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Advanced Persistent Threat: Out-of-
band Techniques from the Past, the
Present and into the Future


• Scott Larson
– Original 13 FBI Computer forensic examiner,
former cyber crime chief, Larson Security LLC
• Shane Macaulay
– Honeynet, w00w00, ADM, IBM
Bloomberg, IOACTIVE


Win32 Buffer Overflows
(p55, 09.09.99)
dark spyrit / Barnaby Jack
One of the greatest ever


Old = New again
Larson S


Scott Larson – Cases
• Eligible Receiver 97
• Moonlight Maze / Former Soviet Union
• Loki (ICMP tunnel), evolving remote desktop


Security – Early DDoS threats


What does Cyber Security Encompass?
 External Threats
 Random malware and botnets
 Client-specific threats (e.g. Hacktivism/DDoS)
 APT & Economic espionage


Chinese hacking from 2001 Today
 External Threats – APT
RSA Blog


2004-Present Out of Band


Out of band analysis
• Out of band analysis
– Perfect knowledge
– Attacker is unprepared
• Derive understanding from reverse engineering
– Feed back to tactical cleanup/more detection
• Leveraging virtual infrastructure to increase information assurance
– Existing approaches
• Agents
• Virus Scanning
• Whitelists
• A better way


Perfect knowledge
• To find an artifact
– Malware/Virus Scanning
– Manual analysis
– Incident day 0
• Finding more
– Collect telemetry
– Signature development
• Reverse engineering


Collecting Telemetry
• Useful for improving OODA loop
– more effective decision making during an in
progress event
• Configurable
– System Center Operations Manager / “Agentless”
Exception Monitoring
– Group Policy (XP/2K3)
– Registry CorporateWerServer


Signature based scanning
• Devise a set of unique artifacts from a known
malware sample
– TimeDateStamp
– Unencrypted data
– Names of sections or exported Functions
– *wildcard*matching*


• A function that derives a score or other
threshold to determine good vs. bad
– Entropy scanning
• Detects encrypted/compressed sections
• Attempt to compress a block to determine if it’s already
– API Imports
• OpenProcess/WriteProcessMemory
• Hook use
• Low-level interfaces


Scanning Approaches
• Agent’s
– A background process which interacts with some
management infrastructure
– Understands known malware through the use of
signatures or behavioral heuristics monitoring
– Typically reports to management consoles
• Virus/Malware Scanning
– Similar to agent based techniques but in the foreground
• Agentless
– VM guest memory snapshots


White lists
• Default deny
– Similar to how firewall rules are built
• Only allow known/approved services
• Tripwire uses this technique to guard against file-
system persistence
– Off-line assurances
• Unable to definitively report for live systems
• Can we use this in memory


Recap Issues
• Significant cat&mouse type games
– Polymorphism
– Simple obfuscations
– Attacking agents directly
• Disable/cripple virus scanners
– Bootkits
• Subverted execution environments
• Performance
– Redundant scanning
– Virtual infrastructure


Memory Analysis Options
• WinDbg/Olly/IDA
– Mostly Manual
• Volatility
– Scriptable
• BlockWatch / The Memory Cruncher
– Automated data reduction and navigation support


• Works on every version
• Invasive/non-invasive debugging
• Plugin/scriptable
• Essentially Basic Debugging interface
• User space anti-debugging is very complicated
– Ntdll!*breakpoint* can be tampered with (unable to attach)
– Starting a program does not break at first module instruction
• Break on other events
• Kernel debugger (kd) not as simple to use
– Network debugger can still use windbg


Generic Unpacking issues
• Encoding/Obfuscation
– Page decoding
• Non linear execution
– Exceptions (divide by zero)
– Other Process/Threads
– Debugging self
• Detecting a debugger, VM or other analysis


Fuzzy Hashes
• DeepToad.py
• ssdeep
• Sdhash
– Some server code


Signature development
• Yara
– Lots of support
• https://yaragenerator.com/
• http://www.deependresearch.org/2013/02/yara-
• ClamAV
– Less active, some support from SourceFire
• Custom Engine


Custom Engine
• Private implementation
– Leverage public tools but developed with
information gained from incident
– May use a variety of analysis techniques
• Combine Yara/Clam/Hash/etc…
• “Perfect knowledge” of attacker


Custom Engine


• Complicated generic scanning can be slow
• Regex’s with Overlapping sub-sections may
take a long time to evaluate
– E.g. (.*A).*(.*A) -- or something similar can be a


Windows hardening
• Windows XP does not memset(0) driver .text sections
– Random slack can be executed
– Updated 2k3+
• KINTERRUPT no longer has huge code templates/glue included as part of it’s
– KINTERRUPT.DispatchCode is now 4 bytes (and always just points to a registered handler in the
module) instead of up too 106 bytes of arbitrary code
• Updated Vista+
• Page table entries secured
– Win8 no longer has executable page table entries
• Kernel 9200+ (8/2012) Kernel Pool (heap) is no longer default executable
– This is a MAJOR win!!!!!!
– No more huge degree’s of unknown executable memory to inspect


Analyzing Windows Memory
• Rootkit can shadow/move itself during dump’s
• Issues from dumping memory from a live/physical system is
problematic and has lead to an interesting arms race;
– Using cold-boot attacks
– Purpose built dumping hardware or commodity FireWire type
– Cause kernel panic to induce a dump
• Windows Kernel 9600 (Windows 8.1/2012R2)
– A snapshot from VMWare or Hyper-V
– We will ignore dump acquisition issues for now and focus on VM


X64 Kernel Virtual Address Space
Start End Size Description Notes
FFFF0800`00000000 FFFFF67F`FFFFFFFF 238TB Unused System Space WIN9600 NOW USE &
FFFFF680`00000000 FFFFF6FF`FFFFFFFF 512GB PTE Space -X used to be executable
FFFFF700`00000000 FFFFF77F`FFFFFFFF 512GB HyperSpace 8.1 seems to have cleaned
up here, 9200 had 1 +X
FFFFF780`00000000 FFFFF780`00000FFF 4K Shared System Page
FFFFF780`00001000 FFFFF7FF`FFFFFFFF 512GB-4K System Cache Working Set
FFFFF800`00000000 FFFFF87F`FFFFFFFF 512GB Initial Loader Mappings Large Page (2MB)
FFFFF880`00000000 FFFFF89F`FFFFFFFF 128GB Sys PTEs
FFFFF8a0`00000000 FFFFF8bF`FFFFFFFF 128GB Paged Pool Area
FFFFF900`00000000 FFFFF97F`FFFFFFFF 512GB Session Space
FFFFF980`00000000 FFFFFa70`FFFFFFFF 1TB Dynamic Kernel VA Space
FFFFFa80`00000000 *nt!MmNonPagedPoolStart-
6TB Max PFN Database
*nt!MmNonPagedPoolEnd 512GB Max Non-Paged Pool DEFAULT NO EXECUTE


Page Table Shellcode weird-machine
• Win7 and earlier
– Can we emit intended shellcode into PTE area?
• Perform some VirtualAlloc from user space => executable memory in
– Just reserving memory writes PTE
• Page Table shell-code is non-trivial
– Lots of gadgets!
fffff6fb`7e201ea0 63 b8 c3 2d 00 00 00 00 63 a8 13 2f 00 00 00 00 c..-....c../....
fffff6fb`7e201eb0 63 98 e3 2d 00 00 00 00 63 88 13 2f 00 00 00 00 c..-....c../....
fffff6fb`7e201ec0 63 78 63 30 00 00 00 00 63 68 d3 2e 00 00 00 00 cxc0....ch......
fffff6fb`7e201ed0 63 58 53 30 00 00 00 00 63 48 a3 2e 00 00 00 00 cXS0....cH......
fffff6fb`7e201ee0 63 38 c3 2e 00 00 00 00 63 28 83 2e 00 00 00 00 c8......c(......
contains 0000000000187063 contains 0000000134C04863 contains 0000000100512863 contains
pfn 187 ---DA--KWEV pfn 134c04 ---DA--KWEV pfn 100512 ---DA--KWEV pfn 2dc3b ---DA--KWEV


Defense: Rootkit revealing
• Default non-execute pool space helps tremendously
• Detect the presence of a rootkit by comparing results
from multiple sources/abstraction layers
– Physical (page tables)
– Logical
– SECTION’s, …


Tool evaluation
• https://blockwatch.ioactive.com
– Operates on direct physical memory dumps from VM snapshots
– Demo script that identifies KVAS physical/logical sections
– Transforms/Dumps memory / Generates hashes
– Install IronPython
• Example, from Crunch install directory
ipy64 UnLinkedRR.py C:BW_Folder VMWare.VMSS.or.VMSD d:dest-
• Future
– More well known blocks (local optimization)?
• There’s some weird looking fill patterns often sitting around as exec;
• More page table checks, CR0.WP etc…


Example VMWare ~8GB
BlockWatch Folder: t:BW_DEMO
Dumping data from : Clone of Clone of Current Win 8.1 - PRO (2)-66bb942e.vmss
Found probable kernel @ fffff800b508c000
Debug symbol being loaded for ntkrnlmp.pdb
Kernel build number 9600
Root PT Entries: 16, SubTable Entries: 778263
Unlinked entry count: 1544
UnLinked Section: System Space @: 0xffffd00020180000L, Size: 0x1000L
UnLinked Section: Loader Mappings @: 0xfffff800021d0000L, Size: 0x1000L
UnLinked Section: HAL and Loader Mappings @: 0xffffffffffd02000L, Size: 0x1000L
UnLinked Section: hal @: 0xfffff800b5000000L, Size: 0x200000L
UnLinked Section: Loader Mappings @: 0xfffff800b5800000L, Size: 0x200000L


…moving on; Attack! To the Unknown!
kd> !pte ffffd000`201a0000
VA ffffd000201a0000
contains 0000000000523863 contains 0000000000522863 contains 0000000000527863 contains 0000000000555963
pfn 523 ---DA--KWEV pfn 522 ---DA--KWEV pfn 527 ---DA--KWEV pfn 555 -G-DA—KWEV
• ffffd000201a0000 appears across Hyper-V &
VMWare, reboots
– Provides RoP gadgets
– Fixed writeable executable memory location
• Writable/Executable at a fixed address
!pool ffffd000`201a0000
Pool page ffffd000201a0000 region is Unknown
ffffd000201a0000 is not a valid large pool allocation, checking large session pool...
Unable to read large session pool table (Session data is not present in mini and kernel-only dumps)
ffffd000201a0000 is not valid pool. Checking for freed (or corrupt) pool


Can you guess what it is?
• ??
• Segoe_slboot.ttf
– Starts at offset 0x1d0
– Initial bytes some sort of heap tag ? BG*
– System boot/load time artifact
ffffd000`201a0000 21 01 a0 00 00 00 00 80 42 47 49 4b 00 00 00 80 !.......BGIK....
ffffd000`201a01d0 00 19 00 23 00 01 2e 4c 00 00 00 10 67 6c 79 66 ...#...L....glyf
ffffd000`201b2fb0 00 6e 00 74 00 65 00 6e 00 74 00 2e 00 53 00 65 .n.t.e.n.t...S.e
ffffd000`201b2fc0 00 67 00 6f 00 65 00 20 00 55 00 49 00 03 00 00 .g.o.e. .U.I....


A little more (past end of font)
ffffd000`201b3000 ffffd000201b3020 0000000100002000 ffffd000201b3020 8000000000300121
ffffd000`201b3020 4d 5a 90 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00 MZ..............
ffffd000`201b3070 69 73 20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20 63 61 6e 6e 6f is program canno
ffffd000`201b46b2 49 00 6e 00 74 00 65 00 72 00 6e 00 61 00 6c 00 4e 00 61 00 I.n.t.e.r.n.a.l.N.a.
ffffd000`201b46c6 6d 00 65 00 00 00 62 00 6f 00 6f 00 74 00 72 00 65 00 73 00 m.e...b.o.o.t.r.e.s.
• Seems to have some basic heap structure
pointer’s/allocation sizes
– Unfortunately it’s all default executable/writable at
a fixed address across systems/rebooting
• This leaves a lot of room for RoP gadgets (MZ
is only .rsrc, why +x?)


BIOS Ranges
• Platform specific (vmware in this case)
– 2012R2 0xffffd00020500000, 8.1 0xffffd00020600000
– Fixed address across reboots (size is 241,664 - 0x3B000)
– Physical system dumps
ffffd000`206c5a50 c3 32 2e 30 00 56 4d 77 61 72 65 20 76 69 72 74 .2.0.VMware virt
ffffd000`206c5a60 75 61 6c 20 6d 61 63 68 69 6e 65 00 56 4d 77 61 ual machine.VMwa
ffffd000`206c5a70 72 65 2c 20 49 6e 63 00 56 20 4d 20 77 61 72 65 re, Inc.V M ware
ffffd000`206c5a80 2c 20 49 6e 63 2e 20 56 42 45 20 73 75 70 70 6f , Inc. VBE suppo
ffffd000`206c5a90 72 74 20 32 2e 30 00 90 c8 02 00 00 c4 5e 04 33 rt 2.0.......^.3
3: kd> !pte ffffd000`206c5a50
VA ffffd000206c5a50
PXE at FFFFF6FB7DBEDD00 PPE at FFFFF6FB7DBA0000 PDE at FFFFF6FB74000818 PTE at FFFFF6E800103628
contains 0000000000B22863 contains 0000000000B21863 contains 0000000000852863 contains 00000000000C5963
pfn b22 ---DA--KWEV pfn b21 ---DA--KWEV pfn 852 ---DA--KWEV pfn c5 -G-DA--KWEV


Other/More dynamic/Misc Areas
• Slack
• Audit MDL structures
• Session Space
• ACPI FACS -- exec
– Firmware ACPI Control Structure
– Verify ACPI with wite list
• Shim Engine (i.e. handling for drvmain.sdb)
• Bootloader artifacts
• Volume manager heap
0: kd> !pool ffffe00000420000
Pool page ffffe00000420000 region is Nonpaged pool
*ffffe00000420000 size: 90 previous size: 0 (Allocated) *VM3D
Pooltag VM3D : Volume Manager, Binary : volmgr.sys
0: kd> !pool ffffe000`00418000
Pool page ffffe00000418000 region is Nonpaged pool
*ffffe00000418000 size: 90 previous size: 0 (Allocated) *VM3D
Pooltag VM3D : Volume Manager, Binary : volmgr.sys


Other Gadget Areas
• There are other +X areas, in the region, but have
small variability in their allocation
• Windows Boot manager, network boot support code,
more font areas


Defense: RoP Detection
• Spurious Saved Return Addresses
– Sometimes RoP Gadget is just random data present
in an executable section!!!
– All existing RoP Databases or techniques target
arbitrary saved return addresses
• https://www.corelan.be/index.php/security/corelan-
– 0x77e25c1f, # POP EAX # RETN
– Saved Return should be
• Simple/Effective/Very reliable reducing gadget surface area


Spurious Saved Return Addresses
• Conceptually similar to heap back-checking logical links
except we walk the stack
– Think Heap/Pool verification
– Verify op-code preceding saved return address
– Adding into BlockWatch
• Our operation is static so performance is no big deal and we like to
be current! 
– Some performance impact if implemented at run time
– May not reduce the gadget surface area sufficiently


Comprehensive verification
• Forensics
– Reduction / Analysis aid
• APT Detection
– Diffing
– White list
• Blockwatch.ioactive.com
– Signup & use
– Less unknown’s more secure


BlockWatch Service
• Largest Hash Database on the planet
– 300+Million entries in the white list
– High degree of Windows OS’s and server software
• Run with local white list definition


BlockWatch Report


Interactive integrity checking
• Blue = Complete verified, Green = Highly
verified, Yellow < 95%, etc…


• Scott Larson scott@larsonsecurity.com
• Shane Macaulay
• http://blockwatch.ioactive.com/

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  • 1. Advanced Persistent Threat: Out-of- band Techniques from the Past, the Present and into the Future
  • 2. Presenters • Scott Larson – Original 13 FBI Computer forensic examiner, former cyber crime chief, Larson Security LLC • Shane Macaulay – Honeynet, w00w00, ADM, IBM Bloomberg, IOACTIVE
  • 3. References Win32 Buffer Overflows (p55, 09.09.99) dark spyrit / Barnaby Jack One of the greatest ever RIP 09.09.99
  • 4. Old = New again Larson S
  • 5. Scott Larson – Cases • Eligible Receiver 97 • Moonlight Maze / Former Soviet Union • Loki (ICMP tunnel), evolving remote desktop
  • 6. Security – Early DDoS threats
  • 7. What does Cyber Security Encompass?  External Threats  Random malware and botnets  Client-specific threats (e.g. Hacktivism/DDoS)  APT & Economic espionage
  • 8. Chinese hacking from 2001 Today  External Threats – APT RSA Blog
  • 10. Out of band analysis • Out of band analysis – Perfect knowledge – Attacker is unprepared • Derive understanding from reverse engineering – Feed back to tactical cleanup/more detection • Leveraging virtual infrastructure to increase information assurance – Existing approaches • Agents • Virus Scanning • Whitelists • A better way
  • 11. Perfect knowledge • To find an artifact – Malware/Virus Scanning – Manual analysis – Incident day 0 • Finding more – Collect telemetry – Signature development • Reverse engineering
  • 12. Collecting Telemetry • Useful for improving OODA loop – more effective decision making during an in progress event • Configurable – System Center Operations Manager / “Agentless” Exception Monitoring – Group Policy (XP/2K3) – Registry CorporateWerServer
  • 13. Signature based scanning • Devise a set of unique artifacts from a known malware sample – TimeDateStamp – Unencrypted data – Names of sections or exported Functions – *wildcard*matching*
  • 14. Heuristics • A function that derives a score or other threshold to determine good vs. bad – Entropy scanning • Detects encrypted/compressed sections • Attempt to compress a block to determine if it’s already compressed – API Imports • OpenProcess/WriteProcessMemory • Hook use • Low-level interfaces
  • 15. Scanning Approaches • Agent’s – A background process which interacts with some management infrastructure – Understands known malware through the use of signatures or behavioral heuristics monitoring – Typically reports to management consoles • Virus/Malware Scanning – Similar to agent based techniques but in the foreground • Agentless – VM guest memory snapshots – SCOM AEM
  • 16. White lists • Default deny – Similar to how firewall rules are built • Only allow known/approved services • Tripwire uses this technique to guard against file- system persistence – Off-line assurances • Unable to definitively report for live systems • Can we use this in memory
  • 17. Recap Issues • Significant cat&mouse type games – Polymorphism – Simple obfuscations – Attacking agents directly • Disable/cripple virus scanners – Bootkits • Subverted execution environments • Performance – Redundant scanning – Virtual infrastructure
  • 18. Memory Analysis Options • WinDbg/Olly/IDA – Mostly Manual • Volatility – Scriptable • BlockWatch / The Memory Cruncher – Automated data reduction and navigation support
  • 19. WinDbg • Works on every version • Invasive/non-invasive debugging • Plugin/scriptable • Essentially Basic Debugging interface “ContinueDebugEvent” • User space anti-debugging is very complicated – Ntdll!*breakpoint* can be tampered with (unable to attach) – Starting a program does not break at first module instruction • Break on other events • Kernel debugger (kd) not as simple to use – Network debugger can still use windbg
  • 20. Generic Unpacking issues • Encoding/Obfuscation – Page decoding • Non linear execution – Exceptions (divide by zero) – Other Process/Threads – Debugging self • Detecting a debugger, VM or other analysis tool
  • 21. Fuzzy Hashes • DeepToad.py • ssdeep • Sdhash – Some server code
  • 22. Signature development • Yara – Lots of support • https://yaragenerator.com/ • http://www.deependresearch.org/2013/02/yara- resources.html • ClamAV – Less active, some support from SourceFire • Custom Engine
  • 23. Custom Engine • Private implementation – Leverage public tools but developed with information gained from incident – May use a variety of analysis techniques • Combine Yara/Clam/Hash/etc… • “Perfect knowledge” of attacker
  • 25. Performance • Complicated generic scanning can be slow • Regex’s with Overlapping sub-sections may take a long time to evaluate – E.g. (.*A).*(.*A) -- or something similar can be a DoS
  • 26. Windows hardening • Windows XP does not memset(0) driver .text sections – Random slack can be executed – Updated 2k3+ • KINTERRUPT no longer has huge code templates/glue included as part of it’s structure – KINTERRUPT.DispatchCode is now 4 bytes (and always just points to a registered handler in the module) instead of up too 106 bytes of arbitrary code • Updated Vista+ • Page table entries secured – Win8 no longer has executable page table entries • Kernel 9200+ (8/2012) Kernel Pool (heap) is no longer default executable – This is a MAJOR win!!!!!! – No more huge degree’s of unknown executable memory to inspect
  • 27. Analyzing Windows Memory • Rootkit can shadow/move itself during dump’s • Issues from dumping memory from a live/physical system is problematic and has lead to an interesting arms race; – Using cold-boot attacks – Purpose built dumping hardware or commodity FireWire type inputs – Cause kernel panic to induce a dump • Windows Kernel 9600 (Windows 8.1/2012R2) – A snapshot from VMWare or Hyper-V – We will ignore dump acquisition issues for now and focus on VM snapshots
  • 28. X64 Kernel Virtual Address Space http://www.codemachine.com/article_x64kvas.html Start End Size Description Notes FFFF0800`00000000 FFFFF67F`FFFFFFFF 238TB Unused System Space WIN9600 NOW USE & CAN CONTAIN +X AREAS FFFFF680`00000000 FFFFF6FF`FFFFFFFF 512GB PTE Space -X used to be executable Win7 FFFFF700`00000000 FFFFF77F`FFFFFFFF 512GB HyperSpace 8.1 seems to have cleaned up here, 9200 had 1 +X page FFFFF780`00000000 FFFFF780`00000FFF 4K Shared System Page FFFFF780`00001000 FFFFF7FF`FFFFFFFF 512GB-4K System Cache Working Set FFFFF800`00000000 FFFFF87F`FFFFFFFF 512GB Initial Loader Mappings Large Page (2MB) allocations FFFFF880`00000000 FFFFF89F`FFFFFFFF 128GB Sys PTEs FFFFF8a0`00000000 FFFFF8bF`FFFFFFFF 128GB Paged Pool Area FFFFF900`00000000 FFFFF97F`FFFFFFFF 512GB Session Space FFFFF980`00000000 FFFFFa70`FFFFFFFF 1TB Dynamic Kernel VA Space FFFFFa80`00000000 *nt!MmNonPagedPoolStart- 1 6TB Max PFN Database *nt!MmNonPagedPoolSt art *nt!MmNonPagedPoolEnd 512GB Max Non-Paged Pool DEFAULT NO EXECUTE FFFFFFFF`FFc00000 FFFFFFFF`FFFFFFFF 4MB HAL and Loader Mappings
  • 29. Page Table Shellcode weird-machine • Win7 and earlier – Can we emit intended shellcode into PTE area? • Perform some VirtualAlloc from user space => executable memory in kernel – Just reserving memory writes PTE • Page Table shell-code is non-trivial – Lots of gadgets! fffff6fb`7e201ea0 63 b8 c3 2d 00 00 00 00 63 a8 13 2f 00 00 00 00 c..-....c../.... fffff6fb`7e201eb0 63 98 e3 2d 00 00 00 00 63 88 13 2f 00 00 00 00 c..-....c../.... fffff6fb`7e201ec0 63 78 63 30 00 00 00 00 63 68 d3 2e 00 00 00 00 cxc0....ch...... fffff6fb`7e201ed0 63 58 53 30 00 00 00 00 63 48 a3 2e 00 00 00 00 cXS0....cH...... fffff6fb`7e201ee0 63 38 c3 2e 00 00 00 00 63 28 83 2e 00 00 00 00 c8......c(...... PXE at FFFFF6FB7DBEDF68 PPE at FFFFF6FB7DBEDF88 PDE at FFFFF6FB7DBF1008 PTE at FFFFF6FB7E201EA0 contains 0000000000187063 contains 0000000134C04863 contains 0000000100512863 contains 000000002DC3B863 pfn 187 ---DA--KWEV pfn 134c04 ---DA--KWEV pfn 100512 ---DA--KWEV pfn 2dc3b ---DA--KWEV
  • 30. Defense: Rootkit revealing • Default non-execute pool space helps tremendously • Detect the presence of a rootkit by comparing results from multiple sources/abstraction layers – Physical (page tables) – Logical • Driver LIST_ENTRY • VAD – SECTION’s, …
  • 31. Tool evaluation • https://blockwatch.ioactive.com – Operates on direct physical memory dumps from VM snapshots – Demo script that identifies KVAS physical/logical sections – Transforms/Dumps memory / Generates hashes – Install IronPython • Example, from Crunch install directory ipy64 UnLinkedRR.py C:BW_Folder VMWare.VMSS.or.VMSD d:dest- folder • Future – More well known blocks (local optimization)? • There’s some weird looking fill patterns often sitting around as exec; • More page table checks, CR0.WP etc…
  • 32. Example VMWare ~8GB BlockWatch Folder: t:BW_DEMO Dumping data from : Clone of Clone of Current Win 8.1 - PRO (2)-66bb942e.vmss Found probable kernel @ fffff800b508c000 Debug symbol being loaded for ntkrnlmp.pdb Kernel build number 9600 Root PT Entries: 16, SubTable Entries: 778263 Unlinked entry count: 1544 UnLinked Section: System Space @: 0xffffd00020180000L, Size: 0x1000L UnLinked Section: Loader Mappings @: 0xfffff800021d0000L, Size: 0x1000L UnLinked Section: HAL and Loader Mappings @: 0xffffffffffd02000L, Size: 0x1000L UnLinked Section: hal @: 0xfffff800b5000000L, Size: 0x200000L UnLinked Section: Loader Mappings @: 0xfffff800b5800000L, Size: 0x200000L
  • 33. …moving on; Attack! To the Unknown! kd> !pte ffffd000`201a0000 VA ffffd000201a0000 PXE at FFFFF6FB7DBEDD00 PPE at FFFFF6FB7DBA0000 PDE at FFFFF6FB74000800 PTE at FFFFF6E800100D00 contains 0000000000523863 contains 0000000000522863 contains 0000000000527863 contains 0000000000555963 pfn 523 ---DA--KWEV pfn 522 ---DA--KWEV pfn 527 ---DA--KWEV pfn 555 -G-DA—KWEV • ffffd000201a0000 appears across Hyper-V & VMWare, reboots – Provides RoP gadgets – Fixed writeable executable memory location • Writable/Executable at a fixed address !pool ffffd000`201a0000 Pool page ffffd000201a0000 region is Unknown ffffd000201a0000 is not a valid large pool allocation, checking large session pool... Unable to read large session pool table (Session data is not present in mini and kernel-only dumps) ffffd000201a0000 is not valid pool. Checking for freed (or corrupt) pool
  • 34. Can you guess what it is? • ?? • Segoe_slboot.ttf – Starts at offset 0x1d0 – Initial bytes some sort of heap tag ? BG* – System boot/load time artifact ffffd000`201a0000 21 01 a0 00 00 00 00 80 42 47 49 4b 00 00 00 80 !.......BGIK.... ffffd000`201a01d0 00 19 00 23 00 01 2e 4c 00 00 00 10 67 6c 79 66 ...#...L....glyf ffffd000`201b2fb0 00 6e 00 74 00 65 00 6e 00 74 00 2e 00 53 00 65 .n.t.e.n.t...S.e ffffd000`201b2fc0 00 67 00 6f 00 65 00 20 00 55 00 49 00 03 00 00 .g.o.e. .U.I....
  • 35. A little more (past end of font) ffffd000`201b3000 ffffd000201b3020 0000000100002000 ffffd000201b3020 8000000000300121 … ffffd000`201b3020 4d 5a 90 00 03 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 ff ff 00 00 MZ.............. ffffd000`201b3070 69 73 20 70 72 6f 67 72 61 6d 20 63 61 6e 6e 6f is program canno … ffffd000`201b46b2 49 00 6e 00 74 00 65 00 72 00 6e 00 61 00 6c 00 4e 00 61 00 I.n.t.e.r.n.a.l.N.a. ffffd000`201b46c6 6d 00 65 00 00 00 62 00 6f 00 6f 00 74 00 72 00 65 00 73 00 m.e...b.o.o.t.r.e.s. • Seems to have some basic heap structure pointer’s/allocation sizes – Unfortunately it’s all default executable/writable at a fixed address across systems/rebooting • This leaves a lot of room for RoP gadgets (MZ is only .rsrc, why +x?)
  • 36. BIOS Ranges • Platform specific (vmware in this case) – 2012R2 0xffffd00020500000, 8.1 0xffffd00020600000 – Fixed address across reboots (size is 241,664 - 0x3B000) – Physical system dumps ffffd000`206c5a50 c3 32 2e 30 00 56 4d 77 61 72 65 20 76 69 72 74 .2.0.VMware virt ffffd000`206c5a60 75 61 6c 20 6d 61 63 68 69 6e 65 00 56 4d 77 61 ual machine.VMwa ffffd000`206c5a70 72 65 2c 20 49 6e 63 00 56 20 4d 20 77 61 72 65 re, Inc.V M ware ffffd000`206c5a80 2c 20 49 6e 63 2e 20 56 42 45 20 73 75 70 70 6f , Inc. VBE suppo ffffd000`206c5a90 72 74 20 32 2e 30 00 90 c8 02 00 00 c4 5e 04 33 rt 2.0.......^.3 3: kd> !pte ffffd000`206c5a50 VA ffffd000206c5a50 PXE at FFFFF6FB7DBEDD00 PPE at FFFFF6FB7DBA0000 PDE at FFFFF6FB74000818 PTE at FFFFF6E800103628 contains 0000000000B22863 contains 0000000000B21863 contains 0000000000852863 contains 00000000000C5963 pfn b22 ---DA--KWEV pfn b21 ---DA--KWEV pfn 852 ---DA--KWEV pfn c5 -G-DA--KWEV
  • 37. Other/More dynamic/Misc Areas • Slack • Audit MDL structures • Session Space • ACPI FACS -- exec – Firmware ACPI Control Structure – Verify ACPI with wite list • Shim Engine (i.e. handling for drvmain.sdb) • Bootloader artifacts • Volume manager heap 0: kd> !pool ffffe00000420000 Pool page ffffe00000420000 region is Nonpaged pool *ffffe00000420000 size: 90 previous size: 0 (Allocated) *VM3D Pooltag VM3D : Volume Manager, Binary : volmgr.sys 0: kd> !pool ffffe000`00418000 Pool page ffffe00000418000 region is Nonpaged pool *ffffe00000418000 size: 90 previous size: 0 (Allocated) *VM3D Pooltag VM3D : Volume Manager, Binary : volmgr.sys
  • 38. Other Gadget Areas • There are other +X areas, in the region, but have small variability in their allocation • Windows Boot manager, network boot support code, more font areas
  • 39. Defense: RoP Detection • Spurious Saved Return Addresses – Sometimes RoP Gadget is just random data present in an executable section!!! – All existing RoP Databases or techniques target arbitrary saved return addresses • https://www.corelan.be/index.php/security/corelan- ropdb/#advapi32dll_8211_5126005755 – 0x77e25c1f, # POP EAX # RETN – Saved Return should be • Simple/Effective/Very reliable reducing gadget surface area
  • 40. Spurious Saved Return Addresses Validation • Conceptually similar to heap back-checking logical links except we walk the stack – Think Heap/Pool verification – Verify op-code preceding saved return address – Adding into BlockWatch • Our operation is static so performance is no big deal and we like to be current!  – Some performance impact if implemented at run time – May not reduce the gadget surface area sufficiently
  • 41. Comprehensive verification • Forensics – Reduction / Analysis aid • APT Detection – Diffing – White list • Blockwatch.ioactive.com – Signup & use – Less unknown’s more secure
  • 42. BlockWatch Service • Largest Hash Database on the planet – 300+Million entries in the white list – High degree of Windows OS’s and server software • Run with local white list definition
  • 44. Interactive integrity checking • Blue = Complete verified, Green = Highly verified, Yellow < 95%, etc…
  • 45. Demo/Contact • Scott Larson scott@larsonsecurity.com • Shane Macaulay shane.macaulay@ioactive.com • http://blockwatch.ioactive.com/