Time Protocol 6
OpenLDAP 7
Security Considerations 7
Monitoring and Logging 8
Performance 9
Conclusion 9
Introduction and Goals
The goals of this lab were to install DNS, DHCP, NTP and OpenLDAP on a new RLES Red Had
Enterprise Linux server within the jps5374.corp domain. Both DHCP and DNS were services that I
have implemented before in System Administration I, so this section was mostly review. However,
NTP and OpenLDAP were services that I ve never worked with, so this lab was my first
implementation. The overall idea for this lab was to install services and configure them with an
enterprise network in mind.
Domain Name System
The first thing I did when setting up DNS was to install everything. Once I got everything installed, it
went right to the configuration files.
The first configuration file I worried about was named.conf. This file lets the named daemon know
where to find information about both forward and lookup zones.
Here is a screenshot of the named.conf file: Here is a screenshot of the forward lookup zone file:
This file is found at /var/named/forward.jps5374.corp. Here I am setting the name server at
serv.jps5374.corp, setting the serial number as the current date and making A records for all of the
clients that are on the network.
Here is a screenshot of the reverse lookup zone file:
This file is found at
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Code Talkers Summary
Remember back in elementary school when friends of yours would create a language or signs to have
a conversation without anyone knowing what you are talking about? Well, Code Talkers is very
similar to creating a code in school, but more intense and heightened. William R. Wilson, a writer and
photographer goes in debt to explain how the Navajo language was brought to serve as a new code in
the U.S. Military in World War II. He also writes about who the military has to use to interpret and
send out messages for militia combat plans. The author does an exceptional job at being very clear and
informative in this article.
The article first starts to discuss how the beginning of World War II was declining fast for the United
States after being hit at Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. U.S. Armed Force Officials realized the
communications between branches of military and allies were being intercepted by Japanese
cryptologers. Phillip Johnston, a civil engineer soon came to the conclusion of using Navajo Indians
language as a code for militia communication. Navajos were trained by Marine staff officers to learn
and understand the utmost important tactics of military communication. After ... Show more content
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Coming home they were all celebrated with Navajo Indian traditions by dancing, parading, praying for
which their families were grateful for the soldiers safety. Many indians who came home intended to
settle down to make a family, but were not easily able to because of paperwork and money issues.
Jobs were hard to find as an indian living in a reservation, just as much as an indian needing a G. I.
Loan. Despite the trouble of their home problems, Navajo Indians who went through major
intellectual communication combat received a medallion from the Fourth Marine Division. The
medallion was meant for the understanding of their service given to the United
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Civil Engineering Purpose Statement
Statement of Purpose It is certainly true that, in a developing country like Nepal, after completing high
school education, students opt to pursue either medical or engineering degree with a hope that they
will enhance their economic status with high paid jobs. However, my affinity for mathematics and
science swayed me towards civil engineering. Ever since my high school education, I was fascinated
about landmarks such a lofty Itaipu Dam, Kansai Airport, and those of Indian engineers who skillfully
designed the metro system and mitigated the problems faced due to traffic congestion in such a
densely populated country. Upon completion of civil engineering from Tribhuwan University, I was
ambivalent about pursuing MS in Civil Engineering. I was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
Serendipitously I could interact with the college representative of University of Colorado Boulder at
the fair and be familiar with the extravagant college facilities. Similarly, an extremely distinguished
faculty and the facilities provided there seem to foster an opportunity to educate myself as a research
person and a challenge to transfer the acquired knowledge to my home country so that I will be able to
tackle the vast array of problems regarding managerial challenges with the virtue of my expertise.
Since I am familiar to working in multi cultural environment in Qatar, I will be able to learn as well as
give my professional ideas to the ones I encounter. My research interest towards productivity
enhancement, workforce strategies, and construction methods allures me to works under the
assistantship of Professor Paul Goodrum. Because overall cost of studying in University of Colorado
Boulder is prohibitively expensive, it would be an honor and a privilege to receive any financial
assistance in the form of assistantship or fellowship which you give to international applicants. Upon
completion of my course at University of Colorado Boulder, I have a strong propensity to work as
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Analysis Of Hate And Tea In The Harem
When comparing storylines, Hate and Tea in the Harem each possess a clear theme of despair. While
both formed around this theme, their takes on despair, more specifically the challenges faced because
of despair, are different. The greatest difference between Hate and Tea in the Harem is the impact of
time on despair s challenges and how it influences the concept of survival.
The amount that time is emphasized determines the effect each encounter with despair has on a story.
In Hate, time is emphasized greatly, most evident when the exact hour is pasted in bold white numbers
against a black screen throughout the film. This use mixed with the overall storyline being within the
frame of a day creates the feeling that time is counting down. The sense of time counting down
reflects the short span characters Saïd, Vinz, and Hubert have before meeting their ultimate bout with
despair. Opposite is seen in Tea in the Harem, where time is not explicitly stated nor a time frame
given. Without a true sense of time, the despair is strung out and not as potent as it is in Hate. For Tea
in the Harem, time does not feel like it is counting down or running out; time feels never ending and
inexhaustible, just as despair is. This contrast in time between the movie and the novel presents
different challenges with despair for each piece. Through Hate taking place in the span of one day, the
short timeframe adds on to the countdown effect, generating the impression that challenges are
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Management and Academic Strategies
Emmanuel Manchild Dugger CS113 Academic Strategies for the Business Professional Writing
Assignment May 6, 2013 Discuss how this course has affected you in your development as a student
and explain how it has prepared you for academic success. Academic Strategies has prepared me for
the professional atmosphere to enter into my career. In the beginning of the course I had an
assignment that requires me to open up to complete strangers about my personal goals. This indeed
was a challenge to me because the goals that I have sometimes seem like they are not achievable to me
but I know they are realistic and can happen. It was a challenge to me because I had to learn to accept
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When writing out my goals and plan for my long and short term goal I utilize the time management
skill set out a realistic time frame that I will meet. From taking the M.I. test I was able to address
certain issue about myself concerning my dislikes and likes. The M.I. test I was able to found out that
I am a visual learner and that I can follow direction when they are giving to me. This technique can
use to narrow down my choose when I looking for a promotion or a greater challenge without stepping
to far outside of my career in long or short term. Also by taking the M.I. it gives me and idea of
characteristics that I can search pertaining to my career such high interpersonal skills and being a very
logical mathematical person. A assignment that I had an unit 8 on interviewing a professional gave me
a second person perspective on setting goals. This portion of unit 8 can help me in my long term goal
and short term goal by doing some back ground checks on company that I am potential interested in. I
can conduct these background checks and research them before applying to save a lot of time and
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Summary Of Equiano s Middle Passage
1. Equiano and his sister are kidnapped from their home while their parents are working in the fields.
He is separated from his sister when he is sold into slavery; he later reunites with her for one night
until she is ripped away to be sold again. He is sold to many different owners; the majority of them
had a similar language and culture as his, a few were completely different. On the sea coast aboard the
slave ship, Equiano faints; when Equiano regains consciousness he is forced below the deck where he
is confronted with an unbearable stench and constant crying, he is so sick that he does not have an
appetite and he wishes for death. 2. The Middle Passage is described as a grim, hopeless journey in
which the Africans lived in constant
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How Did Plato s Beliefs Contribute To The Study Of Philosophy
Philosophy can be described as coming to understand through means of deep thoughts. Two famous
examples of practitioners of this field include Plato and Parmenides. Though these two philosophers
taught about many different things, they both taught and agreed on one thing: what it meant to be
wise. Plato and Parmenides both provide an account of what it means to be wise, and the central
agreement between them is that at its core, wisdom is realizing that truth lies beyond the base senses
and hubris of the human body.
Plato believed that wisdom consists of gaining knowledge and understanding through the forms, and
by reducing dependency on the bodily senses, and the material realm that they observe. Plato is called
a dualist, meaning that he thought there are two separate and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net
The knowledge that they gained through understanding the eternal and unchanging form is something
they could have never been made aware of if they had tried to gain knowledge through observing the
material triangles only with the use of their bodily senses. In his dialogue, Republic, Plato described
the process of using the forms to gain knowledge and wisdom through his famous Allegory of the
Cave. In this thought experiment, Plato described a cave, in which there were multiple prisoners, who
for their entire lives have been bound and shackled in such a way that they were made to look at the
wall of the cave. On this wall, several shadows of statues of animals, plants, and animals are cast by a
fire behind the prisoners. These prisoners, if not told otherwise, would live their entire lives believing
that the shadows were the only things in existence; not being aware that they were mere images of
something which is more real. However, one of the prisoners were freed, they would be able to turn
around and see that the shadows were less real than the statues,
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Week Three Homework
Carlyle Brown
Network Protocols and Standards
Week 3 Homework
1. When was the first major standard describing a structured cabling system released?
c. 1995
2. Why is balance an issue in UTP cables, and what is TCL?
i. The balance or symmetry of the signal over the wire pairs helps minimize unwanted leakage of the
signal. ii. TCL Transverse Conversion Loss The TCL measurement is obtained by applying a common
mode signal to the input and measuring the differential signal level on the output. a. TCL is sometimes
called LCL (Longitudinal Conversion Loss). The ELTCLT value (expressed in dB) is the difference
between the TCTL and the differential mode insertion loss of the pair being measured. TCTL is the
loss from a balanced ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
18. What is the data rate for gigabit Ethernet? i. 1000Mbps (802.3z)
19. What is a benefit of using shielded twisted pair cabling? i. Cable with the addition of a shield is
called shielded twisted pair (STP) cable. The addition of this shield reduces the potential for
electromagnetic interference (EMI) as long as the shield is grounded. a. EMI originates from devices
such as motors and power lines, and from some lighting devices such as fluorescent lights.20.
20. Which cable, UTP or STP, is preferred by the industry? i. Industry testing on STP cable has shown
that the addition of a shield does increase the usable bandwidth of the cable by increasing the noise
rejection between each of the wire pairs. However, the tests have shown that there is not a significant
advantage of placing a shield over a properly installed 4pair 100 ohm UTP cable. ii. Most
manufacturers are recommending the use of UTP cable for cabling computer networks except for very
noisy environments.
Section 2 4
21. What are the color maps and pin # assignments for T568A and T568B? i. T568A White
Green/Green/White Orange/Blue/White Blue/Orange/White Brown/Brown a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ii. T568B
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Smallpox Is An Acute Contagious Disease
SMALLPOX Introduction Smallpox is an acute contagious disease that is caused by the variola virus
which is a member of the Genus Orthopoxvirus family. It infects humans only as a result of its ability
to escape the host immune system, and avoid any further activation (Koplow 2003). The virus is a two
stranded DNA virus. There exist two forms of the variola virus namely the variola major and variola
minor. Variola major is the one that is lethal, while variola minor is not lethal but a mere strain. The
most common strain is the variola major, which produces the more severe symptoms and with a higher
fatality rate of 20% to 40%, within a week of infection (Koplow 2003). Key features of the life
cycle(s) The initial step is whereby the virus attaches to the host cell and infects an individual. It
normally enters through the respiratory system. It attaches to the mouth, trachea or lung mucosa. The
cells forming the mucous membrane are loosely packed hence permitting penetration and movement
into the saliva. Once the virus reaches the cell membrane, it penetrates through endocytosis. In the
host cell, the main protein in released (Koplow 2003). The virus replicates in the cytoplasm of the host
cell. DNA replication and transcription may start immediately as the virus itself contains enzymes for
replication and transcription. It does not rely on the host cell enzymes to begin replication (Koplow
2003). First, the DNA and RNA polymerase are made, along with other transcription
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Persuasive Essay On Specialized Children
With the warm temperatures making an appearance it actually feels like summer here in the UK for
once. What better time is there to get out on the bikes and enjoy that warm sun. Specialized have a
great range of summer clothing, from super form fit racing jerseys and bib shorts right across to baggy
fit padded shorts and more casual technical clothing. What s more the school holidays are fast
approaching and the kids will soon need to be entertained, we ve got a great guide to kids bikes right
here. From pedaless trainer bikes like the Specialized Hotwalk, to the 650b Specialized Allez Junior
for pint sized racers. The need to move perspiration away from the body during the warmer months is
of the utmost importance, which is why Specialized ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Balance bikes are a great and innovative way to get children into cycling. They remove the
complicated issues of balancing whilst pedalling, and dispense with the sometimes problematic issue
of stabilisers. They teach kids to balance properly, but allow them to put their feet down whenever
they like. The Specialized Hot Walk is a balance bike from Specialized. As a bike from Specialized, it
well engineered and made of lightweight aluminium, so is easy to life in and out of the boot! Next up
is the Hotrock 16 Coaster, it does have tool free removable stabilisers as an included option, and still
has the lightweight alloy frame, but is still simple for teaching kids to ride on. The Hotrock 20 adds a
bigger frame and 24 inch wheels, it has six gears to introduce the concept of choosing speeds and
simple brakes. It also looks like a real adult bike to give them the confidence needed to progress. For a
little bit more there s a version of the Hotrock 20 with suspension too, so those first trails can be
experienced at a younger age. The Hotrock 24 ups the ante, with a bigger and more technical frame,
more gears and lighter materials. The Hotrock 24 also comes in suspension versions with up to 50mm
of travel, 21 gears, this is where it really starts to get technical and interesting for the
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Comparing The Allegory Of The Cave And The Matrix
Have you ever been in a point in time where everything seems to be perfect, only to be pulled from it
to see the true inexactitude you were living in? This occurs in the movie The Matrix to Thomas
Anderson, a guy who seems to be living among the norm. He soon finds out his accustomed world is
far from what he thought. Thomas A. Anderson is a man living two lives. By day he is an average
computer programmer and by night a hacker known as Neo. While he has always questioned his
reality, but the truth is far beyond his imagination. Neo finds himself targeted by the police when he is
contacted by Morpheus, a legendary computer hacker branded a terrorist by the government.
Morpheus awakens Neo to the real world, a ravaged wasteland where most of ... Show more content
on Helpwriting.net ...
In both pieces, those things are looked at as the habitat for ignorance. In The Matrix, the matrix itself
is an artificial reality in where uninformed people stay due to their lack of knowledge about the
outside world. This same type of situation happens in The Allegory of the Cave. Imbecilic prisoners
are down in the cave because of their refusal to see what s outside of it. Even though they both possess
the same idea, they also are able to contrast. They do that by the realness of each place. The cave is a
made up place in a story to depict the ignorance the world carries. The matrix is more so a reality that
is especially made to hold the ignorant
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Important To Me
ME: Is being a good team player important to you?
HIM: I believe being a team player involves acting in the best interest of the company, while
maintaining a stake in your own best interest and career. But in the fast paced world of Information
Technology and Managed Services being a team player is crucial for many reasons. To me, being a
team player is important because it creates synergy where the sum is ultimately greater than the parts,
and this helps to support a more empowered way of working, removing constraints which may prevent
someone doing their job properly. For my company this has also helped to promote flatter and leaner
structure, with less hierarchy.
ME: That s great, is there anything else you find important about being a ... Show more content on
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Once we got the company rolling and started taking on clients my friend quickly realized that his
overhead was much more than he had intended for it to be this early on. And ultimately if we didn t
start taking on revenue quickly the boat was going to sink at harbor so to speak. To help with this I
offered to work for a stake in the company and cut my normal salary down to almost nothing until we
got the company back above water. This enabled him to bring on some lower level employees to help
with the day to day operations and let us focus on building the business further and gathering more
clientele. We took the company from a 150k startup to a little over 5 million in yearly revenue in a
little over 3 years. But my sacrifice for the team which caused me tons of headaches and months of
living on a budget ultimately payed me out very nicely when we were acquired in our fourth year of
operations by the company You and I both work for
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What Is Chen Zigao Gender Identity
The character Chen Zigao reverses his gender identity and always thinks of him as a female
throughout the play. At the beginning, he always thought to himself that it was a mistake that he was
born as a man because of his pretty face and voice, but there was no action. Chen Zigao still dressed in
a man s clothing. After Chen Zigao met the Prince of Linchuan and moved into the palace with him,
he started to dressed up in women s clothing and also paint cherry lips and pencil misty mountains
brows (Wang, 71). The moment when he arrived in the palace, he performed his duties as a wife s role
to the Prince. Chen believed he was the most beautiful and stunning woman in the Palace and no other
woman can compare to him. Because Chen always
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Bill Cosby Allegations Essay
There is no way humanly possible that these Bill Cosby Allegations are not true with all the 13 of the
Women who stood forward and accused him of sexual abuse. Now said in the paragraphs before, the
multiple women who accused Bill Cosby of sexual abuse and misconduct provided different stories
with multiple similarities in them. This on its own is just a very obvious clue to the fact that he has
sexually abused these women, along with how many stories there are.
The first allegation was made by Sunni Welles in March of 2015 stating that, Cosby raped her twice
when she was an aspiring singer in the mid 1960s by drugging her drink (Littlefield). The second
allegation was made by Kristina Ruehli and she stated that It was all foggy, and I woke up in the bed. I
found myself on the bed, and he had his shirt off. He had unzipped his pants. (Littlefield). The third
allegation was made by Linda Joy Traitz, she was just a waitress at a restaurant that happened to be co
owned by Bill Cosby; she stated that he drugged and groped her in his car. (Littlefield). There were
ten more women who came forward and accused Bill Cosby of sexual abuse and misconduct. Notice
in just the first three ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Now some others disagree with the fact that Bill Cosby has sexually abused these women because of
the reason that one accusation was actually proven false, this was the accusation made by Andrea
Constand. Andrea Constand statement, just like most the others included the drugging and the sexual
assault followed after, but in the courtroom Bill Cosby responded to her statement in a manner like
their relationship was consensual, which made the side of Cosby seem somewhat believable because
of the fact that they had a prior friendship or relationship that had been going forward since then for
about a year and a
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The Fall of the Weimar Republic Essay
The Weimar Republic would have continued to be a functional government far longer than achieved if
not for the defeat of WWI, the economic burdens imposed by the Versailles Treaty, and the flawed
Article 48 which all contributed to the down fall of Germany s first attempt at a legitimate Democracy.
This paper will argue that the societal, economical, and constitutional aspects all played a role in the
hopeless Democracy Germany attempted which ultimately lead Germany into a totalitarian state that
would further shake the world with the rise of the NSDAP and Adolf Hitler.
First, the defeat of WWI was not just the beginning of the Weimar Republic but could be considered a
catalyst to its downfall as well. During the later stages of WWI ... Show more content on
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However, Ludendorff s plan backfired when Wilson s Points insisted that Germany lay down all arms
and dissolved its army to no more than 100,000 troops, as well as all parties responsible resign
(Peukert, 1987; 46). If Wilson s constitutional reforms were to be implemented a democratic
parliament could have been formed (Peukert, 1987; 24). Obviously Germany was reluctant, at first, to
accept all of the responsibility of the war. To add to the attempt of keeping Germany a War state and
its reluctant surrender, Keiser Wilhelm II ordered a last attempt by the German Naval Fleet to attack.
This created a mutiny in Wilhelmshaven on October 28, 1918 and a sailor s resurrection in Kiel on
November 3rd and 4th (Peukert, 1987; 27). The peaceful revolutionary movement has begun in
Germany and the citizens began expressing they wanted a new government. During the revolution the
Weimar Republic was forming and it seemed to be doing so with little compromise from polar parties.
Somehow, the Weimar Constitution was written and the new government began to practice democracy.
Most of Germany, by now, wants to be a viable part of the world and achieve a better standard of
living, the newly formed Weimar Republic and fragile economy will be tested with the Versailles
Treaty. Second, the reparations of the Versailles Treaty further stalled Germanys attempt at a
Democracy by critically maiming its economy. Germany,
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Public Policy And Creating The Field Through Taking Action...
Examining Public Policy and Creating Solutions for Improvement
Western Governors University
Examining Public Policy and Creating Solutions for Improvement
Reflections on Public Policy
The chosen public policy issue is the ongoing effort within nursing to advance the field through taking
action. In this case, action takes four distinct activities: advocacy, policy, learning as a lifelong process
and involvement in philanthropy. This action can be applied through community based participatory
research which is a research partnership seeking the involvement of all members of the community.
Under this approach, all participants contribute their knowledge to the process in an effort to better the
quality of life in that community members (Israel et al., 2008). It is because there are so many under
served populations and in under serving these populations nursing fails to live up to its professional
and this is a policy change that must be made. This issue of public policy, that is, the issue of the
prevalence of under served populations which clearly requires changing, and the role that nursing can
play in this public policy process is discussed at length in Burkhardt and Nathaniel (2013).
To influence public policy, nurses must act as professionals with the ability and the responsibility to
affect the current and future debate over the delivery of health care. This
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Volkswagen Group s Star Premium Execution Players
Porsche and Bentley, two of the Volkswagen Group s star premium execution players and now situated
to share propelled innovations, are setting out toward unadulterated electric creation models, each
focusing on 500 km (310 mi) range, tremendous increasing speed ability, and 15 20 min 800 V battery
charging times.
In a noteworthy proclamation, Porsche Chairman Dr. Oliver Blume has affirmed that its Mission E
idea seen at the 2015 Frankfurt Motor Show will be underway by around 2020, and Bentley Director
Kevin Rose told Automotive Engineering that the two seat Bentley EXP10 Speed 6 idea, which looks
set to wind up a generation reality, might be offered with an unadulterated electric powertrain as an
Other Bentley models may likewise be accessible in immaculate electric structure. There are parts of
all electric innovation that are extremely Bentley, including calm running, easy speeding up, and
practically moment high torque conveyance, said Rose. These advantages would be conveyed by
means of all wheel drive as they are on the Mission E.
With the conceivable special case of calm, this is the parallel intuition at Stuttgart Zuffenhausen,
where Porsche has declared a €700 million spend on generation offices that will incorporate
production of electric engines.
With VW s enthusiastic eagerness for innovation cooperative energies where fitting over the Group,
engine mastery and potentially some equipment could be relied upon to be shared amongst Porsche
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Society’s Effect in Peter Shaffer’s Equus and...
Peter Shaffer and Franz Kafka, the authors of Equus and Metamorphosis, reveal through their main
characters struggles how society s oppression causes a loss of identity. This oppression is caused by
society s obsession with what it believes to be normal and how society s beliefs drive it to conform
those who don t fit its normal image. The two authors use their characters to symbolize the different
views and judgments of society. And based on these judgments, the authors use two different types of
oppression that cause different outcomes. Finally, this essay will reveal how the two authors use their
characters to drain the protagonist s identity to show society s desire to conform.
In both books, the authors use their characters to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
Whenever Gregor leaves his room he causes an uproar which usually ends with him being physically
punished and forced back into his room by his father. This can be seen in the first chapter when
Gregor reveals himself to his parents and boss, and becomes injured when his father forces him back
into the room. In addition in the second chapter Gregor sustains mortal injuries for following his sister
Grete into the house to help his collapsed mother. In the end, with his injuries and seeing himself as a
nuisance and a monster like his family did, Gregor dies.
Both of the authors exploit their characters by using them to slowly leech the identity of their
protagonists which ends in the protagonists loss of identity. They do this to show how society is
always trying to conform others. In both books, society tries to conform the characters into what they
believe is best for them. This can be seen in Equus when Dysart promises, It s all over now, Alan. It s
all over now. He ll [Equus] go away now... You are going to be well. I m going to make you well, I
promise you. (Shaffer 2 35). Shaffer uses his character Dysart to supposedly cure Alan into a person
who is accepted by society. However, Shaffer creates another purpose for his character Dysart. Shaffer
exploits Dysart to reveal how society s cure for Alan is more destructive than it is helpful.
Understanding what this will do to Alan, Dysart declares,
I ll take it [Equus/ his religion] away! He ll
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Of Mice And Men Freudian Analysis Essay
Freudian Analysis: Of Mice and Men Introduction In John Steinbeck s book of Mouse and Men a
story that was based on the relationships between people, Steinbeck tackles issues of race relations the
dynamics and stereotypes of men and women, but unlike other authors of his time included a character
facing a form of mental illness. Throughout the book we see Lennie Small a seemingly innocent giant
reliance on a quick talking dreamer who goes by the name of George Smith. American society was
never truly ready to face mental illness, and Steinbeck wanted to open the dialogue. With this rejection
of the mentally ill as normal beings in society psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud had his own views on
the capacity and formation of mental illnesses. Views ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ...
With a few treatments for mental diseases, the most common treatment was hot and cold continuous
baths, lobotomies that that were introduced in the 1930s and usually resulted in permant brain damage.
What made Lennie s character different? Is the fact that he wasn t a hospital patient or in an asylum he
is able to function in the outside world and had George to help hide his illness. On the Ranch Lennie is
seen as the huge hulk of a man that could lift anything staying strong with the belief that the mental ill
is only good for their physical prowess. Every few times have we heard Lennie speak about his
feelings and stand up for himself, George was his mouth peace disguising Lennie s developmental
(lack of speech) delay as being from an accident he got kicked in the head by a horse when he was a
kid this is similar to saying he was dropped when he was a baby. These phrases are used to sugarcoat
or give an excuse for why someone like Lennie, behaves the way he does, the lesser of two evils.
Americans would rather their child to be in an accident than be born with a mental illness. Because
many American didn t want to accept the fact that there were mentally ill people outside of asylums,
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Disadvantage Of Instant Gratification
II. Impatience in Singaporeans
In an age where everybody is largely accessible, our environment has become one where it encourages
instant demand, and consequently, instant gratification a mindset of wanting something at the exact
moment of wanting it.
Living in an on demand society, frustrations and complaints will certainly mount when one s level of
gratification is not met. This is even more pronounced in Generation Z, as a significant greater
percentage of children are engaging in the use of mobile phones at a young age, an electrical device,
which encourages instant gratification. In fact, their parents, people of the millennia, have been
seemingly conditioned to a world based on instant gratification. An example would be our purchasing
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At this point, the paper will be raising the concept of delay gratification the opposite of instant
gratification. In 1970, psychologist Walter Mischel conducted The Marshmallow Experiment, an
experiment famous for substantiating the effects of delay gratification. Children were given a
marshmallow by researchers and told the following: They could eat the marshmallow now and not get
anymore; or if they could wait until the researchers came back and receive a second marshmallow.
The researchers then proceeded to track these children into adulthood, regardless of whether they
decided to wait or not. The results of this experiment showed that children who were willing to wait
and delay gratification ended up having higher SAT scores, lower levels of substance abuse, a lower
likelihood of obesity, better responses to stress, and better social skills. This was largely attributed to
the fact that, if one has the ability to delay gratification of playing before doing work, one will be
more self disciplined to complete the pre assigned
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Classical Realism Vs Neorealism
Throughout the course of history, it had become customary to assume that a state that is fearful of
others and works only to help and protect itself, is the unparalleled genius; this notion is the basis for
the political theory of realism. Neorealism, developed sometime after World War II, is a
reinterpretation of classical realism, which was originally developed in Ancient Greece(M AT 2017,
80). Kenneth Waltz, whose work helped the transition from realism to neorealism, believed that the
structure of the international system was the most important thing to study, being that the international
system is anarchic(Haupt, 2017, T2L1, 8). Neorealists have a few core assumptions, including:
believing the international system is anarchic, believing states are self interested, and that national
security is the most important issue concerning states (Haupt, 2017, T2L1, 8 9). Many, such as John
Mearsheimer, mentioned later, use these assumptions to predict what future relations between states,
such as China and the U.S. are going to be. As mentioned before, neorealism derived from the theory
of classical realism, and though it had evolved over time, power plays the most important role in both
classical and neo realism. Neorealism holds the principle that states must look after only themselves
because the international system is anarchic. These theories come to this conclusion because, as
quoted in Essentials of International Politics, no higher power exists to defeat the
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  • 10. Five Elements Of The Theft Act 1968 (TA 1968) If found liable, Justin and Robbie could both be charged with the property offence of theft under s.1 of the Theft Act 1968 (TA 1968). The Act states A person is guilty of theft if he dishonestly appropriates property belonging to another with the intention of permanently depriving the other of it... In order for the offence of theft to be applied, Justin and Robbie must satisfy all five elements of the actus reus and mens rea at the same time for the prosecution to prove liability. The actus reus of the offence of theft is outlined in s.1(1) of the TA 1968 as; appropriation of property belonging to another . Appropriation is defined in s.3 (1) of the TA 1968 as Any assumption by a person of the rights of an owner amounts to an appropriation. ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Robbie stabbed Tommy after the alteration in the bank where Tommy punched Robbie in the face. For Robbie to complete the actus reus of murder, the stabbing needs to be the reason for Tommy s death. Nevertheless, Robbie stabbing Tommy does not need to be the sole or even the main cause of Tommy s death. Robbie s stabbing needs only to make a substantial contribution to the killing as decided in R v Cheshire. In order for Robbie to satisfy the elements of the actus reus, he must also satisfy causation. R v White, sets out the but for test which asks; but for the actions of the defendant, would the result have occurred? Robbie stabbing Tommy twice is the only reason for Tommy s death. R v Cato also held that the defendants conduct must be more than a minimal cause of the consequences, but it is not required for it to be the substantial cause. Therefore, there is no intervening act, and the chain of causation is not broke. Tommy s injuries from the stabbing were the reason for his death and he would not have died had Robbie not stabbed ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 11. A Eulogy For Father I don t think anyone understand the joy I had when Javeon Ray first came into this world.. He is the first one my mom has been able to keep ; becuase she had to give the other two up for adaption to AMAZING, wonderful families ... but this time we get to keep the baby, we get to stay up late changing diapers, we get to have sleepless nights when he is cranky, we get to go through this together ... I m extremely blessed and joyed to have my first baby brother, and to have my mom sober ... Javeon Ray; You re the smile that is on my face, your the twinkle in my eye. When you get older ... NO ONE is going to be able to be your girlfriend because no girl will live up to my expectations of what you deserve. You deserve the world , and nothing Less. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 12. Cite Source Analysis How do I cite sources? This depends on what type of work you are writing, how you are using the borrowed material, and the expectations of your instructor. First, you have to think about how you want to identify your sources. If your sources are very important to your ideas, you should mention the author and work in a sentence that introduces your citation. If, however, you are only citing the source to make a minor point, you may consider using parenthetical references, footnotes, or endnotes. There are also different forms of citation for different disciplines. For example, when you cite sources in a psychology paper you would probably use a different form of citation than you might in a paper for an English class. Finally, you should ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... If the source is central to your work, you may want to introduce it in a separate sentence or two, summarizing its importance and main ideas. But often you can just tag this information onto the beginning or end of a sentence. For example, the following sentence puts information about the author and work before the quotation: Milan Kundera, in his book The Art of the Novel, suggests that if the novel should really disappear, it will do so not because it has exhausted its powers but because it exists in a world grown alien to it. You may also want to describe the author(s) if they are not famous, or if you have reason to believe your reader does not know them. You should say whether they are economic analysts, artists, physicists, etc. If you do not know anything about the author, and cannot find any information, it is best to say where you found the source and why you believe it is credible and worth citing. For example, In an essay presented at an Asian Studies conference held at Duke University, Sheldon Geron analyzes the relation of state, labor unions, and small businesses in Japan between 1950s and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 13. Former Slaves Role In Reconstruction During the Reconstruction, former slaves got many opportunities to things they would have never been able to do before. In my opinion, the three most important opportunities were the building of churches, the right to education, and the job opportunities. All of these gave the African Americans or former slaves help to accomplish what they could not do as slaves. These three opportunities were giving them the chance to a better life. When churches were built the former slaves were eager to go to them and build them. This was the most important institution. Churches played a very important role in the African Americans. They had always gone to white churches or had to hide their own secret services. Black churches grew quickly. Many ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 14. The Main Objective Of This Essay Is To Study The Inheritance The main objective of this essay is to study the inheritance laws, family structure and the impact of those laws on the gender dynamics of the Akan community in Africa, mainly in the regions of Ghana and Ivory coast. The intergeneration transfer of property upon the death of its owner is called inheritance. There are many dimensions to inheritance like economic dimension, political dimension, etc. Different communities have different laws of inheritance. However, they are mainly divided into two main categories, namely patrilineal and matrilineal form of inheritance. Patrilineal form of inheritance is a common kinship system wherein an individual s family membership and inheritance rights are derived from their father s lineage, whereas ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... There are four types of marriage in Ghana, namely customary marriages, mutual consent, marriage under the marriage of Mohammedans Ordinance, and the marriage ordinance. Most of the marriages recorded are customary marriages and they involve an elaborate ceremony and in some scenarios it includes payments to legalise the union. Polygyny was removed by a marriage divorce and inheritance Bill of 1961 but it was defeated in the parliament and was legalised. The main aspect in customary marriages like discussed above is the approval of both the families as according to the Akans, marriage not only unites two individuals but unites two families. When it comes to the Islamic marriages they are celebrated under the Marriage of Mohammedans Ordinance. The men are permitted to marry unto four women in the Islamic law. The transfer of intestate property in church marriages,islam marriages is regulated by a specific provision in the marriage ordinance. The dispersal or delegation of self acquired intestate property among the Akans is followed according to the customary law. The matrilineal Akans occupy the Western Central, and Ashanti regions and parts of the Brong Ahafo and Eastern Regions. They make up more than fifty per cent of the population in Ghana. According to the customary beliefs it is known that Akan children inherit their soul from their father and their blood ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 15. Cultural Values In Prometheus And Mary Shelley s Frankenstein The creation myths/stories from around the world such as the stories of Genesis from Christianity, Prometheus from Greek myth made in the attempt to explain their unknown origin and Mary Shelley s story of Frankenstein express cultural values from the society they originate, some of which show similarities. In addition to these cultural values these stories set up a relationship between the creator and the creation, and with it their views and obligations to one another. Furthermore, these myths establish characteristics on the nature of man, their creator and humanities condition. Cultural values are revealed in these stories. The greek myth of Prometheus shows that ancient greek culture blamed women for the evils of the world, as a result from the gods. This cultural concept is demonstrated because in the story Prometheus, Pandora is sent down from Zeus as a proxy punishment; she was designed to inevitably open a box to release all that would release all that is evil into the world but was made so Zeus could punish humanity indirectly. This happens eventually, in the tale it says pandora s curiosity about the forbidden jar overwhelmed her; she opened it, releasing all ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However we see a change on their views when the creature asks for his creator to make him happy. Free me from the misery I now feel. Oh! my creator, make me happy. [5] Initially Frankenstein repulsed by his creation didn t want to help it however he felt had an obligation to make his creation happy and the creature felt an obligation to not break his promise to Frankenstein and says I consent to your demand, on your solemn oath to quit Europe for ever, and every other place in the neighbourhood of man, as soon as I shall deliver into your hands a female who will accompany you in your ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 16. A Doll House Essay Nora and Kristine Nora Helmer and Kristine Linde represent the role of women in Henrik Ibsen s, A Doll House. Their lives had always been in parallel. In the beginning of the story Nora lives a very happy life and has the role of a loving wife, while Kristine is a lonely widow. As the story develops; Nora Helmer and Kristine Linde emerge as contrasting characters; one goes on to liberate herself, while the other comes to security. Nora portrays as a happy and submissive wife in the beginning of the story; however, as the story emerges Nora turns out to be an unconventional character who goes on to liberate herself. At first Nora lives under the security of the norm by being a submissive wife and obeying her husband. People take Nora as inexperienced ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In the beginning of the story, Kristine is a poor widow who had just lost her husband and was searching for a job. Kristine portrays as a woman who have suffered and sacrificed much for her family s well being. Unlike Nora, Kristine s life had passed many hardships, she is an experienced woman. For example, Kristine had to work non stop for the past three years to support her afflicted mother and her younger brothers. Moreover, she had to marry a man she did not love for the survival of her family. From all the hard work and lack of rest, Kristine s appear as a pale middle age woman contrasting the young looking Nora. As Kristine is in search for a job, she runs into her ex lover, Krogstad. She sees that from all the hard work she had to encounter, she is lonely and want someone to be beside her. She suggests that they should be together, Two on one wreck are at least better off than each on his own. From an independent woman, Kristine wants to settle down. She need to have someone to care for, since she believes that her life is meaning less without someone to be with. Kristine now realise that she need someone to rely on and bring herself to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 17. How Did The United States Build The Erie Canal America s Great Canal: The Erie Canal During the 1800 s there was no clear passage to take from New York to the American west. This created an issue as the expense to transport goods such as wheat and flour would be a costly amount of approximately $100 per ton. Due to the Appalachian Mountains New York was secluded from much of western America. The Canal took approximately nine years to be completed, despite funding issues that were presented the canal proved to be an expense well made. The Erie Canal (Clinton s Ditch) was a project known to be doubted upon by political figures, yet despite political opposes to the idea, the result of the canal was noted to be America s greatest engineering achievement of its time, as the increase of economic prosperity arose in New York because of the canal, alongside popularity for the regions that surrounded the canal; the canal proved to be a success. The idea to construct a canal was continuously declined by the federal government, despite s the benefits that the canal would bring, for this reason New York decided the fund the project on its own. It was important to recognize that New York needed a passage which would make transportation of goods cost efficient. It was also important to make a means for transportation that would put New York as a place for business since it is the only way that states at the time would grow and prosper. The problem although resided on the overall cost to make a canal. It was proposed that the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 18. The Design And Aesthetic Appeal The design and aesthetic appeal between the two models was uncanny. Patented features such as rubber banding, in which a screen image bounces slightly when a user tries to scroll past the bottom, were identical. Same with pinch to zoom, which allows users to manipulate image size by pinching the thumb and forefinger together on the screen. And on and on. We look at Samsung s record of patent infringement, among other ruthless business tactics, and explains why Apple might win the battles but still lose the war. Samsung threatened if any claims for patent infringement were thrown their way they would retaliate with the same charges. If Apple executives pursued a claim against Samsung for stealing the iPhone, Samsung would come right back at them with a theft claim of its own. The battle lines were drawn. In the months and years that followed, Apple and Samsung would clash on a scale almost unprecedented in the business world, costing the two companies more than a billion dollars and engendering millions of pages of legal papers, multiple verdicts and rulings, and more hearings. Patent infringement is unlawful and thus there is a necessary obligation to avoid it. Samsung was found guilty on 6 of the 7 patent infringement cases and Apple was awarded 600 million dollars in damages from Samsung for the infringement battle, however Samsung essentially won the war. The Samsung brand had become a household name, with a huge percentage of the industry s consumers loyal to ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 19. My Goals In My Life The big question, What do I want to do with my life? floats through my mind more and more often as graduation approaches. I have many goals and ambitions I wish to achieve after high school, but deciding something as important as what career I should pursue has brought me much uneasiness. These past few months I have struggled to figure out what I am truly passionate about; however, as I mature I begin to find so much fulfillment in helping others, both mentally and physically. Growing up with a sizable family is one of my most wonderful blessings. My family and the environment that I have grown up in has had a tremendous impact on who I am and who I aspire to be. Both of my parents immigrated from Mexico and became residents approximately twenty five years ago. Neither of them graduated high school for distinct reasons. My dad now works diligently to provide for us and my mom takes care of the house and our needs. They have taught me to put others before myself and have shaped me into who I am today. My loved ones are one of my biggest inspirations. I strive to show them the person I can become and the impact that I can have on others. Ever since I was a small child, I was fascinated with animals and every aspect of nature. For the longest time, I believed I would aim to go into a field of animal science/research. As I grow into my own skin I have begun to find different passions within me. Leadership and service have taken a great role in my high school life and both ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 20. Research Paper On The Moonstone The Moonstone by Wilkie Collins does not follow a traditional marriage driven plot. Although The Moonstone s plot is not centered on marriage, it becomes essential to the story. Introduce the characters and the aim of the essay Without Franklin s drive to get Rachel back, the matter of the stolen moonstone would have been put to rest. This shows that even though The Moonstone is a mystery novel, marriage plays an essential role in enhancing the plot. The novel looks at various couples and though it ends with the marriage of Franklin and Rachel, it does not suggest that all marriages end happily. Collins is known for developing his ideas about marriage in his writing, including novels such as The Moonstone, The Woman in White, and many other works. There are things within The Moonstone that both contradict and support Collins ideas and views on marriage. Collins used his novels as a platform to express his feeling towards Victorian marriage laws, unmarried woman, and ideas on marriage as a whole. Marriage plays a crucial role in Wilkie Collins The Moonstone. Collins quickly introduces the idea of romance and marriage in his novel with Rosanna Spearman. Rosanna s love for Franklin Blake in the beginning of the story introduces Collins unconventional beliefs. Collins uses Rosanna to highlight the idea of social classes in this ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... This is why in Collins works marriage is always addressed. At the time, marriage was something that people did for more reasons than love. People got married to keep power in the family, for financial reasons, and for social acceptance. Collins did not agree with these reasons for marriage. This is very different than today s society, but was very normal at the time. WHO IS THIS INTRODUCE HIM James Hammerton explains Victorian marriage laws in his academic article titled Victorian Marriage and the Law of Matrimonial Cruelty. In this article Hammerton ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 21. Pros And Cons Of Prison Reform Prison reform is the policy in which conditions in prisons are improved. Prisons have been a part of our government since the Americas were first colonized. Conditions in the prisons were completely different than they are now. For instance, our current prison system calls for regulations and check ups on the facilities to make sure that they are habitable for prisoners. Many prisons are very costly to keep up and running.Even though, there are some privately owned prisons but many are funded by the U.S. s taxpaying citizens.Additionally, prisons make it hard to come back to society. Once you have something on your record a lot of opportunities are thrown out the window. In a TED talk presented by Michelle Alexander, she talks about how society is still segregated by the Jim Crow laws even if it is not completely apparent. Specifically, Alexander talks about the issues with our prison system and how it segregates our society even more. In addition to talking about the segregation of our society she takes the time to talk about how convicted criminals have an extremely difficult time transitioning back into society. She talks about the individual struggles that they go through. Alexander states, The reality is that when you re released from prison, people who are released from prison typically have little or no money at all. They need to find a place to sleep, but if they try to get access to public housing, they find often that they re barred from public housing because of ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 22. Trench Shoring Of The Trenches Trench Shoring Boxes Shoring is a very critical and safe process of excavation that used to prevent collapse of the trenches. This quick and easy temporary earth retaining structure works by ensuring ground stability within the trench. Trench shoring and excavation services are undertaken thousands of time everyday throughout the US. However, because of the risk of accidents, safe equipments that comply with laws and regulations governing trenching and excavation must be used. Trench shoring offers durable trench boxes made from steel or aluminum. This is certain securing the workers and protecting the utility employees. The boxes feature sidewalls of varying thickness and interchangeable steel or aluminum spreaders. Trench Shoring boxes, rent to own steel trench boxes feature reinforced knife edge, pounding pads, all steel design and vertical and horizontal steel members for strength. The aluminum trench boxes, on the other hand, are great for light repair work as well as scheduled maintenance service. The company also offers an array of Kundel lightweight aluminum hydraulic shoring equipment models of different stackable range and sizes such as Shorelite, Shorelite Lite, TuffGuy, and V Panel. The TuffGuy box series features durable panels and steel made end members designed to maximum protection in the trench. Kundel boxes and safe and incompliant with OSHA regulations and standards set for hazardous working conditions. The Kundel V Panel, on the other hand, is used ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 23. Ultra Sound Screening For many decades now, sound advances in the ultrasound technology have become a successful innovation towards access to 3D images of a fetus as it continues developing in the womb. This innovation has helped pediatricians to gain clinical insights on the growing fetus and parental development of the mother. These images also serve the doctors with information that is used in determining the condition of the fetus all though its growth until it is ready to be born. However it some people think that this innovation as much as it is beneficial to the parents it does not apply to all of them since it comes with expenses and extra costs. They give a precise description of the fetus and all its congenital anomalies. Doctors can be able to know if ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... According to the author of this article, the syndrome is preventable only if the mother is able to change their behavior. This syndrome is said to cause disabilities in children especially the unborn children. Mothers found abusing drugs during pregnancy might be charged in court for risking the health of the unborn child. However, every person has the right to choose what to eat or drink during his or her pregnancy period but putting the health of the child in danger is out of question. As much as we want to protect these mothers, we also have to bear in mind the idea of making an innocent child suffer simply because you want to enjoy yourself without considering the risks you are exposing the child to. For instance, the syndrome may cause a series of disabilities in children, according to the author of this article states that one out of every woman in the United States of America uses alcohol or other drugs (Heinen, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 24. Gun Control Movement Research Paper Bang, the sound of a gunshot is heard, a rapid succession of shots are fired. More gunshots are being fired, what is going on? People are screaming, shouting, and chaos is everywhere. Bang, bang, bang more shots fired. What is going on? Looking out the windows to see that there are people lying on the ground dead. Some of the people are not moving, there is blood is everywhere. Then there is white hot pain in the shoulder, what has happened? Looking down, there is blood soaking through the shirt. Then everything goes black nothing is seen or heard after that. Waking up there is reports with cameras everywhere What has happened . A reports rushes over and starts asking questions, Was the shooter a friend? , What set off the shooter? , Why was he able to buy a gun? This is the scene of a mass shooting that has happened in any number of cities across America. This is where the country s problem we are having with gun control, law makers should have acted not reacting to a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... It took the assassination of a President John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr. to force the issue of gun control in this country (William J. Vizzard The current and future state of gun policy in the United States ). The gun control act of 1968 was to prevent transfers of guns across state lines to anyone that wanted a gun (Earl Kruschke, Gun Control: A reference handbook page 175). This act is what put more emphasis on having licensed individuals or brick and mortar stores to sell guns to people in the state or transfer guns across state lines. The GCA also put rules on who could and couldn t buy guns, Gun Control Act took effect expanding the requirements for licenses and recordkeeping and adding to the list of those, such as convicted felons and drug users, who couldn t legally buy guns. (Frederick Allen, Guns America). This part of the Gun Control Act of 1968 is still in effect ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 25. Grand Theft Auto 4 Research Paper Grand Theft Auto V is a third person open world adventure game developed by Rockstar North. Players also have the option of playing in First person view in versions of the game that was later released for the new generation consoles (Xbox1, PS4) and PC. Grand Theft Auto is meant for the mature audience since it involves Crime, violence, sex, drugs, alcohol and foul language. One of the most anticipated and popular releases for the younger generation. The previous highly popular title Grand Theft Auto Four was released in 2008 which managed to get various game of the year awards, five years later Grand Theft Auto Five was released it quickly became the fastest selling game in history earning 1 billion in just a few days. The story takes place in the beautiful city of Los Santos with different variety of cultures and modern city atmosphere. Los Santos located in San ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However all these boxes were ticked with all these features brought back into the game, massive world to explore with lots of side missions and free roam. Wildlife was introduced to the game from crows, deer s, coyote s, bears and dogs. Also the ability to hunt wildlife as a side quest. A large variety of fast cars were introduced from sports cars and heavy duty industrial trucks and being able to apply visual and performance upgrades. An under water world to explore with various marine life and also the danger of being mauled by a shark. Enormous commercial planes are available for flying along with high grade military fighter jets. Online multilayer is also available which can hold lobbies up to 32 players where they can participate in co op missions, death matches, capture, raid, heist s and ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 26. Questions On Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 5 Table of Contents Introduction and Goals 3 Procedure 3 Domain Name System 3 Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 5 Network Time Protocol 6 OpenLDAP 7 Security Considerations 7 Monitoring and Logging 8 Performance 9 Conclusion 9 Introduction and Goals The goals of this lab were to install DNS, DHCP, NTP and OpenLDAP on a new RLES Red Had Enterprise Linux server within the jps5374.corp domain. Both DHCP and DNS were services that I have implemented before in System Administration I, so this section was mostly review. However, NTP and OpenLDAP were services that I ve never worked with, so this lab was my first implementation. The overall idea for this lab was to install services and configure them with an enterprise network in mind. Procedure Domain Name System The first thing I did when setting up DNS was to install everything. Once I got everything installed, it went right to the configuration files. The first configuration file I worried about was named.conf. This file lets the named daemon know where to find information about both forward and lookup zones. Here is a screenshot of the named.conf file: Here is a screenshot of the forward lookup zone file: This file is found at /var/named/forward.jps5374.corp. Here I am setting the name server at serv.jps5374.corp, setting the serial number as the current date and making A records for all of the clients that are on the network. Here is a screenshot of the reverse lookup zone file: This file is found at ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 27. Code Talkers Summary Remember back in elementary school when friends of yours would create a language or signs to have a conversation without anyone knowing what you are talking about? Well, Code Talkers is very similar to creating a code in school, but more intense and heightened. William R. Wilson, a writer and photographer goes in debt to explain how the Navajo language was brought to serve as a new code in the U.S. Military in World War II. He also writes about who the military has to use to interpret and send out messages for militia combat plans. The author does an exceptional job at being very clear and informative in this article. The article first starts to discuss how the beginning of World War II was declining fast for the United States after being hit at Pearl Harbor by the Japanese. U.S. Armed Force Officials realized the communications between branches of military and allies were being intercepted by Japanese cryptologers. Phillip Johnston, a civil engineer soon came to the conclusion of using Navajo Indians language as a code for militia communication. Navajos were trained by Marine staff officers to learn and understand the utmost important tactics of military communication. After ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Coming home they were all celebrated with Navajo Indian traditions by dancing, parading, praying for which their families were grateful for the soldiers safety. Many indians who came home intended to settle down to make a family, but were not easily able to because of paperwork and money issues. Jobs were hard to find as an indian living in a reservation, just as much as an indian needing a G. I. Loan. Despite the trouble of their home problems, Navajo Indians who went through major intellectual communication combat received a medallion from the Fourth Marine Division. The medallion was meant for the understanding of their service given to the United ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 28. Civil Engineering Purpose Statement Statement of Purpose It is certainly true that, in a developing country like Nepal, after completing high school education, students opt to pursue either medical or engineering degree with a hope that they will enhance their economic status with high paid jobs. However, my affinity for mathematics and science swayed me towards civil engineering. Ever since my high school education, I was fascinated about landmarks such a lofty Itaipu Dam, Kansai Airport, and those of Indian engineers who skillfully designed the metro system and mitigated the problems faced due to traffic congestion in such a densely populated country. Upon completion of civil engineering from Tribhuwan University, I was ambivalent about pursuing MS in Civil Engineering. I was ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Serendipitously I could interact with the college representative of University of Colorado Boulder at the fair and be familiar with the extravagant college facilities. Similarly, an extremely distinguished faculty and the facilities provided there seem to foster an opportunity to educate myself as a research person and a challenge to transfer the acquired knowledge to my home country so that I will be able to tackle the vast array of problems regarding managerial challenges with the virtue of my expertise. Since I am familiar to working in multi cultural environment in Qatar, I will be able to learn as well as give my professional ideas to the ones I encounter. My research interest towards productivity enhancement, workforce strategies, and construction methods allures me to works under the assistantship of Professor Paul Goodrum. Because overall cost of studying in University of Colorado Boulder is prohibitively expensive, it would be an honor and a privilege to receive any financial assistance in the form of assistantship or fellowship which you give to international applicants. Upon completion of my course at University of Colorado Boulder, I have a strong propensity to work as ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 29. Analysis Of Hate And Tea In The Harem When comparing storylines, Hate and Tea in the Harem each possess a clear theme of despair. While both formed around this theme, their takes on despair, more specifically the challenges faced because of despair, are different. The greatest difference between Hate and Tea in the Harem is the impact of time on despair s challenges and how it influences the concept of survival. The amount that time is emphasized determines the effect each encounter with despair has on a story. In Hate, time is emphasized greatly, most evident when the exact hour is pasted in bold white numbers against a black screen throughout the film. This use mixed with the overall storyline being within the frame of a day creates the feeling that time is counting down. The sense of time counting down reflects the short span characters Saïd, Vinz, and Hubert have before meeting their ultimate bout with despair. Opposite is seen in Tea in the Harem, where time is not explicitly stated nor a time frame given. Without a true sense of time, the despair is strung out and not as potent as it is in Hate. For Tea in the Harem, time does not feel like it is counting down or running out; time feels never ending and inexhaustible, just as despair is. This contrast in time between the movie and the novel presents different challenges with despair for each piece. Through Hate taking place in the span of one day, the short timeframe adds on to the countdown effect, generating the impression that challenges are ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 30. Management and Academic Strategies Emmanuel Manchild Dugger CS113 Academic Strategies for the Business Professional Writing Assignment May 6, 2013 Discuss how this course has affected you in your development as a student and explain how it has prepared you for academic success. Academic Strategies has prepared me for the professional atmosphere to enter into my career. In the beginning of the course I had an assignment that requires me to open up to complete strangers about my personal goals. This indeed was a challenge to me because the goals that I have sometimes seem like they are not achievable to me but I know they are realistic and can happen. It was a challenge to me because I had to learn to accept ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... When writing out my goals and plan for my long and short term goal I utilize the time management skill set out a realistic time frame that I will meet. From taking the M.I. test I was able to address certain issue about myself concerning my dislikes and likes. The M.I. test I was able to found out that I am a visual learner and that I can follow direction when they are giving to me. This technique can use to narrow down my choose when I looking for a promotion or a greater challenge without stepping to far outside of my career in long or short term. Also by taking the M.I. it gives me and idea of characteristics that I can search pertaining to my career such high interpersonal skills and being a very logical mathematical person. A assignment that I had an unit 8 on interviewing a professional gave me a second person perspective on setting goals. This portion of unit 8 can help me in my long term goal and short term goal by doing some back ground checks on company that I am potential interested in. I can conduct these background checks and research them before applying to save a lot of time and money. ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 31. Summary Of Equiano s Middle Passage 1. Equiano and his sister are kidnapped from their home while their parents are working in the fields. He is separated from his sister when he is sold into slavery; he later reunites with her for one night until she is ripped away to be sold again. He is sold to many different owners; the majority of them had a similar language and culture as his, a few were completely different. On the sea coast aboard the slave ship, Equiano faints; when Equiano regains consciousness he is forced below the deck where he is confronted with an unbearable stench and constant crying, he is so sick that he does not have an appetite and he wishes for death. 2. The Middle Passage is described as a grim, hopeless journey in which the Africans lived in constant ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 32. How Did Plato s Beliefs Contribute To The Study Of Philosophy Philosophy can be described as coming to understand through means of deep thoughts. Two famous examples of practitioners of this field include Plato and Parmenides. Though these two philosophers taught about many different things, they both taught and agreed on one thing: what it meant to be wise. Plato and Parmenides both provide an account of what it means to be wise, and the central agreement between them is that at its core, wisdom is realizing that truth lies beyond the base senses and hubris of the human body. Plato believed that wisdom consists of gaining knowledge and understanding through the forms, and by reducing dependency on the bodily senses, and the material realm that they observe. Plato is called a dualist, meaning that he thought there are two separate and ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... The knowledge that they gained through understanding the eternal and unchanging form is something they could have never been made aware of if they had tried to gain knowledge through observing the material triangles only with the use of their bodily senses. In his dialogue, Republic, Plato described the process of using the forms to gain knowledge and wisdom through his famous Allegory of the Cave. In this thought experiment, Plato described a cave, in which there were multiple prisoners, who for their entire lives have been bound and shackled in such a way that they were made to look at the wall of the cave. On this wall, several shadows of statues of animals, plants, and animals are cast by a fire behind the prisoners. These prisoners, if not told otherwise, would live their entire lives believing that the shadows were the only things in existence; not being aware that they were mere images of something which is more real. However, one of the prisoners were freed, they would be able to turn around and see that the shadows were less real than the statues, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 33. Week Three Homework Carlyle Brown Network Protocols and Standards Week 3 Homework 1. When was the first major standard describing a structured cabling system released? c. 1995 2. Why is balance an issue in UTP cables, and what is TCL? i. The balance or symmetry of the signal over the wire pairs helps minimize unwanted leakage of the signal. ii. TCL Transverse Conversion Loss The TCL measurement is obtained by applying a common mode signal to the input and measuring the differential signal level on the output. a. TCL is sometimes called LCL (Longitudinal Conversion Loss). The ELTCLT value (expressed in dB) is the difference between the TCTL and the differential mode insertion loss of the pair being measured. TCTL is the loss from a balanced ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... 18. What is the data rate for gigabit Ethernet? i. 1000Mbps (802.3z) 19. What is a benefit of using shielded twisted pair cabling? i. Cable with the addition of a shield is called shielded twisted pair (STP) cable. The addition of this shield reduces the potential for electromagnetic interference (EMI) as long as the shield is grounded. a. EMI originates from devices such as motors and power lines, and from some lighting devices such as fluorescent lights.20. 20. Which cable, UTP or STP, is preferred by the industry? i. Industry testing on STP cable has shown that the addition of a shield does increase the usable bandwidth of the cable by increasing the noise rejection between each of the wire pairs. However, the tests have shown that there is not a significant advantage of placing a shield over a properly installed 4pair 100 ohm UTP cable. ii. Most manufacturers are recommending the use of UTP cable for cabling computer networks except for very noisy environments. Section 2 4 21. What are the color maps and pin # assignments for T568A and T568B? i. T568A White Green/Green/White Orange/Blue/White Blue/Orange/White Brown/Brown a. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ii. T568B ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 34. Smallpox Is An Acute Contagious Disease SMALLPOX Introduction Smallpox is an acute contagious disease that is caused by the variola virus which is a member of the Genus Orthopoxvirus family. It infects humans only as a result of its ability to escape the host immune system, and avoid any further activation (Koplow 2003). The virus is a two stranded DNA virus. There exist two forms of the variola virus namely the variola major and variola minor. Variola major is the one that is lethal, while variola minor is not lethal but a mere strain. The most common strain is the variola major, which produces the more severe symptoms and with a higher fatality rate of 20% to 40%, within a week of infection (Koplow 2003). Key features of the life cycle(s) The initial step is whereby the virus attaches to the host cell and infects an individual. It normally enters through the respiratory system. It attaches to the mouth, trachea or lung mucosa. The cells forming the mucous membrane are loosely packed hence permitting penetration and movement into the saliva. Once the virus reaches the cell membrane, it penetrates through endocytosis. In the host cell, the main protein in released (Koplow 2003). The virus replicates in the cytoplasm of the host cell. DNA replication and transcription may start immediately as the virus itself contains enzymes for replication and transcription. It does not rely on the host cell enzymes to begin replication (Koplow 2003). First, the DNA and RNA polymerase are made, along with other transcription ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 35. Persuasive Essay On Specialized Children With the warm temperatures making an appearance it actually feels like summer here in the UK for once. What better time is there to get out on the bikes and enjoy that warm sun. Specialized have a great range of summer clothing, from super form fit racing jerseys and bib shorts right across to baggy fit padded shorts and more casual technical clothing. What s more the school holidays are fast approaching and the kids will soon need to be entertained, we ve got a great guide to kids bikes right here. From pedaless trainer bikes like the Specialized Hotwalk, to the 650b Specialized Allez Junior for pint sized racers. The need to move perspiration away from the body during the warmer months is of the utmost importance, which is why Specialized ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Balance bikes are a great and innovative way to get children into cycling. They remove the complicated issues of balancing whilst pedalling, and dispense with the sometimes problematic issue of stabilisers. They teach kids to balance properly, but allow them to put their feet down whenever they like. The Specialized Hot Walk is a balance bike from Specialized. As a bike from Specialized, it well engineered and made of lightweight aluminium, so is easy to life in and out of the boot! Next up is the Hotrock 16 Coaster, it does have tool free removable stabilisers as an included option, and still has the lightweight alloy frame, but is still simple for teaching kids to ride on. The Hotrock 20 adds a bigger frame and 24 inch wheels, it has six gears to introduce the concept of choosing speeds and simple brakes. It also looks like a real adult bike to give them the confidence needed to progress. For a little bit more there s a version of the Hotrock 20 with suspension too, so those first trails can be experienced at a younger age. The Hotrock 24 ups the ante, with a bigger and more technical frame, more gears and lighter materials. The Hotrock 24 also comes in suspension versions with up to 50mm of travel, 21 gears, this is where it really starts to get technical and interesting for the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 36. Comparing The Allegory Of The Cave And The Matrix Have you ever been in a point in time where everything seems to be perfect, only to be pulled from it to see the true inexactitude you were living in? This occurs in the movie The Matrix to Thomas Anderson, a guy who seems to be living among the norm. He soon finds out his accustomed world is far from what he thought. Thomas A. Anderson is a man living two lives. By day he is an average computer programmer and by night a hacker known as Neo. While he has always questioned his reality, but the truth is far beyond his imagination. Neo finds himself targeted by the police when he is contacted by Morpheus, a legendary computer hacker branded a terrorist by the government. Morpheus awakens Neo to the real world, a ravaged wasteland where most of ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... In both pieces, those things are looked at as the habitat for ignorance. In The Matrix, the matrix itself is an artificial reality in where uninformed people stay due to their lack of knowledge about the outside world. This same type of situation happens in The Allegory of the Cave. Imbecilic prisoners are down in the cave because of their refusal to see what s outside of it. Even though they both possess the same idea, they also are able to contrast. They do that by the realness of each place. The cave is a made up place in a story to depict the ignorance the world carries. The matrix is more so a reality that is especially made to hold the ignorant ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 37. Important To Me ME: Is being a good team player important to you? HIM: I believe being a team player involves acting in the best interest of the company, while maintaining a stake in your own best interest and career. But in the fast paced world of Information Technology and Managed Services being a team player is crucial for many reasons. To me, being a team player is important because it creates synergy where the sum is ultimately greater than the parts, and this helps to support a more empowered way of working, removing constraints which may prevent someone doing their job properly. For my company this has also helped to promote flatter and leaner structure, with less hierarchy. ME: That s great, is there anything else you find important about being a ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Once we got the company rolling and started taking on clients my friend quickly realized that his overhead was much more than he had intended for it to be this early on. And ultimately if we didn t start taking on revenue quickly the boat was going to sink at harbor so to speak. To help with this I offered to work for a stake in the company and cut my normal salary down to almost nothing until we got the company back above water. This enabled him to bring on some lower level employees to help with the day to day operations and let us focus on building the business further and gathering more clientele. We took the company from a 150k startup to a little over 5 million in yearly revenue in a little over 3 years. But my sacrifice for the team which caused me tons of headaches and months of living on a budget ultimately payed me out very nicely when we were acquired in our fourth year of operations by the company You and I both work for ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 38. What Is Chen Zigao Gender Identity The character Chen Zigao reverses his gender identity and always thinks of him as a female throughout the play. At the beginning, he always thought to himself that it was a mistake that he was born as a man because of his pretty face and voice, but there was no action. Chen Zigao still dressed in a man s clothing. After Chen Zigao met the Prince of Linchuan and moved into the palace with him, he started to dressed up in women s clothing and also paint cherry lips and pencil misty mountains brows (Wang, 71). The moment when he arrived in the palace, he performed his duties as a wife s role to the Prince. Chen believed he was the most beautiful and stunning woman in the Palace and no other woman can compare to him. Because Chen always ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 39. Bill Cosby Allegations Essay There is no way humanly possible that these Bill Cosby Allegations are not true with all the 13 of the Women who stood forward and accused him of sexual abuse. Now said in the paragraphs before, the multiple women who accused Bill Cosby of sexual abuse and misconduct provided different stories with multiple similarities in them. This on its own is just a very obvious clue to the fact that he has sexually abused these women, along with how many stories there are. The first allegation was made by Sunni Welles in March of 2015 stating that, Cosby raped her twice when she was an aspiring singer in the mid 1960s by drugging her drink (Littlefield). The second allegation was made by Kristina Ruehli and she stated that It was all foggy, and I woke up in the bed. I found myself on the bed, and he had his shirt off. He had unzipped his pants. (Littlefield). The third allegation was made by Linda Joy Traitz, she was just a waitress at a restaurant that happened to be co owned by Bill Cosby; she stated that he drugged and groped her in his car. (Littlefield). There were ten more women who came forward and accused Bill Cosby of sexual abuse and misconduct. Notice in just the first three ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Now some others disagree with the fact that Bill Cosby has sexually abused these women because of the reason that one accusation was actually proven false, this was the accusation made by Andrea Constand. Andrea Constand statement, just like most the others included the drugging and the sexual assault followed after, but in the courtroom Bill Cosby responded to her statement in a manner like their relationship was consensual, which made the side of Cosby seem somewhat believable because of the fact that they had a prior friendship or relationship that had been going forward since then for about a year and a ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 40. The Fall of the Weimar Republic Essay The Weimar Republic would have continued to be a functional government far longer than achieved if not for the defeat of WWI, the economic burdens imposed by the Versailles Treaty, and the flawed Article 48 which all contributed to the down fall of Germany s first attempt at a legitimate Democracy. This paper will argue that the societal, economical, and constitutional aspects all played a role in the hopeless Democracy Germany attempted which ultimately lead Germany into a totalitarian state that would further shake the world with the rise of the NSDAP and Adolf Hitler. First, the defeat of WWI was not just the beginning of the Weimar Republic but could be considered a catalyst to its downfall as well. During the later stages of WWI ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... However, Ludendorff s plan backfired when Wilson s Points insisted that Germany lay down all arms and dissolved its army to no more than 100,000 troops, as well as all parties responsible resign (Peukert, 1987; 46). If Wilson s constitutional reforms were to be implemented a democratic parliament could have been formed (Peukert, 1987; 24). Obviously Germany was reluctant, at first, to accept all of the responsibility of the war. To add to the attempt of keeping Germany a War state and its reluctant surrender, Keiser Wilhelm II ordered a last attempt by the German Naval Fleet to attack. This created a mutiny in Wilhelmshaven on October 28, 1918 and a sailor s resurrection in Kiel on November 3rd and 4th (Peukert, 1987; 27). The peaceful revolutionary movement has begun in Germany and the citizens began expressing they wanted a new government. During the revolution the Weimar Republic was forming and it seemed to be doing so with little compromise from polar parties. Somehow, the Weimar Constitution was written and the new government began to practice democracy. Most of Germany, by now, wants to be a viable part of the world and achieve a better standard of living, the newly formed Weimar Republic and fragile economy will be tested with the Versailles Treaty. Second, the reparations of the Versailles Treaty further stalled Germanys attempt at a Democracy by critically maiming its economy. Germany, ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 41. Public Policy And Creating The Field Through Taking Action... Running head:EXAMINING PUBLIC POLICY AND CREATING Examining Public Policy and Creating Solutions for Improvement Rowe Western Governors University Examining Public Policy and Creating Solutions for Improvement Reflections on Public Policy The chosen public policy issue is the ongoing effort within nursing to advance the field through taking action. In this case, action takes four distinct activities: advocacy, policy, learning as a lifelong process and involvement in philanthropy. This action can be applied through community based participatory research which is a research partnership seeking the involvement of all members of the community. Under this approach, all participants contribute their knowledge to the process in an effort to better the quality of life in that community members (Israel et al., 2008). It is because there are so many under served populations and in under serving these populations nursing fails to live up to its professional and this is a policy change that must be made. This issue of public policy, that is, the issue of the prevalence of under served populations which clearly requires changing, and the role that nursing can play in this public policy process is discussed at length in Burkhardt and Nathaniel (2013). To influence public policy, nurses must act as professionals with the ability and the responsibility to affect the current and future debate over the delivery of health care. This ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 42. Volkswagen Group s Star Premium Execution Players Porsche and Bentley, two of the Volkswagen Group s star premium execution players and now situated to share propelled innovations, are setting out toward unadulterated electric creation models, each focusing on 500 km (310 mi) range, tremendous increasing speed ability, and 15 20 min 800 V battery charging times. In a noteworthy proclamation, Porsche Chairman Dr. Oliver Blume has affirmed that its Mission E idea seen at the 2015 Frankfurt Motor Show will be underway by around 2020, and Bentley Director Kevin Rose told Automotive Engineering that the two seat Bentley EXP10 Speed 6 idea, which looks set to wind up a generation reality, might be offered with an unadulterated electric powertrain as an alternative. Other Bentley models may likewise be accessible in immaculate electric structure. There are parts of all electric innovation that are extremely Bentley, including calm running, easy speeding up, and practically moment high torque conveyance, said Rose. These advantages would be conveyed by means of all wheel drive as they are on the Mission E. With the conceivable special case of calm, this is the parallel intuition at Stuttgart Zuffenhausen, where Porsche has declared a €700 million spend on generation offices that will incorporate production of electric engines. With VW s enthusiastic eagerness for innovation cooperative energies where fitting over the Group, engine mastery and potentially some equipment could be relied upon to be shared amongst Porsche ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 43. Society’s Effect in Peter Shaffer’s Equus and... Peter Shaffer and Franz Kafka, the authors of Equus and Metamorphosis, reveal through their main characters struggles how society s oppression causes a loss of identity. This oppression is caused by society s obsession with what it believes to be normal and how society s beliefs drive it to conform those who don t fit its normal image. The two authors use their characters to symbolize the different views and judgments of society. And based on these judgments, the authors use two different types of oppression that cause different outcomes. Finally, this essay will reveal how the two authors use their characters to drain the protagonist s identity to show society s desire to conform. In both books, the authors use their characters to ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... Whenever Gregor leaves his room he causes an uproar which usually ends with him being physically punished and forced back into his room by his father. This can be seen in the first chapter when Gregor reveals himself to his parents and boss, and becomes injured when his father forces him back into the room. In addition in the second chapter Gregor sustains mortal injuries for following his sister Grete into the house to help his collapsed mother. In the end, with his injuries and seeing himself as a nuisance and a monster like his family did, Gregor dies. Both of the authors exploit their characters by using them to slowly leech the identity of their protagonists which ends in the protagonists loss of identity. They do this to show how society is always trying to conform others. In both books, society tries to conform the characters into what they believe is best for them. This can be seen in Equus when Dysart promises, It s all over now, Alan. It s all over now. He ll [Equus] go away now... You are going to be well. I m going to make you well, I promise you. (Shaffer 2 35). Shaffer uses his character Dysart to supposedly cure Alan into a person who is accepted by society. However, Shaffer creates another purpose for his character Dysart. Shaffer exploits Dysart to reveal how society s cure for Alan is more destructive than it is helpful. Understanding what this will do to Alan, Dysart declares, I ll take it [Equus/ his religion] away! He ll ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 44. Of Mice And Men Freudian Analysis Essay Freudian Analysis: Of Mice and Men Introduction In John Steinbeck s book of Mouse and Men a story that was based on the relationships between people, Steinbeck tackles issues of race relations the dynamics and stereotypes of men and women, but unlike other authors of his time included a character facing a form of mental illness. Throughout the book we see Lennie Small a seemingly innocent giant reliance on a quick talking dreamer who goes by the name of George Smith. American society was never truly ready to face mental illness, and Steinbeck wanted to open the dialogue. With this rejection of the mentally ill as normal beings in society psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud had his own views on the capacity and formation of mental illnesses. Views ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... With a few treatments for mental diseases, the most common treatment was hot and cold continuous baths, lobotomies that that were introduced in the 1930s and usually resulted in permant brain damage. What made Lennie s character different? Is the fact that he wasn t a hospital patient or in an asylum he is able to function in the outside world and had George to help hide his illness. On the Ranch Lennie is seen as the huge hulk of a man that could lift anything staying strong with the belief that the mental ill is only good for their physical prowess. Every few times have we heard Lennie speak about his feelings and stand up for himself, George was his mouth peace disguising Lennie s developmental (lack of speech) delay as being from an accident he got kicked in the head by a horse when he was a kid this is similar to saying he was dropped when he was a baby. These phrases are used to sugarcoat or give an excuse for why someone like Lennie, behaves the way he does, the lesser of two evils. Americans would rather their child to be in an accident than be born with a mental illness. Because many American didn t want to accept the fact that there were mentally ill people outside of asylums, ingerent ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 45. Disadvantage Of Instant Gratification II. Impatience in Singaporeans In an age where everybody is largely accessible, our environment has become one where it encourages instant demand, and consequently, instant gratification a mindset of wanting something at the exact moment of wanting it. Living in an on demand society, frustrations and complaints will certainly mount when one s level of gratification is not met. This is even more pronounced in Generation Z, as a significant greater percentage of children are engaging in the use of mobile phones at a young age, an electrical device, which encourages instant gratification. In fact, their parents, people of the millennia, have been seemingly conditioned to a world based on instant gratification. An example would be our purchasing ... Show more content on Helpwriting.net ... At this point, the paper will be raising the concept of delay gratification the opposite of instant gratification. In 1970, psychologist Walter Mischel conducted The Marshmallow Experiment, an experiment famous for substantiating the effects of delay gratification. Children were given a marshmallow by researchers and told the following: They could eat the marshmallow now and not get anymore; or if they could wait until the researchers came back and receive a second marshmallow. The researchers then proceeded to track these children into adulthood, regardless of whether they decided to wait or not. The results of this experiment showed that children who were willing to wait and delay gratification ended up having higher SAT scores, lower levels of substance abuse, a lower likelihood of obesity, better responses to stress, and better social skills. This was largely attributed to the fact that, if one has the ability to delay gratification of playing before doing work, one will be more self disciplined to complete the pre assigned ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...
  • 46. Classical Realism Vs Neorealism Throughout the course of history, it had become customary to assume that a state that is fearful of others and works only to help and protect itself, is the unparalleled genius; this notion is the basis for the political theory of realism. Neorealism, developed sometime after World War II, is a reinterpretation of classical realism, which was originally developed in Ancient Greece(M AT 2017, 80). Kenneth Waltz, whose work helped the transition from realism to neorealism, believed that the structure of the international system was the most important thing to study, being that the international system is anarchic(Haupt, 2017, T2L1, 8). Neorealists have a few core assumptions, including: believing the international system is anarchic, believing states are self interested, and that national security is the most important issue concerning states (Haupt, 2017, T2L1, 8 9). Many, such as John Mearsheimer, mentioned later, use these assumptions to predict what future relations between states, such as China and the U.S. are going to be. As mentioned before, neorealism derived from the theory of classical realism, and though it had evolved over time, power plays the most important role in both classical and neo realism. Neorealism holds the principle that states must look after only themselves because the international system is anarchic. These theories come to this conclusion because, as quoted in Essentials of International Politics, no higher power exists to defeat the ... Get more on HelpWriting.net ...